Senator Rand Paul is here to discuss COVID and the lockdowns especially given the new restrictions in Kentucky and the reaction to it from the people of the state. The Senator has taken some heat but many forget that he has a strong medical background and might know more than the radical left?
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Welcome America. My name is Joe Kansche. I'm a media opinion columnist for The Hill. You see me on Fox News. I'm actually a contributor there now on the network on Seawan Show. It seems every Friday it's a Friday thing with Shaun and Me for whatever reason. And I'll be your guy for the next three hours. And first I gotta start off with my sympathies to the state of Pennsylvania because now it has been announced by their governor, and we will have Linda or are very capable and very passionate producer weighing in this in just a moment. But let's explain why she has certainly fired up about this, as is basically the whole Keystone State, the state of Pennsylvania is suspending alcohol sales starting Wednesday afternoon through the Thanksgiving holiday because of COVID, which means all alcohol in the state will be sold today and tomorrow. Of course, how does this make any sense? So on Wednesday afternoon you want to get a bottle of wine for Thanksgiving, not allowed to do it. It's like after the seventh ending at Yankees and you can't get a beer anymore. So I'm pretty sure people are smart and they're just gonna go out and just load up as I am. Of course I'm in New Jersey, but I just do that out of habit for the Thanksgiving holiday. Anyway, This makes absolutely no sense, Linda, your thoughts. You know, first of all, I just want to I just want to, you know, commend you on your honesty about your daily habits. So that that right there was funny. They said, the first part is admitting you have a problem. We're so grateful to have you here guest hosting for the boys, so thanks for coming in. Yeah, and sober, Yeah, and sober, and just try at least till five o'clock. You know, then everybody's drinking. But I mean, I'm looking up at the TVs here in the studio and I'm like, you gotta be kidding me. I'm like, you're taking away people's holidays. You're telling them they can't walk their dogs at ten o one, but they can walk their dog at nine fifty nine. You tell them that they can't buy alcohol on Thursday, but they can buy alcohol on Wednesday. You know what this tells me? You don't know which end is up, and I don't have to listen to you anymore because we elected you. You work for us, and I think that's something that you know, these people only need to be reminded of, you know, Newsom Wolf, we got idiot Cuomo. I mean, it's just never ending. And like you're gonna take away my alcohol, You're gonna take away my family. Then you're gonna take away my alcohol. Or for those of us who have family that have decided to forget a we're gonna sit around a mass six feet apart in your house. You really need alcohol, then, you know we need that. You can't take that away. It makes no sense. This is absolute ridiculousness. Let me quote Homer, and I mean, as in Simpson, alcohol is the cause of and solution to all of life's problems. Well done, right, exactly right. I'm telling you, man, I know our audience and I know they're gonna be pissed forgive me for those of our kids in the car. But I'm telling you right now, this is not okay, and it makes These are just rules to make rules. You know, It's like this is dictatorship, Like you know what we already you know we're good. We get wine delivered to the house. So we're just gonna shut down. You know this little mom and pop wine and beer store, why this is one of their biggest days and said they make their rent guy struggle enough. And then yeah, you're right there for Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, that's got to be the biggest night. It's not okay, it's not okay. You know what gets people very pissed off? Sorry, gets very pissed off, Linda. After months of mass protests, right, people shouting, gathering clothes. You saw those victory parties Joe Biden could go a week ago. They got them all huddled together and they're fine, everything's fine. But oh, give me a break. Did you see the one video? This is the best thing ever? And find this online if you can, not if you're driving. Of course I can't be responsible for that. But there's a bunch of it looks like probably college aged girls, and they're celebrating in Philadelphia actually right where this was all out two weeks ago again starting Wednesday, right. But here's the thing. They're drinking. They have masks on, right, And that's always the excuse that you hear. Well, at the Biden celebrations, everybody was wearing masks. Yeah, while fifteen thousand people were within two blocks of each other. If the mass don't really work when you don't socially distance. Did you get that? But here's the funny part Land. They drink a swig a bottle of champagne, right, so put their mask down, the cigirls champagne. Then they pass it to somebody else without cleaning it off or anything, and they drink the champagne and then put the mask back on. Around by adience can't be I mean, backwash is a pretty common theme. This is like, you know, if you went to college for like a month, you know how this works. Give me a break. Yeah, that's a very good point. So that's what we see going on, right California, All right, Governor Newsome, this guy, right, it goes to dinner with six different people from six different households indoors in Napa, no mass, and he just shut down the state a couple of days ago. So that's why everybody's so angry. March April. Everybody, I know they played by the rules, right, But then the minute that we had those protests going on after George Floyd, then all bets are off. And I heard this one line. I nearly actually I did. I fell off my chair broke two ribs when I was watching this at home. Somebody said, the cause is bigger than the virus. Oh that's how it works, Okay. COVID has a curfew apparently as well. Did you did you get what else hapenwesome? I don't know. You probably know this already that he deemed the media and entertainment companies essential. They got a FEMA pass, so all your mom and pops are closed, but the entertainment industry is essential because they're gonna make the television programs for you to watch while you're sitting on your you know what at home. He's not able to work, I swear. Yeah. And here's the thing. Saturday Night Live, they're allowed to have an in studio audience at thirty Rock. Ever been to that studio before? It's it's the size of my apartment in Hoboken back in ninety seven. I mean, people are right on pop of each other. Right, they're allowed to do that, But then a block away Broadway is not allowed to open. See, you could find a contradiction basically in every state. Cuomo MTV Music Awards that went on here not too long ago allowed all these stars to fly in to perform. They didn't have a quarantine for two weeks like everybody else. Again, these exceptions made for for celebrities or for these politicians, these leaders, so to speak. And now Cuomo is getting an Emmy, which I'm gonna be talking about in a couple of minutes. We also have Ran Paul coming up as well in the show. Carol Rotha, a dear friend of mine who knows basically the finance game better than anybody, going to talk about all these Democratic proposals that will absolutely happen if Georgia doesn't stay in the hands of Republicans, therefore keeping a majority in the Senate for Republicans, because remember you have a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate. Everything's getting the Joe Biden's desk, as far as abolishing ice, abolishing the filibuster, abolishing the Electoral College. Hey, we're gonna add two states, one of them's DC. Again, the size of my apartment at home bunk at A ninety seven. They're gonna be a state with two senators. How does that work? And then Puerto Rico as well will be a state. Therefore you'll have four more Democratic senators that will forever change the balance of power of Washington. So things like that will happen if Georgia doesn't go to at least one of those two Republicans running down there. Yet, what we're seeing these days are again journalists becoming activists, including I'm Freedman, New York Times Pulitzer winner goes on the New York Brothers CNN show, New York Governor's Brothers CNN show on I think it was a last week, and he said everybody should pick up and move to Georgia so they could vote in that election. One problem with that, that's voter fraud. And yet you have somebody on National TV advocating this, and the guy interviewing him it's like bubblehead and night to Shake and said that's a good idea. Andrew Yang also says he's moving to Georgia so he could help the Democrats win, which is interesting because he's a CNN political analyst. Now, so again we have journalists becoming activists. It's not even bias anymore, it's activism. Yay. Oh hey, Linda, I was talking about this before. John Kerry will be back in government once again. He will be your climate czar for the Biden administration. We should play the czar music under that, you know, because yeah, there it is John F. Kerry two thousand and four Democratic nominee lou to George W. Bush, but continues to fail up after that debacle, became Secretary of State, was responsible for the Iran deeal, and now he will be your climate czar. This is the same John Kerry who had a seventy foot yacht. Now you'd had seven million dollars that he parked in Rhode Islands, who wouldn't have to pay Texas in Massachusetts. Also has five luxury homes, an suv, and a private jet, and he's going to tell you how to lift your life and protect the environment. I have said this before, I will say it again a billion times unless you get China, and I'll say the white Trump says it. China, China, India, Russia on board of any climate accord whatever that is. Ain't nothing gonna change because they're the three biggest polluters. So we could do everything we want to here in this country. Spent trillions of dollars. It won't matter as long as China keeps doing what it's doing and even carry in twenty nineteen, says that we should treat climate change like a war. Okay, so we're gonna go to war with China over the climate. Good luck. And we're still only two months from mine actually getting into office. But there you go. The tremendous says our music. There. By the way, I think after the whole Russia thing about the last four years, I don't think we want to go the whole zar route anymore. Anyway, interesting us. While you were talking, I just got a call from a Pennsylvania call, a very nice person who says to me, Linda, you're not going to believe this. I said what he says. All of the liquor stores in Pennsylvania are owned by the states, so they're federal employees, so they can't even fight it. That's why he has so much control. The only thing that's not under their purview is beer and wine coolers. Because I said, I said, I knew about liquor, but what about wine and beer? He goes wine coolers, and no idea wine coolers. Wine coolers are devastating, by the way, you know, they have more massive headache. Man, I remember you. I think it was ninety seven, your sophomore year, and again this nineteen ninety seven keeps coming up, and Bartles and James are only sold in four packs because they hit you that hard, not that I drank them. I'm more a Bizima guy myself, But that makes no sense. By the way, why why is beer and wine coolers exempt? It's still alcohol? I'm looking up the law. Really, I was no, I honestly before the callers just you know, shut down the show completely patched blue ribbon. That's what I drank. It's what I still drink, and I have I have the receipts to prove it. Okay, So federal employees, what kind of state is Pennsylvania? I'm not getting this place at all. You know, it's battered up with the Eagles. But now this, I feel sorry. Do you live there, by the way? Didn't I allowed to do? That's why I'm so angry. Wow, I have to get all my alcohol on the way home today, I guess. So, so what is your drink by the wayland? Everybody wants to know. Oh yeah, well, I'm more of a Tito's and Tonic kind of girl. Ah, but I also love prosecco. I love I love anything bubbly my favorite. Yeah, yeah, that's my girly drink. But Tito's and Tonic is the way to go. I know this show is big, particularly below the Mason Dixon line where I went to college and I was dating a gal and uh, you know, I got a beer and she's like, when do you go to man up? You know, she was from like George or something. I'm like a man up. She goes beer beers for boys. You should be drinking bourbon. It was. It was the sexiest thing anybody's ever said to me. I'm told that point. I'm married now and now I'm Maker's mark man. That changed my life. And then she cheated on me with my with my best friend. That's actually a true story, Jason. If you're listening out, you don't, buddy, I don't think I forgot about that. Oh day's getting better and better. Well, you know, we gotta gotta make it personal to folks out there may not know me in any way. Then they're right, so I have to, you know, share, share the personal stuff. I want you to share. The other one in the story about your car. Oh well, we're gonna go there, all right, let's go there. So my car was stolen. I remember the day, thirteen August twenty twenty, the worst year in human history, right, it's got to be at least in our lifetime. So the pandemic. Obviously, my kids are home for months and months from school, and I love them and everything. The boy when they went back, you want to talk about bourbon, I had eggs and kegs that day. I mean it was really just a celebratory dang. But I'm just telling you so I think I had a point around this. Oh yeah, So my car was stolen, and then I get a call a couple of weeks later that it was recovered. I'm like, this is great. I go down to the tollyard of things told right, I mean, just air bags out and dance and everything, and and the idiots that stole this thing actually left receipts in the back. So I think the investigation is still ongoing in terms of where they went. But it was basically a joyride thing. So then after that, I'm like, okay, well, you know, at least I'll get my you know, I have I have an old car that I could still use, and I guess that's all right. My my basement floods, the whole thing pipe burst, and so where I have my TV studio where I joined Fox, that thing burst. Then my kid on her birthday breaks her arm when she falls off her swing set. I'm like, what, God, if you're am I living in so it's you know, and Linda, I know you're good at this stuff. You quickly have me a song that will make me think of twenty twenty one where it's got to get you know, the whole Biden thing aside better right, and when that ball will be dropping an eye here, Yeah, there is thank you, old Zion, and I'm alone in Times Square out of my mind. I'll be saying, thank you, thank you God that twenty twenty one is here and I got the vaccine and I could go to a freaking Yankee came again. It's only now thirty eight days away, and then we could close the chapter on what was the worst year possibly in human history. Rad Paul Carol Overall, Derek Hunter. Those are your guests on the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Joe Concha filling in on this glorious Monday afternoon back with more in a moment. Hey, everybody, Joe conscient you know, I don't even go full name at this point. I'm going Shacker Madonna. I'm going one name, conscient for Sean Hannity on this Monday afternoon. That was an interesting bumping, as we called in the the business. As far as President Trump and this whole election, you know what, I'll do a not so bold prediction here. I say, in two years and about one month from now, Donald J. Trump is going to announce that he is seeking the presidency again in twenty twenty four and again, Captain Obvious, thanks a lot. Yeah, of course he is right. If you think that it's gonna be like Rocky one and you know he's just gonna walk away without a rematch, you're crazy. And we all know how Rocky two ended. I think we all know how Rocky two ended. Remember that's when Apollo and Rocky hit each other at the same time in the fifteenth round. They both went down, but Rocky got up at nine and Apollo at ten, and then that was the end of it. Then he went on to be Club Lang and Vondrago and Tommy Gunn in subsequent movies. But before we go off of the tangent, guys, listen to this and these are amazing numbers. In terms of the way people view this election. Reuters IPSOS poll sixty eight percent have concerns about a quote rigged vote counting process favoring President elect Joe Biden. That's what it says, quoting the Reuters story. So sixty eight percent. In terms of Republicans, I say, say Trump voters, more than two thirds think that this thing was rigged towards the former vice president. I mean, these are numbers that we have never ever seen before in any election. Sixty six percent, however, I Republican voters support President Trump running for president again in twenty twenty four. That's a pretty high number, right, I mean you ever see that before? What were people pining for Mitt Romney to run again in twenty sixteen or John McCain to run again in twenty twelve. You could go down the list, right, So the support is still incredibly strong for the president. And then Joe Biden will actually have to run on something called a record if he even runs. I don't think he will in twenty twenty four. So that Kamala Harris Donald Trump so called rematch is going to be lit, no question about it. And you think about who the who could primary so to speak, Donald Trump in twenty twenty four even though they're all be going for the domination with it with a clean slate, so to speak. But I look at who the contenders are, and while they're very nice candidates so to speak, and I mean nice, like you know, they got a lot going for them, I just don't see how you beat a Donald Trump when you know that all the media coverage, and that's what I cover for The Hill, all the media coverage is going to focus on him in twenty sixteen, and he was going up against seventeen eighteen other people in that election. And there are also very nice candidates in that particular election as well, whether you're talking Ted Cruz, whether you're talking Marco Ruby. I'll remember how they reviewed at the time. Jeb Bush, you know, obviously brother of a former president, popular governor in Florida, and no one gave Donald Trump a chance, and he beat them all because he blotted out the sun in terms of just all media coverage went towards him. And then he was smart enough to use social media and his millions and millions of followers to get his message out and change the way quite frankly that presidents and candidates communicate with people directly by going around the media instead of trying to go through that filter where it last checked. There's just a little bit of bias out there. And by the way, it's understatement day Monday here on the Sean Hannerdy Show. By the way, eight hundred nine four one sewn eight hundred nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, Sean spelled by the way s e A N, not the other way, which I believe is Shawn. Either way, it's Irish eight hundred nine four one s E A And we want to hear from you. But yeah, look at these candidates that I have as your top five running for president in twenty twenty four in the GOP side, if Donald Trump decides not to and you tell me if if Trump were to run, if any of them would really give him a serious challenge. Josh Allie, great Pipes. I gotta say the guy's got a good voice, definitely, so he's he's pretty popular. Senator Missouri Christy Nome again popular South Dakota Governor Tom Cotton, Tim Scott, Nicky Haley. Could they beat Donald Trump in twenty twenty four for the nomination. I'm sorry. I look at twenty sixteen and I gotta say no. So for the folks out there who obviously are depressed after after the election or think that, you know, some wrongdoing went on here and then the investigations continue. And I've said since the beginning, and I've been very consistent on this, you have to let the process play out. You have to let the legal process play out. Because if you remember, and this is not too long ago, and Linda, we're going to go to one of the sound bites that I sent over earlier to you because I found this so compelling. After the twenty sixteen election, you see the media and you see Democrats screaming that Donald Trump is destroying democracy by going through his legal right, which is to ask for recounts and to investigate voter fraud in states where remember Donald Trump is your president again, if he wins George Arizona, Pennsylvania, that's it. And all of those states, you're you're talking a ten thousand vote difference, a twelve thousand vote difference Pennsylvania, less than one percentage point. That's how close this election was. So yeah, let let the process go through. Let's see if Sydney pal Kemp produce some evidence. Rush ling Ball said today, all right, and this is rush saying this that they better produce something tangible soon. Okay, that's that's the pressure. Now it's on Sidney Powell, who says that she has has the good So I say, all right, I'm not making any judgment right now. Let's wait to see what she has. We're still two months from an auguration day. It's fine to go through this process right now. The president has every right to it. But this is how the president was covered as president elect shortly after the twenty sixteen election, as far as him being called illegitimate and he only won because the Russians helped him. Fire Awaylan, do you think Donald Trump's win with legitimate election legit the election is by this intrusion? I don't see it is intrusion. President Elin as a legitimate president. You do not consider an a legitimate president. Does he think that Democrats should put this away? This whole idea of legitimate illegitimate president's not going to get in the middle of this right now. I get it, But you didn't answer the question is Donald Trump legitimate? I think there's a cloud of questions around what happened, clouds of questions, and we disagree on things. But but honestly, I mean yes or no, is he the legitimately elected president United States? When he raises his hand, we're counting on our law enforcement community to get to the bottom of these questions. He also won't. Do you agree with John Lewis? Do you agree that Donald Trump is in effect not a legitimate president. I think that there's no question that the process that elected him was not legitimate. Elect although legally elected, is not legitimate for other reasons that Donald Trump will legitimate legitimacy question of the legitimacy questions come up. You say he will be president of the United States, but you're you're at least reluctant to say he will be the legitimate president of the United States. Is that right? He is going to be president? But isn't it more difficult now to work together when you've said flatly he's not even a legitimate president. I don't recognize his legitimacy. John Lewis said that you believe he's a legitimate president, Well, he was elected at that Donald Trump can't stand he's not a legitimate president can't bear to tell him the truth. Now the legitimization of the presidency is taking hold within the country. Do you think it was a legitimate election? I think that there are lots of questions about its legitimacy. The twenty sixteen election wasn't legitimate. What does it mean to say it's not legitimate? It was not a legitimate election. You think it was a legitimate election? The time here Donna might question was a legitimate election? Doesn't count? My personal view is that it was not a legitimate election, so it doesn't count. Wow, this sounds just like the twenty twenty coverage, doesn't it? Until it doesn't? I mean, that's what happened after an election. That's what everybody forgets. So all these people on TV on their soap boxes with the title of anchor or pundit, who are screaming at you that that the president should absolutely concede that he has no legal recourse, that this that Joe Biden is absolutely legit legitimate. Well, what did you just hear? This is this is something they planted right after the twenty sixteen election, and it hounded this president for four years. In terms of Russian collusion. You know, I went back just just for sas and giggles. As far as looking at President Trump as president elect, his first press conference after he was elected, thirteen times reporters brought up in thirteen different questions either Russia or Vladimir putin. Almost nothing that the president ran on in terms of immigration, in terms of deregulation, all those things that got him elected wasn't even bought up in this press conference. It was solely Russia. And that was a preview of what we got for four years. And now these people are telling you, they're telling the president that he's destroying democracy. I believe that that that process started about four years ago. Anyway, let's get some calls in, shall we. I want to go down to Alabama, who put a whooping on Kentucky this weekend in Tuscaloosa. But I have a feeling we're not gonna be talking Kentucky Alabama. Sarah, and how are you, hey, roll toad sixty three three? First of all, I just want to say that Linda is at my spirit animal, but she needs to say it. First of all, thank you, Sarah, and first of all, for you, you gotta draw the a Outlinda that we love you. Um, okay, So George, we're in Alabama, We're, you know, eighty miles from Atlanta. There is no possible way that everybody voted for a Trump in Georgia. UM. That is, it's as red as Alabama is, Michael is. With the Senate in the House, we run off, that's just gonna if they if they win and we have all the Democrats coming in from all the other states, then that's just going to strengthen their argument that, yeah, I Biden won the state legitimately because they got to the Senate in the House seats um Arizona. I've kind of given up on that because of the mccains, you know what I'm saying. I'm just I'm just kind of given up on that. Um Pennsylvania. There's no ill to not see it because they have too much of an interest in fracking. I mean, that's the lifeline. It just does makes sense. I can't, I can't. I can't wrap my brain around it. I hear you, Sara, and I appreciate the call. Thanks so much. Yeah. Look, the whole thing that's going on in Georgia, particularly now with this runoff, you have now Hollywood celebrities. You have Tom Freeman, as I mentioned a little while ago, saying that people should pick up and move Tom Freeman in York time, should pick up a move to Georgia just a vote in that election, which at last check, that's voter fraud, right, that's a felony. Quite frankly, they're they're doing this, They're they're begging for this, because if Democrats win both those seats on January fifth, then it's a fifty fifty tie in the Senate. Kamala Harris becomes your tiebreaker. So then you have democratic House, Democratic Senate, democratic president. You have a blank check for again. You are going to abolish Ice Philibuster, electoral college, expand the Senate, expand the Supreme Court to look like a football roster. Or you're going to see reallocation of police funds. We know what that means. And you're going to see a band of fracking, as Sarah and just mentioned. So that's why this race is so important, and you have to wonder do Democrats do they have a disadvantage in terms of if President Trump isn't on the ballot and if this election was a lot of people coming out because they didn't like Trump, not so much that they like Biden. Right. I still don't know what Biden's bumper sticker was exactly, what was his message? Right? So what how does he get nearly what twenty more million votes than Barack Obama? Right, who was the hope and change, you know, can do no wrong candidate who actually campaigned. It's just it is mind boggling when you think of all these numbers. What I do know is that that President Trump got I think something like ten million more votes than he did the last time around. But here's the here's the stunning stat twenty five million more votes than Ronald Reagan got in nineteen eighty. I mean, that's just astounding. I know we have a bigger population, but I mean we're talking a huge, huge jump. So voters didn't abandon President Trump like we were told in this land side that was supposed to happen. We were told that that never happened. So going into twenty twenty four, again, I think he is at a distinct advantage in terms of winning that race. And you don't have to wait till twenty twenty four because Kamala Harris she declared her candidacy in early January twenty nineteen. So we're talking. You know, basically, twenty twenty two is when the campaign season begins, and then you'll see Donald Trump at campaign rallies for the next two years back in your screen. It's almost like time will barely go by before you see Donald Trump back on the campaign trail again. If these legal challenges don't pan out, let's squeeze in one more call and Paula from Anchorage. I got a friend that lives up there named Kimberly Strassever the Wall Street Journal tells me that the weather is getting a little cold up there. Finally, I'll give you thirty seconds. I'll give you the floor what he got. Hey, I just want to say this the intro to Sean show, specifically, when we're saying we're not we're needing the backup our pregment, I'd like to know, and I'd like to call you out and even Sean, I really shot out there. What does that mean? What do you guys want us to do? That's that's it, I dope, I hear you. Well, you know, I would think just stay involved and stay active, and you'll probably have a Donald Trump to vote for against before you know it. I mean that if we've never seen this before where a president loses in his first term and then runs again. Maybe we did in the eighteen hundreds, I'm probably getting that wrong, but you know, in recent times, we haven't seen anything like that, so you get a rematch. And the thing is just, you know, keep fighting for what you believe in on a local level, perhaps, you know, with your local governments, your local schools. Uh. You know, I know in where I live in Jersey, my kids go to school five days a week. Oh, it's the greatest thing ever. And and you know, my daughter goes from nine to one, but it's good enough. And my son goes from nine to three. And and that's because you know, the parents were so steadfast and them saying we need our kids back in school for their own mental health, for their own education, and in the teachers unions that have a lot of power, particularly where I live, they had to back down. So you can effect change not just on the national level, but in your communities as well. So I think that's what we're trying to say here, Paula, as far as far as keeping the fight up, so to speak, for what you believe in, Joe Knscha filling in for Sean Hannity The Sean Hannity Show, Back with your Calls, and Ran Paul in the next hour stick around, Welcome back everybody. Joe Conscha in for Sean Hannity on this Thanksgiving week. Yeah, it's a week. A lot of people spreading out celebrations throughout. Perhaps you know you want to keep your older relatives from maybe the younger folks and your family. So I know that you know some people are doing a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday kind of piecemeal, for lack of a better term, Thanksgiving. So welcome and thanks for joining us today. I am a media opinion columnist for The Hill, also a Fox News contributor, and I want to welcome to the show right now. First time I think I've ever spoken to the Senator, and I've always been a fan of his. Maybe not everything on policy, I don't think that's the way it works, but he's always just so authentic. I think his convictions and his thoughts and just so for lack of a better term, articulate when making those arguments. So we welcome Senator Rampaul to the program. Kentucky, how are you sir, very good, Joe, thanks for having me, of course. So I want to start with this because this really is just unbelievable to me. I remember going on Fox the day after that you were attacked after leaving the White House by a mob in Washington, d C. The Hills offices are right there on K Street, right right where you were attacked, basically, and you spoke about at the time that your feeling was there was interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines. They flew there by plane, they got fresh new clothes, and they were paid to be there, and they were paid to basically harass and possibly even hurt people. And you and your wife were attacked on a street. It's on video. And then today the DC US attorney said, what said, They're not interested in finding out who financed to these people. In fact, they wouldn't reveal whether they investigated it at all. They just said they weren't going to pursue it. And I asked her, the US attorney, district attorney, the Taput attorney, and said, well, what have you done? Oh, I can't reveal that I can either confirm nor deny that we did anything. And I said, well, you know, many of the people that were in the video that we're attacking us were also in other cities attacking us. One of them, you know, bloodied a police officer who had to go to the hospital, and I said, what do you have about that person? So I can't tell you anything about that. I got the feeling they had no idea even about the police officer being injured, or that they've done any investigation. The DC judiciary he actually let the guy who assaulted the police officer off on his own recognizance. And my response to that was, yea, if you're looking for him, looking Kenosha, because these people are going from city to city, but someone needs to look at with a proper subpoena from a judge, look at who's paying for all this stuff. And you were someone who was attacked at his own home a couple of years ago, where you're actually and then in a hospital for an extended period of time. I believe you had to collapse along at one point, so that that moment when this was happening, if the police weren't there, you could have been seriously hurt or even killed. It seemed yeah, we really feared for our lives and we thought, even with the police, that we might not make it out. We initially had three policemen helping us, and the crowd though numbered over one hundred, and they were pressing in on the policeman. They were throwing things on us, different fluid. We didn't know what it was. They were yelling threats to us, and they were pressing closer and closer. And I leaned into the policeman and I said, they know who I am because they were chanting my name. And I said, you've got a call for reinforcements, and he did. But interestingly, I never had any words with the policeman. They were brave and also interesting. They were both black and white. The crowd that was attacking us was both black and white, but the police officer defending us, we're both black and white. This isn't a race thing. This is about whether or not you're gonna have law and or or whether or not you're going to have Mayhem. And that's that's what it was. Amazing just a last week last weekend where Trump supporters at a Maga march were attacked. There were twenty one arrests. One man was stabbed, two police officers hurt, and yet, you know, it just seems that all that's going to be forgiven, that that nothing's actually going to happen in these situations. And Joe Biden, who ran on unity in bringing everybody together, didn't make a public statement himself about it. He put out a statement, but it seems like this is something that's going to continue, I want to ask you, and that it's even worse than that. The Associated Press reported that this violence was a result of Trump demonstrations, and they never revealed who the violent people were. The violent people were the Antifa people. The violent people were the Black Lives Matter people that were committing these crimes, and the APE reported it as if it was like, oh, there's a little bit on both sides of violence and crime. But the bottom line is it's not safe to go out to eat in DC, particularly for a publican figure, but even for a regular person to go out and DC is not safe. And if they don't prosecute the people that went after my wife and I, and they don't prosecute the person to assault at a police officer, you can see how it's going to get worse. No one, you can't eat inside because the mayor won't let you eat inside and you can't eat outside because a mob will attack you. That's exactly right, an attack by launching fireworks at people. And look, we don't know. I saw one restaurant I think it was PJ. Clark's Run on Castory where people were reading outside and fireworks were launching them. You don't know if these people are Republican, Democrat, libertarian. Anybody could have been killed in that situation, and again law and order just completely breaks down. We're talking to Senator Ram Paul. I'm curious because you're also a doctor by trade, Ran like my wife, do masks work? Does what work? Do masks work in terms of stopping COVID? In terms of stopping coronavirus? Now I wear one. I'll just be from a personal standpoint, you can't go into a store here in New Jersey where I live without wearing a mask, and I don't think about either doing that. If I'm around my older relevance, I always wear a mask. But then it seems like we're seeing all this conflicting kind of evidence around it, and I don't know if we've exactly are one hundred percent sure what the effective this is. And I know you have some thoughts on that. There's only two randomized, scientific controlled studies, one from twenty fifteen, and it did not show any benefit from wearing a cloth mask. In fact, the people with cloth mask got more infections than the people who wore no masks. They measured virus sized particles to see what goes through the cloth mask, and virus sized particles penetrate the cloth mask ninety seven percent of the time. Now, the study did find that the N ninety five mask, when worn properly by health professionals, do protect against infection. They found that regular surgical masks did not work. And now there was a recent study, the Danish study, which was a population study, and it showed basically no significant benefit, no statistically significant benefit. The other way to look at this is in large population studies. Look at when Hawaii band or made masks mandatory and banned goop groups gathering. Look at when California did, Look at when Kentucky did, and see if you see any correlation with a drop in the incidence of infections. In fact, it's the opposite. If you look at every mandate worldwide on wearing masks, the incidence of infection went up. Afterwards after the mandates, and there is evidence that people are wearing masks. In Kentucky. You can't go in a store without a mask. It's probably one hundred percent of people are wearing masks going into public places. And yet the incidence of infections is five hold what it was in the spring when nobody was wearing a mask. So it's very little, if any, proof that this works. And the reason why this is important, this is not a short lived thing. Doctor Fauci wants you to wear a mask for the rest of his life, for the rest of our lives, he said, when the vaccine comes out, he still wants you to wear a mask. So you're gonna have to ask doctor Fauchi's permission five years from now. And I'd say to young people, and particularly young people have had it. You've got to resist this kind of crazy nuttiness that is not backed by science, and that that's I believe what doctor Fouch she said I'm paraphrasing, is that even if you have the vaccine, you could still have coronavirus and shed it. You just won't get sick from it type of thing. But to that if that's the case, then then yeah, I could see mass mandates in public places going on for infinity. Because the virus doesn't go away because of a vaccine, You just simply have a way to fight it. What are you going to do? Senator Rampaul And we're talking to obviously the great senator from Kentucky for Thanksgiving? Like, what what's your plan? Then everything, after everything that you just said, are you going to have a gathering large gathering at home? Do you do it outside? Is it warm enough? But what? What? What are you going to do? Ours will be underground in a cave with armed guards to keep the governor away. Well done. Oh, the guards have orders to shoot on site ifybody comes to try to stop our family from gathering. And I'm saying that facetiously. No, but we're having a normal Thanksgiving. We are. You know, it's not, it's our business. In a free country, every individual and every society makes their own rules, and we will take precautions for elderly family members. We already do and have been taking precautions. But we are not going to simply say, you know, it's just kind of crazy. These people will not even admit that you have immunity if you've already had it even though twelve million people have had it, they've found five people who might have had it again, and they say, oh, well, that proves they don't have immunity. No, that proves the opposite, you idiot. It proves that the vast majority of people do not get it again, they do develop immunity. And actually all the science now is arguing that you do have immunity if you've had it. The only question is how long. But even the how long question is that for eight months now we are showing it and some of the people that were infected with stars seventeen years ago still have memory immunity. So there's a very good chance that we are going to have long standing immunity. But this is good news not only for the people who had it, but for the vaccine that may not be have to say vaccine every year. It may be that one vaccine can protect you for quite a while. That's interesting. And in the treatments are getting so much better too. Right, So we're seeing this nearly two hundred thousand cases in the US on Friday, Yet the death rate is much much lower than it was in March and April. Senator, Yeah, if we had the same death rate right now that we had in March and April, we'd have ten thousand people dying a day and we've averaged about a thousand dying a day, which is still terrible, but just we should be thanking our lucky stars. We should be extolling our doctors and thanking them, our doctors and nurses. We should be thanking the president for moving forward with the vaccine. Instead, it's all recriminations and hate towards the president, and I'm just sick and tired of it. They won't report any good news. The vaccine is good news, Immunity is good news. Treatment is good news. The treatment with steroids with remdessevere and now with monoclonal antibodies has cut the death rate for severely ill from twenty six percent of people dying to about nine s So, you know, almost doubling your chances or a little more than doubling your chances of staying alive when you're seriously fit sick because of advancements that have been discovered in the last six months. Fear certainly sells. And the last question for you, Senator, and it involves Georgia, and obviously those two Senate seats just so crucial in terms of the future of the country, quite frankly, because if you have a blank check from the House to the Senate, right to the Oval Office, with Democrats in charge of all three, you're looking at abolishing ice, You're looking at abolishing the filibuster. You're looking at abolishing the Electoral College, expanding the Supreme Court, expanding the Senate, banning fracking, reallocation of police funds, and I could go down the line with about one hundred other things. Yet in Georgia, we're seeing Hollywood and the media saying, you know, you should move to Georgia, you should vote there to get these two Democrats in. But you saw it in Kentucky, right with Amy McGrath and Senate Majority Leader macconnell, where outside influence comes in and suddenly people don't like that that much when local elections, state elections get nationalized. And we heard that McConnell was in such trouble, the only one by twenty points, right, So what do you see happening in Georgia. Ultimately, will Republicans keep the Senate? YEA. One of the things that I've been trying to do is talk to libertarians there. We had a great libertarian candidate at Randy got two point three percent of the vote, Shane Hazel, and I think we need to talk to libertarians. There was over one hundred thousand people who voted to the libertarian in the Purdue race. They don't want socialism, they don't want DC to be a state equal to Georgia. So I think there's a lot of common ground, but they're frustrated with the Republicans the same way I am. I'm frustrated with Republicans who spend too much. I'm frustrated with all the bailouts have been passing this year. But at the same time, the Democrats are only worse. And I do think that there are things that a Republican majority will stop. You know, I'm one of the most libertarian members of the Senate. I will have more power in a Republican Senate than a Democrat Senate. I will continue to speak out for ending the Afghan War. I will continue to speak out for young people getting a second chance if they make the mistake with drugs. So there are all kinds of things that are beneficial for libertarian leaning people, and I hope that they will consider there won't be a libertarian on the bauth. This time it will be Republican or Democrat. I hope they will consider coming out for a Republican even if they don't think the Republicans are perfect, just because frankly, the Democrats are so darn evil. And we'll have to leave it there. Senator I hyped you up a lot before this interview, and I'm glad we're able to finally speak for a first time. We covered a lot of ground. I really appreciate you making time for us today. Thank you, all right, Senator ram Paul. Later in the show, Carol Roth joins us and Derek Hunter, who is if you've never heard Derek opine about all things Trump and all things US and the state of affairs right now, you're gonna want to stick around for that. In the five o'clock hour, Joe Kanscha filling in for Sean Hannity eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, Your calls coming up next. Welcome back, everybody. Joe Kancha, media opinion columnists for The Hill. Follow me on the Twitter at Joe Kancha TV. Also on Parlor as well. Join that recently, that's that's really taken off my god, I think they got something like a million downloads right after the election. People not happy with Twitter and why would you The guy who runs it looks like he's the stunt double for Tom Hanks and Castaway too. And oh, by the way, censors, you know, people that have a certain food process. It's it's just remarkable the way that this election was manipulated by social media, and they basically just said, screwt. We're going to show that we're we're activists and we're biased, and we're going to you know, lock the New York Post out of their account for two weeks simply for reporting on the Hunter Biden story, or lock Kelly mcinny out of her account because she shared the story. I mean, that is just George Orwell looks at this stuff and says, that's even a little bit too far from me. Okay, So it's nothing's going to change either. By the way, I mean, we saw those hearings last week right where you had Dorsey and you have Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and they're in front of these senators, and a Senator Cruise or a Senator Graham or Holly will have some sort of like perfect like gotcha question and Dorsey or Zukerberger looks like they're in a hostage video, and then they don't quite know how to answer, and then the clip goes viral, and then after it's all done, nothing happens. Section two thirty, which gives social media companies liability protection. In other words, they don't they can't be sued over what their users post is content. It's like, oh, we're not responsible for yet. Yet. They can control what can be seen and what can be seen. I mean it's it's boy talk talk about a sweet deal, right, so that needs to be repealed. You would hope you would think at some point or even just break up. These guys altogether, way too big. They don't have to control their information. And remember before you say, well the social media really have that big of an influence, That's not where I get my news, I believe it or not. Sixty five percent of American adults get their news from social media. Whatever the newspaper and television was in the twentieth century, that's your newspaper and television in the twenty first century. And they're they're run by ideologues. Again, it's Silicon Valley. Mean, what do you expect not too many conservatives on board there as far as that's concerned. And that's just the way it's going to be. It's an uphill battle if you're a conservative, if you're a Republican, as far as getting your message out there, back with morn a moment, did I predict this? For four years Democrats have schemed away to win the presidency at any cause they knew they couldn't win and signaled they'd stopped at nothing. Did I say this? They were going to send out tens of millions of pallas, and they did it in broad daylight. This is a fraud when the American public. This battle has been raging for four long years. So if you think this president is about to lay down, you'd best think again. Your vote mattered, your voice matters, and we're not about to be silenced. Now. We were getting ready to win this election. Your president worked tirelessly for you. Frankly, we did win this election. Now it's our turn to help him this he's the Sean Hannity Show. Je Well, this just in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo is having his eighty nine year old mother and two daughters to Albany for Thanksgiving, quoting the governor, the story is my mom is going to come up and the two and two of my girls, but plans may change. That's from the New York governor. He has spent the last two weeks telling New Yorkers to stay home for the holiday. But in the spirit of Hollywood, Andrew Cuomo is certainly a tremendous performer. You have to give him that. And now today the Democratic governor, you're possible the four Democratic nominee. Don't laugh. He won an Emmy award. Congratulations to Andrew Cuomo. Why did he win an Emmy Award? Well, because of his messaging in the early days of the pandemic. And look, I'm the first guy to say those presentations were very good. I tweeted it out the time I got the receipts. All right, I thought the presentations were good. But given everything we know now, all right, do you give an Emmy to the guy who had twice as many deaths in New York than the state of Florida. The reason why I compare New York in Florida is because Florida has a larger population, an older population, a more vulnerable population. Yet New York doubled Florida. Meanwhile, Ronda Santis he can't buy one positive story in terms of media coverage. Then the governor, all right, this is the guy. You give it emmy too, writes a book that he releases in the middle of a covide surgeons also not in the book. Really, Boyd didn't seem much on this in terms of those presentations back in March. In April, his order okay to send COVID nineteen positive patients back into nursing homes. He had all frigging ship in the Hudson River. He could have sent them to that the president sent him. Does he do that? And no, couldn't do that. The Jabbet Center wide open, no patience could have sent him there. Nope, he sends him back in the nursing home. It's like taken a blowtorch to dry grass in terms of the spread in the death. But we give that guy an emmy. Oh. Also, the governor's brother got COVID and then broke his own quarantine while he was still infectious and shedding the virus, driving thirty minutes from the home he was living in at the time, only to get into a verbal confrontation with a sixty something year old guy who was driving by and said, hey, should you be out? Why don't you have a mask on? The guy actually followed a police report. Governor Cuomo has not been asked about that even once. Right, this guy is the one that you're giving an Emmy two. I mean again, what part of these presentations I got that? You know they were good back then. But he has resisted for months now an independent investigation in terms of what happened at those nursing homes. Oh this just in, by the way, Congratulations to Jacob Orkian. He is now the late Jack of Orkian mind you. Posthumously he is going to be awarded Wow, Humanitarian Award for population control. Boy, the Emmy's are on our roll. Congratulations, well done. The only award that Governor Cuomo should have won was for Best Comedy, all right, because that's what it was. He goes on his brother's show multiple times, isn't asked about the nursing home things once and now, even though Governor Cuomo's eighty nine year old mother will be going there for Thanksgiving, many people in New York won't be seeing their parents because of that executive order. Again, this isn't reality TV, This isn't Survivor. You don't give out Emmy's for things you did during a pandemic, but particularly when you presided over the state that had more COVID debts by a country model than any other state in the country. That's all all right, shut up. I can't take it anymar Thank you boy. They should give him the Nobel Peace Prize next. I believe the forty fourth president got one for doing absolutely nothing this year. Is incredible, isn't it. I mean, you could win a Pulitzer, right, that's that's the writing award for stories on Trump in Russia collusion. All right, you can win an Emmy for incompetence, as we just explained with the governor, and you can win an election from your basement, probably win an election. There's still fights going on in many states. So I always couch that, so to speak, because again Sidney Powell says she has the goods all right Russia, Limbos said in the show today, Okay, you got to start showing those goods soon. All right, it's a legal process. Investigations go on, all right. We're not on a timetable here, at least not now. Anywhere. We're still two months from from the inauguration. So Sidney Powell has this, and look, she has a sterling reputation. Would she really say this and then be bluffing? So that's all I'm saying. Can I jump in for one second. I just want I would love to hear from you, like I would love if you you're my Robin. So but listen, I'm telling you this is one thing that has been driving me crazy, and many people are saying it's I just want to just want to clear up some misconceptions. Nobody has a right to see any evidence. The only place that evidence needs to be shown and is worth anything is in a court of law. And we're not going to piecemeal anything out to the left and give anything out to the media that does not want to hear anything but themselves in an echo chamber. So her evidence will be given in a court of law before a judge and whomever she is going to be presiding with against four and she's going to have all of this laid out and then they'll hear about it when the court decides it is time for the public to hear all of her evidence, because that's the only place evidence needs to be presented in a court of law. And that's the thing, right, he don't do it through the media, particularly a media that again, after the twenty sixteen election, we're calling it's questioning all these senators. You see Chuck Todd, you see Jake Tapper, all saying is this a legitimate president? And it's funny, So we did that destroy democracy? Then all that scrutiny, and you saw it throughout his entire presidency where you had half the country thinking that the president was illegitimate. Hillary Clinton actually even said that on her public therapy tour that she went on for a book for four years. Right, and no one ever questions Hillary Clinton for doing damage to democracy. Right, So let's let's see the looking at home. Let's see it in due time. Looking at Hillary does damage. So you know that alone. Wow, listen, you know the true hurts. I'm sorry, it's right. She's a terrible human being. She deserves at all. This is not okay, it is not okay, it's not okay. Uh okay, that's good to know. Hey, Carl Bernstein, remember him, the Woodward and Bernstein duo. And you think of great great seventies duos, Right, Joni and Chacchi, for example, they were a pretty good seventies duo. I would go with Simon and Garfunkel, right, good seventies duo. And then there is Woodward and Bernstein, except something strange happened between the two. Woodward continue to do, you know, credible work and put out some good books. I know, the one about President Trump he wasn't crazy about. But he gets people on the record at least, so I like that better than the unnamed sources. But Bernstein, let's put it this way, Woodward is kind of like Simon and Bernstein is Garfunkel. You don't want to be Garfuncle when talking about Simon and Garfuncle. But he says here he tweeted out this was yesterday. I'm not violating any pledge of journalistic confidentiality and reporting this. Twenty one Republican senators and combos with colleague staff members, lobbyist blah blah blah, have repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for Trump and his fitness to be president of the United States. He then goes on to name these senators one problem from mister Bernstein. One senator that was named a Senator Mike Braun and he says, quote, this is more false news from a CNN political analyst, as I was one of President Trump's top defenders during impeachment and strongly support his legal efforts to ensure that every vote is kind of counted. So again, on the record, Braun says, what are you talking about, Carl Bernstein? Where you're actually putting this out there? I did not tell you this. So again, I mean, who's by the way, if you're a GOP senator, are you're really talking to Karl Burnstein at this point? Just asking? Huh? Anyway, President Biden. Oh, that's gonna hurt, right if I say that. Let's say, let's put it this way. How do you couch this, Linda? I mean if I if I say president elector President Biden, the Twitter get candidate candidate, the Democratic nominated Rural College is not until December fourteenth. The process of the recount, the recertification, seeing who's lying, who's telling the truth, and all that in between is still happening. So I mean, I speak for myself here. You know, I don't consider this man to be president just yet. And when everything is certified and we see if all of those various machines that should have been recertified when they receive software updates between Halloween and right before election night, because federal law Dick's taste, they should have gotten recertified them. We'll see if all of those elections and those tallies and those ballots actually count, and maybe we'll decide whether or not this man is the president elect. But until December fourteenth, and maybe some of the evidence that we'll see from Sidney pal he's not my president just yet. Wow. So you think then that this ultimately comes down to dominion and what they find there and there at least it's not anecdotal. It's a paper trail, right, And so well, there's both. You know, there's the ballot count. There's the provisional ballots. There's the number of ballots. They came in in boxes that were perfectly filled out, circles were immaculate, there were single ticket votes would just you know, candidate Biden's name on it, you know, and I for me, you know, when you get down to data, when we're just talking about data, right, so we have to talk about the paper ballots. We have to look at who voted. Where do we have more votes than we have residents. Do we have more votes than we have registered voters, then we have to talk about let's talk about statistics, right, So I said this last week. You know, never in our history when we were watching an election online or on TV, however you were watching it, did we see one candidate lose votes at another candidate gain votes. That just never happened. Ever in our history. One candidate may not have done as well, hence making him the loser, and then the other candidate would get votes, and they would get less votes, but at no point in time are they losing thousands of votes in a grip at any moment. That just doesn't make sense. And so people are like, oh, yeah, that's no big deal, just a glitch. There is no such thing as a glitch. Software does what you tell it to do. If you tell it to do something, it does it. Other people may not know that you're telling it to do that, so therefore you call it a glitch. And we're talking about all these different things, and we're talking about the people who should have been there to recertify. Are they even aware of what they're recertifying? Did it actually happen? Is there any paper trail? And if I was running dominion, and I was innocent, and I was being to fame this way, I sure as hell will be out there screaming at the top of my lungs telling everybody, Oh my god, No, we didn't do this. No, they release a statement, they don't show up for the Pennsylvania back and forth. They tell the state county clerk, No, we don't have to come there, we might be under suit. No, no, you can go there. You're not being sued yet. Go, you know, have your piece, say something. But they're not. And they're closing down offices faster than we can find out where they are. So the data, the data speaks for itself. You know, Barack Obama the first time I think he won what was at sixty nine million, The second time was sixty five million. You're telling me that Joe and Kamala got seventy nine million votes most of all time. It's without without campaigning. They are the two most unlikable people on the planet. It's just not possible. You know, you might not like what Donald Trump has to say, but you need to get over it because it isn't about Donald Trump. It's about the greater good. It's about the country. It's about the republic. It's not about Donald Trump. If you like Donald Trump, that's fantastic. But at the end of the day, the man boosted your four oh one k. He gave back to historical black universities and colleges, He did the prison reform bill. What did kamal to do? What did Joe Biden doing forty seven years? At seventy of mine million people wanted to give him your forty eight Nobody has no I have a question for why don't you have a show? You know the hell? I'm just a m I'm done, I'm made that way. Thanks for listening. I'm sorry. I want to say this is your moment, Joe. I guess you're right here. Here's what I do now, all right, what do you think about this idea? And then we'll go to break it? All right? All right? The next election, we can't do this again. There can't be mass mail in voting, because again you now have two straight elections where half the country doesn't believe that the president's legitimate right, So in that vein, you make Tuesday, the first Tuesday in November, a national holiday, all right, and only only people can vote in person unless you're above age X or you're ex military. That's it. You have to take the ambiguity out of this because it's a ridiculous process. You can't be seeing a candidate of sixteen points in Pennsylvania on election night and then that that candidate is trailing three or four days later after the vote is stopped, and then all these mail in votes come in. It's just it's it's archaic. So it asked to be in person for ninety eight percent of the country, or at least people above below a certain age, and then the rest. If you have a health problem or whatever, then you're allowed to do it. But this is ridiculous. I think you're one hundred percent right, and I don't think I don't think that there is one I don't think that any sensible person who's out there being honest and forthright would disagree with you. I think that this is what we need. Joe Conscient Linda Fillion for Sean Hannity. You're staying with me the entire time, keep the audience from hating me. Back of the morning a moment. Everybody you want to stick around, you really do, Joe Conscent for Sean hany Hannity Show, Joe conc for Sean Hannity, and the texts are flying in and the tweets are flying in as well after Linda's performance in the last block. This is from Donna. She says, Linda was Sean Hannity's show, just went off on the election fraud and why she does not consider Joe Biden to be the president elect. Now, wow, go Linda, Go all right, Lynde, that's one. What Miami? Where's Miami? I want it now, Miami, Miami. Emmy, Oh you're Emmy. Now it's not funny. I had to explain it, so it's not funny anymore. Andrew, I know, I think you know when you hit forty and the hearing is the first to go apparently, So sorry about that. I said, it's completely ruined that joke. Hey, speaking of Emmy's the Obamas, remember then, the ones that preach about going high when they go low. Well, they're producing a series about the Trump transition chaos of twenty sixteen. Classy stuff from the former Commander in Chief Jess Curious which episode will tell the part where the outgoing Obama administration spied on Carter Page are unmatched General Flynn. I have a feeling that's gonna end up on the cutting room floor, and this is what Barack Obama said to Jimmy Kimmel. We're going to talk about that more on the other side of the hour. Joe Kocha filling in for Sean Hannity eight hundred and nine four one sewn Sean spelled se a n meantime, we want to before we get to your calls, we want to talk to the great Carol Roth. She's an entrepreneur, she plays herself on TV. She's the host of The Roth Effect, and she has her own action figure apparently. Carol, welcome to the show. Hey, Joe. Great to be with you and excited to be joining on a holiday week here. Absolutely, it is holiday week. It's it's Iconica this Thanksgiving, and it's gonna be eight crazy nights. I have a feeling as we spread out these parties for some of us anyway, I'm curious. First, let me tell me that what are you gonna do for Thanksgiving? Like, what's your plan's? What are you being told by Mayor Lightfoot in Chicago, who was celebrating two weeks ago in the streets after the race was called by the news media for Joe Biden, Yet she seems to have some pretty tough restrictions going on in the windy city where you live. Carol, Yes, no, Chicago is completely locked down. We've got a very lengthy order that was said to us that you know, I sort of rolled my eyes as I tossed into the trash. My family, though, who it does have some people who are vulnerable, has made the decision not to get together. So since I do not cook, we are ordering in an entire amazing turkey dinner from one of our local restaurants that we like to support because small businesses are hurting and so we thought that was a great way to give back to them this holiday. Seasone. Wow, Gibson's my favorite restaurant in Chicago. You order from them, which one Gibson Gibson's. This is wilds Fire, which is also a fantastic one. They do a whole turkey dinner which is just looks amazing with pumpkin pie. By the way, so as you know, Gibson's is a restaurant that has a piano that they have a piano bar there too, right, and I went there when I was nineteen with my dad. We went to go see a Bears game in a Notre Dame game, kind of like a yearly traditional kind of thing, and this nice lady just began talking to me, and then I realized that she was actually a professional. As we'll put it. It was explained to me, but I thought it was just because, you know, I was a sweet, innocent kid. But no, no, no, it's it's in an area of Chicago that is fondly known as the Viagra Triangle. So wow, yeah, I thought that I've mentioned it before, but I always thought that was my apartment in Hoboken, but apparently not. And we're talking to Carol Roth. Carol, so all right, under a possible democratic administration, and there's still lawsuits going on, So I couch that because there's investigations in Sydney Palace as she has all this evidence, and would you really say all this and then not produced anything. So I'm planing the wait and see approach as far as that evidence is concerned. Now all that's said, let's say Democrats do game back the Senate and they do have the House, and they do get the White House. Okay, so think of that blank check for a moment, I know, and one of the first things that's being talked about is forgiving student debt. Now, I don't know how you just forgive something without somebody getting screwed because somebody's own money, right, So how does that work? And why can't that work? All? Right? So there's two issues. As one, does the entire school system, especially secondary and college education, need to be fixed. It absolutely does. Forgiving student debt for a handful of people address those concerns. No, I mean, the big problem is the government basically nationalize most of the student lending. When you have the government giving out loans to everybody, regardless of what they're studying or what their majors are, what school they're going to, you're going to have an imbound supply demand. And that has made these schools, you know, have sometimes six figures that they're charging for education, and then kids are coming out and they're working minimum wage jobs and nobody's going to ever be able to pay that back. So structurally, we need to fix that by getting the government out of the student lending game. The challenge is that when you have a handful of people that you're going to forgive loans for that means somebody's going to have to pay for it, and it's basically a wealth transfer, but in this case, in a sense, it's a wealth transfer from people who are working class who never went to college, who perhaps paid their college loans down, who made more fiscally responsible decisions, to these people who made these bad decisions. And that is politically not going to be very popular. And so I think the best way to address the issue, because it's not as much as the crisis of everybody thinks it's. The median debt is seventeen thousand for students and the average is a little bit under thirty three thousand. So if you have a college education, even though it's a hefty number, you still should be able to pay it down. It's those people who have the six figure educations and they should either go back to the colleges and say, I'm sorry, you sold me something that's not worth even a fraction of this. You pay for a part of this, or we really should be looking at whether students should be allowed to discharge their debts like you can for anything else. I mean, it's kind of insane that the government has said, you know this particular loan you can't discharge, and especially since they're paying interest rates in many cases that look like risk bearing interest rates that would account for being able to discharge it. So I think something's got to give on that side. Absolutely. You know what we're talking to, Carol Roth. You know what the most ft up part is about this current semester that's going on right now. I've talked to more people that have kids in college that they're going all virtual, yet the college is charging him the same exact tuition. So you go to like the University of Delaware or something, right, it's just your average state school. And I'm not saying Delaware's average, they are the blue Hens, but you know what I mean, like a Maryland or a Delaware or a state school where it's fifty thousand dollars a year and they're basically getting with it at the University of Phoenix, you know what I mean. So I don't know how colleges get away with that. Why there are more losses, Like wait a minute, you can't charge me full boat if my kids learning over a computer. I mean, it potentially could be the silver lining wake up call that what you are getting is an accreditation. And so if you're getting an accreditation, that is an investment, and you have to weigh that against what it is that you're going to be making from that accreditation. Because you're right now you can go online for free, by the way, and a lot of Ivy League universities like MIT put their entire coursework on there, So you could basically study an MIT degree for free and just not get the accreditation, or you could pay multiple six figures and get the accreditation. Something's got to change there. We are seeing that with some of these certificate programs that of course they're coming out of the tech industry, because you know that's the place that's going to innovate. For a couple of hundred bucks, you can now study certain skills and Google will treat that the same way that they treat a full degree. And so I think that's another thing that we should be looking at. I mean, think about just like our teachers, like, why shouldn't a teacher be able to go through an accreditation process, a certificate process and not have to spend multiple six figures to get a degreeed to go teach in our schools? And now I'll do a shameless plug for my brother's school in Patterson, New Jersey, but he runs a contracting school there. And the placement rate after these kids get certified, I shouldn't say kids, these young adults get certified to do contracting jobs, it's something like ninety six percent because there's such a demand for those types of work workers. Yet it's not it's a fraction of what you would get in college. So you're getting the high paid job when you get out without paying that much. I hope those sort of schools, more of those technical schools, especially schools, do better, and they are doing great. We're talking to Carol Roth. Carol, what scares you most? This is a very open ended question, but it's practically a softball, But what the hell? What scares you most about? A blank check house in Democrat hands, Senate in Democrat hands, and impossible a Democratic president in the White House. From an economic perspective, what could be done to do the most damage to the country. I mean the fact that our debt is already north of twenty seven trillion dollars, that they continue to spend more without any concern about that, and then not to get wonky, that the federal Reserve is working to basically monetize the debt, and now there's seven trillion dollars on the Fed's balanchiet that doesn't even count in that number. They are devaluing the US dollar. They are selling out the people of main streets and selling out savers and retirees twelve streets. And so there has been this sort of shift in terms of focusing on the little guys that they supposedly are supposed to be helping and really concentrating that wealth and that power for government, and concentrating the power within a handful of companies, the Amazons and the Apples and the Facebook. And so I'm really worried about the repercussions and the effect on you know, the average working person, the average small business in this country, and just really continuing to create that have and have not not because of capitalism or free markets, but because of the government picking winners and losers. So, Carol, how does this all end? In other words, we have all the stimulus, right, and we have all these bailouts during COVID, and we were already driving up the dead enormously. That used to be a big deal for Republicans, right that we have to pay down the debt and this is out of control, and at some point the bill comes due does but the bill never seems to come do. Is the bill going to come do at some point? I mean it has to. Main basic economics tells you that it has to. And you can look at a country like Venezuela that you know, several decades ago was the fifth wealthiest country and the entire our world, and now the median income in Venezuela is zero. Wow. Zero, that is the point zero mery tale zero. This is not a hyperbole. You can go look up the statistics. The median wealth in Venezuela today is zero. You gotta say it like Dean Warmer though. Zero zero zero. Yes, it has a lot better effect. Speaking of the effect that the Roth effect is the podcast we're talking to Carol Roth. You know, from an economic perspective, we see so many different things being tossed out as far as what democrats want to do in terms of transforming the country. But it seems like the Green New Deal is one that I really really have a problem with it. And here's why. If you don't get Russia, China and Indian line, because you know they're the three biggest polluters, then everything we spend here will be probably the biggest waste of money we've ever had, because at last check, if you don't stop the three biggest polluters, we could be as clean as we like. That pollution will make its way over here anyway. So that's what is never brought up in the media is the fact that, you know, China is what we have to control, and obviously Joe Biden is not going to want any part of that. No. I mean, it is so absurd. We all share the same planet, we all share the same atmosphere. If climate control is an important concern, there are a couple of things that you should consider, and like you said, it should be the biggest polluters. We're actually doing a great job here in America in reducing the level of pollution. And then the other piece of that, so obviously have to control like you said, Russia, China, and India. The other piece that if you were really serious about it, then you would be having a huge push towards nuclear energy, which is the cleanest energy and most efficient out there. Is certainly we have many of the capabilities, but that scares everybody because they've watched too many episodes of Simpsons and you know, now we can't have nice things. So they were really serious about it that those two things would be a factor. This is just an other power grab disguised in a Oh this is an important cause that's just going to shift when you know they get as much that as they can get out of it and then change it on us. All right, Carol rolth I'm gonna leave you with this final question. It's an important one. Okay, ninety seconds now, what show had the perfect cast? TV show? So we've had This is a question I asked on Twitter. I asked lots of these pop color culture questions. There were so many great answers. On the comedy side. Obviously Seinfeld and the Golden Girls stood out if you go way back soap, phenomenal cast. But then you Crystal Drama side, the Wire of the Sopranos, Hill Street Blues. I mean, there's so many different amazing casts out there, and that was that was one of the great things. Just showed like how rich of a TV culture that we have. And you know, if you're board at home right now, lots of great things you could be watching. Absolutely And it begins ends with the Dukes of Hazzard by the way, as far as the perfect cast, anytime you have a guy named Jefferson Davis Hogg and you have a Confederate flag on a rooftop, that show isn't even allowed to be on TV anymore, which is so freaking hilarious. But anyway, actually it's sad. Carol Raw, thanks so much for joining us first time in the Sean Hannity Show with Joe Concio guest hosting. We will have you back if I'm allowed back. Always a pleasure, and again to everybody, have a very healthy and stay holiday season. Oh Joe conscien filling in four Sean Hannity. It is the Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, that's s E A n. By the way, the first I want to tell you about Norton three to sixty. Nothing says the Holidays like chess nuts roasting nun opened fire. I'm never singing on the show again. 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No one can prevent all cyber crime. Tough job, but Norton three sixty is a great way to give you and your family the gift that keeps on giving all year long. Save up to get this fifty percent off an annual subscript on your first year at Norton dot com slash Hannity. That's Norton dot com slash Hannity for fifty percent off Back with more on this show and just a little bit on the other side, we're gonna have Derek Hunter on. I don't know if you've ever heard Derek before. He's got a great podcast. I've joined him on the Daily Caller Caller Show, and he's one of the smartest guys that you're you'll hear and he's funny. I like that combination, like Carol Arthur we've just had on. So we're gonna talk to Derek about all things media. That's my Bellywick is that is that a? Is that a word? Linda Baileywick, I've never you know, Okay, I'm gonna go question the host right exactly. Uh, And and how journalism has forget bias. The isms have changed journalism to activism. That's what we're seeing now from our media at this point. We're gonna talk to Derek about that and so much more. Joe Conscient for Sean Hannity on this glorious Monday of Thanksgiving week. Alright, the Trump legal team and just put out a new statement on state sort of occasions. Comes from Jenna Ellis. She's the Trump twenty twenty senior legal advisor. Quote certification by state officials is simply a procedural step. We are going to continue combating election fraud around the country as we fight to count all legal votes. Americans must be assured that the final results are fair and legitimate. I shared this number before Reuters IPSOS poll sixty eight percent of Trump voters believed that the election was ranked for Joe Biden two thirds more than two thirds believe that. So a lot of the country is very angry right now and they want to see this process play out and for the media to just dismiss it and say there's absolutely no evidence. Well, no, we haven't seen the evidence yet. Let Sidney Powell. Let the legal team go through this process from a legal perspective, from an investigations perspective, and let's see what they have. But for now, for anybody to jump to one conclusion one or the other, sorry, I'm not doing it anyway. I want to talk to Derek Hunter. He is a two time All Valley Karate champion. Don't know if you knew that before, you thought it was just Daniel LaRusso. Oh no, this guy has got kicks. He'll numb chuck you to death, believe me. He's also the host of the Daily Daily Caller podcast, also a great calumnist to townhall dot com. And then when Linda said who do you want on the show? Derek was at least my fourteenth thought in terms of getting him on, and in thirteen other people canceled. So here you are, Derek. You're on the big stage. How are you a buddy? I'm good? You know I didn't after that intro. I'm just gonna hang up. I got enough, ad do have to stay. Daniel LaRusso was the two time All Valley Karate champion, but he tested positive for PEED, so I got it by default. Still, the trophy resides in my case. So I don't know what that train without some sort of steroid. I mean that that's a you have to be on something order to accomplish that. But anyway, before we go off on a tangent, You're write about a lot of things, and you write about the political side, but we are conversations usually involved media. And can you believe that Joe Biden got nearly eighty million in votes basically by pleading the fifth Right campaigning from his basement? Trust me, I'm Joe literally in his basement right now. So I got nothing against Jo's in his basements. But I'm not running for president either. So he got fifteen sixteen million more votes than Barack Obama. How does that happen exactly from your perspective, and where do you come down on where you see the election of what may or may not have happened. Well, I would correct you in saying that he didn't plead the fifth because in order to plead the fifth he has to be asked a question, and he asked the question. So he just kind of stood there, glassy eyed, confused and wondering where he was and what the noise was. I find it a little bit hard to believe that I grew up in Detroit, that the population of Detroit, majority African American city would look at a seventy seven year old white guy with a sketchy at bastistory and racial terminology and language and go, I've got to get that. I'm going to walk through a pandemic. I will do anything to vote for that. At record numbers, it was an oddly high turnouse in Democrat controlled cities in largely Democrat controlled states, the exception being Atlanta. I don't know what happened. It could be that maybe Joe Biden is somehow really wildly popular with the kids these days, and I've just missed it. But it seems suspicious to me. I would love to have an explanation. I would like to cross reference the voter roles from this year with previous turnouts and see if anybody who hasn't shown up in the past two or three cycles who was marked as having voted this time. I'd like to get a hold of maybe ten thousand of them through a concerted effort of vote or outreach and find out if they actually voted, because I find it kind of curious that I don't know what the legal team is doing. But that would be where I would start, because I suspect that there's shenanigans for a radio friendly word, that it would start with who haven't shown up in the past three or four cycles. You can be pretty sure they're not going to show up this time, so you don't have to have that awkward conversation of hey, you've already voted if they do, and you just kind of sit there with your stylists and go to town on a voting boom. That would be interesting. I don't know, but it's certainly it's more plausible to me than eighty million people said, looking at Joe Biden, confused and going, I gotta have that. That needs the newhoisode. And we're talking to Derek Hunter. You're used the word Shenanigans before, and I find that interesting because it is my dream to open up a bar at the Jersey Shore, and that would be the name of the bar, Shenanigans. You think I have something there, I think you would have to Jersey Shore. My whole knowledge of New Jersey comes from the Jersey Shore. So I suspect that furniture would have to be made out of nerve for someone would be killed in the first week of Operation Acohol. But that's just me. Uh well, we were Shenanigans and nerf into the first four minutes of this interview, and I appreciate that we're talking to Derek Hunter. Yeah, that's the thing, right as far as our media is concerned. I went back and looked at the transcript of President elect Trump's first press conference after he won, and reporters broached Russia or Vladimir Putin thirteen times, with the implication being, of course, you couldn't have possibly done this on your own. You had to have had help from a foreign adversary, and yet now we're hearing from the same media that says the president must concede. This is horrible for democracy. There absolutely is no evidence of voter fraud, even though we haven't looked into it. But that's probably why there is no evidence because I thought journalists, I think is what I'm trying to say here, Derek, is they're supposed to be curious. And if Sidney Powell comes forth and says she has signed affidavits and she has all of this evidence, instead of reporters just dismissing it outright so they could get likes and retweets on Twitter, should they be investigating this as well because it is the future of the country at stake. No, they certainly should be at least curious or curious adjacent, rather than immediately say, well, there's no evidence. Well, you know, it's amazing what you don't find when you don't look for anything. I would say this at risk of irritating Linda, and I heard your exchange earlier. I was listening earlier. Yes, you don't put all of your evidence out there, but it is as much as it is a legal battle, it's also a public relations battle. You don't want to release the Kraken just yet, fine, but you should at least show a picture of the Kraken, or let you see where the Kraken lives, or maybe the skulls of the Kraken's victims. I would like to see something more, because they've they've really promised a lot, and I'm ready to believe. But i'd like to see, you know, I don't want to know. Okay, so hold on a minute, Hold on a minute. Hold hey, guys, just before you jump in lidow, I'm gonna run to a regal biggle right now and I'll just let you tube. Guys. All I'm saying is I don't want to know what's in my Christmas gift on Christmas morning. I'll wait till Christmas morning, but on Christmas Eve, I like to maybe do a box count of the rapping patent box which one has my name in it. I'd like to know there's something there and it. But she already did that for you. She said to you, we're looking at Dominion. We are looking at all of these different companies, Sequoia, de Bold, Smart, Magic Fraction, Magic Hammer, Scorecard, and we're gonna let you know what we find out, and we're making sure that people know that we're asking the hard questions. That's what's coming and that. But she's also said that she's got stuff, so like we're looking at it in different than we've got stuff. Well, got something. Evidence is evidence pre trial and during the trial. It won't change. I just I'm not saying blame me the whole strategy out. It's not that it's that we can't give you any of the strategy because at the end of the day, Derek, there's like me, you and Joe and like ten other people that have a clue, and then there's you know, thirty eight different channels that are out there just bashing, waiting to pounce. So it's not worth it. We're in the trenches with the president. It would be nice if they supplied us with AMMO, but that's the difference. We're not in the trenches with the president. We're in the trenches with the republic, and the Republic is well aware that if we give anything to the mainstream media, it's onlike Donkey Kong. And the only time it's going to be onlike Donkey Kong is when we say it is because they have enough stay right now on plenty of other stuff. So if I have to do what they say, well, I'm figuring out how I can tell them what time it is actually going to be. I'm going to hold that close to the sentiment. But December fourteenth is coming, whether anybody's ready for it or not. And getting the Supreme Court to overturn the vote of the Electoral College is akin to I don't know, lifting it won't it won't need the Supreme Court. We what we need is not going to require that. All I'm saying is I'm ready to believe. I just need some of the Gospel preach to me. Well that's the isn't that the beauty of faith? Though? The beauty of faith is believing in that which we cannot see or not here right, So you must believe, my friend. You can't see it, you can't hear it. You got to know it's there, you got to feel it. Go ahead, Derek, No, I just I believe in God. I have little trust issues with other humans. I just want to hear something. I want to see something. I'm on the hook. They got me. I just want more so I can write about it. So I can hammer it home on my radio show, on my podcast on everything I want to believe. But I you know, being in the trenches with the Republic, you still need ammunition. That's all I'm saying. It's a pr war as much as it is a legal battlement. Will give you the fact that optics are incredibly important, and unfortunately we've got a machine, a very well oiled democratic machine that knows exactly what it's doing at every turn. They were very prepared for. I wrote a book about it. I'm fully aware. I have your book and you actually signed it for me in the studio, so you know, I'm in the rage against that machine, and we've got to have some ammunition. We've got to I'm ready to throw rocks. I'm ready to get out there. I'm just asking for are a little bit more. You will get my Look at the numbers, they don't make any sense whatsoever. To they don't make any sense whatsoever. But that is not proof. You know, the platipus. You look at the platypus. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but it's real. It's right there. I need Hey, guys, I look, by the way, Donkey Kong came out July ninth, nineteen eighty one. I know you just mentioned Linda, so that's pretty huge. Yeah, we have to write I mean the studio, like people are driving off the road thinking they've entered bizarro world. Probably. Well, you know what, though, you know what the biggest scam ever is, if we're talking about scams, the fact that they had pac Man, which also came out in nineteen eighty one, and then the sequel was Miss pac Man, and all they had to do was put lipstick on a pac Man and a bow on the hair. It's the same exact game and it's sold billions of copy. No, no, incredible. There are different boards on Miss pac Man. There is only one board on pac Man. You'd have to play forever or like two boards. Maybe you know that, Derek, Well, you really want to know. The other night, I watched our head streaming on my computer several hours Billy Mitchell trying to commit the perfect game on pac Man, and he played for about four hours and then got eaten. Um that's why. All right, Wow, that's okay, that's that's a little fact. Also, I watched the documentary one of the best documentaries ever, The King of Kong, a fist full of quarters. So I know all the eighties video game trivia that anybody could with, Sean is going to call up and cancel the show. I yeah, it's not going to happen. I promise you nobody loves that stuff more than Sean. To come full circle, I agree with you, Derek that everybody needs a little bit of you know, we all need a little bit of powder and our gunpowder here. We all need, you know, in our gun. I mean, I understand where you're coming from, but I just want to say the time is coming. It'll be here very very soon. Lots of things are going to happen this week, as we all know. Working in news, all of us for a very long time. When do things drop Holidays and Fridays without fail. Yeah, so I think this very bad news that drops. So that's when you dropped the bad news that you're firing somebody or they found the dead body. Uh. You want if you're putting out good news, you want it to come out sooner rather than later, and certainly not on a high. I don't think that there are I don't think that twenty twenty has any good days. Quite frankly, it's been pretty horrible. So I think thirty first of December I think will be good. There you go, well done, exactly right. So but no, I think things are coming out soon. And I can't make promises because I'm not a part of the legal team, but I'm close to it, and I do believe that there are things coming very soon. That as a promise, and consider you from here on out a member of the legal team. All right, Oh, I love it. Hey, Derek, let me let me ask you one question before we let you go. And I asked this of Center Ram Paul before what are you doing for Thanksgiving? I know Washington's basically getting shut down now and that you live right outside of that, So what what do you do? I mean, you're going to just see family members close quarters? Uh? You know, honestly, it's it's a tough one. It depends on I guess what kind of rele does you have if they're vulnerable that sort of thing. What do you got planned? I'm gonna go burrow through the woods for nuts and berries for the family. Now. My father and mother in law flew into town last night, don't tell Governor Hogan, and they're here, which is nice because I got a two year old and a three year old, and I'm able to get work done now because they're not crawling all over. They're crawling all over Grandma and Grandpa. They're leaving me largely alone. So I'll be cooking a bird with all the fixens and all of that and watching them eat it all and hopefully it's good. Oh good for that. Do they have to quarantine or anything like that? Flying in? You know, they flew in to Reagan last night. It was a ghost town. Picking them up. It was awesome. Wow, you never see that, Reagan. That's incredible. They barely even know what coronavirus is. They don't. They don't even have a mask mandate down there. Wow, that's amazing. Your your exit stage left music is on. Just promote anything you like for the next fifteen seconds. I'll check out the Derek Hunter podcast. It used to be the other day. Now it's just the Derek Hunter Podcast, available wherever fine podcasts are sold for the low low price, three five days a week. This was my favorite segment. I gotta tell you outside Linda through the fourth wall. But I'm glad I did. I have a feeling you'll be coming back on in fact, I know it anyway, Derek, thank you so much, appreciate it. Hey, everybody, we wrap this puppy up. The Sean Hanny's show much more, well not much more, but enough coming up after the break Well. Jeopardy is set to return to production next week. Ken Jennings will be your first in a series of interim guest hosts. I personally like Conan O'Brien for the job. Everybody's gonna alter radio, now what are you crazy? On him? But that's my pick. But then again, no one's gonna be able to replace the great Ali Strebeck. I would hate to be the guy who follows the guy, but if Jeffardy's listening, I'll fill in for a week if you like. Like I did hear with Sean Hannity, it was fun time. Thanks so much for tuning in. Hopefully I'll be back, Linda god willing, have a good night. More