Why America Matters - March 25th, Hour 3

Published Mar 25, 2022, 10:00 PM

 Dr. Ben Carson, now with his organization, The American Cornerstone, author of "Why America Matters", is here to discuss a nation in distress, lost without a true sense of faith in God and covering for politicians with more corruption than integrity. Carson is disgusted by the media, the Biden admin and the attack dogs on the campaign trail against all things America First.

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All right, news round up information overalled hour. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn is a number you want to be a part of the program. Pretty amazing, you know. Joe got very testy that is disastrous press conference in Brussels yesterday and at one point said, I never said that sanctions would deter Russia. Really, that's not what I recall. Listen, sir, deterns didn't work. What makes you think Lamar Putin will altercourse space on the action you've taken today. Let's get something straight. You remember, if you covered me from the very beginning, I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him. Sanctions never deter. You keep talking about that, sanctions never deter. The maintenance of sanctions, the maintenance of sanctions, the increasing the pain and the demonstration. Why I asked for this NATO meeting today is to be sure that after a month we will sustain what we're doing, not just next month, the following month, but for their mainder this entire year. That's what we'll stop him. That's not what I said. You're you're playing a game with me. I know the answers no, the answers no. While every single person in Biden's cabinet, including himself. As we stated earlier in the program, Uh said exactly that, and it gets frustrating. I will say that if you care about truth, honesty, Um, that's not coming out of this administration. They're not capable of it. Now, here's the montage of everybody saying exactly what Joe is saying. They didn't say the sanctions designed in the first instance to try to deter Russia from taking further aggression, from engaging in a massive invasion of Ukraine. Why wait for those sanctions if that, if that's a kind of result that you could get, why wait? Well, look, I mean we want them to have a deterrent effect, clearly, and he hasn't invaded yet. So look, if you punished somebody for something they haven't done yet, well then they might as well go ahead and do it. So we've been very clear about what they are, how severe they're going to be, and we'll see what mister Putin decides to do. The purpose of the sanctions has always been and continues to be deterrents. But if Putin has made up his mind, do you feel that this threat that has been looming is really going to deter him. Absolutely. We have agreed that the deterrence effect of these sanctions is still a meaningful one, as well as our efforts to both try to deter Russia through sanctions. President believes that sanctions are intended to deter and as a deterrent. If you pull the trigger on that deterrent, well, then it doesn't exist anymore as a deterrent. He has not conducted another invasion in Ukraine yet, and we want to get wet. We still think there's time to prevent that Russia understands exactly what the scope and nature of the sanctions they will face are as a deterrent measure. Sanctions are not an end to themselves. They serve a higher purpose, and that purpose is to deter and prevent. They're meant to prevent and deter a large scale invasion of Ukraine that could involve the seizure of major cities, including Kiev. They're meant to prevent large scale human suffering that could involve tens of thousands of casualties in a conflict. All right, joining us now is our friend doctor Ben Carson is back with us. I want to get your thoughts as you're watching all of this unfold. For me, it's pretty simple, doctor Carson. I believe in the Reagan doctrine. I believe in the Trump doctrine. In this case, the Reagan doctrine is applicable, and that is supplying Ukraine with the weaponry to defend themselves now, especially that they've shown an incredible amount of courage and valor and a willingness to fight for their own country. But you know, the Ukrainians kind of remind me of the early Americans, the odds that they were against, and yet they were so incredibly courageous, They fought hard, they believed in God, and they were victorious. And the Ukrainians can be victorious, but they're going to need some help and where where the help comes from. And clearly, if we're going to back down or be slow and ineffective, then that's going to have real ramifications in the long run, because Putin will come to recognize that we're afraid of him, and if he knows that we're afraid of him, that he can use the threat of massive destruction and that we're going to countoile that he's going to stop. That's why I think that heaves threatening. Look, the threat of chemical and biological weapons has always existed with Russia, they've used chemical weapons before nuclear threats that we've always had mutually assured destruction. As it's like all of a sudden, it's a surprised to people. No, it's always been there, but we all know what happens if anybody goes there. That is world War three, and that would likely end up with the death of millions of people, and hopefully, God forbid, we never get there. But however, that reality has always existed. Well, that reality is there, and I hate to bust anybody's bubble, but eventually nuclear weapons over the year is when terrorists get them. Believe me, they're not going to be deterred by the same things that deter everybody else. And I don't think we're going to be able to keep them away from them forever. But you know, we can't live our lives as if we're constantly under the gun. You know, we have to just do what is right and trust God to help us with the rest. Well, and right now, the I believe the Reagan doctrine that worked in Afghanistan in the eighties when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan should be applicable here. It's amazing. I'm surprised that two things. I would have anticipated Russia's army to be a lot better than it has shown itself to be. Number one. Number two, I think the fight of the Ukrainian people is more fierce than I would have ever bet or anticipated. All they need is Europe and the United States to provide them. Let's see anti missile defense systems, aircraft defense systems, drones, javelins, Stinger missiles, and I'd let Poland give him the mix. Recognize that we wouldn't even be in this position had we not been so foolish as to give away our superiority when it comes to energy. I mean, we were energy independent. We were at exporter of energy. We had the cleanest air and waters that we've ever had since it's been measured, and we were able to call the shots. And if we hadn't turned all that over to foot and he would have never even considered us, Noah, all of it. You know, as I look at this administration right now, and he and Joe Biden inherited energy independence. He inherited a country that was a net exporter of energy. Is economic and energy policies eliminated all of that. It is now contributed greatly to inflation at a forty year high, and it has been for months and months long before Vladimir Putin went into Ukraine. Gas prices are at record high prices. They were up about a buck fifty a gallon on average prior to Putin invading Ukraine. Now they're even higher than that. In southern California, it's over six bucks a gallon on average. It is killing the poor in the middle class. Every American is paying more for every item we buy in every store. Now, Joe's lecturing us we may have a food shortage. The cost of fertilizers now three times what it was for farmers. They've got to pass that cost on to us as well. Only that, but it pushes the time frame for developing green renewable energy further back. Is dug a deeper hole to climb out of us? And how in the world is it better to be getting oil from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia and Iran and places that are our enemies? How's that cleaner been getting it through our own sources, which have managed to be able to extract fossil fuel quite cleanly. None of it makes any sense. We have more resources that we that we'd ever need for over one hundred to two hundred years according to the experts. Why would we ever give that up in the name of quote, a green new deal. I call this the climate a large alarmist religious cult. It's like they would rather have a forty year high of inflation. They would rather, apparently do a deal with the Mullahs and Iran, the number one state sponsor a terror. They'd rather deal with a murdering thug dictator in Venezuela Madura uh than use our own natural resources and be and be the masters of our own destiny. I don't get it. But they can't be stupid enough to actually believe any of that. There's well, what is it. You can't believe they're stupid, but they're doing it. It's been used for a control issue. If you can put everything under the umbrella of a threat of environmental catastrophe, therefore you must do this. What do you believe that pretty soon they're going to be coming out with all kind of mandates because it's going to keep the environment safe, that's what they're going to say. But it gives them the opportunity to control things on the unbelievable advantage if we allow it. And the only people who can stop it is we, the American people. The government is not going to stop it because governments do what they do. They grow, they infiltrate, and they dominate. And our founders knew that that was the case, and that's why they work so hard to give the people a constitution to constrain the power and growth of the government, which they do naturally, but we have to be courageous enough to use it. All right, let's talk a little bit about where you see these mid terms going, and if you agree with me, this is a tipping point or an inflection point in the country's history, because if Republicans don't get back the House and Senate, and we don't event actually get back to White House in twenty twenty four, I'm not sure if the country that we love so much remains the same. I mean, if it wasn't for Joe Manson and Kristen Cinema, all of this insanity would have been brought or wrought on the American people. And I don't know how you recover from it. It is a problem, But you know, the system was designed to give us, the people, a chance to correct things when they got way off course, assuming that there is election integrity. I believe that that correction will occur, but it doesn't mean that we can rest on our laurels at that point. And I think the other thing that's incredibly important for conservatives and for people who love America and don't want to see it fundamentally change, because we have to stop stop with all the pet peeves. You can't say I got this pet peeves and therefore I'm mad at them, and therefore let the socialists win. That doesn't make any sense. Quick break more with doctor Ben Carson on the other side, told for number eight hundred and nine, for one seawan, you want to be a part of the programs. If you have insomnia, I used to have it. I have the antidote, the solution. It's all things my pillow dot Com. Now, since I've had my pillow in my life, guess what, I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer, and you can too. Mike has incredible products, over one hundred and fifty products total, and right now he has put his Geeza dreamsheets, the ones you've heard me raving about made from the world's best cotton. Right now, they're at the lowest price they've ever been, sixty percent off, as low as thirty nine ninety nine. When you go to the Sean Hannity Square at my pillow dot com, you check out this flash sale Geza Dreamsheets. And when you go to the Sean Hannity Square you'll also get a free copy of Michael Londell's book with your purchase. Or you can just call and mention my name eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero mention my name Hannity. And when those products arrive, the sleep that you've been wanting, needing, craving, desire, desperately, and that you deserve will be yours. My pillow dot Com, Sean Hannity Square, all the breaking news for are the analysis to help you make sense of it all. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Far all right, we continue with doctor Ben Carson. Then we'll get to your calls eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, tell me where you are now. I mean, you served your time in the in the Trump administration. Um one of the most gifted surgeons in the field of medicine. I know you started a new organization, the American Cornerstone, and you wrote the book Why America Matters. What are you? What are your future plans? Well, we're going to continue to expand American Cornerstone Institute that's growing very rapidly, to give the American people the tools that they need in order to keep America as a great nation, recognizing that faith and liberty and community and life are the cornerstones upon which we're built. Making sure that we provide for the young people through our Young Patriots Program, the tools that they need so that they actually understand our history, they understand our documents, and we don't hide anything. Now people say slavery is the worst thing. Slavery is a horrible thing, there's no question about it. But we are not unique in having slavery. Every civilization that's had slavery since there's been courted history. But isn't the blessing of our constitution that it gives us the pathway forward to right wrongs, correct injustices, and including the evil of slavery. Exactly, that's the very thing that's what makes us unique. We had so many people who were intimately against it that we were willing to find a civil war and there's a substantial portion of our population. That's what we should be teaching our children, and that's the kind of people that they need to be. You know, it's pretty amazing. I saw it on your I saw it. You made a post on Twitter. The media should not be a mouthpiece for any group ideology. It's their job to report the truth. Aside the truth, it's their job to report, now you said, and not pick winners and losers. And you're referring to the Hunter Biden laptop. I would argue that was the biggest in kind contribution that the press gave the Joe Biden. Well, you know, it's interesting. I was talking to the driver I was coming home from the airport a couple of days ago, and I asked him about the Hunter Biden laptop. He didn't even know about it because it doesn't listen to obviously your program or some others. But people who listen to only a certain ideology, they don't even know half the stuff that's going on. So a lot of times when we ascribe, you know, bad feelings to them, the fact of the matter is they simply don't know what's going on. And that's that's the fault of the news. They do. We got this new variant, but I don't think we have enough monoclonal antibodies. Can you explain why that's even possible? There's late date because I don't know that there's a tremendous interest in actually getting this thing under control. Remember, we have pax lovit and other anti virals which are extremely effective. Ninety percent reduction and hospitalization, ninety percent reduction and death. Can you get it? That's that's the Murk anti viral, corrected anti viral. Now, my understanding is every doctor I know swears by these anti virals that are there. I heard that Fiser put on their website for people that are interested in it if maybe they can't get monoclonal antibodies. Uh is that would you say that's the next best thing? Um well, I stay in my life, no question about that. I thought, I thought you got monoclonal antibodies. I did. I got monta clone antibodies that saved my life. Yeah, And but I'm talking about the anti virals that are the new that are being produced by fives on. The Murk has some too, right, We're not We're not distributing them for some strange reason. There should be wart speed type of program to get those out every place. Well, particularly have you watched Joe Biden lately. There's nothing speedy about them. Anyway, Doctor Carson would love having you. Appreciate you being with us, and good luck with your new organization, the America Cornerstone. We appreciate it, and thanks for eight hundred nine four one sean a number. We'll get to your calls. Final half hour the program straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine f one sean, if you want to be a part of the program. I got into a little bit of a disagreement. I like Tulsea Gabbert, she's a regular guest on TV, but we'll put her on radio also. Maybe next week, Linda, we can bring her on UM. But we were debating that there there are many people out there that don't support the Reagan doctrine, but I do. And for me, I just it's maybe this analogy just doesn't fit because we're talking about war crimes and induscriminate and bombing, and but seeing the images of mass graves, dead women and children in the street entire apartment complexes, leveled, neighborhoods, leveled, the death, the destruction, the rubble, induscriminate shooting, people trying to escape. They've they've got their luggage with them, they're not carrying a weapon, they're not a threat to any Russian soldier. They're getting mowed down in the streets. Then you got the entire city of Mariopol. It's been pretty much leveled. We showed you the images on Hannity last night and it breaks my heart. Now, I do not believe this is in Europe's backyard and not a member of NATO. We don't have an agreement with them. But the Ukrainian people there, that's a sovereign country. I've been very, very openly skeptical and outspoken about the corruption in their government over the years. I don't know a lot about Zelinski. I do like the fact that he didn't do it. A lot of other elected officials or dictators do. And that's you know, fill an airplane full of a ton of cash and and you know, precious metals and take off and get to safety and get asylum in some other third country, third party country. He didn't do that. He's put on his own armor and gear, and he's gone out with the brave Ukrainian people that are fighting, and they're fighting for their country. And I just my conscience. I just feel we have a moral obligation to do something. And the something that worked with Reagan was supplying the Mujahadine and the freedom fighting contrast the weaponry so they can defend their own country without putting Americans at risk, because we cannot be the world's policeman. You know, we don't need another Afghanistan on our hands or Vietnam on our hands. You know, these politicians, man, they love starting these wars. They do and they get all gung home, they get the whole country behind them, and they give us every reason why we need to do it, and then all of a sudden, they don't fight the war to win the war. If you fight the war to win the war, we have the ability to win any war. You have the ability to push buttons in the United States and take out huge targets anywhere in the world. That's amazing weaponry technology and advancement. Now we better come up with our own hypersonic missile. We better do it, really asked my understanding as the Trump administration did Operation Warp Speed them. My understanding, also from sources, is that the Soviet stole the hypersonic technology that we had that from us. So anyway, that's where I stand. Others don't want us to do a thing now. The problem I have with that is we don't know how far these territorial ambitions of Putin go. Now, even if he had any sense of reality, he would know that this effort is not going as planned. It's not been as easy has I think he thought it would be. He certainly appears to have some rebellion in the ranks. Many people disappearing now out of no out of thin air. That's typical Putin. And we'll have to wait and see what happens. But but that's my that's my thing. I just in good conscience. I don't think human beings with a heart and soul. If these people are willing to fight for themselves. They're a sovereign country. They're not a perfect country, believe me. But if they're willing to fight as courageously as they have up to this point, give them the equipment. And anyway, we had this little debate last night. All right, let's get to the phones. Janet is in the Commonwealth, a great state of Pennsylvania. Janet, how are you glad you called we might need to talk about Thanks for taking my call. Sean, a long time listener, you were you were my information after nine to eleven, Um, thank you. I know everybody, yeah, yeah, and and and I realized two things that there was more than one news station and that Fox was the best. Well, thank you. So we're we're all looking forward to changing things in the next election. But on four pintly, I live in Pennsylvania and I still feel like things aren't right here. Things are still skewed here. The Supreme Court isn't hearing our cases, and the Pennsylvania Subcreme Supreme Court are changing things to benefit the Democrats. And I just feel like it's already hard enough in Pennsylvania to win as a Republican without them doing more against us. So as a Pennsylvania other than moving to another state, do you have any encouragement for me? My understanding was that the state legislature, though you have a Democratic governor who was awful, my understanding is is that they were putting in place integrity measures the them in twenty twenty with your state of Pennsylvania in the elections, was that you have a state constitution with that identifies very strict instances when people can vote by mail. Now there is a way to remedy that. If the people of Pennsylvania wanted to do that, you can have what's called a constitutional amendment. But rather than go through that far more difficult process, the state legislature just decided to make mail in balloting, make a new law for it, and circumvent their own constitution. To me, that was the case the Supreme Court should have taken up because that now, that is an incredible legal issue, just like I think they should have taken up the case in Wisconsin also. So whether or not the integrity measures are in place, this is what I've been telling people. I told people every all last year. Focus on getting your state legislatures to adopt election integrity measures. Signature verification of voter ID, chain of custody controls, updated voter rolls. If your state allows for partisan observers to observe, you got to have that. Certainly, you can't have illegal immigrants voting like states like New York and Vermont. And get these things done now, and I mean now, before the twenty twenty two election. I've been saying it since all last year. So it's up to every state to adopt the integrity measures. And why do we want integrity measures so we can all have confidence in the results in the aftermath of the elections? You know the reason. Now we have another variant on its way to the US from Europe, a COVID variant. It's basically Omicron two point zero, and it's already in the Northeast, it's already in New York City. And with Omicron, you know, I don't know how long it will last, But what if what if we have a variant that is like Delta in November next year of this year? Are they going to make accommodations that partisan observers can observe the vote count because they didn't make those accommodations in twenty twenty. And that's where my focus would be, because nobody can observe the vote count if you're one hundred feet away, a thousand feet away, or twenty or six feet away. You need to see it up close start to finish, and they've got to make accommodations and enforce the law so that people will love confidence in the results. I mean, yet all these whistleblowers. I love how Democrats love whistleblowers, especially hearsay non whistle whistleblowers. We had a whole impeachment over such. But when it came to the people that signed affidavits that saw irregularities in terms of the process of voting in twenty twenty, they were just completely ignored. And they signed these affidavits under the penalty, the threat of the penalt the in perjury. Nobody wanted to hear from the real whistleblowers, which tells you, I think pretty much everything you need to know. So I think we need to be concerned, worried, but more importantly active in making sure the state legislatures do their job and adopt these integrity measures. My understanding was Pennsylvania was in the process of doing that last I had checked. Anyway, Janet, let us know, keep in touch with us, appreciate the call. Let's say hi to the donna Is in Florida. Donna, how are you glad you called? You're smart word dumb? Go ahead, Hi there, Greetings from the Free State of Florida, where we have the best governor in the whole country. I don't disagree. He's one of the best for short works. Where in Florida are you? I'm six miles south of Marlogle and then Palm Beach. Oh wow, you're living in paradise. I want to I want to be your neighbor. Well, you got to get here more of the time. I'm from Staten Island originally, as you know, and we just love it here and we never look back. It's been popular. Good for you, you know what good for you? And you save it money on top of it. What's on your mind today? So I wanted to say. While I'm no fan of Andrew Cuomo and Harvey Weinstein, their careers were ended by allegations of sexual proclivities with grown women. Yet we have a Scotus nominee who is on the precipice of becoming a member of the Supreme Court, and this will be the beginning of her notoriety. She finds it acceptable for adults to engage in child pornography as sexual predators, and there's no outrage. Where's can be too movement for children and babies? Well, I mean, you make a good point. The case I highlighted from the Washington Post yesterday about those guys she only gave three months to. In the other case where you know, she's sentencing this you know, guy charged with against child in possession of child pornography. Oh, I'm so apologizing to the guy for sentencing them, not following sent seeing guidelines, not following prosecutors recommendations of sentencing, and just going extraordinarily rogue on an issue that I think probably ninety percent of people would agree on that anybody that is accessing this type of you know, despicable evil material has a warped, sick and dangerous mind and would pose a danger to society. Normal people don't want to see prepubescent in this In the case where the guy only got three months, kids in sex acts, but that's what this guy had. It's it's it shocks the conscience that these people exist. So um, it's inexplicable to me. But every Democrat, don't worry, they're gonna They're gonna vote for you know, Judge Jackson, and Republicans won't be able to do a thing about it. You'll probably get Mitt Romney on their side, maybe a couple of others who knows. It's it's sad she won't describe her judicial philosophy, won't make a definition of what a woman is. I mean, it's this was a very bizarre week with these hearrings. I'll tell you that anyway, Donna, good call, appreciate it. It does suck and there is selective moral outrage out there. Donna and Lake Gronkonkoma, what's up, big don Welcome aboard, Sir Sean Toys. Great to talk to you, your monologues on radio and TV. It's just been fabulous lately. I just wanted to say that that five hour different to Brussels, where Joe Biden met the NATO leaders. He made him a little touchy with the reporters there, didn't he don't you think, yeah, when he's like barking at them like he was, Yeah, yeah, he says sanxious, never to terrible. I guess he's not the United he thinks he is, because his own administration was claiming that they do Kamala Iris and Anthony Blank and his national security advice that Jake Sullivan all led to us to believe that a sanction to deterred Russia from going into the Ukraine. So I guess he's just not the United He thinks he is. Yeah, yeah, I would say he's not the uniter that he thinks he is. That's probably don an understatement. By the way, for people that don't know Donna on Lake Ronkonkoma is an amazing and I mean amazing woodworker, and he does fabulous work. By the way, if you ever want to do it publicly, well we'll give you free promos. Okay, oh, thank you very much. Sean. You know one more thing if if you have time in about twenty seconds ago okay, Biden says in Brussels, he don't I don't think you'll find a European leader who doesn't think him up to the job. Well, maybe they don't think him brokering a deal between Russia and Iran is such a good idea, or asking Ben as well for energy help, and the Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emurth won't answer his call. So I don't think he's the leader he really thinks he is, and I don't think they think the leader he is too. Anyway, I appreciate it. Don Lake run Concoba. You have a great weekend, all right. When you look in the mirror, how old does your mirror say you are all right, let me ask you a question. You can delay that question maybe five, ten, fifteen years or the answer with the Ultra, a new ultra retinal serum from our friends at Genia Cell. Marina from Fort Lauderdale writes, great product, My skin loves it, and I've spent more on creams over the years to pay off my house. I'm kidding, but it feels like that this product has changed my life like no other. And Linda, you say the exact same thing every single day I use their products. I mean, I cannot say enough nice things about this company. It's American made, They've got one of a kind proprietary ingredients. They've got hyaluronic acid, they've got the final retinals, and your skin looks and feels great every single day when you use genu Cell. All right, the good thing is right now. You go to jena Cell dot com fifty percent off they have brand new ultra retinal serum. Gonna be amazed with the results, guaranteed or your money back, no questions asked. Genuell dot com slash sean, that's genuel dot com slash san. You're gonna free express shipping from our friends at Shamooni, the biggest stories of the day, solutions to help move America forward. This is the Seany show. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. You know when um as you're watching the coverage of this invasion of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, forget about government for a second. Just look at what has happened to our Hello, human beings, no boots on the ground. America cannot be the world's policeman, but the Ukrainian people have shown incredible courage and valor. And ask yourself if this was your country, would you want other countries to give you the weaponry so we could so we could fight back against the aggressor. Because there's a clear aggressor here. Putin's clearly responsible and has all those blood on his hands. What would you want others to do for you? Anyway, that's all the time we have left. Thank you for making the show possible. Have a great weekend. Back here on Monday,

The Sean Hannity Show

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