Sean relives President Biden's promise to "get every American out" and yet he admitted, today, there are at least 200 who didn't make it out of Afghanistan when American troops left earlier this week.
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See the Americans hostage behind enemy lines. Thank you, Scott Shannon, Thanks to all of you for being with us toll free. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program, you know. I saw this today and we got a lot of ground to cover. We're gonna meet gold Star fathers that they lost. They lost our national treasure last week in this terror attack at Karzai International Airport. It is the level of anger I have. It's not healthy in the sense that I just can't shake it. I usually can shake things off. I can't shake this that we've now left Americans behind, and all of it was so preventable. It's like a car wreck coming and you see it two miles away. Okay, if you turn just now, just slow down, it won't happen. We saw the march towards Cobble. Now we know that, in fact, Cobble was offered by the Taliban, according to the Washington Post, hardly part of our vast right wing conspiracy. That Joe Biden was told he can keep Cobble, chose not to, and then the Taliban takes over and surrounds the perimeter. Well, that pretty much ensured the fate of these Americans now trapped behind enemy lines. We don't know how many. I have spent a lot of time working the phones, talking to congressmen and women and senators, and the estimates range. It's almost universal consensus. It's much higher than three hundred, maybe as high as a thousand or even higher, I am told, And there's no way to know. And those spinning out there that well, these are people that might have had families and they decided to stay. For them, it's all bull Americans that wanted to get out, that made attempts to get out, were left behind enemy lines, and now their hostage to the whims of the radical Taliban, and of course the Taliban. When how long is it gonna take before isis k gets ahold of some Americans? How long is it gonna take before the new al Qaeda gets ahold of some of these these Americans and our allies, Because the reports we're getting are just the lack of humanity and the total brutality of the murder and oppression that has begun already, and it's only gonna get worse. It's enough to make you just sick to your stomach. And as they were on the March, in the month of March, and in the month of April and May and June, and now we know in July that President Ghani talking to President Obama, you know, sorry, President Biden, about about what was going on in the ground and the rise of the Taliban and how effective they were. We just need to change perception. Things aren't looking well there because they weren't going well. Joe Biden knew it wasn't going well at that point while we still had control of Cobble at that point, he should have immediately begun bombing the Taliban that had broken the deal that he says constantly that Donald Trump put together. No, the deal was based on the conditions on the ground and the Taliban abiding by the terms of the agreement. Taking over Afghanistan was not the terms of the agreement, and he could have obliterated the Taliban when they were weak, before they had all of this geographical territory and all these provinces they were taken over. We could have pushed them back, and we could have done it with great ease, using drone strikes that would have easily bought us months as much time as we needed to get every American out, every Afghani ally out, because now they're facing death sentences and they're being murdered. Reports already coming back that they're getting murdered, reports already coming back that women are being oppressed. I don't get into a lot of this in the course of the day. You know, it's this is why I remember I talked about the Candidate Protection Program and during the election and Joe Biden hiding in his basement bunker, and the media was perfectly fine with that because they knew that he was a cognitive mess and weak and frail and confused and confounded and at times incoherent mumbling and bumbling and stumbling. That's the danger because we didn't vent Joe Biden. Never would under no circumstances, even with no election integrity, which we know, laws weren't followed. Partisan observers didn't get to observe the vote counts start to finish. They weren't allowed to get within twenty thirty forty in some cases one hundred feet or even in the building to watch as the law requires state Constitution of Pennsylvania. That wasn't followed. Either. There's a process if you want to amend the Constitution in Pennsylvania, they didn't follow that process. The stinging rebuke of the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin Suprememe Court that speaks for itself. Maybe somebody should tell Paul Ryan to read that Chief Justice dissent. But putting all of that aside, you know, now I'm listening. I saw Bill Crystal comments that he made it, didn't actually see it. I've read of it, and he's on fake news CNN, and I think about the Lincoln Project, all the never Trumpers. By the way, Liz Cheney, are you proud of now your new friends and the Democratic Party? The ones that called your father a liar and Bush and Cheney led and people died and accused your father of war crimes, accused your father of financial mouthfeasance as it relates to Halliburton. You're your new friends, a new group of friends. You know, so offended by the manner of Donald Trump in the mean tweets that he'd occasionally put out there where people would feign such outrage, will you tell me what are you more outraged than embarrassed about a president that tweets and says things perhaps that are maybe not as presidential as you define it or mean or attack people or get personal whatever, Donald Trump. This wouldn't have happened under Donald Trump's agreement and plan because it was predicated on obliterating the Taliban. Donald Trump's plan was contingent on the Taliban following every dotted, I cross, tea, every comma, and every period. Donald Trump's plan, and he said it before they even began the negotiations. If you don't abide by it, I will obliterate you. The mother of all bombs, remember Donald Trump dropped that. Donald Trump beat the Caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Donald Trump took out Baghdaddy and his associates. Donald Trump took out Solomany. Donald Trump took out the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. That was all under Donald Trump's watch, so to hear. You know, the likes of Bill Crystal, I've never been particularly fond of anyway, just overrated and my just thinks he's above it all, thinks he's the greatest things in slice bread, and he's not. Anyway. You know, people in his social circle, the Lincoln Project. I have no problem with people disagree with me. I have no problem with people hating my opinions. I have no problem with any of that, I frankly don't give a flying Adam shift with any of them. Think about Sean Hannity, you know. But now out there, you know the circle of Republicans that say they're conservative, that aren't conservative, that went for the biggest socialist and cognitively weak candidate, and they knew it all because they weren't in charge. The establishment got defeated by Donald Trump and they couldn't take it. But we did have our borders in controlled. We did build the wall while he was president, five hundred miles of it. We did have energy independence under Trump. We weren't importing a single barrel of oil from Saudi Arabia when he left office. We did get three vaccines, and we did get therapeutics like Regeneron underwarp speed. That was all Donald Trump. We had a booming economy under Donald Trump. We had all of these. You know, We've set record low unemployment levels for every demographic group group in the country under Donald Trump. You know. And you know, the biggest thing probably Donald Trump did is he scared the hell out of out of leaders around the world because they believed him, they knew he would do it. That is called piece through strength. That is a deterrence. You know, it's you know, Bill Crystal voted for Biden, said he would likely not support him again in the wake of this potched you helped make a possible. Bill You all, you never Trumpers, Lincoln Project people, the Liz Cheneys of the world. You all made it possible because you were so offended and got the vapors because Donald Trump's manner didn't suit your polite political chicken dinner circles in the sewer of Washington. So let's cut the crap here with the Sanctimony's a morning consult pole The Hill published it overwhelming seventy two percent of Americans did not think the Trooper mooval went well. Only twenty two percent said it was going well or somewhat well. I have no idea who the hell they are. They've got to be related to Joe or Hunter. Sixty one percent said they're either somewhat disapproved strongly disapprove of the President's performance. You think Rasmussen in a poll that they had showing the president Biden's free fall, You know, survey majority of likely voters want Biden to resign over these disastrous policies. Only thirty nine percent want him to even stay in office. All of America, in the entire world knows is a cognitive mess. At this point, Biden's national Secure any advisor, You're gonna love this. He says, he's not sure if the Taliban is our enemy or not. Okay, let me help him out, Jake Sullivan. Ye, yeah, there our enemy? How's that? And yeah, when you treat women the way they treat women and take them as sex slaves, yeah, even young girls, Yeah, that would be evil. What part of that don't you understands? And by the way he's asked? The Washington Examiner reported it he was asked on MSDNC to define America's relationship with the Taliban, including whether they were a friend of me, an adversary, or an enemy. Well, it's hard to put a label on it, in part because we have yet to see what they're going to, you know, be now that they're in control physical control of Afghanistan, they're also in control the destiny of our fellow Americans. You left behind, you jackass. You see why that pisses me off because it was so preventable. I gotta listen to these these jackasses that have no clue and no business being in these positions that idiots. Secretary of State, we have Tony Blincoln is about as clue as as Jake Sullivan. All of them should be fired. Grieving mother of a slain marine. We're going to talk to gold Star dads later in the program today. You grieving mother marine killed last week, said Biden insulted her. She's expressed frustration over her son's death after she had done that anyway. Her name is Shanna Chappelle, the mother of Marine Corps Lance Corporal Kareem Nicao, tour into Biden in a fiery social media post for his alleged and sensitive conduct when they met earlier this week, President Biden, this message is for you. I know my face has etched into your brain. And she recalled in a post on Facebook getting five inches away from the Biden's face so that she could look him straight in the eye and have words with him about the tragic loss of her son. I don't blame her because it was all preventable. Because when we saw the Taliban on the march in April, May, June, July, and now we know that he was discussing what a disaster it was with President Ghani who fled with millions. You tried to interrupt me and give me your own sob story, and I had to tell you this isn't about you. Don't make it about you. She wrote, Wow, she continued. You then said you just wanted me to know that you know how I feel. And I let you know that you don't know how I feel. He then rolled your effing eyes in your head like you are annoyed with me, and I let you know the only reason I was talking to you was out of respect for my son. And as Biden turned away, the grieving mother said she let him know my son's blood is on your hands. And you threw your hand up behind you as you walked away from me, like you were saying, okay, whatever. See the New York Post covered today that was a picture of all thirteen slain soldiers service members, all thirteen of them. Every life is on his hands. Could have been prevented. That's the Oh, I really don't get angry this angry. I am. I am that angry at this because this was so preventable, This didn't have to happen. We'll continue, Sean Hannity show, Well, this is fairly inevitable. This was also in the New York Post today and that it is Taliman supporters. On Tuesday, they held a mock funeral in one Afghanistan city, carrying coffins drape with American and NATO flags at display, one of many celebrations, and crossed the country just days after thirteen US soldiers were massacred while trying to facilitate the evacuations. Because Joe didn't do it when we had control of Cobble. Pretty unbelievable, so sad, so preventable. That's the worst part of this. Just like we see, Oh, they were so happy to see that. We left to see seventeen cargo play, so happy to see all the Blackhawk helicopters. New York Post is saying that, Yeah, that's a real person hanging from that Blackhawk helicopter. I can't believe it. Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty employees. Oh, they're still trapped inside of Afghanistan also despite Joe Biden's promise to get them out. In other words, hundreds of media staffers and journalists. Maybe this will get the attention of the mob that worked for the US government run media operations. They're stranded they're behind enemy lines, despite Biden's promise is to get them out by yesterday. Fox News is confirmed Radio Free Europe Radio Liberty journalists were unable to get aboard the last flights from Afghanistan. You know, Joe, buy one hundred and twenty thousand people. We got out of the biggest ever, the extraordinary success on parallel results, the right wise best decision of that hundred and twenty thousand. Then he admits later only five thousand, five hundred we're Americans. Two weeks ago he was saying we had ten to fifteen thousand Americans. Whatever what happened to those people? Did we just disappear or you just counted rat five till the top of the hour. Later in the program, we will be joined by gold Star Fathers. They lost their sons in last week's terror attack at Karzai International Airports while serving our country. Can you imagine, just just try for a second. It's impossible, just put yourself in their shoes for a second, Try and imagine how they feel today, how they're gonna feel next week, because they got a week a hell ahead. This week is gonna suck as bad as any week you're gonna have then the week after, then the month after and next year. You think you ever get over that. I don't think so. That's I don't think so. I've met too many families in my life that have lost children and wars, etc. We can't do this again. I'll tell you that. I will tell you that if we're going to politicize war and allow wars to be politicized, and this is going to be the outcome every time Vietnam, Afghanistan, then we cannot send our national treasure over there and ask them to fight and bleed and die and come back with the most severe injuries or dead. We can't do it. The one thing that has evolved, thankfully, is modern military technology. We can fight wars now by pressing buttons in the you know, sunny offices and beautiful Tampa, Florida and win the wars. That's how Trump beat the Caliphate. That's how Trump took out Baghdaddy and associates and the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. That's how he took out Solomony on the tarmac. We can do it that way. We've got to have the military might and the will to do it. You might need some forces on the ground for intelligence purposes, but in very secure areas. We can't have our national treasure banging on doors, you know, in Baghdad ever again, not knowing what's behind that door. Biden said, over and over and over and over and over again. Leave no American behind. That's who we are. Listen, if there's American citizens left, we're gonna stay there. We get them all out. This town, this state, this country, takes care of our own, leave nobody behind, giving everyone a fair shot, leaven nobody behind, and we do take care of our own. Then we leave nobody behind. They help everyone in need, look out for one another, leave nobody behind. But we will leave no one behind. It's what America is all about. It's about pulling together, leaving nobody behind, giving no state, leaving no one behind, reweaving that social fabric that holds a society together, honesty, decency, hope, leaving nobody behind. We're gonna stay until we get them all out. We don't leave Americans behind, leave nobody behind. How many that I could probably find more eggs examples the extraordinary success. He left Americans behind. How bout any definition is that a success? How was that the right, wise, and best decision. As he bragged yesterday, his mission accomplished, moment, unparalleled results, magnificent display of public policy. You know, but this is the biggest airlift, one hundred and twenty thousand people to safety, and he says later only five thousand, five hundred were Americans. Then he said yet later he said, well, ninety percent of Americans that wanted to leave were able to get out. How that? How is that? How did that live up to his promise that we will stay until we get them all out? This is what Biden said, Well, ninety percent of Americans that wanted to leave were able to Now, we believe that about one hundred or two hundred Americans remain in Afghanistan with some intention to leave. Most of those who remain are dual citizens, long time residents, but earlier decided to stay because of their family roots in Afghanistan. The bottom line, of Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave, we're able to leave. And for those remaining Americans, there is no deadline. We remain committed to get them out if they want to come out. The bottom line is ninety percent of Americans I wanted to leave, we're able too. Really, what happened to leave no American behind, you know. And then and then the thing that really pissed me off too, I disagree the evacuation could have started earlier. Are you out of your mind? Joe? Well, that's the dumb that I already know the inside of that. Yes, he is, because we could have started it in April May. June. May was chosen for a reason. I know it sounds obscene an absurd that there's a fighting season, but there is. And when the Taliban was on the March, he could have just hit them with air strikes, pushed them back, expedited the withdrawal while we had control of Cobble. This is not complicated. You didn't know. You don't need to go to West Point to understand this strategy. He could have pushed them back, expedited the withdrawal, gotten out every American, every Afghan ally, all of our military equipment. Well, we didn't know this would have happened in eleven days. You should have known because the Taliban was on the March since the month of March, and you did nothing. As they were violating the Trump agreement. Trump would have obliterated them like he promised them. No American died in the last eighteen months Trump's presidency. Not one, not a single American died because they knew he'd blow them into smithereens. I just agree that the evacuation should have started earlier. There's no disagreeing. You see, they're on the march. You push them back, You get our people out while you have controlled. Joe, you don't take them out after you hand control over the Taliban terrorists. And that ten percent, well ninety percent of Americans got out, Well, that's not sticking by your promise. We'll stay until we get all of them out. I disagree the evacuation could have started earlier, he said. Let me move on, though. Joe Biden says, we're going to make sure the Taliban upholds their commitments to allow people to leave. We have leverage, he says, Listen together, you're joined by over one hundred countries. They're determined to make sure that Taliban upholds those commitments. It will include ongoing efforts in Afghanistan to reopen the airport as well as overland routes, allowing for continued departure to those who want to leave, and deliver humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan. The Taliban has made public commitments broadcast on television and radio across Afghanistan on safe passage for anyone wanted to leave, including those who worked alongside Americans. We don't take them by their word alone, but by their actions, and we have leverage to make sure those commitments are met. Let me be clear, leaving August to thirty first is not due to an arbitrary deadline. It was designed to save American lives. He made. They've made public commitments and everything you believe a terrorist group because if you do, you're really you're dumber that I thought. Jensaki, echoing the talking point, we have enormous leverage over the Taliban. Listen, The President said that any additional evacuations will go through diplomatic channels that the United States has leverage over the Talibans. Can you tell us what those channels look like and what kind of leverage the United States has? Absolutely. Well. First, I would say I would point you to the remarks that the Secretary of State provided last night, but let me give you some highlights of that. We have enormous leverage over the Taliban, including access to the global marketplace, that's not a small it's not a small piece of leverage. And in order to gain access to the global marketplace, we're going to be watching closely, as will the global community. Oh, we're gonna try and bribe them ransom. They don't have any leverage over the Taliban. Let me tell you why. Because Americans are caught behind enemy lines and they have all of the leverage, they will decide and dictate the fact that you're signaling that you'll pay a ransom. I guess that's that's not leverage. I guess it's a little leverage. What if they start executing these Americans? If the what if ice this case, starts executing them. What if they start parading them around the streets of cobble, What if a Mogadishu situation, a black Hawk down situation occurs. Anybody thinking about any of that, because I have been and I don't like what we're talking about. We have leverage, you don't have any leverage. And then he asked the question, what is the vital interest with Afghanistan? Joe asked that question. Listen to those asking for a third decade of war in Afghanistan, I ask what is the vital national interest. In my view, we only have one to make sure Afghanistan can never be used again to launch an attack on our homeland. That's one, but that's not the top one. What is our national interest to save re American Joe. That's our vital national interest. The Americans you left behind. Because we don't have any soldiers on the ground, we don't have any diplomats on the ground, we have no leverage. They have all of the leverage. Congressman Seth Moulton, a Democrat, served four combat tours in Iraq, warned that about the Americans left behind as a result of this, every American there left behind now has a price on their head. I heard a report of a teacher who was there ostensibly to help educate Afghans who didn't find a way to the airport, which there's many cases for many people, and so he's stuck there and he doesn't know how we're going to get them out, and our responsibility in Washington, the number one step is to get these Americans and Afghan allies that we left behind out to freedom and safety, because many of them now have a price on their head. Alfadorree with Democrats not very often. He's right. He is correct. Fox News confirmed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. As I was telling a group of about five hundred people stuck in the country after attempting to get through the gates at Carton of Karzai International Airport, US warned that there was six hundred people employed by US sponsored news organizations under the US Agency for Global Media in the country. Nearly seventy US lawmakers even sent a letter to Biden on August twenty fifth, urging him to get those employees and their families the hell out of there before August to thirty. First. They didn't. I thought there was only I thought there was only three hundred or maybe even two fifty but left behind, and I'm told by my sources that number is much higher. Biden was pressured by the Afghan leader to cover up how badly the war was going. This is probably the worst thing that we learned last night, as just as we were coming on Hannity. Biden pressured the Afghan president to create a perception that means a lie that the Taliban weren't winning when they wore because he knew they were winning. In other words, he knew they were winning, and he didn't lift a finger to get Americans out while we had control of cobble dereliction of duty. Didn't lift a finger. We had full control, We knew they were on the march, and he's just looking to cover it up and conspiring with the president that fled with millions of dollars. It's just that it's repulsive. It's disgusting that this has now been unfolding before our eyes. It really is a great success, Joe Biden calls his great success in his mission couldn't have been done in a more orderly matter. What a lie, claiming you know them blaming Trump. Trump puto obliterated him when they took one province. Biden blame a Trump for the deal with the Taliban. Yeah, okay, you also gave you energy, independent, secure borders, and a better economy that you've screwed up. You had no problem overturning all the other plans, nor did you keep to the agreement Trump made. Trump's plan was predicated on obliteration if they didn't keep every single I dotted in T crossed. Biden was holding the Taliban accountable. You're not holding anyone accountable, Joe, Stop lying. Ninety percent of Americans got out, but we're gonna stay until we get every American out, get them all out. Repeats the claim nobody could have possibly known that the Afghan army would collapse. It was collapsing in May and June and July, and that call with Ghani proves you knew it. I want to talk about a real reason for impeachment. There you go. It was inaccurate in his assumption. Oh yeah, that's that's to say the least. Before the collapse, Biden pressed Ghani not to change policy. Change, just changed the perception, make it look a little better than it really is. Oh that's called propaganda, lying, misinformation, disinformation, unreal. He does you know this? This headline in the New York Post. Every life is on his hands. That's right. This isn't over. I hate to tell everybody here. I have a five alarmed fire of sirens blaring in my brain right now that this is gonna get worse. And I pray to God that I'm wrong. I really do. I mean that with all my heart. I don't want a single American harmed. I don't want a single Afghan ally that was fighting for a better country harmed, that helped us. But I bet I'm wrong. That's a sad part. That's why I have a five alarmed fire and all these you know sirens blaring in my head will continue