Jonathan Gilliam fills in for Sean and sits down with Cheryl Costantino and Kerry Murphey, two local politicians, to discuss just why local governments can still find ways to succeed where Washington continues to fail. The biggest difference? The closer to the people, the more accountable our leaders are to the decisions they make. Isn't that what a republic is all about? Something worth remembering. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a ten you warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to Go Anywhere pillows for forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been eving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo called Hannity You will love this pillow. This is Jonathan Gilham filling in for Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Literally, and quite frankly, Sean is the biggest voice in conservative radio and conservative talk. I would have to say even on television, Sean is the man. And if I'm broadcasting a little bit this on Facebook Live, if I can get my phone set up at the same time, those of you may or may not know me. I'm a former Navy seal, Federal Air Marshall security contractor FBI special agent. Sean calls me in when he wants to go to the water, when he wants to go to the beach, he calls the frogman in to come here and actually take over the literally take over the studio, although I think Lauren might think otherwise, and she's the producer, but we are going to have a fantastic show today. I want to talk about just a little bit about what I've been doing over the past month, which is I have a Facebook Live show I do every night at nine pm every weeknight at nine pm Eastern Standard Time on Facebook Live. That's on my page. Jonathan T. Gilliam. Actually now I'm actually simulcasting on Twitter as well, but which is interesting because I'm utilizing two of the biggest liberal platforms in the world to spread the real conservative message. So what I did was I took my show, I packed up my suburban, I got my Jack Russell, seventeen year old Jack Russell Rico. We got in there and we just started driving. And I challenged the people who who watch my show regularly two fund it through a go fund Me page. It's go fund dot my forward Slash the Experts Road Show. If you don't know, if you can't remember that, it's on my Twitter and on my Facebook. So I challenged people to fund me to go out on the road and go to them. And then I challenged them also further two actually host events like I'm not a promoter, I'm not a financier. I'm just a hard working American that wants to continue to serve and sees where there is a lack of unity in the conservative movement. And in fact, today we're not really even gonna use the word conservative as much as We're gonna use the word freethinker, because that's what I learned as I went on this trek around the United States, and I went to Myrtle Beach, I went to Oxford, North Carolina, Norfolk, Virginia, over to rain now West Virginia, where my good buddy UH Sean Robinson, his cousin UH Dave Robinson, and their friend Chuck. Dave and Chuck both veterans. I went over there and talked with them and recorded that, and then went all the way over to Arkansas, Selin County Republican group, then up to Yellville, where I grew up in the Ozarks, and then up to Detroit, met with some incredible people uh there, and then made my way to Ohio to interview my buddy Drago is gonna be on here later on tonight, and then back to New York and the amazing thing, Folks, this is what I saw. Listen. If you're switching, channels, are turning, or you're trying to decide what to listen to, listen to this. If you are a freethinker, forget for now the terms conservative and liberal. Just forget it for a minute. If you're a free thinker, and you like effective solutions. You need to realize that there are other people across this country that think exactly like you do. They see what's going on in the media, they see what's going on with subversion in the country. They see what's going on with the fake activists and the fake issues of the day. Issues where like, for instance, women's rights and the oppression of women. Not one time in my journey over the past month and I slept, we rerigged the truck up or has a bed in it and everything. I did not meet one female that said she was oppressed. In fact, they said just the opposite. They are free. One of the people that I'm gonna have on here in the next hour Cheryl Constantino. She's a mayor pro Tempt from Harper Woods, Michigan, her her daughter. All the people that I met at the thirteen District Republican Lincoln Day dinner that it was unbelievable how powerful these women are. It's fake. They don't have less rights than me, they don't have less abilities than I do. They're equal and they're free thinkers. When I was in North Carolina, I'm meeting with Meredith and Robin and Linda and all their friends the same thing. When I was in Yellville meeting with my mom's family, all of them, I would say, elders in this country, not just because of their age, because of their experience, they said the exact same things. They were worried about the exact same things. They saw the exact same propaganda in the media and in politics as everybody else that I came across across and when I was driving across this nation, and it was life altering for me. It should make you stop in your tracks. If you're listening now, I think Sean's got like over a billion listeners. Now some of you could go to Twitter and follow me. If you're listening to this and you say, on a daily basis, I can't watch this anymore. They're not telling me the truth or why is it this way on that quote unquote news channel and it's different on this one. Why is it when I click on things there's no real story there and it's lies. Why is it that Twitter and Facebook are mona turing and censoring conservative freethinking effective viewpoints? Why if you keep asking yourself that every day, why why? Why? And you keep saying I'm sick of this, you have to realize two things. There are literally millions and millions of people that feel the same way you do. They see the truth the way you do, and they are sick and tired of it just like you. But here is the other thing that profoundly hit me as I was driving around meeting all these people. You're not unified the left and and thanks to my good buddy draw going a little bit of research, the left that those terms left and right, those aren't new. Those terms have been around for thousands of years, all the way back to the Greeks. The reality is the left and their subversive tactics have been around four thousands of years. Subversion has been around for thousands of years, and recently in recent history, pretty much since the eight teen forties somewhere around there when Marx came up with this nutty idea of communism and some type of utopia. He came up with the cult like idea that you have to subvert people, that you have to make people fall in order and before they can get to the point of freethinking, before they get to the point of taking care of one another. And what's crazy about it, not even a hundred years before our own founding fathers had had established the perfect utopia here in the United States, that utopia where you're free to be the best. And if you're if you don't want to be the best, nobody's gonna force you to be better. Nobody's gonna force you to give. But you inspired to give. They they you know, people want to give because they're free. So when Marks came up with this crazy idea, and then Lennon and Stalling and all the rest of them, communism started to spread. Even though it was nonsense and it fails everywhere and people are miserable and enslaved, they were still able to convince the sheep. And it always starts out just like it did here in the United States. All is good, and we got a revolt and let's have a revolution, and uh, these people are bad Christians are bad people that have light skin or bad It's like on and on, and we need to we're separate and we're we're the ones that are down trotted on where minorities this and that listen. I had an argument with with somebody on my Facebook page the other day. I don't recognize skin color, I don't recognize nationale city, I recognize good work ethics. I recognize whether or not you have good morals and values. If you're a good person, if you're not. It has nothing to do with your skin. It has to do with your personal choice. But see, these individuals on the left have honed their skills through thousands of years, and since the eighteen hundreds, they have been working to subvert the world. Most people think when the Cold War ended that that communism just went away, but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it is stronger now than it's ever been because they have been integrated and secreted themselves into everything. The educational sector, subverted, media, subverted, special interest, always been subverted. Always, that's just actually just one of their creations. Equal rights subverted, military d o D, subverted intelligence, subverted even ESPN where you go to actually want, you know, things and relax on your day off. All of this has been taken over and big business, let's not forget about that. Big business has been taken over. You literally have generals and admirals that are in the Department of Defense that have been trained by subversive enemies in the Democratic Party that get out and take over big business. And guess what they do the same thing there. They just continue to subvert. It's up to the American people that are free thinkers to unite. And this was the thing that scared me the most. You're saying the same thing, you're feeling the same thing, you're seeing the same thing, but you are not unified. You're not organized. The left is organized. They're unified. They're using tactics, techniques and procedures that literally are thousands of years old. And it continues to work because is they figured out, especially now with social media and television, minimal effort, maximum results. They know it's not like they put out tons and tons of effort. They put out a little bit of effort all the time. But they're unified. The free thinkers in this country a k. The conservatives, the people who look for effective solutions, they are not unified, and they don't even put out minimal effort to get maximum results. You have to when you come home in the evenings, don't sit down your couch, call your friends, go meet, have dinner, talk about this stuff. Get other people. Don't wait for this incredible President Trump to try to get you out into a stadium. Do it yourself. I'm Jonathan Gilham. I'm gonna be here for the next three hours. I've got some incredible guests coming up. You can find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Sealing on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. And don't forget my show The Experts every night nine pm on Facebook Live and Twitter. We'll be right back. Issues etc. Dot Net a podcast for social conservatives, issues etc. Dot Net Abortion, gay marriage, Islama, terrorism issues etc. Dot Net Radical feminism, embryonic stem cell research, religious liberty issues etc. Dot Net physician assisted suicide, judicial activism, hate crimes issues, etc. Dot Net When you serve the web tonight, check out issues etc. Dot Net. This is Jonathan Gillham building in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. And all my listeners out there, I'm glad you're tuning in. I was on Facebook Live just to say, gonna go doing that opening part, and uh, the response I got is great, you all are great. I hope that what I said hit home. And right now joining me. We're gonna have a short segment, We'll go to commercial, will come back, and these these two incredible Americans are gonna be with me for the rest of the hour, and joining me in studio is Scott e. Linger. We've quick become good friends. Uh. And yes, you can trust the CIA Operations officer. He's a former CI operations officer and co host of a podcast called The Station Chief and uh you can uh. He joins the show today. But the podcast, where do people find that at? Scotty there? Um the podcast is you can just go to uh w w of the Station Chief dot com and then it'll switch it to another site and then you can listen to it there. We record once a week, so we recorded yesterday talking about the latest in intelligence in the world, which is interesting because also joining me via uh phone, I was almost at sat phone trying to make us sound better is Dan Pongino, former Secret Service agent, an NYPD officer, contributing editor Conservative Review. And you're all over the place as well. I got very prolific people here with me day. Dan, thanks for being with me. Yeah, man, things are busy, a lot going on in the world. Happy to be here. Yeah, you could say that again. So interesting you know now and on the show, you have a Navy c l FBI agent, you have a c I, A operations officer in station chief and you have a Secret Service agent and NYPD officer. I literally think we could take over Washington. That sounds like that sounds like a meeting of the Penguin, Catwoman and Mr Freezer. I don't know where. It's like an alphabet souper federal agency at uss C, I a FBI, us MS alphabet. And we're we're obviously um some of the more brighter ones that have worked these agencies, because we're not we're no longer with them. Yeah. I left a long time ago. Yeah, so you know what, let's let's start with that. Dan. You know, you have worked, like all three of us have have scarred at Washington d C. Because whenever you're in any of these agencies, you're going to deal with the politics of Washington d C. Period, and especially from the top down, the political pointees, the deputy directors and executives. It's all politics. But you were bathed in it working in and around Obama in the White House. In retrospect, what was that like and did you you know you were working You were in there for the mission, but were there things that in retrospect, if you would have just been a civilian, you would have been going what is going on in government? Yeah? I mean the story I tell all the time is, you know these congressional members, they get pins to wear on their lapels around the White House, and we'd go out on some foreign trips and things like that, we'd have congressional members along with us, and there were a couple who shall remain name listen, people who would take the pin off and they'd wait for you to challenge them. They would only do it so they could tell you who they were. And I remember going home to my wife be like, is this for real? Like, like, do you know who I am? Like they do that on purpose. I mean, I don't think people really understanding there listening bout it is just how polluted the d c se S pool is. I mean, I know you guys get it, but it's a total disaster full of really really disingenuous, you know, dishonest people. And you know that's why behind Trump and cleaning the swamp out. So listen, that's a perfect place. We'll take the break right now, We're gonna come back. You're gonna be with me for the rest of the hour, and we are going to go over this some more. Definitely Dan Bongino, Dan, what's your Twitter handle? At? Okay, we'll be right back on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. And this is Jonathan gill And filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawan Hannity Radio Show. That was some swanky music coming in there, kind of like I feel like we're having a round table in like a gambling parlor after listening to that music. But joining me now in the round table is Dan Bongino. Dan Bongino, I'm sure all of you know who he is, former Secret Service agent NYPD, contributing editor at Conservative Review and Scott you Linger in studio. He's a former CIA operations officer and co host of a podcast, The Station Chief. You can both on Twitter us. You can find Scott at The Station Chief and Dan Bongino at Dan Bongino. Is that what it is? De Bongino got you and you can find me j Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam where I do a show called The Experts every week night. It's about an hour and I've had Scott on there. Dan, I gotta get you on there. It's um uh we we try to avoid talking heads like you can continuously see on television. And you know, we were having Dan getting back to what and then I'm gonna bring Scott in getting back to what you were saying before. We laughed about the madness in d C and the politics. We were talking off air about how similar media is too politics in the way that, uh, there's just not a lot of people in Washington, d C. That are veterans, not a lot of people that are real experts in any specific field really more than less their attorneys. And in the media, it's you know, I don't know what they even base it on anymore. What makes people angry? I don't know. I can't tell, because there's so few actual experts and so many just talking heads, uh, that it gets aggravating. Yeah, I was laughing the other day. I was talking to a friend that I was saying, how watching media people who have the i Q of like a peanut try to break down Trump's budget and the CBO report, I kind of laughed. They said, watching them do financial analysis and economics. They can't even do journalism, and we're expecting them to do finance and economics. I mean, it's embarrassing. What's really insulting is having run for office a few times and I haven't dealt with these idiots. Is even when you present them with completely contradictory information to the set of what they believe to be facts, they will still deny it. It's almost like they're like a Jim Jones type mob of liberal braffoons, like the borg in that Star Trek series or something. They all follow like the central leader. It's just ridiculous. And you know that's why again I have claud uh you know, the Trump administration for taking these people on and not cow talent to them. You know what's interesting is the same people you're talking about they're talking about they'll be talking about health care, or they'll turn around. You see them on the next show they're talking about the war in Syria and how, somehow, how they have a better plan than than somebody like you were Scott, you linger here, I forgot was also in the navy. Scott. You know what do you say? You're kind of new to media, but you've been you were in service for quite a long time. This, this whole Russian story must be just I mean, from an investigative standpoint, and you know, CIA operations officers are in there in a way investigators because you're you're running sources and trying to find information. This must just spin your head. Yeah, sure, the um. You know, I've been dealing with this now doing commentary and all for Fox for quite a while now. But yeah, the amount of ignorance is astonishing what you see in the in the regular mainstream media, you know. And I love how the Democratic progressive suddenly wake up and suddenly they are concerned about Russia when they and apologists for Russia going back to around the time I was born. Yeah, and uh, if you look at who, for instance, Hillary Clinton's mentor was slo Lensky, professed communists. Um, when you look at Mayor to Blasio's strange, strange background of close ties and actually working for communists, it's just strange or even or even you have the the director, former director of the CIA, director Brennan, who apparently voted for Gus Hall of the American Communist Party in the first election he could vote, he could vote in. How that guy got, you know, the highest security clearance he got into c A. I can't even begin to guess. You know, we're gonna have draw go on here in a little bit. Who was a Navy seal retires and Navy seal, but he was a Polish I guess you call him defector or not defector. He wasn't with the Polish government, but he was an immigrant immigrant but he came over during the when they were Communists and actually stayed almost two years in a Communist prison or internment camp as they called it, for propaganda against the Communist Party. But he you know, when he talks about the reality of what he saw and what we see now, it is striking. It is absolutely striking. Sure, it's it's true. I mean, you know, I lived in the former Soviet Union for twelve years, so I I you know, spent half, you know, one third of my life living in the former Soviet Union and seeing what socialism did to whole societies, talking to friends, talking to people who had just seen other horrors, and including my own wife. My wife is Moldovan and you know some of her experiences with the socialized medical system in Moldova. Would you know it would uh frighten you to the marrow? Hey, Dan, you know when you were in the NYPD and in the Secret Service, did you see things that Scott was running over some stats from Europe and the way that the more terrorism amps up over there, it seems like the less they do. Did you see, because I know when I was in the FBI, and before that, I was doing contracting, uh, doing threat us essence all over the country for DHS. You know, the Secret Service is in charge of most of these major events, for the security of these major events. Did you did you ever see any evidence of politics trying to throttle stuff back just strictly for political reasons, you know, ironically or maybe not ironically. In my line of work, when you're protecting the president, that's one of the few areas where no politics doesn't get involved. And you know, in the Secret Service, every country you go to, you get an intel brief from the chiefest station, from the rso who's ever available, whoever has the deepest body and knowledge on a specific topics. So you get a really good flavor for what's going on around the world. Now, I'll never have the body of knowledge um that your other guests, Scott believe as on on Russia or the Soviet Unit. I only spend you know, three or four months over there. But the interesting thing about agencies. You get kind of a different flavor for what's going on globally because you visit all these countries and it's just it's strange. And when the president's own safety is involved, and I say strange because nobody seems to care about the American citizen. Politics gets involved all the time. Like you know, in the m YPD, God forbid, we surveil a mosque even if someone in that mosque is calling for like death to America. We can't do that without checking with the mosque first, because you know, innocent American citizens may die. But I assure you if God forbid that was a threat to the president United States and that mosque, the Secret Service being there tomorrow, and no one would even you know, bat an eyelash at us. I mean, we didn't ask permission to do it. So what really speaks to the bifurcation of the society we have right now with the political elites When they're cabooses are on the line and something tragically could happen to them, John nothing, you know, no, no big deal. Guys, do what you gotta do. But when it's the American citizen, then all of a sudden is like wait, wait, wait, wait, you know, I know in the FBI, you guys, I hear from agents a lot. It said when they were doing cases that involved potential potential radical Islamic terror, that they had, you know, to check with a hundred different people before they interviewed someone. I mean, it's just it's pathetic. It just again goes to show how society treats the political elites differently than you know, the great unwashed, you know, all the rest of it sounds a lot like basically the same sort of thing where politicians are always trying to restrict our Second Amendment rights and it's easy for them because they have our retinue of ten people around them heavily armed. You know, they don't have to worry about protecting their family. Let's play let's play real quick cut five. This is General Kelly, John Kelly, head of DHS. It's everywhere, it's constant. We've had four major terrorist attacks in a week in four different places, obviously Manchester, Um, Egypt, Philippines, and Indonesia by the same generally the same groups. It's NonStop. The good news is for us in America, we have amazing people protecting us every day DHS obviously FBI, UH, fighting the the away Games, d D, Department of Defense, c I A N s A, working with these incredible allies we have in Europe and around the world. But it can happen almost here. Anytime. I was telling Steve on the way in here, if if he knew what I know about terrorism, he never leave the house in the morning. Yeah. But the good news is again way the finest men and women in uniform, out of uniform, police officers, local law enforcement, New York City cops, UH protecting us. You know, it's interesting, guys. When I was in the FBI here in New York City, I ran the special Events program for a couple of years. That was really where I think my talents and expertise and experience came together because I was able to do that to actually take a forward step and do things that hadn't been done before in the bureau, and that in that environment, which is UH put them out a little bit further ahead of the curve instead of just being responders, to actually act on stuff and have a command post in Tom Square and UH, you know, big operations orders where everything was coordinated and I literally was pulled into my assistant Special Agent and charges office at one point and he says sit down. Of course, I knew that wasn't good. And he's like, you're doing a great job. And I'm like, okay, where's this going? Like thank you guys, stop doing it. You're pissing everybody off. That's what he said it and I was that was like an eye opening experience. He goes, your job is to shake hands, not go out there and run a small military unit. So I was like, okay, well all right, let'll shake hands in But but I was shocked by that, especially when you have the head of DHS. I mean, this wasn't that long ago. I was in the bureau four years ago. So it's not like anything's changed. In fact, it's probably gotten better because less people are coming across the border feel good security as opposed to real security. Yeah. I mean, John, you know these guys, but I think what we saw on the inside. And I've been making this case for a couple of days since the Manchester attack now uXt for a long time. That's just me, but many others as well. We have to stop being firemen. I mean that's what we're doing right now, putting out fires. Afterwards we have to be arsonists. We have to do what you were trying to do in that case. We have to go shake the trees and I call him the two s. We have to build out our surveillance physical surveillance infrastructure. You know, the FBI can't handle the surveillan links cases they need to hand you know what, everybody knows it. We also have to start developing our sources in these communities and stop being so pc about it. You know, we don't need to tell someone and get a form filled out in the signature of the President United States every time someone goes to interview someone in a in a largely uh, you know, Islamic based community. I mean, it's just absurd. We have to go start fires and stop putting them out afterwards, or else we're never going to fix this problem. Yeah, that's why it wasn't a surprised to me what happened over in Manchester. And we're gonna come back and talk about that a little bit more, uh in just a minute. And also I'm gonna try to use the word bifurcation, which Dan just used a minute ago in a sentence. I had dictionary dot Com up. You can find me on Twitter, Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook. Jonathan T. Gilliam, you can find Dan on Twitter at Die Bongino, and Scott you Linger at the Station Chief. All of us will be back here in just a minute, Like, you know, besides like all the weird stuff that goes around on the Internet, which is you know, sometimes a great place, but an absolute you know, underbelly mob pit of horrible nous. I think like the greatest thing that we can do now is just unite as people as like fan bases, all of it, you know, because I think like they're like as much you know, whatever we say behind people's backs, because the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go. But I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like no barriers, no borders, like it were, we all need to just coexist. Okay, this is John and the Gail. I'm filling in for Shawn Handy on the Shawn Handy Radio Show. And that was the only thing that can make you dumber than the view on television. And you know, again, I've never used the word bifurcation. But I'm gonna think that her brain has been bifurcated. And uh, I don't to love on any of you guys, quite honestly, thank you for that. And uh and what is this we need to have a united fan base? What does that mean? Well, it's it's obviously I mean, Katy Perry. Uh, my apologies to the lady, but the woman does not have two brain cells to rub together at this point, I think. And uh, you know, once in a while, people, I'm sure a lot of listeners have have seen, you know, coexist bumper stickers on cars and all. But the problem is when those bumper stickers are put out there, the people who are reading them are not the ones who need to take that message to heart. I know I have to coexist with my fellow human beings. In fact, I've been quite good at it, and as as we all have. It's the people who don't read the bumber stickers who have the problem coexisting with the rest of us, and hence we have disasters like Manchester. Go ahead, Dan Dance speechless. I sum it up, limper stick or liberalism. Thomas Soul used to talk about this all the time. How liberalism is only first order thinking. At first order thinking is reading the bumper stick or that's this coexisting going like like that sounds really great, man, as you're smoking your do be and your your hot coco. I mean, that's it. Conservatives and libertarians and good Republicans, not the fraudulent rhinos out there. People like us. We have to think second order and go, Okay, what does that mean when I say coexist and the dude takes a sickle blade and like lops my head off and then goes after my kids next, Like, I don't think he's buying into the bumper stick or like I am. I mean, but that's liberal. They stop at the first order effects. They never go past step one ever. You know, yeah, go ahead, No, I just couldn't have said that better myself. That's absolutely true, you know. Uh, and you've been overseas. Both of you been overseas. I lived in the Muslim world for many years. Thirty seconds before we got to go to just tell everybody the reality of over outside of the United States, how how bad and deplorable, violent, and actually is it times? But it ken be something. Another thing that's unfortunate is that a lot of times. The foreign media outlets, they receive their feed from liberal news media in the United States, so oftentimes they have a distorted view of the United States because they're basically watching CNN and taking that to be the gospel. If you're in a Romania or maybe even or certainly in Germany with their liberal media, say the same thing with washing d C and California, in Chicago and New York. Dan listen, Dan Bongino, Um, how do they find you on a regular basis? Dan, Yeah, Bongino dot com, b O n G I n O dot com. Thanks a lot, I appreciate you got a brother, and have a great Memorial Day and honor all those that died for our freedom. And Scott, how do we find you? Oh, I'm at uh the station chief dot com. There you go, And both of them are on Twitter. You can find searching their names. Uh d Bongino and the station chief on Twitter. And Jay William underscore seal We're gonna be back talking to a few great Americans that are on the local level and politics will be right back. This is Jonathan Guillen back for the second hour the Shawan Hannity Radio Show on this Memorial Day weekend as we kick off, and I would like to say, I know people a lot of times don't get this when I say it, in celebration of those that have fallen, we need to honor those who have fallen force. That's what Memorial Day is. Memorial Day and Veterans to Day. It's two completely different, and people get these things confused. Memorial Day is in honor of those that have fallen in battle, and it's important for us to remember not to necessarily just simply mourn those that have fallen, but to honor them by living free, thinking, free, being your best, using your freedom to be your best. That is what is so awesome about this country and those that defended is that they're volunteering their lives and their time for your freedom to defend it. Now, I want to play real quick before we go to our guests a song, just a part of the song. It's called West Point to Arlington. West Point to Armaston was co written by Iraqi war veterans Sean Nickett in memory of his friends Special Forces Captain Andrew Peterson Kill, who lost his life serving Afghanistan on March eleventh, two thousand and thirteen. Sean wrote the song the Nashville based nonprofit UH for the Nashville based nonprofit Operations song, which empowers both veterans and active duty military to share their stories through songwriting. Now. West Point to Arlington is sung by Nashville singer songwriter Ward Davis and the songs available on iTunes for download. All the proceeds from the song go to charity, and you can also listened to it on Hannity dot com, but you should also go purchase it. Go ahead from work, tears rolling down my face couldn't help stop and free before your family wouldn't, But just last made you told me about your fiance and how proud you were that creamery going overseas. You knew you were heading in the hill, but you had gone that was bigger than your served. Now I'm shy in a little life? Were they all your sabervised to be the and the father he never got to be? Now your work is done, your course on is rung. It can't be saved. Well be THEU be so that, folks, what an incredible song that's West Point to Arlington. I think the name of the song tells you everything you need to know. UH. Written by Sean Nicott in memory of his friends Special Forces Captain Andrew Peterson Kiel, who lost his life serving Afghanistan on March eleventh, two thousand and thirteen. For Your Freedom. You can get that song on iTunes and all proceeds go to charity. Go check it out. Now, let's talk about some other great Americans. Two people. So as I was talking about earlier in this show, I spent the last first part of the third of this month. I left on the fifth of May, went to Myrtle Beach, spoke to the Special Operations Wounded Warrior dinner, then went to Oxford, North Carolina. Spoke there, had a town hall meeting, went to ray Now, West Virginia, had another meeting with some guys. All this was on my Facebook live show The Experts that's on every night at nine p m. Eastern Standard time. Went from rainw West Virginia. Excuse me, I went to Norfolk, Virginia, then ray Now, West Virginia, did the Norfolk Show in front of the battleship the U s S. Wisconsin. Went to rain Now, then from rainwe to Arkansas. Was in with the Saline County Republican UH Party and which Carrie Murphy who's gonna be on here just a minute as a part of then went up to Detroit, spoke there to the thirteenth District Republican Party, and then had dinner with Cheryl Constantino, who we're gonna talk to here in a minute is a mayor pro temp out of Harper Woods, Michigan, and her family, And then made my way down to see my good buddy Drago, who was gonna be on here in the five o'clock hour with Navy seal, spent time in a Polish prison fighting for freedom, and then made my way back to New York to host this show. All of that was done on the dime of people going to my go fund me page and all the people that I talked to, with the exception of the big speeches where where you the American people got out, got people together and then asked me to come there, and I brought my camera, my stage, my show, and and gave you the mic. So let's talk about Cheryl Costantino for just second before we bring her on. She's a wife and a mother, five terms as mayor pro temp of Harper Woods and just outside of Detroit. She's got two master's degrees. She's a U. S. Army veteran thirteen years in the Air Force, enlisted an officer. She's chairman of the Wayne County Republican Committee, vice chair of the fourteenth Congressional Republican Committee, teacher in a large urban urban charter school, and a business owner. I mean, listen, folks, if you think that you're serving and you're not meeting that, then you need to step it up a little bit because that its service to the country. Now, let's talk about Kerry Murphy. I grew up with Carry Murphy. He is and it's just an amazing another amazing American United States Marine Corps sergeant combat veteran of Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In fourth term of Benton City Council and Bitton, Arkansas for seven years, works on congressional campaigns. Was an alternate delicate to the Republican National Convention. The first vice chair to this Saline County Republican Committee of Arkansas. Small business owner uh Carrie Carry Murphy Promotions gun and knife shows, puts on gun shows across Arkansas. Welcome to both of you, Cheryl and Carry. I can't think, I mean literally, I've been all over this country, and I think you all really set the standard for exceptionalism. I think all the people that came out and and actually participated were setting the example and the standard for UH for unifying. But thank you both on behalf of all those that serve. And I'm sure that those that have fallen that we honor this weekend, they would say, if they were here standing before you, thank you for not wasting your life and actually going above and beyonest. So thank you both, Cheryl, Cheryl, let me just ask you real quick. I want to We're gonna have to take a break here in a second, but let's start with you, lady first. Carry So, when you're both veterans, you both serve in government, but at a lower at a a city level, not in the federal level. What do you think, Cheryl, And we talked about this on my show where I had you all on last night. What is the biggest difference between the federal government and UH state and local governments where they actually get stuff done. Yeah, well, there's a several differences. First of all, there are just so many layers of the federal government that it makes it difficult to get any changes made, and it just takes longer to make any changes. The second thing is that the federal government is just like so far away from the people and their concerns that they don't really feel the effects of what they do. And where um the local government, they have a quicker response, The public is more involved, has easier access to their officials, and it's a lot easier to make changes. And at the local level, if the local government officials make a change that the people don't like, the people have the option of leaving the local area and going somewhere else if they if they don't like it. Um And the bigger the level of government, the more difficult it is and the more expensive it is to get anything done. The state uh and Michigan is trying to take away some local control of zoning and the that would leave you know, the local municipalities just stuck with whatever decisions they make. The local municipalities should be allowed to determine what's in the best interest of their own communities. At times, the federal government is too far reaching and makes decisions that that um have expensive impacts or has consequences that are difficult to manage. Well. Also, I think it's it's harder to hide when you're playing closer attention to your political party than you are the people on the local level. And Carrie, we talked you and I talked about this quite a bit when I was there in Arkansas. I mean, you've worked on bigger campaigns and then you are a city councilman. I mean, how how difficult or how noticeable would it be for a city official um to be noticed if they're not doing something right? And what would happen? Well, I mean the people in the town, they're always f o line, somebody is trying to find out what's said or what's written. Uh, it's there's so much, like she said, on the local level. You go out in town to go buy groceries and you're seeing Joe Blow and he's talking to you about his drainage issue or animal control or hey, why you know, what's this issue coming up to vote about. It's uh, it's just more personalble here. You you get that hands on and you don't have all the red tape. It is that you've got a committee meeting, you vote, and you have the mayor. I mean it's uh so if it comes out of committee and you got your ten people on the council, you get to vote and it's done. Um. And when you get into the state legislatures and the Congress, there's so many of them that everybody has a different idea and opinion and they all try to get something for their district. And that's where I see, you know, the money asked up and uh so much for the lobbyists and how much money floats around up there. You don't have that on the local level. If you do, somebody's gonna find out or write you out, and uh, you're gonna go to jail. Right let me let's let's take a break real quick. I'm gonna so we come back and have more time, and I want to talk about uh, your service, both of you, your service to this country and how that has made a difference in your ability to lead in politics, because that is rare in Washington, d C. As well. So standby, we'll be right back. This is Jonathan T. Gilliam. You can find me on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. You can also find me on Twitter at Jake Gilliam Underscore Seal and on my own web page www dot Jonathan T. Gilliam dot com. Let me know what you think I don't care how you find me. Let me know what you think and tune in for my show The Experts every night on Facebook Live at nine pm. Will be right back. This is Jonathan Yelling filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. And coming back now and joining me again is Cheryl Constantino, mayor pro pro tempt of Harper Woods, Michigan, U S. Army veteran, your U S. Air Force veteran? Aren't you your U S Air Force or Army? Yeah? I said air Force earlier. I apologize for that and carry Murphy. He's city council member in Bitton, Arkansas, also a United States Marine Corps of veteran of the both the Gulf War and that Rank War. And so here's what I want to ask you all before we left, how has military service shaped you as a political uh leader? Because the majority of people that serve in politics these days are not veterans, and they don't know the crisis management, the task organization, the streamlining and effective thinking, the mission oriented mindset. They don't understand that. They don't know that. So what is it that's about that? That's helped you, UM, And how do you think it's helped you? Go ahead? You? I think for me the some there's several reasons or several things that being a veteran has helped with UM, everything ranging from the process of how things are done, but also just the fact that I've seen more of the world than I have just in my own little corner. I've been to other countries, have been to other states, and I see what's work in other places. I see how repressive it is in other places, and I can take back all the best ideas to my community and h use that as something to help my residence. Got you and carry what about yourself? Well, I think, uh, when the service, honesty, integrity, UH, serving other people, you know, there's I don't ever think of anybody better than myself. Everybody puts their bridges on one leg at a time. I think being in the service UM has taught me to, you know, to care for other folks, uh, because you know, you're always looking out for your buddy next to you in the foxhole. But when it comes to pressure, I don't let anybody get the pressure on me. I mean, I've been into combat and when somebody starts trying to strong arm you or something, or they say, oh, you can't take it? Are they yelling at you? I just stay calm and collected because there's nothing you know, politics is. It's not worse than war. And uh, I just look at it as some people try to play a game with it, and I just don't play. Let's play cut two because I want to people to hear a complete opposite version of the truth from what Cheryl and carry are talking. This is um, Hillary Clinton, Let's hear what she has to say. You are graduating at a time when they there is a full fledged assault on truth and reason. Just log on, Just log on to social media for ten seconds. It will hit you right in the face. People denying science, concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracy theory theories about child abuse, rings operating out of pizza parlors, drumming up rampant fear. So we gotta go to break So I can't play all that. But the reality is, she basically is just saying that, um, we're where there's a full fledged assault on truth and reason, and that's basically coming from her. But listen, guys, I gotta cut it short. Unfortunately, Cheryl Constantino, Kerry Murphy, everybody can find you guys on Twitter. Will be right back on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. This is Johnathan Gill and filled in for Sean Hannity on the app named Sean Hannity Radio Show. It's his show, and I'm filling in. Those who don't know me, well you should get to know me. I am a former Navy seal, Federal Air Marshall Security contractor, FBI special agent, and now somehow I've gotten into radio. I guess that comes from being Southern and knowing how to talk and have the gift of gab. But you know, here's what I was thinking. I know somebody else who's got the gift of gab and he's a truth teller as m I. And I'm always on his show, which is out of I believe Louisiana, the one, the only, the Reverend C. L. Bryant, Sir, it is always good to be on your show, and now it's good to have the tables turned and be hosting you on the Shawan Hannity Radio Show. Glad to be with you, Jonathan is always It's great to be with you, my friend. So you're the creator of the the film Runaway Slave. What was that about. I have not seen that movie. I'm not gonna lie, Jonathan. That was an award winning film. It won the Crystal Double Award for a Limited document Best Documentary or Limited Release, and that was a race to free the the black community from the grips from the throes of progressive liberalism that has led them to the path that they are on now, a very destructive path that does not allow them to enjoy the fruits of liberty in this country. You know, we were starting to play a Hillary Clinton clip when we went to break. Let's go ahead and play the rest of that, because I think this kind of speaks to what you're talking about exactly in describing the Democratic Party where they've fled to. This is Hillary Clinton speaking at Wesleyan College. I believe its go ahead. You are graduating at a time when there is a full fledged assault untruth and reason. Just log on, just log on to social media for ten seconds. It will hit you right in the face. People denying science, concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracy theory theories about child abuse rings operating out of pizza parlors, drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor, turning neighbor against neighbor, and sewing division at a time when we desperately need unity. Some are even denying we see with our own eyes, like the size of crowds. So I'm sorry, painfully had to put you through that, cel But and and Lauren was correct me. How do you I'm from the South. How do you say that? Yes, please say it the this a way. It's Wellesley College, Wellesley College, Well whatever it is. Um. She still sounded like a fool and could have been Yeah, bitter. And it's interesting how she went to the pizza parlor issue, which is very odd for all the stuff that has been brought up about that, that she would even go there. Um. But getting back with with ucl Um, this is the nonsense that that I'm sure you were speaking about in in that video, but also that I've heard you talk about how they're going around now and systematically destroying memorials that have anything to do with the Civil War in the South. That's right, Jonathan. And the one thing that we cannot do is rewrite history. You can teach history, but you shouldn't rewrite it. In fact, we should learn from it. There is a teachable moment in America at this point in time to show us how victorious our nation has been through it all, through the ups, the downs, the dark times, and the certain bright times that this country offer. And Jonathan, let me say this. My grandfather told me. Because there is certainly an emotional upheaval and a fan that is trying to steer up the flames of uh racial emotion in this country. You see it on college campuses and everywhere you go. My grandfather told me that he didn't go through all that he went through so that I could be black. He told me that he went through everything that he went through so that I could be free, Free to go where he would never go, free to do the thing that he would never do, but above all, free to speak my mind. And Hillary Clinton is a direct assault against those types of prince supples. Yeah, I'm I'm reading it, well, you're talking. I'm reading the headlines and some of these stories that Lauren gave me. A minority students feel marginalized by historic buildings, imposing masculine panel yelled to rename Calhoun College after protests. Here's a good one. Columbia hosts six multicultural graduation ceremonies, including individual ceremonies for black, Latino, Gay, Native American, and Asian UM black students. At you see Santa Cruz threatened more takeovers. Um, here's an incredib one class focused on great Greco Roman books. Maybe changed after students complain it's too white. Because I was saying to you, my grandfather was illiterate. YEA, he would have love to have the opportunity to be at a college and admitted into a college. Here we have students on a college campus taking over the college, demanding something that doesn't that that is already there, that is already there's uh. When we look at the opportunity that these kids, red, yellow, black and white have in this country, as we face us commemorating our fallen soldiers who paid the price for our liberty, When we look at the opportunities that they have today and the foolishness and the way they allow themselves to be used as pawns by an old white progressive liberal George Sorrows, who bank rolls this foolishness, it is absurd and it is shameful. To watch just how they are allowing themselves to be used by this progressive liberal agenda. Now you're you know, we're on the radio, right, you're not here with me, your your via the telephone, and there's no way to tell the color of your skin versus the color of my skin. If nobody's ever listened to us or knows who we are, we can just simply listen to the words that you say and make a judgment on your morals and ethics and from the words that you speak. I that, to me is exactly how we should start looking at people. I can't believe that we've gone back to the point where we were in the sixties, except this time it's as if these different groups are instigating it themselves based on the color of their skin, or their sexuality or their gender. When people aren't even making anything out of it, and instead of standing up and saying I'm free, I can do whatever I want, they get hung up on this. There is a lack of character, John Jonathan that uh these young people today, in fact, there maybe two generations that are that they're not bringing to the table. Character means that they're You're judge on what you bring to the table. But what we find is that there is a regression that is going on in this country. Where we once heard Dr King saying that he would want us to reach a point in time in this country where we would want to be judged by the content of character, not by the color of skin. These days we find the exact opposite, right where you have people wanting to be judged by the color of their skin and not by what they bring to the table in their character. Yeah, I've watched you know, I've watched CNN before and watched them say, literally, when you have somebody like Charles Blow or any other number of insane, idiotic people and they're talking and they point out at least like thirty times in a segment um the color of their skin, and I just I don't get where the fascination has come, where we've bypassed freedom and gotten this. But listen, I know I know that the communists hated Martin Luther King for what he stood for. There's there's no doubt in my mind. But let's we got about a minute left, and I want to give you the opportunity to just for a minute, forget about all this nonsense and all these race biders and haters. Just tell the American people what Memorial Day means to you and what it means for those who have given their life to this country and to your freedom. Absolutely, and I want everyone to follow me at Rev. R E V at Rev. C. L. Bryant and of course Tuna Sin throughout the nation on our flagship station seven ten Kiel one on one point f M. Download the free C. L. Briant Show app. Jonathan. What it means to me is that we are endowed, and there are people that have paid a price for a great endowment that we enjoy in this country, the endowment that is given to us by our creator. But it at a cost. And this weekend and then on Monday, we celebrate, or we don't celebrate. What we honor. We honor the lives and yes we do celebrate their lives, those a the ultiment price. All gave some, some gave all, and less honor those who gave all. So that you and I two Southern boys and have this conversation, one white, one black, in America, in a free America. And I really thank you. And tell my good buddy Sean that I said, hello, I sure will. I'm sure will see l And thank you again for having me on your show all the time and letting me tell the truth. Cel Bryant, the Reverend C. L. Bryant, creator of the film Runaway Slave and hosts The Cel Bryant Show. Thank you very much, my friend. God bless you have a great weekend. God bless This is a Sean Hanny radio show. Will be right back. This is Jonathan Gillham filling in for Sean Hanny on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Man, I had my mic turned up so much in my ears at that gun. I was about to go blind or blind, I was about to go deaf. I don't know. Somehow the sound was making my eyes go bad. All right, listen, I'm gonna bring on real quick. Since it's um Memorial Day and uh so many of our great Um patriots have fallen in support of freedom, I figured I'd bring another veteran on to talk about what we can do to help veterans stay alive, if they're still if they're coming home and carrying concealed or if their in law enforcement. Um My, good buddy, Billy Gibbon Gibbons, Gulf War veteran nine eleven survivor and a founder of Veterans m F. G Um Veterans MFG is a Texas based veteran owned and operated manufacturer of ultra light body arm Right. Know, I've got I got to Billy gave me one of them. It's a shirt that's got plates in the front and a plate in the back, and everybody was literally drooling over it when I took it with me around the country on my tour Ultra Light body armor and other ballistic products for law enforce and fire departments, E m s and general public. Welcome Mr Gibbons. Hey, good afternoon, Jonathan. How are you what's going on? Buddy? Was that is that adequate? That I explain what you guys do adequately? You hit it right on the nose. We're just a couple of guys, you know, we're family men, and we're here in Texas and we try to make the best year we can for American law enforcement and UH first responders in the public. Now, you won the two thousand seventeen Veterans Business Battle. That's Shark Tank for Veterans at Rice University. Uh And what did it tell me about how that went? Oh? That was amazing. Um. Yeah, Rice University here, then the Jones School of Business has a really excellent NBA program and they have a lot of Navy Seals and a lot of Special Forces in Tier one guys who attend. And the EO through the Jones School that the entrepreneurs sorry entrepreneurship organization. They want to support other other veterans. So it's a shark tank for veterans. And uh, we took home a great prize. It was a debt and equity deal that's allowed us to inventory and tests and R and D and all kinds of great stuff. That wasn't really really great organization. The one thing that you let me try on, or actually you provided me with one, is a it's a T shirt, but it has a plate. How much does that plate wigh? That plate weighs seventeen ounces seventeen ounces, and that goes in the front and in the back of this T shirt and it'll stop what rounds I should probably notice since you gave it to me. Yeah, every pistol um so every basic run of the mill pistol all the way up to an f N five point seven in an s that's a really unique ground. But that's a little tiny armor piercing bullet. Um. It will also stop twelve gage shotguns is just unheard of. Yeah, well I'll tell you. When you're wearing it, you you completely forget that it's on because it's, um it is so little, it's literally so white. And I actually had similar material in my ra I have in my backpack when I carry my backpack. Um. But yeah, and and that's an excellent point Lauren just made, is that this is good stuff for kids for their school to put in their backpacks. Yes, absolutely, that's the number to use for these is actually parents buying them to put them in their kids backpacks. It's so late, you know, it's it's a horrible thing to think about, but it's you know, better to have and not need of course. Um, and they're certainly affordable. Hey look at look at Manchester. So it happens when people aren't aren't ready, aren't aware, and they and things happen. They don't have a plan to react. You should have a plan to react. Sure, you aren't comfortable carrying, you know, I mean I'm uncomfortable carrying pretty much anywhere, but just for defensive purposes, you know, the product that's never gonna hurt you. It's only going to help you. You can't have an accident with body armor. And how do they how do they find you? Tell me that real quick. Absolutely, just go to our website. It's that's MFG dot com. That's V E. T S MFG dot com and all of our m is available for sale there. And we're also looking for retailers around the country. We have about forty we're looking for more. We've actually signed on forty and just about three months. You got it. God bless you, brother, Thank you for your service, and will raise the teast to night in honor of all those that have lost their lives, in honor of our freedom, and thank you for continuing to do what you do. Billy. This is Johnathan gill And filling in for Shaun Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. We'll be right back. You can find me on Twitter. Go follow me on Twitter. J Gilliam Underscore Seal. This is Johnaanc Gillen back in the hot seat for my good buddy Sean Hannity. And this has been an incredible show. I mean, when you think about the people that we've talked to, Um, the people that the veterans that we've talked to mean so many veterans on this show in various career fields. You know, um Scott you Linger, Navy veterans, CIA operations officer. Uh. We had Cheryl Man. I always Cheryl Constantino. I can always forget her her last name. And she is she was or is yeah, an Army veteran. Yeah, not air Force. I'm sorry about that show. No, I love the Air Force. I'm just kidding. But she is a mayor pro temp at Harper Woods. My good buddy Carry Murphy, former marine uh in a city council member and Betton, Arkansas. I mean, this is how you continue to serve, folks. This is how you when you get out of the military. For those of you that are having hard times, those of you that have lost friends and in battle or in training, or people that have just died, listen and it's gotten to you, or you feel like your life isn't worth anything now that you're out, because your life went from a hundred to zero, you need to realize you can still serve this country. You don't have to serve in city council as a mayor. I mean I've been driving around the country sleeping in the back of my suburban with my dog Rico, meeting people all over the country and making links for unity between these different cities. I'm telling you, if you just get in your vehicle and drive for a while, the veterans that are out there that are having a hard time, just do something crazy. Put a ground pad in your car, in a sleeping bag, and just leave for a week or a weekend. Just start driving and don't stop. You will be amazed at how good you feel to get out and stretch a little bit and leave the apartment or the house behind. And also if you just have an inkling to serve, there's other ways. There's still a fight. There is a war going on in this country right now that is a subversive war. We have a domestic enemy that is far more dangerous than anything that isis or Islam could ever present. It's communism, it's globalism, it's socialism. It doesn't matter what you call it. It's all the same. It's all exactly focused on the exact same thing. And it's important for you all to realize that you do make a difference. And we talked about especially on this weekend those that have given their lives in service, in military service, so as that have fallen. But we also shouldn't forget on a daily basis, the number of police officers that fall, firefighters who give their lives saving people, paramedics who are responding and have accidents. We shouldn't forget about, Uh, the experience that in the and the expertise that guys like Dan Bongino has who served in the Secret Service protecting the President of the United States, one that most people would not want to protect, and then a isn't and before that, as an NYPD officer, this is service. That's what this weekend is all about, honoring the fallen for their sacrifice. But the rest of the year you should be honoring them for their sacrifices by living a good life, unifying, living free. So why don't we do this. I'm gonna take a call real quick, and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back. I'm getting ahold of my buddy Drago and uh, he's gonna he's gonna call in here just a few minutes. He is a former Navy seal. Was a Polish citizen the immigrated the United States fleeing from communism and spent almost two years in a communist prison. Let's see here, Let's go to UM. Let's take a call. Let me, I gotta switch to the other computer here, and do we have anybody on here? Okay, okay, let's go to Jeff in Washington. Go ahead, Jeff. I was just wondering what the difference between are the big the big hype about Trump, including with Russia, and then the media coluding with the DNC. Um, you know you're hearing about, you know, the crime that Trump has committed of colluding with Russia affect the outcome of the election, and the media has been caught colluding with Hillary Clinton to affect the outcome of the election. And so my, I don't know, I guess this whole thing is just getting dragged on. And I don't really see why we're still stuck on this well, because there is a I don't know. I'm just I'm just a simpleton. I don't really I mean, I listened to Sean every day, So listen. Okay, first of all, you're not a simpleton. I'm gonna tell you exactly what you are. You are somebody who the wool has been pulled from away from your eyes and you're seeing reality because the very question you were asking is the right question. There was a movie out with Will Smith a while back called The I Robot, and he kept trying to find out what was going on. But the Robot was program where you had to ask the right question. You, Jeff, are asking the right question. Why why is it that this is a big deal? But that's not a big deal when we look at and we say, there's evidence for this thing over here, but they keep like kind of like, um, you know in Star Wars, Uh, look over there, don't look at this. This isn't real, and you're seeing it because you're you're unaware truth seeker and in the A plus B is not equaling C yes. And it doesn't make sense because all these politicians, like when Hillary Clinton was talking there a minute ago, she was basically she wasn't making sense at all. I mean, it was it's all made up. That's what triggered my phone call, was that I was hearing that was just uh, just all the bashing of Trump still and then yet all this that she was you know, she was found guilty of colluding with the mainstream media to affect the results of the election, and then the whole conspiracy of Trump. It's still being dragged on. And here she did her own attempts to affect the outcome of the election, and by using the media and by using you know, more domestic and you know, and you're not within the United States, not so foreign like Russia. Sounds really scary, but including with the CNN and the media, that doesn't sound very scary. That's scary. But it's just the same thing. It's the same attempt But yet there bashing Trump about this and they have no evidence of it, and there and I hear every single day every day I listen, I'm just like, they're still talking about this. They keep talking every day about collusion with the Russians, when in fact Hillary Clinton colluded with them, and when she was in the Department of State giving them a tremendous amount of the uranium mining here inside the United States. But let's play real quick, let's play cut three of Hillary Clinton. And by the way, we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice after firing the person running the investigation into him at the Department of Justice. But here's what I want you to know. We got through that tumultuous time. So interesting there and everything that they do, everything that they say, and I'm saying they because Hillary Clinton's part of the d n C. Everything they do and say just like a good communist loyalist, just like Salolinsky her mentor. It's made up of big wise that they tell over and over, louder and louder until people just believe it. Listen, Jeff, thank you very much. You're not a simple to my brother. You are asking the right questions, as should the rest of America. This is a Sean Hannity radio show. Your guest host filling in today is Jonathan T. Gilliam, former Navy Seal, Federal Air Marshall Security contractor, FBI special agent here in New York. I've done a lot of stuff, folks. I've done a lot of stuff, and I've seen the way the government actually works. It's highly inefficient. You can find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. And don't forget my show every night, The Experts nine pm Eastern Standard Time on Facebook Live. Coming up next is draw Goo, who I'm gonna have on my show tonight. You don't want to miss this. We'll be right back. This is Jonathan Gilliam and I'm back filling in on the Sean Hannity Radio Show on Sirius Sex and Patriot Channel and other stations all around the universe. Really, I think, uh, if there is life on other planets, they're picking this up somewhere definitely in this world. And I've been talking about this the entire show about my my uh Facebook Live and Twitter show. Now I'm able to simulcast that I'm on both uh social media platforms at the same time, largely and due due to the fact that I've had such incredible donations from people on my go fund Me page It's go fund dot Emmy Forward Slash the Experts Road Show. You can find that on my Twitter page. Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal you can find that, donate, follow me, and then go to Facebook, book or Twitter at nine pm, UH J Gilliam Underscore Seal on Twitter and Jonathan T. Gilliam on Facebook. I got a lot going on in my brain right now, so I want you to be a part of it. The show is called The Experts. It's been The Experts for over a year, and uh, the real reality of it is, I don't have talking heads on there. I don't have people that are just opinionated. I have real experts, such as my good buddy draw Go, who joins us now from an undisclosed location somewhere in the United States. He is an immigrant from Poland who became an American citizen after spending time in a communist prison because he was doing the same thing that he did over here. You ra ask what you were fighting for freedom. You came over here, became an American citizen, then became a Navy seal and did twenty years of service retired. Now you have an incredible family, you have a real job outside of the military. You're still it's a brand new career field for you, and you are kind of a go to guy in a lot of ways for people when they're also looking for truth, uh at about about what's going on with communism and subversion, because you've lived it absolutely. I believe that I lived in communist country for over twenty years, and this is why it is so disturbing for me to see what is going on in our country. You know, what was going on in our counts for the last eight years that was a communist coup which failed because we elected president President Trump, an American, you know, the President. I want to play something for you, and I played it earlier. It's so ridiculous, but I think it's you will be able to explain the mindset that people like this have. Um and and when they are talking about after the Manchester attack on the concert where the you know, a bunch of young children were killed. This is Katie Perry, probably one of the most her parents missionaries. I don't I don't know what happened to this girl, but she somehow fell off the good girl wagon. But let's listen to what she has to say in response to what happened in Manchester. Go ahead. And you know, besides, like all the weird stuff that goes around on the Internet, which is you know, sometimes a great place, but an absolute you know, underbelly mob pit of horrible nous. I think like the greatest thing that we can do now is just unite as people as like fan bases all of it, you know, because I think like they're like as much you know, whatever we say behind people's backs, because the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go. But I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other and like no barriers, no borders, like it were, we all need to just coexist, co exist. What does that sound like to you? Good God, that sounds to me like a treason. And I tell you why, after these attacks, after if you take your look at Europe, what is going on that right now? It is basically Europe is on their knees. Uh, these nasty women is now trying to uh tell us to do the same thing in our country. No, we do need to unite, yes we do, but we need to unite against the radical able ideology that is fueling these terror acts and not to desire ourselves and open our borders and let the same name happen in our country. See, they just talk about unity for unity's sake. But what's interesting is at the same time typical for communists, right, and at the same time they're trying to divide other people who are good, hard working, uh, free thinkers. They don't want that, right, You know, there's a couple of things we need to realize. The first of all, the most important is that socialism, marketing socialism and mass national socialists. These are idolags of the left and they will use and say whatever needs to be said and used to advance their ideology. Unfortunately, we grew out our own in our home, our own class of communists and Marxists that took over our schools in universities. And this is what's happening right now. We have people who are anpatriotic who do not care about our country. They care about their ideology affairs, and their idea is anny of my enemy is my friend. So please remember that for communism and socialists, the independent, free, strong country is their enemy, so they want to undermine it and this is why they will side with anybody to disable or this mental our country. Now. Harp on media, the news media, and harp on all these different elements of the family tree of of communism. But I you know, I I'm an open minded thinker and now look at this stuff from a reality standpoint. So what what I'm gonna do is when we come back in just a second, we gotta take a heartbreak real quick. Drug goes to stay on. What I want you to talk about are the things, the specific things that people can look for to clue them in on exactly what's happening and who is actually doing it. So standby. This is Sean Hannity Radio Show, Jonathan T. Gilliam uh filling in and you can find me on Twitter. Jay Gilliam underscore Seal and you can see draw Go tonight on my Facebook live show The Experts at nine pm Eastern Standard Time. And this is Jonathan Gillam filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity. A true patriot, a true American, somebody who stands up for free speech and for free Americans. So draw Go. You're also a free American. You serve this country. You've had brothers fall in battle. We're gonna get to that, and just in just a second, but share with the American people what they need to watch out for, specific things that they can look for, just not not in this theory to protect themselves, but so they can understand the reality of what's going on. Absolutely, there's a couple of points that we need to be very sensitive about. Is the control of Marxists and socialists of the society and We need to look in the healthcare system, the education where we already lost the battle, not the word, but the battle because we are growing our own communists and who terrorize our society on our streets and campuses. So the schools and healthcare, the control of it. It's a big one. Also the media, not only the social media like Facebook that censers me and so many other patriots who are not subscribing to Marxist our biology, but just regular news like CNN for example. I'll tell you what I haven't seen such the privaty even in communist country. What CNN is doing is a is a total fake news, fabricating news, and it is disgusting. But this is what people need to start to look at it. Find another independent source of information because CNN, NBC, all these other and some of the newspapers they are just catered into the Marxist ideology and want to be our accountry to dissemble our country. But there is one more thing, very important. What people need to look is about the state, the organization that is using state entities to intimidate and terrorize political opposition. Do you remember I R S stalking our the political opponents of Clinton's and Obama and Democratic Party. Here we go. This is one of the biggest hall marks. So this time was I r S. What it's going to be next if they will get the power. I'm sure we have abi is knocking on our doors and other state entities being used to intimidate opposition. So this is big one. Um. That's actually very interesting because under Obama administration, apparently intelligence agencies where you for that, including the FBI, to spy on certain people that they didn't agree with. I r S was utilized specifically to intimidate UH and prevent people from becoming nonprofits if they were conservatives. So this is already absolutely completely evident. And in fact, what you were just saying about CNN, it's almost as if it is a state run propaganda network. It's not different than the justph Gabos was doing in Hitlass, Germany. Yeah, absolutely, it's some of the stories are fantastic, it's pure fantasy, and with people still subscribe to it, I say you ignore CNN and other fake news networks and find different source of information, you know. And the other thing is I'm looking on here not to you know, go after people and specifically in media. But I will go after this guy fil Mud. I'm looking at him right up here on television. He is he remind finds me when you look at his Wikipedia page or his bio page. In government, you you know this as well as well as I do. People who somehow gets silver bullets straight to the top and in ten years they're doing stuff that would normally pay take somebody twenty thirty years to get to a point where they're advising the White House or something. In ten years, this guy was in the White House from in the CIF, from the CIA. I think he was an analyst, not even operations officer. He they just say former CIA counter terrorism official. I don't even know what he was. And then he was appointed as a deputy director to the FBI for counter terrorism without ever going to the FBI academy. I mean when you in in communist countries and the way the communists work, is this typical where they just they streamlined somebody straight to the top that way they do their dirty work. Yes, yes, Jonathan, absolutely, they groom people for the role. And this is another thing for our society. What I would sit as look who they are voting for, because I look at the part of the individual if he's getting money, if he's being financed by people like Sorrows and other communist agents around. They need to need to be worthy of this person or whatever party he belongs to, because the agenda he represents maybe not the agenda he's presenting to our voters and our citizens. Maybe there's the agenda being pushed on him by his UH paymasters. But there is another very big hallmark of Marxism, socialism and communism and also national socialism, because please remember national socialism is just one of the flavors of socialism. I'm talking about violence. If you look at our university, we had this little notter is running around terrorizing speakers, terrorizing people with opposing views. We have this UH people also running on our streets and doing the same thing. If you remember, right before our elections or during the elections, we had these people with some of them were final and paid by the Marxists and Marxist movement that is very strong right now in our country, and they were terrorizing people on the streets. This is one of the hallmarks of communism and socialism and people need to actually be a little bit more attuned to it, I think. But the most important Jonathan. Most important, as we as a parents are imparent, we need to monitor what is being told in our schools. We have we lost the bottle I said uniting sixties and after sixties, a lot of those hippies, Marxists and pseudo marketists and pseudo communists, they went into our educational system. They borrowed themselves there and this is what they preached to our children. Some of the schools they don't look like schools, They look like the indoctrination points in them for the Marxism and communism. Well, let me if you this what is just so people know what is a bigger threat to this country. Is it um Islam and isis and Arkada or is it the domestic movement of communism in our government and these incompetent or corrupt politicians that are further in This is my opinion. You know, I spent twenty years in military serving our country. We can deal with military, we can deal with terrorists, but we can't deal with treason and undermining our country from within. So definitely, the biggest thread right now for us is those people who try to undermine everything our forefathers were building U for their communist agenda and one thing, one more thing, Please remember, for those hardcore Marxists and communists, their loyalty is not to our countries, to their ideology. And this is what brings me to Killoric Clinton. This woman is like her piece. When you think she's gone, she's back again, and she's headed back again, and somebody's going to finance her again, and she is put very dangerous to our country. She almost destroyed it. And evidently there's no cure for the Clintons either, because they just seem there's no cure for the Clintons either. They just seem to keep being there. They're just always there. Like I said that they unlock her pies. You can't cure them, and they will be back. Man. Leave it to a team guy to come up with that analogy. Hey. One of the things real quick, um, how do people find you, uh to see what you have to say if they want to reach out to you? Um, most likely on the Facebook page is Drago Geran on Facebook. But Facebook sensors me heavily, so most of the time I can't even answer the messages or can't post because every two three days I posted something about communism and my Facebook is shut down, so but there's a Facebook. But also I would like to mention I'm sitting on the board of directors of Navy Seals Fund dot org, so you can contact us. There is a five o one five oh one city charity dedicated to our brothers who are still fighting the world for someone who are fighting the war in Vietnam before and we have there is no paid possession, is manned by Navy Seals only and a hundred percent of the donations goes directly to the Navy Seals and their families. Navy Seal Fund dot org dot org. Well, Drugo, you gotta we gotta have a real quick minute. What would you like to say to the men and women that have given their lives for freedom over the two hundred years that this country has has been in existence. Yeah, Jonatha, Not only to these men, but also to all citizens of America, I would like to say thank you and the great gratitude that I'm allowed to leave as a free man. I came from I escape from communist country, and I was allowed to leave as a free man in this greatest country in the world. That is very exceptional. It is a big known freedom to entire Lord and I'm just hope people don't forget that we are exceptional. I'm saying we because I am American. I am not something American, I am not hyph an American. I am an American and proud awesome. I can't say anything better than that. Listen, God bless you, my friend. Thank you for all that you have done for this country and for the world, for what you did in Poland fighting against communism. I just can't thank you enough. I think you're an awesome American. And hopefully people will tune in tonight to my Facebook live show The Experts on Jonathan T. Gilliams, so that they can see and hear you as you speak in the words come out of your mouth. Part one is tonight. Part two is on Monday. God bless you, my God bless somebody can let's citizen us. This is Jonathan Gilham filling in for Sean Hannity. We're just about to close up on the Memorial Day weekend and I wanted to share with you a message I checked out with him make sure it was okay with Cody full He was with the berg Doll platoon when that guy just just decided to leave their people died trying to find him. Uh Cody sent me a messager, called in and left a message on my phone and I just this just touched me in a way that I wanted to share it with the rest of you. Just going to play it. Hey, brother's Cody just going through my phone calling them my boys to serve. I just want to wish the happy memorial of the weekend. Stay stay. I know this week it means a lot more to some of us than in the rest of the world. You know, it's not a fiercent off sale a target, it's not a Veterans Day. You know, it is have a good weekend. Drink a beer for the boys that ain't here. To stay safe. Man. I'm telling you after I got to listen to that's Cody Full. He was in uh bo burg Dolls platoon. It wasn't bo Burg Dolls Patunism, patun He was in dirt bag And I'm just gonna tell you, you know, Americans, there's something different about Americans. Drago became an American. Drago was a freedom seeker that we had on earlier. Uh Cody Full and the rest of his platoon, these people are defenders of freedom. There's a machine, folks. There's a machine. It's called freedom, and there's a certain there's certain aspects of this machine. It's like a vehicle when you look at it. There's the tires, electrical system, there's a carburetor, there's the joints. There's the interior that where somebody rides and they drive this vehicle, this vehicle called freedom. It has a part of it that defends and protects. It has another part of it that upholds the laws and make sure that that they're enforced. It has another part of it that takes care of people, that responds and make sure that you're okay, or rescues you. There's all these different aspects to this machine called Freedom. But the most important part of this machine is you. And if the founding fathers were standing around looking down upon you right now in this room or whatever car that you're in, and they were with you, what would they be saying? These are people that came over and started a country for the sheer fact of escaping tyranny and allowing religious freedom and allowing people to be their best and to be free. And after spending almost a month on the road dedicating myself not to spending the money that people donated at my go fund me page, but to get out there and use the money wisely so I could go to more and more places. Is talking to people and getting that message. And this is the message you, the free thinkers of this country, the American free born and those immigrants that have come here and become free. You don't understand unity, and you don't understand the enemy that we're fighting. You are all saying the same thing. You all have the same belief. You see what's going on, you feel it, but you don't know how to stand together. And I can only give you this one recommendation. Start having dialogue, unify, eat together, have drinks together, and honor those that have fallen this weekend by doing just that. I'm Jonathan Gillham and you can find me every night on Facebook Live at Jonathan T. Gilliam with my show The Experts. Tune in, join the dialogue, donate to my go fund me page and be a part of the solution. The truth has arrived. I'll see you next time.