Where Is The Rule of Law? - 7.24

Published Jul 24, 2018, 10:00 PM

Sean and Greg Jarrett discuss the process of the FISA warrants. The law requires a signee of a FISA warrant is "vouching for the authenticity and veracity and doing so under the penalty of law." Jarrett continues to discuss just how many laws were violated during the FISA warrant process. What recourse is there here? Where it the rule of law?! The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, glad you're with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. All right. It's like bring a daughter to work day today. Now, I told you she was gonna do this. My daughter's here and at home around her friends. It is non stop talking. She walks in, says Hi to Linda, who you've known her since she's a baby. You're not a baby anymore, and Hi, Okay, nice to see you. You know that? Why did I will will drag it out of her later in the program today if she wants to come on. But my guess is I'm gonna get the same answers I've gotten for the last you know, fifteen years of her life, which is you know. She come into the radio and I go, Hi, how are you good? How is school good? What did you learn today? Nothing? Who did you talk to? Nobody? I mean at the same an's her and her brother sounds like you when I asked you to break or I don't want you doing something. I don't want you to do. What are you doing? Nothing? Are you gonna break? Maybe? When are you gonna be on time? Never? It's not a good analogy because I'm a talker. I never shut up. Talk all the time. As a matter of fact, it is painful for my children because when we go out in public, I talk to everybody. And I do a talk show twenty four seven. I even talk in my sleep when I'm not snoring. That's how much I talk, which is not a lot. You know, I'm telling you, if I ever lose this radio program, I've said it before, It's true. I am this thirty years of doing this. This is now in my d NA. Greg Jared, I guess he filled in on Friday and he goes to me, Oh man, he goes, my head hurt after doing three hours. He goes, man, it's it's so hard. I don't know how you do this every day. And I'm like, Greg, I don't know how I don't do it every day because I'll be driving around and I'll just you know, if I get fired, and if all my enemies take me out one day, which they're trying desperately and they're paying million the dollars, you know, to literally bring this show to its knees and get me off the air. If they're ever successful, I'm gonna be the guy driving around for three straight hours every day doing this monologue to myself. And then I'll interview guests and I'll be the guest and I'll be the host, and then i'll be the caller, and then I'll be the host and you'll bring MK right, because that'd be super fun for her. Oh no, she makes seat actually does a version of me, which is hilarious, but she will not I promise you do it on the air today. She will not touch it today. And she does this other version of what happens when I get pulled over by a police officer, which maybe has happened twice in her life, and it's so full of hyperbole. It's like she blows it up because you take off your hat and glasses, you pull out your wallet, and you say, high, officer, how are you hoping that he'll notice that it's Sean Hannity from TV? And then I can say, yes, officer, I'm sorry. I went through a hundred She has a hundred red lights, one a hundred miles per hour, and I literally, um, I was I was I was doing something important, and I'm like, that's such a fabrication. I've never done that in my life. But for whatever reason, she tells the story, embellishes it more and more and more, and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, and none of it is true, not one thing of that is true. And anyway, you know, it's funny. The other thing that happens when kids get older. So we actually had a great weekend. We went I don't know why I do this, but you know, because she's an athlete and she you know, so I will take her for like a manny and petty. It is torture to go through and watch that two hour process only to look down an hour later and she's literally picking it off. You know. We spend the two hours and then she gets Linda. She gets mad because I'll say, well, you have two people available, because it goes twice as fast. One can do the hands, one can do the feat. She thinks that's embarrassing. I'm like, it's not embarrassing. I tip him a hundred bucks each. I'm great. I'm very nice to people. And she goes, they're totally wrong. I'd be mortified. Why it's mortifying. I look literally because we go to the same place. When I walk in that door, you go to the same place, you get yours done. To know, but they tried to get manny and a petty. Never your highlights done. Every looks intense. Never, I'd never listen. I wouldn't let anybody. There's not enough tip money available for anybody to be tortured to touch. It will never happen. No guy is gonna get a many petty. I'm never doing it. So literal, I walk in the door, and I've gotten to know the people over the years. Is you know she goes with actually she's I've actually taken her to her friends. And I just sit there and it's so freaking painful to sit there for two hours, and I'm like coming crawling out of my skin, which is kind of my nature. I'm not one of these laid back Oh okay, let me breathe in and enjoy the smelly's, the smell of lacquer in the air, and watch people put there. I never knew what they did, but they make you put your foot your feet in a bathtub like a bathtub with chlorine in it. And then I watched these poor You know, I think it's the worst job imaginable because a lot of people's feet are just disgusting, you know, not obviously my daughter himself. Okay, so I'm watching this, but over the years, I've gotten to know the people at the shop, and they now I tip everybody a hundred bucks and like of him in a rush. She got mad ones because I had three people. I said, we gotta look, I gotta get out of here. We gotta go you know, here, here, and here, I gotta go pick up your brother whatever. I got a race to this, and she thought it was not nice that I asked three people, but I gave him each a hundred dollars tip on top of whatever the stupid thing costs. And then we went to the hair salon, and I actually also when we went to the mall, and then I broke my normal rule when we go mall shopping, which is I just say, all right, pick one store. You can take your friends and you can go in there and get anything you want. The only rule is we're done in fifteen minutes. And I think that's the best deal ever. You get to pick your favorite store. You got fifteen minutes. There's no limits on what you can get. I think we should open up the lines for comment from women to call in and tell Sean how wrong he is on everything. He just said, what is wrong with Athan? That's totally agree with you. Because you give a woman or a group of women credit card, credit cardy store and buy whatever you want, right, that's asking for disaster In most casiuses, I don't know. I mean, they're all like, I mean, they got a lot of stuff I'll never forget. One time, I took actually two of the three that are in that room. I took to Target, and I said, you got fifteen minutes, and all of a sudden, this one's younger sister literally grabbed two shopping carts, two of them, and she's just ripping clothes off the throwing them in, throwing it. I'm like, that's pretty smart, and so getting to the little I thought that was. Then once she did it, then everybody else grabbed a shopping cart. You know, there's only so much damage that you can do at Target. I love those stores, but you know, at least you get good deals. It's what what I'm not saying anything, I wouldn't take you and give you fifteen minutes you go to Tiffany's and first of all, and second of all, any more than fifteen minutes, okay, you don't need more than give her fifteen minutes on Amazon. And that's a lot of well said, sir, Well said, why do you do you like buy use clothes on Amazon? No? I don't buy with you. I mean, what do you buy on Amazon? It's wrong with you? Come buy me some dirty clothes today? Well, I mean, remember the Clintons took their old underwear and they wrote it off as a text that what I love for I love for Clinton used underwear. I'm like, where are some of hills recently used underwhere? You know, I've lost all controls totally. But I don't think that's a bad deal. And then, but but I will spend a lot of quality time when we get to the restaurant and I can have a beer and I can order food. And then when you can have a conversation, you know, when I'm sitting there in the nail salon, what am I gonna do? Just start talking in front of you know? Um, there's a line in Sarah Evans song Sons in the Buckets, All the biddies in the beauty shop gossip going NonStop. It's actually funny. It's a funny song. It's a comical song. And I'm like, what am I gonna do? Talk in the body in the in the manny petty place? Am I supposed to talk there? Or when you go to the She got mad because I was getting calls work calls on Saturday when when she was in the hair salon for freaking hours, four hours in this place. Well, if you do stop the radio show that is four hours, you could do your monologue in the hair and nail salon. Yeah, okay, I think that will work. All right. You know this has all been good because it's therapeutic, and I'm so angry about what's happening to our country. I'm like, off the charts angry. I did find a great article. As we get I hear that manicures and pedicures are very relaxing for people who are very angry. I'm not a very angry I'm thinking that maybe this weekend you should go. I will never ever, I bet you ever, thousand dollars ever, bet you will under no certain I will bring a camera crew and I have four people work on your nasty feet because you're gonna need it. All right, let me tell you something, hell freeze over. I'm just it's not my thing. I'm not doing that. I'm never gonna do it. You would you do it? Anything? I do it? Never do it. Never in a thousand years. Jason, we've talked about want a little boogie. So there's a possibility after you go to Coyote Ugly. I'm telling you right now, you take it's not gonna be fifteen minutes. You know what I'm worried about with you because you are like an encyclopedic knowledge on sports. I'm worried with sports petting that you're gonna go off the rails. I mean, I'm I'm when it comes to betting, like I just do the fan duel thing and that's it. I'm not one of those guys. It's gonna be betting the mortgage. You're not on a football game. I'm glad to hear that. I honestly think you're gonna watch all these people. They're gonna start betting and say an amount of money because they all think they know sports, and there's so many already opening up in New Jersey. You can do that. You can do it in New Jersey? Can you do it online from New York? New York is gonna do because they want every penny they can gouge out of paper. Eventually they will, you know, think about this the lottery all those years, you know, if you know, remember they would have the crime families, they ran the numbers. Well, now the government runs the numbers, and they took a monopoly on running the numbers. Because if I wanted to open up my own Latto system, and let's say I even offered to give x percentage to education. Meanwhile New York educational system is the pits. Then the government takeover O t B in New York and racing. Yeah, they own everything. But it's not gonna do as well as people are thinking because once it goes legal, you have to pay taxes on your winnings. Oh so you think the underground if you win fifty dollars or you're gonna be wanting to pay grand to the government. That's a good point. That's a really good point. I think people will do it though, because I mean, before this all that court decision, people were going like two islands like the Cayman's embedding, and the government figured it out because they can follow the money. I just have no interest embedding on sports. And then you gotta worry about you know, is the fix going to be it? Are they gonna you know, shave points or whatever. Probably going to be a problem more for college sports than the pros because the pros make too much money. I don't know. I mean, really, you try to fix the elect and they can fix that exactly. They tried to. They stole it, tried to steal an election, which is what we've been talking about all day. Yeah. But I mean a low level baseball player and makes several hundred thousand dollars, I mean, you're gonna have to spend a lot of money to Tim Tebow was roll over like three thirty, and he was probably gonna get called up to the Mets and he broke his hand. Oh you realize that Tim Tebow single handedly has brought tens and tens and tens of thousands of people to double a triple A ball. Yeah. I mean, if you're the Mets, I mean you you call him up just to get people. I would have called him up. Yeah, But not only that, he's hitting. I mean he's really become a good hit of him credit for as critical as I've been of of him, don't call Stephen a Smith today. He hates tebow. Look for him to not play baseball for that long and and play at this level. I mean, he has an arm and he can run around, but hitting a baseball is really difficult. And he's done a great job. I mean, and you know what he's pursuing. And he's willing to get on a bus. They're not traveling in planes, private planes like the pros. They're going by bus. Sorry, I gotta take a break. Don't worry. I do have important items that we're gonna get to today. I did find an article. Uh, it's from Politico and it's from Oh Obama was president. White House looks to scrub security clearance list. Oh, it's okay when Obama does it. Uh. We'll talk more about the attempts to steal an election in the United States and what we're gonna do and who's gonna be held accountable. We'll get to all that today. Uh. We have Jim Jordan's Greg Jared's book is now the number one book in the country. Just go to Amazon dot com. It's out today. The Russia Hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. We've been right with the rest of the media has been wrong, Sarah Carter today, and maybe I'll grab my daughter and her friends and see if my daughter will talk on air later. So with all the abuse of the president by the liberal media, well now is approval rating is hit a brand new how I at least in the Gallop survey, the second poll in three days now to confirm that in spite of all the screaming and yelling and hysteria over Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, the American people aren't buying into these lines anymore. They just they're too hip, they're too smart, and they honestly understand what's at stake here. We have another pole new poll finds that three out of four Americans would not support a socialist for a presidential candidate. Thank god, now that you've got everything else, We've got a lot on this uh uh, you know, clearance issue. I'm gonna get to in a second. Alright, let me go to Heather and Williamsburg, Virginia, so I get a little assist as it relates to how to raise my children. Considering you're so critical in there about what a bad father I am. Oh my god, stop crying. You are employing it because I would never imply such a thing. You are a wonderful father. You can talk about your kids all the time. At the point of fifteen minutes, it is the point. Let's get Heather's points. Heather high, Hi, I completely agree with you. That is an awesome idea. Short and sweet. You let them get what they want and you're not there for hours. I have no problem with that, I know, because you're gonna have more quality time instead of you know, do you ever see kids when they go shopping. It's like in the d n A. They just pick up everything and they agonize should I get this T shirt or this T shirt? Or should I get this pair of pants or that pair of pants. I'm like, you know, I can't handle it, to be honest, I'm about I'm coming out of my skin going to those stores. I completely agree with you. I think it's a great policy, and I think you're extremely generous, and I have no problem. You have my full support. I really appreciate. All right, Joe, you have twenty seconds. What's up, Joe? How are you? You don't agree Joe. We're not taking Joe now. Joe's on my side. Joe, you stay right there. We'll be with you on the other side of the break. Nice talking to you, Joe. My monologue next to the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. You know, Um, with all this talk about oh, Donald Trump, the tyranny of Donald Trump, how dare that somebody like Brennan who has accused the president of treason, a guy that literally leaked fake, phony political Russian lies to Harry Reid to disseminate to the American people and propagate those lies to help steal an election. We're gonna get lectures from him. You know. I'm stunned to find out did you get those two articles? I'm stunned to find out that people who leave government positions, you know, where they were handling sensitive national security information, why did they even keep their security clearances in civilian life anyway, and especially those that have become nothing more than mere political hacks. And I just assumed that those clearances were granted on like a need to know basis, and knowing that the former communist you know, I can't believe we had a communist as our CIA director. You know, why does he after he's he's been going after Trump with a vengeance, you know, responsible for spreading disinformation, unverified Russian lise that Hillary paid for. Do you notice your media doesn't even care? Do you realize that the single biggest abuse of power an attempt that the people that literally rigged an investigation to save Hillary Clinton, which none of you in this audience would ever get that type of treatment, And then they turned the power of the state against Donald Trump with a vengeance, out to destroy his candidacy, out to destroy him before he ever got into the office. That everything was all the FISA warrants predicated on Russian lies of all things. Don't nobody in the nobody on NBC, ABC, CBS, I mean, the whacka dues over at MSNBC have lost their minds. Rachel Maddow was saying the other day something to the effect, we are a president. It may be a Russian agent, I mean, and they go after my advertisers. I don't support Boycott's I mean, how but but the left is so unhinged they believe this. You know, it turns out that not only does Brennan not have any current need for a security clearance. The fact is he still has a security clearance is actually in violation of CIA rules. Did you know that? CBS News reported yesterday In the case of the former CIA director, the agency holds their security clearance and renews it every five years for the rest of their lives. However, that requires former CIA directors to behave like current CIA employees if they want to keep their clearance, which means avoiding travel to certain countries and generally living in a manner above reproach. Okay, So in order to maintain his security clearance, John Brennan would have to behave like a current CIA employee well as a CIA director. We now know that he was spreading lies before an election, unverified Russian lines. Fact, he gave it to Harry Reid. When is he going to be held accountable for that? You know what do you think would happen to a current CIA employee if he started running around the country accusing the President of the United States a treason? You know what, any CIA employee survived with the CIA tolerate that behavior. No, they would not, at least if it was Pompeo or Gina Haspell. You know, any current currently employed CIA agent who did that would be escorted right out the door and literally literally they'd never get back in. You know, John Brennan has violated the code of conduct that the CIA requires for maintaining a security clearance, which stipulates that he uphold the same standards as a current CIA employee. You know. You know, time after time, Obama acted through executive orders, even when he said he didn't have the power to do so. He fought for the exclusive power of the executive provoking security clearances or partisans of partisan hacks like Brennan and Clapper. You know, see, CNN is acting like it's the worst thing imaginal, No, it's not. I mean, now Clappers cashing in at this particular point. Tell us, General Clapper, how many years did you serve in the active US military? Uh? And how personally irritated are you right now that someone with your background in the military thirty forty years, whatever it was, is being treated like this. Why is this threat so troubling? Well, look, these are people who are critics of the president. President doesn't like them because they have been critical. Some of them were served for Obama. So that's another that's another strike against them. It's a slippery slope. Do you evaluate people who currently have security clearances and the law enforcement agencies on their political beliefs, on their political party. You have the Press secretary there, and that could be played saying that these individuals may have politicized the process. Actually, this is politicizing the process. If you remove security clearances from a James Clapper, for example, and you say, you know what, we're not gonna bother talking to that person anymore, that's that's a potential national security through it. Let me read you something. Memorandom distribution subject deterring and detecting unauthorized disclosures, including leaks to the media through strengthened polygraph Programs Authorities National Security Act nineteen forty seven, as amended by Intelligence Authorization Executive Order thirteen four sixties seven, reforming processes related to suitability for government employment, fitness for contractor employees, etcetera, etcetera reference Security Executive Agent, blah blah blah blah on you know the irony of all of this. I need page two. By the way, guys, there's two pages this. You know, when you when you look at this particular document, it gives us so much in terms of details. I didn't give you page two. That's why. All right, me let me copy it. Hang on so annoying when you have to do this. All right, it's not working anyway. Well I can just pull it up here. It's just you know, so anyway, this is James Clapper's intelligence here, This is James Clapper's doing here. James Clappers literally, you know, sending out documents that suggests that oh it's literally says unauthorized recipient includes any US person of foreign national without a need to know or cleared at the appropriate level for information, including any member of the media. Well, guess who leaked to the media, James Clapper, and this policy will serve as a strong deterrent too, would be leakers. James Clapper signed the document literally deterring and detecting unauthorized disclosures. Unauthorized disclosures of classified information, including leaks of class by information to the media, endanger vital intelligence sources and methods, and damage international relationship. By the way, can anyone say, Hillary Clinton here, in my role as security executive agent, I am here by standardizing how the topic of unauthorized disclosures is addressed, that was Clapper and the date is July, so that was his own standards. He's not allowed to get these security clearances. Here's an article in the Politico from as Well. The headline is white House looks to scrub clearance lists. Obama administration has ordered a government wide reassessment of how almost five million Americans have been granted classified information security clearances and whether each person currently approved to see sensitive national security secrets truly as a need for such and reeling from the you know, that was after the Edwards Snowden case and the release of some top secret programs. That's all happening. None of these people deserve after what they did to this country, none of them, and how they all conspired, and you know, all the people that signed that phony FISA warrant never having done their due diligence of verification. Everything we've been telling you for now almost a year was confirmed on Saturday night. You know about Carter Page, who we had on this program yesterday. We know, we now know that the justification for that FISA warrant was in fact the unverified bought and paid for Russian lies of Hillary Clinton, as spread by people like John Brennan. Funneled through Perkins Cooeie hiring Fusion GPS, hiring a foreign national Christopher Steele, who himself doesn't even stand by that stupid dossier, all to dig up dirt and smear and slander the opposition party candidate, and to get into through the back door carter Page the rest of the the Trump campaign visa VI. You know a guy that obviously, if he was so bad, why isn't carter Page in jail today? You know? In other words, you've got Obama's top ranking spies, top ranking FBI agents, putting the fix into save Hillary from jail and indictment and literally turn the screws to destroy Donald Trump using paid for Russian lies. And everybody's so concerned about Russia. They're all full of crap. These they fade their phony moral outrage, and that's why the President's poll numbers are so good. This should not happen in the United States of America. This is a banana republic. This should this is Venice whala. You know, these are people like former KGB. They hate Putin so much. They're using the same tactics he would use to to disinform disinformation campaigns, lying campaigns, smearing campaigns, character assassination campaigns, and this time even going as far as lying to FISA court judges. You know, James Comey, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, all signing off on the Russian lie FISA warrant, all of them. All of them didn't do their due diligence, nobody verified, nobody vetted, and nobody cared because they wanted to take down Trump, you know, and they all signed off on a warrant application based on Hillary's unverified Russian lies. This happened in the United States. Comey admitted that he knew that dossier was unverified and salacious. That's what he said to Donald Trump. And why did he sign off on it? How does he justify that? How many crimes were you know? You know, literally, is this not a criminal conspiracy against the United States the people of the United States, you know. And then you got the Democrats. They all told us, oh no, that Darcier didn't play a big role at all. They all lied to you too, And the media won't even cover it because they so hate Trump. They act so outraged over Russia. They're all full of cramp. They're all full of it. You know, the basis for this ten FISA warrant is an untrue document of Russian lies. In fact, everyone who was signed off on it misled the FISA court judges. What happens if you lie to a judge, You're in deep trouble. What happens if you obstruct justice the way Hillary did, You're in deep trouble. What happens if you're Christian Saucier and have six pictures as a summerine. You're in trouble. But they get away with it. We don't have equal justice under the law or equal application under our laws. We don't have a constitutional republic if this stands and people are not held accountable. You know, the first warrant application was the dossier, and so are the the other three subsequent warrants. The FBI used circular reporting with the Yahoo account of Michael Isikoff. Paige was never indicted the FBI. You know, what did they do in this case? You know, we have more questions than answer answers in this case, the blatant abuse of power at the highest levels of your government, literally to destroy Trump and save Hillary because they knew better than you. The American people it's all true. They abuse their power. We now have all the evidence. None of them should have security clearances. They rigged the investigation into Hillary to savor. They rigged a phony investigation into Donald Trump. They literally their security clearances, I believe are clear and present danger to the country. And the mainstream media is doing everything they can to ignore this story. And look at the hysteria about Russia last week, the lies that they were spewing last week. By the way, the American people see through it, as evidenced by the polls. Alright, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show one, Shawn, all Right, We've got a lot to get to today. Greg Jarrett nailed it. His book is out. It's now the number one book in the country. We're gonna have some fun with him when he comes in the studio. He's sitting in our green room right now. Can't hear a word I'm saying. Also, Sarah Carter joins us also in the next hour. Jim Jordan of the Freedom Caucus. He's been on a tear and there are very strong indications that he's gonna run for speaker, and if he runs, I will support him because the Freedom Caucus guys have been the single best people at defending our constitution, rule of law, and keeping promises to the American people. And I honestly don't know if we get half the things done. If it wasn't for them, we'll continue, all right. We have some huge, great breaking news. Uh if you go to Amazon dot com on the release date, great Jared's book is already the number one best selling book in the entire country. And uh, well you're laughing, that's breaking news. Um, you know we've been I watched you. By the way, the book is out in bookstores everywhere. It's called the Russian Hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. Writing a book is the most painful thing I find in life. I can sit here and yap my yap for the next ten hours. And it's easy, you know, and as and much as you don't have to, you know, refine it and sand it and polish it and prime it and sand it again and polish it. And I watched you literally write every word in this book. You have meticulous footnotes, what some seven and it is the defining book on everything that we now know and was verified Saturday night on FISA. But the real story is there was an effort to steal a presidential election. Is that a true accurate statement. Oh, there absolutely was. There was, as the title suggests, an illicit scheme. Top officials at the FBI and the Department of Justice decided that they knew better than the American public UH, and they wanted Hillary Clinton to be president. Their only problem was that she had violated a myriad of federal felony statutes in the handling of the classified UH documents, a hundred and ten of them, as she stored on her unsecured email in violation Hill, she destroyed evidence that we're under subpoena. And I mean just those two accellent stock there, and you describe in the book. You go over a number of instances beyond Christian Saucier, who I highlighted one of the reasons I think Saucier got the pardon. But when he was a candidate, Donald Trump saw his mother on Hannity, the TV show, and literally said this can't be true. And and I said, yeah, here's the mother's number. And I and he became very very familiar with the story. Give us examples of other people to go to jail. For far less than what Hillary has done. It was all prompted when Comey stood in front of cameras on July five, two thousand sixteen, and he said, no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case, which was a lie. Uh. First of all, it's not even his job to speculate what a prosecutor would do. He is supposed to be gathering at But by the way, how did he assert the power of the attorney general at the time of Lauretta Lynch? Yes, of course, and she was compromised because of the meeting with Bill Clinton on the tar and that's the principal reason why he was fired, and deservedly so. So I go through the book and show how prosecutors did bring cases that were nearly identical John Deutch, Sandy Burger, David Petray as Harold T. Martin. The closest approximation occurred just a year before Hillary Clinton's was exonerated, and that is Brian Nishimura, who was in the Navy, and he did just what she did. He downloaded to a you know, a personal computer system and devices classified material. He was prosecuted, by the way, under the gross negligence provision of the Espionage Act, which James Comby specifically cleared. This is where they changed the words from gross negligence the legal standard, to reckless disregard. Extremely By the way, where did they get careless? They got it from Baraco Mamma, because a couple of months earlier, he went on Fox News Sunday and he said, oh, she never intended to violate the law. She was just careless. So as they're sitting at Peter Struck's computer, Lisa Page Peter Struck in two others, you go through how and you go through chapter and verse how Comy contorted the law that would have put everyone else in jail. The big the worst case of obstruction is what she did with the lesion of the emails that were supeded. The acid washing. You know, some some dopey fact checker whoever checks the fact checkers, because Hannity said that she acid washed their hard drive with bleach, but it's not accurate. She never used an acid wash. I'm like, are you really that stupid? But that's the kind of she tried to pretend that, Oh, you know, but the cloth people did that without my knowledge and certainly without my direction. Nonsense, nonsense, because the hard lawyers actually remember Comey actually said that the lawyers did not go one by one through those emails about supposed to be about yoga, a wedding, and a funeral. You call this, though in your book, an inhidious abuse of power. My question is when you put it all together, the crime she committed, the obstruction she was involved in, and then this brutal attack against an opposition party candidate that led to hard bought and paid for Russian dossier FISA court judges lied to on four separate occasions, who gets held responsible and if we don't hold them responsible, what happens to the country. In my judgment, not only should Hillary Clinton still be held responsible, as any American would if they've done the same thing, and others have and been prosecuted and convicted, but I think the people who abuse their positions of power to subvert the rule of law and undermine the democratic process should also be invest digated and if appropriate, prosecuted. And I'm certainly in the latter category, and that would be James Comy, Peter Struck, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, and if Rebecca Rebecky and Baker were involved, they should too. What about Rod Rosenstadt. I played a clip of him last night when you were on the show, and I played it yesterday on this program of him saying, if you signed a warrant, especially if as a warrant you know, you're you're putting all your credibility. You are saying that what is in that document presented to the court has to be accurate. They never verified it the law. The law requires him to vary. Protocol requires as well. Yes, and look, when you put your signature on that document, it is a very serious thing. You're vouching for its authenticity, it's veracity, and you're doing it under They purposefully took a political document whose own author says is you know, raw intelligence, and I don't know if it's true or not, and they presented it to Afis a court to spy on an American citizen. They used Russian lines to do this. Of talk about the great irony. Yes, what are the laws they broke by going and lying to a ys A judge like deprivation of rights under color of law? They violated the privacy rights under that federal felonies of Donald Trump. Of Donald Trump. They also clearly violated the right to privacy of Carter Page. He was abused because they wire tapped and spied on him. What recourse do they have because I've been reading all weekend that I was unmasked and surveilled at the orders and behests of John Brennan. Well, you can final a civil rights violation lawsuits sure, absolutely for compensatory damages and if appropriate punitive damage. Would it be against him personally or would it be against him and the government. It would be all of the above. It would be against the individuals when they'd have to pay me. Absolutely. Now, look, you have to jump through hoops when you sue the government, because initially they have sovereign immunity. But that can be pierced because there are specific laws that Congress passed that allow you if you file an administrative claim. First, let's go back to the the line to the visa judges and the what you call in your book the fraudulent Case against Donald Trump is an entire chapter the fabricated dossier used against Trump. What about the fact that this was a concerted effort. We're also told I think you're right about it on page hundred and three or somewhere in there, about how even John Brennan, and everyone's making a big fuss over the fact that these people would lose their security clearance. But as CIA director, he was passing around an unverified Russian propaganda document. Look, these were foreign actors. Christopher Steele, the Expertish spy, and his sources Russians. And so that's the province of the c I director to investigate whether they are engaged in his job to gand in favor of one candidate. It would have been his job, first of all, to investigate the truthfulness of that document. Nobody did that. Well, I suspect he did, and knew immediately that it wasn't it was fabricated. Basically, he's no different than the former kg B. That's right. He didn't care. He seized upon this document as a pretext to launch this dilating investigation of then presidential candidate Donald Trump to dry to defeat him in the election. So I look at you. You basically have pulled the entire case together. And the book is phenomenal. The elicit, the Russia Russia hoax, the elicits came to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. And why do I think and people write me that they worried and concerned that even though the evidence is overwhelming in contract vertible, all of this is true. We now got validation of what we've been reporting for almost a year as it relates to the FISA memo, and they're concerned that nobody's gonna be held accountable. How do we ensure that those people that did these, if you will, dastardly deeds and abused power that we give them and tried to literally set up a president, than a candidate, then a president elect, and now a sitting president and destroy his campaign, steal an election, and then undermine them after they lost, or to say it another way, with their insurance policy. To answer your question, because our government has become corrupt and disfunctional by people who possessed the arrogance of power and think they can do anything they want. The government is only as good as the people who run it. And yes, we all have our human frailties, but our system of government has an imperfection um which you know you can't get around. It's run by people, and people now and again abuse their power. And I agree with your listeners that, um, I'm skeptical that these people will ever be held accountable and brought to justice because look who is running the Department of Justice. Uh, these are people, you know, the word justice is anathema to them, Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein. Sessions is sort of a pretend Attorney general. You know, I think he's in a back room somewhere playing with legos. Uh. The guy who's really running it is Rod Rosenstein, who is demonstrated time and again he is not to be trusted. What does it mean that he signed the last FISA warrant again based on the phony bought and paid for dass. They misled the court by not directly saying this is a political document, they vouch for its authenticity and truth, when in fact it was based on what is now debunked lies, political lies put together and he put his name to it, and he said there should be consequences for people to do that. It means that this will be concealed, covered up. The American public will be deceived because one of the principal players in this nightmare cesspool drama is Rob Rosenstein. You know, this is a man who should have accused himself. Um the moment he appointed the special Counsel Robert Mueller, because you cannot be a prosecutor and investigator and a key witness all ruled into one. It's prohibited by the rules of professional conduct and Department of Justice regulations. He has defied them with impunity. All Right, we've been waiting for this day. It's the Russia Hoax, the illicits game to clear Hillary Clinton framed Donald Trump. It is to day, the number one book in the country on Amazon dot com. You can also get it in bookstores all around the country Hannity dot com. It's in Costco, Costcos and Target and Kmart and Walmart and bookstores everywhere. Right, finally the day is here, Greg Jarrett's definitive book on all of this deep state corruption and mess that has consumed the country. Although the media ignores it. Uh, this book is a a well documented, well researched literally chapter and verse on everything you need to know. It's called the Russia Hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and framed Donald Trump. Um, I watched you do this because your office is literally two doors from my office, and I'd watch you. You'd be there early in the morning, you'd be there late at night, and you're just pounding away on your computer. Um, it's your first book. It is in my last. No, I told you it was hard. I would watch grueling and most people have some assistance on my books. I had editors, I had people help me. You didn't have anybody help you. Now. I wrote every single word of it, including all seven footnotes. Now, I mean. And it was part of it was can I really do this? And in the beginning I wasn't sure I could. And as I said, I said, you gotta hate yourself getting into it. You kept telling me keep it, keep your head down, focused, you know. And so seven hours a day, seven days a week, for you know, the better part of five months. This is something that I think you learned to like on a lot of days. Like I've watched Mark Levin, he writes all his books. David Limbaugh watched writes all his books, and I've been to their homes. In the process of it. One room in a house will be consumed. Your entire office was consumed with papers and piles and research and um. But it really is an important book, yes, And and the more I got into it and the more I just covered, which which is why readers of this book will discover a whole lot they never knew. We became incensed, and then I became angry, and to borrow your word a few minutes ago, apoplectic. Uh. You know, it was an outrageous abuse of power by people we are supposed to trust to act in our best interests, America's best interests, in fairness and injustice, and they totally abused it. You know the facts, and I learned a lot, So much I've learned that I've forgotten. But I gotta role. Greg Jerich, good to see you when we come back. Jim Jordan, Freedom Caucus member of Ohio. He's apoplectic and he'll explain why. Next. Was this dossier, this creditor dossier paid for by DNC and Clinton campaign money. Was this dossier in fact used? Was it part of what was taken to the Visor Court to allow spuying to take place on Americans who were associated with the Trump campaign? If in fact that's a place that is as wrong as it should be, we want to know that, and that's why we've asked for the application to be made public. And as I said, we'll be questioning Mr Gray about this in a host of other issues tomorrow. Peter Struck is selected to be on Muller's team after all this history, put on Mueller's team, and then he's removed for some pro Clinton text messages. I mean, there are all kinds of people on Muller's team who are pro Clinton. There's been all kinds of story. PolitiFact reported of the top lawyers UH contributions went to Clinton or Obama. But Peter Struck, the guy who ran the Clinton investigation, interviewed Mills Abdeen, interviewed Secretary Clinton, changed gross negligen, said crime to the term extreme carelessness, who ran the Russian investigation, who interviewed Mike Flynn, gets put on Muller's team, and then he gets kicked off for a text message that's anti Trump. If you kicked everybody off Muller's team who was anti Trump, I don't think there'd be anybody left. So here here, there's got to be something more here. It can't just be some text messages that show a pro Clinton anti Trump bias. There's got to be something more, and I'm trying to figure out what it is. But my hunches is it has something to do with the dossier director did Peter Struck helped produce and present the application to the FISA court to secure a warrant to spy on Americans associated with the Trump campaign Congress, and I'm not prepared to discuss anything about a FISA process and this we're not talking about what happened in the court. We're talking about what the FBI took to the court, the application. Did Peter Struck was he involved in taking that to the court. I'm not going to discuss in this setting anything to do with the FISA court applications, all right, that goes back. That was Jim Jordan's excuse me, that was Jim Jordan's grilling Christopher Ray, the now FBI director, saying, you can't answer a Struck in fact, use the dossier to get the FIES application a spy on Trump. And with the although heavily were dacted, we now know the dossier was the FIES application. It was it in total, and that what Newness was saying in his memo, and of course the grassly grand memo about you know, literally the bulk of the application was this bought and paid for Russian dossier. And on top of that, we have people in the government worried about their credentials. People like John Brennan, who is leaking to Harry Reid so that they can propagandaize and lie to you, the people in the lead up to an American election, to to literally manipulate your minds with lies, just like Pravda the Soviet Union. Anyway, Freedom Caucus member. I hope he becomes Speaker of the House. He's Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. You want to know why they've been going after him because he's good at what he does. How are you, sir? I'm doing fine, Sean John. What's funny is that that conversation that that hearing with uh FBI Director Ray was last December. We've been right on this issue sit for for eight months now. You've been right on this. We've been right on this, this idea that the dossier was the key. We found out over the weekend that in fact we were right. That dossier is what they led with. It defies the court. It was incredible, It wasn't validated, wasn't corroborated. They lad with it. They didn't tell the court who paid for They didn't tell the court that the guy who wrote it had been out leaking information. You and I go to court we gotta tell the truth, the whole tooth, nothing but the truth. The FBI stually have to do the same darn thing. And they did it. And we saw this coming eight months ago, and we were and Devin Noonda is, as you pointed out, Sean was was vindicated as well, Uh the memo he put out seven months ago in January of this year. Well, the point is what happens now because we you know, I never understood if you take the whole thing. I mean, our buddy Greg Jarrett, his book is out today, and I think the title of a book pretty much capture captures everything, the Russia, Russian hoax, the illicit scheme that clear Hillary Clinton framed Donald Trump. And this is what we know happen. We know it's irrefutable. The evidence is incontrovertible. It is overwhelming in terms of her violating the Espionage Act, committing multiple felonies. And if there ever was a case for obstruction of justice, well, I think when you delete subpoena emails and you acid washed the hard drives with bleach bit, and you break up the devices because they may have some of the emails on them as well, that substruction of justice They literally bent over backwards to make sure that their favored candidate doesn't get indicted. And then they turned the power of the state onto Donald Trump, even going as far as to you to lie to AFS a court. Now, you've got to tell me laws are broken here, because if if this is allowed to stand and these people don't pay the price, Congressman, we've lost all constitutional uh safeties and provisions in this country. Yeah. No, I mean this was key. And who were the key players. Who were the key players in the Clinton investigation and the Russian investigation. FBI Director James Comey, who has been fired. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe fired lie three times under oath according to the Inspector General faces a criminal referral. Chiefest to have Jim Ribicki has left the FBI General Council. Jim Baker was demoted and then left the FBI. FBI Council Lisa Page was demoted and left the FBI, and Deputy Director of counter Intelligence Peter Struck was demoted, had his clearers taken away for a while and is still at the ft. Those were the key players, Those are the key players. And when does somebody get held an investigation, when does somebody get held reliable and responsible for crimes committed committed because this is all in an effort to steal a presidential election and undermine a duly elected president. At some point, somebody's got to be you know. I mean, if we're gonna go back to two thousand and five and we're gonna put Paul Manafort in jail for twenty three hours a day over a tax issue for two thousand and five um and he sent to jail spending twenty three hours a day in in a in a private cell. Uh, and he wasn't convicted yet of anything. Do we certainly need to get to the bottom of who's lying to judges and who rigged an investigation to cover up crimes and use the power and the authority of the Department of Justice and the FBI to do it. Yeah, No, you're you're exactly right as you know, Sean. No, we can't put anyone in jail in the Congress. All we can do is ask the questions, try to get the document, in spite of the stonewalling we get from the Department of Justice, try to get the information, to get answers for the American people. It's why we have called for a second special counsel. I don't like him, never have liked him, but I see no other remedy. We called for it a year ago this month I did. I did too. We called for it. You called forward as well, because how does the FBI investigate themselves? How does the d o J investigate themselfs remember what we also learned two weeks ago, and the President himself appoint of special counsel. The President could release all the information and tell the d o J to give us everything. Why why doesn't he do that? Everybody you think he should do it? I think so, Sarah Carter thinks so, Greg Jared thinks so, everybody that I don't think so, Why isn't he doing it? I assume as people around him telling him not to. I don't know for sure. I know we've we've sent a letter from Mr desan As, Mr Meadows and myself probably six weeks ago, saying we should we should get all this release. We've learned that there's information just from the deposition we have taken, deposition we took of of Lisa Page a week ago. We've learned there's information that we don't believe they've given us based on what she told us in that deposition, and we're gonna ask him again tomorrow. We're gonna meet with some of these folks from the Department of Justice tomorrow and we're gonna say, where is this information that was pointed out in this transcript. I'm not allowed to get to the end of the details until that transcript is public, but we know based on what she said, we think there's no way they've given us all the information that we're entitled to have to get the answers that that the American people want us to get. So it is even worse. Two weeks ago we learned for the first time the FBI admitted that bruce Or gave parts of the dossier. H of the FBI, Bruce Or top official? What the Justice Department? What about? How does John Brennan get to as the CIA director to spread unverified, uncorroborated lives. How do you go not once, but four times you haven't verified a thing in that dossier? And then interrogatory I've said there's many times Steele himself says it is he not verified, maybe fifty fifty he calls raw intelligence, And how is it possible. Rod Rosenstein said famously in May that, well, you those people, we put our name to it. We we we stand by it. Okay, he signed the last FISA warrant. Why is he still in his position currently? He signed off on a bunch of lies to investigate an opposition party candidate. And if and if you remember when he was questioned about whether he read the applications the third renewal that he signed, he never did give his clear answer whether he read it or not. He just went to his long elaborate thing about how critical this is, how they check it all out. Well, they didn't really check out the It's dossier, according to Christopher Steel, and according to Andy McCabe. He said, Andy McCabe has said that the dossier wasn't substantiated before it was taken to defies the court as well. So I couldn't agree more. We're gonna keep digging, and frankly you said before everythinking options on the table, Mr Rosenstein is not going to give us the information. Congress does have some ability to go after people who aren't doing what they need to do, so we can do our constitutional duty, and that includes contempt and impeach me let me ask you a different question on a different subject. I have said I'm holding off endorsing anybody for speaker, because if you announced you're gonna run for speaker, I would like to see you be the next Speaker of the House. I'm kind of tired of the fact that, you know, Republicans, I mean, even on this to shore particularly weak. Um. You know, in many ways, the only reason Republicans would ever see any type of blue wave this November is because a lot of these guys never kept their promises. But the Freedom Caucus has been in the forefront of keeping promises. Um, are you thinking about it? I sure am, And I tell who else has kept a word, and that's the President nited Stage. We tweeted this out the other day, Seawan, and you know this, lower taxes, reduced regulations, economy growing, unemployment at its lowest corsage on the court Capitol on deck, I ran, deal is finished. We're out of that deal. Empathies in Jerusalem and the hostages come home from North Korea. By the way, you say all of this faster than I do, and I think I speak pretty fast. Good for you. You should be in this chair, um, and I should no, no, no one could take your place. But thinking and James Comey says, vote Democrat. Are you kidding me? In light of what by anyone? Let me ask you about that. Stay right there and half amazing. Jim Jordan is with us Freedom Caucus member thinking about running for speaker. Will continue on the other side with him eight nine for one. Shawn is a toll free telephone number. Sarah Carter joins us at the top of the hour. We got a great Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on Fox. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back, We'll continue. It's the Sean Hannity Show. And as they continued, Congressman Jim Jordans of Ohio Congressman um also a member of the Freedom Call because I guess you were the chairman and then I guess you got dethroned by Meadows. What happened there? He better be so quick to jump in your grave. I mean, yeah, you serve too. You serve one Congress and then you you you allow someone else. And Market has been a tremendous chairman, and of course he's probably my best friend here and in Washington. Is a great guy, and I think doing a good job leading our group. I gotta be honest, and I say this publicly all the time. I am tired of Republicans being weak, spineless, feckless, visionless, and I really blame them more than I blame the Democrats. Now, this election is really about a Democratic party that hates Trump. They want to impeach him. This is their agenda. They want open borders. Look at how they want to abolish Ice. They want to keep Obamacare, they want their crumbs back. And they also don't want the President to make any Supreme Court nominations, even though that is his constitutional authority and duty. But they don't they I don't think I have not heard one positive thing that they're offering the American people, not one, No. I mean, they're completely out of touch with with where the American people are. Uh, particularly I think voters across the Midwest, who you know, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, who all put President Trump in the White House, who understand that his vision, what he wants to do on border security, what what he wants to do on reducing taxes, reducing regulations are economy can grow. We're hitting four percent growth, sha FOC growth. We didn't even come close to that. Wait a minute, did you see did you see Barclays yesterday adjusted their second quarter g d P prediction to uh five point three percent. I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but we'll get the GDP numbers on Friday. I mean, by all accounts, it looks like we're gonna at least be at four percent, which is record breaking. Of course, it's this is reagan S type numbers, and and the type of leadership I think we're getting from the President is Reaganesque as well. So this is this is what is I think going to help the Republicans this election. We just got to focus on continuing to do what we told the American people we were gonna do. If we do that, the Democrats and all their crazy ideas I think speak for themselves and we'll we just find in November. Yeah. Last question, um, do you think that there are some people I'm worried about. What do you say to people who's congressman is a Rhino and they might be hesitant to either stay home? How important is this that the Republicans keep control of the House because the Democrats want to impeach them. No, it's critical and you said it. They will if they take over the House, they will move to impeach President Trump in spite of all the great things that have happened to year and have they will definitely do that. That's why it's critical we hold onto So in other words, you and I are saying the same thing. Even though you have a rhino weak Republican you gotta suck it up. Yeah, you gotta vote Republican because let me look with the Democrats, like you said, they want to abolish ice Democrats socialists, is now that the the key part of their their their coalition, their party. I mean, this is scary. So, yeah, you have to vote Republican. We need Republicans keep the majority so that we can keep President Trump in the office. Uh. And there's not an impeachment process that unfold, all right, Jim Jordan's uh, congressman from the great state of Ohio. And by the way, I'm sorry you went through that smear campaign and I knew it was alive from day one, and um, but you know what they do it to anybody that supports the president. It was just your turn, you know. Well. And by the way, congratulations, I heard your son got married. Congratulations, Yeah he did, thank you, Thank you. He probably married up like his father. That's what I'm guessing. All right, Congressman, appreciate it. Thank you. Eight nine one sewn to free telephone number. Next our final news round up and Information Overload hour. Who are apparently now on a list according to the White House as of two minutes ago, they would like to provoke your security clearance. How do you feel about that? Well, Uh, interesting news. I'm reading it, uh and learning about it just as you are. I think it's, uh, off the top of my head, it's kind of a sad commentary where for political reasons, Uh, this is a kind of a way of retribution I suppose for speaking out against uh the president, which I think of on the part of all of us, are born out of genuine concerns about Do you think this is entirely political, that this is retaliation from the White House? How would you characterize this move? Well, I don't know how you characterize in any other way, since, uh, to my knowledge, I have not been presented with any allegation of violation any rules involving protection of class fied information. And so this is you know, this is the first heard from it for all of us. This is is for you, what is the process even in revoking one security clearance you just walked me through. Well, uh, typically there would be a formal notification, uh not by this means that clearance is being suspended for example, Uh, you're under investing agation because of allegation of uh something that h would merit a replication or at least suspension. So there are there is a formal process for doing this. But you know, I guess legally the president has has that progative. He can and suspended Rideau Clarences as as as he fits, as he hes fit, and if he chooses to do it for uh political reasons, well that's uh. I think it's a terrible president and it's a very sad, conentary and as an abusive the system. That was James Clapper Um who along with John Brennan a two of the single worst people out there as it relates to we we know now for a fact that Harry Reid was fed the phony dossier in August the six Team by Brennan. You know, our CIA is not supposed to act like the KGB and spreading Russian disinformation anyway, here to discuss all of this. She played such a big part in breaking so many of these stories from day one, and we've been right now for over a year, as now confirmed on this late night Saturday Night document dump. UH Sarah Carter, investigative reporter Fox UH News contributors with us also David Shone civil Liberties Attorney, Criminal Rights the attorney, another guy that has been incredible in terms of his impeccable research and analysis on this stuff. UH. Sarah will start with you. You really, if you work for the mainstream media, you would be getting a pullet surprise. I'm sure that's not gonna happen, um, kind of like you know, but the people appreciated of this country because you are able to literally unveil what is the biggest corruption and abuse of power scandal in our country's history. Now, the question is who's going to be held accountable for all this? That's the big question, Sean. I mean, I think the most important thing, UH, for me and for other journalists who are covering when I considered to be probably one of the biggest stories in modern American politics that we've ever seen, UH, is to continue reporting on the facts and continue to report on the truths. I mean, this isn't about and I appreciate you saying that about the soul of Surprize and and on all these awards. This is about getting the truth out to the American people and exposing what we have uncovered to be extensive corruption from the Obama administration all the way into the Trump administration and against the president. And you know, it's so stunning to me that James Clapper, John Brennan, whose former head of the c i A, you know, would even be shocked that the president would want to revoke their clearances. I mean, all you have to do is look back at one of the last Twitter tweets that Brennan put out on Donald Trump. He basically calls the president treason is he said, his performance and he'll think he rises and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and missed to me nerds. He also called him in basilic. Uh, here's a man who has access to finish raw intelligence, you know, and has uh definitely as a notable person across the globe. I mean, people know who Brennan is, and he is working against this administration. Why should this administration allow someone who is basically bordering sedition against the president of the United States to have access to intelligence. And not only that he's working for you know, he's working as a UH for MSNBC as a pendent, and Clappers working for then n and Clapper, on the other hand, was the same person who was outed in the House Intelligence Committees Russia Report for leaking information to CNN about about the briefing that was held to both President uh then President elect Trump and President Obama about Adobi that was unverified installations, and he held that he leaked that information and held that briefly specifically if you look at the evidence so that it would be leaked to the media. These guys should have, based on everyone I have spoken to, even former officials within the intelligence community, should have their clearance as revoked. It's pretty unbelievable. As an attorney, David shown what laws are violated if you lie to a FISA court, What laws are violated if you put the fix in for an investigation UH to a favorite friend or candidate UH. At what point are law is going to be followed here? And are people going to pay the real consequences? Because if I did any of the things that Hillary Clinton did, or anybody listening to this program did any of the things she did, we'd be in jail. If I did any such thing and lie on such a monumental level to get a warrant on another American citizen to impact the presidential election, I would be in jail. And as great an attorney as you are, I don't think you could get me out of that jail. Well, listen, uh. First of all, as you know well know, these applications are submitted uh as sworn applications, so there's certainly perjury. But and you know the lies are important, the omissions might be just as important. And by the way, besides all of the laws being broken, the specific rules of the fives the Court. Will thirteen requires the government immediately to advise the Court in writing if it's aware of any misstatement or omission in any application, So by the time we get up to the fourth renewal, they certainly know about the misstatens the omissions. And secondly, Will thirteen specifically requires the government to advise the Court immediately in writing if any of its orders or authority are being implemented in a way not in compliance with what the Court authorized. So all kinds. And again, the process is so scary because it's ex party and the greatest intrusion. As you may know, The Wall Street Journal today has an article calling for the abolishment of the fives the court. Um, if I can, I just want to piggyback on something Sarah Carter said earlier, brilliant as always. Um, she's exactly right. And the idea that Clapper says it's an abuse of the system for the president's script to security clearance process is nonsense. It's a use of the system and the appropriate use. Forget it. Put politics aside. These two were incompetent. No other administration would hire them for these positions. Remember, Clapper is the one who removed Iran and his Bola from the terror threat list, and Brennan is the one who tried to put us in bed with his Bala, saying they were the moderates in the Middle East. They were incompetent, and now they're speaking terms of treason and all that. They politicized the process and put Susan Rice in that category. Also, we don't want people like this walking around with security clearance type information. That's it, and it's the president's prerogative nobody used executive authority to a greater extent than President Obama. In modern times, president Trump has this authority. Um, it's his, it's his prerogative. That's a proper use of the system, you know. I I got to be honest. I mean I actually found then old political article that actually and it was from thirteen where the White House of then Obama was seeking to scrub the clearance list, in other words, ordering a government wide reassessment of I mean, this is pretty phenomenal actually when you think about it, government wide reassessment of how almost five million Americans have been granted classified information and security clearances and whether each person currently approved to see sensitive national security secrets has a need for any access. That's a pretty you know, interesting discovery because that's what they're telling about Donald Trump. But how does John Brennan or James Comey or Jim Clapper, who have said the most outrageous thing. In the case of Brennan, Sarah, didn't he hand off information from the doscier to Harry Reid? Isn't that and it wasn't verified and he's the CIA director at the time. Absolutely, I mean, those are the allegations now circulating in washing Ington and evidence that we've been able to see ourselves and gather from sources. I mean, this is about a person that was actively working to unseek and it is actively working currently to unsee the president of the United States. These are people that I mean when you call President Trump treason is treason is a crime that is punishable by deaths. But but but I want you to focus on this. The CIA directors acting like he's the KGB. He's handing literally Russian lies over to the opposition so that they can spread disinformation and affect an election. That is not what our CIA is supposed to be used for. That is an abuse of power. But on top of that, then we've got the legal side of all of this, lying to fights the court judges. Then we've got the you know, illegal, illegal activities of Hillary. Then you've got people using their power who literally put the fix in so she would get considerations that no American would get. At what point are people that broke the law in all of this being held accountable? Well, I said last night, Jeff Sessions, your country needs you. Where are you? Where is Jeff Sessions in all of this? Speaking of school kids today, student and they started chanting, lock her up there smarter than him. Well, I mean, because he's not doing his job. And I've always liked Jeff Sessions, I really have. He's a you know, I always thought he was a good man. He seems paralyzed in his office, incapable of holding these people accountable. If somebody lies to advise a judge purposefully and the law demands it's verified, and they don't do follow the law, and they then used the courts to get warrants to spy on American citizens. Well, where is the with amend and protection of everybody involved here, and with all due respect, you have the fox starting the Chicken Cooper the Henhouse, ben Rod rosenstun as we know now on equivocally that he signed off on renewal applications. And listen, by the way, you know, part of the thing besides us the direct lives and the omissions. That's a problem here because there's no third party. Uh, there's no advocacy system here testing these warrant applications. They make claims in the applications the steel or whoever was credible and reliable in the past, but there's no demonstration of examples to show that reliable at least that we've seen reliability or credibility on the past occasions. There's there are representations made to the court that we now know, of course are not true. Um, And the court relied on those things. So where's the correction, um, since we now know that these things aren't true and that other things were omitted. You can cite to this footnote that the Democratic members of certain committees seemed to be citing to now to say, well, it was really disclosed. But even if you read the footnotes, full information wasn't disclosed, and it was colored, and the true color and tone of what was really going on was not revealed in that footnote. We'll take a break more with Sarah Carter more with David Shown. They both have literally put their next on the line, breaking this story day by day and pointing out everything that we now have had confirmed and and literally every single detail we've been reporting you is true. Sad state of affairs for this country. If we don't get it fixed, I'm telling you, the consequences are going to be severe. My mother used to always say, you'll rule the day, and I used to route a lot of days. She was right right as we continue with Sarah Carter and David Shown. All right, so what is the next step here? We've all been saying that the President Sarah needs to go out and unredact this information and demand that the d o J hand over everything. There seems to be a reluctance among the President's attorneys to do that. Why. I'd like to know the same question. I think there's any harm in getting this information out. I think it bidally organized. Think that maybe they want to keep the president at a distance from the investigations taking place on Capitol Hill. Maybe they're hoping that that will work. I mean, look, from the very beginning with the President decided to move forward with declassification of of the documents for the House Intelligence Committee, I think that opened the door. I know Tompson and with Judicial Watch was very good about pointing this out. It opened the door for them to take all of this to the court in order to get the face of documents that we saw this weekend which were highly redacted. Of course, that they were able to get their hands on those documents regarding Carter Page and so I think at this point in time, the only thing left is to get the full truth out to the American public. This back and forth does nothing good but harm the country. It harms our ability to move forward as one nation. We are so divided right now. The most important thing, regardless of what that truth is, is to get the truth out. And the only way the American people are going to find some rest from this is to understand what that truth did. And that truth is in those documents. It's in the document that they've been withholding, the d J has been fighting so deliberately hard to not turnover. It's in the FIFA document that has not that are still reacted, that the President needs to declassify. And the only person that can do this right now, Sean is President Trump. He has the authority to do that. We know that those documents are going to reveal a lot. Some of the members of Congress have already had an opportunity to see them, but they really need those nineteen pages to go public. All right, We're gonna have to let it go there. Thank you both for their great work you've done, Sarah Carter, You've been amazing. Uh And we have a lot more ground to cover. We're only at about seventent of what's coming. I mean, this is this is going to get even bigger and there are going to be people going to jail. And I will devote every hour of my life to make sure there's justice in this case because it is destroying the country. Are constitutional republic. It's shredding the rule of law. There's no equal application under the law, and if we don't fix it, that means we're we're no better than Venezuela or the former Soviet Union. All right, when we come back, Wide open telephones. That's next on the Sean Hannity Show, now till the top of the hour. Toll free our numbers eight nine one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the programs. And my daughter I wanted to come to work with me today and I'm actually shocked because when's the last time you've got you very occasionally? Why are you laughing? Is this so funny? And then it just so happens one of our best friends, uh, all her life, happened to be here. So she came in and she brought one of our best friends. I'm not gonna give anybody's names out here, but now you guys are in college now right, yeah, and you know my daughter, well this is not my daughter who's being quiet over here? Is it? And she's really funny and outspoken, right, yeah, when you talk to her at home at home, and she when she's when I'm not there, she's even funnier, Yes, how much more funny. So she always makes fun of you. So okay, mkay, you gotta talk, So say hi to everybody. Let's start with that. You make fun of your father, you do sometimes? And what do you make fun of your father? Amount that's funny. I don't know. A bunch of stuff, A bunch of stuff like the radio, all right, And when Obama was president used to do this little riff about me, you know, Oh, you don't want to do that one. Or when I got a couple of times I got pulled over by the cops, you make fun of that too. No, this is radio, your hands moving, nobody can see them. You actually have to talk into the microphone else it's dead air talk. You have to talk. So when she was little, I'll tell I'll tell your best friends here. She was a little and you know, she would come into the studio occasionally. Um I had a studio very close to my home, so she would stop buying the way from school. She'd say hello and anyway, so I'd say how are you? She go good? How is school good? What did you learn? Nothing? Who did you talk to? Nobody? And it was the same answer. And her brother would do the same thing. And I'm like, it's impossible. Why don't kids want to say what their day was? Like? How was your school year this year? It was fine? Yeah, unbelievable. And you go to an ivy League school. Yeah, it's hard. With all due respect, I can't tell. I'd give away the school. They make it really easy. They make it easier, but it's still super hard. Well, you're taking a heavy loader. You want to be a doctor? You thing right? Yes, I hope hopefully all right? And your friend you want to be a physical therapist. Wow, And I'm asking my daughter what would you like to be when you get bigger? Yet? You know? All right? But she is two years You didn't know what that age? So what is life like with your father at home? It's okay? Do you even really know what I do for a living? Kinda kinda? So omkay, listen, this is a moment, all right. It's a very rare moment that you're having right now. Your father is giving you an open microphone to tell America America what he's really like, and you're saying, it's okay, I don't understand what's happening. This is your moment. Use it. Tell him the truth. Tell him how much salt he uses on his food? Inappropriate the salt. There you go, he gain that on to your child. Be guilty. She got that from a mother. No, I'm the salt addict. You are a salt. She's worse than me, but she doesn't have to take hild Okay, do you think that your father is competitive? How competitive? Do you think he is? Very? What's he like on the tennis court? Is a sideline? Is he a helicopter parent? Yeah? What's he like? Is he like mka Darling swing the record. That's a good job. Now what's he like? Tell us what he's like? Tell him super intense. I'm like no, because she's like, you know, off in la la la, and I'm like focus, you know, she know she's playing a match against like some really good players. She's a good players, tennis players. They're all tennis players. And then I'm just literally sitting there and then she's doing great, and then she just disappears for four games. It's like it's like an invasion of the body snatchers, and she just decides, Oh, I got this in the bag. I'll just rest now. So m K tell me. Have you ever thought about being a radio host? I mean, because you're doing really good right now. I mean, I can't get a word in edgewise. I'll tell you it's it's overpowering. Never have you thought of anything you really want to do? Um? No? But why do you you like fashion a lot? For some reason? Maybe when I was younger I did. Yeah, Dad, that's not we're into anymore. Okay, pay attention in tennis? Well me to jack her phone and starts buying for ci All. No, he has done that. It's my phone, in my name. I own it and I can do what I want with me. Okay, just for that, m K, you need to start sending some really inappropriate watching. I'll tell you what to say. Don't worry, I'll give you all the text before you leave today. All right? But who's the guy that gives you everything you want? Do I ever say? No? Anything you want for the most part, but sometimes like what if? What if? No dating? No makeup? Were piercing. I had to force her to get her ears pierced like she was fourteen. And now I want my second one, and that's not happening. Why not? And she's not getting she's not getting a second ear piers nor what happens if you ever got a tattoo? What did I tell you? I do? It's illegal. It's illegal. I said I would acid in the henity house. I have a laser. My dad said, he he'll cut the limb off. He's got more. It's then, are you going to be a doctor. You can put it back on the exactly you can reattach it um, but none of you want tattoos to you know. Oh that's right, ask him on a national radiotos um. Alright. So so for the most part, I give you everything you want, and I have a couple of rules. My rules are not that difficult if you're gonna be very blunt here, right, No drugs, no drinking, no boys. And then the golden rule, which is the love God and your neighbor as yourself. How many times have you heard me said those four rules? Like a million times. I don't think those drugs are onerous in any ways, An impersonation of your dad. All right, go ahead, I hear you do a very good impersonation, act like you're opening the show. Like it's three o'clock and you're opening the show. Go ahead, Now you're not gonna do it. Why is it that you're such a different person behind the scenes and then all of a sudden as microphone goes on and you just get quiet because that's not I mean in person, Like when she walks in here, Hilanda, Hi, that's not the girl. I know. It's like once she opens up Courtney, back me up here. Yes, she of control. She never shuts up, so funny, and she's gonna leave here and she's probably gonna make a thousand jokes about how awful I am. The first time I met her, she never spoke I know, right, and now she can't stop talking. That's true. So mka, why is are you shy at first? And then you need to get to know somebody? Yeah? Do you want me to introduce you to the mic microphone? That's okay, okay, that's the microphone. Microphone has been with us for many years. He's lovely. I think you could talk to him just fine. I think she does just fine, all right. So the only big question now we have at home is, you know, soon one of these you know, many months away, she's going to get a license. She wants to get a license. Oh God help us, all I know. And then she and I'm like, well, what kind of car do you want? And she starts mentioning every expensive car, and I'm like, I'm just gonna get her a used piece of junk. But to start and You're saying, well, Dad, all my friends parents are getting them new cars. Did you get a new car? Did you get my dad's car? You got your dad's car. I'll give you my car. I'll give you the escalator. It's too big, it's too big. You don't want that car. You'd be embarrassed. No, it's just it's harder to dry, isn't it true? At this age you're kind of embarrassed to like be seen with me now a little, just that you can say it sometimes sometimes what do I do that so embarrassing? Um? The other day we're in the um nail salon and you um hired four people to do And then the reason is because I've taken you to the nail salon a lot, right, Okay, it takes two breaking hours in the nail salont So if I hire four people, I get it done in a half hour. That's embarrassing. That's embarrassing to you, is it? There's too enough? Can I get like one to do the feet? Want to do the hands? Is that too Benny? I mean one's fine, one's fine. Um what else do I do? That's embarrassing? You talk on the phone really loud, like you screamed at people on the You mean like I'm on radio, you come in. You know why he does that? Right? Why? Because he's deaf. You can't hear anything. By the way, you know who I can't hear the most is herr? Well yeah she whispers. Oh yeah, no not no, I hear beyond a whisper, trust me, there's a but like she'll be talking out the out the window We're driving in the car and I'm like, no, point your voice in my direction. Right. We were having a group conversation when we were in Europe and there were a lot of protests and no one could hear anything. So we're in this group and Shawn's like, okay, now tell me what you guys want to do, and everybody's talking to us, Okay, could the person talking just stand directly next to me because I can't hear any of yours? Like this is mortifying, boss. I'm like, oh my god, so really bad. She's trying to get me to get hearing aids and I'm not gonna do it. It's a very good well mka if I put you have you heard how loud my headphones are? Yeah? Pretty loud? Right? All right, dude, do I do any? Am? I not a nice dad? I mean, you put your portray me to be a horrible person. I just think it's normal when you become your age later in team life, didn't you kind of want your independence and you don't want your dad around anymore? True? Or false? Girls? Maybe maybe true? Really well, she seems to not want her dad around so much. No, no, no, she's nice to me, like in private, but then when her friends come around, it's like, oh no, he's gonna talk and talk and talk to my friends, and I just that, what are you thinking of going to college? How's you doing? How school? You know? And then if I you've been on one of my shopping spreeze, right, so I take I take MK gets to take her friends and we go to Let's have MK tell the story. MKA, what's it like to go on a shopping tops Um? He takes us to them all and he gives us fifteen minutes to get whatever we want. Is it with you with the time? Haven't you heard her of quality time for people for nails, fifteen minutes for shopping, which we wrong with you? But then we spend a lot of time eating. I mean, I'll sit in a restaurant because I can at least have a course over women we don't eat. Okay, think you and your friends get to pick one store and I'll take you to that store. You have fifteen minutes, No I need like an hour. Hang on, you can get anything you want, and I'm gonna pay for at all. How do I know what I want only in fifteen minutes? I got to look at one shot. I didn't remember the day we went to Target, than you just well, your sister Rachel literally filled a basket entertainment. And then she said that because you didn't want it, because I don't like to sit in the store and go shopping all day. No guy wants to go shopping all day. But we make sacrifice. But make your children but I make it fun by saying you can get anything you want. You just got fifteen minutes to do it, now, k Is it fun? Yeah, it's fun. And don't and you bought, you bought expensive items sometimes and I even bat an eyelash from Target. Well you've gone to the last time. I think you and Sophie went to the pink store, remember that. And she's smart, She's like floating up the cart. All her friends are loading up the cart. MK is looking this is fit. I'm like, who cares if it fits? Put it in the basket. What is she gonna do with it? If it doesn't fit? Throw it out? What am I gonna do? This is not No, you do not know guy ethan bagman up here and wants to go to the mall. No, guy wants to go shopping and watch you pick, not about what you watch my daughter pick up every single item in the store and ponder whether or not she needs this. That's why they have the massage chairs in the mall for the men. No, they don't have them with the mall we went to on Saturday. So this Saturday, this thing about what we did. We went many Eddie and then we went to the salon. The salon was four hours, little pieces of tinfoil, one after another after my friend and then then we went to the shopping mall. And this time I put no time limit on it, did I? That was the first time? Nope. And I just sat outside of every store. She'd come out and said, can I borrow you a credit card? And I said sure, here and then she'd buy something and I'd go to the next door and I said, Okay, what's your favorite store? Um? Probably um Urban Outfitters. Okay, so let's make an on air deal Urban Outfitters. Urban Outfitters. Is it's something else that's like Hollister, Lulu Lemon? Yeah, I like whatever that is, yoga stuffed duh, yoga stuffed duk so Lulu Lemon or Urban Outfitters? Which one? Um? Urban Outfitterers. Okay, so Urban Outfitters. You're gonna make an on air deal with your dad that the next time you go out, he has to spend one hour in urb Wait a minute, stop for a second. I spent an hour and a half on Saturday night at the mall with her, and did say the mall, I said, one store that she can peruse and look at things and try them on, and you will do it with her. I did it. Okay, wouldn't that be nice? Do rather do that or go car shopping? Both? Okay? I will do both and be a good father. You heard in America one hour in urban Outfitters with his give the date and time so every psychotic liberal in the country can show up. I would never do that. But you know it's like Linda, we have broadcasting in Singapore. We're in room four two. First of all, I did not say the room. All right, kids, I hope you had fun. Now radio stars, you know what's the worst thing? You're gonna leave here? And she's gonna go yeah, but not shut up? All right? Love you all all right? Am I good dad? Yes? All right? Well you're the best daughter ever and I love you so much. Okay, alright, that's gonna wrap things up today. Al Right. Devin Newness, he's on Hannity tonight. The man at the center of these lying Russian dossier Lawrence Carter Page also Greg Jarrett with his new book Mark Penn The Democrat that Agrees with Us, Sarah Carter, Kimberly Strassel, Dan Bongino, and Sebastian Gorka, I can't do better, and an opening monologue you don't want to miss ninetiestern Tonight, Hannity, Fox News, hope you'll join us. We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow

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