Liz Novak, was a Sacramento salon owner who had to move her salon because of the homelessness and drug abuse that Governor Gavin Newsom has allowed to run rampant. Since Newsom has changed the laws, and police are unable to arrest or deal with the vagrancy, Novak took to social media and videotaped her complaints to her obscenely liberal Governor.
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All right, glad you with us. Happy Friday, and right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this Extravaganza's eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to join us. You know, Linda, I'm really looking forward to Elizabeth Novak on the program today. Um, great idea, great booking. It was your ideas, It's Jason's idea. Jason brought it to me earlier in the week and he said, hey, have you seen this, got it to you, you brought it to Welcome. Yeah, welcome exactly exactly. We have our own language here on the Sean Hannity Show, tiptom us. All right, so because this just fits, you know, we've been spending a lot of time focusing on, you know, the selective moral outrage of liberals. Look look at the El Paso shooting hours later the Dayton shooting, and all the media wants to focus in on is the El Paso shooting because they can bludgeon Trump, or so they think with that, and based on their logic, then Elizabeth Warren would be responsible for Dayton because it was Elizabeth Warren supporter and Steve Schale shooting. Well, that would be a Bernie Sanders supporter, so he's responsible. Just they never it is just so obviously fake and phony, and it's on every issue. They don't care about Russian interference unless they can bludge in Trump, because there's no bigger Russian interference than what was likely Russian disinformation. Quote the New York Times from the get go, which is Hillary's dossier, the bulk of information aspy on a presidential candidate, transition and president. But we've been focused in like a laser beam on Baltimore. We sent our special correspond to, Lawrence Jones to Baltimore. We sent him numerous times and places in New York City. We have sent him to San Francisco twice because nobody really believed the first report, so we sent him back. And Los Angeles, this homeless encampment problem that they have there. You know, the two weekends combined around the El Paso and Dayton shootings. Where as Joe Biden says the Michigan and what's the other state? He got it wrong as usual, didn't have any city or state right. But you know, I'm watching all this. There has there's this mass migration out of these liberal states. Why is there a mass migra. Why aren't people living leaving beautiful states like California. I've lived in California five years, but you know, I was in nineteen eighty seven, eight nine, and I'd a beautiful place. It was like the poorest person in Santa bar I had no money, barely pay my rent every month. It was some pain in the neck, but I was starting radio and I was I've gotten lucky and had opportunities, had a little courage to jump off the high dive a few times. Anyway, you look at what's happening all of these cities with decades of liberal governance, liberal governance, and where is the violence? Why doesn't the media care about Chicago violence because they can't bludge in Trump? Or why don't they care about Baltimore violence because they can't bludge in Donald Trump and blame him for it? Or the same with the homelessness in Los Angeles, these incampments that have gotten so out of control. Its a shooting in one of them yesterday, two people's shot. Then you've got San Francisco. Lawrence Jones went there twice, one mile from Nancy Pelosi's home, one mile away in one direction, one mile from her office. In the other direction, in the middle is an area where drug addicts are on the streets shooting up drugs, dropping their needles everywhere. We've got all the video to prove it to you. There is a huge problem in terms of people urinating and defecating right there, a mile away from Nancy Pelosi's home and office. And I'm thinking, we'll wait a minute. Does California we have the homeless campus in California, And what do we have you know, in Chicago, violence, poverty, misery. Why why haven't these city California has a thirteen and a half percent state income tax. What are they doing with all of that money? Why are people leaving New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California in droves? Why why are people moving to Texas and Florida and Tennessee and the Carolinas and any low tax, no tax, no state income tax state. Why are they leaving? They're leaving because of the poor governance, the decades run rule where it's never ending. Pick your pocket, you know, cradle to gray, womb to tomb, funding for everything, you know. So we're gonna have this owner onto the Sacramento business she owned a hair well owned a hair salon, and she's been sending out these messages on social media blasting Gavin Newson. Now, Gavin Nuson has been what twenty two years mayor of San Francisco, then lieutenant governor for eight years, you know, twenty two years. Now he's the governor. And while we just got here is his answer. But listen, just listen, because the only thing I say is if you're in any of these liberal states, like we're taxed to death in New York, um, and you're gonna leave and you're gonna move, all right, fine, and don't blame you. I need to get the hell out of here. I need to like write a letter to Governor Cuomo, Comrade de Blasio, goodbye from a kid that was born and raised in New York. I'm not taking it anymore. You've you've taxed me out of New York. I could write that letter and would be a pretty good letter, don't you think, Linda. I think we get another Broadway song out of it. We might get another Broadway song. It's so funny. John Stewart did a really funny but at the Jersey Boys, Because I say, save who would we text to his money was gone. Who would be a po socialism fun stay in your first and second? Now, why did this happen? I play the whole day, they had the whole Jersey Boys crew. I happen to know from people that actually have talked to John Stuart. John Stewart hates my guts, which is the feelings kind of mutual. But I don't wish any harm on you know, he has different points of view. I thought he did a really good thing with the people that uh that served on Post nine to eleven and the health issues. I agreed with him, we need to take care of those people. And thankfully we got the job done and finally all right. But here's the point that came as a result of the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo saying this about conservatives. Hip problem is not me and the Democrats. fIF problem is themselves. Who are they are they? These extreme conservatives who are right to life a poor assault weapon? It? Hi, Jay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York citizens. That's not who New Yorkers are. They don't have a place of the state. Well, I am right to I believe. Yeah, life kind of begins conception, and I don't believe that the baby should be born and make sure the baby's comfortable and then let the mother decide or during dilation in the birthing process that you could just yet, Yeah, I don't think I want this kid that's about to be born. No, I'm not. I'm not that extreme liberal. But then all of a sudden, these liberal these governors of other states, like Florida Governor Scott at the time, North Carolina, we got an invitation from they're Texas. What was a Governor Abbott at the time, or Rick Perry, I don't remember. They both have been I'm an honorary Texan. I need Texas as great invited me to come there. He said they would love to have me. And I pay all my taxes. I don't have any choice even if I wanted to. I'm like, I know, they're gone over with a fine tooth comb every every year. Trust me, they are. I believe in the Second Amendment. I'm not anti gay. As a matter of fact, I think I'm the most outspoken person in the country about the treatment of gay's lesbians, persecution of women, Christians and Jews, and countries that practice Shariah, and I say all the time, I mean this ought to be something we all agree on. But anyway, Okay, Now I have my nine point nine percent nine point whatever percent eight income tax in New York. I live in the second highest property tax county in New York, the county I was born in. It's insane what they charge Nassau County. Just buy in Westchester County in New York. Then we have sales taxes, hidden taxes, every taxes tax I pay over sixty cents of every dollar I make the government, And that's a lot of money you go to immediately. I get to keep sixteen percent more if I move to a no income tax state, and I don't care how high their property taxes are, they won't begin to touch what New York is. And so all these people are leaving the only thing I'm saying is, if you're gonna leave, don't bring your idiotic liberal policies with you and destroy the new states that you're moving to. When Mike Huckabee told me that all these people are leaving California, and if you rent a U haul to get to Texas from Los Angeles sixteen hundred bucks. I don't know if it's a U haul that you drive or you haul you know, a hitch to the back of your car. I'm not sure which one I was talking about. But if you take it from the same place in Texas to California, you can get it performed or bucks or less because you're doing you haul of favor at that point, because really the exodus is from one state to another. Now, this is a phenomenon created by liberal government. And you listen to this, this poor woman listen. Being a hair salon owner is not easy. I mean, that is a labor intensive job. I mean, Linda, I don't go to hair salon as I've taken my daughter a few times to an nail salon. My daughter gets mad because I try to get hire a couple of people to work on her at the same time because it takes forever. Yeah, like rushing the spa experience. Nice job, Well, I mean the manny petty, if you sit there one person on, like, can we at least have two one do the feet one? How about one for each hurry? I know my daughter she just said, Dad, can we please I'll do it myself. Yeah, I don't think i'd let you in. Yeah, And I said, why she goes it's embarrassing. First of all, you have the attention span of a net so I can't imagine having you in there rushing me, not paying attention and telling me to hurry up, trying to be nice, you know, and bonding moments with nice. Give her the money and say have a good time, okay. But I would take her because she would try to not like find the time for only here. I'll go with you wait in the car. Then I hired two people. Then once I hired three people, and that was that was the tipping point. You know what you should do? Well, I got a great idea, so you should let but it goes fast to the spa. Take her time, and you can go play golf. Wolf nobody. I've never heard of the game golf, so i'd tell you. I was watching it last night, very impressed with me. I watched it a little bit. Yeah, what's what does what does par mean? They're doing pretty good? What does par mean? How do you get a par? You swing your club, swing your club. You hope that the bull goes in, goes in and then you walk along in funny shoes, and how do you get up? Birdie? I have no idea. And what's a bogie? I don't know any of these special worlds? What's a double bogie? I don't know? All right, this is priceless because you know nothing about sports. But I had to change. It was good effort. Nobody knows golf. Um, all right, But I'm gonna play this when we come back, and she's gonna join us later in the program. This woman, Elizabeth Novac. It's not easy to own a salon takes forever. I mean, do you go to a salon to get your hair done? I assume, yeah, um okay, but it takes me about either I go to the local barber shop or you know Linda who's been with us a fox for twenty two years. It was wonderful. And she'll cut my hair if I ask her. And I'm there for like, how fast can you do it? I don't. I don't do any of the extra stif how long does it take to do your hair? Me? Yeah? You, Oh, forget about it. I gotta go in. I gotta have coffee. We gotta talk a few minutes. We've got to talk about the direction we're taking my hair. That's what I like. The song suns in the Biddies in the Beauty Shop gossip going NonStop. Love my salon, I love my handstyle. Oh my god, you gotta listen to the song by Sarah Evans. SuDS in the Bucket has that line and it Biddy's in the Beauty Shop gossip going NonStop. I'm like, what where did this come? All right, we're gonna play. You've got to hear from this woman because it describes everything that's wrong, everything that's failing. That's why, well Obama and Biden failed. Liberalism doesn't work. People are leaving liberals states in droves. The government is chasing them away, all of it. He's in the beauty shops. Is that really what happens? Or is that just a cliche? Oh no, I don't know what that does happen. So is it really offensive that I would say? You know, if I with my daughter and we go to Annaly salon, I mean there's there's extra people that aren't working at the time. It's not like I'm taking people away from other customers just to kind of speed up the process a little bit. You don't think that's a good thing to do. What do you think the purpose of a spa moment is? I don't know. I bet you get it and get out. I mean, so when I go to a barbershop, there's no biddies in the barbershop, gossip going non stopping a barbershop. Yeah, that's not even the same thing. And first of all, there's a lot of shit chat in a barbershop. No, we do a lot of talking. Listen, I got my I got these guys. They're awesome, They're really cool. What do you guys talk about? Politics? Politics, sports? What else? What's golf? Golf? What's a part? I have no idea. What's a birdie? I'm gonna google it on the break. You know, I started out I was gonna be so pissed off. I am really angry. I mean, I'm glad we have on this woman, Elizabeth Novact. She's gonna be up in the next hour, and she she's been sending these messages to Gavin Newsom, a twenty two year veteran of politics, mayor of San Francisco, lieutenant governor eight years since two thousand and four. Now the governor who's a want to be president one day, and you know, here you have third teen and a half percent state income tax. She has to shut down her shop because of what is a rampant problem all over California, which is why so many people are leaving high taxes and still they can't afford shelters. And you got people shooting up in the streets in San Francisco, Sacramento and elsewhere. These encampments they have a problem with defecating on streets in these big cities. What do they do with the money that they are given or take they confiscate. There's no way. Do you hear his explanation? That's next right twenty five to the top of the hour, Happy Friday. So before I play the tape of Elizabeth Novek will join us in the next hour. At some point, you know, you gotta understand something here, you know. Now the New York Times has revealed that they now want to move on because well, it was more it was a little trickier than we thought. Then they don't work out the way we wanted, and we built a whole newsroom to cover one story, the Russia lie, and we pushed the conspiracy. But now they're moving on a racism and Donald Trump that's it. That's their focus now, and they have which happens every two and four years, And I'm thinking, okay, well, what are the indicators that Donald Trump has a good shot of being reelected? Are we better off than we were three years ago? The answer is overwhelmingly yes. Best employment situations in nineteen sixty nine. Every demographic, we've mentioned that a lot. And then the other thing that the media seems to want to do is just kind of talk down the successful economy now, even openly, like in the case of Bill Maher and others hoping for a recession they wanted, well, okay, maybe it doesn't impact Bill Maher, but it's going to impact American workers. It's going to impact the forgotten men and women that after eight failed years of Biden Bama, where we added thirteen million more Americans to food stamps and eight million more in poverty. Oh, now we're gonna We're gonna just abandon any hopes that they continue to, you know, get ahead in life and have opportunities in life. You know, it's funny. The Bank of America's CEO is a guy by the name of Brian moynihan. He blasted what he called the pundit occracy on NBC News. The TV economists helped spook the stock market last week with their over hyped the yield curve inversion in the bond market. And he pointed to the soaring consumers spending, which is up nearly fifteen percent since Donald Trump became president. We also have seven million new jobs created, and we also have oh seven million fewer people on boot stamps, and millions that have gotten out of poverty. And he went on to say, he said, the consumers doing well and making more money, they're employed, and more importantly, they're spending more money. Well, that's good because when people produce goods and services and other people buy, that's good for the economy. That's good for American workers. That means maybe they can get a nice house in a safe neighborhood, drive a nice car, you know, have a happier life. You know, it's again here we are. What does crazy Bernie want to do? I mean, this is pretty insane. Bernie wants to now spend sixteen trillion dollars sixteen trillion And I'm not making this up to up the anti on all he doesn't want to be out socialist by the socialist, and so he's saying that he wants to to literally tax oil executives. You know, Psycho Bernie, I don't know. He's vowing to even criminally prosecute oil company executives and tax the living daylights out of them. Okay, but those companies don't pay taxes. We're about to have a summer where we're gonna pay less than two bucks a gallon for gas and we're energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. Fossil fuel executive should be criminally prosecuted for the destruction they have knowingly caused. Wow, we're going to end the greed of the fossil fuel industry. They're so dumb. It's the lifeblood of our economy, our energy. And by the way, if you want to bring putin to his knees and not be dependent on the politics of the Middle East in some countries that hit our guts, we should be as independent and the biggest exporter as possible, because truck drivers are trained to make eighty grand years starting out, as we learned in North Dakota. Unbelievable. Oh, and then he's going to spend sixteen billion dollars sixteen I'm sorry, trillion dollars with a T. Well, we only take it our budgets. Only four trillion dollars were as New Green Deal and everybody I've guaranteed everything. Where's that money going to come from in a crashing economy with no oil and gas? Is how nuts they are. That's why all these people want to leave these big states. I'll give you another reason. So New York state results are in for kids in third through eighth grade public school students in New York, and once again, more than half the kids flunked. Only forty five point four percent of kids in third through eighth grade in New York public schools meaning the state were deemed proficient in reading. Only forty six point seven percent were proficient in math. We pay more per capita than any other country in the world of industrialized nations with thirty seventh Wow, what do you get for your money? Nothing? You think of a new, creative, innovative idea. They even had this all girls public school experiment in New York, and liberals sued to stop it after the kids loved it. The parents loved that the scores were phenomenal. Why innovation, you know, when it would destroy what is the unholy alliance between teachers unions and the Democratic Party. Just listen a little bit though. Why is Elizabeth Novak who's joining us in the last hour? Which fits the theme? What people leaving New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California in drobes? And I don't blame them, just don't bring your liberal policies with you to your new state. Why should you leave in Sacramento. Let's listen to a videos for Gavin News them. I'm gonna wait for a response from you, but I'm I'm not going to stop messaging you, tweeting you, making videos to you, emailing you, writing you, calling you. I want to know what you're gonna do for us Californians. I have had a business in downtown Sacramento for fifteen years, a successful business. I now have to leave my place a business. I have to close my shop. I own a hair salon. Yes, I can go do hair somewhere else, but it's not as convenient to my clients as downtown Sacramento is. Thank god, I live an hour and ten twenty minutes away from there. But I just want to tell you what happens when I get to work. I have to clean up the poop and the pee off of my doorstep. I have to clean up the syringes. I have to politely ask the people who I care for. I care for these people that are homeless to move their tents out of the way of the business, the door to my business. I have to fight off people that push their way into my shop that are homeless and on drugs because you won't arrest them for drug offenses. I have to apologize to my clients as to why they can't get into my door because there's somebody asleep there, because they're not getting the help you need. I talk to the police officers. They told me to contact you. They want to do something, and they can't. You change the laws. So I want to know what you're gonna do for us, the ones that are unhappy. You want to make a sanctuary state. You want to make it comfortable for everybody except for the people that work hard and have tried their hardest to get along in life. And now we have to change that because of your laws. Your liberal ideology is not working. And I don't know who you're trying to please. So while you've seen your million dollars home and you don't have to look at what we have to look at. There's hard working people out there that have to deal with this on a daily basis. What are you going to do for us? Now, Elizabeth's gonna join us at the bottom of the half hour in the next hour, it's unbelievable. Why it's sad. That's a hard job running being a salon owner, that's that's a labor intensive work. How much do you pay if you don't mind me asking, when you usually go to a salon, Linda, I don't maybe that's a personal question. I don't New York prices are not comparable to the rest of the country. I don't think. All right, that's probably true. I mean, look, I just give I give a nice tip to my guys, so I just give him, like a fee. I just walk in here, take the I don't even know what a cost. I don't ask you have a speed fee? Do you tell him he has five minutes to cut your hair that mop on your head, and if he doesn't do it in five minutes, he doesn't get the fee. And people are saying, well, why don't you color your hair a little bit and get botox. I'm like, what, No, not happening. I dare you to die your here? Yeah, I dare you. Yeah, So not happening. Why don't you go blonde? Okay, did you notice Fake news CNN is now hiring on their top FBI Russia hoax co conspirator Andrew McCabe. You know, the guy that tolds thirty three year war veteran, No, you don't need a you don't need a lawyer, when in fact he didn't need a lawyer. And then call me bragging. We took advantage of the cast, something we wouldn't do in the Bush or Obama administrations. Anyway, Fake News CNN, they have no intention giving up the Russia hoax. They hired McCabe and you know he has now joined the first name in fake news as a paid contributor. That's fine. It actually probably is a perfect fit. And he says, well, the CNN gig gives McCabe is a fighting and termination in court. He filed the lawsuit and district court alleging that his removal was part of a scheme by the president. He's flipped this suck on its head, um, he says, uh, because he wasn't politically loyal to the president. Nice try um. But what's interesting about this is Sarah Huckaby Sanders got hired by Fox, and then you got Humpty dumpty. And you know, do you know that other guy that writes for them who hates my guts? What's his name? Um? Oliver? That guy, by the way, really strange stories about Oliver from my staff. Yikes. But anyway, putting that aside, one day I run into him on all those book party goes a Sean, are you And I'm like, do I know you? No, it's me Oliver. I'm like, Oliver, who, no idea who Oliver is? It's me Oliver from CNN. I said, oh, fake news CNA. I walked away. I've that really happened. You know what about all the you know, Jim Muskiao was a political pointee of I'm sorry. Scudo was a political pointee of Obama Foreign Affairs. He was hired by Fake News c and n Axelrod now works for Conspiracy TV, MSS or he did for a while. Now he's a fake News CNN Robert Gibbs. He went to Conspiracy TV msd n C Jensaki went to obama House White House Communications Director. She's a fake news CNN contributor. Jared Bernstein went from Biden's chief economists to Conspiracy TV msd NC. Ben Rhodes went to NBC and MSD NC. Rom Rombo dead Fish joined ABC along with his buddy Georgie Stephanopolis. Andy McCabe now FBI director under Obama. Now fake news CNN, and we got James Baker and Josh Campbell and Jay Carney and Josh RN. So they've mat at you know, Okay, well, you hire a guy that was fired for lying in leaking. Okay, Well, then I guess everything kind of fits perfectly. It's like a perfect marriage as far as I can see. Have some good news. The head of the US Border Patrol announced this morning two hundred miles of new construction on the President's border wall is now stopped started now thanks to the President reallocating funds. He was on Fox this morning, and you know, he said the decision to deploy troops to the southern border was a significant factor in speeding up border wall construction. It's on top of the miles and miles that they ended up fixing. And I think is a good thing. By the way, for all you impeachment democrats, sorry, new poll shows even Democrats are given up on your impeachment fantasy monument University pub and tracking the issue. Fifty nine percent of voters overall now opposed this endeavor. I guess that's not good. You have a Democratic lawmaker says he likes the way illegal immigrants most his lawn. Do you hear about that? Guy? Egine, a Republican, said this. Tom Malinowski explaining to constituents in New Jersey seventh Congressional district because they're not willing to take the jobs that the communities teenagers no longer do. Quote, we have to think about the jobs because the reason this happens is because there are a lot of jobs in our community that like it, are not for better or worse, Americans are not willing to take to think about the jobs, right, because the reason this happens is there are a lot of jobs in our community that like it or not for better or worse, Americans are not willing to take. Who do you think is taking care of our senures? Fifty percent of the elder and care workers in the state of New Jersey are immigrants, most of the legal, most of them documented, but certainty so who are not? Who do you think is mowing our beautiful months in Somerset County? We don't usually ask, but a lot of those workers are undocumented. Are just not a lot of you know, kids, sorry for Montgomery nine, who are going to be doing that full time? You guys? Are you guys are going into robotics? For goodness? Did I hear laughter there? I don't know. I mean, I don't see that in my life. I see people that are happy that the economic situation has gone from Obama Biden and adding thirteen million Americans to food stamps, an eight million in poverty, and the worst labor participation rate since the seventies and worst recovery since the forties. I think the seven million Americans that now have new jobs because of the Trump economy, the seven million that used to be on food stamps that are no longer, the millions that were in poverty that are no longer in poverty, are happy at the change. I mean, as evidenced by you know, I don't think it's an accident that when we have the best employment situation in the country since nineteen sixty nine, although others are prayingbury recession. Wow, let's just talk about the height of selfishness. Let's hope, I hope there's a recession. We don't care who gets hurt, as long as we get rid of Trump. Doesn't get any sicker than that. Then let's divide the country. We were singularly focused an entire newsroom on one issue, The New York Times said, but then it got tricky. Our lives turned out to be lies. Our conspiracy theory is exposed. And now we're going to dedicate our newsroom to the next one thing that's gonna take out Trump race. We're gonna talk about racism for a whole year. This is how much they, you know, think about this. It's not Trump that they hate, because if they really cared about the American people, they say, this is a great thank God, things are getting better. Thank God. You know, the economy has improved. Record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment I never happened under Biden Obama. You would think that that would be met with happiness. No, you wonder why people are leaving these states if they ever get power, and they lament their Green New Deal. What they've done in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and California, they will do on a mass scale to the country. It will be a disaster. Remember I said, all you cabinet people come up here to tell us yes. When we ask you if you're going handstar, I stop. I said, maybe you'd better say maybe. So if you want to say maybe now and be really honest, say maybe otherwise. I hope you'll answer that October seventeenth letter once we get you voted into office. Yes, Centator. In looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information or vast quantities of information exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct, or indications of disloyalty to the United States, or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here. All right, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show. We're taking you back on purpose now that was in July July fifth, to be specific, twenty sixteen. The thirteen minute lead up to never Mind by James Comey classified top secret special access programming information all on Hillary's secret server, and then of course the deletions and the bleach bit and the hammers and the simcards were moved. Okay, based on it, we can't find a single case. Well, Christian Saucier went to jail because he had six pictures on his own cell phone of a submarine that he worked on, that he was proud to work on. What we found in our investigation is what he just said there is We can't find it now that none of that is true. Far less severe and less intentional acts have resulted in significant convictions and jail time. Now, why is this important? Why are we going back to the Hillary Clinton email server scandal? Because of new information we have care of investigative reporter Vice President of the Hill, John Solomon, and it all surrounds her illicit server and the case not being settled because that press conference. What you heard right there was Jim Comey literally failing prior to that statement to grant the investigators. Now, think back in May of twenty sixteen. Remember they were writing the exoneration. They took out the term gross negligence the legal standard. They put in the words extreme carelessness, so they didn't meet the legal standard. That was all done on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Then when you look at the comments of Struck and page Puff, they said, oh, we know for a fact this is going through a Justice department that loves Hillary. They're never going to do anything with this. That was their statement of fact on that particular case. Then we had the tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch just days before Comey's statement, and then we have the exchange between Comey and Loretta and Lynch. It's a matter, it's not an investigation. But what we now know is it was even worse than we thought that the FBI under James Comey failed to grant the investigators into the Hillary email investigation on her secret server in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet that we now know in real time was hacked by the Chinese likely others as well, and Peter Struck knew and didn't do a thing about it. We also know that Peter Struck interview at Hillary Clinton just three days before James Comey gave that pressor and she was allowed to bring in which is unprecedented, and her interrogation people involved in the case that had also been given immunity, like Cheryl Mills and one other person. So what we learned in this reporter John Solomon as agents that were tasked with investigating Clinton, but they weren't allowed to see key pieces of evidence. And there's say good reason for that. And it appears the rigged investigation is way more rigged than we ever knew because the so called criminal probe, or as the Attorney General at the time Lynch like to say, matter was a whole con job. No other American would get away with us. So it's so obvious what was rigged from the beginning under Comy McCabe, page, Loretta Lynch, Struck and others, there was never going to be any charges against Hillary Clinton. The one that thought there should have been was James Baker, the General Counsel, the top lawyer at the FBI, and up to the last second they had to persuade him not to take that position. Anyway, she got to get out of jail free card. And if you don't believe me, just try and do what Hillary did and then try and cover it up and delete subpoena emails and acid washer hard drive and beat up your blackberries and iPhones and remove the SIM cards after the subpoena. Good luck with all of that. But it appears that the level of commitment to protect Hillary Clinton was far greater than we ever knew. And then ironically, what did they do? Then they turned on Donald Trump and immediately they were after the same people turned into Operation Crossfire Hurricane and even later would use Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for Russian lies to spy on a presidential candidate transition team and then a United States president. John Solomon has been breaking all of this down, joins us. Now, all right, why don't I let you fill in the gaps here, why this is back in the news, why this is important? And now we have if there was ever any ambiguity that the fix was in. Now we know what was in the documents that Comby would not allow the investigators to see because you know what was in there, Well, we really don't know exactly what was in there because the FBI it's super classified. These are really at the highest level classification known as compartmentalized, so only the president and a handful of other people's normally would have access to it. So it's a very super secret, very sensitive out of information and documents that the FBI had identified was important. That's their word. The agents work in the case important to see to determine whether Hillary Clinton was engaged in criminality with her server, and at the end of the day, they weren't allowed to see it. Now we don't know why they weren't allowed to see it. Did someone overruled them that was there a bureautic blunder. We don't know, but it goes to that competency and all of the shenanigans that were going on on the James Comey Andrew McCabe FBI watch. But it's important to know that the neglect on this continues to this day. In twenty eighteen, the Inspector General the Justice Department, Michael Horowitz, directly identified this information. They actually built an annex for people to go look at, made it easy for people to go figure out what they should have looked at and what impact they might have on the case. And until this day now late summer of twenty nineteen, no one has still to our knowledge, gone and looked at it or responded to Congress about whether it was evidence of criminality or could have effected the outcome of the Clinton case. The agents who wanted to see it identified it as quote unquote important, that's their words. They never got to see it. Hillary's exonerated before they got to see it, and to this day we're not getting an accounting of what that information was. It's remarkable. It shows just how politicized and also how incompetent the FBI was in that period when James Comey was running the department, Like you, I have sources and I'm told that the information was so devastating. It would also not only go to the heart of the email server investigation. How did Peter struck when he was informed that the Chinese had hacked into Hillary's website? I thought that was a bad thing. That means they got top secret and classified information and they were getting it in real time. We discovered he's told all of that and never did a thing about it. Why you know, there's a great term in the IG report. There was in the new documents that came out, the FBI showed a lack of interest in pursuing the possibility that Hillary Clinton's emails were compromised by a very important foreign adversary of China. This is inexplicable. You can't explain why the FBA wouldn't have an interest. They were real concerned about whether Russia was compromising Donald Trump, right, they weren't concerned if China was compromising Hillary Clinton. It goes to this double standard that we saw through this period, through this group of characters at the top of the FBI. McCabe Coomy struck very concerning and when people say there's a dual justice a system, these are the sort of episodes that make people say, you know what, I might believe that after reading that. It it defies logic. You're worried about Donald Trump's Russia problem, You're not worried about Hillary Clinton's China problem. You're going to exonerate Hilly Clinton, which you don't look at the evidence that might affect that determination, even though you called it important. There are so many shenanigans, so many inexplicable acts that go on inside the FBI in the summer of twenty sixteen, and let's remind everybody the day you played that clip from July fifth, twenty sixteen, when we're all done with the Russia case, that will be the day of infamy. It's not only the day that Hillary Clinton is exonerated by James Coomey under dubious circumstances. It's also the day that Christopher Steele. The very same day, Christopher Steele, the Apple researcher, British AMI six agent, walks his dossier into the FBI in London. July fifth is going to be a day of shame for the FBI on multiple cases. Let me let me go back to what my sources have told me also that now do we know for a fact that this information that Comey's withholding from investigators? Do we know for a fact that he knew what was in it? We do not. I mean, there's a lot of mysteries shrouded in this. We know the agents knew enough about it to consider it important and wanting to do it. And when the IG report came out in twenty eighteen and there's a classified annex, everybody, I'm told, people directly familiar who's seen the document said everybody agreed, So we should have looked at us. And it's not too late to look at let's I've got it now. And for a year and a half since that moment, Senators Grassley, Senators Johnson, members of their staffs have been unable to at the Attorney General, the Justice Department, the FBI to answer have you looked at it? Does it change your opinion of Hillary Clinton? Should there be criminality? Are there new allegations that surface from it? There's been radio a silence. So every time you hear the Justice Department saying we're cooperating, just remember this, a year and a half later, we do not have an answer where they looked at it or considered the implications to Hillary Clinton. Well, clearly the Inspector General Horowitz did, and he seemed a little shocked that they didn't. You know, Lindsey Graham is saying about the upcoming IG report on FIZO abuse that it will be quote chilling, and then he told the local radio station in South Carolina that the IG will come to testify, it will be Lindsey Graham's committee. We're going to make sure he gets all the time he needs to tell the country exactly what happened. He will be in public. We want to do all of it that we can in the open. We don't want to have a classified session unless we need to, and called it chilling. And words that were given to me between this and what happened abroad, and that would be the outsourcing of spying and intelligence gathering, even against a United States president and allies of the president were outsourced to circumvent US laws, to our allies in Italy, Great Britain and Australia. We know this is coming out now, but the one thing I can't get a handle on is if I ever committed a premeditated fraud using a phony Russian dossier which you reported. The FBI finally picked up a spreadsheet on and they picked out over ninety percent of it was false, if not all of it, and then it was. They were warned that it was false, They were warned it was political, they were warned that Steel had an agenda numerous times. You've also broken that stories. Kathleen Cavalak and Bruce or warned everybody, but they used it anyway. And then Christopher Steele himself renders the dossier unverifiable, saying himself, he has no idea if any of it's true. An interrogatory, but they used it anyway. That sounds like premeditated fraud against a FISA court for the purpose of spying on an American citizen and in this case a backdoorder. The Trump campaign, transition and presidency. Now the question is would I go to jail over that? I think I would. Well. I was talking to a very wise person last night who has covered the Justice Department and watched it for many years as a trained observer, and they said that there are three levels of justice that seem to be apparent. One for Republicans and everyday people, one for Democrats and Hillary Clinton, and one for the Department of just Us, playing off the word justice. And I think there's a growing concern that there's been an extraordinary body of evidence now brought forth of wrongdoing within the Justice Department. Let's take a couple of just plane. Why is FBI Director Rays seemingly unwilling to cooperate and hand over papers that would take our premier law enforcement agency and get a back on track. He seems resistant to helping repair the damage that was done by his predecessor. And let's take a look at some other things. Fifteen months ago, the Inspector General Will referred former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McKay for prosecution for lying, felony, lying to ongoing investigations? How many months ago? Felony lying? What happened to Papadopolis, what happened to Michael Cole, what happened to metaphor? Fifteen days it took to get them charge? Fifteen months have passed, Andrew McCabe hasn't in charge. We know from my reporting, and it's not been corroborated by many others in the media that the Inspector General also refer James Comey for prosecution and the Justice Department passed on that at some point. I know the question in the American public's gonna be, will I get this question every day? Will anyone pay a price beyond termination for the misdiads that went on in the FBI? This fall is the fall of wreckoning. The Justice Department will show whether it has the willingness to prosecute its people or whether they will skip prosecution and just use shame as the final mechanism for exposing met want Well, that would mean we don't have equal justice under the law. I gotta take a quick break here, We'll come back, We'll continue more with investigative reporter. Yes, another bombshell by John Solomon, also secutive vice president for The Hill. Quick break right back, we'll continue, all right. As we continue, John Solomon is with us, and yeah, more breaking news this time. Yeah, they had a lot of evidence in the Hillary case, but they wouldn't give it to investigators. You talked about this fall, you mean September October that the attendee classified Russia collusion revelations. Of course, one is going to be the Biser Report, which I understand is complete. You even reported that last night, but it's going to need redactions or at least to look over for national security purposes. And you've identified all ten of them. So the question I have is if, in fact, a rigged investigation happened, If premeditated fraud on a Bysor court happened, if there was an attempt of a coup using Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian lies, and the witch hunt was really the witch hunt we knew it to be, and all these other people abused their power and maybe even outsourced intelligence gathering that would be illegal to circumvent law. As you're saying that there's a chance nobody goes to jail for those things. Well, here's the most important thing. If there were going to be criminal charges, there would be grand jury activity going on in Washington. I have talked to dozens of defense layers who represent people up and down this drama, and none of them report that they've got a grand jury subpoena. They've been asked for grand jury evidence. And many of the people who have gone before Durham and Barr are doing so voluntarily, meaning they're not necessarily under oath. So that right now this appears to be an administrative review. That could change. But I got a break. But you know, I gotta tell you something. This is all going to be revealed to the American people. Everything we've reported is true. That's the main key, correct yes or no, and I gotta go yes videos for Gavin Newson. I'm gonna wait for a response from you, but I'm I'm not going to stop messaging you, tweeting you, making videos to you, emailing you, writing you, calling you. I want to know what you're gonna do for us Californians. I have had a business downtown Sacramento for fifteen years, a successful business. I now have to leave my place a business. I have to close my shop. I own a hair salon. Yes, I can go do hair somewhere else, but it's not as convenient to my clients as downtown Sacramento is. Thank god I live an hour and ten twenty minutes away from there. But I just want to tell you what happens when I get to work. I have to clean up the poop and the pee off of my doorstep. I have to clean up the syringes. I have to politely ask the people who I care for. I care for these people that are homeless to move their tents out of the way of the business, the door to my business. I have to fight off people that push their way into my shop that are homeless and on drugs because you won't arrest them for drug offenses. I have to apologize to my clients as to why they can't get into my door because there's somebody asleep there, because they're not getting the help you need. I talk to the police officers. They told me to contact you. They want to do something, and they can't. You change the laws, So I want to know what you're gonna do for us, the ones that are unhappy. You want to make a stak sanctuary state. You want to make it comfortable for everybody except for the people that work hard. And I've tried their hardest to get along in life, and now we have to change that because of your laws. Your liberal ideology is not working. And I don't know who you're trying to please. So while you see in your million dollar home and you don't have to look at what we have to look at, there's hard working people out there that have to deal with this on a daily basis. What are you going to do for us? Why does the poverty problem seem to be getting worse not better? Here? And what is a robust it's gone, it's slightly better the last eighteen months. And poverty and because we have like global synchronized growl, if you've got a boom, con like this is a problem with a nation. No, look, I'm not I'm not here to look. I just got here a few months ago. So what's my top priority anti poverty efforts? I think we just need to double down and being even more intentional. What I mean by that is focus on what's working and do away with what's not. I'm not just spending more money to spend more money I'm talking about targeted investments for us. Fact that the state's even engaged in the almost issue is novel. We're focused on that issue in a way at state level we never have been. Again, it's been a few months. You want to attack us, know that we're attacking the problem. Folks the other side just want to attack it politically. We're trying to attack some of the root causes. I can point to addresses. I can tell you names of twelve thousand people we got off the street, the folks that were on the street when we left. Vast majority. We're not from California. I'm not suggesting that they're not our responsibility. In fact, quite the contrary, we took responsibility. We were dealing with an by the way, vast majority also coming from and we know this from Texas. Just interesting fact. And I agree with those folks that criticize what's happening with homelessness in the state. But to suggest it's because of liberal polities policies, it's laughable and insulting. Today it's not laughable and insulting. I mean, what's laughable and insulting is Gavin I want to be the president in the United States. You know, I can taste it. He's been in politics, Mayor of San Francisco, Lieutenant governor, now governor. He's been in government twenty two years. They have under his leadership with Jerry what a thirteen point five percent state income tax. And I gotta tell you something. We sent Lawrence Jones to all of these big cities. Now there's they're common problems. And when you look at it, look at Gavin Newsom's all right, Gavin Newsom now he's now the fortieth governor of California started okay that job. You look at the office that he had. Let's see, he was the forty ninth lieutenant governor from twenty eleven to twenty nineteen, eight years mayor of San Francisco two thousand and four to two thousand and eleven. He hasn't stopped since two thousand and four being in the world of politics in the exact area we're talking about. We sent Lawrence Jones to Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Baltimore and all these big cities decades of liberal rule and now we have what what was just described by Liz Novak, a Sacramento salon owner. When we sent Lawrence Jones one mile from the gated community of Nancy Pelosi in one direction, one mile to her office in the other direction. There you have people shooting up all over the place and leaving there. They're used needles all over the place. Defecating in the streets is feces. There is feces problem galore. The smell of the stench is horrible. She couldn't get her millionaires Silicon Valley friends to build a shelter for somebody where they can get a meal, a shower, drug counseling, maybe a place to go to the bathroom. Oh, I guess, I guess they want ta Our tax dollars thirteen and a half percent state income tax is not enough. All right. So the person you just heard on that tape Liz Novak, a Sacramento salon owners on our Newsmaker line. And first of all, Elizabeth, thank you for being with us. So you're now how all these years, fifteen years in business you have to now relocate? Why did you feel the need to relocate your hair salon and Sacramento, which, by the way, is not cheap to do for anybody that has ever made a move. But why no, you know it's not chief. You don't actually not able to relocate it. Now I have to just go rent a station somewhere because the prices have gotten so high. But I decided to do this because I don't feel safe after dark, and actually I even don't feel safe during the day because I had someone coming during broad daylight because they're on drugs, because they are arrested for it. So and then the health hazard, the syringes, the excrement in front of my shop, you're in it smell. Yeah, that's well, I mean, that's what we've I've now sent Lawrence Jones, our special correspondent for the Hannity Show, numerous times all over the place San Francisco. What we see is it's exactly what you are describing. It's terrible. It's absolutely terrible. Yes, now you see needles, you see feces, and you're on your doorstep. Explain that on my doorstep. Okay, Well, when I'm coming to work in the morning, I really don't know what I'm going to walk into. And it's something every single day there's hups of urine and I'm not quite sure why they do that, but they leave cups of urine and it's almost without getting two graphs graphic as if they lean up against my front door and use the restroom to go you know, um, they use the restroom on the front door. My shot has a little courtyard in which I can't put any anything to do tour of them. I can't put plants, I can't put anything like that because they break them. They break my windows. But they must be doing drugs in there because it seems off the beaten path and they feel like nobody can see them. But I get to clean it up, and there's not enough time for me to call you know, the city to come do it when my clients are on their way. Do I want to lose clients or do I want to just clean it up? So? But you are making money in your business, correct? Correct? You? You had a profitable business, absolutely, and you're going to work on most days. You have to clean away use needles that people shoot up heroin or whatever drugs they're using. People are urinating and defecating on your doorstep, Yes they are. And I'm finding other drug pairs, crack types, I guess things like that. Yes, I am now a drug problem. Gavin Newsom, who's been let's see mayor of San Francisco since two thousand and four, lieutenant governor in the last eight years. He says, well, I've only been here a few months. What do you say back to that? You know, it's funny. I just heard the full statement and I laughed. I don't know what to say to that. I say to Gavin Newsom, this all started changing, this drastically in six to eight months, and I'm telling the truth. God is my witness, So that's what I have to say. Well, I mean, the fact of the matter is in the state of California, I kind of like the state of New York where I am and why I stay here? I have no earthly idea. My staff looking at me, they're all saying, yeah, why are we here? I'm here really for work, and really that's the only thing holding me here. But the reality is you pay thirteen and a half percent state income tax. What other taxes do you pay out there in California? Oh? Everything is taxed, I mean business tax tax on everything. You know that. If what am I paying for? That's my question? What are we paying for? If we have to live in something that looks like a third wall country? You know what are we paying for Well, I don't think you're getting anything for your services. You know the strange thing, you know, the reason we sent Lawrence Jones back to Nancy Pelosi's district. And by the way, he's been to Acasio Cortez district, and he's been in New York City, and he's been in Baltimore, and he's been in Chicago, and you know, it seems like and we've been to Los Angeles and all it's all the same, all these big city problems, but for decades have been run by liberals. Yeahden Biden Obama for eight years, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, more regulation than we've ever had as a history of a country. And and then you see the worst recovery since the forty he's the lowest labor participation rate since the seventi's. Donald Trump comes in and he governs as a conservative. He gets rid of burdensome regulation for business, he gives us the biggest tax cut. We're now energy independent for the first time in seventy five years. And then you have record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workforce, youth, unemployment, and they say, no, no, no no, it was Obama that did that. And I'm like, no, he didn't. He had eight years and he couldn't get the job done. But I don't see a state like California ever flipping back, do you? I don't. I really don't. And you know I mentioned I turned to stay neutral. And the whole thing with this day and age and where thinks are going, there's no neutrality. It's clear and present. What the problem is, Well, it's a clear But here's the thing. If somebody like you who's will in a work cart. Look, I'm just assuming in Sacramento that you know, to be a salon owner, you also work on people's hair, right I assume? Yes? Yeah, okay, it's it is a intensive hands on job every day, right? Yes? How many other people worked in your store with you, maybe either rented space from you or worked for you. I've had since I've opened, I've had about ten people come through and now it's we're down to three, and now you know I have to close. So so your next step is you're going to find a safer location of somebody else's salon. And I guess you work out some type of partnership arrangement, you bring your customers with you. Yeah, it's a rental. I rent a space from them, and that's that's great. Well, let me ask you this, why wouldn't you I don't know what your family situation is, but maybe you should consider you know, I was shocked when Mike Kuckabee said on my TV show that you know, if you rent a U haul from California to Texas, it's like sixteen hundred bucks, but if you take a U haul from Texas to Los Angeles, it's four hundred because everyone's leaving. You see, all these big states are losing population. Why wouldn't you consider moving or would you? You know, I would if my family wore I have a very very close family and well here and you know, we haven't been given the green light from God to go anywhere, so we've got to be a light in the darkness somewhere right. Well, listen, if we could ever help you in any way, shape, matter or form, we want to. We feel really bad for you. And if there's like a I'll let you talk to Linda and maybe we can put up a link for people in Sacramento. They want to see a hair salon, go to a person that does good work. I'm sure you do. We'll put your name up there. Okay, Well, we wish you the best of luck. It's not easy to be in business, and that's that just shouldn't be happening, not in this country. It's unbelievable. What does poor woman Elizabeth Novak has had to go through. Linda doesn't break your heart. You're gonna put her information on the web, right, Yeah. I actually just hung off with her, and she really is so sweet. You know, she's she's married, she's a hard worker. You know, she was just you know, doing what she loved doing hair, treating her clients the way that you know, any client we want to be treated, and trying to give them a nice place to come and get their hair done. And instead she's dealing with crackheads people busting into our shop. They're attacking her and other salon workers, and she goes to the cops, and the cops that was so sorry, we can't help you because Gavin Newsom has changed the laws and we are literally not allowed to remove them. So it's like, okay, now they're on the premises they're not a client. They're defecating on her doorstep on her door, They're peeing all over the property, they're leaving syringes that got kids an I mean, it's a nightmare, it's absolute disgrace. But yeah, this is how we treat people that create jobs, businesses. We just run them out of town. And the conditions are. You know, all of these big cities are all losing population, These big states are losing population for a reason. I don't care, I really don't. I don't care if people move out of California. If you're gonna go to Texas, Florida, Tennis, don't bring your stupid liberal policies with you. Because if you're leaving the state because the state's been destroyed by bad governance and decades of liberal rule, well don't bring that with you and destroy the next state that you're going to. That would be really silly and dumb and stupid. I mean, right here on this block, we have several hotels that are now giving out their empty rooms under mandate by Deblasio and Cuomo to homeless people and immigrants who can find housing because they're here illegally. So now you have people paying three four five hundred dollars a night to stay in the hotels right here in midtown Rockefeller you know center area where we broadcast from, where all the networks are broadcasting from. And there's all this money being spent, and you have people that are living in the hotels for free, because that's what our mayor wants to do. He's not helping veterans, he's not protecting police officers, but he's giving homeless people and illegal immigrants rooms for free. Yeah, it's not by the way, you know the numbers, five hundred thousand, there's an amazing number of people. Yeah, five. He gotta have five hundred thousand illegal immigrants in New York at free healthcare. Five hundred thousand free, free, free. Then yeah, okay, well there's many New Yorkers that live in dumps. But no, let's let's give it to other people first. It makes no sense to me, and I'd listen. If I had the money, I'd love to help everybody in the world. But you know what, there is a price to pay for all of it. It's like Bernie Sanders, you know, announcing his version of the New Green Deal sixteen trillion dollars. Yeah, but Sean, I disagree with you, because helping somebody is one thing, but giving people money doesn't really do a whole heck of a lot because people out to work, and if you don't work for what you have, you don't respect it. No, that's true. That's always been the case. All right, I gotta take a quick break. We will come back News round up, information overload our Rich Higgins at the top of the hour. Really unanswered questions in the Epstein case Cheryl Mills. She apparently it's getting more bizarre by the minute. We'll dig deep a handity investigation straight ahead. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overloads. Who authorized granting Cheryl Mills immunity? I'm sorry, who authorized granting Cheryl Mills immunity? It's a decision made by the Department Justice. I don't know at what level inside in our investigations. If anything, any kind of immunity comes from the prosecutors, not the INVESTIGATORSKA did she request immunity? I don't know for sure what the negotiations involved. I believe her lawyer asked for Act of production immunity with respect to the production of her laptop. That's my understanding, But again, the FBI wasn't part of those conversations. Last week, the American people learned that Cheryl Mills, Secretary Clinton's longtime confidant and former State Department Chief of Staff, and Heather Samuelson, counsel to Secretary Clinton in the State Department, were granted immunity for production of their laptops. Why were they not targets of the FBI's criminal investigation. Well, target is someone on whom you have sufficient evidence to indict a subject, as someone who's conduct at some point during the investigation falls within the scope of the instigation. So, certainly, with respect to miss Mills, at least initially because she was an email correspondent, she was a subject of the investigation. Did the FBI find classified information on either of their computers? I think there were some emails still on the computer that we're recovered that we're classified as my recollection. Isn't that a crime? Is what a crimes are? Having classified information on computers that are outside of the server system of the Department of State unfecured. No, it's certainly something. Without knowing more, you couldn't conclude whether it was a crime. You'd have to know what were the circumstances, what was the intention around that? But it's certainly something. It's the reason we conducted a year long investigation understand where emails had gone on an unclassified system that contained classified information. And what did you determine with regard to the emails found on her computer? I hope I'm getting this right in My troops will correct me if I'm wrong. But they were duplicates of emails that had been produced because the emails had been used to sort before a production. Do you think that Cheryl Mills would have destroyed her laptop? And if so, why this negotiation as opposed to just asking for it by grand jury subpoena. Well, it's a lawyer's laptop. So having done this for many, many years, a grand jury subpoena for a lawyer's laptop would likely entangle us in litigation over privilege for a very long time. And so by June of this year, I wanted that laptop. Our investigators wanted that laptop, and the best way to get it was to a negotiation. Do you think any laws were broken by Cheryl Mils? We have no evidence to establish that she committed a crime. Do you think that Secretary Clinton broke any laws related to classified data. We have no evidence sufficient to justify conclusion that she violated any of the statutes with respect to classified information. Is there any distinction between that statement and saying that no prosecutor would bring charges, which is I think what you said in your public statements the data you made your announcement, Well, I think it's another way of looking at it. I think, given the evidence in this case, I still think that no reasonable prosecutor would try to bring this case or bring this case. So why did you allow Cheryl Mills s Terry, Clinton's chief of staff to sit in on that interview? She was potentially a subject or target in the investigation. She was a government employee, she wasn't Clinton's attorney. But yes, she sits in there and talks with her throughout the interview. Yeah, my understanding was at that time she was one of Clinton's attorneys. She was no longer a subject in our investigation. The agents had scrubbed her conduct very carefully by that point, and she was no longer a subject. But that again, that's a reasonable question. But the facts are not a subject one of Clinton's lawyers. She's entitled to be in an interview. All right, now, that is an incredible exchange, right, James Coleby. By the way, News round up information overload our Sean Hannity Show. Why did the Justice Department give Cheryl Mills immunity and not the FBI? That's an important question. Why was Cheryl Mills and one other person involved in the Hillary Clinton email case when Hillary was finally interviewed supposed to be interrogated. I've never heard of a single case where you get to bring people involved in the case that have immunity in the case in the room while you're being interrogated on questions of whether or not you broke the law. And then Comey testifying Bob Goodlat that there was classified information on Cheryl mills computer but says she didn't commit a crime. That is a crime at it the US look eighteen USC. Seven ninety three Espionage Act. We've put it up on the screen on TV many times when we've read it here many many times. And then Comey testifying that there is not sufficient evidence that Mills or Hillary Clinton broke laws. No, that's not true. Mills allowed to sit in with Hillary during an FBI interview because she's one of Hillary's attorneys. She's involved in the case. That is a must recusal situation. Anyway, we're Higgins is with us to shed light on it. And it also raises other questions about, you know, he has information. You know, why are we getting conflicting reports about how many times Bill Clinton will was on the Lolita Express of Jeffrey Epstein and conflicting reports was he or wasn't he ever at you know, this Orge Island place of his. He's formerly with the NSC and Department of Defense. Senior fellow at Unconstrained Analytics. Welcome back to the program. Did you ever hear of circumstances like this where somebody can have classified emails on their computer, somebody gets immunity from the Department of Justice, not the FBI. How does that happen? I'm still shocked, Sean. I was up there with you on July fifth, twenty sixteen, Women's decision first came down and Coolme's infamous press conference. It's still just you know, every single veteran, everybody who's ever had a SCARITY clearance is just the fuddled by the whole thing. It's unbelievable. Well, I mean, but when you add that to what we just reported with John Solomon, and that in fact, there was this whole treasure trove of information that the FBI knew about as it relates to Hillary's email server, that they never bothered to give hives instigators. I mean, I don't know how you're rigging investigation more than they rigged hers. I just you know. And for me it was hannay, well, why are you harping on Clinton? She lost? Well, I'm harping on it because the media only seems to care if Donald Trump is involved with anything Russia. But they ignored the Russian dirty dossier that was used to spy on a candidate, and they knew it was they never corroborated it. It's an unverifiable document of Russian lies, or as The New York Times says, it was knowingly it was likely from the beginning, Russian disinformation from the get go, and then it's used by on a president a transition team, and then to undo a presidential election after they couldn't beat him with cheating like this. So it matters what people are going to hear soon, and it's it's coming up. And Carressman Golmert has been working at IS. The intelligence community. IG identified several years ago that Hillary's emails were being dropped basically BCC. Everything was going to a company. The name people will begin to hear soon is called Carter Heavy Industries. And then the back end of Carter Heavy Industries. And where all that leads to is going to be the next big saga in this entire email drama. Now backing it up to the Cheryl Mills thing that we we started the conversation with is really important. Everybody remember Cheryl Mills, you know from back in twenty fifteen. She appears in Epstein's Little Back Book, her personal phone numbers in there, her personal emails in there. Well say this again in Hillary's Little Black Book or Cheryl Mills a little book. Cheryl Mills appears in Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book going back to two thousand and five. It was leaked in twenty fifteen. It was originally discussed back in twenty fifteen and then kind of shuffled off when you too, remember Cheryl Mills is not a bit player here. She was the Deputy General Counsel of the White House until nineteen ninety nine. Under Bill Clinton. She was later staff to Hillary at State Department, later a lawyer to Hillary, and then became on the your board of directors for the Clinton Foundation. So when she was granted immunity during those midyear exam interviews, exactly what was she given immunity for? Right? All right, Let's go back to the Daily Caller, because they do really good work. Let's let's stick with them now. If Mills is the trusted aid who reviewed the email to decide which emails to erase? Right, didn't Hillary claim her lawyers went over and one by one, But then later we found out they didn't go over and one by one. So that's a lie too, right, right? All right? And then she is with Hillary at the interrogation of Hillary, and meanwhile she's involved in the case. Do you see an ethics problem there? There's a giant Look, I'm not a lawyer. There's a giant ethics problem. There's an optics problem there, you know. And the question again, it goes back to immunity from what and now? Now the question I find myself asking is how you know did the FBI? Did the FBI and the Justice Department get itself in too heavy with the Clinton you know, let's let's make into something. Let's say there is some corruption going on. You know, at the point they at the point the Justice Department of the FBI itself become corrupted. And you know, and I think you know, the general public right now, as in the people I talked to, I'm sure the people you're talking we've we've kind of lost face, We've lost confidence in our FBI. I don't see anybody right now moving to address that. And a lot of it goes back to these core issues that still to this day surround the Hillary Clinton Cheryl Mills Clinton Foundation. And now we've got this Epstein thing that's been brought in on the side. It's truly just surreal. It is. It is a reco like environment. So do we ever able to determine because we had the Clinton's put out a report that Bill Clinton only flew with him a few times, but then it turns out to be a lot more times and then denies being on Norg Island, have we been able to corroborate yes or no if that happened. I don't know, Sean. I mean, I thought it was very strange that it wasn't until you know, we found out Epstein at you know, committed suicide or was dead, that we finally saw FBI investigators at the island. That was that was strange. Just the entire sequencing of events there was off to me. You know, you know, you look at the FBI, I mean, they have no credibility right now with at least half of the American public. We see they're using Epstein as a confidential informant. I mean, one of the most interesting things out of Epstein's two thousand and eight plea agreement, you know, where you know, he admits to the pedophilia. He does his light prison sentence. One of the one of the contingencies in that was he has to continue to inform to the FBI. Right and so you know, we see that, we see the FBI using foreign intelligence services the target Americans and American political candidates. Uh. And then yesterday we have Patrick Byrne pop up. And I don't believe Patrick Byrne is lying simply because Burn's story explains why the Justice Department in Mueller wanted Maria Bettina in solitary confine. They didn't want her affiliation back to Burn and you know how she was being manipulated by the FBI. They didn't want that getting out. You know, I find this whole thing because we're now going back to the point where Palm Beach police did this. This is when he got his sweetheart deal. Do we ever know what actually happened to that well little black book of his or when they seize the address book of him, do we know if that's still in existence? It still in exists, that there's if your audience wants that, they can google it, and there are a couple of places that have a redacted version of it. I've never seen, nor do I know if anybody's doing a complete link analysis with all the various names and people that are identified inside of that. It really is. I think it's a it's a vital piece of information and how that link analysis and those social networks interplay with what we saw with crossfire, hurricane and midyear example, and the event surrounding the twenty sixteen elections all the way up to the present day. I think it's a key you know, it's a key piece of information and understanding all of these events. All right, quick break, Welcome back Rich Higgins, formerly of the nsc d D. As we can continue on the other side. Also your calls coming up eight hundred nine four one sewn Tolfrey telephone number, and continue with Rich Higgins, former NFC DoD Is. We have a lot of stuff to talk about today. You know, I'm looking at all these people and I'm wondering, well, why would Bill Gates ever get on Epstein's plane? And I'm thinking, doesn't he have enough money for his own plane? Why would the New York Times seek a thirty thousand dollar donation from Jeffrey Epstein knowing who Jeffrey Epstein is one of their employees? Causes? Why would they? You know, why is he so connected to the Hollywood crowd? Well? Who are the people? How do we ever determine it was really ever there, either on the plane or on the island. I think we have to I think we have to trust alex Acosta, right, the recently resigned secretary. I mean, he said Epstein belongs to intelligence, and you know, and that is your investigative lead, and you go from there, and you know, and hopefully you know, us Attorney Durham an Attorney General bar are going to run down these rabbit trails and get it, you know, get us past them, you know, the runout the clock approach that the establishment has been taken on the entire investigation thus far. You know, while Mueller acted as a rear guard action on a lot of the corruption that was happening, you know, now we see there and kind of run out the clock mode, hoping that they can take down the president twenty twenty and bury all this stuff. So I hope that you know, we need to we need to press and to get you to get some indictments rolling out here, hopefully soon. Yeah, all right, it's been a long time. You know. One of the things you had said way way back in the past, and I just want to remind people. Moving on just to a little different subject is your work with the NSA d D. And you know, everybody's kind of concerned now about privacy security. Um, you don't think Americans have very much privacy at all in terms of emails, telephone calls, text messages, do you? I think you know? And it's I'm not revealing anything that's classified. I think we need to understand that the global information environment is a living, breathing thing, and you know, our old understanding of communication needs to just be jettison and we need, we need to understand how the ones and the zeros move around in this space. And well, you know, I don't think are you know, we've had such an advancement in the past twenty years in terms of our technology, whether you're talking about travel or social media or email or cellular communications and so on and so forth. I don't think our laws are our privacy laws are understanding of free speech, et cetera. I don't think our laws have kept pace with this emergent technical you know, this technical evolution, and so we need we need to be mindful of that and very very cautious of it. The thing that really makes me concerned is we've seen we seem to have lost our moral bearing. And you know when you see it with some of the stuff that's coming out of Silicon Valley right now, where well you know they're they're in league with China, right I mean, well, I mean look at Hillary. I mean Peter Struck was told that the Chinese were hacking they he didn't care. Um, then you've got the issue of is they're outsourcing a spying on Americans to circumvent laws to spy and a presidential candidate and a President. It appears like the answers yes anyway, Thanks a lot. I appreciate Rich. Good to have you back again. It's been a long time. Thank you for being with us. Very smart information. These weeks are intense. I gotta tell you, never the news never stopped. This is not a slow news, August. I'll tell you that anyway. A little concert series fun on a Friday. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, our number, Annas in Utah and Hi, how are you glad you called? Hi? Sean, thanks for having me on the air. I wanted to call after the comments that the President made and Res also brought up in your show about you know, any how can you vote for a Democrat? And the reason I want to call is my entire life until the last election, I voted Democratic. In fact, I voted twice for Baracco Bama. I donated money to him, I talked people into voting for him. I was given a ticket to his inauguration by Nancy Pelosi and was very excited for the first time. I liked to go to Washington for an inauguration and be part of that changed. Yeah, A bunch of stuff change. First of all, I will say that I think I never was a big thinker about politics, and I was a religious Jew, but close to my mother and wanted to honor my mother. And my mother and father were children of immigrants, lower middle class, and they always voted Democratic. And because I didn't want to think about politics, I voted the way my mother did and never really thought about it. And I think back in two thousand and nine, I was doing a lot of international business. I wasn't caught, you know, working closely with very bright people. Somebody got me to read more about the news and know what was going on in the world. So in two thousand and nine I started reading and reading and I wasn't watching any news, and I was in Europe a lot. So I was in Europe, was literally on Bay twenty second for the Procurement Leader's Award, getting my mails manicured when that that soldier was hacked in London Lee Rigby literally blocks away from me, and I was like shocked that that would happen in London. And then I was in Germany in July twenty fourteen when the stuff was going on in Goza, and I was giving a talk in Rothstock, Germany, and I could see how all the Europeans were becoming anti Israel from what I was getting scary. I don't know a lot of time. I'm going to tell you something. The rise of anti Semitism him is real. There's never been a president that has done more for the state of Israel and advancing an alliance that could eventually, I hope, lead to a real piece in the Middle East than this president. And recognizing the sovereignty of Golon that was Donald Trump. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem, that was Donald Trump. So many promised then in the end never had the courage to do that, which he finds easy to do keep his promises, and to me it is crucial. And you know when everyone talks about well foreign interference and elections, well there was one administration, the Obama administration, that tried to unseat a ally of ours and a sitting prime minister, Prime Minister Benjamin and yahoo, Thank goodness, thank god they weren't successful. Because he has been a you know, a Churchillian figure and at times the lone voice of moral clarity against radical moist and those that believe in a caliphate of convert or die. And you know, we've got to get people that understand the nature of evil in our time, and Iran embodies all of that. Thank you, though, we appreciate the call eight hundred and nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Wow, these weeks go by, Linda, they not fly by, go so fast, and we're so wrapped up in the middle of it that you just don't even realize, Oh, it's Friday again, and then you know it's Monday morning again. But that's what we do. And we had a lot of news this weekend. It's only going to get better. All right, have a great weekend, and as always, you make this microphone happen. The fall is going to be interesting. Have a great weekend. We'll see it back here on Monday.