What's In The Stimulus Package?

Published Mar 26, 2020, 10:00 PM

Phil Kerpen, President of American Commitment, broke down the bill and has been posting the latest versions of the bill to the American public on his twitter feed daily. Today he joins to discuss the breakdown of what he calls, ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ of the COVID-19 stimulus package. Plus President Trump's briefing on the Coronavirus.

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All right, graduate with us. Write down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to join us. Newke Ingrid's today, Doctor Oz today, Senator Tim Scott today, and we are going to get into just how despicable corrupt the mob in the media is. I've got a lot to get to. We're gonna go back to this bill some of what Well, first, let me give props to this audience. In large part, I've been told by a number of senators so many of you picked up the phone and called a lot of the crap we were describing during yesterday's program, not enough, not all of it, but a good amount of it that is good got taken out of the bill last minute because I am told numerous sources, because of all the calls that went into the Senate. I'll get to that today, I want to and we'll break down the analysis et. I got to start with something here. Now, I am in New York. We had Governor Cuomo. While we had a pretty pleasant, you know, conversation about doing everything we can do to help New York. New York is ground zero in all of this. Sixty five hundred cases, one hundred new deaths. I mean, that's a lot of people. New York has the majority of the cases here. That's thirty thou eight hundred eleven cases, you know, pretty big. Three hundred and eighty five people have died as of now. That again, I'm looking at the latest numbers I have, and you've got everybody in the media, well, maybe Cuomo could be the alternative to quindon pro and quo Joe. Let me tell you something that has been going on here and I've had it. I have absolutely had it. I am watching comrade Bill the biggest most wasteful spender to Blasio, and I am watching the biggest waste fraud abuse governor lecture. We need this. We don't have enough of that. We need more, we need more. We need this every second of every day when heaven and earth rightly, so I support this is being used to help Ground zero, which is New York. Everything is being and they sit there and they point fingers and blame and attack the president. I have a list of everything that the president has done, every single thing, including oh yeah, that US Navy hospital ship he's sending to New York City Harbor and the declaration of a Major Disaster Declaration for New York that was on March the twentieth, or the Army Corps of Engineers beginning construction of hospitals all throughout New York, Manhattan and Nassau County, in Suffolk County, in Westchester Counties, a big undertake. This is already this is now already in the pipeline and done. Then the President saying that the federal government is sending the National Guard to the hardest states like New York, California, and Washington, deploying tons of supplies from national stockpiles, etc. Etc. That would be gloves and medical beds, and then ninety five masks and gowns delivered already have arrived. Four thousand ventilators have arrived this week in the state of New York. Enough hydroxy chlora quinn for the people that are now part of a study clinical study in New York. Though the governor you are not allowed to have or pick up at any pharmacy. He issued an executive order if you're not part of his study to get your own or quinn. I guess in that case, you're on your own. You either do what they say, do it their way, or you're not gonna get it now, he claimed last night, all over to you. We're only getting three point eight billion dollars. This is a pittance. This is outrageous, this is well even his friend, well, first of all, go talk to you, buddy, Chucky Schumer. He would be the Senate minority leader. He would be the one that has the most power in the United States Senate where they pass that bill with a lot of waste, fraud and abuse in it itself, a lot of good things in there. We couldn't waste any more time. But if you look at the ventilators alone, they just announced this week another four thousand ventilators were set this week, on top of hundreds of other ventilators that have been sent. And it's like every second of every day, this is all we get, the Plasio doom and gloom and lecturing the president pretty much every day. You know, there comes a point here where you rarely hear a thank you. You're rarely hear a thank goodness. The government has gone all into help New Yorkers. This is what we're doing. We're working together. That's not what these press conferences are. He sits there authoritatively and says, we need this, but we need that. We need ten more thousand of this and fourteen more than and as I when you want to look at Governor Cuomo here and you look get his record, it is atrocious. He wants to play politics. He wants to look at money spent. If the Blasio, the comrade mayor of New York, all right, well we'll look at it here. And what the President did say in that town hall is absolutely true. I read from real clear politics. Governor Cuomo came to a fork in the road in twenty fifteen. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had. That's what he did, and now he's demanding thirty thousand of them. We don't have any indication yet. And we know GM, we know Ford, we know the Washington. They're moving heaven and earth to get as many ventilators as everybody in this country might one day need. I hope we don't get to that point. Hopefully the hydroxy chloroquin with these a zithromyason will do the trick. And hopefully we can get people out of trouble faster. It's a lot of money anyway, Cuomo could have purchased those sixteen thousand for thirty six thousand dollars a piece, or five hundred and seventy six million. All right, a lot of money. But you know what, he's the same governor that wasted seven hundred and fifty million dollars on this boondoggle Buffalo billion solar panel factory. It's his fault that they're losing revenue in New York and New York City because all of the ridiculously high taxes and burdensome regulation, an irrational fear of fracking, which would have saved New York economically had he done that, while Pennsylvania is thriving. Literally, they're taking New York's gas. And I don't blame them. They're smart. New York is dumb. But he's out there every single day. How much New York takes in a year. You know what they're all funds received is one hundred and seventy eight point three billion dollars. That's what they take in every year. Now, this is a state that has a ten percent state income tax. Florida zero Texas zero. Who has better infrastructure Texas, Florida, New York, Well, Texas and Florida. New York infrastructure is a disaster. Then when you dig a little bit deeper and you see what they actually spend this money on, it is despicable. What the President, I'm sorry, what the governor told his state last night, that New York is only getting a drop in the bucket three point eight billion of the two trillion. Well, his own lead senator, the Senate Minority leader, begs to differ that it'll be well over forty billion dollars, including everything you could ever want to imagine that every other person in the country. We agree New York needs the extra health fine. Even Schumer's office put out a response to it. Everything that's going to be include unemployment, insurance, on steroids, and two hundred and sixty billion deliverer at least fifteen billion directly to New York, twelve hundred for individuals, twenty four hundred for couples, fifteen point five billion a martial plan, as he describes it, for New York hospitals. Billions will begin flowing to New York right away. That's part of the bill. Local government state governments, all of this money flowing into New York, and he's out there lying to New Yorkers and I'm not exactly sure. Maybe maybe he's buying in or enjoying the fact that people are saying, Hey, maybe maybe this is the guy. Maybe he can really do it. I don't think he can. Well guess what since taking off this is his third term. Since taking office in twenty eleven, he is doled out more than ten billion dollars in public funding and tax breaks in the name of economic development, and they end up being costly giveaways, a series of broken promises, a ton of boondoggles. You know. They called it Andy Land in one of the local New York papers here, and the same with the Blasio by the way. I mean, he's out there scaring everybody, yelling at Donald Trump every day, and every single thing that they've ever wanted, that they've asked for, they are getting at all of this. And here's another thing here, while they've been wasting money, and I'll give you specific examples, how is it possible, knowing New York is the number one target of terrorists and others in the entire United States, how is it they are this ill prepared for anything, because they're telling us hospitals aren't prepared. They don't even have extra masks, So well, we didn't store them, we didn't store this, we don't have that. He's there's not one thing that it seems that they have been prepared for, not one And then they just sit there every day and they scare people, and then they lecture the president, lecture the president. What do you need more of this? I need more of that I need Well, maybe de Plasio could have saved money and bought mask instead of you know, labeling transgender bathrooms. How about you just make an announcement go to the bathroom anywhere you want, whether it says men or women. How's that that would have been quick and we would have saved the money. You could have bought some masks and gowns, etc. It is a taxpayer disaster in New York. You know, fifteen million goes to a film hub in Syracuse sold for one dollar, along with ninety million for a lightbulb factory. Then the seven hundred and fifty million dollars he's spent on a solar plant that promised three thousand jobs. But guess what it now got mothballed, just like they built a nuclear facility out on Long Island and that went not under his watch, but even that got shut down. And it's the same with his counterpart, the New York City mayor, Comrade de Blasio. I mean, I'm looking at all the money that these guys spent, and I'm like scratching my head, and it's like, there's nothing good enough here. I'll get just take this one example. How many masks, how many gowns, how many ventilators, how much money could have been spent preparing New York for what would ultimately, probably unfortunately, be the inevitable, which is either a terrorist attack or some type of pandemic. It's a big city, it takes it's an international city. It's more likely to be a victim. And if you're taking him more money than any other state in the country, why aren't you preparing for any of this? This guy spent seven hundred and fifty million dollars on a solar panel factory eventually was taken over by Elon Musk of Tesla Solar City Riverbed was supposed to be the largest manufacturing facility in North America. They promised thousands of people jobs. They said they would attract billions of new investment. Tesla ends up closing this place after they took it over, and all of that money thrown down the drain, and the same thing. You can look at de Blasio as mayor and his wife. Oh, let's read from the New York Post. Yeah, they wasted one point eight billion dollars they've identified in taxpayer dollars in the City of New York. And they're lecturing everybody, give me this, give me that, give me the Why are you guys lecturing anybody on the use of money? And in the meantime, Comrade de Blasio is saying he's going to release three hundred criminals from Rikers Island. Okay, Well, they also have in this state no bail. In other words, you get arrested, you don't have to post bail, and you're released. Another dumb idea. And you have criminals going on television and in newspapers all over New York bragging, Hey, I just get it to go out and do it all over again. And guess what they do, They do it all over again. Also turns out the Obama administration never a place to protect a mask for their healthcare workers either. I mean, I'm watching these people. The list is comprehensive. The amount of moneys that are being spent to help New York, rightfully so are unprecedented. And you don't get a single good word out of either one of these guys that frankly are culpable when they should have stopped wasting money and they should have been preparing. Knowing ground zero is always kind of close to New York, It's gonna happen, likely to happen. Unfortunately, that's not going to stop the president. President's gonna take care of New York. President's gonna take care of California, President's gonna take care of Washington. American taxpayer is going to do what we are born to do. But I am. I am fed up watching everybody. Oh he could, really he should be him. Not Joe. Okay, I'll take that bet. But there's once I get finished. After looking and doing a deep dive into this guy's record, it's not a pretty site at all. Seven hundred and fifty million dollars Panel Factory Disaster twenty thirteen, New York Nonpartisans Citizens Budget Commission. Yeah, they estimated state expenditures on the quote development seven billion annually. Twenty fourteen, New York partners with a California light bulb count company to build ninety million dollars ninety million dollars factory outside of Syracuse, promising four hundred jobs and to the region and etcetera, etcetera, paying a dollar annually and rent. And as they were putting the finishing touches on it, the company pulled out of the deal. Cuomo announcing a six hundred million dollar investment in a computer chip factory in Utica six months after celebrating the groundbreaking a mid delays as their reason for saying goodbye to upstate. Guess what, Yeah, they found an alternative site. The film industry gets four hundred and twenty million dollars annually in tax credits from New York State. They're gonna make movies in New York. Last year, the state also decided to extend tax credits twenty five million to the music and video gaming industry. Really, why didn't they prepare for some type of emergency in New York knowing this is ground zero, this is the number one target in the entire country, and and he sits there, you know, pointing figures what did the president do. He's building hospitals, He's sending Navy ship hospitals. He declared a disaster relief. He lies and says he's only getting three point eight billion in yesterday's bill. Chuck Schumer even says it's well over forty billion dollars. Wine complained, waste, fraud, abuse, high taxes, chasing everybody out of New York City, and everybody out of New York State, the number one state in terms of people making a mass exodus. I'm sick of lectures from Andrew Cuomo. All right, twenty five now to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, sewn, you want to be a part of the program. I mean, I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen such waste, such frauds, such abuse, such high taxation, such incredible burdensome regulation, and zero preparation for any emergency at all. And they're chasing every single person they can to get the hell out of New York State. You're chasing conservative everybody out, They're leaving, and it's it's the waste, fraud, abused bureaucracy, burdensome regulation that is chasing everybody out and then of course the opportunity that they would have, Oh, for example, you know fracking. Yeah, they're doing it next door in Pennsylvania. You know what, Pennsylvania's kicking New York sass big time and taking in huge sums of money and taking in a ton of stuff in terms of money, and creating jobs for people. Unbelievable. Now I want to get to this other. You know, it is so despicable what we have witnessed now the last week probably the single most shameful display of just raw partisanship and despicable partisanship. Well it's not it's been three years plus. I mean it's been three years. It's now officially dangerous for the country. How bad this radical socialist party has become. And I will tell you they did it in this case, they basically, politically speaking, you know, holding hostage the Republicans putting again not really a political gun to their head for all this crap, this this list of garbage that they want that we have been telling you about. And in the meantime, the hard working Americans that are out there that through no fault of their own, need help. And by the way, every American I know understands it. Most of the people that are going to get the help, they don't really want it. They would rather have their lives back to normal. That's what they would prefer. But it's it's everybody understands it. Okay, if you get just unemployment insurance, it's kind of, you know, ridiculously low. That means people would be losing their homes, they would not be able to pay their rent, their car payment, and life as they know it would be turned upside down, ultimately even rebounding back and hurting the economy and ways we can't even imagine. So this stimulus package, now the third bill passed for the American worker. But they've been waiting all this time as these Democrats, you know, play politics and make a wish list of everything that has nothing to do with coronavirus, nothing to do, nothing about helping workers, and what they were fighting for, nothing to help businesses, and what they were fighting for, nothing to help hospitals that desperately need things too that they were fighting for. I mean, it was the single most repulsive, disgusting, shameful display I think I've ever seen a my life. Oh and then you got, you know, clueless Joe Biden where do you hear the tapes from today? It's unbelievable. Uh he literally. Now we're back to Joe and this time, well, let's play the one, the one I just mentioned because it was pretty funny. I'm not sure what cut number it is. It's you can't even make this up. Remember, we hold these truths to be its ell it an old man and women created equal by the thing. And you know what the thing, the thing is, the thing, thing, whatever the thing is. Now he can't he struggles with the Declaration of independence. Listen, and what we have done is the reason why most of the world has repaired to us, particularly after World War Two, is because of who we are as a nation, We the people, we hold these truths, etc. Sounds corny, but it's real. I have got a lot more these truths etc. Can't remember, so I'll act like I know. I look like you and know too. Then he's taking out ads trying to raise money off coronavirus. Then you've got these super PACs run by a Homer advisor to Hillary six million dollars slicing and dicing Donald Trump. Donald Trump says, oh yeah, they're using it as a hoax. Those that were politicizing President's actions, and the travel ban and the quarantine speak for themselves anyway. So now it's two trillion dollars. We got the four trillion freed up for loans in the FED. We know all of that one time direct payments if you want to know, for individuals, twenty four per couple, twenty four hundred per couple, five hundred per eligible child. One time tax rebate check not reduced for lower income Americans at all. They are reduced higher incomes starting at seventy five grand for individuals, one hundred and twelve thousand, five hundred for head a household, hundred and fifty thousand for married couples. Phases out completely at ninety nine thousand for individuals, one hundred and ninety eight thousand for married couples. Expanded unemployment insurance even covers self employed ten ninety nine employees contract employees. New SBA back Loan program to help small businesses. Loans taken by small businesses to keep employees on the payroll may be forgiven. Five O one seed threes will also be eligible. Federal government will forgive eight weeks of cash flow rent utilities at one hundred percent up to two point five times average monthly payroll assistance to distress job creators, loans, long guarantees, Investment Authority five hundred and twenty nine billion, with four hundred and fifty four billion to be used by the Treasury working with the FED, All sectors of the economy seventy five billion in loan guarantees. I mean it gets complicated. We've broken it all down for you, ensuring access to care for every American you're worried about care. They're now getting testing kits that will not only be driving up and being able to get, but ones you will quickly be able to use at home off label use of hydroxy chloroquin. By the way, there's an executive order in New York. You can't pick went up at a pharmacy in New York. No, no, no, Andrew Cuomo has an executive ward. You must participate in their study. Direct Funding for the Pandemic for hospitals three hundred forty billion. Supplemental appropriations, States, cities, localities fighting the pandemic, Support for healthcare workers, hospitals, local responders, research, treatment, vaccines, small businesses, health industry, colleges, universities, veteran healthcare. I mean that, you know, there's a lot of people in need. It's going to cost a lot of money. Most Americans understand it. It's when they come and they start doing what they did this. It was repulsive and we've been going over this and unfortunately some of the craps still exists. You know. They did get rid of some things like mandatory early voting, ballot harvesting, requiring federal agencies to review the usage of quote minority banks, the attempts to curb airlines carbon missions. Casio Cortense has matter that we know that and a lot of other things are gone to. But Pelosi still won some things. Many businesses to take a government loan will be obligated to remain neutral, and union organizing efforts. The bill provides twenty five million dollars for the House of Representatives, of course, more salary and expenses for them. They did get twenty five of the thirty five million for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and jeez, that's what America needs right now. An opera house in Washington, DC that nobody's ever gonna go to. That's listening to my voice right now, or maybe one person I'm surely not that person. I'll go out of my way to stay away from it. Anyway. Phil Kurpet is really good. He's the president of American Commitment. I saw some of us tweets. Somebody told me breaking down the bill. When you go through a monstrosity like this, it is very hard to get every detail. And we're going to be fine nuggets of this crap in the days, weeks and months ahead. It's eight hundred and eighty pages, ninety six to zero. It passed in the Senate. I'll tell you why, because they got rid of some of the crap. But they've been fighting for a week for the crap, and hospitals and hospital workers and American workers and small businesses and big businesses desperately need the help, so they made them eat it to get this thing past, to get the aid out. Anyway, Phil, how are you welcome to the program? Yeah? I'm doing alright, Sean. I guess as all right as I can be under you effective home arrest and with the whole economy lockdown and everything else. But no different than everyone else. I guess you know. I know a lot of people have been saying that this stage sets the stage for martial law whatever. And I've been reading all that, I will tell you, as an American citizen that if it's going to prevent other Americans from dying for a short period of time, and I know some people have mandated in other case says it's not, I just think it's the right thing to do. Now, can we do this every flu season? Can we do this every flu season? We can't, And we lose tens of thousands of people every year from the flu. But a pandemic like this, you know this, You know we've never seen anything like this. Yeah, right, Look, I mean here's the key, all right, John, We've got to be able to keep our businesses alive through this. We've got to defeat this virus as quickly as we can with a minimum loss of life, and then we've got to have a v shaped recovery. We've got to get the economy back booming as soon as it's safe to do. So that's really the key. And you know, there's so much urgency, so much admirable urgency in the private sector and our medical professionals and everyone who's dealing with this except the Democrats in Congress. Nancy Pelosi was gone for the whole week. There was a negotiated agreement in the Senate between Democrats and Republicans. She came in at the last minute, blew it up with her thousand pages of totally ridiculous, obscene, every political wishless item Democrats could ever want, stalled it out for several days. They ended up with a bill pretty close to the original Senate bill, although Pelosi was able to get a few plum things she wanted, some of which are very unfortunate. And then they finally got to pass in the Senate late last night. And you know what she did, She said, We're taking the day off in the House and I'm voting on it in the House today. They're going to vote on it tomorrow. They have zero urgency, zero sense of how bad the situation is right now. And we've got over three million people who had first time jobless claims this week. It is a really really bad situation economically. They've got to get they've got to get these these emergency relief out the door. And you know, that's why Republicans were willing to swallow some of this stuff. But it is still pretty outrageous that they had to. Let's talk about. And one of the questions I had. First I warned my audience that this shift show would happen. Told them I said, I watch, it's not going to be a clean bill, guarantee it. But you're right they did. I will tell you a lot happened with this audience yesterday. I'm not sure if you're aware of the late minute changes that were made of you wear that. I mean up to the minute, but a lot of it. The lines melted down in Washington rightly. So now the thing is how do we best invest this money. First of all, we don't have an option. You've got to help American workers. You got to help hospitals, you got to protect the frontline people, and with your right equipment, you got to prepare for a worst case. That's all mandatory in this But setting up the other moneys beyond that for the quickest rebound with the economy is it's complicated. Yeah, it's not easy. For first of all, you've got to keep the businesses alive and you've got to prevent them from liquidating their assets. And this bill, I hope we'll largely do that. We've got a lot of really good businesses that are solvent that have a lot of assets where if they didn't get this emergency relief, they'd have to go start selling all their assets to meet their liquidity needs, and then you'd have another big downward spiral in prices, and you know, you'd have a lot of insolvency and a lot of businesses going out of business. They didn't want that to happen correctly, especially because none of these businesses did anything wrong, right, I mean, they didn't create the virus, they didn't create the shutdown. You know, they're just dealing with the situation, and you know, we shouldn't want them all to fail, small business or large business. So the lending facilities are really the key part of this thing. And also the tax relief on the business and individual side will also help. And so look, we're going to be fairly set up to have a pretty strong recovery. If this can be short, that's the key. If it's long, it's going to be very very hard to put things back together. So the success success in limiting the virus as quickly as possible. I think the President's already ready to move towards a tiered system. They're going to designate different parts of the country high versus low risk, and try to get people back to work where it's safe to do so, because if we don't have products and services being created in this country, no matter how much money you put out there, there's not going to be anything to buy with it. So because I've been saying that, everyone's saying, oh, shut the country down. Okay, you shut the country down. Who's going to deliver your groceries. Who's going to get the metal sense to the pharmacies, who's going to get the foods, who's gonna you know, I mean it's a little more complicated, and oh, let's shut it all down, which is what some some dopey people are recommending. Right. And you know, even trying to do the essential versus non essential distinction breaks down after a while because even the essential things need a lot of non essential things to get by. It's all sort of interrelated. And hell, away, I have an official letter saying that I'm essential, just in case for New York City, I have an official letter, if you can believe it. I didn't apply for it. Somebody handed it to me. Right. No, it's good to have that because we're already seeing you know, some mayors and governors like threatening to arrest people and stuff like that. So it's good to do it above board and have the certification. You know, you have to worry about it, but you know it's gonna be. It's gonna be. It's gonna be a bad situation if we can't find a way they to you know, defeat the virus while also being productive economically. And I think that's going to be the next phase. We're going to see from the President some of the details on how to do that. But to answer your question on what they were able to get in this bill, I mean you ran through some of it. The twenty five million for the Kennedy Center. There was seventy five million each for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities to make grants I guess so people can do artwork about the virus. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, your friendly competition over at MPR, they got seventy five million dollars. Oh, the same MPR that's not going to run the task force briefings and a couple of those stations right right well there, Yeah, I think those grants are supposed to be for like local stations that are suffering or something like that. I don't know exactly how they're going to spend it, but the twenty five million for House of Representative staff salaries and expenses because they have to take care of their own quarter of a billion, it's you know, you say, I want to bust the blood vessel, and I've been reading it all myself. I'll tell you it so angers me. Hospitals have been waiting, workers waiting, small business waiting. And this is the crap I want to tell everybody too. This was all the Democrats. I saw Susan Collins more animated than I've ever seen her in her life. Where is your urgency? That was like a week ago, Mitch McConnell screaming on the Senate floor. They have dragged this country through all of this for that crap that you're listing. All right, Phil, I gotta let you go. Listen. You have a you stay safe. Appreciate you being one of us, all right? An hour two Sean Hannity's Show, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, just a breaking Wall Street journal they're mandating in New York Number one pharmacies are not allowed to prescribe off label use of hydroxy chloroquinn. Not sure why. I know they have a trial going on, but well, what if somebody doesn't want to be a part of the trial. You can't just let them also have access to the medicine. Pharmaceutical companies have ratcheted it up based on the anecdotal information. We'll have more with doctor os later in the program. I won't re iterate the good things that have that are a part of this bill that passed yesterday. I can go over chapter and verse all the horrific things that they've stuck in there. You know, the we've now, we've now forced hospital workers on the front line and helping cure helping helping the sick, helping those people that can't help themselves anymore, risking their own health in the process. We've not waited a week. They need they need the money desperately. We know that American workers have needed the money desperately. We know that small businesses have needed to help desperately. We know that big businesses that you know are shut down through no fault of their own, they have needed help desperately. But we have seen. We have witnessed one of the most shameful displays of pure, ugly, despicable, disgusting partisanship that I've ever seen in my life. Now we've also seen the best in humanity. You know. I can't I can't say enough good things about every American company you know, including now our friend Michael Lindell. I think I said Respirators in the last hour, Its masks, well, the Walmarts, the Walgreens, the Targets, the Quest Diagnostics, the CVS, the LHC Group, Beckton Dickinson, Roche Pharmaceutical, Signify, Health Lab Corps, Google, Tesla, General Motors, Anheuser Busch, Apple, Microsoft, Bloom Energy, Fruit of the Loom is helping Los Angeles of peril is helping you know, all these I can't even name them all. We've seen the best you see amazing reaction of a president. He is redefined. And now we have a new paradigm moving forward for how we will as a world deal with future pandemics. Ten days, first case in the US travel band called a racist, xenophobic, called US racle, called the fearmonger. How many tens of thousands of Americans likely did not contract this disease. How many lives were saved? And then of course we go from there the quarantine. Then we move into okay, well we got to ratchet up testings. All right, let's ratchet up testing. How do we do that? Okay, well, we'll public private partnerships. That's new. We're gonna have home tests coming up, maybe in the next week. I read today. That'll be amazing. Also for Corona contested right in your house. Now we have all the financial moneies put in place, etc. You know, the new paradigms wire being set left and right. Tell the medicine is now the future, there's no doubt about it. Drive up testing will be the future, home testing will be the future. You know, record time breaking the sequence out of a virus six weeks. It used to be years before we were able to do that. Now we're in stage one trials of a vaccine. That's all happening. Then you look at the FDA rules off label use, things like that, and you know, hydroxy chlora quinn again, we'll get an update from doctor Oz today anecdotally. Wow, the stories are amazing. Everything's changed. In the meantime. You know, you have your price gougers. You have your hoarders, and then you have those in Washington. Never never miss a crisis. You will get things done you can never otherwise get. They made the hospital workers they were, they made American workers. They made small business big businesses. Wait for the funding, the National ENDAMA for the arts, national ENDOWMA for the humanities, you know, for a green New Deal provisions, you know, greenhouse gas emissions is it is so repulsive words can't describe it. The best and the worst New King riches back with us, and by the way, as a new book which is now on sales called interestingly Shakedown, and it is part of it's now the second in a series of rip from the headlines political thrillers. When you wrote this book because what we've been watching the last week is a shakedown, basically saying to all these people, we're gonna hold you hostage, we're gonna put a gun to the Republicans had and we'll wait. You either give us what we want that's not related, or we're not passing your bill to help people that need help. You just gave me a whole new ad campaign, which is to say, shakedown, not a novel about Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, exactly, so good and because it's exactly what she did. She had a brief moment of deciding that she could blackmail the American people. It was absurd, it was frankly, I think, infuriating, unpatriotic, and insulting. And the country reacted accordingly. And you would see within two days that the Democratic viewing the Senate, Chuck Sherman thought well, that didn't work, and he promptly cut a deal. But it was You've got it exactly right. You've changed all of us to our marketing camp pain. We have to have shakedown, not Nancy Pelosi as part of our theme. Um. I will say to you that the last couple of days, when when when people sometimes wonder about America, they forget that when it really gets to a crunch, we are an astonishing country. So with miss McDonald's, I thought, brilliant formula of setting up five different working groups bipartisan having to solve things together. Then the brief period of Pelosi coming into be a blackmailer and failing, and then finally they got to the deal. But we wrote a lot of it was killed, but they got they got way too much. Yeah, no, look this is the nature of a free society. Um, you know, if you're gonna Somebody once said they're watching people make sausage, and legislation is equally puls it. It's just it's the process that is at the heart of how our system works. And the fact is, in the end, the President, Miss McConnell, and I think Kevin McCarthy have achieved an important bill. It's good flaws, no question about it. It's good flaws. But this is like World War two, or like the Civil War, when you're in an extraordinary moment where every single American is threatened by this virus. Having a big, clumsy response is the American model. It's how we've always done it for our whole history. And what I'm proud of is when you can get to a ninety six to zero vote, and I have a hunch that tomorrow morning we're going to see the House voteway voice vote and pass it and we'll apply you that tomorrow night or Saturday, see signed it. Well, everybody else on the planet who set themselves for the last couple of years, Gee, can the Americans get their act together? This is the third emergency bill in a row. It is gigantic. It's bigger than the gross national products of most countries. That's how big it is. And it's going to pass by enormous margins. Now that's just one more step and a long fight against the virus which would like to kill all of us. And so I think you've got to recognize this is like World War two. This is an initial response. There's a long campaign ahead of us. We will succeed. We will come out the other end bigger and stronger and more capable. But there's gonna be a lot of work between here and there. Do you agree that Donald Trump? And I actually I asked him, and it's going to be on my show tonight, and I just asked him briefly. He didn't have any time. I was just asking, you know, at one point when I was doing an interview, it might have been around the Super Bowl time, and I just said, what made you? It was ten days after the first known case. The first known case in America was January twenty first. January thirty first, he put the travel ban in effect. Now I didn't like what I was reading, and I actually have an interview with Anthony Fauci about this on January twenty seventh, and I said on January twenty seventh. In January twenty eighth, I don't like this. These people are asymptomatic for a long time and they're literally contagious at a very high level. But I asked him, I said, well, you know, why did you put that travel ban in effect? And he said, well, everyone told me I shouldn't. It was too early, just my gut, that was his answer. I'll ask him more about that tonight. You agree that we have now created and we're rewriting the book on how to deal with pandemics, not just here but worldwide. Absolutely. I actually had Sonny Faucio on my podcast I think as about February seventh, and we were talking through how big a deal this was, how hard it was, how to think about it, and look, I'm you know, as you know, I'm talking to you tonight from Italy, where Calista's the ambassador of the Vatican and we're both currently working from home. Her entire embassy is working from home. The Italians have not quite caught up yet, They're getting closer and begin we have hope. We all have hope. That were very close to the peak here, but a lot of people have died, I think unnecessarily because they weren't tough enough. You look at how fast Trump got it intuitive and as an Italian virologists who wrote in an article Good Days said, you know, we were so worried about being politically incorrect that we did not stop the flights from Uhan. There are one hundred thousand Chinese who are in north in Italy because when the Chinese companies bought the Italian high brand companies, they wanted to be able to say in Italy, so they bought in Chinese. So it's mate in Italy by Chinese. But the government couldn't. The Italian government couldn't quite bring itself to just slam down and stop the flights, so they allowed for a couple of weeks more people keep coming in. Trump had this intuition, which I think was historically astonishing. Didn't matter what the expert said, didn't matter what the news media said. He just thought to himself, if I'm responsible for defending and protecting Americans, why am I going to take this risk? And he did the right thing. And my guess is he bought us three to seven weeks to begin to try to fight this thing. That we would not have had if we had behaved like a normal country. So I've been sitting here talking to you from Rome tonight. I can tell you I think this has maybe a huge difference. Now we still have huge problem, and nobody should give themselves. This thing is real. This is a brand new kind of virus that came out probably out of other enough bats and tanglings. Humans have never had it before. We don't fully understand it yet, but I have great confidence that the scale of science we can bring to bear worldwide, we will presently get this thing under control, and we will presently reduce it to being more of a nuisance than immortal thread. I've just gone over, I kind of I went through a whole laundry list of all the things that the president has done, and in the list is long, and starting with the travel ban, every single thing that he has gotten done. And I looked at went over the very specific list of everything that he's done, particularly for New York, and I look at all the money wasted by the Mayor of New York, and I chronicle that in the New York and they sit there and they have their press conferences and scare the crap out of everybody every day and demand we need more of this, We need more of this, We need more of this, more of this. President said yes to everything, and at hyper you know, supersonic speed. It's been getting to New York. Or thousand ventilators this week, all of the all four hospitals being built. You got a medical ship, Navy ship in the New York harbor, and they still complain. And yet I can't believe New York is so ill prepared, considering it's it's target number one for the entire United States. How is that possible? Well, I think first of all, that New York's is so central to all the different things we do as a country. It's sits central in the communications, a central and finance. It is an extraordinary place, and I think that sometimes we underestimate how vulnerable it is. I've been thinking for a couple of days, as you know, Christ and they are here in Rome and we're looking at it'll you know, what's happening in Italy, And I look up at Milan, which is in some ways the center of the whole epidemic in terms of Italy, and then I look over in New York and I think, you know, how can you organize the city of that size in the metropolitan area going out to Westchesterhire and Long Island, a part of Connecticut, part of New Jersey. Uh, to deal with the time thing like this. And I think that's what makes New York uniquely complicated and uniquely vulnerable. And uh, I'm very this will surprise you show up. But let's say I'm very sympathetic to the scale of the problem. The governor Cuomwell has at all, so is the president. It's all hands on deck. And then they then they then they just scream at you the rest of the day and well, we don't have this, we don't have this. We don't like you. Guys didn't even have masks for anything. But on the other hand, look he's in New Yorker. I mean, what needs to look here in New York. You know you're saying I have a big mouth and a short temper. I hear you. I got it. Yeah you said that. I did not say that. No, no, no, you employed. I'll tell you what. Stay there. New King Ridge is with us Hannity dot COM's new books shakedown. We're gonna take calls in the next half hour. Eight hundred nine one sean doctor Oz coming up twenty five down to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza, all right, So I'll tell you another part that I'm really angry at today, and that has to do with your wonderful, great, crazy, insane media mob. And the media mob is at it again. You know what it just is like, doesn't matter. Donald Trump doesn't even get credit for the travel band, just that one issue. Now the mob and the media is now again there one voice, there, an extension of all things radical extreme democratic Socialist Party. But anyway, Oh, Trump's coronavirus briefing CE ratings. Now the media say some of that's bad. You have NPR stations. Oh they got money in this bill yesterday bailing on the task Force coronavirus updates. Can you believe that? Then you got NBC CNN saying they will stop broadcasting that was tweeted out by Eric Trump and the president. That's you know, during the time of national emergency. You don't want to know why really, because he's he's doing his job and they don't want the people to see him do his job. So well, and then you've got us free airtime. People are tweeting out in the left media people you know, Rachel Manna once Trump briefings filtered through her apparently, and fake news CNN and MSNBC, DNC Conspiracy Channel pushback airing these hearings, and it goes on and on and on. You know, one MSDNC host fearing during the pandemic Trump's rising poll numbers, how could this be? You know, Scarborough is out there, Liberal Joe. Yesterday a thousand Americans died in Trump's New York City. Wrong, fake news. And it goes on, and I have example after example of the media that downplayed the virus. And we've told you all about that. Don't worry about the coronavirus, worry about the flu. That was BuzzFeed, remember them, NBC News January twenty third, too early to declare this a global health emergency. And it goes on and a Washington Post, how our brains make coronavirus seem even scarier than it is, and the Washington Post again, the flu is a much bigger threat. This is in February than coronavirus. From now. President already implemented the travel Pan and again the Washington Post pass pandemics proved fighting coronavirus with travel bands as a mistake. Then they went on why we should be wary of an aggressive government response to coronavirus. Then Politico coronavirus quarantine travel band could backfire. Then you got the Daily Beast, by the way, all these publications hate me coronavirus with zero American fatalities dominating headlines while the flu is the real threat. Then you got on CNN fake news, what's spreading faster than con virus in the US? Racist assaults and ignorant attacks. And then of course my favorite one, let's call it the Trump virus. This is February twenty sixth. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame. Wow, NBC News President's right to compare coronavirus prevention to the flu. Well, really, it's not that bad, said The Washington Post on February twenty eight So far, I have the coronavirus not that bad so far, and I can keep going. You know, for the media to say they don't want to take the President's Coronavirus task Force briefings every day, this is a national emergency. The American people need facts. They were wrong from the gut go. President was right from the get go. Mister Speaker new Ingrich is with us, former Speaker of the House, and he just happens to have released his brand new book called Shakedown. And these are a series of novels now the second ripped from the headline political thrillers. But why would the media and national emergency ever do this up? First of all, they hate Trump. When they hate Trump a lot more than they care about saving Americans who would have watched about a corner of them defend the Chinese communists on the whole origin of this thing. Look at the ones who said early on when President Trump was enormous courage cut off all the plays from China and all of the elite media went crazy. He said, oh, it's been a phoebic, it's racist. Well no, it turned out it brought us out. Bet you, six weeks of being able to get this thing fixed, which Italy worklift and I are right now did not have because the Italian government allowed the plans to keep coming. So I would say to you, there are two things going on that are fascinating. One is the true dedicated left wing media get up every morning and they say, I know he did something horrible. I wonder what it is. And that's how they spend their day. Well, you've been saying this for a long time. How do they do this during a national emergency? But well, they have no shame. No, I mean, why do sean Why do lions behave like lions? Why do zebras behave like zebras? These people are left wing cuckoos who hate Trump. I mean they're asked them to quick being a left wing cuckoo just because there's a pandemic, maybe beyond their genetic capabilities. But there's a second thing going on which I didn't understand why. I think you'll find it interesting because you know him so well. Donald J. Trump is a pure entrepreneur. He's a guy who gets up in the morning and he wants to get things done. And he's not a great theoretician. He doesn't want to bring in seventeen people with fancy theories. He wants to know, if I want to get X done, how do I get X done? And he pushes and he shoves and kicks. Washington is so unused to seeing a pure achievement oriented person that they don't appreciate what he's doing. So when he says, you know, I'd love you only get the economy back up again by Easter, that doesn't mean it's an order. Means he's sharing with everybody a desire he has, which he's then going to modulate by the advice to people like Tony Fauci and doctor Bricks and others. But it tells you a direction he wants to go in. He's very comfortable ting it through, working it out, living it. But the news media wants to know, well, who briefed you? What's plan number one? How can we keep score? These people are just in cloud hoopuland. And I think one of the greatest tragedies in modern America is that at a moment in time when we needed a really serious, systematic news media because we're placed for the worldwide pandemic from our major rival, the Chinese, and nobody has been prepared to cover it in an honest, serious way. And it is truly a tragic weakness for America to have a news media this out of touch with reality. Let me just play some of it. This is the short version. We have numerous montages. We can go on for a full hour just playing how bad it is. This is just some of it. More people are sick in America tonight because Donald Trump is presidents. More people are dead and dying in America tonight because Donald Trump is president. This crisis seems to have been designed to bring out the worst of Trump. Do you think it's cost people their lives? When he's saying, don't test people because then the number of cases will go up. I mean that that's Chernobyl level gaslighting. I mean when coronavirus broke out in China, people said this is China's Chernobyl. Actually it's Donald Trump's Chernobyl. You've called this his Chernobyl. The Iron Hostess crisis was the final year of Carter's presidency. This maybe Donald Trump's Katrina looks like a Hurricane Katrina moment. What happened to Katrina? That's where we are now, at an event like this, just like with Katrina. I mean, you think back to Katrina. It does working back to Katrina. We're in the middle of a pandemic, and every time this president comes out, he gives inaccurate information, the worst emergency response to a pandemic that we have ever seen. In this country, and Donald Trump should take the next month off and golf while someone else handles it. I mean, that's just a small sampling, mister speaker. Oh. I mean, you know, someday, many years from now, historians will look back at the stuff and I'll try to figure out what was going on here. You have a president who I think at that key moment people need to understand this. Thanks. And I can say this from sitting in Italy and having lived it out and frankly being locked up in our house today in a country which is desperately trying to recover and trying to defeat the virus. When I look at the moral courage he had looking up, getting up quick briefing and saying we aren't going to take the risk, cut off the flights now, The New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, I mean, every left wing cuckoo in the country promptly started streaming this is racist now. Had nothing to do with race. It had to do with where's the virus? And and I think he bought us at least six weeks to try to gear up, get ready and move. And then again, the news media doesn't want to admit it, but he did two amazing things. He picked Pence Vice President. Pence, who'd been a governor who had handle two epidemics while he was governor, said you chair the test force. And then he brought in some of the best people in America. I had done a podcast with Tony Faulchi and Audi February. I've known Tony since the mid eighties when he was working on HIV AIDS. I mean, this is a world class person, doctor Brits, who had done so much in Africa. She's a world class person. And Trump had the courage to say, I'm going to surround myself with people who know vastly more than I do, and then we're gonna have arguments and we're gonna try to think it through. And he's exactly right to have arguments because their job is the vertical of public health. His job is the horizontal of leading the entire nation worrying about the economy, worrying about national security. I think the historians, you don't look back and go, this guy is so much bigger than his opponent's willing to concede that. It's amazing. You know, we do have an election in two hundred and twenty two days and the ultimate jority of the American people. I'm pretty sure that factors in, Oh, we don't want to carry these Coronavirus task Force press conferences of the president. He looks too good. That's what they're really thinking. They won't admit that. Um, let me play, well, my favorite Joe Biden as let me just remind everyone of Joe Biden, my favorite. This is my favorite of all and there's a zillion of them. Now listen, we all these truths to be self avenue, oh man, and women creative by go you know that you know the thing created by the thing you know that would be God, the creator of everything anyway, So he has these daily has these daily pressed you know, I don't know what you want to call them, his own press briefings. It is technico magically so inferior. And it is a shift show. The whole thing is a disaster, just from today. I want to play you the Oh okay, go ahead, But all right, you and I think you've known each other for thirty years. Right, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go straight out on the limb here at night. But I'm just telling you, I'm telling you this instinct They're going to find an excuse because Biden is so clearly. I mean, if the average arden says, do I think Biden could have managed this entire virus attack, It's just an absurdity. I believe they're going to find an excuse to dumping for Cuoma. I wouldn't doubt it at all. How do they do it, that's up to them. But it'll be corrupt. Um and oh, I have a lot on Andrew Cuomo. The world doesn't know. This is just from today. This is only these these four cuts are just them today and is ridiculous briefings. It's unbelievable. Listen, and what we have done is the reason why most of the world has repaired to us, particularly after World War Two, is because of who we are as a nation, we the people. We hold these truths. Sounds corny, but it's real. If we were setting up an education system for the first time in our history, as we did at the turn of the last in the late eighteen hundreds, we would not say twelve years was enough. Twelve years is not enough to live in the second quarter of the middle of the twenty first century, none of us want to be cooped up in our homes, just as the weather is turning nice, just as spring break travel plans were approaching them, just as the campaign for the presidency is kicking into high gear. It's unfair to all of us, and it's unnecessary for all of us, but it's necessary. In fact, it's necessary for all of us to have to deal with it. And so there's a lot we can do. But um, you know, I when I left the United States Senate, I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and I've spent a lot of time. And the University of Delaware has the Biden School there as well, So I spent a lot of time on campus of college students. Okay, number one, we hold these truths, etc. Etc. Twelve years of school is not enough to live in the second quarter of the middle of the twenty first century. Social distancing is unnecessary. But no, it's necessary. Claims he was a professor at the University of Delaware. Yeah. False, last thirty seconds, mister speaker. I'll let you deal with that. Be careful. I have a funny feeling you're on the edge with us. No, no, no clos is glaring am me. I can't be too risk. I can't take too many risks. All I tell you is, given what we've seen of Joe Biden, who's a guy I've known for many, many years, I don't think he's gonna get there. I think it's gonna be obvious to Democrats. He couldn't possibly suggest he's capable of being president. And I just think watching them last week that you know, the Governor Cuomo has been brilliant and becoming a national figure on the right issue at the right time. In my prediction tonight, you can laugh at me play I'm not laughing at all. I don't know. A lot of people have been saying it. I'm listening to everybody, all right. I gotta take a breakthough, I gotta I just looked at the clock. Listen. Newt's new book ripped out of the headline. Second in a series of thrillers, Shakedown Perfectly. We've lived through a week of a shakedown. Basically, thank you for joining us from Italy. I know it's late there and I hope you get some rest and we appreciate you being with us. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round Up, Information Overload, forget that part occasion like glad you're with us. By the way, we're just finding out. Oh, Washington Post, let's see, just like Cuomo in New York and the Blasio, the comrade, Oh, let's see H one N one two thousand and nine ten, the largest deployment of in US history, strategic national stockpile of drugs and medical supplies and eighty five million and ninety five respirators, along with millions of other mask gowns and gloves. And under the all used Joe's words, the o'biden bamba administration, the stockpile reserves were never significantly restored after that pandemic limited budget six hundred million. Officials in charge of the stockpile. After they wasted it, they focused on what they say was a more pressing priority. In hindsight, it appeared to be short sighted anyway. Oh, just like Cuomo, how did you New York not be prepared for anything? And the president, with all that he has done, you know, it's a daily you know, laundry list. And still the constant complaining of the Comrade de Blasio and the governor who's obviously pay you know, trying to trying to be the replacement for quid pro quo Joe. Anyways, this monstrosity was pushed through yesterday, finally getting there taking out a lot of calls went into the Senate Senator Tim Scott and Senator Rick Scott and Senator Lindsey Graham and what's it Ben Sass who say we're not going along with this bill because you're gonna pay people more money to not work than work. That and some of the other provisions that provision ended up staying in, but only temporarily. A lot of the stuff that you called about was taken out of the bill, which I chronicled earlier in the program. Today. Senator Tim Scott is with us the great state of South Carolina. Senator how are you, Sean? It's always a good data beyond that radio with Sean Hannity. Oh man, I see, I like you. You're my favorite South Carolina center. It's not Lindsay Graham, not even closer. At some point yesterday did your phones blow up? They did. Absolutely. Lindsay did a great job of making sure that the American people and the Conservatives understood the power of lunacy in this attempt to pay people more money while they're on unemployment than they were making while they were working. That is lunacy. And frankly, Ben fasked, myself, Linda Graham, Rick Scott all took a stand together and decided that this cannot stay. As you said, it's only for sixteen weeks. But this is what the Democrats have always wanted, Sean. You know what they want this maximum minimum wage that is above what anyone would ever be able to stay in business to pay it. And they were trying to shove this down our throats. We brought it to everyone's attention. We're able to keep our Republicans together by and large, and we're gonna have another bite at this apple. We cannot pay people more to stay home than they do at work. This is the number, Sean, This is the number. Thirty thousand dollars a year. If you're making thirty thousand dollars a year, you just got out of college, you're trying to make your way up the food chain, you get unemployed, they'll pay you fifty thousand dollars to stay home or thirty thousand to return to work. What do you what you know? Although I will say this about the American people, there may be a few people that always will take advantage. But everybody I know, they're dying to get back to normal, dying to get back to work. Americans don't want to hand out now. Lindsey used the word listen. We want to make people now listen. This is the most one of the most shameful, repulsive, disgusting displays of partisanship because while while they have now held this money hostage and put up political gun, not a real gun, political gun to Republicans heads fighting for this crap. The National Endowment for Humanity's the arts, the opera whatever the hell damk Opera Center, whatever you guys call that place. And you know, we did get some things out of the bill. Correct. Is it because of people calling? Because I like to tell the American people that they're calls mattered. If it's true, Jean, your listeners changed American history as it was going to be written fourteen. I think it was eleven hundred pages coming out of the House. Nancy's wish list. It was six hundred million dollars for the arts and humanity. It was forgiveness for all the debt at the post Office. It was the Green New Deal coming into a Corona virus relief package, it was solar grants, it was taking over corporate boards now. She wanted to make sure that every board had to have women and minorities on it, no matter whether they knew what they were talking about, whether they were qualified with the competence. She just wanted a quota system. As She also wanted to tell corporations, if you're going to lay somebody off, let's have a federal government bureaucrat come to your company and make the decisions for you. You know, strip all of that you got, for example, mandatory early voting, ballot harvesting requiring the voting yes, yeah, the usage of quote requiring usage of minority banks, and attempts to curb airline carbon emissions, and a demand that yeah, well, I mean but she still got the endowments for the arts and Endowment for the humanities. All right, you're not ten million dollars off the JFK Performing Arts Center, whatever that place is called, and everything else. But they still got a lot of crap in there. What I don't like about this is the whole time they've been doing this, Senator, those hospital workers needed this equipment, They needed the money. These workers needed the Moneys great people in your state. I'm kind of guessing Hall Steakhouse ain't working right now, and they're not having and their workers and their waiters and their cooks and their bus boys and bartenders could use some more money and making them whole. We're all cool with that. Every American understands small business owners, big businesses. It's you know, it's unconscionable to me that you would hold every one of these people hostage and do this. Sean, you hit the nail on the head. On Saturday, we had a bi powertising coalition. There were twenty eight items that Schumer himself had been working on through his team to get into legislation. But then Nancy Pelosi and those fuel in her plane flew her back to DC and everything changed. So Sunday we had no Bill. She took a private plane. I almost here. How she got there, however she got there, she got there quick, fast and in the murray. That's a good question. I want to know the answer to that. Let's let's do that together. I want to know too. I want to listen. No Bill Monday, no Bill Tuesday, no Bill. Why are they off today? Why aren't they passing it today in the House. They won't even come back to Washington to do their jobs. She wants them to stay home and just do a pretend voice vote. Listen. I can live with that. Maybe I'm nuts here only in emergency circumstances, but everyone has to go on the record. We need to know how they are voting. They don't get away as well. I did, but I didn't not answering it. I don't think anybody's gonna get away with not answering that question, do you, I hope not. The bottom line is I like recorded votes. Something this significant is important to be recorded. But because the American people actually need resources, whatever gets it done expeditiously is critical. I would had hoped that they would have all been on planes yesterday when we were teeming this up, when it was obvious that by midnight we would be voting. I would hope that they were coming back. But here's the good news. The American people will get the resources because President Donald Trump stood before the podium and made a commitment to sign the legislation, which gave those of us in the Senate even more ammunition to go to the mat to make sure we protected the American pocketbook and dealt with the healthcare crisis and trying to prevent an economic tsunami that is heading our way if we don't open back up as the America inc well, I mean, there are a lot of parts of the country that aren't New York. I mean, by the way, guess where I am. New York create in the middle of it all. But you know, the lack of preparation of the city and state is a hauling. I mean, it is shocking that how ill prepared, not only the city, is the state has been even hospitals ill prepared for even even what can be I think a pretty predictable something happening here. Knowing that New York is always a target. Here was the insidious part of it from a political standpoint, as everybody was waiting. Now you see all of this waste, fraud and abuse they try to stick in. We have an election in two hundred and twenty two days, and if somebody said I can't vote for this bill, you courageously did it. Lindsey Graham courageously did it. He's up for election this year. It just so happens this is what the ads campaign would be like. You'd hear really you know, scary music and then you hear an announcer, you'd hear the music gonna be when Senator so and so, no, when you needed help in the middle of a pandemic. Senator so and so voted no. No to health hospitals know to help those workers that are, through no fault of their own, not working. No to helping small and big business. Vote no against this, Senator. I'm so and so, and I approve this message, right. I mean, they that's what they do. That's how sick. That is one hundred percent Sean. I can't I couldn't have said it any better. To bottom line is what we know on one side is we're trying to find a way to make sure that solvency is not just a corporate reality or a business reality. It's an American reality. We don't need to spend money, we don't need to have to spend but if we need to spend it, let's do it in the most judicious, the most competent, in the most frugal way. Because we're also trying to protect the next generation of Americans. We're making sure that the next pandemic is planned for. We're making sure that the next emergency is a part of our processes, of our strategy to make sure that we are in better shape coming out of this administration that we were coming into this administration. And that's why I'm thankful to have a businessman as the CEO of America. I've been talking about this because and by the way, yesterday's bill is historic, just like the other money's allocated or historic, just like the loans that the Fed has put aside are historic. But I'm also Donald Trump. Ten days after the first known coronavirus case in America, that's when the travel band started. That's when the quarantine started. That's when he started to be called racist and xenophobic and a fearmongerer and hysterical, even by Joe Biden. That's when he first started doing it. And then I look at everything else that the President has been doing since the beginning of all of this, straight on through. Okay, well, now we were rewriting the book. I think travel bands are the future. I think quarantines will be the future and that'll save lives. I think drive up testing will be the future. Getting rid of burdensome regulations so that you can build an in home test that's the future. Public private partnerships of the future. Off label use of drugs that show hope that might be able to treat people without the clinical trial testing years that it would otherwise take. That is now the future. I mean, the whole book has been rewritten. There's not a nice thing said by either a Democrat or by the media that hates him. It's unbelievable to me, it truly is. And one of the points I was doing research this morning on how much has changed. Researchers said that what used to take five years from a medical perspective to get to where we are now, they did in three months, unbelievable. Pushed and pushed to make sure that not only vaccines, not only medicine that's already on the market, but also antibodies, looking for ways to understand what's happening in a body that's already been through the coronavirus, and can we take the antibodies out of one person and put it in another person convalescent pasma. Well, listen, I want to just say this to you. I was glad what you did yesterday. And I know we didn't get everything out of it we wanted, but we got the help that we needed, and we did get some of those crap out of there because of people like you and your partner Lindsay and and Rick Scott and even Ben sass So I don't particularly like anymore, but anyway, Um, thank you for what you did. And I still when Halls opens, well, I'm gonna have a big party. I want to help those guys out too. They're good guys. Thank you, I think so. The Podium Task Force, Um getting Taylor, here's the president. What are you doing? Look at all those empty seats. Never seen it like that? Oh boy? Well, how the world has changed. How the world has changed. Right, But it's gonna end up being better than ever. I want to thank you for much for being here, and I'd like to update you and the steps were taken on our ongoing fight to defeat the virus. This morning at seven fifty five, I spoke to the leaders of the G twenty. Had a great meeting, and we have a lot of different ideas, a lot of good ideas. We're working together. The leaders gathered virtually around the world to discuss the whole subject of the problem that right now one hundred and fifty one nations right just a lot our stations and the Sean Hannity Show network. No, we are going to stay with the President through the bottom of the hour break. We will check in and get a health update in the next half hour with doctor Oz. Back to the President and the Coronavirus Task Force. Subject of the problem that right now one hundred and fifty one nations have got. We had President Alberto Fernandez of Argentina, Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia, President and Jerbalsonaro of Brazil, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, President ge of China, President Emmanuel McCrone of France, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, Prime Minister Modi of India, President Widaldo of Indonesia, Prime Minister Giuseppe Counte of Italy, Prime Minister sian Zoabi of Japan. Congratulations to Japan. Are making a great decision when the Olympics. We're going to make it next year twenty one. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of Mexico. I want to thank the President of Mexico for having done such a great job with respect to the military. We have twenty seven thousand Mexican soldiers on our southern border, and very few people are getting through. I can tell you that we got to keep it that way. And we have a great relationship with Mexico now, President Putin of Russia, King Salomon of Saudi Arabia, President Ramposa of South Africa, President Moon, as you know, a country that we spend a lot of time in South Korea. We're working very hard on that. Prime Minister Sanchez of Spain, President Urgon of Turkey, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, President of the European Commission, Ursula vander Land, President of the European Council, Charles Michael, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, World Health Organization Director Tedro's Ed Hanssaum, World Bank President David Malpass, and the International Monetary Fund Managing Director Crystallina Georgieva. So that's a big group, but it's a great group, and they were all there, every one of them, and we talked about the problem and hopefully won't be a problem for too much longer. The United States is working with our friends and partners around the world to stop the spread of the virus and coordinator efforts. We discussed how vitally important it is for all of our nations to immediately share information and data, and we've been doing that to a large extent, but we'll do it even more so and to inform our I guess you could say, form each of us on the fight that we've got going one way or the other. It's a little bit different, but we're handling it a little bit in different ways, but there is a great uniform I think we had. It was a terrific meeting, tremendous spirit among all of those countries yet twenty countries plus the other people that I mentioned, and tremendous spirit to get this over with. After the meeting with the world leaders, I spoke with the governors of our fifty states and territories. Our team has been a constant communication with the governors, and we had a terrific meeting. Somebody in the fake news said that one of the governors said, oh, we need Tom Brady. I said, yeah, he meant that in a positive way. He said we need Tom Brady. We're gonna do great, and he meant it very positively. But they took it differently. They think Tom Brady should be leading the effort that's only fake news. And I like Tom Brady spoke to him the other day. He's a great guy. But I wish the news could be, could be real. I wish it could be honest. I wish it weren't corrupt. But so much of it is. It's so sad to say, just so sad to say, we had a great meeting. I'll tell you what. I'm sure you have tapes of the meeting. I'm sure that you were able to get tapes very easily. See at fifty governors plus, and if you had tapes, you'd see it was really I mean, there's no contention. I would say virtually none. I would say maybe one person. There was a little tiny bit of a raising of a voice, a little wise guy a little bit, but he's usually a big wise guy. Not so much anymore. We saw to it that he wouldn't be so much anymore, but he is. We had a I mean, I would rate Mike was there. A lot of the folks in the back were there, and it was a great meeting. Took place at about twelve o'clock, so we went from the G twenty to the governors. We also spoke about the economic relief with the governors and the package that we're moving through Congress to deliver much needed financial assistance to hard working families and small businesses. I want to thank Democrats and Republicans in the Senate for unanimously passing the largest financial relief package in American history ninety six to zero. And I have to say it's the largest by far, and I'm profoundly grateful that both parties came together to provide relief for American workers and families in this hour of need. The House of Representatives must now pass this bill, hopefully without delay. I think it's got tremendous support. When you're at ninety six to nothing, and as you know, a couple of those people are quarantined and one Rand Paul is he's actually got it, but he'll be better. He's been a great guy. He's been a great friend of mine. Actually. The massive two point two trillion dollar relief package includes job retention loans for small businesses, with loan forgiveness available for businesses that keep their workers on the payroll. It's pretty good. Loan forgiveness, keep the workers on the payroll, it's pretty good. Direct cash payments will be available to American citizens earning less than ninety nine thousand dollars per year, three thousand, four hundred dollars for the typical family of four. Expanded unemployment benefits. The average worker who has lost his or her job will receive one hundred percent of their salary for up to four full months. These are things that, by the way, we have plenty more to go, but there are things that nobody's ever had any package like this done, and I just want to thank them. Hopefully it'll get approved equally easily in the House. Really, I think it will go through pretty well from what I hear virtually everybody. They could be one vote, one vote, one grand standard. Maybe you might have one grand standard, and for that we'll have to come back and take a little more time, and it'll pass. It will just take a little longer. But let's see whether or not we have a grand standard, critical support for the hardest hit industries with a ban on corporate stock buybacks and tough news safeguards to prevent executive compensation abuse. Over one hundred billion dollars for our amazing doctors, nurses, and hospitals, forty five billion dollars for the disaster. Really fund, more than doubling the amount available. This is tremendous stuff. Twenty seven billion dollars for the coronavirus response, including sixteen billion dollars to build up the strategic national stockpile with critical supplies including masks, respirators, and all sorts of pharmaceuticals. Three point five billion dollars to expand assistance to childcare providers and childcare the benefits to healthcare workers, first responders, and others on the front lines of the crisis. And these are brave, incredible people have to say. And some of them are getting sick, and some of them are getting very sick, and some of them don't even recover. They're incredible people. One billion dollars for Defense Production Act procurement. We are, as you know, using the Act, but we use it only when necessary. We use it as leverage. We generally don't have to use it to accomplish what we want to accomplish. As if today, FEMA has shipped over nine million and ninety five masks, twenty million face masks, three point one million face shields, nearly six thousand ventilators, two point six million gowns, fourteen point six million gloves, and we're sending more every day, and we've got tremendous amounts of equipment coming in. A lot of great companies are making equipment right now. The ventilators obviously they take a little longer to make, but we have a lot of companies making them, and we're going to be in great shape. Took over an empty shelf. We took over a very depleted place. In a lot of ways. As you know, the testing is going very very well. And that was obsolete and broken and we fixed it and it's been going really good. And I think very importantly the stockpile, we're really filling it up, and we fill it up rapidly, but we get it out. Sometimes we have it sent directly to the states instead, and again the state has to be doing this kind of a thing. Also, we're sort of a look. We look from behind a little bit and we look at how are they doing, and if they need help, we do it, but it's their first responsibility. Sometimes they just can't get it, but we load it up and we send it out. But if we can, we have it sent directly to the state. We wanted to go directly to the point where we want it. I can now announce something that I think is incredible, what they've done in the navy, because the incredible naval hospit spital ship, the USNS Comfort, which is incredible actually when you see it inside. We'll be underway to New York City on Saturday, so it's going to be leaving on Saturday rather than three weeks from now. They did the maintenance quickly, and it was going to be there for quite a while. Longer another three or four weeks and it should be arriving. I told the governor twenty minutes ago, Governor Cuomo, that the ship will be arriving at New York Harbor on Monday. I think I'm going to go out and I'll kiss it goodbye. I'll go, I'll go to it's in Virginia, as you know, and I will go and we'll be waving together because I suspect the media we'll be following. Johnny, you're gonna be following. Maybe you never know. It's a very important, great ship. It's a great vessels, right, So if you want to go, I'll see you there, and if you don't, that's okay. After being fully loaded with medical supplies, it's going to be it's loaded up to the top and it's over at the Dorfolk Naval Base. That's where it departs. It is expected then to I mean, we're saving about three to four weeks by the incredible work done by the Navy, and I actually look forward to Saturday to see it go. The ship will arrive and I believe it's going to get a little bit of a ceremony. It says something very beautiful about it's incredible piece of work. Going to be landing at Pere ninety in Manhattan to provide a hospital surge capacity for the New York metropolitan area. So it's a surge capacity. They may use it for this, or they may have other people coming in from hospitals unrelated to the virus, and then they'll use those hospitals on land, they'll use those hospital for the virus. But we'll see how they do it. They could do it either way, one way or the other, which everyone is best. But it could be because it's set up so well for a regular hospital that they may take people out of hospitals and then use those rooms for the virus. The National Institute of Health and the private sector, working closely with the FDA, continue to collaborate to discover and test treatments and therapies that can effectively reduce the duration and symptoms of the virus and help very much help people to recover. And I'm firmly committed to bring in these treatments to market very quickly. We have a lot of tests going on with regard to different medicines, and I hope, I hope we get lucky. I hope we hit a lot of talented scientists and doctors are working on therapeutics, a cure, vaccines. I think we're doing very well. Tony Mats speak to that a little bit later, but I think we're doing very well with regard to the vaccines. I think we're doing well with regard to a lot of the things I just mentioned, but we'll have to see what happens. We're going to know fairly soon about a lot of them. But it's very advanced, and the vaccines are very advanced prior to, as you know, a fairly reasonably long test period in that case, over a year. Every American should be proud of the incredible spirit our country is brought to this effort. It's been incredible. Citizens from all walks of life have come together to turn the tide in this battle. We're witnessing the extraordinary power of American unity, like a lot of people have never seen, even getting a vote. You're talking about trillions of dollars and you get a vote of ninety six to nothing. We are waging war and this virus, using every financial, scientific, medical, pharmaceutical, and military resource to halt it's spread and protect our citizens. I want to express our tremendous thanks to the American people for continuing to practice social and saying like you people are practicing right here. I don't know. This room may never be the same maintaining good hygiene and follow government guidelines. Vice President pencilifts up that card every time, and it's not very complicated, but hopefully you can do that, and your commitment will make all the difference in the world. And that's one of the big ones. Will be for a while, stay home, just relaxed, stay home, making a lot of progress as we continue to gather more information and accelerate the testing, where we're doing record numbers of tests now, far more than any other country has done. I told you yesterday eight days here because you heard so much about South Korea, the media kept South Korea. South Korea. We have a great relationship with President Moon in South Korea, but when I hear so much about South Korea. So in eight days, in eight days, we do more testing than they did in eight weeks, and it's a very highly sophisticated test. We'll be able to deploy even more data driven and targeted approaches to slow the Ultimately, it's a very devastating thing, but we will vanquish this virus, and it's a lot of progress has been made. That's why earlier today I said a letter to America's governors describing how we will be using the data to update existing guidance on social distancing, which will be developed in close coordination with our nation's public health officials and scientists. Because of the sacrifices of our great doctors, at nurses and healthcare professionals, the brilliance of our scientists and researches, and the goodness and generosity of our people, I know that we will achieve victory and quickly return to the path of exceptional health, safety, and prosperity for all of our citizens. We have to get back to work. Our people want to work, They want to go back. They have to go back, and we're going to be talking about dates, We're going to be talking with a lot of great professionals. But this is a country that was built on getting it done, and our people want to go back to work. I'm I'm hearing it loud and clear from everybody. So we'll see what happens. We're gonna have a lot more information early next week and we'll be reporting that back. But I just want to leave it with you. We have to go back. This is the United States of America. They don't want to sit around and wait, and they'll be practicing. And by the way, a lot of people misinterpret when I said go back. They're going to be practicing as much as you can social distancing and washing your hands and not shaking hands and all of the things that we talk about so much. But they have to go back to work. Our country has to go back. Our country is based on that, and I think it's going to happen pretty quickly. I think it's going to happen pretty quickly. A lot of progress has made, but we got to go back to work. We may take sections of our country, we may take large sections of our country that aren't so seriously affected, and we may do it that way, but we've got to start the process pretty soon. So we'll be talking to you a little bit more about that next week. And with that, if you have any questions you could ask, And then I'm going to have vice presidents stay behind and he's going to take questions and also introduce some of the people. You could ask them some questions. Jean Place on this president, unemployment numbers out three point three millions. I think it's not a surprise, no no, but still a staggering wanted to put your perspective, Well, it's nobody's fault, certainly not in this country. Nobody's fault. We got very lucky when we made a decision not to allow people in from China at a very early date. I say that because some people don't want to accept it, but this was a great decision made by our country. Or there's the numbers that you're talking about. We're a big country. That'd be far greater, far bigger. So when I heard the number, I mean I heard it could be six million, could be seven million. It's three point three or three point two, but it's a lot of jobs. But I think we'll come back very strong the sooner we get back to work. You know, every day that we stay out, it gets harder to bring it back very quickly, and our people don't want to stay out. So I know those numbers, John, But I think you'll see a very fast turnaround once we have a victory over the hidden enemy. As I say, it's a hidden enemy. Sometimes a hidden enemy is a lot tougher than somebody that stares you in the face. Right, So we'll see what happens. But I mean they're fully expected numbers. At least, I mean, at least, I just have re established here. We're gonna continue to with the President's Corona Task Force and its daily press briefing on the Sean Hannity Show, Networks proposal to deploy certain troops along the Canadian border, clime Minister to go explaining about that. Why is that necessary? Well, we have very strong deployments on the southern border, as you know, with Mexico, and we had some troops up in Canada. But I'll find out about that. I guess it's equal justice to a certain extent. But in Canada we do have troops along the border. You know, we have a lot of things coming in from Canada. We have trade some illegal crede that we don't like. We have very strong sanctions on some. We have very strong tariffs on dumping steel, and we don't like steel coming through our border that's been dumped in Canada so they can avoid the tariff. You arge a lot of tariff for the steel, and it's been great for our steel companies because now they can really go. You look at what's happened with steel. It's been pretty incredible. But we've taken in billions and billions of dollars in tariffs on steel, and much of it comes in from China, but they can come through the Canadian border. Two, So we're always watching for the numbers. Correctly, the United States now has surpassed China as the country with the highest number of virus cations because it survise you at alas that following a predictable sectory. Now, I think it's a tribute to our testing. You know, number one, you don't know what the numbers are in China. China tells your numbers. And I'm speaking to President Sheet tonight. I believe it will have a good conversation. I'm sure, But you just don't know, you know, what are the numbers, But I think it's a tribute to the testing. We're testing tremendous numbers of people and every day the way the system works. And I want to thank especially Roach has been fantastic, great company. They've done a tremendous amount. Debra w was telling me before that they were really they've really stepped up to the plate and done great, as have other of the companies. But it seems that they're really doing in particularly well. So you know, we'll see what happens there. But it's a tribute to the amount of testing that we're doing. We're doing tremendous testing, and I'm sure you're not able to tell what China is testing or not testing. I think that's a little hard. President. On the three point three jobless planing, you just suggested to get six to seven million all those workers. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. I said some people were projecting that it would be six or seven and it's I believe three point three millions of Americans out of work. Some of them will be losing their insurance. What's your plan to make sure through no fault of your own, as you just mentioned if they stay in sured, are you willing to plus up the subsidies for some of the exchanges in a Robamacare expand Medicaid? What's being considered so well? I mean the things I just read to you are being considered, and other things are being considered. People are going to be getting pig checks and it's not their fault. What happened to them is not their fault. So we're doing we're doing a lot of different things on health insurance. We have meetings on it today. We're taking care of our people. This is not their fault what happened, and we're taking care. We're starting off by sending them very big checks. I think for a family affords about three thousand dollars. And we're taking care of our people. We're taking care of our workers. This was not you know, as I say, this was on a financial Crisisis was a health crisis, a medical crisis. We're going to take care of our people with police. Yeah, please not. From restaurant association came out Castle Restaurant Association in restaurant with a survey this morning saying that three percent of all restaurants in this country, I've shuddered for food in the past three weeks, and the projection is that eleven percent more are calling were closed in the next thirty days. So what do you say to a restaurant owner who is looking at sheets and thanks he has to close within the next thirty days. Well, I hate to I know the business very well. I understand the restaurant business. It's a very delicate business. It's a business that it's not easy, you know. I always say, in a restaurant business, you can serve thirty great meals to a person or a family and they love it. One bad meal number thirty one, they never come back again. It's a very tough business, but they're great people that run restaurants. And I've heard three percent could be lost, and you could go as high at ten or eleven percent, but they'll all come back in one form or another. It might be a different restaurant, but it's going to be a great business for a lot of people. And we're making it easy for people to look what we're doing, what we're doing in terms of loans, what we're doing in terms of salaries. They'll all come back. It may not be the same restaurant, may not be the same ownership, but they'll all be back. Yes, sir, please mentioned the pleasures from American companies that provides supplies. But because it gets to the top eighty one thousand cases in the US, does it make sense to reo as using the Defense Production Act? Well, I talked about the Defense Production Act a lot, and I've you know, I've enacted it, I have it. I can do it with a pen, and we have actually used it on two minor occasions, and then we could withdraw it. But for the most part, the companies we don't need it. We say we need this, and they say, don't bother. We're going to do it. I mean we we're dealing with for General Motors three am. We'll deal with great companies. They want to do this, they want to do this. They're doing things that frankly, they don't need somebody to walk over there with a hammer and say do it. They are getting it done. Would making tremendous amounts of equipment, tremendous amounts and when this is over, we're going to be fully stockpiled, which they would have never been except for a circumstance. This was this was something that nobody has ever thought could happen to this country. I'm not even blaming. Look, we inherited a broken situation, but I don't totally blame the people that were before me and this administration. Nobody would have ever thought a thing like this could have happened. But the Production Act Defense Production Act is a wonderful thing, but I just haven't how to use it. They know it's activated, they know I can use it. Maybe that frightens them a little bit. You know, it's got tremendous power. But I haven't had to please question for me. And then another question if you'll let me for some of my colleagues, or social distancing through there were outs that I'm trying to get in. I know. The first question has to do with cruise liners like Carnival and really and they want this relief a but the worried because they offshore street places like Panama and Liberia, they might not qualify. Cenator Holly has said that they should move back to the United States before they get a check. Do you agree? Should they pay US taxes to get US taxpayer relief? So I'm a big fan of Senator Hally, and I also like the idea. There were some senators that didn't want to do anything like Carnival. Great company, but they're based in different places. I won't tell you why. I could tell you exactly where they're based, but I won't do that. But they're based in actually more than one place. As you know, ships are registered at different locations. I do like the concept of perhaps coming in and registering here, coming into the United States. It's you know, it's very tough to make a loan to a company when they're based in a different country. But with that being said, they have thousands and thousands of people that work there and maybe almost as importantly that work on shore, are filling these ships with goods and products. And the cruise line business is very important. And I know Carnival what a great job they do. Mickey Harrison, and I would think that we could stick with Senator Hally and maybe really look at that seriously. Look, it's a big business. It's a great business. It's a it's a business that employs tremendous number of people outside of the ship itself. I mean you look, you look at these ports. It's loaded up with shops and and people that are involved with the ship. So we're gonna work very hard on the cruise line business, and we're gonna try and work something. But I like the concept. You go ahead. The Senate bail includes as directly tied to the airlines. UM, and since before the pandemic, going was already suffering from you know, the losses of seven thirty seven shairplanes. UM, do you think it's appropriate to use as legislations? All right, this is the President leading his daily Coronavirus Task Force press briefing. UM. By the way, apparently angering many in the mob. The President will be with us on Hannity tonight nineties on the Fox News channel. Will pick up a lot on what you just heard there, what is being done, what will be done, what we expect, and every health related issue that you could imagine. I wish we had more time to continue this, we do not. As always, thank you for being with us. We'll see you tonight, Donald Trump, the President, our guests, thank you for being with us. Back here tomorrow

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