Will Trump Be Ready? - 8.25

Published Aug 26, 2017, 1:21 AM

Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell.com joins Sean to update the audience on the latest storm to hit the United States, Hurricane Harvey. It is expected to hit later this evening and is now a Category 4 storm! It's expected to hit Texas with 1-2 feet of water! The spotlight will be on President Trump but this is where his organizational experience should really shine. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eving, and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow, all right, glad you with us Happy Friday. Let us begin with our thoughts and prayers for the people of Texas. We love Texas and it's one of the great states in this country. And you have what will be a Category three hurricane that is gonna it looks like pretty much smash right into Corpus Christi, Texas, almost a direct hit. It's estimated land time is is literally the second I go on the air at TV at ten Eastern and we'll be live, and job ASTARTI will be here. He'll be on the radio today and it'll be on TV tonight. All our people on the ground from Fox, all our newspeople. You know. One of the things I do have great admiration and courage for newspeople and reporters and not not the lying lighters over at fake news CNN, and you know, but there are really great, great reporters to put themselves in harms way in war zones and they throw themselves in the middle. I remember one time Horaldo or Vera and I was one other report. I don't remember who it was. Maybe it was Katrina. No, I don't think it was Catrina. It was just a big hurricane and Harald was like nearly getting blown away. And it's it's dangerous duty. You have debrief flying you know, stop signs flying in the air, you know, over your head, and it's it's uh. You know. They do it to bring people to news and give you the pictures and get you the real life understanding of what's happening. It's amazing. Could you imagine we didn't have meteorology. I know my friend Joe, but starting I give him a hard time for being so into his science, but he loves it so much. You can tell you about every storm, every place, every time, the amount of damage, how many died, how many survived. But remember they didn't have warnings of these things. You know, if you have a tornado now in Oklahoma, you're not gonna get a whole lot of warning, but you get some warning enough time to get into your shelter at your house because you're in that tornado alley area. What was it more, Oklahoma got smashed. I'll never forget I was down there not long after it happened, flew over the area, they got ravaged, and you can see it's like a line. It's like, all right, we'll take out this street and these houses, but not these this house, not that house, this house, and you could see it just literally the entire path of the thing. And now we also get early warning on all these these hurricanes, and now with this saying it's probably gonna it's gonna battle in and hit the shore as the Category three hurricane, so real danger. I hope the people on the ground listen. There are there are people that no matter what, they're not gonna leave. They just refuse. They're just like, I'm not gonna leave. I can, I'm gonna tough it out. I admire their individualism. They have a right to make their decision. The government should not have to force people out of their homes. But I just do remind you of the story, and it's a little bit of a funny story. So the police come and tell this guy, you gotta get out of here. The big one is coming. The levee is gonna break, it's gonna the whole thing is gonna be flooded. And there and the homeowner goes, God's gonna save me, and he goes, all right. They said, all right, well, but we gotta let you go. Anyway, the first part of the levees break, the storms coming in, and next thing you know, the police come up in a boat, like, let's go. This is it the last. Once that other levee breaks, you're done. You're out of your house, is gonna be totally submerged. He goes, no, God's gonna save me anyway. A few minutes later, cops get out of there, they get the safety and then all of a sudden, the other levee breaks boomed. This guy has to quickly poke a hole in his roof at the top of a three story house, and he goes to the tippy top of his roof and he's hanging on and it's literally up to his neck in water and he's hanging onto the chimney with all his might, and then a helicopter comes. It's the police again. Hurry up, just grab grab the ladder. Come on, we'll come down and get you and let's get out of here. God's gonna save me. Well, he got washed away. He didn't take the helicopter and he died. And then he gets to heaven and he's at the pearly gates. Will you guys stop with the what is he doing? Things? And he gets to the pearly gates and he goes to God. He gets to meet God. God, I thought you would save me. What are you talking about? I sent a car, I said a boat, I even sent a helicopter, and you didn't take my help. You never heard that before, did you? You've never heard it before? No, because I just said, Ethan goes this is a joke. I'm like, no, it's not. This a very sad story. Then just died and everybody was like, oh, my God is terrible. Well, I mean, look, and there are some people that think that, oh they can't go to whatever religious belief, that they can't go to a doctor or a hospital or get a blood transfusion. I don't like to bash anybody's religious I think everybody has a right to be who they are and do what they want to do in life anyway. So the the point is there are people that also have gifts in life, and those people with gifts in life can help other people amazing gifts in life and other people can help other people pretty amazing. I don't know, like Linda's helps on the show, Ethan doesn't help too much. How did Ethan get the back row? You let him have the back row of our news studio. Why don't you see my pretty face every day? No? Not really. I'm like, I'm my eyeball level with you. I need to put you down a little further. I can see Jason, though I have a better view of Jason. Didn't get the hide like he did in the old studio. All right, So I want to tell you this other We're gonna get to job ASTARTI in just a minute. We have other news we're gonna get to today. I want to tell you something maybe new and that you don't know that the mainstream media won't cover. But there is now it's beginning to percolate and bubble up, and it is something that we have been looking at, investigating, questioning, raising questions about because if you remember, we have this long montage of intelligence officials and even Diane find Stein, no evidence of Russia Trump collusion, No evidence Russia. There's a lot of smoke we kept hearing, but there's no evidence of Russia Trump collusion. Do you realize with all the thousands of media hours all the barrels of ink that have been used, all of the articles online, there's no evidence of Trump Russia election collusion. We've interviewed Julian Assange more than anybody else in the media five times, and every time he said it wasn't Russia, it wasn't a state. So in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the podested documents or anything from the d n C. Nowt maybe you don't like Julian Assange. I found him to be incredibly forthcoming, smart and and and frankly in a lot of ways, brilliant. I mean, if you get to the deep knowledge that these guys have of but I found them gonna be totally honest. Wiki leaks has never been wrong in eleven years. The other thing that wiki leaks has not done either, which they could do, is reveal the names of people that they know, operatives and countries that would be killed upon the release of those documents. So there is a lot of integrity there, and one day that story is going to be told in full. But I digress. Let me get back to this. So The Nation is a left wing magazine and their online now and then you have Bloomberg, which is sort of mainstream left leaning, but they considered themselves to be liberal. In the Washington Times, they report more objective, honest, fare better reporters, and they've all written stories now one shape, matter of form, and the bottom line of the piece that they're writing is, what if the Russia narrative was false? What if it wasn't Russia? From the beginning. Now, let me take you back. In two thousand and three, a group of former intelligence professionals formed a group to protest the way intelligence was bent to accuse a rack of producing weapons of mass destruction. Uh. Then they went on to say the New York Times columnist at the time, Nicholas Kristof, wrote a peace that was sympathetic to this group, quoting those members of that group because he didn't want the war with Saddam Hussein. To me, the overwhelming evidence was the dead children and women in the streets in northern Iraq and the Kurds where we know he used weapons of mass destruction. I never believe that he destroyed them, and I believe in the long lead up probably a lot of it got sent over to Syria. I can't prove that just my own theory, and we're all allowed to have thoughts and theories in life. That that's what I believe. But he did use chemical weapons against his own people, so that's what convinced me. Anyway. The group then was called the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity v I P asked for short, VIPs for short. They've been investigating what is conventional wisdom that the d n C Committee files were the result of a Russia and hack, and what they found instead is evidence to the contrary. Now we're gonna introduce you to two of the people involved in studying this. They combined have hundreds of years of intelligence experience, and unlike the current and former intelligence officials that are anonymously quoted in every newspaper by every news organization, these guys actually come out and put their name and their reputation and their credibility on the line. Now, what they have found are not only doubts. They are almost completely convinced, if not a percent, that it wasn't Russia when you talk to them. But anyway, you've got the Nation, and you got Bloomberg and others, you know, pointing out their findings that a lot of that it's likely that these d n C files were taken from the inside of the d n C rather than by hackers or Russians or otherwise. Now, I don't know who did it, and I'm not going to venture a guess on who at it. We've been looking at this and looking at this and investigating this. In other words, the question that needs to be asked. If it wasn't Russia, then who was it? Was it disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters that saw the evidence. Remember on the eve of the d n C convention, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is fired, the six other people are fired. Then you raised the question about Debbie Wasserman Schultzen and being abusive to that police officer. Then she's paying this I T guy and his family, one guy that worked at McDonald's and got fired, one guy that worked at a card dealership, no seeming i T experience, and they're getting paid a fortune, a couple of million dollars over a number of years. And then she wouldn't fire the guy. And then we find government computers and hard drive smashed in a little pieces after he tries to flee to Pakistan. According to reports, with after he advanced three hundred thousand dollars there. Anyway, the assessment of the intelligence community, which serves as the basis for the accusations that Russia hacked the election, was, you know, they had confidence, high confidence that Russia military intelligence that they used goosa for two point oh and the d C leaks dot com to release US victim data obtained in cyber operations publicly and in exclusives to media outlets relate to Wiki leaks, That's what they claimed. Well, this group of former intelligence officials with hundreds of years of experience, they surmised that after Wiki Leaks Julian Assange announced on June the twelve his intention to publish the Hillary Clinton related emails, the d n C rushed. The d n C did, rushed to fabricate evidence that it had been hacked by Russia to diffuse any potential Wiki leaks disclosure. That's what they're concluding to this end. The theory goes on. The d n C then used Goosa for two point oh online persona that persona to release mostly harmless d n C data, and Goosefer was later loosely linked to Russia because of the Russia metadata that were in his files. And his use and a Russian based virtual private network. Then their theory goes on to say, forensic findings by independent researchers that know how to do all this stuff that go by pseudonyms Forensicator and Adam Carter. Well, anyway, they found the former found that one thousand, nine hundred seventy six megabytes of goos offers um files were copied by the d n C server in eight seven seconds on July five, implying a transfer rate of twenty two point six megabytes per second or converted to a measure that we use on eight megabits per second, you know, a speed that's not commonly available by Internet providers, and downloading these quickly would have been all but impossible, and as the forensicator pointed out, the files could have been copied to a thumb drive, something only an insider could have done about that speed at Adam Carter was a pseudonym for another analyst. Anyway, what they're finding here is they don't believe it, and they're putting their names on it, and the people that leaked to the media never put their names on it. Here's the question, what if the people that put their name on it with hundreds of years of intelligence experience. What if they now show that it was never Russia. Nobody knows the truth. We have no evidence right now. What if they never What if we can prove it wasn't. Dana Roharbaker just met with Julian Osang. He says he's got the evidence, all right. So this group that is called the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity group, they've been investigating this conventional wisdom that the Wiki leaks revealed came from Russia and Trump Russia collusion, etcetera, etcetera. Well, they're saying that that the forensic evidence is showing just the opposite, and they're telling exactly how it all happened. And what they did is they with all their hundred two hundred, three hundred years of experience combined. I'm not sure. Bill Benny thirty four years alone. He's gonna join us later in the program today. He's the former Technical director for the World Geopolitical Military Analysis. As the other guy, Edward Loomis, Jr. As a former technical director for the Office of Signals Processing. You know what signals are, as well as other ex intelligence officials with equally impressive conditional credentials and decades and decades and decades of experience, and what their record is is is basically to hold the different intelligence agencies accountable. And while the then the group ended up being right that we wouldn't find w M d S in Iraq. Now some groups, well that doesn't mean they're right here, but it does fit in the narrative that Julian ossange Is said on his program Five Times TV and Radio. And yet there aren't any. It's now beginning to percolate, and it begins to put in place, and and maybe it's you know, will begin to understand why people have been acting the way they have. Why did Debbie wash them? And Shultz? Why would she mean to the police officer. Why did this guy who double build get to keep his job? Why did this guy have government computers and hard drives according to reports, ball busted up in his garage. Is this in any way connected to Hillary Clinton's thirty three thousand deleted emails? Acid washed them and bleach pit and you know, broken blackberries and she only wanted one device and and broken up hammered iPhones. And the FBI gets, oh, let's see, they get blackberries with no SIM cards, which are useless. Where does this end? Was this about disgruntled d n C workers that saw for themselves what we already knew that the fix was in? And to what degree could the d n C be involved in all of this? All right, we're doing that. We're also on a part and watch today. We'll tell you more about that in a little bit. And straight ahead, as we continue watching Hurricane Harvey and job is STARREDI joins us next with an update. The one thing you can always count on, Sean Hannity is back on the radio. I'm actually doing something I rarely do, eating And the reason I'm eating is because Lauren puts food in front of me, and I can't say no to bacon. I'm gonna him. Ah, Bacon is like the greatest creation. This is not? Okay? Yeah, exactly, that'll what's wrong with that? That's fine? One Shawn is told free telephone m But now as we start out today, at around ten o'clock tonight, just as I'm coming on TV, this storm is literally about to hit the coast and it's coming in right at Corpus Christi, Texas, and then it's gonna make its way literally hover around Corpus Christie dumping massive amounts of water. It looks like it's landing at a category three and job is starting with WeatherBell dot Com is with us. So about the time I'm going on the air tonight is d time? Right? Yeah, that's when? Uh, yeah, I mean I know what to say about that. It's coming ashore about that time. And uh and a is it gonna it looks like a Cat three when it hits. Yeah, at least the Cat three these things. What happens is the shape of the coastline, Sean. Uh do you see the way the Texas coast the folks that are looking at it, um is shaped cyclonically like that. It's good, it's arcing. What happens is the storm literally tightened up as it comes to the coastline. You saw that with Hugo back in nine, where the storms as is coming to the coast, the center tightened up and got stronger and stronger. So I think that this is you know, it's a major hurricane. Now it may be a cat for landfall and um, it's just it's just a monster that's coming in. You really think it might be a cat for it landing tight. It could it could get on my scale, the power and Impact scale, which which takes into account of pressure. The barametric pressure in the storm is approaching category four levels right now. And the theory behind that is if the pressure is that low, the wind will show up someplace, and you know you can't you when you when you fly a recon in you can't hit every single spot because it goes through the eye wall in one place and out the eye wall in another place. And the hurricane is like a person. It has stronger points and weaker points. So what happens is you may be missing the strongest winds. Uh. The the positive spin on this right now is that it's going east of Corpus Christie. It will be making landfall up the coast in a relatively sparsely populated area. Now, if you live there, I'm not trying to, uh, you know, put you down or anything like that, but you live where this hurricane is going ashore. It's not like if it was making a direct hit into the major Naval Center Corpus Christie. It's bad in Corpus Christie. Win got sixty seventy miles an hour already, but it's a little north, So it's seventy miles an hour now is bad. Yeah, But and and they'd probably get gust eighty nine miles an hour and there. But that's quite a bit of difference from a sustained wind of one twenty with gust to one forty, which is where this is at now, and by the time it comes ashore maybe one thirty five gust to one right is you're going on the air. So, I mean, the huge danger in all of this is obvious. I mean, you've got flying objects number one, number two. You're gonna have severe winds, You're gonna have broken glass, You're gonna have things flying all over the place. I know that there has been an evacuation notice sent out to some but we both know that not everybody's going to get out. You know, how dangerous are they being with their lives. If they stay well at for instance, up in the Houston Galveston area, there is a chance to avoid their worst case scenario, which would be the storm's going to get back out of the water Sunday night and Monday and come back in. But if it can get out over the water then come back into the west of Galveston, and Houston, it wouldn't be as bad as if it came in just to the east, because it would get stronger and stronger out there, so they could avoid their worst case scenario. But folks, listen when you're talking about one to two ft of rain, and those of you who have lived through things like this, you know that it does. It doesn't take a win more than thirty forty miles to drop the trees when they're that soaked. So what starts happening is if you have all this flooding going on and your powers out and it's two, three or four days, people can't get to you because the rivers are up and everything else. So it's a very simple deduction. You just get the heck out of the area and then you come back and hopefully things aren't aren't that bad. But I've watched this for years and years, and you know, when I was a younger kid, so you know, you couldn't get me out of you know, when bell was coming up the East coast and seventy I'm out there one to go out and measure the winds out in the beach. But as you get older and you're responsible for stuff like this, you got to get the heck out of there. And that's that's the advice that you have to get people, and you listen to what people are telling you know, all right, let's go through because this is a it's not unusual because you know the history of every hurricane let's ever hit this country and and the impact and the danger in the number of people have died. And if it wasn't such a serious day, I would test you and and I know you'd get the questions right. But all right, someone in and around the Corpus Christi area, it's gonna hit around airtime for me tonight at ten. Well, ill full coverage for the full hour tonight. Now when that happens, and when we have our reporters on the ground and people's on harm's way, and they'll show you everything you need to know. All right, when it hits, then it's gonna go somewhat inland, about how far inland, and then it's gonna stop and make a turn right back right right. Well, what happens is it's going to go fifty to seventy five inland and tomorrow evening will be west of Victoria, Texas. UM. If you've ever ever been in there. Then it's going to drop back south again, and Sunday evening maybe west of Corpus Christie. You a weekend state. And then Monday evening it's back out over the water to the east of Corpus Christie. Now here's where it really gets tricky. I've been confident about this loop for three days. The problem is that once you get back out over the water, does it continue moving east northeastward along the coast and make it the final landfall to the east of Galveston, in which case it would really have a chance to rev up and become a powerful hurricane again. Or can it go back into the west. It doesn't have as much time out over the water, and it's still a very very bad situation, but you would not have the kind of hammering winds in the what I describe as a pincer movement in Galveston that could lead to the Bay literally coming into Galveston from behind. Never mind the storm surgeon front that you deal with the first part. So I'm very concerned about that option. So once we get to Monday, we have another fight with this as to try to figure out how strong will it be and where will it go. But the general terminology here, folks, a general story is you've got a large, slow moving system over warm tropical waters. It got trapped, and because it got trapped, it's a catastrophic event for the Texas coast from the coastal bend where where we're hitting full forces of hurricane to at the very least a tremendous rain event, perhaps on the scale of Allison and you folks around the Euston here at ktr H listeners. What Allison did, that is on the table here. So we've got to we've got to acknowledge those things. And that's why we believe it's a catastrophic storm when it's all totaled up. I will say this though, missing corporates, But when I say missing Corpus Christie, I'm not. It's it's like I'm not saying it's missing Corpus Christie. I'm saying the worst of the storm will be up the coast a little ways from Corpus Christie. Okay, But doing that and going into that area, and by the way, the town of Indianola, Texas, the Port of Indianola, Texas, you know, in there was the biggest port there was until two major hurricanes hit and they said forget this, and that's how Galveston Houston became the big port. I don't know if people know Texas legends, but this area is notorious for these very very powerful hurricanes where this is going in. So it's not like there's anything magic about this particular storm. As a matter of fact, it's simply history repeating itself, except we're observing in two thousand seventeen. Wow, all right, So when it goes in the again a little bit north of Corpus Christie, and it's there and it hovers and makes its turn back to the coast, how many hours are we talking about? And how much total rain are we looking at? And how much devastation do you see? Well, as far as the you know the metrics that I deal with, highest winds and rain, there will be three to four ft of rain in some areas near Mattac Orter Bad three to four ft of rain. Yeah, there will be three or four feet in there. Now, before we get go go crazy on this, let's remember Hurricane FLOORA in nineteen in Cuba. It's the one Castro accused the US of stopping the hurricane over his island. What happens. What happened. There was a hundred inches of rain in four days of Santiago de Cuba and said, some little town. I mean, it's a pretty big town in there. So these things, when they move slowly, are capable of producing this type of tremendous rain. That will be in a relatively non populated area. I mean, if you lived there, it's a problem. But it's not like that's happening in Houston. I think Houston gets one to two ft of rain locally, twenty in the Houston Galveston area, which is a huge problem in the first place. But if you're looking for the bull's eye of heaviest rain, it's Libel. Will be near Mattagorda Bay, Corpus Christie a foot to two ft of rain, and a foot of rain may extend as far inland is almost San Antonio, Austin College station, or listen as w t AW College station. I mean, you're gonna have a tremendous storm in there as far as rain amounts go. And then just imagine all that water coming down the brass is the trinity. Then you got high how many high tides are you gonna be dealing with? Considering the slow moving nature of this and the and the return path of this, well that that that that is exactly right. So you're getting a piling up of water. You know, it's interesting and that you know, as talking to Linda a little bit earlier, I said, it's not this similar to see Andy. Remember Sandy kept piling water in pomor In and more and more water. You don't usually see this in the Gulf coastal areas, but again you have this storm trap. Now what's interesting about the trapping situation focus is I see this all the time, because you know, I've watched this out in the Atlantic, and I can show you some tracks that are are are crazier than this, right, and they usually happen between twenty five and thirty five north that area around thirty north. And this just happens to be getting trapped because of all the cool air and the buckling of the jet stream all the way down to Texas. It's almost as if an abnormally cool weather pattern is causing the worst of what is a summer situation. Unbelievable and all right, So now let's go through the time frame. Assuming it lands it's predicted somewhere just around the time I come on TV tonight. But so let's go through all day tomorrow and where this is gonna be. Let's go through where it's gonna be on Sunday, and let's go through your time frame when you expected in Galveston, Houston and what it does from there, Well, Galveston and Houston. No, no, let's go. Let's let's start the time frame tonight. Then what time Atlanta. Well, well, okay, well, okay, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get this ashore to the north of Corpus Christie this evening, so that's you know, or later tonight with time you're on the air, and and tomorrow it's going to be just to the west of Victoria, uh in the afternoon and evening, and then it's going to start drifting back south and southwest. So and while it's doing its weakening, and so instead of the monster hurricane force winds by Sunday year down to a thirty to forty mile storm, but there's strong winds still out over the Gulf of Mexico. So it's just a big broad area of relatively strong winds. And then what happens is that will emerge back out over the Gulf of Mexico to the east of Corpus Christie on Monday. When it does that, it will start a northeast path and probably come back into Texas some place between Matta Gorre Bay and Galveston. It looks like Beaumont, Port Arthur, that upper Texas coast sometime later Tuesday or Wednesday, and there's still a chance to believe it or not. A week from today. This thing is trapped over eastern Texas. So you're talking about from Friday night, all day Saturday, all day Sunday, all day Monday, all day Tuesday at least, Yeah, and bands of heavy precipitation. The way Houston and Galveston are getting is they're getting bands of heavy precipitation that rotate true and it may back off coming these areas further west where the storm eventually does move out Monday and Tuesday. They're getting a pretty consistent pounding over the weekend. You know, if you if you've ever looked at tropical storm tracks, there was one that hit the North Carolina coast and ginger. She was on the charts for thirty one days and she rolled around in the Central Atlantic u for six seven days over two thousand miles east is the coast and then came back. So, folks, all I'm saying is this, you know, keep it in perspective. I mean, as far as it doesn't mean anything beyond the fact that we have a major hurricane it's hitting the United States and it's getting trapped. Is nothing magical about it. It's just the circumstance we're in and things like this happen in nature and in weather no understood. Um, but to the degree that people can prepare, you're saying, people better buckle up. This is not gonna be over in twenty four hours. This is gonna hang out there and hang out there and hang out there, and and then you have multiple high tides obviously coming in during the course of this, and the flooding is going to be severe. Um. This is pretty rough. All right. Uh, really appreciate it. Job is starting WeatherBell dot Com eight nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, thank you so much for being with us. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show. San Alright, so what if it wasn't Russia, Well, the people, the intelligence people, the veterans intelligence professionals for sanity are gonna join us and tell us they don't think it was Russia. Who was it? Then? Also, we're on a Potter pardoned watch on this Friday for Joe R. Pile will watch that and more. Straight ahead, you elaborate more on what the DHS is uh connection with the d n C was. Consultation with the d n C was after he became aware of the hacking and they became aware of the hacking, as to what was offered them, what they accepted. Was there any level of cooperation at all? Um? To my disappointment, not, to my knowledge, sir um. And this is a question I asked repeatedly when I first learned of it. You know, what are we doing? Are we in there? Are we helping them discover the vulnerabilities? Because this was fresh off the o p M experience, and there was a point at which DHS cybersecurity experts did get into O p M and actually helped them discover the bad actors and patch some of the X filtrations or at least minimize some of the damage. And so I was anxious to know whether or not our folks were in there and The response I got was FBI had spoken to them, Uh, they don't want our help. They have CrowdStrike the cybersecurity firm. And that was the answer I got after I asked the question a number of times over the progression of time. That was assumed totally different from the action you got from op M. UH the O p M effort. We were actually in there on site helping them, UM find the bad actors. Do you know who it was at the d n C who made that decision and who was making I don't resistant. Do you know if the FBI continued to try to help, try to assist I have. I've read in the New York Times about those efforts UM sometime earlier this year. Let me just be very clear, at no point during my tenure at the d n C was I contacted by the FBI, DHS or any government agency or alerted or made aware that they believed that the Russians, a an enemy state, was intruding on our network. At no point, and I am a member of Congress who had the ability to sit down and be briefed in a classified setting. Even Director Comey testified publicly that he wished that he had gone to the top of the organization. We're one of the two national political parties. It is astounding that when they had a member of Congress who was leading that organization, that no one felt it was any more important when we had a foreign enemy intruding on one of the two political parties networks to do anything more than lava phone call in to our tech support through our main switchboard. But how can both's outrageous? I mean, Secretary Johnson says that d n C rebuffed the health that they offered. You're saying that no one ever, respectively, who respectfully the Secretary Johnson is utterly misinformed. That is simply not accurate. And much that has been has been written about the time line of events by the New York Times, the Washington Post, that document, through multiple sources, including me uh that that the the FBI and other federal agencies did virtually nothing to make sure that when they were aware, at the point that they were aware that there was or concerned that there was an intrusion on our network by the Russians, that they did virtually nothing to sound the alarm bells to make us aware of that, and they left essentially the Russians on our network for more than for almost a year. Our source is not the Russian government. So in other words, let me be clear, Russia did not give you the potested documents or anything from the d n C. All right, glad you're with a Sean Hannity show. Our to ning PO one Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. At the bottom of the hour, we're gonna check in again with job is starting. Get the latest on Hurricane Harvey that is now pounding its way. It looks like it will land around ten eastern tonight our time, just as we're coming on the air, a category three Corpus Christie. And then again it's gonna stay there and stay there and circle back, and a lot of rain is gonna be drops, a lot of high winds, a lot of potential for damage and danger here. So we're urging everybody in the area to be tremendously cautious. And then it will make its way up the northeastern coast of Texas to Galveston in the Houston area. So what we'll have more on that in the bottom of the hour. You know, it's very very interesting. Remember when the FBI wanted to look at the d n C server emails and wanted to get to the bottom of the hacking thing. And they no, no, no, no, no no no, don't touch our email server. No no, no, no no. And remember when de Wie Wasson and Schultz was battling back against the police officer being extraordinarily rude. And then she kept on the payroll after other Democrats got rid of this I T guy who had his entire family, including guys that got fired from McDonald's and another guy that ran a card dealership or worked at a card dealership, seemingly no I T experience amongst them. And then the I T guy has the three under thousand dollars wired of Pakistan. Then the I T guy tries to get out of the country with a with an ankle bracelets bracelet. Then the I T guy has government computer hard drive smashed in a little it's bits he pieces um in his garage, and you began to wonder what is going on here? The leaded emails, a Hillary acid wash bleach bit uh, smashed up devices, no SIM cards handed over to the FBI. Now the nation Bloomberg, the Washington Times have now begun reporting what if it was never Trump? Russia collusion that which you now have been told for almost a year as and why is Robert Mueller's special counsel even in existence? If in fact that is true. There is a group of people, the veteran intelligence professionals for Sanity VIPs we call them. They've been investigating this conventional wisdom that last year's leaks by Wiki Leaks member. I've interviewed Julian Assane five times of the d n C files emails with the result of Russian hacks, Russia, Russia, Russia. What they found is just the opposite evidence to the contrary and the people involved in this without going forensic investigators. Investigations of these documents just made a couple of weeks ago prior to the July fifth League sixteen by the person or the entity known as goose for two point oh show that they were fraudulent. Now before goosever posted them, they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them in a blank template that had Russia as its default language. And goosef took responsibility on June fifteen for an intrusion that the d n C reported on June fourteenth and professed to be a Wiki League source claims essential to the official narrative implicating Russia in what was soon cast as an extensive hacking operation and has led to a year of Trump Russia Trump Russia collusion, joining US not to discuss it well. He is one of the participating members of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Group. Bill Benny is with US. He worked for the n s A is the World Geo Political, Military Analysis and Reporting Group thirty four years that he was with the n s A. Kirk Weeby's back with US. Former senior analysts for the n s A. Bill Benny, I'm not sure I'm explaining this. Well, you know this better than I do. But you did a hard investigation. How many years combined experience do you do you think you had with all the guys that worked on this, Oh, hundreds, I would say hundreds of you and I have about a hundred. Have a little over rady, I think here's together, Okay, tell us what you did and what you found. Well, we we formed a group to try to find some evidence to actually look at to find out what really happened and be able to say something or in fur things. And the only thing we found were some of the date on the on a five July thing that lead a local download of the data based on the speed and everything, because at the at the time to see the speed it was downloaded about twenty three megabytes per second. That that's the speed of a download to a USB port, uh to a thumb drive for example. But also there are limited capacities lines that could handle that speed. At the time. Certainly it couldn't go transatlantic and overpassed the western Europe and into Eastern Europe. That that was not possible at that time. And still we're preparing a test to see how much data can be passed across here now uh this time this year, just to see if we can test to see what the what the capacity is even now. But back then, certainly it wasn't possible by what existed. Yeah, alright, So the narrative has been and the every news network in the country has been advancing. And remember I've I've tried to get the evidence that We've had people like Clapper and call me and all of these and Brandon and all these intelligence people to say there's no evidence. People in the Senate and Congress and all that they've all said there's no evidence, a lot of smoke, but we don't have the fire. So you're saying that what are the odds that it wasn't Russia at all? That it was what are the odds? Well, I figured it's probably one chance in a hundred that it was them. But but even so, you know, there's no smoke. We couldn't even find any smoke. He certainly we couldn't then find any evidence that would show it went beyond a land at had to capacity to handle that speed, which would have been locally in the DNC land or perhaps slightly off on as few lines inside the eastern United States, but certainly not transatlantic and not France Pacific. Um. All right, So who then likely did this? Because Julian Ossange and I've been saying this, he would be the one guy that knows, would he not where the information came from? Well, I mean, you know Craig Murray, Amassador Craig Murray had said he met with the one of the fellows said he was a source for that information for Wiki Leaks, and he met them in the American University Washington. Well, I've talked about that story for a long time. Are we talking about disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters that felt that the election the primary was rigged. I would think that's highly likely. I mean, certainly, the probability of that happening is pretty high. I would think you think it's probably, But you're saying that the odds that it was Russia Trump collusion in terms of the Wiki League's documents on the d n C are zero, very close. I mean, it's just almost the same as the Chinese, or the Israelis, or the Germans or the British doing the same hack. So what's the likelihood of them? I would say it's all equal to any of them, right, what I guess the next question then is how do we find the truth? Now? I do know that Dana Roarbako was the first congressman to ever meet with Julian Osange. I've been to the Ecuadorian embassy in London. I think you know that. Oh you've spoken to Julian Osange. What what insight can you give A did you find incredible? Yeah? I mean, by the way, so did I. So did I any evidence at all that he's ever published it has ever been wrong? I mean about it's it's a perfect track record. Eleven years, he's never been proven wrong. Right, That's that's what I mean. So, and you look at our national intelligence community. How many times have we witnessed them lying even to Congress? All right, Bill Benny, stay right there, Kirk. We're not ignoring you. Uh, we had you on yesterday. We'll come back and we'll get back to this discussion. So here's the big question. What if it wasn't Russia Trump collusion at all? What does that mean for the Muller investigation, the Special Council? What does it mean? What does it say about media in this country? And when are we going to get to the truth here? We need the truth because the American people deserve to know the truth. And if you've been lied to for a year by the media, it is going to be one of the biggest scandals in the history of media. This this is nothing compared to Dan Rather's National Guard report. Let's put it that way, alright, one Shawn told free Tell well, Nomber, you want to be a part of the program. All right, As we continue with Kirk, weeby former senior analysts for the n s A and and Bill Benny is with us and the veteran intelligence professionals for sanity have this report. It's now been picked up by the Nation and by the Washington Times and by Bloomberg and by others that in fact, it never was Russia. What if it never was Trump Russia collusion in spite of all that you've heard now for all this long period of time, Kirk, what is your take on what you've just heard from Bill and what you're reading here in your involvement? Yeah, well, um, I also met Julian Massage at the embassy a couple of years back, and I found him just as credible as you, and Bill did no reason to doubt him whatsoever. His integrity is on the line on this whole issue and many others. This whole thing smells, it's over the top, Sean. I smell a rat I smell a cover up. I smell an attempt to frame the Russians. And we need to get to the bottom of it. This is as seri as any other crisis facing the US government. And I am frankly dismayed at the government, and I include both the legislative side and the executive They're they're uh seeing uh, they're not willing to march briskly forward on this matter. Now we can hope that Mueller is going to investigate it. I really do. I pray that he does. But I'm very worried about the low key approach to this whole thing. Well, I am too. Now did you you did you ever meet with Julian Kirk? Yes? I did. Okay, So did you guys go together? No? Bill, And I'm what we're on separate missions? Okay, did you find them credible? Absolutely? So? Did I Now he's been right, and I know some people don't like what he does, but I you know, he acted too the government at sixteen and the d D and NASA, and he's now forty five. So anyway, I'm and if the government doesn't protect with cybersecurity, I blame us at some point. But the bottom line, does Mueller have an obligation now to go over there? Yeah? He does. He has an obligation to leave no stone unturned. This is a critical issue facing our government. Sean. It's got to be pursued. Uh Okay, I mean I think so too. And let me ask you this question. At the end of the day, is this country gonna learn that disgruntled Bernie people were the ones responsible for the Wiki League's league. I believe that's that's highly likely. Do you think the government knows now? Our intelligence knows the truth? Now? Does Clapper know the truth? Now? Uh? I believe the n s A should be able to tell everybody what's going on here, and they're not speaking up to Admiral Rodgers ought to be in the front page of everything saying here's what happened and here's the evidence, and he's not doing that. Why do you think they would allow this to go on like this? Because I don't think the the shadow government meeting, the intelligence community and all the affiliated cup contractors and anything that we're we're looking for money, they're all afraid that Trump's going to shake up the i C. Their there, the intelligence community. They're afraid of him and what he'll do to them. And in terms of their budgets. How soon do you think the average American will know? Uh? You know? Uh, the FBI under the hopefully under Sessions, it will change, right and the new administrator of the FBI, hopefully they'll they'll they'll move things along faster. But otherwise Mueller will drag us out I think as long as he can, because he's a part of this shadow government. And you think that Mueller knows exactly what the truth is going into this. I think he's got a good idea, not all of the truth, He's probably knows most of them. All Right, I gotta let you both go. We're going to continue to cover the story to imagine if it wasn't Russia from the get go. Wow, when the Nations, the left wing mag is Bloomberg's in the middle, Washington Times more conservative anyway, eight Shawn is the number. We'll continue. Pannity uncovers the real truth about the politics of d C. He's your watchdog on Big Brother every day. Pannity is on right now, alright until the top of the Shawn our number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the people. Well, first it's gonna be Corpus Christie. The scary thing about this is it looks like it's gonna commit it as a Cat three, meaning Hurricane Harvey. And then it's gonna go inland, and then it's just gonna sort of turn around and go back the whole while dumping all of this rain, and then it becomes a huge flooding issue, high wind issue, hurricane conditions, and then it's gonna make its way up sort of the northeastern side of of Texas, you know, through Houston and surrounding areas. And I know there are some areas where they have been warning you to get out. I know traffic is probably hard and difficult than some of you are listening right now. And I urge you to please listen to the governor and listen to the authorities, follow instructions. Be good little children, but do it for the safety of your own safety. This is not worth gambling with your life. You can always replace a home, you can never replace all human life, and tragedies do happen when some people get stubborn. Don't be stubborn. Job Is Stardi is the official weatherman of the Sean Hannity Show WeatherBell dot Com and a good friend of the program and friend of mine. All Right, so what time about landfall tonight? It's about the time I'm getting on the air, right. First of all, the landfall is going to be northeast of Corpus Christie maybe, and that is crucial because if the landfall was a little south of Corpus in the center came over Corpus, that would be that would have the entire surge into that funnel shape. Corpus Christie Bay would come back into Corpus Christie. Now that's a very bad storm in Corpus Christie, there is absolutely no question about that situation. However, the landfall a little bit further up the coast the way it is will make for the kind of situation that Corpus will escape the worst. And that area where it's going in is sparsely populated, by the way, and there's a reason for that. If you go back and look at the legends of Texas hurricanes, there's a town called Indianola, and back in the eight hundreds, this was the biggest port on the Texas Gulf Coast. It got hit two times in a row by major hurricanes, and then they relocated the town inland. And if you notice the map area of that part of Texas and the coastal bend, it's not populated as much as you know Houston, Galveston, Corpus. So that is a little bit of a bright glimmer here. And what is a catastrophic situation, well, how much rain. And now we also run the risk because it's hovering so long that you're gonna deal with multiple high tides, including around the time when it hits. So my question is that, coupled with the the amount of rain that we're talking about here and the high winds and everything else associated with us, what are you talking about the biggest dangers for people are besides the obvious when when you got a Cat three hurricane hitting your shore. Well, the most extreme option and what we've been forecasting so far, and I hope I'm wrong on this, is that the storm comes back out over the water and then parallels the Texas Coast going inland just to the east of Galveston. If it does that, then that we have a real problem because when you get up to Galveston and you look at the configuration of the city. The city gets hit from the southeast and they had to build that big sea wall after the nine hurricane. But we've never seen a storm intensify and try to come by Galveston by moving northeastward. Now what would that do, Well, you have all this immense rain going on, and it goes into the Houston area too. All that water comes into Galveston Bay. Meanwhile, multiple searches of water is coming in from the Gulf into Galveston Bay, elevating Galveston Bay. And then after the storm goes by, the wind shifts and they get bayside flooding, which I really haven't seen. It's again, I'm praying that this is not going to happen that our forecast. You know, I actually am rooting against what I'm I'm forecasting here in that the storm. I'm sure it's going to make the loop folks get back over the Gulf. But if it could come up west of Galveston, you know, into that area to the west of Houston, then it won't be as bad, is what I've just described. Because what I've just described is a very very bad situation. Yeah, all right, So last question. And you've been awesome, by the way, and we do appreciate you coming on and telling our audience everything and putting everything in perspective for them, just for the people that are in harm's way. Your advice to them, now, I would get you have to get out here. This is a kind of situation where, um, you know, if you're even if you're just looking at one to two feet of rain in twenty thirty mile and narrow winds that that will take trees down because the ground gets saturated everything else. And you don't want to be caught in a situation where there's no uh no fresh water, you know, the powers out for six five six days. You want to be out of that situation. And so I tell people all the time, you know, with a storm like this, when you have potential like this, you you simply say, well, look, if it doesn't turn out as bad, then we all have a laugh about it. I know it's a pain in the neck because I've been in areas where you had to evacuate. But if it does turn out as bad as what we're talking about, people can be isolated two three four days very easily in this and I don't think that's worth the price. It's a dangerous situation overall. There are some glimmers, as I said, not going directly at Corpus Christie, a little bit east of Corpus Christie. That's a key situation. And the other situation that could be a brighter hope is that it never gets gets way back out over the Gulf and it comes back in again in this area that's relatively sparsely populated. Even if it does that, it is a very very bad situation. All right, we really appreciate it. Joe Bustardi Weather Bell dot com and Joe, we'll see on TV tonight just as the storm is really beginning a hit as we come on live at at ten eastern on the Fox News Channel. And we're just asking to people to just take this seriously. This is not a game. This is real life, real danger, real threats to real people. And no life is worth losing over a house or a piece of property or whatever. And and by the way, I'm as resistant as anyone. The government tells you to get out, even if in the worst case scenario and they're just dead wrong, which PISTORTI is rarely dead wrong. You know what's the bigger downside of it? There? There really is none just being taking precautions and and putting safety first. We hope you'll you'll all listen. I see it. Somebody's birth day out there today. And how are you, Velma? Happy birthda Oh? I love that song? Thank you? What's going on, Velma? Oh? Nothing? Fame brought it back in school? Everything's going good? How's it so well? Who's behaving better? Marcellaor Anthony, my nephews. You know what, probably you know Anthony, Anthony probably Marsala is doing good, but Anthony probably he's going up. Yeah, so so well, has anyone put it? Let's see it. My sal is very bright and stuffing my sale it kind of you. But but he's doing good. Now, you're not putting them in prison again, like when they put water and they know and the lawnmower, thinking that they were helping dad, and you put them in prisonment. I had to bail them out. You put them in prison, You put them in time out supposed to do. You're supposed to say, they were trying to help their father. They saw their father put gasoline in the lawnmower, and so they wanted to help dad out, and they didn't know it was gasoline. You can't fault they were. You can't fault them for doing you know, No, you're not gonna you put them in prison just for trying to help their dad out. And I don't understand. They were being good kids and they were trying to help their father and you put them in prison. Yeah, but they did it because they were trying to help dad. That's a good thing. But you do. I have not spoiled my nephew's rotten. That's not true. Oh okay, so you want you want me to stop it? So well, so I shouldn't get him anymore. That's it. You're gonna say. You're gonna say, Uncle Shaun is not allowed to buy you any more gifts, une anything. They said, yes, Well, what do you want me to say? No? No? I mean yes, that's what you need to say sometimes. Okay, well, I'm not saying listen, I'm not saying no to my nephews. If they asked me for an Xbox, or they asked me for a bicycle or a little motorcycle and you gave it to him. Thank you. How how's the motorcycles working out? I saw the video you sent me. Oh yeah, they're doing good. They can ride that thing like a pop. They go as fast as the thing will go too. But you know what those boys are. They're good and they're careful at what they do. Listen, that was the only gift I had some questions about. And I made you because yeah, I thought you're gonna they're gonna fall. Motorcycles are dangerous. I wouldn't have gotten the motorcycle. You wanted the motorcycle, but I wouldn't have gotten that, but you said you were gonna handle it that kid. Yes, you are the woman that told him yes, and I said no, no, no, I talked to you, and you had to take on the liability of said I told you, I do, I tell you, and I told you to buy this. That you make them wear the safety equipment and all the stuff they're supposed to wear. Yes, yes, And they don't drive it when you're not arend, they don't. They don't drive it when you're not around, right, No, we have to watch my husband, all right. You know. Well, by the way, that's not always gonna work out because when you're not around, they steal your phone and they text me. Yeah, I know, but that's unlocked it and I got a number, and I'm being more kireful with them. My friend called me yesterday. I haven't heard you on the radio with us. I know, it's been like nine months. It's been lessening the okay, six months. You're a busy man. I'm very well, you're a busy woman. Does your husband like me anymore? Because you told me the last time he hates me. He doesn't like me. My friends said, my family don't hate you. They not they care. I don't say they in love with you, but they liked you because you're so good to me and the key Wow. But they don't like my politics. But that's okay. We can we can be different. That's what people don't understand. I'm not gonna dislike you because of your political and you're not gonna dislike you the cost we would. I wish well listen you. You know what you're You are far better. You're much better person Christian than I am. You do all the praying and pay for you, and you guess what the bless you and he don't continue to bless You're sweet. I need all the blessings I can get all the time. But does well doesn't like doesn't the Lord talk to you sometimes and say why are you hanging out with Hannity? That he never said those words? God, God knows that we love just because we don't agree with everything. No, I bet you he agrees with me because he he did say the truth sell set you free. And I'm trying to tell the truth every day because the media is lying every day, Like hell right, Oh my wait a minute is hella? Is hell a bad word? Because Hell's a real place, right, I don't want to go to hell? Well wait a minute, wait, wait, let me ask where are you gonna be in heaven? But I'm a favorite spot for you. You're gonna say, what makes you think you're going before me? What if I go before you? Oh? No, you know what that Wait a minute, Wait a minute. That means I'm gonna have to fly out for the funeral. I'm gonna have to see all your relatives. Your husband hates me. You always keep your promises to me, so if something happened to me, I want you in those children life you want, all right, I'll tell you what, no, no, no, okay, I'll make a deal with you. I'll make that promise and commitment that I will be in your children's life. And by the way, and if they don't and if they don't go to college, Uncle Shawn's gonna kick their ass because that's what Uncle Sean does. And I gotta do my read alright, Uh do your read? All right? Can we stop? I know we got new toys, new studio, everything is convenient. Do you mind? Thank you? This is not okay? Okay, no, it's not it's not hearing that voice is not Okay, you're right, Hey, I suffer from insomnia, but I'm doing better than ever A right. As we continue, Sean Hannity Show one sewn a tote free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, let's get to our busy phones. We say hi to Well, we'll go to Phoenix, Arizona, where the President was on Tuesday of this week. It's been a very busy week. And saying hi to Brandon five fifty kf y. I what's up, Brandon? How are you glad you called? Sir? Thanks so great to talk to you. Hey, I just bought a Liberty safe this week. Oh they're the best. Look which one did you get? I got the Fat Boy Jr. I got the Senior. But let me tell you one thing, it is the greatest safe. Now, let me ask you what was in the service? Amazing? Aren't they the nicest people you ever deal with? Oh? Yeah, absolutely they were. They were. They helped out and everything that it needed. So my my phone I D comes up and they say, Hannity, did you lose your key and your your combination again? We'll send it right over because I've lost it like three times. That's why I like the fingerprint now opening safe. They're the best. No, I just got the regular, the regular the key to the touchpad entry and it's it's that's I have one with the touch pad, and it's it's I have the really big big one by the way. They couldn't steal that, and that's where I keep my guns that I'm not using. And then I got the fingerprint safe guns. They're awesome. Yeah. Absolutely, Hey, John Um, I went to the rally on Tuesday with Trump with my twelve year old son, and I can say he was really nervous when you know, I had him watching all the YouTube videos of antiphone and all the protests and stuff going on, so he was really nervous when we got there. But I gotta tell you, the Phoenix police Department were amazing, amazing we got there were just like Boston, Boston the weekend before. It was amazing. You know, Charlottesville left a lot to be desired. Virginia call off a lot to be desired. Yeah, absolutely, And they have there's two Democrats here, Stanton and Gautiers, that are both trying to start investigations on on the Phoenix police and it's just absolutely ridiculous. I'm telling you, they were. They put us a completees and they were awesome, very professionally. And by the way, there was a Fox Business Channel camera woman that got hit with one of the rubber bullets and from and she was reporting on there. I think she was on with Trish Reagan and I watched her and she just kept doing her job and she was fine, you know, they're not going to kill you, but they're gonna work effectively to keep you away from the trouble. And the same with tear gas. If you're gonna go at the police, and if you're gonna go after law abiding citizens that have a right to go to a rally, well that and you want to foment trouble. And this was only a very small group of people, and if you want to confront the police, that's what happens. Yeah. Absolutely, we didn't even see many of the protesters until the rally was over. I mean, their their presence wasn't even really that strong. Contrary to what the news was reporting. They didn't even really get rambunctious until the rally was over, and then they tried to stop it from walking out of the convention center and that's when everything started up and the police they it was pitch perfect response, just like Boston. And you know what, Uh, those are very difficult situations for the cops because they're provoking them. They're in their grill, they're in their face, and uh, I can't say enough good about how they handled all of it. So listen, all my best to your friends, and I'm glad your son had that experience. It really to start engaging in the political process of that young age is extraordinarily um I think informative for them and they're gonna learn a lot of lessons. So Brandon, thank you appreciated one. Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, we'll continue. This is not okay. I thought it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled back up, you creep, get away from me. My nurse came back to the room, found me with my bloody swollen lip, and we left immediately and came home. He I was getting ready and went to the door and there I there, I sat on the bed just devastated. And he goes to the door, casually puts on his sunglasses and says, you better get some ice on that She held onto my hand and she said, do you understand everything that you do? I mean cold chills went out in my spine. That's the first time I became afraid of that woman. This is not okay. I thought it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled back up, you creep, get away from me. She didn't even stay in it for the women that I knew what her husband dian and she knew what her husband did to those women. She there's no way that she did not know that. This is not okay. I thought it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled back up, You creep, get away from me. We will destroy you. As what they said to me, who said my brother said it on behalf of Billy when he was campaigning for him. This is not okay. I thought it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled back up, You creep, get away from me. In any danger, I used to I used to think that I was threatened physical really really yeah, I was. I was very scared. I was horribly horribly threatened, and people don't know that story. This is not okay. I thought it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled back up, You creep, get away from me. Did you see what happened to Jennifer Flowers? Did you see what was happening to Paula Jones? My Alex, Yes, no, not afraid. I just I just knew what would happen. This is not okay. I thought it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled back up, You creep, get away from me. If I ever had to meet her in Parshon, it would be very hard for me not to walk up and smacker. I know that sounds me. I mean she put a lot twelve years old. I mean I had to go look through this window and ide these guys. I just want to know, you get a daughter and grand baby. One happens at that daughter of aggress, that that would have been her, and they pulled you in at that time to do that, what would you do? He would have if you would defense, I mean, you would have protected her where you don't know me, So I'm be scrapped to you. You know, it cares about me as long as you can win your first case as an attorney, and that was her first case ever. I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic, and we should stand up and say we are America, that we have a right to debate that disagree with that administration. All right, there it is Hillary Clinton and all of the things she's saying. I don't even know where to begin. He that is not oh okay, he was invading my space. He aid my skin crawl. Uh literally literally back up, you creep. I'm thinking, I'm like, wow, anyway here to debate. Well, there is some hypocrisy, as you just heard from Paula Jones and Kathleen Willie and wanted to Broderick. And of course then there's the little unfair thing with Patica Lewinsky that we know about, you know, the intern of the White House, d C. McAlister, federalist, p J Media, Emily Shier, journalist who appeared in the Washington Post, the New York Times. In other words, fake news outlets spoken both of you to the program. So Emily, let me ask you a question, Um, do you think she should have ever publicly said about her husband that what he's doing with these women is creepy? And not only did she not say ever anything against those the attacks of these against these women and the relationships with these women, but then she also took money from a lot of countries that abuse women, and I'll get to that in a second, like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and Uae and all these other countries, and she never criticized them either. Is there is those things creepy the way they treat women in those countries. So I think actually the point about what role she played in when women accused her husband of sexual assault was one that actually a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters. But I didn't ask you what Bernie Sanders did. I ask you what Bernie Sanders supporters thought if I wanted to Bernie Sander supporter. But I'm asking what you think was it creepy what her husband did. Let's just start with Monica, which we know happened. Was that creepy that by Monica Untie's account was consensual. Do I take the allegations again? Again, So it's not creepy that the president of the United States had had of intern performed oral sex on them. Cover it? I think creepy doesn't cover it. When someone alleged sexual assault, it is far more serious than creepy. Okay, So did you believe I've interviewed Oneita Paula and Kathleen Willie and others. Do you believe them? I certainly take their accounts seriously. Yes, I wasn't there in the moment. And Hillary Clinton once said that women ever right to be believed, you know, And yes, And I think there's a tremendous autocracy, and I think a lot of women have called that up. I think that is a problem that I don't want to hear about a lot of women. I want to know what you think Emily stopped with a lot of women and Bernie Sanders support. I want to know what you think when she takes money, for example, from Saudi Arabia. Women can't drive, women told how to dress, women can't travel or even leave the house without an adult relative. Gays and lesbians are murdered and killed for who they are. Christians and Jews are persecuted. Then you've got to Algeria where they punish gays and lesbians the same way, and Brunei Oman and Cutter and United Arab Emirates. Marital rape in some of these countries is acceptable, and she took money from them and never criticized them. Is that is? Was that appropriate of her? Does she have a mantle on this women's rights issue? When she takes money from countries that abused women? She has it foreign policy? But I think no, she never criticized this. All the time, work with governments who we don't agree with their treatment women. How okay, I'm not talking about working with women. She took money for the She took money for the Clinton Foundation, and I dare you to go find the research when she's ever criticized these countries for their human rights abuses, which is what I'm describing. I wouldn't take a penny from Saudi Arabia? Would you? Would you? Emily? As a country I'm not asking as a country or as Bernie? Would you take a penny from a country that forces women had a dress and they can't drive a car? And they kill gays and lesbians. I wouldn't take a penny. No, I personally wouldn't. Okay, well, your friend Hillary did. D c McAllister. Our government gives kinds of country. So I don't know why you're holding the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton to stand. I don't know why you thread a needle and defend the indefensible and say you're a champion of women's rights. D c McAllister, Well, I think the hypocrisy is definitely self of it. I mean, you've made the point, you've shown it. I mean, you can't really defend this. She is hypocritical in her defense of these men and nations and associating with them even though they are very abusive to women. I mean, she hangs out with Anthony Weiner and she talks about Trump being creepy. And what I find really a sensive here, though, is not just hypocrisy, but the fact that this woman stood on stage having the privilege of being the nominee for president. She is a privileged woman. She has a lot of advantages, she has had a lot of success, a lot of wealth. She stands up there buying to be the leader of our country, and she plays the victim card to manipulate us and compare herself, this privileged woman, to real victims, and by doing that, she is a mockery. She's making a mockery a real victim people like wanting to brought it, or even all many victims in this country who actually know what it's like to be in the presence of a creepy man who threatens them. Trump was not threatening her, She was not on a victim She was an a privileged station. And she's playing on our sympathies to feel sorry for her. How dare she I talked to real victims of rape. I talked to real women. I've experienced myself creepy guys in real life. She has no right to stand there and play the victim in her state and in her position, as privileged as she is. She needs to shut her mouth and be honest about what she is. And it's just a political opportunists. Do you hear the women who have come forth, the dozens of sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump, also privileged? Will you stand up as fourth rightly for them? Are we believing them? Can I just jump in which one because all of the women that were written about in the New York Times. I interviewed almost all of them, and they all said The New York Times lied, including Carrie Prejean, a former girlfriend, everyone from page Big Story New York Times, and they all debunked with the New York Times that are reported. Who are you specifically talking about? You're talking about a specific report in the spring where you're absolutely right. The New York Times did frame one of their main accounts in the wrong life. What about all the women who came forward with cheerful accounts later on in the election cycle, what about the womanhood been on the time day? She said Donald Trump took off his clothes in front of her and was pressuring her if you wanted to get right, quick answer, d C. And then we got to move on. But Emily, you're sitting up a false equivalency. I'm talking about Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is the one claiming to be a victim. She was acclaimed as if she was somehow threatened by this man. That's how she was sitting. When you put yourself as a victim, you're making someone else to be a predator. And she was saying that Donald Trump is being a predator towards her, that she wants our sympathy towards her because she was a victim. All right, stay right there, DC, we gotta take a break more with DC McCalister and Emily Shy are on Shawn right as we continue Hillary Clinton's no book out and h he's creepy, and we were talking about the double standard. DC McCalister, Emily Shyer, and you know, I just I just find frustrating DC, and I like Emily. Emily has been a longtime friend of the program. And it's very, very frustrating when the Left is confronted with obvious examples of hypocrisy, like taking money from countries that abuse women, kills gays and lesbians, and and literally persecute Christians and Jews. You know what I didn't. I wouldn't care if that two cents in my pocket or less. I wouldn't take any money from those people. Now, it's different from what the country has to do. You know, we teamed up with the former Soviet Union to de beat defeat Nazi Germany. Germany, they weren't our friends, the former Soviet Union. So I just you have to as a country deal with people you don't want to like all that you don't like all the time, But as an individual, Rudy Julianne turned down ten million dollars from this guy that was anti semitic after nine eleven, and that was that was a principled stand. And I'm saying, if Hillary was really creeped out like she claims, Hillary wouldn't have taken the money, and Hillary would have spoken out and said, it's creepy what my husband did. And that's the that's the great hypocrisy of her comments. Well, absolutely, I mean, she's a political animal and she's a hypocrite, and you have to look at the facts and admit that. But one thing I think I can't agree on with with Emily is that sexual assault accusations are very serious, and so are the sexual assault itself. And one of the problems with what Hillary did was not only a hypocrisy with Shaun you pointed out brilliantly, but also the fact that she's playing a victim. And in the world where women are sexually assaulted, we want those events, those situations to be taken seriously, and often they're not because women do make false accusations, as we learned from the dukela Cross situation. So we want credibility in this, and here we have Hillary Clinton playing the victim and feeding into the narrative that women can't be trusted, that women play the victims all the time, make false, false accusations. She falls, She's stands for feminism in a way that just puts no credibility on women. And is there there is some truth d This is something that not a lot of people recognize. I know people that were falsely accused of sexual harassment. I know that, and as soon as the accusation is made, it's almost like it believed instantaneously. Absolutely, it's very serious, and so we can't make a game of this. And that's exactly what Hillary Clinton has done. She's not only made a mockery of the whole situation of the accusations, but also women who actually have been sexually assaulted by putting herself on the same level as real victims. This would be offensive to everyone. Whether you're a liberal or conservative, it doesn't matter. Just what she did is just disservice to women. It is very much a disservice. Yet I actually very much agree that although many women will connect with what Hillary Clinton is saying about her intraction with Trump, and I don't. I think it's important to know that she's not saying she was actually harassed. She is definitely saying she felt like a victim. It won't resonate with many women with a large version woman as well, because this is a certain kind of harassment that is a lower level than explicit sexual assault. I think the reason this moment connected with a lot of people, and Hillary Clinton was deemed the winner of this debate. Hang on one side, that's that's you're wrong. That's the night that Donald Trump became president. But it was just it was just after that that NBC Access Hollywood tape and come out. I've looked at the tape many times. Did you feel in any way d C mccalmister, that Donald Trump was invading Hillary space in a creepy way? I didn't see it. Oh, absolutely not. And you're supposed to be the president, You're wanting to be president to nighted stage and you're creeped out by the guy behind you? Are you kidding me? You're going to be dealing with We're all figures on the stage. You know, I can't even believe this, that she would even compare or complain about this. You know standing on a debate stage in a provalance situation that was very safe. This is not true. She didn't so threatened. She loved being up there. She's not a victim, and this isn't the first time she's played the victim. She was a victim of the right wing conspiracy. Gonna you know, she's a victim of everything. I'm gonna have to leave it right there. Thank you, Emily D. C. It's been too long. Thank you so much for being with those eight D nine one, Shawn a toll free telephone number. R C. Maxwell is going to be our guests. I saw this videotape. I was so angry. A young man gets cold cocked hit from not even looking, hit from the side, had no chance to defend himself by one of these leftist agitators. We'll put into the video on Hannity dot com if you want to look at it in a break uh, and then we'll introduce you to this young man when we come back. Eight nine one, Shawn, if you want to join us quick break right back. We'll continue to monitor all the events Hurricane Harvey and much more. Ten Eastern tonight is about when it hits landfall, and we'll get to that then and hope you'll join us tonight. Check out the show seven downloaded to your I po be a Handity insider at Hannity dot com. Alright, twenty five now till the top of the one. Seawan is our told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. It's Friday. We made it, and this is the time you just begin to like take a deep breath. We've had a pretty stressful week here because we've had well new studios. Well, well this is gonna be honest. We have buried the Sean Hannity Show studios in a place that nobody will ever ever find it, you know, with all that's going on, and let's just say, all the very kind and sweet and loving voicemails, notes, texts and tweets and and even facts is that come in. We've just decided that maybe we're not gonna be so public with where we are every day. And so we we have these beautiful new underground bunker palatial studios. And it's not we're not stealing Mark Levin's bunker. Wait a minute, Mark I had the bunk our first. Yeah, well he was smart. He got a bunker read out of the box. We didn't know what we're gonna need one right away. So but whenever you have a new studio, and but we got a quick before we do f g L. I want a grade because I came in on Monday. I knew any time you get a new studio that we're gonna have little little glitches that need to be worked out. We've had glitches all week, not that any of you out there in Radio LAMB would know. And the one thing I was not gonna do is add to everybody's pressure because everybody'd been moving and everybody built the studios and they're really beautiful and they did a phenomenal job. And it's normal to have technical glitches when you got all this equipment in here. I mean it's crazy. So uh, last time, when Linda was out the week I got graded and I saw grade myself. This week, we'll start with Sunshine today. Who up there? Grade from an eighty to ninety five? The last time? Why do I get? This time? You are a total honorable student? This week, Sean, you get a one hundred? Whoaon what do I get? I would give you higher than one hundred if I could you actually work sceptional okay. And what did I do to our new neighbors today? You were very nice and bought them lunch. I bought everybody lunch today. All right, j C. What do I get? I say, I'll give you a ninety three? Why nine three? I didn't do one thing you look you individually, because you're running that board and you're the engineer I gave you. I gave you the most slack because because of the pizza, I'll give you a ninety eight. Well, what do I ever need to do to get a hundred? We'll talk about that later, Okay, just be happy with the great stopping such a snowflake. Oh wow, so mean Linda? All right, we came to you last because I figured they would soften you up for the softening myself up for the blow. Right. I thought you did great? Like that's not a number? What's the great? Wow? You were very well behaved. All right. I gotta give all of you hundred intens to great week this week. And uh and Clay, by the way, he has been working hard this week. Clay is a rock star. He's our star here. He's your favorite person here, not me, Clay, because Clay makes it work so that we don't have to hear you yell. I wouldn't have yelled, not this week, of course, not only Frozen Heart yells. Yeah, I did say that today. That was done in good what fine, But I like it. I think I'm going to keep that new name. I'm gonna be frozen. Oh it's in that particular instance, it was like, hello, no, I'm keeping it on. Wake up, wake up? All right, let's put our party hats on. It's Friday, Florida Georgia Line Friday Concert Series. It is as all of them tough weeks, and our prayers go out to and this music goes out to all our friends and the Houston galvetson christ Corpus Christie area. We're praying for everybody this weekend. Hang in there and if you got to get out, get out listen and we we pray there's not much damage and nobody gets hurt. All right, let's hit it, stagging him bail. I'm dal tired by the five o'clock car, but I'm ready to raise some hill. Jessy's getting ready. I'm gassing on the shipping. I'm gonna figure the six I hope she's gonna wear the jeans with the tears and her mama never fixed. The moon goes up and the sun goes down. We find a little spot only in the time twist. I'll sid a little blassing around, dancing the dust. Turn to read and that fibe always gue in. This first intends shunning my hand to feeling all right Saturday night. And that's how we doing. Ran over here, Yeah, that's how we do it. Around here the black bill sit back here, you can find a swear. The party's at. This is how we rule. Oh, we ain't runcing down everything on grade you we lighted up where our rands up. This is how we rule. This is how we do. We're burning down the night sheeting bullets at the moon. Baby. This is how we rule. Yeah, baby, this is how we rolled. Were rolling in the town, were nothing else to do. We take another lap of around. Yeah, high lack it boy, if you need rock, if you rolling me, you know we're rolling hop on in thirty seven meetos windows ten in hot to see though how fresh my baby is in the shotguns? See though he kisses off for me though automatic lock of free throw. It's like I live. It might not be for you, but it's for me though. It's this is how we rule. We ain't und singing down everything on the baby you. We lighted up with our rands love. This is how we rulled, and this is how we do in the world turns to ly on his turning look at you, mab, this is how we rule. When the sun had loved and the winter came and the sky fall only bringing rain, I sat in darkness, all broken hard. I couldn't find a day. I didn't feel alone. I never meant for Christ, thought it losing whole. But somehow, baby he broke through and saved. Ain't renae jail till me never leave because you're the first thing I knew. I can't even leave you, your holy holy h ain't you'll loving you, You're loving you, your holy holy holy holy y'all loving you, Loving you mean the brightest days from the darkest night. You're the river bank where I was baptized, cleansed from the damon that was killing my freed on. Let me lay you down, give me to you, get your singing vade hollelu Yeah, we'll be touching. We'll be touching. Ever Renamed jail till me, you never leaveing because you're the first day I luckingly right a little left yell on a Friday, putting a smile on your face. Tonight on Hannity, it's it's ten Eastern when this thing hits, and we'll have full, live, complete coverage of everything that's going on. As job is. Stardi has been telling us all day, this is not gonna be good. And and literally the storm is gonna hover and you're gonna get all of this rain that's gonna drop down on everybody here. So I thought, some prayers are with the great people Corpus Christie. We love Texas on this program. We love everybody in Texas. They're great people. And um, I know that the federal government is is ready because I've actually talked to people. So imagine my surprise I found alone. You know, I do a lot of Internet searching, a lot of reading, and I'm up late, and I just that's the way I lived my life. I'm nocturnal. Anyway, there was there was a really unbelievable attack against an innocent man. And I remember I found the video and I sent it to Linda and I said, Linda, you will will you please find this young man because he was interviewed on a local TV station. His name is r. C. Maxwell. He's from Los Angeles and they did a news report on CBS l A about this attack. And what you can see is it occurred during a rally at at Main Beach and Laguna Beach and it was all captured on two different two different angles on a cell phone. Laguna police say, this guy, Richard Lousey from Ohio anyway, so very politely, very kindly, very nicely R C. Maxwell. He's just talking about his opinions with some of the people that are there protesting. Couldn't be nicer. And then out of the left side, he's not even looking at this guy. He the guy comes up and sucker punches him. And I said, Linda, I want to talk. And I saw the interview with this young man and I said, this is ridiculous. And then the guy on Twitter is like, oh, I hope they arrest me. He got arrested anyway, R C. Maxwell as well. Us. Then when Lynda, the founder, she goes, well, you know what his handle on Twitter is? And I'm like, no, I don't know what his handle on Twitter is. He's then she tells me it's at Black Hannity, and I'm like, seriously, so it became I couldn't believe it. First of all, Arc, welcome to the program. I'm so sorry what happened to you, And I wish I was there with you, because if I was there with you, it would have been a very different conclusion. You are not allowed to go up and sucker punch the way this guy did you. But I did see during the interview you didn't even have a mark on you and the guy like wound up and throw it. Yeah. No, he definitely blindsided me with all of his might. But the good thing was, you know, he's a less cider, so you know, he didn't have much fun and I was able to go to work the next day. Well, I'm sorry that happened to you, but it's to me. The reason it just impacted me so much is just watching the table, you would just being nice tell us what was going on. Yeah, you know, I I like to find commonality at these kinds of events with the other side. You know, That's why I come dressed nicely. I don't wear battle gear and masks on my face, and I don't come with armed with pepper spray I came armed with just Miloanopolis is dangerous. I was talking literally about why, you know, I have certain stances on um illegal immigration, and I was telling them that I was from Englewood, UM. So you know, I was trying to you know, humanize you know, the anti illegal immigration side, but they did not want to listen, you know, anti fast circled me pretty quickly there. Uh, and you know, we were definitely outnumbered, you know how, and there were a lot of people there after you got sucker punch. What happened after that, because I didn't see that part of the video that from that point it got cut off. Yeah, immediately after the sucker punch, you know, I kind of got out of the situation because you can't really tell how many. I couldn't really you know, tell who hit me, how many there were um, And then it was kind of just that guy screaming um, you know, and everyone was like, you know, kind of joking about it, like heck ya heck yeah. Uh. And then I tried to alert some of the officers, but you know, they had a tough job in Laguna, you know, they they were out and right here and they couldn't really break rank to kind of take a look at the situation. But they did they see you got hit. They did see that I got hit, You know, they did. You know, let me know. I can go down to a station a few blocks away and final a report. I didn't do it at the moment because I had my own camera crew there that I was concerned for as well. Um, so do you are you? Are you a reporter or what do you do now? I run a political action committee, American Voice. You know, it was founded by C. L. Bryant, someone I think, Oh my god, he's one of is like my one of my favorite people in the world. I didn't know your friends with c L. He's such an awesome role model for you. That's great. He's a role model for me. He tells me every time I talked to h I'm praying for your Hannah. Do you need a bed? I'm praying. I'm like, I'll take it, thank you. Yeah. And you know what, that's kind of why I go by the Moniker ball Kennedy, because you know, you're pretty bold out there, and you have put yourself under its target by some of the radicalisms before a long time. So you know, I kind of do the same and I did the same going to talk to the other side in Laguna uh, and they didn't want to listen. So the reason I had the camera crew was, you know, really just to record my interactions with the other side. Is there a lot more video that you could share with us that we could Obviously we've got weather going on all night tonight, but I'd love to have you on TV next week. And I know we've talked about it on Monday. How about this. Are you busy, We'll fly out to New York. I'll take care of your bill. I'll put you on an airplane. You come visit us. I'll get you a hotel of New York. You can bring your girlfriend or whoever you want to bring. That would be fantastic. I'll bring Laura Loomer, she's in New York. Okay, that's that's great. All right, I'll tell you what stay on hold. Are you okay in terms of do you need any any help with lawyers or anything I could do to help you? No, Look, you know I'm okay. You know I have a guy in Manhattan Beach you who's reached out just in case I need him. Um, I'm fine on that regard so uh, you know, if if anyone wants to help me out in any way, they can just give to the Political Action Committee, because the worst thing that this can do for the left side is give me the ability to control funds to elect candidates that are just as bold as I am. All right, so stay right there. Linda's gonna make the arrangements. We'll get you into New York and maybe you can feed all the tape to our our TV team and we'll show it to people on Monday or Tuesday, maybe, depending on how the storm it's gonna hang over. The Galvet's then move up to Houston by think Monday, so we'll get you on either Monday Tuesday. I look forward to meeting you, and thanks so much our c thank you for being with us, said, I'm so sorry that happened to you. What I meant was I would have had your back, not not. I don't let I don't let friends of mine get sucker punched. I defend my friends. Okay, so God bless you. I'm glad you're okay. It's unbelievable the atmosphere out there, all right, Hannity Tonight Tenney Eastern Fox News, of course, we'll be covering the hurricane uh just as we are coming on the air. We ex expect that this is literally gonna be touching round, so we'll have the best coverage. We have the best reporters, and our thoughts and prayers again go out to the people of Texas, and of course this country will be ready whatever help and assistance you need. That's who we are. Have a great weekend. We'll see it tonight at ten. We'll be back here on Monday.

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