Former Senator and now Gubernatorial candidate for the state of Pennsylvania, Lou Barletta and Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, discuss the Afghan refugees coming to the country without any proper vetting of any kind. From a Washington Times article this past week:
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All right, News round Up, Information Overload hour eight hundred and nine for one Shane, if you want to be a part of the program. We got a lot of ground to cover. One of the things that we've discovered is that a lot of refugees. There was a story out of Wisconsin one of the army posts there where unvetted Afghanis are. Literally they have free reign, the total freedom to go anywhere that they want to go. Now, we did make a commitment to if the day ever came that people's lives would be in jeopardy, that we would get our Afghan allies twenty years now out of Afghanistan. We didn't say necessarily we'd bring them all here, but we promised to get them out. And we left them behind. And now the reports are daily they're dying. It's pretty unbelievable. It's actually beyond shocking. I've never seen one of the worst foreign policy unmitigated disasters, you know, blinken admitting again today, Yeah, we left people behind enemy lines. We abandoned Americans. When did you ever think that would happen? Anyway? This idiot Lincoln grilled now two days in a row, is grilled by Scott Perry over this disastrous withdrawal. Listening, mister Blincoln, assuming it's not classified, can you tell us where you are today? Yes, I'm at the State Parker couldn't be bothered to come down here and see Congress. All right, that's great. How many Afghan citizens came the United States that had not met the qualifications for special immigrant visa? We're in the process. I don't know how many. How many? How many did you break? You were just at Dulles. How many did you break? We have, we will have by the end of the month, we will have brought a total of approximately sixty thousand that have not met the SNIV process. Stand of those will be some of those will have been through the SIB process. Our Afghan refugees required to be vaccinated for COVID before coming to the United States of America. They are vaccinated in the United States before they are before they are resettled. You just you just can't make this up. They don't know, we don't even he can't even give us an answer. How many Americans are still behind enemy lines held hostage? Although now he's finally admitting, yeah, we have no control over it. I'm like, well, what happened. We have all the leverage. Ron Johnson was grilling down on blank In and and blank In testifies that eighty billion dollars of our equipment is in the hands of the Taliban. I thought the great fact checkers out there said, oh, no, it's nowhere near that amount of money. Well, apparently it is approximately what is the dollar value of the equipment that's been left behind it. Now the Taliban controls what's the dollar value that center. I believe the equipment provided over the last twenty less than twenty fifteen years was about eighty billion dollars. Of that equipment that remains, as you know, it was given using the Afghana security forces. And of course some of that is now in the hands of the town. So I know most of it is in the hands of the Taliban, because when you had an opportunity in March, in April of May, in June and July, when the Taliban was basically dropping the great well trained Afghan army in every city in province and geographical area all throughout Afghanistan, they didn't lift a finger. So unbelievable when we could have extracted withdrawn every American safely, every ally safely, all of our military equipment safely, or at least handed it off to the resistance in the North. Now it's being used to kill everybody. And then, by the way, Blincoln says, well, I don't know if we droned an AID worker or isis K terrorists. Had the Washington Post of the New York Times reporting, remember that big Taliban, that that big drone strike supposedly taken out a high ranking isis K figure that was back on the way to the airport to commit another act of terror. Yeah, it turns out it was an aid worker, according to the New York Times and Washington Post, somebody there that was helping with New Tian for afghanis oh and seven children also killed by Biden's drone strike. Listen, the guy the Biden administration drone was he an AID worker or an isis K operative. The administration is of course reviewing that, uh that strike h And I'm sure that a you know, full assessment will be will before. You don't know if it was an aid worker or an isis K operative. I can't speak to that, and I can't speak to that in this setting in any event, So you don't know or won't tell us. I don't I don't know because we're reviewing it. Well, see, you think you'd kind of know before you off somebody with a predator drone, whether he's an AID worker or he's an isis K. You think you would know how to time you're killing children and an AID worker you're killing nis kay guy, Yeah, we kind of got an indication when they wouldn't identify who it was that they said they'd took out, that they knew who they took out. And imagine if Donald Trump did it. And then you got blinking saying, you know, thousands of US legal permanent residents are in Afghanistan. In other words, this is what Darylis has been saying. Not only do we have five hundred people at his office identified behind enemy lines, when you add their family members, oh yeah, the number is much higher. How many of them approximately? You said, we don't know the exact number, but how many legal permanent residents are we convinced they're still in Afghanistan? We don't. We don't have an exact number, but around number thousands, pardon in the thousands, in the thousands, in the thousands. Anyway, joining us now to discuss we have former Senator and now gubernatorial candidate for the state of Pennsylvania, Lou Barletta, and also with us as doctor. I'm sorry, Congressmanandy Biggs of Arizona, let's talk to you. You're running for the great state of Pennsylvania to be governor, Lou. You're watching this unfold. From a foreign policy perspective, I can't think of a more unmitigated disaster than this, especially knowing the time we had full control to get everybody out, say flee and expeditiously. It was a catastrophe. I mean, watching the way America left Americans behind, as well as the billions of equipment and pulling the military outfits on them, I'm really concerned. I sat on the Homeland Security Committee, on a counter Terrorism and Intelligent subcommittee, and it's something that I'm really worried about moving forward. Is the screening process of what's happening right now. You know the nine to eleven Commission report, and I'm sure you're you're very knowledgeable on that has been ignored by Congress in all the recommendations they made of what we should do to make sure that we don't have another nine to eleven again. Congress ignored. I do not have faith at the screening process that the chaos that followed Biden's stale strategy has severely damaged our ability to properly screen anyone looking enter the United States under the refugee status. It's difficult under normal conditions to do that, but to to make sure people are who they claim to be. And we know terrorists will use this program to try to get here in the United States, and right here in Pennsylvania, you know some of them are landing unfortunately. I know the nine to eleven Commissioner report, well, I didn't agree with all of its findings, but the one thing that stood out then and stands out loud and clear to me today because the circumstances are the same. This is now a safe haven for terrorists. That'll be for the emerging new al Qaeda, that's for ISIS and isis K and every other The Hakani network we know is now in charge of the government, so we know the terrorists are running the show. Congressman Andy Biggs, I can't think of a bigger disaster than this, and nobody seems to be held accountable. And my big question is why this was preventable. Why when the Taliban was on the march all throughout the month of March in April, m a and June and July. And why in July was Joe Biden telling us one of the best trade military is on the planet when they've already taken over sixty percent of the country, meaning the Taliban and that great trained military was folding like a cheap camera. Well, uh, you know, lose lose rights, Sean, And we have to hold these people accountable. I mean, that's what we're trying to do. Um. We have been trying and trying to get information from Secretary my Ericas about screening. We've been trying to get Milly and you've seen the blinking testimony. Um, he's flaming. He doesn't know enough data and information. And that's what this administration is doing. They're stoneling, they're trying to distract and disrupt, and they're getting aided and embedded by the Democrat members in Congress. Now there are some Democrats who who are standing up and finally, you know something, Menendez says that you know, we're going to have to subpoena in Secretary Austin. We've got to get them in, let the public see, and let's get the answers. But I mean, the step one is, I think, and I think lose right, is we've got to find out what the screening process is. And we've been we've been pushing on the administration and they just it's crickets. They don't want to answer it. And it's very dangerous going forward if they don't do some accurate and adequate vetting. And I'm really concerned about that. It's beyond chilling and beyond frightening to me and every way imaginable. It's just like Andy, what's happening at the border. I mean, you know, we now have people coming into the country. We're not vetting people the border, we're processing them. We're putting him in Biden's overcrowded cages in the middle of a pandemic. There's no testing for coronavirus, a high rate of COVID positivity. Then we're dispersing people without vaccinations all throughout the rest of the country. But yet Americans now facing a vaccine mandate or they're going to be shut out of every aspect of society. It looks it's like, according to Fauci, even flying which is probably coming soon. Well, people are going to be losing their jobs, shut out of restaurants, shut out of stadiums, shut out of concerts, shut out them pretty much everyday life. Does the federal government have that authority. They don't have that authority, And so lawsuits are being filed right now. I know the Arizona Attorney Generals filed the lawsuit. There are additional lawsuits. I'm working with special interest law firms to get some lawsuits filed. We are trying to push back in that way. And look, I mean just last night the Democrats, we said, well, if you're going to give amnesty, at least you need to make sure these people are vaccine vaccinated coming across. No, no go. We can't stop them. If they're criminals, we can't stop them. If they've got COVID. We're going to let everybody in. And right now, Sean with the guideaways known and unknown, and the people coming across that are surrendering. And they were dispersing throughout a country about three hundred thousand a month, and they're filled with COVID substantial number half COVID, but more that. Moreover, they're not stopping him for necessarily some of the criminally violent folks that are coming through. We know they're coming through, and we can't adequately vent them at the border, just like we can't adequately let people coming in from Afghanistan. All right, quick break, We'll come back with gubernatorial candidate from Pennsylvania, Lou Barletta, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona. All right, we continue with Lou Barletta. He's now a gubernatorial candidate from Pennsylvania, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona. So we're not vetting people at the border now. I would say we need to vet in the middle of a pandemic people for we ought to have basic simple health checks. That would be number one, mister Barletta. Number two would be, okay, we need to check your whether you have radical associations. Number three, you need to be able to prove that if we're going to bring you into our country, welcome, after you've passed the other vetting. But you've got to show a means to be able to take care of yourself and you're not going to be a financial burden on the American people. As it relates to people in Afghanistan in particular, considering there's a high number or a percentage of people there that adhere to radical viewpoints. We need to make sure you truly are an ally of the United States, that you don't have radical associations. And not only a COVID health check, but apparently there's a measles outbreak because it has one of the highest incidents of measles in Afghanistan, something I didn't know until all of these unvetted Afghans were flying into the US. Yeah, I mean, think of this sun. You know, they shut down businesses, took away their livelihoods so that they wouldn't spread the virus. And now we have people flying into into the country who who you know, who knows where they are? And I could tell you I have very little face that proper screening is being done because, as I said, it's it's difficult to do it in the best of circumstances. You know, how what are they going to do check people references? I mean, how are they going to know, you know, somebody is who they say they are. And you're right about looking at the border. I mean, hundreds of thousands of people have been allowed to cross the border and enter the country, and the President President Bid has shown no concern for the national security risks that are associated with admitting vasque numbers of unscreened people at the border. So why should we trust them now when we're watching what's happening in Afghanistan and how we handle it well, I don't think you can handle it any worse. Is there anything we can do now to track down all the illegal immigrants a couple one hundred thousand almost on average every month, Andy Biggs, and these Afghan refugees that we didn't vet. Is there anything we can do in retrospect? They're here and apparently free to travel anywhere they want. I would assume tracking them all down would be mission impossible. It's really difficult. Don't don't forget that the Biden administration is effectively lost contact with a third of the unaccompanied miners that they have placed throughout the country. So even when you've got children involved, they're not really tracking them and they're not successfully tracking them. And you got Secretary Mayorkas telling the ICE Immigration, Customs and Enforcement you're going to have to stand down somewhat on the enforcement because we want to be humanitarian, treat people with dignity. So so this administration just doesn't even get the very notion of national security and tracking people that they're letting in and dispersing throughout the country. You know who knows where these people are. The cartels, the Mexican cartels, the criminal transnational criminal organizations. They know where these people go because they're keeping them in indentured servitude. But we don't know, and because our government is so inept. Congressman Andy Biggs, thank you for the gubernatorial candidate from Pennsylvania, Lou Barletta. Thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn is a number. Quick break right back your calls on the other side. Straight ahead, all right, twenty fives to the top of the hour. We have the whole song and we've now updated it with our own version Blood on my Hands. Now, this is a powerful video, and we've added some some of our own version of sound to it to really bring the point home. I never thought my whole life we'd be in the situation. Let me just play a minute or two of this and then we'll we have on Hannity dot com. We have it all uploaded and you could, you know, take down. You can download it and then send it out all over social media, because every everybody knows that if this was a anti Trump song or Donald Trump or president and Donald Trump botched this exit in Afghanistan the way Biden did, I mean, they would impeach him a thousand more times. Listen, it's a bond takeover of Afghanistan now inevitable. No God blood on my hand. I just found out that the last flight is gone. God blood on my head American will our son, our Dick contents and I don't understand and does not comforting at all because we don't know if we're gonna make it. AT's happening, extraordinary success of this mission, death blood on these hands. Thirteen Americans killed, ninety five Afghans killed, and still American nobody predicted. You know the government would fall in eleven days, left to the Taliban. Now, how's that happening? Am I safe? Now? The question is my life? Am I safe? Or these people are safe? Wigan bligging? Can't you look me in the Willie Millie to America? When did you decide this will defend your Segred Murdo. No, there's American citizens left. We're gonna stayetmut God blood of my hand a lot of my hands, John and Drassik. It's on hannity dot com. Please download it and send it to your friends. It is powerful, all right, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program we have. We are really looking into this report Bob Woodward's new book claiming that General Mark Millie Joint Chiefs intended to tip off China to US nuclear attack and take steps to prevent Donald Trump, who is the commander in chief, from if needed, launching nuclear weapons. This is gonna get very very interesting and very dangerous, very dangerous for the country. You want to be the commander in chief? You got to run for president? All right. Let's well have more on that tonight on Hannity. Let's go to our phones. David is in North Carolina. David, how are you, sir? Glad you called? Hey, hey man, how are you doing. I'm good, sir, Thanks for calling. Yes, sir, Hey, So, I wanted to talk about this crazy Biden man. How in the world can he mandate this vaccine for everybody but it still and his life? You mean you mean, I mean it's go ahead? It is So are the celebrities and the politicians of this country immune to this virus. Congress is exempt from Biden's COVID vaccine mandate. Yeah, so are legal immigrants. They've been exempt. So have Afghan refugees that are UNVET They've been exempt. Yeah, you're pointing out ridiculous, insane hypocrisy, sir. I mean even the postal service there is. I mean, I'm a I'm a working class guy thirty nine years old, to work hard, from a family and stuff like that. We are me and the people I work with, and other citizens are the people are keeping his tounch are going and he is literally flatlining us. I don't even this is what Congress taughts. This is what they did with Obamacare. You know, it's stay they treat themselves well. Now, I know the postal service was exempt as well, but there was some pushback. I don't know what the final verdict on that became, m but it's unbelievable to me that they'll put this on the rest of US. But not illegal immigrants, not Afghan refugees, not not Congress, not their staff, but just on you, we the people. We need a reason to vote. November of twenty twenty two. There you go, there's the latest reason, my friend, than the people. I think we the people was about to stand up. Oh, I think so big time now they by the way, US postal service workers will have to get the vaccine or be tested weekly. So they did change it that part of it, but they haven't changed it for Congress and their staffs. Why would they exempt themselves? By the way, what were they planning on doing, you know, arresting Rand Paul who's a medical doctor who had COVID has natural immunity. Anyway, let's say out of Joe in New Hampshire. Hey, Joe, how are you glad you called hi? Sean? And how are you doing good service? On your mind? Yeah, I'm a pharmacist for twenty eight years, okay, and I didn't know I never hear anything about this PCR test that is even listed on the CDC FDA, and who sites that it doesn't work properly because too many false positives. So my question is it gives a false positive a COVID. How does the test were a variant when it doesn't even want to get my point? Yeah, well, look, I've had a different experience, and you know, more than I care to tell you, I've been up to my eyeballs and COVID for a long time now and helping as many people as I can, and helping people get in touch with doctors, and I believe me get getting testing. I've not there are, there are and have been many examples You're right, of false positives, and but they've kind of gotten a test down as of late that I have seen, they got it down pretty pretty well. My friend that got a breakthrough case he was fully vaccinated, he actually found out through an avid home test that he got at his local drug store and that it was confirmed when he went to the dock in the box and he had symptoms. So it was obvious for him that he had had it right. But the thing is that how do you differentiate it it's a variant when you don't have a specific test to it one, so the numbers can be faked. That's what I'm kind of saying. Yeah, well, you know, testing for the variance is more complicated. There's no doubt about it. Yeah, no doubt about it. I had one more, Yeah, one more thing to say about vaccine because I was a vaccine certified guy. Um, I've never seen one come out in a year ever, and I just wanted to say that, you know, most drugs, you know, they had a package or insert a mile long side effects. You know what it can do to you if you're pregnant. Should you take it? Should you shouldn't take it? And this thing has nothing zero? Yeah? Just is that true? I didn't I have never checked that. That's that would be interesting to do. You're right if you read the risk factors for taking tile on all or exctern for crying out loud um, the list is a mile long, and you're saying that there's there's nothing for this, no warnings whatsoever, no contraindications. So what is happening is and there was also known double no double blinded placebo studies done on this soap called approved one, which you find out it's really not approved. It's a proof of the future. They're still using the experimental one. I know this for a fact, so well. They did give full LeftyA approval, so take that for what it's worth. But you know, listen, I am really I'm very concerned that some people don't take it seriously. I'm just saying to my audience, and I love everyone in this audience. I know people have pressured me tremendously to tell people what to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not a medical doctor, and I appreciate your insight, Joe, thank you, But I will tell you this is that I've seen the worst of it. Take it seriously. There's a lot of research out there. Yours, My audience is a smart audience. We've done exhaustive studies on who listens to this program, who watches Hannity the TV show, and to the amount of information available your fingertips, if you have a telephone is unlimited, and spend time you know your health matters research. Then you have to look at your unique medical history, your current condition. Talk to your doctor, doctors, talk to the medical experts in your life. Don't ignore it. Don't ignore it. Now, what do you do if you have a breakthrough case? Again, talk to your doctor. The one underreported and hardly talked about therapeutic that I've been most impressed with, But I'm not telling you what to do. Is regeneral is the monoclonal antibodies. That's I would urge you to ask your doctor if you have a breakthrough case or if you didn't get vaccinated. And I have a case Debbie Virginia. Hey Debbie, how are you glad? You called? Good? How are you doing? I'm good? What's going on taking my call? Well? I wanted to actually talk a little bit. I could probably be here for a long time, but I'm gonna try to keep it concise. Is the vac mandate and what it's doing personally. But I'm a mental health provider on a very large military base, and let me tell you, this is just complete chaos. It has not been They brought it down with Okay, this is mandatory, but they did not put a system in place, so nobody knows what's hap to them they're given I had, for example, I had a military service member call me last week. He had twenty four hours to make the decision whether or not to take the shot. And he was nineteen years old with a history of heart problems. You know, his mom's crying, no, don't, just could potentially kill you and he has twenty four hours to make this decision. Now, let me ask you a question. Are you seeing examples where guys are willing to leave the profession. We're seeing a lot of that, and they're trying to prepare and we're talking guys who are all the way at the top, you know, seventeen eighteen years in who are walking, So they would give up their pension, which the two or three years away from receiving, they'd give up their benefits of work their adult life for because they feel so strongly about it, or maybe their own doctor recommends they have a rare condition or something. Is that what you're saying? We have both, And see I'm in the same position. I am anticipating he will not have a job next month because I have chronic illness US for over twenty years. My doctor has very strongly said the shot could potentially be fatal for me, that I cannot do it. And because you know, the federal mandate has come down, they're saying that the mandate is not going to allow for exemption. So and that's again where are the chaos is there's no rhyme or reason as to how they're putting force this mandate. So we're hearing a lot about the mandate, but nobody's talking about even how what is the process. I have all these service members coming to talk to me, going, I don't know what's going to happen to me, And everybody's doing it different. Some are saying, Okay, you'll get a general discharge. Some are being told that you're going to get a dishonorable because you were given an order and you're refusing to follow it. And there is nothing across the board that is consistent here. Even for myself. We've been told, okay, you have to this date to provide your vacine information, and then there's nothing else, like, Okay, is there any process of if you happen to have a rare medical condition, or if you're trying to follow the science and you have natural immunity, is there any exemption process at all? Or is it completely one size fits all medicine? Pretty much like I have another service member I saw just the other day and he just got over COVID, and my understanding is just supposed to wait a few months. He was taking out thirty days. Yeah, I think it's suposed to wait three months minimum. I believe, yes, yep. No, they're telling them thirty days and they're there, you go follow follow the science, Debbie. They're not following the science, are they? No? And this is just complete chaos. So everybody is so upset, And then my theory is Okay, this is our military one. We're going to lose some of our really good people to everybody's so stressed out. It's chaotic, it's panic, you know, and if something really genuinely happens, I just don't feel like they're in a good state of mind to do their jobs. It's so typical of bureaucracies to to run things, you know, so rigidly without you know, the lecture on science, but the meaningless words from them, rather than take each case into account specifically based on what history medical history is and current condition is and so on and so forth. And I'll tell you the people I feel also sorry for are people that work in the medical profession that dove on called COVID bombs every day to save people's lives, and many of them ended up with with COVID. And yet they feel that natural immunities enough for them, based again on the science. And I quoted earlier in the program today, the guy that actually created the mRNA vaccine. The guy's name is doctor Robert Malone. The Epic Times as an interview with him, and he quoted an Israel medical study and he also said that his own experience had shown he says it's now been shown in a paper and the breath of immune response in terms of in B cell memory populations is more diverse and more longer lasting with natural immunity than those from the spike based vaccines. This guy, by the way, he invented the mRNA vaccine technology. He invented it, meaning the very technology for the Faiza Maderna vaccines. He's not a dope again. Talk to your own doctor. I'm not one. I'm I'm not playing one on radio. Everyone wants me to do it. I refuse. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for tonight. All right, blinking gotta beat down today by Senator Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio will update you on recall day out in California with Leo two point on Terrell and Larry Elder, the Great One, Mark Levin Tonight weighs in on Millie and much more, Laura Trump and Joe Conscha on the medium mob being complicit with Joe Biden. News you won't get from the mob. Please set your dbr Hannity Tonight ninetiestern on Fox