Where's The Outrage When Children Die?

Published Jul 7, 2020, 10:00 PM

Leo Terrell, American civil rights attorney and talk radio host , find him at @TheLeoTerrell on Twitter, and Pastor Patrick “P.T.” Ngwolo Lead Pastor of the Resurrection Houston, which was George Floyd’s church, discuss the ongoing violence around the nation. Where is the outrage for the black lives lost of the children caught in the cross fires of all this violence? When is it enough? Why is no one marching and protesting for their lives? What about the increasing crime in major cities like Chicago, NY and Atlanta?

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I clatch it with us one hundred nineteen days. Thank you, Scott shann Until you become the ultimate jury, the American people will decide. The choice cannot be any more clear. Will repeat this often. This is about the future of America as we know it. It's it's either gonna be this failed socialist new green new deal with the history of failure that is socialism. I do a whole chapter. There's more I forgot about the failure of socialism than I had remembered in the researching of Live Free or America will die. And the world is on the brink, and America is on the brink. If they implement that which they say that they are going to implement, America as we know it will become unrecognizable. There's not a single issue of agreement that I now see. But what is the modern left wing radical socialist Democratic Party as now led by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. One hundred and twenty five years of unmitigated failure. That is their track record. That is who they are. This is what they represent, and what they're proposing should shock the country. Joe Biden promising to raise taxes through the roof all. You know, remember the Green New Deal. What are they gonna do. They're gonna confiscate as much money as they probably need. And I'll tell you, even if they did it, it doesn't begin to pay for the promises, the false promises, the lies. That is socialism. That is a proven failure time and time again. One day, I'm just going to go through the history of the failure of socialism. I do it in the book Live for You or Die. But I'm telling you you cannot promise in ten years to spend ninety four trillion dollars just on the New Green Deal, another fifty two trillion Medicare for all, or try and repair what is the dilapidated, broken down failure that we call Obamacare, Keep your doctor plan and save on average twenty five hundred bucks a year. Well, millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans, and where on average across the country we're all paying about two hundred percent more. There's almost forty percent of this country, forty percent that now has one Obama Biden care option. That's it. So how did that work out for you? Now they're going to guarantee you what a government job Now they're going to guarantee you government healthy food. Now they're going to get rid of you know, gas oil, cold the lifeblood of the world's economy. Then they're going to promise you a retirement, they're gonna promise your free college. Then they're gonna give you know, forgiveness for student debt. Then they're gonna give it, give you everything and anything you could ever want. It's in some fac it's appealing. I guess on the level if wow, I don't I don't ever have to worry about another thing for the rest of my life because the government's going to take care of me. Well, if you just take out a calculator, or maybe do the math on your head, because it's not that hard, or maybe if you like Joe and you're from whatever centuries he's from. You know, he had those old style views on race and integration that we went over in great detail yesterday that nobody else I was right, nobody else in the media. They're never going to cover it. You know, Biden has a history of failure on the issue. This is why they have no standing on race. I've gone through every dumb thing that they've said over and over and over again. I mean, it's amazing the media mob that they are. You know, they're not challenging Democrats this look, they say, will those are older Democrats. These are the people they point to as their mentors, the people that stood up and Philip bustered the Civil Rights Act of sixty four and the Voting Rights Act of sixty five, all of them, starting with Biden, my great friend, my mentor Robert Bird. He Philip busted the sixty four Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act. You know, he praised, He praised Robert, Hillary praised Bird, Bill Clinton praised him, Pelosi praised him, Schumer praised him. Imagine if Donald Trump had praised him. Just think for a second, what do you think that How do you think the mob and the media would have reacted if, in fact that was the case. Because it was eighty percent of Republicans in the House that supported the Civil Rights Act, and in the Senate it was eighty two percent of Republicans and a much lower percentage of Democrats. Lyndon Johnson to get that historic legislation passed, he had to rely on the Republican Party to get that done. The same party of the Emancipation Proclamation in Lincoln. I know every two years and every four years that you know Republicans a racist and sexist, and you know the whole list I've I've played example after example. I can do it again if you want me to. But you get the point. You know, imagine if these were the positions of Donald Trump, how do you think the mob would be reacting? What do you think the mob would be saying? How would the mob attack Donald Trump? Because I'm gonna tell you something, It's not that hard to figure out, is it not that hard? If if you look at Joe Biden's record to figure out his positions. You know, for example, now he supports reparations, but well, he has said in the past, I don't feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of mind generation. I'll be damned he said if I feel responsible to pay for what happened three hundred years ago. Remember it's Biden who opposed court ordered integration and bussing. And unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle. The jungle being quote, a racial jungle with tensions built so high that it's going to explode at some point. He held onto those views deep into the eighties when he's running for president, you know, the first time, that's how nuts he is. And it goes on for and then his comments about predators, you know, and his support you know, remember it was you got to remember something here because remember he said, well, they're going to be predators fifteen years from now, they must be taken off the streets. Well, that was what resulted in disparity in sentencing. That's that happened right there. He was right on the front lines and advocating for this that was fixed by Donald Trump. Criminal justice reformed, police reform, donald Trump support for historically but black colleges, more money for a greater commitment of time than any president in history. Opportunity zones, the Garden of Heroes. That's Trump's idea. That wasn't Joe or Barock's idea. You know, you look at opportunity zones, everything in between. But more importantly, you know, this symbolism over substance. The substance is clear is that no president has shattered more record low unemployment records than Donald Trump. It's month after month after month, record low unemployment for every demographic group, especially minorities in America. They didn't accomplish that in the eight years of Barack and Joe. They didn't accomplish any of these things. And the media, you know, why didn't they do any of these things? You know, one hundred and twenty five years combined experience, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden. What it never dawned on them that maybe they can, you know, restore peace and safety and security in the hometown of Barack Obama because they never barely mentioned it. In eight years. They barely everything. I don't care if it's taxes, I don't care. If it's burdened some regulation. I don't care if it's judges, Supreme Court justices. I don't care. If it's securing the border versus sanctuary cities and states and amnesty. I don't care. If it's energy independence. I don't care. If it's better trade deals. I don't care if it's a tougher foreign policy. I mean, you have split right down the middle, the biggest choice election in history. And I love these these Rhino Republicans. They just hate Donald Trump. Okay, John Bolton comes out with a stupid book. By the way, I actually looked at the numbers the mob and the media. He didn't sell anywhere near seven hundred fifty thousand copies. That's a lie. I don't know where that came from, but you know there's out there touting everything. You know, if you were in the room, John, why didn't you say something? I haven't heard that question asked of them. And if you really think, John, I thought you cared about not appeasing Mulla's in Iran. What Biden gets elected, I'll blame. I'll blame the likes of John Bolton if another one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currency end up on the tarmac of Mullahs in Iran, because he'll be partly responsible. You think what has happened with Israel and recognizing Jerusalem as its capital, recognizing Gaza Golan heights, the best partnership the Israel in the United States has ever heard. I didn't see that happen under Biden and Brock. I saw more hostility towards Israel than ever before that. I can remember foreign policy piece through strength, rebuilding, our military being prepared for you, knowing we live in a dangerous world governed by the use of powerful military force needing the best and latest and greatest and technology. That's all on the ballot. Why doesn't it matter. I understand everyone wants to talk about the memorials. Okay, well let's talk about it. Can we first secure the safety of every man, woman, and child, especially children, every grandma, grandpa, every mom and dad in our in every city, every town in America because these these democratic run cities for decades, these democratic blue states, for decades, they haven't done a damn thing to keep anybody safe and secure. You want the latest statistics, I got them. Might come into the show prepared every day because the violence is now with this defund the police madness, it's sweeping across the nation. Over a thousand cops injured. You what did they have? Families? They want to go home too. They're willing to risk their lives the good. Ninety nine six kids have died in just the last few days, ages six to fourteen. Do you know their names? I've given out their names. It's eighty seven shootings in Chicago, you know, over the weekend, seventeen fatalities, thirteen of the shooting victims under fourteen. Same thing in New York, eleven deaths from violence from Friday through Sunday. And now we're killing six year old kids, seven year old kids and eight year old kids are getting killed Atlanta, eight year old kid. And you look at you know, look at Chicago. Seven year old little girl playing in her grandma's backyard. You get shot in the head dead. Do you know her name? Because I mentioned her name? Ask yourself, do you know the name? Odds are you don't? That's another problem. What they get a pass for not doing what should be their fundamental responsibility in terms of governance, keep your citizenry safe and secure so then they can pursue happiness. Then fix your busted up school system like oh, Baltimore, thirteen public high schools, not one child proficient in math, and its third per capita in terms of spending per child, more than every other city basically in the industrialized world. How do you fail at that level and not step in to fix it? And let me tell you. If you look at Baltimore, New York City, New York State, New Jersey, you look at Michigan with this governor, You look at Los Angeles, you look at Minneapolis, you look at Atlanta, the city, not the state of Georgia. You know, all the cities we're talking about, this violence and these failed schools have been run by Democrats for decades. Most of the state's been they've been run by Democrats for decades. Let me tell it's all on the line or this country, I predict, becomes unrecognizable. That's what I predict. One hundred and nineteen days. You're the ultimate jury. Six kids six to fourteen dead in the shooting over the last few days, eighty seven shot Chicago, seventeen fatalities. Thirteen of these shooting victims under the age of fourteen years old. I mean, now, what are they doing about it? By the way, kudos to the Georgia governor who's declared a state of emergency over the deadly shootings there that took the life of a young girl, you know. The Atlanta mayor. Now apparently she has COVID. I do wish her the best of health. But anyway, she has been seen as a viable vice presidential pick for the corruption and let's say, confused Joe Biden. Now she's gonna have to respond to critics over her handling of the armed protesters that were occupying. As I showed on TV weeks ago the Wendy's restaurant, because that's where the shooting of this eight year old girl, Sakoria Turner took place. Why didn't she clear it out? Why didn't they do it in the Chop Chaz Summer of Love spaghetti potluck dinner zone. They didn't do it. New York Post editorial today, to Comrade de Blasio, do something about the people dying in the streets of New York. We cut while he did something. He cut a billion dollars for the police force. NYPD commissioner says, ye, yeah, this is really dumb. A new bill is going to require New York cops to have personal insurance for liability lawsuits. Forget it quit, there's no point. They won't let you do your job. Twenty five till the top of the hour Hannity dot com, Amazon dot Com, and we have announcements we're going to be making about the book in the days to come. This is it, Live Free or America will become unrecognizable the SubTime Live Free or Die America in the world on the brink. That is not an exaggeration. And I lay out everything, single thing that will define the future of this country. There's never been a moment like this where everything is it is, everything is on the line. You can see it playing out every single day and night on television. You know where they want to take this country. You know that these promises they make are false. You know that it's it's nothing that is even remotely sustainable, but yet they push it, they drive it. We have great news on the economy now that jobs are coming back record number. We have CMBC hiring surge to six point five million from four point zero five million in April, and separations plunge sixty percent according to the Labor Department, and they point out also that the layoffs the layoff right tumbled from five point nine percent in April's down to one point four percent. Hiring showed the biggest monthly gain ever separations meaning with companies, furloughs, etc. We also know that um that is now at a much lower rate. They posted the late largest drop as Americans now are going back to work started in May, followed through June and now employment vacancies also shot up, rising eight percent. Openings totaled what five point four million, and it's only going to get better. In the month of July and the month of August, and the month of September and October. I guess that's bad news politically for the Democrats. Um, you have this video. Did you see the video? We put it on Hannity dot com. This man holding the hand of his daughter. If I had to guess his age or the age of the little girl, what was she? Linda? Maybe two three years old? I'm a very young girl. Looked very young child. Yeah, her father's holding her hand. Yeah, all right, So Carr in the middle of the day, they're they're literally crossing the street holding hands together. That won't happen again because he was assassinated right there on the streets of the Bronx in New York. Great job, comrade de Blasio. You know you have other You know that disturbing video that was literally in the Bronx and in broad daylight. Unbelievable. You got two men murdered another wounded during a close shootout in the Bronx apartment building. We have that surveillance video recorded Sunday evening inside of building near College Avenue, Claremont, tweeted by the Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison, showing three men peeking down a staircase, then making a bee line for an apartment. Two gunmen suddenly emerge, one from the staircase, the other from down the hallway. According to the footage, one suspect appears to fire his weapon once before disappearing down the staircase, while the other pops off several shots. The clip then cuts as two of the victims of struggle on the ground while the third man is desperately trying to open the door. Cops say a twenty two year old man with shots multiple times. Twenty seven year old man took a bullet in the neck. Pronounced dead at Bronx Care Health System Chicago. We have a pastor reacting to the violence, especially the death of the seven year old little girl, and that pastor was on Fox and Friends this morning describing meeting with the family. I mean, how do you recover from that? What did I say with George Floyd? I said, imagine if that was your son or daughter and a knee on the neck, how would you feel. What if it's your six, seven, eight year old child that's killed, or your grandchild let's kill how do you feel? This isn't that hard to figure out that this is the most basic, simplest, most fundamental role of government. Now, finally, in Minneapolis City Council forgot to check with many of the people of Minneapolis, the black community in Minneapolis. According to Breitbart, black leaders in Minneapolis are now beginning to speak out against proposals to deep fund or abolish the police after the Democratic dominated city Council voted unanimously to dismantle the city's police department. Minneapolis Star Tribune reporting that there is strong pushback from African American leaders against the radical proposals by Black Lives Matter. Remember the group Black Lives Matter, they're the ones that chanted, what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And pigs in a blanket and fry him like bacon. Local African American leaders are using words like egregious and grotesque and absurd and crazy to describe this anti police plan. The council members though, oh, they're secure, and they're safe because they're spending taxpayer dollars to hire private security. Isn't it nice to be a politician? All the Democratic politicians and leaders in Washington, they all have security armed. Many of them get you know, government funded jets like speaker Pelosi got you know, Hollywood stars, they've got enough money to hire their own security forces. And it's unbelievable. Atlanta mayor's under huge fire. Why did she allow all of these people to congregate around the Wendy's. I mean, we had a Fox reporter, Steve Harrigan was live on the air one night and I had reported that and Bernie Kerrig had given me a tip who was down in Atlanta with police officers. The ninety nine percent of good officers that risked their lives, put their lives on the line to protect and serve their community. And then that one day's where Ray Shad Brooks with that incident went down, taken over by guys at long guns and a ar fifteens. The mayor did nothing. Well, now a little kid is dead, eight year old Corea Turner. Why didn't the mayor do something? Now, the governor Georgia, to his credit, Brian Kemp is going to deploy a thousand National Guard troops. That's the right call. That's what they should have done right after this started to happen. You can't let city streets be commandeered and taken over by anarchists like they did in the chop Zone, the chad Zone, the Summer of free love zone. I mean, when I interviewed this horace, this poor man who lost his son, Hors Anderson. Is his name, Lorenzo Hors Lorenzo Anderson. His son's name was Horace Lorenzo Anderson Juniors. Nineteen year old son was murdered. Now one person in Seattle, no elected official called this man. The governor never called this man. President apparently watching Hannity called and got his number and called him. President had been begging Washington State, begging the city of Seattle to accept the help. The President's been offering help whatever they need. They keep declining, They keep saying, we don't want you. Why why not? Governor Kemp, He's doing the right thing. You know that it just is unbelievable that we're allowing this to happen. And I'm gonna tell we're not going to be a better country for it. And you know, I guess if you listen to the mob and the media, you know, Al Sharpton condemning I thought the President's speech of Mount Rushmore was literally you know, talking about American goodness, American greatness, American exceptionalism, not American perfection. No, people on the face of the earth are perfect. We know that. But our constitutional system allows us to rightly correct wrongs injustices and evils. And we've done it, and we've got a long way to go, and we'll do it again with the idea to become a more perfect union. And the mob in the media, oh, this is a love letter of white supremacy. What are they talking about. We're gonna get lectures from Al Sharpton on that topic. You know about you know about white people living in the caves and quote while we were building pyramids. I can go on from there. Pinya Yamica on. Let's get it on on backwards, let's put it on. Let's get it on. He's the one that used the N word multiple times to describe the first African American mayor of the City of New York, David Dinkins. I don't even want to hear it play. I don't know. I'm sick of hearing it. Washington posts their editor calling America is a racist and patriarchal society. Does anyone It was sort of like what Michelle Obama said. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country for the first time. You aren't proud of American Were you proud that Americans joined together and that to save a union we fought a civil war? Big part of that was over the issue of slavery. Are you proud of the underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman going to be a part of the Garden of Heroes that the President was talking about. People all racist colors, backgrounds will be represented. Are you proud of the Civil Rights Act? The Voting Rights Act? Grant? I wish it would have happened immediately. Every American does. But that's how you right wrongs, correct injustices, and many people risk their lives. I got to know many of these civil rights pioneers and leaders when I lived down in Atlanta and Maynard Jackson called my radio show the first day I'm on the air, welcomed me to his city. I got to know him. I got to like them, then I became Then I got to respect the Joseph Lowery's of the world, the Andy Youngs of the world. Became friends with the jose and Williams of the world. Work with this guy, this Pepperville Joe. You know, we were trying to help fix some of the first public housing units that were destroyed, like Tech with Holmes and Pepperville and a couple of other things. Amazing people, even John Lewis Man of Real Courage. I disagree with their politics. I used to go to forums, I used to debate. I had no problem. I'll discuss debate any any issue with anybody anywhere. Okay, I understand how Democrats you want the Confederate statues? Okay? Does that? Does that include the Democratic statues that Pelosi's father put up in Baltimore? Does that include are they going to take back the words of praise for Robert KKK Bird because that's the modern Democratic Party. That's why they have no standing. And why didn't they set record low unemployment for minorities in America? Why did it take Donald Trump? Why didn't they commit to historically black colleges and opportunity zones? Why didn't they you know, why didn't they go forward with police reform? DoD they have the opportunity. Can we first make sure every American citizen is safe and secure? Can we do that? First? Fix the educational system? Can we do that? You know, I'm looking at how this you know, where where we're headed here, and I don't like what I see because it's not it's spiraling out of control, and it's gonna get worse, and it's gonna embolden and empower criminal networks to literally take control of areas of cities and states that we never thought was possible. By the way, there is on the twenty twenty front former White House physician, doctor Ronnie Jackson. He was both the White House physician under Obama and Trump. He's saying, yeah, Joe Biden has cognitive issues. Says Trump took a cognitive test and passed with flying colors. He's urging Biden to take the exact same test anyway. He told this in an interview he gave to the Kyle Olsen Show, that Biden needs to take a cognitive assessment and release the results. I'm not comfortable with him being president, he said, I think he's got cognitive issues. But as a concerned American, you know, he said, he's not diagnosing the former vice president. He's not examined him, but he's saying, but as a concerned American who also happens to be a physician, I'm just gonna say it's concerning to me that he's not able at times to complete a sentence and not really know where he's or what he's doing. And we've seen that countless times. Now that a fair question. Do you have the strength the stamina to take on the hardest job in the world. He also has a failed record that at some point is going to be exposed. We'll do all the I guess vetting like we had to do in two thousand and seven and eight, because the mob won't do it. You know, Blue Biden Blue Wave tax hikes, by the way, could batter the stock market, according to some research that came out. It was onpoxnews dot com Joe Biden warning students that are that are minorities they will suffer if schools remain closed. I'm not sure exactly what that means. The school systems are failing in all these blue cities run by politicians for decades, by Democrats. Same with states. You know, you just look at all of this and you say, how did this happen? They want open borders and closed schools. The left, why don't we According to the American Pediatric Society, wasn't that They're the ones that said it's time to open Schools. Executive director of UNICEF said it it's a critical step for reopening the economy. Joe Biden won't commit to defending our framers and founders. Joe Biden and the liberals in DC, and they're incapable of grasping the growing backlash against the canceled culture movement. Why do you want to you know, all of these issues came up about Jimmy Fallon, and they went after Howard Stern and Jimmy Kimmel. And this person said that twenty two years ago, and this person was in this skit twenty two years ago. I've never called for anybody to be canceled or fired. I don't do that. The American people get to make those decisions. You either listen or watch or you don't. But to you know, have organized efforts to silent opposing voices. No, I won't be a part of that ever. And by the way, I don't like Bill Maher, I don't like Jimmy Kimmel in particularly do like Howard, but I don't like the others. I don't want any I believe in free speech, make my living doing this, but it's conservatives they always want to silence now the Left is getting a taste of their own medicine. It's not pleasant, is it. Finally I did with this, you know, I was asked probably twelve questions about the Confederate flag. This President's focused on action, and I'm a little dismayed that I didn't receive one question on the deaths that we got in this country this weekend. I didn't receive one question about New York City shootings doubling for the third straight week, and over the last seven days, shooting skyrocket by one hundred and forty two percent. Not one question. I didn't received one question about five children who were killed. And I'll leave you with this remark by a dad. It broke my heart. A dad of an eight year old lost in Atlanta this weekend. They say black lives matters. You killed a child. She didn't do nothing to nobody, was his quote. We need to be focused on securing our streets, making sure no lives are lost, because all black lives matter, that of David Dorn and that of this eight year old girl. They say black lives matter. Kill your home, get your own IT'SI tell because of Barrio. They killed my baby because she crossed the barrier, the man of you till you kill the child. She didn't do nothing, no aboudy, she ain't did nothing to now one of y'all. She just wanted to get home to see ya. Couldn't as all you wanted to do. She still wanted to get home. The reality is this. These aren't police officers shooting people on the streets of Atlanta. These are members of the community shooting each other. And in this case, it is the worst possible outcome. And there were two other people who were actually shot and killed last night and several others. Enough is enough, Enough is enough. That was Scoria Williamson, father of the eight year old daughter, and Sekoria Turner saying that yes, black lives matter. You killed your own this time. You heard Kaylee mcinanny just ripping apart reporters. You know, they want to talk about the monuments, they want to talk about the statutes. As I said last night on TV. Okay, let's if you want that debate, let's have that debate. Can we first stop the violence because the carnage is out of control. You have six kids aged between six and fourteen that have been literally they're all dead in the last five days, and was seeing in all of these cities now a level of gun violence and murder surpassing the deadly toller you know at the same time last year and last year was bad. Chicago eighty seven shooting, seventeen fatalities from Thursday evening through Sunday night. Thirteen of those shooting victims under fourteen years old. New York out of control, eleven deaths from gun violence from Friday through Sunday. Philadelphia thirty one shooting, seven deaths from gun violence. Atlanta twenty three shootings, including the death of an eight year old little girl killed while riding in a car with her mom and happened to pass a roadblock and runs into a mob of protesters. I think we would only show on TV to report and actually show you a video if you remember Steve harrogant at the time interviewing guys that had their aar fifteens in front of that wendays in Atlanta. Now we have a billion dollars cut from the NYPD, defund the police movements all across the country, same thing in every big city. All of the cities that we're talking about have been run by liberal Democrats for decades. The same with most of the states. It is the same thing. It is. This is the results. You know. Now we put handcuffs, we we under Biden and Barack, we put handcuffs on our military. Now we're putting handcuffs on the police literally, and they are retiring in huge numbers. Now they're being defunded. So I guess they're gonna get fired, laid off, paid off, whatever it happens to be. You got the Georgia governor rightly declaring a state of emergency down there. The Atlanta mayor's facing criticism over the early handling of the protest site, just like the mayor in Seattle. This summer of love Zone in New York, you've got an editorial, Mayor de Blasio, do something about the deaths on our streets. Five hundred plus thousand people now have left New York City, and it's only it's only the beginning of what will be a much larger trend out of these blue states, blue cities that have been run into the ground with burdensome bureaucracy, high taxes, horrific governance. You know, unbelievable at the NYPD commissioner blaming the shootings on police reforms gone too far. You think Chicago passed a reacting this weekend to the death of this innocent seven year old girl and literally saying on Fox and Friends that you know, this poor girl was killed outside of her grandmother's house, playing in the backyard on the fourth of July. Well, if we want to talk about pursuit of happiness, if you want to talk about you first have to have simple, basic, fundamental government working towards safety and security of every American citizen in every state, in every city from c to Shining Sea. It's not that complicated, and it's something that can be accomplished because it has been accomplished. Anyway, our two Sean Hannity Show, we welcome back to the program our friend Leo Terrell, American civil rights attorney, talk radio host at the Leo Terrell on Twitter. Pastor Patrick pt Nicuolo's with us. Remember he was the lead pastor of George Floyd's church in Houston, Resurrection Houston. Thank you, pastor for being back. Actually, you know, I got a lot of response, Pastor to my idea. We had a discussion. I don't know if you got any feedback to this, and I told you about an incident when I debated Al Sharpton at the National Action Network, And before it even started, I said, you know, Revernal, do you believe that there's one God that created every man, woman, and child? Yes? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is our personal Lord and Savior and sacrificed himself and was beaten and scourged and murdered on a cross and was the ultimate sacrifice to reconcile humanity to God, the Father of the Creator. And he said yes. And I said, why are you're wrong on everything else? And then I made an observation, and you agreed with me that why is it even in the same city. We'll take Houston for example, Like I assume it's like other cities where you have Christian churches that believe that, and yet you have predominantly white churches and predominantly black churches. Remember our discussion on this, And you agreed with me that that kind of is the way it is. Right. I do agree that is the reality of America. And then I came up with a brilliant idea. I said, well, why don't we adopt a church? Why? In other words, why does this in a a Christian church maybe predominantly white congregants, you know, adopt a church of Christians with predominantly African American congregants and go visit each other's churches regularly. It's the idea sounds it sounds amazing. I think that to your point, I think that is. Any way, You've probably got criticism for even talking to me because oh, Hannity is a conservative. Yeah, I get criticism about a lot of things that do. But that means, yes, you did. But I'm fine with it. That's the life I lived. But I do want a more perfect union, Pastor. I want our kids safe. I believe every child is born of God and there's good in this evil and we've got to protect in the police or the line of protection against evil. This is true. So so let's let's talk about this idea of the church. You do see that some of the issues that are underlying in our community, larger community, if the church is going if we're going to tackle this from a humane perspective, a love perspective, if the church is going to have to show a reconciled, unified for us and that the hope of the world is well. In my opinion, the hope of the world is the church, and if the church is broken or it's unreconciled, we can't do the work that we would call to do. Do you see that, Pastor what I see is it doesn't make any sense to me. If you have a fundamental belief in your faith in God and our our founding document says that we're endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights, God given rights, not government given rights, then it just makes sense to me that if you start there, then you can and for whatever reason churches have been apart, bring them together. That's what I'm saying. No, I see that that is something we can agree on. We we may not agree on how historically we got there, But I mean, okay, now, solving that issue I think is the Rubic's crew of solving the issue we see in the country. I don't think it's out of our churches. How about you just how about your church invites a neighboring church, um and to come celebrate you know, your your faith, your your mutual faith together. Why is that so freaking complicated? So I think you're you know, I'll say this, there have been churches that have reached out before, during and since that are predominantly white congregations said hey, we want to help, we want to support the work that you're doing. And we've said yes. Now I think you know too. There's some people who would argue, okay, beyond just if we're going to solve the problem, all right, you're getting too deep in the weeds. How about we meet. How about we just meet first. How about you pray together first. You're getting deep in the weeds here, and I don't think you need to. But listen, I barely go to church, but I'm a believer, but I don't. You know, Leo, let's get you the way in on this. Your thoughts. Yeah, Pastor, I mean it seems Pastor, it seemed like you're it's hard for you to just say, let's get united, let's live in a colorblind society. Look, you may be under a lot of pressure. I respect that. I don't care if there's pressure. This country is being torn apart based on color. If we're all under the same flag, we should be united. Now. Let me tell you right now, if Sean Hannity did not show those faces of people and names being murdered, not by police but by criminals, we would not have this type of discussion going on right now. And let me tell those other extreme networks that refuse to talk about the crime in our city. You know why, because they're in the back pocket of the Democratic Party. We have a country to save, and this is very basic to me as a lifelong Democrat, as a person's a civil rights attorney who sued police officers, I am sick entire of the murdering of children, young and old, regardless of color. I'll extend my hand to you. With Sean's talking about who cares about the blowback? Were united in trying to solve this problem. Let's stop the murders. Let's work together, black, white, yellow, brown churches. We're all God's children. That's not hard for me to say. Yeah, so, Leo, here's probably where my rub is. I had someone earlier this week say to me, Hey, I don't see black, I don't see color. Gotta this is probably where I may get off the train because you know, we say God is past. I'm gonna interrupt you. You're not You're not even getting on the train because it's like, let's meet first. No, no, no, I'm about to get out of the trail. Let me but I want to make sure that we're clear. God is triune, He's one and he's three. He's one and diverse. I you can see me as a black man, and I can see someone else as a Caucasian man, and we can both affirm each other in our diversity and our issues and our problems, and we can celebrate them. Man, I feel like I'm in I'm feeling like I'm in a classroom. Are you Are you under pressure, pastor by members of the black community, because it doesn't bother me as a civil rights attorney, I'm looking for a color blind society. I just feel it sounds like you're under pressure. No, I'm not under any pressure. I'm a preacher. Okay, we we we we preach against, we preach counter culturally. Nobody'll tell you what. I'm not gonna cut this discussion short. We're gonna hold you guys over and and maybe we'll get a couple of calls in we continue. Leo Terrell, Pastor Patrick pt. Nigolo is with us, lead pastor of Resurrection Houston, that was George Floyd's church. Right as we continue with Leo Terrell, Pastor Patrick Ptgolo is with US lead pastor Resurrection Houston, George Floyd's Church. Leo, you were asking the pastor if he's under pressure of some kind. Pastor, are you under any pressure? I mean, I mean you kind of alluded to the fact that you got some heat for coming on the show. Pastor, Are you under pressure? No, I'm not under any pressure. Okay, So then what's the hold up? So I guess are you here? Here's my fundamental belief is that God is try you. And in that because God has try you one to three, we are we come together as one one people. But we acknowledge the diversity in those particular people. We acknowledge that there's something specific that black people come with, There's something specific that all ethnicities come with. And so I guess what I'm trying to tell you. I agree with you that there should be unity. I also think that there should be conversation that fosters and brings that unity together. Leo. I'm all in favor of conversation, but I also want progress. I want the murderers. I want the killing of people of all colors to stop. I want there to be some acknowledgement by by those mayors and those democratic cities to stop the carnage that's going on every week and they look the other way, and they other than Fox News, they don't talk about it on the other networks. And so Pastor I hear about this conversation. Can we get a little bit more fact specific and can you call out of those mayors and the murders that's going on in the cities so that we won't have our people murdered every weekend. I'll do that. Let's do something immediately. Let's let's do something. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna pick it up on the other side of this break. That's a great cutting off point. Yeah, how do we stop? How do we save America's treasure, that's our children. We'll continue Leo terrell at the Leo Terrello on Twitter, Pastor Patrick Ptnguolo, lead Pastor Resurrection Houston, George Floyd's Church. More on the other side, and other news and information the battle against police. We have an update coming up on our news roundup hour Hannity tonight at nine on Fox News. We are only twenty eight days and we have some announcements coming. Live Free or Die, America and the world on the brink. Live Free or America dies. We release that book, everything that you ever loved about this country is hanging in the balance. In one hundred and nineteen days, we'll continue. Honestly, truly disheartening having a mother is a police officer. I just want Americans to remember that police officers have families too, and they have children and loved ones that need them to I'm home, unharmed, um, and I just want everyone to know that police officers are human too. They have fears, they have people that they love, and they bleed just like the rest of us. And people like my mom, who was the most amazing person in my life, you know, deserve to not be execute the way that she was, just because of her youth. For they say black lives matter, it kill your home, get your own it, tih tell because of barrier. They killed my baby because she crossed the barrier. The man of Utah, you kill the child. She didn't do nothing to know about. She ain't did nothing to now want to She just wanted to get home. To see how I couldn't because as you wanted to do, she still wanted to get home, all right. That first quote was from the daughter of a police officer, you know, saying you know, cops bleed just like the rest of us. They love and have family. We now have well over a thousand police officers now injured, and they've been pelted with rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails. They've been shot at. You know, we now have what almost eight murdered. We have others permanently injured. And the violence continues, and the looting and the arson and allowing anarchists to take over city blocks, all that too resulting in death. As we had the opportunity to interview Hons Horace Lorenzo Anderson, he lost his nineteen year old son in the Summer of Love Chop Chad Zone out in Seattle, and the police and the medics they had to beg the anarchists who didn't want them to even offer medical attention. They were begging to let them inc. We just here to give medical attention. Please let us in, please, pleading and begging. I mean, this is a form of madness. We continue with Leo Terrell at the Leo Terrell on Twitter. Pastor Patrick pt Nugolo, he was the lead pastor, is the lead pastor of Direction Houston, friend of George Floyd and he was his pastor. You know, we left off Pastor with this idea in question from Leo Terrell. You have all of these cities. You have all of these cities run by liberal Democrats for decades, most of the states run by liberal Democrats for decades. If you look at these cities, they have the most violence. Neighborhood's not safe, not secure. Now we have kids every weekend getting shot and killed in these cities. Now we want to defund the police, not me, some people. Now they cut a billion dollars for example for the NYPD. They're cutting in Los Angeles, They're cutting in every other big city. We see what happened in Minneapolis. They're totally disbanding the police in Minneapolis. Not a good idea. Who are you gonna call at midnight when something happens? And I guess the question is what Leo's asking you is from the political side. You know, all these Democrats for all these decades, they have failed America's children, in America's families, and they failed spectacularly and safety and security. And I would also argue they failed in their responsibility to educate every single you know, child that lives in their city or their state. They failed miserably. So a great question UH spalled by this. Listen, black life, no matter who it is and what happened, is uh in this country treated with short words, and all lives are precious and and and no matter how it happened, whether it was by someone in the community or someone with lawful authority, we mourn the fact that people are being uh slaughtered and so. But but I also want to point out that this thing shouldn't be an either or conversation. Hey look at Chicago, look at Atlanta, and the violence is there, Or hey, people are using unlawful they're using their authority unlawfully against black and brown citizens. I think you can have both and conversation. And I think it's perfectly legitimate to say they're failures in both both issues, and that we as a country and man literally as a community have probably failed in both areas. So how do we both hold people who have authority accountable and hold those people in our community who are supposed to be helping bring down the violence holding them accountable as well. I think I think there's blaming us to go around, and I think there's work to be done on both hands, and we don't have to pick either or we can do both. Hands well, you just say this, pastor. Pastor, I've got twenty five years invested as a civil rights attorney working in democratic city fighting against police misconduct. And I'm sitting here telling you right now, twenty five years invested big cases, cases like the George Floyd Kates and I'm telling you just democratic experience and these big cities has failed because they're arguing an issue that does not exist, systematic discrimination. What I'm telling you it's very simple. They're not addressing the issue of school choice, supporting the police. They're allowing these things to happen in their own backyard, and they're trying to blame somebody else a boogeyman. This is not nineteen sixty's twenty twenty. We got blacks and browns in power position of leadership in these democratic cities and may have failed in every week, Pastor, you will know this. In these big major cities city like Los Angeles, which I live in, they're not supporting the police. They're allowing people of color, of all colors to dye in the stries. And then we want to blame other people for the problems that they are in control of them, and if we're going to do something, it's very simple. We got to support the police, we got to support our schools, and we got to do something. This is coming from a person who has twenty five years of civil rights time invested in this country. But I see the light and I know we got to do something other than what the Democrats have been doing for the last two or three decades. So, Leo, I have a question for you, sure, Pastor, what what do you believe happened to George Floyd? George, let me be very clear about that. By the way, everybody feels this way, Leo, I mean, this is universal condemnation ahead. But George want to know what? Oh, no question about it. It's very simple. George Floyd was murdered by a roll officer and three other officers looked the other way and didn't take corrective action. There is no question about that. But let me simply say that with the following, ninety eight percent of officers are the ones that protect you and I, Pastor and Sean Annity throughout the night, and what those horrible officers did should not be a reflective of reflection on ninety eight percent of the officers and should not call for the defunding of police. So I would agree with you. I agree, so you no what I agree with you that defunding the police, uh is probably a poor choice of words. But I think that there should be that. I think there should be some thought about reallocation. I mean, every year, my wife and I we think about how we're going to spend our money, depending on what our goals and what we want to do. I think in places like Atlanta, particularly with the young man that was slaughtered there, I mean it's a d d U I d wi uh. You know what about social workers being sent out instead of police officers. I mean, let me not to say that we're not saying I don't. I don't think that it is helpful to say kill everything off. I've lived in places where there's no national police, were no local police. That's not u gonna be helpful for anybody in third world countries. But I do think that you are to think about reallocating how houselands are reallocated to make sure that you are serving a whole community. All right, quick break will come back eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza. More with at the Leo Turrello on Twitter and George Floyd's pastor Patrick Ptnuguolo. All right, as we continue at the Leo Tourello on Twitter pastor Patrick Ptnuguolo, pastor of the Resurrection Houston Church, George Floyd was a friend and a member of the church. Baltimore per capita gets that gets the third highest amount of money per student in terms of education spending. America spends more per capita than any industrialized nation. In Baltimore, they're a thirteen pastor public high schools thirteen, We're not one child is proficient in math, not one. I don't think it's about allocation of money, but I think that, you know, fundamentally, I kind of feel like you're Duck and Leo's question a little bit. Pastor and Leo, you put it in your own words. I'm hearing you say that does this institutional failure in big cities and states run by liberal Democrats for decades? You know why is it happening? Because the money has been spent, the taxes, money has been collected. They haven't fixed the problem. There's not been the will to fix the problem. And I'm saying that a personal experience. For twenty five years. I joined this as a civil rights attorney pastor. I got democratic that I got you. So let's talk about the educational system. I can only talk about the one here in Houston. Educational allocation of resources determined by property tax the property taxes of your area determined how much money go to your specific location. Here in the middle of the Third War, we've got one high school that has one feeder school, one middle school, both of those. Before then there was two or three that fed in. But because of the lack of resources, because whenever it comes down to where does the money go, well, Revokes and all those other areas of part of town, they've got the money resources. That money is used to educate their children in their area. In places like Third Ward, I mean, where the money is uneven, those those children don't get the same type of education. It comes down to money. Our system in leasing the state of Texas is run on property taxes. I don't know how it is around the country, but I'm sure it's the same where I mean, if you've got one school bringing in you know, five times the amount of the other school, Well, there's gonna be a educational disadvantage. I mean that makes sense. So I think there is a problem there that needs to be fixed. Pastor in California and Sean talked about Baltimore, is that there's an equalization. Now I can't speak for Texas problem. Maybe it needs to be corrected, but there's It's not a question of money being allocated per student in the grace state of California or in Baltimore. Is a question of the leadership that are dominated by democratic mayors, people of color, may pastor, people of color who should have an affirmive obligation to take care of their community. But they have failed because their policies don't support independence or personal responsibility. It supports dependency. And what happens you have, what you're going on right now, total chaos. Remember it's not nineteen sixty, it's twenty twenty. People of color are running these big time democratic cities. Mayor pastor, and you're just acknowledge that simple truth. I'm acknowledging that there's a there's failure in the system. I'm a lawyer for fifteen years. I've been working in neighborhoods like George Floyd's for the last fifteen years, I literally have dedicated my ministry to an area life. So when I talking about these issues, I know I come office, uh humble preacher, But listen, these systemic issues are issues that not have just I mean we haven't. I mean, yes, is it better than it was in nineteen sixty, yes, but we still have a way to go. You look at that issue with George Floyd and listen. Now, I'll go ahead and come out all the way out the woods. I work criminal defense, and so I see when police unions and officers of that caliber. No, not all officers and not most officers, but there are systemic issues that are highs that when when when people are faced with people using authority unlawfully, the laws in place are there where we don't have like we can't we can't say an officer should be treated just like everyone else. He has qualified immunity. He has that is that other people don't have. And so consequently, when you're trying to hold those one or two officers accountable, you're not able to do it. And so then people say, well, wait, there is a systemic issue. Well, the pastor, we had a great senator named Tim Scott put forward a just a reform bill, the beginning of a scot start. Guess what because of politics? Two black Democratic senator let me mention her name, Corey Booker and Kamala Harrit they killed the bill before it got on the floor. This is what I'm talking about. You got people on the left playing politics with the lives of people of color and Americans in general. There was no reason why that bill should not have had a full fledged debate on the Senate floor, but it was killed by Democrat Booker and Harrod. Tell me if that's not true, Please tell me if I'm not wrong. So wait before you paint me in the box. I want you to understand this. I'm neither a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a theocrat. I'm an advocate for Jesus rule on earth. So that also that means that you speak truth to power. Whether it's a Republican president or a Democratic senator, you say what it is it's on your heart. You tell them the truth. You critique, lovingly critique any politiful actor, whether they be Republican or Democrat. I gotta leave it there. Leo Torrel, thank you, pastor of all our best. If everyone me and Leo to try and help you in anyway. I don't. I can't speak for Leo, but it sounds to me like he's in. I'm in. Let me know. I'd love to help anyway I can. This is a great conversation. We gotta do it again. Thank you both. Eight hundred and ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. One picture tells the story here Tonight, a patrol car turned into a memorial to the police officers murdered last night, A city's outpouring of love for the latest victims of hate. This was the deadliest day for US law enforcement since nine to eleven. Police say that a lone gunman, angry about recent police shootings of black men, opened fire on officers as they guarded a peaceful demonstration against the killings in Louisiana and Minnesota earlier this week. During an hour's long standoff, the gunman told police he was targeting white officers. Twelve officers were shot, five killed, seven wounded. A cell phone video captured the moment that an officer ran toward the gunman and engaged him in a firefight. Seconds later, the officer was hit and the gunman fled. The shooting started at about eight forty five pm Central time, just as the peaceful protest was ended. Chance turned to screens as the crowd ran and for cover. Eyewitnesses reported shots coming from above. But we knew at that point and we need to turn around and go to the opposite directions. They're so kind of natural diast He kicked in and we start telling people go back that way. We got along. We don't know where Ellie's a. We got an open window on the strow go rival hanging off. Throughout the shooting, the gunman continued to target police. In the chaos, Officers ran to the aid of fallen colleagues. The suspect then fled to a nearby college, where the police say he shot through windows and doors to gain access and eventually hold up on the second floor of this campus building. It was there that police attempted to negotiate with twenty five year old Micah Xavier Johnson, an army veteran of the Afghan War. In that conversation, they learned about his motives. The suspects said he was upset about Black Lives matter. He said he was upset about the recent police shootings. He wants to kill white people, especially white officers. It's not the only example of such provocative imagery. A Facebook post one day before the Dallas attack showed a cartoon image of someone appearing to be an ISIS fighter killing a police officer. That prompted Dallas Police Sergeant Dmitric Penny to sue Facebook for refusing to take the image down. And the message we got from social media from Facebook was that it didn't violate the terms and conditions, It didn't violate their community standards, an image the Dallas shooter, Michael Johnson, reportedly shared on social media. Days after the attack, Facebook did begin to remove the image from pages where it was deemed insightful against police, everybody and anybody that has any connection with these deaths and should be held accountable. Patrick Zamoripa, one of five officers killed last July. His father, who makes regular visits to his son's grave, joined the lawsuit. If they won't for them, they would be able to communicate, these radicals won't be able to communicate and organize. The lawsuit charges social media corporations with providing materials support to terrorist groups and profiting from the content those groups post. All right, first you heard Scott Pelley reporting on the Dallas police shooting, and the second was the Fox four Dallas report on a lawsuit against social media companies over the Dallas police shooting. Joining us now is Sergeant Dimitric Penny is with us, twenty one year veteran Dallas Police Force, president of the Dallas, Texas National Fallen Officer Foundation, now a US congressional candidate in the Texas Congressional District thirty outrage. Now, over a thousand police officers around the country have been injured rocks, bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails, knives, guns, tasers, you name it. It's all being used against the police precincts burnt to the ground, police precinct then Seattle taken over for weeks on end in the summer of love Zone. And you know, you look back at these attacks on the police four years ago in Dallas. Remember one of the officers paid, you know, the price of his life is remembered by his father who joins us on the show. We have with us right now. Rick Zama Rippa is with us, and he lost his son, Patrick, a Navy vet member of the Dallas Police Force, that day. Now, Patrick Zama Rippa was thirty two when a five officers shot and killed by the craze gunman that last week in Dallas, Texas. Thank you for joining us. I'm so sorry, first of all for your loss, your family and all these officers. Now we have number I think six to eight dead, some permanently injured, a thousand hit in the face with bricks, rocks and other items. I mean, and now we're talking about defunding the police. I don't know how you ever recover Rick when you lose your son. It's just terrible what they're doing, you know, just uh that's when something happens. Who they call them the police? They won't defund him, take take the resources away. Uh it just it just scored me, you know. And who they first start to holler for when they eat him, call the police and they won't be around. If they defund him, Well they're not going to be around. May I keep raising that question? So who are you going to call Minneapolis disbanded? Defunded the police? There? Okay, something happens, I don't know, maybe in the broad day, like we saw this guy assassinated in the Bronx of New York while crossing the street holding his little daughter's hand. We played that on It's on Hannity dot Com. But we played that last night on TV. Who are you going to call if it's midnight and some group of people might be trying to break into your home? So much criticism of the Saint Louis couple after they were being threatened, after people broke down the gate, got into the neighborhood. Then they went back and I hear that actually was the president that actually sent the only show of police presence when they came back the second time. You know, Sergeant Penny, I look at you. You're twenty one years on the job. I mean, I know many guys that wanted to be police officers their whole life. If they can retire, they're getting out. I know other guys that are saying they don't feel confident enough to go out and actually do the job the way it's supposed to be done. I see a lot of people disengaging. I mean, this has now been building for a while. I'm sure you saw the videos of New York City police officers being doused with water and hit with rocks and their cars being destroyed. Now it's on steroids. It's happening in all of these big cities. Yes, it is. It is, and we should have we should get control of this right now. But this is the fourth anniversary of dealing with the Dallas shooting attack in Dallas, tex It's unfortunately, but we lost five officers, and that should have set the stage to say that everyone, no matter where you are, no matter where you live, at that everyone should make sure that they are upholding and protecting their law enforced lasses because those guys are going to be the ones running towards the carnage while everything else is, while everyone else is running away from it. What I remember that night because that was the worst. That was That was the one of the worst times of my life in dealing with that. But I can tell you that the only solace that I found was knowing that the last thing that that gunman, that that coward that terrorists the last thing he saw was that robot rolling up on him with that bomb on him, blowing him to pieces. That was the only solace I saw. But I'm gonna tell you, I'm moren and I hurt so much to see these asters getting getting shot and hurt every day because I know that this is their job, this is what they do every day, and we're not addressing the issue as it stands. These are domestic terrorists anytime any group we I don't care what group you want to use, you want to use answer to, or you want to use Black Lives Matter, whatever you want to be, you want to use any of these groups. Anytime a group organized for the purpose of using intimidation and bolence to attack law enforcement or the KI area out a political agenda, that's by definition a domestic terrorist. And we should be going after these groups that. I just can't deal with it anymore. I don't know why I deal jay not doing their job. I don't know why the courts having been doing that job. Which is why I'm taking a step further and I'm saying I'm going directly after these individuals. I'm running for Congress. I'm going to make sure that we start addressing these issues that are impacting our community, especially at law enforced losses. Who are you running against? And what is your district composed of? Usually have like plus Democrat plus Republican. Uh, you know plus three minus three? Where do you what is your district? Now? Who's who's currently the congress representative, congressional representative, the congressional representative and edited beneath Johnson. She's been in office fifty years. I'm being fascetious, but you've been in office twenty eight years. All these social issues that are centrally impacting this district, she's been a part of it. But when you go talk to people in the community, they blame Trump, and I'm like, Trump had been here for fifty years. She's been here. And that's the crazy part about this is that, look, this is the majority of minority districts across this country. All of them are suffering the same way. They have the same issue and and and it's and it's it's it's the central issues of dealing with crime, the balls, the fact that we're not able to police them. Let's just look at this, Just look at the glos forth. We can't along. Okay, Atlanta had thirty one people shot at eight year old killed. For New York PD had forty eight people shot, ten people killed. Chicago eighty seven people shot, Seventeen people killed, include a seven seven year old girl. We got to say enough of enough. It's time for the community to stand up and say we're not going to let these terrorists take over our community. That's why I'm trying to That's why I'm that's a message that we need to be getting down to DC so that Washington know that we're not going to allow you to neglect these majority minority districts anymore. We're not going to allow you to do it because I don't know our kids to die. I mean, I keep going over the statistics. Sometimes I feel like a broken record here, but every it's not the same, it's not the same track I'm playing because every week it's a set of new statistics. You know, we lost six kids, Sergeant, six kids ages six to fourteen in shootings over the last few days as a result of all of this violence. Well, one thing that we have in common. All of these incidences of violence are happening in cities that have been run for decades by liberal Democrats. Most of the states, I think, with the exception of Georgia, have been run by democrats for decades. Also, that would be New York and Illinois and Washington State and Portland and Oregon and California, for example. That's where and now these are the place of Minneapolis another case in point. They've been run by liberal Democrats for decades and they not only they just allow this carnage to happen. They don't seem phased by it. I don't see people protesting in the streets saying the violence has to end. I mean, you know, look at Chicago eighty seven shooting, seventeen fatalities just over the past week, and thirteen of the shooting victims who are under fourteen years of age. That to me becomes a national emergency. We rightly, you know, George Floyd, the videotape that shocked the conscience of a country. Why doesn't this shocked the conscience of a country, because it shocks my conscience. Look, when we started talking about little black kids being killed in the NA City, this has been going on, Sean. We got one hundred and twenty one of these underserved communities in the United States that have all been run, Like you said, they've been all Democrat run and it's been the same status quo over and over again. No one has done any But I will say this, I will say the party, the Republican Party, has to start being smart and how they handled the business. They cannot be afraid to run to run candidates in these districts. Look they not the NRCC hadn't got behind me. But you know what, I don't need them too, because I'm gonna go directly to the people because I know the people out here in the community are ready for change. This is what we gotta start doing. We gotta start telling people that, Look, it's not about the district. Let's stop looking at these so called battleground districts and and what. Let's start looking at the humanistic nature. Let's start looking at how people. I love the thought and process, but unfortunately there are many people go in and they go, Okay, I'm voting for the Democrat, and I don't get it because you're voting for to just reinforce failure and reinforce you know, failing schools. You know, I you know poor. You know, mister Zama Rippa, you lost your son, and I gotta tell you, and I know you have to run, but I just want you to know that this audience cares, you know, and I'm so sorry that that that happened in your life. And I want you to know we're all praying for you and your family. Appreciate that I really do. It's it's just a tragic son. My son was thirteen years old. He was He wanted to do right. He wanted to make sure. You know, he lived America. He lived this country. You know. He served a served eight years in the Navy and then he was they were reserved and he's still put on a Dallas police uniform. He wanted to make sure the United States people, citizens will well take care of protected as a type of person. He loved his country, he said the year he got killed on fourth of July, Happy birthday. The greatest nation on Earth, the greatest nation on Earth. Don't tread on me. He loved his country. He served in the Navy and a police officer in Dallas because he wanted to help the people of the United States and be there for him. This can't happen anymore, as mister Zama Rippa, our prayers are with you. Sergeant Penney, by the way, you want to check it out, he's running for Congress in the thirtieth district Congressional District in Texas. Will put it up on Hannity dot com. All right, gladuatether Thing Scott shown in twenty eight Days Everything it is everything that we know to be what has made a merror are great. That means America's history is is how did we become the greatest nation on earth. I know we're imperfect, we talk about our imperfections, but we're also the country that has more freedom, more liberty, and we have created a standard of living that is the envy of the world. And in spite of all the power we've accumulated, we abuse it less. And we have used our freedoms to advance the human condition worldwide and in the process defeat fascism, Nazism, communism, now more recently radical Islamism. And yet no country is perfect. We literally have a document, it's called our Constitution that allows us to right wrongs, correct injustices, and we have proven that system works. We've gotten a lot done. We have a lot more to do. But I'm going to tell you something. I'll just tell you the one chapter in my book, which is the history of socialism, the history of the failure, and what the twenty twenty Democratic agenda will do. Has all been tried before. And if we're silly enough in one hundred and nineteen days to vote for Pelosi, Schumer and Biden, then America will become very quickly unrecognizable. Or as the Great Ronald Reagan said, freedom is but one generation away from extinction. The stakes couldn't be higher. By the way, we have some announcements coming. I'm pretty exciting announcements actually, as it relates to what's going to happen in twenty eight days. We'll be making those in the days to come. Anyway, you can now order it online for day of delivery for its release, just go to Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. My first book in ten years. But everything's every single thing you love is at stake here. There's never been a bigger choice election. It's about open borders, or about secure borders, sanctuary cities, or the rule of law and sanctuary states or the rule of law. It's about Supreme Court justices that will impact this country for generations. It's about Joe plans to raise your taxes to unprecedented levels. The President will give us tax cuts. The President has given us energy independence the first time in seventy five years, and we're now the number one producer of energy in the entire world. That hasn't happened in at least seventy five years. You know, it's about better trade deals because the president insists on them and fights for them versus the status quo, which is America gets screwed. Those manufacturing jobs that Biden and Barack said were never coming back, they came back, and even more are going to come back as we take away some of the manufacturing that had been shipped over to China over the last number of decades. You know. Then you add to that a foreign policy of peace through strength. Biden, Barrock they couldn't beat the Caliphate with the rules of engagement. Donald Trump defeated the Caliphate. It took the handcuffs off of our military and let them do their job. Win wars. If you're gonna fight it, win it. Don't waste our time go knocking door to door like we did in Baghdad. Ever, again, we can't. We can't allow national treasure like that to die and have their legs blown off day after day after day. There's a better way. We have better, more advanced technologies, start using it, you know, by sea of day in a future where if you want to know how warfare is going to evolve, it's going to be people in Tampa, Florida pushing buttons that will take out and wipe out specific targets around the globe anywhere anytime. We better be ahead of the curve on that. Presidents now up spending upwards of more money on the military and development of new weapons than we've ever had. It's about a belief in American greatness and exceptionalism or you know, an never ending an assault, an attack on America and Americans and the institutions that make us great. It's freedom that's made us great. It's the belief that God endowed us with these freedoms. You know, we're endowed by our creator, certain inalienable rights. What does that mean? Those rights come from God and not from government and not from men. And there's this tendency to always want to dabble and put our toe in the water and say, well, can we get everything for free? Well, you do that, now you're empowering power hungry politicians. Look at Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi one hundred and twenty five years of failure. Why didn't they get done? The things that Donald Trump got done criminal justice reformed police reforms that he put in place, opportunity zones, helping historically black colleges, record low after record low after record low, Unemployment records shattered for all Americans, every Democrat graphic group in the country. Joe and Brock didn't get that done. Donald Trump got that done. You know, they didn't beat the Caliphate because they didn't empower the military to do its job. They were too busy negotiating, you know, cargo planes so they can dump one hundred and fifty billion in cashing and other currency on the tarmac for mullows in Iran that hate our guts and get nothing in return. That's called appeasement. It always fails. You know, everything's on riding here, it's all on the line here. They implement this radical agenda. That's what I put in. Live free or America dies. If they put in these these agenda items, America as we know it will be unrecognizable. We won't survive. It's simple math on a lot of it, this socialist utopia. You know, look at the one main promise, keep your doctor plan and save on average twenty five hundred dollars a year per family. How did that work out for you? We're paying on average two hundred percent more. Millions lost their doctors, Millions lost their plans of Americans have one only one Obamacare exchange option to choose from. Otherwise they have no health insurance none zero. It's unbelievable. How many times are you going to allow these Democrats in big cities you know that have elected Democrats for decades, Blue states that have elected Democrats for decades. How long are we going to allow them to lie to us? How long did they get to continue policies of failure that's going to be decided by the people of this country in one hundred and nineteen days or the ultimate jury. I can't make you vote the way I want you to vote. I have one vote and it's probably meaningless. In New York. I'm going to go vote, but it probably won't amount for much. Ronda's in Indiana Sean Hannity Show. By the way, Hannity dot Com for all those information. What's up, Ronda? How are you? I'm doing great? Sean. Hey. I was listening to your conversation with mister Floyd's pastor and the other gentleman, and I heard one of them use the word color blind. You know, when it comes to matters of race, it isn't even possible for us to be color blind, and it isn't desirable. And here's what I mean. I know that the God who put the brilliant colors in our Indiana sunsets is the same God who has chosen a beautiful palette for my fellow human beings. And when I see the colors, it points me to that designer, in that creator. And you also mentioned that it is time for the white church to meet its black brothers and sisters. And let me tell you how I do that. I do not wait for my pastor to tell me to do it. Over the weekend, I was out with my husband and two of my four boys. We were eating dinner and there was a table of six young black men close to us. My boys, my four sons, have so enlarged my heart for other people's children. And I got up and I went to that table of six young black boys, and I said, I have worse sense of my own. The thing that I want the most in all the world is for my sense to walk with God. You have mothers, and by now they are smiling at me. You have mothers. I hope that they care about you like I care about about my voice. But you may tell your mothers that there's a tiny, white, curly headed mother that is going to be praying for you guys, would you come to her mind? And before I left to join my family, I looked at those precious faces one more time and I said, I love you. You are my fellow Americans. Period. See. I think you reflect and you're and you know it's poetry what you're expressing here. I don't. I don't have that gift at all. What you're expressing is the majesty of all human beings, and that you know that you know, like, for example, the reason I'm saying the pastors need to do it because the government's not going to do it. Government's incapable of doing it. Government can't even run the post office the right way and make that profitable. Government can't run your healthcare. Government can't guarantee you a job. They can't guarantee your food. You know, they can't guarantee a retirement. They're full of crap. I mean, excuse me. Probably I should be, you know, a little bit better in my language, but I did grow up in the streets of New York. They're just full of it. And I'm sick and tired of being lined to and you know what, if we believe that's our collective American family, let's act like a family. We're gonna have disagreements all we want. But if Americans are dying and it's like a war zone in some cities, and it's day after day, week after week, and year after year, and nobody fixes it, why don't these people that say they're gonna do it throw them the hell out of office. They don't deserve another chance. Biden never broke any record for any demographic in this country, and record low unemployment. You know what, he's had fifty one years, him, Pelosi and Schumer combined over one hundred and twenty five years. You know, their words are empty and meaningless to me. You know, and the media gives him a pass on his views on segregation, integration, predators, you know, racial whatever he us. I mean, he uses all these terms all the time. I mean, I'm just sick of it. The double standard is ob noxious. So you know, just an idea that came flying out of my mouth when I first talked to the pastor of George Floyd. You know that can't happen again. And ninth, and that's a universal issue. I don't know, anybody except maybe some psycho keyboard warriors in their underwear that are anonymous, you know, that just try to be provocative at a bunch of losers. But anybody with a heart, conscience, and soul, you know, looks at what happened to George Floyd and looks at what's happening in the American cities and says this has got to stop. But I'll tell you they're not gonna I don't see a Doblasio or a Cuomo changing. I think the only way you're gonna change is to throw him out of office. And I don't see New York doing it, and I don't see Illinois and Chicago doing it, and I don't see New Year York City doing it. And I don't see Baltimore doing it. And I don't see La or California doing it, or Seattle or Washington doing it, or Portland or Oregon doing it. So you know, at some point, you know, remember when people just start to leave in droves, will know why they've been pushed out. And if you're gonna leave, you your blue state and your blue city for more safety and security and less taxes and less burdens. Some bureaucracy. Leave your liberal policies with you so you don't destroy the red state that you're moving to to get away from the crap in your blue state. Here's my answer anyway, Ronda, Yeah, we're all children of God. I agree. Stephanie is in Texas. Hey Stephanie, how are you hi? Sean, I wanted to talk about my brother. He's a police officer and recently during arrest, people will yell out to him arrescue so I can ruin your life, hit me, shoot me, and people there are recording with their cell phones most of the call out out. He said he's never seen that before, and they're really seeking the next viral video. And he's a very calm person. But even in his personal life when he's getting food and his uniform being yelled at, followed harrass he's been called all kinds of names because he's a minority, and it's really distracting for him because it takes away the focus he has as a police officer. And he really feels, and he said this to me, I really feel abandoned because there's just this double standard in Texas and in media and politics of who's worthy of being valued and who's not. And he recently had to take some time off because it really got to the core of who he is. And he's back now, but he's like I've never felt that feeling in my life. And he has many accolades and is, you know, such an amazing police officer. And it's just really sad that the climate we're in is really exposing these great police officers to this kind of sort of I don't think anybody is ever gonna want to get into this profession anymore. And it is a profession for many people that I know that are in law enforcement. They're not doing it for the money. Teachers don't do it for the money. Pilots don't do it for the money. They all they just have a passion. Everybody I know that does it they wanted to do that since they were whatever age, and I think they're at the point, like your brother, you know, it's like I can't even do my job. I'm not going to get the support I need to do my job, do it the right way anyway. I gotta break here. Thank you, Stephanie eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. How to stop the violence that is now out of control? Will a full complete coverage one hundred and nineteen days till election Day. Some news information facts the mob won't give you on COVID nineteen, and there are new phenomena Moms that we got to watch. But if you look at the actual death rate, the number of daily deaths that's been dropping for two months. We'll explain all of this on Hannity tonight at nine on Fox News. Set your DVR. Only twenty eight days to live, free or die. Just go to Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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