Dr. Michael Baden, New York City’s former chief medical examiner and famed pathologist and David Schoen, Civil Rights Attorney who was hired by Jeffrey Epstein just days before he “committed suicide.” Baden exposed this week that his autopsy reveals that this was not a suicide!
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All right, Happy Friday, glad you're with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight one hundred and nine four one sean you want to be a part of the program. Oh, we got more bad news if you're a Democrat. October job growth far exceeds expectations. The unemployment rate for African Americans down to another record low. Whoopsie Daisy, a little problem on our way to the talking down of the economy. I want to recession Bill maher prayer for twenty twenty one hundred and twenty eight thousand jobs added last month. That topped expectations all by itself. Upward revisions of the prior two months added another of ninety five thousand jobs, for a grand total of two hundred and twenty three thousand new jobs added to the economy. And what everybody was worried about was the GM strike, which is a huge drag on both job growth growth and GDP. I keep telling everybody we need these jobs. These guys got to look unions and these companies have got to work in tandem here so that these we don't want the manufacturers leaving again, and we don't want the jobs going to other countries again, and you know, they get into these well pissing matches for lack of a better term, and it goes back and forth. The answer is simple, is that performance profit sharing is the answer. I mean, yeah, obviously, have you know your your standard salary benefits whatever that happens to be. And then the next step is, Okay, everybody has a vested interest in kicking butt and doing well, and if you do that, that would that would be it anyway, So they were worried about that, but obviously not the drag that everybody thought it would be. Um. But that, of course, there is bad news if you're a Democrat because oh, you know, good news for the for the treat for the economy, bad news for them. You know, I spent a lot of time and this has actually now been made public, apparently the internal polls of the Republican Party that they've had. But I spent time on the phones with a couple of poster friends of mine and they're confirming the same thing. This is now heading south, and it's gonna head south very quickly. And I predict the American people they're rightly conflating three years of lying conspiracy theories hoax, four separate investigations, Trump Russia collusion, FBI, House Intel, Senate, Bipartisan Committee, Mueller Report, and then now we got Ukraine interference. And they are rightly saying, you know what, we're sick of the lies, We're sick of the conspiracies, were sick of you just we get it. You hate Donald Trump, go beat them. But they even admit, what's the congressman's name, al Green or whatever his name is, we better impeach him because God knows we're not going to be able to beat the guy. Are you concerned that impeachment talk may actually help the president's reelection. I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get reelected. Yeah. And one of the two, the van whatever his name is, guy from New Jersey congressman, one of the two that voted against this hack resolution that was only meant to as like a propaganda piece present to the American people the appearance of fairness and as anything but because the almighty and all powerful, compromise corrupt, coward, congenital liar Adam Schiff, he gets to make any rule he wants. Republicans have the right to ask for this. They have the right to ask for that, they have the right to ask. Okay, they had the right to ask before saying that they have the right to ask. Does it make it any less illegitimate and lacking due process because that it who is compromised and a fact witness in the case gets to override anybody. He is the judge, jury, the executioner all in one, and he's been the biggest liar. We've got the evidence, all the evidence. See evidence there, Russia collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia. So now people see the president has done a good job by any measure a president should be able to go after a first term in re election. Where one year and two days away now from the next election November third, twenty twenty, am I right on that lender, You can chuck. That is election day, that is one year and two days from today, and the American people are going to ultimately make a judgment on the job that Donald Trump has done as president. Now there's somebody, you know, without Trumpism and trump Heism and Donald Trump being Trump, he'd be running away by every metric and it would be a landslide. It's like saying, yeah, we want you to now now that you've you've made all these games being Trump, we want you to stop. We want you to take the switch in your mind and turn it off and stop being the fighter that let's see, kept his promises on judges and tax cuts and bureaucracy and cutting the bureaucracy and finding the way finally to build the wall, which is going to be a big, big, big issue if he builds that wall. And of course trade deals that helps American workers with Canada, Japan and Mexico and Western European allies and Japan, and even half a deal with China. You know, he's kept all those promises, and the president he has more to do and what he's building up our defenses again. And in the meantime, he also killed Baghdaddy, the world's number one most brutal evil terrorists on the face of the earth. And he's got his number two and his spokesperson and three others in the process. Well, he won't get credit from the mob either on any of these points. It's never been this corrupt, It's never been this abusively obnoxiously biased. I mean, the media can't contain themselves. And my hope a year in two days from now is when you tune in non election night and you're watching, probably the exam pose will come in about five fifteen Eastern disaster. President Trump has been beaten. All right, Let's see because if you tune in then six o'clock when the coverage begins Eastern time and everywhere, if all the anchors are giddy because the eggs and poles show that the president lost, you know what, the eggs of pole said, We will have told you anyway that day beforehand, because I always you're not supposed to talk about it, but I always do. I don't care. The internal pole leading and my posters are telling me and that they're in sync together that this effort, this secret lack of due process, Soviet style, never ending impeachment, ipeachment, impeachment, impeachment, inpeachment and madness, is now driving the Democratic Party off a cliff. And when you think about it, what have they done? They can't name a single accomplishment in all this time because they haven't accomplished anything, And so what it should now serve as an admonition and warning. Now they're too stupid probably to listen. They probably have polsters they've hired that will tell them what they want to hear. I've never believed, and I believe to this day nobody should believe. I don't think Donald Trump will ever pull like any conventional establishment politician, because he's not one. There's this Trump factor, if you will, which is, you know what, I'm not going to tell you. I just voted for him, but you can go shove it. That kind of exists out there. Most people see that. This is also a lot deeper than Trump. I mean, long after Donald Trump, let's say, serves his two terms, we the people will still be here that voted for him. We the people, the people that showed up at his rallies, is still gonna be here. We smelly Walmart Trump supporting voters and irredeemable deplorables that cling to God, guns, Bibles and our faith and our religion and belief in God. Yeah, we're still going to be here because He's tapped into something that's real. And what's been real is people are fed up. They're fed up with the swamp, the sewer, the corruption, the smoke filled room, back deep door dealing crap. Anyway, the Republicans and my polling guys tell me and assure me seventeen target states from some approval ratings up and he's at an all time high favorability among Republicans. That's good in case you get the wobbly Republicans in the Senate, which I'm sure there'll be a few. I don't think Mitt Romney will ever get over that he lost running for president. Doesn't matter how unfair of the process is. I mean, he just he's had it out for Trump, and there's going to continue to have it out for Trump except when he accepts accepts his endorsement when he's running, of course, and there's a five there's a massive increase in the number of Americans that now would like to see Joe and Hunter Biden investigated. Now that's interesting to me because you notice how the mob in the media, they've just dismissed that as ad that's just a conspiracy theory, conspira nobody. He's never done anything wrong, there's nothing. Everybody agrees, there's no evidence that there's any wrong doing. There's none. No, that's Hannity on Fox. Don't believe Hannity on Fox. Come on, Hannity is a conservative. You can't believe anything he says. The President took every opportunity to spread unsubstantiated claims and attack his political enemies. Trump is referring to unfounded allegations that his vice president Biden tried to protect his son by stopping an investigation into the Ukrainian company that his son worked for. Biden and his son have denied all wrongdoing, and there is no evidence of any and there's no evidence either Biden did anything wrong. But there's been no evidence of any wrongdoing. But there's there has been he uncovered, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden. Rudy Giuliani claims without proof, unsubstantiated, unsubstantiated, unfounded, unfounded accusations against Biden. Hunter Biden did not violate anything, and there's no evidence Biden did anything wrong. And the President just did interrupt here because we can go on forever. Likes It's sort of like the two minutes everyone loves the montage with you know, you hear the typing, the date, and you all we've heard is impeachment since two days after the president. There's no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, no manufactured, manufactured, manufact stormy stormy stormy stormy slllos impeach impeaching, being peach like the a bunch of robots. But now people, you know, if there's no evidence, then you have to believe the following that Joe Biden bragging on tape about his quid pro quote, how he shook down Ukraine and bragged about it that I told him he got six hours, six hours. He said, you got six at fire him six hours, or you're not getting the billion you fire. I mean you get the billion. You don't fire him, You're not getting the billion. That's called the quid pro quote, isn't it the very thing that's so outraged about. It's like they were so outraged about Russia, Russia, Russia, but not Hillary's dirty Russian Dacier. They didn't care about that. They care so much about foreign election interference. Yeah, we have a court in Ukraine admitting it, and you have political admitting it January eleven, twenty seventeen. And then of course then we find out, well, why would a vice president threaten and shake down a country to fire some stupid prosecutor. Oh, prosecutors investigating his son. He's not young, by the way, the kid's forty nine years old. And why would they investigate his son, because that dope went on Good Morning America confirmed everything we already knew. Do you have any experience in Ukraine? No energy, no oil, no gas, no. Why do you think they were paying you millions? I don't know. Maybe because it's your father, probably that's probably the reason. I'm thinking, yeah, maybe, possibly, yes. So now Americans not you see, I know, they live in their bubble, the media bubble, the DC bubble, the New York La San Francisco bubble. But the rest of us don't live in their distorted, twisted, ugly you know way. We're actually real Americans that shop at Walmart and power our heads and ask for God's forgiveness and blessings in life and our families. And yeah, we believe in the Second Amendment. And we're not irredeemable, deplorable people. Were actually real Americans that make the country great and make it run every day. The people that do most of the living and breathing and building and dying is George Bailey once famously said, And it's a wonderful life the ones they have contempt for. So anyway, it is what it is. But I'm guessing this backlash continues, and I'm guessing that this is not going to work out well for them. Time as we roll along, eight hundred and nine fold one sean and impeachment is not popular. And according to these polls in these states, so you've got a good economy, you've got these polls. Now, as we predicted, it's not going well. Americans Washington Examiner, Americans of every political stripe reacting to this corrupt you know, compromise, congenital liar shift, Pelosi pushed the railroad, the president and all these efforts now are boosting the GOP base everywhere around the country. I'm reading from the Washington Examiner. The longer this goes, we are seeing more and more voters shift to supporting the president, recognizing that this is a totally partisan endeavored by the Democrats. The thing is, and they laughed at the President saying, well, I'll well, I'll just read the transcript of fireside chat, which I thought was pretty funny on the President's part. And now that we know, look, we know enough about the whistleblower to know that the whistleblowers of partisan a whistleblower that was a holdover from the Obama era, a whistleblower that work for John Brennan, a whistleblower that had contact with Chiff's office. These are all real questions we need real answers to. I did notice an amusing story that the whistleblowers lawyer is threatening journalists and out there saying that there might be legal action against them. Our client is legally entitled to anonymity. Well, I don't actually think that's true. Now, I have not independently confirmed it myself. So I do what I always do. I believe in due process, assumption of presumption of innocence, so I we always wait. That's our standard operating procedure. But you know, that's the one that Paul Sperry mentioned in real our investigations is the one that everyone's talking about. They haven't seemed to have factored in yet that the ig report is real and it's here. It's when on the precipice we can now finally freaking taste it. Maybe we'll taste it before we have our Thanksgiving turkey. It's taken long enough, and then the Durham Report will come, which now has taken on greater significance being officially a criminal investigation, and that means subpoenas and that means competing grand juries and charges can be filed. All right, we'll continue. Be sure to check in as soon as you into your car after work for breaking information you need to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five till the tom of the art. You know, we're a little devastated of the program m. We've told you about lone Star transfer dot Com there an advertiser of this program, but they were actually more than that. There are people that we've gotten to know, Brian and Karen Holloway and about Linda. You can tell the story, you know, but Brian had a massive stroke, very very suddenly, and we are absolutely devastated for Karen. Um. You know, she's They were just dear friends of the show. They came up to every event we had for our advertisers. They're just amazing. It's so fun to be around time. And Brian is you know, Brian's larger than life. He had a cowboy hat to match that larger than life personality, cowboy boots. And you know, Karen was sort of the quiet and funny partner, and they were just awesome and just lovely, lovely people and obviously the stroke came very suddenly, and Karen and I were texting last night and I just said to her, in all truth, you know, I'll share it with you. I just said, I am so devastated for you. I am praying for you. My heartbreaks for you. And she was like, Linda, I literally am leaning on God because I just don't have the strength. I don't know how I'm going to do it without them. And I honestly just asked the audience to pray for Karen. You know, these people are awesome. They started a business from the ground up. It's a family business and her and Brian did it together, and they answered the phones, they talk to the customers, the listeners. You know, they're just awesome people. And we're just so sorry. There's such lovely people. I'm and yes, I echo all of your sentiments. So that's just devastating, you know, m I always say it, but when it happens, you know, it's like even losing a parent, Like I know, people out of sick parents and you have one, you know, you've had your dad's been sick a little bit lately, and I always say, just spend the time with your parents. But now you'll never regret it. You'll never regret it. You never regret it, because you know, my dad died six months after I started in Fox News now on my twenty fourth year, and my mom really not that long after, and you just, you know, you're just regret it. You regret you didn't spend the time. In my case, I was out traveling and working and traveling and working, and you know, living outside of where they lived. But they're just good people and you think back into their lives and how hard they work, and you know, things just happen. I don't know it. Loss is just one of those things. Is so painful. And Karen, if you're listening, we love Brian and we love you and we're thinking about you and praying for you today and your whole family. I know you're all devastated, and our thoughts and prayers remain with you. And everybody goes through this. The Road Less Travel starts with this line. It goes life is hard, life is difficult. You have to accept that part of life. Every there's not one person, and this transcend trust me, socioeconomics. I've been poor, poor, poor, and now yeah, I get paid a lot of money to get the crappied out of me by the media every day. But it's by the way, this is a funny story to that too. And but nobody escapes nobody. Nobody escapes life's hardness, Nobody escapes loss, nobody escapes pain, Nobody he just it is a part of what what I think is designed to mold our character. Now. I believe in God the Almighty. I believe in heaven and Earth, and I believe that there's a better place, and I believe that Heaven is real, to quote the book, Heaven is real, But it doesn't take away the pain. In moments like this. It hard, which, by the way, is what an election day is about. One year and in two days from today, it's about. You know that this is a choice election, unlike any we've had. You know, it's very hard, I know, for a lot of people to grasp and understand what it is that is driving this against Donald Trump the way they're driving it so hard. It is that he has touched a nerve an underbelly, a gross, disgusting, corrupt underbelly that is Washington, and even the Republicans that don't really like him, they're exposed to in this and that these swamp creatures have not done their job. They have not been servants of the people that this whole system has needed the shock and disruption that it's now experiencing. Americans did not go blindly in twenty sixteen and think, oh, they were electing or any establishment figure. You know, access Hollywood happened. How many weeks before the act? Was it two weeks? Three weeks before the election? American people factored in Donald Trump, the full on force of nature that he is character imperfect as he is against and weighed seriously against the same old swamp creatures. And nobody embodies that more of the culture of corruption than the Clintons. And to get there, he had to beat a lot of big name people, a lot of governors and a lot of senators, and a lot of people that had a lot more political experience. And he's resonating and in our lifetime we've never seen this political force of nature, I mean to an extent. Obama had a charisma about him. There was a movement with Obama. There was a I think it was more smoke and mirrors though, but it was more hope and change and yes we can and as and youth and slogans and bumper stickers, and nobody really wanted to dig deep into who he was and what his ideology was, his background as lack of experience and Acorn and community organizing and the impact of somebody twenty years and Reverend Rights g d America Church and Black liberation theology, and nobody could quite figure out the airs Endorn scandal. They're willing. People are willing to just kind of overlook a lot of it. By every measure, if we go by four years, are we better off than you are four years ago? By every objective measure? We are economically And yeah, now Bagdaddy's dead and America's got the lowest unemployment that it's had in fifty years, and very significantly, the people that have benefited most are people that have been lined to the most. I had a conversation I don't know if I should mention it on the air with an African American CEO of one of America's biggest company today. I was blown away at how great this individual was in terms of not only the great success story in his own personal life, which I've researched before a call that I had with him, but more importantly, his passion and love for the country, and more importantly even than that, how he wants to transcend policies. I mean, this is the thing. I mean, think about Donald Trump running and saying to the African American community he got nothing to lose, because that's pretty much what the message was. And now he has record low unemployment now again for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. I mean, it's a fascinating The policies are the single greatest force for working people in this country. Those were the Reagan Democrats in the eighties that crossed over and went to Ronald Reagan. That that was the force. That was a GM worker this week, a car somebody on an assembly line that was quoted as saying, yeah, Donald Trump cares about us, and it's obvious he does. Why don't think he's some fighting So why did he say America first? Remember Obama and Biden pretty much they'd given up those jobs ain't coming back. Well they're coming back, and America can be manufacturing again. You know, we did need better trade deals. We were treated like crap as a country, just basically blanked all over all the time being screwed over by everybody, and he said, nobody's ever just negotiated a deal. And the fact that it gets uncomfortable when you're negotiating, Oh, you know, people get squeamish. I've never understood that part of things. That's what you're supposed to fight for, American jobs and American workers in American manufacturing. Why is it a big deal to get rid of burdensome bureaucracy which Donald Trump has single handedly wiped out a hundred years worse worth of these policies that destroyed companies and literally pushed them out of the United States of America. Why is there this mass exodus from all of these blue states New York, California. California is a mess. What do they do with the thirteen and a half percent state income tax or New York the ten percent state income tax? You know, I paid very close attention to the story about the President has now changed as primary residence from New York City to Palm Beach, Florida, according to the documents file with the Palm Beach County Circuit Court. Same with the first lady, you know what it's about time President did say, I cherished New York, the people of New York I always will. I remember many many, many many years ago, saying, why don't you just get the hell out of here. You're gonna save so much and he's so resistant, didn't want to do it. Well, that's my home, is where I grew up. I didn't he didn't want to do it. But they're flocking. So anyway, what's the answer from Governor Cuomo? Good riddance? Okay. It's like when when Cuomo said these conservatives that are pro live and pro Second Amendment and pro gun and he says, auntie gay, which I'm not that they're not real new Yorkers like hip problem is not me and the democrats hip problems themselves. Who are they are they? These extreme conservatives who are right to life a poor assault weapon? It? Hikay? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no face in the state of New York citizens. That's not who New Yorkers are. That's not who New Yorkers are. Now he said something else that's even more interesting. It's now that he's saying good riddance to Donald Trump. We did and they're leaving. Listen, we have one of the most progressive tax codes in the United States, which is a good thing, which means the richer you are, the more you pay. However, that presents a very fragile economy because then you are relying on a very small number of people for the vast amount of your tax dollars. One percent of the taxpayers pay nearly half of all the taxes. One percent pay nearly half of all those taxes. Those one percent are the richest people in the state. They're the richest people in the country. And they are the most mobile people in the country. And you see the chart on the bottom, top one percent, about forty six percent, top five percent, sixty three percent of all the revenue, top ten percent, seventy four percent of all the revenue. Tax the rich tax, the rich, tax the rich. We did now, God forbid the rich leave. They're leaving. And I'll tell you this, Elizabeth Warren gets elected, they're going to leave the United States. They're not stupid rich people I never met. I guess maybe they're stupid rich people in terms of, you know, trust fund people. I guess maybe they're not so smart. I don't know. I don't know that. I don't know those people. Everybody I know that made money in life work their ass off. Everybody I don't know anybody that works an eight hour day. I'm like, what. And there's nobody on my team that we know. When we talk about this, they're all in their eyes. They like, we deserve our free lunch you buy us every day, had any We deserve the bonuses that you give us for Christmas, And they do. That's why I give it to them. But I mean, everyone goes all in. Nobody doesn't answer my call or text on a weekend, Linda. If I text you on a weekend, how quick do I want an answer the weekday before? Yeah? And by the way, I have rules. The only one who gets away with not texting me back is Uncle James. He's the only one. He has an exception. He just steadfastly refuses to cooperate with texting. It drives me nuts. You know it's true. So you mean James doesn't have any of the normal, full normalities in any phone call ever. Yeah, the man who does not say hello, goodbye, listen, but he does his great job. He does. See, he's the best of what he does. Like everybody else we have working for us. Um. I love how the article today Trump would without the trumpiness, would win election in a landslide. I'm like, well, you don't have Trump then, Look, this is about the country. We have a lot of things to fix here. We first got to fix this republic. We've got to get established the rule of law again, equal justice under the law again, equal applications of our loan again, of our laws again. Ron Johnson demands demanding the DOJ release secret Hillary Obama emails, Yeah, it's time she got away with primes. It needs to be gone back to deep state operatives. Premeditated fraud on a FISA court, that needs to be We need to hold people accountable, those that were spying illegally on a president of the United States, those that would subvert and leak information that no whey whether president has ever had to deal with. Yeah, that one needs to get to the bottom of. That's all gonna But at the end of the day, the screaming, the yelling, the injustice, the unfairness, the obsession, the hate, it's never gonna go away. There's only one antidote to what's going on. Because they want Elizabeth Warren or somebody like her in some new green deal person that will destroy the country that we love and grew up in. Socialism will fail, and it will fail spectacularly, and people with money will leave, they'll stop investing, they'll find others safe havens to invest. An opportunity will go away, and America will go into a precipitous, rapid decline because these are promises that can never be fulfilled. One year in two days from now, it doesn't matter what Pelosi and the compromise, corrupt congenital liar Adam Schiff, do you get the last word one year, two days from today, mister mccape, if you would, would you be able to just say with specificity, what the FBI verified in the Steel dossier before using it in FIES applications. I've heard generally, you know, I've heard generalities, but specifically what was verified in the dossier before it was used, and also if there's an explanation for why in the FIES applications the FBI didn't just say, you know directly or indirectly that Steel, Christopher Steel was being paid by the Clinton campaign. There are a lot of caveats, and there's a lengthy footnote in there. But I was just wondering if you'd be able to answer those two questions. Sure, So the answer to your first question is no, I will not go into specificity about what the FBI verified prior to the FISA or after. And the answer to your second question is I will wait, as I'm sure you will, eagerly to see what mister Harrowitz's conclusions are in that report. That's a matter that he is, assume at the center of his investigation, and I am anxious to see what his thoughts on it are. As you've mentioned, there was an extensive and detailed explanation inserted by the Department of Justice into that FISE, a package that everyone involved believed accurately or I should speak for everyone else, I'll speak for myself. I believed accurately reflected what we knew about mister Steele. So well anxious to hear what the IG thinks about that, and we probably won't have to wait too much longer. The reason why mister Trump has this very contensed relationship with CIA and FBI and the deep state people and you me yeah, specifically, is because they tell the truth, because they cannot be manipulated like clay in his hands, because they will stand up and speak out when things are wrong, and they'll tell him what the truth is, and the truth he fears because he has lived on anything but the truth, not just during his presidency but even before that. So thank goodness for the women and men who are at the intel's community and law enforcement communities who are standing up and carrying out their responsibilities in behalf of their fellow citizens. That John Brennan, by the way, he's basically saying, thank goodness for members of the deep state. Yeah, that would be abusing power if you weaponize the powerful tools of intelligence. McCabe not answering a question about what the FBI verified in the Steel Dacier or the steal's role and Hillary's campaign. We already have the answers to those questions. We know they didn't verify it and it's unverifiable. Yet it was the bulk of information used in the is a warrant application process, which says at the top of the application verified. That means that was premeditated fraud against the FISA court or the purpose of obtaining a warrant on Carter page, by the way, taking away all of his constitutional rights. Remember McCabe once said, famously, now infamously perhaps that without the dossier, there's there's no FISA warrant. Wow, that's how powerful it was, the bulk of information according to the Grassly Graham memo, Nunes memo. Yeah, it was the dirty bought and paid for Russian dossier that nobody cared about for three years when we were talking about Russian interference. Just like nobody in the mob in the media cares about Ukrainian interference in the twenty sixteen election, and a Ukrainian court has even said they interfered. They are willing to give us the evidence that they interfered. Joe Biden, doesn't you know, just like they don't care that Biden, you know, in a quid pro quote bragging about leverage the billion taxpayer of dollars for the purpose of firing a prosecutor. You know, you're not getting the million, You're not getting the billion dollars. I'm gonna take it home unless you fire that guy. You got six hours. If you fire him, you get the money. Quid pro quo. Why did he want to fire a prosecutor in Ukraine? Oh, the guy that was investigating his own son who had no experience in Ukraine oil energy gas, but was paid millions of dollars while he was the vice president of the United States and not the only country. You know, it's this is getting to a point we better start getting on track. Look, if we're gonna have deep state Brennan operatives leaking whatever they want, non whistleblower whistleblowers, he's not a whistleblower. This would be called a leaker. This would be called somebody colluding with Adam sh staff and to what extent with Brennan. I hope we one day find out. But the house of cards in many ways is coming tumbling down. We now know the Durham investigation is officially a criminal investigation with the ability to subpoena and convene a grand jury and charges be laid out. I would expect we're going to have people charged at some point. We're going to before Thanksgiving. Finally, I am told get the ever so anticipated FISA Inspector General report. Let's see if premeditative fraud on a FISA quarters revealed. Somebody who has been just killing it and exposing a lot of the corruption from the Obama Justice Department is Sidney Powell, friend of this program. She is now the attorney for General Michael Flynn, author of the definitive book on prosecutorial miss abuse, Licensed to Lie, is here to update us on what she's discovering in the Flynn case because it runs parallel to all the things we're discussing. Sidney Powell, welcome back. How's General Flynn. Where are you with the case? Because, as you said, you expect the judge is not gonna well obviously postponing sentencing and you believe the prosecutors could be held in contempt. Ultimately, yes, the judge is not postponed sentencing yet, but he canceled oral arguments for next week because of the comprehensive briefing of the parties. That was our comprehensive brief primarily, and he did allow the government to file a third reply, which they just did today that it's really absolutely nothing new and more evidence they simply dwell in an alternative universe of their own imagining. They keep going back to the fact he pled guilty and waived all his rights, and now they tell us they knew his counsel was conflict did but they never raised that issue with the court, so we expect to have fun writing our reply brief, which we will file by Monday. Okay, what are you discovering? What tell us paint the picture for people maybe that don't understand what we do know certain things about the case. We know that James comes on tape bragging that oh I did something I'd never do, or get away within the Bush or Obama years, and yeah, I sent my guys over to take advantage of the chaos of the new Trump administration. On day four, Andrew McCabe was asked by General Flynt if he needed an attorney when he heard FBI guys were coming to see him. He said, I don't know, not at all. But in fact that was an interrogation and they did deny him. Miranda Rights, tell us what else that you have discovered? Oh, it's stunning, Sean. They actually planned all of that at length. Struck admits that he and McCabe met numerous times to decide whether to end interview Flynn and how to go about it. There was a small group meeting the day before the interview of General Flynn in which they strategized about how to keep him relaxed and unguarded for the interview, the struck Page text messages we found and knew when the government never produced that indicated struck and was sitting around talking with Bill Prestep the night of January tenth about using the Steele dossier in the news as a pretext to interview people. Of course, Flynn was interviewed within fourteen days of that. I believe they knew their entire investigation or claim for a reason to investigate, was a pretext. They had copies of the telephone calls. All his calls with the ambassador were already recorded, and they had transcripts of them. They didn't have to go interview him to find out what the Russian ambassador said. They knew he had said and done nothing wrong. The entire interview was a pretext and carefully planned and strategized and orchestrated to take advantage of him believing they were friends and allies. When did you where is it? Specifically because I don't recall Adam from my own memory reading any struck page text specifically going into the details of this. Some were produced to prior counsel in the government's productions that dribbled out over the year before he played After Judge Sullivan came on the case, he entered what's called a Brady Order requiring the government to turn over information favorable to the defense, and under that they dribbled out things. Frankly, most of it was dribbled out only as it became publicly available through other sources like the Komi admission, for example. They knew of that a year earlier before they even spoke to mister Flynn in interviewing him, and they didn't produce it to the defense until four days before his sentencing was scheduled in Judge Sullivan's court, So they had that for well over a year. I mean, it's just remarkable the way they went about orchestrating all of this. Explain what happened that moment where Judge Sullivan, I think, believed something about General Flynn and left the chambers and came back and there was an apology given what happened in that instance, Well, I wondered, as I was sitting there at the time I happened to be in the courtroom that day, I was wondering it almost felt like Judge Sullivan was pushing General Flynn to scream out, no, I'm innocent. I didn't do this. I mean, it felt to me like he did not want to proceed with the sentencing that day, and ultimately he didn't. He suggested to the defense that they, if I recall, he also didn't he say something, Well, my answer is not going to be any different if we don't do it today. I don't remember that exactly. He did launch off on a suggestion that the general had arguably sold out his country while he was in the White House, and that's what he had to walk back when he came back on the bench. But we don't know, of course what the government had given him, sealed an ex parte that misled him into thinking that, well, I mean, so why would the government be allowed to give him anything without you having all the time it happens all the time in criminal cases. Well you know stuff in that file I'm sure that I'm not aware of. Well, I mean, I'm trying to understand because it's taken so long. I thought, as a matter of law that any evidence must be presented to the other side, especially sculptory evidence, which, by the way, you deal with a lot how often it is sadly withheld When there's instances of prosecutorial abuse, and that's the problem here. The government's claiming they've given us more than we were entitled to. So the judge is going to have to intervene to order us to be given more. And the problem for any defendant is he doesn't know what he doesn't know. The government literally holds all the cards, and they routinely say, oh, well, that's not exculpatory, but they're not in a position to decide that. They're even claiming here that the text message we found on our own that Struck was sitting around talking with Bill Preestapp about the pretext for the interview. They claimed that had nothing to do with Flynn. So that's not exculpatory to us. That is amazing to me. You know. One of the things we do know certain things in the case. We do know that they yeah had unmasked General Flynn. We do know that they had all they had the full conversation. We do know that he was denied his miranda and basic constitutional rights by the deputy FBI Director McCabe at the time. We do know that this was a setup. I callmey that he's bragging about. I guess that's how we now treat thirty three year veterans. And we know that he didn't lie because the FBI interrogators themselves, even after all of this, didn't think he was lying correct correct, So and then we know that at the end of the day he was still pled guilty because they were threatening to go after his son. Is that correct? That's correct? That and he had been almost bankrupted by that time. The legal fees were enormous just from the purported fare A violations. He was a pet paid Cunnington over a million dollars by early summer, and then the Special Council stuff started. Let me pick up there. When we get back out, Sidney Powell, attorney for General Michael Flynn with us. We're getting close. We're going to get this information and it can't come soon enough. Joe Concho on our corrupt media will get to that. A fascinating view of the Jeffrey Epstein suicide by doctor Michael Boden and David Schoen who was representing him. Coming up we can with a Sydney Powell, attorney for General Michael Flint, as we update that case. Do you believe that when we get the Inspector General report on Fier abuse and then later the Durham Report, that there's going to be an intersection of issues that will involve your client, General Flint. I think there will be. I'm very much looking forward to the Fiser report. Now, do you believe as I do, that the only conclusion has to be because there were multiple warnings that this was premeditated fraud. It was an unverifiable dirty dossier paid for by Hillary, but it's premeditated fraud on a court just buying a presidential candidate, transition team and president. Yes. I listened to what mister McCabe said as you played the opening, and I was appalled that anyone would consider that an accurate representation of what had happened with respect to Christopher Steele. I mean, you believe there'll be justice because of everybody is saying, Hannity, we've known this for a long time now and now nothing has happened. Do you believe there will be justice? I do believe there will be justice. I think there has to be justice or we're lost as a republic. It's a pretty scary admonition. Sydney Powell. Yes, it is. Yeah, all right, our best to General Flynn. By the way, people want to get ahold of you. How do they do it? Www dot Mike Flynn Defense Fund dot org. All right, Sydney Powell, attorney for General Michael Flynn. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is a number when we come back. Joe Concha on the corrupt media bias that is influencing all things political and impeachment madness and much more. As we continue, all right twenty five to the top of the hour. Glad you're with us. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Top of the next hour. I mean, this is I know Michael Boden for years. He's been a chief medical Examiner of fame, forensic pathologist, I mean, done more autopsies than we'd ever want to know. Anyway, he was sat it on the autopsy at Jeffrey Epstein and he doesn't believe that this guy killed himself. He said that the evidence points dramatically more in the different in the way of a strangulation. We'll talk to him and one of the attorneys that was brought in at last minute in an Epstein case. We'll get to that. So last night, one of the most requested things that we've been running on TV. Is it. It's two minutes in eighteen seconds, and it starts the day two days after election day, twenty sixteen, and it's all through twenty seventeen, all through twenty eighteen, all through twenty nineteen. And it's just a sampling of how many times the radical extreme Democrats and the mob in the media said, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach, impeach. Now it's a little bit more visual, but I think it's worth playing on radio because you know, we put in the typing noise, and the typing noise that you here is a visual of a date. So just imagine in your mind's eye that this is going all through again, starting two days after election day, all the way through twenty seventeen, all the way through twenty eighteen, all the way up to today. And this is just a small sampling impeachment mania. And it just shows you because there's nothing to impeach the president for. We have the transcript. President's funny say, maybe I'll do a fireside chat and read it, and the mob just you know, to get triggered again. Can you believe this? It's going to read the transcript oh, I mean everyone's interpretation that they put so much value on. Let the American people hear what the President said. Cracks me up, actually, but here it is, and then we're gonna go come on the other side of it with our buddy Joe Conscha straight ahead. If he takes the risk of going to trying he's convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense. If Trump were caught on a video camera snorting cocaine in the White House, maybe with one of his children, there was at least a chance he'd be impeach if he's not a legitimately elected president. In your mind, there are tools that Congress had. I don't see how that wouldn't be an impeachable That tweet fits the Republican definition of an impeachable offense. I will fight every day until he is impeached. Peace body bye, and peach body by grounds for impeachments. An impeachable offense, perhaps impeachable offense is impeachment the appropriate remedy something for the Congress like impeachment. All that may be impeachable. That's an impeachable offense is that an impeachable offense is that an impeachable offense. To you, he's much more vulnerable to impeachment, a potential ingredient of impeachment. Where do you see in a peachafbul offense? It is grounds for impeachment, for impeachment potentially criminal or even impeachable grounds for impeachment or does that not go far enough in your view? Grounds four impeachment? This tweet alone maybe an impeachable offense. Let's talk about impeachment. Impeachment is on the table? Which impeachable offense? Fully stolen? And I think, baby, they talk because we're gonna go in there, We're gonna impeach them. Do you see an impeachable set of offenses? It's an impeachable offense. If that's not impeachable, I don't know what is. The president shall be removed from office on impeachment? Is it impeachable? Is impeachable? Very substantial evidence that the president is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanor grounds for impeachment. Tipping point to talk of impeachment reaches a fever pitch on Capitol Hill. That's the madness we've now lived through. Starting two days after Donald Trump was elected. This is to them as I said yesterday for the mob and the media that this is a mission from God. They know better. They can't believe that they lost. They can't believe Muller didn't get them. They can't believe Russia flopped and blew up in their face. They don't know it yet, but this is blowing up in their face. I am looking at numbers that well, I have let's say, friends and high places that do polling and share with me what they see and what's going on. And what they're seeing is that what the Democrats are doing is driving the Democratic Party off a cliff. And when you look at some of the polling numbers that I have seen, and I have a lot of poster friends around the country, that support for the president has increased, and very specifically in the key target states that would be most necessary for the president to win re election. And his favorability has never been higher among Republicans and increasing as we go. And more Americans, by the way, now want Joe Biden investigated. They understand what happened with the real quid pro quo, which is the you got six hours if you fire him, I'll give you a billion dollars. You don't fire him, you're not getting the money. And then as dope sun or do you have any experience with the Ukraine? No? Any experience? And energy? No oil, no gas, no nothing none. Why do you think you were on the board. I don't know. I have served on MR once, I was on the board at Amtrak. That's not experience. And why did you get that position? Next question, Well, you think maybe it's because it's your father's last name. Probably Anyway, here to break down the insanity of the media, Joe conscious with us. He's a calumnist, media calumnist of the Hill. He also hosts his own show on our New York affiliate, the All New AM seven ten w R. How are you, sir doing? Grade Sean, That was an interesting breakdown that you just had. And I've seen some numbers as well that you've talked about in those key battleground states where impeachment is under water by double digits. In other words, people that approve of what the Democrats are doing currently on Capitol Hill and they want him to concentrate on other topics like the opioid crisis and healthcare and immigration, so by taking their eye off the ball, and when this thing ends, with the president not being removed from office, because again, you need twenty GOP senators to defect. An outside of Mitt Romney and Pierre de Lecto, who's really only one person, I don't really see any Republicans that are going to go against the party and vote to remove the presidents. So we know how the movie is going to end. And then after all that, Democrats are gonna have to say, Okay, voters, here's what we've done since we took back the House in twenty eighteen, and they'll be able to point to almost nothing. And when you can't make lives in the American people better and you're only running on negativity, and Hillary Clinton can attest to this by just saying Donald Trump's a bad guy, you're gonna lose the same way you lost in twenty sixteen. I think it's gonna be worse because I think is you know, I think first of all, the fundamental unfairness of this, you know, the secret Soviet style impeachment coup hearings being led by somebody who's compromised himself, which is the cowardly shift. I mean, I mean, you got him compromise. He's a fact witness in the case, and he's running this whole charide and he's been lying as a congenital liar that's been, you know, out there telling us we have all the evidence Trump prusher collusion. They couldn't pick a worst person to run this, So that's not popular. Then they still are not giving any due process because he's the judge, jury executioner, and they given no rights that say new King Ridge gave Bill Clinton and his attorney's a nineteen ninety eight or Democrats gave Nixon when they tried to impeach him. So I see this going getting worse and worse for them as they go alone. If there was an honest media, even somewhat honest media here, you would have Adam Schiff that being constantly bombarded with tough questions and his credibility questioned during interviews and during analysis. Instead, I don't know if you saw the Washington Post today, but they have a lead story that says, and this is literally the headline, and I literally fell off my chair. Like it's not really a saying, I actually fell off, and I'm pretty sure I hurt my hip. Listen to this. Adam Shift once wanted to be a screenwriter can he give the Trump presidency a Hollywood ending? That's a Washington Post story, And that's the type of love that an Adam Shift gets. It's the type of love that Elizabeth Warren which he puts worth proposal today fifty two trillion dollars for Medicare for all, when our entire federal budget is four trillion per year. Even if we spend it, you got rid of every single program and every single expenditure that we have, we still couldn't pay for it. Is that going to be fact checked the way that a Trump proposal would? Of course not. So the problem is twofold. I'm going to make two very obvious observations. Sean most in political media load the president. We know that. But it's also very good for business. So that's whole the incentive because you get ratings and clicks to go up. So look in terms of Trump and in terms of the way this is going to go. They aren't there the media to serve their viewers and readers. It's to be accepted within the bubble and love by their peers and to get that next contract offer from your boss. At these more liberal networks and publications, if you go after Trump as hard as possible. I'm just surprised there aren't more contrarians to just say, look, I'm going to give an honest opinion. If I you know, an unpredictable, unpredictable type of person this business, that's a good thing because people don't know what you're gonna say next. That's a good thing in this business when you're honest and people can spot authenticity. But we don't see that anymore. Everybody just wants to be accepted and do what their bosses think they should say and what they think viewers want to hear, instead of what they should here. And it's such a shame. I thought there were more a couple of more people that had some you know, for lack of a better term, balls in this business, but they don't. Everybody just wants to conform to the high mentality and move forward with this because they don't know any other way. All right, stay there, Joe Concho with us, right? Think you continue? Joe Concho is with as opinion media writer for The Hill and fellow host on WR in New York. It's interesting, well, you once formerly worked at media. They I forget who wrote the column, but I saw a column in the last couple of days there about You know, all these people that work at you know, I call it Area fifty one, Roswell, Rachel Maddow's channel, MSDNC or fake news CNN. You know, they don't. There is no delineation like there is a Fox. Like for example, I keep telling everybody will listen what I do for a living, Hannity, what do you do for a living? I'm a talk show host. What is a talk show host? Well, it's all encompassing. It's like the full newspaper because we do reporting, straight news reporting, and I can produce thousands of hours, and we do investigative reporting, vetting Obama or what we've discovered with a deep state buys a the Hillary Clinton rigged investigation, outsourcing, intelligence gathering, you know, all the real Russian news that they ignored that we're going to learn an awful lot about in the days to come. But then we also do opinion, and I'm honest that I'm a conservative and I support the president's conservative policies. And we also talk about sports and culture and talk to friends like you about media. So we do everything. But they say that their news, They claim that these primetime hosts are newspeople. They even allow Area fifty one Roswell Rachel to be one of their moderators in debates. Imagine if Fox let me be a model raider in a Republican debate. I remember Rachel Maddow. She was on Bill Marshow a couple of years ago, and she was actually challenged by a guy named Nichollespie who writes for I Believe Reason, and he's a pretty honest guy. He's down the middle, or least is authentic, like I was talking about authentic before. And he challenged her on some of her opinions. And at one point she had the audacity to say, I don't do my show to give my opinion on things. I'm here to report the news. It's like, no, you're not. Just say you're an opinion person. It's okay. And then on CNN, where you look down their lineup at eight to eleven o'clock, Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, they all are listed as anchors. They're presented as anchors as people just asking questions and not taking a side, and we all know that's not true. And I think that's why so many people are turned off by the media because they're sick of having their intelligence insulted by people being presented as objective people when you know, most people are opinion at that point, because, let's face it, that's a little sexier and that's a more fun place to be than just being a straight reporter where there aren't too many people like that anymore. So, Yeah, I think people are just more honest about where they stood and who they are and who they support. I think they have a lot more respect. Quite frankly, what did you think of this story that came out earlier today about the whistle blower's lawyer now threatening journalists to keep his identity a secret. And you know, I found the words actually really interesting. This is in light of Paul Sperry in real clear investigations and his peace and about an open secret inside the Beltway. I'm sure, like me, you knew about this identity long before Sperry put it out there. I just haven't been able to confirm it. So I just wait. Our client is legally entitled to anonymity. Disclosure of the name of any person who may be suspected to be the whistleblower places that individual and their family in greater physical danger. Any physical harm the individual and or their family suffers as a result of the disclosure means that the individuals and publications reporting such names will be personally liable for that harm. Such behavior is the pinnacle of irresponsibility and intentionally reckless. I think if you're a hearsay non whistleblower, that is the secondhand whistle blower, and you're working with the deep state, I don't think you even qualify as a whistle blower. As my answer, Yeah, you worked for Joe Biden, and you worked for John Brennan, and you're obviously a partisan, so you're longer whistleblower. You're simply an activist for a political party. And boy, that letter sounds like a threat to the free press to me, doesn't it. I mean, why shouldn't we as journalists pursue the name of who the whistle blower is and what that person's background is to establish just like you do in a murder case motive? Right, Like, why are you doing this? Is it because you really are just a patriot? Like the New York Times says, Oh, I gotta take a break, but it makes me want to now do it? It's the thing. I don't know, why have this side of me my whole life. It's sort of like when you know the word, if you say illegal immigrant or a legal alien in New York, you can find up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. So I just said it four hundred times, you know, said, Okay, come get me the Blasio. Good luck with that case, because you're gonna lose. I got to take a break. Joe. Great to hear from you again as always. Eight hundred nine four one. Shaun is on number great story at the top. Doctor Biden does not believe Epstein was a suicide and he was in on the autopsy. We'll get to that and your calls. Eight hundred nine four one sewn our final hour on a Friday, Straight Ahead. Coming up next our final news round up and Information Overload Hour. When did you realize that the Epstein family needed help? Well? I was asked by the brother the next of Ken to be at the autopsy. And at the autopsy on day one, they were findings that were unusual for suicidal hanging and more consistent with literature homicidal strangulation, which included and he was suggested at the time that he committed suicide by doing what but by hanging at the time he was found allegedly hanging by a homemade literature of sheets. Are you saying you don't think it was suicidal? I think that the evidence points to a homicide rather than suicide because there are multiple three fractures in the hyoid bone the flabroid cartilage that are very unusual for suicide and more indicative of strangulation, homicidal strangulation. All right, on this Friday, Happy Friday News roundup Information overload hour. We'll get to your calls at the bottom of this half hour, and our best of audio for the week all coming up. So this story just fascinated me because it never it just didn't pass my smell test. And it's the story of this suicide death of Jeffrey Epstein. Now, we had had knowledge that like in the week or two before the quote suicide, which it has officially now been called, that he had been with some cell made to beat the crap out of him. I guess, had a black eye and everything else in between. But there's a certain science to all of this. Another weird aspect of this was okay, Usually there are rounds and checks on every prisoner, and a suicide watch especially for certain individuals, and certain procedures and cameras in place, and everything just didn't work out the way normally would in this case. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I just said, hmm, just one of those you know, how do you commit suicide when you're like on the side of your bed and you can't just hang the rope or hang the sheets and put it around your neck and strangulate yourself or whatever however that works. So I just had a little bit of a question. And anyway, it turns out that the former medical examiner for New York City is a friend of mine, and he was hired by the family by Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark to observe the autopsy after he has found hanged in this lock up in Manhattan in August. And being you know, now in this business some fifty years and twenty thousand autopsies later, many high profile cases, I found his conclusions and observations amazing. Anyway, doctor Michael Boden is with us. He is New York City's former chief medical examiner. And David Shoon, who's been a friend of the program, civil rights attorney. I didn't even know this until recently. He had been hired by Jeffrey Epstein only days before quote the so called suicide, and he had been talking to Jeffrey Epstein. Anyway, welcome both of you back to the program, doctor Boden. How many years let's just go over your background and experience. You've done this for almost fifty years, that's right, Sean. I started out working as a medical intern and resident at Bellevue Hospital nineteen sixty part time in the medical Examiner's office though NYU Medical School and Bellevue Hospital right next to each other, and then in nineteen sixty five became a full time forensic mythologist a medical examiner and stay there for twenty until nineteen eighty five, becoming chief medical examiner at one point, and then spent twenty five years after that the chief medical examiner for this New York State Police. And how many and how many autopsies were would you say either you performed or have been involved in over this long career of yours. I've done the performed more than twenty thousand autopsies. But Sean, one of the things is back in nineteen seventy one. You remember the Addicta riot when forty three prisoners and guard died as a result of the riot, and one of the reasons, one of the main reasons for the riot is that the inmates thought that they the deaths caused by guards were being covered up as heart attacks. And so Governor Rockefeller, after Attica, established a permanent commit a medical review board for the Correction Commission to review every single death that occurs in jail's, lock ups and prisons throughout New York State. And I've been the forensic pathology member of that board, reappointed by seven different governors. So I've seen every single hanging death, every death that has occurred in the past almost fifty years in US New York State. So if I understand the so called suicide and then this was declared a suicide and you were in the right, but you've done all these these autopsies over the years. By the way, it kind of creeps me out. I'm just saying, as a friend, I told you that before, dead bodies is not on my list of things that I want to see every day. But I know that, but I want to go I explain how somebody can can hang themselves if they don't drop. If that you know what I mean by that question. In other words, yeah, when you say hanging, it usually means that the person has the neck in the noose and is the weight of the body is on the ligature hanging from above. Here, that didn't happen. He was found on his knee, kneeling by his bed. The ligature was tied up at three feet above him on the one of the poles in the bunk bed from the policoes from the bottom bunk bed to the top bunking bed, and the noose was around his neck. He hadn't been seen for, as you said, for three hours. They didn't do any of the thirty minute rounds to see how he was. And the person who finds him is one of the guards apparently who fell asleep. They're two guards. They had to see him too. They allegedly fell asleep and the no The body was immediately moved away and sent down to the hospital, so there was no scene investigation at all. The only person who saw what happened is the guard, and he said he cut the ligatures and he wasn't hanging. He was on his knees. So the idea was its possible, but very hard to put your head in a noose while you were on the ground and pull it tight enough to cause death. That can happen, but if it does happen, you don't get fractures of three bones in the front. And there's a thing about the autopsy was the fractures of the hyoid bone. Now the thyroid cartilage is the Adams apple, and the left side and the right side of the Adams apple were fractured, as was the hyoid bone above it. And that can't happen even if you are hanging, but will never happen at all if you just put your head in a nose. There's no pressure there. It's more like a it's a crush injury kind of case to see if the neck is stomped on by somebody, but or with a very strong literature strangulation that provides a lot of a lot of a lot more pressure than just weight of body. So that goes findings immediately. Who went against the possibility of hanging suicide. Firstly, it wasn't hanging, but also the medical examiner who did the autopsy on the Sunday, who did the autopsy also felt that even though there were told it was a suicide. She wouldn't make it a suicide, she said, pending further investigation, because she wanted to get the police investigation. The investigations that still haven't been released are still going on, and she left it as pending further investigation. And somehow, about four or five days later, the chief medical examiner, who hadn't seen the body, she never saw the body, changes the suicidal hanging, and that kind of stops any investigation by the New York City police because they don't investigate suicide. But we don't know what the FBI has done, whether they had examined the ligature to see whose DNA was on it. Sow down one more second. Why don't they investigate suicides because suicide is a closed case. They don't investigate heart attacks. They don't really investigate, so there could be a political reason if they if they believe it's natural death or heart they can say heart attack. So yeah, I got if those If those questions arise, then they should be further investigation. But normally usually they as soon as you classified as a non homicide, and the non homicidal case usually all of the investigation will stop unless a fuss made that this is all right. Well, I want to get to that in a second. Here now, David, you're listening to all this. I had not known you were brought in officially as this guy's lawyer. Um I guess how many days before this all happened. Here's what happened. He had been calling me since his arrests, and he messages the people asking me to come see him. He had some fine lawyers in the case. He had Marty Weinberg in Boston. He had red Winegart from Washington, DC. I hesitated to get involved. For weeks before this, he had been calling me and asking me review the work in another case. But um so I had an ongoing sort of discussion with him. August first, I agreed finally to come to New York. I met with him at the MCC for about five hours. At that time, he asked me to take over the case completely. I said, subject to meeting with Weinberg and Weingarten, and if they weren't agreeable, then the idea was I would put together my own team. But I had hoped to work with them. I tried to set up a meeting with them. One was overseas, etc. I agreed finally to go forward in the case, and then throughout the next week I was getting called this is part of the other. Let me back up one step and listen. I'm gonna say this. Everyone deserves a defense. This guy, everything I read about him, there's nothing I like about him. So I understand that. But part of it was because, in my view, at least, his defense was dysfunctional. There was a lot of there were a lot of answers to be given to the stuff that was out there in the media at the time. And frankly, I don't believe these stories about the underage girls, but that you know either here or there for this purpose, For this purpose, I had two instructions. After I got news on that Saturday night that he passed away, I said, you must have I knew that the autopsy would be the following day. I said, you must have doctor Michael Boden in on that autopsy if it's all possible. It turned out one of the other folks had a connection to him, and they got to him and had him there. That was crucially important to me. I've had a number of these death cases. It's always important to have an independent guy there. If possible, but he's generally forget about all the credentials he told you about, is generally recognized as the best in the world. So what he's very important. I learned what he said on the twelfth when I was then asked to represent the estate after they passed away until he came forward. Now this stuff, you know, has not been made public. There is no way possible the Chief Medical Examiner could have ruled this to be a suicide conclusively. That's a scam, that's a polity. Five days and five days, and doctor Boden has told you exactly why not. But I'm going to give you one other element to it. I met with him on the first We came up with a whole new, multifaceted defense strategy in this case. The following day, I got a call from a member of his team who sort of, you know, Bruke ranks because you know, these guys sort of resented some of them that I was getting in welved in the case. If you could get in today and start giving orders, it would be great for the team. He's so excited going forward. Five days later, I got a call from another person who've met with him, said, this guy just loves you. He can't wait to go forward and fight this case. I got information that on the Friday before he died Saturday, he was giving out orders to the team based on the strategies we had discussed about what to do moving forward. The idea that that person then commits suicide the following day is extraordinary, extraordinarily unlikely to me. When I was visiting him, he had a visit from a prison psychologist part of the suicide protocol, and it was a joke. She was smiling, he was smiling. He lasted about five minutes. Very nice person. But that wasn't a possibility, Doctor Boden, How how convinced are you you're right then? And look I know those probability odds and yeah you're but you're you're you're good at what you do. I mean, you know, you've been sean. If this were a New York State case, our board would have found that this is a homicide until proven otherwise, that all the investigation should go forward. There's so many things that happened badly. Somehow the security guards fell asleep, that's ridiculous, two of them. The cameras didn't work, and the injuries that I saw, see, David Sean says, when I was at the oat paps the injury. I saw the fractures in front of the windpipes. We see in the street. Usually if somebody stomps on somebody's neck with a leather shoe, a hard shoe, but it could not happen even if he were hanging from a ligature. From the ligature and he wasn't he was on the ground, there would have been very little pressure on the neck. If he died at all from that kind of a position, it would have to be I gotta take a break. I'm gonna hold you guys over because I do have a couple more questions about this, not the least of which is, you know, the most hated figures you fear in jail are people that alleged to be pedophiles. And this guy had the you know, sweetheart deal, quote, conviction or plea deal, whatever you want to call it. We'll take a quick break more with doctor Michael Boden David Shone on the other side. Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn is a number. Also, get your calls in as we continue on this Friday at twenty five to the top of the hour, Happy Friday. We're gonna forego our best of audio for this Friday. We'll get to your calls. I wanted to hold over from the last half hour Doctor Michael Boden, New York City's former chief medical Examiner David Shoon, who in the days before quote the officially ruled suicide of Jeffrey Epstein and this Manhattan lockup he was retained as his attorney. Doctor Boden was hired by Epstein's brother to observe the autopsy, and he says, yeah, I don't see suicide here. So here's my question to both of you. Maybe David will start with you. First. Look, I don't know prison. I just don't. Thank God, I don't want to know prison. One thing I always read about prison is there's two groups of people. Prisoners tend to hate rats and convicted child sex offenders. Now, okay, so doctor Boden, he doesn't believe this is a suicide. You don't believe this is a suicide. Now does that mean that maybe this guy was killed because of what he's being charged with and what his reputation is and what his plea deal was in the past, or do you think it's more nefarious than that and some type of I don't know, because you hear all these people that flew on this Lolita Express and his orgy Island. I mean you read the papers like I do. As I said, you know, this guy gave me the creeps. Nothing about that guy that I liked anything reading about this guy. There's nothing I liked about reading about that guy. Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a defense. Everybody does. But you get my point. I get your point. Um, Look who did it and how it was done, etc. Is certainly a matter of speculator, pure speculation. I will say this, You're one hundred percent right that that category of people who are charged are at particular risk. The idea for folks who they put him in the cell with is absolutely outrageous on any circumstances. As you mentioned, you know, the first guy, the guy charged with several murders, tremendous guy, former police officer. When after that first incident, when he was moved out, they put him in with a guy who was supposedly a junkie, you know, using drugs actually in the cell. According to Stepstein. In any event, beyond all that, his wealth also put him at great risk, and they knew that, and he was very much afraid of that. They would show on the television, for example, the value of his house that the government raided, you know, the largest part of the largest privately owned house in Manhattan, and the inmates make comments to him all the time about that. He was very afraid of that. But any institutional officers would have known that and should have known that. We're seeing this kind of thing far too often where there's you know, it's always I have many right, but the bottom line is you you you know because you listen. Let's be honest. You're you. You have represented rats, you have represented mob people, you have represented I mean this is this guy is probably known for Lolita Express on Orgy Island, and known for his wealth and known for the the Plea deal that everybody you know has been very critical of. Yeah. I have not represented rats, by the way, but I have represented other people who many consider unsavory. Um, and it's not my position. You're, well, people considered rats. Is that a better way to put it? I correct the record. I don't, I mean, euthemistically, I don't represent people who are right. You've you, okay, you have represented people that have been alleged to be associated with the mob troll falls. Correct, Correct, there we go. I just want to be on the same page. Go ahead. Yeah, but in this case, listen, there were again the media killed this guy every day and stuff. The presumption of business is thrown out. I'm not here to defend a case. That's not what your show is about today. I will tell you there are a lot of answers to people who testified against him substantively, but all of that's beside the fact, because what the folks on the inside at that MCC saw was great stories about great wealth and by the way, that subjects people. I represent a crazy eddie years ago, you know, wealthy guy, and he was forced to pay people at times on the outside of prison just for protection money. So this is a great risk and they knew that. And the idea that they wouldn't have had him under observation twenty four hours, seven days a week is absolutely outrageous. The idea that cameras in this facility weren't working. There's a you know, facility with high profile inmates day after day after day. But we see that kind of thing in case after he along with this fellow Hank Brennan, I'm representing the state of James Boulger. Now, same kind of thing where you know, nobody was there, nobody knows anything, all right, So but in prison, those would be, you agree, people that are alleged to be rats, alleged to be pedophiles, they're the most hated. Or are there people that maybe flaw on the Lolita Express and hung out at org Island. Again, that's how it's portrayed in the media. I'm not characterizing this in a way that's unfair because that's what everyone said. You are right. There are many people who had many reasons for wanting him dead. That's what I was asking. Do you have a personal suspicion, because look, I have no opinion on it. I don't know. I don't understand what medical examiners do. Forensic science is amazing to me, but it's not my area of expertise. In order I understand prison, doctor Boden, how convinced are you that you believe that this was a strangulation and would you be able would you be able to prove it based on the evidence that you would have available to you? Last question, yes, yes, that those fractures are not due to suicide. Some other person had to put a great deal of pressure, either by stomping on him or by closing that loop the deligature very tightly. And Sean remembered that as David brought up he had been assaulted on July twenty third, we was found on the floor of the room. He said that this roommate had tried to kill him. Of the brother Mark feels that after that he felt certainly in fear for his life, that somebody was out to get him. Normally, he should have been put in a secure part of the institution, but instead they put him on suicide watch instead of protecting him. But even suicide watch is supposedly scene twenty four hours a day. Somehow improperly the psychiatrist that David referred to took him off it. Now in prisons the New York State, a psychiatrist can't take somebody, has to go through a whole lot of procedures to take somebody, or if they think he has attempted suicide, and then they put him in another room with another roommate. But that roommate was removed a day or two before he was found dead, so at the time he was found dead. He had the cameras weren't working, the guards were asleep, the roommate had had been taken out of the out there already had been an attempt to harm him, and he wasn't found hanging. He the ligature looks like was put on after death, you know, to tie it to the to the three feet above the ground. He was dead. I think before that literature it was a cat to the bed. He did not swing from the top of the bunk at all. The top of the bunk was was not involved. So the injuries that he had, the three fractures in the windpipe could not have happened the way he was in a position he was found all right. Amazing mystery to me. As I said earlier, I don't know anything about it, and um, doctor Biden, I just know you've done this for fifty years, and David, I know you to be a man of impeccable integrity and would never lie to us. It certainly raises a lot of questions whether we'll ever get those answers. I don't even know if it's going to be possible. You know, if they didn't have the camera's work and the guys fell asleep. I mean, we don't know, we don't know what the FBI found. That they're the ones who went to the scene, who should have interviewed all the other prisoners who were who were right next to him, the cells next to him, and what was the DNA on the ligature, Who's whose DNA was it? Uh? Jeffreys and the medical examine at the times that would not say it's a suicide, though, although she was pressed to do so, she said pending further investigation. Some have the chief medical Examiner five days later, when no new information came in, Uh, she said that the investigation is completely She changed the suicide hanging, and I just think that was a mistake, a true diagnosis, and it itself interfered with the further investigation. All right, I want to thank you both. Yeah. I just remember this. Those people who were in that room with doctor Biden can't carry his bags. You've just heard from the foremost expert in the world that ought to at least raised every questions for everyone. They shouldn't be satisfied with what they heard from the medical examiner. All right, doctor Biden, David Shu, thank you both. Uh. A lot of odd coincidences. That's all I'll say. I just have no idea I have. I'm it just is such a high profile case and a convergence of things that systems that would normally be in place not being in this case. All right, Brad Colorado, Happy Friday, Brad, glad you called, sir, Yes, sir, thank you Sean for having me on Man. I watch you every day. I will thank you, Laura, And I gotta tell you, Tucker is one of my favorites too. My TV stays on Fox all day and the only reason why I pay one hundred and twenty dollars a month is because that's the only place I can watch it. And I'm so grateful that ninety three seven came to Colorado, this Santuary state. It makes me stick. But I do have a couple of questions in regards to Lindzy Graham. I love the guy. I can't understand why he's not playing the subpoena game like all these crazy democrats. I just I have your answer you ready, yes, sir. When Michael Horrowitz report comes out, he said those numerous times he is going to bring in Michael Horowitz and give him all the time he needs to go into every single minute detail of what he discovered in the abuse case. Now as it relates to these other matters, he has said that he is going to follow up on them. Both Ron Johnson and Senator Charles Grassley, to their credit, have reopened the Rigged investigation and a Hillary server, so that is now back in play. And then you got the Durham investigation. Look, I'm not I'm just gonna say this. I am more frustrated than anybody because you know, we built this team out for the very purpose, you know, of discovering all of this. We already know that there were warnings given to the dj and the FBI as it relates to Hillary's bought and paid for dirty Russian dassier, and the media didn't cover that. We we've broken all of those stories, especially on the issue of it not being verifiable, and the warnings that were given, and the bulk of information was the in the FISA application. They knowingly lied to the court. They were warned. They did it anyway, that's premeditated, that's fraught against the court. They did it to spy on then candidate, then transition team, then President Trump. We also were in the forefront of breaking down what happened with Sam Clovis, Carter Page, Papadopoulos, This Joseph Misfoot misidentified as a as a Russian asset when he was a Western asset in the Muller report, and we've gotten to all of that. I look, it's frustrating. I don't even know what to say anymore except that let's get the report we're told now before Thanksgiving. If it goes after Thanksgiving, I don't even know what to say anymore. But he has done with the report. It's in the declassification process. Govern Na MINT is pathetically slow, but there is going to be a cascade of information that comes out with this. And the fact that now the Durham investigation is officially a criminal investigation is beyond meaningful because that is the right to subpoena can being grand juries and charges can then be filed. I believe all of that will happen, and I do believe it will have an impact on the Soviet secret style impeachment coup attempt of the compromised, corrupt, coward, congenital liar Adam Schiff. I think all of that's happening. Well, joke, So this well, the Christine Blaise fod thing. She went up there. She didn't even shed a here. This lady is so full of it, and I don't know how they sound her. I mean, she's basically selling her soul to the Democratic devil, going up there and completely manufacturing and lying every word up there about about our new justice. You know, it's just it's ridiculous. List stay stay tuned. I'm running out of time stuff, But I just hang in there. I feel the same way you do. All Right, we're really out of time. I'm look, we've got a lot coming up. Let not your heart be troubled. The backlash is begun. The madness is going to be exposed. We got the Horowitz report before Thanksgiving, I'm told finally we're waiting, and the Durham report is now a real investigation. And I will say this, whatever involvement Shifts Office has had with this so called whistleblower, non whistle blower here say whistle blower, whoever this person is, that's gonna be big trouble with the compromise corrupt congenital liar coward Adam Schiff Mark my words, have a great weekend. Thanks for being with us. We'll see it back here on Monday.