Congressman Burgess Owens of Utah is outraged by what he is seeing in this new version of America, now known as a ‘woke nation’ - but for what? To tell kids they can’t call their parents Mom and Dad, to cancel Dr. Seuss or give farmer’s subsidies based on race instead of needs....What is happening to our country?
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Happy Friday, if you want to call it that. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn Tolfrey telephone number. I have a lot to say about this, Joe Biden, mister Unity, taking full credit for everything Donald Trump did and did well and did write, and it just makes me mad. Now. I've been talking a lot about this book, Lucky How Joe Biden barely won the presidency, and it's written by two mainstream media people, one from the Hill, one from NBC, and I've been fascinated with the book. By the way, it's not a pro Trump book. They take a lot of shots at Trump, but putting that aside. Remember this vote was forty two, nine and eighteen votes. That's prevented Donald Trump from being reelected, which infuriates all of us, knowing what we know now. Laws not listen to, the no partisan observers observed anything, state constitutions ignore, state laws ignored, ridiculous, you know, consent agreements that that benefited Democrats. It's just it's unbelievable that all this could happen, and a lot of it is now hopefully getting fixed. And George, I know it is. And oh, one note on Georgia, gotta tell you this, and we're gonna get these guys on the program. Um Robert Khailey, Trafalgar and Matt Towery. Insider Advantage did a poll guess who beats in twenty twenty two. Raphael Warnock yep herschel Walker. I hope he runs. It's a rock star. Love that man. Such a good guy, such a decent person. And although you know, as a friend, i'd have to say, yeah, they're gonna put They're gonna put you through hell. But I hope. But he's he's tough, and he's uh, he's he's just it's a great guy. He can handle anything. The guy got in the octagon, Linda, you know we got in the octagon. He trained MMA. Remember we were doing push ups in the studio that day together and he was kind of shocked that I did one hundred push ups with him. We have that on video. Okay, let's not put it on. Did you ever back up on Hannity dot com? I don't care. Put it up on Hannity dot com. And he goes fifteen hundred to two thousand a day, same would sit ups. I'm like, yeah, I've seen him do this. I'm like, I do one hundred and fifty. I give cut me some slack here and I and by the way, real pushups, no phony push ups. Um, all right, let me get so. We got a lot of news. We got to get to Biden's blunders last night, and see Hannity, he made it through. And I'm like, okay, let's look at the last three weeks. The fact that and people's writing, well, you don't know that he practiced, Hannity. He practiced. He had one thing on his schedule the last four days, just one. That's it. He spent a lot of time practicing. And believe me, there's a lot of nail biting behind the scene when he went out last night to give his eighteen minute little address and take a victory lap and credit for something he had nothing to do with, which kind of infuriates me. Also, we've got to start now, though in the great state of New York, it might now be it for Andrew cuomoy. Ironically, you know, in light of you can't say mom and dad, or Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, ask where you went on vacation. In light of Dumbo and Peter Pan on the Chopping Block, Doctor Seuss books, you can't buy Doctor SEUs on Aye Bay, but you can buy Hitler's mind comp and you can buy the anarchist cookbook that will teach you how to build bombs. How do they say, how do they justify selling that crap? And and then we got, of course, Pepe Lapew, He's going to be canceled, pepe pepe Lapew. It's these are unreal times and we live mister and missus potato head. I can't even believe these words are flying out of my mouth, that this is happening in this country. This is insanity, and I'm telling you better stop now. So quos blaming cancel culture. A seventh woman has now come forward, and Cuomo today says he's not going to resign. I don't think I'm believing now his days are numbered. I didn't now though. It's fascinating about this, and I'm sure they'll probably want to blame Hannity Fox News. It's not Hannity doing this. All we're doing is we've been pointing it out. We're the ones that stayed consistent due process, presumption of innocence, the way we do with Cavanaugh, the way we always do it. And you know, I did make the point that when the interview was on CBS of one of the women making allegations against him, I was like, Wow, she came off as extraordinarily credible, and it was also backed in real time by text messages saved to a friend. You're not going to believe what just happened to me, the shocked that happened there, which added a lot of credibility. I thought to the interview that she gave so all these accusations. Now we're up to seven from the Washington Examiner, I Cuomo saying I did not do what has been alleged, blaming canceled culture in a conference call with the reporters, adding demands for him to resign are motivated by political animus, not factual evidence. I'm not going to resign, he said. And he was not elected by politicians, but by the people. Here's his problem now, the numbers. It's now becoming a numbers organized a numbers operation. Look, Democrats nationally want him out because, to be blunt, they won't admit it publicly. But there's not one single Democrat that I know in the country that believes Joe Biden's running for a second term or even thinking he's going to make it through the first term. And if that were the case, even if he made it through Kamala Harris, this is not going to get a coronation. There will be a primary challenge that I can tell you, and the fact that Newsom is now likely out of that race and Cuomo is going to be out of that race, Whitmer will be out of that race, all based on the same issue. COVID draconian shutdowns, everything that they've done wrong, nursing home scandals. Now that's saying that, in fact, Whitmer could face charges in her state. Then you got Murphy in New Jersey and you got Wolf in Pennsylvania. Then you compare them to you know, Governor Abbot, governor of Santis, Governor Christy Nome, governor of Mississippi, and all these other great red states where I'm so stupid, I'm not living in one of them. And it's it's now real. But he says he's not going to resign, and he made this after Congressman Jerry Nadlertow. He is part of the I believer concuss. It just took him. It took him seven seven people to get to the point where he was with Kavanaugh saying he should resign. Congresswoman the first one. I will give Congresswoman Alexandria Cassio Cortez high marks for being the first to say this is unacceptable and also one of the first saying that he needs to step down. You've got more than half of all New York lawmakers now Democrats mostly have called for the governor to step aside. This is a You have a veto proof majority in both the Assembly and the state Senate in New York. Republicans have no power in the state of New York, none whatsoever. You have accounts now after two accounts of actual sexual assault, for accounts of sexual harassment, the Attorney General now investigating finding the governor's administration hid the nursing home data. And what I sense here is is that Democrats and the media and national Democrats that want him out of the presidential race, they've had it. My guess is is that they probably weren't treated well in all the years he's been governor. But it's just a guess on my part. I'm looking at this is not a conservative public location New York magazine. It's got an angry picture of Andrew Cuomo kind of like what the New York Times magazine did to me. It says the cruelty and the casualties inside Andrew Cuomo's toxic workplace. The National Organization of Women, the NOW group, has now called for Cuomo to resign. Wow. Now that's big Biden administration. By the way, not a word yet from Kamala, nothing from Cooma, the leader of the Eye Believer Caucus. Not a word. You got a lot of Democrats, Joe Biden. Look, remember Lucy Flores, Tara Reid. They made allegations against Joe. Don't think that Joe is gonna get a full pass here either, although Democrats are gonna do everything they can to protect Joe. But we'll see there might. I'm watching that very closely anyway. They the National Organization from Women, established the nineteen sixty six They have called on Quomo to resign. He say must resign. He's unfit to serve as the leader of his state. For another day. He should resign. New York NOW president Sonja Osario told The New York Post many people were willing to let the investigation play out, but the latest allegation is a bridge too far. And by the way, Cuomo said Sunday he will not resign pending the New York Attorney General uh latitat se named Letitia. Sorry, thank you, Letitia James. She seems tough to me. She seems like she's she's tough anyway. So you have a seventh accuser now speaking out saying his hands have been all over her body. She writes, Andrew Cuomo's hands have been on my body, on my arms, my shoulders, the small of my back, my waist often enough by late twenty fourteen that I didn't want to go to the holiday party he was hosting for the Albany Press Corps at the Executive Mansion. I was twenty five years old, working as a State House reporter for what is now Politico New York. I had been to the Capitol, been on the Capitol beat a couple of years by then, but I was still among the youngest reporters in the Press Corps and one of the few women in the group whose job it was to report on the governor's every move. Everyone else was going and some had been covering state government for decades. I thought if I skipped the event, I might miss out on some intangible opportunity to cement myself as part of that community. I adored my gut instincts and went anyway, walking over from the New York State Capitol Building with several colleagues. Shortly after I arrived, news broke on my beat and I had to return to the capital. I decided to thank the governor for inviting me, and more importantly, to offer best wishes for his father's recovery. Its former governor since passed away, Mario Cuomo, he was dying at the time. I walked up to the governor in the middle of a conversation with another reporter and waited for a moment that I could interject. He took my hand as if to shake it, then refused to let it go, put his arm around my back. His hand on my waist held me firmly in place while indicating to a photographer he wanted us to pose for a picture. My job was to analyze and scrutinize him. I didn't want a photo of him with his hands on my body and a smile on my face. But I made a reflexive assessment that most women and marginalized people would know instinctively. The calculation about risk and power and self preservation. I knew it would be far easier to smile for a brief moment than take it takes to snap a picture, than to challenge one of the most powerful men in the country. And then she said my calculation was a bit off. I was wrong to believe this experience would last for just a moment. Because his grip on me, I practically squirmed to get away from him. The Governor turned my body to face a different direction for another picture, wouldn't let go of my hand. Then he turned to me with a mischievous smile, in front of all my colleagues and said, I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I thought we were going steady. I stood there and stunned, silence, shocked, humiliated. But of course that was the point. I never thought the Governor wanted to have sex with me. It wasn't about sex, she writes, It was about power. He wanted me to know I was power less, and I was small and weak, and I didn't deserve what relative power. I had a platform to hold him accountable for his words and his actions. He wanted me to know that he could take my dignity away at any moment with an inappropriate comment or hand on my wrist. Cuomo denies it, and it goes on from there, and there's more, a lot more. Now there's other stuff happening here too, Fifty nine state New York State Democrats calling for him to resign. The entire state Senate GOP conference call for his resignation. New York's Democratic let Assembly authorized through their Assembly speaker, the Judiciary Committee to begin an impeachment investigation. More recent allegations referred to Albany Police department. Comrade de Blasio wants him to resign immediately. Then Nadler Accatio Cortez new reporting that another. I mean, this is now hitting critical mass, and I'm kind of surprised, but I'm not and I think I figured out why national Democrats want them out. New York State Democrats feel like they've been treated like crap for years. That's my take. So the only way to characterize this is the Cuomo's governorship is literally hanging by a threat. And I would even argue Newsom's too. There is going to be a recall election out in California and Governor Whitmer in big trouble. Also, as now police are now investigating in Albany. The New York Attorney General has now established a hotline for Cuomo's sexual assault victims. I mentioned aoc nadler Cuomo to resign. The impeachment effort has now hit a critical mass as New York One and New York States. And this is pretty interesting here. If the Assembly votes to impeach Cuomo, in other words, that would be the equivalent of the House of Representatives in Washington. Cuomo would be required to temporarily step down until the Senate trials over. Now that's a big deal. According to New York One, New York state rules for impeachment require Cuomo to step down once the case goes on trial. Only if Cuomo is acquitted does he get to return to the office. The New York State Assembly as one hundred fifty members, that would mean they need a seventy six vote majority to impeach Andrew Cuombo. Now, there are currently seventy eight members of the Assembly on record supporting his impeachment. New York One points out, Yeah, they only require seventy six. That's two more now right now that would vote to impeach him if approved in the Assembly. And now the Assembly leader Democrat has given the okay for this to be this to start moving forward. Then if that was then they would have the Senate would be sent over there overseeing. And we have the Senate majority leader probably the most powerful elected Democrat in the state, well maybe the ag and she has said the same thing. The senators themselves would be the jurors. Two thirds of the sixty three member state Senate would be required to convict and remove. But a governor under impeachment in New York must relinquish power temporarily to the lieutenant governor, who becomes acting governor during the trial. Wow, getting interesting, quick break right back all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Cuomo now blaming canceled culture. Okay, that's a stretch. Well what about in the case of Eric Schneiderman demand right away gotta resign? What about what he did with Kavanaugh? You see, I mean, look the reason and how do I say this? And that sounds like an arrogant jerk. We take pride in getting things right. I've explained many times on this program. The lesson that I learned as a local host in Atlanta and the Richard Jewel and the Olympic Park bombing, and how I didn't rush to judgment everybody else did. And this poor guy happened to be listening to me unbeknownst to me, and later I find out he says, you're the only one that gave me that was fair to me because he fits the profile of a lone bomber. He lives with his mother. So what he's saving money, what's the big deal? Doesn't mean anything? And you know, I listen, I think they killed the guy as a result of it. But it taught me a lesson. There's a reason that the mob and they are a mob. It's a mob mentality in the media got Russia Russia, Russia row that they allowed their political prejudice, bias, radical socialist agenda to get in the way of any fair reporting, and they were wrong on everything, and they pedaled lies and conspiracy theories to you the American people for three and three long years and dragged the country through hell in the process. You know, think of hands up, don't shoot. That never happened in Fergus And how did we get it right, and they got it wrong because I actually did my own digging and I had sources, sources which I'll never reveal that we're telling me, Hannity, be careful because there are this many eyewitnesses happened to be African American that are already on record confirming what Officer Darren Wilson is claiming. Seeing Michael Brown reach into the car, that's when the first shot went off. Then, of course nobody wanted to talk about the intimidation and out the theft of him and another guy to the poor convenience store operator guy pushed them up against the rack. Remember if you recall and we didn't rush the joke, we were right. They were all wrong. We were right on the Duke Lacrosse case. How did I know because I actually got my car, called the families, met with a couple of the families, and met with a couple of the kids, and I began to piece the story together on my own and what eventually happened in that case, while the liberal professors a Duke were rushing to judgment and taking out ads in newspapers basically proclaiming these kids are guilty, while I was getting in they were they were already in the process of having to prove there. They had to prove their innocence in that case, and they did time stamp video pictures, Guys taken out money from a bank, Guys returning to their dorm room within the time frame where quotes supposedly they were involved in this rape. We were right. The mob got it wrong. Ferguson, I had sources there too. I'm sorry, but Baltimore, Maryland, I had sources there too. With Freddie Gray case, Cambridge Police, we had sources. And so it's not these are not words. I owe it to you if I'm gonna do my job to dig deeper and not to rush to judgment, believe in due process. Some of you got frustrated with me. I bet people throwing information at me post election twenty twenty that I was skeptical of and I'd say show me, and they couldn't do it, and I'm like that that's not enough. You gotta give me more. You gotta show me. And that's hence what we focused on is what we knew. We knew that the statutory language in every state says partisan observers of a right to observe it didn't happen. We you know, I thought we we praised whistleblowers in this country. Well, didn't want to hear from one person that signed an affidavid under penalty of perjury in the post election announced nobody. I think we're like one of the few shows of any others that I don't know that actually interviewed people that signed the affidavits legal affidavit under the threat of perjury. You know. Then we looked at the Pennsylvania state Constitution, and we looked at the Georgia Consent Agreement, which gave dual signature verification standards, one for mail in balloting, another in person voting. Pennsylvania constitution clearly prohibited the state legislature from passing what was it called the build number seventy HP seventy if I remember correctly, they can't do it. There's a process to change the constitution and make it amendment, but it's a lot more difficult than just passing a law, because you need more than fifty percent. And then, of course we went over the laws in Wisconsin and Michigan and we pointed out where things laws were not followed, constitutions were not followed. Now they're fixing it. In Georgia. I know that for a fact, a state legislature there is acting. Thank goodness, they need to Pennsylvania has begun the process, Arizona has begun the process. It needs to happen in Wisconsin and Michigan too, and any other state that might have issues. We need integrity, confidence, and certainly hr One wouldn't be a part of it anyway. So we have a seventh accuser now speaking out against Cuomo. We stayed consistent, we didn't rush to judgment. We provided due process, presumption of innocence in the Cavanaugh case. Even in the Havanati case, allegations were made by a girlfriend. At the time, I said, I'm not rushing to judgment even here. Although I can say after watching this young woman give this interview to CBS, WOW, backed up by real time text messages was pretty powerful. Peace in New York New Yorker today is pretty powerful too. The so there is definitely Cuomo's governorship now hanging by a thread. Now you have more more Assembly members, the equivalent of the House of Representatives, just to help people out that don't follow us every day like I do. Now, I think you should can be miserable at times. Anyway, the New York Attorney General has established a hotline for sexual assault victims of Cuomo. You got AOC and Nadler wanting to resign. Comrade Deblasio's not They've been on each other's throats the whole time. That doesn't surprise me. But it's now hit critical mass. Even the Washington Examiners picked up on the story that we told you about. We have the nursing home death scandal, and then we told you about five hundred and fifty two developmentally disabled individuals that died from COVID and that executive action was never rescinded. It's unbelievable. It was the same thing as the nursing homes. Now other people are picking up on that. We've been ahead of the curve on that one too. Governor Cuomo's aids out there trying to discredit all these accusers. Michael goodwe we have him on this program. He's a great writer. He laid out ten questions that Cuomo needs to answer, and you know pretty simple. If you or anyone in your office have you received a subpoena, why won't you release your contact? A contract with Crown publishing, because remember he knew in June that there were nine thousand deaths. That's when they started covering up the nursing home scandal and taking the numbers out from their own health department. A former talk about one question about Lindsey Boylan, she makes these allegations. Did you do it? Do you have a cigar box given to you by Bill Clinton? Boy that's rough. Michael could another rough boil and released an email from your assistant saying that Boilan reminded you of Lisa Shields, your former girlfriend. Did you ever call Boylan Lisa in front of your colleagues? Did you ask a former New York State employee, Charlotte Bennett, that's the one that gave the interview on CBS, if you ever had sex with older men? Did you tell Bennett you're open to having a relationship with women above the age of twenty two? And when and how did you first learn that Bennett had reported your behavior to people in your administration and that you know a couple more anyway, So it is an now an open criminal investigation with now seven accusers. This is now a big deal and it's a critical mass. Now, what's Senator Schumer going to do. Where's Kirsten Gillibrand she was part of the eye Believer caucus. Now. Senator Schumer went as far as saying that the allegations are nauseating, but that's as far as he's going. He was an eye believer too, So you just see the different treatments. And then that's the sad part of it, because these are serious issues. They it was a one time Republicans actually got things right. They actually handled what happened in the Kavanaugh case. As tough as that was, they took it with the seriousness deserved, went through a process. Some people made allegations and they were totally debunked, and then the vote took place on the illegal immigration front. With all the talk about Joe Biden. No, this really pissed me off last night. I probably did you too. You know, Joe Biden got three vaccines thanks to President Trump and Operation Warp Speed. He didn't once mister Unity. President Unity. Give a tip of the hat to President Trump. They were over thirty six million doses distributed already before Joe Biden never got into office. He got three. He got three separate vaccines because of the President and we played last night how all the Democrats had said, this is pie in the sky, wishful thinking, we'll never get a vaccine in less than a year. But Operation war Spood was fascinating because what Donald Trump was saying to these companies Maderna, Astra, Zeneca, Johnson and Johnson, and FISA was go do your work, work your asses off, but if you lose money, we'll back you up. That that freed up these companies to just unload their very, very best in the middle of the worst pandemic since nineteen seventeen and eighteen. And it worked, just like Donald Trump saved New York and New Jersey and all these other places. It gets no credit for it. You know. Meanwhile, Cuomo's ignoring the stupid order to the game, won't rescind it because he's too busy writing a book on how great he is as a leader. Joe Biden had nothing to do with the vaccine. He had nothing to do with mars Row for either taking credit for somebody else's work last night. Really, you know, and the idea we'll see, Hannity, I told you this would happen because I predicted the day before, say he's gonna get through his speech. He's been practicing probably all week. He'll get through a State of the Union address practicing that too. Okay, So is that the lowest bar possible that a president can give it an eighteen minute speech without making a total full of himself like the last three weeks. I won't play it now, but we've been playing for you. We've seen, we see what we see. He's struggling cognitively. You know why fifty one days no press conference. They're trying to get him out now more of they're trying. Okay, Joe, we need you to just step up a little bit today. See how this works out in the long term. And it's not that hard frankly, to read a teleprompter. You'd think it's, you know, a big heavy lift. It's not, you know. And there's the medium mob. How do they treat Donald Trump and all this? Anyway? At the border, the COVID rate among illegal immigrants is up ten times higher than the US average. It was in the Washington Times today, ten times higher. I don't see you see overcrowding, no social distancing, and very few masts. I told you about Harlingen, Texas near Brownsville, homeless shelter families being dropped off reported I have twenty five percent positivity rate for COVID nineteen. That's more than seven times the current positivity rate for the US public. According to John Hopkins University's tracker, that is an unmitigated disaster. And then they're just shipping people out into all fifty states. Great Bind's administration is speed eating up the process to distribute illegal migrant children throughout the rest of the country. The Washington Times points out over a hundred thousand people in a month have crossed this border. Thirty thousand kids on their own in one month entering the US. We still can't get a look at the cargo shipping containers to see what's going on inside. The COVID infection rate for Biden's illegal immigrants has doubled in a week. Even Chucky Schumer law, he's blaming Donald Trump. He inherited Donald Trump's policies, but he also said, Joe better do better. You gotta do better. You think how about bringing back ending catch and release, how about building the rest of the wall. How about no promise of amnesty. The incentive that has created this crisis don't come now, But you can come under the second We don't ever crisis of the border. May Orchis and Joe saying the same thing. Bide administration overruled the general that wanted to withdraw the National Guard from DC. That was something that happened too. But it's it's a it's a real challenge. Now on top of this, you got now they're a full fledged effort to take away your Second Amendment rights and put major restrictions on the Second Amendment. The more we find out about this bailout bill, the worse it gets. By the way, now that now they're pushing a bill to force Americans to fund overseas abortion. They even sneak sixty billion in new taxes in the so called relief package. To Sean Hannity's show, Thanks for being one of us Toll free. Our number is eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Still watching, waiting, monitoring the situation in all the New York today. It's really really getting interesting. This is democrats doing this. I've been talking about this book. I'm almost finished reading it. It's called Lucky Now. It's not a complimentary book towards Donald Trump. In any way, shape, matter, or form. But that's not what his interest to me the most in this book is because you don't get many people in the mainstream media that even have any semblance to being reporters or journalists or down the middle or even trying to hear or give both sides of things, at least I don't think so. And what's interesting about this This is the book that revealed that, in fact, Joe Biden the Democrats had this keep your crazy uncle in the basement strategy. Now I've been pointing out it was funny because I predicted the day before Biden speeches, say he's going to get through a speeches from practice in a whole week. So there's this new book out. It's called Lucky. It's written by senior political reporter for NBC News Jonathan Allen. Amy Parnes is a senior correspondent at The Hill. Um, let me just play Joe the last three weeks, just the last three weeks, forget about the campaign, forget about endowed by oh, you know the thing, the Thing, God, the creator of everything, and this is just the last three weeks. Listen, I want to thank you. The second be the former general I keep calling general my my, Uh, the guy who runs that outfit over there. The vast majority of economists left, right and center, from Wall Street to the to the private and private huh economic Paulian initiatives. Now am I supposed to speak or as what you're going to say something? The representatives? Uh, Shirley Jackson, Lee al Green, Sylvia Garcia, Lizzie Finelli. Excuse me Finell? And what am I doing here that? Oh? We're five hundred nas a card. I carry a card on me every day with a number of folks who have been effective. All right, joining us now the authors of this new book. I think it's going to be a best seller. Maybe it is already. I just haven't heard Jonathan Allen and Amy Parnes. Did you guys do well with The New York Times? Were not? The New York Times is not in love with us at the moment. I know you've written I think at least four best sellers. I have four number one books, Yes, sir, I did. But I'm I hate writing books. You can keep it. It's the worst thing in the world. I don't know how you do it during a pandemic. No less. But by the way, that's a good point, Amy, a good point. You know, I'm not kidding when I say I was fascinated by your book, because when you you know, I didn't like it needed Dunn's comments, which is, oh, COVID's the best thing that happened to Joe Biden. There's probably truth in that statement, and I believe you're both telling the truth by reporting it and probably have gotten criticism. Let me let me start asking a distant question from what the topic is, and that is has the mainstream media covered your book or have they been ignoring you? Well, it's tough because, as you mentioned, John and I are straight down the middle and we you know, we did this unshattered our last book, and we are doing it again now. We're providing an honest take on what happened during the selections. It's tough medicine. It's it's a lot of it's medicine for Democrats to swallow. And I think that a lot of people don't want to think about it. They kind of feel like they squeaked by in the selection. But there are lessons to be learned from what happened here, and it was very, very close, and that's what we talk about in this book. Well, the full title of the book is Lucky How Joe Biden barely won the presidency. Now, let me be fair and balanced, if you will, to use a phrase, and this is not exactly complimentary of the Donald Trump campaign or Donald Trump, is it, Jonathan, No, it's no. I mean, it's not a hagiography of anyone. And I'm sure there people who are going to read this who are Donald Trump fans, and they're gonna be lines they don't like. But what they're gonna love is the inside reporting on what happened inside Joe Biden's campaign, some of the other Democratic campaigns, and some of the great stories that we have about what happened inside the Trump campaign that are believable because they're true. You know, you read so much stuff out there about Donald You guys should have called me big mistake not not reaching out to Hannity. I could have told you stories, but I wouldn't tell you. I don't talk to the media anymore. But it's it's Lucky how Joe Biden barely barely won the presidency. Now, in this book, you talk about the Democrats running the keep your crazy uncle in the basement strategy, COVID gives them some I don't know, um, some explanation or reasonable explanations so they can get away with it, I would argue, and Amy, I'll ask you first that they didn't have any other choice, because I really do believe. And that's sad to say that Joe as he looks very weak to me. He looks very frail to me, and he looks like he's struggling cognitively. And I can play now an hour's worth of tape that would back up my client. Nobody else seems to want to talk about it. They were petrified at the time, and that's the truth. Like John and I have both talked to lots of people inside the campaign who knew that Joe Biden was prone to gaffs and missteps, and at one point they were considering tweaking his schedule because they thought they didn't want him to speak late in the evening where he was making more and more our mistakes. And so you talked about Anita Dunn's comment earlier. That's something that did happen. She talked to an associate about it. That's something you know. She said that COVID is the best thing that ever happened to him. That's something that they were all sort of saying behind the scenes, because he could avoid these missteps by being at home. And you know, I look at this so if the strategy is so, and I would add a couple of other pieces to this puzzle, Jonathan. They never he never really got the tough questioning whenever there was a big moment in the campaign where he'd have to perform outside of the basement, a might be inaccurate and saying he'd usually disappear for five days or six days as they rested him, as they adjusted his schedule, and maybe perhaps other things that we were kept in the dark about. For several months, there was no availability of Biden. For most reporters, it was he was nine days, but who's counting, Yeah, exactly, So he disappears from the stage during the middle of the pandemic. And as Amy was saying, it's not just that either done who said us to an associate. We talked to any number of people inside the Biden campaign and allies of his and even one you know, close personal friend, and they also they were all saying COVID helped Biden. I mean, it's not something they want to admit it's not something politically that's out that tageous for them to say. But but I don't think. I don't know anybody who watched this election to think that COVID was helpful to President Trump, who was riding a pretty pretty hot economy before COVID hit and obviously didn't have a pandemic to deal with. You know, people will talk about how he handled at various points, but he was in pretty decent shape before it hit. And I think both sides, because I talked, we talked to people inside both campaigns, believe that COVID really hurt President Trump and helped Biden. I don't think either one of you are gonna like this next question, and I'll even give you one out. You don't have to answer if you don't want, but I want you to be honest if you can sure, do you believe that I am correct in my observation. It's not a medical diagnosis I'm giving here. I'm not a doctor. I don't play one on radio, and I certainly don't play one on TV. Amy, do you see Joe Biden twenty sixteen, twenty twelve and Joe Biden today? Do you think he looks weaker, much weaker, fral and do you see that he's struggling cognitively. He's definitely slowed down. But I think that's why you saw concern among Democrats about whether he could win this race. I mean, even his former partner, President Obama, calls Aids into his office at the start of the campaign and is worried that he's not only going to embarrass himself on the campaign trail, but he will tarnish the Obama brand. And that's something we get into in the book. You know, there's we have kind of Obama lingering in the background and watching and of course he doesn't want to tip the scales, but I think he was worried that this was going to happen. And when he's talking about Biden, we have a scene in the book where he is talking to a bunch of very a group of black donors, and he is essentially talking up Elizabeth Warren and he is kind of, you know, jabbing at Mayor Pete a little bit, and he's not really mentioning any other candidate, and he completely forgets to talk about Joe Biden and has to be reminded by a donor. In the room. You forgot to mention Biden up with that, and it was kind of a very interesting window into his thinking at the time. He was very private, obviously didn't want to talk about where he was and where what he was thinking about the race, but I think this definitely was some insight into the fact that he didn't think that his former partner could go all the way and beat Donald Trump. The same question, Jonathan Allen. Yeah, I don't know anyone who's watched Joe Biden over a time who thinks that he is currently the same same value was in two thousand and eight or two thousand and twee, you know, pick your year of the past, the vintage of Joe Biden over the course of fifty years. You know. I think one of the things that the being in his basement allowed him to do is be a little more patient and very careful of his words. And the reason some of the folks close to him thinks that I think it helped him is because it allowed him to be extremely scripted. He didn't have those moments. You know, Donald Trump is answering questions every single day at the White House podium. He's answering them as he gets into Marine one on a reasonably frequent basis, and by didn't have to expose himself to those kinds of things, and that meant that he wasn't likely to make gaffs or even worse. What Biden often does is reveals what he's thinking that isn't politically appropriate and then sort of get swept under the rug of the gaff. Yeah, what the hell? What the hell am I doing here? I wake up every morning. I turned to Joe to say, where are we A little scary? You know, it's interesting because you did bring up in the book the allegations by Tara Reid, but there were other allegations, for example, with Lucy Flores. Now that we see what's happening with Andrew Cuomo, I'm not sure Cuomo now survives. I didn't believe that a week ago. I thought he'd probably squeaked through. I'm not so short today. But Amy does this now create a possibility that this could become a big issue for Joe. I don't think that it will be because it wasn't during the campaign, but who knows. I could be wrong. I mean, what's interesting is we talk about Lucy Flores in the book, and we talk about how he felt like he didn't want to apologize, that there was no apology necessary, which I think a lot of women might have found insulting. But you know, this is sort of him. Everyone thinks he's affable and likable, and he is to some extent, obviously, but I think, you know, it was insulting to a lot of women who felt like he was inappropriate at the time. And the fact that he didn't need to apologize sort of where Andrew Cuomo finds himself right now too. Yeah, where's the belief The I believer caucus is awfully silent for the most part. They've been silent. Now they're beginning to slowly come around. Go ahead, Jonathan, I was just going to say, the person who has a real exposure right now is Chuck Schumer, because he's watching Alexandria Kazio Cortez and all of the Liberals in New York come out and say that Cuomo should resign or should be impeached, and that's going to put a lot of pressure on Schumer, who wants to keep his Senate seat, who doesn't want to get primary, to put a lot of pressure on him to do the same or potentially face a strong push from the least against it. I think he really see. I believe that that Congresswoman Alexandre Acasio Cortez is the real speaker of the House, and that Nancy Pelosi's speaker in name only, and that whatever the squad says, she's going to have to go along with, knowing that she could be out the next day. Otherwise. Do you really believe Schumer has the same fear of, say, a primary by the congresswoman, I really does. I think he's a fear of primary by her or by somebody like her within New York. You know, the politics of the Democratic Party of New York are extremely fractious right now, and with Cuomo and so much trouble, everybody's running for cover. Pretty interesting. Let me go back to this issue of Obama, and you rightly say in the book that he wanted to support Beto Rourke for president, and his concerns for Biden ran deeper than defeat, that he worried that Biden would embarrass himself. Now I have sources that, believe it or not, are close to Biden, and they're telling me things are much worse than what is known publicly. I gotta believe that you probably talk to people that are close to Biden that gave you insight that probably the would shock the American people. Am I wrong, Amy? No? I mean I think people talk to us about, you know, the fact that he could get himself into trouble by these by his verbal gaffs and blunders and missteps and how he speaks his mind. And I'm looking for a little bit deeper proban than that. Yeah, Sean, if we could put it this way, nobody was closer to Joe Biden for eight years than Barack Obama, and Barack Obama's main concern was not that Joe Biden was going to lose, though he thought Biden would lose. His main concern was that Joe Biden would embarrass himself on the campaign trail. And he went to talk to Biden's aids before the campaign and said, please do not let him embarrass himself on the campaign trail. Don't let him tarnish his legacy. By extension that the Obama legacy. I mean, people could judge what they want from that, but Obama's concerned that Biden was going to fall flat on his face and tarnish his legacy and be embarrassing on the campaign trail, suggest that Obama, who spent so much time with Biden, did not think Biden had had as much on his fastball as he used to. Okay, so Biden wins. Do you both believe that the pressures of that office? I happen to believe that the presidency is the hardest job in the world. There's a reason why people go in to that job and for eight years later you can see the before and after pictures, and the aging is often dramatic. Yeah. Do you both believe with the pressures of that office that Joe Biden will be able to fulfill his four year term? Amy? I mean, this sounds like a cop out, but it remains to be seen. You know. I think his approvals so far are okay. I think that if he doesn't do what he needs to get done in terms of vaccinations, in terms of other things, I think I'm asking a different question though. My question is does he will he have the strength, the stamina, mental acuity, alertness to when you factor in the pressures of that job that are uniquely, you know, the hardest of I don't think anybody else can imagine. I don't care how big a company you run. There's no job with more pressure. You've got the world, the free world, on your shoulders here. That's a lot of pressure. I get that, and it's it's probably why a lot of people thought that he couldn't win. And you know, I think I mentioned to you before that Hillary Clinton and John Kerry thought that he couldn't win and wanted to enter the race, and we have that in the book. But yeah, it is a really high pressure job, and it's it'll be interesting to see what he can do. I mean, so far, I think that he's done okay, but it's been it's going to be a long trying for years for him, for sure. Well one event today not exactly the schedule of Donald Trump. Do you believe in any way, Jonathan Allen, that there are Democrats that know what I am describing that is that he's struggling cognitively and are covering for him and not being honest with the American people, and that they covered for him during this campaign. Do you believe that's a possibility. I believe Democrats were not straightforward about what they thought about his abilities on the campaign trail in the general the way you guys know you're never going to be invited to another media party your whole life, right, you know, you know you're going to be in exile like Hannity, Like me, I don't do it for the cocktail party show. But what I want to say is, you know, I think there are people that withheld what their thoughts were. But I think I do also think that that's not necessarily um you know, use your word, but like I don't necessarily think that's cognitive, but I think at least borders on it. John Carey was out there campaigning for Joe Biden, and I while watching him on the stump every day, was advising his Biden's advisors to what Biden have more more events where he spoke less because he thought Biden sucked for lack of a better term, on the campaign traw. I hope we can say that on your on your show. You could say whatever you want on the show where we actually are not part of the canceled culture. I don't call for any boycotts or anybody to be fired. You'd be very happy to know I'm not a part of that suppression of freedom of speech. Um No. I appreciate your honesty, Amy, you wanted to add something, No, I just I wanted to say. You know, I think what's what's good and real about this book is, you know, we're not here to make friends or enemies. We're here to as journalists, old school journalists. We're here to go right down the middle and tell the truth about both campaigns. And I feel like that's why this book is a must read for people in both parties. Well, you know, I'm very critical. I call it the media mob. I've said in two thousand and seven, Amy, the journalism in America's dead. With all due respect, the fact that conspiracy theories on Russia hoax were spread throughout the media for three straight years, and I have an Inspector General's report that absolutely verified my reporting was correct, and there's only a few of us that took the other side of that issue. I think it's an embarrassment to every major news organization in this country, and it's evidence that they are abusively biased and I'm wrong there for other news organizations, there's no way that we could sean But in terms of there's no way you could agree with me, But you'll tell me privately if it's off the record. Something would listen. Here's the reality. Trump Russia collusion never occurred. It never happened. We now know that Hillary Clinton there was Russian interference. She paid for a dirty Russian discon form Nation dossier. And by the way, both of you stopped me at any point when any fact that I'm giving out here you think is wrong. We know that that dirty dossier was put together by Christopher Steele. We know that Christopher Steele got the money through Hillary Clinton and the DNC funneled through Perkins COOEE, a law firm hiring Fusion GPS, paying Christopher Steele to do it. Christopher Steele was on record with the FBI in January of twenty seventeen admitting that he did it to help pillariated his track from her email server scandal. We know that the subsource for the dirty dossier. We know for a fact now too, that the subsource said none of that was ever meant to be used. It was all bar talk. Then we know that it says verified on the top of a FISA application, and yet they couldn't verify the dirty dossier, which according to Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, and now even Jim Comey and Rod Rosenstein admit knowing what they known now, they wouldn't have signed those FISA applications. But it was the bulk of information, according to McCabe and Yates, of the dacier that allowed them to secure the warrant that they had first been denied. And then so we spied on a presidential candidate using false information from the other candidate from Russia that she paid for. And then we spied on a transition team, and then we spied on a president in the United States, and we also simultaneously destroyed the civil liberties of one guy by the name of Carter Paige. Anything that I'm saying here wrong, guys, I did not, actually I don't remember. Oh well it was. It was inside Hill. We called it inside Hillary Clinton's doomed campaign, and we get into that election as well. Is there anything that I said to you that you guys think is wrong. I'm not aware of any factual error in what you just said. And the media for three years in this country, and I'm going to let you guys off the hook, you know what, because you're already gonna get killed for just showing up on my show. So but I will tell you, the media for three years knowingly lied to the American people. How can we say, how do they claim to be journalists when they got it wrong? Now, if they would just admit the simple truth they got it wrong, say we're gonna do better, and we got caught up in the moment. That's never gonna happen. And that's sad for the country in my opinion. And yet the effort to cancel opinions always seem to be against conservatives of both of you. Noticed that on top of mister and missus Potato Head and pepe Lepew and Dumbo and Peter Pan and doctor Seuss. You know what they really my whole career, people have paid money to hope that they can get me canceled. Boycott get me canceled, you know, faint out? What do you mean? Will not work? No trying. Hey, listen, I think this is the best listen to radio show in America. If I'm not long, well thanks to this great audience. Yes, I'm very blessed, guys. I'm serious when I say this. I think it's gutsy of you guys to write the book. I didn't like the parts about Trump, but that's fine. I wasn't as interested, although it was interesting to hear what some people around the president had to say. But I think you guys have touched on something. There is a lane that's open in media. I'm just going to give you a humble advice. If you guys stick to what journalism should be, in my humble opinion, like you've done in this book, I think the American people will gravitate towards it and ways you wouldn't even imagine. In spite of not being invited to those cocktail parties that you mentioned. Jonathan, by the way, you want to know something cool. Twenty five years at Fox, how many Washington Correspondence dinners do you think I've ever attended. I'm gonna go with zero. Am. I would agree with my co author, you guys win. We're going to put a link to your book up on Hannity dot com and thank you both for sharing time with us and sharing your insights and work. Thank you, Thanks so much. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program, Let's say hi to Alex. He is in the socialist utopia of New York. Alex, how are you Hello, Sean, Thanks so much for taking my coals. So I was very disturbed when I heard the Democratic politicians are at being Governor Coma to resign because the accusations made against some of assaulting an arrassing woman, because the bigger issue is the Nursingham scandal that resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. But I was also surprised that the Democratic establishment wasn't covering up for Governor Colma like they usually Lee would do for a fellow Democrat. So I want to share with you. I think what's going on here is that the Democratic Party is so embarrassed about the nursing hum scandal because they've been congratulating an applauding Governor Colmo for how he's been conducting himself throughout this epidemic. And they know that sooner or later there's going to be more information coming out about the home scandal and they're gonna have to impeach him for how he's been conducting himself throughout this epidemic. If rock rup they've been so they want him out of Wolfice now so that when the information comes out they can just shove it under the table and want up to take action because of it, since he'll be out of Wolfice already and now way they can get away of the shame. And they deserve the shame because they've been applauding him and congratulating him, even during the summer when everybody knew that something was wrong with those numbers. Everybody knew that he was somewhat lying about the nursing home, the deaths in the nursing room. You see. I take this position. I think Democrats hate Cuomo. This is not happening because of talk radio, Fox News conservatives. The only reason we are at this point is because of the Democrats in Albany, in New York and nationally. They don't want him to run for president. That's the only reason. I don't believe it's rooted in the principles of Oh my gosh, he knew in June that has marched twenty sixth executive order was becoming an unmitigated disaster, and we had nine thousand dead people in nursing homes. I don't think that's what what is motivating them. I maybe I'm just cynical. I've been doing this too long. I think what's motivating them is he's spent a bully to fellow Democrats and the media. And I think number two is national Democrats want them out because they're assuming twenty twenty four is going to be an open, open race for the presidency for Democrats. That's my guests think any chance I'm right, So I think there's no real unity in the Democratic Party. They both every man in the establishment doesn't like each other. They just cover up for each other because they're afraid of each other, because they all have bad information on the other one and they're just covering up for each other. And even if there's some truth, Listen, there's some truth to all that, and there's probably going to be retribution payback by Cuomo and his supporters for those that they you know, like would those that went against him, that they have their own dirt on Albany is a It's worse than the Washington sewer and swamp. It's much worse. As you know. You live in New York all right, from the State of New York to the socialist utopia of New York, to the Land of the Free and home of the brave, the great State of Florida. Let us say hi to Daniella is down there, Daniella, how are you glad you called? Hi? Hi? Son. It's oh my god, it's such an honor to talk to you. I always try to call, call, call, call a crazy and I never get through. Finally through, and I'm so HAPPYK you. I'm so glad you called. I'm so glad. I just wanted to call and say, um that the biggest the biggest threat I feel that we're kind of facing is censorship. I mean it's not we call it the cancel culture, but it's censorship and it should really be scaring every single one of us. I'm a the daughter of immigrants. I was born in Santago, the Chila. My parents actually escaped Communism. When Ayenda was in power, everybody had money. There was inflation like you couldn't believe. And I'm not making this up. My father used to have to go with the suitcase of money to go buy bread, and sometimes the day before and wait in line to you know, to get some bread. That's slowly I feel like things like that are slowly happening here. I'll have conversations with my father, and my father says, I can't believe that I escaped Chilah to kind of relive this all over again, and you're starting to see it little by little as they start silencing different people, they start shutting down different industries, they start targeting different manufacturers and things like that, as you see with Mike Lindo. I just think that it's something that we really need a real leader to step up in the conservative arena, a real leader that's not afraid. And I think that that's what Trump and I. You had once asked you didn't know what made Trump so popular, and me being a Latina being an immigrant. For me, what I think make Trump, makes Trump so great is that he makes you love your country. I never ever loved my country the way he made me love my country. I'm from Queens, He's from Queens. I get the way he talks. I get Trump. It's the waiting, Daniel Danielle, I want to give you your own show. What a beautiful story, What a great reminder of what we have and we often take for granted. I hope, as as Americans now see the negativity that is associated with this phony agenda of socialism, that people like you, like you well appreciate the freedoms that we kind of take for granted here story about your dad's unbelievable unbelievable a loaf of bread. I wish I had more time. I'm on a hard break here, but Danielle, please called back. I would love to hear from you often. Okay, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Right to the phones when we get back. News round Up Information Overload Hour coming up straight ahead too, all right, News Roundup Information Overload Hour. Glad you are with us. We'll get to your calls at the bottom of this half hour. You know, do you ever think you're living in America? Living in a time where Doctor Seuss is canceled, where mister and missus potato head. That's what we're talking about. That we'd have new inclusiveness guidelines that say we can't use the term mom and dad, or suggest we don't or not only can't say Merry Christmas, you can't even say happy Holidays, and you can't even say, hey, what'd you do on your vacation? Would you go anywhere? Normal conversation? You know, But it's it's not only that, then it's Peter Pan and Dumbo on the chopping block. Pepe Lepew is on the chopping block, and I'm sitting here thinking, wow, how did this happen? How did we get to this point? Juxtaposed that with Piers Morgan having a government agency looking into his opinions that were expressed on television in Great Britain. We're gonna is that coming to America sometimes soon? You know this Grace Church School, you know issue unbelievable. You look at where we are where now people in red states that elect fiscally responsible governors, fiscally responsible state legislatures, They balance their budget, keep taxes low, and fund their pensions. And now you've got a one point nine so called COVID emergency relief bailout, of which only nine percent is going to COVID emergency relief. A lot of the Moneys are spending twenty twenty two, twenty twenty four, even as late as twenty twenty eight. And you find out that red states now will be bailing out states and rewarding states for electing big tax and spend failed liberal democrats that have been running these states for decades. And then you add hr one on top of it. Felons will vote automatic registration, massive mail in balloting with zero identification requirements. Now you need identification to get into the Capitol if you ever go visit, if you ever go to a Democratic National convention. Not that I like going, but every four years I'm usually forced to go to do coverage surrounded by yeah, some really strong guys that look pretty mean and tough, basically guys for my dojo. But that is Washington, that is the country. Now, this is in fifty one days. Joe Biden's America. He's a new congressman. He's elected from the great state of Utah. He's been a friend of this program for a long time. Burgess Owens is with us. I don't know, Burgess. Maybe I'm all fashioned. I don't have a problem saying mom and Dad. I've been looking at you know, people find defensive in Doctor Seuss and you know why people Why would people be offended by happy holidays or what you do on your vacation. I don't get that either. I've watched Dumbo. I like the Dumbo makes people cry. It's a good message about you know, treat everybody nicely. That's my remembering. Some I haven't watched their reads recently, said on home me to account here, what Sean, you're you're talking old school common sense with our great last clear generation taught us, you know, about the love of God comes to his family, respect to women in authority and uh, and it's it's it's gonna be an interesting process. I think the positives coming out of this is that, you know, we've been talking about the evil of Marxism socialism for a long time. You know, the the the misery has brought wherever it's been, wherever's been tried, the murder of over one hundred million people this last last century. And it's one thing to talk about it, there's nothing to actually experience it. And so we're having a time now, I think is really at the end of the day, it's going to be a good thing for America. We need to see contrast every nound then and what we see, because we are a country that always drifts towards the light, we love freedom. We kind of get into this bubble of raising our family, going on our vacations, getting our retirement, and we can sometimes forget this evil at our doorstep every single second. And that evil is a godless ideology of Marktism and socialism. So now all of a sudden, we're having this conversations that we never thought we'll ever have. Who ever thought to trying to think about this. We cannot open our business, can't put our kids in school, can't go to church. Never ever thought this could have happened. Well, it's happened to us. And because it is, we're having conversations we never would have before. So the difference is this, we now can see what the left looks like. It's dark, is angry, and it's a place that America will never ever go on purpose. And the other side of it is is we dream, we overcome, we risk, we fail, we get back up again. We believe that men should do what men do, protect, provide, sacrifice anything for their wife and their family. Guys like us, they're gonna start calling, you know, Fred Flintstone. I guess yeah, and let them do that. It's okay, Wait a minute, Can I be Bam bam and you can be Fred Flintstone. Can we switch? Well, probably they're going to cancel the Flintstones. I don't know. There's probably something wrong in there somewhere. Maybe it's abusive towards abuse towards dinosaurs. I don't know, do know? The dinosaur. Yeah. Well, the deal is is that when you when you care about those products that just talked about, who cares what they call us? I mean seriously. Uh, And that's that's the that's the thing that our country can get back to. I think coming out of this, we're gonna have more conversations with good people Democrats and Republicans, independents who love our country, and we can finally say for once, you know what, guys, we might disagree on how we get there, we have the same endgame. But the most important thing is we do not want to be overcome by this evil ideology that hates all of us, that hates our culture, and it's been after us forever. We're just now finally seeing what's happening because we had a president to say, you know what, We're not gonna put up with it. America first, love our country, blad countries, I am, we all that stuff and uh. And I love the fact that we have so many I listened to your last caller. Um, it makes us feel good to know that we are part of the culture that's done so well. So we're gonna we're gonna see what We're gonna see what they're trying to go out, then they're gonna try to change our history. Of course, because we have such a great history of what we've done together and this new in twenty twenty two, we're hanging there. We do what we have to do on the ground. Grassroots, don't wait, don't don't wait for people in DC to do things. Get involved with your school system. Uh, get involved with your with your your local businesses, and let's make sure things we the people are making the change. It's spending the right people in place, and believe in twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four will show up and we get our country back and head back in the right direction. And no we were part of the process would happened. I am so happy I've gotten to know you now in the last number of years. I'm so happy you're in Congress. I really am. I wish every Republican could just just express what you just simply expressed. I really do. Well. No, I bet you're like me. There's a great Paul Harvey. I should play it next week. I'll play it. You know what he talks about American farmers. Now, I know they don't get accolades, and they don't get talked about. And maybe because you're a congressman and a former NFL player and I'm in the public guy, people, we kind of get accolades we really don't deserve in my humble opinion. But anyway, that's neither here. We never You think of every single thing that you see in your grocery store, and you could pretty much trace most of it back to farmers. And you trace you know, I had a trucker call, and I had a farmer called this program. Farmer was on his tractory called in. I was so honored he called. Had a truck driver call in. So honored he called because they feed all of us. And yeah, I think oranges are a little overpriced. At my grocery store. You get ten big ones for ten bucks. Yeah, I don't know. I'm you know, I'm old school. I'd rather have it for eight though seven, you know, But you think about it. Then they got this farmer's bill. Now, farmers that were hurt through no fault of their own from COVID, they deserve help. Yeah, Congressman, they really do. I'm involved for that. But why are we saying, Okay, if you're a minority, get more help than this other farmer. Why don't we do it on a per need basis and treat all our farmers with appreciation and respect for the hard work they do and all they do for all of us every day. Yeah, well, o, Sean, that's what racists do. We have to understand this. And racists come in all colors. By the way, whenever you judge people by the color of skin, and you pre judge them, you put them down, or you hate them or you don't like that's what's called racism. And I don't care who it is. I learned this long time ago when my mom taught me a great lesson. Don't say they're bergie. Don't lest somebody else probably become yours. I learned a long time ago. The worst thing you can be as a racist, because you have to live with yourself. You're angry all the time. And I don't care. At this point, we have to have to make sure American people don't think there's something cool about looking down on another race. Don't think something there's something of magnanimous by saying that I am my color makes me so much more privileged in your color. That is what's called racism. And I'll be honest with you, that's not who we are. We're country based on Jadea Cristian values and because of that, every generation has gotten better and looking at each other inside out or southside end. We were doing such a great job until Obamba came along, and now we have the hard left. My democratic friends, beware of the heart left. They're not your friends, They're not my friends, and that they are American friends. They want to divide us and every way they can because they love the fact that we hate each other. That's not America. So I understand that this contract is going allow us to have some really good conversations. And I think the biggest thing is gonna come out of it is now we don't have to wonder anymore hypothetically what Marxism and socialism looks like. We can say in real term, in real time, this is how it feels. I want nothing to do with it. I want to go back to freedom. And this is the thing I think coming out of our new unsung heroes out of this process are going to be our small business owners, those who get out there every single day to get up early. They take risks, they fall flout in the face to get back burgess. I hate, I hate to burst your positive positivity bubble here when they get whacked with higher taxes and burden some regulation. A lot of these guys, it's not it's not possible for them to do exactly what they are great at doing. It's gonna make everything harder, if not if possible, Sean, it's gonna be harder. But but Americans, we come back, and it might not be the way we wanted to have it happened, might not be as easy. Listen, I never ever, ever wanted to be a chimney sweep after being an NFL player, But it was the greatest thing that happened because the lessons I learned and things that can now tell people and tell people say that you say a little more slowly, okay when I when I lift in the fls after running a business, I failed big time and for a few months out of chimney sweep and a security guard, and it was one of the most miserable times in terms of pumbleness. Never wanted to be there. But guess what, I look back on it now and I can tell anyone who comes to this country who lost to live two hobstacles. If I can do it, you can do it. That's the American way. So yes, we have a lot of business owners out there is going to come in you. So after you won the Super Bowl, you were sweeping clean chimneys. That's right, that's right in New York City. I thought, no way, So let me ask you. Did you I'm not trying to be nosy. You can only share what you want. Um. We hear the term broke athlete a lot. Now. The average NFL career for somebody's three three and it's actually three and a half years. You had a longer career than that. I would assume you you made it quite a bit of money. What happened would happened? Or this what happens when you leave the NFL as a cocular role and you think I'll have to throw money at it and work real hard. Yeah, that's what happens. But here's the thing. It was because of the way I was raised. I was taught you do anything. A man would do anything that has to do that's honest and hard to kick of his family. And at that time, we didn't have uber. I wish it were did. I would have done that at heartbeat. But the only thing I find it was the Chimneys Week and I did it. I came out of it for the next twenty five years being a corporate account and corporate account executive. So I came out of it. But the most of the things are lesson that I learned during that time. And I remember thinking, this is gonna be for your good living in a four bedroom and in a one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, New York, gunfire outside and four kids, and I said, at some point this is gonna be for my good, and it did. I can now talk to anyone about this country. It's a place of second chance this period. So for those business owners out there, I know it's tough hanging there. This country will give you a chance to bounce back and be stronger and better. And the message you'll give thro the rest of our country is what we need to hear now. At the end of the day, our small business owners with the entrepreneur spirit will bring our country back and give us even a better foundation moving forward about what the fight against. When it comes down this, this socialist and Marxist anti capitalist ideology, what an inspiring story. I'm fascinated by its continue Congressman Burgess Owen's the great state of Utah. So I recently did some renovation work at my house and and I hired these guys that were hanging wallpaper, right, I did that for years. I made good money out it was a house painter in wallpaper. I learned I how to lay tile. I did renovation work, construction. I mean I did that for almost ten years of my life. And I walk I'm talking to these guys for like an hour today, and I think they were kind of shocked that I said, yeah, I had the exact same table. This is how I did this, this, this, and this, and we saw talking about it, and I said, that's actually how I got into radio. I was doing construction and I had to call in the radio shows. And then I realized, well, if this idiot do I don't think it is very good, can do it? Let me try it. That's what happened. Yeah good. I think it's real quick. Because the first time I chance to tell the story was two or three years after I called in the Russian the ball and Russ really kind of been resonated to that, and he made a statement, that's what I think we were connected. I said, I said, RUSSI, at the end of the day, the black issue will be handled by Black Americans who dig in and just tell the story about history and what we could do in this p in our future's gonna be up to us. Of course, it's gonna have all of Americans helping us. But the end of the day, we have to give a message. And I think that was what would resonated. At that point, I said, I'm going to write a book, and that book allowed me to get old Fox, and all of a sudden, all the things I'm doing now started again from a conversation with Rush that allowed me to say at one point, I'm gonna tell this story, And telling that story twenty years plus years years later allowed me to now have a position where I can really make a difference in a different way. What a voice that we lost. I still am in a state of shock, to be honest about it. Yeah, And I can't imagine with all that's going on in the world right now not hearing his voice. But what a great story that you're telling. And by the way, the person you're describing that is that always believed in That was Rush. That's right, always, that's right, And I would actually and that Dame, I was a work work perfect. I would set my appointment up so that was on the road. Listen to Chel on our radio because I was a new conservative and I wanted to hear the voice. And I wish I had more time to delve into this with you, but I gotta roll. M You're a good man. God bless you, Burgess Owes. I'm so glad you're there, and we need all of Congress to be like you. Honestly appreciate it. By the way, call my friend Persia Walker, say run herschel run. I wanted to run for Senate. All right, we'll do buddy, my friend, God bless you, quick break right back. I'm to the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls here in just a second. Listen, I warned you about all that the Democrats were planning. What did I say, Yeah, live free or die America in the world on the brink. It's now we're at the on the brink point the one point nine trillion dollar baillout Blue State baillout. Yeah, I mean the amount of money we are talking about, how little is actually going for COVID emergency relief is unconscionable. Then, of course they're investigating the whole idea of stacking the courts with liberal activists justices. As we said, Yes, and they're also examining statehood for DC and Puerto Rico. Yes, higher taxes are all coming. They even snuck in about sixty billion in tax hikes in the so called called emergency bill on COVID. And it goes on and on and on, and it's only the beginning. Remember they want another two trillion now for the Green New Deal. Is only a down payment. This week they set their sights on your Second Amendment rights. Congressman Chip Roy from the great State of Texas says, no, I'm not giving you a list of what my guns are, you know, I mean the ninety four so weapons. Man, it didn't apply to weapons that were purchased before in nineteen ninety four. What would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that are already in circulation. What do you do about those? Well, there are approximately five million. To your point, Craig, we have to have a buyback program, and I support a manager toy buyback program. It's got to be smart. We got to do it the right way. But there are five million, at least some estimate as many as ten million, and we're going to have to have smart public policy that's about taking those off the streets, but doing it in the right way. Two gun owners out there who say, well, a Biden administration means they're going to come from my guns, Bingo, You're right. If you have an assault weapon, the fact of the matter is they should be illegal. Period. The government is never going to know what weapons I own. Let me be clear about that. It's not gonna happen, all right. Congressman ship Roy Texas joins us. Now, this is a very real effort, this is a real push. Now you've got Chucky Schumer promising a vote on what is an anti Second Amendment bill from the House, which is not good. And I am very concerned, and I'm not sure why ten Republicans went along with this crap. Well, Sean, yeah, I mean, I'm one hundred percent agreement with you, and it really is a problem. This is what Democrats are purposely trying to do. They're trying to use this idea of quote universal background checks to jam through a gun registry, and as you noted on the floor of the House, I took issue with this, and Sean, I'm a former federal prosecutor. I've put a lot of bad guys in jail, bad guys who deserve to be in jail. Neither you nor I or anybody else I know who are pro Second Amendment want bad guys running around with guns. But what we do want is for American cities, American citizens to be able to defend themselves. And Democrats right now are opening the border wide, allowing cartels to run them buck, endangering Texans, endangering Americans, endangering the immigrants you want to come here. Meanwhile, defunding the police department, taking away every way we can to have saved communities. And then they want to give us a lecture about what they're going to do with our guns. Oh, we're not taking your gun, bull, We know what they're trying to do. They want this universal background check to create a registry so they can track our weapons and ultimately be able to tell us which ones we can keeping, which ones we can So I'm pretty clear on the floor of the House, Representative, We're not going to play that game. And you're right, ten Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for supporting this legislation, and right now, every West Virginian ought to be burning the phones down if Joe Manchin's office telling him not to succumb to this. No West Virginian wants this. I assure you my audience knows this. You may not know this, but my mom was a prison guard, my dad worked in family corp probation. And I was the incorrigible, curious kid in the house. And because they didn't have like the fingerprint safe like I have next to my bed where nobody can get to my weapons, or that that particular weapon a pistol. I've been in pistol marksman since I'm eleven years old. Now let me tell you how bad it is in New York. I have had to on numerous occasions literally either melt down or exchange or have modified weapons that I legally own because they change the laws. When Governor Cuomo screaming, you know, nobody needs ten bullets to kill a year, he actually said that it's simple. No one hunts with an assault trifle. No one needs ten bullets to kill a deer, and they put it down to seven bullets in the magazine. I had to go through all my magazines. Make sure there's only seven bullets in it, because you and I both know Congressman Sean Hannity violates the law if he spits on the sidewalkers caught jaywalking, that I'd go to jail, probably in perpetuity. So I've had to do that because I do obey the laws, and there's no shot in hell I'm going to be able to fix the laws in New York the way this state has gone so radically left. Now, you're completely right, and this is at the end of the day, what we've got to do at the state level is gets to be the one collectively pushing back against a federal government that is stamping all over our individual rights. Right. I mean, government exists to defend our rights. It's the whole point of the Constitution. Rights, defend our God given rights to secure the blessings of liberty. Right, that's the language our founders used. We need to make our states stand on the line with us, and we as citizens have got to hold the line and basically just say no. And look, I realized this gets a little touchy, it gets a little tough. I'm a rule of law guy, so were you. But at the end of the day, God given rights are what they are, and we need to be sending a loud signal message to Democrats that they don't get to trample our constitutional rights while we just wait around for some judge to tell us whether or not they're going to okay. That these are in fact God given rights that the Constitution reflects, and importantly it goes to the security of our community. Sean again, as Democrats are pulling away the very basic function of government to secure our border wide open borders one hundred thousand immigrants in February that were apprehended six sound in a day. That's not talking about the godaways, cartels, fednel coming across our border, the endangered American citizens, the high speed chases in counties that I represent. John in Texas Mayor's calling and begging for help because Biden is either purposely or incompetently ignoring his duty to actually defend the Constitution. I find it ironic the Democrats went after Trump twice to impeach him. When Biden is straight up ignoring his duty to take care that the laws of the United States are faithfully executed, you are to talking about impeachment. Impeach a president for failing to do his duty, for failing to uphold the Constitution, for failing to secure the board of the United States, and then daring to take away our god given rights to defend ourselves when the government doesn't do its duty. It's absolutely shocking what we're seeing happen in this administration. I hope Americans hear you, because this is a dire warning if you like me and like you, if you believe in our Second Amendment rights. It sounds like they're gonna want to have a registration of firearms. That what's going to happen next. Then they're gonna limit how many guns you can have. You know, Um, I happen to have a pretty large collection myself. It's a collection. I like to collect things, right, But but you lost it on that boating accident. Let's just be clear, Listen, I don't think you believe me. I've had to have weapons that became outlawed, melted down. Do you understand how profound that is? Because I because you know what I know, if somebody came into my house and I would be put in jail forever, I can't. I can't risk it. That's how well that's what we're facing. We're facing the totalitarian the tyrants who want to tell us how to live, and it's directly contrary to or abounding. And you're right. They want to tax ammunition, they want to decrease the ambaiblity to get magazines. They want to increase liability and go after manufacturers have gun to hold them liable for what bad actors do. They want to be able to restrict your ability of what kind of weapon you can own. They wanted to find it. They wanted to say, oh, you can have a little twenty gage single shot shotgun or a little twenty two, but no, you can't have anything else. You better not miss. Yeah, that's right, you know. And by the way, under any even professionals under real stress, real life circumstances can freeze and you may think you're going to act a certain way and you may not. But Congressman, it's always good to talk to you. Thank you for what you're doing. It's important work, and we hope you'll continue to be as outspoken as you are on this. Thank you, we will Sean God bless you keeping what you're doing to my friend. All right, my friend, thank you. The great State of Florida, a free state. Rod, thanks for checking in. How are you, sir? Yeah, good afternoon, Sehan, Greetings and salutations from a free state of Florida and salutations. I love that phrase. Go ahead, sir. I just wanted to just a quick thought on the border there. I'm curious as to how the Democrats are going to play this because right now the numbers are going down and they're bringing in these illegal immigrants and most of them have not been tested. However, the majority are children. So if the disease doesn't affect children the way it affects adults, are the Democrats going to backtrack and say, well, you know, we have a ninety eight percent recovery rate for this and it's not as bad as what was actually reported. So are they going to throw a fout here to the bus when they do this or what? I don't know, but I do know this, Thank god, Rhonda Santis was your governor. Rhonda Santis. Look very early on PEAT, member, people were mad last year's spring breaker. He's flowing spring breakers. Okay, there was one thing that actually the dopey you know experts got right, the ones that had the phony models and predictions, and you know all of that. The one thing they got right was protect the elderly. That was the one thing that remained constant, you know, a week ago, a year ago, this week, Fauci, a mask isn't gonna help you, you know, at the same time this time last year, Cuomo, I know, I speak for de Mayor on this. We all New York Is, and I can say we have the best healthcare system be in the entire whale. We're not like those other countries. That's him, and he was wrong, and Donald Trump bailed him out then two and they still sent these people into nursing homes. It's it's really sad that this is, this is what we're dealing with. And when you think about forty two thousand, nine hundred and eighteen votes and Donald Trump gets reelected, it's so infuriating at times when I stop and I pause and I think, and all that we know that happened, that shouldn't happen, All the laws that were just not adhered to, all the state constitutions by passed, you know, all of the COVID restrictions, you know, as an excuse they didn't listen to Fauci. You said it was safe to vote in person as long as you're socially distanced and or a mask. It's very, very frustrating. But I will tell you there's going to be a moment between now and November twenty twenty two. It's going to be I'll even give it a name. It probably won't be the name. It will be the Tea Party two point zero on steroids and human growth hormone. Because the seventy five million of us that went out to support America First, make America great again, and even those that are discouraged now they're going to be back and their voices will be heard, and we will realize that we have an obligation, a patriotic duty to fight for the cause of liberty, not physically politically okay, for the cause of liberty and freedom because what they're doing is destroying our economy. What they're doing are they are taking away our fundamental basic rights. And Americans are only going to put up with so much of this radicalism and there's going to be the straw that breaks the camels back and this country is going to unite. I promise you by election day twenty twenty two. You think I'm wrong? Do you think I might be right. No, I think you're right, and just Governor of Santis has done a phenomenal job. I mean, right now they're trying to target them. They're saying that he went one after an elect specific neighborhoods for money and that kind of thing. But what people don't realize is that the neighborhoods that he's targeted have been the ones that have not gotten the vaccine. And he's not targeting money, he's targeting age. So you know, that's what he's done the whole time. He mobilized every single Florida state agency, every one of them, to protect the elderly. And it worked. Cuomo screwed it up, Murphy screwed it up, Wolf screwed it up. Newsom screwed it up. Shut down. You know Governor Whitmer in Michigan screwed it up. The Santist going to have to pay for it. Oh yeah, yeah, you have no ink state income Taxtually your money's going straight to New York, New Jersey and California. My friend, they're gonna they're gonna take it right out of your pocket. And it's not fair. And by the way, I will be the beneficiary beneficiary of it, and I'm telling you it's not right. I don't even I don't want it. And by the way, my taxes went up under Donald Trump because the state income tax deduction, which was unfair to people in red states that have fiscally responsible politicians. They don't have the need for that deduction like we did. Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Yes, it looks like it may be the end for Andrew Cuomo. Greg Jared joins us tonight, Congressman Lee Zelden, Stephen Miller, Matt Gates, Lara Logan, Dan Patrick, Matt Gate, and others everyone else news you won't get from the media mob will tell you that. All coming up tonight, say a DVR Ninetiestern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you. Then we'll be back here on Monday. I hope you have a great weekend, and as always, thank you for being with us.