Younkin Leading - November 2nd, Hour 2

Published Nov 2, 2021, 10:01 PM

Pollsters Robert Cahaly and Matt Towery join to go over the polls and data from both Virginia and New Jersey today. Matt Towery’s poll revealed the following:

Here are the results:

Youngkin: 47%

McAuliffe: 45%

Blanding: 2%

Undecided: 6%

Survey conducted October 27-30. 500 registered likely voters. Weighted for age, race, and gender. Political party affiliations reflected. Margin of error 4.4%

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An hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine four one sewn on number you want to be a part of the program. Eighty days Americans abandoned by Joe and ninety three days since he promised he wouldn't do it. Pretty sad. I think we're like the only show now that talks about it every day, and these as every day passes the odds of getting our fellow Americans home lessons as now the Taliban making demands for more and more and more money. There's not going to be enough money to get every American Green card holder family member back to the US, sadly, and there's not a thing that Joe Biden is doing except turning the page. Anyway. We continue our election day coverage. We have what it closes polls clothes about seven now at seven in Virginia, I believe nine o'clock in the great State of New Jersey eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is a numbered. Look. It's one of the things that's amazed me, and especially in the Commonwealth of Virginia, is how big education has become. I keep saying explaining conservatism is not really that hard. We believe in liberty and freedom, capitalism in our constitution. We believe in limited government that means lower taxes, less government bureaucracy. We believe in school choice and now it's front and center. Thankfully it should have been for decades, but it hasn't been. We believe in law and order so every American can be safe and secure in their pursuit of happiness. Free market solutions on issues like healthcare. Yes, we can protect pre existing conditions. We believe in constitutionalists on the bench, not people that write their own laws and legislate from the bench. We believe in border security. We believe in energy and dependence. We believe in peace through strength. We believe in free and fair trade. It's not that complicated. Look at how one issue in Virginia could very likely change the entire electorate in that state, and just really over the course of a month. Starting with Terry McCullough saying, well, he said this back September twenty eighth, I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. When did parents of students wanting to participate in their child's education and concerned about age appropriateness or concerned about ideological of philosophical teachings of certain people that have agendas or draconian COVID measures being adopted by schools. When did that become a problem, because unless you know the state, I guess they think they're smarter than the parents. Is that way that this is all coming from where it's rooted in? Anyway? It now it has grown into the biggest issue in the race, and I think by the time we find out who the winner of today's election is going to be, hopefully Glenn Yuncan, I think that this is going to be a defining issue for other states going forward as well. Anyway, on this election day, we bring in our posters, Robert Kaheley Matt Towery. Both have their final poll numbers in. They're almost identical as it relates to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Gentlemen, welcome back to the program, and let's get to the final polling. Robert will start with you. Well, we've got Glenn Junkin up by two point three and so a couple points undecided. We feel like late deciders and those that vote late are going back yunk and we see it breaking very much that way. Expects him do it two point three or better, and your take Matt towery Well, in our poll we conducted for the Fox affiliate and DC, we have again the same thing, yunking up by two forty seven forty five. We had two percent for Princess Blanding, who is the liberation candidate. Now, whether it's to actually get that or not, we don't know, but I will tell you in a minute why that's portant. And then the rest were undecided. All right, So, as you talk to people and you went out in the field, both of you, what are people most concerned about? And when is the last time education has been that high on the priority list of voters? Robert Well, we found that, especially in the Northern Virginia crowd, it was education. It was everything from critical race theory to a lot of the COVID restrictions and kids not being able to go to school for so long. And there's an attention that has been given to governors around the country because of COVID in the last two years that both frustrated parents and their inability to go to classrooms and also exposed parents to what the kids were learning. And so that's been the number one issue. We've seen it in those key swen counties. And areas in Northern Virginia. There's lots of other issues that have moved throughout the campaign, but that's been the issue. I think it's going to make the biggest difference to the election. And Matt, you take well I detoed or what Robert had to say. There's no doubt about it. And certainly when Terry mccaulough decided to make a statement about the parents not being in the classroom were involved, that that was what began to turn this race. But there is a hidden issue out there Sean that I think is going to have a big impact as well. The mandate for vaccination is having a substantial impact. We're seeing among African American voters in this country. And although you won't get an in verbatims and the like, what we are seeing, for example, in this race, I have never seen a race where you had an African American population of over fifteen percent where in any instant seventy five percent would go to the Democrat of African American votes normally that's it by this time, about ninety to ninety three percent. So I mentioned Princess Blanding a moment ago. She's pulling a little bit of that vote, some of it said that's undecided. But to Terry mccallus to win, he needed that African American vote to be at ninety three percent, and we're not seeing it. And from what we're being told, the vaccine mandates having effect an effect in that community in the way they votd. It's also having an impact on the economy. Let's talk about the Biden factor in all of this, Robert Kahley, I mean, you know, ending with him falling asleep at the Climate summit yesterday, which was just the latest humiliation on the world stage. One of the first things we discovered in the first poll we did this summer was that of the issues that across the board that Reginian's agreed on is that they were disappointed their governor had not joined the other governors in asking for the extra three hundred dollars from the federal government to stop, and so as the Bid administration continued to pay people not to work. That was that idea that all these problems that people can't companies can't find employees, things aren't getting done, is based on the Bid administration in this bad policy of paying people not to work. And that was an over sixty. The public believe that in Virginia. So that compounds now as we see supply chain and everything else, this lack of confidence that the Bido administration and therefore Democrats don't know how to govern, is certainly filtering down. Matt r Take Well, let me just add this. There's a disconnect right now taking place between the Democratic leadership, starting with President Biden and moving down the food chain and what people are experiencing. As Robert talked about here, you see the president overseas talking about climate change. You have a war going on between the socialist nations of the Democratic Party and the quote unquote moderates I would call them the progressives of the Democratic Party. The nation is sitting here looking at these very issues that Robert's talking about, with the supply chain issue. We've got the mandate going on, we've got critical race theory, we've got battles in the classroom, we have the gas pumping incredibly high and food costing a fortune, and voters are seeing a disconnect between what they're seeing from these Democratic leaders including I might add Terry McCullough, because Terry chose to make this a national race. You alluded to it earlier, Sean, they decided to put Donald Trump up there. Well, that's not working for them. If anything, this is going to be a victory for Trump. It proves that he's not a problem for a candidate running who's been supported by Trump. So I think there's a disconnect here the public sticking up on it, and this may go over to many other battle round states as we get into twenty. I mean, I asked you both this question last night because you're both predicting a twelve point shift from a year ago. Because Donald Trump lost Virginia by ten points, so you're predicting a two point win by young kid, a twelve point shift that is the equivalent of a Cat five hurricane. Politically speaking, Robert, that's the difference between electing a stable moderate of the perception of electing a stable moderate Joe Biden, and the way Joe Biden has governed. There's the buyers for Morse. I mean, that's why I thought it's silly to run around and talk about Trump all the time. They're attacking Junk and saying, oh, he's just like Trump in a state that is part of an national rebellion of Hey, maybe we picked the wrong guy. Biden has collapsed so bad and done such a bad job that attacking get Yunkin for saying that he's going to be an outsider like Trump is a stupid argument. So there's no question that people thought they were getting one thing when they got Biden. They thought they were getting extability. They thought they were getting a moderate Democrat, and they didn't get any of it. If the election were held today, then, Robert, would you say, between Biden and Trump, the Trump would run away with him, which I mean nationwide? Oh, I think he would absolutely be North elect four votes if it was held right now. Interesting, Um, quick break more of our posters, Matt Towery and Robert Kaheley. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. We'll get to your calls. Hey, I would continue on this election day with our posters, Matt Towery and Robert Kaheley. Let me play the final ad for you. Matt. This is Glenn Yunkin's ad because Terry mcculloff put out a lie. Oh, Young Ken and Trump are appearing together. They would never had plans to appear together anyway. But this is the ad Terry mcculloff's campaign in Virginia is all about Donald Trump, donald Trump, donald Trump, donald Trump, donald trump Trump, donald Trump, trumps Trump, donald trump, donald trump trump trump, donald trump, donald trump, down Trump, donald Trump, donald trump trump, donald trump trump trump, donald Trump. He keeps in voting Trump donald Trump, donald trump trump trump, donald trump, donald trump trump, donald trump trump trump, donald trump, trump trump trump trump, donald trump trump, donald Trump. Have you made this race too much about Trump? No, Trump, donald trump, donald trump, donald trump trump, donald trump trump Trump, donald trump, donald trump trump, donald trump trump trump, donald trump, donald trump and Trump donald trump, donald trump, trump trump, donald trump, donald trump, donald Trump, donald Trump, let romp Trump. You know, Dan, this isn't about Trump. I mean, it's hilarious, but that's how they ran their campaign. Matt, that's a great ad. I gotta say, well, it goes to my point about the disconnect. You have all of these other issues that are critical to people in the state of Virginia, like education. Then you have all of these national issues, and here they are running Trump Trump Trump constant ads and campaign rhetoric against junkin trying to time the Trump. Look Donald Trump, if he's a problem, clearly he's not a problem right now because Junkin is leading. It looks like he's gaining speed. And I want to make one other quick note, Shan. You and I were both there in nineteen ninety four when Duke Ganbridge and the Republicans took over the House, and if you recall right about seventy two hours before we took over the House and a wave we really saw the polling began to tell us this thing was coming. No one was sure until then. We seem the same sort of thing in this particular race. I think Robert would agree. When we started in the field it was this order close, but the junk and doing fairly well. In the last day or two of us polling, the bottom fell out from mccallus. So I think late breakers are going this way, and I think this is a trend that's going to spill over to the rest of the country. And you would take Robert, I've this is the race that I've i think, done six different polls on. So to me, it is an evaporation of the Democratic support. In the end, it's always been about enthusiastic young Cain has always been north of forty five are better. But in studying and looking at what happened to mccaulluffs last time. I mean, even when he won, the Libertarian got a significant under of the vote before. I mean, this guy has a ceiling of around forty eight percent, and I don't see mccaff getting over that. And you can't get elected governor at a third party candidate at that kind of a feeling. So you're really feeling very confident on a scale and one to ten, how confident are you that young Kin wins? I would say seven, and the rain and overcast gives makes it an eight. Okay, back prediction, I'm with him. The numbers we had, we had to literally wait democrats of various the waitings that we do to the highest level to make sure that we adjusted for any possible thing we might slip upon. I think I'm in an eight or a nine right there with Robert. What about New Jersey? What about Curtis Leewood, New York City mayor any chance Matt New York mayor probably not New Jersey. I've not done the poem Robert has, but I think you should be very interesting. Even if it's a four or three point win for Murphy, that still tells you in a deep blue state like that, Pooh, what could be happening in these red and purple states are the ones that didn't go for Trump last time but probably would right now go for him overwhelmingly. Any chance of a surprise, Robert, I think I think the surprise is going to be that the race is gonna be much closer than anybody anybody thinks. But yeah, I think very possible. There are a lot of people in New Jersey who have either themselves are firefighters or policemen or relatives are and this, this vaccine mandate, has gotten these guys very frustrated and feeling you know, used and abused. The scandal at the Nursing Holmes was just as bad and just as horrible in New Jersey, and the attention brought to these governors and some of the powers and that were used that Murphy has seen a really kind of lording over this power. And I think there's some resentment that might show not show up in traditional poem where people can be intimidator. Not an answer, but I think we're onto something. I think this seems gonna be much more competitive, And don't be surprised if this is a shock, a big shock, and there's a slight Revulcan victory. All right, we'll certainly worth tuning in tonight and we'll have full election coverage tonight, nine Eastern on Hannity. Final polls are in. Matt Towery and Robert Kaheley Trafalgar, thank you both for being with us. Eight hundred nine sean is our number. Quick break right back at twenty five now to the top of the hour on this election day. Eight hundred nine one sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program. I mean, Joe Biden falling asleep and having to be woken up by an AID is embarrassing enough. Then Joe Biden apologizes to the world leaders from Donald for Donald Trump. Rightly, we're drawing from the Paris Climate Accord. Now, the Paris Climate Accord puts all of the financial burden billions of dollars on the United States, while countries like China and India are classified as developing nations and they pay next to nothing. That's how stupid Joe Biden is. That is how insane he is. Anyway, Then Biden calls on OPEC and Russia yet again, after he's already been told no, he's begging them again to produce more oil. Now, if this is all about climate change, why do we have over four hundred private jets separate issue and apart which we've discussed. But more importantly, if it's about climate change, and the reason we're not drilling for oil and we're not energy independent anymore is because we believe and being good stewards of the of the planet. Well, what difference is it if you get the oil, gas and coal from the US, or that China does it for you, or the Middle East does it for you, or Russia does it for you. The impact on the on the planet is still the same. How stupid is this man? Anyway? Listen to these cuts? I guess I shouldn't apologize. People apologize in the back. In the United States, the last decision pulled out of Paris sports behind. When the cost of a gallon gasoline gets to above three hundred or three hundred three dollars or thirty five cents a gallon, it has profound impact on working class families just to get back and forth to work. So I don't see anything inconsistent with that. But I do think that the idea that Russia and Saudi Arabia and other major producers are not going to pump more oil so people can have gasoline to get to and from work, for example. Is uh is not it is not right, but uh And what we're considering doing that, I'm to say before I have to do it. I'm reluctant to say before I have to do it. Unbelievable. All right, on this election day, I know a lot of you have a lot on your mind. Let's say hi to Steve Is in the Great State of Florida. Steve a lot smarter than may Steve. How are you glad you called? Sir Sean. I want to appreciate and thank you for let me talk. I'm a big fan. Backstory on me. I am from the great state of New Jersey. I grew up in northern New Jersey. I served in law enforcement for twenty years right across the river by the way. Thank you for doing that. That's awesome. You served on the NYPD. I was with the New Jersey State Police, New Jersey State Police. Okay, glad you called. I retired. I retired. I retired. I moved to Florida my family and because of the great state and the weather in the warmth and the taxis and I became a registered nurse, and I'm still wow the public, Why did you decide to become a nurse after twenty years of being a cop. Because back in the day, I was working with arresting heroin addicts and people that were alcoholics, and I started to realize that punishment maybe wasn't the answer. So I started to get into detox nursing and working with alcoholics and drug acts. And then I got into psychiatric nursing and just and you have an interest and you're good at it, and you're helping people. I get it. Good for you. It sounds like a life of service. That's terrific. But what happened. They're vilifying us now. It's it's turned into the you know, the police served villains nurses, you know. I mean I've been vaccinated. I did it because of my age. But again, freedom is the answer here. It's about our freedom. And we're still America. And this Democratic Party is not my grandfather's Democratic Party. Obviously, coming from New Jersey, you know, we were dem was a Democratic state. I who was not my grandfather was, but you know, he's gone a long time, and it's it's changed and what happened to the days of police and nurses being held to a certain standard. But these politicians can do whatever they want and nobody holds the campel. I cannot believe and it boils my blood that people like yourself that are in the medical field, police officers, I include them as well, firemen, EMT workers, the people that were on the front lines during the worst of this pandemic when we knew little compared to what we know today, and every single day, their workplace, their work environment. Talk about a hostile work environment. They worked in a petri dish. They dove on COVID grenades daily to save the lives of people they didn't know, and they did it, and many of them as a result, ended up getting COVID, many of them, and they have natural immunity. The idea now that we're going to fire them because they for whatever reason, if they've decided they don't want to take the vaccine. Many of them might have natural immunity, Many of them may have rare medical conditions and their doctors don't recommend the vaccine. There seems to be no exemption possibility at all. It seems to be no willingness to even accommodate. If you wanted to test people every day before they can get in the hospital, they could set that up and it could be organized, and you could consider their feelings and you could appreciate all they did in the worst moments of this and take that into consideration. There are ways to accommodate both concerns here, but they won't even consider it. That to me, and one size fits all medicine just doesn't work for me. That doesn't seem very scientific. We're not following the science as they say. You know, we have now the latest pushes for kids five to eleven to get the vaccine, and meanwhile, in two years we've only lost one hundred. We've lost one hundred and sixty two kids. One is too many from COVID. Kids are not being impacted by this virus the way older Americans are and those of pre existing conditions. We lose almost the same number of kids every year of the flu, very comparable numbers. And while they're not saying it's mandated yet, that's probably the next thing to follow. Because Fauci and Pelosi and we Lenski and Biden, they all said, oh no, we don't have the right to mandate this. Now they're mandating it for no. I don't think we should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be mandatory. Perhaps the federal government should step in and issue man means. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvaccinated people ahead of the needs favaccinated Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others may take. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, are those are individual local decisions as well. I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. So I feel bad for all of you. I really can sympathize, and I'll tell you what's happening. People that want to really take a stand, they've got a problem. The problem is they still have to pay their rent. The problem is they have to pay their mortgage. The problem is they have car payments and truck payments they've got to make. The problem is they got to put food on their table for their families, So, you know, to give up a career, a paycheck benefits retirement. At the end of the day, many of these people are going to end up doing something that they are really against doing. And there is no freedom in that scenario. And for those people, it's not fair. They deserve better, especially after all they did for all of us in the worst moments of this pandemic. It's scout you also with the masks. One back in twenty it was, oh, we don't wear a mask. Now we have to wear a mask. But wearing a piece of cloth on our face, it's not going to stop Michael organisms I, you know, I just oh, it's not gonna have made me a droplet or two. But the masks aren't going to work. That was the first thing he said in March of twenty twenty, and he's been wrong ever since. And I don't believe him on getting a function. I don't believe him that he didn't know about the funding. I don't believe him. I don't believe a word that he says. At this point. Why he still has a job. I don't know. Look, Steve, I wish you the best. Thank you for all you've done as a policeman now as a nurse, and I appreciate you being out there. People like you make this a better country. I'll tell you that. Thank you very much. You keep up the great work too. You stand up for America every night. And we're all big fans in my household and even my family built up in New Jersey. Tonight hopefully they changed the outcome of our New Jersey race, and well, we'll see New Jersey is going to be a little tougher. I think the most hope I have is for the common Wealth of Virginia. But let's say you never know. All right, back to our busy phones. Let's go to Kathy's in Rhode Island. Kathy, glad you called. I lived in Rhode Island in Warren, Rhode Island for five years. Beautiful state. I know. Thank you. So I would like to just suggest that the news headlines are always saying how there are challenges to Joe Biden's mandate, and I think the mandate should be challenged on the basis of and I haven't heard anybody really ask for an answer from the Department of Labor, from OSHA, from Biden Surgeon General hhs CDC. What is the magic of one person in determining the policy of infection control in the workplaces of ninety nine versus one hundred people? What science does that one person make in making the d'recnian difference in how it doesn't? Probably it's just compliance capabilities more than anything else that does not prevent a virus from transmitting. There's no rationale in implementing that number. But I thought that the message they gave us, all part of them being wrong again and again and again, was that if you got vaccinated that you'd be protected. Now that apparently that's not so and correct. So you're not providing a safe workplace because vaccinated people are getting the virus and spreading in as much as unvaccinated. So you're not providing a safe workplace. You're only impeding the ability for social structures to stay intact and take care of people as they need to be taken care of. What I don't understand is I think the model that was set by Rhonda Santis is the right one, and that is that he set up monoclonal antibody centers all throughout Florida. Joe Biden didn't hear about them or mention them one time until a month ago, and then he started rationing it to Red States because they were using it too much and too effectively. I'm like, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's the one therapeutic that has shown the most promise to help people, whether you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, if you get the infusion early, and I know a ton of people that have gotten it in every case within forty eight hours, they feel infinitely better. And not one person has been hospitalized that I know anecdotally, of course, And not one person died that I know that got regenera within twenty four thirty six hours after diagnosis. Not one and right, And I just don't understand in a workplace where you have ninety nine people that a manager can decide that distancing markers, mask airsilters, open the windows, do you clear? Yeah, what they're gonna do is they're gonna purposely but sill subcontracts. Everybody has to be munt well, you know, and if you're asking for you you want to apply common sense to us. There is none. This is this is one size fits all medicine. That's not scientific, that's not following science anyway. Good point, Kathy, God blush you eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Terry is in Kentucky. What's up, Terry? How are you glad you called? Hi? Sean? I'm great. Happy election day? Yes you too. I'm going to make a point after the smoke clears this election. Today we're facing the debt filling and the cr in and I think Republicans need to be pounding the table for a line eyte and budget, which I think would resolve a lot of the issues that we have with liberalism being shoved down our throat. They're not going to be too successful with that without the money defunded. They're saying they're going to spend all of some of a seven trillion some five some to one point seven over ten years, but they don't factor in the other spending that happens during each year that should be factored into any budget bill. Well, that's what Mansion has been saying. And Mansion took a pretty harsh stance on all of this yesterday, and we had been pointing it out last week, all the you know phony accounting that's going on and the one point seven five trillion is really seven trillion dollars. I mean it just lying. And Mansion really really put his foot down yesterday. He was pissed because he's you know, look, all the devil's always in the details. It's not you pass the bill to find well, what's in it? And the details are going to matter. But there's no way. I don't think you complease this new Green deal radical social wing of the Democratic Party. I don't think there's any satisfying them until they get the ten trillion dollars they want. And you know, whether Mansion and Cinema holds strong. Time will tell. Perhaps if there is a win by YUNCN in Virginia, that will be the game changer. Democrats will realize we are on the wrong path here and this is gonna you know now, it's going to impact them and politicians, for whatever reason, once they get called congressman, senator, mayor whatever, they like the title. They like the prestige, they like the role, and they don't want to lose their job. And a lot of what they do is designed to keep them in power for as long as possible. Anyway, appreciate the call eight hundred nine Shawn our number, quick break right back,

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