The Biden Administration is looking to purchase oil with Venezuela and Iran and yet America has the oil we need! Sean reviews...
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Where coming to y'all, citing Tom and seeing you a concos will, I'll be desire jail and if you want a little banging, come along. Let me just say this, I agree with what Senator Lindsey Graham said, shut up. That's what he said to him. I think they should just shut up because you can't build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine. The vaccine can stop the spread of these diseases. Rashley decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine, so basically that's wrong. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution. I'm coming to your city, going to play. I get toms and seening you a conscious cell Sean Show, I'm the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show, America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, Day number two oh five. Day two oh five. Day were two eighteen since Joey promised he wouldn't stab Americans in the back, he did and abandon them, And of course he's turned the page and nobody ever talks about them, and nobody ever mentions them. Well, I'm sure that most of you, if not all, of you have been reading about the dramatic increase one hundred and forty dollars a barrel of oil. We have some oil traders now they're actually believing the ongoing Russia Ukraine war and its international fall oll could drive up prices. This month average price of gasoline is now it's its highest number in over a decade, well over four bucks a gallon. And then depending on what state you live, and then you, of course you have your state tax and your local tax, and if you're in New York your city tax. Everyone gets a piece. And I'll see places in New York City, what five dollars a gallon for gasoline and I'm paying well over four four fifty a gallon? Uh, what was it during trying to remember paying two dollars. I mean he even said at one point, we're gonna have you want to pay five six seven dollars a barrel for oil. That's that's what's gonna happen. So as bad as all of that is, the Biden administration's response to it is even worse. The Dow has been on a dive pretty much all day with the increase in the price of oil because the increase well look, it impacts every single thing we do. In every single thing we buy. It cost more to philip your tank, he'd cool your home, and every product you're buying every store costs more to get it there, and that cost gets passed onto you. You know, this is it's going to have an impact on every aspect of this economy. It's the lowest it's the highest price for gasoline since two thousand and eight. You know, they look at it. Seven dollars a gallon for gasoline at one station in Los Angeles is pretty close to that mark. Food prices, by the way, have gone up a whopping twenty point seven percent year to year, and that's going to hit a record high coming up this month. US gas prices are rising at the fastest pace ever, according to Triple A Elon Musk. He makes his business building electric cars. I've never drove drove a Tesla. Everyone I know that has one, and they love it. They love that car. But he's a guy that's a realist, and he actually tweeted out, you know, extra times call for extraordinary measures. We need to dramatically increase our energy oil and gas natural gas production. At least he's smart enough to understand it doesn't help his business, but he's smart enough to know that it's imperative for the entire economy and the light blood of our economy. But the worst part of all of this is not this. You know, we have articles now that Biden may travel to Saudi Arabia and a quest for oil. That's the headline foxnews dot Com. Now it's not just Saudi Arabia. Joe Biden has before this invasion by Russia of Ukraine, he's been asking the Russians to increase production. They've been saying no. Yet not happening. He's been asking OPEC nations to increase production. The answers come back every single time. No. By the way, there's no incentive for them. You know, if you're producing a barrel of oil at these prices, you're just raking in billions and billions of dollars every day, especially with the amount of money that energy imports by Western nations and the United States. We're still importing oil from Russia today. Then Pete Buddha, judge, let the cat out of the bag. It turns out to be true that during as these ongoing negotiations with Iran, where they would get tens of billions of dollars in frozen assets given to them. In other words, here we go again. Cargo planes filled with cash, gold, other currency will land on the tarmac and the Mullahs will be rich again. But as part of the deal, the negotiating with Iran to import energy oil from Iran, they up and have pretty vast resources themselves. We really want to deal with the country that says death to Israel, death to America, burning American plagues and burning you know, the US flag, you know, And I guarantee you this deal is going to be far worse than even the Obama Biden deal with Iran. They just never learn their lesson. So we're gonna beg all of these countries OPEC countries, many of whom hate us. We're gonna beg the Iranians that we no hate us. As even reports out that we're going to go to Venezuela, that's and get oil from the thug dictator that we've been trying to get rid of there. Now, this is madness, especially when you factor in this main, main part of this argument, and that is we have the resources here to produce all of the oil, all of the gas, all of the coal that we would ever need will well over a hundred years, some estimates as high as two hundred plus years. And we can simultaneously ratchet up production and we could be providing our allies with their necessary energy needs. And then we won't have to make deals with Venezuela. Then we won't have to have talks with the Iranians. Then we won't have to be rejected yet again by OPEC and OPEC nations. We'll be energy independent. And I've said it before, it's good for national security. Is whatever in the Straits of Hormuz where thirty to forty percent of the world's oil passes through narrow straits, and the Iranians love to take tankers hostage and mess with the tankers that are full of oil there, we don't have to worry about these OPEC countries. We won't be making them rich again. We're not going to have help out the thug dictatorship in Venezuela, the Iranian mullas, we're not going to help out, and Vladimir Putin, we're going to choke off the moneys that he desperately needs to fund this war that he's started. Why would we ever do that, then we got the economic side of it. We're at a forty year high of inflation. If you increase the world supply, it's simple basic economics. You increase supply and demand remains constant, then it's going to drive down the price and drive it down significantly. Instead of looking at five six seven dollars a gallon for gasoline, we'll go back to two dollars a gallon for gasoline. That'll be like a tax cut. Right now. The people that are hurting the most negatively impacted by Joe's ridiculous energy dependence policies are the poor in the middle class. If you go grocery shopping, or if you go to home depot or you go to Low's, you see the dramatic price increases. That's because it costs more to ship every item of every store we go to. It's not too hard to figure this out anyway. So this is now the direction. So my question is, well, why if you're going to negotiate with Iran, Saudi Arabia, OPEC Nations, Venezuela, why don't you just negotiate with the governor of Texas and the governor of Oklahoma and all the other energy producing governors in the country. And why don't you go to Alaska and reopen the Anoir, And why don't you allow our energy producers in this country, our energy companies, many of whom already pulled out of Russia. They're not going to be a part of this. BP pulled out, a number of companies, Shell Oil, I believe, pulled out. They're not having anything to do with Russia, and so give them. Why don't we go back to energy dependence? Now, think of what it does. Lowers implation, lowers the cost of the lifeblood of our economy. It helps the poor in the middle class the most, because they're disproportionately negatively impacted the worst right now. It helps every business in this country. It creates high paying career jobs in this country. It helps out our Western European allies. Once we become a net exporter and we can find the quickest, cheapest ways to get it to our allies to wean them off their dependence on Russia. I mean, there's it's win win, win, win, win, win win all the way across the board. And that's the one thing. The mysterious reluctant some resistance of Democrats now it's not complicated. Why Because Joe Biden has He's made a decision here and he'd rather that Americans pay more for everything that they buy, pay more at the pump, pay more to heat and cool your homes. He's decided that he would rather go to enemy countries of America and do deals with them, which is so bad for our national security, rather then do the one smart thing and take on these climate alarmist cultists that represent New Green Deal Democratic Socialist Party and say nope, for national security reasons and economic security reasons, we are now lifting all restrictions on exploration and extraction and energy production in America, and we're asking every oil producing energy producing company in America to go at their highest, fastest level possible so that we'll achieve energy independence and be able to help out our allies. That's the answer I told you that should have been in his speech, but it wasn't. At the State of the Union, you know, crude oil surged twenty percent today to near one hundred and forty dollars a barrel for the first time since oh eight. Average prices now over four dollars a gallon for the first time since you got it two thousand and eight, energy market traders are betting on two hundred dollars a barrel. Now, if you ask where the American people are, seventy percent, according to Rasmussen, favor increasing US oil and gas production. Elon Musk's statement, and obviously he's acknowledging the would negatively impact his company, Tesla, But the sustainable energy solutions cannot react instantaneously to make up for Russian oil and gas exports. And he said, hate to say it, but we need to increase oil and gas output immediately. Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures. Good for him. I admire that House Democrats. What do they do? They block the bill to reopen the Keystone XEL pipeline. Biden officials of pressured Democrats on the Russian oil band they don't want to ban importing oil from Putin's Russia. Why wouldn't that? Why would they not want Why wouldn't they see the wisdom in stopping to fund Putin's territorial ambitions? Axios Biden's advisors weigh Saudi Arabia trip for more oil. How embarrassing is this big in the Saudi You know, stupid? They must think we are they know we have vast resources of oil and gas. They know we can be energy independent. They've got to be looking at us and thinking you're the dumbest people on Earth, that you're coming to us begging us to produce more energy when you can be producing your own energy. And then, for all the environmental extremists, if you are once of those people, please call the program and explain to me how Mother Earth is impacted. It doesn't matter if you're importing the oil from Venezuela or OPAC, or Saudi Arabia or Iran or Russia, or you're just drove full oil in the US. Explain to me what's the difference in terms of the impact on Mother Earth, because I would imagine it's equally the same, although I think we do it in a cleaner way than they do, which would be good. I can't believe you US officials are meeting with the regime in Venezuela to discuss oil exports and replacing Russia's. Now some of these countries might do if a putin might also, you know, put the screws to them to prevent it. Also, I love what Joe Mansion said, you know, he said all options need to remain on the table, meaning we got to become energy and dependent. And he also said on the no fly zone, we should take nothing off the table. He's right on that front too. So I have some good news. I think the Ukrainian resistance and the Ukrainian Army has done better than I predicted they will. I'm just not willing to get to the point where some people are thinking, you know this this resistance I sense, and this resistance might be able to push Putin back. They might have some victories under their belt, but I would expect scorched earth and from Vladimir Putin if that happens. He's already killing men, women and children. He's now he called for a phony ceasefire to allow civilians to get out of the country and then bomb the living Adam schiff of out of them. And we have the videos, and we have the still pictures see killing children and women and men. There's only one thing that gives me a minor hope that there might be an out here where Putin could say face and this unnecessary war would end. There was a Russian spokesperson that talked about a ceasefire today, stating that Russia told Ukraine, and they're prepared to halt their military operations in a moment if, in fact, Ukraine agrees to several conditions. Now, first, let me give you my doubt. They were supposed to have a cease fire to allow refugees to make it across the border. They're going to Poland, adjacent countries and nearby nations. And I got to give a lot of credit to the neighboring countries because they've opened their arms to these refugees and many people taking them into their homes and just opening up their hearts, especially in Poland, Slovakia, Romanian, Hungary, etc. They've done a great job of trying to help people escape, especially women and children. So I have my I say this with some The four conditions would be that Ukraine cease all military action, that Ukraine changes their constitution to enshrine military neutrality, That they acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory after the invasion and recognize these two breakoff republics. That was used by Putin as the pretext to send in peace keeping troops, which turned out to be an all out invasion and war. So can you trust Vladimir Putin the answers, No, you can't trust them. The fact that that forty mile convoy hasn't made it to KEIV telling me that this is far more difficult than Putin said that doesn't give me hope and confidence that this is anywhere near over and there still can't be a massacre. However,