Published Jun 12, 2020, 10:00 PM

James O’Keefe, Founder of Project Veritas, talks about their latest installment on ANTIFA.

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All right, here we are. It is Friday, Happy Friday. If these troubled times you can consider any day happy man. It is just the weight of what has gone on since January. Wow, been through a lot, anyway, one hundred and forty four days. You become the ultimate jury in this country. And you know it's you know, every day, it's just you think you might be getting to the end of something, and right back in it we go. You know, we've watched all these riots. We watched now eight hundred cops helted with rocks and bricks and bottles and Molotov cocktails. I for one, I don't like to see that happening to our country. And you know, after the coronavirus epidemic and the you know, we learn a lot here. These politicians suck. They are the worst. They can't they are the worst of the worst. There's such incompetent idiots. I mean, especially these these liberal states run by Democrats now for decades, they run cities into the ground, the educational system into the ground, the infrastructure into the ground. They prepare for no emergency whatsoever. And they are what do they do with all the money that they basically robbed from the citizens of their state's pockets. I have no idea. I've never seen this as utter failure incompetence. Day in and day out. Eight hundred cops are now injured, couple of them now dead, twenty other people dead. You watch, let's see the curfews are put in playing. I have a curfew at seven, eight, nine or ten. Okay, there's any one person take it seriously. No nobody takes it seriously. Putting, you know, literally letting, letting entire streets be looted. Business is destroyed, arson, violence, death. You know, eight nearly eight hundred cops now, unbelievable, innocent people killed, Business is destroyed. Do you're thinking that some cities in America, we'd watch police precincts burned to the ground. And now we'll get to Seattle in a second. Here. You know, they've done nothing to stop it, not a thing. In fact, you know, many Democrats supported this anarchy, told you about this congressional kind of Yeah, let them burn it all to the ground. I'm like, huh, okay, we could. God, they had snipers on the roof. The hell you get snipers on the roof for in a peaceful march, Even if people lose, so burn it to the ground, you know, if that's what it's going to take the fix our nation. I don't people want me to say that, but I'm just saying, just burn it to the ground. They're peaceful though unbelievable. Um, these politicians have run and I'm just this this now we need to focus in like laser beams here because this is the future. This is you want to elect Joe Biden. If he can even remember his own name by November third, we're gonna elect him, and he will pander to this insane lunatic left. You know, without sanctuary city, sanctuary states, anarchy, lawlessness, you know, educational systems, a disaster, infrastructure a disaster, the highest taxes you'll ever pay. Now, now we have the anarchists. Now they've taken over a part of one of our great cities, Seattle. You know you got all these you know, loosely affiliated anarchists. I don't know what groups they are, I can't say for sure. Quite literally now taken over blocks and blocks of Seattle's most prominent neighborhoods, including they now are in charge of and have chased the police out of their own precinct, and apparently one cop wanted to go back in. He had to be escorted in to his own precinct because they get the anarchists are in charge of their little autonomous zone or it's it's unbelievable. They're doing nothing to fix it. Now, the buildings reports that they're getting vandalized, business owners extorted, fights breaking out, people assaulted, entire police precinct totally abandoned, and now they're in control of that too. It is It is pure anarchy. And what is the job of government. Is it not first and foremost to protect your citizens, protect the people from those that would do harm to them or to their buildings and to their you know, persons. It's total lawlessness here. Oh but ABC has the right quote. They're saying it's a festive zone. Oh really, is that we call anarchy festive zones? Police in Seattle a largely withdrawn from a neighborhood where protesters have created a festival like scene. By the way, the first thing they did was build a wall. Oh, walls were bad. I thought you're keeping bill out at the walls didn't work. Apparently not. It's working in Seattle pretty darn well. If you have a functioning brain cell in your head, you know, you could see that once again failure democratic governor, democratic mayor. And I'm going to get to this mayor in a second. Here looking the other way. Let the radicals just take over, destroy the city. The President's trying to get them to do their job and restore order for the safety of well the the citizens that live in the great city and the great state. By the way, now, the President's right, this autonomous zone, this festival like atmosphere. Now they have lists of demands. They want free college tuition and rent, control of a whole list of other stuff. And it's just sad to watch this. Now. We live in a cancel culture. I happen to I will admit it. I like the TV series Cops. I like the show on the Weekend that was just canceled too live TV. Now. Cops was a live PD right, yeah, Cops was on thirty two three years. You know, the only way you survive thirty two or three years, you gotta get ratings. And I think, as I've been saying and advocating for now, by the way, is cams on cambody cams and cams in there in their patrol cars. You know, let's let's protect the people and keep the cops on us. That's one way to help. Now we're gonna shut down what all all police movies, all police TV shows? Now, I actually think for Pete, for the public to view it, and obviously they want to watch it live. PD was one of the highest rated cable shows on TV today. It's got high ratings and they got a lot of people watching it. Cops survived thirty two years. Why because people liked the show. But no, we're gonna can't. We can't have movies or we can't have police shows that show the police. Well, maybe we get an education watching the police. We learned how hard their job is, we learn how professional so many of them are. We get to understand their interactions with crazy people that are amongst us, some of them. Now we'll have their autonomous zone in Seattle. You know. Oh, I mean there's so much madness out there. You have a Massachusetts college apologizing to Black Lives Matter for letting police use the restroom. University president promises it will never happen again. I'm assuming I make a mistake. Shit, I make a distinction between a group known as black lives matter. Remember we played the tape a lot years ago. What do we want dead cops? When do we want them? Now? Pigs in a blanket? Prime like make them. But I don't think the peaceful protesters that say their black Lives matter are affiliated with the group. I make a distinction, But I think they're apologizing to the group that did say these things. That's how I read it. Anyway, Liberal College in Massachusetts, you know they apologize for providing assistance to the police by letting them use the bathroom. Wow, okay, And you have the genius Governor Cuomo along with Governor Murphy, along with Governor Wolf along with Governor let's see shutdown Whitmer and socially distant don't cut your lawn. But I can go out and protest with no social distancing Whitmer. You know the ones that put the COVID nineteen patients and nursing homes. When the nursing home said we don't, we can't, we can't handle this. Well, now he signed an executive order. He does great with his executive orders. That was the mandate to nursing homes, long term care facilities take on COVID patients. Forget about the thousands of empty hospital beds that Donald Trump built and manned and provided every ventilator, all the ppe equipment you'd ever need. He says, No, you don't reform, you're not getting any additional state funds. Period. Okay, then you got comrading out about a press release that's going to solve it. The way we really solve this, as we say to every police agency in this state, I believe should happen in the nation, sit down at the table with the local community, address these issues, get to the root of these issues, get a plan, pass that plan by your local government, and if you don't, you're not going to get any additional state funds. Period. We're not going to fund police agencies in this state that do not look at what is, look at what has been happening, come to terms with it, and reform themselves. He speaks with such authority during one of his I mean just incompetence, stupidity, ignorance. You know, you know, we get all these all the symbolism in the world. We'll take a knee for eight minutes forty six seconds. Okay, they haven't done a darned thing to help or solve any problems taking a knee. Okay, if you're in Congress and you've been there fifty what responsibility do you have in all of this? They didn't do anything to fix it. Oh and then the Seattle mayor, this is a doozy, defending the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone as patriotic patriot in her remarks, patriotic and said that Donald Trump's threat to send in federal forces to crack down was unconstitutional and illegal. Unfortunately, she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about, because that's wrong. It's called the Insurrection Act eighteen o seven. Now, I hope we don't get to that. I would urge only under the worst circumstances. Oh. And then the Governor Ensley, another Democrat, in a press conference. Oh, I didn't. I was unaware that a six block area of Seattle have been taken over by anarchists, despite the fact that the group had forced the police to abandon their precinct. By the way, it's all peaceful in the autonomous zone. And these protesters, a group that is calling themselves Chaz Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, that have done this. They have their crazy demands abolish the police, close prisons, hire African American doctors for black patients. You're free college and housing to everyone. If you give into our demands, we will we might leave our festive autonomy zone. Autonomous Zone New York Times, they seem to be in love with them too, Toilet Paper Times. Free speech, freedom of police is how the New York Toilet Paper Times described the zone and their article. But they're the same idiots that said who says it's not safe to travel to China after the president's travel Ben? I wonder if anyone took that advice. No police extortion or private business. That's what's really going on. And Seattle police chief leaving the precinct that was in my decision. You think any cop would ever do that that wants to do their job and maintain peace and protect people and serve people and maintain order. I tend to doubt it anyway. So the Seattle mayor, you know, police chief says making I didn't make the call to Ben in the precinct, noop. The mayor police chief denied making that call. The Seattle police chief says, rapes, robberies, all sorts of violent acts have been occurring in the area, and we're not able to get to help people. That's what they're saying. And the Seattle mayor wants to fight Donald Trump wants to tell a story about the domestic terrors who have a radical agenda. It's not true. This is a festive zone anyway. The autonomous zone already has its first incidents of self appointed police violence. Okay, that happened as well. I think it's worse from here. Well, I tell you the other news of the day's I mean, it's one shocking headline, one shocking detail after another. Okay, that's what happens. You want to know what you want to know what a Biden presidency would be, Just look at New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and California, and let's just implement that nationally, because that's what you're gonna get exactly, because he'll be giving into the radical base that now controls the Democratic Party. Nancy Pelosi isn't speaker, she's speaker in name only. The squad Congresswoman Actio Cortes, she's the real speaker. Let's be honest here, you know, to her credit, I mean, it's like she's been able to do something pretty amazing. Let's get the Democrats to actually admit that their radical leftist socialist status roll along this Friday, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of this extravaganza. But tensions now actually in the autonomous festive zone are very high. Speakers are arguing what to do next. They don't even know. There's no appetite by either the mayor the governor to bring any order to the city of Seattle and take back control and protect businesses and protect the homes there and maybe even take control once again of the least department. Media. Oh, they're trying to They're just trying to under you know. Can you imagine if this was any group that was considered a conservative group, right wing radicals. Uh, do you think that they would spin it like ABC is a festive zone. I don't think so. Univision they hides the mayhem at Seattle's of Chads from viewers, which is pretty amazing of a reporter and fake news CNN saying how peaceful it is. Okay, one of the protesters crashes and shot and tried to organize people to interrupt the report. Loopsie Daisy and sort of like the cameramen all getting caught without their their masks on while these you know, these phonies, stand up, non journalists. If people have to be wearing masks, they're not wearying. Man, somebody takes a picture of your own cameraman's not wearing a mask. There's such hypocrites, you know, world news tonight, ABC didn't bat an eye and they announced that demonstrations now seizing a six block area outside of police station, creating what they're calling a police free zone. And they're correspondent on the ground did all he could to downplay it. The so called autonomous zone now complete with barricades, being a wall, a clinic and free food. Okay, and as he was, you know, the only network to admit the zone even existed. They didn't do that on CBS or Fake dus. It's you know, NBC conspiracy news. Anyway, quick break right back, more of the details of the madministrate ahead. You know, the forgotten men and women. Wasn't that the theme of the twenty sixteen election pre coronavirus? Where were we? We had record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. They were off not only in all their coronavirus modeling and all their predictions and all their confusion, and basically all the experts were confounded. The only thing they ought right is yeah, the elderly or the most susceptible. But that's the very, the one, very thing that they didn't do in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan protect the older people, the most vulnerable. And I'm I'm I'm saying all of this is they get every single solitary thing wrong. They were off by eleven eleven million jobs, predicting a nine million job loss and we got two point five million gain. That is the best news in any of this because the country dying to reopen. Americans want to get back to work. You know what, what what is at stake in this election. By the way, we have this beautiful Father's Day special first edition box set of my new book which is coming out soon and I'm really excited about it. And because I'm laying out everything that this election is about, it's live free or die America and the world on the brink. That's not hyperbole in Latin. I put in live free or America dies. But I go into very very specific details. Okay, what was the vision of our founders and our framers, what did they rely on, what was the philosophy? We have a very deep, in depth, you know, discussion into all of these things. That republic if you can keep it, is it a monarchy or is it a republic, asked of doctor Franklin. Well, it's a republican. It's a republic if you can keep it, and other things that Reagan said, freedom is always but one generation away from extinction. It's all true. Then we go through a history of failure. Actually that leads I mean when you read the chapter on socialism, and I spent a lot of time researching this. I had a great team support team helping me research. And when you read it and you and you think about what we're going through today and what you're hearing from the left, the Radical Democratic Party today, it is frightening. It is chilling in terms of how similar it is to what we now see. And it scared Frankly, it actually scares the living daylights out of me because if they get control of this country, this country is it's gonna be unrecognizable. You know, the country we know, love and so many of fault bled and died for It's it's just it's it's gonna be non existent. You know. I talk about the history of radicalism as well. I talked to you know at length. Okay, what is Joe Biden? What is the Democratic Party today? That you know? And no longer a party of moderates, no Scoop Jackson Democrats or Joe Lieberman Democrats for that matter. The history of socialism a history of failure. Every single solitary time it has been tried, it fails, and it usually ends up in the worst, most dire, most oppressive, you know, regimes with people again, people starving, the wealth, creation whatsoever and worse, and a stifling of the state, oppressive, stifling and in spite of all the glorious promises of free, free, free everything. All it has shown us history. If we don't learn, we will repeat it is failure. And that is the Democratics twenty twenty agenda. You know, I go through the deep corruption and hypocrisy. We covered the Russia collusion. I call it the hoax of the century. And that is that. Even again, going through my notes and pass monologues and information, we all talked about on this show and on TV. I mean, I forgot so much. It is we literally came that close. Imagine threading a needle to losing the country and then being successful in what is a coup attempt, you know, then the impeachment hoax. We won't use Mueller this time, We'll just do it on our own. And the whole hypocrisy of that and the mob and the media, and how, I mean, how what a destructive force media has become in this country. You know, you talk about freedom, the liberal left seems like they love freedom. They don't love freedom, not at all. They believe oh freedom for I guess you know, in sanctuary cities, if you supposed to be deported, why you know, why not aiding to bet those that are committing crimes, for example? And how freedom of speech. Probably the biggest chapter in the book is President Trump's accomplishments, because there's so many promises made, promises kept. I know, the world's changed since we came back from Christmas vacation very quickly, and it's you know, we've been at this rapid pace and a lot of you know, we're just gulping water as a country. The whole time ideal with the coronavirus failure, I deal with the historic failure. I compare Biden Obama's record to where we are today. All of this is at stake in one hundred and forty four days now. I did put it together a nice package for Father's Day. If you want to get a first edition, especially bound book for Dad, it will come out. We're getting very close to our release date. I'll be talking a lot more about it in the days of weeks ahead. I'm very proud of it. But this is a definitive guide to what is at stake, who we've been, what we can be, who you know they've always been, and where they will take us. It is live free or you will die. Live free, or America dies as we know it. That's what it means. Scary, you know, because it's not hyperbole, because I do believe that America and the world is on the brink. Because as goes America, so goes the rest of the world. You want to see institutional failure in big cities like New York, States like New York, states like New Jersey. Now the idiot in Pennsylvania following suit following is just fellow Democrats and New York and New Jersey and shut down Whitmer. Yeah, it's a disaster, that's them. It worked here. They don't want to even protect the citizens in their own states, their own cities. They're letting anarchy totally and completely take over and back to the mob. In the media, CBS News, you know, White House corresponse, they refuse to mention anything about the radicals that have taken over this part of Seattle. They won't even talk about it. They just attack Trump calling for an aggressive response to keep the people in Seattle's safe in this utopian festive zone as they call it. I mean it's it's the autonomous zone. You know. Trump says, look, if he vows to get it settled and bring back peace and protect people in Seattle, but it's really the governor and the mayor that need to do it. They're not going to do a thing. Seattle mayor calling the autonomous zone the festive zone as patriotic networks the willing accomplishes, accomplishes all things radical socialist. You know, they're pretty much ignoring it or defending it or putting you know, cotton candy and rainbows around it. Yes, Hannity dot com. Linda, I got it, I got it. I heard you. If you want, if you want the Father's tay, give um. I am proud of it. But you know, cities are under the Philadelphia having gunfire overnight, Levin wounded, one dead. You know, you have you know, the cancel culture, the you know, Statute of of Philadelphia abolitionists. That's gone. But what's interesting to me about all right, they want to get rid of all the monuments cuomos out there defending the Christopher Columbus at you in New York City. And okay, so now I've talked at length about the history of the Democratic Party and Republican Party, the Party of Lincoln, the Party the Emancipation Proclamation. That's that's the Republican Party. If you remember the Democratic Party, Yeah, they were the party of segregation, the Southern Manifesto. And you know, by the way, that was about the document they were resisting the Supreme Court Landmark decision about Brown versus Board of Education and the ruling and segregation in schools. Oh and by the way, Joe Biden had one position then about that, and here is one position today. It's the exact opposite. You know, if you look at the you know, Bill Clinton's mentor, Jay William Fulbright, non segregationists. You look at Hillary Clinton's mentor Robert KKK Byrd. It's going to be interesting to see because there's a lot of statues, a lot of streets in West Virginia NDC honoring the former clansmen that they all seemed to like, including Biden. It took Lyndon Johnson's support from Republicans to get the Civil Rights Act of sixty four passed, the Voting Rights Act passed in sixty five, and Southern Democrats tried to stop these pieces of legislation from being passed and for months, and you know, we actually have real vote tallies in all of this, you know, if you look at it. For example, one hundred and twelve Democrats in Congress voted against the Civil Rights Act, and then for the Voting Rights Act, seventy eight Democrats voted against it. You know. But of course they don't ever want to talk about real history because the narrative every two and four years Republicans are racist. Well, let's look at, for example, the guy that they love, Hillary's mentor that Joe Biden praises, Robert Byrd, well, he philipbustered the Civil Rights Act for over fourteen hours before voting against it. By the way, interesting side note to this. You know, we're going to see what Bill Clinton's mentor Jay William Fulbright, Oh, by the way, Al Gore's yeah, and Jay William Polbright yeah, uh huh on the wrong side of history, you know. But then you know, so let's see what they all do and say, because there's a real history here now. Nancy Pelosi, her own father I yet to hear from her, you know, demanding the removal of Confederate statues. Okay, but we do have her family has a history here, because she hasn't yet commented on the role of her father and overseeing the dedication of the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument while serving as Baltimore's mayor in nineteen forty eight. Now I think later her own brother served in that position. You know, you can get into some details of Robert KKK Bird. None of it's good. Al Gore and his father me and none of that is good either. And Democrats always give themselves a past a pass on this. Biden's nineteen seventy five comments slamming reparations and school busings. Actually the Washington Post a couple of years ago, I guess it was about well March in twenty nineteen. They actually even reported on that. Shockingly, you know, Joe Biden wants to see studies about the feasibility now of reparations as comments, you know, are the exact opposite. I don't even want to read them, so repulsive, to be honest to you, with me, with you, we have other reports attempts to hold some of the looters and rioters accountable. Feds are now combing Facebook to hunt down some of the people we have on video. Apparently the Black Lives Matter website deep fund the police. Donations are going to some Act blue, according to multiple reports. I've not been able to independently verify that, but anyway, that go to act blue, the Biden for President campaign's top source of donation. Oh so you mean people be in line too and tricked? Interesting? Yeah, antique police movement continuing all over the place. Ricky Gervay mocked the celebrities and the ie Take Responsibility Anti Racism PSA. Natalie Portman advocates for defunding the police. Okay, are all these democrats are Hollywood stars. Are they going to give up their private jets? Absolutely not, but they'll lecture us about driving an suv or a caravan. Are they going to give up their arm protection? I tend to doubt it. Nancy Pelosi gonna do it, Joe Biden gonna do it. Any of these liberal governors, they're gonna do it. I have Comrade Dublasio once in the TV studio and I'm like, uh, those four guys over there a policeman, they have guns on them. Does every New Yorker? Should every New Yorker have the ability to also have a weapon inside their home. We went back and forth for like twenty minutes. They have a right to be safe, guaranteed right to be safe. I didn't ask if you have a guaranteed right to be safe? I did. Do they have a right to defend themselves the way you defend yourself? And oh, one other thing. The Seattle mayer says we could have the Summer of love. It's more like a block part here. I forgot all about that part. I meant to get to that earlier. And the mayor also saying it's not terrorism, is patriotism. This is a festive environment. Now the presidents saying if we have to go in, we'll go in. Okay, Well why don't Why doesn't the governor? Why don't other people do their job? By the way, new polls shows African Americans opposed defunding police by double digit margin. Two polls released today. Overwhelming majority of American people oppose these stupid plans of defunding the police. ABC poll fifty seven percent of African Americans support defunding the police. Okay, but other poles are showing other things. Self described liberals support defunding the police by a thirteen point margin. Okay, who are you gonna call my favorite question? Now? Schumer sides with the defund the police nut jobs and a Senate showdown resolution by Tom Cotton called for two simple things, justice for George Floyd and to oppose efforts to defund the police, and Schumer opted to block a resolution of Senator Cotton. Democrats who cheered the anti cop riots warned that Trump rallies are dangerous. A lot of them were out marching the same because of coronavirus. Okay, a little more hypocrisy on top of hypocrisy. Seattle councilwoman urges the city to actually surrender to the Antifa occupiers. You don't make this up. Seattle's city council member wants the city to leave the police free zone occupied by protesters in community control permanently. Uh. I wonder if the people that own homes and businesses agree with that. Seattle's police chief reports that rapes and robberies this was a national review, are taking place in the cop free festive Summer of peace autonomy zone. Another poll shows voters overwhelming reject defunding the police sixty uh overall. New York Post had this. This is an ABC poll. Two Uh. Okay. You want law and order. You want to open borders. You want taxes through the roof. You want government controlled everything, no oil and gas. You want a socialist utopia. Little fail. That's what's at stake in one hundred and forty four days. Anyway, it's altogether on Hannity dot com. If you want to give Doubt a good gift and unique gift of Father's Day, where will coming to y'all city jail? And if you want a little banging come along. Keep say all the time, Oh we gotta get the vice president of a basement he's fine in the basement. Two people see him a day, his two body people. That's it. Do you believe there is systemic racism in law enforcement? Absolutely, But it's not just a law enforcement's across the board. Everybody's trying to shame us. If the being embarrassed about our profession, well you know what, stop treating us like animals and bogs and start treating us with some respect. Believe it or not, there's only one hundred and forty four days left till America vote. Vote where I'm coming to your sent you want to play our getting you a conscience from coast to coast, from border to border, from sea to shining sea. Sean Kennedy is a bond who please watch out on the peper taking him shoot the office. That's luck on the getting us being as taking him to the office. I M nothing. I'm out here every single day, thank sure. Everybody's okay, that's it, that's all. I don't shoot, so we want back, So we're not It's not a matter of how many comps are in here. We're not worried about police have already I'm hay Street. We're not worried about polife. Bro we're harried about police. You see, I'm black, bro, I'm not worried about the police. My rides and I gotta I'm not around to the chess. I'm not a black guy. I'm a black who goes live. I'm of these polices. Okay, there's many police going there. Who gives a we're here hay thing. So when we talk to him and get ours together, that's when the fop we're gonna get you, not murding my he's running. You all follow what you know. What you have pie jacted. You have taken the meta. What you don't know, you cannot portchance it what your life because of what you're like. Don't don't try to shut the blots to day out. I'm black. I'm black myself, but you're not told me she said, I'm not bad. The thing about it is then the pickering and back for people who kind of change came from bickering and back and forth. A matter of fact, take what playing bickering prey change you getting from bicker and back and forth. An to check this out. I'm not done talking for it. I'm not gone up. You don't letting me out. I got the bush like I said one didn't know. I ain't done six man, six you want to take folks up there? What you want to do at birch red A. But what you gonna do about to be a peaceful protest? Then you know what? Use your words and your pen. Didn't call it ahead and write it right? Were you write it? Bright? Do what you gotta do. But taking a bunch of folks up there to riot and do all that? What does that? Soul? Madam did not say six? Do not say six? You got two more to go? You want to go? Thirteen hundred men and women of the Seattle Police officers are guild. We are beside ourselves. The city has lost all the political will to enforce the rule of law. I want to ask you about to let's going down to Seattle is so thank called the capitol little autonomous zone. What's your thought on not the fact that the protest have taken that over and not allowing people come go freelyarding Well, that's news to me, so I'll have to reserve any comment about it. I have not I have not heard anything about that from any incredible source, not that you're not credible. It's just like before, I spouse and opinion I should know of which I speak. All right, there are the sounds. We'll have a lot of the sites the autonomous zone, which the mob and the media. Now, I never really thought i'd see this before, but you have a big liberal city in America. I thought, what we were seeing is what eight hundred cops pelted with bottles and bricks and rocks and Molotov cocktails. Some cops have died. Round eight hundred now injured. Twenty other people are dead. Now you got in Seattle, you know these anarchists now that have literally now taken over six city blocks in one of the one of the city's most prominent neighborhoods. Thought it was bad when we were watching precincts and New York City abandoned and burned to the ground, But now it's gotten worse. They now are armed. They're now setting up checkpoints into and out of the so called autonomous zone. The inmates, clearly, when you listen to this, like running the asylum. They're literally trying to kill each other at every other second. Business owners are reportedly being extorted, other buildings are being vandalized, fights have been breaking out, people are being assaulted. An entire police precinct now has been totally abandoned. Part of the tape you've just heard as the anarchists escorting escorting now one police officer to the precinct they have now commandeered. It was not nice of them, ABC, even going as far as to say it's a festive zone. Police. They were saying in Seattle of largely withdrawn from a neighborhood where protesters have created a festival like scene that has President Donald Trump fuming. And again the coverage almost non existent. President saying that Seattle can't be occupied by anarchists and they don't clean this up, he's gonna have to. But the Seattle Mayor, Jenny Durkin is defending Capitol Hills Autonomous Zone as quote patriotic. Wow, one way to describe it, right anyway. New Hour two, Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Seawan newke Ingrids joins us h Fox News contributor. His latest book is called Shakedown. Sarah, welcome back. And I know you've been back and forth to the Holy See, and I know you're watching this day in and day out. Need to get your thoughts on it. Well, I would say, welcome to Joe Biden's America. It's it's it's a variation on the opposite of Reagan in the second debate when he said that when about his age, I won't take advantage of the youth and an experience of my opponent. And Mondale broke up laughing. As you remember christ Night to the movie about Reagan, that this great scene where you can see in Mondale's eyes he knows by what Reagan just said that the election's over because it was so cutary. So I would have the opposite here to watch Joe Biden is to be embarrassed, to feel sad for him and his family, to wonder why they're putting him through it. But what's happening in Seattle is the natural outcome. And my newsletter today at University sixty was about Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi because I think we need to think of it as a team. And they would change America so radically in the first year that we would no longer be the country you and I grew up in, which, of course what they want, well, you're seeing in Seattle. And by the way, Abraham Lincoln would have understood this and said this is an act of secession. These people have taken over a neighborhood, put up signs and say you are leaving the United States. Now, how can the mayor and the governor tolerate this? You can't, I mean, because it's no longer the United States. Then whose laws apply? Who is protected? Because remember, if there is no law, the most vicious, the most violent, the strongest dominate and exploit the weakest and the poorest and the most helpless. And that's what you're going to see in Seattle. It's not going to a summer of love, to quote the mayor of Seattle. It's going to be a nightmare. Let me ask you about what is now caught fire among many Democratic governors and mayors and politicians and people in DC about this whole defund the police. To me, it's a very simple question, mister speaker. It's okay, who are you going to call at midnight when you're alone in your home with your kids and somebody's trying to break in and do harm to your family? Who are you going to call? Oh? Well, first of all, of course, you had this idiotic Democrat city council president who Anneapolis has said worrying about rape is an example of white privilege, which she said actually sent in. But I was going to step further. I had a very simple test. I would say that anybody talks to me about defunding the police, find Nancy Pelosi should give up her security. Chuck Schumer should give up his security, Every Hollywood star should give up their security, Every governor should give up their security. You want to walk in and spend the next couple of years with no security, Now talk to them about defunding the police. But don't tell me we're going to protect the aristocratic privilege, wealthy because they have their own police. But we're going to rip away police for people who are poor, who have no power, who can't protect themselves. And that's what we're getting. You think Nancy Polos is going to sit out without police, I don't think so. Since Schumer is going to come back to New York with no police, I don't think so. This whole thing is an example of the aristocracy of the elected, powerful and the movie star rich, and those people who think they're better than the rest of us, so they are to be protected, while the rest of us are made prey to people who were violent and vicious. I was saying yesterday I'm radio and TV, but now one hundred and forty four days, outside of what I think is the I know we say, we've said it in the past, this is the biggest choice election in our lifetime. This is really it. Though nothing compares to this moment. And I'd even argue between COVID and you know, the economy and how far we get in terms of a v shape recovery, what happens, how this all plays out in the cities, and whether or not Donald Trump is forced to then do the job the governors and the mayors won't do. So a lot of things are going to happen in one hundred and forty four days. I don't have a crystal ball. I have a lot of thoughts on where I think it's going to go, and that is, the economy will recover, and I believe coronavirus, if we get resurgence, will know a lot more, probably in two weeks, that we at least have the means to better deal with it. I think that bodes well for the president. Well, look, I think this is going to be an extraordinary fight. I believe it's the biggest choice ince eighteen sixty. I think and I wrote my news letter today at Kingstry sixty on Biden, Schumer and Pelosi as a team. Like point was don't tell me about Trump. You know, this is not a choice between Trump and president perfection. This is a choice in Trump and a team on the other side you use. And I laid out in this newsletter what the first year of a Biden, Schumer Pelosi world would be like, and it's pretty terrifying. I mean, I stay active seven days a week trying to figure out how we make sure that Donald Trump gets reelected, because I think the alternative is the end of America as you and I have known it. And I don't mean that as hyperbole or exaggeration. And I did an entire series of podcast on Nancy Pelosi's three trillion dollar bill, and I'll tell you, you look at the stuff that's in that bill, and you have to conclude. If they take control, we will never again be the country we once were. They will just simply wipe it out. That's what's at stake here. I mean eliminating oil and gas, the lifeblood of the world's economy. Everything's free socialism at a level we could never that is totally unsustainable. These are false promises, a power grant by the state that I don't think you can recover from. And then of course foreign policy weakness once again that's never going to end well, defunding the military. Also as part of this utopia, how do you see in terms of the president, You know, he's getting hit every single second of every single day either way. One of the things that will know, probably by November is you know how many of these deep state actors that were involved in this attempt at coup will be held accountable? Well, look, I mean there's no question. And again I go back to Lincoln and to some extent to Andrew Jackson. This president has had an entire national establishment do everything it could legally and illegally to try to stop him, and as an astonishing process, and his achievements, whether in conservative judges or the economy before COVID hit, or rebuilding the military or defending America overseas, his achievements have been beyond this sounding. And I think it's very important to understand that, despite the left wing media's overwhelming hostility, that Trump is truly already a history figure. But here's what I think it's going to come down to there will be a moment, probably in August, when the campaign will suddenly become real. In August of nineteen forty eight, Harry Truman, running free election, was nine points behind Tom Dewey, and in fact he was so far behind it by the end of September Gallop quit taking polls, and they were all shocked when Truman won on election Day. But he won by telling the truth and hammering away at the Republican Congress and at Dewey. And I believe if you start thinking, you say, the average American, what kind of country do you think Biden, Schumer and Pelosi will create, I think you'll find even people who say they're never Trumpers are not going to say they're never Americans. And I think it will not be able for that future. Let's go through a little history here. Robert KKK Bird, former Senate Majority leader, all these years, all the Democrats that praise him. Oh, so many monuments all over the place honoring the former klansman. Let's world tape take you down memory lane. There are white things. I've seen a lot of white thing time. When you use that word, you mean he was the head of the Democratic Party. Oh, let's see what the Democrats that want all the monuments down. Let's see what they have to say about this. He was a Senate icon, he was a party leader, he was an elder statesman, and he was my friend. We know other things he said and things he did that he came to regret. I remember talking about that the first time I visited with him. He said, there are things I regretted in my youth. You might you may know that, I said, none of us are absent some regrets. Senator. Today, our country has lost a true American original, my friend and mentor, Robert Sbird. Senator Bird was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility. There are white I've seen a lot of white king time. I admired his tireless advocacy for his West Virginia constituents, his fierce defense of the Constitution and the traditions of the Senate, and his passion for a government that improves the lives of the people it serves. There are white I've seen a lot of white kid time. They mentioned that he once had a fleeting association with a clue Klaus Klan, And what does that mean? I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and Hollis of West Virginia. He was trying to get election as Secretary of State. I continued to rely on his advice and council. Robert C. Bird led by the power of his example, and he made all of us who had the honor of serving as his colleagues, better public servants and better citizens. Robert Burn left such lay although I and my colleagues behind me Revere the Senate. Robert C. Bird elevated the Senate who was the embodiment of his state. There's ever a Senator who in fact reflected his state, it was Robert C. Bird. Every time I sat with a leader, I'd never called Senator Bird senator, I was called him Leader. He was devoted to all of you. Like a few senators in the thirty seven years I was there, thirty six plus years I was there that I have ever ever known. He was fiercely devoted, as you've all heard, to his principles. Even once he became power, he always spoke truth to power, standing up for the people he proudly was part of. As the Senator made a very moving, an elegant speech as a son of the Confederacy, acknowledging that it was time to change and yield to a position the Senator Carol Moseley Braun raised on the floor of the Senate not granting a federal charter to a organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag. All right, they hear the blatant hypocrisy. By the way, Nancy Pelosi, now Wednesday, demanding the removal of all Confederate statues occupied the US capital as of now, remained silent on her very father's role in overseeing the dedication of the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument while serving as Baltimore's mayor in nineteen forty eight. Be interesting to see if she thinks what her father dedicated should come down. We know all about, for example, the story of Robert Bird, and it's getting more interesting by the moment. Former Speaker of the House New King Ridge is with us his new book Shakedown. Well, Jay William Fulbright was the mentor of Bill Clinton. You know more about Jay William Fulbright than I do. Hillary's mentor was Well. Robert K. KK Bird and Joe Biden had an awful lot of nice things to say about him. And can we get rid of all the bird monuments too, because they're pretty much everywhere all over West Virginia n DC. Oh, look, I want to bring this whole statue argument to right now. Today there is a large statue of Lennon and Eddo Washington. Now, if we're not going to accept statues that are in any way inappropriate to human dignity, I would argue that the statue of Lenin has to come down. And I think that's a very good test for liberals. There's a lot of good tests. I want to hear Nancy Pelosi. You know, her opinion on her own father, who oversaw the dedication of these Confederate statues. I want to know a position on that. I want to know if she's consistent. In other words, well, I've been frankly when I did a piece of about this other day. You know, both her father and her brother were the mayors of Baltimore. So if we want to talk about what has caused enormous pain for poor Americans, and especially for poor urban blacks, why don't we talk about how many years the Democrats have run places like Baltimore, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and Pelosi's role, which is intimately tied both to Baltimore and San Francisco. And it's pretty hard to say that it's Donald Trump's problem. If the Democrats, for example, have run Chicago for eighty nine consecutive years, then now turns out but this is all Donald Trump's problem. So I think, I think there are a lot of fights we can have here. And I think that the left desperately wants to avoid argue about performance by putting in symbolism and emotion and empathy. Taking a knee replaces fixing the school system. And I think that we shouldn't let him get away with it. We should go after him head on. Now. I also think once you go down the road of eliminating statues, movies, books, you name it, you're in a very slippery slope that ends up in its atolitary and society. And I think that there's something more than a little sick by what we're seeing happening and by the kind of group think that is being literally imposed in the country. So it's almost like Maoism in China. Make if you don't think this way, you're a bad person. And I think that we ought to take your head on and say now that we're not We're not going to repudiate our history and we're not and allow you to destroy art simply because it doesn't sit this week's version. You know, when you think of the Party of Lincoln, the Republican Party, the Emancipation Proclamation, I might be wrong, mister speaker. You're the historian, not me, But if I remember correctly, there was a Party of Segregation and the Southern Manifesto, and I believe it was Democrats who introduced that Southern Manifesto, a document to resist the landmark Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education. The nineteen sixties, we saw the Civil Rights Act in the Voting Rights Act sixty four and sixty five, respectively, and it was Lyndon Johnson relying on Republicans to get that bill passed. If my memory serves me, well been a while since I've been in school. Well, you're right, but look what we face is the great propaganda machine in the news media and the willingness of Democrats to say whatever they have to say to win, even if it's totally false. And I would argue that frankly, they have been as destructively for poor urban blacks in the modern era as their predecessors were in the South when segregation was entirely a function of the Democratic Party. And they don't want to admit to that. But virtually everything we think of that was bad about segregation was brought about by the Democrats against Republican opposition over and over again. It's it was Republican presidents who sent the army in, for example, to suppress the ku Klux Klan. And I think that we have to be more courageous and standing up for the truth about the real history America and not allowing them to some fantasy version to fitch their political needs. Let me move on to I think certain events. If I had to guess, coronavirus is one, and whether or not we have a bad rebound, it's always a potential. It's usually predictable to some extent. I think we'll know a lot more about how big that potentially could be in the next two weeks, after all these protests hopefully die down. But so you've got that to factor in. I was shocked the experts were off. Well, first, the models were off with coronavirus, all of them, and all of the all the information pretty much we were given, except that we've got to take care of the older people, elderly people, those with underlying conditions and compromised immune systems that remained constant. Everything else varied and changed, and they couldn't be more wrong. But I think predictions on the economy. For example, May's numbers ended up being net plus to two point five million jobs that were predicting net minus nine million jobs. How much hope does that give you that by the time we get to October and the second third quarter numbers come in, that we will see what we call a V shape recovery in the economy. Well, I think we have a real chance to get to a V shaped recovery, despite the effort of every Democrat to slow it down. And I think the president's decision to let every state explore on their own and to have a freedom of laboratory of democracy was exactly right. And of course you've seen a number of states now almost all of them states that voted for Trump, that are beginning to reopen, beginning to have the economy grow. But the President should send up to the Congress a dramatic, bold tax bill that would have a one year suspension of the payroll tax, one hundred percent deductibility for businesses, and an ability to companies who came out of China and move their businesses come to the US, and several other things. He needs to put the Congress on notice. We need to keep the momentum up, not relax, not rest. Would continue to push towards economic growth and let Nancy Pelosi explain to the country why she won't move a tax. You know, a payroll tax cut would be very, very popular, and people would understand that it actually allows working Americans to keep more of their own money, That allows small businesses to keep more of their own money, and a one year holiday in tax would have enormous positive impact on the economy. I don't think the president can relax. He has to get up every morning and think about what am I doing today to keep this economy growing because the news media and the Democratic governors and the Democrats in Congress are going to do everything they can to keep Americans unemployed so that they can defeat Trump. Being Defeating Trump's their goal in life, and they don't mind how an Americans they hurt to try to get there. So He's going to be very tough minded and very focused on getting this economy growing. All right, quick break, we'll come back more with former Speaker of the House New king Ridge. On the other side than Project Veritas is James O'Keefe his next installment of his undercover work on Antifa. Right as we continue with former Speaker of the House New king Ridge, his new book out by the Way, Shakedown. So let me ask this um, Terry mcculloff, pretty revealing. I'm fine with Joe and his basement bunker. No, let him stay in the basement bunker. He only sees two people a day. I'm like that. That's a that's a whole new model and paradigm being developed right before our eyes on how to inspire people to vote for you stay in your bunker, only see two people a day. I'm Democrats are fine with that. Well, you know they have a real problem in the end. You think, yeah, sooner or later, Well, I mean in the end, sooner or later he is going to come out in the open. And if he said no practice, no preparations, and so far he is frankly painful. I watched the Biden on the View and they tried to coach him into how to apologize for you know, sexual advances, and it was so painful every time he opens his mouth. That's painful. Why do you think though, I mean, I think it's a fair question. They asked it about Reagan. You referred to this earlier in nineteen eighty four after didn't have a good first debate against Walter Mondale, And you know it. Does he have the mental alertness, the stamina, the strength, the mental acumen to take on the hardest job in the world. And you know, you're right he won it with that one. I'm not gonna let my opponents youth and inexperience be an issue in this campaign. Game over, there's a great moment of history. But the question is, you know, I don't think Biden's capable of that moment in my humble opinion. But they know everybody's acting in the media and Democratic Party like there's nothing wrong. The only reason Terry McCullough got caught is because he didn't always being taped. You know, I'll say I don't. I've thought about this a lot. I don't know how Trump can debate it, because I think it could be such an overmatch. The people can end up feeling so sorry for Biden. Not that that would necessarily vote for him, but I mean, I think it's almost unfair or inappropriate to put him back out in PUBLICA All right, mister speaker, you've you've been more than generous with your time. His new book, by the way, Shakedown, It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. I'd say bookstores everywhere, but I don't know if bookstores by you might be open or not. Mister speaker. Always appreciate you being with us in great insight when we come back. News Roundup, Information Overload Hour. James O'Keefe his next undercover installment with Project Veritas on Antifa tactics and where they're getting some of their money from straight ahead goal of this right to get out there and do dangerous things as safely as possible. How violent is Antifa or URCA particular practice things like an eye It takes very little pressure to injure someone's eyes. They do not hesitate to either push back or incite some kind of violence. In our classes and in our meetings, before we do any sort of demonstration or black block, you know, we talk about weapons detail and what we carry and what we should have what is black block, Well, this is black block right now. Is The term is used to a tactic in which individuals conceal their identity to look uniforms so that no one can be identified in an act of a crime. With URCA, it seems much more structured, almost like a company or like a business. So you know, I feel like there is some type of outside funding, influence or resources being used just drawing her, not like delivering a really awesome right hand right I left that blow. You know, Um, it's not boxing, it's not k bloxing. It's like the strong round. We did apply for a grand from Stars like we'd a long term when I was doing more abortion rights and defending finish. We actually did get a grant from them. Around we started a thing called National Bay of Appociations, your worship writers and controlling Money. We are not going to lead Mills Mollis. That's just that's just straight up. We are not going to go meeting llions of dollars and Newsons and the people. You know, if you can get a meeting with either one of those m Sarry Tallow or y Z would be like it would be would be a married in the organ experience in your life start and what um right now that I don't know if we took the meeting. Today, we're meeting with his main his main advisor there kind of I don't know who that is. That's kind of a big deal. I mean, that's for me. We've been talking to his assistant. He was gonna be the first said he was going to meet, and he got busy. He made the announcement. A star's been retweeting some of our stuff. Yeah, and I wouldn't be surprised if wanted. I think he has only me speaking based on reading newspapers. I think he has political advisions. But yeah, and there's always been the rumor he's gonna read that govern that he may actually want to be directly. So the idea is you stepped aside, grabbed the person, and I clam him down there. Okay, that's one way, So here's the other the other way. Come on, lovely elbow, let go. When I first infiltrated them, I was a little worried. They were definitely learning tactics that we're not for defense, definitely for offense. On the front. They would say on their website that these were defensive classes, but all the tactics they used for offensive. Their goals are the abolition of the state, to shut down prisons, abolish the ice, the police force, and the United States government. Oh, abolishing the government. Now we know what antifas. We're gonna say it's self defense, but it's really offensive that they're going to be involved in. Uh that a series Now, I guess it's now the third or fourth part of the series. It's hard to keep up. James O'Keeffe and Project Veritas sees the founder Project Veritas there undercover work infiltrating the group Antifa, stealth underground, extremely paranoid and Antifa describing you know, fight training, body slamming and hit them in the beep and you know, saying they want to abolish the US government. James O'Keefe is back with us. Why don't you just sum up because we'll show this new video tonight. But you know, explain the whole thing here, John. So basically we released the last installment yesterday. This is a national organizer for Refuse Fascism. A man named Andy Z and another woman named t Stern, both of them leadership for this Antifa like group, Refuse fascism, and they're talking about how they get their money. This is a direct quote quote. We actually did get a grant from Soros, George Soros. They also say that they've been working with and meeting with a man named Tom Steyer who's a billionaire from California, and they that Styre does not want to be quote directly connected. And they talk about this. So we have done now four videos. The first few videos showed their violence. They're poking people's eyes out, training them how to commit acts of offensive violence, reframe assault is self defense. And this last installment it actually shows in their own words, hidden camera videos of the meeting with potential funders, talking about who is funding them and all of this. Sean proves this is not just a bunch of kids in the street. This is an organized group of people that are doing things ahead of time. Well, you know, I don't know exactly who all the anarchists are. I don't know if anybody really knows, but you know, I never thought we'd be seeing what we're seeing and the streets of our big cities, although they've been running to the ground for decades now by democratic governors and democratic mayors and totally ineffective. And I thought it was bad enough when we saw, Okay, nobody's going to listen to a curfew, and then the loo in the arson and the rioting, burning of police precincts. Then of course eight hundred cops about now have been injured, a couple of them killed with rocks, bottles, bricks, molotov cocktails fire at them. And if that didn't get if that wasn't enough to shock people, Now we have an entire, you know, part of a city, this one Seattle, where they've actually commandeered an entire part of the town, including the police precinct which was abandoned. They actually let them have it. And they're doing nothing to you know, protect the people that live in there there were many homes in there, or protect the police precinct. They're doing nothing. And you know, we're getting these proclamations from this, these genius politicians out there saying, no, this is the summer of love and a festive zone and an autonomous zone, and no, this is patriotic, according to the Seattle mayor. And I'm like, I don't know what they're looking at. That's not what I see. James o'keefel, and again just to reiterate for your audience listening, that what we filmed in New York was them reframing an assault a violent assault, them reframing that as his self defense, which is probably a criminal act if you're intending to hurt someone and you're lying about the reasons that you're doing it. But this is the first time anyone has ever infiltrated Antifa. The recording that you played just now was one of the brave undercover journalists for Project Veritas talking about how he was scared for his life if something went wrong he got found out that he could get hurt. And also one of the first times you've ever seen any of these donors names mentioned. They mentioned Soros, they mentioned Styre. They say they're meeting with his staff. They say that he's making potential donations indirectly. So if we don't have any confirmation of that though, I mean, do you believe them, did you find that they were just really opening up. Their confirmation is their lips moving and them saying the words that we got to go grant from Soros. This is their words, not mine. This is a woman named t Stern, head of the Atlanta chapter of Refuse Fascism confirming this is according to her, that this is the sort of people that they work with, and and and easy lists ten thousand and fifty thousand checks that they get from donors to fund this activities. And the media claims they're not even a group. They claim they're not even a group, and they're meeting with billionaires to fund What do we know about this? Because this is important? They what again, different cities apparently have different they're apparently all under a banner of Antifa, but they have different names in different cities, loosely bonded together or do you believe that really is far more centralized than anybody knows? Not only report the facts of what we've uncovered, which is that they have a national organizer that they meet with moneyed financial people, that they have trainings, right, you've seen this is all the stuff you've seen the tapes. They have PowerPoint presentations and in Portland, Oregon, where they teach you how to gouge out eyes. They have a martial arts training which you and I talked about this week, where they reframe an assault this self defense and teach you how to really hurt somebody so again it's just is it organized. It's self evident based upon the fact that they have trainings, have leadership, have donors, and in fact plan all this disruption. In fact, this man andy Z tells our undercover reporter. While Tom Steyert might not be directly connected, they have all these cities and a certain point, this quote dominates the national news. It's a very destructive force. This is an intent. This has been planned by an individual who is the leader, and they claim that this is not planned. So what this evidence suggests is it's just confirming what we all suspect. Shron. It's just on tape. It's them in their own words. As I always say, Yeah, did you notice by the way out in Seattle and all these leftists against building a wall on our southern border, they built up all among their summer festival area, autonomous zone of the summer, a free love zone. That wall went up pretty quick. You know. I guess the more shocking thing here is that, you know, the mayor, the governor, they're saying this is patriotic, They're saying that this is a summer of love, that this is all peaceful. Now we you know, we've got audio and we got video of them even fighting amongst each other constantly. Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's it's certainly not from what we've seen peaceful. Like like I keep saying, they they gouging out eyes and training people how to commit assault. And I know that you know a thing or two about martial arts. Watch the tape of that training and see what their intent is. It is to hurt people, it is to dominate the news cycle. And and I really hope that these individuals they've mentioned in these tapes, I hope that someone in the media puts pressure on them to ask for a comment. Remember, they're giving through blind trusts, they're giving through anonymous means. So if the lead organizers are saying names about who's funding them, someone should ask those people questions. Tom Steyran for president, So I know he's got political ambitions, and that's what andy Z says. But they met with his people, They met with his people to talk about these activities, and so question is what did he know and when did he know it? Oh? I think those are all good questions. Um, okay, So this is the last installment on this Will you give us a preview of coming attractions? Because I know James O'Keefe. Well, I've known you since the first video you released, and I'm just imagining you're working on some other projects simultaneously. Well, Sean, because I really really consider you a close friend, I actually will tell you what no way, I'm actually no, I'm gonna Linda listen to this. I'm gonna get a tip. Now that's funny. All right, go ahead, what do you got? You've been so good to project your accassin. In fact, I'm going to tell you too pieces of breaking news. Here's the first. The first is because you've had me on your show the last couple times, we've had a whistleblower, an insider inside Antifa come to us. That's the first bit of breaking news, and we're going to be with I can't give anything more away, but we have one of them come to us, which is very cool. This week. The second bit of breaking news is that we're going to Twitter, Facebook, Google, one of those companies next week. It's going to be big. We talk about we talk about what's happening in our country with diversity, you know, and some of these discussions. We've obtained some information inside of one of these big companies. Big tech companies. That is going to blow you away. We've basically caught them essentially breaking the law, and we have absolute tangible proof and an insider who's going to speak to us in the shadows about it. We think it's going to be a very big story. We think it illicit a response from the leadership that one of these big tech companies are going to release that next week. It is amazing. I mean, with all this information you've been able to gather, and all those evidence and all this proof, and the Attorney General talking straight up about an investigation into some specific individuals, that I got to imagine at some point in time that these videos might be extremely valuable to law enforcement. I guess we'll see that soon. The question whether the Attorney General wants to prosecute or the California Turney General wants to prosecute, so well, that company's located there. But I can promise you, Sean, we got the evidence they're breaking the law. Next week, okay, James, Okay. Project Veritas dot com links on Hannity dot com. James, thanks for sharing that with us, and we'll be following very closely in the days, weeks, months ahead. We appreciate your sharing it with us. All right, time for a quick call here as we say Hi, Mike is in Florida. Will do phones for the final half hour of the show today. What's up, Mike? How are you? We got about a minute fifteen. It's all yours, okay, Sean, good afternoon. First of all, thank you for all you do and telling the people straight like it is. Sean, I'm a retired New York City detectives with all the twenty five years. I thank you for your service. By way, Yeah, thank you. I came on thirty plus years ago and times are different, yes, and what what's going on right now? If you were call so on the book from Bridge Riots, our Heights Rights, the Washington Heights Rights, yes they did that in my time, but we called them because we dictated where and how they rioted. In other words, we were the controlling factor. This is just pure anarchy the higher ups. I'm not blaming the cops. They're trying to do their jobs on the front line. Everything. By the way, my day out, the police spokesperson a spokeswoman said this was not my decision to leave our precinct and handed over to the anarchists. I agree with that, but I'm told about other places like it, and it's just mind boddeling how the higher ups are now. They're not backing their cops. And I don't blame the cops were not doing their job. I mean, we took an oath. We uphold the law, even on us retired guys. Our oath does not retire when we do. It retires when we pass away, you know, when we die. That's how we our mentality is. Let me just say this back into the game. What you did is the way to handle it. I mean, non lethal force. You don't let him take over a city. You protect other people in the city, protect property. It's simple. People like you put your life on the line every day the twenty five years you served you with honor and distinction. We appreciate it. Mike, thank you. When we come back, right to the phone, straight ahead, eight hundred ninety four one, Shan. If you want to join us a hight twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program, we will have all the latest tonight ninety Eastern say DVR Hannity, Fox News on all the anarchy, madness, insanity. Greg is in New Jersey, Greg High. How are you happy Friday? Sir? Glad you called? How are you doing? Shurance honor to speak with you. Thank you for taking a call. Thank you fellow martial artists like you. I'm a student. Ever. By the way, everyone may, oh, Hannity's gonna talk about as martial arts again. I'm a student. You know. Did I ever say I was an expert? I'm not. I'm not. No, no, no, no, no, no no. And you never are when you're a martial artist. You're always a student for life. That correct, it is. But I'm seven years in. I know a little bit. And I was listening to you speaking on Wednesday with your sense. It was really good stuff. And I took a lot of training in a PPCT, which is pressure put point control tactics, and police officers really need to learn this stuff. And what they need to learn is not just about the anatomy of the body. They need to learn what happens to the body when your heart rate elevates in certain situations, and it will help them do their job much better. And there's training out there for them, and I backed them on that. It's very hard to get these guys to train, but it's a it's an awesome thing to do and get there. He does it for free, he does it for discounts. He does it for free. He wants to help law enforcement. I mean he's and by the way, this guy's a lawyer that has just followed his passion. My sense sounds like Glenn, but you know, um, look it is. You're right. We need more training for these guys and eat pressure points, of course, but you know when you start getting into Japanese jiu jitsu and Brazilian jiu jitsu and and you know targeted striking, I mean it is a precise art. They're called the arts. And for me, what works for me is all repetition. I do a lot of self defense. You know, how do I deal with firearms? If it's out in front of me? How do I strip it? Getting a gun offline? Fight the man, strip the gun, break the fingers, step back, tap rack four over three. I mean, it's just my passion. I like it. Yeah, and you know what it is. It's not only just training the police officers, it's also they have to continue training so they don't forget and that happens a lot. They do some things and then they stop. You have to continually do it. And you know, yeah, I listen. I know that because let's say we don't do a lot of jiu jitsu for a while, and then I have to go back to his Okay, what do you do? And I'm like, oh, I have to think, he goes. The idea is not to think. The idea is to do. But you know what the repetition helps for me. It's a passion. I love MMA, I love the Octagon. I love these guys, you know too. I call them gladiator sports, warriors sports, and obviously one is MMA. The others I think NFL football, college football, and uh, you know, I just admire what it takes to be at the top of your game. I watched these guys in the Octagon. I'm like, wow, Um. One of the things that we do too, is we were joking about pain day. That's real because the thinking is what his thinking is. Okay, if you can't take a little pain, what's gonna happen to somebody hits You're just gonna say how it hurts. You know, it's got to be meaningless to you. And by the way, with all the paint he gives me, it's pretty meaningless. Now, um, I can take a lot so um, but it's experienced that to understand it. Right. Yeah, Oh yeah, Linda, how bad is pain Day? You've watched it many times I show people. Yeah, I couldn't never do it. Oh well yeah, yeah, okay, you could. I do my biking perfectly content to not get hit. So how bad was it with Lawrence Jones? When we're at that dinner in New Hampshire And I always throw a dinner for all the tech guys, all the people on our team and radio and TV, and you know, I'm going I do Pain Day and then I go Lawrence a thousand bucks. All you have to do is do what I do. I didn't need months to train. And he's a big, strong guy. I mean he wanted no part of it. It was hilarious. Yeah, but there's a difference between being strong and being like you know, when you work out every day, that's your muscles are very acclimated to the kind of pressure that you're putting them under. Like that stuff that you do takes I mean a very long time to get prepared for, and I mean it to me, it looks scary. I wouldn't want to hit anybody like that. Yeah. Well, anyway, what do you are? You like me and Gland? Do you do a an eclectic blend of arts, any particular art you're you know, Yeah, nineteen years in taekwondo and I'm a fourth degree black belt, but I've trained in a lot of different arts. In jiu jitsu, I've done some grappling, I've done kalie, I've done haganah, I've done kd is a big one for me. Ji kundo. I really enjoy that. That's a great, great art to train in. But yeah, I mean I've done a lot and I love it all. But you know, what I think about it is that you have to find the things that work the best for you. Everybody's different, and you pick stick for those things and you put those in your toolbox and that's what you use. That's it. What he's been able to do for me is it's an eclectic blend, but it's very much situational self defense in my case, and a lot of strength and core building. It's a combination of both and boxing and you know, blade sticks, firearms, varying arts, krabmagaw, Kempo Japanese jiu jitsu, and you know, I just like it. It's a passion. I nowhere. I'm near your class of martial artists, but I have nothing. But no, no, don't say that. Don't say that, my friend. That's the two things I learned that were most important in martial arts was humility. Yeah, it's true. You you you'll never stop being a student. You bow in, we we bow in, and you know this. You look at you know your training partners, your sense that you bow in. You put your open hand, you put your fist in your hand. If you're using any type of weapon, if you're doing weapon work, you turn it backwards, upside down and show that you are showing respect. That we're not there to hurt each other, and but we're here to train and do business. All right, thanks Greg. Two most important things self control and that. Oh so that's it. Oh, all I get is are you going to listen to me? Back off? You back off, backwards? You do this. Oh you're like afraid, I'm like a lose cannon, And I'm like, I'm not a lose cannon. I'm gonna walk away every time if I can um anyway, Thanks Greg, appreciate it. Love to talk with you. Eight hundred nine for one. Sean is our number. John and Washington John, how are you Washington State or Washington d C. Washington State? John? How are you doing? Oh? Welcome to the people Socialist Republic of Seattle. Oh no, I don't live near there. I live on the East side where people have common sense. Good. Well, how do you feel about a portion of your state now being taken over by the anarchist Well, number one shouldn't happen. Back in ninety two, I was with the LAPD during the riots and quick headecotal story was we knew what was going on, but you had a fight between the chief of police, then Gates and the mayor. And when it started at Florence and Normandy, my partner and I, Sammy Kong law what we're going on, and we decided, Hey, if we go there, we might have to shoot two or three people, but it'll stop there. On our way out, we were stopped and said the chief has stood us down, and we tried to sneak out. They caught us and we were not allowed to go. And that's what happens when you do not keep law in order. From the beginning, from the outset. Look, it's I here's something that people have got to understand. There's never going to be on video. Now, I'm all in favor. I believe in body cams. I believe squad cars need cameras. I think it keeps cops honest and it keeps the public honest. Also because you know what, if anyone, if there's any resistance at all, it's never gonna look pretty. And so having a record of it and following proper procedures and more training, I think it helps everybody and keeps everybody honest. That's why when they cancel cops and they canceled live PD, I'm like, no, that helps the public understand what guys like yourself go through. It's not easy. Well, Sean, one of the things is we were always taught that, and I've done law enforcement even overseas as consultant, so we were fun. If you're going to use violence, it should be so overwhelmingly violent that it's shortened over with. But one of the main points I'd like to make it is all the training in the world does not matter. If you don't have the trust of the citizens you're policing. And one of the biggest outdated modes has to be done away with is police cannot sit in a patrol car with their friends and partners, then promote to IA and then all of a sudden, you're going to put that person in prison if they did something that's a crime. It's unrealistic. What needs to happen is you can't even use outside agencies the FBI, all of them are part of the law enforcement system. You need service trained people. We have so many good detectives that are retired sitting around that if you put them together and we're able to let the citizens of that community work side by side with those service trained advocates, then what happens is now they get to learn how tough the job is, and the police officers who are under investigations have somebody that understands their language, understands the situation you go through. That's why on some of your shows, I've heard people talk about community boards to review police action. If you have no concept of how to read a police department manual what shall or should not mean, then it's like sending somebody who does fishing to your studio to do your sound. Yeah, it does. It's and people have to remember one another thing here, and this is critical. They have to remember that even if it's just a routine traffic stop, that the cop never knows what's on the other side. Ever, they're adrenaline is pumping that they don't know, and we've seen horrible situations evolve even on a simple traffic to stop. But you know, I always say the ninety nine percent they you know, most people I know, John, that go into your profession um and you go to protect and you go to serve, and the ninety nine percent is so dedicated, and you know, but I'll look it this way. You have two percent of the population that, based upon criminal science, two percent are going to be killers in beach. Two percent are going to be your troublemakers. If you think, for whatever reason we could we could keep two percent out of the police department, It's unrealistic. And so I propose, and I'll keep proposing that until citizens are trained and law enforcement officers are trained to interact. I was trained as a little boy by my parents to have respect for the police, and that if something happens, you say yes, sir knows her, and then you take it up with the supervisor. Afterwards, you don't escalate aggression. Police need to be held to a higher standard on a traffic stop. If you're a drilland pumping, then you need more training because the only time I a drilland pumps is when I know there's a threat. Other than that, you are nice to everybody, but always have a plan to take them down. I got it. Listen, It's hard to do. I mean, you know, look at these New York City cops getting doused with waters their car patrol cars. It's just said, I'm gonna move on, John, But listen, people like you make our cities streets safer, more secure for all of us. You're a rock star. Many thanks to you and all the brave men and women that do protect and serve every day, and they do it with honor and distinction. Thank you. All right, let's say hi to Adam in Minneapolis. What's up, Adam? How are you hi? Sean A pleasure to speak with you. We don't say the word Minneapolis anymore. Here we say Land of My Pillows. And I love Mike Glendell, but man, I'll tell you I thought I could talk a lot. He can talk. It circles around me. I love the guy. He's such a good guy. Yes, absolutely. Well, Hey, the reason from my call is every day we get a body count in the number of shootings in Chicago, and I have an idea for President Trump land Marine One in White Sox Baseball Park and meet with the black leaders in that area and become the first president to really attempt to solve that particular problem on the Southwest side of Chicago. I think the Democrats would lose their minds and Trump would become a superhero with the majority of the black population. I think it's gonna be very interesting because I've viously, the President announced yesterday after meeting with a lot of key people that there is a reform package that he's working on, but he wants it to be meaningful. You know, none of the you know, people kneeling for eight minutes from forty six seconds. Uh, that doesn't make up for you know, the fifty years they've been in the House or the Senate doing nothing. Um, you know all the talk that that Chicago, for example, has gotten over the years decades of democratic rule and they haven't fixed their their their crime, their violence problem in their neighborhoods. And you're right, I think I'm the only one on television to ever scroll the names of everybody. This is going back aways during Obama's time as president. And you know, all the people shot, their names, You've never heard them. All the people shot and killed, we scrolled their names, You've never heard of them. And it's like a year in and year out, nobody does anything. And and you know now, but but here's the problem too, you're governor or. The governor in Illinois, he wants nothing to do with Donald Trump coming in and helping the state out, even when there's unrest going on. I mean, it's it's insane. Well, apparently that area. I guess when the stockyards left many many, many years ago, it was not replaced with any sort of job opportunities. And obviously Donald Trump is very effective at doing that, you know, i e. The economy. But I think that would go a long way, in addition to what he's already done. To heck with the governor, to heck with the mayor, just land at Marine one, meet with the black leaders and say, you know what, let's try to Let's try to figure a way that everyone doesn't have to kill each other and take the first step, I mean, the optics of Marine one flying into Chicago. I think it's a good idea or not. I like it please, but you know, look, I something has to be done. I mean, it's hard when the States are fighting against the president begging them to take the help is offering. And by the way, you know, as a matter of process and law, they have to ask for the help unless the president, you know, relies on the eighteen oh seven Insurrection Act. All right, that's gonna wrap things up with this Friday Hannity Tonight Nineties DVR on the Fox News Channel. We'll load it up. Powerful, powerful testimony that was given this week by Angela Underwood. Her brother was killed in the line of duty, and incredible story that she's gonna tell you on a hope make Americans think. So. We have some breaking news on the deep State, Dan and Bongino and Haraldo. It's all coming up Nineties turn tonight, Hannity. We'll see you then back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, all of us.

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