Yes, Fauci Lied - October 21st, Hour 2

Published Oct 21, 2021, 10:01 PM

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is here with breaking news on the evidence that Dr. Collins and more importantly, and before Congress, Dr. Fauci - lied about gain of function research.

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Now we've discussed on this program at length all of the power grabs of the Democrats, the radical New Green Deal Socialist in Washington. We've talked a lot about, for example, they want to pack the courts. They had their commission, they were split, but they seem to entertain the idea of term limiting Supreme Court justices. And again, this is this because they want to get what they never get past. They want an activist judiciary to get what they themselves would never get legislatively or accomplish at the ballot box because people wouldn't vote for it. So they want activist justices to basically legislate from the bench, which is not their role. We have three co equal branches of government, DC, Statehood, Puerto Rico Statehood. What has that all been about, Well, that's about they think they'd get four permanent Democratic senators because these are areas where they have deemed them to be liberal. Obviously, they've talked about ending the filibuster. Now, another power grab that is going on that most of you have not been paying a lot of attention to has to do with redistricting and this attempt by Democrats to addressing the issue of Democrats hell bent on using the redistricting process for their own political gains anyway, the Republican National Committee, literally, they have now named the co chairs Governor Chris Crift, former Governor Chris Christie of the state of New Jersey, and Mike Pompeio, of course, Secretary of State under Donald Trump, to chair the National Republican Redistricting Trust. They both join us now, mister Secretary, let me start with you. This would be a huge power grab. We see this often after the census is taken and it's the process is now begun. There they are hell bent on getting seats back by redistricting in a way that's favorable to them. Sean, thanks for having Governor and I on this. We've gotten rolled. Republicans have gotten rolled. We've turned the other cheek. We've let them walk all over us. The Democrats about a program led by former President Obama and you remember former turn of General Eric Holder. They've been running this redistricting scam for a bit and using political power to grab and protect districts that they cared about. State Legislator, this this matters an awful lot. We are prepared, Governor Chris united to support state legislators and making sure we have fair maps. These jerry Mander maps in Illinois that showed up last week a court finally threw them out. This is serious business to make sure that the Democrats don't try to rip off the American voters from having a chance to vote for the people that actually represent them. All right, so now you Governor Christie, welcome back to the program. So you're working with Mike Pompeo. How do you stop this, Well, you stop in a few ways, Sharan, thanks for having us both on. As the secretary said, you know, you start off by making shoe or that each one of these states kind of the expertise, technical expertise, and the funding necessary to hire the lawyers to fight what invariably is going to come. Obama and Holder want to sue to keep blue. That's what they want to do. They've done it in places in the past like Florida and North Carolina and Pennsylvania. In fact, they have a five seat majority right now. Eight of those teeths they went through lawsuits in those three states. And so you know that's one part. And the second part is, you know, the Republicans needed to have some folksmen who We're going to go out there and take on Obama and Holder directly, and that's what the Secretary and I are here for. And we've been on media all over this country and will continue to be iving on the ground in Minnesota helping them fight. Mike's been traveling to a number of different states and that's why we're gonna do it. We're gonna fight verbally, and we're going to make sure that they have the technical expertise and the resources they need to fight in court and winning court like we did in Illinois just this weekend getting those maps thrown out out. It's the Secretary, if you go back a decade, Republicans had no organization and I do like the term pseudo stay blue campaign. The Democrats they often outsmart Republicans on issues like this. Are you confident that you will be able to take it to them and not allow this new power grab because we know what's happening. They see Biden's numbers are cratering, They see even Terry mcculoff in a blue state like the Commonwealth of Virginia. They know that this is a disaster in the making, and the only way they think they can even have a shot of keeping power is read distroting. That's exactly right. And they are determined and they have resources. And the good news is that we are equally determined, and Governor CHRISTI and I are going to make sure we have the resources as well. We can get this right. We've never fought these things before. We just kind of stood down and we watched them just take advantage of us. We're not going to let that happen. When we talk to it. When Governor Christian I talk to people about this, they intrinsically get it. And you know, I watched these maps. Illinois the perfect example, right, they were they were going to do real arm to minorities in that state. The Democrats are about power, not in the people's best interest. In Governor Christian are believe deeply that we can help get these maps right and protect the things that Americans care most deeply about. You know, you guys both it's inevitable and I was glad to see that. You understand how they operate is they're going to sue no matter what, under any set of circumstances. They have used the courts in the past as a weapon to get what they want with redistricting Governor Christie, will that work for them this time? Or will Republicans stop it? Well, we'll stop it, Sean, and we're going to stop it in two different ways. The first way is if they sue. If they sue first, we're going to have the best lawyers we can find, and we're going to have fair maps that we're proposing that will give the court a real alternative. But the second way is for us to be aggressive up front to cut off their lawsuits at the top, where we a fair constitutional compact maps out there to be considered in the states that we control right now that process and we make sure we do it the right way. What the Secretary and I have told every one of the governors who's in charge of this is this, simply, you do fair constitutional compact maps and we will have your back. And I think one of the reasons that both of us agreed to do this is we both have the reputation of not mincing words in public life. I think the Secretary and I have been very direct, and we're not only going to be directed as we were with our own governors to tell them that we have their back. The we're all is going to be very directed, calling Barack Obama and Eric Holder after what they are says in their own mission statement, Sean in their group that they're not about making fair maps. They wanted to make maps that elect more Democrats. Well, okay, we're gonna take that mission statement and we're going to stick it in their ear every time they walk into court and try to act like they're trying to do something fair for the people. Let me look at a broader question, and that is, you have have a more establishment wing of the Republican Party and you have a more conservative wing, and I would argue that that would be more of the Trump base of the Republican Party. To me, being a conservative, I can sum it up in a minute, and that is as a conservative, I believe in liberty, freedom, capitalism. I believe in our constitution. I believe in limited government, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, free markets. We believe in choice and education. We believe law and order is fundamental so people can pursue happiness, in safety and security. We want free market solutions to healthcare that would protect people that can't afford it and also protect people with pre existing conditions. We want conservative justices that believe in the Constitution on the bench. We want secure boarders, legal immigration. We want the energy and dependence back that Joe Biden gave up. We want free and fair trade and peace through strength. Secretary of State Pompeo, that is not what every Republican believes. And then some believe it, but they don't want to fight for it. John, we all have to fight for it. This redistricting effort that Governor Christie and I are engaged. We know it's going to be litigation. We know this is going to be a nice fight about This is about America and our most fundamental tradition of how we make sure we have elections that not only have integrity, but that the districts people are voting in actually represent real people who care about those same things you just articulated. So, well, this is a fight. We're not going to give an engine. We're prepared to provide the resources and firepower to make sure that every American gets a chance to vote in an election where the candidates actually represent them with a compact, fair, constitutional map and not a squad delivered progressive map. Well, let me ask the question a different way to Governor Christie. I was there the night m seeing New king Ridge's event. The ninety became speaker. Republicans were out of power in the House for forty years. Is there anything that I mentioned on that list that you think Republicans disagree with? Not the Republicans, idoes Sean, and I'll tell you this, if they've forgotten about it, if some of them had made it, that's any one of those things. That's the priority, you know, is one thing that I grew with Barack Obama on. Elections have consequences, and we have seen what the consequences are of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer being in charge that they're taking off after all of those principles and trying to make us a sense. But here's my bigger question, because you do have these factions, you do have this this split in a sense, to me, there's got to be a unifying message. That's simple. What I can say it in a minute. What it means to me to be a conservative Secretary of State PUMPEO, is that something that every conservative, every Republican should put on paper and support that they will fight for those things and put aside petty differences, Amenshaw, and every one of them, from from the most liberal Republican to the most conservat they should stand behind the that you just presented spot on captures the tradition, whether it's Lincoln or Reagan or Trump, captures the tradition of central understandings of conservatism. And I don't think there are many Republicans I have encountered the shouldn't simply state them and make clear that these are the things we're willing to fight for, and we're going to fight for them in a way that deliver them for the American people. Quick break, we'll come back more with Governor Chris Christie and more with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And as we continue with Governor Chris Christie and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, I believe both of you are going to do your job. I know you both personally, and I know you're both fighters. I don't always agree with you, Governor Christie, just as a side note, but I know you're a fighter. I know that you're going to go to the map when you take on a project like this. The reality is, though, has the time come that Republicans unite around an agenda. If you want to say America first, say America first. You want to call it the make America Great Again agenda, Fine, you want to call it conservative solutions. I don't really care what you call it. But I think people need to put their pen to paper and sign a document. We will accomplish these things. We will fight for these items if you give us a chance. Because what's happening now and Washington is not working, we better do it, Sean, and we better do it well. And if we get we get power back here in twenty twenty two, twenty twenty four, we better do what we said we were going to do. You know, we said we were going to get rid of Obamacare. We didn't do it. We said we were going to make governments smaller, we didn't do it. We said we weren't going to run out more debt, we didn't do it. I mean, you know, the fact is that you know, we have to stand by these things and then we have to deliver. Is one I would take a little issue with you on a couple of things. Though Trump cut taxes, Trump got rid of more regulation than any president in the last hundred years. He appointed the judges, he said, he to point, he built the wall he said he'd built. He got his energy independence we haven't had in seventy five years. He beat the Caliphate, he took out Solomani and Baghdaddy and associates. And I believe that Russia and Iran and China genuinely feared him. And I think Secretary of State Pompeo can confirm that I didn't disagree with any of what you just said. I said, we said we get rid of Obamacare. We didn't. We said that we wouldn't run up more debt, and we did. And I agree with you, by the way, on the Obamacare, how could they not have They had sixty five show votes to get rid of Obamacare, but they weren't ready when the moment came. So my point is, Sean, that we can say it and we can write it down like we've done it in the past, but now we have to do it. And on those things, that's what there's going to give us greater credibility, and that's what they're going to give us the support of the American people to be able to get all those other things that you talked about done as well. But we've got to be good to our word, and if we're not good to our word, we're going to be held to account for that too. So I think every Republicans should be good to their word, and we and those of us who are leaders of the party need to hold everybody to account for that. Well, let me make a pledge to both of you, and if at any point you need to get your message out about these shenanigans, please please come here. I also think we've got to focus in on election integrity. Voter ID signature verification, chain of custody controls, updated voter rolls, if you're not legally in the country, you shouldn't be allowed to vote, like in some places in Vermont. And last but not least, and I think very importantly when states have laws that say partisan observers get to watch the count up close start to finish, we've got to have that too. Any disagreement, last word, Mike Pumpel, Nope, I think you'd have two votes from Governor Christy. And if for each of those items we confirm that as we work to get this redis where we're going to make sure too, that we get those kinds of ideas built into every state's election system, so that we know we only have fair districts, but we've got good election integritas, and move forward this election. There'll be people voting almost less than nine months from now, Sean, for the election in twenty two. It's around the corner, and the work that Governor Christian and I are doing, it's fiercely aimed at making sure that Biden doesn't have free reign the way he does today. Well, I want you both to know you can deputize this audience. And if we're on almost seven hundred stations now and if you come on and say we need your help here, I'm pretty confident people would react very favorably to helping you. Well, I accept the offer, Sean. I know that Secretary does all field, and we are going to be calling upon you frequently because, let me tell you, if Obama and Holder are going to fight us, and they're gonna fight dirty, and we're gonna need to go right back at them, and that's exactly what the Secretary and I've signed up for. And having you on the team in your audience makes us even more powerful. Yeah, Eric, Holder, when they go low, we kick him exactly anyway, appreciate you both. Governor Christie, thank you. And Secretary of State Mike Pumpay you by the way you're working out, because it looks like your workouts. What are you doing. You told me I got to work hard. I'm trying to get it done. I work out an hour and a half a day, and I don't have the time for it at any one day, trust me. All right, guys, thank you. We'll follow this very very closely. When we come back, we're going to get an update from Marshall Blackburns. She's working hard to on these vaccine mandates. We are now potentially losing tens of thousands of critical workers at a time we can't afford to lose them. We'll get an update there and then later in the program, Ram Paul will join us. Yeah, we've got doctor Fauci, the liar, and he's got the evidence straight ahead twenty five now till the top of the hour, toll free. It's eight hundred and nine for one. Sean. You want to be a part of the program, Listen. We're following the Virginia coubernatorial race closely, and we had the Republican candidate Younken on TV and radio yesterday and we'll continue to follow it. And the polls, as I told you yesterday, Glen youngcan and forty six percent, Terry McCullough forty six percent. Now, the Commonwealth of Virginia is not a purple state, it's not a red state. It's a blue state. The fact that those polls are that tight at this point, and anecdotally you watch the biggest blunder in the world with Terry mccaulloff. Parents shouldn't be telling teachers how to do, you know, what they should be teaching their kids. Any smart person would welcome the involvement of concerned parents that are willing to devote their time for a better education and an opportunity for the better opportunity for their kids. And that's insanity. And then of course he has a hissy. You should have asked better questions. He leaves halfway through the time in the interview. It was only ten minutes, and it was a scheduled twenty minute interview. And I can tell you as somebody that does this, somebody gives me twenty minutes, I'm taking thirty or thirty five. I'm taking as much as i can, assuming that they're interesting and we're talking to I mean, it's now, this is how real it is. I also think Carvell there's always a method behind his madness. And Carvill's not a dumb guy, and I've known him for many years and Carvell knows every trick in the book. And I think he's trying to create an atmosphere of utter panic for Virginia Democrats to motivate them to get off their ass and go out to the polls in Mote Terry mcculuff, That's what I think is happening. Do I think that he has the juice that he used to have Now? I don't think Carval has the juice he had when Bill Clinton was president. But here's his panic. Yeah, it's close, There's no doubt about it. And I'm scared to death. And as I another, Democrats should be in. The solution to that is, if you know people in Virginia's call him and asking the boat. If you in Virginia call other people and asking the boat. But I can tell you it's a close race. It's a close race, to say the least. Anyway, we'll see what happens. It's going to be up to the people of Virginia. Remember the swamp in Washington all as the bureaucracy is grown in. DC also has the population of northern Virginia. That's where a lot of the swamp creatures live. And that's my fear about. Oh, people leaving New York in California in droves and headed towards you know, South and North Carolina and Tennessee in Texas and Florida and Georgia, because they're bringing their dumb politics with them, so they'll destroy the next state they go to if they go in mass You know, every person that leaves New York, I'm telling you nine out of ten are probably pretty liberal. And what would make them vote? Well about that? Well, New York City, I should say New York City is about nine to one. Curtis Leeway, I thought I had a great debate by the way, it did very well, but proud of him, supporting him for mayor. He's got an uphill battle. Anyway. Let's get to our phones. Let's say, how to James in California. Apparently James, his heart is troubled, and I am here to help untrouble your heart. What's going on my front? Well, the big question we have is that do you really believe we can win an election? I mean, do you really believe that you're right? Yeah, yes, I do. I do. California. Where everybody in California, that's a whole different question. California. You live in the United Socialist utopia of California. Your state is gone. The state I'm in right now, New York is gone. There's no fixing it. It's gone. And this is what is This is what makes a national run for president so difficult for any conservative or a Republican. And that is you gotta run the table. First, you gotta win Florida and Ohio, those are those are not slam dunk states. Then you gotta win Georgia. Now we see what's been happening in Georgia lately, trending more blue as more and more Democrats have moved into the state of Georgia. Stay with North Carolina and then you gotta Okay, then you gotta pick off Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan. Then you got to go out and look into Arizona, New Hampshire. I mean, there's no margin of error here. There's no margin. You know, for example, somebody goes in and they get the cancer cut out. Let's say they have a melanoma of some kind and the first thing they're going to talk to the patient about, oh, we have good margins, meaning the outside of where they cut there is no cancer cells. That would be a successful skin cancer surgery. There's no margin for error here. You've got to run the table. That's why when I say all hands on deck and every person listening to me is a spoken the wheel. That's not hyperbole. That's reality. Can we win? Yeah, we proved it in twenty sixteen. We could do it again. Well, seventy million Americans are so against the Republican Party right now. It's laying fun it. These people turn their back out of us. I don't know oppose you're looking at. Because if you look at Afghanistan, if you look at it away, Joe by has handled the border and energy and COVID and the economy and national security. Well, he's in parval ratings thirty seven percent. The guy's doing a crappy job. A Hi, let's move on. Let's say hi to Mark in Arizona. Mark, how are you? I'm great, Sean. I want to challenge the assertion that Joe Biden has failed in every way to take something and then build it back better. Because I know one institution that at least that he has built back better than ever, and that's the Taliban military. That's true, he did a great job. I'd also argue he's built back better Russia. They're getting rich, Putin's getting rich again. Russia's getting rich again. And I would argue he's emboldened China to an extent they never dreamed of in the Trump years, and even now with his envoy to Iran now basically acknowledging that they're gonna let Iran get nuclear weapons. I would say he's building back better there too. And I'll add one other point, all the energy we're importing as he begs OPEC for the lifeblood of the world's economy, he's building back better countries that hate our guts in the Middle East, and he's put us at Actually, yeah, he's doing a lot of building back better, you know, if you're a communist socialist like him. Yeah. So I want to bring up something I was watching Representative Rasking going on and on about how the you know, the capital was rushed by all these people. I had this question, why were the Democrats on January sixth hiding under their deaths. We've got to protect our institutions, and that means our capital and people should a riot as a riot, as a riot, I said all during the summer twenty twenty, the five hundred some odd riots where thousands of cops injured as they were throwing bricks and rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails at these cops. Thousands injured, dozens of Americans were killed, Police precincts burned to the ground, attempts to burn down federal buildings, city blocks taken over, and they were allowed to keep them for long periods of time where people died in them. These chop chaz you know, Summer of Love, autonomous zone, spaghetti, potluck, dinner zones. So where is the investigative panel into that? Where's the investigative commission into Kamala Harris promoting a bail fund to get the rioters out of jail faster? You know? Where is the Commission on Democratic Party silence? Because they didn't want to upset their base and say stop rioting, stop throwing bricks and rocks at cops, stop burning down precincts, stop taking over city blocks. Their silence was deafening. And then when you have two Republicans that would probably ask really important questions like well the White House suggested that you bring in the National Guard, why didn't you do it knowing that the crowd was going to be massive that day? Or the police chief from Metro Police and the Capitol Police. I've resigned over this for no reason. He asked on six separate occasions for the National Guard to be called in even before this day ever happened. So you know, if we're going to investigate this one riot, let's investigate all five hundred and thirty five other riots that took place all around the country. Because I don't I don't see a distinction. I see, as a matter of fact, more death and more harm came over the summer. With that said, though, we can't have what happened on January sixth ever happened again in this country. We've got to protect our elected officials. We've got to protect our institutions, which apparently Democrats weren't that concerned about in the summer of twenty twenty. They only care about one riot. I'm rioting in all forms for whatever reason caused justification rational you might give it, it's still wrong. And you know, are they going to hold the people accountable? Most states have already determined, even though they've got video evidence of people looting and arson, that they're not going to prosecute them, but they'll prosecute them people from January sixth. Now again we go back to a dual justice system. We've got to have a system of justice where it's equal justice under the law, that we apply justice equally, equal application of the laws of the land. You don't just get to pick and choose. Well, you were protesting for a reason I agree with. We won't we won't prosecute you, but we're going to prosecute you because I don't like your politics. And that's about what has come down to for some you know, I'm anytime I see a riot, it's not going to end well. It's not good for anybody, And I don't want anybody in this audience ever getting caught up in the madness that some people get caught up in. All right, I appreciate the call, Mark, thank you, I quick freak. We'll come back right back to the phones. Eight hundred and nine one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program. All right, back to our busy telephones. Let us say hight of it. Maureen is in Florida. Hey, Maureen, how are you? You're a lot smarter than I am. What part of Florida? Punt's Inlet? Where's that? That is? Um? South of Daytona Beach? Okay, but before New Samrna Beach in Valusia County. Nice sounds like paradise to me, it is. It definitely isn't and definitely with our governor it's it's staying in paradise. So what's on your mind today? Okay? What's on my mind is Um Washington sake yesterday night, get very emotional Baptist because she continually says nothing, and when she says something, it's just offensive. When she was snickering at the treadmill being the biggest problem we have with the gridlock of the storage containers, but it's really affecting the small business, and their intention is to affect the small business. In my opinion, people are waiting for their supplies to either sell the consumers or as with our business, we're waiting for an engine part to fix our boat for our charter business that we have here in our little town of times in lists and we can't get it. So we're a month and a half without any business waiting for this part. Listen, this is so common and now and by the way, now you're coming off you know almost what a year and a half of COVID and the pandemic and the impact that that had on your business and the gas every single issue we talk about, Afghanistan, energy, ice is soaring, the high price of goods, We're paying more for everything that we have in every store. Then you add the COVID disaster, the national security disaster of helping Putin, letting China do whatever the hell they want, and not accepting that Iran will one day have a nuclear weapon. Any one of these things. It's a disaster. I never thought it could be this bad, this fast, and I don't think I don't see any hope on the horizon at all that this Democratic Party is ever going to reach the sober moment where they recognize that this is not working and it's destroying the country and it's creating instability all around the globe. You know, the importance of a strong America is critical to every man, woman and child, not only in this country but around the world because we are the shining city on a hill. We are the light in what is a very brutal, very dark, in many places, very evil world. There's a lot of evil that goes on in the world. You don't believe me, You know, go back to the last century, about one hundred million human souls killed Communism, Mao China, Stalin the former Soviet Union. Let's go to the killing fields in Cambodia, Nazism, fascism, Imperial Japan. He get the point. Evil exists all around the globe. The force that has pushed back evil more than any other one force is us, the United States of America. Now we've got a cognitively compromised I don't think he knows what day it is. President. That is just following whatever his staff is telling him to do on any given day. But he can't take questions. He can't even read the teleprompter anymore. At this point, yesterday was an unmitigated disaster. How it got that bad? I can't possibly explain it to you. Let me just go back to yesterday. This is the cognitive mess that is your president. Listen, Granton is where I played short stop at the Griomys Little League in the first year that it was put up. My dad helped build the field down there and spend a lot of time at Simmy He's buying Penny candy and Hanks Hogi's on Woodlawn Street watching movies of the Roosie. I was the only kid in my in my ear that I was able to walk across the lackey on that pipe that was just a bubblizy. And my dad had moved from Wilmington, Delaware, to Scranton when he was a senior and junior in high school. He went then was called Saint Thomas, not the prip and was called Saint Thomas in those days, and as Saint Paul's. You know, my nickname was Blackbird. I wasn't very big, but you could beat me, but I'd hurt you. Okay, if that makes sense to you, you're a lot smarter than I am. I'll say that quick break right back

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