With Texas Goes The Country

Published Aug 22, 2019, 10:00 PM

Colonel Allen West, former Congressman from Florida is here to discuss his decision to run for Texas Party Chair for the Republican Party.  Throughout his life, Allen West has been called to serve America and the founding principles of our republic. His distinguished military career, time in Congress, and work for a variety of civil rights, gun rights, and veteran organizations reveal his passion for this nation. Since moving to Texas, he has become increasingly aware of how key Texas is to the restoration of this country’s values. The major losses conservatives suffered across the state last election cycle has invigorated him to step forward. He understands that to hold the nation we must first hold Texas.

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com. 

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All right, glad you with us, and right down our toll free telephone number. We'd love to hear from you today. It's eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extra ravaganza, you know I want to send I'm watching between the media. The New York Times admission that well, they went all in on the collusion delusion, but now it's time. Well, you know, we built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it so well, meaning the collusion Russia lie, conspiracy theory, the hysteria. They thought they had it all. When are they returning the pulitzer that they got on fake news? Same with the Washington Post now, but you know what, then we're gonna have to um. You know, the story became trickier than we thought, meaning we failed. Rather than admit they were wrong, they ought to have a big up top fold only we apologize we were wrong. We are going to change how we do news moving forward, because this is the biggest screw up in the history of media. And we told you lies, we gave you propaganda, misinformation, we advanced conspiracy theories and nothing but a hoax. And then they say, well, now rather than do that, we're gonna shift now resources and emphasis. We're gonna take on a different story. I'm gonna get back to that in a minute, because rather than admit they're wrong, admit they lied, admit that they had an agenda, No, we're just going to move to the issue that will divide this country not just during elections, but you know, seemingly forever. And I've discussed at length and I'll do it again. It is predictable as the sun rises in the east sets in the west. Every two four years you see the Democratic Party play the race card. And I'm gonna play all the evidence again because somebody needs to do it. Somebody needs to give the history of what they do to divide a nation, because that's what it really means. And I say this on the heels of that revelation from the New York Times. I'll get back to that in a second. But you know, I have said since oh seven, media in this country is dead. You know, there's a reason those of us, you know, the great one and Rush and me and others, and by the way, Joe Paggs and I mean, there's so many other people that are in talk radio that are amazing people doing good jobs locally, regionally, nationally. Even people that don't like me, there a lot of them do a really good job. So it's not that it's not personal. But there were very few of us, you know, so many I noticed now they would have elected Hillary. They're all fine with being all in on board anti Trump and never Trumpers, but now they see, well, I can't have a career being a never Trumper. So I'll just flip and flop and flail, and I'll act like I was pro Trump the whole time, try and wipe the entire Internet clean of the truth of what I was really saying the entire time. But that's a different story. Mark Theesen has a New York Post column and and maybe it's time to add the fake fraud media's you know Trump is an anti Semite hoax to the growing pile of get Trump media hoaxes that we have debunked one right after another. You know, Russia, Russia, impeachment, impeachment. Some of them are still clinging to that like a life raft out in the Pacific with no hope of survival. But whatever, you know, a stormy stormy s wholes whole racist it's at every single second, every minute, every hour of every day. It's not I'm not making that up. You know. Russia, Russia, impeachment, impeachment, it was all debunked. They did. They all missed the biggest, most important story in their lifetime, which is now. And we did this with John Solomon the other day, and we'll keep doing it. What we're going to see this fall is going to shock the conscience of a nation. Everything we've been telling you is true. Hillary did have a rigged investigation. She should have been charged. Every other American would have been charged. She was protected by the uppermost people inside the DOJ and the FBI. Then she did pay for a Russian dossier. Even the New York Times got something right late to the game. Only just what a month or two ago, they said, oh, the dossier that might have been Russian misinformation from the beginning. In other words, the Russians knew that Simpson was, that Steele was doing this profusion GPS, and Hillary was paying for it, Which means that when the FBI finally got around to vetting the dirty Russian dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for, they began to realize ninety plus percent if not all of it was just a lie. It was a lie. They had their own spreadsheet. We now know, we didn't know at the time. And then that adds really hard questions for mister SuperPatriot Jim Comey, because he signed three of those FISA warrants. He's in trouble, this guy, and all of this blows up in their face. Remember Stormy Stormy? Yeah, remember the judge that ordered Stormy to pay Donald Trump three hundred thousand dollars. Yeah, and then whatever happened to Michael Lavanati? Whoopsie daisy. You know, but we have all of this, and the latest attempt is the well trush Trump is anti Semitic. I'm like, I'm watching a party of people that have virulent anti Semites all about the Benjamin's baby. You know, you can get to the conspiracy theories of you know, writing for Lewis Farakhan's magazine. That kind of bothers me a lot too, because he is the single biggest, most hateful, virulent anti Semite in the entire country. Right there on top of the world is Lewis Ferricon and there's Congresswoman to leave writing for his newspaper. I mean, it's pretty pathetic and pretty sad, and frankly, it's pretty unbelievable to me. And this story about Israel initially blocking the two freshman lawmakers were men entering the country because of their support. But there's boycott of Israel. And then of course the comparisons to Nazi Germany. As Congresswoman to Leave said, really, you're going to compare Israel to Nazi Germany, somebody must pay for it. I'll offer to pay if they will take a tour of Auschwitz and other you know, death camps, concentration camps from Nazi Germany, and then we'll take them to the detention centers, and then we'll take them to Israel and give them a guided tour and a history lesson of Israel, because clearly they don't know a thing and it used to be not get away. You don't minimize something as horrific as the million of human being slaughtered in Nazi Germany. You don't make those analogies without paying a price politically for But no Democrats seems to care. They'll compare to tension centers, Nazi Germany, Auschwitz, they'll compare Israel to the Iranians and Nazi Germany. There could be no further lie than what they are saying in advancing I mean with this boycott and the comparisons anyway. But eventually they did allow, for humanitarian purposes to leave beg to go see your grandmother. They said yes, and then she said I'm not going, and don't forget Omar and to leave. They responded to all of this this week. What did they do by posting an anti Semitic cartoon by a Holocaust denier that came in second place in an Iranian contest that denies the Holocaust? Their trip planned by a radical group that once praised suicide bombers. I don't hear Chuck Schumer or any Democrat talking about any of this. I think the President was right to call them out for their anti Semitism. Fellow Democrats nowhere to be found, the party that claims to reject hate. They won't even criticize their own anti Semitic colleagues because they're afraid of them. They're afraid of the squad. Pelosi, as I've said, really is just speaker in name only. You know, there's no better friend and ally to the state of Israel than Donald Trump. He's the one that tore up that ridiculous nuclear deal where Biden Obama dump one hundred and fifty billion dollars on the tarmac of these mullahs, hoping that they can bribe them into stop saying they want to wipe Israel off the map or wipe the United States off the map. You know, we never had anywhere, anytime inspections, which made the whole deal useless. We couldn't even have any American inspectors involved in all of this. This president, though, got out of that deal. This president tore it up. This president did what so many other presidents promised to do but never had the courage to do. And let's move the capital, I'm sorry, the US embassy to Jerusalem. It's rightful home, the rightful place where it should be. And then of course recognizing the sovereignty of Golan as Israels. And so you have these these freshman congresswoman with their women with the deep seated hatred of Israel. And that's now the latest hoax. It's part of a sort of extended hoax, like what the New York Times is doing, you know. And Mark Dieson had a pretty good column out there today a catalog of these anti Semitic antics of Talib and Omar, And you don't hear this in the media, and you don't hear this from the Democratic Party, because that's what genuine anti Semitism looks like. Israel has hypnotized the world and declaring her hope, Congresswoman Omar that Allah will awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. She liked, Talib supports the boycott of Israel, compared such a boycott to the boycott and Nazi Germany. Omar made her virulently anti semitic comments. Democratic leaders and they couldn't even find it to bring a criticism of her by name, which is how weak that they have become. But you know, then, the bigger story to all of this is we have the New York Times. This revelation is unbelievable to me. Told you in two thousand and seven, journalism is dead. There is no such thing as media. They've missed the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history. They went with one of the biggest hoax conspiracy theories ever perpetrated on the American people. They admit they went all in. They said, you know, we built our news room to cover this being of course Russia Russia one story. We did it truly, Well, no you didn't, you lied. But now it's become trickier. Now we have to regroup and shift our resources and our emphasis and take on a different story. Why you can't apologize and admit that you're wrong and make the corrections that you should have made and go back to the real story, which is how Clinton basically got to get out of jail free card and basically was let go because she was the favorite candidate for the felonies that she absolutely committed, including obstruction and the Espionage Act. Imagine any of you deleting thirty three thousand subpoena emails, Good luck with that decision, and then acid washing your hard drive and busting up your devices. So now they have to have a new narrative that the Mueller thing fell apart, and so what have they decided to do. They're going to shift their narrative. They're going to regroup, and they're going to put emphasis on a different story. Okay, well, what are they going to talk about. Well, they say that they now are going to shift their focus and attention to the new York Times too well. There need to be conversations about what is racist, what is it racist. I just feel like racism is in everything. It's less about the individual instances of racism, sort of how we're thinking about racism and white suprem see as the foundation of all the systems in this country. And the executive editor, the guy that's bragging about their horrible coverage of Russia Russia and says, oh, yeah, that's a huge part of the American story the whole next year in quote terms of not only African Americans and their relationship with Donald Trump, but Latino Americans and immigrations. All right, So now they're gonna shift. Muller didn't work, Russia. Russia didn't work, Stormy, Stormy didn't work. Impeach, impeach didn't work. Now I'm going to call him racist, racist, racist, And I'll give you the history of that when we get back, because this happens every two or four years, and the more I think about it, if that is their planned attack, they're going to ignore the virulent anti Semitism. Don't forget their problems with their cartoons and years gone by the New York Times. Now they're gonna is there any or fighting for a recession or talking down the economy or wishing for a recession? Is this really the modern Democratic Party? Because it's frightening. So if you think about now, the media is decided that they're going to ignore the virule un anti semitism of oh let's see to leave and omar. They's going to ignore it, but they're gonna Now, you know, we built our newsroom to cover one story. We did a truly well no you didn't, you lied. Now we have to regroup, shift resources and emphasis and take on a different story. And the story that they're gonna take on, according to the executive editor, oh yeah, racism a huge part of the American story in the next year. And African Americans in their relationship with Donald Trump, well, if the Zogby poll is anywhere near correct that came out earlier this week, I think that Donald Trump's position with African Americans Hispanic Americans is better than anyone thought, because from twenty sixteen, Election Day twenty sixteenth to now, he's gone up twenty points in both demographics. Now, I think it's probably connected to the fact that, well, we've had massive economic growth and success and that the forgotten men and women and frankly those that were disproportionately negatively impacted by the horrific, burdensome policies and regulation of Biden Obama and tax policies of Biden Obama. Well, now we see record breaking months almost every month in terms of employment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace, Asian Americans, youth unemployment. Now all of that will go away if the squad led by Congresswoman Alexandria Cossio Cortez, you know, has her way with her new Green Deal, or Kamala Harris who's bought into this insanity and Medicare for All, which will eat up about ninety five percent of the budget and you won't have private insurance options. By the way, a Costio Cortez is now claiming the electoral college is a racist scam that has to go awards not mine. Okay, racist scam that should be abolished. Why is it racist? You know we're coming to you live from the electoral College, Accacio Cortez. According to National Review, many votes here, as you can see, very efficient way to choose leadership in this country. I mean, I can't think of any other way, can you anyway? Cited a March New York Magazine article that said black, Hispanic Asian American voters are underrepresented by the electoral college compared to white Americas. Not only do we need to give some of the squad members a history lesson about what a real concentration camp is, maybe we need to give them the Constitution of the United States one on one so they understand the United States of America, each state being represented. And maybe they can go back to read the Federalist papers and read the Declaration and the Constitution might help, all right, twenty five nowntil the top of the hour, Gladial with a S. Eight hundred and nine p one Sean, I've got a few calls in here in a second. I want to just go through this because now they're telling us what they want to do. We we've got, on the one hand, we now have virulent anti anti anti Semitism and Semites in the Democratic Party. We go through it. Nobody seems to care in the mainstream media mob. They don't even care a little bit about it. They don't they don't care about the history, you know, so you know you've you've got, well, the Israel's hypnotize the world and hoping Allah's going to awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. And we need to boycott Israel, those like the way we boycotted Nazi Germany. And it's all about the Benjamin's baby. And nobody not a peep out of these Democrats that say they're so against you know, hatred and bigotry and discrimination. Why not. How do you explain is anyone in the Democratic Party I have ever asked Barack Obama about the farcon picture that they hid from all of us for all that time. I don't think they have. I wouldn't be seen with fara Con unless I was in a big debate with him calling him out for his racism and anti Semitism. I debate him, I don't want to really be debated. I'd debate anybody. But that's very different, both smiling. How did that get hidden from the American people? All right? So they're not going to admit at the New York Times that they peddled conspiracy theories, lies, propaganda, misinformation, the Russia hoax. Is certainly not going to look into how Hillary Clinton had a well rigged primary with Bernie. Bernie, I don't even I'm more mad about it than Bernie is. Apparently they're not going to look at the multiple felonies Hillary Clinton committed and the obstruction of justice. They only care if Donald Trump is involved with Russia. Even the New York Times had to admit that the docier that she paid for was likely Russian disinformation from the beginning. I'm not going to look into that either, or the many warnings that James Comey and others had before they filed that FISA application to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign and the transition team and then presidency. They missed that story. They only cared about Russia. If it's Donald Trump and Russia. Well, sounds like, you know, if the Russians knew and it was knowingly Russian disinformation from the beginning, as the New York Times says, that would mean that it looks like they were probably trying to help Hillary Clinton win the presidency and not Donald Trump, as we have been told all these years. You know, what are they going to do when they see the widespread spying that took place on an American president? What are they going to do when we find out that the top intelligence officers in this country were involved in our counterintelligence investigation, which, as Andy McCarthy said, had to start with President Obama, as Paige and Struck said, he wanted to be informed every step of the way about the counterintelligence investigation and the fact that they outsourced intelligence gathering, spying on a president and American citizens to allied countries to circumvent US laws. What are they gonna do in that becomes you know, you know, as John Solomon says that the ten things that we're going to learn who he calls it ten declassified Russia collusion revelations that could rock Washington this fall, not could it will, including fi's abuse. Lindsey Graham says he's getting to the bottom of all of this. Lindsey Graham should get to the bottom of all of this. He's the one guy that can. Lindsey Graham is actually was quoted as saying that the IG report by Michael Horror, which will be chilling. He will give chilling testimony in front of the committee about his report on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse to spy on a presidential campaign transition team and then president is on a local wake up Carolina radio show, and he said that he'd called for Horowitz to explain his report to the American public in an open session, just like Muller didn't specify exactly when that would happen. He will come to the committee to testify. We'll make sure he gets all the time he needs to tell the country exactly what happened. He will be in public. We want to do all of it that we can, that we can in the open. We don't want to have a classified session unless we have to. The good, the bad, the ugly of his investigation findings and the dj watchdog testimony, he said would be ugly and it will be damning. I'm told, by the time this whole thing is done, with the work that is now going on and has been going on, Durham interviewing Christopher Steele finally for sixteen hours, that it will shock the conscience of a nation, an attempt to rig an election after saving a candidate that any other American would have been indicted for the things that she did, Hillary and the obstruction she committed, we'd be in jail. And then of course the real Russia narrative, the Russian dossier. They knew it was false, they were warned it was false, they knew it was political, they knew it was political, and they used it to spy on the opposition party, candidate, transition team, and presidency. That's the good, the bad, and the ugly of that. Then what about the outsourcing of intelligence gathering that is illegal? You know, we give these powerful tools of intelligence just to the greatest intelligence services agencies in the world. There's nothing nobody's better than the CIA, OURI, there's no agency. It is the premier intelligence agency in the world, our NSA, our CIA. And then to have people abuse those tools of intelligence, they're not supposed to be used on the American people. Lets you get a warrant. The warrant has to be based on verifiable proof and evidence. When you're told it's not verified and then it turns out not at all verified and it's unverifiable, that means you did it. You use the powerful tools of intelligence, and our fis a court to weaponize these tools that we entrust the people to keep us safe against enemies foreign and domestic. You know, this is a you know, Christopher Ray wants to block the release of the new struck page text till after the twenty twenty election. Nah, there's something wrong with Why isn't the FBI director wanting to clean up what is the premier law enforcement agency in the world. Why is Ray fighting like hell to keep thousands of outstanding text messages between Struck and Page under wraps until after the twenty twenty election. No, we need to know that. We need to know now. Judicial Watch, by the way, it's been in court all summer trying to get their hands on thirteen thousand pages of struct page documents. I mean, judge in the Mataphor case had no problem releasing Hannity Manaphort texts. I love when the you know, my competitors at fake News CNN and Conspiracy TV, MSNBC. Their comments were, oh my god, Oh my gosh. He really believes it. He believes this stuff. I'm like, yeah, what did you think I'm faking it like you? I guess because they fake it, they must think everyone else fakes it. You know what a Manaphort say? Yeah, yeah, the special Counsel's trying to get me to turn on the President and his family. I'm not gonna do what he said, And then he added these words that nobody because they didn't do anything. It's what he said. That's what he said to me, which they released. That was the big fine. But judicial watch, why don't release them all? Raise FBI wants to stay until well after the next presidential like twenty six months. We have to wait for thirteen thousand paid. No, we need them now, you know. It's it's a pretty amazing thing to watch all of this happen. Hey, listen, speaking of which, because we're talking about privacy, this actually fits in really perfectly. If you send email or you use text messages. If you do, we all do. Listen, you gotta get Norton VPN. It's only three dollars thirty three cents a month for your annual enrollment. Now at Norton VPN, what they do is they create a secret tunnel and they use bank great encryption and they will literally encrypt everything you send, everything you receive, every email you send, every email you receive, every text you send, every text you receive. Now you log in once you let it run in the background. You don't even know it's there. And it's only three dollars and thirty three cents a month to protect your privacy. By the way, it's only you can get it at Norton dot com slash vpn Norton dot com slash VPNU. But now we have all right, Well, Muller didn't work, the fraud didn't work, the conspiracy didn't work. Well, now we've to shift gears. Well, the story became trickier. As The New York Times Executive editor Dean Backay said, we did a great job. We built our newsroom to cover one story. Now we're going to cover one more story because the other story got trickier. By saying trickier, that means they were wrong. But now we're going to move into the issue of you know, the huge part of the American story in the next elected racism. This happens every two and four years. Let's go down memory lane to prove my point. When you don't vote, you let another church explode. When you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. When you don't vote, you let another assault wound a brother or sister. When you don't vote, you let the Republicans continue to cut school launches and hit start. I mean you got a first year sort of a stream Crican American who is articking and bright and clean and bicoking guy I don't feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent, not much rucking. I'm actually old enough to remember the good old days, and they weren't all that good in anyway. That message where'd y'all give you America great again? Is if you're a white Southern You know exactly what it means, don't you. You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables Roundny. He's speaking to a population of this, say, of the population who does not like to see people other than a white man in a white house in any other elected positions. I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican. Okay, so I need to say more. Omney wants to let the he said in the first hundred days, he's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchained Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in chains. Don't tell me we live in a color blawn society. The Republicans know that there is the wrong agenda for African Americans. That's why they don't even want to count you in the census. They're doing everything they can to stop black people, Latinos, poor people, young people, people with disabilities from voting. It's a blast from the Jim Crow past. I thought we had won that battle back in the nineteen sixties. That he has supporters like David Duke, connected with the Ku Klux Klan, who are going around and saying Donald Trump is their candidate because Donald Trump is pushing their values. Ku Klux Klan values, David Duke values, Donald Trump values are not American values. They not you have an ally in the White House. This time they have an ally. There are small percentage of the American people virulent people, some of them the dregs of society. Or June seventh, nineteen ninety eight, in Texas, my father was killed. He was beaten, chained and then dragged greenmouse Tuesday, all because he was black. So when Governor George W. Bush refused to support hate crimes legislation, it was like my father was killed all over again. Called George W. Bush and tell him to support hate crime legislation. We won't be dragged away from our future. So now Russia, Russia and Peachman and Peachman and Peachman and Peachman, storm stormy Sols. Now it's racist. Racist. Kim and Louisiana. I'll squeeze in a quick call here, Kim, how are you him? Good? John? How are you? I'm good? Thank you for calling. Yes, sir, Well what I wanted to ask you to day Sean. I know there's a lot of talk about anti Semitism, and I'm not really sure a lot of people understand what that is other than political. You know, I understand it's very important that we are allies with Israel because they protect us and our interests in the Middle East. But it goes back much further than that, especially for US Christians. It goes back to the covenant that God had with Abraham. And I was just wondering if you could kind of talk to that or talk about that so people understand what anti Semitism really is all about. Look, America, I can't because of the constraints of time, but I'll give them as quickly as I can. America was founded on Judeo Christian principles, and if you believe in the Bible, I do. I believe there's one God, our creator, and those principles are the root of foundation of American law, and all the great philosophers, etcetera, etcetera understood the importance of those values. Doesn't mean you don't have room for other religions. We believe in freedom of religion. It's not that. But um, I think the reason you know, for example, Jesus was Jewish. Um, you know, the only the differences in terms of value structure. I think our minor. I think there's Judeo Christian principles that we adhere to. And Israel has been the only democracy in the region, one of our closest friends and allies, and Benjamin and Yahoo in particular has been a Churchillian figure with moral clarity against evil in our time. I don't care what religion anybody believes. I really don't. It's a personal thing. Um. But if you're gonna pervert a religion, or you're gonna use religion and twist it and turn it into an ideology to justify killing in us and people, that's not acceptable. But you're entitled to your beliefs, but you're not entitled to say that people convert or you die, and that's a battle. Unfortunately the world is struggling with. But we now have an alliance that nobody imagined between Israel and Jordan and Egypt and even the Saudis and the Emirates and the United States, which I hope one day just fight religious differences can lead to a lasting piece in the Middle East. Be good for the world. Right now, the fear of Iranian hegemony as they foment terror and they fight proxy wars and they pursue nuclear weapons. Organized labor in Iowa has been fighting a really, really difficult battle. But you've been doing it in a way it shows so much passion, so much strength. I apologize that you ever got to know Donald Trump, but this New Yorker volunteers to get rid of him for you. Thank you everybody. Okay, so that was It's a little bit different. You can't make this up anyway. Glad you with us News round Up Information Overload hour. There's our new friend, Comrade. I never answer any questions the Blasio um and that was a look. I feel sorry for the guy who's not his fault. The audio is bad. I have some level of sympathy because I'm in this business and tech problems are just a pain in the neck when they happen. I'll never forget what the day, I forget what country we were in that you know, we're racing with from with all our equipment, from one place to another place. We got on the air minute before airtime. Where was that England? I don't remember. It's correct, Linda's having a heart attack. I've literally said to our I said, it's fine, Blair. You guys, look, if we don't get on, we don't get on. We got Plan B back up. Yep. We had Mark Simone standing by. He's a good friend of Mark, Mark Simone standing by, standing by, standing by, Great Garrett standing by, he's another good friend of ours. And I said, look, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. You guys, I know you did your best. There are issues beyond our control here, and that would be Blair not having the Blair not having the proper equipment. Nolay I did not have the proper equipment because somebody else did not give him the proper equip right, So let's blame up. Let's let's blame somebody else. I'm not blaming you. Let's blame Blair, but the players having a meltdown here as he should. Well these things. The only point is it happens. But you know, mister one person, so you just take it. It's above your pay grade. Okay, Oh listen, mom, my pay grade was. And to my credit, I told everybody, don't worry. I know you've tried your best. I don't worry about it. We tried our best with the one person was acting insane. I was one of the thing sweet and it wasn't sweet baby James, and it was in Blair. The one person was acting like a total complete the studio now goodbye, don't don't leave the studio. This is too fun, a total complete lunatic. And I'm like, it's okay, just keep trying your best. If it works, it works. If not, we're gonna go to the sports bar and get some wings. That's what I'm gonna say. I want to get on, and I didn't want to knock get on. We've prepared the show. I'm ready to go. But if it doesn't happen. You know, England is not known for fine cuisine. Well that's why I said. The sports part that was in the local casino Piccadilly Square whatever they call that play Piccadilly, Yeah, exactly, Um eight hundred nine four one Sean Tolfree telephone number. Anyway, Look, things aren't going well for any of these candidates. He got crazy, sleepy, creepy Uncle Joe's gaff a second, and all the Clinton nights are now mentioning and everybody else's mentioning that well, not doesn't look like he's gonna cut it, which is interesting to me. And then they've got okay. Socialist one is surging a little bit. That would be Bernie Sanders. Now a national poll shows he's regaining second place on the Economist Yugov poll that was released yesterday, amplifying his battle against fellows. Socialist one twenty four Elizabeth Warren, who the president affectionately, we're verse two is PoCA hunts and so he's in second place. What's left, I mean, the only thing that's left in this party, Jay Insley, Nobody knows he's out of the race. Corey Booker is never going anywhere. People that thought Kamala Harris was going to do so well, she's not doing well at all. And she's now teamed up with AOC in the new Green Deal in Medicare for All, which will lead up the entire budget. And Jillibrand is now out there with a great agenda accusing Trump of demonizing transgender people. You know, okay, she has like one percent in the polls, and I don't think any of them are breaking through or will break through anyway. Joining us now to discuss and debate our good friends, Jonathan Gillham, former FBI agent, Federal Air Marshall, author Sheep no More. Danielle McLaughlin, attorney, How are you both, Danielle, who are you liking? Now? On your side? Who do you think can beat Trump? Well, I mean to your point, Sean Irelan is still saying that it's Biden, but he is still winning andretty much all the poles, as you point out, and I will point out that this time four years ago it was now President Donald Trump who is in the and so if history isn't think you go by, I might imagine that Biden might be the one to make it. But we'll see. I'm looking for a name. Who do you think will win? And who would you like to see when? Well, I really like Mayor Pete can't run South Bend in the South Bend, Indiana. He can't run it. It's a disaster. The people there don't even like him anymore. He has no track record. What would qualify Mayor Pete to be the president of the United States? Seriously, he has what he has nothing, He's I've done more in a week than this guy's done as South Bend mayor. Donald Trump had no political experience, and he was elected to be the president of the United States the first time in history that we didn't have someone who Okay, here's the guy that fixed woman ring can be done. Here's the guy that became a billionaire. He's built some of the biggest buildings in the entire country and the hardest, toughest city to do business in a track record of speaking out on issues. Nobody ever heard of Pete Buddha judge until now. So you think you think he's the savior, He's going to be the one that can beat Trump. Is that what you believe? I'll just ask you, don't you know? I don't think. I don't know. I like him. I like the way he talks about freedom. He's a smart guy. I love the way he talks to that religion. I agree that sure is a smart guy. There's a lot of smart people. This is the president of the United States. You think he's got what it takes to be president because he can't even run his own little city of South Bend. And it seems like his biggest accomplishment was coming up with IDs for people that were in South Bend illegally. You're looking for perfection in Donald Trump and not be president Trump University suty million dollars settlement just before. Here's all I know We've got. Here's what I know. We went from Biden Obama thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor anticipation rate since the seventies, to seven million new jobs, the best employment situation in America since nineteen sixty nine, the largest tax cuts America has ever seen, the single greatest and biggest reduction and burden some regulation and business. Then, add on top of that energy independence for the first time at seventy five years, and he's not dropping one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash on a tarmac for radical Mullahs that want a white Israel in the United States off the map. Jonathan Gillham. Yeah, and also you can put in there that you know, this isn't President Trump isn't a guy who ran or is running on changing the constitution. He's not somebody that ran or is running on trying to fix problems that don't exist, like trying to free up people's debt and that they got from going to college when nobody put a gun to their face and said you have to go to college, and you have to go to this expensive one. You know, this is the problem that I'm seeing as I've been around and talk to people, and including liberals, is that people are trying to pick a president based on who they like, not based on who's an effective leader. I don't want people who've always succeeded because the majority of those people, and you can look at their resumes, they have silver bullets that they ride into everything that they do. I like to see people who've done huge things, who've had big failures and came back and had even bigger successes. None of the people that we talk about in the Democrat side are like that. All these people are running on issues that are not issues on a daily basis that affect this country or affect the people They don't talk about China the way it should be talked about. They don't talk about any of these issues the way that they should start. They talk about healthcare for everybody. They don't talk about cleaning up the inner city. They talk about Trump's decisions on terrorists. They don't have a plan to deal with China, who was building not only an economic fortress, but are trying to build a military fortress around the world. They don't talk to any of that stuff. There's nothing, Danielle, that you can say about any of these people, especially Buddha Judge, who doesn't even know how to identify a weapon proper that he supposedly carried when he was in the military. There's nothing you can say about these people that will ever prove to me somebody who's looking for a leader, that they have the ability or have shown that they have the ability to lead in all their time in politics. Danielle, I think I think any of these I think Biden, I think Sandys, I think Warren, I think Harris, I think dag At least people could do the job of president, and they could do it well. None of them are going to give a one point five trillion dollars text cut two billionaires. That is, put, all right, can I slow you down for a second, Hold on a second. When you have Paul Begala criticizing sleepy creepy, When you have David Axelrod saying if you can't cut it, you can't hide you got you gotta get out. Either you cut it or you can't. And that's probably the best you're going to get out of Sleepy creepy. When you have a guy whose own wife says to you know, you'll have to swallow and vote for Joe my husband. That's not good. When when you have to have the guy's brain surgeon say no, his brain is really working. And when he says stupid stuff like Joe three O three three oh on numerous occasions, refers to Margaret Thatcher instead of Teresa May. When he says, poor kids is just a bright just as bright as white kids. And he says, you can work at a seven eleven or in Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. And he said, for the first time, this is historic. For the first time you have an African American that is bright, articulate, and clean. It's storybook man then, of course spent time going against integration and supporting segregation. When he brags about being from a slave state, My stage is not liberal state. My state's a slave state. And you know, I can keep going. We choose truth over facts. He said, you really think he's up for this job. You really believe that, you know, I think you can do it. And I'm not going to say that he hasn't had his gas manute. You really believe he's up to be the president of the United States. Look, you know what he's not going to do. It's going to North Korea and get nothing out of it. He's not going to be Entraindand to people from the military, well I'm not gonna I'm not going to let that stand. Donald Trump got the remains that have been of American heroes from the fifties, Donald Trump for months, over a year and a half. No, but we're having rockets fired over Japan. Well there's been a couple of tests lately, but not over Japan. Hang on. And then we also got hostages released, and the president gave nothing but his time. Now, I think if I'm going to get hostages released, remains returned, and at least eighteen months and no more rockets over Japan. I think the President did pretty good on that deal. We've had remains the tune to us without any previta. You know what I think's done being president has ever gone because we give them legitimacy. Okay, you know what I think. You want to talk about legitimacy. Would you think it was smart to drop one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency on the tarmac of mullahs in Iran that say they want to wipe Israel and the US off the map? Was that smart? That was a decision that was made, by the way, was it you sound like the BLA was that's a smart decision? Was that a smart decision? Yes? Because we got an iras. Yes, you think it was smart to brib dictators that threatened to wipe us off the map. This was eight countries plus the European Union. I don't care about the eight countries. It was Biden and Obama one hundred and fifty billion dollars. You think that was smart? I did what was me to do, and now we have nothing. We don't even have verification in that deal. We didn't even have any place anytime inspections in Iran, you think, I mean, that's that inspected popularly. Amazing to me that you think that was a good deal. They exported ninety eight percent of the enriched uranium out of the country, They got rid of all the many of their interfugures. They made a commitment to not enrich and they did not enrich. They only started enriching to whippons grade materials once we will The only reason they had the ability is because Biden and Obama gave them the money. Jonathan Gillum, do you, I mean, seriously, Daniel, do you think when you point out these statistics about uranium and these things, where do you get these statistics? We have a government that has lied to us about an investigation of our president, have spied on Americans, lied about that, came up with false information, and you're going to accept statistics about to them about what a country that may or may not be exporting their sore storing their uranium with the fact is that prison was mini, how pregnant was then was spied on, Jonathan. That's not true. That is one hundred percent true. He was spied on in a multitude of ways. What do you think defies the application gave the people that were it gave a backdoor access to all things Strump. What do you think the outsourcing What do you think the outsourcing of illegal activities and spying and intelligence gathering was for to circumvent American laws to spy on Americans and a US president. That all happened, Danielle No, by the time Card of Page was being surveiled, he wasn't even in the campaign anymore. It didn't matter. It gave them a backdoor into every past email chain he's ever had, an a door to wherever that took them. Well, you know what, somebody's talking to Russia. I want to know about it, don't you. Yeah, I'd like to know how Russia. Basically, in the New York Times set it not me that they knowingly they knew the intelligence was going to Hillary Clinton, and it was Russian misinformation from the get go, according to the New York Times, And she paid for it to influence and steal that election, like she stole the primary from Bernie Sanders. And she had deep state operatives that should have put her in jail, that didn't apply the laws equally to her to allow her to continue in the race, and then they used her dirty Russian dossier as a means of bludgeoning a candidate, a transition team, and a president because they wanted you to win so badly. Why did James call me right and later? Because the NYPD was about to break it wide open because there were people that knew he was covering for her. Here's your answer. I gotta take a break, all right, glad you with us twenty five till the top of the All right, So Danielle is standing my sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe. You know you can't go to a seven to eleven or dungan donas unless you have a slight Indian accent. And and oh, by the way, my states are slave sate, and his poor wife saying, you're gonna have to swallow. I'll have to swallow a little to vote for my husband. We prefer truth over facts. And poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids. And oh this is the first time ever. Yeah, but an African American it was bright, articulate and clean. Man. That storybook Margaret Thatcher, Oop's not Margaret Thatcher. I mean it just keeps building. No, that's where mind dan yell as we continue our debate. If you agree with me, go to Joe three O three three oh and help me in this fight. I watch what happened when the kids from Parkland marched up to and I met with him, and then they went off to up in the hill. As vice president, they went off the hill to go into those neighborhoods. We gotta let him know who we are. We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts, truth over facts. Words that stunned the nation, and I would argue, I know, shocked the world. International leaders spoke about it. You had people like Margaret excuse me. You had people like the former chairman and leader of the party in Germany. You had Angelo Merkels. We have this notion that somehow you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as tall as white kids. Wealthy kids, clock kids just like in my generation when I got out of school, that when Bobby Kennedy and doctor King had been assassinated, and in the seventies, late seventy, well, I got engaged. You know up to that time, remember there none of you women will though this but a couple of men. May remember that was the time in the early late sixties and the early sixties and sixties where it was drop out, go to hate Asbury, don't get engaged, don't trust anybody ever thirty. I mean, your Kennedy might be better on I don't know if healthcare than Joe is. But you've got to look at who's going to win selection, and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say, Okay, I so firstly, like so it's so better your bottom blong has to be that we have to be from because I know that not all you were committed to my husband herbiity, yes, his own white. If you may have to swallow a little. I know you don't like Joe like you're a candidate, but maybe he's more electable. Okay, Now I'm gonna let Jonathan debate Danielle because I'm too apoplectic still over Danielle's support of this madness and support of the Iranian deal and this insanity of giving mullas that threatened to wipe Israel and the US off the map. I'm probably too angry today, Jonathan to deal with her, who's a good friend of ours, and I don't want to ruin our friendship, but it drives me nuts if if I can't believe anybody would think this man is ready to be president or mayor pete as she's suggesting. So what do you say? I think, honestly, what it comes down to is the fact that the Democrat don't really care who's president as long as they get a win. And why is that? Because this is where I will give the Democrats random applause. They are unified and they don't care. They don't hire individual congressman. They don't hire individual senators or a president that thinks for himself, which this president that we have now shows that he can do. They want to pick people who will tow the ideological party line, and that is a severe problem because the party line and ideologies are not what fixed problems. Solutions fix problems. And I will just I want to say this to Daniel about what you've said before about North Korea. You don't solve a case. If you go try a case, you're an attorney. You do a jury selection, you go through and you lay out the facts. You try to prove a guilt or not guilty to the jury into the judge. You don't do that in one sitting. You don't do that in one meeting. You don't do that with one proffer of the client or in my case when I was with the FBI, of the person that we may bring up on the stand. You do that over a period of time. These things take time, and for people to say, such as yourself, to go out and say this president is a failure because he met with North Korea once and he didn't get what he wanted is complete partwash. It takes time. You have to build rapport, you have to look for facts, and there's political maneuvering that happens behind the scenes. All this stuff is nonsense, and it's time for you all to realize that you cannot pick a leader based on an ideology. You have to pick a leader if that's in fact what you want. You have to pick a leader that stands on their own and looks for solutions. And there's no argument that you're going to have against that. No, No, I look sure, I don't disagree a couple of things. North Korea totally agree your analogy to trial next to sixteens. Here's the thing Jong and his father before him and his father full for him. So the high Kims in its dynasty have looked for legitimacy since they hinted the North the end of the North Korea South Korea War, right, they've looked for legitimacy. There have been there have been entreaties, and there have been discussions for yes since the nineties. It never involved a president because that was the prize. The prize for North Korea was having a US president on soil with flags alongside each other. That wouldn't win for the Kim's family, not only for this, for his father and his grandfather before him. My concern is that he got that photo opportunity. We didn't get anything. Yet, we got some remains this thousand more remains still to come back here. But the big problem with North Korea is there are nuclear weapons. They have long range missiles. They threatened our horn land. They also threatened our allies in the region. We should care about those allies because they also help us against China. So that's why my concern showing up in yong Yang and given Kim Jong on a win and I'm not clear that we got anything on the new clear side. In response Bet Daniel, the real problem is that they are legitimis legitimized because of the fifty years that nobody fixed the problem. We could have gone in there multiple times and destroyed North Korea's ability to do anything, and we never did. Why because of politics. And now you have a country that has potentially nuclear weapons and they're thirty miles away from thirty seven million people. Fact has reached a level that is presidential and for somebody to step up and say, I have to command presence and the courage and the confidence to go in and face this person, Well, you're gonna have That's what we need. We need somebody to show them not only are we willing the most powerful world leader that there is willing to come in there and say, listen, this needs to stop. But I don't doubt for a second if they escalated it, that this president would do militarily what needed to be done, those things that stop dictators in their tracks. Sure, and I don't I don't disagree. I of course I believe that our president and the people who are material will give everything to protect Americans. There's no question in my mind that best the case. My concern is that we gave them something and we got nothing in return. And now it's been more than two years, obviously nearly three years since the president has been the president, and we've got no change that. We have now six different missiles short range threaten in Japan. They have not stopped their nuclear witten program. Okay, I have to start, I have to step in. One of the dumbest parts of the deal is RAND kept every ability that they had there were They never agreed to our inspectors, they never agreed to any place any time inspections. They basically said, give us the money and take our word for it, and they never stopped. We got nothing out of that deal. Zero. If you don't have any place, any time inspections anywhere, it doesn't it's not worth the paper it's printed on. And just because McCrone and Merkel think it's such a good deal doesn't mean a thing to me, because I understand these radical Mullas for who they are. They have been fighting proxy wars, they have been fomenting terror, They have killed Americans in Iraq and elsewhere. They are the number one state sponsor of terror, and giving them one hundred and fifty billion dollars to even spend more money fomenting terror and building their nuclear weapons is the single dumbest foreign policy blunder in the hiss and it's right up there with Neville Chamberlain telling the people of Great Britain after the meeting in Munich that will have peace in our time. It is classic appeasement, just like Bill Clinton said, this is a good deal for the American people, and I'm gonna have nuclear weapons. When he tried to bribe Kim Jong ill, Kim Jong Gun's father, Donald gave nothing to Kim Jong and nothing remains were returned. We had hostages returned, we had an eighteen month stoppage of missiles flying over Japan and elsewhere. You know what, all Donald Trump gave him was time. That's it. Nothing else. He also stopped South Korean military exercises, which is an important thing not only for readiness, but to show North Korea that we are serious about that border and proticting our house. Are still protecting South Korea with a military presence that is exactly the same. So if we're not, we can do as many military exercises as we want. North Korea is pretty darn aware that if we want, we'll wipe them out. There's nothing that anybody can say, there's nothing anybody can say that will alleviate the burden of the media and the and everybody else looking down at Trump every time he says something or does something that he's being hammered for it because of the way the world has been programmed to think that he's done the wrong thing. The fact is, this is exactly the way these things work out. And if you look at what Sean was just talking about, what I ran, if you look at the way the boat Burkedall case was handled, if you look at all of the decisions that the Obama administration ever made when it had to do with bad people, it ended in appeasement, and it also ended with us getting nothing or in the case of both, you know, basically a trader and they got five of the worst guys that we had in lock up. I mean, this is the way that they did it under the Obama administration. I would say even that Clinton's did it. But when it comes to Trump, He's willing to sit down with people, maybe maneuver a little bit, but ultimately what we still have there is a dictator that looks at President Trump and says, I don't know if I really want to mess with this guy. He hasn't done any big moves. Iran has done some things, but they haven't done any major moves. I would like to see a military strike on around That's my own personal opinion. But I think when we look at the way the President works these foreign these foreign engagements with these dictators and these ideological maniacs, he's gone smooth and he's gone straightforward, and he is not appeased. That is the biggest thing that comes out of this. What you call a peacement, I call multilateralism. So the Yourn nuclear deal was not a peacement. This is not evil Chamberlain and Hitler. It's just not. It's just not. It was never designed to deal with their intermential excuse me, international, their icbuns for the lastile. It wasn't you're a designed to deal with tira There are other ways that we are dealing with which I agree. They are a massive threat. They are the biggest threat in the Middle East, if not the world. Believe me, I'm not a fan of it Iran. But what I didn't want and what I don't want is Iran to be enriching uranium so they have a nuclear with it and the steel was working. It's not working anymore. It's basically what's half done because the Mulisit accountanies are still in. I guess this is my questions. Why didn't he stay in and make it better? Well, why didn't he stay in and make it tougher? I think it could be made tougher. I totally agree with you, Shul, but walking away shows eight we don't We don't keep our commitments because we walked away first, and that's a huge pl one for the end. Where do we go from here? Yes, we have more sanctions than we're leveraging and leveraging and luveraging. Will we either get a deal or are we just going to basically leverage them? And Fanci and then to the D I gotta take a break more with Danielle and Jonathan. Danielle gets very poor grades today. I mean, I don't know, she usually is far more reasonable than this. I don't know what's happened. I think she's got sleepy, creepy crazy uncle Joeidas right, final moments, what has been a pretty feisty hour. Jonathan Gillham, Danielle McLaughlin, All right, if you had to predict today, both of you I just want a name who will be the nominee? And who do you want to be the nominee for the Democrats? Danielle, I will start with you. Oh it took hunt of you. You know what? Right now I'm gonna say Joe Biden and John Biden and so get annoyed at may. Jonathan. I know you don't want anybody because you're gonna vote for Trump, but I don't know. If he who do you think it will be? You think it'll be who? Me? I think it'll be Elizabeth Warren? Who would you prefer? Donald Trump go up against any of them? He'll crush any of them. Mis the American people wake up and see who a true leader really is and go back to the polls like they did, you know, in the last election. All right, thank you both for being here on Jonathan Gilham, Danielle McLaughlin eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, will you investigate the investigators? A lot of big breaking news. Our list what is coming out now in the weeks ahead because it's all hitting in the fall Jonathan John Solomon's ten items. Greg Jarrett weighs in on that, and of course, yeah, what did President Obama know and when did he know it? As relates to a counterintelligence investigation that always starts with a president in an oval office, he knew, when did he know it, how did he know it, and why did he start it? And how often was he briefed on it? Greg Jarrett, Next, as we continue, have you initiated any internal reviews of the FBI's action during the twenty sixteen election. Well, mister Chairman, there are a couple of things going on. First, there is, of course the ongoing Inspector General's investigation that's being conducted by the Independent Office of Inspector General, and our folks are assisting them with their effort. And then, second, as you alluded to, now that the Special Council investigation is completed and having only recently returned to the Department, the Attorney General is seeking to understand better the circumstances at the Department and the FBI relating to how this investigation started, and we're working to help him get that understanding. I think that's part of his job and part of mine. What we've learned in the last month that there was information that the number two person in the European Affairs Department of the State Department. And if you recall, we've long been looking at the State Department looking for any information the State Department had on Christopher Steele or anything involved in this Russia hoax. So that information we now we now know that the government had that in two thousand and sixteen. So the State Department in October of twenty sixteen emails went to the FBI saying things like that Christopher Steele was not believable that he wanted to he wanted to bring this out before the election. That should be a big red flag. Also said that this so called Russia hoax, the operation against Trump or with Trump that Trump was a part of, was being run out of the Russian consulate in Miami. Well it ends up, guess what, there is no Russian consulate in Miami. So this number two person at the State Department in Cavalec, she informed the FBI of these concerns. Now, why is that important. It's important for a number of reasons. But first and foremost, the FISA Court should have had this, The FBI had it, The FISA Court should have had it before they went and spied on the Trump campaign by getting a warrant on Carter page Another reason why this is important for the FBI is because the Congress, under the Republican control last time, ask for anything and everything on Christopher Steele. Clearly, if we would have had this two and a half years ago when we started this investigation, we would be in a much different place today than we are. So because this is clearly obstructing a congressional investigation. So someone at the FBI determined to hide this information not provided to the court, and what I'm concerned about is not provide it to the US Congress. So they have to tell Friday to get it to us, and if they don't, we will make our ninth criminal referral. Basically, we won't know exactly who at the FBI obstructed justice, but some or the Department of Justice should be able to figure it out because there's emails that went around and somebody decided not to give it to the Congress, right that was Devin Newness, And yeah, if they got what they had asked for two and a half years ago, we would be a lot further along. And there's probably this whole mess would never have happened from the get go. And you know, I don't see anything that it is all that impressive from Christopher Ray. He's now saying he's working with bar to understand how the Trump investigation got started. But you know, we have all these new developments, and then we have what John Solomon has classified as the ten declassified Russia collusion revelations that will rock Washington, d C. And it's going to happen this fall. It's the weight is pretty much finally over and the eyes are being dotted, the teas are being crossed. There are still people that are being interviewed and interrogated and frankly probably put under oath in Europe and elsewhere. And among the many things we will get Christopher Steele's confidential human source report reports at the FBI, the documents that have known You know that these ten to twenty three reports that show exactly what transpired each and every time that Steele and his FBI handlers met, and what did they know and when did they know it. We have fifty three House Intel interviews by the House Intelligence Committee of all these key players in the Russian probe. We have the Stefan Helper documents. And of course then that raises the question he just claimed recently in a court case well, I'm I'm being paid, I was being used by the intelligence community. Therefore I can't be a witness. Okay, So who was this guy and who was he working for and who put him in charge to go after Papadopoulos, Clovis and Carter Page. And according to my sources, they're going to be documents showing Helper continued working his way to the top of the Trump transition team and then the from presidency reaching out to advisors on behalf of people within our intelligence ranks. Then we've got, of course the twenty sixteen FBI email chain in October twenty sixteen, which is a key document identified by Nunez himself and his investigators, and that should show exactly what concerns the FBI knew about and discussed regarding the DOJ and Steal's dossier and other evidence to support foreign the foreign intelligence warrant, the FISA warrant, and if those concerns weren't shared with the FISA judges, which we know they warrant, that is, yes, another example of how they purposely literally conspired to mislead the FISA court premeditated fraud on a court. We now know that they were Paige and Papadopoulos exculpatory statements. That's part of the five or six buckets that we've been telling you about. That's all coming out the Gang of Eight briefing materials that identify the shortcomings in the Russia collusion narrative from the very get go of that investigation. We have the Steel spreadsheet. When did the FBI finally look into whether any of the dossier was true? While we now know none of it was verifiable because Steele never stood by a single word in it, And when the FBI finally in twenty seventeen got into looking into it, they even determined over ninety plus percent was false New York Times referring to it as Russian disinformation. From the beginning, I would mean the Russians knew that they were helping Hillary, not Donald Trump. And of course we don't know what occurred in the Steel interview that went on for sixteen hours with Durham, And we have the redacted sections in the third Fizer renewal application. This was the last Fizer warrant. I was renewed in June to twenty seventeen after Special Council Muller and his probe had started, and it was signed by then Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then of Cord Records of allies. This is going to be all the stuff that was outsourced to foreign intelligence services on behalf of the leaders of our intelligence services to spy on Americans, to spy on an American president, to circumvent American laws. And then add to that what Andy McCarthy has been saying and writing about, which is Obama had to be in on it because any counterintelligence investigation that's done for the president, Greg Jarrett is with us. And Greg Jarrett knows all too well that in fact, and he reminded me last night that it was struck and page that said the White House wanted to know every detail, which confirms what Andy McCarthy is saying that there is no counterintelligence investigation and less a president approves of such, and likely was kept abreast of. So what did Obama know? When did he know it? How often was he briefed on it? Greg Jarrett has a new book coming out soon, a follow up to his last best seller. It's called witch Hunt. How are you, sir? I'm well, and you've summarized it quite nighly nicely There's no question that Obama was being briefed on a regular basis, probably by CIA Director John Brennan, because he normally briefed the president, and he was the instigator of the Russia hoax. He was the one was, in fact admitted in his testimony that he began to gather together the information and handed it off to the FBI. So, you know, I think Brennan was discussing all of this with President Barack Obama, and I agree with you. Obama ought to be able to answer some questions. He ought to be interviewed, and he ought to answer these questions under oath because nobody's above the law, not even the President of the United States, who, for purely political reasons, was commandaring the immense power of the government to violate the First Amendment protected rights of a political candidate in the opposing party running for president United States. Shaan. That has never happened in the history of our country. When I interviewed the President about a month ago for the new book, he said, this should never happen to another candidate. It should never happen to another president of the United States. I don't think anybody could disagree with that. On any front. We know that Graham Sarah had a piece come out, that Graham is going to advise the Attorney General on the rollout of all these documents and that they're all going to be made public. Now. The words that were used to me in terms of what's going on with the Attorney General's investigation, that it is thorough, that it is comprehensive, that nothing, no stone will go unturned, that it will be transparent, that the American people will see it, and the words it will shock the conscience of a nation when people finally understand the lengths to which they won well rigged an investigation into Hillary two, used her, bought and paid for Russian information to spy on a presidential candidate, then a transition team with Russian lies, and then a president, and the efforts to undo an election, the election of a duly elected president, and the outsourcing of spying on American citizens and a president by Allied nations to circumvent US laws. Is there any part of what I'm saying that's not going to come out. No, Absolutely, it's all going to come out, and William Bart is going to make sure it comes out the same way he did with the Muller Report. And you know, the people who were going to be the most surprised, or the mainstream media, they have been in denial. They drove the phony collusion narrative until it came up empty. And you know, Sean, they're going to be dumbfounded when the curtain is finally pulled back on the real collusion that occurred here in Democrats like Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler will be less stupefied. Of course, only stupid people are stupefied, so that fits. But the abuse of the FISU court by Combie McCabe Yates Rosenstein, that's the apex of the treachery line to the court deceiving the judge's concealing evidence. And I think we're also going to find the Christopher deal and other actors have already incriminated the FBI and the DOJ. So you know, as you and I were talking last night, criminal rules, there should be absolutely I'm convinced there will be. Well, I mean there are criminal if there are criminal referrals on what I would view as one of the more insignificant, although it's important if we're going to apply laws equally, but one of the more insignificant issues, was, of course James Comey taking away classified information government documents. Certainly you and I would agree it's a violation of the Espionage Act, which is a felony, and being showing a lack of candor. Well, it didn't that put Papadopoulos, Cone and Manaphort in jail. Weren't they all found guilty of that in some way or admitted to being guilty of that. Oh, you're absolutely right. Why would he be treated differently? So if they're recommending if there's a criminal referral on that issue, how is there not a criminal referral on premeditated fraud on a FISA court when we all know and it's now been proven. Number one, they knew, and they were told, and they were warned repeatedly that it's a political document, that it's unverified. We now know Unverifiabowl and the FBI director signed what three of the four of them, And when the FBI finally investigated the veracity of the dossier, they concluded ninety plus percent, if not all, of the dossier was false. You're right. The five so abuse and the evidence in support of corrupt and illegal acts is far more substantial than the case against Coming for stealing presidential memos and leaking them, and that was a criminal referral. So you know, you're you're absolutely right if they if the IG referred Coming on that, he will surely be referred to for criminal prosecution for five so abuse. You know, the IG report has already completed, is probably going through a classification review. But I'm convinced that FBI Director Christopher Ray is fighting like hell to keep as much a possible secret, and because that's what he does. He Ray cares more about protecting the image of the FBI than he does about truth and transparency. But fortunately William Barr won't let that happen. He has complete and unfettered authority to declassify. He will make sedulous use of that power. He knows a lot as at stake. He knows that people of the FBI and DOJ trifled with democracy. They undermine the rule of law and subverted the electoral process. And you know, he is determined to restore law and order. He's the perfect Attorney General for the job. And Lindsey Graham is going to be meeting with him and make sure that Christopher Ray and the Intel chiefs. Don't bury all of this underclassified status. You know, Christopher Ray should be fired. This is a man who has obstructed lawful subpoenas issued by Congress. He is a man who has taken non class deified information and retroactively classified it to hide and conceal and cover up FBI misconduct. Christopher Away should not be in the FBI, certainly should not be the director. He should be fired. All right, stay right there. Greg Jared is with us. His book which includes and an interview with the President, coming out as the definitive book. It's called witch Hunt, the ongoing misuse of the government. How we should know exactly what happened with all of this? Right? As we continue, Greg Jared is with us. All right, we only have thirty seconds. Everyone's acting. Why is it taking so long? Why is it taking so long? Why is it taking so long? Now? This is all going to unfold starting I think after Labor Day. How do you answer? Because my answer is, well, there's been a lot of developments, that's why. But it's going to all happen this fall. Well, I agree with you there. People have come forward belatedly because they know they're going to be implicated, and so you know they want to strike a deal, tell the truth, and all of that has to lay. This plus a classification review which is required. But you know, the wheels of justice turned slowly. That doesn't mean that there is no justice afoot. And I expect it to happen sometime in the course of right after Labor Day and the next month or so. All right, Greg, Jared, thanks for being one of us. We appreciate it as always. Great job. We'll check in with Colonel Alan West will join us. Also, News round up, information overload. Your calls though, are coming up straight ahead as we continue eight hundred and ninety four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, when you don't vote, you let another church explode. When you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. When you don't vote, you let another assault wound a brother or sister. When you don't vote, you let the Republicans continue to cut school launches and hit start. People will walk up to me and hug me, they'll put their hand in me, go thank you, to put their hand over their mouth like they're gonna cry, and go thank you for what you're doing with the Trump and I go, oh great, really, that's very kind of it. Or you see them and you wouldn't believe who they are. Sometimes like you see you're kind of surprised. You see them sit there and they look at and you can tell where they are in the political spectrum, and I walk by and they go there is come back communist mother and whatever. You can just feel the haze because they because they love Trump. You know, Trump because he's a racist, and they are racists. I mean, you got the first year short of the stream American who is articulate and bright and clean and my looking guy. I don't feel no ways tired. I come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. You cannot go to a seven eleven or a dunkin Donuts have a slight Indian accent. I'm actually old enough to remember the good old days, and they weren't all that good in anyway. That message, where's God give you America great Again? Is if you're a white Southern you know exactly what it means. Dot. You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Romney, He's speaking to a population of this segment of the population who does not like to see people other than a white man in a white house in any other elected positions. I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican. Okay, so I need to say more. Romney wants to elect it. He said in the first hundred days he's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules, unchained Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in Chase. Don't tell me we live in a color blawn society. The Republicans know that they're the wrong agenda for African Americans. That's why they don't even want to count you in the sims. They're doing everything they can to stop black people, Latinos, poor people, young people, people with disabilities from voting. It's a blast from the Jim Crow passed. I thought we had won that battleback in the nineteen sixties. That he has supporters like David Duke connected with the ku klux Klan, who are going around and saying Donald Trump is their candidate because Donald Trump is pushing their values. Ku klux Klan values, David Duke values, Donald Trump values are not American values. They not you have an ally in the White House. This time they have an ally. They're a small percentage of the American people. Virulent people, some of them the dregs. Us Well Joe Seventh, nineteen ninety eight in Texas, my father was killed. He was beaten, chained and dragged greenmouse Tuesday, Ah because he was black. So when Governor George W. Bush refused to support hate crimes legislation, it was like my father was killed all over again. Called George W. Bush and tell him to support the hate crimes legislation. We won't be dragged away from our future. All right, twenty three now until the top of the art. You know, I've said on this program a couple of things I always have pointed out every two and four years, like clockwork, the Democratic Party, they played the race card. Those are some of the ads that have been played George W. Bush at the time he supported the death penalty for the evil perpetrators that killed an innocent human being, a fellow American and dragged him to his death. He supported the death penalty. It's like my father was killed all over again because George W. Bush didn't support hate crimes legislation. He supported the death penalty for the guys that did this. That was his position. You know, I'm a little fed up, especially in light of the New York Times admission this week of what their future plans are for this election. It's now, you know, if we can't bludge in Trump with Russia Russia, If you know we can't bludge in Trump with impeachment and impeachment and collusion, collusion and Stormy Stormy and Shole Shole, well we'll go to races racist. You know, we look at all these these big cities in America. Chicago, you know, a hundred people in two weekends shot in Chicago. They didn't pay it. Well, it's been democratic run for decades. Same with New York City, same with Los Angeles, same with San Francisco. I discussed all of this earlier today, and I've been discussing it regularly. You know, what do you have the highest crime areas, the ones with the toughest gun laws, where there's the most poverty, most misery a mile away from Nancy Pelosi's house, what do we see? We see needles and people defecating in urinated on the streets, And why doesn't she build a homeless shelter righting a mile away from her office in one direction and her home in the other direction. You know, So now this is after I've said in two thousand and seven, journalism is dead. It is dead. And if you didn't know it, just look at the lying, the propaganda, misinformation, the conspiracy theories, the hoaxes. That's for two and a half years. In the New York Times, whoops, they have an executive editor, Dean Baquet, telling employees that, well, the Russia hoax unraveled and the story became quite trickier. You know, we built our newsroom to cover one story, and we did it truly. Well, no, you didn't. You lie for two and a half years with breathless reporting, hysterical reporting every day, thinking you got him, you got him, you got him. You're going to impeach them. You lie to your audience. Same with the network, Same with the Washington Post, Same with two cable channels MSDNC, the conspiracy channel, Fake CNN. And now he's now but now he's even admitting what we're gonna We're now going to shift our attention. We didn't get what we wanted from the Muller report, or the FBI investigation, or the bipartisan Senate investigation or the House Intel investigation. Now, you know, the New York Times is no better, as I've been saying, than these angry, angry, anonymous agenda driven you know, keyboard warriors on social media and their basement and their underwear spewing their hatred, you know, every hour of every day. Now at the same event you have The New York Times. What are they staff are saying these conversations about what is racist, what isn't racist. I just feel like racism is everything. It's less about the individual instances of racism and sort of how we're thinking about racism and white supremacy is the foundation of all our systems in the country. And the accusing the president of being racist, and the executive editor responds that this is going to be the huge part of the American story next year. Oh, Russia, Russia didn't work. Nothing else work. Now we'll switch to that and we'll divide the country along the way and maybe even hope for a recession. In the meantime, Colonel Allen West is with US former congressman by the way, he's running to be the Texas Party chair for the Republican Party. They'd be lucky to have him if he gets that job. How are you, sir, I'm doing very will Sean's good to be with you. Well, before I ask you about what you're running for, is there anything wrong or inaccurate in what I just said? No, there's nothing wrong. There's nothing inaccurate whatsoever. It is a matter of fact, I think one of the things that the Democrat Party needs to understand and something that I've been telling a lot of people in Texas. On American Independence Day in eighteen sixty seven, the Republican Party of Texas was found about one hundred and fifty blacks. But at the same time the Democrat Party eighteen sixty seven posts Civil War, they were creating the ku Klux clan. So when we hear all of this divisive rhetoric that comes from the after about Jim Crow and segregation everything, those were their policies. Those are the Democrat policies. The Republican Party has always been a party for individual liberty and freedom, and when they were created in eighteen fifty four, they were created for one reason to end slavery. Another one of the institutions that the Democrat Party fought so hard to maintain. And I want to say something too, Colonel Westay, let me tell you something. There's hate all of you know from everybody has their own little sick, twisted ideology that you know, all these these groups out there, and there are these these white supremacist jackasses. They're not any conservative I know or whatever want to know. I believe in our founding document that we're endowed by one God, all of us were, all Americans, were all created equal, natural rights come from God, life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness. But also I don't like those people's grievement. What do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? Or you know, how come the media that is so obsessed with race and they're going to ask about the hidden picture that finally emerged after eight years of Obama's presidency with one of the biggest racist anti semites in the country, Louis Vericon. I'd like an answer to that. Well, you're not going to get an answer to that, because as far as to progressive socialist left goes, there are two different sets of rules. They operate under no rules and everyone else is supposed to operate under the rules that they dictate. And when you talk about the individual rights that are endowed to us from our creator, what is happening, Sean in the United States America is that the left has all of a sudden transferred their ideological agenda into what they believe should be rights for the individual, right to free healthcare, rights to free college education, and so their ideological agenda, I hate to use the term, but it trumps our constitutional rights. And that's what you see happening. As they step over our First Amendment rights, they are trying to take away our Second Amendment rights all down the line. So I think it's very important that we talk about the relationship between the individual and the institution of government. And I think that more people Hispanic, Black, White, Asian, whatever, they will come to the side of constitutional conservatism because it is about elevating the individual and their sovereignty over the institution of government. And you were so correct, John. I grew up in the intercity of Atlanta, Georgia, and what I have seen happened in the black community since nineteen sixty one when I was born, it is absolutely genocidal. It is absolutely a tragedy. Twenty million black babies have been murdered in the world since nineteen seventy three. You don't hear too many. By the way, the founder of Planned Parenthood, what's her name, Sanger? Margaret Sanger? Right, isn't that it wasn't that a stated goal? That it was? And she is an avowed racist and avowed white suprembacist. She spoke at clan rallies and she called people that look like me undesired was a week So why it's disgusting? And why did they get a half a million? Why do they get five hundred million tax dollars a year? UM. I don't want to um stay that focused on this, But when you have a news organization that says they went all in on one story but they got it wrong, there's no apology, there's no correction, and then they say, Okay, well, now move on to this issue of race. But the entire election. Now we're going to dedicate the New York Times newsroom on this issue, and I don't think they're going to cover any of the things that you and I have discussed. Imagine if Donald Trump had said nice things about the former clansman Robert KKK Bird like Joe Biden has or. Hillary Clinton says, well, the former clansman was my mentor. Yeah, well they're not going to cover that. And one of the things that you just said, The New York Times no longer news agency. They are a propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. I mean, Tom Perz see chairman, might as well just call them up and feed them. They're talking points of their news stories. That's the real collusion that is going on in the United States of America is the collusion between one political party and what is supposed to be a free, responsible and objective press that no longer is. Tell me about this position you're running for, UM, I didn't I know you were a congressman from Florida. I didn't know you moved to Texas. I think it's great that you are running for this position. I've known you for a long time. You're an American hero to me. I love your policies, I love you know everything about you. You've been a great friend to me also, and I want to help you. If I can tell me the status of the race, what's going on, and how people can help you, well, I appreciate it. They can go to West Wst. The number four Texas dot Com and the reason I moved here of five years ago to work with the Public Policy Foundation, and so people came to me and have asked me to get back into the political scene. And when I look at what is happening in Texas and how the left is focused on flipping Texas and they're taking over the major population centers, the ideological battle for America is right here in the Long Star State. And I think that being the chairman of the Republican Party of Texas would be an important position to make sure that we keep Texas in the red column and not have to go as Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado and Virginia have. So I wrote a book that came out last October called Whole Texas, Hold of the Nation Victory of Death, and it just lays out the principle and ideological differences between Texas and California. What is may Texas the eleventh largest economy in the world, and I want to keep it that way, the growth, opportunity and prosperity, and it's only because of the conservative principles. Sean, and I appreciate your support well. I wish all the Mexical part of Texas. Now have you relocated to. Yeah, I've living in Garland, Texas, which is just east of Dallas. Awesome, great part of the country. All Right, thank you our good friend, Colonel Allen West. We always love having you on my friend. Thank you for being with us, and we'll watch that race closely, all right, Hannity. Tonight ninety Eastern on the Fox News Channel, John Solomon Breaking News. We'll also have news on Epstein again It's insane. Also the latest on the twenty twenty Democratic insanity. Oh now Sanders has a green new Deal and guess how he's gonna pay for it. Well, I'll tell you about that tonight on Hannity. Also, Comrade Deblasio, free housing for illegals over citizens. You can't make this up. Also the latest on the Squad and AOC Evolve This tonight at nine Hannity, Fox News. See you then back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.

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