Weaponizing the DOJ - November 11th, Hour 2

Published Nov 11, 2021, 11:01 PM

Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, is a ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, is here to talk about the weaponization of the Department of Justice and how it is being used against parents all across the country. When did wanting to know about your child’s education become a crime? 

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Our two Sean Hannity Show toll free on numbers eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. One of the things that has frustrated me about the Republican Party over the years is they never really go out there as a unit and fight for the things that they campaign on. Now, we saw this, you know, with sixty five show votes repeal and replace Obamacare. Then in twenty seventeen when it mattered, Oh, they didn't have a plan ready. They should have been ready since two thousand and nine, they weren't ready. You have in the Senate seven Democrats that a year prior voted on a straight repeal bill as it relates to Obamacare, but then when it mattered and Donald Trump was inaugurated, this seven changed their mind against the exact same bill that they had voted for. It is a massive problem, just like we have a problem now with the Justice Department being politicized. You know, if you're a conservative, you're a Republican, you know, you go to jail for j walling, not paying a parking ticket, or spitting on the sidewalk. If you're a Democrat, deep state operative, nothing happens like, for example, I have been outspoken about what happened on January sixth. It can't happen again. We've got to protect our institutions or elected officials, doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on, and that cannot happen in this country. We need safety and security, just like we needed safety and security and law and order in the summer of twenty twenty. There's no commission looking into the five hundred and thirty five riots that killed dozens of Americans and injured thousands of police officers. We have all the people on video pelting cops with bricks and rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails. We watch police precincts burned to the ground. Where's that commission? Where's the jail time for the people involved in the arson deluding the violence against police officers and other people? How do you let a kists take over city blocks? How do you let anarchists get away with burning down a police precinct? Anyway? Eight hundred nine for one seawn, if you want to be a part of the program, one congressman that stands out, I think above all the others. As Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, who's going to join us in a minute now. Jim has been pointing out this problem we have, and that is politicizing our Department of Justice. Now we saw, for example, the Horowitz Report, it referred people like Andrew McCabe and Jim Comey for lying to Congress. Well, nothing's happened to them. As a matter of fact, McCabe just got back his pension. They have these, you know, seven figure book deals that they get. They get their paid contributors on cable TV and viewed as superstars, the exact same thing that led to the pre dawn raid at say Roger Stone's house, pre dawn raid, guns drawn, thirty guys, tactical gear, frogmen, and fake new CNN cameras tipped off to be there and capture it all on tape. Why doesn't that happen on the other side. You know, if we don't have equal justice and application of our laws, we really don't have law in society. You can't have a dual justice system. You know, all these people rushing to judgment in the written house case, when now as the evidence is coming out, a very different tale as being told, and very different evidence is being shown. That's why we never rushed to judgment anyway. Jim Jordan was grilling the Attorney General, Merrick Garland over you know this memo that was put out about moms and dads domestic terrorists because they're speaking up at school board meetings. Listen, well, FBI agents be attending local school board meetings. No, FBI agents will not be attending the local school boards meetings. And there's nothing in this memo to suggests that. I want to again try to be clear, this memo is about violence and threats. Let me just point out, the same day you did the memo, the Justice Department sent on a press release Monday, October twenty four. Excuse me, Monday October fourth, twenty twenty one, the press releases Justice Department addresses violent threats against school officials and teachers. Now, you said earlier to a question from one of my colleagues on the Republican sides, that parents aren't domestic terrists. We're not going to treat them that way. But let me just read from the third paragraph. According to the Attorney General's memorandum, the Justice Partment will launch a series of additional efforts in the coming days designed to address the rising criminal conduct directed towards school personnel. Those efforts are extended, expected to include a creation of a task force consisting of representatives from the Department's Criminal Division, Civil Rights Division, Executive Office of US Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service, Office of Justice Programs, and the National Security Division. Now I find that interesting. You said there's no way you're going to be treating parents as domestic terrorists, but you got the National Security Division in a press release regarding your memo that day. My memo does not mention the National Security divisions and s addresses it didn't say it, did I said the press least accompanying your memo that day from the Department of Justice. Right here, it is as close about the National Security Division being part of this effort. I want to be clear as I can be. This is not about what happens since Sky's school board meetings. It's only about threats of violence and violence aimed at school officials, school employees, and teachers. What exchange that was anyway. Congressman Jim Jordan is with us, by the way, He's got a book that he's written, and I've not got my manuscript yet. It's coming out soon, and it's simple. It's do what you said you would do, fighting for freedom in the swamp, and it's going to be a best seller. We have it if you want to get a first edition copy. We have it on Hannity dot com. It's on Amazon dot com and soon to be in bookstores everywhere. Congressman, welcome back. Good to be with you, Sean. Thanks for as for the cause of freedom. Brother. It is frustrating when thirteen Republicans work with the Democrats as they did on this infrastructure bill. It's frustrating with Mitch McConnell and every Republican in the Senate says, then not going to raise the debt ceiling, and then you know, for two months they say it, and then when the moment comes, they bail and they raise the debt ceiling. Yeah, yeah, no, it is and particularly when the two bills were linked. I mean this, this build A passed on Friday last Friday. We've known for months because Joe Biden himself said this bill is so called infrastructure bill, which really didn't have much infrastructure in it, and then the big two trillion thing coming later, the so called build back. Better with all this crazy tax policy and energy policy. They've been linked for months now, and the idea is we if you stop one, you got a better chance to stop than the other one. So yeah, it was it was frustrating to see that happened. But let's hope Senator Mansion. There's only three weeks left in the on the Senate's calendar for this year, so um, it's at some point here they're gonna need to go in and raise the debt ceiling again or do it short term. But Republicans shouldn't lift a finger to help them, considering they've not been a part of the process at all as it relates to this push for reconciliation. No, I agree, we shouldn't. It's it's it's the majority parties. If they're gonna do it, they're gonna do it now. Maybe maybe if we get something like we can if we can say, oh, Biden, President, bid me you get rid of this crazy mandate that's gonna that's a threat to liberty but also gonna just further exacerbate the inflation and supply chain problem. I gotta I got a trucking company in our district, six hundred employees. The owner of the company called me last week and says, if this mandate goes through half of his truck drivers, half of his truck drivers don't have the vaccines, what is that gonna mean? I mean, there may so this is the kind of craziness. So yeah, if we can get something like that, maybe you entertain something along line. But short of that, of course not, of course, not in the idea that we had thirteen vote for this last week made no sense to me as I because as I said, these things have been linked, and they've been linked for months and the whole country knows that, but unfortunately passed. So both you and Jim Banks were supposed to be on this January sixth commission, and you were replaced by the two biggest Trump paters in the Republican Party, and that would be Liz Cheney and Adam Kinziger. So it's already you know that they've already written the report. It's just a matter of you know how vicious they'll be. But it's like another impeachment of Donald Trump. So they don't really have like I would really like to know why the head of the police Capitol Police, the chief who has since left that office, who requested national Guard troops six separate on six separate occasions. I would like to know why that was not granted and who made that decision. Yeah, well, it's ultimately the decision goes to the Speaker of the House. I mean, she's in charge of Capitol Hill. So there's there were reports out right after the tragedy of January six that that indicated that she that that there was talk of her having the National Guard there before. Mark Meadows has said publicly he said, I think on your show they said it to me to have the National Guard. Yeah, I offered to have the National Guard there poor January six. She didn't accept it, so one days before they offered it was offered many times before. You know. And here's my thing. I've been very outspoken. We can't have what happened on January sixth that ever happened again. We have to protect our institutions, every elected official, and I feel very strongly about it. Rioting anywhere at any time is wrong. It's lawlessness. We had five hundred and thirty five riots, We had dozens of Americans killed, We had police precincts burned to the ground, city blocks taken over, thousands of cops around the country, injured Peltic with bricks, rocks, bottles of Molotov cocktails. Where's that commission? And why aren't the people responsible for that behavior in those riots? You know, why is one riot important and the rest of the riots go unnoticed? No, it's all politics, and you know it's on No, no, your rights on. You've been consistent. Republicans have been consistent. The American people have been consistent. We condemned the violence when it happened in the summer of twenty twenty. We condemn the violence when it happened on January six, twenty twenty one. We've been consistent. The people who have it are the Democrats because during the summer twenty twenty what did they do? They actually helped raise money to bail these lawless people out of jail who attack police officers, destroyed small Pamala Harris promoted the bail fund herself. Why didn't she being held accountable? Why? Why where's the commission on that? Yeah, No, it's that's the frustrating parts. Look, and you also know why they're doing this. Democrats are doing the January sixth commission because they got nothing else to talk about. They're gonna talk about record inflation thirty year high. They' gonna talk about the border. They're gonna talk about the debacle that was the Afghanistan exit. They're going to talk about the energy of the type of goods and inflation. They're gonna talk about crime going up every major urban area. They're gonna talk about the fact that the President of Nited States was begging OPEC to increase production while at the same time he's telling American companies to decrease production. I mean, they got nothing else to talk about, so they might as well go with their their crazy conspiracy theory that about January six, and that's what they're gonna do. Quick break, we'll come back and continue more with Jim Jordan on the other side. As we continue with Jim Jordan, Congressman Ohio is with us. You know, it's amazing to me as I watch, for example, Liz Cheney, and you don't have to comment if you don't feel like talking about a colleague, but you know, she's now partnered with the very people that accused her father of being a war criminal. You know, Bush and Cheney Light and people died. She's now aliden to herself with the very same people that wanted to put her father in jail over issues involving his work with Haliburton. She's now, you know, for a family that says that national security needs to be a top priority war on terrorism. Old you know, Cold War warriors that they were, They now have aligned themselves with Joe Biden, the weakest president we've ever had. How do they justify that? Yeah? I don't know. The thing that bothers me is is so often you hear her talk about and others talk about the constitution in January six and protecting and defending our our constitution. Well, where were these people when back when it was just you and I and a handful of others, there were many of you. Yeah, there there was literally there was a handful in the press, and there was a handful in Congress. And he's like a dozen people maybe who were saying this whole Trump Russia thing is be alone. Where were they then? Now, now we've been proven one hundred percent right, more than more than we knew. We've been fully vindicated. Now, Yeah, the only the only thing we had wrong was it was worse than we thought. So where were they then about protecting the constitution? And now, oh, you know, it look like you said, Sean, people who did wrong that day they need to be held accountable, and they are. There's been six hundred people prosecuted, indicted for what took place on January sixth, so that that is happening. But the FBI has also said the FBI has also said there's been no conspiracy. There was no conspiracy, there was no nothing to to disrupt. Like they like their January six commissions, they just want to look, they want to purge. There's a group of people, Democrats, the mob, the media, and Rhino Republicans want to purge the Republican Party of Donald Trump. I mean that it seems to always come down to their defaul position. You know, Terry mccallo tried to run on Trump Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump Trump. It didn't work, So what are your you know, look, I think we're heading into the two most important elections in our lifetime by far. And I've said that about other elections. This time it's there's so much at stake here. I mean, a debacle in Afghanistan, a debacle with the economy, a debacle, more people dead from COVID in twenty twenty one than twenty twenty. The border is a disaster, begging OPEC for energy when we were energy independent thanks to Donald Trump's policies. I don't see the woke left, radical socialists left changing gears at all. So now we have the mid term elections and then we're gonna have a presidential election. How do you look at how do you see our prospects. I think we're gonna win. I think we're gonna win. You saw that. You saw that last week in Virginia. I think we're gonna win. Turns Out when you need to tell parents that government smarter than them, parents don't like it. Turns out when you say you want to get rid of the police, that voters don't like it. That's where the left is. And really the fundamental question is today's left. They don't like the country and they don't love this great nation that is the greatest country ever with more rights, more freedoms, more liberty, more chance to go chase your goals. And they don't like that. They want this control economy, they want this authoritarian government, and the American people see through it. So I think I think the American people are going to show up in a big way. I think we're gonna win. And then I think Donald Trump's going to run, and I think he's gonna win, And that is exactly what we need. Someone who has proven he will stand up to all the craziness, all the left, all the media, all the bureaucracy. That is exactly for him I want. And if he does, I think he'll win. Well, it's going to be a fascinating two years, three years now. I guess if we can serve vive it. Jim Jordan. Anyway, so your book comes out soon, can't wait to have you on to talk about it. Do what you said you would do, fighting for what is it called fighting for freedom in the swamp, which, by the way, is what you do so well. Jim Jordan on one of the people we can count on every single time. Thank you, sir for being with us. Take care of Sean, Thank you, quick break right back, listen to this show one time and you're hannitized. Sean Hannity is back on the race a right twenty five now till the top of the art. It's amazing. A little fight has broken out about President Biden and comments that he made earlier today, wishing Ambassador Donald blink and a happy Birthday during a Veterans Day speech. And so he tells the story that he's told before, and let's play it for you, because I'm looking at a headline that says, Joe Biden did not refer to Satchel Page as the other edword in a speech. But here's what he said. You know, I've adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time picture in the Negro leagues went on to become a great picture in the prosay, major League Baseball after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Page, all right, So they hear him say it. Now, you know what the media reaction would be if Donald Trump said it. So the line that Joe Biden did not refer to Satchel Page as that word in a speech is just false. He did. I mean, the actual words that he used without saying it is, you know, and again this is Joe Biden telling the speech. I've adopted the attitude of the great Beep at the time pitcher in the Beep leagues. How do you come up with it? How does one come up with a headline like that? You know, I've never understood how Joe Biden got a pass praising the former clansman Robert KKK Bird partnering with the former clansman Robert Bird to stop the integration of public schools and bussing because he didn't want public schools to become his words, racial jungles. I mean, it's just it's unbelievable, all the other comments that he's made about race. We've we've chronicled this a lot during the campaign. I think we were the only ones that were telling people about it. But you know, if it was Donald Trump, it would be on every network, every day, every night, all day long, every newspaper for weeks and weeks and months, if not the entire campaign and entire presidency. Therein lies the double standards. Anyway, Kurt is in Illinois. Kurt, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. What's going on? Hi, Sean? I been following that Kyle written House trial pretty close. Do you think I mean, I feel like the kids being railroaded. I mean, it's just just been that obvious from listening to the media the whole time. But my big concern is if somehow they find this kid guilty, it's gonna kill people. Having the right to protect themselves in this country. Well, there's been a few amazing moments in this trial that have happened, and I kind of I was kind of convinced last night by the arguments of Professor Dershowitz, and that is that it seems like the prosecution is flailing all over the place, and it seems like when their star witness admits under cross examination that he aimed a loaded gun at Kyle Rittenhouse, that's it. That's within the law for him to defend himself. Well, I didn't intend to shoot him. Well, Kyle Rittenhouse is not a mind reader. It's not his job to be a mind reader. When you look at the video of him running as fast as he can away from a group of people that clearly want to bring him harm, you could see what happens. And then you see people while he's on the ground, you know, lifting their legs to kick his head right into the pavement, which could kill you as you know, which at anybody would know at that moment that is a threat to your life. You're in imminent danger. That is within the law in Wisconsin to use self defense. People may not like the law, they may wish the law was different, but Wisconsant self defense law allows someone to use deadly force quote, if necessary to prevent imminent death and great bodily harm. That's what the law says. And for them to bring up his silence, which you have the right to remain silent, it seems like the prosecution almost wanted a force a mistrial so they would get a do over. And it's going to be interesting to see how that part plays out by the judge. But that's going to happen in the days to come. But once again you have this predictable rush to judgment by the mob and the media, by democratic politicians. They don't believe in due process, they don't believe in the presumption of innocence. You know when you look at the video, and by the way, and the eyewitnesses that testify that his life was in jeopardy that too, and you got the video and you've got their star witness admitting he aimed a loaded weapon at Kyle before Kyle fired the shot against him. Anyway, appreciate the call, Thanks so much, Kurt eight hundred nine for one. Sean Brock is an Iowa wants to talk about the same topic. What's up, Brock, how are you, Hey, Jean, are we doing to my brother? I'm good, sir, what's going on? Good? Hey? I saw I was just watching them tell you yes, And I haven't got to see a lot of it, but I really wanted to catch in yesterday for the cross examination of the prosecution. This prosecutor excuse behind it. But he can't be this day. I'm ignorant naturally. I mean he's got to be doing it on purpose. The things he said, like, I know you have a history in the background knowing about weapons, but him saying that a handgun is not as dangerous or lethal as a soul rifle, and he continued, nothing to bother me, is he say? He continued to say, m A R. And then he does a little quotation marks assault rifle. Well R does not stand for assault rifle. Anybody who knows anything about guns knows that. Did he really say that? That cracks me out? Yeah, he would do a little quota. But I will tell you this. Remember in the case when Steve Scalise was shot nearly died in a baseball field, and remember the two Capitol police officers that walk in an open field, and you had the Bernie Sanders supporter with the rifle firing at the Republicans that were practicing for their upcoming game. Those police officers in that instance a rifle. If if anybody's anywhere near proficient in the use of a rifle, the cops with the pistol are at a decided disadvantage at that distance. You would agree with that absolutely. That was the other thing is when Kyle was talking and he said, you know, the guy brought the gun to my head, and the prosecutor says, well, you know, he could have took you out from fifty yards with that hand, or fifty feet from that hand, he could have easily dropped you. I've shot guns my whole wife, and yeah, let me tell you something. Hitting a target fifty feet away you're pretty skilled. Yeah, especially moving in all that chaos. You're going to hit somebody from fifty feet, not hit anybody else he's moving around on the ground. I mean, be realistic. Now, it's a it's a an. I don't know what type of handgun it is. They really I haven't heard. I haven't heard. I don't I've been watching as much as I can, but obviously lot's gone on during during the show, so I've watched everything, but just saying, you know, like he could he could have easily dropped you from fifty feet if he really wanted to. Yeah, but I not attended. I mean, you know, I mean not attende. But you know that you know, a kill zone for a handguns and fifteen feet that's a strike zone. That's a danger though, and then him asking him questions like did you intend to kill him when you shot when you fired your weapon, and you know, he gave an amazing appropriate response because no, I intended to disable him, to disable the situation. It's like, Nope, you intended to kill him because you held the gun to his chest and he just it just didn't make sense to me. And saying that he didn't have the right. I don't think. I don't think the media, and I don't like to jury outcomes because it's you just don't know. I don't see the conviction coming in this case, based on the evidence that the witness testimony, the video evidence, the admission of the prosecution star witness that he aimed a loaded gun at Kyle before Kyle fired at him. I don't see a guilty verdict coming back. But it's hard to read juries you never know. I would bet a lot of money that it's going to be not guilty on all counts. Would I would have to agree. I mean, even you look at the fact is I don't know if this kid has took any type of weapons training. But you take weapons training, what did they teach you? What do they tell you look for your exits or find find an exit? He was running away, he was trying to get away, and then they tell you to announce yourself, stay, stop, stop stop. So he's doing everything that anybody that's ever took any type of firearms training. He was doing everything in his power do not have to use that weapon and saying the prosecutor saying, well, did you feel your life was more important? Well? What type of goofy question is that? It's such a dumb question. Look in my line of work, believe it or not, it may shock you. There are a lot of people that hate my guts, and the very sight of me trigger some people. I've had. I've had a number of incidences in my life where I'm very careful, very aware of my surroundings, and I'm careful where I go, especially in public, and I have to be. But i will tell you as somebody that's been a pistol marksman since I'm eleven years old, that I would run away rather than engage somebody that wants to fight me. Now, I'm a round about second degree. I do an eclectic plan of martial arts. I train an hour and a half a day, five days a week, and I would rather run away and as fast as I can than ever have to use either a weapon or the skills that I've accumulated now over nine years. I'd rather run. I would run away. You'd say, Hannity or a gutless coward. No, I'm actually not. I don't want to hurt people because I've been trained to to protect myself. And watching Kyle run, it seems like he didn't want to engage anybody. He wanted to get the hell out of there. And that's what that's what I saw, and that's what the eyewitnesses saw as well. So I think it's you know, I know some people look for trouble. I try to stay out of trouble, if that makes sense. Um, listen, I've had instances I've actually said these words to people walking backwards. Please do not make me hurt you, please. I'm like begging them, please do not. You don't want to go here. It's not a good idea. And you know, and I quickly exit. You know, I'm still pretty quick, even though I'm getting a little older spite of all the recent injuries. Anyway, appreciate the call. Eight hundred nine Sean. If you want to be a part of the program quick break, right back to the phones eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program Free for All on the Sean Hand Show, right back to our busy phones. Um, let's say hi to Karen Is in Ohio. Hey Karen, how are you? Hi, Sean, I'm great. How are you today? I'm good. Sounds like you've got the same allergy voice issue I've got. I know. I apologize. I have a little laryngita. Yeah so do I, but it's I've had it three times or four times this year. It's been annoying. Oh I know, it's no fun. Well, first of all, thank you for what you do every day. And my point that I wanted to make is the yet, I hope people realize what's happening with this administration is not incompetence. They are incompetent for sure, but I believe it's intentional. I think they want to bring us to our knees in every way possible. I think there are a bunch of solf righteous narcissists with an agenda, and they'll destroy everything and everyone that gets in their way. If I say it a little differently, Karen, and I think you're right. I think they have so bought into their climate extremism they bow at the altar of this new Green Deal socialist madness that even though it is harming people in this country that cannot afford all of all of the high prices that they're causing the poor in the middle class, they will not There is an easy remedy, and they will not go there because that agenda is more important to them than the people that are being harmed by these policies. That's just the fact they're even saying it. I agree under they don't care. They don't care who they hurt. Now I live in Ohio, they're talking about shutting down this other pipeline. Now, I mean, they just are going to bring people to their knees and they don't care that well, I can tell you that the people that I know, look, I can afford it, and it annoys the hell out of me to pay so much more for gas, and it's gonna pay it's gonna cost so much more to heat my house this one, or it's going to cost so much more, you know, I go. I do my own grocery shopping because people. I don't know why. People are surprised that I do that, But I like grocery shopping. I enjoy it. And even though I can afford it, I still don't like to pay, you know, forty percent more for something that a year ago, you know, I was getting a lot cheaper. I'm like, this is ridiculous and it's all preventable. It is all preventable. There's no reason for it. And that's I just hope people will wake up and realize that it's all preventable. Well, I appreciate the call, and I really I sympathize with people. You know, food banks around the country. Buddy of mine works at a local food bank in my town, and you know, occasionally he wants me to help them and support them, and I'm I gladly do. And anyway, so the one we now have a food bank crisis because they can't get enough food because so many people, by the time they pay their electric bill fill up their tank so they can get to work and get their kids to school. By the time they pay the heating bills, by the time they go grocery shopping, by the time they go to the drug store, they don't have enough money for some of the basic necessities that they were able to easily afford a year ago. That's how dramatic it's impacting poor and middle class Americans. And you know, all this talk is, oh, they're rich, they're rich, We're gonna tax they're rich rich. No, you're killing the poor in the middle class. Your policies are destroying their way of life. And then they lecture us that maybe we should lower our expectations of what life in America should be like. And I'm like, no, I'm not interested in that part either. Anyway. Eight hundred nine one shown is on number you want to be a part of the program quick break right back

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