Sean sits down with retired NYPD Lieutenant Bill McGroarty and National Security Correspondent Patrick Poole to discuss the tragedy in New York and just what we could do to protect ourselves. Were there warning signs? Could the NYPD surveillance program have stopped the attacks? The odds are, Americans would not be fighting for their lives today if there was a surveillance program. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a ten you warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been raving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. I have the most insane staff in all of radio. Welcome my studio today. Balloons everywhere, every and it's not my birthday, it's not a holiday. The only tip off I had they were up to no good was yesterday. Linda goes, Oh, by the way, if you had a choice, do you like apple cherry lemon? Uh pie? And I'm like apple? Why? Actually my favorite of all time is blueberry? Uh Sarah Lee's blueberry one the one you cook for and it takes forever to cook it. It's so annoying. So they're not coming to her coming on the air here and where did you get these number one finger things? Then put who's doing all this work? This is crazy as a team effort, all very very proud of you the number one. So so we're gonna we'll tweet out some pictures because it's a visual is priceless. But basically, there's a thousand a thousand balloons. We have a bunch of number one balloons. And then our friend Quinn was able to find because I went to five different stores this morning. I spent my morning running around Manhattan looking for foam finger number one. Oh my god, he'th been tried to get them at the Rangers game last night for some reason, nobody has foam finger number one. Well, the Rangers aren't exactly number one at the start of the year. They were last night. Last night was at okay, but anyway, So finally Quinn was like, Yo, there's this tourist novelty shop and they have, uh, the fingers you want. I'm like, oh my god, I'm on my way. You don't you don't have enough in your life trying to furnish a new house, going back and forth between the department and put on did you see what? Wait, did you see that? Did you see that? Ugly? That's right? That's that looks like a criminal shot? That looks one right there? And last night, so during the TV show last night, I am asking uh Linda for a particular name that I've forgotten as I'm actually on the air, and she it's back to me at midnight, and I'm like, well, it's a little late. The show's over. Your rerun starts right there, so and she goes, oh, I'm out walking the dog. That's what she's I'm out walking the dog. Did you need it now? And I'm like, no, I needed it when I was live on television at nine o'clock. What happened was, and you should give me some credit, was I took my son out for his first Halloween and he had his first piece of candy. Little did I know that would keep him up for nineteen hours. So I did not get my son to sleep till hence not seeing your text to eleven fifty four later than you needed it. My apologies, oh my gosh, nine one shot on his toll free telephone. Thank you all I do have Listen, I have the best staff in all of Brandy on television and you people are all crazy and Jason, I even saw you put the number one thing on, but I think yours was surprised to you. I can't be jovial from time to time. Occasionally a little joviality over there would be good, although you do have that on the weekends. From all the reports that I get from everybody else on the staff, your happiest on the weekend. Is there dossier about me too? Jeez? Uh, Well, I don't know. There might be actually, who knows. I hope it's not the same one that's been circulated. List. We won't have to spend nine million dollars to build one on you. We've we've weaponized the intelligence community, We've weaponized the I RST we discovered against conservatives. Why not? Uh? Anyway, thank you all amazing crew that I have. And alright, everybody thought they were funny and I you got me. Although just as all of a sudden, I look up and Stangers never in the studio. He's now an executive. He's been with me twenty six years, so he has a big office. Uh. And even Rush people, even they came in which was pretty cool. Uh. And Rush was on our show in the month of October, so he does her part. Credit to anyway, Uh, as we continue, all right, I am I was until they did this pretty piste off today, and I'm piste off with good reasons. You know, what are we what are we learning? I brought up yesterday in the discussion, we're gonna find out this guy was radicalized, and that there was evidence proof out there on social media that he had some social media presence, and that we were gonna we now know everything that about this guy, and we apparently find out that he was interviewed by the New York interviewed in twenty fifteen about is possible terror tized? Now, this is not funny. This is and then it gets worse than that, and it gets much worse than that, and it gets to the point where you can't even believe it's that bad. Now we find out that he came in through what is the diversity visa program? What's the diversity visa program? Now? The President rightly pointed out today that Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schumer of New York was the one responsible for creating the diversity lottery program. Well, how do you get a lottery into this? What does that mean? You apply for a lottery and you can be a homeless person with no skills, that's radicalized. What you won the lottery, you get to go to America. And of course, Chuck Schumer and no Democrats supports any vetting of any refugees from anywhere, even those countries that literally abused women and gaze and lesbians get killed and Christians and Jews get persecuted if you live under Shariah. Anyway, the media is so outraged that the President did the right thing, and that was holding Chuck Schumer responsible and accountable for this program, which is the program this terrorist used to get into this country. And had he not had the the visa lottery diversity program, we wouldn't have this guy in this country, at least not that way. He would have had to find some other way to get into the country. So he gets the diversity visa program, he gets into America, he gets a green card, he's radicalized, and now eight families, extended families are in mourning today because their loved one was mowed down, you know, in a on a beautiful fall day in New York City as they were either biking or wall walking along a pedestrian path in New York City. And then the other fifteen injured on top of that. Anyway, but let's go back in time. So the President this morning said that this terrorist immigrant that killed a people and wounded all these others with this rental truck entered the US through the diversity visa lottery program, and that it was President Schumer and others that loosen the nation's borders. Well, it's just a fact. Now, the President at the time didn't provide the evidence of this. So we did some digging this morning, and what do we find? And I get, by the way, an NBC News. They didn't know how to possibly use Google. NBC News. You can use Google, because if you found Google, you guys are all upset. He didn't cite any evidence. Well, we found on Google, NBC news fake news, NBC that because two minutes after searching, you have a quote from Chuck Schumer that says I was the author of the diversity visa program, and literally on Radio Liberty, Charles Schumer uh with the Gang of eight, the U. S. Senators wrote the nearly one thousand page immigration reform legislation now being considered in Congress. Last month, he said fellow Democrats had agreed to scrap the lottery on the grounds of both politics and substance. Quote. I was the author of the diversity visa program, so I care about it, he said. We had strong opposition from both our Republican colleagues in our Gang of eight, and we heard that for House of Representative Republicans it was a non starter. The program was an effort to bring in people from Europe and Africa, and it was successful for a while. So he's the author of this. Now, that bill was eventually blocked in the Senate, so Schumer's diversity lottery program remained in force right up until yesterday's attack. It doesn't matter to the fake news media in this country, which is desperately trying to cover up Schumer's contribution to yesterday's attack. Now, the Washington Post version of the cover up is President Trump and some of his allies and the extreme right have found a new culprit in Tuesday's deadly terrorist attack in New York City, Senator Charles Schumer of New York, and details emerged about the incident, Prominent right wing commentators and news outlets seized on ABC seven story reporting the alleged attacker. The terrorists had come to the United States from Uzbekistan under a State Department program known as the Diversity Visa Program. Oh, that story is unconfirmed, the Washington Post said, But Trump appeared off base in his criticism of Schumer. Well, we now have the fact. When are they going to correct themselves over there at the Washington Post? And this is why there is no truth in media anymore. They're only advancing their sick, twisted ideology. So Trump is off base. Uh, really no, because we now have Trump Sumer saying it in his own words, bragging about it. Now, does that mean yesterday wouldn't have happened? Not necessarily. Does it mean the guy wouldn't have gotten in under that program, Yes, he wouldn't have been here. Does that mean it would have been more difficult for him ever to get to America? Yes? Does that lessen the possibility of yesterday? Yes, that's the answer. If you think that's bad, it gets even worse now. In New Jersey, there have been a number of areas where certain mosques evidence has led. Because I've known a lot of policemen and counter terrorism experts, some are personal friends of mine that put their lives on the line for us every day. Anyway, it turns out that the mosque that this terrorist attended, you know, this guy that most out eight people on a beautiful fall day in New York City, had been under surveillance by the New York Police Department. You say, why, it's a New Jersey I'll explain. It's in Patterson, New Jersey. And it turns out that the terrorists in this case attended this and was among several in New Jersey and the New York Police Department. This was one mosque that these police departments targeted, and they targeted it based on evidence that there was a budding terrorist conspiracy network in these mosques. Now here's the interesting part. Anyway, it was around the corner this particular Moss from where this terrorists lived and Wednesday, the mosque was within the three blocks section that was blocked off because the investigation of the apartment building. But law enforcement sources said the mosque itself was an under investigation. Now under the surveillance program, well, the NYPD actually used what they call mosque crawlers to listen and in on sermons and conversations that were taking place at Moss that they were told and that evidence might be controversial and support some type of radicalism. And then these NYPD officers were to report back what they heard. And officers also recorded license plate numbers, mounted cameras on light poles, They mapped and photographed some of these mosques, and they listed their ethnic makeup. According to the Associated Press, which first disclosed the existence of this ny D p D program, this was done by Commissioner Ray Kelly at the time. This is like stopping frisk. It actually worked in New York. Now in incomes comrade Mayor do Blasio. What did he do? He pulled the plug on the mosque do NYPD mosque surveillance program. We're gonna meet today in our next hour one of the policemen that was part of this surveillance, that actually surveiled this mosque, and he's gonna tell you that evidence show ode and was indicative that there was some type of radicalism at least within that mosque and people within that mosque. So he'll give a firsthand account. So build the Blasio said his administration and promised the police force that keeps our city safe. But that's also respectful and fair. This reform is a critical step and easing tensions between the police and the communities they served. So you've got Chuck Schumer bragging about authoring the diversity visa program brings in the terrorist You have that specific mosque that he attended that drew the attention of the NYPD in Patterson, New Jersey. Chris Christie at the time blasted the NYPD for doing that. Isn't that the job that they're supposed to do? Now, had we done the if the visa program didn't exist, and in fact, the surveillance program had continued. Are the odds better that yesterday doesn't happen? And are we gonna put the safety and secure of Americans first? That's our most important question. What do you think of when you hear the word Lutheran? Do you think liberal women in clerical colors? Gay marriage? Social justice warriors find out how the sixteenth century Lutheran Reformation was really a conservative movement intent on reform, not revolution with the podcast Issues Etcetera Issues etc. Dot Net Real Reformation, Radio Issues etc. Dot Net Issues etc. Dot Net. Right as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, So you're gonna meet a retired lieutenant from the n y p D. And his job was a ten years in the counter terrorism unit, and you're gonna hear from him and part of his job he surveiled the very mosque in Patterson, New Jersey, that this terrorist yesterday went to. And then we've got to ask ourselves as a big mayoral race coming up in New York City, and nobody it doesn't matter how corrupt the Blasio is or how bad the economy is, or how bad crime is now getting and how the city is beginning to slowly rot back to where it was before Julianni was the mayor of the city. You know, this will be a big issue and they have a big debate tonight. I think it's seven Eastern. Uh bou Dietle will join us later. He's one of the mayoral candidates. But you know, it's been hard for Bow unfortunately, because neither party wants to, you know, talk about stopping frisk or talk about keeping the city safe. And you know, even earlier today I was the Blasio is having a hard time, you know, on CBS this morning. Just listen to him thread the needle. You hear it yourself. Is the assumption that he was inspired by ices, but that's the extent of it. The assumption is he is an extremist and a terrorist who he is inspired by. And how it's too early to say there wasn't there which one of the reasons without going to detail, I would simply say the note and what he said coming out of the vehicle and the manner of the attack made it very clear as the act of terrorism. But we have to be smart about not ascribing to a particular group until we have more evidence. Oh okay, he's a radical Islamist. That left note saying he's a radical Islamist pledging allegiance to isis that we knew that last night. What is it about the left in this country that they put this, this thing that they called diversity ahead of your safety. I'm all for diversity, you know what. We're all children of God in the sense potentially. But those that that will kill in the name of whatever radical ideas they have, I don't care what it is. In this particular case, it's radical Islam. You know, they'd say, strapped bombs on themselves. They send their kids in the pizza parlors with with these bombs on them, blow themselves up. They seventy two versions in heaven and they think they're doing the will of Allah. Well, I'm sorry. Is eight families in New York today that are mourning the loss of their loved ones, and there's many more hoping on their knees and praying that the injuries sustained. While innocent people are riding their bikes, are walking on a pedestrian path on a beautiful fall summer day. They're praying that these people will recover. All of this and much more coming up Congressman Meadows, Congressman Bratt, much more till the top of the hour one. Shawn, you want to be a part of the program, right, We got a lot coming up in the program today. Uh, you're gonna meet the retired lieutenant with the NYPD that worked ten years in the counter terrorism unit. That actually part of his job, he surveilled the very mosque that this terrorist attended in Patterson, New Jersey. By the way, at the time, Chris Christie was livid about the fact, Well, why are New York p D people here because that's where the evidence led them. I talked to the guy earlier. He goes, we all, we only we only followed the evidence. We only we only followed where the evidence took us. So let me play the difference here between that and Comrade build the Blasio ending the surveillance program that was surveilling this very mosque. And then of course you got Chuck Schumer bragging that in fact he's the one that was responsible and authored the diversity visa program. You know, then we've got this other argument in the country that people like me have been making for a long time that if you come from a country that has radical views where women all right, imagine this. This is what I've never understood about the left. They should support John Hannity because Sean Hannity saying that if you come from a country where men are allowed two and there's many of them, where marital abuse of a woman is legal, where men telling women how to dress is legal, where it's not a crime, when it's marital rape, it's legal, or that you have instances women can't drive cars, can't travel abroad without their husband's permission, legal, that women can't leave the house without a male relative the law. All of this is reality, and people grow up in societies and culture cultures that should offend. Every feminist should be with me on this because women shouldn't be treated like that. End of sentence. Gays and lesbians on Hannity, you don't support gay marriage. There's no louder voice in the country than mind that has been saying that these countries that kill innocent people because of who they are and what they do in the privacy of their bedroom is evil. Sean Hannity's champion to stop the insanity of of Shariah as practiced in some countries where gays and lesbians are killed with regularity. They're slaughtered, they're thrown off roofs, they're hung in public squares, their stone to death. You know, we did the stoning of sarriah M years ago. Uh it was cyrus Neassa did that uh film, right, you know, and I remember watching it and it's real. It should we should you should still see that movie. And then you got you know, the persecut You know, in Saudi Arabia, you can't build a church, a Christian church, good luck, it's illegal. You can't build a Jewish temple, it's illegal. And then you look at Israel, this tiniest country in the world. Where's the Alaska Mosque right there? You go to the Old City and what do you have? The Armenian sector, the Islamic Center, the Christian center, the wall uh for Israel, the Jewish community. I mean, I would think that if you are a champion of women's rights, gazingly gay and lesbian rights, and religious freedom, you're with shahn Hannity. But no, Donald Trump is saying, do you come from those countries, We're gonna vet you to make sure you're not bringing those insane values with you, because to me, that's insanity. That is. It's like living in in fred Flintstone Barney rubble Land. We don't treat people like that in this country. We believe in liberty, freedom. This is what the President said today. A man drove a truck into a pedestrian bike path and murdered eight people and injured very, very seriously at least eleven more. All of America's praying and grieving for the families who lost their precious loved ones. Horrible black Our hearts break for them, and we pledged to renew our resolve in their memory. My administration is coordinating closely between federal and local officials to investigate the attack and to further investigate this animal who did the attacking, and updates will be provided as available. I am today starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program. I'm going to ask Congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program, Diversary and diversity lottery. Diversity lottery sounds nice. It's not nice. It's not good. It's not good. It hasn't been good. We've been against it. So we want to immediately work with Congress on the diversity lottery program, on terminating it, getting rid of it. We want a merit based program where people come into our country based on merit, and we want to get rid of chain migration. This man that came in or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people, and he was a point he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact for and this is preliminarily twenty three people that came in or potentially came in with him. Uh. And that's not acceptable. So we want to get rid of chain migration. And we've wanted to do that for a long time, and I've been wanting to do it for a long time, and we'll be asking Congress to start working on it immediately. There are bills already about ending chain migration, and we have a lot of good bills in there. We're being stopped by Democrats because their obstructionists, and honestly, they don't want to do what's right for our country. We need strength, we need resolve, we have to stop it. So we're gonna get rid of this lottery program as soon as possible. He came in through the diversity program, as you know, and we're gonna stop that. We're going to as quickly as possible to get rid of chain migration and go to a merit based system. Terrorists are constantly seeking to strike our nation, and it will require the unflinching devlope into our law enforcement, homeland security, and intelligence professionals to keep America is safe. We will take all necessary steps to protect our people and our communities and to protect our nation as a whole. We have to get much tougher, we have to get much smarter, and we have to get much less politically correct. We're so politically correct that we're afraid to do anything. And that's not only our country, that's other countries too that are having very similar problems. And we have to get tough. We have to get smart. We have to do what's right to protect our citizens. We will never waver in the defense of our beloved country ever and will never ever forget the beautiful lives that have been taken from us. That was a horrible event, and we have to stop it, and we have to stop it. Called we also have to come up with punishment that's far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now. They'll go through court for years. At the end there will be who knows what happens. We need quick justice, and we need strong justice, much quicker and much stronger than we have right now, because what we have right now is a joke and it's a laughing stock, and no wonder so much of this stuff takes place. And I think I can speak for plenty of other countries too that are in the same situation. Yeah, there's the president. President gets at the president. Understand what's the downside of the President's plan? Is it more likely that America will be a safer country? That's the question you have to ask. Is his job diversity or the safety and security of the people of the United States of America. Now, to me, if you're the president, your job, your number one job is the national security or the commander in chief. Your job is to keep this country safe. And then I guess as a country, based on who it is that we elect, we're then gonna have to now begin the process of thinking how much how much security are we willing to give up in the name of diversity. If you want no vetting whatsoever? Are you rolling the dice? Are you taking risks? Because to me, I think it's fairly obvious where this is going. I say, we see what migration immigration uh, which has been unlimited in Europe. We see what has happened there. I can go through, I can give you a list of all the attacks. I did it last night on TV. And to me, it's I am not willing to gamble with your life. And you know the Democrats are. It was so dumb to listen to, you know, Governor Cuomo in New York today. You know, literally he's criticizing begins criticizing the president for pointing out that Zbekistan, the terrorists, was allowed into the country by a law, a visa lottery immigration law authored by Chuck Schumer. So he's mad, you play into the hands of terrorists to the extent that you disrupt and divide and frightened people in society. Within thirty seconds, he is now talking about New York and the guns safety laws in the country, the safe fact, and I'm like, what are you doing but politicizing it? Here is a simple, basic, fundamental truth. There are people in The reason we love our country is because of its values, because of its system of laws, that its foundation is called the Constitution of the United States of America. We the people are founding document our declaration endowed by our create or that's what we believe. We both fundamentally it's in every American's DNA that we are to live free. There are people that don't live like this. There there are people that that literally believe that. Look, I don't want to judge the people in this sense. If that's the way you want to run your country, in your life, I think it's insane. But it's on it. We can't be the world's policeman. We're never going to democratize. In my view, you can only encourage liberty and freedom. People have got to want it. You can't force it upon them. But you know, there are people that grow up in countries whose values and culture are a direct contradiction to our values and culture. And even saying this, in the minds of some people somehow gets rolled into oh, bigotry, not bigoted, Well maybe it is. Maybe I'm I am prejudiced in this sense. I am prejudiced that our society should never ever treat women differently, that women deserve the full rights of men, and that men should not have the right to hit women or the right to punish them based on quote religious law, or tell women how to dress. Really, what do I know about fashion? First of all, that women shouldn't have women should be allowed to vote, and they should be allowed to drive. And that if you want to be a Christian and you want to build a church, and you buy the property, it's your property, build your church, do what you want. You want to build a Jewish synagogue, you have every right to practice. We believe in freedom of religion. We believe in freedom of the individual. Yes, America has made mistakes. I've explained, We've talked about that at length. We've had many horrible things in this country. Sure, but there's never been a country that has accumulated more power and abused it less and advanced the common good of humanity more than the United States of America. There's never been a country that has stood up for the cause of liberty more than America. And frankly, with all the criticism that we hear of all our founders and framers, they did design a system that allowed we the people to correct wrongs, evils, and injustices. So the prejudice I might have is against persecuting women, killing gays and lesbians, and and persecuting Christians and Jews and the the idea that somebody grows up in that environment. You have to assume a lot of things here that a they really just want the breath of freedom that all of us take for granted. I bet many do. Actually, I'm pretty convinced they're not happy living under tyranny, living under there such Arcanian, old fashioned, outdated, Fred Flintstone error rules and laws. So that's what we want. And and and it's a matter of well, okay, how do we what's wrong with vetting them? Do you support the values you grew up under? Or do you really want to be an American because you want pretty but you know you open doesn't have to be an open ended question. We need to know what's your background? Did you will you ever a member of ISIS. By the way, Trump may send these New York City terrorists to Gitmo. This guy, I'm all for it. He's an enemy combatant. This is a war for him against the people of the United States. Those people were victims of war yesterday that was slaughtered in the sick, twisted war. By the way, Democrats are threatening a government shutdown unless Trump caves on the dreamers. Okay, I let's see if they fund the wall there's gonna be an interesting show down. It's that's another thing. Why can't we control our borders? Yeah, I know people crossed the border because they want jobs, an opportunity, et cetera. There are also people that cross that border because they want to bring harm to American communities. That's the thing I've always said the most about about building the wall. All Right, eight nine one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number. You're gonna meet this cop that I told you about. He was a retired lieutenant NYPD. He was one of the members that actually surveiled that specific mosque. Patrick bow Deetle All coming up next hour. All right, Sean Hannity Show, Toll free one, Sean, You'll meet the former NYPD retired lieutenant who actually was part of the counter terrorism unit that build the Blasio canceled in New York, that was monitoring this specific mocks. Also, Merrill Kennedy bow Dietle will join us. Patrick Pool checks in today and the Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows and and Congressman Dave brad All stopped by. Is his busy breaking news day. So much going on. We have probably the best TV show we've ever had for you tonight nine eastern cent d v R on the Fox News Channel. Quick Break Right Back will continue sexual activated Level one were watching. Hey, I saw the shooter come outside of the car, and I saw an exit and run towards the group of kids, and then I went back into the police have said he was waving some sort of an imitation gun. Did you see that? We see it now. They They looked real to me. Um, But he was waving them around. I didn't see that. And he sprinted towards the group of kids. Towards the group of kids, That's what I saw. Yeah, And and and about how long did this take place? How how long were you watching them for? Um? I was watching them for about, uh maybe twenty seconds before I was I had to just run back in, uh, just for my own David. Those are some of the sounds from obviously this terror attack in New York yesterday, monitoring what's happening now in London, and much much more. But you just heard there this van attack the hallmark of an ISIS attack, and there was a picture of a cell phone with an ISIS flag in the exact same area where this attack took place. We're also told that the perpetrator of this terrorism was in fact doing dry run throughs, and the FBI and the government had interviewed him back in what and just among the few developments we have here joining us as Bill mcguardy. He is a retired lieutenant with the m y p D worked ten years in the counter terrorism unit. Patrick Poole, national security correspondent, p J Media, Thank you both for being with us. You know, as I brought up yesterday, Patrick pool, sure enough, everything that I said that usually happens happened here, and that is that they were the signs and the evidence that terror was gonna happen. This guy was telegraphing at all, and we didn't pick it up again and sewn absolutely And yesterday, UM in the aftermath of this attack, we were talking about this known war terrorism problem where these individuals already known to law enforcement. In this case, Uhipov was interviewed by the Department of Homeland Security in twenty fifteen because he was the contact point for two other terrorist suspects, one of which who's on the LAMB. They don't know where he is. And yet we have all these um UM officials and experts running around talking about lone wolf Um when we know or the internet he was radicalized on the internet. Well we know, we know that he was part of this terrorist So I mean, it's it's blindingly obvious. And yet here again we have the media and officials trying to gaslight this whole incident, as we see every time, to convince us to believe that this is something other than what it plainly is, you know, and and look at CNN, for example, they couldn't even say they said they put up a chiron, which is a lower third TV talk for those people that may not know what it means, but it's actually said, oh he uh, the the terrorist was saying God is great in Arabic and I'm like, and then Jake Tapper, fake Jake. He went out there and well, sometimes under the most beautiful of circumstances, Uh, people say Allahu akbar. That's not how most people hear it. That's what they were screaming on nine eleven one. And there is this mysterious reluctance and resistance to call this what it is. Bill. And when you look at what do Blasio had done in New York, I mean he basically did away with all the checks and balances that would have helped keep New Yorkers safe. So what are we to think about that? Absolutely, Sewan, and let me say it's an honor to be on the phone with both of you. Uh. I was watching that press conference today and it is sickening to me that this political correctness, and like you said, we were not calling it what it is, and we're using terms like it's isolated and it's a lone wolf. Yeah, it is a lone wolf, but it's not because it's ten six thousands of these individuals that it's talking to each other through the Internet, and it's not isolated because it's happening all through It's every other week we're hearing about another low tech attack. And until we get proactive about this. You know the thing, the things that were put in place by Ray Kelly are being undone by the Blasio and I had the privilege of serving under Ray Kelly from nine eleven to two thousand and fourteen, and he had the insight to put forth a couple of different things, not only over programs like Nexus and Shield, but covert going out getting sources and putting trip boys within communities that you think you might have a problem and that's we're four moving away from that. For the past seventeen years, we've been moving backwards instead of moving forward. Yeah, let me play the president from earlier today, as we now know that, you know, if the President's immigration initiatives have been in place in New York City, would have been spared yesterday's terrorist attack because they suspected foreign national terrorists behind this attack in New York City yesterday came to the United States through what's known as a diversity visa lottery, which is a program that President Trump has been trying to eliminate. Anyway, the twenty nine year old enter the US from Uzbeka, Stan under the diversity visa lottery system and then ultimately got a green card. Now, Trump, along with people like Senator Tom Cotton, Senator David Purdue, they've been calling for an end to this and also, of course he wants to vet refugees so that we know their background. If we can't vet you, why are we going to risk the lines of American I am today starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program. I'm going to ask Congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program. Diversary and diversity lottery. Diversities lottery sounds nice. It's not nice. It's not good. It's not good. It hasn't been good. We've been against it. So we want to immediately work with Congress on the diversity lottery program, on terminating it, getting rid of it. We want a merit based program where people come into our country based on merit. And we want to get rid of chain migration. This man that came in or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people and he was a point he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact for and this is preliminarily twenty three people that came in or potentially came in with him. Uh. And that's not acceptable. So we want to get rid of chain migration. And we've wanted to do that for a long time, and I've been wanting to do it for a long time, and we'll be asking Congress to start working on it immediately. There are bills already about ending chain migration, and we have a lot of good bills in there. We're being stopped by Democrats because their obstructionists, and honestly, they don't want to do what's right for our country. We need strength, we need resolve. We have to stop it. So we're gonna get rid of this lottery program as soon as possible. He came in through the diversity program, as you know, and we're gonna stop that. We're going through as quickly as possible to get rid of chain migration and go to a merit based system. Terrorists are constantly seeking to strike our nation, and it will require the unflinching devotion to our law enforcement, homeland security, and intelligence professionals to keep America is safe. We will take all necessary steps to protect our people and our communities and to protect our nation as a whole. We have to get much tougher, we have to get much smarter, and we have to get much less politically correct. We're so politically correct that we're afraid to do anything. And that's not only our country, that's other countries too that are having very similar problems. And we have to get tough. We have to get smart. We have to do what's right to protect our citizens. The president is dead on accurate, correct and on the money. So if I didn't add that's that is the rhetoric. I want to hear from my government officials about what they're going to do to stop it, not sit there and talk saying kumbay r and say how we're going to build more more barricades to stop them from going up on the street. That's not what I want to hear as a citizen of the United States. And if I could just add about that mosque in in Jersey in two thousand and five, when Ray Kelly expanded in his intelligence program to outside New York City, I was one of the first people to go out there, and that was one of the first mosque that we started looking at. And we didn't look at it just blindly. We looked at it because we had leads and sources telling us that there are people going there that have anti American views, involved in certain different things that you should be worried about. And that's the leads that we followed. And just like you said, you saw them up ended, you saw this particular mosque, you are directly involved in monitoring it. Were there radicalized people there? And how long did we know it? Absolutely there's there was radicalized people there since the nineties. The mosque in Patterson, the mosque that the Blind Cheek was involved with Don Kennedy Boulevard in Jersey City. The reason we went out there was we knew that um who, we said, who is looking at these locations? We they're going to plan outside of New York and come into New York. But who's out there watching that? We know the FBI is and they do a great job, but they're inundated there swamp. So Kelly said, I want my people, my office is to go out follow the leads that they get from their sources and protect our city. And that's what needs to be done. Tell us specifically the types of I think what people want to know. What are the types of things that you saw and that you heard and that you knew were going on there. Individuals I can't say the names because they're still under investigation and some are still in that area. Some have moved on to different parts of the country. But Zazi Nabu is one name that I can mentioned. He was involved in most that were in Queens and in Jersey. Other individuals that we had reporting on, we're people talking about how they could do haunt in New York City, How do they can do harm to the United States in any way possible, whether it's building a bomb, picking up a knife stabbing somebody. Back then in all five oh six, there wasn't that much rhetoric about using vehicles, but it was rhetoric aimed at hurting American citizens and hateful speech, hateful speech against the United States. All right, stay right there, we're going to continue with Bill McGarty is with us. He personally was first handy his firsthand knowledge of the surveillance that took place at these mosques. And Patrick Pool, national security correspondent for p J Media, on what is a busy breaking newsday. Yes yet again undred nine four one, Shawn as our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, and we will continue right as we continue with Bill mcgartney, retired lieutenant with the m y p D. Worked ten years in the counter terrorism unit and actually surveiled some of these mosques where, in particular this mosque where this terrorist attended frequently. Patrick Poole, national security correspondent for PJ Media. Patrick, you're listening to Bill. He was there, he saw, he heard, he knew radicalization existed, and then of course it stops. It ends. I mean to me that that's a government failure that's a that's a mayor failure, that's a federal government failure. Absolutely. And one of the critical tools UH that Bill's units UH made available was a report in two thousand seven about the process of radicalization. And one of the things in that report talked about how these terror cells end up separating themselves from the mosque incubators. And UH that report ended up getting buried um and and retracted by the BLASIO because there were all these complaints from groups like care and in the usual suspects scene, it bosted islamophobia. That was an important tool and and again it was the these political, politically correct officials that ended up pulling that reports. There was a very useful tool for law enforcement all over the country. Unbelievable. You know, Bill walked the average person exactly what is it you're hearing until this ended that was going on in the mosque of this terrorist What Now, just to clarify, Sean, we wouldn't just blindly pick this mosque out of a hat and say, well, it's an Islamic moss let's look at it. It's leads generated that drewis to that mosque. And what do I mean by leads? Source reporting from human intel stating such and such individual is attending this mosque. When he's at this mosque, he's meeting with other people, and then afterwards going to a private house, going to other places to meet and talk about UH doing harm to America. That's the best way I could phrase it. We would then go out there. From there, we would either listen to recordings that our sources would take, not while in the mosque, but afterwards when they would leave the mosque, because they knew we were we were looking at the masque, so they wouldn't say anything inside the mosque. They would meet, pray, leave and then have their meetings about what they were going to do, if and how they were going to do it. And it was not only in New Jersey was we We ran cases from Maine to Miami to Seattle. And it was because of us following leads and not sitting back saying, well, we can't do this because it and it ends. How How did we end this? I retired in two thousand and fourteen. It ended when de Blasio basically took over. When de Brasio took over, he wanted to go down the route of political correctness. He didn't He didn't want us to say, go to go out there and make it appear that we were blindly surveiling Islamic moss, which we were not. We were following leads. And that's you know, there's a fine line between political correctness and not doing your job. And this this is what he did. He wanted us not to go out there and do our job and basically turn everything over to the FBI. What is that cause it causes a backlog in the FBI. You see it in this instant. This individual who committed this attack was on the radar. But they're swamp. They can't look after everybody. So Ray Kelly really was a hero. And between Chuck Schumer bragging I authored the diversity visa program that brought this guy to the country, and the Mayor of New York, Comrade de Blasio, ending the new NYPD eight Kelly surveillance program. But for those two issues, we probably would have been able to stop this absolute and it was done in the legal sense. We did not violate. You're following leads, as good policemen do. That's what they do. All right, stay right there, we gotta we gotta take a break. We'll carry you guys over for a few more minutes. Bill mcguarty and also Patrick Pool. Patrick Pool has been writing extensively on what is known as Lone Wolf or known Wolf. We'll get into that when we get back. We'll get to your calls as well. Eight nine for one Shawn if you want to be a part of the program. We also have Freedom Caucus members Mark Meadows and Congressman Dave Bratt and much more. One Shawn is our number. Now, you can't always believe what the other side claims. That's why there's the Shaw and Hannity shows the assumption that he was inspired by ices, but that's the extent of it. The assumption is he is an extremist and a terrorist who he is inspired by, and how it's too early to say there was a note found, there was a no found, which one of the reasons without going to detail, I would simply say the note and what he said coming out of the vehicle and the manner of the attack made it very clear as the act of terrorism. But we have to be smart about not ascribing to a particular group until we have more evidence that the only yeah, he did he did make a statement and he exited the vehicle and if you just look at the m oh with the attack, uh, that that's consistent with what's been going on, So that that, along with the statement, has enabled us to label as a terrorist defend. The notes were handwritten in Arabic um. They had the symbols UH and words, but the gist of the note was that the Islamic state would endure forever follow us uh. John Er attact that the note was written aravaticum. How significant is then and does it speak at all to the level of radicalization of Mr Siam. I don't know, but we're going to go back through all of his contacts and habits. But I think this is an important time to say, Uh, this isn't about Islam, It's not about what mosque he attends. There are hundreds of thousands of law abiding Muslims in New York City who are adversely affected by things like this, and UM, it's probably a good time to say we have seen in the aftermath of incidents like this, bias incidents, hate crimes, assaults, and Bob Boyce and his hate crimes. People will respond to those, investigate those, and anybody behind those will be prosecuted. To the fullest extent of the law. UM as has been said here before, it is it is the time to come together and to not confuse um this terrorist act with any broad brush against UH in a religion or a particular institution. All right, As we continue with Bill mcgrorty's with us, Patrick Poole is with us. Bill retired lieutenant NYPD, worked ten years in the counter terrorism unit. Patrick Poole, national security correspondent for PJ Media. You know, I've you know, Patrick, you have done extensive, extensive reporting on all of this over the years. You know, October year wrote lone Wolf or known Wolf. And here we are again, and I'm I'm listening to Bill on the other line. And Bill knew about this mosque that this terrorist had attended. We know that Mayor the Blasio of New York ended the NYPD surveillance program. Even Chris Christie at the time in twelves that it was arrogant, that, in fact, born out of arrogance, that New York Police Department was spying on some of these radical mosque where some of their evidence had taken them evidence and evidence only. And I'm looking at this, and then I say, Chuck Schumer he's bragging that he authored the Diversity Visa Act, and I'm saying, this is just absolutely ridiculous on everybody's front. Sean absolutely. And I camed that term no More Terrorism because three years ago I saw that, whether it's here in the US or over in Europe, almost without exception, all these terrorist incidents involved people who were already known to law enforcements. They were already known, they were known wolves. And what we see with this incident yesterday is really a convergence of a number of issues. Uh. You're you're talking about the the zetting and the visas. Uh. And we've been here before. DHS interviewed this guy back in we had the Somali refugee Arton who did the attack at Ohio State last November. We had the Zarnayev's at the Boston bombing. Again, We've got zetting problems, we have the the UM. I wrote extensively about the counter terms and training purge that was directed directly by the Obama White House, which the dismantling of Bill's former MLPD unit was a component of. We've got these counter terism officials who are prohibited from asking certain questions. And then we have the media gas lighting, the media continuing to tell us that what we're seeing is not what we're seeing. There's there's a higher reality, and it's just so tiring and it's frustrating to see. Yet again is getting people killed without I think it's just fair to say the Blasio ending the NYPD surveillance program could have stopped this guy. Chuck Schumer bragging I authored the diversity visa program. If we didn't have it, there's a likelihood this guy never would have been here. The odds are Americans wouldn't be in the hospital today fighting for their lives, and families wouldn't be mourning the death of their loved ones. You know, eight of them yesterday. Is that a fair statement? Bill? Absolutely? And And the the report that Patrick mentioned earlier about the radicalization it was was a perfect example of how political pressure and political correctness has caused what has happened today. When we were out in New Jersey, and and the political pressure that was put on officials in New Jersey, officials in New York. And if the officials in New York, like Bloomberg and Kelly didn't been to it, but the officials in Jersey did because they didn't want to out there in the first place. One we didn't they didn't want us to embarrass them. And number two, for whatever reason, they wanted us to stop going into New Jersey. And that report, along with lawsuits that I was personally involved with, put the pressure to first minimize us around two thousand and twelve, two thousand and thirteen, and then after the election of the Blasio basically put an end to what we were doing for the later for most of the two thousand decades. Let me bring in mayoral candidate, longtime friend of my personal friend and uh he is running for the mayor of New York City and very tough on law enforcement himself. Is candidate Beau Diedle and Bou. I've known you for a many many years, and I've interviewed you a lot over the years. You're now in the fight with this guy, Comrade de Blasio, and what do we discover? But he ended the m y p D surveillance program at a very specific mosque that this terrorist yesterday attended, and I just, you know, I figured this isn't political for you. It's just something that I know that you've always supported. A somebody that also saw that lives were saved in New York City, would stopping frisk Yeah, well, you know, right now, I don't want to policize what happened yesterday to the fact, my heart is with those people that were killed in the ones that we interest. But with all that said, you know this current mayor right now, all of a sudden, he's putting his arms around the cops. Stand out great. He's the same one that the cops turned their back on during the funerals when they would let them take out of the Brooklyn Bridge. These disturbing people. What do we want dead cops? When do we want them now? And now all of a sudden he's having a love fest because it's it's reelection time. The point is, right now, what we were doing with the surveillance of these mosque are very important. What is the life work as far as when you're gonna have a terrorist that's completing to kill himself. He killed people in New York City. We need a mayor that's going to stand up this to this threat that we have. And this thread is not going the way. I could talk about this threat long before I ran from maya. I talked about showing if we were going to be hit with something. And this could be the beginning of the way. I don't know, but right now, even yes, he when the mayor and the guy came on, I think it was a little irresponsible for them to say that, oh, this is a long wolf attack. No. No, you gotta conduct an investigation and find out all the facts before you start to talking like that. People have to be aware. People have to see something, you have to have, you have to say something, you have to be well, they're well aware of your surrounding. Well. Bo. I think this is really important because I think this delineate you distinguishes you from all these candidates in this race, and and that is a you support stopping frisk, which, by the way, we had a murder rate of almost three thousand in New York I went down a five hundred and even lower one year because of it. That's been stopped by the Blasio and now we're seeing the murder rate rise once again in New York City, and we're seeing New York City becoming more dangerous as a result. And he ends the surveillance program. And you're talking also with offer, Sir former m yp the retired Lieutenant Bill McGarty and he was. He was on the ground and literally monitoring this specific mosque. Those are things that I think you, as mayor would do well. You want to know something, there's a little more information. And by the way, it's not because it's a mosque. It's because that's where the evidence lead them, not because of religion. And they and they had to have some evidence because they were able to obtain warrants to go into that mass. They had to have evidence to the fact that there was something there that was enough for judge to sign a warrant to go in there. Now, the other thing a lot of people will know he talks about crane being down. I get this from the school safety offices. Just pick up today's school safety officers are directed not to make police reports on a soult weapons, drugs slush and flushed the drugs down the toilet, so they're not making reports. Let me ask Bill, Bill, can you respond to what Merrill canaidate? Bow deetle aside with the numbers in the police apartment with Cris, I agree with him and the numbers in the least department. Crime is on the rise, and don't let anyone tell you different thing. The men and women I talked to every day s the crime is on the rise. The numbers are played with that is an absolute fact. No one will admit it. But they knocked uh, they knocked the categorizations down, so the numbers play right and everything looks good and everyone could say, yeah, crime is down. And I just want to put it one point out there, Sewan. Think about this. Under eight years of Bloomberg and Kelly, not one successful terrorist attack in less than four years, We've had two successful attacks within this city because of one reason, the blasil and political correctness. And you don't want to know something to show them when you have nine out of ten cops this was done by the Daily News. Ninety other ten cops that if they found another job did lead the NYPD morale is down in the ground. You've got a lot of New York to the cups that don't want to get involved now the course of this mayor. They do not like this mayor be hated by the police officers, and you don't want to know something. We need the mayor at these cops to look up that will support him and not turn them down. Every time there's a questionable something happens. Disney is right away. He wants to be the judge and jury right away. Let's get Patrick pulling this. Patrick Sean, I want to go back to what Bill talked about about the Mosque surveillance, and he talked about the Nabula Zazi case, which again just showed that, um, how important it was for these surveillance techniques, which again are are driven by active intelligence were Notably, Zazi was actually ticked off by his mom, um after the FBI had asked the m y p D to talk to this a mom, your mom member that enough the phone and and uh chipping him off. So you know, these are important programs. Uh they were shut down by the Blasio yep. Um, that's the scary thing in all of these cases, you know. And and then of course the social media impact, where we know what these guys their stay saying, all right, Bill Patrick, mayoral candidate bow Deetles, stay right there. We gotta take a quick break and we'll come back. We'll we'll finish this. We have a trip to Washington that we've got to make. We gotta find out what's going on in this economic plan. We have so many great economic indicators out there that we've got to keep the momentum going and the only way that's gonna happen is through the President's Economic stimulus tax reform bill. And we'll have an update from Freedom Caucus members Mark Meadows and Dave Bratt coming up. We'll have full coverage of how stupid Schumer, how stupid uh, comrade build the Blasio are and the danger that they now brought to the City of New York because of their adherence to political correctness. All right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show with Bill mcguharty, his retired lieutenant n YPD. He actually surveiled the specific mosque of this terrorist. Patrick Poole, National Security Corresponding PJ Media and bow Dietle, mayoral candidate New York City. Big debate tonight between Comrade the Blasio and bow Dietle. You don't want to miss it in light of these events. Uh, let's start with your final thoughts, Bill Well, the final thoughts for my first thing I want to say is, bo, if I still live in the city, you'd have my vote. Unfortunately I live up in Rockland County. Thank you. We we need to stop political correctness and we need to start policing in the twenty second century, proactive sources, trip wire is moving forward to keep us in safe. What is your final word, Patrick pull Sean, I gotta applaud to you you. You've had me on repeatedly talking about normal terrorism and the counter terrorism purge. Sean, I think what your your listeners need to keep their their eye on is the media here again we're seeing this media narrative trying to suppress all the information, trying to tell us that this is something that it isn't and we need to push back on that. All right, bow Dietles, there's a big debate tonight. Obviously this is going to be a major focus of us debate. Give us a preview. What can Comrade the Blasio expect, especially considering he ended the m y p D surveillance program of this specific mosque. Well, again, I don't want to politicize this. I got enough amily initiations to him with his corruption. And again, we have some ideas for the New York City Police depart One of my big ideas we loved the community policing. We love the cops to look like the community. I want to wait a two year college degree and get some kids from the inner cities on the police department. Let him go to college at night and get their degrees. But let's have the police department reflect our neighborhoods. Then this whole division that this may as plus can be eliminated. And we have cops out there. All they want to do is do their job, and this may has been in the middle of it, stopping them from doing a job. People don't care. There's a lot of cops that rides around now. I talked to him every day. I want these top bold to be out there and be observant to what's going on. We get the greatest police department in the world. We need the police department. The police officers to love their mayor, and I will be the mayor. They will never turn near facts on me. That's such a good point. People forget that too. And uh, I've got to believe though, this is gonna be a big part corruption. The two big issues tonight will be corruption and will be him ending the surveillance program and people like Bill McGroarty were actually they're monitoring what He saw a lot of radicalism on display and we stopped I could have saved lives potentially. Thank you all, bo good luck. Tonight in the debate, we will be watching Bill McGarty, Patrick Pool. Thank you eight one Shawn toll free telephone number. What's going on in d C. We'll have an update Freedom Caucus members their Chairman Mark Meadows and Dave Brack, Congressman from Virginia. Next. We've now had two straight quarters of three or more economic growth GDP, but our economy and our country cannot take off the way it really should. So it's really really competitive with the rest of the world. Unless we get the kind of tax cuts for our companies and our middle class are workers, unless we get the jobs we need, it can't really take off until we get the tax cuts and reform past. This week, the House Ways and Means Committee will unveil a historic tax plan that will create new jobs, higher wages, which hasn't happened in many years, and now it's starting to happen. I'm happy to tell you many many years. People making less money today than they made twenty years ago. You've heard it many times before, but it will lead to tremendous prosperity for American families, communities, and also for our job producing businesses. At the center of our plan our tax cuts for the working Americans. We will reduce tax rates, increase the amount of income that is taxed at zero, and increase the child tax credit, which is very important to families. Will make the tax coats simple and fair so that the vast majority of Americans can file their taxes on a single sheet of paper. We will restore America's competitive edge by lowering taxes on America's businesses for the first time in more than thirty years, and it will be a historic cut. Right now, other countries are so far below us. And then when you wonder, you see all these companies leaving, one after another, they leave. That's not going to be happening. And I've must tell you I've stopped it even before this, but we're going to be uh stopping it in full. People are coming back. Under our plan. Will go from being one of the highest tax nations in the world to one of the lowest, meaning more jobs, more factories, more plans, more opportunities right here in America where we want them, tremendously different trade deals. Our trade deals are horrible. They were made by people that honestly, Uh, it's sad, it's very sad for our country. Every trade deal we have is disastrous. We're renegotiating our trade and if we have support from Congress, will make trade deals that are horror shows into very good and respectable trade deals and trade deals that are good for both countries and in fact many countries. But very important is that we renegotiate our trade deals. All right. That was the President talking about the economy today, as we follow all our top stories the terror attack in New York City, what we're learning about how the New York mayor end of the n y p D surveillance program that literally targeted the monster's guy went to Chuck Schumer's out there bragging, Wow, I'm the one that I'm the one that authored the diversity visa program that allowed this guy into the country. The President addressed that too today. Uh, first, we do have a little bit of troubling news if you want things done, and that is the headline in political today is the House GOP has delayed the tax bill rollout. We're not exactly sure why. And then we have a Bloomberg report that the GOP is praising for all hell to break loose when the tax bill finally drops. Well, we thought that we were gonna see the bill actually this week. Joining US Freedom Caucus Chairman Congressman Mark Meadows, North Carolina, North Carolina Freedom Caucus Member Congressman Dave Bratt. Guys, welcome back to the program. What's going on. It's great to be with you, Sean, And uh, it's it's actually a good day for America and that the president is talking about jobs and job growth and tax reform. Uh, we just got to get it done. And and I think the headlines that you're talking about there, Sean, is is really maybe just uh twenty four hour delay. I'm hopeful tomorrow that we actually see the details. Met with Chairman Brady today, and I think we're very close to actually seeing the legislative text in the in the next few hours instead of the next few weeks. All right, what is it gonna be? Why is that? Why are their predictions all hell is gonna break loose? I know that there's been a framework for this bill, and I understand that the that a move was made to get the House and the Senate on the same calendar, as I understand it. Do you believe that Congress Mementos, Well, I think there was a move to do that. Perhaps the real problem is is we're talking about thousands of pages of legislative texts, and and I know that I've met with the President and the administration. I've met with a number of other people to try to de find some some parameters that both Congressman Bratt and myself can support. The real problem, the reason why all hell may break loose, is that there's a long ways between a set of principles that unites in the pay force and how it applies to uh, your listeners and our constituents. And even within the last few hours, I started to hear a few troubling things that might uh provide for a real rigorous debate in the coming days. Okay, Congressman Bratt, do you see this delay as a problem? Yeah, I mean it's a little problem. It's it's hinting already there they're struggling to find votes. But I I'm still optimistic. The same structure is still in place right at the seat corps as corps. Some of the details and they're they're they're mid sized details, right keeping the high rate on the high income folks at thirty nine. Most Republicans want to see rate reductions for everybody is typical. And then the salt the state and local piece. You know, they're they're gonna maybe get rid of the state piece but keep the local pieces, a compromise for the New Yorkers and New Jersey folks, et cetera. But at the end of the day, the structure still there. Everything President Trump was talking about is still in play. The good news is there. And then just you know, to the folks list out there, Contrast this to what you would hear if Hillary Clint were president today. And look at the progressive budget the Democrats put in. A tax plan doesn't get any airtime. You can go google it. It raises taxes ten trillion dollars, raises spending eleven trillion, and adds more debt and deficit than our budget does when we cut taxes. And you won't ever hear that covered by the mainstream press. They all, I want to copy. I never even saw that, and I think I pride myself and being informed. Can you send me a copy of that? But I like the other night too, he was all fascinated. He was like, oh boy, I'm gonna blow this thing up. Yeah, well, you give it to me and I'll blow it up too, so I'll look forward to it. Uh. Let me ask you both, So, is it basically the same that we have had the president running on we're here, we're gonna get what corporate tax rate we are, middle class taxes are gonna be cut. We're gonna lower the rates uh what on on repatriation like ten percent so we can incentivize trillions for multinationals to come back. Uh. And we're gonna get rid of state local deductions. Now, people like Chucky Schumer, you know that lives in the liberal state like New York, and he wants to support the liberal governor Andrew Cuomo and the liberal mayor Mayor do Blasio that all have state local income taxes. Uh. Those taxes may not be deductible, or some of them may not be deductible. What's the latest on that, Congressman Medals, Well, Uh, I think we've got some type of an agreement on the state and local It looks like they'll roll that out with having uh most of the the benefit not just going to New York or or California or New Jersey. Uh, from from other hard working American taxpayers. But your your question was, is is this really what the President campaigned on, and I would say an unqualified yes. I mean, it's about lowering the rates for the middle income ware wage earners, getting our our economy to go again. And uh, he has been really laser focused on this and probably understands the whole tax reform issue better than many members of Congress, and so he's he's personally engaged in it. And so I'm very optimistic. Like uh uh Dave Bratt was was just mentioning that we're not only going to get it done, it will come at a great Uh. I guess back and forth headlines starting, I believe tomorrow where they're saying, well, we're affecting this group, are not helping this this particular special interest group. As long as we keep the focus on moms and dads and aunts and uncles on Main Street, uh, we will be in a good place and not just a special interest lobbyists here in Washington, d C. So as I understand that Dave Bratt that the big struggle this week was the income thresholds for the top rater are going to be higher than they currently are, likely between what seven fifty thousand and a million dollars. The estate tax would likewise be replaced, but may have to be phased out. To say money phased out means it's not gonna happen to me, and other you know, other unresolved issues in the House Ways and Means Committee um that they say led to this delay, including how to win over GOP lawmakers from these high tax states. And they're balking. Meanwhile, why don't they just fix their states? It's not my fault that New York State has a nearly ten percent state income tax on top of you guys hit me with not you personally right? No, that that's right. I mean the war we're all talking about with the swamp right. Chairman Meadows was just getting at that, right, that's the war and all the pay forces the swamp right, the special loopholes, the special deductions. They can walk in with their lobbyists and get a special line put in the budget to give them a preference, and anything they win, it's a it is a fixed pie. Right. We got a trillion and a half to work with in the Senate budget, and so that's the total amount we get to dole out right. The whole thing in totals about five trillions. But there's a fixed sum, right, so either the swamp gets it or the middle class gets it. So the Freedom Caucus obviously is biting nail on behalf of the middle class and to get economic growth, and that that parts underplayed, right the press. You always do those clips series on your shows. Put a clip series together of the democratcy. You're never gonna have three percent growth. That's a your your utopian there's no way that can happen. Well, imagine if we didn't have the hurricanes in that period of time, I would have been amazing. All right, stay right there. When we come back, I want to ask Congressman Brad Congress Memados about uranium one and about this dossier, and about the congressional investigations that finally have been kick started, as I've been screaming my lungs out forever that it needs to happen. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue straight ahead. Right as we continue with the Chairman of the Freedom Caucus, Mark Meadows, and the he's from North Carolina and also Freedom Caucus member from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Dave Bratt Is with US Congress Memados. Finally we're getting congressional action on the uranium one deal. And what we see is is that the new information that we've been breaking is that in two thousand and nine, the FBI, and that would mean the former FBI now Special Counsel Director, which was Robert Mueller, he knew everything about bribery and kickbacks and money laundering and a stortion and racketeering all happening in two thousand and nine, that there was a network within the United States set up by Vladimir Putin, the hostile regime, the hostile actor that he is, for the very distinct purpose of cracking into our uranium market. And even though they knew these crimes were being committed, apparently they let this insane uranium one deal go go through in but they knew these crimes were happening. So now that's being investigated, as is the Clinton Boughton paid for d n C bought and paid for Obama bought and paid for phony, salacious Russian dossier that had you know, all this misinformation and lines about Donald Trump. To me, there's real Russia collusion in both cases. Your reaction, well, I can tell you at this particular time, maybe it's time to get a special prosecutor for our special prosecutor. You know, if if indeed some of the stories that you've actually been reporting for some time, Sean, Uh, if if the investigation into all of this really bears out the facts where we have uh the d n C and the Clinton campaign and others paying for a dossier that uh potentially could have been used in a number of different ways. Uh. Really that's where the Russian collusions are all there, and now the jury is is not even out for deliberation. As you mentioned, I think it's imperative that we look at it and actually investigate it in a real way here on Capitol Hill. But uh, some of the reporting and the facts that seem to support that reporting, uh paint a very bleak picture for many of my Democratic colleagues who have been claiming Russian collusion on behalf of President Trump. Now all of a sudden, Uh, those those chickens are starting to come home to roost, and uh it's perhaps getting too close for comfort to the d n C. So we're gonna get to the bottom of it. I'm I'm on oversight, as you know, uh on and uh so, whether it's it's investigations in our committee or other committees. It's time to really uncover the real truth behind a lot of these stories that you've been reporting for some time. The evidence is overwhelming, and here we are. We get the Manafort indictment. There's nothing about Russia, Congressman Bratt, nothing, zero, zip, not a thing. And the financial transactions are from two thousand and six to two thousand and fourteen. What is this? What are they doing here? Yeah, well, what they're doing is obviously politics, and you've been on it. And then, uh, the the special prosecutor that is in place hired a lot of folks who are Clinton donors, and so the only place Russia does turn out is when they do the rate ups. You will notice they do mention Russia in the headline, and then they mentioned the term Russia, Russia, Russia when there is no connection. So the whole thing has been politicized. And our Oversight Committee, we got great people on there, but our leadership on both sides Senate in the House haven't moved forward aggressively enough on this, and I don't think they get how important this is to the American people. You can't have two standards of justice, right, one for the middle class, and one for the elites up here in the bubble that if you get busted. Uh, everybody knews where the bodies are buried up here, right, So one side gets in trouble, they threatened the other side. And uh, I think the American people have caught on to what's going on up here. It's unbelievable. I'm gonna tell you if they lost. If you guys, and I'm not saying this to you because frankly, but for the Freedom Caucus and a couple of senators, I don't trust any of your fellow colleagues there. If this tax bill, reform bill is not done, forget it. Good luck And and in two thousand and eighteen, good luck. You're not gonna it's not gonna be what you want. Well, Sean, you're exactly right. It's we've got to actually produce results. We gotta quit talking about what we're going to do and actually do what we said we were gonna do. And if you can do that, then ultimately it will be a good day at the ballot. The economy grows the forgotten men. And when we already have great statistics to build off of which I don't have time to get into now. But all right, thank you both. Congressman Meadows North Carolina apparently doesn't want me down in North Carolina campaigning for him. Doesn't want to be seen with me. Maybe I'll just have to offer my Maybe I'll have to do my campaigning with Dave Bratt. But maybe he doesn't want to be seen with me either. I don't blame you. How are your next mate for my breakfast? Next mate? Okay, call me in April. All right, quick break, we'll come back. We'll continue. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Congressman Ron de Santis wants to limit the limit the scope of Robert Mueller. That's coming up. We'll continue. It was the FBI director when all of this stuff was going on, Robert Mueller, who's now the special counsel, who was the U S attorney in charge of copying the plea deal, which many of us believe was a sweetheart deal with the main perpetrator here, Rod Rosenstein, who's the Deputy Attorney General. Obviously Eric Holder was involved. You feel like are you're saying you feel like this was an intentional cover up because of this non disclosure agreement. Do you think that Mueller and Rosenstein knew more than they led on to connect these dots. So far, there's a lot of smoke here. Well, that's what we need to figure out. I mean, here's what we do know, Leland. None this everything the confidential informant was giving to the authorities. None of that was produced to Congress or to the Scifius Board before the Uranian one deal was approved. I don't know why that was the case, but it's very odd that that was the case, because clearly this was an individual who was knee deep and uncovering a massive racketeering scheme involving this deal. You had an opportunity, you said, to talk to this informant and to their lawyer. Tell us what they told you happened, and what you think then didn't happen that should have. Well, I spoke with the attorney, and obviously there's a lot of things that I think the individual wants to be able to provide that he's just not doing now because but but what what is it that he wants to provide? So what he will be able to provide I believe, just reading between the lines is that he was involved with these Russian agents, and the Russian agents from very be the very beginning. We're interested in the Clintons and really believe that the Clintons would be their pathway to doing this deal. And obviously there was a lot of money that exchange hands um in the intervening time period. So this is somebody who was involved with these people, I think would be able to testify both of what they said and then what they did. And you'll notice, like in the Robert Menendez, the Senator Menendez bribery scandal, right now you have a quid, you have a quote. You don't necessarily have anyone filling in the details there. He still may get convicted, we'll see. But this one, I think you would have this confidential informant would provide some really significant information. And so but I'm also one let's let the chips fall where they may. I mean, you know, if if there was somehow a reasonable explanation for this, fine, let the American people see that. But I think it's very odd that none of this would have come out fire to the approval of that deal. In two, this was critical information that those Ciffiest board members, including Secretary Clinton, needed to have before approving this deal. Well, I've been able to speak with the confidential informant that helped the FBI uncover this bribery scheme. I've spoken with his attorney, and this informant wants to tell his story, but he's currently under a non disclosure agreement that was signed with the Eric Holder Justice Department. He came forward in sen was threatened with reprisal from the Loretta Lynch Justice Department. Clearly, it's in the interests, in the public's interest that this individual will be able to tell this story to Congress. Because what you have, Leland, is we have the money that went to Bill Clinton for the speech, the half a million dollars, millions of dollars to the foundation. That's Congressman Rhonda Santa's twenty four now till the top of the hour, And while the main street media spent all of this time on allegations about Trump Russia collusion, which is over a year now, produced no evidence zero, as we learned in the even the Maniford indictment. Now we've got all these scandals that we have been in the forefront of reporting along with Sarah Carter and of course John Solomon, And what De Santis was saying is, you know, speaking about these reports about Democrats and Hillary's campaign. We know Hillary's campaign, we know the d n Z, and now we know Obama all paid for the phony, salacious dossier that was Russian misinformation, propaganda and lies. Anyway, he was also referencing the House Intelligence Committee announcing the investigation into the administration Obama administration's decision to allow Russia to acquire of our uranium, which nobody can give me an answer why that's ever a good idea. Anyway. De Santis is a member of the House Oversight Committee, And uh, thank you so much for being with us. How are you. I'm doing good, good work. Yeah, I mean it's been you know, it's like been pulling teeth to get your colleagues to wake the hell up. With all due respect to your colleagues. Well, I think last week though, was an inflection point because we not only launched the Uranium one investigation, we also launched um and and I think brought it to a different level of the Fusion GPS and the dossier and then the Comy investigation with all the Comy memos and so this should have happened before. I agree with you, I've been fighting to do this, but at least we've turned that corner and can start getting the answers that the American people deserve. Okay, can you think of any good reason to give a bad actor Putin and a hostile regime Russia of our uranium? None? None? So why did how could this possibly happen? Especially in light of this what we discovered last week, which is the FBI informant, Well, we're going to find out. When I'm waiting, I'm not. And then, by the way, I'm not being angry at you. You're you've been fighting. I'm just I'm like, so I've been you know, I've been screaming about You've been all over this with the informant, he is, he is categorizing and getting all of his documents. He's got a lot of documents, so he's getting all of those together. He is absolutely planning to come in, provide those to conquer, going to testify, probably do some interviews, you know, outside the public view. And I think what will then do is take that information no by these people we don't even know about right now, that will have to go and bring in and I think eventually he will, definitely because here's what I want to understand because the FBI director, they knew in two thousand and nine that Vladimir Putin wanted to get a monopoly and a foothold in the American uranium market, and we knew that he had operatives inside the country. And the informant actually infiltrated on behalf of the FBI. That means in two thousand nine, the FBI knew about documents. They had a first hand insiders account through the informant. I'm told they're emails and I'm told there are tapes. That means Robert Mueller, the head of the FBI at the time, had to know that means are cold to the head of the Justice Department, who also was one of the nine signing off of the uranium one deal, he had to know. And then then at that point, how do you allow Putin was using bribery, kickbacks, extortion, money laundering, and racketeering to actually succeed when we know he's doing it, or you're right? And Ron Rosenstein knew. He was the U s attny that was overseeing the case at the time. And so the question is, we already had enough evidence to bring this case forward. Why didn't they bring it forward before Decifius Ford to prove this. There has to be a reason why they wouldn't have done that. Normally, when you investigate and you have people committing serious offenses, you indict him and then you bring that sounds to me like a question that Mueller, and a question that Hillary, and a question that everyone of the nine members, including Holder on that board. And you're right, Rosenstein, because they all knew about the bribery, extortion, money laundering, kickbacks, and racketeering. And I think that's going to be one of the central questions to both Mueller and the Rosenstein. You guys had this informant in two thousand nine, They had them for a year and a half before the Cippius sport to prove uranium one. So the question is you had all this inculpatory evidence, damning evidence, and yet you sat on it and you didn't move a case forward. Had they moved the case board, imagine what that would have done to the debate in the Congress. I mean, you already had people like Peter King who were saying, don't do this. I think it would have blown the whole deal up. It would have been absolutely critical information because it's an it's an insane proposition to even consider giving Putin and Russia this. You know, this is the foundational material for nuclear weapons. This is madness. Oh that's right. And then it's it's interesting how they try to pin Russia on all this stuff now since the president has been elected. But look at this, holy years about all the things. This is just one of the things that was done. Obviously, it's a very agreed dispect. So a lot of the Democrats have really changed their tune on Russia conveniently in the last year. Okay, how then, how can Mueller and Rosenstein be investigating anything Russian related when, in my opinion, there needs to be an investigation into what they knew about uranium one, what they knew about this network. Look, I mean I think that for for them to have been in charge of this, uh, it really blows the mind. I mean, we have three and or million people in this country. You couldn't have found people who were not involved in any of this undertow like they were for years and years. Um. I think this whole thing from the appointment of Mueller has been a total disaster. I don't think it should have ever happened. I don't think they followed the Department of Justice regulations when they did it, because they didn't identify a crime. Um. And so here we are with this thing with really no limits, and he's just out to try to find whatever he can. Yeah, let's talk about fusion GPS. And now we know that the very thing that the Democrats and Hillary were accusing the Trump campaign of that led to disappointment of a sp actual counsel that they themselves are guilty of. We now know that Hillary, through her lawyer law firm, the d n C through their law firm, which is the same and Obama through the same law firm, all funded the Russian lies, the salacious dossier that they ended that ended up getting repeated again and again as a means of influencing the electorate before an election. They bought and paid for the lies, the Russian lies. Yeah, and so this is an example of money from her campaign and the National Committee going directly to the creation of adoptier, Which what did you have to do to get the dossier? You had to collude with Russian operatives. That's what they did. That's how they got that information. And so now we're sitting here worried about some papadopolis sending an email about some meeting, and the press is all in a tizzy about that. What about this actual dossier collusion that is polluted? Well, I just want to know how does everything get so asked backwards? And like, I feel like a voice in the wilderness here, you know, saying, hey, look over here, because we've got evidence here. There's no evidence what you've been looking at for a year, But I've got evidence of real collusion. Hillary, the d n C. Obama bought and paid for Russian propaganda and lies to spread to the American people, to influence the American people, to influence an election. How come nobody seems to care about this? Well, the people do care about it, and I think that's one of the reasons why you're doing so well. You're whipping Matt out but Um on your Fox show, and I think that's one of the reasons that people do care. But do you want to know why? But you know, I want to say something. You don't want to know why, Congressman, because I'm I want the American people to know the truth, and I'd like to focus on things that matter, you know, like getting the economy that you're not invested in the narrative that the d C media has invested in. They are invested in this Russia narrative. They started it from the day he got elected and they're continuing it, and so anything that diverged us from that, they do not want to give it a fair shake. And so that's just where we are. I mean, after all these many months, what evidence do we have to support their narrative? We still don't have any evidence to support the media's narrative. This has now gone on a year. What do you think about Mueller in this sense that you know, the big indictment comes out has nothing to do with Trump, Russia, the campaign nothing. It has to do with financial dealings of Paul Manifort from the years two thousand and what six team was the last transaction. Yeah, I think you do not need a special council to do that. I think that case, I don't know, if there's merit to it, it it should be immediately transferred to the Department of Justice. Say that's what their job is. They can handle that case. You don't need a special counsel to do that. Um, well, do you think of special counsel would be a good idea? Well, I don't think you need one for for any of this stuff involving frump. I mean, I think we probably need one for some of the fusion, GPS and the uranium one simply because Sessions has already said he's going to refuse on anything involving the Clintons, and then Rosenstein was involved in some of this, so he clearly can't do it. So I think it would make sense for those cases to get somebody with a fresh set of eyes. Let me let me move on now. I think probably this is a make or break moment for the Republicans if they want any shot that's staying in power, and that is this entire tax reform deal. Um. I happen to speak to some of the leadership today and I said, you guys gonna get this done. And apparently they're they're confident it will get done. But I have no confidence in Mitch McConnell or you know Snowflake out in Arizona, or you know Ben sass Is an ass and us and John mccainn and some of these other people. Do you Well, we'll pass it in the House, Sean. That's all I can say. It's a good bill. The President's right now. But you pass the healthcare bill in the House too, and then pass it in the Senate, and that doesn't help you here. I think this is I think this is make or break for the Republican establishment in the Senate. They've always said they could get things on that Conservatives were the problem. But as you mentioned, conservatives have passed all these things out of the House so far, and now time for the McConnell aligned establishments to show they can produce, put some points on the board and passed the tax bill, all right, So you think it's gonna pass in the House, what is gonna be in there? Because we have I know, we have a framework, we don't have a bill yet. When are we going to see the bill? We should have had a bill by now. I mean, I think this has been taken too long. We knew what we wanted to do from day one. We should have had a bill before the August recess. I think we would have passed it by now. So the danger in waiting to unveil the legislative text that's late is you know, if there's a four oh one k rollback in there, if there's things that we're not on board with then you start to lose the coalition. So hopefully they don't do that. But I just think it would have been better to have this bill produced six weeks ago. Now I agree with you, all right, Congressman, We really appreciate you being one of us, and thanks for being one of the good guys that's actually out there fighting and trying to get us to a point where we can get to and understand the truth about what is now a massive boomerang back on the Democrats, which I've been predicting. Thank you so much for being with us. Keep up the good fight. We appreciate its God speed. Right. That's gonna wrap things up at today. We have an amazing show tonight nine Eastern. We will tell you specifically and exactly how people like Mayor the Blasio of New York and people like Chuck Schumer have made America less safe, specifically with the New York City terrorists. Well, a full complete coverage of all that. Also tonight, we investigate the investigators and also we investigate the most dishonest corrupt media in the country, Sebastian Gorka, Sheriff Clark. You'll meet a guy that was on the n Y p D counter Terrorism that literally surveiled that mosque, will get to that. Pam Gella Horaldo More nine Eastern Hannity on Fox, We'll see you back here tomorrow.