What Does Victory Look Like With North Korea? - 9.29

Published Sep 30, 2017, 12:31 AM

US. State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert joins Sean to discuss the situation in North Korea and specifically, what does victory look like in North Korea? President Trump has clearly built a world coalition that is pressuring North Korea but ultimately, nuclear weapons remain a critical issue. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eving, and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow all right. Clad you with us Happy Friday. Right down a toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred nine for one Sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. I want to start the week with a big thank you to everybody. Um. I don't want to get too inside baseball, but there are times and I actually think this fits into the whole issue of the anthem and the flag and what's going on in the NFL and taking a knee and locking arms, and you know, it's like they don't understand their customers in the NFL anymore. And if the left, which never loved football in any way shape matter reform now that they're embracing it so warmly because they think it advances their cause, which is, you know that America is a horrible, evil, unjust place. America is not perfect. Nobody's gonna say America is perfect. Um. And I think I've quoted every day this week, and I'll do it again because it's worth doing. Barry Farbard, no country in the history of man has accumulated more power and abused it less than this country. No country has accumulated more power and used it to advance the human condition and stand up against evil and goodness than the United States. None of us are perfect. I don't, I don't. I don't know where this notion. Like liberals always take lee if there's a conservative that has some failing, you know, um of some kind of a conservative gets mad, of a conservative vapes, If a conservative drinks of beer, you know, it's like they're happy. Or if a prominent minister has caught in some type of sexual affair or whatever it happens, it's like they're happy. I don't know any perfect people. I start with myself. I mean, I know every truth about myself, every single failure that I have, and probably in life, nobody's harder on myself than me. But anyway, I wanted to start out because and I didn't bring this really a lot to your attention at the start of the week when we were moving on Fox to the my new time slot, which was my old time slot, and bring into my new time slot again. But there were people in the media so ready for me to fail. They they had the stories were pre written. They wanted this show my show like they've always wanted to fail, you know. And um, because of all of your support, it's it's it's been a massive successful week and I just want to say thank you because I I'm humbled by it. I'm appreciative to it. I appreciate all the people that came on last night. By the day, way I told you, Rush was in the zone. He was amazing last night and behind the scenes we just had a really really good time. And oh I didn't tell you this. Rush handed me, gave me an iPhone eight. It just goes here. You want one? I'm like, okay, yeah, I don't have to wait online for fours, although apparently there's no lines for the iPhone eight yet. And uh, I don't really want the face recognition one. What is it? Is it X or ten? I don't know what they're calling it X ten? Okay? Um? And and we have part two tonight and it's it's I mean, it's not just like five seconds. We have two long segments that we didn't get to last night. And he doesn't do TV a whole lot. And there's a couple of questions in tonight's interview that I think you're really gonna like and I even well, I think we teased it at the end of the show last night. Yeah, yeah, Brush, I don't think you're really gonna like this question. And I'm not gonna tell you what the answer is because I want you to watch it yourself. I think you'll enjoy it. It's not anything that we're not trying to force people. We can't force people. There's been more attempts again to boycott this show, to silence my voice, to get me off the air. Um, we see it happening to anybody that dares to support this president, believe in what the president is trying to do, and I'm not. I I have no complaints. I'm not complaining in any way that goes with the territory. That's what I signed up for. If you're in the public eye and you give strong opinions, I know there are gonna be people that that take issue with what you say, how you say it. But I never thought we'd get to a point in America where they build an entire industry at trying to take down voices of dissent and voices you disagree with, especially when there's so many choices that people have in their daily lives in terms of what they listen to and what they watch. I can't force you to listen. Now. If I could, I would, I would. I would glue you to your chair three to six Eastern, twelve to three on the West Coast, and I'd say you must listen. I'm on at nine o'clock tonight. You can't budge till ten. And if you're out, find a TV. UM. I can't. The best thing I can do is build it a show that I think I'm gonna be proud of. And we did it, and um, but I'm just saying it. It's it's look, I've been at this up next week I will start my twenty three year on the Fox News channel. And I can't believe that it's twenty three years I I started this program. I think it's eight seven. I think it's the thirtieth year when I first got behind a radio microphone. And it's been an unbelievable journey for me that I never thought i'd be successful at. I just loved it. That's all I knew about it is I loved it, and I live it and I sleep it and I dream it and it was something that was a fascination for me as a kid. I'd put on the radio and I listened to all these great pioneers, and I talked about it earlier than the week. So I just wanted to say thank you. And we have part two of Rush tonight. We have. I told you before this week even started. We have a lot of surprises. Wait to hear what we're doing next week. Oh, we got big surprises next week, really big surprises, like big, big, big surprises. I know, but I said it and I delivered right. I didn't tell anybody, We didn't even announce anything. So um, I know our competitors hate me, and I know the liberal media critics hate me. Um. Somebody told me that there's been some guys stalking me from the Washington Post, you know, going back all thirty years of my radio career. And uh, somebody at Fox pr go as well. They want to They want you to answer questions about when you started in your twenties. I'm like, I don't even remember my twenties. I mean, I'm fifty five years old. Really, and anybody that starts are we gonna show Matt Lowers first broadcast, are we gonna show right in some local market. So there is a double standard. And you know, this is what the President's gone through, his family has gone through, those that like and support him have gone through. Some of you have lived through it, Some of you have lost for ends because of your political views. Some people just don't want to even open their minds that we can do some amazing things. I thought one of the best things Rush said yesterday is that the Republicans in three months, if they would just get a spine and a backbone and stick to the principles, the party principles, stick to the platform principles, stick to the promises that they made. I mean, if you look at what this economic plan is, and we're gonna talk a little bit more about that today, I mean, it's a plan that is really in so many ways rooted, and what Kennedy was did when he was president, what Reagan did when he was president, certainly what Obama did. I won't give you all the statistics. You probably know him by heart now because I've given them out more than anybody. What he did didn't work. Socialism doesn't work, and growing the economy does work. And if we can really focus on those people that need jobs and opportunities and want to get off the government handouts. And we're gonna have a better country if we're energy independent. We have a better country if we don't have open borders with people competing for the few jobs that are available. You know, we're gonna get Americans back to work. There's so many great good things that we can do that would make us successful. And for the Republicans, it would be literally for them, would be the best thing that they could ever do, because it's good for them politically. All they want is power, but they're afraid to do the things that would be successful that would keep them in power anyway. So we're gonna get to that one lie I want to deal with at the beginning of the show, Um by the fake news media. Um, is that, Well, the president who did so well with Hurricane Harvey. I'm sure you read that somewhere, and I'm sure you heard it on all your newscasts, And the president that did so well with Hurricane Irma, And oh, somehow the president forgot about Hurricane Maria and what's happening in Puerto Rico. It's just not true. And I made a number of calls today from my contacts, and I found out that whatever what the media is trying to do, they're actually now trying to paint the president and push a narrative that he's treating Puerto Rico poorly. Where did I find out the truth? They want to turn this into Hurricane Katrina. The reason they can't is because it's not accurate, you know. I'm I'm seeing all these reports the administration dragging their feet trying to get help to the island. It's a lie. And and critics complaining that the President hasn't gotten the military involved, another lie, you know. And when you need a power grid and you hit with a when you're hit with a two hundred mile per hour Category five hurricane, a direct hit on the island and you lose your power grid, You're not gonna be able to get it up in a week, you know, unless you're God and you can snap your fingers and up goes the power grid. It's gonna take a long time to get this this worked out. And CNN and NBC, these fake news networks are at the same doing the same garbage they always do. I've never seen these people ever talk about solutions that are going to impact people's lives. They never talk about the failures of what was Obama's economics. They never talked about the debt, the third team, million and more in on food stamps, eight million more in poverty. That's why I keep repeating it, because they're not gonna do it, and I've always pledged that we want to. We're gonna do the job that they don't do every day. And by the way, it's a lot of work because there's so much that they're missing and so much they don't care about. All they care Russia, Russia, Russia. Rush can't take it anymore anyway. Stars and Stripes pointed out reported there's thousands of US troops in Puerto Rico on the ground and they've been there for days, and all of the food and water and medicines and supplies and baby formula, they were all prepositioned, just like they were for for Texas and Florida and the Pentagon. Anyway, they deployed a battle test at General to coordinate the military response. There are four thousand, four hundred troops that have been out there, fanning across the entire U S territory. They've been delivering license sustaining supplies. One problem they did run into they don't have enough truck drivers for all the supplies they have. That's been a problem, which by the way, they're now fixing because the military is coming in with all of all of the the means to get the supplies to the people that are in desperate need there. But at Army Lieutenant General Jeffrey S. Buchanan, he's taking command of the ongoing military portion of the rescue and release a relief operations. Thirty five year infantry officer led troops through four tours in Iraq and more recently served as a senior commander in Afghanistan. He's the guy that's leading the four thousand foreigner troops that are on the ground in Puerto Rico. And the three star general's deployment comes after the Army sent their Brigadier General Richard Kim to Puerto Rico to lead land based forces as the operation shifted from primarily a Navy ship based response, which is when they brought into supplies for the disaster. And then Buchanan's president is adding efficiency to coordinating all the military operations and officials are saying the situation in Puerto Rico's slowly improving because of the devastation that we're talking about here, and the military is literally the military. They're clearing roads and air fields and seaports as so all the preposition supplies have made it to to of their borders, especially water and food and fuel and anyway. And at the time, supplies had been delivered to each of the island seventy eight municipalities. So it's just a lie. And the Pentagon sending two thousand more troops into Puerto Rico, by the way, the same troops that fight, bleed and die, that give us our freedoms that we honor when we play the anthem those troops, those guys, it's like a slap in the face to the to our military everybody. So you know, maybe the NFL guy should take a Sunday off and go to Puerto Rico and sir, side by side with with our military men and women. I'm all four protests, but I'm also four protested in a different way, not during the point where we're honoring the military that give us our freedoms. All right, as we roll along, I just want a simple, basic, fundamental truth and it goes to the heart of You know, look at these military guys. They didn't train for hurricane relief efforts. But you know what they do. They serve. You know what they do. They salute, say yes sir, and they go where they're needed. And when the President does the right thing and our military steps up the way they've stepped up. Now, by the way, living conditions in Puerto Rico are are horrible and it's devastation. And we had Reverend Grahaman from Samaritan's Purse, I urge it. If you can don't donate, donate it's you know, whatever at ten bucks, whatever you can do, it's gonna go a long way to help. They're gonna need our help. The government's gonna step up. There's all the aid package that is going to Houston and Florida will also similarly be going to Puerto Rico. And I think it's just the right thing to do. Everybody agrees on that. And but let's just tell the truth about it. And I just you know, there's something so radically wrong in the news media. You know, they're more angry that Donald Trump calls Kim Jong un rocket men then they are over the two bit dictator who broke a commitment to the United States. When Bill Clinton tried to bribe him and his father, they're more and his firing missiles over Japan, they're more mad at the president. You know, the media is more. They're more angry that the president. And the President is saying we should honor respect our military, our anthem, and our flag, and that there's a time and a place for everything, and he's calling out This is a very big, key cultural issue, and we had gotten into the discussion many times this week with O'Reilly with Rush, with everybody. You know, at the end of the day, you can take down the memorials, you demonize every framer, every founder. You don't look at America's goodness. You don't look at the system that they created that corrects wrongs, evils and injustices and fundamentally, what do you have as a country? What do we have left here? We don't have any anywhere we can unite at all. You know, people are bleeding and dying for our ability to live the free, wonderful lives we live. It's like spitting in their face. It's a slap in the face to the military. You have grievances, you can come on my shows. Just anybody in the NFL wants to come on, Linda, put them on anytime they want. All right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show on Shawn told Frey telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravagance, We're gonna get to some calls here. Um NFL ticket sales plummeting. There is Washington Examiner reporting ticket sales have cratered since the President called on team owners to fire the players who take a need of protest the national anthem. I would say, oh, the sons of bitches. I'm like, I don't think people are looking or understanding what the President is saying here. And the media, of course, they just go to their their quick, cheap, you know, talking point narrative. Oh that there's this, this is some type of dog whistle. Do you how many times Chris Matthews during the Obama years a dog whistle, dog whistle, dog whistle, dog whistle dog. The President never mentioned race. It's not about race. How about this. Let me throw this out at you, is there's something about life and I suspect this is spiritual as well. You know, every once in a while in life you gotta slow down. You gotta think, man, I'm really blessed. I live in the greatest country God gave man. I've got you know, my kids are healthy, my family is healthy. You know. I tell my kids all the times. You know, it's the one thing that they don't get. They start whining. I can't stand whining. And I'm like, okay, well, let's go over all the stuff that you do have in your life. Let's talk about that, and then I'll run through the list, um and I'll start and then slowly but surely it's such a good point, they can't really say anything, Well, you got this. I gave you that. I you have that, you want this, you want to be here, you want to be there, you want to be everywhere. And then Dad says, you can't have one thing, and it's like a meltdown, which is, by the way, it's just normal. That's what kids do. I know. I was like that, and I was I was the worst I'd be in the store. My father used to say at a case of the gimmes, give me this one, Dad, give me this one, give me, give me, give me, give me. Do we say to me, I'm like, come on, come on. And in the case of my kids will say please that please, that please, that please that you're getting that yet from Liam? No? Not, Yeah, it's coming. Wait till you take them to you know, toys r US when they just don't ever take your kids to toys r us. It's it's don't let them be toys r us. Kids. Just go there on your own and and pick out the toys for him because they're gonna want every please please And by the time you just don't even want to hear the word please anymore? Can you just be impolite? Um? But it's natural. But when we all stop and we all think, just stop for a second and you think, how many people have died fighting for this country? What did they fight for? What are they fighting for? How do you benefit from their sacrifice? Not? At the top of the hour, we're gonna talk to Billy Vaughan. And Billy lost his son, Aaron, and Aaron, by the way, was the true story of his own son. He was part of Extortion seventeen, and Aaron was one of thirty American servicemen who died on bord of helicopter call signing Extortion seventeen when it was shot down in Afghanistan. That happened August. You know, in many ways, maybe you won't agree with this, and it's almost like spitting in the you know, imagine you go up to see a soldier. Yeah, you know that happened to soldiers after Vietnam, just fitting on them, calling the baby killers. Look at what John Kerry did, Geringer's Cohn, you know, the tortured Lome, you know, putting wires to their tustically told the stories of times that they had personally raped, cut off the years, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off and blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, raised villages in fashion reminiscent of Ginger's Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poison foon stock, and generally ravage country sign South Vietnam. You know, here's my take. When you really get if you're gonna appreciate things in life, everything starts. God gave you this opportunity to live life. And if you're healthy and you have your health, how blessed are you if you have a family and they're healthy. How blessed are you if you wake up and and you know, maybe things it's not the best day, but the sun is shining and you can look out at a beautiful picture of a wave of somewhere and you're on a beach and you see the little sparkles of the sun and the diamonds bouncing off the water. Everyone wants to buy diamonds. You can watch all the diamonds for free if you just go to the ocean and watch. It looks like little diamonds sparkling off the water is beautiful. Or let's see. Look, just relaxing there, Just calm down. I'm not going then on you relax. It's appreciating the gifts and the military has sacrificed so that we don't have to live our lives getting up every day and being scared peopless every day. We don't have to worry every day when we walk down the street. Now we have worries. Things happen, but for the most part it doesn't. And you know what, you can thank God, and you can thank a soldier because they're the ones that gave it to us. And if you want to know why people aren't buying tickets and ticket sales are plummeting and ratings are plummeting, and if you want to know why fans are disgusted by it, I think it fundamentally goes to the heart and soul of the goodness of people in this country that instinctively, no people died for the right for these guys to play football on Sunday, and they're making two point four million dollars a year on average to play a sport. Now, we love their talent, we love their ability. Football is a game of inches. I think one of the most amazing football catches is over the shoulder, you know, and you know fifty. It's exciting, it's fun, it's it's you know, hardcore. You're banging up on each other, and then one side is gonna win, one side is gonna lose. You're excited when your team wins. You kind of piste off when they lose. At least I am so I get I'm not competitive at all, though I have no no competitive fleetings in me at all. And but none of that happens except those guys sacrifice for us. And you know what they fought under that flag, and you know what they stand at attention for that anthem, And that's why where where we are the NFL has one way out of this knock it off now. The Denver Broncos announced kneeling players are gonna stand for the national anthem. This week, Colin Kaepernick donated thousands of dollars to a group honoring convicted cop killer not nice to him. Colin Kaepernick Foundation twenty five Grand Assada's daughter, a Chicago direct action resistance organization honoring Assada Shakur, who escape prison fled to Cuba after being found guilty of the murder of Officer Werner. Forrester, that's what Colin Kaepernick, the guy that has socks with cops depict at his pigs. You got the Spurs coach Greg Popovich, we got the audio of him play this. I just heard a comment this morning from a NASCAR owner, uh and from Mr Petty that just blew me away, Just blew me away, where the owner described the fact that he would get the Greyhound bus tickets for anybody to leave and they'd be fired. And Mr Petty who said, people who uh act the way we saw on Sunday, they should leave the country. That's where I live. I had no idea that I lived in a country where people would actually say that sort of thing. I'm not totally naive, but I think these people have been enabled by an example that we've all been given. And you've seen it in Charlottesville and on and on and on. That's not a surprise. Get over it. You know, what do we do to get it done? Uh? To go to the grassroots and not allow this to happen again? Uh, you know our countries and embarrassment in the world. Uh, this is this is an individual actually thought that when people held arms during the games that they were doing it to honor the flag. That's delusional. There has to be an uncomfortable element in the discourse for anything to change, you know, whether it's LGBT movement or you know, women's suffrage, race, it doesn't matter. People have to be made to feel uncomfortable, and especially white people because we're comfortable. We still have no clue of what being born white means. All right, So is it gonna now move to the NBA? Already moved. I know one player, one catcher on one team in the in the MLB took a knee to catcher. What team was up from? Jason the Oakland as right? Are they making into the playoffs? This year. Now, there's no constitutional night right. I've read you the rules from You can't work, you can't do a bowl and arrow. You can't curse it other players. You can't taunt, you can't do this, you can't all preventions of freedom of speech for people. By the way, Tom Price just announced he's good. I'm sorry. Donald Trump just announced he's gonna decide Tom Price's fate. Um. I understand people's anger over money issues and when it comes to private plant. Do you know that every one of those trips he took was approved? Apparently? And yeah, I do think that there is, you know, probably too many trips taken by people. But and I see the New York Times is out to destroy Tom Price. I think a lot of it has to do with healthcare. They said. In addition to a website about Mr Price, the group plans to begin an aggressive media campaign designed to make people question Mr price statements and actions. Um, you know, we got a group protesting everybody today. I'm trying to get everybody fired. Well, we could look at Kathleen Sibelius. She was the Secretary of Health and Human Services for Obama from oh nine and on September seen she told the round table that Tom Price's repeated use of charter jets was stunning, really okay, Well, Secretary Anthony even Fox, who served as Secretary of Transportation under Obama three and a half years, he took over a hundred and thirty charter flights. Well Secretary and then Secretary Sylvia Burwell Health and Human Services to sixteen Well, she booked a military aircraft to Berlin, Germany, at a G seven healthcome conference. She was on the ground for twenty four hours. Total cost to you a hundred one thousand dollars. Eric Holder and FBI Director Mueller. From twenties to oh seven to eleven a g and FBI director counted for of the d j's non mission related flights using government aircraft, eleven point four million dollars of those flights were for personal reasons. Anyone's gonna pay attention to that. Anyone remember that Leon Panetta Defense Secretary flew out to California. I think every week do anyone care to comment on any of that? And I just you know, I just think there's a little bit of a double standard here. Whatever it is, they should have a policy and stick to it. Now. John Painter, who I never particularly liked you know, he used to fly commercial. Paul Ryan continued that pledge Nancy Pelosi, on the other hand, was taking a you know, private jet home to San Francisco whenever she needed it. Leon Panetta, I mean, if you look at his military travel, I mean it was amazing. You know, the bulk of the reporting of his travel and in you had made about twenty seven round trip round trip trips on to California and military aircraft. Let me just name to care a whole heck of a lot about that. One of the things that we got to really think about, um, and we've been talking about it is the Republican parties. And I love what Rush was saying last night because I viewed this as a challenge. I'm gonna go I have something I want to say on this tonight to on on Hannity, And I want the tax cuts. Why do I want them for the corporations and multinationals and repatriation because they're gonna invest it. Let me ask all of you, do you put your money in a bank account? Is that where you put your money? Now? You put some money to live day to day in month to month, and you pay your bills and all that sort of thing. Let me tell you, if you're putting your money in a bank, it's not a really good investment. I'm not gonna tell you how to invest your money, but there are better ways to make a better return on your dollar. Now, there's a certain irony that you know. There are some people in congressmen and women in big states like New York. We're in New York. We pay a ten percent state income tax. You pay nationally ten percent on the state level. What do you pay in New York is a three or four percent? I think it's three, right, three? All right? So you start out that's forty fifty three, and you pay your property taxes, then you pay your sales taxes, then you pay all your hidden taxes, and it's sixty cents out of every dollar. So the states that charge, now it's not gonna you're not gonna be able to deduct in California's thirteen and a half percent state income tax, and that's on top of the you're paying federally. So now you might end up with the lower rate of thirty nine point six to thirty. But if you live in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, you're gonna pay more, you know why, because you've elected stupid people that misappropriate your dollars. How is it Florida not a not a penny in state income tax, Texas not a penny, and states that do have it. It's tiny, it's small, it's insignificant. Property taxes in Florida. Everything is less in Florida and Texas. And why do you think people are leaving New York, New Jersey, Illinois and droves in California? Droves because government is oppressive? Now is that taxing the rich? Well, it's now. I actually think you can say more accurately. You're taxing people that live in stupid states and elects stupid people. And you're talking about your own state. Yeah, yeah, Albany's a sewer. No, it's just unbelievable, not enough money, And and we have all this fracking. Pennsylvania loves how stupid New York is because they're basically getting all the natural gas straight out of New York and it just sucking it right into Pennsylvania's economy. And good for them, Good for them. I'm proud of them. They're smarter than we are in New York. And if I could, we'd be in Florida. All right, we got a powerful debate coming up next, Reverend Oliver White, Reverend C. L. Bryant, and also Billy Vaughan. He lost his son Aaron Vaughan. How does the military really feel about it? Oh my gosh, you got Why are you making fun of the Drudge Report? Why are you saying, look at the Drudge Another good picture? Are you? I'd tell you I don't know what to do anymore? Oh my gosh. The time you turn around, there's a picture of Sean Hannity dominating Rachel Maddow and Drudge Report. Right, really, you guys have to start here we go again. I think the NFL is in a box. I think they are a really bad box. You look at what's happening with their ratings, if you look at what's going I mean, frankly, the only things assuming well in the NFL is the free game, because everybody wants to see what's going on. You cannot have people disrespecting our national anthem or flag, are country, and that's what they're doing. In my opinion, the NFL has to change or you know what's gonna happen. Their business is going to go to hell. We have to respect our national anthem, we have to respect our country, and they're not respecting our country. And most importantly, the fans agree with me. I mean largely the fans agree. But we have to show total respect for our national anthem, for our flag, for our country. We have to do it, and you can't. There are plenty of places, and there are plenty of personally when they're protesting during a football game, I think they can find better places, but they cannot do it during the national anthem. The disrespecting and when I say they, in a way, it is they because they can stop it. You know, they have rules for everything. You can't dance in the end zone. You can't wear the pink socks relative to breast cancer, which one of the places they have rules for everything. Why aren't they honoring this country by enforcing a rule that's been in existence for a long time. I think they're afraid of their players. You want to know the truth, and I think it's disgraceful and they've got to be tough and they've got to be smart because you look at the ratings. The ratings are going way down, the stadiums are I've seen a couple of stadiums over the last few weeks. They are losing. There are a lot of empty seats. I couldn't even believe it. But when it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice. I don't know what's gonna happen this week. I'm probably gonna we actually have a plan. I don't want to say it, but we're gonna know how people feel by Monday. NFL ticket sales, Washington Examiner reports, are in a free fall right now, according to a major online ticket reseller, and that's tick pick Um. I never heard of tick pick myself, but anyway, they're saying that they're They're sales have dropped eight percent, far more than usual in terms of week three, uh, in terms of the season, and it's on fall. Holding. Now you have some NFL stars are now speaking out of saying that they don't like the anthem protests from the Tennessee and for example, now it sounds like some of the the NFL's millionaire anthem protesters don't understand who pays their salary, because you know, don't don't come to the game That's the message a couple of Tennessee Titans star players have for any outraged fans. You know, I have no problem making this country a more perfect union, none at all. As a matter of fact, I want that to happen. But you know what people aren't considering here is the customer, the people that go to the games and what that flag means to them, that anthem means to them, the knowledge of the history and the understanding of what it means that how many people have fought, bled and died fighting for that flag. Joining us now Reverend Oliver White. He's with the Grace Community United Church. Reverend cl Bryant. He's the creator of the film Runaway Slave and host of the cl Brian Show. I have been a guest on the show, and very proudly so. Elie Vaughan is with us. He's the father of the former Navy seal Aaron Vaughan, co founder of Operation three hundred, a nonprofit foundation which hosts adventure camps for children have lost their fathers as a result of their service to their country. And Billy is also the author of the book Betrayed, The Shocking True Story of Extortion seventeen is told by a Navy Seals father. Remember, Aaron was one of thirty American servicemen who died on board a helicopter and it was call signed X Extortion seventeen when it was shot down in Afghanistan August six. Many who were killed where members of Sealed Team six. It was the largest loss of military life in a single day since the War on Terror began. Anyway, Uh, welcome all of you, you know, Billy um. I just think that a lot of people that what they're not considering here are people like you and your son and all the families of military and the hundreds of thousands of men that have died fighting under this flag, and the and the millions, literally millions of others that were injured fighting under that flag. That doesn't seem to be part of their thinking, but it's it seems to be a part of the thinking the American people. And frankly, I think by not thinking about it, not appreciating it, there's a certain disconnected that borders on total complete selfishness of some people. There's a time and a place. I want this country to be a more perfect union, a better country. I'm listen. I'll listen to anybody's complaints, anybody's ideas about making the place, the country a better place. But this is a moment to honor the military, the ones that give us the ability to play football on Sunday and talk on a radio program or TV program your thoughts. Well, First of all, thank you Sean for having me today, and I appreciate appreciate it very much beyond but uh, it's it's it's absolutely not about me. It's about our war fighters. It's it's about what we stand for. It's about who we are. And that flag represents all of us. It represents all Americans left right, whoever we are. And when those war fighters go into battle and wear that flag on their arms, they don't wear a Democrat, they don't wear a Republican. They wear the American flag. And yes, those warfighters, and many of them, like you said, who have left it all on the battlefield, they have given these men the right and others who have come before them given them the right. Just they've given me the right to voice my opinions to the protests. But when we stand before the world, when when they're seen before the world, and they will not salute, they will not honor the national anthem and the American flag. That's quite a statement. It's quite a statement, and I think it's I think it's a result that a lot of Do you think it's insulting? Yeah? Do you think this is insulting to the to the memory of people like your son? Absolutely, Sean, for sure, but but even also veterans, veterans who are still here. I don't know how many veterans that that. I've spoken with veterans families and I'll tell you what so far, all the ones I've spoken with feel the same way. And I'll tell you what's happening there. There's a lot of people say, I'm not watching any more football. I mean, you know, I don't. That's just that's what's going on. You know, Reverend Oliver White, I know you have a different opinion because we had you on the TV show, but I gotta be honest. You're listening to Billy Vaughan. He lost his son and he feels insulted. And I share the insult and I think that there's a time and a place for everything. And I think that the the reaction you're getting from people in the country and the booing and the ticket sales dropping, and the ratings dropping is a direct indication that they have more reverence for the sacrifice that went into those that fallen under that flag. Well, first of all, let me express what a pleasure it is to talk to you two days in a row. I didn't know we loved each other that much. I love all my fellow men, even those that are wrong politically. No, I want to say personally to build on that. What you see is not an indictment against the military. The people who are kneeling are making an expression, an expression of about what they considered to be an atrocity in our country. And then you have the other side that says, well, you must reverence the flag. But this is a way of protesting. This is a reminder that while we have an issue of war here and there, there's also the other side. We have issues in our country that have to be addressed the president. But you're not addressing the question that Mr Vaughan brought up. He is he lost his son. His son fought under the flag. The anthem honors those that fought under the flag, and so I okay, but you're not addressing his point. It's insulting to him. It's insulting to the American people. Well, let me address this point in the best way. How about directly, that's the best way, all right, directly, I'm gonna address this point. At the past, my heart goes out to you. I couldn't. I don't know, and I hope I never find out what it feels like to lose a child, to lose the child, even to sickness, toward to anything. And so my heart goes out to you. I don't I can't feel your pain, but I can certainly share your burthen And and that's what I want to say to you, that what we are doing and what I am supporting are you know that there are issues that are also prevalent in our country. It's not just about the army. It's about our country. It's about the meaning of our flag. Truly and deeply. I want to give Billy a chance to respond. Thank you, thank you very much, Joan, because because I've been wanting to, first of all, thank you and and and I don't let me tell you, sir, I don't want your pity. I'm proud of what my son did. I am proud that that he was raised in a home and in in America that was proud of this flag. Our country has never said that we're that we're perfect. We're not a perfect people. We're all sinners. So by grace, sir, and my son was a believer. I'm a believer. And there's never been a country in the history of the world founded on the values of the United States of American nose are We're not We're not perfect, we never will be. But their protests have always been a part of our our history always and they probably always will be. But underneath that flag is not the place. And what I can tell you, sir, is this, I am so thankful that the men and the women who serve our armed forces, who serve our forces and who defend us night after not as enemies, do not feel the same way that you do and the same way you represent the US. Because I have six grandchildren who who are us who who who are able to sleep in their beds at peace at night, Because all men who serve this country do not feel the same way as those those who have been so privileged in this country to be able to make and and uh kind of salaries and get what America has to offer them and then not appreciate. And let me just tell you this. I believe many of those men probably who are standing in protests do not realize that they are part of a bigger picture to to disrupt our country, a Marxist movement, to help take this country down as we're seeing in thing after thing, and and many of them probably are are not aware of how they're being used by forces right now playing our country. All right, stay right there, We're gonna take a break. We'll come back to Reverend Oliver White, Billy Vaughan. We'll check in with our friend Reverend Cel Bryant as we continue. This is the Shawn Hannity Show, all right. As we continue with Reverend Oliver White and Reverend C. L. Brian, also with us is Billy Vaughan. And Billy lost his son, Aaron Vaughan, who was a serviceman, died on a helicopter and uh, thirty American servicemen died that day on Extortion seventeen. He was a part of Navy Seal Team six. Uh. And I want to give Seel Brian a chance to jump in. You've been sending to this, and you know what, I agree with Billy Vaughan. I think it's like a slap in the face to the families. It absolutely is, Sean. And Uh, I had Karen Vaughan on my show yesterday and you gotta come on real soon. But let me say this, Uh, there is a liberal design to continue the victimization of yet another generation of black youths and they are using the hero worship of professional athletes to do it. And in the same time, Sean, what they're trying to do is lower the self esteem of young white people by through white guilt or whatever means you want to call it, and enslave them both to a big government type of attitude. And they're using hero worship to do it. And the lie that they're using is that it takes a village to raise a child. I talked to Karen von yesterday and you know what we find out, it takes parents to raise the child. The line of Hillary Clinton tried to put across and he is putting across two black people into two minorities, is that it takes the village. Well, Sean, there are people in the village that you don't want anywhere near your child. And I want to thank the Vaughan family for the sacrifice on behalf of a grateful nation that their son in fact laid down his life for this country. And it is about the flag. If it was not about the flag, you would not have professional athletes going to England and kneeling down when their national anthem is played and their national flag is being displayed, and then stand up on their feet when uh God says the Queen is played. It's insulting and it is un American, and I cannot believe that. It's almost to me like spitting in people's faces, not appreciating what they've done. It's insulting to the military. That's what this is about. Reverend. Why do you want to respond to CEO Uh, good afternoon, my brother. You couldn't You couldn't be more wrong. You talk about the people in the village. There are great black people in the village we had all afternoon. I can name a few of them for you. I can tell you about the great stories and the great struggles that they have stood for and there as some of those people are athletes, I am so glad that we have found another way to make an expression to all of America that the flag represents us all. Oh, I mean some people would would prefer to reverence the flag, and when I was in college, I did not. I did not because I couldn't go in a restaurant unless I mean rest room, unless this said colored only. I couldn't drink from a fountain unless it said colored only. So you know we don't need to go back that far. But the problem still exists today, Reverend, since you brought it up. I I did to drink from those colored and white water fountains. I did to write on the back of that bus. But also my great grandfather fought in the Spanish American War, my grandfather World War One, my father World War two. I still have their flags that drake their coffin when they buried them, when we buried them, And this is personal to me. You cannot tell me about the great American heroes in the village. Know the people in my village where my parents and my grandparents and the extended family of my church. If that's the village you're talking about, time, But in village there are people we don't want around our children. All right, I'm gonna have to leave it there, not because I want to, just only because we're out of time. Mr von You're always in my thoughts and prayers, sir, and we we need to remember the sacrifice of all the men like your son Aaron. We are our freedoms of because of people like him. And uh, you're my thoughts and prayers always. Well, okay, Billy, Mr Von Know, I will I will on your wish, sir. Alright, Ceel, thank you, Reverend White, thank you. We'll take a break. We'll come back a lot more coming up this Friday edition of The Sean Hannity Show. Alright till the top of the hour, toll free telephone number those Friday one, Seawn if you want to be a part of the program. I want to go back. I want to look at the President and what he said at the United Nations about North Korea rocket man. I've always said, there's not a lot of really good options here. Once a country and a madman has nuclear weapons, and you marry those weapons too, I CBM capability that means it can hit the continental United States. And there's only so many times you can fire rockets over Japan and threatened Guam and threatened the entire free world and not want to cooperate. And it seems China is making a lot of overtures. Now that they they recognize at least they're beginning to recognize the significance of all this. So I want to go back to President talking about Rocket Man and Kim Jong un and North Korea, his comments about the Iranians and terrorism and the Iranian deal, and then James Maddis saying that we're not looking for total annihilation, but we have many options to do. So let's play this. No one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the well being of their own people then the depraved regime in North Korea. It is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of North Korean and for the imprisonment, torture, killing, an oppression of countless more. Now, North Korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a resime, but would arm, supply and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict. No nation on Earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles. The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself for its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. The United States is ready willing enable, but hopefully this will not be necessary. That's what the United Nations is all about. That's what the United Nations is for. Let's see how they do. It is time for North Korea to realize that the d nuclearization is its only acceptable future. It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime, one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to America, destruction to Israel, and ruined for many leaders and nations in this room. The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guys of a democracy. It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violent bloodshed and chaos. The longest suffering victims of Iran's leaders are in fact, its own people. Rather than use its resources to improve Iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists that kill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli neighbors. This wealth, which rightly belongs to Iran's people, also goes to show up, but shar Al Assad's dictatorship fuel yemen civil war and undermine peace throughout the entire Middle East. We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles, and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the event construction of a nuclear program. Dearanda was one of the worst and most one sided transactions the United States has ever entered into. Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United States, and I don't think you've heard the last of it, believe me. We had a small group national security meeting today with the President and the Vice President about the latest provocation on the Korean Peninsula. We have many military options and President wanted to be briefed on each one of them. Uh. We made clear that we have the ability to defend ourselves and our allies South Korea and Japan from any attack, and our commitments among the allies are iron clad. Any threat to the United states or its territories, including gua Umu or our allies will be met with a massive military response, a response both effective and overwhelming. King Jong Un should take heat of the United Nations Security Council's unified voice. All members unanimously agreed on the threat North Korea poses, and they remain unanimous in their commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula because we are not looking to the total annihilation of a country, namely North Korea. That, as I said, we have many options to do. So, thank you very much. Layton John all right, joining us now on our newsmaker line is Heather Now. We're former Fox colleague and now the State Department spokesperson. And uh, how do you like the new job? I mean, I haven't talked to you since you left, and you know, I see on Fox all the time. It's like we're running your press conferences, and uh, you know, we're all very proud of you. Congratulations, Thank you, Sean. It's it's been a really busy time. I missed you all at Fox. But I'm loving this job. It is fantastic and and such an incredible honor to serve the administration and for our country. Yeah, let's let's go to what the President said about North Korea, what what James Maddis, General Mannis said about We're not looking for total annihilation, but we do have the options to do it. You know. Look, the President, as you all know, speaks very clearly, and he speaks his mind, and he lets Americans and frankly, the world know exactly how he feels about things. So he made it clear and that was a little upsetting for some members the diplomatic community who are perhaps used to kind of talking in circles. So the President made his clear his feelings. And frankly, we have had despite what's going on with North Korea, the ballistic missile launches and the nuclear testing, we've had success in getting the international community on board. This is not the United States against North Korea. There are a lot of countries who are joining us in our campaign to get the money out of Kim Jong UN's pockets that just go to his illegal weapons programs. So a lot of countries are joining us. So the President has been successful in this and Secretary Tillerson's right behind him working on this every day. Yeah. I never knew Rex Tillers, and I looked at his background. I mean, it's very impressive. And Um, some people were saying that he wants to he's maybe urging the President not to get out of the Iranian deal. Is that true or not true? Well, look, they're having a good conversation, as is the whole national security community that works with the President, having a good conversation about how exactly this should go down. Um, the President and Secretary Tillerson have said, and they agree on this, that Iran, when the nuclear deal was pulled together, the US government, the Obama administration, failed to look at i Ran in totality. We failed to look at all of the bad things that they do around the world, whether it's uh, you know, harassing our sailors on the water, or giving weapons to Hezbollah, or disrupting things further in Syria and frankly killing U S soldiers in Iraq. We know they're responsible for that. Uh. The nuke deal failed to look at all the bad things that Iran does and only looked at the nuclear components. So what the President does, and frankly, Secretary tillers and backs this on him, backs him on this, says we're going to look at Iranian the totality of Iran's bad activities, and the whole policy review is still underway, but I think in the end and we'll take a broader look at it. Um, I guess we get into a situation where and Bill Clinton, if you remember when when he said this is a good deal from the American people, and and talking about the North Korean deal, it seems like we keep following the same path. Before I take your questions, I'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador the Lucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then this mantle it's nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protect to the entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. South Korea, with support from Japan and other nations, will bear most of the costs of providing North Korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing, and they will pay for an alternative power system for North Korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so, will North Korea fully joined the Community of Nations. So we spend all this money, and we literally end up spending billions of dollars in the case of the Iranian deal, what a hundred and fifty plus billion dollars and in American currency, foreign currencies were flying it into the mulas in Iran. And to me, I don't see how blackmailing or appeasing or capitulating to brutal dictatorships or radical Islamis is ever gonna end well, because I don't think they could ever be trusted. What do you think, Well, that certainly didn't work. And that's exactly why the administration is taking a different approach to it. When we look at North Korean, what they're doing, when we look at around and what they're doing, we're looking at this in a very clear eyed, realistic fashion and a pragmatic fashion, and so we're trying to make those policy adjustments to try to make Americans safer as a result. All Right, we gotta take a break. We'll come back more with Heather now who is the State Department, who all right, we'll take a quick break. We'll come back more with Heather Now It's State Department spokeswoman, and we'll continue to our discussion about the many challenges national security wise, around the world, around the globe. All right, as we continue Heather Now, it remains with US State Department spokeswoman. What is the latest on Puerto Rico. I've noticed that the people on the left have been trying to politicize it. We've undertaken a massive federal mobilization to assist Puerto Rico, including the presence of over ten thousand federal personnel, including five thousand US military and National Guard personnel, led by a very very strong and talented three star general. All appropriate departments of our government, from Homeland Security to Defense are engaged fully in the disaster, and the response and recovery effort probably has never been seen for something like this. This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water. Were closely coordinated with the territorial and local governments, which are totally and unfortunately unable to handle this catastrophic crisis on their own, just totally unable to the police and truck drivers are very substantially gone. They're taking care of their families and largely unable to get involved, largely unable to help. Therefore, we're forced to bring in truck drivers, security and many many other personnel by the thousands, and we're bringing them onto the island as we speak. We've never seen a situation like this. The electrical grid and other infrastructure were already in very, very poor shape. They were at their life's end prior to the hurricanes, and now virtually everything has been wiped out and we will have to really start all over again. We're literally starting from scratch. Likewise, we're working closely with the Virgin Islands on the disaster recovery, and that effort is going very very well. Both governors, i have to tell you, of Puerto Rico and of the Virgin Islands have been extremely good. They are working so hard. But there's nothing left. It's been wiped out. The houses are largely flattened, the roads are washed away, there is no electricity. The plants are gone. They're gone. It's not like let's send a crew and to fix them. You have to build brand new electric Sewage systems wiped out. It's never been anything like this, So there remains a lot of work to do, and we will work with the folks that we're working with right now. They're trying very very hard, I will tell you that, but nobody's ever seen anything like it. What I understand, the supplies are there, and the challenge and the difficulty has been in spite of what the media is saying, is just getting people to drive it out to the areas where people need it. In other words, everything's been sent. Is that what you're hearing? Is that what you know? You know? I've heard something similar as well, And I know that the US government has been making some appeals for truck drivers to show up and assist, which is fantastic and there's such good for and so if they can get down there, I mean ideally perhaps the government would help facilitate on because that's what's needed. Um. I haven't heard of that yet. The State Department isn't involved in Puerto Rico, since Puerto Rico is the U. S territory and so d O D and sema UM have the lead on that one, so we're not as involved. But I have heard some of what you're what you're saying right now, alright, Heather now, our spokesperson for the State Department. And congratulations on your new job. I'm sure it is extremely challenging and and long hours and difficult, but you guys are doing amazing and uh, we're really proud of you. Thanks so much, other thank you. Thanks, Sean. Hope to talk to you soon. Have a great week an talk soon you too. Going up next our final news round up and Information Overload, our alright news round up, Information Overload, hour told free telephone numbers eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program right, so many of you've been saying to me, I want to call, I want to call, I want to get this. Before we get to that, I'll tell you one thing that the mainstream left wing destroyed Trump media will never tell you. So. Robert Turner is a police officer. Robert Turner was part of the President's motorcade. President was headed to Air Force one out of Indiana. President gets on Air Force one. Anyway, Robert Turner had an accident. Robert Turner was injured. The President hears about it, and we have some audio. The President would not take off. He wanted to make sure this officer was okay. Gets on the phone, with him. We actually have part of that, okay, believe so um, I'm not sure. I haven't had the X ray on it yet. I appreciate it, sir, alright, sir, okay, all right, thank you, sir. You know what's been amazing. I remember when the President was down at Hurricane Harvey. The same thing happened there. I mean, in response, everybody wanted to picture with her, everybody was happy that he and Melania were there, and all the media could focus in was on was Milani's shoes. And obviously things have gone pretty well in terms of the President showing compassion in ways that I don't remember other presidents showing, like our last president. I'm not saying the presidents don't care. They obviously care, but it's just you're not gonna hear this, you know, right now, you will. You watch CNN and and NBC, fake News, MSNBC, and they were all the trying to push down as the accusation Trump is treating Puerto Rico poorly. He's not treating Puerto Rico poorly. And we've made multiple calls, repeated calls. The only practice problem, the biggest problem they have is not the food, water supplies, and materials because they've been sent and they're there, and the hardest problem they have is they can't get enough drivers to get the food in the water and the supplies out to people. And on top of that, people's homes have been devastated. And now they've sent the military and to do the job, and the military is doing the job. So there is you know, Trump's opponent. We're hoping Hurricane Harvey would be a Katrina for him, Hurricane Irma would be a Katriana for him. Puerto Rico would be a Katrina for him. You know. But what we're finding out. I'm looking at an article now here in front of me in the Washington Times. You know, they were hoping for deja vu all over again, and they didn't get it, you know. So it's you know Obama, Remember he handed the Marines umbrellas to hold for him. Remember the Marine who's you know hat? Donald Trump picked up not once, but twice. Just a little subtle differences. And I can tell you in conversations that I have had with people that were around both presidents. Not gonna mention where they work, you can probably figure it out. And the things that they told me in the differences that exist are night and day. And it's very obvious the presidents that they love, the presidents that show them the greatest respect, and the people that don't show them the greatest respect, and the military and the services they all universally like Bush and Trump universally. And then if you ask him other questions, they're pretty quick to tell you, um, so there is is um. They were hoping that this would go badly for the president and Maria also now that hit Puerto Rico, and uh, anyway, they're trying to just do anything to make the president look bad. But FEMA was prepared. They had prepositioned all of the materials like they did in the other hurricanes. It's now in Puerto Rico. Look, you can't when the electric grid is wiped out, the whole electric grill. It was a Category five two hour winds. When you wipe it out an entire island, you just can't snap your fingers and say, oh, go, let's just put up an electric grid in five days or ten days. It's never gonna happen anyway. So they are doing a much better job than anybody had thought. And liberal pundits, you know, don't even want to acknowledge it, and they're just not even telling the truth in some cases. And they're outraged, and they talk about the island's fiscal and budget crisis, and they try to conflate the issues, and that's not what the issue is. The issue is a Category five. It was a direct hit on Puerto Rico. And now that they have the food, water, medicine supply is and everything else, well, guess what they're beginning to try and get all of these materials, all of these things that all the people are donating to the people that are out there. I got a couple. Let's go some other news here. Did you hear about this n s a leaker reality winner. She was so stressed from watching Fox News it made her steel classified documents. You know, everything in the world is yet it's probably my fault, Trump's fault, it's Hannity's fault, it's this person's fault. But it can't possibly be your own fault. You know what. The saddest story though of the day is you got some Trump hating school librarian in Massachusetts refused to accept Dr. Seuss books from the First Lady Malania Trump, insisting that Dr. Seuss books were racist. How is Cat in the Hat racist? Does anybody anyone want to call in Green Eggs and Ham? Sam? I am whatever it is, I'm trying to understand what the argument they're saying here. Anyway, to celebrate National Read a Book Day, the First Lady sent out of collection attend Dr Books to one school in each state across the nation. You know, Cat and the Hat, One fish to fish, Redfish, Bluefish, Wacky Wednesday, Green eggs and Ham. Oh, the places you'll go, I mean books, but probably most of you grew up with anyway, she followed in the footsteps. Michelle Obama done the same thing, and she often read Dr. Seuss books to children, and Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush and Laura Bush all did the same anyway. Liz Phipps sierrow Is, a librarian at a public school in Cambridge, wrote a letter of the First Lady, which was then published in the horn Book Blog, notifying Mrs Trump that her school would not be keeping the titles for their collection because they didn't need them, and she seemed to be most offended by the books themselves. Well. Many people are unaware that Dr Seus's illustrations are steeped in racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes. And she recommended journal articles, reports, and books for Mrs Trump to inform her about the systemic races them an oppression and education and literature. I look, I haven't gone back to study, you know, one step two. Whatever it did won fish to fish. I didn't go back and study at all, or cat in the hat or green eggs in ham. But does anybody in there remember any incidents of racism and the doctor Seuss book. You know, if you can tell me, then please let me know. It reminds me. You remember in New York, New York Hospital had gratefully accepted a hundred million dollar gift from the Cooke family, the Koke Brothers, and then but the new wing at New York Presbyterian Hospital inspired a bizarre protest, and activist groups went out there complaining where the money had come from and anyway they surely whatever the hospital secretly, they total freak out over the Koke brothers hundred million dollar hospital gift. What are you gonna do with a hundred million dollars from hospital? You're gonna You're gonna get the latest, greatest equipment. I helped save people's lives anyway, said, why wouldn't you want the donation because you disagree with people just for political reasons? What is the reason if George Soros donates money? I mean he spends enough money trying to take me out and take other conservatives out in silence conservative voices. You know, where do you think all these liberal fascist groups get their money from. They're not believers in freedom of speech. There they literally want to shut down anybody they don't agree with. UM. What else do we have here? Oh? We have um a story today that I did want to share with you. It's all California has now moved its primary day to boost their impact on the presidential race. Here's the story. It's California lawmaker wants to ban gas car sales after France and the United Kingdom are doing it, so is India. One lawmaker in California would like to follow their lead phase out gasoline diesel powered vehicles. Here we go, what are we gonna ride a previous a prius. I don't even think I can fit in that stupid thing. I would never in my life though, I want to be in a tin can like that. You know, I have friends of mine they get older, and I guess they're going through their midlife crisis and they buy these sports cars for raw reas Maserati's and Porsches and and big muscle cars. I have no interest in them. I think my last twelve cars have been the same car and Escalade and I like traded in every three years. King o'roar Cadillac, I just call him, I said, can you bring over a new one? We'll trade it in. And you know what they do. Because I'm a loyal customer, I always know I'm gonna get the best deal. I always know that they're gonna be there to service my vehicle. And sometimes the owner would call me and say, if you wait a month, we have a much better deal coming on that car. And they'll say, do you want to wait a month or not wait a month? I mean that, how could you not be loyal to a dealership like that. They've been so phenomenal. So my son was was buying ices one day and he just kind of scraped the side of the car and I called him up. I said, can you fix us? We'll have it done in a day. They fixed it in a day and he goes no charge. As Yeah, he got and and if you need I love. It's just amazing. Now. I know the best part about car buying is you can look it up on your own. You can find out eight nine one shot on toll free telephone number. Um, alright, Chris disagrees with me. He's in Atlanta News Talk WSP. What's up, Chris. How are you glad you called Sean? I'm good. How are you, sir? I'm doing great. A president of the United States does not call grown men sons of bitches. And what would you what would you? What would you do, Sean? If your son came home and was sent home by his school because he chose to call another kid who chose not to stand up for the national anthem a son of a bitch? How would you discipline him? And what if your son told you I just heard the President of the United States called grown men that dad. Yeah, and I know you've never cursed in your home. You're perfect, right, Your your your your answer, your answer. I'm asking how you would discipline your child. I'm gonna give you an answer. I'm gonna answer your question. He ready, all right? What if somebody spit in the eye of a member of the military and the uniform, say in an airport, I'm asking you a question. I'm answering. I'm answering your question. Now follow along, watch the bouncing ball. Listen closely. I'm answering a question. What if somebody sees a guy in uniform at an airport and spits in his face? Is that guy a son of a bit spitting in somebody's face. Yes, absolutely, heating currently happening to him. Okay, now I'm going to answer your question. I'm glad. I'm glad you answered that way because for those people that did fight for this country and those people that appreciate all that fought under that flag, and they see people politicizing the anthem, politicizing the flag and not honoring the men who fought, bled and died under that flag. To them, it's not a physical act, but it's like spitting in their face. That's how people feel. And that's why the reaction is as strong as it is. And you may disagree with it, you may not like it, and I love how people are so offended now by words. Um, when I do remember that Donald Trump has pretty much been called every name in the book. And I'll just say one last thing. Results will determine the success of this president. And if he puts thirty more million more Americans on food stamps like Obama did, and eight million more in poverty like Obama did, and if he if he doubles the national debt like Obama did, then I think you're he will be judged accordingly. And so what I'm saying to you is you're not getting it. Americans have a fidelity and a sacred honor here, and they know the sacrifice the cost that went into fighting under that flag. And for them and me, it's like spitting in your face, and it's spitting in the face of the military. That's how I feel about it. Now, if you have I've offered anybody in the NFL that wants to explain, wants to have a town hall, wants to come on this program and talk about these issues, and I'll even work to partner with them in any way they want and to help make this world a better place and to help make this a more perfect union. But I am thankful and grateful of all that has gone into the sacrifice of so many for me to have the right to be on this program every day talking to great Americans like you. I'll give you the last word. You never answered the question, sir, Linda, Did I answer the question? Because you could be Okay, Linda did the question? Okay, I just answered your question. So my answer with my son is if he was standing up for those that fought, bled and died and people were disrespecting at that sacred honor, I wouldn't be mad at all. That's the type of man you are. I totally disagree with you. Thank you, thank you? Is that okay? That he is? That a good answer, And that's the type of man you are. I'm a totally different type of Well, I got a I got one last I got one last question for you. I got a question for you. The type of the type of man you are. I totally disagree with that. You know, for standing up for the military and the anthem, that tells a lot about your go ahead. For standing up for the military and standing up for the anthem, and standing up for the flag and recognizing all the blood that was shed fighting under that flag. I think it's a natural visceral reaction to think that people shouldn't insult it. Okay, that's the type of that's right, that's the type of man I am. That's the type of man I am. And you never said the words son of a bitch in your life? Right? I asked you specifically, I asked you so you never answer my question. You never said, let me ask you a question? Do you know how many men fought and died fighting under that flag? I asked you a question. Now I'm asking you, do you know? Do you know how many Americans died fighting under that flag for this country? Absolutely? How many? How many? How many? You said you know? How many? Was it? How? I want to know? You say you know? Yeah? About the military? I absolutely how many? How many troops died fighting for this country? Do you even know? Do you know? I'm asking you a question? How many? How many Americans died fighting for this country? Do you know how many Americans died fighting for liberty? Answered the question? Answer the question? How many Americans died fighting for this country? I don't know? Kill me exactly? How many Americans that? You tell me? Checkmate? Goodbye? Over six d fifty thousand. There's your answer. I've been to Walter Reid, I've been to Bethesda. I've met these families I have I have been with these families. I've met the children of slain soldiers. I've met the widows of slain soldiers, and let me tell you something. The price that they have paid for all of us is massive, massive, and I honor and respect them, and I want us as a country to honor and respect these brave men and women. That's my opinion. There's a time and place for everything. I'm all four making this a more perfect union. I'll help anyway I can. You know, in light of everything that's gone on this week with the NFL, no idea what to expect this weekend, there's a song that we have played before in the program, I want to play it again. It was written by an Iraq war veteran, Sean Niquette is his name, and it was written through the Nashville nonprofit Operations Song and You just go to Operations song Dot orget pairs hit songwriters with veterans and their families and helps them connect through music. It's a really cool thing. And and sometimes for all these guys that have PTSD and and all sorts of even physical injuries, you know, getting them involved and passionate about anything has a very therapeutic impact on their lives. Anyway, he wrote the song Seawan did about his friend, Army Captain Andrew M. Peterson Kill of Miami. This person died at the age of in Afghanistan on March eleven. Let's play that home from work today, tears rolling down my face couldn't help stop and praying for your family, Wooden. But just last met you told him about your fiance and how proud you were that greenberry going overseas. You knew you were heading into hell, but you had gone that was bigger than yourself. Now I'm trying in a live a line worthy of your sadervised to be either and the father never got to be. Now your work is done, your course on Earth's run. It can't be said well done. Be thout a peace, be thout at peace. I won't to stay strong, but with you and all the other's gone, it's hard to keep moving on. I wish I could take your place. I'm forever in your death because of the bar you said. I know why. I haven't hit any yet, but I hope I will someday. Every time I'm feeling we I pray and not I feel you lift in me. Now I'm shineing a little light. Will the U your sacrifice to be the hub and the father. It never got to be. Now your work is done, your course all's run. It can be said, well done. Be dout peace, be out at Now your work is done. Your course all is droun. From west Point to Arlington, from west Point to Arlington. Be that and be be thuy. That's such an amazing song, I I write, why don't we put it up on Hannity dot com. I could listen to that song on weekend. It's gonna be great, extremely well done. Anyway, before we get to your calls, here we have Scott Lobato is with us. He remember he was the Staten Island artist whose trump sign was burned to the ground during the election cycle. Well, he stood outside the NFL headquarters, which is in New York City, earlier this week to paint his latest piece entitled Don't Do It. And the painting was a hand holding a lit match to a folded American flag, and the hand featured an NFL logo logo on its wrist. And you know, Scott, like a lot of us, are just sick of the n L and players disrespecting the flag and and those that fought and bled and the many that died fighting under that flag. Everybody was yelling at me and telling me this whole three speech person, Emzy. Nobody knows the First Amendment and free speech more than me. I protested over a hundred times over the last few decades, and I have plenty of arrests underneath my belt. Why have I been arrested expressing myself free speech because I stepped over a line knowingly? Okay, there is a time and a place for free speech. We are a free nation where we are a nation of rules and lords. If I work at McDonald's, I'm at the counter and I got a line of people coming in to spend money at McDonald's, and I stopped preaching my political rhetoric or my beliefs, my asses out the door, and a split second, it's the same concept of NFL. Mr Goodell, you have the laws already on the books, the rules pushed them straighten amount. Do you stand for the national anthem? After the game, you go out in the talking lot and you can do whatever the hell you want. And I'll even be out there at me, Scott Lobato, even if they're out there stepping on a flag. It makes me sick to my stomach. But it happens to be there, right. There's a place and a time, and that's the issue here. You know, I was looking at there's number one. Your ability of paint is just amazing. Quality of that painting is amazing. Um tell us what inspired you to do this? And did anyone from the NFL try and kick you out? Uh? Sean? Um? You know, I've been painting American flags and pro American themes for the last twenty five years, fighting political correctness, warning people that it would come down the roads at this point, and here we are. It disgusts me. Am. I veterans that they ever served, never what I do of Americans have never served. It's the fact that very few people like I know but people and people ask me like, well, why are you so patriotic? And because I have the right to protests and express myself but big, but here there are lines, rules and laws. I've been arrested in some of my protests that I've done throughout g is pro American protests. Why because I stepped over that free speech line I knew I was Because is a place, in a in a space and a time. And this is the point I've been trying to bring up since Kaepernick. You know, do you remember the woman and Home Depot and stat and Island who are the hat? America was never great? It was a big story that woman. Pop Bosses said, you take the hat off, you wear it outside on your own time, or you're fired. It's the same exact thing I'm trying to say here. Everyone's yelling at me because I am a protester and activist and an artist. Scott, you should be the first one standing up for the First Amendment rights. I absolutely do. But outside the arena after the game, go outside, stand up for that national anthem, because when you desecrate the flag, when you disrespected the only people you're getting attention from, and hurting of the men and women who sacrifice so you can protest, you know, And it just drives me up the wall. So I went up there, and uh, I made a beautiful point. Again, it's a very very ugly image. He's not actually burning that folded flag, but he's attempting to. It's coming close to that. And the only one that has a way to stop this is Gooddell himself. He has to just push the law that already is pretty I think there's a law in the books, that's rules. That doesn't it that I've read it many times. I've read it many times. That's supposed to be out there in time for the anthem. They're supposed to stand at attention. That's supposed to be quiet. They're supposed to put their helmet in the left hand. And it is just like they can't tork and just like they can't yell at the ref or curse at other players, or celebrate in the end zone, or do a bow and arrow, you know, magic shooting. We're repeating ourselves too. I mean everyone knows this, but you know, certain media outlets and groups are not talking about it. Remember when the Dallas five was slain and Dallas Cowboys wanted to wear a little stick no Good nine eleven. They wanted to represent no good. There are rules and regulations. Why is it the flag? Why can I not burn a big wheel on the street without getting arrested? Because I will for Austin, But why can you burn a flag on the street? It doesn't make sense. Arson is Arson. If you want to burn the flag in public and your private property, maybe I could, maybe I could pass for that. But in public, if you if I burn a canna paint and protest, I will be arrested for arson. Why the flag, Why it's the same thing. Fire is fire, It's dangerous, It's gonna burn somebody, no matter what. Why is the I I just it just pains me. It pains me again as a civilian, I paint these flags. I raised money for these veterans. I helped them with their causes. I meet them all. Nobody's meant more veterans across this country than me, and it hurts them more than anybody else. You know, a lot of them, say a lot of the young veterans, my friends, Scott, I disagree with you. I fought for that, for that guy to to to kneel, absolutely, I tell him, but to kneel on his own time. Neil, desecrate that flag outside your arena. It's that simple. And this could be fixed overnight. And I, Oh, you're not a boycott guy. I know you're not. I think in your heart you are, but I do not think you. Listen, Listen, I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you how I feel. And this is it's not a boycott. I'm not telling other people. I never tell other people what to do. I My interest right now in the NFL is like zero. I'm just not into it. And look I I can't. It's for me. It's like wow, I'm I just let me give you an example if now this could work in radio, because it could be a stick. But if you come on the air and all you want to do I have. There have been talk show hosts that failed in in this business. This is a tough business, and they fail and they come off and they blame the audience because all they want is that right wing crap and all they were they only listen to those people to tell them about they know, how about they didn't do their job. If if you go to any restaurant and somebody doesn't serve you, well, what do you do? You just you say, let's go get the service going please. You start out nice, lee, and then more nice, and then finally you know, maybe you don't give the person a tip. You know what? We all have customers here. And when you think of the sacrifice, how much money it costs a family afford to go to an NFL game? On average, it's a hundred bucks a ticket, all right, four hundred dollars in the door. If you're in New York and you go to MetLife Stadium, it's you know, another fifty bucks parking. You buy a beer, what is a beer? Fifteen dollars? You buy three beers, four beers, all right, now you're really racking up the bills. And then a few hot dogs. Remember your cheese steak, and then your kids want a jersey. You're not getting out of their seven eight hundred bucks later, and you've seen the game. It's a big sacrifice for people. They love it and and they don't want to get They know what their They don't want to be insulted. They are the NFL's customers. And I'm telling you the most telling side of this. I'm a NASCAR fan. I've always been well, look what NASCAR did not make sense. I am an oxymoron. I am a conservative, pro American, pro military artist in New York City who also happens to be a NASCAR fan. I don't belong here, but I never leaving here because I keep the balance with the other side. The art world hates my guts, they know me, they despise me. Go. This goes back to here you go again that you know the discrimination. I am discriminated in the most open minded organization the art world because I'm a Republican and I'm pro American and I'm from Staten Island and I don't pronounce my rs properly, so I'm not you know though, I love your paintings. I think you're You're enormously talented, and I just got to tell you something. Um, I'm glad you did this, and I think it's I'll be back on Monday with another one. I'm doing another one on you, and it's gonna be a doozy, this one that might get me, uh from off the property. I mean, I I set up my easel on public on the street, right in front. I know how to do this. I've been protesting for a long time right there on the sidewalk because I'm not selling. I'm not soliciting. I'm just set up my easel. I might paint a skyscraper. Well, I felt like paining this, So next week I'll be back again to uh express myself the way I do. Everybody has their way. You have you away on the radio. Everyone has a different way, and I think everybody should just keep doing it. Well, the last thing is that I can paint. I'd paint, but I can't paint. So there you go. All right, thank you. I think you're actually pretty good. All right, Scott Lobato, thank you so much for being one of us. I'm gonna wrap things up for today. Tom Price Resigns will have the latest on that. Again. Thank you for an amazing week as and we have so many great surprises next week. I mean one to three confirmed surprises next week anyway, So I hope you're tuned in um tonight on Hannity. You do not want to miss this debate. Burgess Owens is gonna be debating Spencer Tillman and I. Of all the people we've had on this week on radio, they have been the most passionate one on each side talking about the NFL. So we'll get to that. Also, part two of my interview with Rush Limbaugh amazing. We're going to talk about a lot of things with the Deep State and much more so Russia Limbos on tonight, also Eric Trump, nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News, our new time, and we hope you'll join us back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here on Monday

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