Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is outraged by the efforts of the left to continue to pursue a narrative about a whistle-blower, that no one has the right or ability to interview. The cowardly Schiff has kept this source behind closed doors and is not interested in being forthcoming about the true details surrounding his testimony to his office or the Intel committee. And for the record the whistle-blower is not entitled to anonymity. There is no law ANYWHERE that states this, and the fake news media is willfully misleading their audiences by continuing to report this news this way.
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All right, glad you with us eight hundred nine for one sean you want to be a part of the program. We've got John Solomon, we got Rand Paul who says he will expose the name of the non whistleblower. Whistleblower heresay, whistleblower, guy I look at as a leaker. Bill O'Reilly ways in on the madness in the Swampa sewer. We have some interesting news, good news, some mysterious news. We have a morning consult. A substantial majority of Americans do, in fact, believe that Donald Trump will be reelected. Fifty six percent, eighty five percent of Republicans, fifty one percent of Independence, thirty five percent of Democrats. Yeah, that's not good for them. Michael Horowitz little quiet dodged a question today and was supposedly, we're gonna get this FISA report on FISA abuse before Thanksgiving. That's the last I've been told. Don't kill the messenger if it doesn't happen. And anyways, confronted by re orders yesterday, wanted to know when the report on five's abuse would finally be released. Washington Times said he dodged reporters questions about the impending release of his highly anticipated report. I can't answer that, he said in response to a question about when the public will get the first glimpse at this report's been going on forever. He later declined to answer another reporter. I don't even think they're reporters. They're just they're everyone in the mob is corrupt. They're just they have all lost it. They're all activists, they're all extensions of the Democratic Party. They're all suffering this rage, hate, psychotic syndrome of theirs. And he was pressed about the release at the Justice Department to discuss the department's new task force to crack down on rigged bids for government contracts, and in a letter last week the House and Senate leaders, Horowitz said the reporters, nearly done, would be released with few redactions. He described the report as length fee after we received the final classification markings from the Department meaning of Justice and FBI, we will then proceed with our usual process for preparing the final report, including But you know, that should have all been happening by now, you know. I just I think that what are we now? Three sixty forty or three sixty three, Linda, I didn't hear the great scotch alright, three hundred and sixty three days away, so it's a year away. We'll know. One year from today, we will know that Donald Trump was hopefully re elected President of the United States. Can't say for certain. I'm gonna tell you something. Don't ever take any election for granted. And I'm gonna tell you the media analysis of last night was dead on wrong. Oh my gosh. The Republican governor Kentucky lost Matt Bevan, and I don't really know all the reasons why, but I've been looking at the internal polling or a number of weeks now. He was down by double digits almost this guy was losing this race. The fact that ended up being close is pretty good, but you know, there's other factors you got to look at. I mean, you got Republicans in Kentucky electing the state's first black attorney general. And anybody who saw Daniel Cameron speak at the President's rally on Monday knows this guy. He's amazing and he's got a great, great political future from what I can see. Don't know him yet, but I'd like to get to know him, I still believe. And what's his name, John James what's his name in Michigan, John James. Yeah, I think he's a rock star, future Republican leader. For sure, born leader. I'd like to see him do well. We do have stars emerging. It just takes a long time, you know. It's kind of like one of those it takes decades to really get noticed. Anyway, this guy Cameron is a relative newcomer to politics. He defeated the Democrat in that case, he won fifty seven forty two, actually fifty eight forty two. I mean, there's an amazing night for others down ballot. Competitive governor's race in Mississippi. Pretty easy win for the Republican there. We all know Northern Virginia has been a dumping ground for all the slump creatures. I just don't take anything for granted. Now, you gotta remember one thing is as we now go into this final push, it is going to be a war a day. It's gonna be intense. There's gonna be ups, there's gonna be downs, there's gonna be good days, there's gonna be tough days, there's gonna be you know, it's funny the Democrats when you God only knows what Trump will do to maintain power. He's gonna go out and campaign his ass off and run on his record, and the Democrats have no record, and they're only messages, please hate Trump as much as we do. And I don't think that's a winning message. And I don't care who you look at on the Democratic side. And Biden's out there attacking Elizabeth Warren, accusing her of being condescending and having my way or the highway attitude. He said, some call it the my way or the highway approach to politics, but it's worse than that, he said, it's condescending. The millions of Democrats who have a different view is representative of an elitism that working and middle class people do not share. We know best, you know nothing. If you're only as smart as I am, you would agree with me. And this is no way to get anything done. And Biden reacting to Warren's comments when she complained Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points. So Biden doesn't like that. I'm just not sure where he's going. You know, from my perspective, am I good? Let him all go out there and kill each other. We have support for this impeachment madness. You know, is now dropping precipitously. I'm seeing other polls that no but he else is seeing, and it's now beginning the process of blowing up on the Democrats, just like the Russia hoax, just like the Russia lie. I mean, look, I'm in the middle of all of this. It's so funny that we tell everybody what we do for a living. I am a talk show host on radio and television. What is a talk show host? Oh, we're kind of like a whole newspaper if you want to know the truth. I don't claim to be a journalist, but journalism is part of my job description. That's a part of it. And you know, all these people that say they're journalist, they're not journalists. They're an extension of all things radical, extreme, socialist, rage, hate, psychosis against Trump. These people are not journalists. They missed the biggest corruption, abuse of power scandals story in our career. Now they're missing the latest one. You know, I'm telling you you just if you want to know how corrupt the mob and the media is, all you have to do is replace the name Joe Biden vice president and say Donald J. Trump, vice President of the United States of America leveraging a billion tax dollars in the biggest quid pro quote, Joe, if you want the billion, fire the prosecutor that. Oh, even the New York Times warned me he was investigating my own son. No, he was a corrupt prosecutor. That's not why he did it. No Vice President's going to demand the Ukrainian prosecutor be fired. But he was told repeatedly that that prosecutor was investigating his son. You got six hours, you fire him, you get a billion. You don't fire him, you don't get a billion. And then they act like they're all worked up over a quid pro quote. That's quid pro quote, Joe, I'm gonna run through the laws in this hour again because nobody else and the mob and the media is gonna do it. And it's pretty amazing that, you know, all the crap I'm listening to about me, I'm laughing. I'm laughing because it's just a funk. It's a crop their lies. The lady, the the Obama ambassador Ukrainian Ambassador Holdover says that well, she was told Mike Pompeo was going to talk to Sean Hannity about what for all the things he's been saying on the show. Okay, I can't even pronounce the woman's name, if you want to know the truth. I don't know anything about this woman. And Mike Pompeo never called me. Nobody in the in the State Department ever called me. But we went back and looked and we could like find, like Joe Degenevas said, she may have to answer some questions about this, like, Okay, that wasn't what I cared about. The great one mentioned it in the same pretty much respect. There was one story. I asked Solomon, is that true that they were monitoring our social media and all that stuff. That's it. That's never talked about her again, I don't know. I've never spoken anybody from Ukraine that I know is from Ukraine. I do know. My staff was trying to get an interview with the shoken guy. He was interviewed by ABC, the Washington Post that got fired by Biden's quid pro quo. You know, so that, but I didn't make the call. I never talked to anybody there, not once. It's so ridiculous. And then oh, foreign policies being run by Hannity. I mean, good grief, Mine Pompeio does not need Sean Hannity. Let's be blunt, and I love to keep people just let just let them think. You want to know why the media is corrupt because of Vice President Donald J. Trump leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars. Fire the prosecutor. You get a billion, don't fire him, you don't get a billion. And then we find out that Donald J. Trump, vice president, was told that his son Don Junior was being paid millions and is now under investigation. Even the New York Times tipped them off. Does anybody really doubt the real reason why that the vice president and he brags about a son of abe, they fired him, Sure they wanted the billion dollars. Who wouldn't fire him? And Hunter Biden? I mean, the dumbest forty nine year old kid ever interviewed. He's not a kid, you know. Have you ever known anything about Ukraine? Any experience, no ass, no oil, no energy, no Why do you think they paid you millions? I don't know. Maybe because your dad's the second highest elected official in America. That's it. Yeah, I think that probably that's the one. It's unbelievable. And the one, interestingly, and then I can't believe there's no laws against that, but there should be. But there are laws that we have discovered. You know, if we had equal justice under the law, an application of our laws, the Attorney General would have to look at this brag of Joe Biden and then look at fifteen US Code seventy eight. It is illegal for a US person to core or influence, through bribery or extortion a foreign nation into taking an action. Oh a billion dollars. Fire that guy billion dollars b B B b B that might financially benefit that person, his family or business. Oh, I want my son to keep getting paid. I would want to be Joe Biden and having that over my head. Eighteen USC two O one C. Whoever gives, offers, or promises anything of value to a public official to influence an official act is guilty of bribery oh billion dollars to a public official Ukraine to influence an action. Fire Chokin the prosecutor investigating his kid eighteen USC two O one B. Giving offering promising anything of value a billion dollars to a public official Ukraine in exchange for an official act, Fire him eighteen USC. Nineteen fifty one A threat to a foreign official in order to obtain official benefit. Affecting interstate foreign commerce would constitute extortion. Now what has the media been saying, Oh, this is a conspiracy theory. There's you know what, there's no evidence. They keep repeating it like you know, we're dumb. No, there's no evidence that anybody did anything wrong here, none whatsoever. Do you really believe the mob in the media would be acting that way if this was Don Junior and Vice President Donald J. Trump, Because if you believe that, then you gotta believe in the tooth fairy as well. That's how sick it is. That's how corrupt the mob in the media is. They are corrupt, they are compromised, They are agenda driven, they are liars, they are propagandists, they misinform. All they know is rage, hate, psycho assists against Donald Trump and the rest of us. Smelly Walmart shopping, Trump voters, irredeemable, deplorables, and you know people that believe in God. Oh wow, we're horrible people. We believe in God, the Second Amendment, the Bible, religion. Guilty. I'm guilty. I like Costco, I like Target, I like Walmart. Guilty, unbelievable. This is This is how sick it is. This is what's at stake in three hundred and sixty three days. I can't believe. Can you believe that they don't? They just make excuses. They're living in some altar universe. They're not even It's like their bodies have been taken over by invasion of the body snatchers, say a rim Paul Kentucky. He's saying he might just release the name of the non whistleblower, whistleblower, hearsay whistleblower. As Greig Jarrett pointed out, the statute does not protect ananimity period. It does protect against reprisal and repercussions of any kind, which is fair. But I don't even think. I'm not sure how does this person didn't know anything on their own? Then you're looking at the background of the person, deep connections to Shift's office apparently, and Biden wonder what, wonder what his relationship with Brennan is like that I'd like to know. John Solomon's reporting is Baris M. Bombshell is now getting some traction. Wall Street Journal picked up on it today. A consulting firm hired by Barres mcgroup mentioned that former US Vice President Joey Biden. Remember, I want shift subpoened and put under oath. We got to find out the nature of the relationship with the non whistle blower, and when the whistleblower needs to be put under oath. Hot to find out the relationship with the compromised fact witness, corrupt coward, congenital liar, adam schiff, judge, jury executioner, the guy who makes all the decisions. No fairness, then we should put Hunter and Joe Biden under oath because that looks like a quid pro quo Joe to me. Anyway, They point out that this consulting firm hired by this Barisma Group paying Hunter Biden for no experience leveraging. They leverage that money. They're paying Hunter Biden to get a meeting with the State Department. According to these documents that Solomon found, email exchanges between State Department staff members made public this week showed a consulting firm, Washington based Blue Star Strategies, they actually used Hunter Biden's name. Oh no, no, When we're requesting a State Department meeting and you know we have two Americans and Hunters on our board. Oh, so that's how they were paying him for no experience. I think I figured it out all right. Twenty five to the top of the RC the Federal has just gave out a transcript. This guy Taylor wasn't even on the call. You know what's amazing is how the mob they're they're putting so much credibility in what people thought of the transcript. That's all it is, and they hype it up up. It doesn't matter what they thought of the transcript. You know, I saw this Washington Examiner piece. I know our friend Kerry Pickett was working on this about Alexander Vinman. The headline is Vinman and the whistleblower are still working together on US policy toward Ukraine. Isn't that nice? And you know Testified works with the non whistleblower, whistleblower, hearsay whistleblower. We can't give his name out or else we're committing the greatest sin in the history of mankind. It doesn't matter anyway. The Washington Examiner is reporting they've established that the whistleblowers a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the NSC in the White House during the Obama years and left during the first year the Trump administration. That's called a hold over. It's like, whoever that woman that was paranoid that I was out to get her? And I've known next to nothing about her. You know, Mike Pompey was going to talk to Hannity. No, Mike Pompeo doesn't need Sean Hannity. Never happened. We barely mentioned her. We went over every transcript. It's so funny. It wasn't so corrupt. But anyway, Um, we got lied about a lot, don't we. Linda, Michael never my attorney, never my attorney never, He never were I never ever was he my attorney. His lawyer says it in court. Everyone will run out, Michael Cohen's other client is Hannity. And no, it's no, he's not, I said, And I said at the time, I might have given him a dollar saying here, we have attorney client privilege. Geez, when we talked about then candidate Donald Trump because I wanted privacy. Well, Hannity, you talked to your Manaport. Yep, he talked to Lewindowski, Ye yep. You talked to a whole picks ye yep. You talk to everybody. You can yep, Why that's my job. I am a talk show host. I didn't finish this. What is a talk show host? We like the whole newspaper. Yeah, Hannity, you've said you're not a journalist. Oh, I'm a talk show host radio and TV. And as a talk show host, I can produce thousands of hours on radio and TV. If just doing straight news like a journalist, straight news, no opinion, breaking news, we do it all the time, then we can look at the work that we do as talk show host. Investigative journalism. Yeah, I'd say we were out there on a limb vetting Obama when the mob and the media when I first said journalism's dead, wouldn't do the job. And that would mean yeah, we investigated Frank Marshall Davis, even the Choom gang and white folks greed runs a world in need? And black liberation theology and what is a community organizer? And who is a Lynsky and the Church of GD America and America's chickens come home to rouse the Sunday after nine to eleven, not God bless America, GD America. I had no idea he ever thought this way. I've only sat in his pews for twenty years. Yeah, we looked into the relationship with the unrepentant terrorists airs Endorn Weather Underground. Oh yeah, the Weather Underground involved in bombing New York City Police headquarters Capital Pentagon. I think you know, Yeah, we did all that. Oh so, we do straight news on some days we do investigative reporting. Part of being a talk showst we give opinion and we're honest about it. I am a conservative. I'm a registered Conservative. I also support the President's policies as I have my thirty year career, lower taxes, ending burdens and regulation, originalist constitutionalists on the courts, yep, I support all of that. Securing the border first said that pretty much all my career too. We support let's see. Yeah, I like the idea of freer and fairer trade deals and love it. Great idea and it's working out really well with Japan and Canada, Mexico or Western European allies. I've also been a big advocate of energy independence. I've also been a strong staunch supporter of Israel. Moving the capitol to Jerusalem was the embassy to Jerusalem, its capital was a good idea. Supported it for years recognizing the sovereignty of Israel with Golan supported that for years. If we're going to fight wars, you don't have rules of engagement. You knocked the crap out of them and you win the war. Yep. I supported the president defeating the Caliphate in Syria, pounded them into submission, beat them down to the ground. And yeah, I also support as I've been saying, Yeah, we got Bagdaddy, and then we got his successor, and then we got his spokesperson, and then we got three other you know, animals that are terrorists that killed hundreds of thousands of people, that took pleasure in beheading people and videotaping in took pleasure putting people in cages on fire, and took pleasure you know, taking uside women and as sex slaves and even children as sex slaves, and nearly wiping out yaside Christians in northern Iraq. Yeah, we were speaking about that when nobody in the media was speaking about that. So yeah, these are all things that I've advocated my thirty one years in radio and my twenty fourth year now at the Fox News Channel. That is part of being a talk show host. You do straight news, you do investigated journalism. You do opinion. You also talk culture, sports, and anything else that comes up. Pretty much everything you'll get in a newspaper. We don't pigeonhole ourselves. So I'm a talk show host. So when I'm working the phones during election years and I'm on the road, I need sources. I needed sources for the Russia witch hunt, and I found them and I got information. Were you know, we broke open the story about the rigged investigation into Hillary. Yeah, we did that. We went forward and we found illegal surveillance and illegal unmasking and illegal leaking of raw intelligence. We covered the Michael Flinn fiasco. We looked at Hillary Clinton's server issue. Yeah, that's obstruction of justice. Anyone else that deletes subpoena emails and acid washes the hard drive with bleach bit and bust up devices with hammers and remove SIM cards and gets away with it, she did, thankfully. By the way, just recently Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson said they're gonna be working on it. And yep, we looked into FIS abuse and what do we find multiple occasions, everybody was warned that Christopher Steele hated Trump, that it's not verified or corroborated, and Hillary paid for it, but they still used it as the bulk of information to obtain FISA warrants to spy well, first to deny Carter Page's constitutional rights, then to spy on the Trump campaign and transition and presidency. And then we looked into the foreign election interference. Oh yeah, that would be outsourcing intelligence gathering to our allies. This will be the Durham Report, not the Horowitz report. And did we do it to circumvent American law? And then we looked into how they tried to set up Sam Clovis, George Poppadopolis and Carter Page abroad. That brought in the issue of Professor Misfit you might remember identified as Russian intelligence by Muller. Nope, that would be Western intelligence. And then we specifically kept pointing out countries Great Britain and Italy and Australia. Yeah, for a reason. I was acting like it was random, but it wasn't random, and our research brought us there. And then we looked into the corrupt actions of Komey. I did something I wouldn't dare try and do in the Bush or Obama administration's Noope, Yeah, I sent those guys in. I wouldn't dare, wouldn't get away with and I sent him in after. Of course, his deputy FBI Director McCabe said, you don't need an attorney. Really. Yeah, And we also spent a lot of time and attention on an operation Crossfire Hurricane. You can't have a counterintelligence investigation without a president improving it. President in that case would be Brock Hussain Obama. Yeah, we do all that. Now we're working on this Ukrainian story because you and I all know that if it was Vice President Donald J. Trump shaken down Ukraine with a quid pro quo. Everyone talking about quid pro quock. We got one. We got an admission of one. You're not getting the billion dollars. I told them, I looked up, I gat you got six hours. You fired that guy, you'll get the billion dollars. You don't fire the guy, you don't get the billions. Son of them be they fired him. Yeah, that's a quid pro quo. Why did Joe Biden want a Ukrainian prosecuta fired who? New York Times and others told him they're investigating his son who got millions, who had no experience in Ukraine oil gas or energy, just like the China deal. And Peter Schweitzer blew that open, and I mentioned I'm not even mentioning all the people that we have created in our ensemble cast the last you know, two and a half plus years breaking this wide open. John Solomon's latest discoveries, Well, why did Baris mahldies? What do they get for the millions that they paid the no experience Hunter Biden. Well, these documents released by this freedom of information request by Solomon and the Southeastern Legal Foundation, Well, we now found out that, yeah, there's a lot of email exchanges with the State Department of Obama and at Washington based Blue Star Strategies and how they were representing the Ukrainian gas company Barisma Holdings. And now we find out that they were using Hunter Biden's name and request for a State Department meeting and then mentioning him again during the meeting is part of their effort to improve Barisma's image and also part of an effort to get their corruption pushed to the side. Well, no, we have Americans in here, and Hunter appointed to the Barisma board with no experience, not even a little bit zero experience when the company and their owner faced allegations of corruption, and he still kept getting paid after his father leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars to get the guy fired. Served on the board when his father, the Vice president, was overseeing the efforts in Ukraine to get reduced corruption. This is where we are. But you know what, nobody in the medium mob cares no, no, no, there's no there's no evidence of anything wrong, none whatsoever, none whatsoever. Republicans better get the Biden's under oath. They better get this compromised, corrupt, coward, congenital liar shift under oath. They need to get the whistleblower under oath. They need to get hunter Biden, Joe Biden under oath. And while we're at it, let's get the transcripts of Joe Biden. With everyone's all from releasing transcripts, Let's release the transcripts of then Vice President Biden anytime he talked to anybody in Ukraine. And while we're at it, we might as well get any time he talked to China, because the same deals there. Because his son had no experience in China either, for the Bank of China gave him a billion dollar deal that became a billion five ten days after he went with his father to China. I mean, do they really think where that's stupid? You know what's going on here, and this is where the media is so corrupt. They are corrupt to the core. And I'm telling you, I've never I never thought that the level of Pravda like Soviet Union style propaganda misinformation for Smirchman's slander could exist in this country the way. It's repulsive to me. But that's the country we're now living in. And well, the whistle blower is offering to answer written questions. Now that's not gonna work. Mitch McConnell's right. The Senate's gonna acquit. They'd be a quit today. They should acquit. They shouldn't even hold the trial. Why because there's no due process at all. You know, Hunter Biden, these developments that are ignored or despicable. They would never do this, Barisma sided Biden lobbying the government to reverse corruption charges. You know you got ex Pompeo advisor rejecting the compromise. Coward, congenital liar, who's running this circus. Adam Schiff in his testimony and by the way, this woman who thinks that I talked about her a lot when I didn't don't even know anything about her. You know, her transcript shows a quid pro quote javelin missiles for investigations didn't exist, and Volker denied any quid pro quo either. No leverage was implied. Ukraine said they felt no pressure, They felt no leverage whatsoever. Then you have the Special Envoy also saying on the issue off there was no quid pro quo. The media is gushing over Sonderland testimony. Voker's words painted a totally different picture, and none of it's relevant because it doesn't matter what these people think or how they interpret what happened in the phone call, because we've got the transcript of the phone call. I mean, this is where they're taking the country. I'm telling you, it's all going to blow up in their faces and it should and it will, and you know why, So they can get Donald Trump out of office. What would be the purpose of that, So they can institute the New Green Deal, So they can institute the ninety four billion dollars no more oil, gas combustion engine eventually, no planes or cows, everything's free deal. So that then they can spend another fifty two billion Warren taxpayer dollars on Medicare for all with no private insurance. Anybody see what's going on here. That's a disaster. By the way, Senators pay close attention. As a poll out NBC Wall Street Journal poll and respondents did not feel one way or the other about Mitt Romney. Thirty seven percent they didn't have any feelings about Romney, nineteen percent had a very negative reaction, nineteen percent somewhat negative feeling. It looks like Mitt Romney's national approval rating stands at a whopping eighteen percent. I wonder why he's got an axe to grind. It's sad watch all these guys over the years. I've seen it again and again. Al Gore loses the press, and see loses his mind. Hillary lost her mind after she lost. They all think they're gonna win. Some of the contenders in twenty fifteen and sixteen they lost their minds too. I'm telling you they're not half the people they once were. Because they got beat they thought they'd win, And you can go to Ment Romney and John McCain. I do to me, they were never the same again. And the irony is, you know, And I meant Romney is a nice guy, and he was nice, and they still called him a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe, is lomophobe. You know. If he wants dirty year water, wants granny and Grandpa to die and eat cat food and dog food, and then Paul Ryan will throw him over the cliff. They weren't nice to him. They weren't nice to McCain either. Oh, hannahy been tough on McCain and Romney. Well, I went to bat and I went to warf for these guys in spite of the crappy campaigns they both ran. He could have won in twenty twelve. That was a winnable race. That was a winnable race. Donald Trump fights in He's winning, and I like, I'm not sick of winning yet. I don't know about you. And I'm also scared to death of the insanity of this radical group of socialist extremists. Ninety four trillion dollars New Green Deal, fifty two trillion dollars medicare for all. God help save America, all right? John Solomon coming up, Bill O'Reilly coming up, Rampaul coming up. All right, you heard the great Scott Shannon. Three hundred and sixty three days till the defining, single, most consequential election in our lifetime. Buckle up. It's gonna be a bumpy ride. There's gonna be a lot of turbulence every day. Count on it every day. If there's no turbulence on a certain day, just like, oh, okay, this is like one day off. But it's gonna be almost every day, if not every day, And it's gonna be you know, the hysteria, the breathless reporting. Let me tell you the left is you can see it. They just they're gonna lose it by the end of this year. And by the end of this year, I mean Donald, They're gonna try to make Donald Trump into Lucifer Satan. They will do everything they can do to take this man out, period, which is what we're watching unfold before our very eyes. John Solomon, who I've been quoting a lot of late, has been breaking a lot of news as it relates to this whole Hunter Biden Barisma holdings. We have on tape the vice president at the time in charge of Ukraine, Joe Biden. Why would a vice president of the United States. And what is a brag about quid pro quo? Joe, you got six hours fire them, Fire them, and you'll get the billion dollars. If you don't fire them, you're not getting the billion dollars. Son of a bee. They fired him. Now, remember he was tipped off at least once, we know that he knew more by the New York Times tipped him off that, in fact, that his son Hunter was being investigated. Now why would they investigate Hunter? Oh? Hunter did the dumbest interview I think I've ever seen in my life on GMA. Do you know anything about Ukraine? No? No experience in Ukraine? Do you know anything about oil, no gas, no energy? No? Oh? Why do you think you got paid millions of dollars to be on their board? I don't know. I guess I had a much experience as everybody else. None. Do you think maybe it has to do with the fact that your second is the your father is in charge of Ukraine, the second highest elected official, the vice president of the United States. Yeah, actually probably that's probably the real reason. Yeah, and we can go to look at China, Romani and everywhere else. Anyway, Now, the argument is Ben that this was not a quid pro quoil. It is a quid pro quol. All the media can say it all they want, they can lie all they want, they can cover for the Biden's all they want. Joe Biden knew that his son was under investigation and he used leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars said, if you don't fire the guy investigating my son, basically you're not getting the billion. Well we now understand that this goes even further than that, because John Solomon, we now have this new document revealing the level of coordination between the Obama State Department, Joe Biden, and Hunter Biden's lucrative position at Paris Maholdings. Now this Freedom of Information Act request that also with the Southeastern Legal Foundation and John Solomon show that the State Department officials, Yeah, they were being lobbied. Whoopsie Daisy, Who are they being lobbied by people representing Ukraine And what was the nature of the lobbying. Well, we now know that the consulting firm Blue Star Strategies, out of DC, well they were thrown around Hunter Biden's name on behalf of Ukraine, requesting the State Department not only for our meetings, but to end the investigations against them anyway. John Solomon first published these documents, and these emails were subsequently made available to him and others Now are following up on it, He joins US NOW investigative reporter, Fox News contributor John Solomon. Are you I'm doing well, Sean? He did a good job capitalizing that. It's a pretty important development. How is it the rest of the mob in the media, the ones that lied about Russia Russia collusion, collusion, impeachment, impeachment, and the ones that are now trying, you know, to impeach the president again, how is it they don't see any wrongdoing in this whole Hunter Biden, Joe Biden using taxpayer money down. You know, it's a great question, right. It's funny. You see a lot of people quoted in their stories as suggesting it's wrong, and they gloss over and then try to go to, oh, it's a conspiracy theory. I'll give you some great examples. The Washington Post is quoting from a recent interview in the impeachment proceedings, in which a senior State Department official states, fatly, I tried to warn Joe Biden's staff in twenty fifteen. This Burisima matter was a conflict of interest. It was bad for the United States, bad for Ukraine, and Joe Biden's staff didn't want to hear anything about it. And then they want to say, oh, it's all conspiracy theory. Well, that's not a conspiracy theory. Some guy, an expert in Ukraine saw it for what it was. A State Department official working for Joe Biden saw it for what it was a conflict of interest, same thing you see. Schokin was interviewed by ABC News by The Washington Post after he was interviewed by me. Shoken tells the same story in each venue. I was fired because Joe Biden was mad I wouldn't drop the investigation against his son's company. And then you go the same publication ago it was a conspiracy theory. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a factually based story. And Joe Biden has a lot of questions to answer and he's been allowed to skip answering them so far. All right, let's go through this, and let's let's look. I think the Joe Biden issue stands alone and the Hunter Biden issue stands alone. They obviously but you have these documents that showed they really did want something for the money that they were paying Hunter Biden, didn't they, And they did use that name Hunter Biden to try to get the State Department to get the investigations ended, didn't they for sure? And it comes at a very critical juncture in the investigation for all of us in America. Don't follow Ukraine. You know, you wouldn't have heard about this. You wouldn't know the significance of February twenty sixteen unless you were Barisma Hunter Biden the company, because on that month, the start of that month, February second, twenty sixteen, the Ukrainian process tutor Victor Shokin, the one that Biden notes only got fired, orders a raid on Hunter Biden's boss's home, the owner of Barisma Holdings, an oligark by the name of Nikola Solcheski. And that raid signaled that after years of quiet, or after some months of quiet, that Ukrainian prosecutors were stepping up the investigation. They were getting closer. They were able to get a court order to seize mister Zilchesky's possessions, a real sign that the noose was closing. What happens. Two days later, Hunter Biden sends a private Twitter message to the number two official at the State Department, who, oh, by the way, just happens to be Joe Biden's closest advisor, one of his closest advisors, Tony blinkoln Debretary secret of State. Three weeks later, Barisma's lobbyists, lawyers, legal representatives, whatever you want to call them, blue star strategies walks in the State Department seeking a meeting with the number three official, saying, we need to end this talk of corruption in the Ukraine about Bismum. We'd like to meet the number three official. And the reason you should do who it is. Hunter Biden is one of the Americans on the board. That's exactly the sort of name trading, the sort of insider baseball that these ethics roles that Joe Biden should have abided by were designed to prevent. You don't want this conflict of interest. You don't want the State Department thinking they got to do something for Barisma because Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, is on the board. That's why Joe Biden should have recused himself from this whole matter, which he failed to do. He failed to do. Now, Greg Jarrett, our friend, and our colleagues, identified very specific laws, and as I read it, I'll tell you I think it's pretty damning for Joe Biden. And I don't think you need to be a lawyer to figure out. Fifteen USC. Seventy eight it is illegal for a person to coerce or influence, through bribery or extortion, a foreign nation into taking action that might financially benefit the person is family or business. That doesn't sound good, does it? In this case, there's clearly a benefit to firing the secutor who was overseeing the briefsman investigation and who was planning, by his own admission, was planning to call Hunter Biden as a witness right around the time he got fired. Eighteen USC two O one c. Whoever gives, offers, or promises anything of value to a public official to influence an official act is guilty of bribery. Does that sound good for Joe and Hunter? I think that one's going to be explored, right. We need to know the circumstances, and I think one very important fact. Normally USA can't be withheld unless there's an interagency process. It begins one question for Joe Biden the Obama administration. I can't find any record of it. Did anyone put this through the normal channels to make sure this was okay to use the age this way? If not, it meant Joe Biden didn't on his own and he had a personal reason to do so. Eighteen USC two O one b giving offering promising anything of value to a public official in exchange for any official act. Oh, that sounds like trouble at USC nineteen fifty one. A threat to a foreign official in order to obtain an official benefit affecting interstate foreign commerce would constituted extortion. Look, we can go over this whole day long, but we have a double standard. You've read the transcripts. I don't care what so and so and this so and so. Most of the so and so's. By the way, don't think anything was wrong with the president. I hear the president. We knew Ukraine interfered in the twenty sixteen election. We knew from a Ukrainian court decision. We knew from the reporting of political January eleven, twenty seventeen. We knew because Ukrainian officials John Solomon weren't they willing to give us the evidence. Yes, they were. In fact, they tried and we're turned down. The attorney in New York wasn't interested in this overture, which by the way, occurred way back in the summer in fall of twenty eighteen, more than a year ago. Ukrainian authorities tried to drop all this evidence on the US Justice Department, and it fell on deaf ears at the end of the Jeff Session's tenure. All right, now, let's go where do you think is there going to be more Freedom of Information Act information on this? Absolutely our lawsuit is preceding the great lawyers at a Southeastern Legal Foundation, Todd and Kim are working hard. We had a status conference today. We're moving ahead. We expect another production of documents just before Christmas. I think these documents will go beyond what we know was happening at the top of the State Department to then find out what did the embassy in Kiev do? What did other State Department officials? Did anyone contact Joe Biden's office from the State Department now that his son's name was being invoked? And remember there's another document that came out yesterday. We talked about it on the show yesterday. But I think it's so important. Joe Biden said, I didn't know anything about Hunter Biden. That's weird. The State Department thought he knew everything about Hunter Biden and Brisma, because when they prepared their ambassador for her confirmation hearing in the summer of twenty sixteen, the Obama State Department prepared an answer for her. If you get asked about Hunter Biden, refer to Joe Biden. Why would the State Department do that unless they knew Joe Biden knew what was going on. Joe Biden's story doesn't add up as well. Yeah, and we know the New York Times warned him that they were investigating his kids department. Right, let me ask you this change gears here. Sure, when are we getting the IG report? What are your sources telling you? I'm hearing what it's going to come out? The words I've got will shock the conscience. Yeah, I've heard this for a long time. That's exactly a term, that's a very similar term. Here's what I'm hearing. And again, it's like waiting for good dough. So I don't want to take hip teasing people. But remember it was supposed to count main June. Then you and I discovered that famous document, the Cavalac Steel document that led to new investigation. It delayed the report until September October. Michael or the Irwin finished the report. Horowitz, he finished the report. He's kicked it over the Justice Department. My understanding is a Justice department asked the IG for a little more analysis. What regulations and laws do you think might be broken? Could you bear that out in the reports of the American I could see that that work is being wrapped up now, and I am hearing the most likely release date for the Face report is going to be the week of November eighteenth, so about two weeks from now. But I heard just before Thanksgiving, so that would be a week before a week and a half before Thanksgiving. That's right, You're in the right, That's what I'm hearing through not things could change, and it seems like the Grand Tase every time we talk about this. But we are getting closer to the release of a very explosive report. I am hearing that as early as next week it is possible that the IG is going to release another report that we didn't knew nothing about. It was flying below the radar. I'm going to talk about this on your show tonight. I give you a little tease. It appears the IG has finished an investigation into the FBI's management of human sources, what we would call informants, people like Christopher Steel. They found some widespread problems, particularly the FBI's failure to react when they read alert a red flag is raised about the credibility of an informant, the failure to address that, maybe pull them out of rotation inform the courts. Does that sound familiar with what we learned about Christopher Steele, all of those things at the State Department that Bruce or was warning about. It appears that this was a more systemic problem inside the bureau, and that report would come out as early as next week. That could be state. I want to hear more about this in a second. John Solomon, investigative reporter, How does we continue? Investigative reporter, Fox News contributor John Solomon as with us. All right, So, where you're expecting maybe as early as next week a report that nobody expected from Igh Horowitz, and then the eighteenth, you're thinking around there, what day of the week is that. I think it's some mondays, I recall, Okay, yeah, then that would be the ideek. You know how these things aren't watching a day or two, will he say premeditated fraud on a fire as a court for the purpose of spying on a president denying one individual their constitutional liberties. I don't know yet. I'd like I'm still reporting on it. I what I do know, as my sources are telling me that it will paint a devastating picture of misconduct by the FBI in the pursuit of these four fights, in providing inaccurate information about Steele, specifically to the court. And there may be some new evidence about derogatory information about Christopher Steele that the FBI had all the way back in twenty fifteen. I'm going to report tonight. In a meeting a couple of weeks ago, in an unclassified setting, US officials told some members in their Staff of Congress that in twenty fifteen, the Brits passed along, I believe to the FBI, certainly to the United States some information about Christopher Steele that should have given pause should have been included in his informat evaluation report, and it was not. If that comes out in the IG report, one of these next two ig reports, either the human source one or the face of one. That's going to add to a picture of just how far the FBI was willing to go to use Christopher Steele despite the grave reservations about the credibility of his information. All right, John Solomon, we'll join us tonight Hannity Ninetiester on the Fox News Channel. We're loaded up. When we come back, Ram Paul wants to identify the non whistleblower. Whistleblower, heresay whistleblower and Bill O'Reilly coming up straight ahead. President Trump has great courage. He faces down the fake media every day. But Congress needs to step up and have equal courage to defend the president. Hunter Biden made fifty thousand dollars a month. That's the definition of corruption. We know he got it only because of his family connections. We also now know the name of the whistleblower. The whistleblower needs to come before Congress as a material witness because he worked for Joe Biden at the same time Hunter Biden was getting money from corrupt oligarts. I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his hey, And I say this to my fellow colleagues in Congress, to every Republican in Washington, step up and Sephina Hunter Biden, and Sephina the whistleblower. And I say to my colleagues, if Shifty Shift will not let Hunter Biden come, and if you will not bring the whistleblower, for every Republican in Congress should take a walk and say this is a farce. All right, twenty four now till the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one, Seawn, you want to be a part of the program anyway, the great Senator from the great state of Kentucky, our friend Rampaulo's with us. I love what you said about the whistle blower, non whistleblower, heresay whistle blower, But really I want to know. I think the whistleblower needs to go under oath and the answer. What's the nature of the relationship with the compromise. We know he's compromised and corrupt and coward and congenital liar for three years, Adam Schiff, I'd like to know, you know, what was their contact, what advice was given? He's not a whistleblower. Well, the thing is is the Constitution's very clear. The Sixth Amendment in the middle of right says you have the right to confront your accuser. And many people are misinterpreting the whistleblower statute to say, well, it's illegal to reveal his name. It actually isn't illegal reveal his name. It's illegal for the Investigator General too, it's not illegal for anybody else to reveal his name, and it is being discussed all over the internet. The mainstream media is refusing to bring it up because they don't want to ask any tough questions, because we need to ask, yes, what was his relationship with Schiff, But we also need to ask was he aware of the conflict of interest between Joe Biden Hunter Biden, this Ukrainian oligarch? He was working on the Ukrainian question, So he has material. There's a material nature to his testimony above and beyond him being the whistle lower and others are arguing, well, we have the documents now, we don't need him. He just made us aware of the documents. Now he made an accusation by characterizing the documents. There are dozens and dozens of people who have listened to that phone call, and actually now the whole country has seen the transcript of the phone call. Well, half the people in the country think that the president did nothing wrong, in the other half do How could that end up being an impeachable offense if people have different agreements whether he did or did not do anything wrong in the phone call. Well, look, you believe in the constitution president has a sworn constitutional duty to faithfully execute the paragraph that talks about I need you to do me a favor. Well, we know a Ukrainian court decision they identified that Ukraine in fact was involved in foreign election interference on behalf of Hillary Clinton in twenty sixteen. We know from the January eleven, twenty seventeen article long article by Politico that a DNC operative met at the Ukraine an embassy for the purpose of colluding with Ukraine to get dirt on Donald Trump and other people on his campaign team. And in fact they say they were successful and that Ukraine was up to their eyeballs in all of that. So when I hear the President say help us get to the bottom of it, I hear him faithfully executing the laws. As it relates to Joe Biden, We've identified four separate crimes in his admission that you know of his quid pro quo. You get the billion if you fire the prosecutor in six hours. You don't get the billion if you don't fire them. The interesting thing about our rules with regard to four and EID is it's actually in our laws that you cannot send four and aid out the door unless you're able to ascertain that there's a lack of corruption in the country you're sending it to. So it's the obligation of the president to actually ascertain how corrupt is the country. Is there enough corruption that we shouldn't be sending them the money. That's actually in our law. But you're right about this. Everybody seems to be threatening their aid. Joe Biden threatened billion dollars worth of aide. President Obama actually withheld three hundred billion dollars worth of lethal aid because he didn't want to give him lethal aid. And then also you've got Menendez who writes a letter to them saying, well, if you if you don't continue to investigate Trump Russia collusion in the Muller report, we may well, you know, threaten your aid. Murphy threat. It wasn't Murphy did it, Menendez did it. Pat Leahey was on that letter and Dick Durbin was on that letter. Yeah, it seems like the only thing that we know for certain is everybody in Washington seems to be threatening Ukrainian aid. But you can't have different standard. You can't let Democrats do it for the last ten years, threatened aid and then accused the Republican of doing it and saying, oh, we're going to impeach the Republican for doing exactly what Joe Biden did, what Menendez did, and what Murphy did well. But I think the most important part I know the president and those around him are saying. Read the transcript. When you read the transcript, I hear a president of the United States saying that he wants to to the bottom of what was clear election interference by Ukraine. And now let's get into and analyze the braggadocia of Joe Biden when he says, you know, he's bragging, you got six hours. I'm not getting you the billion dollars. You're not going to get it unless you fire that prosecutor. What do we know about you fire the prosecutor, you get the billion. That's a quid pro quote, Joe if you don't fire the prosecutor, you don't get the billion. But one other point, though, and Hunter and Biden, he was warned. Joe Biden was given a heads up, says, I never talked to my son. He was given a heads up that that prosecutor was investigating is zero experience son who was being paid millions. So he had a motive to use taxpayer dollars. Now, if everyone cares about quid pro quo, Senator, why don't they care about that quid pro quo? Yeah, I think that as we look at this, the president has to be able. The president maintained that there was corruption, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden had a conflict of interest, that there was corruption. If that's the main thing he was asking to be investigated, shouldn't we actually investigate that charge as part of the trial. So I would say Hunter Biden has to come forth under subpoena. And I would also say the whistleblower has to come forth under subpoena, because how do you investigate the corruption between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in the conflict of interest if you don't bring forth, Really, you are to bring Joe Biden forth under subpoena as well, because if they want to bring down a president, they're not going to get to just have a free pass and say, oh, you can take down any president. The accuser is going to have to confront the president. And really the allegations of corruption on Hunter Biden and Joe Biden need to be explored. Well, I mean, what does it sound like to you, Senator, because to me, it sounds like he's leveraging in a shakedown a billion taxpayer dollars, bragging about a quit pro quo. And how is it not? You know, look, we've identified specific laws. Let me read them to You're a lawmaker. The last time I checked, are you not? You got that right? You know. I don't know if you're proud of that or not, but I mean, you are a lawmaker, and you know we have laws fifteen USC. Seventy eight. Let me read it to you. It says it is illegal for a US person to coerce or influence, through bribery or extortion, a foreign national into taking action that might financially benefit that person, his family or business. Oh, hang on fire, the prosecutor, you get a billion dollars. My son keeps getting paid eighteen USC. Two O one C. Whoever gives, offers, or promises anything of value to a public official to influence an official act is guilty of bribery. That sounds like it would be applicable to you. Eighteen Usc. Two O one B. Giving offering promising anything of value to a public official in exchange for any official act eighteen Usc. Nineteen fifty one. A threat to a foreign official in order to obtain an official benefit affecting interstate of foreign commerce would constitute extortion. I don't know about you. I'm not a lawyer. I know you're a doctor, But to me, the language seems to fit. You get a billion dollars, my son gets paid millions, but only if you fire the guy that's investigating my son. Well, I think it would be malpractice if the president's lawyers are not allowed to bring forth a defense that says what he was asking for was true corruption and that we only find that out by interviewing Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and the whistleblower. So I don't think there can be a fair court proceeding unless the president is allowed to bring them in. If Schiff is allowed to veto or any kind of subpoenas and Republicans bring in then it really is a kangaroo court. And that's why I said the other night at the rally. If Schiff will not allow Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and the whistleblower to testify, then the whole thing's a farce and the Republicans should just walk away from the proceeding and they shouldn't participate at all. Senator Adam Schiff is a fact witness. Now, Adam Schiff, we now know his office colluded in some way had contact with the non whistleblower. Whistleblower here, say whistle blower. Now, you say you will probably disclose the whistleblower's name. Apparently Don Junior did earlier today. Everybody knows who it is. I've known for days who it is. I just can't independently corroborate it, so I'm staying away from it for now. But the bottom line is this is not a whistleblower. This sounds like a leaker to me, because if you don't have for now. Look, if you're a whistleblower, you do get protection against retaliation and retribution. Is that correct, That's what the statute calls for. Yeah, and a lot of people misinterpret the statute. They say it requires no one to reveal their name. The only thing it does requires the inspector general and people directly involved with his employment are not supposed to reveal his name. But the bottom line is is that the whistleblower statute is so you don't get fired and you don't get prosecuted. But if the whistleblower is going to accuse someone of a crime and there's a court proceeding, the sixth Amendment to the Constitution requires that you are able to confront your accuser. So in any kind of judicial proceeding, the judge is going to say the sixth Amendment Trump's and supersedes any kind of statute, even a whistleblower statute. But the whistleblower statute does not prevent me or anyone else from saying this man's name. Why has the House of Representatives steadfastly resisted all prior precedent on impeachment and rights and obligations that Nuke Gingrich and House Republicans gave Bill Clinton in ninety eight, or Democrats gave Richard Nixon during his impeachment, Because basically, Adam Schiff has all the power. He's compromised in the case. He's a congenital liar who's told us for three years there's oh ample evidence of Trump Prussia collusion. He said it over and over again. So how because to me, the Senate's response to this ought to be Senator and maybe you can talk to Mitch McConnell that if you don't offer due process, whatever you send to us in the Senate is dead on arrival. I think what's going to happen is it is going to be entirely partisan. No Republicans are going to vote for impeachment in the House, and I'm still hopeful that no Republicans vote for impeachment in the Senate either. This is we need to talk to you, buddy, Mitt Romney. Where's Mitt Romney? You know, I don't know if we know where everyone is yet, even those who have been critical. I don't think it's a guarantee that they're a vote for impeachment. I think impeachment is a very high bar. So we'll see what happens. I know that there will not be enough votes to impeach, so this is a fatal complete. They're going to push this forward. It's going to become a kangaroo court. But the more partisan it looks, the more it damages Democrats to be putting on something. If they're not going to let the president call his own witnesses, then to me, it's a sham and a farce, a kangaroo court, and we should completely dispel it and not even participate in it, because if you cannot call your own witnesses, if you cannot confront your own accuser, it is not a real trial. It is not fair by any standard of any kind of American jewisprudence. You have to be able to confront your accusers, and you have to be able to prove whether what you were asking for was true or not. If there was a corruption scandal there, and we can prove that it was corrupt, then all this nonsense of quid pro quo goes out the window, because what we're asking for is to reveal corruption. Under what circumstances you said you probably will disclose the whistleblower's name. You've gotten a lot of brushback over it. Everybody. It's it's not even a secret. I mean, it's so stupid at this point. But and I know Don Junior did mention it today. I know that Paul Sperry had it in his article. You know under you don't have any legal obligation. Not too apparently, his attorneys threatening anybody that does release the name. What are the circumstances under which you might do this? Well, first of all, I would say that I wish no one harm, including the whistleblower. I've been a victim of political violence twice. I was at the ballfield when Steve Scalise was almost killed. A staff member was shot ten feet from me. Bullets were flying all around me. I'm aware of political violence. I guess the bottom line is nobody wishes anybody harm. But I will tell you that it's unseemly for this attorney who's representing the whistleblower to now be threatening us that if we speak out, that he's going to do something to us. To me, that sounds like he's trying to intimidate away our freedom and our ability to speak out well respects. It's called freedom of speech, dude. There's nothing in the statue that says it can't be revealed. My personal plan at this point is to see what the President's defense puts forward, to see if they ask for people to be subpoena, including the whistleblower. I think there's two reasons he can be subpoenaed. One because he's an accuser in the sixth Amendment. I want the whistleblower subpoened, Shift subpoenaed, Joe and Hunter subpoenaed. Then we'll get some real truth. Ram Paul Kentucky, Thank you, sir, eight hundred and nine for one Sean Tolfree telephone number. We'll get to your calls next hour. Bill O'Reilly is up next. We'll get his take on all the madness out of the sewer, the swamp of Washington, and what he makes of all this impeachment madness as we continue, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. In the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show, and a new transcript out tonight, this ambassador details how Sean Hannity's attacks on her and his alleged support of aspects of the Ukraine plod made it to the highest levels of the State Department. The Secretary of State says that he will call Sean Hannity to try to find out what the deal is with this whisper campaign of slander that is being directed at her to get her removed the fact that at one point in time, Secretary of Pompeo said he had to call Sean Hannity to find out what US foreign policy was in one of these transcripts. So, I mean, the level of insanity and craziness and venality is just unmatched. She basically saying, he got Steve Media's out to get you right right now. That's what that is. That's the that's that's the that's you know, what would happened with tasks, you know, in the Soviet Union in nineteen seventy four. It's like Steve Media's turned against you. The only way to get the guys in State media to back off is to offer a sacrifice to the gods. All right, there's the media madness. So typical anyway, news round up information, overload our Sean Hannity show. We actually went back on Hannity. I mean, this became a big story. This if Sean Hannity's running foreign policy and Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State, had to call him and other people the State Department had to call him. We go back in the transcripts. I don't know anything about this woman and all honesty. One night, I asked one question, is this woman involved in like you know, looking at our social media because I had read it, or John Solomon had said something. The genial made a reference once or twice. Levin made one reference, Solomon made like one reference. I know nothing about this woman. I got no call from the State Department, by either Secretary of State Pompeo or by anybody else of the State Department. And I can honestly tell you I've never spoken to anybody from Ukraine that I know of ever in my life. I know at one point my staff was trying to get in touch with the prosecutor that Biden demanded fired for an interview that but not me. I remember, I didn't call anybody in Ukraine. And this is how sick and twisted and ugly and corrupt and what liars this mob in the media are. I am part of. It makes me want to laugh. I mean, they think I have all this power. The only one that might know the truth that is not true is Bill O'Reilly. By the way, his best selling book is on bookstores everywhere, and Bill O'Reilly dot com, Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. The United States of Trump, how the president really sees America. Bill. I've never talked to anybody that I know is from Ukraine ever in my whole life, not one time. Well, I happen to know you haven't paid your phone bill in four months, so they wouldn't put through anyway. I'm listening to the Sun and the secret, dark, shadowy underbelly of foreign policy run by Hannity. I mean, part of me just laugh because it's so false and dumb and stupid. Well you know it is. There's two off shoes to this story. The one is that what the woman purported alleged didn't happen. It was a total lie. So she was an Obama holdover. By the way, you do know that right, this is Obama's ambassador Andy. I gotta tell you, I don't care who these people are follow it. I mean they can say what the good humor man has more credibility. When I got the toasted amen for you over here, toasted, i'man is my favorite? Now your favorite? Come on? So best. The one thing is that, okay, so the woman says that State Department is conferring with you about foreign policy issues, and you say, um, no, that's never happened. I believe you. I think anybody would believe you. Why would my country Mike Pompeo graduated I think number one in his class. Where did he go to Harvard? Uh? No, I don't think it is to confer with Sean Hannity on foreign the fact that you say it didn't happen. See, this is what I'm trying to get across. So you say it didn't happen, right, Okay, So your next door neighbor says something didn't happen, the guy down the street says something didn't happen. In America, unless you have proof that what you Sean Annie is saying it is not true, we are required to accept your word. That is called due process, bro. I would have no problem. Wait. Wait, So if you're an American and you believe in the constitution and the tenets of our justice system and it's until proven guilty, and someone says, hey, I didn't do it or this never happened, then you say, okay, let's see what if they're overriding proof that it did happen. No, it's just this loopy woman's word and doesn't mean anything because she can't back it up. So then you say, all right, so due process must be respected if we're going to have the United States we've always had. But the media doesn't respect it. So they take anything negative against Trump, or against Kennedy, or against O'Reilly or against anyone that they don't like, and they put it forth as fact. Now to me that that is an abomination, that that disqualifies them as a journalist and be decent people. So that's where I'm coming from on this. You know, you look, you're watching what's going on. Like everybody else. They've offered Donald Trump no due process that the Republicans and New Gingrich afforded then President Bill Clinton during his impeachment, or the due process and every consideration to Richard Nixon's team. None of that exists. And then the guy that's running this is a is compromised. He's a fact witness, he's we already know he's corrupt, we know he's a congenital liar. For three years he's been telling the country is all this evidence of Trump Russia collusion, and yet nobody is demanding that he get off the case because he has an obvious conflict that he himself gets subpoened what was his contact with the non whistleblower here say whistleblower. Everyone's freaking out that the idea that we might find out who the whistleblower is on Bill o I already know too. Yeah, if you want to know who the whistle blower is, you go to Bill O'Reilly dot com. I named the guy and I gave you his resume because I don't believe that he's a whistleblower. He's not. I mean, I don't believe he is investigation. He is a guy who came in to do a specific subversive task. That's what he did. That's not a whistle blower. He's not somebody who he has skin in the game. And so I put his name out there and his resume out there. If you want to go to Bill o'reiley dot com. But you know what's going to happen. Let's advance this story a week from now when the Peachman hearings are going to be and Limbi at a great line to say, he goes, you know, we're gonna have a peachment hearings for the public on Wednesday. Then Thursday they'll take a day off so the media can lie about what happened on Wednesday. It was a pretty good line, exactly what's going to happen. All right, So but here's what I think is going to happen. On the unintended consequence, decide. I think ship is going to become Joseph McCarthy. So went down in the fifties when the people on television saw him, saw him and saw how ridiculous and how talk about lack of do process and talk about how vile he was, his whole world blew up. I think the same thing's going to happen Adam Shift, because even if you don't like Trump, his behavior is so abysmal. He has no semblance of fairness at all. And his hatred for Trump is going to come out. It's going to be in your living room, and I think that's going to hurt him. I think he's going to be done after this. Explain to me how we've all read the transcript. So all these other people's interpretation of the transcript, the actual transcript, the actual call, the actual words are meaningless. What I hear in the transcript is okay, we know a Ukrainian court decided and ruled that, yeah, Ukraine was involved in election interference, Ukrainian officials admitted. Politico wrote at length about it January eleven, twenty seventeen. And they're saying quid pro quote. There's no quid pro quo. And I've identified four separate laws that Joe Biden on tape is bragging about having violated, and that is, if you care about a real quid pro quo, well, you got six hours, fire the prosecutor, you get a billion dollars. You don't fire the prosecutor, you don't get a billion dollars. He was warned by The New York Times that this Ukrainian prosecutor, Shokin was investigating his son, so he leveraged a billion US tax dollars for an official act in Ukraine, so his son, with zero experience in Ukraine oil gas or energy, can continue to make millions of dollars. Now, I'd like to see Hunter and Joe and Schiff and the whistle blower non whistle blower under oath, Bill Well. I hope a Hunter sent his dad a nice gift for Father's Day. I mean a number one. I'd like to know if you know come on number two. The fact that there is a transcript released by the federal government of the phone call between two heads of state. That creates reasonable doubt. So reasonable doubt is something that in a court of law is a basis for acquittal. That's the importance of the transcript. So you have a transcript there. It is see what happened, and that's reasonable doubt about any ill intent. Bye, thanks for coming on in. It's over. It's not they're going to do. I agree on the impeachment, but I'll tell you what I want. I want an investigation. Now we've identified bill. Let me just and I've been going through this because nobody else that seems in the media, in the mob is up for actually looking at the law. Fifteen USC. Seventy eight. Quote, it is illegal for a US person Biden to coerce or influence through bribery or extortion. You fire him, You've got a billion a foreign nation into taking action. Oh fire the prosecutor that might financially benefit that person is family hunter. And then I have three other statutes, the bribery statute, public offering statute, all of them it fits it to a t bill. Do we have equal justice under the law? We have equal application of the laws in this country anymore? Bill O'Reilly. Well, maybe Durham's going to look into that. The US attorney investigating the Shenanigans in the twenty sixteen election. So you let it out pretty well. I'm sure the State Department Justice knows what Biden did. Biden, by the way, has been hurt by this. I mean he'd been hurt I think more than Trump, even though Trump is wud go through it on a day to day basis. Biden have a lot of credibility among the independent folks in America. I mean, they see him as an old time Paulum. They see that this was something that he should not have done. So I think in the long run, Biden gets hurt more than Trump on this issue. But you know, as we discussed last week on the Sean had a radio program, if Biden were to win the presidency the day after the inauguration, he'd yeah to hey, hey, come on and Joe, we got spot for you. Everybody stay where they are. Bill O'Reilly's with us. Bill O'Reilly dot com. As new book is sell like Gangbusters. It's called The United States of Trump. How the President really sees America? Amazon dot Com, Bill O'Reilly dot com Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. When we come back, actually have an announcement about me and Bill O'Reilly. We'll get that. We'll get to that in a second. All right. As we continue, Bill O'Reilly's with us. His book is going gangbusters. It's the United States of Trump, how the President really sees America, and get it on his website, Bill O'Reilly dot com, Amazon dot com, Hannity dot com, bookstores everywhere. Um, all right, So on December fifteenth, in Long Island, where we both live, you have an event in Huntington, correct, yep, that the Paramount Theater, the Understanding Trump Tour, the Understanding Trump Tour. Okay, and that, by the way, that's one one ten in Huntington, across the street from Little Vinnie's Pizza. Right, yeah, Little Vinnie really gets a good pie out there. Let me tell you that pizza is off the hook, amazing. Right, Lenny, so O'Riley has invited me and he said, I'm going to give you the mic. Can go for as long as you want. By the way, that was a really dumb thing to tell me, I speach. I went an hour and a half without stopping in Chicago, and Detroit this weekend. We have a device. Well, it's very kind of you. Hanny's going to come and introduce me on the fifteenth. Well, no, no, no, I get I got at least fifteen minutes on stage two. You know, all right, I gotta tell my joke. It's fine as long as people don't start throwing stuff at you. But I send you a boatload of free tickets today. There's only one hundred tickets left for the show. It's just about sold out. Did you mail it to my house? Oh okay, you mailed it to my house. Yeah, we sent it. We sent the tickets. But this is all flattering to you. You're so big, Hannity. Now you're huge. The funny thing is is like, well, people ask me, well, why is Hannity's name pop up? Because I'm doing my job. My job is to dig for information. Look, they fear you, just as they feared me when I was doing The Oiley Factor. So they're gonna do anything they can. But your audience knows is bs they do, and it actually helps your radies people tune in to see this car. Anny has a confession to make tonight at nine. Oh, I have no clue who this lady is. We only mentioned they're in passing like three or four times. I never talked to Pompeio or anyone else at State, and I've never talked to anybody that from Ukraine ever unless I met at an American Ukrainian and I don't even know about it. Yeah, listen, it's impossible anyway, because you're on the air so much on radio on TV, and then in your spare time you're always doing kung fu. You can't you can't talk. You know what, No, I don't. I do mixed martial arts. Bill. It's an eclectic blend of BGI, Brazilian jiu jitsu, krav magaw, kempo boxing, and situational street fighting. And by the way, you don't ever want to fight me because you're gonna lose. No what I bring guys to beat you up. But you have the little outfit, you have, the little white thing. Oh, I do it in sweatpants and a T shirt and a baseball hat on backwards, Bill, if you really want to know the details, Grashopper, No, they don't call me grasshopper. By the way, I do hit the heavy bag. You know what, Why don't you come for a day and train in my dojo and meet my sense and let's see if you can hit the heavy bag bare knuckles for like more than a minute without you know, bleeding. I listen, I am a man of twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. I know this is driving everybody nuts. I know it's infuriating. I know it's three years of never ending witch hunts. Lies. Uh you know, hoax conspiracy theories. I honestly, and I've been talking about it because it just is, It's just it just total lies. You know, this woman say that Hannity got a got got a beat down from Secretary pomp No, I didn't. And she's acting like we talked about her a lot. I don't even know who she is except she's an Obama holdover, former Ukrainian ambassador. That's it. I know very little to nothing about her. There was one article about, you know, whether or not she was looking I guess at social media, you know, checking out Hannity and John Solomon and other people, and all right, so I asked Solomon, did she do that? That's that was the extent of my questioning about her allegations, and Mike Pompeo is gonna call Sean Hannity. Mike Pompeo never called Sean Hannity. I don't even know who this woman is. No nothing about her and the mob and the media, they go insane and nuts and they just, you know, with the most bizarre conspiracy theories. I don't know if I should laugh or cry. It's so pathetic. They lie so often, just unbelievable, and they just did. But they don't want to know the truth. I mean, this is the really ugly, twisted underbelly of the mob in the media. Now you know why I call him the mob. They've got a mob mentality. They don't do any research. You know. Not one person in this corrupt mob media ever picked up the phone and said, hey, Hannity, is any of this is true? Not one person ever thought to call me and ask me, is any of this true? Because I would have said nope, not one word of it. They could have gone back on our show and looked at all the transcripts, because four times we've been able to discover the lady's name came up in passing that was it and in an innocuous way, on top of everything else. You know, you want to know the greatest evidence. As we go through this latest news cycle, we already know there's been nothing but a hoax, conspiracy theory, his lies, slander, libel, besmirchment, propaganda, misinformation, you know, rage, psychosis, trump painting, madness. I mean, they just cannot control themselves. You know, look at it. Look at his poor kid, Nicholas sam Man. I agree, it's a racist. He said, no, Nicholas Samman, just the opposite. That kid showed more calm, was more centered, showed more self restraint than I could ever show in my life. And then he's bludgeoned as a racist, as a maga kid, as a guy that confronted the black Hebrew Israelites and Nathan Phillips as Native American. None of it was true, none of it, and they ran with that story and ran with that. So I pummeled this fifteen, sixteen year old kid because he had a maga hat on first time in Washington. Welcome to the Welcome to the sewer kid. Now he's not a public figure. He's gonna He's got Lynn Wood as his attorney. You know, Lynnwood, Charles Harder. Yeah, you don't want to go up against either one of those guys. They're the best libel attorneys, slander attorneys in the country. He's gonna be a wealthy kid. He's gonna win tons of money. There's gonna be a lot of settlements we'll never hear about, in millions and millions and millions of dollars, and he deserves every penny of it. You know. The greatest example today of their mob sick, twisted, ugly mentality is we're supposed to read the transcript and here that the President wants to get to something that liberal Democrats and the mob and the media told us was important election interference by a foreign country, in this case Ukraine helping Hillary in twenty sixteen, and he's saying, help us get to the bottom of it. That would be faithfully executing the laws of the country to stop election interference from outside countries. That's the right thing that the president did. When you know, here we have identified again and again four separate statutes that you know, sleepy, creepy crazy uncle Joe three O three three oh likely and my interpretation violated when he bragged about you got six hours, six hours. Fire the guy, or you're not getting the billion. You fire him, you get the billion. You don't fire me, you don't get the billions. Okay, quid pro quo Joe. And we also know it's on the record. Joe knew that that prosecutor his name is Shokin, was investigating Hunter Biden, his son and Baris Beholdings that was paying him millions or were they paying them millions? Four? Certainly not any He had no experience in Ukraine, oil, gas or energy. Why were they paying him? Now we have the State Department documents that show exactly why they were paying them. Well, there are two prominent Americans that are associated. We like the State Department to stop all these investigations into Baris mahole things. One of the people even that sits on our board is Hunter Biden. Oh okay, there you go. Quid pro quo Joe. He leveraged tax dollars for an official act, and the mob defends it. The mob makes excuses for it. The mob doesn't do their job. Why because they're corrupt, they're compromised, their agenda driven, their liars. They are propagandists, all of them. There is no honest media. They have talk radio, a few of us, and then you've got a few of us Fox News. That's it, Oklahoma, Chris Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Chris, John, How are you, sir? I'm doing great about yourself. I'm good. Hey, listen. I had a little concern about that call that it's been played maybe once or twice on your show with mister Biden. Yeah, and I was wondering he one thinks that was we don't focus on as he said, call him. What are you speaking about? Who? Barack Obama? No, he was, he said, Calbara, Calbarack. He'll tell you. Does anybody know Frank did call him? Or no idea? But by the way, I could legitimate question. Great question. Remember by the way, also there's no you don't have a counterintelligence investigation like Operation Crossfire Hurricane unless a president that would be Obama approves it. Another thing he's got, you know, he's a calfmaster, so I'm sure he had color on him with Obama a little bit. He probably had people in his entourage that we're sending notes back to Obama. There's a couple of bilit probability here. I would say, look, I will yeah, I am telling you if Joe Biden, if his name were Donald J. Trump, this would be the biggest story every second, every minute, every hour of every day. And I'll tell you the other thing. Probably if it was Vice President Trump doing what Joe Biden is bragging about, there would be an indictment of former Vice President Trump. That's how corrupt this whole system, this disgusting swamp has become imposed. Listen. I want the whistled blower, non whistleblower deposed. I want I want the compromise corrupt, the coward, the congenital liar, Adam Shift deposed. I want Joe Biden deposed, and I want Hunter Biden to pose. Yeah, I want him all to post. And I want the transcripts. Now that we're into releasing transcripts, I want all the transcripts of every call Joe Biden never had with any Ukrainian official. I want the transcripts of any phone calls Joe Biden ever had with the Chinese and any other country where his son was making millions. I want the transcriptions of the calls after quote Obama had more flexibility after his reelection with Vladimir Putin and any other Russia an official, and I want the transcripts of calls with Obama and the Mullahs and high ranking officials in Iran before he turned around and gave those murdering terrorists one hundred and fifty billion. Yeah, I'd like all those transcripts out the concern too. Just it's a part of love story back about Clinton era between Cargo Steiner, you remember him, Yeah, remember and his wife Uma Amadean. You know how they went after calling. That's think it's about time, you know, since she's still married to him, that she's looking to get out of that love story. I've put the collar on him if I was fired, excuse me her and try to get her to what happened with Listen, Democrats stick together, Republicans. You don't kill each other, you know. It's like always a circular firing squad. Steve is in Florida. What's up, Steve? It says you're a Bernie supporter. What's up, Steve? Yeah? Yeah, Sean, I sure him? Right, Okay, Well I'm not well, you know I am. I'm talking a couple of days. I mean, you posted on your I follow you on Twitter a lot, and you posted how the stock market, the S and T, the NASDAC is at all time highs. You know, thanks logic to Trump in his policies. Is that right. It's not my big issue the stock market. I've said that the zillion times on the air. I mean, it's an indicator. It's one indicator. But you know, you got to remember about the stock market while it effects, it impacts people's retirement four one ks and other issues. You know, I don't trust the stock market, and I recommend people be very cautious because and I have a rule that my financial guy uses, if you need the money in ten years, don't put it in the stock market because but over time usually you'll see a dramatic increase that's been proven again and again. But it's not my I don't like it as a means of investment. I don't well, oh okay, but I don't have any retirement. I don't have a four O one K. I'm a three time three tour rock tour event. Well thank you for well, you know, I'm I'm pretty much scraped and buy in life right now. So you know, I'm really and I gotta I want to see one of the reasons why I'm a Bernie supporter. I saw you posted on Twitter of a of a billionaire. I can't cop in or something I think is I don't know. He said he was crying over his having to choose between Trump and Elizabeth Warren. I'm really sick and tired of hearing what like people who absurdly rich think. I mean, just why do you hate rich people? Why? Why why do you hate rich people? Well, first of all, I think they have way too in, way too much influence in politics and society. To George Siros, then you know, I'm gonna tell you something. I never got a job from a poor person, you know that. And I had nothing when I started my my life as an adult, nothing, no money whatsoever. I'm gonna tell you what you need to understand, Steve, I it sounds great the government. How did how did Obamacare workout? Keep your doctor planet, save money? Need to shut up? I need to shut up. Yeah, show my face to show. By the way, you're not funny, okay, So nice to have people call the show. When why are you laughing? I just special people, you know. I always find it amazing these keyboard warrior warriors, these people on their phones, They're just crazy. And when they have nothing left to say, shut up, they just that's what they resort to. It's embarrassing. I feel sorry for him. I don't feel sorry for him. I feel very sorry for him. His life is very sad. He's sad, he's pathetic. Uh. You know this is where Bob Graham would say, Hey, get off fi phone, you creep now what. We'll take a break on that note. We'll take a break on that note. So at this point, can you rule out the fact that there will be any criminal referrals as it relates to this new fight abuse report that is coming out? Can you rule that out. I'm not gonna speak to that issue one way or the other. My understanding is from reports that and from your letter that you have official, officially given the FIS abuse work that you've done over to be reviewed by the appropriate parties at DJ. Is that correct. So we've given our factual findings to the department for their marking. What we then do once we get it back, Whether we have to go back and forth on the markings is one issue. Once those are final, we then take that and try and write our public report from that right because we want to make as much of this public. Sometimes we'll have to either redact information or write around it, but that would be the next stage after this. So still quite final yet. You know, I'm going back to the interview that we had with John Solomon earlier. I mean, this is pretty amazing that apparently there's another report that the IG is done, mostly apparently about the FBI and Steel, annoying Steel was corrupt going back as far as twenty fifteen, and that that would probably come out separate and apart and ahead of the Fiser report, which he and my sources have all been saying is going to shock the conscience and it's devastating. But if the FBI knew that Steel was incredible as far back as twenty fifteen, and then they got specific warnings from Bruce Or and Kathleen Cavalac, don't trust Steel, don't trust the dossier. Hillary paid for it, It's tainted, and then they still used it as the basis of their Fiser warrant, that is that is a devastating one two combo because everything we've been saying about premeditated fraud on a FISA court and the multiple warnings it's premeditated because they were warned repeatedly steals tainted, hates Trump, Hillary paid for it, and it's not verified. But then on top of a FIS application it says verified. And it is getting more fascinating by the moment. I mean, this could actually be happening simultaneously with this phony secret Soviet style impeachment coup attempt. Even that's more fascinating. So we're watching all of those stories unfold. Eight sun is a number, by the way, that's going to wrap things up, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News Channel. There might be some bleed over the president's rally tonight. We'll probably cover some of that, not all of it, because it will probably be done. Matt Gates, Larry Elder, Tammy Bruce, Tonight, Lee Smith, who wrote this incredible behind the scenes story about the deep State. John Solomon will join us with his new breaking news and tonight he's going to give us a preview of the Inspector General's report. You won't get it in anywhere else. That's nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you then at nine. Thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow,