Week of Madness

Published Feb 12, 2021, 11:00 PM

Gregg Jarrett, Host of the New Podcast, “The Brief” and author of two NY Times Bestsellers, the Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt, takes a look at the week of madness including all of the efforts to impeach President Trump...

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Wow, is all I can say. Thirty three years in radio, twenty five years on Fox, and this was probably the biggest about not probably this was the biggest beat down, biggest in your face beat down is the only way to put it, or fight if you like to use the democrats favorite word. As the montage went long and showed that I've ever seen, they eviscerated every single argument that Democrats tried to make, every single one of them. They eviscerated their argument on the Constitution. They eviscerated their arguments about the definition of incitement. I mean Jamie Raskin actually saying yesterday, we don't have to meet the standard, the legal standard for incitement. Okay. They beat down their discs honest presentation that is the edited, highly edited, you know, selectively edited of the of the impeachment manager's presentation. They beat down the whole rush to judgment snap impeachment with the whole ideas they didn't have any facts in they didn't have any real evidence. This never was anything that would resemble, you know, a process that was meant to ever be free and fair, starting with the honorable if you want to say that, Senator Patrick Lahey, it just was mumbling his way through the whole thing, seemingly oblivious to even Senator Mike Lee's challenge, you know, him presiding over this this shift show charade, and it was I gotta admit I just sat back and watched the show, and you could you know that they are just melting because you know, media tried to properly. They took the greatest case ever. What house Trump's team ever gonna be able to respond to this with their own words, their own words used against them. The President said, fight like how but we'll let out out When the President said, many of you will peacefully, patriotically march to the Capitol so that your voices can be heard. I mean, I've never seen David Show shown frequent guest on this show. He just he just eviscerated them. It was a beatdown. It was a humiliating beatdown. And it wasn't just the Democrats that got it. The mob and the media there they they just had to eat it all. Did they feign their selective moral outrage at all the times a Democrat krad say fight like hell or fight fight, fight, I mean, at one point I just kind of started laughing out loud because I'm watching this and I'm thinking, this thing's never gonna end. They had more examples than you could ever want or imagine. A fight. We're gonna fight, We're gonna fight, We're gonna fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight like hell, fight like hell, fight like hell, fight like. And it just went on and on and on and on, and the longer it went on, the point was made and then some that was never what it was about, and pointing out these selective edits, I mean literally editing to the point where you're including blue checks of certified Twitter accounts that didn't exist into evidence. Couldn't believe it. They they absolutely destroyed them on the constitutional arguments, on the legal arguments, you know, they absolutely eviscerated them in terms of their hypocrisy. What was I saying? This really comes down to three separate issues. One is the Constitution. Well, you can't remove somebody from office that doesn't hold the office. You don't have jurisdiction if in fact he's not the president but now a private citizen, that being Donald Trump. Then we went to okay, now the snap impeachment. Jonathan Terrelly Democrat, had been warning all of us about that being a horrific president and idea because they didn't want to bother to accumulate something called the facts. They wanted to provide no due process whatsoever, not even the right for the defense to look at or even make a case in any way, shape, manner, or form. And they just put this together haphazardly, rush it over to the Senate so they can have their annual February shift show charade impeachment trial. And and that's where we went. Then. The third aspect of this, and probably the most powerful of all, is that we and this we have now seen for five long straight years, and that is the Democratic Party and the media, the mob. They all feigned this outrage. Did you see Donald Trump's tweet? Oh? Oh, the vapors, Oh, the vapors. I can't. Oh, I've never heard such language in my life. I've never seen such conduct in my life. Oh, I've never ever felt this way before. They're full of it, because they all say it, everybody, you know, all look, it's called a blood sport politics. Do they really mean real blood, like the octagon kind of blood. No, that's not the blood they're talking about. This is a rough and tumble business. And anybody that gets in it, you need to have your head examined, in my view. But they get in it. You know how what the rules are, and you know how the game is played. I wish it was different. I wish you had good people. This is why I think term limits is a bad idea whose time has come. You have good people, hopefully that love their country, that go in and serve they're supposed to be public servants. Is supposed to go in and serve the public. And then after they go in and serve the public, go back home and they become farmers and manufacturers and business owners and lawyers and doctors and dentists and whatever else they might happen to do for a living. We'd be a lot better off than this class of you know, elites in Washington. That's why it's called the swamp and the sewer. By the way, you know, I'm watching what they're playing. Now. Let's pot this up. This is great stuff. Listen, go ahead, office, disqualify him from ever running from office again. Just qualify from running for office again. It's about focusing that he can never run again, to remove him from ever running for office again, never be able to run for office again, to fan former from from running a Dad. If we don't him pieces president, she will get reelected. It is sad, but that is This is now what the Democratic Party is, you know. And I loved how they made it personal too, because this was well deserved, you know. Jamie Raskin. They played the tape of him as third day as a congressman in January twenty seventeen, objecting to the electoral votes going to Donald Trump. How ironic that happens to be. They also showed Jamie Raskin repeatedly urging supporters, Yep, you guessed it, to fight like hell. Oh, it's a common term used by many politicians. Raskin. The GOP rush to replaced Justice Gittinburg Ginsburg is all about destroying the Affordable Care Act, women's healthcare, reproductive freedom, voting rights, civil rights for people. He tweets a the day we must fight like hell to stop this assault on healthcare in the constitution. Amazing, you know it is. It is unbelievable to me. And I'll tell you it's you know, And then you got listen. Do I think Joe Biden really means that when he said I'm gonna take Trump where you gonna take him mind in the gym and beat the hell out of him. No, Joe Biden, if I'm gonna be honest, he didn't mean he really wants to beat the hell He probably feels like that. Hates Trump. I got it. It's another way of saying I hate Trump. He's acting tough. I'd like to beat the hell out of him. I'm not sure Joe's strong enough to beat up anybody, but whatever, that's a different story. Do I think he really wanted to commit violence against Donald Trump? If I'm gonna be honest, my answers, No, I don't think he wanted that. Now, I'll tell you. Kamala Harris has come and scare me a lot more, and her action't scare me a lot more because she was funding the bail funded Minnesota after the police precinct burned to the ground and the rioting in that city, and goes on with Stephen Colbert, We're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop. They shouldn't stop. We shouldn't stop. You beware. You take note on both levels. That sounds like a threat to me. Maxine Waters, I'm gonna take Trump out tonight. You want to talk about inciting insurrection, Maxine Waters get you know, if you see them, these cabinet members of Trump create a crowd, you follow them into grocery stores and restaurants. You tell them they're not wanting anywhere anymore. With a crowd. Not a good idea. I'd be an incitement for trouble, wouldn't it. Or all the Republicans that got harassed in restaurants and so on and so forth, you know, or all the public figures, you know, the Madonnas of the world. I think an awful lot about blown up the White House and Johnny Depth and when's the last time an actor killed the president. That's some pretty ugly stuff, pretty ugly stuff, you know. And you know they at one point a NBC and say, well, if the president's lawyers lied, they said that there was an Antifa presidence. I don't know if there was or not. I know that this one guy Sullivan, whoever he is, apparently a Black Lives Matter leader, the group, not people chanting after the death of George Floyd, which I think everybody should have been outraged about it. That can't happen in this country, nor should the capital ever, this be invaded like this. That can't happen either. They didn't produce a single witness to give testimony in the House before passing this. Their claims against the former president, they're all guilty of. President didn't call for violence, nobody called for insurrection. They never made their case because if that is the definition of incitement to insurrection, then start with Joe Kamala, Nancy and Chuck and maxiem Waters and the squad members and that was played today too, And you've got yourself people that all need to be impeached and they need to be held accountable for inciting insurrection, the favorite new word. They failed to tie any breach at the Capitol to anything that Donald Trump said or any actions he took. You remember, I mean the idea that they're making up false tweets now to get their case. Here. There are glaring holes and there always have been. So you've got three major defenses here. One constitutionally, jurisdictional issues that arise. You can't remove somebody from an office that they don't hold. You don't have jurisdiction over a private citizen to impeach. This is an impeachment trial if the person's not in office. And then of course, then you have the issue of oh, now, CB every major network, every broadcast network, even fake news CNN, the Washington Post. We have court documents, even Congresswoman a Cascio Cortez all saying that, yeah, they hadn't tell eeligence. The FBI knew ahead of time, and nobody lifted a finger, knowing a hundreds of thousands of people we already in town to protect the capital, knowing that hundreds of thousands of people are gonna marts there, and a small percentage, just like a small percentage of protesters over the summer, wasn't everybody. There were people that genuinely were rightly outraged over what happened to George Floyd, and they chanted Black Lives Matter. That's different from the group Black Lives Matter that had chanted pigs in a blanket, from like bacon and bacon And what do we want dead cops? Why do we want them now? Now, Schumer's weighing a plan to have Congress banned Trump from ever running again. How about letting the American people make that decision, Chuck? And how much longer do you plan on using Trump as a means of foregoing something called governance? You know, like distributing the vaccine, helping American families that are desperate through no fall to their own because the worst pandemic since nineteen seventeen and eighteen. Maybe you can fix the broken schools in America's blue states run by democratics governors for decades. Maybe you could have safety and security, restore law and order. Maybe we can get to some of those things. I will get back to what was an incredible historic day in the Senate today, unbelievable presentation by the President's lawyers. We've got a problem, though, and if you live in Oklahoma, and you'll live in Texas, please pay very close attention. And the rest of the country's going to probably be impacted by this as well. We have a Cat five hurricane you know, about to make landfall, not sure exactly when. That's why we brought in the official meteorologist of the Sean Hannity Show, WeatherBell dot com. He wrote the book, by the Way, The Weaponization of Weather in the Phony Climate War. Joe Bistardi. Okay, I'm beginning to get nervous about this. What's going on? Well, what it is sean winter equivalent in extremity of a Cat five hurricanes. And what I'm trying to do and get across to people in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, is that the misery that this can cause. What's coming in Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of next week, back to back snow and ice storms across these areas, severe cold, almost as bad as eighteen ninety nine, which is the legendary benchmark cold outbreak into these areas. I have never worked in a situation like this now. Nineteen eighty three I was working in Texas, and when I was working with Aki, whether I was doing all the lower Real Grand Valley and the agricultural interests there, and the freeze that hit there took temperatures into the mid teams in the lower Valley. I think we get to twenty down. All right, we got a lot of news today. Let's get to the point. Tell us when this thing's going to hit, how bad it's going to be. The point is forty million people from Sunday afternoon through Thursday are going to be under the most relentless onslaught of winter weather we've seen in Texas. There could be power outages. You can't clear the snow off the road. I would be mobilizing snow fighting equipment to get it down there so people can at least try to start moving around. So the siege is such, it may hit zero to five below in Dallas, and you've got to understand what the way the power grid is today without the reliance of those wind turbines in West Texas. If they're not turning out there and the demand that's going to occur, there's going to be rolling blackouts. We've got major snow and ice, ice all the way into Houston on Monday, ice and sleet, and it's not coming off the road like the day a day later because we've got nothing to fight it with Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma as far as extremities meteologically goes. If what I'm trying to say is the stream of this winter weatherwise is like seeing to me a Cat five hurricane coming at Texas. And that's the point I've been trying. Right now, it's gonna hit. It's gonna hit when well the worst. It's already very cold down there. It's twenty five in Dallas right now, for instance, in the normal high sixty. But the real core starts advancing into Oklahoma Saturday night Sunday into the Texas Panano. It spreads southward Sunday and Monday into the eastern part of the state. That storm takes off to the northeast. The next one's in there Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday morning is could be one of the coldest February mornings on records across Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. And you have forty million people living here now and how many and we talk about accumulations because they don't have the snow equipment like we have up here in the northeast. That's what I think. Dallas gets six inches with the first one, six inches with the second one, Waco three to six. Houston is sweet and freezing rain. Folks trying to drive on sweet that's like, that's that's what they call. You know, when it's on tar black ice, it's horrible. Yeah, yeah, it's it's it's pavement rather you know, it's not going folks. What I'm saying is it's not like the next day it's going to melt off like the January. No, you don't even see it and you're running your car and your cars it's like it jumped on an ice rink and you don't even see the ice. That's the whole thing, all right. So what I want to say here is, and this is important. If you're a governor that has snow equipment and you don't need it all right now, maybe we can help out our friends in Texas and Oklahoma and maybe send down some plows, sanders and salting machines, whatever you got and some manpower and help out our friends in Texas and Oklahoma because they're gonna need it. We'll see, we'll see what happens next week. But I'll tell you this is I would not bother you. I know, I got it. I got it. This is too important, all right, my brother, thank you Weathervielle dot COM's JOVA starting. Um. Listen, if you're in a state and you can help Texas and no go loom out. They're gonna need this help. If you live there, you know, don't, don't raid the whole grocery store. Leave something for everybody else. Everyone goes in, all the toilet paper's gone. Um, get you get what you're gonna need for the period of time we're talking about. And maybe if you have a neighbor next store that's older, make sure they have heat and make sure that they're gonna be okay. Maybe you can help them pick up some stuff and neighbor helping neighbor. There you go, that's the best of people. And by the way, that is the American people. You really think about this. I was talking about conservatism because we're often you're a conservative, You're a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, is homophobic? You know, want dirty year in water and no, I want clean air and water. You want old people to eat dog food and cat food, and then a Republican Donald Trump look alike will throw grain over a cliff. That's how we're portrayed. There's this false caricature. Now it was Donald Trump a disruptor? Hell? Yes, yeah he was. Was he a typical politician? Hell no? Is he the guy that also exposed a lot of the swampiness and both parties he absolutely did. Did Republican weak establishmentism help create the opportunity for Trump? Yep? Absolutely? Did he govern as a conservative as I said he would, Yes he did. Did the policies work, Yes they did, And that's what matters because I gotta imagine, and I have plenty of liberal friends, they think I'm nut sets. Okay, I don't. Don't. I don't in my spare time unless you ask me. I'm not going to start talking about politics. That's my day job, that's my passion. It's real, it's in me twenty four to seven. But I like to find out about other people, their lives, their kids, what they do for a living. I'm always interested to hear people's stories, their biography, how they did this, how they did that. I try to learn. You can't learn if you're talking all the time. But I know that most people want the same thing. We want to live in a safe neighborhood. We want to have good schools for our kids. You want to be able to have a decent house or apartment whatever, to live in, a nice, safe car to drive. You want to be able to save for retirement. You want to be able to put away money so you can send your kids to college. You want your kids to do better than you did. I mean, that's the American story. That's something we all share, endowed by our creator. That means we're all created by the same God, every one of us. The only difference with human beings is our consciousness and our ability to choose good and evil. And there are good people and there are people that aren't good. And that's why you saw a hundred million souls destroyed in the name of government in the last one hundred years. To go back to the last century and fascism and Nazism and imperial Japan and communism, it didn't work out well for a lot of people. They died under these regimes, authoritarianism and statism, you know, socialism. Why am I so against socialism because it has a history of failure, regardless of what name it's given, on what manifestation it takes. On Conservatives, you know, I find most conservatives are actually fairly libertarian. Yeah, we want religious liberty. I don't care what your faith is, it's none of my business. We believe in freedom of religion, free speech, freedom to express one's opinions. But now you want to cancel everybody that doesn't agree with you. You think of conservatism, what do you think of Okay, it's simple for me, I'll repeat as a conservative. I want limited government. I want less bureaucracy so businesses can thrive and we can compete in a world marketplace. I want I want safe cities and towns. Everyone should feel safe in their own home. That means law and order. We all want good school for our kids. So many states have failed our children at a level that is incomprehensible. We spend more per capita per education than any other country in the industrialized world, and we're like fortieth and results. That's inexcusable to me. We can create better schools, We can create safe cities. After first condemn rioting when it's happening, I don't care if it's the capital can't happen in this country again, We better get to the bottom of it all now that we find out the FBI knew, and we knew that there were all these indicators and it was pre planned. And what else do we want? Okay, less bureaucracy, lower taxes so businesses can thrive, jobs can be created. We believe in the constitution, and we want constitutionalists on the court, not judicial activism that will even cite feign law to justify an opinion. That's nuts to me. Is it wrong after nine to eleven and after COVID to say we need secure borders so people that want to come into our country and join our family, that we can do a background check and a health check. Is that unreasonable? Might being oppressive here to keep Americans that are here safe? Is it wrong to want to be energy independent? The lifeblood of our economy is energy. The lifeblood of the world's economy is energy. Is it wrong to say I'm all for free trade? I am a free trader, but it's there's got to be reciprocity fair trade. I'm sorry, but you know there's plenty evil in the world. You know, people that threaten us all the time, that want to destroy the United States. So I believe in peace through strength, the baddest, meanest, toughest mother blanket military on the face of the earth. Not that we ever want to hurt anybody, but we can defend our way of life, our liberties, and our freedom. Knowing in the last century alone, over a hundred million human souls were destroyed. You know, we don't need any more wars. I want the most advanced technology so we don't have to send kids door to door anymore and battles and fights. If we have to use military force, we have the military technology and wherewithal Now we can press buttons in an office in Tampa, Florida. I want one standard for everybody, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. It's fundamental to who we are. That's what's so awful about this impeachment. Oh, we don't need to meet the standard for incitement. We're just doing an impeachment here. It's okay. The person presiding over it can already have decided to convict the person they're having a trial on. That's not the United States. How does one candidate create a phony Russian disinformation dacier phony used in four FISA warrants to spy in a presidential candidate and a president nobody held accountable. Those are things I worry about. Yeah, I think you know, if we the law says we can have partisan observers observe the vote count, and you don't let it happen. We got to fix that, just like they fixed the problems they had in Florida in twenty twenty sixteen. If you have laws and you don't like them, change them. You don't like the Pennsylvania Constitution, change it in the appropriate way. You just can't make it up as you go alone, you know. And the Democrats really, I mean, if I'm Joe Biden and I hear Chuck Schumer, he's, you know, still talking about when we might we're gonna finish the impeachment trial. Then Democrats will get together to discuss where to go next, whether they want to invoke the fourteenth Amendment to bar former President Trump from holding office again. In other words, we lost here, let's go to this, Let's go to option B and then option C. Censure Section three of the amendment says no. And you know, why don't we even go over this? Is that really what they want the American people to see them doing, now that they have both houses of government in the White House. How does that help one American? How does that help in the pandemic? Any Democrats care about the tens of thousands of Americans that are now going to be losing their jobs in the energy sector and surrounding businesses. Support businesses, support industries, because there are a lot of people that they got pink slips working on the Keystone XEL pipeline, and you got Hollywood superstars lobbying to get the Dakota pipeline shut down. Then they're gonna shut down An Moir, Well, now it's now we're gonna rely on countries that hate our guts again for energy and prices. By the way, prices are up already. So an article today, it's here somewhere in my pile. Yeah, panic across the Plain States. National gas price explodes to eighty bucks barrel. Gee, that's really really shocking. Western Journal as a piece laid off Arkansas pipeline workers reveal heartbreaking consequences of pipeline cancelation, talking about thousands of job That quote that says many are terrified of abruptly losing their income because they have no idea how they're going to put food on the table. But they're struggling families. This is a very specific trained skill set that's not easily transferable to solar panels or windmills. That you know, Well, we're gonna get your other good paying union jobs. Well where are they? They don't have them. Now, maybe you should have waited before you snap impeachment and your stroke of the pen. The house manager is facing a significant lack of evidence turned off into press reports and rumors during these proceedings, claims that would never meet the evidentiary standards of any court. In fact, they even relied on the words of Andrew Feinberg, a reporter who recently worked for Sputnik, the Russian propaganda outlet. You saw it posted. By the way, the report they cited was completely refuted. The frequency with which house managers relied on unproven media reports shocked me, as I sat in this chamber and listened to this, and there's a lot that we don't know yet about what happened that day, according to those around him at the time, reportedly responded Trump reportedly reports across all major media outlets, major news networks, including Fox News, reported reportedly summoned reportedly reportedly not accidental, according to reports. President Trump was reportedly who reportedly spoke to the Guard and was widely reported media reports. According to ports, reported reportedly as any trial lawyer will tell you, reportedly is a euphemism for I have no real evidence. Reportedly, there's not the standard in any American setting in which any semblance of due process is afforded, and accused reportedly isn't even here is some circumstantial evidence. It is exactly as reliable as I googled this for you. And if you're worried you might ever be tried based on this type of evidence, don't be. You get more due process than this. When you fight a parking ticket, words matter, they told you. But they selectively edited the president's words over and over again. They manipulated video time shifting clips and made it appear the president's words were playing to a crowd when they weren't. Let's take a look after this. We're gonna walk down and I'll be there with you. We're gonna walk down. We're gonna walk down to the Labe. But I got it right here. We're gonna walk down to the Capitol, and we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not gonna be cheering so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. And we are going to walk down to the Capitol. They showed you that part. Why are we walking to the Capitol, Well, they cut that off to cheer on some members of Congress and not others peacefully and patriotically. The Supreme Court ruled in Brandenburg that there's a very clear standard for incitement, in short, to paraphrase, whether the speech was intended to provoke imminent lawless action and was likely to do so, go to the Capitol and cheer on some members of Congress but not others. They know it doesn't meet the standard for incitement, so they edited it down. Unbelievable beat down. Gladue with us our two Sean Hannity showed toll free on numbers eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, a couple of things we have pointed out here today the American people have. It's almost like, I guarantee you a shock to the system of many America Amricans that now are seeing this, probably for the first time on fake news CNN, on MSDNC. I don't even know if the networks would pother to cover it, but for the first time in their lives seeing in hearing the things that those of us in talk radio and a couple of us on Fox do every single day because they have their predetermined notions that were evil. Now we're all conservative, racists, sexists, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobe, a is lonomophobe. We hate children, We want dirty air and water, We want granny and Grandpa to drink, to eat cat and dog food. And then some Republican evildoer will throw them in their wheelchair over a cliff, because that's how they portray conservatives, irredeemable, deplorables, smelly Walmart shoppers, to cling to their God, their Second Amendment, their Bibles, and their religion. But then you get to see the Democrats and all of that glory and all of their words, and you begin to know all that we have now heard sixteen friggin hours of monotonous, repetitive drivel and lies, and they all say and do the exact same thing. They lose elections, They use the exact same language as Donald Trump, if they talk about fighting like hell, calls for violence against Donald Trump, as supporters, others all there for the eye to see. This is what's great about this is it is every single thing we know as conservatives. We know that there is a lack of due process, that we have a dual justice system, we don't have you know equal justice under the law. We don't have equal application of our laws. The same people that never really even learned about Hillary's dirty dossier or paid attention to what the Espionage Act was, or paid attention that a dirty dossier not only unverified but unverifiable, was used to spy in a presidential candidate and a president, all based on lies. The same media that probably never played quid pro quo Joe and zero experience Hunter Greg Jared is with us. He is the host of his podcast The Brief, author of two number one best sellers, The Russia Hoax, which Hunt Look, you're also a lawyer, and I don't think And in all the time I've watched politics, I've ever I've ever seen air pop out of a balloon as quick as this one. In a video montage beat down played in the United States Senate, this was epic. It was epic. In the course of one extraordinary hour Sean the first hour, the defense team for former President Trump utterly destroyed. They demolished the impeachment case that have been presented against him of the House managers over two long, redundant, agonizing days. This was a resounding and humiliating defeat of not just the House managers but the Democrats who have been driving all of this. And you're right on the brilliance of the defense with the use of video clips to exonerate Trump, to demonstrate the hypocrisy of both the House managers and Democrats who have relentlessly accused Trump of inciting an insurrection when he urged a crowd of supporters on January sixth to fight like hell to support members of Congress who were lawfully contesting the presidential election. But the most devastating part to me was when David Sean you know him, I know him. He is a fine, fine lawyer, said quote house managers manipulated evidence and deceptively edited videotapes and made false representation of Donald Trump's tweets, and then he proceeded to show it. And it was shameful, disgraceful conduct on the part of the House managers. It's shameful for the institution, Greg Jarrett. In that one hour presentation, yes, by our friend David Shone, and that one hour it literally shattered this illusion of the high and mighty and sanctimonious and pious Democrats on their high horse. And this this you know, nailing Raskin on doing the exact same thing that Donald Trump did, challenging an election, and the deceptive edits that they showed in the Senate Chamber. Are they going to be any Nobody will ever be held responsible for anything. I guess we can kind of say here, but at the end of the day, the American people, any objective American watching this now, they may not like it on both sides. I understand that. I can totally understand that they may not like both sides. Heated rhetoric. It's a blood sport, as it's called, right, but it's reality. Fight like hell, how many more Democrats? For how long could we have? Could we run that montage? You could run that all day, Sean, and and there you saw it, or right there you could see it, you could watch it, you could hear it. And you know, this is a captive audience in the United States Senate. But the more important audience, frankly, is the American public. And they saw in those video clips, Kamala Harris close to a hundred times I was keeping track use the words that Donald Trump word fight and fight like how Elizabeth Warren more than fifty times they had roughly three hundred examples of prominent Democrats, you know, using incendiary language that implies violence. Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, all of these people using more incendiary, inflammatory language than Donald Trump ever used. And of course they did what you and I knew that the defense team would do. They pointed out to the Senators that Raskin and his confederates over two days never once played the most important clip of all of Donald Trump urging his supporters to act peacefully and patriotically let their voices, their voices be heard. Never once did he encourage an act of violence. And you're right, this was an absolute beatdowning. You know, I've been a lawyer for about forty years and I have never seen such a legal beatdown by lawyers on what are essentially prosecutors and the evidence, the faulty, flawed evidence that they presented. It never would have been allowed in any court of law. Rules of evidence would forbid every part of this, starting with the idea that the presiding judge in this case, the honorable Patrick of Vermont, who can barely utter two sentences like Biden, when Mike Lee stood up a holy mackerel, those guys out of it too, and lay he presiding, a guy that already has been on record saying he will convict that Donald Trump needs to be convicted. Now, this is not the United States of America that I know, Greg Jarrett. That would allow somebody with a predetermined conclusion to be the presiding judge in this case as he is, Yes, and he's also a witness. So think of it. You got a judge and a juror and a witness all rolled into one presiding over this case. It makes a mockery of the term law and justice. There was no due process, and in the Senate there's no pools of evidence, no standard of proof, no adherence to the law. Essentially, the Democrat House managers admitted incitement can mean anything they wanted to mean, and they actually said yesterday Raskin said this, we don't have to meet the standard for incitement because this is an impeachment. In other words, it's a free for all. We can do whatever we want. And so today, of course the defense team pointed out they're doing what they want because they can, and they're driven by vitriol and hatred and a thirst for vengeance against a man they loathe and hate Donald Trump, and this is now apparent for all of America to see. A final thoughts now with Greg Jared. So we're about I was told my sources telling me that maybe that's going to be maybe two more hours. Then they're gonna fold. They're just gonna say we're done. They're not gonna take sixteen hours like the Democrats. They're gonna take four, maybe four hours of fifteen minutes. The next part of it will then be questions. You can walk us through the rest of the process, the closing arguments. Well, first they'll vote on whether they want witnesses, then hopefully closing arguments. I would actually like witnesses here. Yeah, you know, I learned early on in my career as a trial lawyer that boy, you win big favors with the jury if you talk to them in plain language, never talk over their heads, and make your arguments cogent, and do it as quickly as possible. You know, two days of the Democrats case belabored playing the same clips over and over and over again. You were boring the hell and alienating the jury the senators. So the defense is so smart here to expedite their case, make it short, make it to the point, make it powerful, and already they've done it. They could rest their case right now, agreed, Greg, Jared, thank you. When we come back. I know so many of you are dying to talk. We'll get to you, I promise. Next Hannity Ninetiestern Fox, We've got to blockbuster show straight ahead. We'll continue your call is coming up twenty five to the top of the hour. This was the biggest beat down, I mean of the mob, the media, the Democrats. They just shoved their own words right in their face, and I hope it tasted good. They showed the hypocrisy, the dishonesty, and their entire presentation. It's been based on a standard that they will never apply to themselves. And the fact that you know, and Jamie Rasking got his ass handed to him numerous times today for his hypocrisy. Unbelievable. You know, one thing they didn't play, but we played. You know, this is the one riot all of a sudden Democrats want to condemn and talk about. Never mind their encouraging words for the people over the summer, or the money for the bail fund that they were trying to raise. For example, you have Oregon Senators. Now we watched what happened in Oregon, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley. You know they this is them in a hearing prior to today, obviously defending last summer's protest when they were trying to burn the courthouse down every single night. Our eyes did not deceive us. But then, well it's because it's left wingers got to defend it. Listen, who Americans believe is the real threat to our constitutional rights? Is it the Oregonians who gathered in my hometown in overwhelmingly peaceful protest for racial justice, or is it the heavily armed secret police who snatched Portlanders off the streets in the unmarked vans and interrogated them without justification. Here's what the scene looked like in Portland when the federal troops were arriving, thousands of people peacefully protesting. Can we move that into the picture, holding flowers, dancing, chanting, arguing that we need to have a reform in America so that there is equal blake safety for all. You know, Seriously, it was like fake news CNN, MS DNC. It's mostly been a Anderson. It's mostly better preaceful protest today. The city behind them is up in flames. It's like a it's you know, what was the name of that movie that the high building towering inferno? Good grief. All right, let's get to your calls here. You've been very patient today. Let us say hello to Annas in Idaho. An, Hi, how are you glad you called? Hey son? Thanks for taking my call. And gosh, I wanted to chime in about how we're so stuck on choice of words and how much words matter. And I was listening to the impeachment trial this morning and at the point when he said all of this because of your hatred for Trump, and we always are seeing their hatred for Trump, and my thought just wanted to get your feelings is it is a hatred. Granted I get it, but more than that, I really feel that it is they fear Trump. And I think using the word fear, I would have loved to have heard him say this morning, all this because you fear the return of Trump. You fear that, I mean, we the people want him back. It's obvious, but I just feel very strongly that fear resonates so differently in people than hatred. And I'm just you know, I don't know wondering what you're not let me let me you raise good points. I hate to tell you this, and and maybe because this is my business, is what I do every day. It's it's not just Donald Trump. They hate they hate you, they hate me. I mean, they really hate me, but they because I'm I'm more. I have platforms. They want a deep platform me so I they can silence me. You know, in thirty three years, every effort has been made, and I can't tell you how many tens and tens of millions of dollars spent to get me off the air. I don't really talk a lot about it. I didn't think anybody really would care. And I don't want to make this show that much about me, so I don't really bring it to the air. But I'm telling you the truth people, and I believe you one hundred percent. And I think they fear you just as they fear Trump, because you have this great platform and you have millions of listeners who like me, that listen to your radio show, watch your TV. So I can't do it without you. I can't. They would love to shut me down. And it's not really about me. It's and when I say, you know, Where do these remarks irredeemable, deplorable come from? Where Where do these smelly Walmart Trump supporter come ins come from? Linda helped me think them. Well, where is where's the you know, these bitter Pennsylvanians that cling to their their God, their Second Amendment, their Bibles and religion. Well number one, I like to shop at Walmart and I actually shower every day. Um oh, olive garden, Remember the olive garden that I happen to like Olive garden. Um. You know I happen to know what a Hilton Garden is and marry Our courtyard is because I stayed in them a whole bunch of my life. And I'm just but you know, I have a very different view of America. And you let me tell you the America that I see. I see that all of I see the American people is fundamentally good, and that the American people, the average person that I know, gets up every day. They shovel coffee down their throat, They try and make their kids breakfast, They push them off to scolariound. You gotta make the bus, let's go. They race off to work twelve hour minimum days. I know that people I know work. I don't know many people that have eight hour day jobs. So I'm doing if they do good for them. And then they come home and they feed their kids, you know, a little wan pasta tonight. Want chicken chicken tonight, grilled chicken and broccoli. Okay, you want pizza's go pizza, Yeah, dad, pizza. And then they literally do the help with their homework and they put them in the bed and they pass the hell out, especially if they have my pillow. And that's and then they pay their taxes, obey the laws, follow the rules, and they've been betrayed that the school systems suck in so many cities and towns that you can't even get law in order because of radical extremism the healthcare Obamacare, millions lost their planned doctors and we're all paying two hundred percent or more than what they promised that we would cut. And now they're promising everything's going to be paid for. And there's new Green, New Deal utopia that is going to remove our our our energy independence, hurt hurt our sovereignty and national security, and take away tens of thousands of high paying career jobs. Yeah, this this sucks. How do you just right away hunt tens of thousands of people's jobs like that. I couldn't do it. Yep, yep, And that's that's I feel like the fear that the left has for term is they just fear his With fear comes to anticipation, and I guess is my thought, and I feel like if we use fear instead of hatred, you know, they fear his next move, it's always, they absolutely do. And they fear that that Americans seventy five million or more will vote for him. That's what they feared. There's never been a Republican that got that many votes ever, nowhere close to it. The perfect example is this, you know Schumer shifts, you know charade show that they have going on, because no, no, it's a shift show. Charade now come on, and you got to get it right. It's hard to say. And I love it when you call it that rather than the impeachment trial because we all know it's not even real. But it's great to see to watch this trial on TV and see, like you said, all these videos coming out that are being shown for the first time on the fake news So see you know, these videos and by the way, thank you for watching and thank you for listening. Um, I really appreciate every single person because they want me to fail. You know, last year we set a record and I never talked about it, highest yearly ratings for any cable news show in history. Now, after elections, the news waynes You know, people are not quite as intensely interested. Hannity's failing. No, I'm not. This has happened all thirty three years of my career. You know, Oh, what is he going to talk about now now that Trump is in the office. But I've got to run your delight and I love you. Thank you for being there always. Let's say hi to Bill. He's in the great state of Pennsylvania where people are angry and cling to their God's Second Amendment, Bibles and religion. Wow, Hey Bill, how are you? Hey Sean, I just want to say it's a pleasure and an honor to get in touch with you. This is great. I'm very excited. It's all mine, right, So I just want to say that I'm I'm a Union elevator constructor for closing forty years. Came in at twenty one years old. My dad got me a job. He worked for a major elevator company. Back then and is it otis? I always see otis I currently you said it. I currently worked for that company, and hopefully in the next four years, my wife is lessening, Hopefully in the next four years, I'll be able to retire. I mean, I definitely she'll let me retire. Let's put it that way. Okay. So I am zecond generation. My dad put thirty eight and a half years in the industry for a different company, so I still had to wait ten months to get in. And this whole idea, I just want to set the record straight for these I'm gonna be nice for the people in Washington that think that if I get laid off tomorrow, I'm not going across the street to the sheetwalkers union or the plumbers union knocking to indoors say hey hire me. It ain't happening. Okay, it's not. It doesn't happen like that. There is a lot of nepotism in the industry, okay, And I'm sure you know what that means, and it's just the way it goes. And we still have rules and regulations. But it's a crazy idea that think that all these poor you know union um, you know steam fitters and all those you know, those pipe pipe fitters and everybody just from a sign that you know, stroke of a pen got laid off. They're not going to get a job right away, and they're not going to be able to go to a different union. It doesn't work like that. Those jobs are hard to come by, and they're very we're talking about very skill specific jobs for a very specific industry. In other words, you can't take the jobs as you know, working on a pipeline or an oil rig and translated into something else. Um, it's not an easy transition where you have the same skill level where you'd get the same amount of money. You're talking now about complete retraining and retooling. And that's the problem. And that's when these guys, I've got another union job. I can't tell you how angry I get hearing that. It's easy for you to say it's not happening. And we're very skilled. We do carpentry, we do weld we do ironworkers stuff, we cut pipe, we do all that stuff. We're very you know, highly skilled, and we get compensated very well. But it's also extremely dangerous. But like I said, they're just not going to be able to go and get another job right away. It doesn't work like that. The union is set up so you kind of stay with your own. And we have a great program in our in our industry. It's called Helmets the hard Hats, So we bring a lot of military kids in and it's it's awesome. It's a great program and it's you know, so it just it works out for It's just sad to me. I mean, these are high paying career jobs. Let me tell you what the reality is, Bill, the for a lot of these guys that are union guys like you, and I've actually been in a New York union, they don't do a darn thing for me. But whatever. But but let me just tell you that, yeah, I have to I had to join or else I can't be on the air in New York, believe it or not. But here's the problem is when you know, if you have a secure career job, you know, you make decisions based on Okay, if I if I keep working, I can pay this mortgage. If I keep working, I can I think we can swing that new car for or caravan or SUV for the family, or truck for me, right you know? Not? Uh, if I have that that good job. I think I'm going to remodel um this room, and maybe we'll freshen it up a little bit, and so on and so forth. You make decisions, and then I can put X number of dollars away from my retirement, X dollars away from my kids college. That's that's that's who I care about in this country. To me, that's who makes America great. As I was telling the last caller, um, that's my whole family I'm describing, and I got to be the lucky one. And I don't have no idea why except that I have a big mouth. That's it. So eating all of us, Sean and and because of you, because of Trump, big supporter, because of of people like you and Conservative rate radio. You're educating us and you're you're you're helping us see the right side of things. Well, I'm trying to just tell the truth. We work hard at do it, you know, we work hard at getting things right, you know, and sometimes and that's why we don't get things wrong like so many other people and won't lie for three straight years and refuse to look at truth. You know, if some of what you saw today was familiar, it is because we you know, that's the work we do every day. That's why it's going to be a shock to the soul of some people in the country. I didn't know these things that were said. Anyway, Thank you, my friend, God bless you and your family, your fellow Union guys, and I'm praying for everyone's job soul. A vet in Missouri, Hey Russell, how are you glad you called? Sir? I'm fine? How are you shine? Yes, I am a veteran. I'm a coward. Veteran is what they like to call us, Kosovo and nose type of things Africa. My problem is my age group, which is similar to your age group. You may get a little younger. We search for a country that we believed in and was a democratic country, and physic people to call veterans and Trump supporters Nazis makes me sick to my stomach. The viral, nasty things that they say about Trump supporters. They do not understand that we are going to really of history because they're trying to get rid of history. If you go to Germany like I have been there and seeing the death camps and seeing the leftovers of what true Nazism was, they would Understand, this is nothing like that. We're supporting a man that wants to get rid of a a swampy. Understand all these adjectives they use is just born out of irrationality and hatred because they don't like his policies. And they claim to have a monopoly of compassion for minorities, They claim to have a compassion of a monopoly on free speech, and they don't because they're not standing for free speech. And then you want to talk about incendiary incitement insurrectionist language, Well, it was laid out for the world to see, and they bear that responsibility themselves, so they indict themselves. Gotta run, Thank you, sir, eight hundred nine for one, Shaun, Our number will continue straight ahead. All right, News round up and information overload our Shan Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Well, we have this big story about Governor Cuomo, a real life whistleblower that we actually know the name of and can actually see admitting to democratic lawmakers in the state of New York purposely withholding the state's nursing home death toll from COVID nineteen, telling them the Democrats. We froze out of fear that the true numbers would be used against us by federal prosecutors. Well, I don't know. If I was Jamie Raskin or one of the House impeachment charade shift show charade people, they might say that substruction of justice. And he was stunning admission in a video conference call with state Democratic leaders, saying that the Cuomo administration they rebuffed a legislative request for the Italian August because then President Trump would turn it into a giant football, and they were afraid of an ongoing investigation by the Justice Department. Oh, anyway, let me let me play for you first, Andrew Cuomo's history of his coronavirus comments, because he did write the big bestseller on leadership. What New York did was follow what the Republican administration said to do. That's not my attempt to politicize it. Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus that is going to happen. You can't save everyone. You're going to lose people. That's life. That nursing room should have referred that patient and should have told the Department of Health, I can't handle these patients. When the Department of Health takes Bernard debt. They no longer get paid for Bernard debt. Oh money. We have been helping them with more ppe. But again, it's not our job. When you're saying what happened in other countries versus what happened here. We don't even think it's going to be as bad as it was in other countries. All right, jah, Pretty, it's pretty amazing stuff, isn't it. Now? Listen to Cuomo on the nursing home report and says everyone did the best they could. Who cares which way they died? Anyway, this is before the ag a Democrat in New York now have as an open investigation into all of this. Is this is not good for Andrew Cuomo. What I would say is everyone did the best they could. When I say the State Department of Health, as the report said, the State Department of Health followed federal guidance. So if you think there was a mistake, then go talk to the federal government. It's not about pointing fingers or blame. It's that this became a political football, right. Look, whether a person died in a hospital or died in a nursing home, it's the people died, people died. If you look at New York State, we have a lower percentage of deaths in nursing homes than other states. A third of all deaths in this nation from nursing homes. New York State we're only about twenty eight percent only, but we're below the national average in number of deaths in nursing homes. But who cares. Thirty three twenty eight died in a hospital, died in a nursing home. They died, They died. There's a difference where you die anyway. That and of course this utter beatdown that's been taking place in DC today by the defense of Donald Trump. Mark Simone is my fellow host on our flagship in New York, wore AM seven ten Joe Conscho, Fox News contributor media columnists with the Hill. Mark, You've been following this nursing home scandal and it just keeps percolating up. But this woman that admits what she did, that they purposely hid the information to hide it from not only Democratic lawmakers, but from the Justice Department. I'd say, oh, we've got a problem. Yeah. I think she thinks there is a federal probe or some kind of investigation coming. Why would she all of a sudden leak that. I think she was letting prosecutors know if you need a witness, I'm the witness. Give me the immunity, I'll do the talking. This is really bad, you know, all over New York people are calling for Cuomo's resignation, even the Democrats in the Assembly. Now, I want to strip away his emergency powers. Hey, for those of you around the country, you know you watch these briefings every day and you don't know you got it. Guy looks so detailed. Look how he's got charts and graphs. He seems to be on top of everything. You may not know. The state of New York is totally bankrupt. Under Chroma's leadership. We owe thirty billion. We've had the biggest exodus ever. So many people have left. We're going to lose two congressional See what the hell are we doing here? We're so stupid. The two of us are the dumbest people on earth. But go ahead. He signed legislation releasing all the violent prisoners without bail. He signed this thing. He is destroyed. I listened to we think there's fifteen thousand senior citizenstead his management in New York City, the closing of every direct we think he killed twelve thousand restaurants. It's a total disaster. He's talking about taxing every little stock transit. They're talking about moving the stock exchange to Miami. Now, he's a disaster. It's been an unmitigated disaster. And they're even saying, well, we don't think New York can come back. Maybe the earliest twenty twenty thirty. Joe, Concha, you're not you're a frequent I think you don't. I think you live outside the city limits. If I'm not mistaken, I don't want to give away your location. But you see what's happening. I've seen what's happening. Unlike Mark, I just got the hell out of there. And that's that's smart. Right. We have a mutual friend I can't say his name in the Airshewan, but he moved out of New York City to Florida recently, and he says every single powerful person that he knows is moving to Florida. Obviously no state income tax, but the state is run infinitely better. And we've seen the mass exodus in terms of all the numbers out of New York and it's look at the combination that you have. Now. The city has lost its character, right, So many great restaurants have gone down. It just isn't the same city it was even ten or twenty years ago, particularly under build the Blasio. But then also it's insanely expensive to live in, and on top of that, it's extremely dangerous to live in. So when you combine all those things, I don't think i'd want to live here either and go to somewhere that's thirty forty degrees warmer. But but to your point around Cuomo, he absolutely needs to resign. This is criminal behavior that we're talking about here. And what because he was in some sort of competition with Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, so he could count the nursing home stats being better in his state. Men in Florida. And remember to talk about incitement when we're talking about in Peachman here for a moment, let me give you two quotes from Andrew Cuomo, one to Howard Stern. From Cuomo, if I wasn't governor of New York, I would have decked Trump period. I mean, he was attacking me, he was attacking my family. He was anti Italian, yet right, every nasty thing. One more quote for you. He can't have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City, Clomo instead of Trump, forget bodyguards, he better have an army if he thinks he's going to walk down the streets in New York. Does that sound like inciting violence against the president? I think it does so, between his retort and between his results in terms of nursing home deaths here in New York. Because think about it, Florida four major cities, Miami, camp Orlando, Jacksonville, a larger population and older population, and they have hacked that New York has. So you know what, this guy needs to go step down. I can't believe he was actually being thought of as replacing Joe Biden in the top of the ticket for the Democrats last year. He shouldn't be an office at all, and he should be criminally investigated for covering up this nursing home scandal. Thank god for Janisteine for shotting a light on him when no one else was talking about it. I mean, I feel terrible for her. I know we work at Fox together. I don't see anybody, as you know, because I have a new studios. But it's just not her. I mean, we're talking about fifteen up to fifteen thousand people maybe more by the time this is done. And you know, at one point blaming the nursing homes for wanting the money. And the worst, worst part of it all is Donald Trump built the hospitals, brought in the Navy hospital ship, converted them to be able to take on people with COVID nineteen. They provided all the manpower, all the masks, the gloves, the shields, the medicines, everything, and eighty percent of the Javits Center remained empty. And the same with the Mercy Hospital Ship. Mark Simone. Yeah, you know, people might be saying, well, why did in the nursing home subject Governor Cuomo holds their licenses. They couldn't say a word or they could lose their license. He's in charge of that. You know. At the beginning, Ron de Santis, governor of Florida, what do you do when the nursing home patients get the virus? He found two empty nursing homes. He converted those to coronavirus nursing homes. That way, everybody added, there was no problem. It was a brilliant solution. He did that a year ago, two days ago, Governor Cuomo just announced he's going to take empty nursing homes and use those for coronavirus. Prett took him a year to think of that. I'll tell you Ron de Santis. I mean, look at what's happening in Newsom. He did a disaster his shutdown policies, and Ron de Santis with a greater population of older people, same weather conditions as California. Interestingly, now they're gonna have a recall of Newsom. If they had a recall petition in New York, I have no doubt probably the same thing would happen to Cuomo. But I think he's got a bigger issue. And this is a real whistleblower with a real name and a realiited entity that made a really significant charge here. And by some miracle, Sean you have, CNN is actually covering this now after ten months of interview after interview, they wouldn't even forget softball questions around nursing homes. They wouldn't even broach the topic because obviously it could be a sensitive issue around the virtual water cooler. But but think about this, though, I remember a President Obama, he got a Nobel Peace Prize right for doing nothing right. And now you have Andrew Croomel. You want an Emmy, remember an Emmy? You think that the people that run that little organization might want to ask for that back and give it. All This news that we're seeing now, it's incredible. You know, there's always a crisis around. Remember he was Secretary of Housing Urban Development years ago in the clinmonstration. That's when we had the housing crash, the housing market. A lot of people blame him for that too, in his policies. All right, let's move on to the issue of the day, which is I have never in my life, and we'll start with you, Joe Contre. You cover the media ever seeing a bigger beatdown than the video presentation is laid out by a friend of the program, my friend David Shone of all of the rank hypocrisy, the admitted the double standards. I mean it. I guarantee you half the country that probably doesn't watch me, that never saw all of this before, were blown away. It was devastating, a devastating beatdown. I can't think of one similar except maybe Ali North a ran contract. Oh, I would go probably Tom Cruise against the Colonel Nathan Jessup and a few you who can't handle the truth? Did you want the Code a rut? Yeah, damn right, I did. That's a classic movie if you're not doing anything anyway, Damn right, I did. Yeah, it's one of the great teams of all time. Right, it is great. Yeah, And here's the thing. This is now what I don't want to go into the weeds here a little bit. But in terms of presentation and persuasion, it used to be you know, the old courtroom dramas and the beat down one on one between a lawyer and a witness. Right now, it's who has the best editor. I mean, seriously, who's the most career a producer? Because the Democratics, the Democrats presentation was powerful. But this was the perfect counter argument. So this wasn't one lawyer beating another lawyer. This is one producer beating another producer in terms of the content. But yeah, but to your point, though, I mean the words of the Democrats in terms of say, for instance, our friend Chuck Schumer in New York threatening opening, threatening Supreme Court justices. Right, Gorsage I believe was one of them. And Roberts right now, Gorsage and capital and you could go on and on in terms of what the Democrats have said over the years in terms of inciting violence against Republicans. Maxim Waters obviously most notable, get up in their faces, Corey Booker get up in their faces. And we saw people get up in people's faces in terms of Stskalis getting shot or ran Paul getting a crappiden out of him in his front lawns at the point where he actually had a collapse along it was not hospital for weeks. These had real consequences shown those words, just like just like we saw with the capital on the riots. So's it was the perfect counter argument. Now I think it's a watch. The president again won't be convicted and now we see where he goes from here. Right as we continue, Joe Concha and Mark Simone. You know, if there was any decency, intellectual honesty among Democrats, they would look at today and they look in the mirror and they say, you know what, we just got our ass handed to us, Mark Simone. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that. No, none do. They say this is what about is? What about is? And for those who don't know, that's when a Democrat gets caught attacking something, was it they just said was fine for the last five years. I give NBC News credit. They didn't even try to be objective. They didn't even care about being abjective. Oh, we give them credit for But did they ever admit that they have an opinion? No, they're not, like, we're all members of the press, but we're talk show hosts. I saw this video. It was so unbelievable, the video of the Trump Team show. They cut to Andrew Mitchell, Chuck Todd, Lester Hall, these totally corrupt chartists, and they said, well, this was clearly edited, and it was doctored, and it was They tried to pick it all apart. The Democrats ran the most doctored video for three days. They cut to the same panel, who said, that's so powerful. It was so it didn't even try to look objective. I know it's I love John poor Josh Holly. They just he can't stand them anymore. He dared to say, let's have an audit, just like Jamie Raskin did. Oh what a similar moment. I don't know, I just think and they wrapped this thing up pretty quick. Joe Kancho which was a smart strategy. They're not going to take sixteen hours now questions and answers. Then are we gonna have witnesses, then a vote and it's over, And then what are they going to go to centure in the fourteenth Amendment? Or do they let it go? If they were smart, they would let it go because there are people out there saying, where's that COVID relief package that you've been talking about. Hey, there's an opioid crisis that's exploding during this pandemic and a thousand other problems that this country has. This political theater. No one wants this. They want people to solve problems, and instead this is typical Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Democrats just hey, we gotta cling on to Trump because we don't have any solutions of our own to put forward to help the American people. It's sad. Last word, Mark Simo, I love that Jimmy Raskin, he's the krets Meryl Streep. I love the crying and the tissue and the cleaning. Oh my gosh, cold you are one cold hearted talk shows fact check true. By the way, you know, Mark, I quoted your Twitter on my TV shows you had me. Linda sends it to me and I'm like, did you goes you see Marks tweet. I'm like, no, you don't give me access to my account. Remember, and Mark, I knew because my phone blew up and everybody, all right, you guys are amazing, Thank you both, good friends, Mark Simone, Joe Concha eight hundred nine one sewn you want to be a part of the program, quick break, right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Here's David Sean. I'm so glad he did this today, hitting Jamie Raskin for staging that, you know, photo shoot with The New York Times on what we now know were altered, edited, manufactured check Mark tweets. Good afternoon. My name is Jamie Raskin. It's my honor to represent the people of Maryland's eighth Congressional district in the House and also to serve as the lead House manager. Even if the evidence proves, as we think it definitively does, that the president incited a violent insurrection on the day Congress met to finalize the presidential election, he would have you believe there is absolutely nothing the Senate can do about it. Thus, as a matter of history and original understanding, there is no merit to the President Trump's claim that he can incite an insurrection and then insist weeks later that the Senate lacks the power to even hear evidence at a trial, to even hold a trial about the stakes of this decision whether President Trump can stand trial and be held to account for inciting insurrection. So, our friends must work to answer all of the overwhelming, detailed, specific, factual and documentary evidence we have introduced of the President's clear and overwhelming guilt in and inciting violent insurrection against the Union, if a president did invite a violent insurrection against our government, as of course we allege and think we've proven in this case, but just in general, if a president incited a violent insurrection against our government, would that be a high crime and misdemeanor? Can we all agree at least on that. We have reason to believe that the House managers created false representations of tweets, and the lack of due process means there was no opportunity to review or verify the accuracy. Consider these facts. The House Managers, proud of their work on this snap impeachment staged numerous photoshoots of their preparations. In one of those, manager asking a scene here at his desk reviewing two tweets side by side. The image on his screen claims to show that President Trump had retweeted one of those tweets. Now, members of the Senate closely at this screen, because obviously Manager Raskin considered it important enough that he invited The New York Times to watch him watching it. Now, what's wrong with this image? Actually, there are three things very wrong with it. Look at the date on the very bottom of the screen on Manager Raskin's computer screen. When we zoom into the picture, the date that appears is January third, two thousand, twenty not two twenty one. Why is that date wrong? Because this is not a real screenshot that he's working with. This is a recreation of a tweet, and you got the date wrong when you manufactured this graphic, you did not disclose that this is a manufactured graphic and not a real screenshot of a tweet. Not to be fair, the house managers caught this error before showing the image on the Senate floor. So you never saw it when it was presented to you. Oh, you never saw it when it was presented to you. All Right, let's get to our busy phones on this Friday. We got an amazing Hannity tonight. Let's say hi to Wendy is in Vegas kadon radio. What's up, Wendy? How are you glad you called? Hi? Sean, Thank you so much for taking my call. It's an honor. Thank you. I wanted to mention an article that was published in the Miami Herald on Wednesday where the Biden administration is floating around a potential travel band to the state of Florida. Who's floating that around the Biden administration to mean if you go to Florida, you can't go to Florida. That's what they look, That's what they're trying to do. They're trying to float that idea around. It's all over the news. The Miami Herald published it on Wednesday, and Machael Rubio and DeSantis responded to it. I did see this hang on. I have it in my pile of notes on other things. I've been so focused on the impeachment thing today. Now I know, Okay, let me tell you where people need to go Florida. You want to know Why Because they've done in terms of the elderly population, those with pre existing conditions, comorbidities, those that have compromised immune systems. They have done the best of any state with such a large elderly population. It puts New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, California to shame, and everyone in Florida. I think you can now see and compare and contrast. You know what a real governor can get done. Now, what's amazing about this, what Marco Rubio said is that the day after Donald Trump and posed a travel band and from China, you know, Biden said it's hysterical, xenophobia, etc. Then a March he tweeted out travel bands or xenophobic again, and now he wants to impose travel bands on American citizens to even go to Florida. You know, thank you for reminding me of that. I honestly I had it deep in my notes today and I'm like, I remember waiting, waiting. I've read this and thank you for reminding me. You're very welcome. I'm trying my best. And you know there's been a lot of news run run for president yourself, you and Chuck Country, We're trying, and with your help we can do it. The only, the only. There's a lot of people that want us to just never come back again. Let's put it that way, all right. Thank you, Wendy, God bless you. And I'd like to see Vegas do better. They've been struggling like hell out there. It's terrible. Feel so sorry all you know. Look, I'm not the biggest gambler, but I remember we go on these junkets. Sweet baby James, Linda, you are on a lot of those trips, and you know we'd all stopping and play blackjack or whatever, and you talk to the dealers and these they call them pit bosses. And and by the way, yes you were the worst, better of all, James. You lost. But I like how much money you give to them when you're winning, probably sometimes more than you win. Oh you mean the people dealing. Okay, Well no, no, well I give everybody on my staff. Linda, you can confirm this one hundred bucks. I said, Okay, just go have fun with it and just don't worry about it, because everyone's like, oh, I don't want to lose a pen. Nobody wants to lose money. I don't want to lose money, and it's amazing how many people have come back with like a thousand bucks, the happiest people on earth. Linda, You've never won, though, have you. I don't really play that, like I don't really play table games. I'm more of like, you know, I like the slot machines. You know, I'll play. I'll sit there and play the penny machines. I don't think they have penny machines any Yes, they do. I think they they may have gotten rid of it. That is a poor man's game, and I fit in just fine there. I am not a big penny slots anymore. I think they got nickel. Maybe I don't even think they have that. Maybe they have a quarter slot left. Most of them are dollar slots. At least, that's not true. I'm gonna call it one of our people. I gotta call some money in Vegas, right, Okay? If wherever those penny slots would be would be like in the deepest crevice buried somewhere in the in the casino. It's true. It's it's absolutely true. I had I had one great run my hole in my life. It was it was spectacular, and I went down four nights in a row, and I won four nights in a row. And the only reason is I went to the same table with a bunch of three drunk guys that didn't know how to play blackjack, and it was it worked out perfectly for me. They were losing their shirt, didn't care, they were just drinking up a storm. And I'm like, sitting there, all right, I got a loaded cigar, and I am sober as a stone cold sober, and I'm fear to play. And now I get bored in ten minutes. I can't stand it. Not me. I love it. I feel like the seat gets hot, you know, I can't leave it starting. I'm starting to just get the machine warmed up, you know, it feels good, and then I win. I'm telling you, I sat down next to my mother. My mother is amazing on slot machine. She has won in the thousands, and people come running over. She's that person. She sits down and she wins. I'm like, what is really It's amazing. I mean, it's the strangest thing because I get up early to you know, get ready for my shows, and you know, from the night before the sun comes up, and the place has these people playing all day and all night and in the casino, you don't know if it's night or day, and they're pumping oxygen into the room to keep everybody awake. Yeah, but it works. I mean if somebody's gonna walk around all night and say, here's a bunch of bright lights at a bunch of nice people, and you get to have this little spot and you don't have to move, and we'll bring your food and we'll bring your drinks, and we're gonna put fresh air. I mean, yeah, you know you're gonna sit there all night. We'll saying. Some people like it. Um, you know what I don't like. I don't know. If I go, I'm gonna say, okay, thousand dollars, that's it. I'm not gonna lose one more penny, and then I have the ability there's a thousand and walk away. Some people, don't you know the one person I'm talking about, indeed, I do. Oh my gosh, I drag this person and it's nobody that there's every somebody eat there's already and so I dragged this person. I see what's going on, and they're like getting high and they're like lost in this zone and they're like it's sort of like a high for them, just they couldn't stop, and I could see it. I said, get up, drag this person, bring them to their room, and I said, don't don't leave this room. I came back in the morning and that person was at the same slot machine, and I knew, I knew, I lost my mind. And I was like, you know, you're never coming back with us ever on a trip like that. Yeah, it's it's some people. It's a struggle, you know. But some people. That's why I say, you play the penny machines. It's not so bad, you know. Okay, these weren't the penny machines. Didn't you say they were. I'm just saying that that's you can do. I know, and you know people have addicted personalities, and I know that you can get help. Was I know people that have gotten help. All right, let me get to the phone. Let's say hi, Jay Michigan. What's up? Jay? Glad you called? Hey? How are you doing? Hanny? Nice to talk to you, man, I'm good man. How are you? What's going on? I'm doing good? Watch the show every night. Question I have is this impeachment saying that they're doing it's it's a sham, like you always say, but they're wasted our tax dollars, every single Americans tax dollars. Is there a thing that an American person can do to sue the government over this because a sham. If we could sue over the misappropriation of our tax dollars, we'd be in court and we win every time if the rules of evidence applied. You know it is this is why Jay elections matter. You know, there's a reason people are leaving your great state of Michigan. Remember Detroit lost half its freaking population because they will run out because of bureaucracy. Unions did not think long term in that instance. I don't have anything against unions at all, but it ended up being a disaster. You know, now we have you know, get it right to work states are being ripped away. It's it's not good for American war. Donald Trump proved that you can have record low unemployment for every demographic in this country by securing the borders, getting rid of bureaucracy, bringing back manufacturing, and lowering taxes and incentivizing business. That's it. It's not complicated. Being a conservative is not complicated. And if you do conservative things, you win and the country wins and American workers win. And my attitude now about the Republican Party because I'm not a Republican, is well, you better understand what's happening, You better understand the people of this country, and you better understand you. Let the Democrats be the party of the coastal elites and New York and New Joysey and DC and San Francisco and Los Angeles. They can have they can keep Chicago too. But if you ever the party working men and women, secure borders, lower taxes, less bureaucracy, safe schools, school choice, safe cities, law and order. If you're the party of energy, independence, secure borders, I think I said that, and also constitutional justices, free and fair trade, piece through strength, you win. That's the agenda. I don't need to spell it out any It doesn't get more complicated than that. That's me. That's what the conservative I am. And we hear all the fight, fight, fight. Let's fight for those things because that benefits American workers, that benefits our children, that benefits our safety, that benefits job a market that is friendly for job creation and manufacturing, and then we can have prosperity for everybody and we won't need Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris's free anything because we'll be able to get our own anyway. You got me worked up, Jay, Why are you doing that to me? I'm so sorry, man, just just I'm a true Trump Fran. It's just sad what's going on. I mean, it's you know, you got Nancy Plosi, Flosy, Shifty Shift, all them, and it's just it's just a joke. They need to be impeached, they need to be thrown out of office. It's just downright. They're gonna make our country go down until well, they already have. I started my own company, and I got a hot shot company I called for eight and I've known it. Since Biden's got in, the gas prices has gone up in Michigan. And you know Whitler, we call hers. She doesn't help out, She's useless. Forget it. I mean, you know Cuomo Murphy, you know all these what's the governor's name in Pennsylvania, all these the terrible newsome just awful, and that's why people are leaving their states in droves. Anyway, what's a wolf, governor Wolf? Yeah, all right, that's gonna wrap things up. For today, What are you remarkable day? This has ben um. I know that a lot of the country never saw or heard a lot of what they saw and heard today. We're gonna completely re recap all of this tonight on Hannity. I mean it was it was an embarrassing beat down, and I bet a shock to people that only watch fake news CNN or the networks or ms DNC, Alan Dershowitz, Mark Meadows also at least stafonic on this whole issue with Governor Cuomo Rick Cornell. Uh, we'll have an update on the Lincoln project, but we're gonna we're gonna focus in full on what happened today. It was historic, a media Democratic party beat down. Nine Eastern Say DVR. We'll see it tonight. We'll be back here on Monday. Have a great weekend. Thanks as always for being with us.

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