You Better Put Some Ice On That - 9.25

Published Sep 25, 2018, 10:00 PM

Juanita Broaddrick, author of “You Better Put Some Ice on That” joins Sean as she relives the harrowing experience between her and the former Governor of Arkansas. The media was not interested in Juanita’s story or her pain for that matter, they wanted Bill Clinton in office. They didn’t care about Broaddrick’s experience, as she prayed that someone would listen; but no one did, and Clinton went on to become President. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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All right, glad you with us. We are in our nation's capital, the Swamp the Seer, Washington, d C. As all the news is gonna be coming out of here throughout the week. Obviously, Thursday a big day, although there are questions now arising as to whether or not Professor Ford is going to be testifying. We'll have the latest on all that throughout the program as we come on the air. Today. Bill Cosby, comedian has now been sentenced. Um. It was in a Montgomery County courtroom in Pennsylvania today. Eighty one year old actor comedian had been found guilty. But he has now been sentenced three to ten years in a state facility for assaulting a former Temple University employee at his home in two thousand and four. I don't know what three well, I guess three to ten means he has to serve a minimum of three and then he'd be eligible for parole, which makes him eighty four or five years old, depending. Although he's been remanded, he's in custody, he's been denied bail. Um. We'll keep our eye on that throughout the day today. I think the President today, in my opinion, gave his finest speech ever, and to listen to the President, Yeah, talk about America. First, do you think there's any other country on the face of this earth that doesn't put their country above other countries? Because if you believe that, then you're living in a fantasy world. That's why when the President says he believes in free and fair trade, and the President often talks about how we have been taken advantage of by all these other countries, including our own allies. H And the President points out that we don't mind helping our Western European friends against Vladimir Putin and Russia, but why are we paying seventy plus cents out of every dollar in NATO's budget, and and they're not even making their bare minimum requirement and of two of their GDP countries like Germany for example, and we're paying three and a half percent of our g d P and the bulk of the money's And then Angela Merkel turns around and she's getting the lifeblood of her economy, her energy from Vladimir Putin making Russia great again with billions of dollars and in deals. It's unbelievable. Um, we have the latest on Judge Kavanaugh, the latest on Rod Rosenstein coming out today. Um, there's something happening that is pretty interesting and fascinating is we're only forty two days away from what I'm calling the most important midterm elections in our lifetime, and only three times has a party in power, meaning just won the presidency two years ago, been able to hold onto seats. The last time that happened our game seats was after nine eleven. George W. Bush was president at the time, and obviously the country was pretty united, and I think they wanted to United Front to show the world, and but we now are seeing the left for who they are, what how they've been radicalized. I've said many many times, there are no such thing. There's no such thing as a moderate Democrat anymore. Even Joe Lieberman was thrown out of his party and had to run as an independent, if you were called in Connecticut because he wasn't left wing enough. I mean, these are the radicalism of Nancy Pelosi. When I talk about forty two days from now and I tell you that their agenda is to impeach Donald Trump, I hope you're listening, and I hope you're believing me. Um, I haven't been feeling the sense of urgency until I was in Vegas last week. Then all of a sudden, when you know, not only fifteen twenty thousand people I'm not great at crowd estimates at the convention center, and another crowd equally as big, if not bigger, outside because they didn't have room, and the fire marshal said, that's it, that's all we're taking. No more people, no more room. And if he didn't get there two or three or four hours earlier, you're not getting in and meeting all the people in Vegas. It began to give me hope. And I've got some new information today that I think is really pretty amazing. But it's more than that. You know, we've talked about how radical the left is, you know, even the case of Judge Kavanaugh, and if you watch closely, and this is why I always say, let's just be patient, Let's don't rush to judgment, Believe in due process, believe in the presumption of innocence. And I told the story earlier in the week that I learned that in Atlanta with Richard Jewell. I had no idea except I'm reading the Atlanta Journal Constitution, I'm on the air, and it says oh, the guy that we thought that was a hero. Richard Jewell, who was a security officer at the time, We think he fits the profile of the lone bomber because he lives with his mother. That was the only thing that that brought them to that conclusion. And I'm like, so, what if he lives with his mother. That's his business, that's his mother's business. That's not our business. And that doesn't make you a bomber. It doesn't make you a terrorist. And I had I said that at the time, and so many in the media rush to judgment. So many went, oh, he's he's the guy now that we've got him. He lives with his mom. And I didn't know he was listening to my show when I said, hold on a minute, this sounds ridiculous to me. That doesn't make somebody a bomber. And you're you know, long after that, when the case was over and I had a chance to meet him and talk to him, and I had talked to his attorney at the time. It was a really good attorney in Atlanta, and he said to me, well, I was listening when you said that, and you were like the only one that that gave me the benefit of the doubt and defended me. And in the Ducal Cross case. Another example is a high profile case. So many people, how many hun professors are so at this university, Duke University saying guilty and you know all these kids, and well I took the time at in rush to judgment. I met some of the families. I interviewed them, met the kids, interviewed some of them. I didn't interview them publicly. I met privately. I just met. They didn't want to be interviewed. And as the facts began to come in and there I am staying out. There is one of the lone voices in the media saying, I don't know, don't rush to judgment here doesn't sound right to me. Something's wrong with this. And we know how that not only ended, but then what happened years later with the woman that made the phony allegation. And there's you know, we always have these high profile cases. Obama was notorious for this, you know, injecting himself into the Cambridge police acting stupidly, and and trey Von could be like my son down in Florida, and uh Ferguson and Freddie Gray, you know, we were right on this program, while all the people in the media were wrong, just like they never vetted Obama. And I think after eight years of Obama and his failed policies, we now know that, yeah, he was a rigid radical in line with o Lynsky and acorn Uh which believed in black liberation theology, sitting twenty plus years in the pews of of Reverend G. D America, Reverend Wright starting his political career in the home of unrepented terrorists Dorns and Bernardine Dornon Bill Airs, and he ended up. And I've always said that philosophy is a failed philosophy of failed ideology. And then we end up with Americans suffering needlessly and those jobs aren't coming back. You didn't build that, and doubling our national debt and every other bad economic statistic. It's just getting crazy. Look, we saw the radical left on display with Secretary Nielsen, with Pam Bondi, with Sarah Sanders and her family. We saw it again last night. You know, all the smears against Brett Kavanagh now there now that we've taken our time, and all four people mentioned by Professor Ford are contradicting strongly her claim, All four that she said, we're there at this so called party. So now senators are gonna take all this information into account, although they're complaining that Republicans dared to hire an independent sexual assault professional attorney to do the questioning. Uh this, and I think it's smart this way. They're not the ones involved, that it won't be political. The idea is to be they've been courteous, they have been respectful, that you have taken the taken this whole issue curiously and and understood the gravity of the charges that have been made. They've listened to Brick Kavanaugh, Breck Kavanaugh showing up himself, etcetera. And in the case of the second woman Ramirez, how that ever got printed in the New Yorker is beyond any understanding I have. Even the New York Times is like, we're not we can't print this, print the story for a lot of reason, a whole host of reasons. Anyway, Well, there's another mob last night that showed up Senator Ted Cruz chased out of a DC restaurant by these left wing radical protesters. The video was posted on Twitter, and you know, this is what I was thinking as I'm watching this. Senator Cruz and his wife having dinner, income, the protesters scaring the living daylights out of everybody, and they don't care. They don't care. And liberals that always play identity politics. If it was Republicans doing this to either a woman like Secretary Nielsen, Sarah's Sanders, Pam Bondi, what would they say, because they love identity politics. We see it every two years, we see it every four years. Racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobics, amophobics, lomophobic, dirty air water killed children and throw granny over the cliff. I say it because it's true, and I showed it last night on Hannity on the Fox News channel. But they would say, well, this is outrageous. Republicans don't like Hispanic Americans. They just kicked him out of a restaurant. They hate women because they kicked out Sarah Sanders and Pam Bondi and Secretary Nielsen. Well, here's what went down in this and this mess last night at this restaurant in d C. Sor. We believe somebes forgotten survivor survivors check for women's right, for right of every marginalized community. Now think back, who has been saying to do this, Well, Maxie Waters for one. Uh, Corey Booker for another. If we go back further, even Barack Obama getting their face. These are instructions going out. Something horrible is gonna end up happening here. They're instructing people to get in their face, create confrontation. Senator Crews handled it perfectly. Um. As they were chanting, he said God bless you before attempting to take a seat, and then he said, all right, it's time to go. It's getting You know, I don't understand these restaurants why they allow this to go on that From that perspective, you're disrupting a paying customer. You think, why would anyone go back? It's unbelievable. And that's what happened last night. By the way, we do have an update on what's going on in Texas. The Daily Caller had a piece out today. You know, Democrats busy smearing Brett Kavanaugh, but with thirty five year old charges that seemed to be now just on the surface, not corroborated or confirmed by anybody that they pointed out to be quote witnesses in this case. Uh, this guy Beto O'Rourke, UM apparently has a problem. And the Washington Post said today that the Democratic representative gave a false statement when he claimed that he did not attempt to flee the scene of a crashing car while he was drunk. In I did not try to leave the scene of the accident, UH, though driving drunk, which I did, is a terrible mistake for which there's no excuse or justification of defense UH, and I won't try to provide one. He claimed during his debate against Ted Cruz last Friday, and the Houston Chronicle published reports of the details of the incident from that night. Quote Ururic lost control of his car while driving at a high rate of speed, collided with a truck, throwing his vehicle across the center median of an interstate UH. The responding officer administered a breathalyzer test report of the blood alcohol at zero point one three six, almost twice the legal limit, and per the report, oururke had glossy eyes, unable to understand due to to be understood due to a slurred speech. The defendant driver then attempted to leave the scene, the officer reported at the time. The reporter then turned on his overhead lights to warn oncoming traffic and get the defendant to stop. Oh um. I guess if it was a Republican we would have heard about this beforehand. I guess do you have opinions that you feel you can express? I think we all do. Are you looking for a place to stir up conversation and let your opinions be heard? I want to introduce you to a new alternative social media site, snippy dot com. 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Because I need that more than ever. Thank you? All right, one, Shawn is a toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Look, we're at a point here where and I know Chuck Schumer say, well, we're hoping we can defeat this the only reason and well, why do we have to rush this through? There hasn't been no rush by anybody. The only people that have delayed this process for Professor Ford are the Democrats because they had this letter and only yesterday turned it over to Charles Grassley. And it is it is a stunning thing to listen to. Everything in their world is reversed. I mean, the thing that is most amazing is wanting to broad will join us later today. They didn't care about Juanita Broderick, or Kathleen Willie or Paula Jones or even when Bill Clinton was caught lying from the get go about Jennifer Flowers, or the smears and the slander and the besmirchment. Look, I am probably a bigger critic now of Republicans than even Democrats. They're weak and ineffective, but they have handled this right. They have handled this with the care and urgency it deserves and the seriousness it deserves the people that have been inconsistent of the Democrats continuing to build the foundation for conservative victory. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show. All right, twenty five Now until the top of the one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. New King Rich has some really powerful remarks in a new column out today. Uh, and he's saying Republicans now should have no doubt what is at stake in the current desperate, despicable, dishonest smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh. He'll join us at the top of the hour. Um, why have all these people all these years ignored wanting to Broderick. She's gonna tell her story, you know. And this gets to the heart of everything. Now we have all the information about Keith Ellison, and with all the talk about Judge Kavanaugh thirty five, thirty six years ago, I'm just kind of wondering to myself, well, why haven't the Democrat this This is an allegation not even a year ago. This goes back to August, and the last time I checked my calendar, it's September, and Keith Ellison's girlfriend, ex girlfriend, is saying that he repeatedly physically and emotionally abused her. Now I know that Democrats are demanding that, and they're saying that we believe Professor Ford and her allegations from thirty six years ago. There's no corroborating evidence. All of her witnesses, every one of them, all four of them, have contradicted her story, and that matters in a case like this. I can tell you in the case of wanted to Broderick, having been the second person to interview her, I went down to Arkansas and she told somebody within thirty minutes of the assault who also witnessed that her lip was three times its normal size, and told other people at the time and was was desperately afraid of the Clintons, who kind of with the the political elite and powerful in Arkansas at the time. But her witnesses corroborated her story, and she even wrote a book on it. If you haven't read it, you know you want to put some ice on that, which is what she said. Bill Clinton said after this happened. Now in Minnesota, you have Keith Ellison now facing multiple assault allegations from his now ex girlfriend Karen Monahan is her name, um, And while a poll says that some people don't believe her allegations, she apparently has some evidence in proof. And I'm not so sure that everybody ought to rush the judgment in that case anyway, So we'll see what happens. But the question is the very same people that are now so critical of Judge Kavanaugh and want I don't want Judge Kavanaugh on the bench, the ones that have raced out to say they believe her in spite of four people contradicting her story that she had named, they say nothing, not a thing about Keith Ellison. The second the number two person at the Democratic National Committee, a guy that's running for Minnesota attorney general. And anyway, now there's a Daily Caller piece and a long Crime piece today that there is an attempt now to unseal his divorce records as public interest now grows about the allegations of domestic abuse against him. But the thing is, actually, if anybody says anything now, it's a little too little, a little too late. Um. I made a programming decision today. I'm in d C. And we're gonna be here today, tomorrow, and Thursday. And I watched the president's speech today at the U N and I thought it was remarkable. It's such a contrast, probably in my opinion, maybe the president's best speech to date. And it was on the world stage. Although if you watch the media, oh, when he said America is doing great, uh, some of the other countries laughed. Well, they're not laughing because our country is doing better than theirs. We've had an economic renaissance based on pretty much every data point that you can bring up. Record low unemployment fourteen states, we have record manufacturing jobs being created more than in thirty years, record low unemployment, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, sixty one year low. UH, women in the in the workforce, unemployment, youth unemployment is at a fifty some odd year low now. But I think what I like the most, and that's why I'm gonna play this speech in the in the final hour of the program today, is it was such a contrast to watch a president that actually stood up for America on the world stage after years of apology tours, after years of appeasement and capitulation, and the president, you know, making it really, really clear that there's no more apologizing for American As I've always said, from quoting my great friend Barry Farber, the great radio talk show host friend of mine, no no country ever has accumulated more power and abused it less than the United States. And I add to that, no countries ever accumulated more power and used its power to advance the human condition worldwide more than the United States of America. And the presidents that we are never going to apologize for protecting our citizens. America will always act in our national interest. America's policy of principled realism means we're not going to be held hostage to old dogmas or discredited ideologies and so called experts who have been proven wrong time and again. And America is governed by Americans, and we reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism. I mean, this was the best speech he's ever given. And we believe in the majesty of freedom and the dignity of the individual. We believe in self government, the rule of law, which I have issues with right now, and whether or not we have equal justice, equal application of our laws now in America, he said, you know, And then he goes on to talk about Iran and this murderous, dictating regime, the number one state sponsor of terror. Barack Obama of course senting cargo planes full of cash and other currencies to the tune of a hundred and fifty billion dollars. And he talked about how you know, Iran leaders so chaos, destruction and death. They don't respect their neighbors, their borders, the sovereign rights of nations. We can't allow. No, no, I'm gonna play it later that we cannot allow the world's leading sponsor terrorism to possess the planet's most dangerous weapons. A country that chants death to America and threatens Israel regularly with annihilation, we can't have it. I ain't the other thing that stood out as the President really rebukes socialism and the dangers opposed to any country that's so stupid and foolish to adopt it, and everywhere socialism when communism has been tried, it is produced suffering, corruption and decay, and socialism's thirst for power leads to expansion, incursion, oppression, and all nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery it brings to everybody anyway. He also talked about how we will not be bowing or held hostage by these global bureaucrats and that we're never given up our sovereignty and um and we're not, and also said we're you know, we're not gonna be the piggy bank of the world any longer. You know, it's it's it's got to end. We we have our own financial issues. We got a lot of debt to pay back. You know, we're running deficits even still, And then he'd called for action for the world to take responsibility for themselves and stand up for their own prosperity, their own sovereignty, and their own citizens. I think there's one country on earth that actually cares more about us than than their own country. It does exist, and that's the point everyone else want cares. Oh, we can't say we want a better trade deal. We're going to upset our allies. I'm telling you something that's happening. I was, I didn't finish my thought earlier. The GOP's approval rating is now hit their highest level since the last Republican mid term landslide. Now, I don't want you to take that comment, because I'm talking about approval ratings and and a lot's gonna happen in the next forty two days. If I would have predicted all of this with Kavanaugh what happened, you wouldn't believe. You probably wouldn't believe it. But that's what this always happens. There's gonna be binders of women. There's gonna be Harry Reid Mitt Romney hasn't paid his taxes in ten years, when that was a lie, and then when he was interviewed after he didn't even care that he had lied, but improved that he has paid taxes because he hasn't. No, I don't regret that at all. The brothers he lied. He all right, that's enough, he lied. He lied, and then when asked about oh, also what we want consumer confidence today came out this morning and more. Another stunning achievement is that we have had more success in this country since the president has been elected and a Republican Congress in place that at least was able to pass enough legislation to get the economy on track. You know, if Trump loses the Congress, you know, what they want. They want to impeach him, they want to get rid of Ice, they want open borders, they want to keep Obamacare that's working out well for you, and they want the crumbs back. And over the weekend, Michelle Obama declaring her husband was quote a great president. No, he wasn't by almost every objective measure. Third Team, million more Americans on food stamps, eight million, more poverty, more debt than every other president before him, combined the dumb Iranian deal and the first presid that it never to reach three percent GDP growth in a single year of his presidency. Yeah, consumer confidence now is notching its highest level in eighteen years. And one of the best stories I saw today this was on Bredebart. The Democratic Party's advantage among American women has suffered a six point swing over the past year, in spite of everything the media tells you, because their families are prospering and results matter. That's exactly why this is. According to a Gallop poll that was released, Gop favorability rose to Democratic favorability fell by a point. Well. That leaves the Democrats with a mild eight point advantage, which means it's probably even. There's the forty two days. There's a lot at stake here. I mean for the Republican Party, their favorability is the highest and seven years now, and with the Democrats and this this rush to judgment on Judge Kavanaugh. Even though the story seems to be collapsing, I still have an open mind. I want to hear from Professor Ford herself, although there's questions about whether or not she's gonna show up at this point, we'll see. You know, Donald Trump the GOP highest approval rating in a decade? How did that happen? Are the Republicans that are running for office and they're paying attention? And now that the President has had some success with Little Rocket Man and he's talking about another summit with him, well, who knows, maybe he'll bring peace to the Middle East. The funny thing is Obama says, fearmongering knows it work. That's all the Democrats do. You know, this is the problem for Americans, and it's getting better. This is why Nancy Pelosi says she wants her crumbs back. You know, I want to vomit because Americans on average spent moron taxes in two sixteen get this than they did on food and clothing combined, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Now this data from Obama's term, average tax bill for Americans increased one consumer units, which include families, financially independent individuals, people living in a single family, householders share expensive. They spent more on average on federal and local taxes than they did on food and clothing combined. It's it's unbelievable. They're not letting us, They're choking us off. They're choking us out. If you really want to know the truth, none of this is good for the American consumer, none of it and the American taxpayer. Why are you laughing, miss led what's so funny? I'm funny now, it's seem Mitch McConnell has sent out message that says, uh, two senators prepared to stay for the weekend. I'm in Washington, d C. Obviously a lot of action. The meeting with the President Rod Rosenstein is gonna take place on Thursday, and of course, uh, Professor Ford if she accepts the invitation. Seems to be some balking as it relates to the fact that Republicans have decided it may be just to be fair, will let an objective attorney do the questioning so it's not seemingly partisan. And the Democrats have a problem with that. You know, why not because Republicans, you know, they say they're afraid to ask her questions. No, because they can't smear and slander the Republicans for whatever questions they would want to ask if they ask probing questions, why did you not remember the year? Why did the four people that you say we're there contradict your story? If you want the truth and you care about truth and you don't rush to judgment and you believe in the presumption of innocence, that's all gonna come up. And then the issue of Mrs Ramirez has claimed, how the New Yorker ever printed this is beyond any understanding that I have, and when you look at it, when the when The New York Times says they interviewed several dozen people talking about the Ramirez allegation that came out Sunday over The New York Times interview several dozen people several is at least thirty six, probably more, in an attempt to corroborate Ms. Ramirez a story, and they could find not one person, not one with firsthand knowledge of Ms. Ramirez and her story, and they point out Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident, telling some of them that she could not be certain that it was Cavanaugh was the one that exposed themselves. Those are her words. At that point. We can't go any further, you know. And then it took she has She admits she had memory gaps and that they weren't at the New York are able to confirm eye witnesses that Kavanaugh was even present at the party, and that it took her six days of whatever contemplation and before she felt confident enough in her recollections to say she remembers Kavanaugh was the one, and she acknowledged she was quickly uh it inebriated that she was on the floor, foggy, slurring her words, acknowledged there were significant gaps in her memories that evening the other eye witnesses. They quote them both said I don't think Brett would ever do this. Um another one saying that you know, I have zero recollection and you know, one denied memory of the party. Her best friend wasn't told it and they shared intimate details, all right. New King Ridge when we get back. Also wanted to Broderick in the next hour the speech that the President gave it the un We're gonna run in its entirety in the last hour today. I may remember we did not travel in the same social circles. She was not a friend, not someone I knew. You don't remember ever being at parties with her? Ever, I do not, and this is an allegation about a party in the summer of two at a house near Connecticut Avenue in East West Highway with five people present. I was never at any such party. The other people who are alleged to be present said they do not remember any such party. A woman who was present, another woman who was present, who is Dr Ford's lifelong friend, has said she doesn't know me and never remembers being at a party with me at any time in her life. Debor Ramirez was a freshman at Yale. She says she was at a dorm party and this happened. Quote Brett was laughing. I can still see his face and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants. I'm confident about the pants coming up, and I'm confident about Brett being there. She was initially uncertain it was you, they write in this piece. But after six days, she's confident enough, she says, should the American people view her as credible. I never did any such thing, never did any such thing. The other people alleged to be there don't recall any such thing. If such a thing had happened, it would have been the talk of campus. The women I knew in college and the men I knew in college, says, it's inconceivable that I could have done such a thing. And The New York Times was reported that just last week the person making the accusation was calling other classmates saying she was not sure that I had done this. Again again, just asking for a fair process where I can be heard and I can defend my integrity. All right, glad you're with us. An hour two Sean Hannity Show. We're in Washington, d C. Today, That, of course, Judge Kavanaugh on with Martha mcallum last night. I mean, this is now what it comes down too. And we have now gone through with exhaustive details. All four people that Professor Ford names as having been at the party deny ever hearing anything like this or seeing anything like this. And we've got the case of of Debora Ramirez. You know, I mean, I'm listening to this interview, watching this interview last night, and it is so reminiscent of Clarence Thomas and what happened with him. Remember when he had when he went back and gave testimony after Anita Hill, and this is what he said. This is a circus. It's a national disgrace. And from my standpoint as a Black American, as far as I'm concerned, it is a high tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas. And it is a message. And unless you cow Town's an old order, this is what will happen to you. He will be lynched, destroyed caricature by a committee of the U. S. U. S. Senate, rather than hung from a treatment. I mean, those powerful words resonate to this day. Clarence Thomas has gone on now to be one of the most thoughtful, powerful Supreme Court justices in in our time. And then you can't forget Robert Borke and the smear and the slander and the character assassination. The Democrats were successful in thwarting his appointment to the Supreme Court. Ted Kennedy, Mr chap of quittical leading the way. Here's what he said, Robert borks, America is a land of which women would be forced into back alley abortions, Blacks would sit at segregated lunch countess. Rogue police could break down citizens stores and midnight raids, and school children could not be taught about evolution right as an artist would be censured at the whim of government. And of course they were successful. There uh New King, which has come out with a very powerful piece today. In it, he says Republicans should have no doubt what is at stake in the current desperate, despicable, dishonest smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh and the absurdity of the New Yorker smere made clear that what this fight is about, it's about power. When an anti conservative story is so funny that the New York Times can't bring itself to publish it, you know it's absurd. And what he's referring to is the New York Times and their quote, which was pretty powerful that they interviewed several dozen people in the course of a week last week in an attempt to corroborate the story of Ms Ramirez and in fact, could find no one with firsthand knowledge of Ms Ramirez herself, uh, cond of of any of this event. And then they go on to say Ms Ramirez herself intacted former yelled classmates asking them if they recalled the incident, and told some of them that she couldn't be certain. Mr Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself. And that's the second case. Now, Senator Grassley has said he has no plans on bringing Ms Ramirez in to testify in in that particular case. Joining us now is the former Speaker of the House, New King Rich, also a Fox News contributor. How are you, sir, I'm doing well. I just want to take one brief you tour to say that I think President Trump's speech today to you and he is one of the most amazing of his career and his definitive and reasserting patriotism based on the nation state. Uh. And I would recommend everyone in the audience to read it. It is a remarkable speech. Well, I'm going to actually do better than that in the last hour of the show. I agree with you so much that I decided I'm going to air the speech in its entirety, because what the President said about a mirror our role in the world, about socialism, about the different fascism that we face in today in Iran and North Korea, was a very powerful speech, maybe the best he's given in my opinion. Yeah, that that's wonderful. Glad you're doing that. I just had to put that in. But let me say, on the current mess, the only thing that is being tested on Thursday is whether a free society can be intimidated, brutalized, lied to uh and and driven from any kind of decency exactly what happened to Senator Ted Cruz and his wife last night at a restaurant. I mean, what you now have is a totalitarianism of the left. They know what's at stake in this case. This decision could put on the Supreme Court a solid conservative who at his current age, if he if he were to stay on as long as Justice Ginsburg, he would still be writing decisions in two thousand and fifty. And so the left is in a frenzy. They're they're they're they're literally melting down. And the New Yorker piece will be studied in history as one of the crudest and dumbest pieces of smear. Because when you have a smear that is so dumb that that that even the New York Times couldn't find an excuse to print it, um, it actually undermines and exposes how desperate they are on the left. This is not about uh, in any way about Judge Kavanaugh. Uh, this is not about somebody thirty five years ago. This is a last stand of the hard left to scream and yell and find and you watch what it's like at the hearings. Uh, it's there's gonna be a series of Spartacus moments as various left wing democrats uh cause trouble uh and and and disrupt the hearings. And I think it just tells you where people are at and and uh what's going on. The greatest evidence to me that this is about politics, and the greatest reason for me too that people have a right to be skeptical is, you know, a month ago, the second in charge of the d n C was accused of repeated physical and emotional abuse of his girlfriend. As she tweeted out, the d n C not only abandoned her, they smeared, they slandered, and besmirched her if they cared about the issue of of what what we're dealing with today, an assault, etcetera. You know, like what wanted to Broderick said, well, I'll have an FBI investigation. I'll come and testify many of the same people that have been silent on Keith Ellison that were the Clinton's biggest supporters. And in his case it was exposing himself. In his case, it was groping, grabbing, fondling, touching, kissing against a woman's will in the Oval office. One allegation should have rape. Yeah, it went back in time. Um, but Democrats never came to the defense of any of these women, and therein lies the hypocrisy. To me, well, it's it's also I think you have to recognize that the emotional anguish as captured by Corey Booker and his so called Spartacus moment, which I wrote about, putting out that actually Sparticas was a slave who rebelled and was crucified, and that sitting in the comfort of the US Senate Corey Booker was a rather long distance from a Spartacus moment. But then he hasn't know any history, so why would he have known? Uh, it was a great phrase he picked up from watching a movie. Um, the fact is that they are on the left. They are so beside themselves because they think we're supposed to obey them. As as one Democratic senator said, men should just shut up now. I thought that pretty clearly defined the modern left wing Democratic Party. Uh. You and I don't have a right to speak by definition. Uh and and uh, I think the average American watching this just test remind themselves all of this coverage, all of this build up is coming down to to a phony hearing in which it is impossible to ultimately achieve a resolution because if you look at it, you have, um, a thirty five year old allegation in which there are apparently no witnesses. Uh, none of the people who are who were supposed to be witnesses can remember having happened. You have an absolute repudiation by Judge Kavanaugh who was accused. And in that setting, you are you. You know, those of us who believe that you're innocents have proven guilty, are going to go in And I suspect Tom. I'm thinking, well, he clearly wasn't. Really, he wasn't proven guilty. Uh. Those Democrats on the left don't believe that by definition, if Donald Trump nominates you, you are guilty. They don't, they don't know what you're guilty of. But by definition, if Trump has nominated your guilty of something, well the other thing too is I mean, even her attorney has a political agenda, has donated tens and tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and causes interesting. When the Paula Jones case came up, this is what she said. It's a very very weak case. She has alleged one incident that took place in a hotel room that by her own testimony, lasted ten to twelve minutes. She suffered no repercussions uh in the workplace. And then she goes on, clearly, just a one time incident took place ten to twelve minutes, She was not forced to have sex, She left the ruin room of her own volition. The courts are increasingly finding that that is not enough to create a sexually hostile work environment claim. And literally she went on to say about al frankin context is relevant. He didn't do this as a member or the U. S. Senate. He did this in his capacity as someone who was functioning as an entertainer, and I'm thinking, if you really care about the issue, aren't you gonna be consistent? And one of the things that I have been saying is, Okay, let this woman be heard. Let all the other people that have known Brett Kavanaugh be heard as well. And of course, when you have women co sign the letter saying that they know him, you know this can't be true. Uh, it's pretty strong character witness. Yeah, all true. All right, we'll take a break. We'll come back. New King ridges with us. He'll be joining us on Hannity tonight nine eastern on the Fox News channel. But as we continue, former Speaker of the House, New King riches with us. All right, so all of this is coming down on Thursday. Also, Rod Rosenstein, you've read the reports about him saying should I wear a wire around the president and talking about invoking the Amendment? He says he was just joking and just kidding. Um. My position is to speaker may surprise you, considering I think Rod Rosenstein is so complet that he never should have been where he is presently. But I think it's also a trap for the president because if he fires him, you and I both know this will be there'll be comparisons to a Saturday night massacre, and everybody will miss the point because that's what the media now does. Well. Look, I think that the President is an unusual position here because what Rosenstein did was so stupid that it's almost indefensible. UM. And I think they'll probably have a conversation of My guess is that that Ronald say, uh, gee, he's really sorry, it was really stupid, he didn't really didn't need it, and they'll go on. But on the other hand, I think I actually think there's not much risk in this case if the President said, gee, I just don't see how you can work here given what you've done, because immediately the Solicitor General would be in charge of my managing Muller and I don't think in that sense would be quite like the the water Game saturnin Nite massacre. Uh. Nobody in the water Gate setting was as as outrageous as Rosenstein was in his comments. We're only forty two short days away from election day, and I think it's such an important mid term UM. I really can't give you any I don't have any sense yet where this is going. What do you think I think it depends on the Republicans if if they run a big choice campaign. We just saw this happen. I wrote about it the other day. Uh in Texas, they went all out. They with with the lieutenant governor Um doing a great job of putting it together and helping. They won a special election for a Senate seat on the border with Mexico hundred nine years and they did it by drawing a clear decisive choice. If Republicans around the country have the courage to draw a clear decisive choice, they will run a shock an election. An election Night two eighteen will be as stunning as Election Night two thousand sixteen. But it takes the courage of somebody like Trump to go out and force the issues, draw the clear contracts. He's been doing a great job. If you follow him and these various rallies, he's really laying out with the choices. Ever Republican did that, they they'd win a big election. All right, Mr Speaker, I'm gonna see you tonight on Hannity UH nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Thanks for being with us. The media ignored our next guest, Why why the double standard? Why Nita Broderick is straight ahead, alright, now until the top of the hour, one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Alright. The President talked about the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh being a con game by the Democrats and that the second Kavanaugh accuser has nothing, and how Kavanaugh's family's devastated. Let's play that he's never had any charges like this. I mean, charges come up from thirty six years ago that are totally unsubstantiated. I mean, you as as watching this as the president of all the great country call and you must say, how is this possible? Thirty six years ago, nobody ever knew about her, nobody ever heard about it, And now a new charge comes up, and she said, well, it might not be him. And there were gaps since she said she was totally inebriated and she was all messed up, and she doesn't always him, but it might have been him. Oh gee, let's not make him as a free court judge has been to that this is a con game being played by the Democrats. Also, take a look at the lawyers. These lawyers are the same lawyers that have been fighting for years. They keep fighting. Take a look at the lawyers and It's a shame that you can do this to a person's life. It cannot be allowed to happen. And the the Democrat are playing a con game. C O N a con game, and they know it's the con game. They know he's quality. The second accuser feet allowed to testify on Thursday. Would you welcome that. I look at the second accuse of the second accuser has nothing. The second accuser doesn't even know. She thinks maybe it put it in him, maybe not. She admits that she was drunk. She admits time lapses. There are fine lapses. This is a person and this is a series of statements that's going to take one of the most talented, one of the greatest intellects from a judicial standpoint in our country, going to keep him off to the United States Supreme Court. You know, I said something this morning. He has a chance to be one of the greatest justices ever in the United States Supreme Court. What a share and what a shame it is for so many other people whose world that is that's not his world, and that's not their world. These are legitimate people there not in the world of con and the world of obstruct and the world of resists. Those are powerful remarks by the President earlier today when he was at the u N. If you missed his speech, I think it was probably his finest moment. The meat way the media covers it. Well, they laughed when he said America is more successful, and we've had a seven hundred billion dollars to the economy, and we have more jobs available than we have people to fill them, and four million fewer people on food stamps, and all the other great economic statistics. Um. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is struggling, um, what the President was referring to. In the second case, this was the New Yorker story. Jane Mayer and Ronan Pharaoh and I went through all of this yesterday and it was printed in the New Yorker. They weren't able to confirm with other witnesses that Kavanaugh was ever present at the party. Just like the very people that Dr Ford or Professor Ford mentioned, none of them, none of them recall any such incident at all, even people that were supposed to be in the room and at the party at the time. In the case of Mr Ramirez, she talked about, yeah, she had uh memory. Her memories contained gaps because she'd been drinking at the time of the alleged incident, and literally she needed six days when when she had been contacted, to think about whether or not this was Brett Kavanaugh, and she said that she felt confident after six days to say that she remembers it was Kavanaugh that he exposed himself. She acknowledged when she went to that party, she quickly became inebriated. She acknowledged that she was on the floor, foggy and slurring her words. She acknowledged that there are significant gaps in her memories of the evening. The alleged witnesses, all of them deny it. They are very specific votes. One of the male classmates, who Ramirez said egg Don Kavanaugh denied and any memory of even the party. And I don't think Brett would flash himself to Debbi or anyone for that matter. A second person said, the other male classmate, what that was supposedly involved? That I have zero recollection of anything like this. Her college best friend said, quote, this is a woman I was best friends with and we shared intimate details of our lives. And I was never told this story by her or by anyone else. It never came up I didn't see it. I never heard of it happening. And other contemporaries, one after another, have denied it as well, and and Brett Kavanaugh has denied it, and even of all places, I mean, I can't believe. From quoting The New York Times, they said they interviewed several dozen people in over the past week in an attempt to corroborate Miss ramires his story. They couldn't find a single person with firsthand knowledge of the event, and Ms Ramirez herself started content acting former yelled classmates, asking if they recalled the incident, and Mr Ramirez was telling some of them that she couldn't be certain that Mr Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself supposedly allegedly at this party. You know, one of the things I've been pointing out as a double standard. One of the things I have been highlighting is a double standard. Now from the beginning, I said, okay, the you know, Professor Ford has a right to be heard. This is a serious allegation. We need to take it seriously. And now that some every all four people that she mentions there have all said no, it didn't happen, all four of them, and she's the one that identified them. So the story is falling apart. The New Yorker story. How even the New York Times, who hate Donald Trump, they couldn't go with that story after what they said. And I say, well, a month ago, Keith Ellison was accused by his girlfriend of repeated physical and emotional abuse, even saying that there's audio tapes and even a videotape. I believe in that particular instance. And when she brought it to the attention, nobody, none of these senators are saying a word about the number two persons at the Democratic National Committee. Now. Is that the issue they care about? Or is it politics? We've told you about the attorney for Professor Ford, she's a left wing liberal. We're just talking about it with New King Rich and the Paula Jones case. She just dismissed it. She defended out frankin what do you care about? We'll remember the Clintons have probably the worst the person that was the single worst, you know, predator in many ways. Paula Jones got an eight hundred and fifty dollars settlement in her case after he exposed himself to her and said, oh, kiss it, and then of course, Kathleen Willie, claiming on the worst day of her life, looking for help and a job, goes to Bill clinton Oval office, gets you know, kissed and fondled and touched against her will in the Oval office, and Waneda Broderick I did the second interview with her, and she tells just a harrowing story about rape. And she's actually written a book about it, and it's called you better put some ice on that, which is our specific words, she recalls Bill Clinton saying, and earlier this week, she said, uh, where's my FBI investigation? Where's my testimony? Because the very same people now that are acting like the big champions of women's rights, they didn't want to hear from Jania Broderick ever, and she joins us, Now, Anita, how are you. Oh, I'm fine, I'm good. It's great to talk to you again. I've gotten to know you a lot over the years. It's amazing the double standard to me. But after reading your tweet, I said, you know what, nobody would have a better perspective on something like this than you, after all you've been through. Oh, I know, we're with fine Stein. Where was Schumer and Durton and the rest of the Democrats in nineteen at nineteen when the victims of Bill Clinton were begging and pleading for their help, you know. And that's the thing. I mean, it was a shorter gap of time than that it is now in the case of Judge Kavanaugh, and I've taken I think we should take all these allegations seriously, but I also believe in due process. I also believe in the presumption of innocence. You know, in the case, remember when they smeared Jennifer Flowers when he was running for office. Oh my gosh. Yes, And that's about the time when I found out he was running for president. I thought, you know, I need to come forward. This is the time he cannot be president. And then Jennifer came forward, and I thought, well, that's it, She'll bring him down. Look what they did to her, I mean, just look. And so I backed away from it. Again. There was a smear, slam ther besmirchment campaign against all of the Clinton women, all these people that are so acting, so um, feigning all this outrage. They were missing in action the entire time, weren't they. Oh my gosh, yes, not one of them. And I've said this repeatedly with Laura and with Martha, that not one of them, even after Henry Hyde said please just read this account and this deposition from this Arkansas woman, and he said, just read it. We're not going to bring her into the impeachments hearing, but just read what she has to say. None would read it. Not one dimmerent and one of the big differences. As you told people immediately after the event, after this thing happened, you had witnesses. Oh. Yes, the woman who traveled with me to Little Rock came back to the room within thirty minutes and found me because I didn't show up for the meeting. I was supposed to go to the coffee shop in eating and then he finiggled his way to my room and uh when found me in that in that horrible condition, my lips swollen three times the normal size, and bleeding and crying and devastated. What you know, it seems that the Democrats this happens a lot whenever there is a Supreme Court appointment. And I would mention Robert Burke had mentioned Clarence Thomas, and then I would mention, yeah, you know, in the case of Judge Kavanaugh. Now, and although I do believe the case of these two women is falling apart before our eyes. And and now we don't even know if Professor Ford is even going to testify on on Thursday. I think it's looking less likely to happen. And also the Republicans seem to be moving forward on a vote up or down one way or the other. But there are times when it's nuanced. There are times where you don't know, how do people how would you recommend, as somebody that went through this that p will handle us if? I don't know if that's a clear question, but um well, it's just like yeah, it's like my son posted, he's an attorney, and he posted on his Facebook yesterday regarding the Kavanaugh situation. He said time is important. He said, after thirty years, you cannot depend on your memory. The only thing that a judge or a jury can depend on is what you were able to tell someone at the time. Are proof of dates and times and where and what and that's what I have and they knew that I had that back then. Uh. And the main thing is for somebody if they go through this is to try to remember as soon as it's over to to write down everything that they can remember. But the most important thing is to tell someone. Please someone. Yeah, by the way, your book is still available on Amazon dot com. I remember it was one a best seller on Amazon's Kindle and their short reads. It was number one best seller position within forty eight hours of its release. Um. I've gotten to know you very well over the years, Anita, and I think in the in the thirty years I've been on radio, when I interviewed you after Lisa Myers, I was the second person to interview you. It was one of the toughest interviews I ever did. It was very, very hard for me to hear that story, and people ask me right after what I thought, and I said, I believed you. Oh, thank you, John. I'll never forget that day you came to my home and we talked about that. I swore i'd never talked about it again after the NBC debacle, but I thought so much of you, so I went through it again. But listen, I want to tell you that I'm flying to d C tomorrow with Amy Kramer and the Women for Trump because we want to be there to stand with Britt Kevin, Kevina. You know, we believe in due process and We're not going to let these crazy pink hat wearings defined what we women are all about. In two thousand and eighteen. We've had enough. You know. It's very interesting because one of the things that I'm seeing is when if you give people time, and you give people time to tell their story, like in your case, you had a witness thirty minutes after nobody that Professor Ford mentioned recalls this in any way shape manner reform. And then you read the New Yorker piece and there are so many She's admitting gaps in memory and needed recall help and was inebriated almost instantly at the party, etcetera. And nobody remembers it there either. And I think the American people are fair minded, and I think they care about getting to the truth. And I believe that's why I said, I think it's good for everybody to be heard. But uh, Juanita, the name of her book, by the way, is you've put some ice on that. You can get it at Amazon dot com. Uh. And I think people need to hear your story again. And we'll be watching you this week at the hearings. I'm here in Washington, and hopefully i'll see you when you're here. All right, we need to thank you one Sean toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. We'll take a quick break from our nation's capital. We're in the swamp the sewer, and we'll continue all right, News, round up, information, overload our Sean Hannity Show. All right. So we're in our nation's capital today, and the President spoke at the U n earlier today. I want to play this speech. I was going back and forth whether to play it or break it down for you and then give commentary. But as the President talks about socialism around the world, about American leadership and exceptionalism around the world, about America first, finally around the world, I just figured it would be best to let you hear it yourself and its entirety, and that what we're gonna do this final hour. So here's the President. This was earlier today. It was at the United Nations, and I think the President's best speech to date, Madam President, Mr. Secretary General, world leaders, ambassadors, and distinguished delegates. One year ago, I stood before you for the first time in this grand hall. I addressed the threats facing our world, and I presented a vision to achieve a brighter future for all of humanity. Today, I stand before the United Nations General Assembly to share the extraordinary progress we've made in less than two years. My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. America's so true. I didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay. America's economy is booming like never before since my election. We've added ten trillion dollars in wealth. The stock market is at an all time high in history, and jobless claims are at a fifty year low. African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American unemployment have all achieved their lowest levels ever recorded. We've added more than four million new jobs, including half a million manufacturing jobs. We have passed the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history. We've started the construction of a major border wall, and we have greatly strengthened border security. We have secured record funding for our military seven hundred billion dollars this year and seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars next year. Our military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before. In other words, the United States is stronger safer and a richer country than it was when I assumed office less than two years ago. We are standing up for America and for the American people, and we are also standing up for the world. This is great news for our citizens and for peace loving people everywhere. We believe that when nations respect the rights of their neighbors and defend the interests of their people, they can better work together to secure the blessings of safety, prosperity, and peace. Each of us here today is the emissary of a distinct culture, a rich history, and a people bound together by ties of memory, tradition, and the use that make our homelands like nowhere else on earth. That is why America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control, and domination. I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions. The United States will not tell you how to live, or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return. From Warsaw to Brussels, to Tokyo to Singapore, it has been my highest honor to represent the United States abroad. I afforded close relationships and friendships and strong partnerships with the leaders of many nations in this room, and our approach has always yielded incredible change with support from many countries. Here today we have engaged with North Korea to replace the specter of conflict with a bold and new push for peace. In June, I traveled to Singapore to meet face to face with North Korea's leader, Chairman Kim Jong un. We had highly productive conversations and meetings, and we agreed that it was in both countries interests to pursue the de nuclearization of the Korean peninsula. Since that meeting, we have already seen a number of encouraging measures that few could have imagined only a short time ago. The missiles and rockets are no longer flying in every direction, Nuclear testing has stopped, some military facilities are already being dismantled, Our hostages have been released, and as promised, the remains of our fallen heroes are being returned home to lay at rest in American soil. I would like to thank Chairman Kim for his courage and for the steps he has taken. Though much work remains to be uh, the sanctions will stay in place until denuclearization occurs. I also want to thank the many member states who helped us reach this moment, a moment that is actually far greater than people would understand, far greater, but for also their support and the critical support that we will all need going forward. Special thanks to President Moon of South Korea, Prime Minister Abby of Japan, and Presidential of China. In the Middle East, our new approach is also yielding great strides and very historic change. Following my trip to Saudi Arabia last year, the Gulf country has opened a new center to target terrorists financing. They are enforcing new sanctions, working with US to identify and track terrorist networks, and taking more responsibility for fighting terrorism and extremism in their own region. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have pledged billions of dollars to aid the people of Syria and Yemen, and they are pursuing multiple avenues to ending Yemen's horrible, horrific civil war. Ultimately, it is up to the nations of the region to decide what kind of future they want for themselves and their children. For that reason, the United States is working with the Gulf Corporation Council Jordan's and Egypt to establish a regional strategic alliance so that Middle Eastern nations can advance prosperity, stability, and security across their home regions. Thanks to the United States military and our partnership with many of your nations, I am pleased to report that the blood thirsty killers known as Isis have been driven out from the territory they once held in Iraq and Syria. We will continue to work with friends and allies to deny radical Islamic terrorists any funding, territory or support, or any means of infiltrating our borders. The ongoing tragedy in Syria is heartbreaking. Our shared goals must be the de escalation of military conflict, along with a political solution that honors the will of the Syrian people. In this vein, we urge the United Nations led peace process be reinvigorated, but rest assured the United States will respond if chemical weapons are deployed by the Assad regime. I commend the people of Jordan's and other neighboring countries for hosting refugees from this very brutal civil war. As we see in Jordan's the most compassionate policy is to place refugees as closed to their homes as possible to ease their eventual return to be part of the rebuilding process. This approach also stretches finite resources to help far more people, increasing the impact of every dollar spent. Every solution to the humanitarian crisis and Syria must also include a strategy to address the brutal regime that is fueled and financed it the corrupt dictatorship in Iran. Iran's leaders so chaos, death and destruction. They do not respect their neighbors or borders, or the sovereign rights of nations. Instead, Iran's leaders plunder the nation's resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond. The Uranian people are rightly outraged that their leaders have embezzled billions of dollars from Iran's treasure sees, valuable portions of the accounty, and louded the people's religious endowments, all to line their own pockets and send their proxies to wage war not good. Iran's neighbors have paid a heavy toll for the region's agenda of aggression and expansion. That is why so many countries in the Middle East strongly supported my decision to withdraw the United States from the horrible two thousand fifteen Iran nuclear Deal and reimpose nuclear sanctions. The Iran Deal was a windfall for Iran's leaders. In the years since the deal was reached, Iran's military budget grew nearly The dictatorship used the funds to build nuclear capable missiles, increase internal repression, finance terrorism, and fund havoc and slaughter in Syria and Yemen. The United States has launched a campaign of economic pressure to deny the regime the funds it needs to advance its bloody agenda. Last month, we began reimposing hard hitting nuclear sanctions that have been lifted under the Irandal. Additional sanctions will resume November five, and war will follow, and we are working with countries that import Iranian crude oil to cut their purchases substantially. We cannot allow the world's leading sponsor of terrorism to possess the planet's most dangerous weapons. We cannot allow our regime the chance death to America and that threatens Israel with annihilation, to possess the means to deliver a nuclear warhead to any city on Earth just can't do it. We ask all nations to isolate a Rand's regime as long as its aggression continues, and we ask all nations to support the rants people as they struggle to reclaim their religious and righteous destiny. This year, we also took another significant step forward in the Middle East. In recognition of every sovereign state to determine its own capital, I move the U. S Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The United States is committed to a future of peace and stability in the region, including peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. That aim is advanced, not harmed. By acknowledging the obvious facts. America's policy of principle realism means we will not be held hostage to old dogmas, discredited ideologies, and so called experts who have been proven wrong over the years time and time again. This is true not only in matters of peace, but in matters of prosperity. We believe that trade must be fair and reciprocal. The United States will not be taken advantage of any longer for deck gage. The United States opened its economy, the largest by far on Earth, with few conditions we allowed foreign goods from all over the world to flow freely across our borders, yet other countries did not grant us fair and reciprocal access to their markets in return. Even were, some countries abused their openness to dump their products, subsidize their goods, target our industries, and manipulate their currencies to gain unfair advantage over our country. As a result, our trade deficit balloon to nearly eight billion dollars a year. For this reason, we are systematically renegotiating broken and bad trade deals. All right, quick break, we'll come back the President at the u end. We'll have more of his speech on the other side of this Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel, as we are broadcasting from the swamp where all the action is uh and we hope you'll join us tonight. Quick break, right back, We'll continue a right twenty five now till the top of the hour, News round up, Information overload hour. We're in our nation's capital. We're in Washington, d C. Obviously a lot of action going on here and of course the hearings that will be here on Thursday. We're broadcasting live tonight on Hannity at nine. Uh. The other news that came out today Bill Cosby sentenced three to ten years in prison. We're also following the Rod Rosenstein story. We'll have all of this tonight. UH. And we can't give our location because there are crazy liberals that are here that want to protest anything that I do, anywhere I am and anything I say. Um, but anyway, we'll be doing it tonight from there. UM. Let me go back to the President. I think one of his best speeches taking on socialism, talking about America first, taking on the rat called Mulas and Iran, the failed policies of Obama, and so much more. And this is the president earlier today at the UN. Many nations in this hall will agree that the world trading system is in dire need of change. For example, countries were admitted to the World Trade Organization that violate every single principle on which the organization is based. Whether the United States and many other nations played by the rules, these countries use government run industrial planning and state owned enterprises to rig the system in their favor. They engage in relentless product dumping, forced technology transfer, and the theft of intellectual property. The United States lost over three million manufacturing jobs, nearly a quarter of all steel jones and sixty tho factories after China joined the w t O. As my administration has demonstrated, America will always act in our national interests. I spoke before this body last year and warned that the UN Human Rights Council had become a grave embarrassment to this institution, shielding egregs human rights abusers while bashing America and its many friends. Our Ambassador to the United Nations, Nicky Haley, laid out a clear agenda for reform, but despite reported and repeated warnings, no action at all was taken. So the United States took the only responsible course. We withdrew from the Human Rights Council, and we will not return until real reform is inactive. For similar reasons, the United States will provide no support and recognition to the International Criminal Court as far as America is concerned. The i c C has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority. The i c C claims near universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness, and due process. We will never surrender America's sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism. Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty, not just from global governments, but also from other new forms of coercion and domination. In America, we believe strongly in energy security for ourselves and for our allies. We have become the largest energy producer anywhere on the face of the Earth. OPEC and OPEC nations are, as usual, ripping off the rest of the world, and I don't like it. Nobody should like it. We defend many of these nations for nothing, and then they take advantage of us by giving us high oil prices. Not good. We want them to stop raising prices. We want them to start lowering prices, and they must contribute substantially to military protection from now on. We are not going to put up with it these horrible prices. Much longer. Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to its stores and intimidation. That is why we congratulate European states such as Poland for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs. Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course. Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers. It has been the formal policy of our country since President Monroe that we reject the interference of foreign nations in this hemisphere and in our own affairs. The United States has recently strengthened our laws to better screen foreign investments in our country for national security threats, and we welcome cooperation with countries in this region and around the world that wish to do the same. You need to do it for your own protection. Illegal immigration funds criminal networks, ruthless gangs, and the flow of deadly drugs. Illegal immigration exploits vulnerable populations, hurts hard working citizens, and has produced a vicious cycle of crime, violence, and poverty. Only by upholding national boards destroying criminal gangs can we break this cycle and establish a real foundation for prosperity. Ultimately, the only long term solution to the migration crisis is to help people build more hopeful futures in their home countries, make their countries great again. Currently, we are witnessing human tragedy. As an example, in Venezuela, more than two million people have fled the anguish inflicted by the socialist Maduro regime and its Cuban sponsors. Not long ago, Venezuela was one of the richest countries on earth. Today socialism has bankrupted the oil rich nation and driven its people into abject poverty. Virtually everywhere socialism or communists has been tried, it has produced suffering, corruption, and decay. Socialism's thirst for power leads to expansion, incursion, and oppression. All nations of the world should resist to socialism and the misery that it brings to everyone. Only when each of us does our part and contributes our share can we realize the U N's highest aspirations. We must pursue peace without fear, hope without despair, and security without apology. Looking around this hall, where so much history has transpired, we think of the many before us who have come here to address the challenges of their nations and of their times, and our thoughts turned to the same question that ran through all their speeches and resolutions, through every word and every hope. It is the question of what kind of world will we leave for our children, and what kind of nations they will inherit. The dreams that fill this hall today are as diverse as the people who have stood at this party, and as varied as the countries represented right here in this body are. It really is something. It really is great great history. There is Indian, a free society over a billion people, successfully lifting countless millions out of poverty and into the middle class. There is Saudi Arabia, where King Solomon and the Crown Prince are pursuing bold new reforms. There is Israel, proudly celebrating its seventieth anniversary as a thriving democracy. In the Holy Land. In Poland, the great people are standing up for their independence, their security, and their sovereignty. Many countries are pursuing their own unique visions, building their own hopeful futures, and chasing our own wonderful dreams of destiny, of legacy, and of a home. The whole world is richer, humanity is better because of this beautiful constellation of nations, each very special, each very unique, and each shining brightly in its part of the world. In each one we see awesome promise of a people bound together by a shared past and working towards a common future. As for Americans, we know what kind of future we want for ourselves. We know what kind of a nation America must always be. In America, we believe in the majesty of freedom and the dignity of the individual. We believe in self government and the rule of law. And we prize the culture that sustains our liberty, a culture built on strong families, deep faith, and fierce independence. We celebrate our heroes, we treasure our traditions, and above all, we love our country. Inside everyone in this great chamber today and everyone listening all around the globe, there is the heart of a patriot that feels the same powerful love for your nation, the same intense loyalty to your homeland. The passion that burns in the hearts of patriots and the souls of nations has inspired reform and revolution, sacrifice and selflessness, scientific breakthroughts, and magnificent works of art. Our task is not to erase it, but to embrace it, to build with it, to draw on its ancient wisdom and to find within it the will to make our nations greater, our regions safer, and the world better. To unleash this incredible potential in our people, we must offend the foundations that make it all possible. Sovereign and independent nations are the only vehicle where freedom has ever survived, democracy has ever endured, were peace has ever prospered, And so we must protect our sovereignty and our cherished independence above all. When we do, we will find new avenues for cooperation unfolding before. We will find new passion for peacemaking rising within us. We will find new purpose, new resolve, and new spirit flourishing all around us and making this a more beautiful world in which to live. So together, let us choose a future of patriotism, prosperity, and pride. Let us choose peace and freedom over domination and defeat. And let us come here to this place to stand for our people and their nations forever strong, forever sovereign, forever just, and forever thankful for the grace and the goodness and the glory of God. Thank you, God Bless you, and God bless the nations of the world. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right, we'll take a quick break. We'll come back from our Nation's Capital. Hannity tonight, big show. We're gonna be here tonight, tomorrow and Thursday. Obviously, Thursday is a big day in d C. Rod Rosenstein and of course Judge Kavanaugh's hearings. If Professor Ford shows up, we don't know as of now if that's happening. They're complaining Republicans have picked female lawyer to ask the questions and to make it respectful. I think they've given every accommodation they possibly can. Mitch McConnell is telling everybody, uh, don't plan on going home this weekend because there's likely going to be a vote. Alright, quick break, right back, we'll continue. We're in our nation's capital, Hannity tonight at nine, and we'll continue. All right, that's all the time we have. Look, we're at a time now we uh, we're in our nation's capital. Will be here tomorrow, will be here Thursday. Obviously, a lot going on. We'll have the latest on Judge Kavanaugh, Will Professor Ford be testifying or not. Bill Cosby now sentenced three to ten years. We have the latest on Rod Rosenstein, the best and most unique news opinion available on television. And that's why, thankfully you have made us number one. Hannity tonight at nine on Fox from Washington, and we'll see you back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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