Why America Matters - December 10th, Hour 3

Published Dec 10, 2021, 11:00 PM

 Dr. Ben Carson, author of the new children's book "Why America Matters", which is a great counter to the book just released by the 1619 Project "Born in the Water" - Carson gives us his take on the news out today regarding the economy, the Omicron variant and the mental acuity of Joe Biden. Jill Biden says he is working 24 hours a day:

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I knew its rounded up information overload ours Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Uh, you know, we've now been watching Joe Biden struggle again and again and again and again, and to me, things seem to be getting significantly worse, especially recently. I've got to imagine the pressures of the job, you know, are leading to what seems like even a greater cognitive decline than he started with last year. Remember he spent all of twenty twenty hiding in his basement bunker, protected by the media mob and the big tech mob that was in their protection program as a candidate. Now as a president, let me play him stumbling through his speech in New Hampshire. Listen to this one. We all these truths to be self evident. Oh Manny, women, creative, you know that you know the thing. Agree with me? Go to Joe three oh three three oh. We choose truth over facts. Play the radio, make sure the television excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night. Make sure the kids hear words. Make sure the kids hear words. I'm not a doctor. I won't play one on radio or TV. But we have a real doctor on the line, and that's our friend, doctor Ben Carson. He just came out with a new children's book. We've been talking about it, Why America Matters, which is a great counter to the recently released sixteen nineteen project Born in the Water. And anyway, doctor Carson's great to have you back. I know it's a tough question to ask. I see what I believe is even a sort of accelerating decline in the president. It's not something I say with any joy in my heart, but it's it's obvious. And I also would argue it's dangerous to the world, to our country. I mean, I feel bad for him personally, but the free world depends on a strong United States of America. We now see Putin, as you know, amassed one hundred and seventy five thousand troops on the border with Ukraine. We're watching China talk about reunification with Taiwan, threatening the United States yesterday with military action, flying their fighter jets over Taiwan airspace. And I don't see a guy that is strong enough to take on these numerous crises at once. He didn't even know that his own administration had a plan to pay illegal immigrants for it, and fifty thousand dollars calls at garbage one day and defends it the next day. I don't know if it's worse that he didn't know or worse that he supports it. You know, many people don't really know their history, and they don't understand the role that the United States of America plays in the world. You know, before we became a dominant power, there were all these despotic leaders who just scrampled on anybody who was weaker than them and took in pillage builds from them. And things really calmed down quite a bit with the United States at the helm, but that's when we have strong leadership. When we don't have strong leadership, things began to deteriorate once again. And you know, it is kind of said, you know, watching what's going on right now, I've witnessed it personally. You know, my own mother unfortunately died of Alzheimer's, and I saw the same kinds of things occurring. And somebody who once was as sharp as a needle, And you're a brain surgeon for how many years, sir, thirty six years, So I would assume you know a thing or two about the brain. I'm not asking you to diagnose the president. I'm asking if you see observe a cognitive decline that is significant in the president, because I see it, and a new poll is out just to let you know you might not have seen it. Political Morning consults and they asked, and this, by the way, it has put to Joe Biden, who said it's ridiculous and he talk about Joe's mental fitness. Anyway, they asked a very simple question whether or not respondents agreed with this statement Joe Biden is mentally fit. Well, forty six percent of respondents agreed with it, but forty eight percent of respondents disagreed. A majority of the American people in this poll agreed with me. Well, I guess the question is is this the best that we can provide in terms of a leadership position in the world. There are three hundred and thirty million Americans. Do we have to depend on somebody who reads from a telepompter, who doesn't have the courage to stand up and answer questions from media that are not pre screened. I mean, this is this is a serious issue. And you look at COVID, you know the world is going crazy over COVID. Why because they don't have the strong leadership from us. You know, we should be doing things that makes sense. We should be doing things based on science and based on thanks and here we are not even willing to recognize natural immunity, something we've known about since the Civil War with smallpox. Can I can I ask you a personal question? You don't have to answer this, but I did speak to you when it was public that you were diagnosed with COVID, and before I even ask it, would you mind talking about your your private health because I respect medical privacy. No, I was. I was very ill. I was, you know, over sixty five, and I had comorbidities. And I called you when you told me you got monoclon alunt of bodies and that would work like magic for you, did you not. I got montclon antibodies before they were FDA approved, thanks to President Trump, who reminds me of that frequently. I saved your sorry, as I saved their life. That's how we'd say it to me, go ahead, but he didn't. But you know, it's a tremendous therapeutic and there are other tremendous therapeutics too, if we had been intelligent and pursued all the avenues, not just vaccines. But you know, that's a defect in our system, which says, you know, you can't have an emergency use authorization if there are other viable options. But that doesn't make any sense. What we should have done is say, let's let's go down all these pathways and let's use all of these things that are promising. Let's investigate them. As you remember, two weeks ago, the CDC admitted they didn't have any data on natural immunity. And why didn't they have any data because they didn't collect it. And why didn't they collect it because they don't know. They don't want to know what it is. I'm sure as a doctor, I'm sure as a medical doctor, you're following closely this huge study in Israel nearly eight hundred thousand people and the effectiveness of natural immunity being twenty seven times better against the delta variant than the vaccines. The very doctor that created the technology that made m RNA vaccines possible, his name is doctor Robert Malone, was on this program and he said that natural immunity as evidenced by the Israeli study. Now it does have it's yet to be peer reviewed, so I want to give it a little more time. But the early indications are very clear that it's a dramatic difference. But even he said that it appears that natural immunity is far superior to the technology that he himself discovered that allowed for the fires of the Maderna vaccines and the Cleveland clinics, they showed the same thing. They fell hundreds of workers who had had the infection, nobody got reinfected, nobody passed it on. I mean, that's more than a coincidence. And there have been a number of other studies as well. They just don't want to admit it. They don't want to acknowledge it. And that's not what real science is. Let me ask you this politics stuff. Why for example, so because I don't know why, because I talk about this all the time, people know and they hear me, and then many of my friends even there's somebody that you know, a prominent public figure that got COVID, was fully vaccinated and had a breakthrough case the delta variant. I believe because it was during that time, and I called that person like I call anybody that I know gets sick, and I like, I called you when you got sick and told you I was thinking of you and praying for you. Not that my prayers mean a lot, but I wanted you to know I was reaching out to you and thinking about you. I just felt bad that you had to go through that. And anyways, the thing that really strikes me is that person didn't know. I said to him, are you're gonna get monoclonal antibodies, You're gonna get regenera And the person who should know said, yeah, what is that again? Yeah. From that point forward, I realized, wait a minute, Biden never talks about it. He was only mentioned at once in his vaccine mandate speech. How she never talks about it. CDC director never talks about it. Now, I can't tell you how many people this is anecdotal. I tell people, talk to your doctor if you pop positive. Everybody that I know, vaccinated or unvaccinated, that gets monoclonal antibodies within twenty four to forty eight hours in every three cases, feeling better within forty eight to seventy two hours, and it's over for them. That's what I found. You got to ask you doctor. I've seen that too, and of course there are a number of doctor groups. You can find them on the internet. They try to shut them down who've had tremendous success with ibermactin, with hydroxy cloquent. They don't want to talk about these things at all. I think there are hundreds of thousands of people who are dead who didn't have to be dead, and we just have to somehow get to the point where we're looking at the interest of the people and not at the entrance of the pharmaceuticals. It really pains me to see that, and particularly when we're talking about immunizing children with the vaccine. They have very little risk, very little risk, no more. Its the same percentage of kids in the age group five to eleven where they're now mandating children five years old get vaccinated or they can't go into any public building or restaurant, nothing. And I like somebody to show me the data that I would too. It's a danger because because I went to the CDC website and the percentage of children that have died in that age group during the entire pandemic, and every life is precious to me, as one hundred and sixty two or percentage wise, it's almost identical to the yearly flu deaths of children. So in other words, it is not the risk to children that it is to older people with comorbidities or pre existing conditions. Right, not close. And in fact, you know, if you're older and you have you know, pre morbit condition, yes, you should talk with your physician and you're probably going to come to the conclusion that it is to your benefit. And you look at the benefits and you look at the risk to take the vaccine, and I don't have any problem with that. And that's the way the system works. We have excellent medical facilities and individuals who can help you. We don't need bureaucrats making decisions like this because one size does not fit all, and one size only fits all when you're talking about a government that is controlled by fascism, and you know, let me let me give you the final minute, though, to talk about your new children's book. We put it on Hannity dot Comments, on Amazon dot com, and by the way, it's in bookstores all around the country. Why America matters, I'll give you a full minute and tell people why this is important. Well, it's so important that our children get the appropriate history of America and not what's being taught by those who want them to grow up and hate America. It was Krutcheff who told Eisenhower that your grandchildren's children will live under communism, who will have to fire a shot And he knew that part of the that was re indoctrinating the children. And with the Little Patriots program's a two prone program. It has books. The first book just came out why America is important, to help the children learn the importance of civic engagement and to know how fortunate they are to live in this country. And then there's also an online plat learning platform which has k through five lesson plans provided by teachers and educational professionals who love America, and has a little character, Liberty Eagle, who helps to carry you through these programs. And best of all, it's free of charge. The region tree is because we've had wonderful underwriters who understand the importance of making this available to our young people. Tell everybody, every parent and grandparent that wants to get this in their kids and grandkids hands, how do they do it? Little Patriots Learning dot Com And it's totally free. Little Patting dot com dot com, completely free, and it's compatible with iPhones and tablets, so you can take it in the car with you. You can go anywhere you want with it and complete these programs. You'll know a lot about American history when you get done with that program. And I suggested for adults too. And now if you're not, you know, really up to speed on your American history. It's good to know it because your history gives you your identity, and your identity gives you your beliefs, and when you have those in a solid form, you're very difficult to manipulate. Doctor Ben Carson, you're a national treasure. Thank god you're okay. You scared me one day in one phone call we had. I won't remind you what you said to me, but you did scare the hell out of me. I was very worried about you. And I'm glad you're okay, sir. Well, thank you, Sean, Thank you for being a courageous page. All right, my friend, eight hundred nine for one Sean is our number. How do you like that? We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. You can order for your kids and grandkids. All right, quick, freak, We'll come back. Tara Vaughan Baldwin. She's the president of what's called Operation three hundred and gold Star sister of Navy Seal Aaron Vaughan. Up next. All right, quick, freak, we'll come back. Tara Vaughan Baldwin. She's the president of what's called Operation three hundred and gold Star sister of Navy Seal Aaron Vaughan, up next. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour this Friday, Hannity nine Easton on the Fox News Chatnel. We'll tell you about that before we get to your calls. I've gotten to know somebody that I just have respect so much, have come to love and and just think the world of Her name is Tara Vaughan Baldwin, and she's the president of what's called Operation three hundred and gold Star sister of Navy Seal Aaron Vaughan. We've had we've had his mom on this program many times, and today Tara talks about her foundation, the mission of Operation three hundred and anyway, I'm glad you could join us. Tara. Please tell your mom we love her. She's the best. And I know you miss your brother so badly. Um, we all miss him, and I know you never get over the pain of that. Hey, Sean, Um, thank you for those kind words that it's really a lot to take in. Our family feels the same way about you. You know, you guys have become like family to us, and we're just so grateful for the way that you have stepped up and supported and just loved on our family and Operation three hundred since my brother was killed a little over ten years ago. Thanks for having me on today. You know what's so hard about that? To me? As I listen to you and your mother, Karen, I mean, I hope, I hope you stay so close to her. She's a very special mom and she what's what's so hard is you're so proud of your brother. He becomes a Navy seal. She's so proud of her son becomes a Navy seal. Most people don't make it through that kind of training. He serves his country, loses his life. It's got to be the most devastating thing, you know, it is devastating. And I will tell you my mom and I are fortunately very close, and she is an amazing woman, like literally close. We live right right down the road from each other, So very fortunate, fortunate to have a just an awesome family. But yeah, I mean Aaron was you know, I mean to us, he was Aaron, but you know, to the world, I mean he was at the pinnacle of his career. He was thirty years old. You know, he gave his youth and you know, the best of himself for our country day after day and ultimately, as you said, ended up giving his life. Honestly, on the deployment, his last deployment, it was the first deployment, honestly that we weren't even nervous. You know, we have been through a few and we were just making plans to see him at things giving when he came back home, And honestly, it was the first time a long time and I really crossed our minds that happen. So I'll remind people who was one of thirty servicemen that died aboard a helicopter call sign Extortion seventeen shot down in Afghanistan. This was in August of twenty eleven. Many killed that they were members of Sealed Team six, the largest loss of military life in a single day since the War on Terror began. And he's a hero. But you've now thrown yourself in Operation three hundred. Its mission is we believe when a family, when a member of our armed services gives his life in defense of our great nation, the least we can do is pledged to honor that sacrifice by caring for his family. Give us, you know, tell people how they can help you out. Yeah. Absolutely, so. Operation three hundred was formed about ten years ago, and our main programs that we provide eventual camps for children who have lost the parents serving in the military. And you know, my brother had two small children when he was killed. His daughter was just nine weeks old and his son was two years old, and it was really just looking at their situation and realizing that they were never going to know him, and they were never going to experience so many things that they would have experienced, not just you know, with their dad, with their Navy seal dad. And so the idea of this camp came about because, as you said, there were so many children who lost the dad that day. And so we bring kids from all over the United States, every branch of the military um here to South Florida where we are, and we pair them up with a father aged mentor and they just spend the weekend doing things they would have done with their dad. They shoot guns, they ride horses, they go fishing, they go sailing, we camp out, just the things that they're really missing missing out on since since their dads are gone. And we also do a widow retreat for the moms where they're just given a time to relax and spend time together, you know, and have a break from their children. Honestly, and all the expenses are paid by donors and and you know, people in our community and people all across the country. So this cost nothing for these families to get to have this experience, and the kids come back every year, so they really develop and maintain a relationship with their mentors. And that's really the goal, is to allow other people to kind of step up and step in that gap that's been created by the law. How could people help you? And we'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Yeah, so go to Op three hundred dot org or Operation three hundred dot com, either one. They'll both take you the same place. I mean, honestly, it's not cheap what we do. It's expensive, and we always need hands, so money and people is what we need. And so yeah, go to op three hundred dot org. All the messages will come straight to me. If you have any questions or you know or interested in anyway, it'll come straight to me. So well, we appreciate it. Thank you, Tera for all you're doing. We'll put a link on Hannity dot com. Please tell you mom Aaron that we think the world of her, and thanks for all you doing for these families. And it's an amazing charity. We appreciate it everything you do. Thank you so much. Sean. We appreciate you guys very much. Eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Let's say hi to Donnas in Iowa. Don, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean, thank you for taking my call. Great show. I love you guys, and I appreciate everything you do. Well. We appreciate you being out there and giving us this microphone. A happy Friday to you. What's on your mind today? Well, I'm a truck driver and marine veteran. I'm running across this great country of ours and I'm watching closely to Jesse Smollett trial and everything the reactions of people toward it. And you can always tell who people are by their reaction toward it, and the way the media is reacting toward him being found guilty just shows that the Democrats and the media are all in for the lies that they tell. Whether it be that President Trump is a communist sympathizer and communist plant, or whether Jesse Jesse Smollett was attacked by Trump supporters, it's irrelevant now to people because the people that hate him will still think that he was attacked by Trump supporters, even though they've seen that he set the whole thing up himself, and people are going to get hurt by his action, you know, his statements, guilty or not guilty, People are going to be hurt by this. This This was an unintended hate crime. I think he was just trying to bring attention to himself and it's just I don't know what the purpose was. But you know, there's a reason why. And I said this yesterday that one of the ten commandments is thou shalt now bear false witness. You want to know why, because it's so damaging. I know people that have lived through that hell, and it's like almost immediately people rush to judgment. Nobody wants to give anybody the benefit of the doubt anymore. The media does it all the time, prominent democrats do it all the time. The damage they do is unbelievable. You know, for people that are not in the public eye, like myself, at least you have recourse. You know, somebody like Nicholas Salmon is going to be probably close to a billionaire by the time all is said and done over all the lies told about him. I wouldn't doubt. Kyle Rittenhouse has some lawsuits coming down the line as well. And you know the problem is when people lie about me, they can pretty much say whatever they want because we have the high bar standard of absence of malice, and how do you prove that they did it maliciously? So I just have to basically take it. And that's you know, in the cost of doing this business. But for other people that are not public figure years, if you get slandered by the mob and the media or the slandered by big tech, my advice is sue the living adam shift out of them. Well, this is going to be irreversible in its action and the people are going to get hurt by this and all just because one person unthinkingly like you, said false witness and without thinking of without about their actions, and this seems to be a Democrat ploy and he's learning from the top and it's filtering down to the bottom of the Democrats and they're all still all in on it. And it's a shame that this society has has gone that route and the Democrats have decided that that's the way they're going to play this game of politics, and it's a sad state of affairs of this country. Well, they've been doing this, this whole you know, identity politics thing for years. The playbook is always Republicans, a racist, sex as, misogynists, you know, the whole list. But anyway, good call, appreciated. Don in Iowa. Let's say, how to Bill is in Massachusetts. I don't know what the hell are you doing up there, But anyway, Bill, glad you called. I'm guessing you're a Celtic Red Sox fan. If I'm wrong, you can tell me. And probably a Patriots fan. Yeah, I'm a Patriots fan. I'm not a fan of the Celtics. I don't really like basketball. Yeah. I want to touch base on the vaccine mandates here. My fiance works for the state of Massachusetts and back in March, she was diagnosed with a highly aggressive brain to her and yeah, well she's had a couple of surgery since. Not quite out of the woods, but you know, we're trying to hang in there. And we received notice from her job that you know, she's going to be forced to if she wants to continue working for the stage and be forced to take the vaccine. And what does her doctor say in regard to this, Considering all the medicine she's on, I assume she's getting chemo, probably radiation and the operation. I mean, does the doctor recommend it. Not exactly. He says it's it's a risk, and it's it's not something that he would advise to do. She's actually in a trial right now, so she's not getting chemo. She is under radiation. So the actual medicine that she's taken, there has been I think it was half a dozen people that are on this medication with the same diagnosis. Heard that I've gotten a vaccine unfortunately didn't make it. So that's scary. So she's high risk. I mean, this is where one size fits all medicine doesn't fly for me. And and the next question, I would like, you know, I would advise. You might want to ask you a doctor, it's up to you. If she does, God forbid, get a hold of this thing, because cases are increasing with the change in weather, especially in Michigan and New England and New York and other places. If she did contract COVID with her current condition, would he advise monocle on a land of bodies or does he think that would be a risk. I'd like to know the answer to that question if I was you, Yeah, we're that's that's going to be our first question when we actually go to see him again this week, if that would be possible to do? You know what stage canswer your wife has? They actually it's They won't exactly tell us it's They just said it's a high stage another word. So, so she's got an aggressive brain tumor and she's now getting experimental treatment, and she's had a couple of operations. That's that's tough. Yeah, one of them, one of them took out. The doctor was actually able to take out almost the entire thing and it was the size of a small grape. With them, within two weeks it was back. Oh man, that is an aggressive tumor. Wow, So well, you're in all our prayers and if there's anything we can do. One thing I can say about Massachusetts, they do have great facilities up there. Ut I think mass General and then you've got Dana Farber's up there. You've got some good, good hospitals. I don't know which one you're using. We're actually going to Dana Farber. She's been she'd been dealing with the doctors there since the beginning, you know, like you say, the good news is that they didn't give her a life expectancy, and they seem to be, you know, in positive thoughts. I know somebody that was in a late stage cancer that went to NYU Land gone, somebody that their cancer centers come on big time in recent years. Um. And I'm very grateful to the doctors there for all they did, um to hope this this woman, she's got kids. I mean, it's it's hard. Um, how you doing? You hold it up? All right? Yeah? Yeah, I'm doing okay. I Mean, this whole situation is kind of forced me to go out on my own. I'm a contractor because I can't work regular hours being the only I wish I could hire. You dude, do you want to give out your phone number. You need more work, I could take all the work in the world. Well, how about this, why don't you give us a link to you know, I don't want you to give out your personal cell That could be very dangerous if you want give it's like a business card or a link. And for people in the Massachusetts, New England area that need a good contractor what kind of work do you do? I get my contract finish? Yeah? Oh wow, so you do it all? Well, yeah, I'll tell you what. We'll put all that information up on Hannity dot com. We don't want you to be worrying about your finances in the middle of all this. It's not fun. I really appreciate that. Sean. All right, you're in our prayers, you and your wife hanging there, and you know what, I do believe in miracles, and it sounds like she's getting great treatment. And I wish you both the best on this. It's tough to go through. I'm sorry. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. In the meantime, let not your heart speed troubled. We'll tell you about the Democrats that build back better New Green Deal socialism hanging by a thread based on the CBO Score. We'll give you numbers that the mob and the media will ignore. We'll show you the lies that Democrats tell. We'll also check in with Kelly Ann Conway, Jason Chaffitz, Greg Abbott up fift ten over Beto Bozo, O'Rourke, Leo two point z, Terrell, Laura Trump, nineties. Turn Tonight Hannity on Fox. We'll see you back here Monday. You make this show possible, and I hope you have a great weekend. See you tonight, See you Monday.

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