Where Is The Spirit of Compromise?

Published Mar 27, 2019, 10:00 PM

Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the House and host of the "Newt’s World" podcast joins Hannity to talk about the inner workings of Congress. The need for compromise seems to be lost on the new generation of congressional representatives who care more about their late night interview than the welfare of the American people. The empty promises do nothing to help the average citizens pay their taxes or feed their kids. The time is now for Speaker Pelosi to get a hold of the madness that has become the Democrat party. 

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com. 

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When a prosecutor, there is something called prosecutorial discretion, and what they do is they look at, Okay, well these does this meet the standard? Does this meet the standard? Does this meet the standard? Da da da da, As it relates to the specificity of the law. Again, how do we hold these people that abuse power and try who not only rigged a criminal investigation for a favored presidential candidate, but then also advocate and take affirmative steps to elect that person, In other words, cheat steal the election like they rigged a primary, they wanted to rig the general election, and then of course bludgeon Donald Trump thereafter with their insurance policy, which we now know is nothing but a bunch of lies that were paid for by Hillary, and that everybody knew that from as early back as in August of twenty sixteen. And so what prosecutors do. They look at the law. They look at the words of the law, like, for example, it meant something when the exoneration letter of Hillary was being drafted in May of twenty sixteen, and gross negligence, which is actually in the criminal statute, was there and they decided to take it out, so the criminal statue standards in the statute was not there. Now they recognize that she had on her server top secret classified information mark classified at the time, etc. Which is a clear violation. There is no ambiguity that this was done and done by design, and she did it probably to avoid congressional oversight. And you know when you have people like Struck in Page now that we have been getting their testimony and they're telling us that, well, all the decisions that the FBI wanted to make, well they had to go through the Attorney general and the Attorney General's office. Well, that's the same attorney general that met Bill Clinton on a hot tarmac and Phoenix for forty five minutes in a plane, and all they talked about were supposed to believe with grandkids. So it's all we discussed at let me show you this little cute alphin that I government little pumpkin over here, I show you mony look at this picture here on Halloween. I want to show you what she looked like on Santa Claus. And you know, we took under Santael and she was smile and smiled a version of crying, but then she smiled, and uh, that's what we was supposed to believe. That. It reminds me of Sandy Burger. Remember Sandy Burger is sloppy. He's just sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. What was he sloppy about? Well, he went into the National Archives and he stole documents and they say, oh, we didn't mean to steal them when he stuffed him down his pants, that he was sloppy. Just think maybe this is a case of sloppy. Sure, it was a careless, careless sloppy sloppy too. I have obviously this sloppiness was sloppy thing that we're gonna regret. Yeah, it was a case of sloppy, sloppiness, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. You know, it's sort of like manufactured crisis. You know, the media and the leftist, extreme radical Democrats are one and that's what they do. Sandy Burglar was not sloppy. He took, he stole the documents. He shoved them down his pants. That's where your private parts are. I'm sure it wasn't done in a way that was sloppy. I think it was done purposefully to cover something up. And of course if it was a Republican that did it, that would be a very different standard applied. And he's he also shoved him in his backside, right down that side of his pants. Sloppy. And then you know, I guess maybe he thought that he might have an accident walking out or perhaps and they want to mess you know, I mean, that's what they want you to believe. They want you to suspend all common sense and intelligence. You know, my kids would lie to me when they're younger. They stop insulting my intelligence. You know, it's he stopped. Just you just own it. You get more trouble for lying about it. And he wasn't sloppy when he shoved him in his socks. Papers Sure, he was walking out very comfortably, sloppily, but comfortably when he shoved him in his pants, his socks and his you know, backside. And this is what they want you to suspend every bit of common sense that you know have And now we know. I don't believe that there was an accident that meeting on the tarmac and Phoenix at all. I don't believe that. Now that we have Page and struck, I remember, they're all going to start turning on each other because they're now facing criminal referrals themselves. They're now facing for the possibility of charges. There will be people charged in this. There is so much that is about to com cascading down. And I've not been wrong yet. I've asked you for patience, but I've not been wrong yet. And it is overwhelming. The amount of evidence. It is incontrovertible, the amount of evidence that everything we have been reporting for two plus years on this program and on Hannity the TV show is absolutely right. And if we are going to hold them accountable, this is important now, Devin Newness on that front, I'm holding them accountable and the media. By the way, I don't know how you ever hold them accountable. They're just lost causes. I just, you know, all these people New York Times wanted to quote for me, I said, I don't respond to tabloid fake newspeople anymore. You're a waste of my time. The Washington Post apparently reaching out for comment. I just I have no respect for anybody that works at these publications. I don't think anybody could ever trust unless you're just a pure partisan that wants to suspend all common sense and intelligence you have and you believe in tinfoil had conspiracy theories, that's what that's what the type of person viewer there now looking for that basically the sci Fi channel, because that's what they're peddling every second, minute, hour of every day. Anyway, back to Newness, he now says that he expects to issue criminal referrals against Obama administration of figures who were involved in the FBI's corrupt Russia Hillary investigations as soon as next week. He did this interview, and he said the branking member of the House Intelligence Committee was targeting people who lied to Congress, committed perjury and criminal conspiracy. Nothing that the referrals will be issued, hopefully by the end of next week. He said that his team will work to make sure make as much public as possible. Nunez has not named anyone who could appear in a referral, but he has railed against what he says his collusion between the Democrats and the Russians. We have a tape of real collusion, Russian collusion. We have a real tape of it. I have the Hello Washington, Sean Hannity just said he has evidence of real Russian collusion to impact our electoral system. Real collusion on tape that took place, and we've played it before. Maybe we'll play it later in the show. Adam Schiff colluding with the Russians, trying to get dirt combromas Donald, but naked pictures, naked naked Donald, naked Donald. That's what they want? And really does Putino? Yeah, yes, yes, putin put Uh town. Vladimir. I'll have more flexibility. Yes, that's my lations. I have more quibilities, umission. Listen listening. We now if we don't do as I am saying and hold them accountable, it will happen again. The good news I can tell you is there is a treasure trove of information that has not been released that will be released. It includes thanks to Congressman Doug Collins of Georgia, we've been getting some of these interviews. These interviews have been very enlightening. And as I said Struck in Page saying that no decision was made without Loretta Lynch, Parmack, Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch in that case, then we also have it's not an investigation, it's a matter. Okay, James Coley wouldn't stand up to Loretta Lynch in that moment. And then of course Lisa Page and Peter Struck say, we knew the fix was in. We knew Hillary wasn't getting incited because they're all Democrats over there at the DOJ under Obama. Well, that means high ranking Obama officials knew the fix was in, and you know, then you go to Well. I even asked Professor Dershootz the other night, a professor, you're a good lawyer, you're a good defense lawyer. Could you if I deleted thirty three thousand emails and cleaned up my hard drive with the acid wash known as bleach bit. It's not actually acid wash, but you know what I mean, it's more descriptive. And then I had somebody that works for me beat up my phones that were subpoened and my BlackBerry subpoenaed, and I ripped out the SIM cards to render them meaningless. That do you think you can get me off that? And of course he couldn't get me off of that. He can't do that. Remember one day I said, hypothetically, hey, you know, go ahead, go do good luck to you, and I said, not going to work out. Well, so those are all now coming and noonez has said that the hasn't named anyone who could appear in the referral, but there's going to be these criminal referrals. He has been in the forefront in this investigation, this collusion between Democrats and the Russians, pointing to the use of the unverified Trump dossier by the FBI to obtain warrants to spy on Carter Page deny him as constitutional rights. That, of course, was the bulk of information used in the FISA application. And he said, what needs to happen is we didn't have full transparency in the matter. And full transparency, he said, the FBI DJ have claimed falsely that this investigation started in July twenty sixteen. That was a lie, and we need to know all of the informants, everybody they were running into the Trump campaign because what happened here is wrong. The FBI, Department of Justice should not be able to use counterintelligence capabilities that are used to target terrorists and other bad guys around the globe against political parties, and Republicans and Democrats should agree. Political opposition research from one candidate should not be used to let the nation's top spy capabilities be used against political parties. I think when this is all said and done, we're also going to find out that our intelligence committee, our intelligence community, now there's a part of this that wouldn't bother me if they work with other countries and maybe because our laws don't allow them to do certain things, and other countries are outsourced or willing partners and give them information that's protecting the American people. That's one thing, and it's still you know, you're riding a raisers edge there in terms of whether or not you're lawful. I don't want radical Islamist we not having that information or if there are American traders we need to know. But as it relates to what they've done here. They rigged a criminal investigation, so she never was going to be but she was never going to have a real investigation. It was rigged. She rigged the primary against Bernie then because they saved her and the guy that interviewed her believed that she should win one hundred million to zero and thought the people that would vote for Trump or smelly Walmart people, well, that was once they fixed it so she could stay in the race their favored candidate to defeat Trump, who they thought she would beat him. Well, then of course she funnels money through a law firm to an op research group, and they hire, of course Christopher Steele, who hates Trump. Well, Bruce or warned everybody it was not verified. Steele hated Trump, and Hillary paid for it. How did that not show up in the FISA application on carter page? You know, August, let's see that August, September, October, two and a half months to get this right, But they still used the phone, an unverified Russian bought and paid for dossier against to obtain FISA warrants against American citizens. And then it goes further. They used it four separate times, but that also gave them a backdoor an on trade to spy on the drum campaign. This is a dangerous precedent and if those people that knowingly did this are not held accountable, then we are going to lose any concept of equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, and what it means to be a constitutional republic. And it will happen again. We will just be encouraging them to be a little smarter next time. Although they always thought Hillary was gonna win, they would none of this would be known then. All right, quick break, We got a lot to get to today. President Trump on Hannity tonight. New King Rich joins us later in the program today, also Bill O'Reilly and much more. An interesting controversy about crazy creepy uncle Joe Biden and anyway, so he has decided to test the waters for this possible presidential announcement. He launched an apology today tour and follow his mentor, and he said that he condemned a white man's culture. This is Joe Biden on Tuesday Night, lashing out against violence against women, more specifically regretting his role in the Supreme Court confirmation hearing that undermine Anita Hill's credibility twenty eight years ago. Oh, this is a trial balloon by the biggest of all trial balloons. Remember, he has issues. My state's a slave state. You can't you know, work at a seven eleven or Duncan Donuts without a slant Indian accident, or it's storybook man Ramas, he's clean, he's articulate. Wow. Anyway, he said he should not have been forced to face a panel of a or she should not have been forced to face a panel of a bunch of white guys. And to this day I regret I couldn't come up with a way to give her the kind of hearing she deserves. And then he called on Americans to change the culture that dates back centuries and allows, you know, pervasive violence against women. It's an English juris prudential culture, a white man's culture. It's got a change. And then he went on to you know, worried to throw his hat in the ring the first and in his first is his age, you know, but it's just interesting to watch him try, and we'll basically take his whole career. And I'd never mind. I didn't mean that, all right, How do we hold them accountable? And we've got new information via John Solomon about a Ukrainian plot to help Clinton, and do we need a new special counsel. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. For me, Jewel was a game changer because you switched to Jewel. It's simple, it's satisfying and no more smell. I watched people all the time they run outside the freezing coal. You could be grabbing their cigarette. Well, with Jewel, you'll take a quick puff and you're good. That's it now. Jewel is designed which smokers in mind. From its form to technology. 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That means that he's getting a lot more money than he would have otherwise originally gotten. And now we're up to you another hundred however, many miles of the wall he's fighting every day together. I think it's now a total between the one point three billion and nine billion more that they're moving from the Department of Defense unused funds that he has a right like past presidents to appropriate. And so that job is going to get done keeping a promise. You know, I said at the time, everybody was mad, well he opened the government up. He didn't get it. Now I said, he changed strategies. I mean, when you're trying to negotiate with people that say they care about dreamers and Dhaka and say they care about furloughed workers, and they won't sit down with you, and they send their aids to go to meetings with the Vice President, and thirty five days go by and people aren't being paid. Well, okay, I'll own this shutdown. You people don't want to do anything positive. You obviously didn't mean it. Your hatred of me far transcends. And he desired to get a deal done. Okay, I'm gonna go down this path. And there was the emergency declaration. What do I say. He's tenacious, he's unrelenting, he's not gonna give up. He's building the wall, he's fixing the wall. Now he has a lot more money for the wall than any deal that he would have struck with Congress. And the wall is being built, and you know what, we need it because, you know a lot of One of the reasons that I think that border crossings are attempted crossings have been at such a high as because people realize this may be my last shot. I'm not going to get across the border otherwise, and because they believe the president, perhaps even more than the American people did. Now, also, we had a very very big remark yesterday and a pretty stunning reversal. The Justice Department now made the decision about future the future of Obamacare. I remember, Republicans in the House had sixty five show votes that were never gonna be law. Obama was president, never gonna happen. He wasn't gonna take away his signature legislation. Seven years later, well, Republicans weren't ready to repeal and replace Obamacare. And then about a hundred of them in the House. Oh jeez, little girl, give me a beer. Nobody knows who that is, right, do you know who that is? Archie Bunker, That would be Archie Bunker. Archie. You know, I'm doing my invitations as best I can today, So pretty stunning reversal. Justice Department revealed this week that they're gonna side with the Federal District Court ruling last year that found that Affordable Care Act Obamacare, is unconstitutional. That's a significant reversal from the agency's previous stance, which declared that certain aspects of the law, like the individual mandate are unconstitutional, which by the way, has been gotten rid of could be severed from the law's main framework. But the decision means that the government is not going to defend the law constitutionally on appeal. Well, that's a good thing. And in a letter to the Clerk of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Assistant Attorney General Joseph Hunt, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brett Shoemate wrote, the Department of Justice is determined that the District Court's judgment should be affirmed. During his Senate confirmation, now Attorney General Barr admitted that he was open to reconsidering the government's position on Obamacare. There you go on, check that off the list too. In another Wall Street Journal piece, as it relates to Obamacare, you know that all the reports of doom and gloom and a disaster it will be if President continues to press for the full repeal of Obamacare. And The Hill had a report that Trump is defending his administration's decision aside with the lawsuit arguing the entirety of Obamacare is unconstitutional. Now he did this, Oh guess what. Democrats were surprised. Some Republicans got nervous and not used to actually keeping a promise. You know that is alien to many of these Washington I don't even know why they're there. It's like to be you know, called the congressman or a senator. They don't have a backbone, they don't fight for anything. You never hear from them, you know, I guess they give good speeches at the diet local diners every six years or two years, depending which body they're in. And anyway, it's far too expensive for people, not only for the country. Obamacare is a disaster. The president calls it like it is. By the way, Congressional Republicans up in arms, they don't have a plan ready to go. Well, why don't they have a plan? Well, we bring on doctor Josh Umber of Atlas MD all the time. Now, we're going to require hospitals to providers. You know, this will guarantee, by the way, that you get to keep your insurance. Go ahead, good luck electing Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders. That will eliminate all private I all private healthcare plans, and will all be under the same plan. What do you think about that as alternative? Why not sort of slide towards the system in an optional way, because ultimately we have to recognize that the current system is incredibly dysfunctional and wasteful. Its goal is to make profits for the insurance companies and the drug companies. You are not going to be able in the long run to have cost effective universal healthcare unless you change the system, unless you get rid of the insurance companies, unless you stand up to the greed of the drug companies and lower prescription drug costs. That's the only way you could provide quality care to all people. Then, you know, you know how hard it is to bring a drug to market, by the way. You know, here's another thing the president does. Nobody never gets credit for him. Right to choose. You know, if you want to help yourself, you're at the end of life and you have a cancer, that is, maybe there's an experimental drug you're reading about, you have a right to take that drug, you know, if it's to save your life and it's your body. You know, with no credit for anything, it's always Trump hate twenty four to seven, every minute, second hour of every day, all right, holding them accountable. Let me go back to this for a second now. Lindsey Graham is saying, and I believe him, that he is going to be pressing the new Attorney General, William Barter, appoint a special prosecutor to probe the Russia Gate hoax, and that he intends to personally urge the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Obama administration's involvement in the Russia Gate hoax and the Hillary email cover up. That would be the rigged investigation. He said it his news conference that the Justice Department should now investigate whether the Obama Justice Department. We already know the answer from Page and Struck. They're saying that the fix was in by the Department of Justice of Barack Obama, and it raised his questions, what did the Attorney General, Laretta Lynch No, when did she know it? And more and more when it comes to the FISA warrant, the Clinton campaign counterintelligence investigation has been swept under the rug. Those days are now over, and Graham wants bar and so do I, by the way, to testify before the committee, and we'll call on him to appoint a new special counsel to lead the investigation. I believe there was more there and I intend to get it. And what I want to see if he'll appoint a special counsel, I'd like to find somebody like a mister Muller. I don't understand Mueller to be honest with you, why would anybody ever appoint all partisans the way he has? And I honestly and truly believe that when the counter narrow that we had real evidence came out when we were unpeeling the layers of the onion. Remember, this is two years worth of work for me and my whole team, our whole team, and it's been a team effort, not a lot of us. I named names yesterday I'm not gonna bother again, but also people behind the scenes on radio NTV, and it has been an effort and we now know certain things happen. We know that the investigation into Hillary's email server scandal was rigged, that the fix was in. Well, if we're gonna have equal justice, that means we have to open that investigation anew. The issue of how the dossier came into being, who paid for it, how did they pay for it, Why did they funnel money through as a law or legal expense That would be a campaign finance violation. Just like a private server with top secret classified information mark classified was so illegal, and just like the leading thirty three thousand subpoena and emails is illegal, And just like it's illegal to clean your hard drive so the FBI can't look at it. We're not handover devices because you decided to eliminate them. This is how you hold people accountable, ram Paul, he actually said to Breitbart. The President Trump told senators at the GOP luncheon that he backs ram Paul's call for an investigation into the origins of the Russian scandal hoax. And remember we all started at the beginning was the abuse of power and the three hundred and fifty percent increase, which seemed very odd in twenty sixteen as it relates to unmasking of American citizens, and then the number of cases where where there was surveillance, they didn't use minimization. They then used the unmasking process. Then they leaked draw intelligence and they did it as part of an effort. How is it that Bruce Orr warned everybody in the DOJ, in the FBI in August to twenty sixteen that the dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary and that it was that Steel hated Donald Trump and had an agenda, and that it was used as the bulk of information even though Or told them all it was unverified. Now we know it's unverifiable. So anything that these people produced that signed the fies of warrants that says this is, well, we verified it. It can't verify stuff that isn't true, And you can't verify something that the author of still to this day doesn't stand by and says, I have no idea if any of it it's true. All the fact is most of it's been debunked, like the hookers urinating in the Ritz Carlton and Trump's bed in Moscow. So you know, another issue that has to be gotten to the bottom of. And then what about the insurance policy? What about those that literally created this whole, this whole hoax, that built this lie and repeated it day after day after day after day after day. What role did Brennan have in this? What roll did Clapper have in this? What roll did Susan Rice to have in this? What roll did Attorney General Lynch have in this? What did they know when did they know it? Why is Peter struck in Lisa Paige saying that Loretta Lynch called all the shots at the Department of Justice, and they knew that this was rigged because they're all partisan Democrats, they were never gonna indight Hillary, Okay, then why did they move When did the original investigation into Trump begin and why was it based on Hillary's bought and paid for duscie Why would that ever be an issue for crying out loud, that sounds ridiculous on every level, doesn't it. And by the way, after nearly three years millions of dollars, Trump Rush a collusion that's resolved. But now we have emerging is the newly unearthed evidence suggesting this other foreign effort to influence the twenty sixteen election for Hillary. The leak of the Black Ledger files to the US media, and this was broken by John Solomon, has now given rise to one of the key allegations in the Russia collusion probe that has dogged Trump for two and a half years, And that would be the Ukrainian prosecutor, a guy by the name of Lutsenko, and he's the prosecutor general in Ukraine, promoted by the way, imprompted by Ukrainian Parliament's release of a tape recording, and on the tape recording purported to have top law enforcement officials saying his agency leaked the Maniport financial records to help Hillary Clinton's campaign. The parliamentary parliamentarian also secured a court ruling that the League amount of to an illegal intrusion into the American election campaign, and then Lutsenko said the tape recording is a serious enough allegation to warrant the probe. One of his concerns Ukrainian law enforcement. Their agencies involved at frequent content with the Obama administration and the US embassy in Kiev at the time, and they're launching a criminal investigation and they have evidence in their case, So well, why wouldn't we look into that? Do we really care about foreign countries and interference? I would? You know, look at all the media bombshells they got wrong immediate. Look at what they've done, the damage they've done to divide this country. How can you ever trust them again? Oh? You know, CNN's a Don junior accusing him of Wiki Leak's collusion. No, that was wrong by he actually found out after the release like everybody else or ABC tanks the stock market with Michael Flynn News News that he's prepared to testify that Donald Trump ordered him to contact the Russians. The mooch is under investigation. Well, no, CNN wrong again. Bloomberg's dirty Deutsche Bank scoop that they had zeroing in Robert Muller and Trump's epoena Joysia Bank records. Nope, Sessions is exonerated that he had botched protocol when he didn't list the meetings he had with the Russian ambassador. Yeah, the Washington Post claiming Russians were hacking the US power grid through a company in Vermont. Republicans funded the dossier. CNN gets komy prediction wildly wrong when he gave testimony asserting that Komy was prepared to contradict a key claim by President Trump that Coomy told him he was not under investigation. The seventeen intelligence agencies, the whole lie by the medium, by Hillary that they agree that Russia interfered in the twenty sixteen election. We all know that Russia is a bad actor. They are a hostile regime with a hostile leader. Putin Home went to Prague. The BuzzFeed scandale, Daisy, what about MPR accusing Don Junior perjury? What about the claims that Russian spies infiltrated the Oval office. We got to get to the bottom of it, you know, you got to get it I'm we are going to systematically what do you see what we're doing tonight. Now, we do have the president on tonight, and so he's going to get as much time as he wants and we'll go from there. Just because he's not been criminally indicted for collusion doesn't mean he has conducted colluding types of behavior with the Russians. So you took them the dossier. One thing Michael Cohen said he never went to Prague, to which part has been proved not to be factual. Well, that there were basically, you know, a few maintenance of it. One of them was this salacious story about what happened in a hotel. None of that has proved to be to be factual. The meeting that Cohen supposedly took him Prague was also proved to not have happened. He testified that in under oath in front of Congress. That so now you accept what Michael Cohen said, Because if you accept that Michael Cohen said about Prague, then I think you also have to accept that Michael Cohen saw Donald Trump talk to Roger Stone, where Roger Stone said, the Wiki leaks attack is happening. So if you're accepting that, then you accept that Donald Trump knew about the Russian interference campaign. And that's the issue here right an hour two Sean Hannity Show, right down on toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. That was Eric Swalwell, the Congressman. Just because Trump hasn't been charged with criminal collusion doesn't mean he has included. Well, the whole point is, we've had an FBI investigation that said there was no collusion. We had a bipartisan Senate committee, no collusion. We had a House Intelligence Committee conclusion no collusion. And now, of course the Muller report and the same on an obstruction. Well, wait a minute, Mueller didn't make a decision one way or the other. He just laid out the facts. But yeah, and as Alan dersh Wood said, you don't get to just lay out the facts if you can't indict. And the answer is no, you do not have a case. And of course that was given to the Attorney general, and he and Rod Rosenstein, still the Deputy Attorney General, made the decision that there was no warrant to in any way charge or even think about charging the president for obstruction, you know, and then of course Adam Schiff and company. It's never ending. He is a great historian, former Speaker of the House, Nuke Gingrich, and I am making the case that if we don't hold these people, both in the media and those people that were responsible for rigging Hillary's criminal investigation, those responsible for even though they were warned, everybody was warned. In August the twenty sixteen, the dossier was paid for by Hillary Steele hated Trump. None of the information was verified, but then, of course, on four separate occasions, they used the bulk of information of the phony dossier to obtain a warrant against a campaign associate of Donald Trump, and then also a pathway into the whole Trump campaign, which is even more insidious in the lead up to a campaign, and then used to bludgeon the president thereafter and undo a sitting president and overturn an election of the people. This is a this is a crucial moment, I think, mister Speaker for the country. No, look, I think it's enormously important. And I was delighted to be on your TV Shugar night when Lindsey Graham made the commitment as the new chairman of the Judiciary Committee that he is going to pursue this and not give up on it. I think the President should vary proactively have the White House Council reviewing everything that can be released. I see no reason why they can't release everything about the FISA warrants, for example. I agree with Andy McCarthy's recent column that it's not just about releasing the Muller Report, but it's about releasing all of the other material that surrounds it. And I think we're going to be very deeply sickened by the depth of corruption and the depth of dishonesty, which I believe reaches all the way to President Obama. And I think it puts Vice President Biden in a very very difficult situation. I mean, running for president himself, He's going to have to answer the question how much of this did he know? And his answer is either going to be I was told out of the loop and pretty stupid and they didn't know anything, or he's gonna have to admit that he knew a lot of stuff that he should have been held accountable for. Two, the fact that the news media and look, you live this in your years as speakers. I was there the night you got elected and followed your entire speakership, and I don't think I didn't think at that time that the press could ever get any more partisan or vicious or nasty. But it really has become an almost psychotic rage that exists every second, minute, hour of the day, and for two and a half years now, the American people have been fed a steady diet of nothing but lies and tinfoil had conspiracy theories. I don't know how you hold them accountable except realizing and recognizing something that I said back into seven then that is that journalism is dead and that they have an agenda and then not to be trusted. Well. I have two very simple challenges for the news media who have been so obviously pathologically wrong for the last two and a half years. The first is very simple, and that is that the Washington Post the New York Times return the Pulitzer prizes they won for we now know was fake news on a grand scale. I mean, I think it's a very good test of their integrity for them to return those two Pulitzer prizes, and the Pullets are committee to review how it got suckered in like that. And then second, I think the news media itself, in honor of the whole principle of the First Amendment, the news meet ish point a Blue Ribbon commission to review how they got it so wrong. I mean, what were the patterns and what are the lessons for the future. Because I with you, if they just go down the road as Jeff Sucker said yesterday, that they did everything right and they were just doing their jobs and they have nothing to be ashamed of, they're gonna be down to about thirty percent of the country believing them and seventy percent of the country knowing that they're just left wing cuckoos. Well, yeah, I agree. You can see a dramatic drop off though, because they created this anticipation, and you saw it different days, different nights, depending on what the news was. We've got them, we've got them, we've got them. And then there was the letdown. And there's only so many times you can build up such anticipation in people, and then when you finally get the final report and it's nothing near what you were being told. You know, talk about overpromising and under delivering. This is the height of it. But in the midst of that all that has been said about the president. You know, a former CIA director, you know, calling the president trees in US numerous times. And that's some of the more mild comments that he has received. But the giddiness, the happiness, the joy with which they were advancing their own tinfoil had conspiracy theories that they really wanted to take down a sitting president. Mc nolan should be confused. The liberal media hates Trump was desperate to destroy Trump, were waging war on Trump. It's the most difficult two years, not counting the Civil War. It's the most difficult two years I can remember any president having. And he bore up under it, frankly, like a pretty good trooper. I mean, this is a guy who had ninety two percent negative coverage for almost three solid years. He watched personal friends being chewed up. One of those questions we should ask is how much total money did innocent people have to spend. I talked to somebody last night who spent over a million dollars just dealing with questions none of which had made an effect sense at all. And you go down that kind of a listener, think to yourself, I mean, how much money did innocent people have to spend on behalf of this witch hunt just to defend themselves, and I think we'll never know the full amount, but it's got to be in the two hundred and fifty million to five hundred million range. And it's just part of the damage it was done. But there's a deeper damage that I've begun to write about, Sean, and that is that we've we've spent two and a half years, counting the run up in the election, talking about garbage. The Chinese just signed a contract to run Trieste in General. A General is the biggest port in Italy. Trieste is the most important point that lets them go straight into Austria and into southern Germany. The Chinese are on offense, winning on five G with Whahwe as a company, we're sitting around sucking our thumbs, biting each other and talking about things that are just fake news while the world is beginning to become genuinely dangerous. And that's part of the real price of this stuff. When you distract the American people and cripple the American president, you've done real damage to the the United States. And that's what the Left has to be held accountable for. I agree I'm not sure that that's going to happen. Look, I think what happens. But the media's case is they're very defensive now and they've taken on the posture we don't really care what you think. Some of them are still doubling down, even after the Muller Report, which was on top of two congressional investigations and one nine month FBI investigation. But you know, to me, if we don't go back to the beginning and realize where they're started. This started with the rigged investigation of Hillary because the favored candidate, the one that should win one hundred million to zero, the one that was allowed that who had an exoneration letter written in May that took out the legal standards gross negligence and was changed to extreme carelessness, that wasn't interviewed until July two, twenty sixteen, that was allowed to bring in other people while being interviewed by the FBI while being investigated. That is unprecedented. Also, similarly, you know, then they admit that there was classified top secret information on that mom and pop shop bathroom server in the closet, and then the biggest slam du dunk obstruction case, and then of course, the money funneled through a law firm to an op research group to hire a foreign national, and they don't verify any of the dossier because it's unverifiable. And then that's the basis of a faiza warrant to spy on the opposition party candidate and disseminate false information before an election of American people. Let all of that combined, how do we get that right? How do we hold all accountable? That to me is look, I think we have to demand it. I think that's where Lindsey Graham is going to play such a pivotal role. I think the committee he chairs, the Judiciary Committee, has the power to do a lot of digging, to do a lot of disappealing. I think the president should ask the new Attorney General to do a thorough review of two different parallel tracks. One how did they have such corrupt behavior against the president? And two, since it's the very same people, how do they have such corrupt behavior to protect Hillary Clinton? And I think that the president can instruct the Attorney General and panel reviews of both of those. I think that Lindsay Graham should establish a pretty aggressive investigation on those two fronts and then I think the rest of us just thought a nag and ridicule and arrest the news media and treat them with the contempt they've earned. Unless they're willing to do the kind of things I talked about. If they would establish a Blue Ribbon commission, that would be significant. If the Times in the Post would return their pulletzers, that would be significant. But if they want to play like being totally dishonest and hysterical is the standard they're going to live by, and we should treat them like people who are living by that standard. We'll take a quick break more with new Kingridge, former Speaker of the House. By the way, his new podcast is out newts World, and it's all free on all Apple podcasts when you go search podcasts. I want to ask him about the crazy and insane left that has taken over the Democratic Party these days. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number. Don't forget President Trump. On Hannity tonight, later on Bill O'Reilly, we'll check in. We have Freedom Caucus members. Where do we go from here? How do we hold them all accountable? That's all straight ahead right as we continue. Former Speaker of the House, New Kingridge is with us. Don't forget his new podcasts Nuts World on all Apple podcasts for free, and you tweet it out. Let's be clear, Speaker Pelosi can try to keep her party in mildly crazy left instead of totally crazy left, but there is no possible ability that she can move it to the center. Reparations and fantaside abolishing private insurance, radical tax increases, open borders. This is the Pelosi Party. I never thought we'd ever have a proposal in America that would eliminate in ten years oil gas, cars, and then the goal of eliminating cows and airplanes, and that will replace them with trains, and that everybody will be guaranteed everything from the moment they're born to the moment they're die, including a job, government, healthy food, vacations, and of course anything else they might need. Well, I think you're going to start with the idea that they left wing of the Democratic Party is crazy. I mean, this is not something you debate. You just have to say sure that. I mean, if a seventh lader wrote a paper proposing that, you'd understand talking to them about it. If a twelfth lader wrote that paper, you'd ask them. You know where they've been about learning reality. But you now have an education system so far to the left doing such a bad job that people like Alexandria Kosis. You know, she has no clue about the real world. I mean, she lives in a fantasy land. I said one time, this is the Disney World part of the Democratic Party. They think the whole world's like the Lion King, and lions and zebras dance together and love each other because they have no idea about reality. And I think we have to take them head on. And the point I was making, I'd been asked by a reporter if what I thought about Paulosi's effort to bring her party to the center, and I said, that's just totally false. She's not trying to bring her party to the center. She's trying to keep it and sort of a mildly crazy left in order for not to go to a totally crazy left. But that's why I gave that list of things. I think any Democratic nominee is going to be for rations. I think they're going to be friend fanicide. I think they're going to end up being seventy percent tax rates, ninety percent corporate rates. Yeah, you know, that's the standard that their left is going to set. And if they die, if they're not for those things, I think the party will split at the convention and it will be as wild as nineteen sixty eight was. All Right, Luke ingrich I got we're up on a break, got a role. But your podcast, by the way, available for free on Apple Podcasts when you go to any Apple product. Congratulations on that, by the way, we do. Thank you, all right, mister speaker, thank you. Quick break right back, and we will continue report by the Democrats be able to demonstrate that collusion did in fact take place. We'll certainly be able to show the facts supporting the issue of collusion and all the secret meetings, all the lies about the secret meetings, and putting them in their important context. Interestingly, for people who wonder what does collusion look like when it's charged as a crime, Bob Mueller has told us in the indictment of thirteen Russians. The indictment is a conspiracy to defraud the United States. And the interesting thing about that indictment it indicts the Russians on the social media campaign. It makes no mention of the hacking and dumping operation but dirt Hillary Clinton that the Trump campaign was so eager to get. Now, why is that? It's not for lack of evidence? Just bluntly, do you believe he's compromised by Latimer Putin? Well, I certainly think he's acting like someone who's compromised, And it may very well be that he is compromiser. May very well be that he believes that he's compromised, that the Russians have information on him. I think there's plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. We're doing our own investigation and we've revealed evidence. I think that certainly goes to the issue of conspiracy and collusion, a lot of which is now public. This sends a message to anyone who is in Bob Muller's crosshairs right now, you better get to the Special Council and make your deal down, because anyone who gets indicted by Bob Mueller goes down. And the longer you wait to come clean, the worst deal you're going to get, the more time you're going to face. When you look at that constellation of facts and all the links between these different characters, it's either an extraordinary, extraordinary coincidence or it's what collusion looks like. And this may be why the president so adamly tries to deny collusion, because these facts are pretty damning. I takeaway is there's a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department may indict him, that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail till he was pursuing the most lucrative deal I think of his life and seeking the Kremlin's help to make it happen. That's a different form of collusion, but it is equally compromising to the country. But look, you can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion, pretty compelling evidence, George's ample evidence of collusion of the campaign, and it's very much in the public record. Have you seen do you have direct evidence of allusion with Russia? Well, I think there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump along and beginning two years ago, as you point out, until the present day, is there is ample evidence of collusion and there is a significant evidence of collusion, and we've set that out time and time again. There could be overwhelming evidence on the obstruction issue, and I don't know that that's the case. What does this mean for the American people? What risks are we running with this president? Yes, the tinfoil high conspiracy brigade continues and led by their fearless leader, the cowardly Shift, who won't come on this program. I want Adam Shift come on. We've offered him three hours. We don't offer many people three hours of our show. But we do have chronicled everything he has said and every time he's been wrong, and every time he's misled and lied to the American people. And you know, I do have evidence of collusion that I would like to ask him about, real Russian collusion to dig up dirt for the very purpose of impacting American politics and American elections. I have irrefutable and incontrovertible evidence that somebody conspired with Russians, and it's on tape. Happens to be Adam Schiff himself. Is Adam Schiff not knowing that this is a hoax? Is it Adam Shift thinking he's really getting compromising materials of naked Donald Trump. Do you think I'm making this up? Nope, Now tell me if you think this is collusion. Okay. And so Busava met with Trump in New York at some point after the twenty thirteen Miss Universe, Yes, absolutely, and she got compromising materials on shop after their short relations okay. And what's the nature of the compromise, Well, there were pictures of naked Trump, okay, And so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material Yes, of course, Buzava shared those materials with sab Checking substruct shares those materials with Putin because she's a god daughter of Putin, and Puttin decided to press on Trump and the materials that you can provide to the committee or to the FBI. Would they corroborate this allegation? Sure, of course. When they were in Ukraine, we got their conversation by the phone where they're discussed to those compromising materials. We are ready to provide it to FBI. So you have recordings of both soap Check and Buseva where they're discussing the compromising material on mister Trump. Absolutely, Okay, that sounds like allusion to me. On a pretty high level anyway, joining us for reaction all of this Freedom Caucus members Representative and doctor Mark Eren of Tennessee and Representative Matt Gates of Florida. Matt, that sounds an awful lot like collusion, and I'm thinking that maybe the House Intelligence Committee needs to put him under oath and ask him why he was trying to dig up and work with Russian operatives to get compromising materials on Trump for the purpose of obviously impacting the American political electorate. I mean that sounds likes as you've covered on the entire collusion narrative around President Trump was a distraction so that there wouldn't be a thorough investigation of the extent to which the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton were colluding with Russians and Ukrainians to try to dig up lies about the President to try to embarrass him, really both before and after the election. And now you just played for our listeners Adam Schiff colluding more with Ukraine comedians than Donald Trump ever colluded with the Russians. My question is this, Sean, how can Adam shift continue as the chairman of the Intelligence Committee when he has to be trusted by the intelligence community, the brave Americans and patriots that are ensuring that our freedom is protected. When he has lied to the American people for twenty two months, I believe it puts our national security in jeopardy to allow someone who is not trustworthy, who has been proven a liar, to continue in this significant role. Wow, I agree with you, and I don't know as there are process Matt Gates of removing Adam Shift from that position as chairman of the ever so powerful, an important House Intelligence committee, considering he has told so many lies, He's given out so much misinformation. He's obviously still on a Russian which hunt, even in spite of the exculpatory document that was put out by the Age as it relates to the Muller report. I know Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows they have written individuals they're looking further into this issue of whether or not we will in fact get to whether or not he deserves to be the chairman of that committee. Remember, Devin Nunez was forced to recuse himself and what a double standard that was, Sean, Because there is a process. We know there's a process, because you had people trying to drive Devin Nunez out of the chairmanship through that process because he dared to tell the President of the United States that there was illegal surveillance that was occurring to try to undermine the credibility of his presidency. So Devin Nunez was ultimately cleared by the Ethics Committee. It was all just a fake attempt to smear him, but they did try to effect the process to remove him. So if Devin Nunez can be removed temporarily and set aside for doing the right thing, then why shouldn't we remove Adam shift for doing the wrong thing. Well, it seems that that should happen, and I don't know what the processes, but I hope it begins. Doctor Mark Kreen, Congressman Green, good to talk to you again. It's on what you just heard. I bet most people haven't heard that collusion tape, but it's real. He doesn't know it's a hoax. Sounds like he's colluding to get dirt from Russia to influence our elections. Yeah, Sean, thanks for having me on the show. It's great to be on with the Cornerson Gates to look, it's absolutely ludicrous to think that Adam Schiff is out there saying that he saw he had he had his hands on evidence. And then you know, of course now there is no evidence, so he I mean, that's that's dishonesty, and it's adam Minimum, it's some standard of evidence that you know makes no sense, is ridiculous. I mean, and and he has been underhanding. He met with this guy, give him out in Colorado. He needs to be gone. And for the credibility of the Intel Committee, for the credibility of the US House Speaker, Pelosi needs to remove him immediately. Well, I would think that that would happen, but apparently it's not going to happen. And just like you know, when these statements were made by Congresswoman Omar, we saw that there was an unwillingness to just condemn Harbor, even by name, for what looked like a pattern now of virulent nanti Semitic statements, and they just gave a water down what we say, anybody of any that does anything wrong is wrong, but we don't challenge her. I think maybe there's some fear on Nancy Pelosi's part. You know, let me ask you both, how do we go forward? In other words, the hard work that now needs to be done in terms of what has gone wrong here in this process. In other words, we have a rigged investigation into Hillary. We have money flying all over the place, funneled through a law firm, to a research group, to a foreign national, foreign national digging up and making up Russian lies that eventually were disseminated via leaks to the media the Washington Post and David Korne and Michael Izakoff to influence American voters before election. That unverified dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for with Russian lines was also used, as you both know, for four FISA applications. We know it's unverifiable because Christopher Steele himself says, I have no idea if any of this is true, and most of it now has been debunked, was unverifiable from the beginning. How do we hold these people accountable? And then those people that were in the upper echelon layers of the Department of Justice under the Obama administration, like Loretta Lynch or in the intel community like Clapper and Brennan, and even top FBI officials like Coomey and McCabe and Struck and Page and other people a Justice like Sally Yates. When are they going to be held accountable and what should be done to ensure that this can never happen again. Matt Kates. Yes, Sean, first thing we need is full transparency. We need the president to declassify all the investigative materials that can be declassified so that we find out the truth into the lies, and we find out who was really running these illegal investigations out of the White House. You've reported extensively on Peter Struck and Lisa Page saying the White House is running this. The President wants to know everything, obviously referring to President Obama. So we've got to do transparency. Then we've got to do investigations. And then the third and final thing is we need to legislate some solutions so that secret courts in the future can never use political opposition research to politicize our intelligence community. We've been telling people for two years that's what's happened. Now we've obviously been proven right. Adam Schiff actually proposed a bill that would have cleaned up the FISA process that would have given the president appointment powers and given the set of confirmation powers and shown us how these judges think I run and filed Adam Schiff's own bill, and because he doesn't want to give President Trump the powers he wanted to give President Obama, Adam Schiff will literally not co sponsor his own bill to clean up the FISA process. Only in Washington and Sean only in Washington, is right? All right? Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is a toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of the program. All right. Final thoughts as we continue with Congress from Matt Gates and Congressman Mark Green going forward, how do we right this ship? Because if we don't get this right, if we don't hold people accountable that we know violated laws, abused power, we're involved in corruption, rigging investigations, trying to steal a presidential election and influence its outcome and then undo a duly elected president. You know, Congressman Green, we don't have a country, then we don't have our constitution, Then we don't have a free, fair, open elections. Then yeah, I could Again, I couldn't agree more and I could echoing what you know Matt said earlier, this issue of standards of evidence, of what can actually be considered evidence in front of committees. You know, there has to be some standard for that. It has to be defined, you know, kind of reflecting back to your earlier question about what can be done next, I mean clearly too, we are going to have to lean on our Senate colleagues because they do have the majority over there, and they can dig into some investigations that we're not able to start over here. You know, you take the embassy stuff in Ukraine, putting fresher on, you know, on those guys not to investigate, and we've got to dig into this stuff. And unfortunately we're gonna have to rely on the Senate in the near term, but again in the long term, as Matt said, we need legislation that finds what evidence can be brought before committee and what can be relied on. And we certainly can't allow dishonest people to be in charge of our committees. Last forward, Matt Gates, which on this will happen again if we don't fix the problem. And that's why we can't just move on. We have to show the country who was telling them the truth and who was lying to them. And I think this is important context as we head into the twenty twenty election. The historic achievements of this president, ending wars, renegotiating trade deals, reinvigorating the American economy. He did it all facing the strong head winds of this terrible hunt. Imagine what we can do if we're liberated from this terrible experience. All right, Matt Gates, thank you, and doctor Mark Green, Congressman, thank you as well. Eight hundred and nine for one sewn toll free telephone number. Our news round up, information overload hour. Next hour, Bill O'Reilly will check in with us. We'll get his take on the media's abusive and biased and frankly unethical conduct the last two years, lying about the president every minute, hour, second of every day. And also, don't forget Hannity Tonight ninetiestern the President Donald Trump. He will join us as our special guest and respond to what a week this has been. Straight ahead, stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. Maybe he's not really under audit, like all those little things might be true. Okay, that'd be interesting to know. I don't know that would change the world that much. But what would change the world is if you know Russia was interfering in the election, and they weren't doing it on their own, and he was in on it. After all the worry. We are actually about to find out if Russia maybe has something on the new president. We're about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what Russia wants once he's commander in chief of the US military. We haven't ever had to reckon with the possibility that somebody has ascended to the presidency of the United States to serve the interests of another country rather than our own. What's the corrective to that? How do you remedy that these are no longer hypothetical questions? This is where we are. He received the Order of Friendship from Vladimir Putin personally, the highest civilian award that Russia gives to non Russian citizens. Somehow, Rex Tolersen ended up as US Secretary of State under Donald Trump, who he'd never met. But Muller seating without being throbbled, without being stymied, and he's proceeding at this kind of a pace rolling up this stuff right now. Everything is aiming right at the president personally, and that's got to be very unsettling legal jeopardy here not only enters the president's immediate family, it also enters the White House. Is our president subordinate to a foreign power? Does our president answer to a foreign government and a foreign leader? The worst case scenario that the president is a foreign agent suddenly feels very powerful. Donald Trump acts at Russia's behalf when he meets with Vladimir Putin. He won't tell the country what was said. Just because he's not been criminally indicted for collusion doesn't mean he has conducted colluding types of behavior. What the Russians do? You agree with Andrew McKay, is possible that the president of the United States, the president is a Russian asset? Well, the way I completely agree with the way and he characterized it. You know that it is a possibility. What a great case officer Vladimir Prutin is. He knows how to handle an asset, and that's what he's doing with the president. Our institutions are under assault both externally, and that's that's the big news here, is the Russian interference in our election system. And I think as well, our institutions are under assault internally internally from the president exactly to as search that this has nothing to do with the president, either as as a president or as a candidate, or the White House is just silly. Do you think that the Russia investigation is fake news? Or which hunt is? The President keeps tweeting and saying, well, I don't believe it is. To me, it stretches creduity to think that the Russians didn't have profound impact that could have swung the election. People are incidental, alleged to be involved in some type of crim electivity. There was an extensive effort to try to influence the outcome of the election that involved the Russians, that involve US persons, and that may have gone to the very top of the Trump campaign. There's collision in plain sight. Donald Trump at the end of July openly called on Russian intelligence to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Certainly his tweets do not seem like they're coming from a person of innocence and confidence. I don't think Robert Muller will want to have that dramatic flare of the eyes of March when he is going to be delivering what I think are going to be his indictments, the final indictments, as well as the report that he gives to the Attorney General. I think he's afraid of the president of Russia. Why well, I think one can speculate as to why that the Russians may have something on him personally. This is nothing short of treasoness because it is a betrayal of the nation. He is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. I think there's a big question, first of all, in terms of those who are on mister Trump's national security team, whether they can continue to serve in good conscience an individual who basically betrayed his nation. I called his behavior treasoness, which is to betray one's trust and aiden at the enemy. And I stand very much by that claim. All Right, News Roundup and Information Overload hour here on the Sean Hannity Show. Holding them accountable? How does the country move forward? And if we don't get it right, what would the ramifications be? Really important questions because it's not something that can be fixed in one day, one show, one week, even month, or this will take a long time. Fundamentally, the systems of checks and balances as it relates to the most powerful people in the upper echelons of our Department of Justice and in the FBI, we're abusing in the intelligence community. We're abusing the power and the powerful tools of intelligence we gave them against us and trying to literally impact and direct the outcome of a presidential election and undo a sitting president by using Russian lies to bludge in him. Anyway. Bill O'Reilly is with US best selling author of fifteen number one best selling books, including in his Killing series. He also has now announced that he is doing a book called The United States of Trump. The President really sees America with you. What you're saying, Bill is going to be very different from any other book for for a lot of different reasons. And why is that, Well, because I know him for so long, and it's a history book. Hadn't been a history book written on Donald Trump and his family and how he got to the Oval office, and which is an amazing, almost impossible feat. Only two people in the world could have done that, Hannity Yea Trump and Oprah Obrah could have done it. But that's it, two people on the planet. So the book is basically no anonymous sources, Joseph facts. Here's how he did it, and he did nobody did it for him, you know That's the thing. I mean, everyone talks about what influenced people have around Trump. Now, I've known him like you for a long time, and what I've done, what I know about him is he does listen to people. He asks really really tough, hard questions. But at the end of the day, he makes up his own mind. And if he was so susceptible to people's input, I think probably at least forty fifty thousand people have said maybe you should stop tweeting or cut back on your tweeting, and he still continues to communicate to the American people by social media. And in the end, he's made me a believer because you know, look at the way he can bypass a very corrupt media in this country today. Well, it certainly doesn't listen to me. Well, you know what, that may not be true. I think if he listens to somebody and he agrees with them, he will makes sense to him. I've always it's interesting the only person that he directly listened to was his father Fred. Nobody else in his life, his entire life, that he listened to in that regard. So if Fred Trump said something to him, he put it in writing, He put it in his notebook. Now I've had long conversations with Donald Trump over the years, so of you, and you know, I always encouraged him to a be fair because sometimes he isn't and don't provoked, don't hit the snake nest if you don't have to. But here's what people don't understand. He likes to hit the snake nest because he wants action, action, action, and then out of the chaos he usually benefits. And that is I'll give you tons of examples in the book of how he stirs it up and then in the end he benefits, just like the Muller Report. Now it's a little bit different because he didn't want this and he didn't bring it upon himself. But he's going to benefit greatly from the Muller Report, particularly in his re election efforts. Well, let's talk about the Muller Report, and there's a lot of aspects to it. More fundamentally, let's just start with the media side of this, which has decided you. You know you that's your profession for all your life. And I we have had never ending, NonStop, bordering on psychotic rage and hatred every second, minute, hour of any given day, and this anticipation that we got him, we got him. We got him, not yet, but we're close. We're getting him. Treason. You know, I just played for you some of Rachel Maddow's bizarre conspiracy theories and Clapper and Brennan, you know, Brennan accusing him multiple times of treason, you know, with predictions that the presidency is going to end, telling their audiences, creating an anticipation that the presidency is on the brink of now ending. And it's not true. It was based on lies, and they you know, the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible that a very different story was happening that I was following with a few others, where in fact, there was Russian influence. There was a dossier with Russian lies in it. It was disseminated the elites to the press before the election. It was used to obtain a FISA warrant to deny an American citizen their constitutional rights and also open a back door to spy on the Trump campaign. All of that happened and then used to undo an election thereafter. And they knew it was never verified because it's an unverifiable document when its own author doesn't stand behind it. Well, I'm wondering whether when the Washington Post in New York Times give their Pulitzer Prizes back for journalism because their stories were based on false premises. All right, whether they'll give those pulitus to you, Hannay, you're gonna get that. I think I'll be right up there, Bell, I think they're gonna well, wait a minute, now, I know you're you're you think I'm joking, but I'm not, so say. The Justice Department comes back with Horowitz basically confirming everything you just said in your mini monologue. What happens then, so they're gonna go, well, Lanity, we've been saying is for a year, a year and a half, and here's the Justice Department confirming that the FBI not only booted the Hillary Clinton email investigation, but broke laws trying to investigate the Trump campaign when they knew it was focused. So if that happens, then everything that you've been saying on television radio will come true. And shouldn't you be given credit for that? Bell? I'll go I'll play along, but you and I both know that hell will freeze over before this day ever happened true. In twenty plus years at Fox News, I never got an award I never got anything, even though I was a dominant number one for sixteen years straight. By the way, you can have that back. I'm I'm perfectly willing to go back to number two. I'm I'm happy doing bill O'Reilly dot com and writing books that sell a million copies. But um, what I'm trying to get at is there's not gonna be any accountability. But here's how it's gonna shake. And I'm almost one hundred percent on this. Those pundents like Brennan and those people, they're done. Okay, so they're they're done. Kirsten Powers is of the world that that kind of thing, the never trumpers, Crystal Peggy Noon and these people finished. But matt al and Cuomo on CNN and Tapper and uh and what's his name to meet the press guy, um, Chuck Todd and by the way, Chuck Todd, they can't they the big corporations to pay them, can't admit it that they were dishonest and misleading, so they have to keep them there. But what's going to happen, and you saw it Monday night, is that their ratings are gonna collapse. MSNBC and CNN's ratings Monday night, by the way, and I will say this to your credit, you're like a rating savant. You predicted to me they're all going to collapse immediately. Do because the American people aren't stupid. Some of them are zombies. And you see that no matter what they're they're gonna be progressives or they're gonna be far right people. There's zombies. Okay, that's what they're gonna do, but there's not that many of them. Most Americans when they get conned, they don't go back. So what does msnbcay The fraud network? Now? Um, hey, would you like to watch some fraud for an hour? I think it's the Tinfoil Conspiracy had Theory Network, but myself same thing. Of course, No, Bill, I actually think it's worse than that. I think they consciously lied. They got so rapid disagree you think they believe this. There is some of that, the lying. There's some of it. But you have to understand, and I know these people, I think better than you do. They believe it. Rachel Maddow believes everything she says, but it's it's like believing that we're going to be invaded from Venus. And I saw the Venus Martians. I saw them. But Bill, there's there's a there's a track record here, you know. And I've told the story many times how I got Richard Jewel right when I was a local host in Atlanta, Georgia. And I'm gonna give you the list when I get back. It's not by accident that we usually get it right when nobody else sees it. And Bill O'Reilly's with us this last question. I'm saying to everybody, if we don't hold these people accountable, this will happen to future presidents. And I'm not sure that this I think will hold them accountable. I think that you're going to see all of the people who went on the witch hunt suffer in the marketplace. Okay, Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly dot com if you want to see what Bills up to every day, um, and we'll link it to Hannity dot com. Bill oways a pleasure. Thanks for taking the talk. Eight hundred nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, right, I know many of you want to talk. You've been dying, chomping at the bit. We've had a busy week holding them accountable. We're only in the beginning stages of this and we'll get to your calls when we come back at twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. All right, before we go any further today, we have a very big announcement to make. Now. There is an award that's known as the Gracie Award member George Burns and Gracie Allen, and I mean that this is probably the number one most prestigious awards for powerful women in high places and business and industry, and for example in television and radio. Well, the winner of the Gracie Award for the number one greatest producer in the entire country is our very own talk radio lover, coffee Lover, Singapore lover, Linda McLaughlin. And she has been receiving flowers and balloons and cupcakes and you know, a special trip that she has coming up, and we're so proud of you, were so happy, so well deserved, and it kind of hit me out of nowhere, except you know, she she told everybody, don't tell Sean. Yeah, okay, you all heard it. Don't Why would you do that? Why would you not want to tell me more important things to worry about, like you know the huh okay about But this is a huge accomplishment. Explain what this award is because you know more about you know, I'll be honest with you, actually don't know a whole lot about it until I got nominated, um nominated, And just to be clear, I believe I want in the talk format. So there's a few different formats. Seven people get nominated every year in these various formats, and I was nominated in your format, and uh yeah I won. So there's a gala and they basically support women in media and um yeah, so I won. Um. But but really, this is this is a big deal because there's so many people that are vying for these awards, nominated for these awards. And when I was talking to you earlier about it, because you tried to keep it from me, which is you have. First of all, you don't even go to your own awards ceremonies. You from Marconis you won a broadcast I picked upon, I went to the Marconies. I went to Talkers magazine when I wanted. You can't go to the Hall of Fame. I had to work there was breaking Yeah, well, you know I had to work. The Oliver Report was out. You know, there wasn't a lot of time to talk about awards. But I have to say, yeah, I am a huge fan of balloons and flowers and if awards is what gets me these, I want to start creating awards. Do you really you know, like my best dress producer, girl with the best Oh boy, here we go, no good good makeup today? Well, there were so many other people that were nominated and well known names, and the fact that you got this nomination and won the award outright as you did is a tribute to you and your hard work and your dedication and your lifelong passion. And it couldn't go to a better person. And was so proud of you. I have a great team, though I can't. I mean, I told Ethan last night when I found out, Okay, can we not talk about the team? Keep talking about my team? Well, I say that all the time and days the village. I've never had better teams from both radio and TV, and in my thirty years now on radio, Yeah, we got to leave it if one. Now now it's TIFF's turn, Well, well dominate Tiff that's what I'll do. Yeah, all right, um so um, we won't announce what we talked about earlier, but we have something special planned for Linda, and um. I think it's gonna be a great time for you. All right, and thank you boys. All right, now you can take the rest of the day off your boy all right, all right, let's get to the phone. Donna Staaten Island. What's up, Donna? How are you glad you called? First of all, congratulations Linda, Yes, Linda, congratulations. Donna gets that Caller of the Year award. Okay, now we should we know, we should give out awards from great callers. I'll say one thing too, Donna. You know all I talk about the keyboard leftist warriors and their underpants. You know, they're all courageous, you know, hiding behind their computer screens. But there are some really amazing people online on Twitter, on social media, and they are really their keyboard investigative reporters, and they've done a lot of great work throughout this entire witch hunt that has been extra narrowly helpful to people like me, I can tell you that, and to people like me, keep me going and keep me believing that we're not just a voice in the wilderness, which is very important. Exactly the wise, it's very easy to lose hope sometimes when you see the insane things that go on. And speaking of insane, this whole Jesse Smollett thing. Um, I don't know if I'm correct, but I thought I heard somebody say yesterday that before they excused him, you know, with this whole thing, that they said they felt he had been through enough. Now, I don't know if somebody just said that or if that was the mindset behind letting him get away with this whole situation. But if that's the case, then when can we expect Paul Manafort to be set free? When can we expect Michael Flynn and the other gentleman I think is Michael Caruso. I always get confused with his name, but these are people that have lost everything as far as you're talking about Michael, Michael, Michael, right, thank you, m Those men have been wiped out. I saw Michael Puto on TV today and he was saying like he had to go in to his kids colleague fund just to defend himself. So when can we expect Listen, I've heard Roger Stone is now towards bankruptcy. We know General Flynn is not only bankrupt, had to sell his home, he's now five million dollars in debt, paying lawyers he can't afford, and lives are ruined. And you know, you look at some of these cases and you just think to yourself, this is how we treat thirty three year veterans that served their country, and many of those years in combat, and they don't get the benefit of the doubt. And you've got a deputy FBI director saying you don't need a lawyer, and then the FBI director bragging that, yeah, we we we sent them in on day four the Trump administration. We wouldn't do it during the Bush or Obama administrations. Uh, it's so unfair how he was treated in that case. And what about was put in solitary confinement? I mean, come on, the guy did not do anything that wanted solitary CONFI Rudy said the other night that you know he's only put when he was going after mobsters. They only put one guy in solitary confinement. Yeah, it's just crazy. And then there's one of the things Jesse Jesse over however he says name, he said he's his mother's son. Wasn't his mom like friends with all these terrorists and isn't she like an about socialist and all this stuff. So he's basically confessing that this is he's his mother's son. Well, Latti Da, you know, I don't know if I'd be bragging about that. Well, you know I this is the most upsetting part of this is You've got witnesses now that are testifying that, yeah, this was a hate crime hoax. You've got them on videotape buying the very things that were used in the hoax. We've got the videotape. You have a police uh Eddie Johnson, the police superintendent. He's saying, uh, this is a slam dunk case and I would bring it again. And what we see is once again it's not equal justice under the law. It's a two tiered justice system and it's you know, for the rich and powerful like Hillary Clinton. And that's why I say, if we ever want to get this right and fix what has happened, this whole mess and hold people accountable, it starts with her and the rigged investigation into her and her involvement by funneling money to hire a foreign spy to dig up phony dirt, makeup phony lies about her opponent that results in propagandizing the American people before the election. Number one and number two is then used to deny constitutional rights to an American citizen, and it gave them a backdoor into the Trump campaign and creating this whole narrative that the country putting the country through something that was a hoax, that was a known hoax from the very beginning. If there, if there's not a price to pay for those that broke the law, then we're never going to get the country back. Kimberly, Cincinnati, fifty five kresy. Kimberly, You're a great American. God bless you. I want a full report. Hi, Sean, thank you so much for taking my call, and God bless you too. I was a magistrate in the county court for almost ten years and I filed an employment discrimination claim, and I'm going through a lot of the similar things that you've been seen on the national stage with your career ruin, your reputation ruins. And I'll tell you something, it has given me a whole different perspective being a litigant. When I filed my federal case than being someone who look sat on the bench, and I'll tell you, in all honesty, I have lost faith in the justice system in this country. And it's very sad. You know, we're gonna it's either gonna recover very quickly, and Attorney General bar so far is doing his job. But if we don't have an invested into every aspect of FAISA, every aspect of Hillary's email server, the obstruction case, the biggest slam dunk obstruction case I've ever seen deep state actors that clearly had an insurance plan to undermine a duly elected president. Those that tried to influence the election and its outcome by protecting the favored candidate and trying everything in their power to undermine the candidate that they didn't like and denied the smelly Walmart voters supporters of his their right to pick the president of their choice. That all that all has to be gotten to the bottom of. And you know, in order to have justice in this country under our laws, you have to have two things. You have to have blind justice and it has to be equal. And that doesn't exist anymore. And I'm finding that in my own situation. But going up against public officials I'll tell you, it seems that instead of interest in public service, most of the public officials I'm coming up against have the same concern of just keeping their power and maintaining their power at any cost, whether it's lying in affidavits or anything like that. I mean, it's shocking, it's absolutely upsetting, and the media is totally asleep at the wheel, or worse yet, it's been worse than that. They have no interest. Their agenda was clear from the get go, and they wanted Hillary just like they wanted Obama. They never vetted Obama, they never vetted Hillary. Their coverage of Trump was one sided from day one, and then they got the shock of their life when he was elected president. They laughed at the idea that he would run, the idea that he could win, and he shocks the world. They don't like him at all, and their rage and hatred grew into a psychotic rage and hatred over time, every second, minute, hour of every day. And with that came you know, anonymous sourcing, breath us hysterical coverage every day, we got him, we got him, we got him, get him in a stormy storm and star star Rush Rush Art and they cannot control themselves. They're spun out of control. But in the process they've lost such perspective that they didn't even either they knew or they didn't know. I believe they got to be smarter than that. They woke up every morning, how do we hurt Trump today? You know, it was all one agenda. It's it literally consumed every second of their coverage, and they built up anticipation in their audiences that were almost there. We got him, We got them, We got them, we got him. If we don't get them on this now, let's get them on this, this, this, and this. There won't be a retraction. They'll never be an apology. There's never going to be a coming to Jesus moment and introspection and reflection about how wrong they've been. And it's not just Trump this. You know, look what they did to a sixteen year old kid because of their rage towards Trump and that Nicolas Sandman and the coving in high school kids. You know, look at how desperately they wanted to believe to the guys in Maga hats beat up Jesse Smolette. You know, they wanted that so badly. You know, why is it that they come down on the wrong side of almost every major issue because they have their own agenda. They are tied at the hip. They are one. The news media in this country is an extension of this new radical, extreme Democratic party, and unfortunately I was ranked. I did not say it lightly. It was not a cute line that I thought of when I said an O seven journalism is dead. They did not vet Obama. They loved Obama, They loved on Obama. They were captivated by Obama, and they helped Obama when the election by not doing their job, which is why our vetting of Obama was unique and different. You know. That's why you know that they're usually rushing to judgment and I'm waiting. I'm waiting to see I actually go out and meet the Duke Lacrosse kids and some of the kids, some of their families, and their mothers and fathers. And in the end, they had to prove their own innocence. Thank god that some of them took out money from a bank, thank god. Others, you know, went into a dorm room at a certain time that was clocked by a security camera. Or the UVA rape case, the rush to judgment there, you know, or though they believed on day one that all these cops in Baltimore were going to be convicted. They were told that all right, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number right tonight, hannedy nine Eastern. Yes, a hard hitting We're gonna go every night five people that need to be investigated and specifically tell you what they need to be investigated for. But the big or tonight Hannity, Yes, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, is going to respond to the Muller Report, the issues of the day and much more, all coming up ninety Stern on Fox On Hannity, and we'll see you tonight. We'll see you back here tomorrow.

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