Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas joins today to discuss the hearing yesterday with Generals Milley, McKenzie and Austin. Senator Cotton served nearly five years on active duty in the United States Army as an Infantry Officer.
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I had news rounds up information overload our Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun is he number, Dave, forty six Americans, their families, thousands of Green card holders, people legally eligible to be in this country. And of course our Afghan allies forty six days abandoned, and there's no plan in place to try to rescue any of them. Any private efforts of being met with fierce resistance, even apparently according to one article I read an FBI investigation. Why I don't know. We're talking about the people that I know that are behind enemy lines trying to save Americans. They're heroes like retired Navy seals and special opts retired, They're trying to save our fellow Americans that Joe abandoned. There's a particularly powerful moment yesterday with Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas asking General Milly why he has not resigned over this disaster of a withdrawal. Let's play it, General Millie, I can only conclude that your advice about staying in Afghanistan always rejected. I'm shocked to learn that your advice wasn't sought until August twenty fifth. On staying past the August thirty one deadline. I understand that you're the principal military advisor that you advise. You don't decide. The president decides. But if all this is true, General Millie, why haven't you resigned? As a senior military officer. Resigning is a really serious thing. It's a political act. If I'm resigning in protest. My job is to provide advice, my statutory responsibilities, provide legal advice or best military advice to the president, and that's my legal requirement. That's what the law is. The president doesn't have to agree with that advice. He doesn't have to make those decisions just because we're generals. All right, that was from yesterday. And on top of all of that, what else did we learn? We know that the acting Defense secretary at the time, Miller, said that he did not authorize Millie to make the China calls and that he should resign. And then Millie yesterday even admitting and going as far as saying, well, you'll hear all the chatter, you'll you'll hear it all, and heck, I'll call you myself if we're going to attack you. Okay, That alone is a fireable offense anyway. Senator Tom Cotton is with us from the great state of Arkansas. Senator, great to have you. You are fantastic yesterday. I think you and Josh Holly and Marsha Blackburn were some of the heroes that came out of yesterday. Well, thank you, Sean. I think it's clear after yesterday that Joe Biden lied and Americans died as a result. And I got to say, Sean, since it didn't happen in public, it wasn't just those three generals yesterday. A couple of weeks ago, we also heard testimony from General Scott Miller, who was our final commander on the ground in Afghanistan. Scott Miller is a legend in the special operations community. He commanded Delta Force, he commanded Jay Sack. He has spent almost half of the twenty years of war in Afghanistan on the ground in Afghanistan. Scott Miller also testified that he recommended that the President keep the President keep a small force in Afghanistan to hold the status quo in place. So General Miller, General McKenzie, General Millie, Secretary Austin all made identical or almost identical recommendations, Joe Biden rejected them all. Now, back in April and May, he was swaggering around Washington and his senior age were telling everyone how Joe Biden had stood up to the military and he didn't get rolled the way Barack Obama did back in two thousand and nine. And this is what happens when you get a wise, old, experienced president like Joe Biden. But in August, when George Stephanopolis asked him, after everything had already gone to hell in a handbasket, he lied to the American people. He said, no one told me that first I've ever heard of it. Everyone agreed with me when he said he wouldn't abandon Americans either, And that's exactly right. And let me point out another thing that came to light yesterday from Secretary Austin in General Millie. Joe Biden has repeatedly said, asked, did some of those Democrats yesterday, Well, it was the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs that we adhere to the August thirty one deadline. They testified that the White House didn't even seek their opinion until August twenty fifth. Sean Cobble fell on August fifteenth. Don't you think that those Joint chiefs, maybe in hole at least in part, would have recommended something different if they had had that question put to them on August fifteenth and not on August twenty fifth, or maybe Sean, what if someone had asked them the question a month earlier, when Joe Biden was out saying that at his press conference that no one envisions a rapid collapse of the governments or a collapse of cobble, when in fact, Scott Miller also testified that as he was leaving Afghanistan, forced to leave earlier that week by Joe Biden's withdrawal, that things would go downhill very apidly, and we get very bad, very fast. Repeatedly they testified, unfortunately, and they even testified Estrayean as well as well, that the military began to lay out evacuation plans as early as April and May, immediately after Joe Biden made his faithful decision. Now, the military is not responsible for non combatant evacuation operations. That decision rests with the State Department, which is run by Joe Biden's long time aide, Tony Blincoln. And we heard yesterday that even when the military began to say, hey, guys, you know, things are going downhill pretty badly here in July or June or May, maybe we should start thinking about an evacuation, they were repeatedly told by the State Department, the White House no, So we had time to get all Americans out and Green cardholders and their families and the vast majority, the vast majority of the approved vetted special immigrant visa holders well before August, and they wouldn't do it because they didn't want Joe Biden's decision to look like the catastrophe that it became clear to the world in August. Senator, I won't assume that you ever watched my TV show. I hope you do. You're a great guest when you're on. But I've made a very We built out a very powerful map, and the map gives a timeline. And the timeline is the Taliban on the March and how they started in southern Afghanistan and how much territory, geographical areas they were the provinces that they were taken over in March, the month of March, in the month of April and May and June and July and By July, it was I think fifty to sixty percent of the country was in control of the Taliban and they made their march straight to Cobble. Now it was it became inevitable as early as April that they were on the march. Now, there were two things, two options available to the commander in chief. One would have been to use successful drone strikes to push them back and stopped their march to Kabble. The second thing that they could have done you addressed, and that is that they were told by the military repeatedly and by the intelligence community, and my sources have confirmed, numerous sources have confirmed the CIA pulled out seven weeks prior to the fall of Kabble. That speaks volumes. I am told we did not have any intelligence failure, and there was no failure in military intelligence. Some people on the ground, they knew the Afghan army that Joe was bragging about as late as July as some of the best trained, one of the best trained militaries in the world, and they even have an air force. None of that was true, because they were collapsing all the way, all throughout the entire country, and the Taliban was rolling over them with little to no effort. So there's no excuses there, No, there's no excuse, Sean. And I can tell you because I sit on the Intelligence Committee and I see this intelligence and I saw it throughout the course of the year. There was not an intelligence failure about the Taliban's rapid seizure of all thirty four provinces. Now did the intelligence agency say it's going to happen on the morning of August if saints to know? Of course they did, and that's not the way intelligence works. But I can tell you starting at the beginning of the year and through July into August, the trend was highly, highly negative. Every assessment that the intelligence community gave shortened the time frame in which the Afghan government and the Afghan security forces could fight and stand up to the Taliban. And that was manifestly clear in the first week of July when Joe Biden went out at that press conference and said, that is highly unlikely that you would see a rapid collapse of the security forces or the Afghan government. So if we would, if we picked say the presidential Delhi briefings from April, May, June, and July and intelligence briefings that were given to the President, and we were to make them public. The message to the American people would be very clear that they all did their job. They made a proper assessment of what was happening on the ground. That's why the CIA pulled their people out seven weeks earlier. CI didn't leave for no reason. They left because they saw it was coming and they were they were communicating that. I've been assured by numerous sources that they were. There was no ambiguity here. They were very clear in saying what was going on on the ground. Now, the question is why didn't Blincoln act? Why didn't the Defense Secretary act? Why didn't the chairman of the Joint chief Joint chiefs act? Why didn't they listen to somebody like General Scott Miller who was on the ground for ten years there? And the answer is, now, what do we do about the Americans that they abandoned? What do we do now? Because they say, they say, by the way that they have all the leverage. I don't see that they have any leverage. Yeah, there no leverage whatsoever. We don't even have an official presence in Afghana. Now, all of that intelligence would reveal that anyone paying attention to it, knew the situation was deteriorating in Afghanistan rapidly, and that President Biden and Tony Blink hadn't taken no steps to try to stabilize the situation, as he announced a withdrawal, as the withdrawal continued, as they forced the closure of Bagram Air Base, and then in the final days, and all those people who are there, many of them Sean I can tell you, as you probably know as well, they were in Afghanistan on August fifteenth, in no small part because of Joe Biden's assurances. Many of these people are Afghan Americans. They've long been citizens in the United States, but they still have family there, and they go visit their family in Afghanistan the same reason that we go visit our family on the other side of Arkansas, to introduce a new grandchild, or to care for a sick parent, or to attend a family funeral. And so many people who contacted my office last month said, well, I had tickets to fly on on August twentieth, or August twenty eighth, or September second, in part because our government assure them that Cobble would still be in the hands of the government, and the airport would be open and commercial flights would be leaving. They made their plans based on those assurances, and they're stuck there now because of what Joe Biden says. And what is your best estimate? Do we remember yesterday? I see came out in your hearing that at one point there may be as many as four thousand Americans there. I just don't know, but we think it's less than a hundred. Now. I've heard estimates from one hundred to three hundred to five hundred if you include family members, well over a thousand. Do you have any earthly idea how many people? How many Americans we did abandon? We know that b Lincoln admitted thousands of people with green cards. We know we left a lot of our Afghan allies behind. Do you have any earthly idea how many Americans we abandoned? Now? So when you include the special immigrant visa approved and vetted Afgans and their families, there's no question that's in the thousands. I think it's got to be more than a hundred right now, Sean. I mean, they've been saying a hundred for several days. That just a few days ago we had one of the private charter flights leave with more than two hundred American citizens. How do you have more than two hundred American citizens on a flight if they're supposedly fewer than a hundred. Okay, now my next question, why would the State Department say, if you have a chartered flight, that's fine, but you're not allowed to land in the United States of America. That was point one. Point two is if you get a third party country that will accept your charter aircraft and allow you to land, that's fine. But if they do need our permission and need our approval, it will not be forthcoming. Can you explain that to me? I cannot explain it, Sean, And I've heard stories like that on multiple occasions since our presence ended on August thirtieth. You have generous philanthropists, you have teams about battle buddies reuniting. Well, why is the FBI investigating them? Did you read that? I did know. You brought that to my attention yesterday, and we're trying to get to the bottom of it. But to answer the first question is that I think the State Department in the White House they don't want to be embarrassed and proven liars once again by allowing charters with hundreds of American citizens come out. Rather than admit your mistake and be grateful that there are people that step up to fix the mess you created. Their egos too involved in this, and they'd rather Americans stay caught behind enemy lines with terrorists rather than giving credit to other people for doing the job they should have done. Is that it, and that's it. And trust that their friends in the media will turn the page and start focusing on how they're about to spend six trillion dollars to transform America, and then all this business about Afghanistan will soon be gone and forgotten. All right, quick break more with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton on the other side. Eight hundred and nine four one seaun our number. We'll get to your calls at the bottom of those half hour. As we continue with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is with us. Last question, is this idiotic you know, three point five trillion dollar debacle New Green Deal going to pass in the Senate. I'd say that the Democrats, this racion that I don't want to conceive that they were ever in a ray. The reason why they're not finding the votes for it in the House or the Senate right now is they've begun to see the riding on the wall that that bill is massively unpopular. What do they expect with the largest tax hik in history and trying to implement the Green New Deal and get a Republicans stay firm and not raise the debt ceiling. That's my question. There's zero chance that Republicans supply the votes Democrats to raise the debt. Even Romney, even Lisa Murkowski, they've all stated that as well. If the Democrats want to spend seven trillion dollars, then on a party line basis, then the Democrats can raise the debt ceiling to accommodate that spending on a party all by themselves. They don't need one Republican. Okay, So you've been remarkable, and I need to point out to to this audience that I know for a fact your office has been responsible and helping to evacuate our fellow Americans without any help from the Biden administration or the State Department or anybody. And I know you're still working on rescuing Americans that are trapped behind enemy lines. And I thank you for your efforts. Thank you eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun is our number. We'll continue. I had twenty five down to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Althea is in the great state of South Carolina. Althea. How are you glad you called? Hi? Sean? Thank you for taking my call. Um. I appreciate all that you do and thank you for being a voice of reason. Um. I'm wanted to say if I lied on my job like these lifelong Democrats and Biden does, I wouldn't have a job. Um. You know, I truly think it's time for some resignations, and I think our country needs to stand up and say Biden step down. You know, look, it's the guy's not up to the job. How else can I say it? Now? These are the consequences when you when America, you know it gets all freaked out over mean tweets of Donald Trump. These are the consequences, you know, a Lincoln project. I hope you're happy. John Bolton is now saying the Telebank you can get nuclear weapons. Okay, John, you know you're begging me to put in a good word for you. As if I had any sway whatsoever, anyway you get hired. You told me personally that you you supported Trump's foreign policy, you wouldn't have your own agenda. Are you happy? You know, you used to be one of the biggest hawks of all time. Okay, maybe you didn't like Donald Trump's style, maybe it's too aggressive on Twitter. Okay, how do you like his policies versus these policies? Now the world can see what a weak, frail, cognitive mess. You know what what it means to the entire world, and how we will all suffer as a country by having a weak president. This is a guy that is weak and radical, and this is a guy that is given in to the most radical wing of the Democratic Party, which now dominates the Democratic Party. This is not Joe Lieberman's party anymore. This is not Scoop Jackson's party anymore. We're talking about more money than FDR's New Deal and the Great Society of LBJ combined. We can't afford it. It's being money thrown down the tubes. I mean, if you just go through the shortlist of you know, supporting illegal immigrants, everything from the New Green Deal, everything from the Bernie Biden manifesto. Now a mileage tax, people aren't paying a lot. You know, of attention to that. Then you look at now we have the highest cost for a barrel of oil in years and years. Natural gas prices are going through the roof. We have more natural resources and all of these countries combine and we're artificially reducing the world supply, which automatically raises prices, which is an automatic tax on the American people. Then they have the goal to tell you, well, if you don't make four hundred thousand dollars a year, you won't pay an extra penny. That is a lie too corporations when they raise their taxes, you're gonna pay more by artificially reducing the supply of oil. It's a simple formula economics, one on one supply and demand crisscross that will dictate the price. When you artificially reduce the supply, which is America energy independence, then the net result is higher prices. More to fill your car, more for trucks to put diesel in it. You'll pay more for heating and cooling your home, and you're gonna pay more for every product and service that you buy. And this idea that's outrageous that corporations would pass the cost on to consumers. That's what Jen Psaki said. Jen Psaki doesn't have a clue about economics. One oh one men. She's a paid propagandist. I don't know. I don't really feel too optimistic Arkansas, Stephanie Next Sean Hannity show. Privilege it is to be on your show. If you thanks for taking my call. Thank you. I wanted to talk to you about um. You know, it drives me crazy to listen to Joe Biden. Every time I do by by, blood pressure goes up. But I happened to catch him talking about the mounted patrol on the border and kind of kind of accusing them, I mean, trying them in the court of public opinion before any investigation has started. The statement that he said that they were strapping the Haitian people and that he promised that those people will pay. I feel like I'm taking crazy pill shaw And sometimes it's crazy to think that your city that we used to be the greatest city in the world, New York City used to be, and you could agree used to be the greatest city in the world, has had mounted patrol since nineteen fifty eight. Friends of mine that we're on the mount of Patrol unit, and friends of mine, they would I'd almost see them, like on a weekly basis when I actually did the show from New York City. I don't do the show from New York City anymore, very rarely. By the way, you want to know why I am a walking you know, target in New York City. You think it's safe for me to be walking down the streets in New York like it was prior to you know where the country is now. I used to walk the streets of the city every single day. I won't. Won't they're do it today. That's how sad New York is. Well, we're waiting for you to come south. We're waiting for you to call the rush. I'm coming, I swear, I promise, you know, and maybe on my deathbed, but I'm coming. I promise, I'm coming. It's ridiculous to think that these men put their lives on the line every day and that our president is saying they're going to pay it is absolutely ridiculous. And doing the job that they do is of course, we know the covid rate there is ridiculous. But they do it every day, and they don't ask for fanfare, They don't ask for everything that's going on. But to say that our president that they will pay makes me sick. Makes me sick. Do you take responsibility for the chaos that's unholding? Of course I take responsibility and president. But it was horrible what to see as you saw, to see people treat it like they did, horses very running over people being strapped. It's outrageous. I promise you those people will pay. They will be an investigation underway now, and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It's an embarrassment, but it's beyond an embarrassment. It's dangerous. It's wrong. It sends the wrong message around the world or sends the wrong message at home. It's simply not who we are. They will pay. But then they came out and lied again, and they said, oh, well, we weren't prejudging this. We were that was not a rush to judgment. I'm like, okay, how stupid do you think we are? This is lie with abandoned. Well, we don't need to COVID test them because if we COVID test them, um, you know they're only going to be here a short while anyway. Meanwhile, Mayorcas is now admitting that as high as twenty percent of illegal immigrants coming into the country of COVID. I'm like, grants, they were super spreader for you. Yeah. I have friends at Del Rio and their lives are miserable now, you know, they can't do anything without without you know, being overrun and their city is being destroyed. And these are American citizens and the you know, what are we paying taxes for? I don't I don't quite get any of this. It's like we're living in a different country now. It's it's not the America that I remember. I don't remember in America that I would abandon our fellow citizens. I don't remember America and America where you know, we're going to give a cradle to grave, womb to the tomb, socialist society because Americans knew inherently that capitalism, liberty, and freedom and opportunity proved to be the greatest wealth generator in the history of mankind. I don't remember an America where you know, you have one party that is openly welcoming, you know, illegal immigrants to come into the country. There, you know, I went through the list of countries that sell citizenship. It's it's something of great value and great worth. I'm pro immigration, legal immigration, respect our laws, borders, sovereignty. Simple. I don't care where you come from. I don't care what continent you're from. I don't care what country you're from. Do it legally. We need a background check, we need a health check, and we need to know you can provide for yourself financially and not be a burden on the American people. Then once we do all that and you do go through the process legally, welcome to America. We're glad you here, but not until then. Thank you, Sean. I hear a voice of reason in the course. But why did Democrats want to sneak amnesty in the Reconciliation Bill? Because you know what what Cypress would charge two and a half million dollars for. I can become a citizen of Cypress. Did you know that you can too? You can become a city, a citizen of Antigua. You can become a citizen of Belize and Saint Kitts and Neivas and Australia and New Zealand. Some of these countries cost millions of millions of dollars to become citizens you can pay for it. It's something of hiding value. America, we don't charge for citizenship. Maybe we should consider it. Apparently these other countries are making a fortune. If you make an investment into this, this, and this, or if you're willing to build your business in their country, you can you can get citizenship. And America we let people in for free. Okay, I'm just asking that people do it legally. You know, maybe we should get in the business of selling citizenship. It's working out for every other country. But then Democrats are offering amnesty that that becomes something of Can you even put a quantifiable number on it? If it costs you know, you know, millions of dollars to get into New Zealand, Australia, Cyprus, Turkey and these other countries. How much would a citizenship passport cost somebody from another country if they were going to pay for it because they want to be Americans. I bet we'd make a lot of money. These other countries are making a lot of money. Democrats then say here, we're the good people. Don't go with those bad Republican people. They don't want you here. No, I don't care where you come from. Just do it legally, but they're going to offer it for free. Oh, they're not hoping that these that when they give somebody something of great value, that's that there's not going to be a quit and a pro and a quo like Joe is used to his whole life. So you know, there's no rational reason while in the middle of a pandemic you put burdens of COVID testing, vaccine mandates on the American people, and then you just lie and tell the American people, well, they're not going to be here very long, when we know that all they're doing is requesting illegal immigrants show up in court then and even mandating they show up in court, and then they're trying to sneak in amnesty provisions. Oh it sounds to me like they're basically offering people something of great value for free. And why would they do that. I don't know. I think everything's political in their minds. SAD eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, George in Texas? Hey, George, how you doing? Sean McCall love your shows. First time I were called into a talk show, but I retire. I'm anna retire Uston Police sergeant and I had an opportunity to go to Afghanistan for two years between two thousand and nine and two thousand and twelve. Actually wore the army uniform, went on missions with him, went outside the wire. We were primarily tasked with the disruption of the ID networks, but we ended up doing a lot of corruption investigations on Afghan army generals, Afghan police chiefs, politicians, which was outside the realm of our responsibility. But after just being an afghanistandard for a couple of months, I realized that we were just wasting our time. The country was so corrupt they never were going to stand a chance of standing on their own. And the lowliest army private in the army could tell you that the Afghan Army was never going to be able to stand up to that Taliban, that as soon as we left, it would go right back the way it was before. And I'll give you an example. We went on to kl which is a key leader engagement, went in the little village, sat down with the villagers. The uh, the senior guy there in the village. We were talking to him. He goes, hey, look I think it's great what you're doing here. We like the water well that you built us. We liked the generator, we liked the food in the medicine and the little self tower, and we really appreciate that. But when you're gone, and you will leave, the Taliban are still going to be here. So they were heading their beds. They knew there was a way to do this. By the way, there really was a way to do it, and and the way to do it was the way Trump planned it, and that is it had to first be predicated on a real credible threat of obliteration, and and Trump, you know what, they believed Trump, and they they knew you'd do it because he did it. He crushed the caliphate that Joe Biden and Barack Obama let build. You know, he crushed solo money and that took a lot of nerve to pull that sucker off. And I know the inside story of it because of my sources, and it's an amazing story. I hope it gets told one day. I wasn't I'm sorry, but I wasn't surprised that the Taliban took over. I was surprised. I was surprised to speed that he did it. Is now. I mean all of this was predictable. I mean we saw it unfolding months and months right before our eyes. There was no surprises here. It wasn't one surprise, No surprises, no surprises. All right, my friend, I gotta let your roll. Appreciate your checking in with us, George, thank you for your service as a policeman, and thank you for your service in Afghanistan. We appreciate it. We never were going to change their way of life. However, we could have protected it enough that it wouldn't become the safe haven for the next plotting, planning, and scheming attack against America.