Cabot Phillips, Media Director of Campus Reform, is here to discuss the rampant reaction, which was both incorrect and misinformed, regarding the Covington School students. The attacks on these minors and their families from adults, whether it’s threatening to punch them in the face like CNN’s Bakari Sellers or burning them alive while trapped in the school; it’s all repulsive. The school had to be closed early this morning because of threats that they would be attacked and that the violent group Antifa would be protesting on their campus.
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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. All right, glad you with us right down our to free telephone number. We'd love to have you be a part of the program. A lot coming up today, Hannity, watch the rise of socialism in the United States, right before your eyes, the transformation of the Democratic Party into the radical leftist, extreme socialist Democratic Party. And it is it is the base. You want to know why Nancy Pelosi cannot sit down with Donald Trump, cannot accept the invitation, the many invitations to go to the White House. You know why Nancy's flying a Hawaii, wanting to fly all over the world and not deal with it, is because her base is going to take her speakership away. So she doesn't have a choice. I mean the president's offer. Before you even made the offer, I thought they cared about Dota, TPS and all these other issues. And the President reaches out to Democrats saying, right, this is everything you wanted, including what they wanted the wall just four years ago. Apparently doesn't matter. They just they can't do it. They won't do it. There's a story today about an illegal immigrant arrested for killing four and a month long span in Nevada. Yeah, but you know, don't worry because the House Democrats apparently no longer think radical Islamic terrorism as a threat to national security. Washington Times reports, So now that you want to stop investigating terror threats and devote those same resources to investigating Trump. To them, Trump is the biggest threat. The more I dig deeper and deeper into this whole issue of what is what happened with not only BuzzFeed but these Covington kids, it is so indicative of how bad things have gotten. I mean, it's really bad out there. The media is really corrupt, they're really abusively biased. They as anybody in the media for a second ever taken the time to go and you know, say this, Harry, that they rushed to judgment how a couple of people they saw Jamie Lee Curtis did. I didn't see many others doing it, though, I don't. You know, we watched Sunday and you know, you see people like Chuck Todd. They're just angry that well, now we're gonna be tard as a group because of this BuzzFeed mistake. Well his group, by the way, rushed to judgment on those kids and called them racist right off the bar, right out of the box. The president now has weighed in on Covington, and these high school students said they're treat it unfairly and smeared by the media. It makes a point. You know, if you're gonna be president, I guess you'd expect a certain amount of that, but you wouldn't expect what's happening now Fox News reporting today the First Amendment, there are limits, doesn't allow you to shout fire in a crowded movie theater. But what happens when the fake fraud media gins up their bogus story that puts hundreds of high school students in danger reminds me a lot of what happened in the Ducal Cross case. You know, Duke, La Cross was another example of Sean Hannity being outside the mainstream, standing out there saying, hang on a second, due process, don't rush the judgment, presumption of innocence, And there were things about that story. There were warning signs everywhere. I'll never forget the newspaper, Duke, you know that what eighty professors throwing these kids down the stairs, just rushing to call them all guilty. Why because they're they're athletes. They don't like the athletes on campus, athletes think too much of themselves on campus. Was that their attitude? Well, a lot of these schools they don't mind taking the money of that athletic brings into the school and don't share it with the kids. You know, a lot of these kids get injuries and playing college football and other sports that last a lifetime. You know. But it's you know what happens when the phony news media on Friday. Now, let me just go back because this is important, the BuzzFeed fiasco on Friday. The problem isn't just BuzzFeed. This is only the latest example. Later on, Cheryl Atkinson's going to join us from Sinclair who worked at CBS, and they wouldn't report her stories. And don't forget, she was spied upon herself and as you know, been exposed because they didn't like her reporting anyway. But the problem is beyond BuzzFeed, because you get thousands of garbage stories that take on a life of their own. I mean, Friday was just the latest greatest example. The week before it was manufactured crisis. The Democrats, the media in total sinc It's like I don't even know if they talk to each other, but they just think the same way, and they help each other out, and they advanced the same propaganda, lies and misinformation, and to hell with anybody who gets smeared, slandered, or besmirched in the process. You know, a thousand garbage stories out there that are reported on the Internet every day. By the way, the biggest errors. Cheryl has the definitive list of the big mistakes on Trump, will put it up on Hannity dot com. You know. But I gotta tell you something, there are other Internet sites that have more credibility than the mainstream media and BuzzFeed. All BuzzFeed did was feed the fantasy, the hopes, the inner desires, the dreams, the giddiness of the news media in this country to get Trump. How many times a week? This is it? We got them? Got them? Is it? Well? If it's true? And then they go from if it's true, then they spend the next ten hours talking about the issue as if it's true, just because you say, if it's true, he should be impeached, and then say the word impeachment two hundred times. And that's what BuzzFeed gave them their manner for heaven for that day. Never mind that there was so many different opportunities for them to check themselves. Like you know, it was a little bit suspicious when the two reporters on the story used anonymous sources and gave two separate interviews and one of them, one of the reporters, says, no, we didn't see the underlying materials, and then the other one, the other guy, say oh, yeah, we saw the underlying materials. That was a warning sign. You know, nobody checked this guy Leopold and his atrocious track record. Wasn't that hard to dig it up? Well? We had to do is use Google. That's how easy that would have been for them if they cared. You know, here's a guy that you know, was a finalist, we find out for a Pulitzer Prize in twenty eighteen for an investigative peace on Putin in Russia. But years prior he had a ton of scandals. Oh that's right, he claimed the Carl Rove, Oh was gonna be indicted. Whoopsie Daisy, sorry about that and all the other problems that he's had. You know, the fake news, hey Trump media, you know their fiascos and now with regularity, and it doesn't stop because this is what they want to have happened. You know, but here you got now these kids at Covington Catholic School, they had to cancel classes today because of these threats, because of the violence that is being threatened against them. Just like look at you know, I took time during the Duke lacrosse case. I actually went out to Long Island to the homes of one of the kids, talked to the parents, talked to a couple of the kids, heard directly from them. They had to prove their innocence in that case. Literally they had Oh here they are on tape going back to the dorm at this time. Oh here they are taking out money from a bank. It took an enormous amount of money and resources. Now I'm sure the Duke and everybody else had to pay money at some point. Hasn't been reported on. You know, you got people on social media. You know, look at Kathy Griffin. Kathy, you know, she's the one that holds up a decapitated image of the president's had bloodied so his eleven year old son can see it. You know, she called for the students to have their private information revealed on social media, which is a practice known as doxing. And you had freelance vulture journalist wishing death on the students, which resulted in his termination. Subsequent video footage, however, revealed that the students were accosted and yelled at before it was Indigenous people activists there and before Phillips and other Native American activists approached the group. If you watch the video, the first video showed the end of that moment when the Native American leader was He says he was praying and hitting his drum as part of a prayer and a ritual, and then the kid said himself, well, I just wanted to smile and show that we are not a threat. But they but they walked over to him. And this was after You've got this crazy group of people, the black Hebrew Israel Lights that are racist and anti Semitic and just vicious and vile in the tapes. Then we got that footage and then the whole story flipped and it revealed the students for the ones being accosted yelled at before Phillips another Native American activists approached them. No, I don't doubt the intention that they were trying to calm the waters there that I don't know what happened. I wasn't there, but the so called black Hebrew Israel lights were shouting abuse at the students for wearing their Make America Great Again hats. A bunch of child Moleston. See how you got these compass back that hand in the middle of a Native rally with a dirty head on. You got all these dirty cra behind you with a red with a red Make America Great head again on and your coolies. You want to fight your brother? A bunch of baby A bunch of babies, dirty ass crackers. By the way, Saturday Night Live NBC, one of their writers offered have oral sex to anyone who punches out the Covington High Maga kid. That person's gonna get fired. Be interesting to watch. And we've got some other issues that have come out here. But you know, it's all been. It's over twenty four hours and still Kathy Griffin wants these kids ducked. You know, we have an MPR talk show host using the Coveny kids to claim the wall is about xenophobia and about race. No it's not. It's about stopping heroin and criminals and potential terrorists from walking across our border. Well, you're calling all the people that come to the no I say, ninety eight percent of good people that want a better life, but we're asking them to do it eas and we're asking them to do it legally. And you know, they just push this and pushed this, and they learn nothing, obviously from the BuzzFeed incident on Friday. And it doesn't matter. The damage is already done. Class has already been canceled. These kids lives now forever altered, never given the presumption of innocence or the benefit of the nout ever. And that is what is represented by left wing radical what is now the radical left wing socialist Democratic Party in America today, identity politics that rules all way. Do you hear the things that Acasio Cortez, She thinks the world is ending in twelve years. By the way, Bill Cunningham is going to give us a report at the bottom of the half hour as he's from this area. One thing that is not political, it's smoking. 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The world is ending in twelve years the new radical leftist extreme socialist Democratic Party lead leader Alexandria Casio Cortez. I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people and you know, gen Z and all these books that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. And your biggest issue is your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it, and like this is the war, this is our World War two. The planet has a fever. Ye. By the way, the White House is going forward with the State of the Union address. We'll have more on the rise Hannity watch on the rise of democratic extremist radical socialism. This is why Nancy Pelosi poles show Democratic voters, by the way, support the president in the Wall. Political has a story out today. Pressure mounting on Nancy Pelosi to stopper obstructionism and agree to the compromise that the President offered on Saturday, which it looks like. I think we'll see what happens in the House. I guess the vote will come by the end of the week this week. But he offered the deal everything that Democrats said they want about Dhaka, etc. And in order to get the wall, which they had once supported. Anyways, Harris survey found majorities of both Republicans and Democrats say they favored building some type of barrier in high crime areas along the US Mexico border. I think they understand the dangers of having open borders. The ninety percent of heroin in our country that comes from south of our border, and one prominent Democrat literally begging the president, you know, to declare a national emergency to build the wall Joe Mansion. And I think they may come down to that President will have no choice. They won't sit down. They say they won't even have a conversation with the President. How many times can the President offer them what they want, offer them to come sit down and discuss the issues, and they won't do it because they fear the border wall debate is gonna doom The parties pretend moderates like, you know, you got this guy Jones and Alabama Doug Jones. He's not gonna win in twenty twenty. He's gonna lose. Have the Democratic chair of the House Homeland Security Committee saying he's open to the Trump border wall, Representative Benny Thompson, Mississippi. So you're now getting cracks that we didn't see before. All I gotta take a break. We'll get into the radical leftist New Socialist Democratic Party as our Hannity Watch segment on that comes up later in the day. Also, we when we come back, we'll go to Covington. Our friend Billy Cunningham knows the area well. It's where he broadcasts from and he will join us. Coming up next as we continue gladuate with us Sean Hannity show, Why pay your hard earned money to join an organization that fought for a government run healthcare system and stood against tax cuts for middle class Americans and small business owners. That's AARP. Join AMAC, the conservative alternative, same money saving benefits of AARP without the liberal agenda. Stand with AMAC as they fight the good fight. Become a member today. Join now at AMAC dot us slash better AMAC dot us slash better I twenty five now tilth the top of the hour. The state of the Union will go forward. Details will be coming when they become available, we'll share them with you. Also, the latest in the battle of Nancy Pelosi missing in action and obviously no concern about either furloughed workers or the ninety percent of heroin coming into the country, or the fact that there's a story a guy I arrested out in Nevada. Oh, it looks like he killed four people. Appears to be an illegal immigrant. That just being reported today. We'll get to the Acasio World ending in twelve years Radical Socialist Democratic Party of Today. Also, but first we head to the great city of Cincinnati. Sean Hannity, Welcome to the Belly Cunningham Show. You're a great American. I want a full report on all that's going on with Covington and this high school. Sean Hanny, how are you? What's up, my friend? How are you? Well? You know I was born in Covington. I'm a Catholic. Yes, I know. A whole bunch of teachers and coaches and students at cub Casts And for those listening around the nation, Cubcast is a middle class not shall I say elite, and is in middle class high school with working moms and dads who send their kids there. This morning at ten am, about ten or fifteen protesters showed up in Covington, and the mayor of Covington, a liberal Democrat named Joe Meyer, shows up at the protest to protest racism and the city of Covington that he controls. Now, the Bishop, a guy named Foys, on Saturday issued a condemnation of Covington Catholic when Bishop Boys is the bishop of the school, and then earlier today he launched an investigation in classic aim fire ready style. By the way, and Father Edward Beck said, my feelings haven't changed. You know this, Becky right, the guy. I watched them on Fox News earlier today. And these boys, this is something I spoke to one of the chaperones who said, none of the boys went there with megahats. None of the boys had megahats. Someone on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial passed out twenty or thirty megahats. They strongly suspect that the Nathan Phillips group are those Black Hebrews who are terribly confused about something may have sparked this by handing out the hats themselves. And these boys are waiting for a bus to pick them up. Well, let me go back to because this all got started. Yeah, I mean, you're right. I mean I went to a similar type of grammar and high school, Catholic, very middle class, not extravagant, not that expensive, very common. I went twelve years for eight years in grammar school, four years in high school. But you know where this all began. As you have this group called the Black hebrew is reel lights that are racist and anti Semitic and frankly just vile. Uh. This is you know, calling the kids crackers and all sorts of things and provoking the kids and to their credit, they didn't respond that much to them. Here's what they were saying to the kids, a bunch of child molest See how you got these compass back on that hand, in the middle of a Native rally with a dirty head on. You got all these dirty behind you with a red with a red make America great head again on? And your coolies? You want to fight your brother, A bunch of indies, a bunch of babies. This rush to judgment eerily similar to what we saw we always see in the media, in the case of UVA or in the case of Duke Lacrosse, everybody rushes to judgment. Remember the professors out of Duke Lacrosse, they rushed to judgment, put a letter in the in the school newspaper condemning these kids. Whatever happened to due process and the presumption of innocence? Bill Cunningham, Sean Hannity, what happened here? You know, there's certain boxes you check if you're a left wing liberal, progressive activist. Check the box, mail check, white check, pro life rally check, mega hat wearing check, Catholic check. They checked all the boxes, and so they came into this with preconceived notions as to how weak Catholics act. And because these were boys and all those boxes were checked, they put onto the event their own prejudices. And when the videotape came out, and Fox has done a great job the last couple of nights playing these video, at no point did these boys ever say built that wall. At no point did they do anything to arrest and Nathan Phillips, according to the Washington Times, never was in Vietnam. Well, then has fallen apart completely. Well, it gets worse than that, because then you got these kids, they had to cancel all the classes. Today, you've got Saturday Night Live as a writer of tweeting out that she's offering oral sex to anyone who punches out the Covington High MAGA kids. Then you've got you know, all these Hollywood stars, they're all rushing to judgment predictably, and Tim Robbins and John Cusack and you know the regular band of liberal Democrats, Will Lissa Milano and so many others. I mean, it's just it's mind numbing to me. Why didn't they just wait? Why does everybody? Let let me give you an example, Cambridge, Cambridge Police. Okay, George Zimmerman, Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, Duke Lacrosse UVA. Well is there, Richard Jewell? Are they ever gonna learn? They don't want to learn. Sean Hannity earlier today I had on Rob Sanders, as you may knows that Kent County prosecute him, and I said to Rob, I would assume after the activities of Monday and Tuesday today that things have calmed down. He said, the death threats are accelerating. The worst is that there's black suburban Chevrolet's driving around with individuals wearing headdresses. The Bishop Boys, who issues the original condemnation of his own boys on Saturday, has revised and extended his remarks, but they get death threats that they want the doors changed shut and the building burned to the ground. Using explatives, they have numerous of their boys as parents. Listen to this one. There are parents of that boy whose name I don't want to mention on your national show. But it's all over the place the boys parents. The parents' employer has received thousands and thousands of complaints that that mother is working at that company. Think about the mentality that goes after the mother of a Catholic high school boy to try to get her fired at her employer. That happened thousands of times Monday and today. Think about that mentality of hate from the radical left in this country, and the boys mother is under fire. But it's all predictable. And this is the problem. And in light of what happened Friday with BuzzFeed, you know, I printed out forty seven pages just from the year twenty seventeen from the Washington Examiner of all the stories that the media breathlessly reported about Donald Trump and as soon to be demise that all turned out to be false. Cheryl Atkinson, who was going to join us later, she has the sixty seven biggest one. That's biggest one, she's pointed out. But the media is gone. Bill, it's dead media. And Sean, you and I, I mean, I don't know what to say, because each of us want to pass on to our kids and grandchildren. You don't have them yet. I got a couple of them that leaves a better country than we found, and our parents gave us a great country, the United States of America. I fear we're headed for some sort of civil war incasioned by our media that doesn't do its job, and the social media completely past the drift. Are you concerned that down the road that you're going to pass off to your two beautiful kids a country different than the ones your parents gave you. I don't even think it's possible anymore. I'm worry about you know, look at Acasio Cortez. Millennials believe the world. Let me play this for you. Millennials believe the world will end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. Listen, I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people and you know, gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. And your biggest issue is your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? And like this is the war, this is our World War two, and like paying for it is important, like very important, Billy Cunningham or her seventy percent tax rate on people that make money, and problem is about the food, Sean Hannity, We've always had fools in American history. We have generational fools, like a like a cost you a Cortes. Did you hear in the background the hundreds or thousands of people cheering that comment. These characters come on the stage and leave. What about the fools to put them there? Those fools remain. Yeah, but there is Look if I call it Hannity watch on the rise of radical left wing socialism in America. But you know, we'll look at the comments of Comrade build the Blasio, who he likely wants to be president. There's a lot of money in New York, but it's just in the wrong hands. Or Alexandria A Costio Cortez proposing a seventy percent tax rate on people and also saying it's immoral for our economic system to allow billionaires to even exist. I don't know. Did they get the death penalty once you hit a billion dollars in net worth? I guess that's it. You're done, You're finished. The You know you you don't have a right to exist in America? What about liberty? Billy Cunningham? What about freedom? Billy Cunningham? What about those people? How did they get rich by working hard nineteen hours a day, providing goods and services and innovations that people want, need and desire. Or these ill gotten gains based on raping and pillaging the planet for profit, Sean Hannity, You and I know over time things are episodic, And what's going to happen in twenty twenty or twenty twenty four is God is my witness. Someone with the philosophies of Acasio Cortez or Elizabeth Warrem will be the president. Someone with the philosophies of Chuck Summer will be controlling the Senate, and someone like Nancy Pelosi, maybe not her, will be controlling the House. What happens to America when Acasio Cortez is in charge of the banks, the financial system, and the economy, someone like Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialists. What happens to the country that our children received from us when they're in charge. Now, there was a point at which we had a ninety percent tax rate, but the effective rate paid was twenty one percent, because everything you're doing in life was tax deductible. The effective rates is what matters, not the tax rates. So these characters will come on the stage and they'll lead. We watched it over our time together. They come and they go, but that a cheering in the background. Those who put them. They're the useful idiots who vote for people like that, they remain And because most kids identify today as socialist under the age of thirty, what does that say about our country when they vote in large numbers. I'll ask you another question and change topics on you add to this the BuzzFeed story, because this is on Sunday, the Covington kids story. But on Friday, the media went absolutely apoplectic about a story that there were numerous warning signs that I was given out Friday on my radio show Number one. The two authors, while they were anonymous sources, one says they actually saw the documentation. The other said they didn't. In separate interviews from saying, well, they wrote the piece, you would think they were both they're on the same page. They weren't. One of them was well known for getting big stories wrong, like oh, Carl Rove's gonna get indicted, but that's near neither here nor there. The hate Trump media, the hate Trump media. They kept saying, if it's true, and then they spend hour after hour after hour if it's true, and then go on to talk about impeachment on CNN fake News and MSNBC conspiracy Theory TV two hundred times they were mentioned impeachment Jake, Jake Tapper and Lester Holds wanted the story to be true, so they had the little proviso if true when they hoping, they were hoping in the UVA rape dormitory story Rolling Stone Magazine, everybody wanted the story to be true because it fit their prejudice with the Duke grape taste. It had to be true because Michael Knightfall, the prosecutor, could not applied. That guy eventually went to prison for Lyne. But the media wanted it to be true. Bus Feed on Friday, they really really wanted that story to be true because they finally they finally got Wiley Coyote. But basically, you got the roadrunner. Trump is the roadrunner and the wily coyote is the news media, and the road runner keeps getting away from wily coyote. And last week they thought, okay, we finally got the roadrunner, we got Trump, we got him now, and then the story blew apart and one thing every now and then CNN has a lucid moment, and Jeffrey Tuban made a lucid comment, of which he makes so few. He said that the people watching us believe the left wing crazy media reports lies, and this story feeds into that bias. It isn't a bias, Jeffrey Tubin, we know it's a lie. We know what they tell us. We can't trust. And when Jeffrey Tuban of CNN has a lucid moment and reports to his viewers, guess what, we're in trouble, they may not start believing us anymore. That's why their ratings are in the dumper. But the problem, but the problem is we get it every second of every minute of every hour of every twenty four hour day, hate trumpet of the coverage for twenty eighteen, twenty seventeen, ninety percent of media coverage of Donald Trump is negative. They I mean the surprise, said low. I thought it was higher than that. I don't see the ten percent. I don't see. Well, Hannity's on the air, there's a little there's a little hope there, Sean where the percent on cbsncositive? I'm telling you, I mean, I don't know what to tell you anymore. All right, Billy Cunningham, great American? Uh, great American. I don't know. Let's fight like warrior poets, be like William of Wallace on the Gaut's flowing out. But let's just fight and fight and fight against long shanks. Let's go after him. Uh. I remember what he said to uh, what was the guy's name? He goes, Uh, lead them. If you lead them, you'll follow, and so will I. We need leaders. We need people that will lead, and then people will follow. The love that. All right, Bill Cunningham, God bless you. You're a great American, sir. Thank you for joining us. And say hi to Tony the big dog bender who never calls me and tells me he's working again and he's too big and yeah, because he's now doing the big one and a little fifty five krc's not that thrilled with apparently, and it doesn't love us like he you once used to. We used to hate you, guys. Now he was happy when occasionally we'd beat you, not not beat you. Nobody ever beat you in Cincinnati. A right, I was born in coming Amcatholic. Alright, well, two strikes against jan you wear a Maga hat. You're dead? Uh, all right, thank you so much? All right, Hour two Sean Hannity Show Gladua with us toll free or numbers eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, you know, it was every single sign and bit of evidence on Friday that you better not rush to judgment on the BuzzFeed piece number one. They had already printed and put up the asier without any vetting whatsoever. Maybe some people found it informative. I even I did, actually I read it, because I when you read it, you actually laugh at it. That that became the basis of the FISA warrant is is appalling on so many different levels. But it turns out that everybody was wrong. Again. I have forty seven printed pages just of twenty seventeen alone of the media breathlessly hysterically whipping their audiences into a frenzy. We got them, we got him, we got him, never mind, never mind, we got him, we got him, we got him again, never mind, we got him, we got him, never mind. You know, eventually even the resistance is going to realize that they're just being lied to every day. But it's the typical rush to smear, slander, besmirch, and destroy the duly elected president of the American people. And while by the way, it's also biased in the sense of stories they don't cover. I mean, how could you not cover that Hillary Clinton should have been indicted in the twenty sixteen election, and it was all fixed for her by the top people of the FBI because they didn't want to do their job in her case. I doubt you're going to ever get away with erasing thirty three thousand subpoena emails and destroying your hard drive and destroying your vices. I don't think that's going to work out well for anybody, you know. But they had every obligation. They were all the signs were there if all they had to do was look. You know, one of the two co authors, Jason Leopold, as a long history of just making stuff up and issuing stories without actual sources. Of course, we're always back to anonymous sources. That's a standard operating fair these days. You know. We once falsely reported that Carl Rove would be indicted. His own memoir was canceled out of accurate concerns and issues. The two co authors of the piece, they were contradicting each other in separate interviews, one saying they saw the evidence, one saying they didn't see the evidence. There were enough fred flags for everybody to just say, WHOA, I don't trust this, We need to investigate it before we start spending hour after hour after hour after hour reporting on it. And for whatever reason, the news standard is if it's true. And then they spend an entire hour talking about something they have no idea whether it's true or not. And then late Friday night the Special Council releas as a statement saying it's not true. And that doesn't even stop the Democrats because they're still going to investigate something that even the Special Counsel Muller's office says is not true, and they always get away with it. You know, at some point they've got to realize their credibility is forever damaged. You know, imagine forty seven printed pages of hyped up Democratic I'm sorry, Well, they really aren't tied to the hip. Manufactured crisis was the best example. But they're tied to the hip of the media. Media is basically the extension of the Democratic Party. You know, MPR reports about Don Junior Senate testimony, remember how big that get got? No sorry, never mind, Or Michael Cohon going to Prague that never happened, or the Guardians bombshell about Paul Manafort, Trump and Julian Assans that wasn't true either. Remember CNN staffers, three of them fired over a false report about Scaramucci. You know, last night I was scrolling the examples on television because there's so many of them, because they're blinded by this hatred, motivated by money and clicks, and literally none of them are ever held accountable. The mainstream media has never been this bad. Journalism is dead, as I started to tell people in two thousand and seven. But in reality, the hate Trump media is just, you know, worse than it's ever been. They're on a mission. They're going to just move on to the next story. By the way, you'll see this, because they're not going to find Trump Russia collusion. So you know, you noticed that they started to say, well, maybe there's a campaign finance issue we can impeach them on anyways. Cheryl Atkinson is with us. She's the host of Sinclair's Full Measure and also the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Smear and Stonewald. What was your reaction to the way the media handled first BuzzFeed on Friday then learning nothing after being proven wrong, then go right to a rush to judgment. On Sunday with the Covington kids, Well, I have two general reactions. First of all, I've been around a long time, but I learned pretty early on that you cannot make judgments based on initial stories, reports, videos, or whatnot. Too often, over and over and over, people in the news and otherwise are burned because they're almost always I would say, is more context to the story or the story turns out differently. I mean, that's just such a simple and basic lesson to learn. In the case of Best Me, everybody picked up that story even though it was based on anonymous sourcing. Nobody else could match it. And I really criticize the way outlets like CNN reported on the BuzzFeed report without the proper attribution. This may sound a little arcane, but this gets at the heart of the problem. They were saying things like two law enforcement officials told BuzzFeed such, and that's what CNN reported, when they don't know that any law enforcement officials told BuzzFeed anything that has to be reported with at least proper attribution or skepticism because DNN doesn't know that any of that happened. They're just repeating another story. So that gets to the second part of my reaction, which is the propagandists know this. They're using us as tools because they understand if they can get an unsourced story that may be dubious or may even be untrue, circulating on social media or in a quasi news scifelike BuzzFeed, but that's the way to get under the skin of the what people consider mainstream media. They'll pick it up and say, hey, this is a story, maybe not our story, but look, we can't ignore it now because other people are covering it or being used as tools because they know we do that. But you've never witnessed to the extent that they are invested the media in destroying a president. I mean, well, you know, listen, Michael Goodwin, I thought said it best that it's malpractice if you think you can get away with saying if true, if true, and then spend hour after hour after hour after hour talking as if it is true, and that's how they do this. That it is the not only the malpractice, it is laziness on a level that is spectacular. But it reveals something pretty profound, is that the news media is literally tied to the hip of the Democratic Party, and they're all about delegitimizing and destroying President Trump. It's it's obvious where they stand. It's clear what they want. They were literally breathtakingly giddy on Friday all day until the buzz kill of Robert Muller's office. Well, this is part of the transformation of the news media. That about it. It's mir and somewhat in stonewall, which has occurred really over the course of at least ten fifteen years, where we not only ourselves are making these mistakes, but we've invited the propagandists, corporate and political propagandists into our newsroom. They work for us. Now we are one and the same in many cases. So that's why some of these mistakes and narratives aren't by accidents. This is part of the strategy, and they're not sorry when they're caught in some instances because it was part of the plan all along. Sew arrogant. Chuck Todd was on Sunday, Ah, this is going to ruin our reputation. I'm like, well, you guys have ruined your reputation or any and you know you add to that it was NBC News that was using the word racist about these kids, just by seeing that small snippet. That's his network. Well, you go back to again, any snippet of any video that you think you saw in context or a piece of it, even if you think you saw the whole saying, you have to take into account today what can be manipulated Technically, it's not that hard. And imagine if video can be manipulated or taken out of context, how easy it is to do that with information for which there is no video that has to be manipulated. You can just get narrative started and going on social media, get bloggers and news people to write about them, and you know, voila, there it is. I actually was very proud of you. You did a great piece. Now this goes back a little while, at least I thought it did, and it was sixty seven media mistakes in the Trump era, the definitive list. There's a longer version of twenty seven teen mistakes. They go into more minute detail than you did in yours. But you just pretty much picked up the big, massive mistakes of the media. We're going to post this on Hannity dot Com. It's you spent a lot of time going over this. These are no small mistakes here and missteps here in the major media reporting on Trump. When you see this level of well, the lack of fact checking, and the desire to I guess, advance an agenda, what does that make you think about journalism, which I've declared dead back in two thousand and seven. Well, I agree to a large degree that you know, the list speaks for itself. It's not that mistakes that are being made are in many cases understandable, are being made by inexperienced news organizations and reporters. These are supposed mistakes, always on one side, made by some of the most formally well respected outlets out there, like the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC and so on. And I think I started with fifty of them, but I'm adding to them the reason you saw this a while back, But the number keeps going up. When I have time, I add to them, and it's incredible. It's as if the previous mistake never happened because the same lack of due care, the same journalistic standards that were violated in a recent mistake are repeated again in a new mistake, time and again, sometimes the same news organization. Well, I think regularly. I mean, you watched the cable networks. Look, Cheryl, if you ask me what I do for a living, what do you think the answer is going to be, I think your personality. I'm a talk show host. That's how I describe. I described myself as a talk show host. I work in the media. I'm part of the press, right. I work on Fox News, I work on radio. Here's what we do as talk show hosts. I would say, where their entire newspaper. I can produce, Cheryl hours and hours of radio and TV where I am covering. If it's a war, or it's a straight interview with somebody or a natural disaster. I just do straight news like any other reporter. I also did investigative reporting by vetting Obama. We've done investigative reporting that the media ignored about the deep state. We've been doing it now for two years with great results. In my humble opinion, I also give opinion. You know, we talked about the New Orleans Saints getting screwed on Sunday with a call that should have been made. We talk about sports, we talk about gossip. So basically I describe what I do as the whole newspaper. But the difference between me and my colleagues on cable and in print. They say that they're one part of the newspaper, that they only do the news part. I do the news local, state, national, international news, but I do all these other things, and I'm upfront about it. They claim they're they're fair, they're balanced their journalists, but in reality, you know, they're a talk show. They're talk show hosts like us, but won't admit it. Why. It's part of that bloring of the line, I believe, part of the industries that have infiltrated the news industry, and then secondarily the reward that they get. Ordinarily, you know, just general straight newspeople. Years ago were our goal was to not insert ourselves of the story, to try to keep our opinion some biases out of them. Now at many places they're rewarded for inserting it. There are no consequences for putting yourself in a story, where there might have been fifteen years ago your boss would have said, who cares what you think? You know? Reports of facts? But now I'm quite sure that they get certain reporters pats on the back when they make certain statements that it stopped and circulated. And wasn't there good investigated reporting that you did on issues like Benghazi and other big issues that they didn't want to air over at CBS. Well, you know that was a complicated story you write to some degree, but they usually assigned me to those stories, loved them at first, and then, as I say, when certain pushback came from certain entities and interests, the light switched off and the stories would be stopped. But CBS did want those stories traditionally and for many years. And then it started Shane who became more reactive to the special interests and certain conflicted people probably within the network, where by and large it had not been that way from any years for me anyway. Well, you know, it's funny. I'm actually proud of the work that we do. I go out of my way to find news and information that people want, need and desire that they're not getting elsewhere. I mean the discoveries on the deep state that we've had over the last two years, or going back even further, my vetting of Obama when nobody would vet him. I mean we went really deep, deep, deep into Frank Marshall, Davis Black, liberation theology, the twenty years in Reverend Rights Pews, the Church of g D America, Acorn Olinsky, And you know, I thought it was a big deal that Obama started his political career in the home of two unrepent and terrorists. But he only got asked one time during that entire campaign about that issue. And it was a question I fed the day before to George Stephanopolos. He didn't even he had never heard of Airs and Dorn. Pretty pretty shameful, don't you think. On the media's part, I do think we've done it poor job at applying a consistent standard to the people that we cover in terms of skepticism and investigation. You know, we have her our own credibility. There's clearly a double standard of the way we treat the same behavior or the same people if they happen to be in different political parties. And as we continue with Cheryl Atkinson is with us, host of Sinclair Media's Full Measure. She has a list the sixty seven media mistakes and the Trump Era, the definitive list. We're linking it to Hannity dot Com. We'll probably use it on TV tonight as well. We'll get to the campus where form issue, as the Covington issue with these kids is still blowing up even as we speak. No apologies that should have been coming in regularly as of yesterday. And the rush to judgment there to smear, slander and besmirge these kids, why oh, they had to be to blame. It couldn't have been the black Hebrew Israel lights that were screaming at them and assaulting their character with all horrible things they were saying. All right, Cheryl, just at a time, Cheryl Atkinson sixty seven Medium Mistakes and the Trump Era the definitive List on Hannity dot Com. Cheryl, thank you so much for being with us. We are hearing from a Native American elder in Vietnam war veteran speaking to CNN after a disturbing viral video shows a group of teams harassing and mocking him in the nation's capital. An interaction between Native marchers and a group of high school students who were in DC for the anti abortion March for Life. At least some of the students were from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky. The Catholic Diocese of Covington, which overseas the school said in a statement quote, we condemned the actions of the Covington Catholic School students towards Nathan Phillips specifically and Native Americans in general. We extend our deepest apologies to mister Phillips. This behavior is opposed to the Church's teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person. The diocese also said the matter is under investigation and that some students could be expelled. A bunch of child Moleston. See how you got these pompous back that hand in the middle of a Native rally with the dirties head on. You got all these dirty clus behind you with a wreck with a red make America great, padagan on and your coolies. You want to fight your brother? A bunch of babies, A bunch of babies made out of Hi. I'm Sam, I'm Grant, and we're here today talk to you about how the recent negative media controversy has affected us as individuals in our school as a whole. Several media platforms blatantly lied about the events regarding the controversy in DC, and it affected us as a community and individuals greatly. There have been many threats against our lives against our parents. Some of these threats include, um that we should all be locked in the school and should been burnt to the ground, UM the school being bombed, school shooting threats, UM, it's really scary. I know that a lot of people are scared to go to school tomorrow. It won't be attending because of what could happen. There have been cops there ever since the incident, and I think there'll be a lot more tomorrow. A lot of negativity in the hate surrounding this event comes from people on social media docksing people that were at the event. I myself wasn't even present, but I'm very vocal about defending my school and my peers, and I have been docked on three separate occasions. This has led to a tsunami of hateful messages and threats and everything above. I was also docked, as well as my good friend Grant and Altner in a tweet. Most of these A lot of these dockss have been deleted because they realized they were wrong and they don't want to face the backlash for it. A lot of people's parents were also docks. Their work was called I mean this could greatly affect their job, they could be fired, like there are real consequences for these actions. And it alls from a thirty second clip taken out of a two hour video, out of context, and people jump into conclusions before the before the full story is released. It is unbelievable in many ways. You know, it reminded me of what happened with the Duke Lacrosse kids. Remember that rushed to judgment. Remember the professors, they were like eighty or one hundred professors at Duke that literally rushed to judgment and smeared and destroyed these kids in their reputation. One of the more shocking things the Catholic Church in Covington were so quick to race out there and condemn these kids, and then when the truth came out and that there was a different story, that they never pulled back on it at all. All these incidents that I have discussed in detail, and I have mentioned Duke Lacrosse, UVA, Richard Jewell, Cambridge Police Zimmerman, and Trey Vaughn Ferguson, you know, Freddy Gray Baltimore, all the times they rushed to judgment every time, and then they destroy the lives of what are innocent people. Where's the apology from the media to the family. Now I know that they have a lawyer, and I hope they sue the living pants off of these organizations. And I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. They're gonna win. They have a very strong case because they didn't do their due diligence. They didn't even ask any questions. I would say too, that if the president was in a position to sue BuzzFeed, you'd probably win that case also. And if you think it can happen, ask Gawker, look at the whole Kolgan case. Look at Melania one. What you get two point nine million dollars in her recent case. This happens. The school is at fault for denying the kids the presumption of innocence. Here we go again, resumption of innocence, due process. You know, these are simple, poor, fundamental, you know, principles that make this country great. I remember when Lynn Would, the attorney for Richard Jewel, went out there. He sued everybody. He was a really nice guy, really smart, smart, tough attorney. You know, I had a a I knew him, so he kind of came to New York that would deal with these big time lawyers representing these media companies, and he'd have his Southern accent with him and going out just not the way we do things down where I live. And he rolled every one of them. And while I don't know the specifics, I know they got paid, so it should happen here. What about these Hollywood actors and they're meltdown? Why is Hollywood? I thought Hollywood they were supposed to be compassionate people. They're supposed to be loving people. They're supposed to be superior to the rest of us. Oh well, when you look at what's been going on, Actor seven, this is appalling, this ignorant, the goal that disrespect. It's shameful. And when something like this isn't even surprising, it's evidence to place to our place in the cycle of recreating our darker chapters. Chris Evans said that Ed Asner remember him, he used to come on the program. Yeah, this is a discourse. This is not America. Yeah, it's not when you rush to judgment, lou Yeah, Ed whatever you want to call yourself, Rosie O'Donnell, horrible, smug asshole. You know, who are these good Christians? What school is teaching them to hate? With such contempt and ignorance, How does this behavior reflect the life and lessons of Jesus Christ. They were busting DC into DC for the March for Life. Actor Tim Robins said he's the one married to Susan Sarandon And it goes on from there. You know why the rush to judgment? Why can't they wait at all? And then basically the same people that blew up the BuzzFeed story, same thing happened with them. John Cusack scolding make America great again, Catholics, stop embarrassing the rest of us, all those student students of disgrace. Well, how about you embarrassed yourself, you idiot. Why don't you learn a little something about due process, about the presumption of innocence before you just jump to a conclusion that turns out to be false. You're a disgrace. Look up the word it means something. Learn your history. Catholics, grow some spine, clergy, lead by example. Stop embarrassing the rest of us who know better. There is no supporting make America great again that could be rationalized. What do you want a apology tour? You want to give them? Mull as an Iran one hundred and fifty billion more dollars. What's wrong with wanting America to be great? They can't. They just cannot get over themselves now. Jamie Lee Curtis admitted she jumped the gun about this particular incident on the viral video that went out. And there are two sides to every story, she tweeted, And I made a snap judgment based on a photograph, and I know better the judge of book by its cover. I wasn't there. I shouldn't have commented. I'm glad there wasn't any violence. I hope these two men could meet and find common grounds, as can we all. She had the decency to pull back on her stupid tweet. You know, but where do you go to get your good name back? Infamitely stated by Ray Donovan, Transportation secretary under Reagan and investigated, smeared, slandered, besmirts, he comes out after he's exonerary. Where do I go to get my good name back? Elissa Milano tweeted a comparison of the supporters of President Trump to the clan. This is how sick these people are. And let's not forget the entire event happened because a group of boys went to a school sanctioned trip to protest against a woman's right to her own body and reproductive healthcare. It's not debatable that bigotry was at play from the start, and Kathy Griffin, who had talked about earlier, I can keep going, but anyway, joining us, we have Cabot Phillips is with US media director for Campus Reform. You're finding your group. I'm very impressed with what Campus Reform is doing and the tapes that you guys put out. Lawrence Jones, by the way, is a good friend of ours now in a big part of our TV show. He's going to be on tonight, Cabin. How are you. I'm doing well. Thanks for having me on, Sean. Okay, you're seeing the same thing, the rush to judgment kids on college campuses that are conservative. Right. This is not new to you, It's not. This is a growing trend. And for the people that are shocked by this, I would just like to have them read more stories of ours and Campus Reformed out org where you're covering consistent stuff like this, where people are waiting to see their opinion on a story. Journalists and people in the media are waiting to see if something is newsworthy simply based on who's covering it or what side of the aisle you're on. And so in this case, the story only received coverage in the first place because these students were conservatives. Let's be honest. If these were students wearing any other political affiliations gear, this would not be newsworthy. But the media rushed to cover it because they had these maga hats on. And I'd also like to point on an update for your listeners today. The gentleman in that video, the Native American gentleman who went up and initiated this whole conflict. He was offered a chance to meet with these students, and he was asked if he would sit down and work things out, and he turned it down. He said he had no interest in meeting with them. Now that, of course, the story has been debunked, and I think it just shows this guy's more interested in attention than actually I just always give. He said he was doing a prayer. Obviously, the black Hebrew Israelites a very racist, bigoted, hateful group that were taunting these kids. So there was a commotion and the Native America leader was he said, saying in prayer as he was hitting his drum and walking towards the students, and he walked right up to that student. And that's what the first video didn't show. They just picked it up where he was there as if the kid was confronting the dative American And they have every right, dad, I guess indigenous people's day there and to do whatever they want. He said, he was saying a prayer. I you know, we don't know it's in somebody's mind or heart. I think given the opportunity, they should meet. But the people that were causing the trouble were the black Hebrew Israelites attacking the kids for no reason. That's why it all happened. And nobody tells that story or talks about that group. And think goodness, there was video of this in the first place. If we didn't have more videos proving what actually happened these students, flades would continue with kid to be ruined if they haven't already been ruined as a result of this. And so think goodness, there was video. And you bring up a good point about due process. For so many conservatives in America, especially when we cover on college campuses, there's no due process if you're a conservative people make up their minds on you. And if it's your word against the word of a college professor or an administrator or anyone else in society, because you are conservative by that, you know, for that reasoning, so many people are out to get you and they're going to ignore all facts and evidence because of that. And I would just like to address the media that that was so quick to jump on this story. That's someone that works in media. When we get tips like this all the time at Campus warm we get sensational tips. Sometimes it sound too good to be true, they sound incredible, and you know what we do, well, we vet them. You do what any good journalist does. You dig into the story, you get questions, you get evidence, and then you run the story. This shows how many of these journals you're a college students, they're narrative. Why does a college student have to lecture people in the media on the simple basics and the fundamentals of just doing their job properly? You know, it shouldn't be that way. It should be And by the way, college campuses, well, they ought to be bastions of freedom of speech and free and open exchange of ideas, ideals, opinions, look at Notre Dame. By the way, they're covering up murals of Columbus. One college student is in tears. There's ablaze story over a banana peel in a tree because it didn't make them feel safe. I don't know what that's about. Anyway. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is our number. We're gonna come back. We'll continue with Cabin Phillips. All right. As we continue with Cabin Phillips, he's the media director of Campus Reform and we're talking about, obviously Covington. What did you make of the Hills article that Notre Dame is covering up murals of Christopher Columbus on their campus. According to an announcement from the university's president, Reverend John Jenkins, he wrote a letter to the university that many have come to see the murals as at best line to the consequences of Columbus's voyage for indigenous as people. This is the new trend on the left and especially on campuses, of erasing history if certain aspects of it make people uncomfortable. In this case, these were paintings and murals from the eighteen sixties. These were incredible works of art that the university is now saying, well, Columbus might just be a little too offensive for our students to be able to handle, so we're going to erase them. If you're looking at history and you're only going to honor people and only recognize people if they were perfect, you're not going to have very many people left in society or in history that you can actually go with. And of course Christopher Columbus did some things that weren't ideal that we're bad things, but if you're going to erase him just because of those minor things, just because of the small part of his life, then that's the wrong step. And it's interesting also this took place on MLK Day. The president said that it was import removed it as a symbol of Mlkday. What's happened to you and people in your group when you guys try and speak on campus and you're just known as a conservative. That absolutely when I'm there on campus last week, I was an American University of filming a video trying to interview students, helped them wake up and hear different ideas, and the administration came out and kicked us off campus that we couldn't be there I've gotten all sorts of threats on social media. It's part of my liberal privilege tour, as I called it. I had people professor is writing off edge urging people not to attend my events. Of course, none of these people would actually come out and debate me. We had students standing up and staging walkouts. We've faced all sorts of things. They do whatever they can to try and control the narrative on campus. Of course, the administration in the face of these threats never really does anything. They let them go. And that's a common thing for conservative speakers to face when they go to Colls campus. Unbelievable. All right, thank you for sharing. We appreciate it. Cabin Phillips, Media director of Campus Reform, a group that's done a lot of good work and also taken a lot of heat. God forbid your conservative about a college campus today. You're like, you gotta target on you as the enemy. All right, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn are told free telephone number, quick break, right Back, News Roundup and Information Overload hour coming up at the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to join us, going up next our final news round Up and Information Overload hour Right News round Up, Information Overload hour the news we have not gotten to and we'll get your calls in this hour eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, you know it doesn't matter. I've found this fascinating his story out today where even though we now know so much about this issue of BuzzFeed, that doesn't matter because you have Democrats, as they said, the only thing they want to do is spend every minute, every hour, every day investigating Donald Trump. There was another story in the Washington Times today, How's Democrats no longer think radical Islamic terrorism is a threat to our security, so they want to stop investigating terror threats and devote those resources get this to investigating Trump. But of course they never told you that during the campaign. That effort led by the new reorganization of a committee by Elliot Angele, a New York Liberal Democrat. I'm disappointed with angles reported plans to eliminate the Terrorism, Non Proliferation and Trade Subcommittee for one dedicated to investigations, you got every other one now. For example, we've got Shifty Shift, the biggest liar in Congress, is Adam Shift. He just lies. He's been lying about the Trump Russia issue the entire time. Anyway, He's out there saying that he's going to investigate the BuzzFeed issue. But remember it's already been debunked by Muller, So why waste taxpayer time and money? So there is a lot more to learn, And are you still going to investigate the claims? Absolutely? Absolutely. Congress has as a fundamental interest in two things. First, in getting to the bottom of why a witness came before us a line and who else was knowledgeable that this was a line? Okay, you're investigating something that was debunked by the Special Council. Now, maybe you think about doing something for the American maybe fight for jobs. Maybe you can take some of that time and go to one of the dinners that the President has been offering to sit down with Democrats, but he can't. Why can't he He's very busy talking to people who do Russia radio. You might remember this. Okay, And so my favorite Trump in New York at some point after the twenty thirteen Miss Universe, Yes aagin, absolutely, and she got compromising materials on trap after their short relations Okay, And what's the nature of the compromise. Well, there were pictures of naked Trump, okay, and so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material Yes, of course, Buzaa shared those materials with Subshecking. Subshect shares those materials with Putin because she's a god daughter of Putin, and Puttin decided to press on Trump and the materials that you can provide to the committee or to the FBI. Would they corroborate this allegation? Sure, of course. When they were in Ukraine, we got their conversation by the phone where they're discussed those compromising materials. We are ready to provide it to FBI. So you have recordings of both so Check and bus where they're discussing the compromising material on mister Trump. Absolutely, this is the Democratic Party's leader into so called collusion with Russia to influence the twenty sixteen election. He was totally scammed by some radio guy in Russia. And the dope is they're conspiring all on tape. What an idiot I mean, And we're supposed to take it seriously that he cares the funniest yeah about the whole tape. What is the nature of the company the materials naked pictures and put Putin was made aware of these naked photos. Oh yeah, we took him right to him. Yeah, god daughter took the naked photos right in. Was his god daughter that apparently, I guess had the relationship with him. Well clearly. I mean when I think of my godfather, thinks I'm gonna show them are naked pictures of the president, by all means, what an idiot. We got a little truth out of Chris Matthews for once, Chris now saying that Trump made the Democrats look like fools, which he really did. As it relates to Nancy Pelosi's big trip around the world. They'll think about this that she goes on vacation in a y. Then the other Democrats are on that lobbyists paid junket with a private chet. What happened to carbon footprints they were supposed to be so concerned about. We don't need to worry about that anymore because the world's gonna end. My favorite was My favorite was twelve years It's over. Yeah, twelve Yeah, that's all you got. My favorite, though, was Menendez on the beach with the girl on the bikini and I could hear. I felt like I was reading his lips. I thought he said, would you like me to apply more sunscreen? I don't know, maybe I'm not good at it. But anyway, here's what mister thrill up his legs said. They were in the bus heading to joint Bass Andrews. He made him look like fools coming back sitting there at the capital and in the driveway, they're basically trying to figure out what's coming next. He caught them in the act as if they were sneaking out of town and made them look stupid. I mean, clearly, well, it looked like a political dirty trick to me. Oh, look like a political dirty trick. So we're in the middle. Democrats care about the furloughed employees that they're worried about not getting their checks. If Nancy did get on that plane taxpayer funded of course, and went on those trips, she wouldn't have been back in time to open the government anyway. Now, they have rejected every offer. Before the president gave his offer on Saturday, they had already rejected the offer. They wouldn't sit even with the Vice president. Vice president. They decided to send their age because I guess they were too busy, which is pretty outrageous. Well, by the way, we have another illegal immigrant man suspected living in the US illegally, shot and killed four people in a vaudout this month. I just came out today. We have four more angel parents I guess out there at some point we'll be talking to. But I mean, it's so obvious that the Democrats. I don't think Nancy can sit down at all with Donald Trump because she's going to be thrown out. She doesn't have the power. And some of the other news we've got. We have Hakim Jeffries, Congressman. Trump is a grand Wizard of sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue. We have a hater in the White House, Bertha Chief, the grand Wizard of sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue. One of the things that we've learned is that why Jim Crow may be dead, he's still got some nieces and nephews that are alive. And well, there's nothing they won't say. But by the way, this is the old playbook. This is the playbook every election year. Now for the Democrats, it's the everyday playbook because they have no intention except endless investigation, impeachment, voting on issues that is never are never going to be taken up in the Senate. And then of course they want the crumbs back and in twelve years, well, the planet's finished. We're done because of global warming. According to AOC. By the way, it's not cool to call her Alexandria Acasio Cortez. You gotta call her AOC. I think we might have to boycott the AOC. You know why, because all these leaders in our past, like JFK LBJ. I just don't know if I want her an acronym space yet. I don't think she deserves it. I'm going to call her Ocasio or maybe Oscario or a crazy Oh, I like Oscario Scario social socialist though, you know, oh socialist socialist. I went through this earlier today. I mean, the people put a poll on Hannity dot com. What should we call her? Shall we call her? Anyways? This is her? All right? Let's say, well, we do have a tape of her. She's talking. Millennials believe the world will end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. Okay, let's listen. I think that the part of it that is generational is that millennials and people and you know, gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in twelve years if we don't address climate change. And your biggest issue is your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? And like this is the war, this is our World War two, like like when the world like ends like in like twelve years, Oh scario, Like, Um, I won't care because I'm Sean Hannity and I'll be in the woods. I already told you know what, Sean Hannity's gonna be in the woods. So I'll be in the woods. You mean, basically, I'll be dead. The real fascinating side of this, though, is the poll that came out that we mentioned earlier in the program today, And it's a little bit scary because if you look at it, there's a lot of people that love her so much they want her to be president, and then if they had an opportunity to vote for her, they would vote for her to be president. Can we play another O scario? Another O scario? Go ahead? Do you think it is moral for individuals to for instance, do we live in a moral world that allows for billionaires is that a moral outcome? And it's not. Um, it's not, and it's not. And I think it's it's important to say that. I don't think it's not that necessarily means that all billionaires are immoral. It is not to say that someone like Bill Gates, for example, or a Warren Buffett or are immoral people. I do not believe that, but right yeah, I don't. I don't. I'm not saying that, But I do think a system that allows billionaires to exist when there are parts of Alabama where people are still getting ring worm because they don't have access to public health is wrong. Sevent of Democrats would consider Alexandria Casio Cortez for president if she were old enough. Well, she's he sounds just like the Blasio. The Blasio's saying that there's plenty of health. The problem is it's in the wrong hands. Millions of people in this city, tens of millions across the country are boxed into lives that just aren't working for them. You haven't been paid what you deserve for all the hard work, you haven't been given the time you deserve. You're not living the life you deserve. And here is the cold, hard truth. It's no accident. It's an agenda, an agenda that's dominated our politics, from Reaganomics to the Trump tax giveaway, to the wealthy incorporations. Here's the truth, Brothers and sisters. There's plenty of money in the world. There's plenty of money in this city. It's just in the wrong hands. Let's take it. Let's charge that he'll take it all. I think what's most moving about that entire speech. It's just the way he talks brothers and sister as well. Just said comrades. It's not though this is Hannity Watch, the rise of socialism in America. I mean, if seventy four percent of Democrats would vote for Alexandria Casio Cortez and she wants a seventy percent tax, and she's saying it's immoral that America allows people to become rich and wealthy. It's not immoral. That's the that's the blessing of liberty and freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. Right, as we continue, Sean Hannity Show News round up information overload our Hannity Watch on socialism. You know, people make choices every day of their life. There are some people that made choices that they don't want to work ever, and when you don't want to work, you don't get paid. And for example, I'm a lunatic and all my life, since I'm eight years old delivering papers, I have wanted to work then because I wanted money in my pocket. Now because of the things, I deeply believe it. And I know everybody in my life that I know that is successful. I don't know anybody I don't know. I don't know Silverspoon people. I know a couple, but not many. And even they took advantage of the opportunities that were given them that other people don't have, and they built businesses and they provide goods and services, and they work hard. I don't know people that work eight hours a day. I've never I've never worked eight hours in my career dirty years in radio, now twenty three years and Fox. Do you think I work eight hours a day? People say you're early on the air four hours a day. I'm like, are you out of your mind? How do you think I get to talk for this long and have something to say, whether you like it or not. Everybody I know works and works and works, And the harder you work, I always say to my kids because the tennis players. You know, tennis represents and is very reflective to life. The harder you work, the better you're gonna do. It's that simple. Now, there are some people that don't want to work hard, and there are other people, God bless them. They choose careers that they know going in is limited in pay, but they're called to a higher purpose. I think some teachers they're called to do that. I think coaches are called to do that. Policemen, firemen, first responders, emt guys that they could not imagine any other life than what they do, and they love it. Now that's a different study. They knew they weren't going to get rich doing that. Now they should be fairly compensated. All right, I gotta take a break here, But I mean, this is this is now what I'm when we're talking about Hannity watch on socialism. This is it because we're watching an attempt of the left to hijack their entire party for the purpose of redistributing wealth. Let me say it another way. They basically want to, by law, confiscate seventy percent only on a federal level of what you've got. Then, if you live in New York. You get another ten percent. Take it away then and I have a little have a little surprise for these folks have New York City. I guarantee you these people if you give them money in their hands and then you try to take it out of their hands and show them how oh, they'll pass it away forget it. No, they would never let you have it. They give my money. Think about this, seventy percent Acasio tax, ten percent state tax, four percent city tax. Then you got your property taxes. You don't have your giving it all away? Now name me the country they can ever has ever made that sustainable. You destroy all human initiative in the process. The clan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. Why why would we call them domestic terrorist? Grew because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment? And what was the motivation for the use of fear and force based on race and ethnicity? Right? Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ice is being used to enforce the laws and do you see any parallels. I do not see any parallels between I'm talking about and agents. I'm talking about perception. I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as as it relates to enforcing the law. Are you aware that there's a perception Are you aware that there's a perception ICE in the same category as the KKK. Is that where you're asking me if you had to be stuck at an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pants or Jeff Sessions, who would it be? Does one of us have to come out alive? All right? That is well, Hannity watch and the vetting of the twenty twenty candidates. You know, I'm gonna tell you that they are going this is going to be an amazing shift from twenty eighteen. And the shift is going to be very simple. That is that they hit everything they believe in the hopes that well, just elected. We won't talk about impeachment what we really want impeachment. We're not going to talk about open borders and getting rid of the ICE, or comparing ICE to the KKK, or saying, well, there's a perception out there that ICE is like the KKK. We're not going to tell you any of that. All we're gonna do is we're gonna hide what we believe we want the crumbs back, but we're not saying it, and we're gonna hope that people just vote for us because well, we're different than Donald Trump, and you don't like Donald Trump. By the way, didn't work out that well. When you look at the historical perspective of midterm election, some people think this is a wipeout. It was not a wipeout. Was the first mid term Barack Obama face where he lost six Senate seats and sixty three House seats, or Bill Clinton who lost eight Senate seats and ended up losing fifty two House seats. I think the President in the end lost what thirty nine House seats and picked up Senate seats. So very very different, But of course your media is never gonna portray that accurately in any way, shape, manner, or form. Also, we have more fall out, as we've been talking about today, as it relates to the tsunami of threats now forcing Covington High School to have to close. And it's unbelievable to rush to judgment there at a Saturday Night Live writer offering oral sex to anyone who punches out the Covington High maga kid. I mean, this is this how how that that's acceptable at NBC because NBC has that woman under contract. I don't demand firing, so I don't support boycotts, but boy if a conservative state anything similar to that anyway, So classes closed the uproar persisting in all of this, And of course we can go to Kathy Griffin, you know, posting, you know, calling on people to shame and identify the high school boys who were wearing their make America Great Again hats on social media. She still do it. I want name, she tweeted Sunday. Shame them. And if you think these efforts wouldn't dock you in a heartbeat, well think again. She made a similar call and a separate tweets again on Sunday. Posting a person's private information without their express permission is a direct violation of Twitter rules, a Twitter spokesperson telling the Daily Caller over email. Some have called on Twitter to remove Griffin's post. Remember, and she was acting like the victim when she had the decapitated head of our president, which we now know Baron Trump, who was eleven at the time, saw she doesn't seem to care about other kids. The president. It's weighed in on this. The Kentucky students or symbols of yet more fake news, and how evil it can be. You know which he's right about. The rush to judgment continues, just like it always does. Cambridge police acted stupidly. George Zimmerman's guilty. The cops and the freddie get Great case are guilty. Darren Wilson is guilty. None of this happened. When you get to the facts and you get to the truth, it's like the Ducal Cross case. That's amazing. They you know, it's funny all those people that say Hannity's not a journalist, Well we can go back. And I actually did go down to interview George Zimmerman. I don't know if anyone else that tried except Barbara Walters. I don't know anybody else that reached out except Barbara Walters. We studied in great detail the standard ground law of Florida in the case of Ducal Cross. I actually took the time and I went to the home of one of the kids. Numerous parents were in that meeting with a couple of the kids there themselves not the best time in their lives. But I went reached out, asked questions, investigated, you know, we've vet Obama. They don't touch Obama. I want to talk about media bias. There's two ways you have bias. What you cover bias, Lee like, for example, the hysteria over BuzzFeed. It's true, this is that he's impeached. He say impeachment two hundred times. But they won't cover the fact that the FBI, at the upper levels of the FBI and DOJ rigged a criminal investigation into Hillary, who otherwise would have been arrested if we applied the laws of this country equally to her. What's cut too, Linda, tell me what cut two is instead of just talking in my ear of incredibly impeachable offenses, impeachable, impeachable, impeachment, impeachment, impeached, impeachable, impeachment, impeached, impeachment, impeachment, impeachable, impeachment, impeachment. It seems like an impeachable offense. Impeachment, impeachable, impeached, impeach, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachableachable, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeached, impeachable, impeachment. This is the tip tip tip of the iceberg for a president that is going down, tip tip, peach, it's going down. Well that was cut too. Yeah. By the way, um, what was it last week? It was all manufactured crisis. Democrats, media, They all use the same words. They come to the same conclusions. They coordinate their messages, and they figure if they say manufactured crisis, manufactured crisis, manufactured crisis enough that that's, oh, that's finally gonna work, then you can add to that the fact that, oh, in this particular case, if true, it's us, it's beyond mount practice. They don't care, Sean. Could we play that montage? Actually, it's a very good montage. Would you like to? I think it'd be great since you're in such a good contributing mood. I'm just here support you so that they can hear back in their own word. You support me with some coffee. Go ahead, You're welcome. BuzzFeed News report is true, then we are likely on our way to possible impeachment proceedings wrong. If it were to be true, it means the president told someone to lie under oath, which very simply is a crime and is impeachable wrong. If this story is true, we must begin impeachment proceedings wrong. If you can prove that the president ordered it, that to certainly rise to the level of rises to the level of impeachable offense. Wrong. We're gonna know if the President of the United States committed a federal felon in at that point, we are in high crimes at misdemeanor and we are an impeachment to right. Wrong. Is that an impeachable offense? This is suborting perjury. I think there's no question it's an impeachable offense. Wrong. That is considered an impeachable offense. Wrong, Absolutely, these are impeachable offenses. Wrong. Inside that answer, I did hear the eye word impeachable. Impeachment is a very fine alternative way to deal with this. Wrong. Democrats will move maybe faster, maybe more aggressively toward impeachment. Wrong. There are an awful lot of similarities between a couple of the articles of impeachment against Nixon and the elements of this story. Wrong. The very same offense for which the House of Representatives moved to impeach Richard Nixon wrong in the past been impeachable. That is the exact way that was carried out. Wrong. It's one of the things that drove Richard Nixon out of offices. Wrong, wrong on a spectacular level. They are wrong. By the way, has anyone apologized to the kids, and you know, has there been any media outlet agency offered to help the students for their rush to judgment? Now they haven't a jurney, which I'm glad they have, and I hope this attorney does exactly. There's a guy in Georgia that represented Richard Jewell. His name is Lynn Wood. I knew him at the time, and I've known him over the years. I interviewed him, spent a long time though. He was a great attorney. You know what he did. He got every tape, He went to every news organization and he absolutely pulverized every single one of them rightly. So I think a lot of them are probably non disclosure agreements, but I guarantee you they all paid a heavy price. Obviously they haven't learned anything, but they paid a heavy price. So we got John Curry or voted for theator Servereign billion before voted against it. This is a guy that comes back from Vietnam and trash as his own fellow Vietnam vets and accuses them of torture. We still't have that tape. Remember when he got back from Jena. Just Conny says the way he said it. Anyway, Kerry's appearance at the Davos at the World Economic Forum to call for the president's resignation, I didn't think that, Senators. I thought, you know, politics ended at the water's edge, and Trump should resign, He's saying in Davos. Oh. Interesting. The House House Democrat apparently no longer thinks that radical Islamic terrorism is a threat to our national security. So instead, according to The Washington Times, they want to stop investigating terrorist threats and devote some local the same resources to investigating Trump. That's what's more important. That's Elliott Angele's genius, say New York Liberal Democrat. Yeah, well, let's get let's look at let's look let's look for the four hundred thousand time into Donald Trump. Anyway, let's get to our busy phones. You didn't find that, jacone, did you? Jay? He told the stories of times that they had personally raped, cut off the years, cut off head tape wire from portable telephones to human genitals, and turned up the power, cut off lians, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, raised villages in fashion reminiscent of Gingers. Khan shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned foonstocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam. I actually did vote for these seven billion dollars before I voted against it. Yeah, before I voted against All Right, let's get to our busy phones here. We have a great show tonight on Hannity, the great one. Mark Levin is stopping by, Lindsey Graham stopping by. We got a lot of fights, a lot of updates. We're gonna get to Covington, the corrupt media, BuzzFeed, the latest on the deep state, border fight, much much more. Let's go to Donna Staten Island, New York. Hey, Donna, how are you welcome to the all new AM seven ten war. How are you hi there, Sean Great? How are you good? What's going on? Sean? It seems to me, I mean I realized that I think a lot of us realize I should say, there's been an attack on masculinity. And now I think, if you think about it, so throw into the mixed Catholicism, and the reason being it might be that the left is starting to gear up their attacks on Catholicism as a whole because they fear that if anything happens to Luke Ginsburg. The next person on top of that list is Amy Coney Barrett, and she's a devout Catholic. That would also mean that there's a lot more Catholics on the Supreme Court and they're trying to debase the Catholic faith. And that's what part of the attack on these young men is. It's not just that those young white males wearing MAGA hats. Now, there's also another aspect to that. And if you think about it also the situation I don't really remember exactly the guy's name, but he was on the Knights of Columbus and they were trying to say that he being a Catholic that would be a negative in that situation as well. You know what I'm talking about, correct, So I mean, I'm just starting to see that I think that a lot of this, a lot of this vitriol from the left is almost because the kindness stacking the deck so that there'll be a very negative impression of Catholicism. And that's why when Amy Coney Barrett, you know, it is possibly nominated, which we hope she will be there already stacking that deck against her and Hussey. Well, look, I think she would be a great choice. I would not be surprised in any way if the President picked her. I don't know if there's an opening on the US Supreme Court. But we know what's gonna happen. It's gonna be Bork, it's gonna be Thomas, it's gonna be Kavanaugh. It's gonna be smear, slander, besmirched, destroy guaranteed, no question about it. But hopefully we will be able to, you know, handle it as we did the last time. All Right, now, it's gonna wrap things up for today. We have an incredible lineup Hannity tonight on the Fox News Channel. New breaking story by our good friend John Solomon. The Clintons were involved on at least six occasions getting in touch with the FBI to advance the Russia narrative on Trump. Looks like they're up to their eyeballs and this will blow that story wide open. That's coming up tonight. Also, The Obvious will have the latest on the Covington kids and the BuzzFeed disaster as it is. We also investigate Hannity Watch on socialism as we go to Acasia Cortez's district. Oh way, do you see this? Alan Dershwitz, John Solomon, Shaw On Spicer, Lawrence Jones, the Great One, Mark Levin, Lindsey Graham, Sarah Carter, Nine Eastern Tonight Hannity, Fox News. Set your DVR and we'll see it tonight. Back here tomorrow