Who Investigate the FBI

Published Jan 14, 2019, 11:00 PM

Bill O’Reilly, media commentator and author of "Killing the SS", gives us his take on the FBI investigation.  President Trump remains under fire by the liberal media and yet if there was anything to the story, that would've hit by now.  Just how dangerous is all of this?

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Gavin Newsom pretty much saying because he'll give it to anybody, illegal, legal, doesn't matter. I guess he's saying, putting a big sign out, come to California for free healthcare. We'll get to the Democrats partying in Porto Rico as the presidents at the White House dying to make a deal. They refused to negotiate, but they're having a good time in Puerto Rico. Wasn't that Wasn't that fun for them? We'll get to that today. I've got to start with what we have now covered for a solid eighteen months that the news media in this country refuses to acknowledge there is more evidence that Hillary Clinton colluded with Russians, and nobody seems to care, although they're acting like they really care if there was Trump Russia collusion. The article by the New York Times on Friday where we now discovered because of testimony Congressman Ratcliffe, it was James Baker, the FBI testifying that in May of twenty seventeen, in the aftermath of the firing, obviously justified of James Komey, that Donald Trump, your president, was serving as a covert Russian agent. Their source onymous, they don't have a source, what they had, what you have? You remember what I said at the beginning of this year is We've got everybody in the media aligned and hating Donald Trump every second, every minute, every hour of every day. I've never seen it this bad. There is a real, real danger in terms of the abusive power, the corruption that has gone on here that they ignore that they keep trying to take to another level every single day and create an atmosphere where you think impeachment is right around the corner. But the bottom line is it's they had no evidence. You read the article, no reasonable suspicion at all, no probable cause. But you've got people in power. You know, I always hated and I even said this on air. I'd like Joe Degeneva a lot. He's a really smart, bright, ethical human being. And he always used the term dirty cops, and instinctively when he'd say that, I'd kind of recoil because I don't like the term, because it's the antithesis of my knowledge of law enforcement. And that's the ninety nine percent we're talking about, like the top echelon, not rank and file, FBI, not you know, not all the people the DJ, top ranking DOJ officials. You know, some twenty five now have either been fired or they have had what they've been demoted, or they've left. I think we're up to like thirty now, and so now you've got to go back to the beginning. That's the only way you can really understand this story. What you have is people that we now have proven hate and hated at the time Donald Trump. They never wanted Donald Trump to become president. So they begin an investigation. We have an espionage Act. You're not allowed to put top secret, classified special access programming information on anything outside of your government server and government computer. Hillary Clinton didn't want to abide by those rules, and in fact, she had an outside server with classified, top secret special access programming information on a mom and pop shop server in a bathroom closet that at the time even James Coleman as Original's honoration draft, you know, they suspected at least six foreign intelligence services had hacked into her server. Would be Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, you know who else. I don't know. But you can't have a secretary of state putting classified information all right, a clear, unambiguous, slam dunk violation of law. Then it gets worse. Then we find out that Hillary Clinton, well, she gets subpoened on her email and her server, and they come up with the brilliant idea. By the way, I don't recommend this that you do this at home if you're ever subpoened, I don't recommend you do what she did. One day, I suggested, oh, if you do it, it's a bad idea. But if you do it, everyone said, hannay's trying to obstruct. No, I said, it's not going to end well for you. I actually use those words. But if you have subpoened emails, thirty three thousand of them, and you delete them, and then you end up acid washing your hard drive. Nobody knew what bleach bit, but now we all know what it is, because it wipes your server clean so that you can't retrieve forensically all of those emails that usually are hidden somewhere in the hard drive, even though you think you deleted them, they're still there. And then an aid busting up hammers, busting with hammers iPhones and blackberries and other devices and ripping out the sim cards so that it renders the information totally useless on those devices. That's called if you did it, if anyone in this audit, that's called obstruction of justice. So then it gets worse. They write an exoneration of Hillary Clinton in May of twenty sixteen. They exonerate her. They didn't interview her to the July second of twenty sixteen, but the exoneration was being written by two of the biggest Trumpeters in the country we now know, James come and Peter Struck, the lead investigator who interviewed Hillary Clinton. Peter Struck at another FBI agent. So three days later, because the exoneration had already been in place. James Come comes out, there's has been press conference thirteen minutes and I said, holy blank, they got her. They're gonna do it. They're gonna follow the law. And then he goes after he basically lays out every crime she committed. But no real prosecutor would ever do this. Okay, no, not if you're biased like Peter Struck and you didn't think Hillary should win one hundred million to zero. Sure, or James come and you hate Trump, all right, I lay that as down as the foundation. Now, with all the talk about Russia, we have, we have chronicled, we have broken down every single day, every bit of evidence with we have real evidence. Hillary Clinton funneled money with the dn SEE to a law firm called Perkins Cooee Perkins cooee. By the way, that's kind of like a campaign finance violation which they say Trump committed but it's not. But in her case it actually was because it shows up as a legal expense and it was anything but anyway, they then hire Fusion GPS okay op Research Group. This is what they do. They dig for dirt on opposition candidates. No problem, That's what everybody does, and it's a dirty business. Then they hire a foreign agent, former m I six agent Christopher Steele. Christopher Steele then uses all those Russian contacts creates a group of documents. Those documents then become known as the dossier. Okay, Then the dossier put together paid for by Clinton is also first, it's disseminated to the American people. The American people are fed a bunch of Russian lies by Hillary that she bought and paid for. Now I thought Russian illusion mattered. I wonder how many people heard about the hooker's pan in a bed in Moscow at the Ritz Carlton that maybe thought maybe I can't vote for that guy because the story was out there. We later learned that it was even leaked by our own intelligence people, but put that aside for a minute. Then the unverified, uncorroborated Clinton Boughton paid for dossier then is used to get a Fizer warrant against the Trump campaign associate named Carter Page. Now the bulk of the information, which we haven't seen yet, which we need to see, is the phony, unverified, uncorroborated Clinton Boughton paid for Dacier. Now, this is all leading up to something, so they never cared about any of this, all the collusion you could ever want, with all the evidence you'd ever need. So for the period, we now discovered that right after they exonerated Hillary Clinton on July, the same people that protected her from indictment then launched the Russia investigation into Trump, and that went on from July up until May, up until the firing of Coomy. We have testimony from Lisa Page, Peter Struck, Andrew McCabe, and Comy himself that by the time Comey was fired, they all told us they had no evidence whatsoever of any Trump collusion. So then Coomy gets fired May of twenty seventeen. Then the FBI has this meeting. He was fired on May nine, twenty seventeen. Then the deep state again upper echelon, not rank and file. It's very important to me because I like rank and file API guys. Then they decide they're mad, Then they want retribution. Remember they've been investigating this collusion issue for all this time and have nothing. So according to testimony from James Baker, Congressman Ratcliffe confirming that this all is true, they decide they attempted on their own well maybe we've got a factor in that, in fact, Donald Trump was colluding with Russia even though they'd been investigating it. So again I go back with no evidence whatsoever. According to James Baker of the FBI, another one gone then FBI General Council and said that after they fired Komey, they were so angry in the aftermath that about six senior FBI officials huddled together set in motion what is a momentous move to open an investigation into Donald Trump. That included trying to understand why he wanted to have good relations with Russia. And they debated a range of possibilities. According to the partial transcripts to FBI officials, on one end, the idea that Trump fired Comey at the behest of Russia. This is made up of whole cloth, no evidence, no reasonable suspicion, no probable cause. Remember that. And Baker then said the FBI officials were contemplating with regard to Russia, whether Trump was quote acting at the behest or somehow following their directions. This is how nuts this has gotten, so based on no evidence, you know, you basically has as John Dowd, former Trump attorney, said, a de facto coup attempt against and duly elected president. But as staggeries that revelation is I'm not surprised. How can you be surprised. It's all the same people and nothing is yet had phony FISA warrants, the Boughton paid for dossier. Nobody does a thing about the illegal surveillance, unmasking and leaking of raw onion intelligence that has happened, exoneration without investigation. Look at the setup of General Michael Flynn, a three star you know, the Trump painting love birds at the center of all of this. The rampant destruction of evidence by everybody from Hillary to Robert Muller getting rid of both struck in pages phones, and that's the short list. And I am telling you, if you love this country, if we don't get this resolved properly and they're able to succeed, goodbye, it's over. It's done. No justice, no equal justice under the law, no equal application of the laws, no constitution, which is the foundation of our democratic republic. You think I'm overstating the case, I'm not. Hey, if you're one of thirty four million Americans that smokes, you know what a hassle that can be for me. I'm out playing golf and I come back smelling like cigars. It's the smell on your hands and your breath, your clothes. But now, thanks to Jewel, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Jewel is a vaporizer. It does contain nicotine. For a satisfying transition. Now, when I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer in my life. I don't smoke any cigars any longer. And Jewel was designed by smokers for smokers, to be an alternative to whatever it is you're smoking. So, if you're one of thirty four million adults who do smoke cigars, cigarettes, pipe, whatever, well there is an alternative to all of them. Now to discover the smoking alternative that's like nothing you've ever tried, just visit Juul dot com slash switch America. That's Juul dot com slash switch America. Now warning, this product does contain nicotine, and nicotine is addictive. How is it possible that this is where we now find ourselves? How is it possible that people in these high levels of power can use the powerful tools of intelligence to attack even a three star general. You know, none of that would have happened with General Flynn, had they practiced, if they didn't surveil him, which, by the way, is okay, he's talking to us, sooner be counterpart. But then James come of course bragging, I wouldn't have done this in any other administration, but there was so much can it was day four of the Trump administration. Wouldn't dare do this to the Bush or Obama administrations? Really bragging about what you did to set up a three star general, having your deputy call over and say, oh, you don't need a lawyer, having the full transcript, and then using that transcript as you know, you know every word that he says, You tell him, don't get a lawyer, you know, So Comy gets fired. This all gets written by the New York Times. This all now gets put out there as if this is all true, and none of it is true, and none of it has any evidence substantiation of any kind. It's not even probable cause a suspicion in any of this phony. Faiza Warrens bought and paid for Dossier's exonerations from real crimes one favored candidate over another. You know, then you go after the good guys unbelievable. You know, I recently heard that almost half of Americans make New Year's resolutions every year. One of the most important promises you can make in this dangerous world is protect your home and family. And that's why my friends it's simply Save home Security. They make it easier with their twenty four hours, seven days a week home security, no contracts, no catches, and they believe the safest place on earth needs to be your own home. So you feel protected every time you shut your door, need for work, shut your eyes at night. There are millions now of Americans that already feel this way thanks to Simply Safe. And by the way, PC magazine named Simply Save both Editor's Choice and Reader's Choice for twenty eighteen. In twenty nineteen, it's a great time to ask yourself, do I feel one hundred percent protected in this home that I worked so hard for? And if you're thinking, well, this is the year to change it. So protect your home and family today it's simply safe dot com slash shawn, simply safe dot com slash shawn. To protect your home and family. Is no time like the president simply safe dot com slash Shawn. You know I love how these organizations like the Washington Post, I mean, abusively biased as they are. I mean, this really is a Trump hating media. The forces against this president are everything I've told you. The media hates Trump. I mean it's print, it's broadcast, it's cable, it's it's every second of every day. What are they ever gonna do without Donald Trump? What will they ever report on that? Anyway? So there's an ABC Washington Post poll suggesting that the majority was shows that a majority of Americans now support President Trump's decision to keep the government shut down until he gets funding for the wall. Now, if you read the poll, it's confusing. Why is it confusing because you get different answers depending on the way the question is asked. For example, when this sample of adults said, I didn't even dig down into how many more Democrats than Republicans. That's just kind of par for the course. Usually, do you support or oppose building a wall along the US border with Mexico? Now they say fifty four percent said no and forty two percent said yes. But the poll also asked do you think Trump should continue demand funding for the border wall if he if it thens the government shutdown? Or should he compromise on this to the end of the shutdown. Fifty four percent said yes, Trump should keep the government shutdown and demand the point zero zero one percent of you know of funding for the border wall, next to nothing that all the Democrats supported in all the years gone by. I mean, it's amazing how they trained. By the way, a new caravan is forming in Honduras, if you haven't heard, and it's apparently bigger than the last one. So we're told that's we'll watching monitor that as as needed. Let me give you an example. Let me go give an example here of you know, if we want to talk about Russia. I just described Hillary Clinton and Russia. Hillary Clinton pays for Russian lies that are propagated, you know, basically propaganda given to the American people on the eve of an election. A lot of people heard about the lies before the election, didn't They heard about the Russian hookers in the Moscow Ritz Carlton and Trump all of this debunk If you read the stupid dossier, it's like you'll laugh at it. It's so absurd, just like you should laugh at although it's really not funny. The FBI gets angry at the remember Chuck Schumers. Chuck Schumer said, you better not mess with the deep state, the intel community. If you do, they're gonna get you six ways. In Sunday, Well, this this whole anonymous New York Times piece corroborates, I hate to say it, the Schumer's right, you know how dared donn You know what it is. He's a threat to the entire establishment, and that means Republicans, Democrats, media, the media is never gonna recover from fake news. I can promise you that they don't matter what they do. People are now hip and get that these people lie and that they have agendas. And you can see it because it's yeah, we saw it last week. Remember manufactured crisis. That was Chuck and Nancy, the Chuck and Nancy Show Saturday Night Live skit. It is hilarious, funniest thing I've ever looked like. I've seen better hostage videos than that one. I mean, they're up there standing miserable. They both use the manufactured crisis. Then everybody in the media manufactured manufact of manufactuact. I mean, you're dealing with people that are literally tied at the hip, but they're all working every second, minute, hour of the day, Democrats are doing it. Media is doing it. They're an extension of the Democratic Party. This story of this attempt by the FBI. They didn't like the firing of Komei, so now they're gonna set up Donald Trump and start, you know, well, hang on a second, We've got to look into the fact that, you know, maybe with regard to Russia, we now need to investigate Trump. Now, the president had every reason, we now know more than we knew then, he didn't need a justification. James Comey even acknowledged he didn't need a justification to fire him. But based on no evidence, senior FBI officials plotting a de facto, as John Dawd call it, coup against the duly elected president that they meaning, these very same deep state operatives all work towards helping Hillary get elected. They're the ones that exonerated her for obvious crimes. Hannity, why are you talking about Hillary? Because if we don't have the same standard of justice for her, or we have a separate standard of justice for her and a different one for everyone else, you just might as well know shred the constitution exactly. Phony faizer warrants based on a phony bought and paid for Russian dossier. Bogus dossier unmasking at a level unprecedented in twenty sixteen of American citizens. That shouldn't happen. Surveillance, unmasking, leaking intelligence, shouldn't happen. You don't write exonerations before investigations. You don't tell a three star in general, oh, you don't need a lawyer. Oh, and by the way, we got obtained this information illegally, and we're gonna now use it and create a perjury trap for General Flynt. You know, by the way, then we're gonna have Robert Mueller just, oh, we are raised once we found out struck in Page were extremely biased and up to their eyeballs in all of this, and then originally part of Muller's team that we're just gonna RaSE their phones and get rid of all of that. Remember that Michael Harrowitz was able to obtain some of the text messages, not all of them. Then we're gonna go into Paul Manafort's home and at dawn with guns drawn and put his you know, put him under arrest when he would have willingly surrendered. Then we'll throw him in isolation for months and months and months. We don't do that to drug dealers, we don't do that to murderers, but we'll do it to Paul Manafort because what he cheated on his taxes don't move. Granted, what else? Nothing with Russia, you know, Papadopoulos lying. You know, these are processed crimes that they set up. And then they say, well there's thirty three indictments. Okay, but most of them are Russian agents that are never coming to America to get justice. So they get all pissed off. The comys fired, and they have this meeting, but of course anonymously, you know. And then it's like, okay, well now we got every state now looking into getting Donald Trump. There was I guess it was Elijah Cummings on sixty event. It's like he's gonna use every bit of power that he has, NonStop investigations. And I told you all of this is going to happen before the election. I said that, not telling you their true agenda. They want to impeach the president, endless investigations. They want their crumbs back. They want to open borders, eliminate ice. But they're not going to tell you, and they didn't. You know, it's It's getting a little scary at this point because they're serious and they want to take down a sitting president. You know, Democratic investigators, you know, secretly take millions of tapped into millions of emails, financial records, and other documents of conservatives, you know, targeting and subjecting people. You know, they couldn't say anything about the John Doe for years. Remember that particular case, the Wisconsin Supreme Court finding that it was truly a sinister illegal conduct perpetrated by nonpartisan government agencies, you know, the Democratic prosecutors getting away with him Wisconsin. Remember what happened to Ted Stevens after his life was ruined. Abuse of power like this does happen. You know, I can think of no example remotely similar to the abuse that we have now uncovered in this case, the abuse of power and corruption. I just can't. Mark Penn had a really good piece out as well, and he's saying the same thing. Hillary Clinton, we know did all of these things. Nobody's investigating her that we know of. You know, it's there was an article in uh on MSN dot com. Trump confronts the prospect of a NonStop political war for survival. That's exactly what it is. That's exactly what it's been, and that's exactly what it's going to remain. This is now an effort they have tried, now from the beginning to take it down of sitting any because they didn't want it and clearly advocated for it and tried to help the other candidate. And the dual standard of justice is so obvious and transparent if he does look for it. None of these bureaucrats are elected. They're all sitting in a room. They didn't like that their friend was fired, so they just disciple, maybe we should investigate the president of the United States for treason, of all things, treason, and then I go back. There's no evidence, no reasonable suspicion, no probable cause. You know, no one is You know they don't report to anybody. Ninety seven percent of campaign contributions. You know, the bureaucratic deep state gave to Hillary. You know they're bureaucrats who ignored the Clinton Foundation scandal. I want to talk about Russia collusion. What about the Iranian one deal? Here? You have we known Russian operatives in America. How do we know because we have what's his name, William William Douglas Campbell. He's inside Putin's network. He's reporting back to his superiors. Blackmail, extortion, money laundering, all of these crimes by Putin's thugs inside of America. Their goal is to get a foothold in the uranium one industry. Uranium, the foundational material for nuclear weapons. They get it, they get the deal done. The people involved in the deal kick back one hundred and forty five million to the Clinton Foundation. As she was one of just a group of people that had to sign off on this. They ignore that. They minimize the investigation into the emails, the obstruction of justice, you know, collecting money from you know, why didn't anyone on the liberals, why weren't they up said she took all this money from countries that have US women regularly, and that killed gays and lesbians as part of shurial law, and that persecute Christians and Jews. They bought her silence. I never heard her criticize those countries that donated lavishly to the Clinton Foundation. So you know, they have all this information. John Dowd literally saying that this is a coup, attempted coup. Now, the interesting thing that I didn't point out too is they had investigated this since the day almost the day after they exonerated Hillary and Comy, struck Page and McCabe are all on record saying they found nothing. Zero. As it relates to Mark Penn, the FBI Trump Russia investigation shows the deep state was worse than what we ever thought. I guess no one in there. He goes on to say, let's review the actions of the FBI director. Many of the actions were clear at the time, others we only know now what we've learned since underscores that the president's firing of Comi was more than justified. The actions of Comi's staff and the dj to trigger the most extensive investigation and history of a campaign, an administration and a president appeared to be wholly without justification, based instead on politically inspired emotion and hysteria. And Comy initiated his re relations with Trump by holding a one on one meeting at which he detailed allegations of the Steel dossier. Remember he's signed off on the dossier in October of twenty sixteen and tells Trump or President elect Trump at the time in January of twenty seventeen, that it's unverified and it's salacious. That's but he already signed off on using it to obtain a fize a warrant Comey's congressional testimony. He took it upon himself to clear Hillary Clinton bypassing Lorette Lynch, who herself was compromised after meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac, you know, somewhere in Arizona for forty five minutes talking about their grandkids. I mean, it's unbelievable. These are you know owing Trump has concealed details of his face to face encounters with Putin, and he took the interpreters notes interesting. Carl Jonathan Carl of ABC says his sources close to Muller said the Mueller report is certain to be anti climatic. I don't trust anybody is reporting the media sounds like they're lowering expectations and based on the hirings of Muller, I'm sorry, I don't buy any of it. How's the country gonna move forward when this is the you know what we have? And by the way, while the fake news media with wringing its hands over an anonymous report in The New York Times by people that Hey, Trump, where are the Democrats? Thirty of them. They left the government shutdown on a chartered airplane to Puerto Rico for their winter retreat with one hundred and nine lobbyists and corporate executives, during which they plan to see the hit Broadway show Hamilton and attend three parties, including one with the show's cast. Isn't that nice? By the way, Federal workers enjoy paying benefits that are unheard of in the private sector, and they're all going to get their money, and I want them. I think they deserve it. They're kind of victims in this, all right, when we come back, Greg Jarrett, John Solomon, Bill O'Reilly all checking in, then we have our Hannity Watch and the advancement of socialism. They're gonna be taxing water out in California on top of your thirteen and a half percent income tax. Now New York City joining California, free healthcare, illegal, doesn't matter. Then you got Comrade de Blasio literally say there's plenty of money in New York, it's just in the wrong hands. And all we have to do is redistribute the money. Why don't we just confiscate the wealth of everybody and living that great socialist utopia which apparently represents the new found democratic, radical leftist hate Trump party. Why not now? And it's hard to imagine two FBI agents sending up in the state room. How did that happen? I sent them something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation and more organized administration. I thought it's early enough. Let's just send a couple of guys over. I'm here under oath. I am not lying. I have never lied under oath and I never will. And so the insinuation, not even the insinuation, the direct comment that you somehow say you have an intergrity issue is insulting. I take offense. It is incorrect nothing. I never hit you the personal life. I just simply said the amount of time that you were spending on the taxpayers dollar, wasting it when you were supposed to eat you on your job, texting back and forth. And the third But I'm a problem and what I'm saying, And the gentleman has already answered that the rule of law is indispensable to a thriving and vibrant society. It shields citizens from government overreaching and the arbitrary action. It allows businesses to enter into contracts and invest with confidence. It gives innovators protection for their discoveries, It keeps people safe from dangerous criminals, and it allows us to resolve our differences peacefully through reason and logic. Lawyers are obligated to speak up for the truth. John Adams famously observed that facts are stubborn things, and whatever it may be our wishes, our clinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of the facts and the evidence. Pursuing truth means always yielding to the facts, even if they run counter to our hopes in a court. Truth is about credible evidence, not strong opinions. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seem not to recognize what a FIES application. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong, sometimes it is If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. That last quote is my favorite. Rob Rosenstein an affidavit and career law enforcement. And he signed his name to a FISA warrant, the last FISA warrant with the bulk of information coming from OH, ununverified and uncorroborated. And since mostly the bunk dacier OH, does that apply to him? We got a new story out of the Hill today. This is a pretty blockbuster Rod Rosenstein, the DJ exploring ways to make to more easily spy on journalists. Geeh. I guess they're upset with some of Greg Jarrett and John Solomon's coverage. John Solomon from The Hill, Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts all through the best seller of the Russia Hoax. So we've got that story on Rod Rosenstein. We got another Hill report. A former official says New York Times report shows FBI employees working outside of Department of Justice guidelines. This is not what their role is. But you know, excuse me, what a rules matter? And another article the next FBI official says it's not the bureau's role to pro foreign policy. In the wake of Trump reports, and Greg Jarrett has a blockbuster column that has now gone viral, an FBI report that is corrupt and dishonest. Welcome both of you to the program. Look, I've given my take the last hour. There's a lot of information here, but this really, to me is everything we said and more. Greg, the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal ever in American history, and the media hook line and sinker goes with phony reports. It's one of the greatest dirty tricks perpetrated in modern American politics. An egregious abusive power by top officials at the FBI to try to portray Donald Trump and investigate him for being a Russian agent. As I point out in my column, it's not only ludicrous on its phase, but factually they had no evidence, they had no reasonable suspicion, they had no probable cause. And in fact, at the time that Comey was fired, Andrew mccabee, who became his replacement as acting director, testified nobody had interfered in the Trump Russia collusion investigation. That was followed by Rosenstein days later, who said nobody has interfered. Comy himself just before days before he was fired, said nobody has sought to obstruct our investigation. And so what the FBI did was they were angry at Trump. They were angry that he had fired one of their own, James Comey, even though it was for just cause, and so they sought retribution vengeance. So go to James Baker's testimony, which became the source of all of this, where James Baker again another guy had gone from the FBI, and James Baker saying they actually after the firing of Comy sat around and said, well, maybe Trump is in Bedwick putin right, But we know if we look at the timeline that Lisa Page, James Collmey, Peters Struck, and McCabe all had said the opposite. That's right. I mean, you know, it's one thing to sit around in a room saying, Gia, I wonder if he's a Russia and agent. It's another thing to officially use your prerogative empowers as the chief law enforcement agency to launch a counter intelligence investigation of the president of the United States without a scintilla of evidence or justification for it. It is there's a statute, it's a felony, deprivation of rights under color of law. It's abusive power. It is also obstruction of justice. You're not allowed to use your position of power to misuse our system of justice. That's obstruction of justice. All of these people. When William Barr takes office as the Attorney General, all of the evidence of what these people did should be presented to federal prosecutors and, if appropriate, a grand jury, so that legal action they should be held accountable for their conducts. So far, John Solomon, none of that has happened. And by that we can go back to the exoneration of Hillary in spite of overwhelming evidence of obstruction, overwhelming evidence she violated the Espionage Act, biased FBI agents that thought she should win one hundred million to zero, then paying for the dossier Russian information leaked to the American public before the election, and then of course the bulk of information, unverified, uncorroborated Russian lies used to get warrants to spy on a Trump campaign associate, which again nothing has happened. Well, you have to the you're exactly right. There's a few people that have lost their jobs, but that's it, and no one has been brought to justice fully yet, and I think that will fall upon the new Attorney General. Bill Barr when he gets confirmed. But you know, I think Greg hit it on the head what we saw this past weekend. So we've chronicled for a year, year and a half, absolute proof that political biased, political opposition research was misused by the FBI launch an investigation to try to undo a duly elected president. That's now been written in stone. It's factually supported. Greg just did a great job of describing what the Bureau did when they fired James Kobe. The Bureau acted like a jilted lover and a bad breakup, and it tried to lash out and strike out against President Trump, who was supposed to be their boss. They're treating him like a rival. And you know, it's different when you're in a relationship, you post a selfie or something embarrassing of your ex girlfriend, of your boyfriend. But here they were using the most awesome powers of the United States government a counterintelligence investigation to try to wound the president, without a factual basis, without a predicate, without any evidence. And most importantly, don't take our words for Bob Muller's former director of Intelligence when he was FBI director, a guy named Kevin Brock, one of the most respected FBI executives in the past came on our show today and he said the following things. This was a rogue, biased outside the bounds, outside the rules investigation. It makes me ashamed as a former FBI bureau to see bureau man, to see what they did during this period. They were acting like children. And I think that's an extraordinary indictment by someone who worked on the inside, who worked for Robert Mullard, who was the very first intelligent guy. But they got this far, they did. And then then what do you make then of the report on Friday in the New York Times. Well, I think I think that the report on Friday is part of that retaliation, right. But first they were talking about, uh, maybe we'll wear a wire and take them out on the under the twenty fifth Amendment. Then maybe we'll look at them for obstruction of justice. And where do they all? Maybe we'll wear a wire too. That was part of it. It is, it's all. It's all just retaliatory behavior without a factual predicate, without the evidence that the FBI is supposed to do. This is exactly how the FBI was supposed to be reformed after j Edgar Hoover, so it wouldn't do these things when tempted, when emotional, when when politics became more important than than common sense. And yet a small group of FBI leaders allowed all these things to happen in violation of their own rules and in violation of the standards that every FBI agent who raises their hand and swears the oath vowed uphold. And I think it's really shameful that the New York Times article is the ultimate example of that retaliation that Greg was talking about. You know, Greg, I actually think Trump was facing a coup. Is the line that Dowed, the President's former attorney, made on Brian Kilmead show, which I thought was interesting because at the end of the day, they have used every imaginable thing that they can to try and frame this president on Russia collusion charges that don't exist. But the media runs with everything as if it's fact, as if you know, if you believe the media, you would believe today that Donald Trump colluded with Putin. Yeah. Absolutely. In the epilogue of my book, I recount time and time again by name all the jurnalists who pronounced the President guilty of collusion without ever defining what that thing is. Collusion. They thought if they simply asserted it, it was a word that would cannote a crime, even though it is no crime. There would have to be a conspiracy to commit another crime. Now, what is that? Is it conspiracy to defraud the government. No, there's no evidence of that. They have no factual basis to assert that. And yet you know they've convicted the president and the court of public opinion. They do it every day. I watched this morning on CNN. My god, you know they all but pronounced Trump a Russian agent. They just assume it is true, and all it does is discredit themselves and undermine their credibility. We'll take a quick break more with Craig Jarrett and John Solomon on the other side. Eight hundred nine p one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right. So, I didn't think my friends at My Pillow would ever be able to outdo themselves. They've created the My Pillow mattress topper. And what you do is you put it on top of your mattress and it's like you're floating on air. And yes, it helps you sleep better. It is the greatest invention I've ever had on top of my pillow itself. Now it has three layered design. One is my pillow phone for this report, transitional phone to help relieve pressure points, and also the ultra soft patented temperature regulating cover. You lay on this, you're like, Wow, I don't want to move. I want to sleep anyway. It comes with a ten year warranty. You're gonna love my pillows topper. It comes with a ten year warranty. It's washable, driable, made in the USA, backed by Mike sixty day unconditional money back guarantee. And right now, because you listen to the show, you're gonna save thirty percent. It's gonna change your life. Just use the promo code Hannity when you go to my pillow dot com, is say thirty percent hauled eight hundred nine zero nine zero. Now Mike is also going to throw in two standard my pillows absolutely free. Now when you add the mattress topper to the pillows, it's heaven my pillow dot Com eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero promo code Hannity fighting the drum, eating liberal media, one day at a time. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, as we continue, Greg Jarrett, John Solomon are of us. You know, John, I want to get into this article that I don't think anyone's paying attention to because Rod Rosenstein swears he never wanted to wear a wire against Trump. He's been in charge of the Muller investigation pretty much from the get go because of the recusal of Jeff Sessions. Yeah, I'm not sure that he's sworn that because we never got a chance to get him before Congress and really get an answer from him, and he has waffled on that issue about wearing a wire. Yeah, we don't know. We really don't know what part he played in those conversations. We know what Baker described hearing from his FBI officials who attended the meeting, but we'd really don't know. And it was a shame at the end of the Republican controlled House that they didn't get him before Congress and get testimony under oath that would really have The amazing thing is in the nine months they were investigating Russia collusion, after they exonerated Hillary and by the people, same people that thought she should win one hundred million to zero, they still didn't have, according to four people, any evidence. But then they had this meeting according to James Baker. But Rosenstein, according to report from The Hill where you work, him and the DJ are exploring ways to more easily spy on journalists. Now I would think that's you, that's Greg, that's Sarah, and probably me. I'm just guessing. Well, that is my report actually as my column and I confirmed this over the weekend that there is a planned Rod Rosenstein is considering leaving in the next few weeks, and as he's headed out the door, this may be one of his parting gifts, and it's a change to the long standing roles that protected journalists from unnecessary subpoena, unnecessary search and seizure. I had my own personal run in with Robert Muller when he was FBI director that he took both my phone records and my UM mail without proper warrant or without proper procedure. They ultimately apologized. So I saw the FBI when it had rules in place, the current roles in place below. Okay, So was that? Okay? So was that involving that was back in two thousand and two. In two thousand and three, when I was working on Bob to or Sally a senator who was under investigation for corruption, and then the early nine eleven failures of the FBI, and the FBI actually took a piece, by the way they did, they took This has happened to others, James Rosen, Fellow Fox and both. By the way, also Cheryl Ekinson over at I guess she works now for Saint Clair's. She was working at CBS at the time. That's right, you know. So this is not unprecedented, so not but lowering that threshold would be unprecedented, and it would be very dangerous to the First Amendment into reporters because if you take away those prohibitions and those few procedures that are designed to protect people like you, me and Greg and Cheryl and James, you now have given it a free fall. And you know what's interesting about Rod Rosenstein and all of these conversations we just had. He was supposed to be the adult in the room, the last person to say, hey, stop, this isn't the right thing. Fellas. We shouldn't open investigation without evidence. We shouldn't be talking about wearing a wire. We shouldn't be loosening the barriers for going down. I should have read that FISA warrant more closely before I signed him, and yet time and again he's sort of the enabler to a rogue FBI. And I think that one of his legacies when we see all of this laid out in paper, when all of the evidence is finally put out there, that validates everything Greg had in his book and what I've done in Mike columns. Rod Rosens team will be that character who kept letting bad actors blow past the rules and the requirements. And I think that's going to be his legacy at the Justice Department. I'd like to see, you know, is there. This is what people ask me. You've pointed out for eighteen months, all these horrible crimes, and we've exposed and again not rank and file FBI, but the upper echelon FB Idea, Jay, when are they ever held accountable? All Right, We're gonna let you guys go here. Thank you both for being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean Tolfrey telephone number among our top stories among immigration, among the government shutdown, which has now entered day twenty four, we have I think probably the biggest corruption abuse of power scandal in American history. We've gone through this in great detail. Exoneration of Hillary Clinton before an investigation. We know she violated the Espionage Act with the sir her in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet. We know that if any of you listening to this program ever dared had subpoened emails and you erase them, and you then acid washed your hard drive with bleach bits so nobody could get them or retrieve them. If you had an aid busting up your iPhones and blackberries with hammers, that would be called obstruction of justice. All of that was put to the side by the very people that exonerated Hillary, writing an exoneration of May before they even interviewed her or seventeen other people in July of twenty sixteen. Then, of course there's the whole phony Russian dossier with funneled money through a law firm to an op research firm hiring a foreign national that was then leaked all over the media to influence the outcome of the twenty sixteen election. And none of that information was ever verified, ever or corroborated. But then that became the basis of not one but four FIS applications to spy on a Trump campaign. Associate. None of that matters to your media, But the New York Times anonymous sourcing over the weekend basically trying to make the suggestion without any evidence or any proof, that President Trump sold out his country to Vladimir Putin. Now, it's beyond outrageous, it's beyond contemptible. It's actually dangerous when you have people in this high echelon of power, not rank and file FBI guys, but the deputy FBI director, the FBI director, people like Page and Struck and McCabe and Comy all working with people like Bruce or and others. And what do you see that they've been out to get Donald Trump having internal discussions with no evidence whatsoever. Anyway, Bill O'Reilly is here with his take on that and much more. Don't forget. Bill's new book is out and doing. What is your book? Number four? You've been on the list for how many weeks? Now? Yeah? Killing THESS been on a fifteen weeks, I believe, And I appreciate you reading it, Annie, and that was really nice of you. Now busy you are, no, I actually I've read the whole book cover to cover, right, I learned a lot of the busiest guy in a country. Thanks a lot, Bill, I really I'm trying to I'm trying to rest, but it's a little hard. Look, let me ask you specifically. Let's go into where this all started and how it evolved in the New York Times over the weekend and how Yeah, because to me, this is right and wrong. This isn't left or right. This is a Republican or Democrat, but well this is American, um, this is a real threat to our republic. So the story that broke Friday night printed in the New York Times newspaper on Saturday. It was written by three people, Adam Goldman, Michael Schmidt, and Nicholas Fandos. Okay, Now, all three of them have a track record of despising Donald Trump. So everybody should know that right away. Right, these aren't friendly or fair reporters. This piece was planted. You've heard that phrase. I'm sure that you plant stories. Both parties do it. They give to favorable reporters a scenario they want to see to damage somebody. And obviously this is the headline is obvious. FBI opened inquiry into whether Trump was secretly working on behalf of Russia. Can't get more sensational than that. You cannot so that headline damns the president of the United States. If you read the article, there's, as you pointed out, not one shred of evidence to back up the headline. When I was in Boston University forty five years ago, our first class said, you cannot put a story out unless you have evidence the story is true. These reporters have no evidence. They took anonymous sources, as they always do. The quote is according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation, you could be anyone. Bill. You do know that Kevin Brock, former assistant director of Intelligence at the FBI. He pointed out, it's not the agency's job to investigate an administration's foreign policy stands. There was an article on the Hill quoting a former real quotes, not anonymous sources, saying the New York Times report shows FBI employees were all working outside DOJ guidelines. And then you add to that Rod Rosenstein literally wanted to put a wire on and tape the president, which I guess after you get away with the FIS and Warrens, why wouldn't you try that? Well, the article itself is inherently dishonest and never should have been published. If the editors at the New York Times at any standards, which they do not, remember, there is an industry that includes the New York Times, Washington Post, cable networks, and network news that is basically in business to destroy Trump. They're not looking for the truth, they're not trying to inform the American people. They want him out. But let me ask you this though, isn't it almost all print, all networks, all cable except for a couple of shows on Fox. Yeah. I would say it's national media. I would say eighty five percent of the national media is in business now to remove the president. I think that's accurate. But when you go back to this article and you read the article, which is almost impossible to read, a couple of things do emerge. The leak came out of the either the judiciary or oversight committees, because these three reporters got to see vot sworn testimony by James Baker the Council to the FBI. They saw it. Now, the leaker didn't give them the testimony, didn't copy it and give them. That be a federal crime. They saw it, which means they were shown it and in that testimony, Baker said, yeah, some people wanted to investigate Trump on counter espionage. Who were the people? We don't know. It had to be okayed by McCabe. Andrew McCabe had to be he was in charge of the FBI. It had to be sanctioned by Rod Rosenstein and by the Attorney General Jeff Sessions had to be FBI agents. Just don't initiate an investigation by themselves. Well, let me backtrack, go through a chain of command. The same people, the same cast of characters, were the same people that signed off on the dossier. Now, yes, it's the same crew that did this. But what's important is that Goldman, Schmidt and Fandos, the three reporters, never even went for comment to McCabe or to Sessions or Rosenstein, never asked them whether there was an investigation in the first place. And why let's look at the timeline. The timeline is you have an unverified, uncorroborated Clinton Boughton paid for Russian interestingly enough, dossier not verified, not corroborated US as the basis to spy on a Trump campaign associate. Now, as Greg Jarrett pointed out, it was a great column out today over the ten intervening months from July until May the next year, Lisa Page, Peter Struck, James Comey, and others, they admitted under oath they didn't have any corroboration whatsoever. In other words, nothing in the dossier was corroborated, nor did they have any evidence. And these are their words, not mine. Whatsoever they pointed to any Trump Russia collusion none, zero, no evidence. Well, McCabe and Comey were fired, as was Struck and Page. All four of them were fired, But all four of them were responsible for this New York Times headline whether there was an investigation into Trump's secretly working on behalf of Russia. Now, let's just get a little humor into this. You and I both know Trump for what decade? Is there any possibility on the face of this earth that Donald Trump would work for Russian No, there's not. Okay, there is no possibility. There is nothing in it for him. Okay, it's so absurd for those people who actually know the man, know his business, no how he conducted his life. I'm when I read the article, I almost laughed. All right, quick break right back more with Bill O'Reilly on the other side, Hannity tonight at nine o'clock. We're gonna break all of this down and simplify. Well, can get complicated. But the biggest phoniest story ever advanced I think in my lifetime, and there's been plenty of him, nine Eastern tonight. All right, as we continue with Bill O'Reilly, author of the bestseller Killing the Ss, you do know that the dossier claimed that he was in the Ritz Carlton and Moscow with two hookers urinating on a bed. He's the biggest germ fobe in the history of mankind. And by the way, I don't look, the dossier has been discredited. If there was a shred of evidence to it, if anything about it worked true, it would have been out by now. All right. They tried and tried and tried, all right, and it would have been out. So that's dumb. But this is Friday. This is Friday. This is the New York Times with this headline, is Trump secretly working on behalf of Russia? I mean, this is just insane, and I want to get a bill. You're saying it's insane. This is dangerous, exactly, It's dangerous. This is to have a media now allying with a political party, the Democrats, to destroy a president of the United States. Now, if Donald Trump did anything committed a felony, work for anybody, shouldn't work for as a government official. I want him destroyed. Okay, if that's true, he doesn't deserve to be president. But you cannot in a free nation continue to read articles like this that have no information, anonymously sourced, obviously planted, and trying to cast the president in the worst possible light they can. Where where is the responsibility of this newspaper? Bill? I've sat for years now. In my opinion, journalism in America is dead. I think it's really dangerous because the people have very few outlets to rely upon anymore. Let me ask you, Bill, You watch it, you read it, you see it. It's breathlessness, it's hysteria, and it's they're creating a, if you will, a false belief, a false story, no evidence behind it. But they're telling everybody that this president is going to be impeached because of Trump RuSHA collusion. Yeah, it's gonna It's a very interesting happen. That thing happened. We're zeroing in on it tonight on Bill O'Reilly dot com. Um carl the White House correspondent for ABC News, not a friend of President Trump. All right, John Harrow, Johnathan, I have the tape. You want me to play it, I'll play it. Yeah. But what I am getting is that this is all building up to the Mueller Report and raising expectations of a bombshell report. And they've been expectations that have been building, of course for over a year on this. But people who are closest to what Muller has been doing of interacted with the Special Counsel cautioned me that this report is almost certain to be anti climatic. That if you look at what the FBI was investigating in that New York Times report, look at what they were investigating, Mueller did not go anywhere with that investigation. He has been writing his report in real time through these indictments, and we have seen nothing from Muller on the central question of was there any coordination collusion with the Russians in the effort to meddle in the elections or was there even any knowledge on the part of the President or anybody in his campaign with what the Russians were doing. A head I mean, that's Jonathan Carl, I don't know what the outcome is going to be. I suspect the worst with Muller based on the team he picked. Look for Jonathan Carl to say that he said two things there when you cut through all of herbiage. Number One, the articles a fraud in the New York Times, that Muller knew from the jump that this was garbage and stayed away from it. That's the headline on the New York Times. Number Two that in these overall report Muller does not have any evidence of collusion. That's what Carl is saying. And he's an insider, He's a Washington guy. You got to assume he's got sources inside the Mueller investigation. Now, why is Carl saying that is he's getting nervous because ABC News is up to its eyebrows in this and they're starting to back away. That's the first crack anyway. Bill O'Reilly his best selling book, I'm As dot com bookstores everywhere killing the ss Bill. Good to talk to you. Thanks for your insight. As always, we appreciate you being with us and Bill O'Reilly dot com. If you want to check out his webcast, thank you. Thanks having in Sewan eight hundred nine for one. Sean told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, News round Up, Information overload, got a lot of other the advancement of socialism. That's what we're going to get to next straight ahead. I believe the moral character of the United States is at stake, So for me it wasn't a question of whether I should go down there. If we have to have a rapid response, and I think every day that we go on, especially a day when something that heinous happens, we have to occupy all of it. We need to occupy every airport, need to occupy every boarder, we need to occupy every ice office until those kids are back with their parents. We are a nation that will not stop until every child is born with the oportunity to go to college or train school free of cost. The ideas that we campaigned on, which a few years ago were seemed to be radical ideas, on now mainstream ideas because of your support. I thank all of you for the support you gave me and for being part of a political revolution which is sweeping this country. I'm Caba follows the campus reform. Today we're in Alexandra Costio Cortes's congressional district talking her supporters about democratic socialism, is it any different from regular socialism? And who's going to pay for all this free stuff? Let's see what they've saying. Alexandra Costio Cortez just elected twenty eight years old, self proclaimed democratic socialists, which has a lot of people talking. What are your views on her so far? I mean I've heard only positive things. We love her, Yeah, we do love her. I voted her because I'm from Queens. It was great. It's a breath of fresh air and I hope it follows through into November. I like her spirit and that she's very different. People tend to freak out when they hear the word socialism, like applied to anything. Why do you think that is? I think there's this old way of thinking about it. What do you think the government should be subsidizing? Um? So her platform includes free healthcare, college tuition, minimum living wage, housing is a human right? Are those things that you think the government should be providing for people? Absolutely? Are those things that you would support? Yes? It is? Are those all things that you would support the government subsidizing. I feel like everyone should have, like UM, free education, and healthcare. How are we going to pay for those? Oh? God, I mean us, who in your mind should pay for all of the free things? All the free things? Well, some of it should come from taxes, but the government should pay for it. But the government is funny by taxes. Yeah, I don't know where the money would come from, but they can figure it out. Okay, more taxes on the rich people for sure, man, Like they can afford it to tax corporate since tax the one percent and find a way to support a living wage. The people with a good idea and a good reason to spend their tax money wouldn't mind actually paying more taxes. There are so many of these countries out there that are employing a lot more socialism in their government and into their politics, and they're doing really well. So it's Venezuela doing that. Oh I don't know too much about Venezuela, honey, I think they need to. I mean, are they still communists right now? There's a technically socialist Okay, okay, look at other countries. It works. Like other countries, you pay higher taxes, but your government takes care of you. So when you see the social system failing in Venezuela, does that concern you? I mean, yeah, obviously my family's Cuban, and like I've seen the downfall of like extreme leftism, but also like I see how it like boosts the community and like it has its up and downs, and I think we can definitely learn from history on that term. Our country needs to change, and if it has to be on the opposite side, on the extreme po inside, maybe it's so we need Privatized healthcare is a huge issue, and if it was a government funded thing, that would be you know, when there aren't you think the government would run it more efficiently in a perfect world. Sure, I'm liberal. I don't know exactly like where i'd stand, but I know, like democratic socialists is better than conservative. It's just better than It's the better option in what way? Um, When I think of it, I just think of like more open minded people, people that are in like as economically conserved. All right, There you have it. That was campus reform talking to students. Yeah for sure, man, let's take their money to take it, you know. Yeah, like I thought it was more like that. And then before the ports, she's the new rock star by the way of the Democratic Party. All right, So these stories today. And by the way, news round up, information overload, we'll get to your calls coming up here eight hundred nine four one on his own number. So you have comrade build the Blasio of New York complaining yesterday that too much of the city's wealth. He actually said, these words are in the wrong hands. Okay, how did that happen? Did somebody steal it? Did somebody get it in a corrupt fashion? Did somebody work for it? And then he suggested seizing private property to solve the city's rent crisis, literally, seize it, steal it, government takeover. I mean they did that in Cuba when Fidel Castro came to power, and literally land was stolen from everybody. Anyway, So the comments come. We got the Blasio joining the list of radical socialists that are, you know, putting their toes in the water and testing a potential presidential run although it's looking like the country maybe he wants to run his venezuela, because that's what they do there in a socialist country. Anyway, So he portrayed himself as the protector the working class and literally said he might as well have said, comrade, he goes brothers and sisters there's plenty of money in the world. There's plenty of money in this city. It's just in the wrong hands. He said. By the way, Deblasio owns two homes and gets two hundred and fifty eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty bucks a year as mayor. But put that aside. You know, he's the mayor. He gets a free house. You haven't here, he goes, you haven't been paid what you deserve for all the hard work. You haven't been given the time you deserve. You're not living the life you deserve. And here is the cold, hard truth. It's no accident. It's an agenda. And then he blamed Republican presidential administrations from Reagan to Trump, and then the mayor literally proposed initiatives to level the playing field between people that have money and don't have money, such as seizing buildings from bad landlords. Who gets to decide if you're a bad landlord? Expanding he said, the Center of Consumer Affairs to include worker protection offering medical care to three hundred thousand undocumented workers. Well, who's going to pay for that? And so he's looking for a vacancy tax on landlords if they can't rent their property, which sometimes happens, and then he wants to wrestle away the money of people that. Now, look, if we're talking about drug dealers, yeah, I'm all for confiscating the money from their ill gotten gains. That makes sense to me. But people that get up work hard. You know. There are people that actually get up at four or five am every day and then they don't stop working until nine o'clock at night. There are people that do that. There are other people that maybe work three days a week, five hours a day, and that's all they want to work. Some people in this environment, the economic environment where we almost have complete unemployment, we have a million more jobs available in the country than we have people on unemployment. That's a good thing. That means people can advance their careers. And by the way, more jobs are in the pipeline. The president's policies on oil are going to produce many hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs that people then will radically increase their standard of living. That'll give them truck drivers. Remember in North Dakota, we're making one hundred grand a year driving trucks with oil in them. And they got free training and for a period they even got free housing because the need was so great. Now, now that America is the biggest oil producer in the world, we haven't even gotten the two pipelines, the Keystone Xcel pipeline the Dakota Pipeline on track yet, nor have we started drilling in anmore one of the biggest open reserves. Ever, America is going to have more of those jobs. If we continue our natural gas production there is we can provide energy for every one of our allies, so they're not dependent on Putin or Saudi Arabia. With all the instability in the Middle East, it would be great. So it's this is now the beginning. This is what the Democratic Party represents, hating Trump, and now it's not the party of You know, Joe Lieberman is in a fight, believe it or not, with Acasio Cortez right now. She hates them. And anyway, Gavin Newsom out and you watch, you gotta watch Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom is gonna be the indicator of all things left where this country is headed. He now wants a tax on drinking water, as if the thirteen and a half percent state income tax on top of the federal income tax on top of the you know, social security taxes, on top of property taxes, on top of gas taxes, on top of sales taxes. Now he wants to tax drinking water. I mean, okay, and then when you die, after you paid taxes on all that, then these states and the federal government come in and take fifty percent of what you have left. But some liberals say that they should take ninety percent. Oh, you shouldn't be able to donate that money to your charity, take care of your family or whatever it happens to be. That's Gavin Newsom's big, big proposal out in California. Now it gets for us back to New York for a second. You have comrade de Blasio. He wants free vision checks and eyeglasses for every school child. Well don't they what don't we provide? We provide breakfast, lunches, dinner. Next, I mean, at what point do we want the government? Every time you rely on government to take care of what you think is in need, every single time, you are giving up liberty. You are giving up freedom, and you are handing power over to people that want you dependent. And you've got to understand that freedom goes away very quickly. He wants to seize buildings from landlords. He wants to literally everybody documented undocumented, just like Gavin Newsom. Gavin Newsom put up a sign basically saying, if you're sick, come to California. Everybody, legal, illegal, doesn't matter, it's free healthcare. We're committed to launching a Marshal plan for affordable housing, and we'll lift up the fight against homelessness from a local matter to a statewide mission. In our home. In our home, every person should have access to quality, affordable healthcare. Far Away judges, far away judges and politicians may turn back our progress, but we will never waver in our pursuit of guaranteed healthcare for all Californians. Watch Guy ans him closely. He wants to be president. There's my prediction. Not that hard to witness. All right, So who pays for all the health care for illegal immigrants? Now, we already have some statistics of what we pay for illegal immigration, about seventy thousand dollars per illegal immigrant. Well, where does that money come from? It comes from the American taxpayers. Why, because we don't have secure borders. You know, we've got more stories out on immigration today, by the way, with Casio Cortez, she's attacking Joe Lieberman, Joel Lieberman. Now, Joe Lieberman and I agreed on a lot of national security issues, but Joe is not a conservative. He ran with Al Gore and you know, a nice guy. But literally she's mocking his age. She's you know, and he's saying, I hope she's not the future of the Democratic Party. What they are now setting up here, what they're now setting up as America, that is a socialist utopia that we will never ever ever be able to afford. It is what does government run correctly? Thing about it? All right? I think the military's probably our greatest success. Social security it's on a trajectory to bankruptcy. Medicare, same thing, And this is where they want to take the country. Oh and Governor Cuomo refuses to sign a state budget until lawmakers approvable legalizing abortion for any reason until birth. You know what does that mean? Twenty four hours before your due you can say I've decided I'm not going to have this baby. Is there is that not viable inside of a woman. At that point, people can argue about one to three months. Now it's nine months This is how radical this party has become. Right as we continue to Sean Hannity show. By the way, a new migrant caravan is forming in Honduras and even ahead of its scheduled departure, they're apparently they're leaving on Tuesday tomorrow, and we'll watch that happen. And the government stays shut down. What is a day twenty four? The government shutdown? And Trump tweets about the border last night, and the question is we now pointed out we did a show Friday night with angel moms and dads. I think they're gonna be in Washington tomorrow, but you know these people that lost their loved ones, well, that's permanent separation. There was all indignation and outrage about separation of kids, but it was Donald Trump who fixed the policy of Obama and even Bush. The Mexican death toll in two days a gang violence now has reached twenty nine. And an article that came out today and now we also have you know, Pelosi in the Democratic leadership, they don't want to negotiate, even with the President offering to put everything on the table. Doc Dreamers, all the things they supposedly want, and what's the reason simple, Donald Trump wants it. It's bad even though they supported it all in the past, all of it now moving forward as you got now, taxes on water, confiscating property, free healthcare for all. I mean, this is the new radical hate Trump socialist Democratic Party, you know. Now the House Democrats they want gun control with a firearm registry and article on Breke part it's unenforceable without the registry. And this is now where we're headed. All right, when we come back, that is the advance of socialism. Hannity watch update for the day. When we get back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred nine pot one. Sean is a toe free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, we're gonna hit our phones. Ethan wants to weigh in on something. What is on your mind there, sir, as we marched towards socialism. Oh, it's just funny that t Blasio he wants to you make enough money on this show, with all due respect that he's one of the people that he wants to take some of your money. Oh yeah, Kylie's money and Jason's money, and definitely Linda. Yeah, Oh no, he can't take my money. Oh yeah, you're gonna stop it. Oh, I'll stop him. Oh how are you going to stop him? Well, he barely shows up for work. So I'll just going and pretend to be mayor. Oh, you'll just pretend to be mayor. Absolutely. Oh. The bottom line, they identify as mayor du Blasi, you're wrong they if they As he said, the wealth is in the wrong hands. The decades, working people have done their share. For decades, working people have gotten more and more productive. At the same time, they've gotten a smaller and smaller share of the wealth they create. Here's the truth, brothers and sisters. There's plenty of money in the world. There's plenty of money in this city. It's just in the wrong hands. My fellow in New York ards, when a landlord tries to push out a tenant by making their home unlivable, a team of inspectors and law enforcement agents will be on the ground in time to stop it. We'll use every tool we have. We'll find the landlords. Will penalize the landlords, but the fines and the penalties don't cut it. We will seize their buildings, and we will put them in the hands of a community nonprofit that will treat tenants with the respect they deserve. If they make a law to redistribute and take eighty percent of your money, guess what, You're either gonna pay that bill or you're gonna go to jail. You know what he should do. Since he feels so strongly about that. Now we'll let Ethan get I'm glad you're happy about an eighty percent complication Amazon, human governor quality. I wasn't done yet. You know, the two we is are really a problem. Nobody ever finishes a fought around here. I was blaming my time. I feel like God Almighty. What I was going to say, well, is I have to swear about since I have listen. If the FCC wasn't listening, this would be a completely different show. But all of that to say, our president, President Trump, he does not take a salary. Do you know that he does not take a salary to help the American people. So I think that de Blasio, I mean, they are American patriots, right, they want to get back to the people. I challenge them to not take a salary. Cuomo, We'll take a salary. De Blasio, don't take a salary donated to the New York citizens. Well, you know, with all if liberals wanted, they could raise money for the government employees that are they're all gonna get their money. No, no, no, let's just stick to New York for a minute. Okay, But the furloughed employees, they could take up money and raise money for them. But lets them donate their salaries. I challenge them. Wait, go ahead, Ethan, what are you going to say? Liberals are only generous with other people's money. That's why it's called a challenge. Well, number one, if you're going to talk about the furloughed people, Democrats wanted to eliminate ice and border patrol before the midterms, talk about not having a paycheck, they wouldn't have a career for the rest of their lives. But going back to Deblasio and Cuomo, they gave billions of dollars away to Amazon, the number one largest company in the world, to correct them. Meanwhile, they're going to take away storefronts from you know, not as wealthy business people. Are you kidding me? There are people complaining now listen, I'll be honest. There is a certain unfairness if you're gonna give Amazon, well, how many what was that? A billion dollars in tax breaks, which by I'm happy for the people in New York. It's actually in Queens What Long Islands. Study inform you Amazon will create twenty five thousand to forty thousand new jobs, it will invest more than three point six billion dollars over fifteen years, and Cuomo and de Blasio fully support this. They get fourteen billion in new tax revenue for the state and three thirteen and a half billion in city tax revenue. Well, let me say this, I want the jobs for the people. And it's weird how you know, all of a sudden, people that own property there, they're all making a ton of money because they're gonna need the property for workers, apartments and all that sort of thing. But here's the thing. No, but then the Plasio comes in. What about all the businesses that are here that pay all their taxes. Why does Bezos, the billionaire all soon to be a lot less rich billionaire, apparently had no prenup. How does Bezos get that tax you know benefit. I love the jobs coming to New York. It's smart to not tax business because then you incentivize them to come here. One of the big platform issues that I liked about Trump was when he said all this money that all these corporations, they all park it overseas because they don't want to pay the taxes, and he's allowing them to repatriate that money so that they can invest in fact factories, manufacturing centers in America, which I think has been a pretty big part of the success in the economy, the job creation, the growth in GDP, all the things. The lowest unemployment for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace, you know, youth unemployment. That's because we're incentivizing them. Why do we hate business? Why do people hate business? Business creates two things, goods or services that you either want, need, or desire or you don't. Now, if a business is not successful, and there are plenty of people that invest in businesses that are not successful, but they take a shot and they lose. But if they're successful, that means they're producing something, a good, a service that somebody wants, needs, or desires. That's it. Apple's successful because they have a great phone and they know I'm constantly up. They got another phone, and another version, and another version, and every time I want the new version, so I throw out the old? Hy do you want the new version because I barely know how to work the old one? Doesn't matter. I just like the new version. I want doing because I just do so nonsensical. I just got a new phone. I'm fully aware of that. Why because I like the new version? The ten What do you like about it? It's better? Oh? Is it? What's better about it? Everything? You could everything? I'll give you one feature if you do, if you downloaded the new update to it, you can now do FaceTime with multiple people. So the new phone already has a new update. You didn't think that. I knew that. You don't even like facetiming. No, I hate facetiming because I look like crap. So why are you so excited about Well you said you were suggesting that I didn't know anything about you know, one thing, and it's a feature you don't use. I FaceTime occasionally, but not very much. Just not my thing. You know. I don't even want to be on my phone anymore. Phone is annoying. That's why you want a new one. No, just TiO. A conversation is like talking to a liberal. It makes no sense. All right, let's go to Don and lake Ronkonkomar a good friend. What's up, big Don? How are you welcome upboard? Sir? Hey, thanks for having me on. You know, I all weekend long I thought about your show Friday night on Hannity with those angel and pop parents who had to bury their children long way before their time, you know. And you know, anyone who doesn't support America's wall is evil, Sean, with all the facts, with all the figures that you gave during that broadcast alone, anybody who doesn't support that is out of their minds. It's a fair question, Don. Here's the question. How many more officers need to be killed? Like the officer in California, you know, officers saying how many? How many more? Like we had the mom and that December twenty ninth, ninth, Okay, DJ Wendy Um they lost their son, Pierce Corkran. How many more of those people have to that? How many more kids are going to od on heroin because ninety percent is crossing our border? How many more young girls are going to be human trafficked into this country the way that's been happening. Yeah, I mean, you know, I sound like the traditional liberal, because I care about human life. I don't want drugs in towns and cities in America. I want to protect officers, protect kids. And all we're asking is to do it legally so we can vetue and make sure that you're not going to be, you know, a burden on the American people. You know, look at how much we pay billions and billions and billions over the years on our educational system, our criminal justice system, healthcare system. Yep, we know. One of those mothers produced a picture of three hundred and thirty miles of split rail fence in Arizona. What a joke. And then you had another of those precious women saying that she tried to call Nancy Pelosi to give her her ideas. She never took her call, and her staff wouldn't even let her talk to her. Uh missus Pelosi, Congresswoman Pelosi. He they put her to her voicemail. Democrat leadership, they simply do not care. But the figures that you gave Sean are just overwhelming. On there's there's there's thousands. Yeah, alright, Don that was just I literally my heart was broken on weekend Like heroes, all right, big don thank you. Leslie's in Tennessee. Leslie, how are you, hey, son, I'm doing great. I just want to thank you for all that you do. Thank you. Um I watched your show Friday night too, and um, I could have been one of those angel moms. My daughter was a Heroin addict. She got some heroin lish to sent it on, took three rounds of Narcan. How long? How long ago was this? It's the best six months ago. By the way, Narcan is used if you're if you're on heroin, it'll save your life. Yes, and she is. She finally called us to go and get her out of Orlando. She turned herself into the county, spent three months in jail. They're giving her an opportunity to do a faith based program. She's at the Women of the Well. And how old is your daughter? She's twenty eight. How long has she been addicted? Seven years? And I have as I'm going to tell you, the odds are not good once you're addicted to that crap. It's the odds are low. But and I and I say that, but as a born again Christian, this program has a success rate of ninety five. Yes, that's great. I listen, when we need to duplicate that all around the country. What were you going to say about your son? My son is going to serve six years in federal prison. He's going to jail. He's going to jail for trafficking, for track figing heroin. Yeah, the actually meth. And was he addicted to drugs too? Yes, yes, heroin mass He's at a narcam a couple of times. But they have both accepted Jesus Christ. They were raised that way. They just walked away from it. He has dedicated his life. He could have gotten twenty five to life. What was like the age and their gateway drug pot? And how old were they? Um? Keith started smoking pot about fourteen, He's thirty four. Did they did they then? When they first? When before they became addicted to heroin? A method they do? Uh like percocet, viged tonoxy cotton. Is that where they got started with the paintills and neopioids? I think so. Yes. Courtney had an injury, but we found out that she was doing um crack when she was fifteen and she wounded up getting injured at work and gone on painetails and um why was she why was she working not in school of fifteen? Well, no, I'm not at fifteen. She was like, uh twenty one, twenty two, and but she's lost everything. She's lost to custom her daughter. Um, but she is. We got to see her Saturday. She is on fire for the lords. She's really working hard. She won't graduate until twenty probably January of twenty March of twenty. But you had that. I'm kind of nervous. The guy whose son had died. I've been trying to get a hold of you since you had him on the air. Here's carkernsdawn. No, no, no, that the guy from Fox News. Oh Eric Bowling son, yea Eric Bowling up because nineteen years old, he bought a Zanex. His name is Chase, was nineteen years old, Boulder, Colorado. He bought a Zanex that was laced with Fenton All. Yes, yes, but I just need people to underste him that these faith based programs work. This one, that Courtneys is totally completely We all pray for you, We pray for your family. I hope your son takes these six years and uses him productively and can come out and change his life. I hope your daughter is able to beat this addiction. It's very, very difficult to beat. And uh it's I'm sure you're living through hell every day, wondering if your kids are gonna live or die. It's terrible, and it is an insidious epidemic that is all over the country and lives are literally ruined every day. Precious American kids targeted. They target these kids right handy. Tonight, ten Eastern, the deep state attempted coup of the president. We have new King Rich Jay Sekulo, Mark Meadows Tonight, also Craig Jarrett, Mark Penshawn Spicer, and Ari Fleischer. So here's the question, how is it possible that the FBI investigates nine months, finds nothing. They all say they found nothing. Comey said he found nothing. Comy gets fired, and they come up with a bizarre, paranoid conspiracy theory. And guess what, none of it's true. We'll break down with the mainstream media never will Hannity nine Eastern Tonight, Box News Channel set you DVR Tuesday edition Sean Hannity Show. Carter Page weighs in on FISA abuse, all of the latest on the FBI's conspiracy theory against Donald Trump, and much more. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow

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