Sean kicks in the New Year and immediately tackles the future of Omicron and Biden's failed promise to "shut down the virus..."
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Forty two. Did you I manage if it was Donald Trump? Anyway? Great to be back. One hundred and fifty five days since Joe said he would never abandon Americans, he did in Afghanistan. Nobody ever talks about it. We're not going to forget them. There are fellow Americans, they're military family members, they're Green card holders, thousands of them, and our Afghan allies that are getting killed and women have lost their rights in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Great to be back. I think probably like most of you, there's probably all of us on some level, have dealt with COVID over the last two weeks. It kind of dominated a pretty big part of my time off. Took away my reflection from godtime, which I desperately need during the long holiday. But it's my pleasure. Linda, how many people got in contact with us? What's that thing Hannity said, talks about again? The last thing I said, Linda before I left, what I say, remember these words monoclonal antibodies. Absolutely it turned out it was. And now it was weird too, because I thought you were going to stay married Christmas. Yeah, you were, Like everyone was like, would you would think so. Um, and there's I mean people close to me. I know so many people that got omicron. Now Joe was on vacation. What do we experience? How is it even possible that we did not have anywhere near the number of tests available? Now, I over time, I you know, I'd go to the drug store, I'd pick up an Abbot test and I just you know, I just throw it aside. If somebody I know, you know, thought they might have it, I'd give it to them. Um. And you know, I was always had to test myself, et cetera, et cetera. But anyway, Um, they're not available. And then if you wanted, for example, in New York were they actual estimates the twenty percent of the population in New York City actually got amicron. Hey, I mean it's mind numbing. And then, okay, I told you well, monoclonal antibodies. In the beginning, they were saying that Regeneron and Eli Lili's monoclonal antibodies were not as effective against omicron. I got mixed reviews on that. And then we find out that Glaxo smith Klein that they had their own monoclonal antibodies that they, according to reports, did better than the other ones, although I know people that got infusions of Regenera on that say that swear it helped them a lot. Anyway, it's called it's put out by Glaxo Smith Klein. It's called I'm sure I'll blow this pronunciation sure trovamb and. Anyway, the federal government as of November started purchasing November seventeenth all of their supply. Now Governor Christy Gnome and Abbott and Desantist, they all want why can't we buy it? And now it's being ration. The one time that Joe Biden mentioned monoclonal antibodies was during his vaccine mandate speech, of course, after he'd said that he's not gonna have a vaccine mandate, and now Biden is even He actually said, I wish I thought about ordering five hundred million at home tests two months ago. Oh, we didn't see this coming, He said, what do you mean you didn't see it coming. We just went through the delta surge. We knew that there would be another variant that would break through. Here's what I learned, and I'm speaking anecdotally. I know people fully vaccinated that got omicron and I know people fully vaccinated and boostered that got amicron. I know people fully vaccinated that had a booster that had a previous infection that also got amicron. So nothing was working. And in the beginning, nobody knows in the beginning how bad this is going to be. All I know is we started talking about omicron, and like early December, nobody knew how lethal it would be. Turns out, we now know, although Fauci's still not convinced that it is way more contagious. I have one doctor tell me it is about as close to airborne. You didn't say it was airborne, but it's about as close to airborne as it can be, meaning it was that contagious, but it was far less lethal turns out for most people. But again, if you have pre existing conditions called morbidities, compromised immune systems, you're in a bit of a bind there now. All throughout the election, Joe Biden said over and over and over again the first presidential debate. He said it in October twenty twenty, October twenty third, twenty twenty, the twenty fourth, twenty twenty, the twenty seventh, twenty twenty, October twenty ninth, October thirty, twenty twenty. He said it on Twitter. He said it in numerous times on Twitter, and he said that I am going to shut down the virus now. Joe Biden, while I was on vacation, said, look, there is no federal solution that gets solved at the state level. Well, if it's gonna get solved at the state level, let the states, because you started rationing monoclonal antibodies were general, etc. Once you've discovered them, you know, only what two months ago. It's the only one time he's mentioned them. And you know, the one size fits all medicine doesn't work it. This is a national disgrace. Running out of tests at this late stage of the pandemic is inexcusable, you know, running out of the one therapeutic that everybody agreed on. This wasn't iver meckt in, This wasn't HCQ, even though there are studies that showed taken early mitigated symptoms HCQ. That was let's not read the science on this, but the one that everybody agreed on were monoclonal antibodies. And anecdotally, when people would ask me in my life that I knew I'd say the same thing that I told all of you, which is, okay, you got to first take it seriously. I've seen the worst of it, you know my speech. I'd say, you got to look at your own underlying health conditions, your medical history, your current medical condition. You've got to do your own research. And I'm not talking about putting on a white lab coat and open up a virology lab. And then you need to talk to your doctor or your doctors and make your decision. I think the debate over vaccinations are over. I think at this point now now, if you had the vaccine, you're fully vaccinated, even had the booster, and you even had previous infections and Omicron got through. That means the only thing we need to really be focused on if we're going to do science here would be therapeutics. And I'm telling people that I love now I don't know. I talked to doctor Oz, I've talked to other medical doctors that I know, and all of them speak very highly of the anti virals put out. I think I know FISA, and I think the other ones MURK and they're very effective, but the availability is almost non existent in some areas, just like you know, Why didn't Joe Biden operation warp speed testing kits so every American gig can get a test whenever they want one. That would have helped over the holidays. Why didn't he warp speed monoclonal antibodies. He's only mentioned them once, you know. Why isn't he warp speeding these anti viral medicines that are FDA now approved. I don't know anything about him, but the doctors I've talked to they seem positive about it. But ask your own doctor, you know. And then over vacation, then I hear these words there's no federal solution. This is from the guide that kept saying I'm going to shut down this virus. Listen, the administration Australia I'm testing is colossal. It's a failure of planning, leadership, and execution. We will deal honestly with the American people and will never ever ever quit. That's I will shut down this virus. Look, there is no federal solution. Let's gets solved at a state level. I'm going to shut down the virus. I'm not going to shut down the economy. I'm going to shut down the virus. Look, there is no federal solution. Let's gets solved at a state level. Need to scale up testing so anyone who needs one can get a test. After ten months of the pandemic, we still don't have enough testing. It's a travesty. Look there is no federal solution. Let's gets solved at a state level. Some state officials are passing laws or signing orders that forbid people from doing the right thing, but you aren't going to help. At least get out of the way. Look there is no federal solution. Gets solved kind of state level. I'm never gonna raise the white flag of survender. We're gonna beat this virus. We're gonna get it under control, I promise you. Look there is no federal solution. Let's gets solved kind of state level. And so folks, I will take care of this. I will end this. I will make sure we have a plan. Look, there is no federal solution. Let's gets solved kind of state level. And now we're seeing DESO Delta come down. We'll fight them, you know. And look we're gonna fight and beat this new variant as well. Look there is no federal solution. Let's gets solved kind of state level. I'm gonna shut down the virus. By the way, did you notice Maybe this is somewhat nuanced, but it's very noticeable to me. There's no federal solution. This gets out of the state level. You notice even in the last year, because he made these comments in October November twenty twenty about I'm gonna shut down the virus. I hear a decline in his voice. Now I know it's something to pay attention to, because I think this guy when he didn't know, when he was on a call with a guy that says, let's go Brandon, I agree, and he said that, I'm like, how do you not know what let's go Brandon means? Just like when he said, well, if you people that's not true, why you people need to stop asking that question about paying the illegal immigrants forner in fifty thousand dollars for family separation. And then it turns out it was true. And then I don't know what's worse the fact that he didn't know about it or the fact that then he adopted it and passionately advocated for it afterwards. But you know, I'm gonna shut the No, there's no federal solution. Okay, that helps a lot. You know that. I've got remarks from Joe Biden in July at twenty twenty one, July twenty first CNN Fake News Presidential town Hall. You're not going to get You're not going to get COVID if you have these vacs nations. We're not in a position where we think that any virus, including the delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of non unvaccinated people. The the the various shots that people are getting now cover that there. You're okay, you're not going to You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. Wrong, you know, and he said it not once, he said it numerous times. CNBC October seven, twenty twenty one. Uh. You know, if you see care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you. Wrong, Anthony Fauci, Well, vaccines prevent getting infected, prevent getting sick, prevent hospitalization, etc. It doesn't prevent getting infected, you know. And it's all same comments from the fake news media. You know, you've got the conspiracy theorist of all time. Rachel Manou out there saying, you know that now we know that vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. Wrong, a vaccinated person exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them. Wrong, the CDC director wrong, They're all wrong, you know. Oh, this is no time for Trump's hysterical xenophobia fearmongering to lead the way instead of science. Oh then he institutes his own travel man. Really, oh tells us we should take I'm not taking that vaccine boill. Things change over time. It's pretty amazing, you know. Biden says, after ten months of the pandemic, we still don't have enough testing. He said this in December of twenty twenty. Well, December of twenty twenty one, we have more dead Americans than twenty twenty and we didn't have any tests available over Christmas for anybody, and the therapeutic were not being mass produced. What part of this does he not get? You could have learned from Trump. Operation warp speed for testing kids, Operation warp speed for monoclonal antibodies, Operation warp speed for these anti viral drugs that so many doctors are praising. You know fully vaccinated people can now ditch their masks, he said, But of course let's forget that. You know, Oops, another mistake. They've been so wrong so often on so many issues. You know, now they're trying to get kids vaccinated when the numbers are the equivalent five to eleven of the number of kids that have compromised issues and die from the flu virus every year. Anyway, eight hundred nine one shun is a number twenty five nowuntil the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one shun if you want to be a part of the program, And you know, the one thing, it took a while. I just don't know what I don't know. And as I was watching, you know, this contagious outbreak of omicron like so many of you I'm sure dealt with over the Christmas and New Year's holiday. By the way, buckle up, it's probably gonna get a lot worse this week and next week. And we don't have enough tests, we don't have enough therapeutics. You know. I just read the Glaxo Smith kleinh monoclonal and a body called sotrovamob is. They they scooped up fifty five thousand doses. They're finally going to release it. Why they didn't release it up to this point. Nobody can give me a straight answer on Nobody just it makes no sense. Um, so they're going to do that. Joe Biden had a ten page plan on how to, you know, make sure and ensure that we had enough rapid testing for people at home. I know people that would literally wait online for stores to open, hoping that they got a shipment of at home tests and you're only allowed to buy one. That's that was the type of shortage that was available. You know, up until this point, pretty much anybody that got in contact with us, Linda, we would find monoclonal antibodies where they lived. You know, it was every university hospital in Georgia. We had places out in California, we knew places in Texas, we knew places in Florida. New York. I had a very small list of places. But every time I send people there, they were able to get their infusion. And by the way, it's all free of charges, Like the vaccine was free of charge. I don't think we ever failed one time, did we And we'd usually get it within twenty four hours. Yeah, we never did because we have awesome friends and they work in the medical field, and they're willing to actually, you know, follow their hippocratic owth and help people listen, So we now know it's more contagious. I didn't believe in the beginning that, look, it's not. I don't want to say that it is less less lethal. The telling us all that, and I believe that part of it. But with that set, I still don't want people that I care about and people I love to get this thing. If more young people are getting this thing, this is what happens when a virus mutates. We'll talk to our medical professional, a team coming up later in the program. Today, Oh, in New York get this. They've they've adopted now COVID treatment protocols in New York City, and the rules are pretty simple. If you're non white, you get to go to the front of the line. You get tested first, you get treated first. If you're white, that's too bad. You go to the end of the line and wait your turn. Now, meanwhile, they don't have enough tests in New York anyway, They don't have any therapeutics for the most part in New York anyway. But you go to the end of line. Now, you know, you would think in this day and age that such things wouldn't have happen. You know, you judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin. When it comes to medical care, you would think that medicine, you know, you treat people because they need to be treated on a first come, first served basis. Whatever it happened to be. New York Health officials have been using race to help decide how to allocate precious testing resources, according to leaked emails from the agency. The city Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity created by the Deplasio administration, and by the way, apparently Eric Adams is fine with this. And I was told by somebody in Eric Adams camp that I ran into over the holiday just randomly. Oh no, No, he's nothing like the Blasio. Well then why is he taking on these radical positions from the get go? You know already you've got people referring to him as the Blasio two point. Oh, I hope that's not true, because that's going to be a disaster for New York anyway. The City's Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity, created by Comrade de Blasio, in twenty twenty identified thirty one underserved neighborhoods to receive priority attention from the city. Now, remember New York has a vaccine mandate requirement, and they had a very particularly low rate among minorities in New York in terms of getting the vaccination. But that meant that that minorities disproportionately were being shut out from services in restaurants and any indoor facility. I mean, it's just insane. You know. Staten Island, by the way, happens to be mostly white Americans, middle class South Shore, and they have one of the highest COVID rates in the city. They had during December. It's it's not one of the priority neighborhoods. Why you go where the people are sick. That would be basic common sense. Anyway, the boroughs thirteen testing stites all the more, you know, and the Health department representative claiming the minority communities had quote born the brunt of the pandemic due to structural racism. By the way, that's in New York City that you can go anywhere. They even have on street corners. They had testing available up until omicron And it's unbelievable. You know, if you look at what they were telling you. You know, Joe Biden said in July of twenty twenty one, that's last year. You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations, And he said it again in October of twenty twenty one. He said, we're making sure healthcare works workers have vaccinated because if you seek care at a healthcare facility, you should have the certainty the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you. Well, I'm sorry, but I now know people fully vaccinated that's still got omicron. People fully vaccinated with booster shots, that's still got omicron. People fully vaccinated with boosters and a previous infection, they got it a second time. So so much for the science of Joe Biden, because they were wrong then they're wrong now. You know, this is the same guy in October of twenty twenty or eight months into the pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do. Well, now the same guy is out there saying that there's no federal solution, because that's what he said all throughout the campaign. I will shut this virus down. I will shut down this virus. I will shut down this virus. What do you see our montage later tonight? I think, you know it's very very tilling. You know, just like now he's in favor of xenophobic and hysterical and fearmongering travel bands. You know, he's just like he's saying, oh, two hundred and twenty thousand Americans dead. If you hear nothing else, I say, tonight, hear this. Anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States. We have more dead than twenty twenty one than twenty twenty, you know, Kamala Harris November second, the day before the election, twenty twenty. First thing Joe and I will do and the White Houses get this virus under control. I guess that didn't work out well for them. Biden, I don't think it should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand a vaccine be mandatory. After ten months, if the pandemic we still don't have enough testing, he said on December twenty nine, twenty twenty. That's a travesty. We need to scale up testing so anyone that needs one can get one. Well, if you need a test, now, good luck finding one. If you find it, please let me know where. Call and tell me where you got it, because I know people that can't get it. Fully vaccinated people, he said last year, can now ditch their masks. Whoops, so much for that one. I mean pretty much everything that they said turned out to be wrong. Talk about mixed messaging, you talk about vaccine hesitancy, well, who created it? Who's been wrong the entire time. I'm not even getting into Fauci and Molenski because they're worse than everybody. You know. Then now Biden is saying, you know, just leading into Christmas, wear your mask when you're indoors and public settings and around other people. I'm told people, you know, fully vaccinated, boostered wearing masks everywhere they go. Still got this thing. You know, Seeing how tough it was for some folks to get a test this weekend shows that we had more work to do. He said that December twenty seventh this year, why did you turn down the plan ahead of time that was given to you by your own health department and your own health officials to buy the testing so that every American can get tested at home. I mean, all all of this, it just you just can't believe it's going to get that bad, and it does, it gets worse. You know, where's the science behind COVID and kids age five to eleven? There's been two million, five hundred and seventy four thousand kids in this range that have gotten Linda, you told me the CDC's updated number on kids five to eleven to die from COVID. What's the latest? Last time? It was zero point zero eight percent? What does it know? So the overall CDC deaths now for COVID children and adults based upon the delta variant omicrime and COVID nineteen is point zero zero five percent. That's CDC data, okay, and that's the most up to date data. We lost two hundred and twenty If I'm not mistaken, I actually have the number here in front of me somewhere, the number of deaths in that age of two hundred and twenty one over the course of two years. Now, right, So we have an unproven vaccination for children between the ages of five and twelve. Now they're saying children over twelve can get it. They want kids onto twelve to get it in certain cities, and kids twelve to fifteen we've had two hundred and forty six deaths five to eleven, two hundred twenty one deaths. And by the way, a lot of those kids have had other medical conditions as well. Now, if you look at people five and older, it's one hundred and ninety four thousand. If you're seventy five to eighty four, it's one hundred and eighty one thousand, sixty five to seventy four, one hundred, nearly one hundred and fifty three thousand, fifty to sixty four, one hundred and twenty thousand. So you know this one. How many of them died from the flu. Yeah, it's about the same percentage, which has been my point, right exactly. You know, Harry Reid died and I never speak ill of the debt. I just you know, I never particularly liked them. I'm not going to sit here and lie, but I felt that I just never had a good thought about him, my prayers for his family, that I want to lose a loved one. And but I've made me think of something, Linda. You may think this is bizarre, and I did some research over the holiday. Now by law senators, I kept thinking senators live a long time they all live a long time. Why did they live a long time? And I wanted to know because remember, there was a lot of pressure they had to get their insurance through Obamacare, right unless they have had the healthcare plan of a spouse, right has a her spouse? Now, Senators now they have access to what's called the office of the Attending Physician in Congress when they're in Washington, DC, which, by the way, I'm not necessarily against. That sounds an awful like like concierge medicine to me, which I'm not against either. Just like we have doctor Josh Umber on the program and what's his name Atlas in Wichita, Kansas, and he's a great guy, and he's been able to duplicate concierge service fifty bucks a month for an adult, ten bucks a month per child, and he buys bulk prescriptions and you leave the doctor's office with the medicine that you need. It's an amazing, amazing plan that he's done to lower costs for people and still get concierge care and you have access to a doctor twenty four seven. So senators have access to these attending physicians in Congress when they're in DC. The and this, I wonder what's the average aged death let's say for the last twenty senators. What do you think it was, Linda, I have no idea. I don't know one hundred and twenty people. That's funny, all right, eighty five years at eleven months. What's the life expectancy for all Americans? Do you know? According to the CDC, seventy eight point eight years. Really so they still get their insurance or Obamacare unless they have a spouse that has a plan, but they get the Office of Attending Physicians. You know what. That's called concierge's care. That's what That's what Atlas MD is all about. That's what doctor, That's what our friend, doctor Josh Humber is all about. All Right, I told you about New York City and race. Oh what else do we have news here? Oh? How many did you see? As AOC was filmed at a maskless packed Florida bar and then accusing, you know, attacking the governor who apparently was with his wife who was receiving cancer treatment for her breast cancer. Unlike Democrats, I actually, even though we disagree, I hope Congresswoman Pressley she tested positive, does okay? You know one thing that DeSantis said, Yeah, I was with my wife getting cancer treatment. But it is interesting that all of these politicians come down here and they go massless and they like to see how the real world lives and all of this. By the way, cloth masks nate may not protect against omicron. I don't know if you saw that in the Wall Street Journal, they had that report. The federal government allocated seventy three billion for COVID testing. Where are the tests? How did Joe Biden criticize Donald Trump when he's running for office? And now we ran out of test? You couldn't get one. By the way, do you know anyone that tried to get a test over the holiday? Linda? Oh? Yeah, yeah, and anybody successful? Because I couldn't find one now, but they have. It's weird. They have some new ones now that aren't the abbott ones in the stores, and there's some alternatives. Everybody I know couldn't find them. Now. Some people found them online and bought them that way, and somebody found a link and sent it to me and I got them. But I'm not getting them for myself. I'm getting them so I can give it out to people if they think they need it. You just right. I will tell you this. If what happened in South Africa and Great Britain happened here, this should probably peak in the next four to five weeks. And I predicted this with Delta as well. And by the way, COVID outbreak among fully vaccinated crews ends the New Year's Eve trip in Portugal full everyone was vaccinated on the on the boat. It didn't work. The Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin has tested positive. We wish him the best too. But anyway, um, what was I gonna say? I forgot AOC film maskless at a packed bar in Florida. Just you can't make this up. Unbelievable. Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated healthcare workers to allowing COVID positive people to work. This variant that is scary is filling up children's hospitals. Texas has run out of monoclonal antibodies. There's no excuse for that, just like running out of tests. New York's daily COVID positivity rate now is almost twenty percent. I mean that you can't make that up either. Anyway. Eight nine one, Shaun is our number. We gotta we'll get back to this in our final hour. Today. John Solomon has an update on Durham and some other issues. All right, a lot coming up. There might be a fraud election story breaking. We'll check up when John Solomon will update you on John Durham and much more straight ahead. Democrats have laid out a radical socialist agenda instead of following the Republican blueprint that had our economy booming. The Dems are now going to raise taxes in skyrocket and already outrageous national debt. If your retirement is in traditional investments, it's in jeopardy. Americans should be diversifying their investments with gold and precious metals. Gold gives you control of your wealth and protects you from market volatility, inflation, and a weakening dollar. When investing in gold, I turned to Legacy Precious Metals. 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