War Powers Resolution

Published Jan 10, 2020, 11:00 PM

Sean visits with Congressman Devin Nunes of California to discuss the vote on the War Powers Resolution and the preposterous proposals of Nancy Pelosi on the impeachment process.

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Well, we are coming. See y'all sitting well, and if you want a little banging, come along as we defend our people in interests. Let me reiterate that the United States is not seeking a war with Iran, but we are prepared to finish one. I salute the incredible skill and courage of America's men and women in uniform. For far too long, all the way back to nineteen seventy nine, to be exact, nations have tolerated Rand's destructive and stabilizing behavior in the Middle East and beyond. Those days are over, Team minus two hundred and ninety eight days left till the presidential election. Be aware of coming to your st Gotta play our guests and saying you a conscious song. From coast to coast, from border to border, from sea to shining sea. Sean Kennedy is born. Thank you, Scott Shannon, and happy Friday, two hundred and ninety eight days to go to the moment that you we the American people, You got a shot at shocking the world again. And just imagine, just let your mind wander for a second into a happy place, and all of a sudden, all these news organizations so vested in their rage, their psychotic hate Trump every second, minute, hour of any twenty four hour day, every week, every month, every day of the year, even leading up to Christmas. The urgency. We gotta do it urgently. It's gotta be urgent, urgent, urgent in beach and beach and beach. Well, not so fast, um, and you hear the words, we can now project. Let's go through CNN. Fake news can now project that Donald J. Trump has been re elected the forty fifth president of the United States. Who's gonna get that duty over at fake news CNN? Or could you imagine it was so bad the last time? It's almost entertaining over an area fifty one Roswell, Rachel Maddow, The Conspiracy Theory Channel, all things nutty, all things loopy, all things wrong. Um, you know, just well, we can now project Donald J. Trump has been elected reelected forty FN president. I'd say, look, I'm I don't know just the way I've brought up. I'm always waiting for the next bomb to be dropped on my head. Maybe it's an Irish American thing. What do you think, Linda, You're Irish, right, It's kind of hits in a potato never failed anybody? What's that six packet of potato? Never failed? Now, these are things you can only say because you're Irish. What is the Irish seven chorus meal? A six packet of potato? Unless you're Howard Stern, you can say anything you want. He's the only one that has He's like grandfathered in with freedom that nobody else off at the knees anymore. Forget about it. Nah, you know he's still Howard. It's fine. Now, let me just start with good news here today, because there's a lot of heavy stuff, looks like impeachment madness. The trial will begin Wednesday. And I want to reiterate something that I said on television last night because I am I am serious about this, and I want all of these Republicans they better, they better pay very close attention. I am not. American people are not going to tolerate senators in Republican senators trying to do the job of the House over this yesterday. Constitution very clearly empowers the House and the House of Representatives. Only they get to do the impeachment. Then the trial is in the US Senate. Then we have the Supreme Court justice in this case, Chief Justice John Roberts preside. Now they did their impeachment. It's pathetic. We first had the closed door auditions to see if we can get hearsay or fact witnesses to be more than what they really are, and that didn't work. But they took then they hid the information. But they were really auditioning. This is all part of the shift show. First they took it out of the judiciary, which constitutionally is where it should have been in the beginning. But somehow Nancy Pelosi favors the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar, and he is a liar. Adam Schiff love to have him come on this program, give him three straight hours. The only guy I know colluding with Russians to get dirt on Donald Trump, which one of the funniest tapes we've ever played. We're not gonna play it now, but it's their constitutional role to do. It's all right. They've they've now gone down. They jumped out of the airplane a long time ago. They've been wanting to do this. They thought Muller was the Holy Growl that failed. Four investigations failed. Trump Russia lie, lie, conspiracy theories, hoax, whatever you want to call it. It's you know, for three since Donald Trump has been elected, two days after, they begin their quest for impeachment, impeachment and peach because we impeach them in Peacham. I've played all of these tapes with all of the dates, all through the end of twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen, all through twenty nineteen, and peach and peach and peach. It's to the point it's like everybody's nonplus by all of this, nor should you be with the medium mob and the Democrats have not figured out yet is the American people they knew they were electing a disruptor. They knew it was different. They knew he was not going to be any establishment like figure that was not the presidency of the American people voted for. They knew Donald Trump wasn't perfect. They knew that he was a businessman. They knew he probably had a learning curve. But whether they want to in the mob as they feigned their outrage every second every day. I mean, even though the mob in the media when they attacked me, it is so old it's laughable. And I'm like, I sent the email to Linda yesterday. One of these By the way, the one publication that was called out as liars stare asking me a bunch of ridiculous questions because the special counsel they mentioned had in his name, Oh wow, all the you know, text messages and I'm like, yeah, so I do my job. The one thing I can say after three years, we got it right. We've been proven right. We've been vindicated. Everything we told you by abuse about Hillary, about the corruption, about the emails, spying on the president a campaign and president transitioning, all happen, all proven and now we have a criminal investigation. Now, now it's gonna start getting real for everybody. Nobody else in the media did that. We are proud of the work we have done both on this radio show and on Hannity the television show on Fox News. We got it right before everybody else. We had a great team of investigative journalists busting their hump every day, and we dug deep, and we found our sources, and we confirmed, and we double confirmed, and we triple confirmed. Sometimes we even held back confirmed information to quadruple confirm it to make sure we were getting it all right. They were getting it wrong. When are they ever gonna apologize? You would think and maybe change their ways and maybe have a little introspection of self reflection. You know, it's not a bad thing every once in a while to look inside and say, you know what, we messed up, we got it wrong, we didn't get this right. We should have done this differently. Maybe we are Maybe we do have an agenda. Maybe there's a reason that they're chanting ce and and sucks at us. Maybe maybe we should listen. Maybe we can focus group and talk to people. Ask him, well, what don't you like about our coverage? It's biased? Abusively biased? You know. That's why I get such a chuckle out of you know, all of the he got these uh Jeff zucker stenographers over there led by Humpty Dumpty. I don't have anything wrong with Humpty dumpty. You know, Linda, I saw Humpty at the media I party. I heard did you address him as such? Of course I did. I his name, I call 'm Humpty, and he apparently I didn't know he actually takes it personally. I'm so, I don't know why he would. Yeah, and he's got this I guess assistant. I don't know this guy. I don't know who he is. Anybody comes up to me, No, who No, that's anyway. His name's Oliver. I don't know Oliver is somebody Oliver whoever Oliver is? And he goes, hey, how are you? I'm like, Hi, it's me. I'm like, have we met? Who are you? I don't know who you are? But I get such a kick out of It's like, maybe maybe Jason get that that audio racked up? It's like and it's like, you're being stalked by these people and it's an obsession about. All they care about is to trash Fox. And all we do is keep setting record ratings one after another. Thanks to all of you. Thank you so much for making us another year number one in all of cable news. The Hannity Program. I can't thank you enough. And we're gonna double down and work harder this year to do a better job and to dig deeper and harder and give you the best election coverage on radio and TV. That's what we do. I live, eat, breathe, sleep this all week long. I'm gonna try and shut down on the weekend completely and recharge the battery. That's it, and we are committed doing this. We love that you give us this microphone and that camera every night. Thank you for that. So if you got ratings that are like we've got three or four times their ratings, sometimes even higher, you would think maybe they'd be a little self reflective here, but no, they just you know that noise, Jason. It's like, you got these stalkers over there. They're so obsessed with us, and I'm like, am I supposed to know who you are? That's how irrelevant they are to me. Um, Like, you know, fake news. Acosta comes out with a book, he mentions me so that he'll get attention. Linda remembered that he was on a bust with us. I never saw the guy. I didn't remember what what country, what were we I don't even remember, right, And we're with all our crew guys and we're carrying all these cameras and so fake news Acosta Sean Hannity didn't have the courage to say I'm fake news to my face. Well, I said it to Humpty this Oliver guy, assistant of Humpty guy. I don't know who he is, and that's them, and I'm like, so he tries to use my name and he's like begging to be on the show. I'm like, go sell your stupid fake news book on your network, but they try to. Why would I have him on this show? First of all, I want to insult the audiences intelligence by putting these people on. And at the same time period the great one, Mark Levin's book comes out, he sells a half a million copies. In the same period, the guy sold fourteen thousand. And I'm like, okay, you of course you want to be on our show. Mark doesn't need our help. We love Marks books. Marks a great author, and you know he exposed the media mob who who they are? But it's just funny to me. Anyway, back to the Senate, I want to say this to the Senators as we now get up and rolling on all this Republican Senators do not land credibility to this despicable, frankly unconstitutional, corrupt shift show where there was no due process, no presumption of innocence. Of course, it's all political. Now the Constitution allows for the House only to have an impeachment. They've done it, okay, Now they will pick their house managers, probably begins next Wednesday. They will then present their case. The trial that is now in the hands of the United States Senate. That's what the constitution calls for. They impeach. They have the sole power to impeach. They've done it for no reason. They did nothing that we've done in the past. They offered nothing that New king Ridge offered. Bill Clinton, I mean, and his lawyers. They did everything in the worst way imaginable. So now they're saying, well, we want you to retry it. You will want you to do the impeaching of it because ours is pathetic. Okay, that's not the constitutional role of the Senate. That's the House's job. They say they have the evidence that they've impeached the president for high crimes misdemeanors, bribery, high crimes misdemeanors. Okay. The constitutional role in this trial of the Senate is to see if in fact they present that case, not to go and do the work for them. They only had one fact witness, Ambassadors Somlin. Now they're saying to the Senate, you got to bring in other witnesses. No, you could have waited for the court to dec how you chose not to. Now, their constitutional role in the Senates is the trial Chief Justice Presiding John Roberts. The only one fact witness, but pretty clear exculpatory for the president. So to Republican senators, what I am saying to you, make them show you why they impeached a president of the United States, because they can't do it with any evidence or any facts except opinions and hearsay witnesses, none of which is admissible due to the federal rules of evidence. For example, it is not the US Senate's role to redo what was a corrupt political investigation hit job from the beginning. Let the House managers, hopefully the cowardly, congenital, compromised, congenital liar, shift and let them present it. Let them bring in their one fact witness to repeat what he said, or just read back the testimony. And your Republican senators, all your job is to do is look at their case, look at their evidence. Now, I don't want these Republican senators getting weak and timid. You ought not constitutionally, if you revere our constitutional system and coequal branches and specific roles of the House and the Senate, then you ought not give any credibility to what is a repulsive, corrupt abuse of power political stunt, or you're as guilty as the House is That's what this is about. They impeached. Let them show you why when they fail, and they will spectacularly then call the role and end the madness for the sake of the country. That's their job, nothing more, nothing less. It's not your job to go over. Well, you didn't give us enough reasons to impeach. Let me see if we can find some for you. They have the power solely to do the impeachment. That's my message to Republicans because a lot of them are weak, but I am as serious as I can be. All Right, they now get to present their case to all of your Republican senators. Don't make me start giving out the phone number, because you need to understand here their sole constitutional role as they get to impeach. They have decided in their in their insanity and psychosis and rage, to abuse that power and to bring up what is a non case and just politicize this because they just obsessed and Nancy Pelosi needed to appease the radicalism rising within her base. That is not what your role is in the US Senate. Your role is also very very clear. You are to run the trial. That's it. That's what your job is. It is not your job at all to redo their corrupt investigation. They only first they had the well I guess, the audition of their big star guests, and they had the guests. We don't had one fact witness as rules of evidence, federals of evidence don't allow here say our opinions. So they got one fact witness as exculpatory things to say about Trump. Not your job. They present their case, but let them bring in their one relevant witness, Ambassador songoon Or read back his testimony, and do not do let them fail spectacularly as they will. That's your role starts Wednesday. Do your job, show fidelity to the Constitution, and let's get this country growing and moving forward again. All right, glad you with us twenty five till the top of the hour. Thank you, Scott Shannon. Two hundred ninety eight days until you we the people get to shock the world again. We've launched on Hannity dot Com. We're starting slow. We don't want to inundate people with that much information yet. Whether I'm not being condescending here, I'm just want to put out one specific thing. We want to give you all the information you need to be a good citizen. And if you don't know when you need to register by, which is the first step if you want to vote in the election. A lot of states, it's March. We put it up on Hannity dot com. Then we're gonna make the map quite interactive. Your state, your district, early voting dates and early vote ending and absentee voting, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I think it's, you know, just to make for a better electorate out there. All right, let me go to the president last night. I mean he was rocking. I mean he really was. First, I want to play him because this ought to be something he's not gonna The Trump doctrine is clear that the president, he'll talk to anybody. He got beaten up by the left in the media. They're even even trying to taunt them today. Well, they still shot at our troops and you're not gonna do anything trying to taunt him into I got, you know, firing missiles back at our end so that then they can criticize them for that. It just can't win. No, he drew a line in the sand. Trump doctrine. I'll talk to anybody. You want to talk. Kim Jong un, Thanks, let's talk I will give you my time. It's worth it. I got let's see the remains of American soldiers back. You stop firing missiles every other day over Japan and threatening the entire region, and we also got some hostages back. Ended up being a pretty good deal. President gave up time and he talked to Kim Jong un. He's not gonna bribe him, not gonna make a bad deal. President talked to him. That's a good thing, he said. He talked to Putin oh putin Russia again. Okay, why not? Said he talked to the Taliban. I didn't know if I liked that one, not much. But you know what, I don't see a harm in talking to anybody. What's the big deal if you're not gonna bribe them, which you can't because that incurs aggression, and you draw the line as the president, he didn't even take there. He did not take the shot after they took the drones out. I don't know if I would have had that restraint. That's hard. You're take an American drone out of the It's an actor war in my head. But he showed restraint. Now, in other words, it wasn't the caricature that the media tried to paint. And then when they took the tanker's hostage, you know, I might have been thinking about retribution then too. He didn't do it. And then he had another opportunity when it took the Saudi oil fields out for no reason, unprovoked attack to impact the world economy, the free flow of oil at market prices. They didn't shoot back. Then you killed an American. Okay, it's over. And the President made it clear last night. If you dare to threaten our citizens, you're gonna get hit. You do so a great peril. Here's what he said. It's great power, not to pursue conflict, but to really preserve and I mean in the true sense of the word preserved peace. We have this tremendous military and you know what that is. That's really a great fighting force. But I hope we never have to use it. I really do. You saw an example. You saw an example of that a couple of days ago. So we seek friends, not a race. But if you dare to threaten our citizens, you do so at your own grave para. And then the President dealt with and by the way, this whole non bidening stupid war powers effort. It's it's symbolic, it has no teeth to it. It's meaningless. And by the way, you have eight House Democrats defying Pelosi. The one I guess I was most surprised at as Matt Gates on this. I told him he was wrong on it, but he didn't want to hear it from me. And then the President says, well, you know he was elected. We can't have five hundred and thirty five commanders in chief. We only have one. We'll get to the war Paris back in a second. And he's probably right. I don't trust any of these Democrats. Would they have leaked the attack plans. Here's what the President said. Here's a guy who slaughtered and butchered civilians all over and and military whoever was in his way. And we have Bernie and Nancy Pelosi, we have them all. They're all trying to say, how dare you take them out that way? You should get permission from Congress. You should come in and tell us what you want to do. You should come in and tell us so that we can call up the fake news that's back there and we can leak it. It's the not only like, for example, we got new employment numbers out today. Our USE six employment number is at the lowest rate of all time. Our friend Jamie Dupre pointed that out, and writing on a Cox News service, he points out that the economy ended two nineteen on a solid note. Labor Department reported one hundred and forty five thousand jobs added in December. The nation's unemployment late rate stays historically low three point five percent, and we have another record. USE six unemployment rate, considered to be the broadest measure of joblessness, went down to just six point seven percent in December. That is the lowest point ever in history, an all time low. When President Trump took office, it was nine point three percent. It's been kept by the labor departments in ninety four. And if you look at the U six number, the U six rate is the unemployment rate that includes discouraged workers who have quit looking for jobs, part time workers who want full time employment, and U six that rate is considered by many economists, and I'm reporting now from a Vestapedia is considered by economists to be the most revealing measure of a country's unemployment situation, since it covers the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed, underemployed, and discouraged employed. So we've got the regular unemployment rate holding at a fifty year low, the US sixth rate, considered by many economists to be the most revealing measure of our unemployment, plunging to brand new all time low. Oh well, Bernie Sanders is out there saying, well, it's not true the economy is bad. No, it's the president. Also, a federal appeals court ruled the Trump administration can use the Defense Department funds. Remember we had that big debate and I said, no, he's not giving up. A lot of conservatives out there said, oh, he gave in on the wall. No. I just said, he just regrouped, and he realized he's not going to get the money the way he wanted from Congress. Although he got more money also for that recently, and he reappropriated funds from the Defense Department and now got a federal appeals court ruling that says, yes, he can do it. Two to one ruling Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a stay of the Texas judge's order, which the administration at appealed. That's good because that's another three point six billion in construction. That means the four hundred miles that they have as a goal by the election this year should be accomplished. By the way, only twenty four percent of Americans now want to identify themselves as a liberal. Can you blame them? Do you want to be a part of that lunatic crowd? Only twenty four percent? That's pretty interesting now. Gallup today said conservatives lead at thirty seven percent, moderates thirty four percent or more. Still identifies Democrats over republic I'm not a Republican. I'm not even a registered Republican. I am a conservative, and I remember I had to There are a lot of I can name them on the way do I start all of a lot of the National Review online guys. They've never adjusted to the fact that they got it wrong on Trump. They all said he's never going to be governed as a conservative, He's never going to keep his promises on judges, well he kept them. Or cutting taxes kept that. Or deregulation biggest in history. Or fighting to get the money and building the wall. He's doing it. Or better trade deals, freer and fairer. That's done. Check Japan, Mexico, Canada, European Allies mini deal with China, hopefully after he gets reelected another one. But the economy now, food stamps rolls declined seven million, seven million fewer people on food stamps thanks to this administration. Seven million more Americans now working. Wow, the opposite of Biden Obama real success. You got literally the unemployment number remember Department of Labor statistic numbers is now almost at one hundred and sixty million Americans employee. That's one hundred and it's a million eighty five year to the year increase. That's the highest ever member lowest labor participation rate will now a second record labor participation rate. By the way, Wall Street Journal rank and file workers they've got bigger raises. Oh why because they're in a better position with the economy to fight for better wages and better benefits and they're getting them. And it's now the fourth week in a row that US joblo's claims have fallen. That's a good thing. By the way, that is a near post recession law. But again, stocks that's never been my big barometer or load impacts. Everybody's you know, flour one K plan that matters. It is historically low unemployment. Then demographically, all Americans are being lifted up. Thank god, our whole American family. Wage growth for workers now outpaced wage growth for managers. That's awesome. Wage growth for those without a four year degree now outpacing wage growth for those with a four year college degree. Want everybody to prosper. All the jobs in the energy sector, they're going to be massive. We've got record low unemployment for African Americans. Their wage growth now outpaces wage growth for any other demographic Hispanic Americans. And don't think that these numbers are an anomaly. Where you see the support for the president thirty four and a half percent among African Americans thirty four percent, thirty three percent, twenty eight percent, twenty two percent. The lowest poll of eight was sixteen percent. That's twice what the president had just in twenty sixteen alone. That is a massive development. In other words, what I always said, the Forgotten Men and Women told you, I bought that John McNaughton painting. I'm not big into art, but I like his stuff. Now, on the War Powers Act, just a quick primer on this. We have our constitution. They divide the war powers of the government between the executive, legislative branches, President, commander in chief Armed Forces. Article two, Section two. Congress has the power to make the declaration of war race support for the armed forces. Anyway, this has been a conflict. Go back to eighteen twelve. For the next one hundred years, presidents asked for received congressional declarations for war against England, Mexico, Spaining, Japan, European powers. Okay, what evolved out of that is questions to the extent of the president's authority to respond quickly, especially in this day and age. In the Cold War, Harry Truman sent troops to Korea part of the UN Force. He didn't get a declaration of war. Kennedy sent troops to South Vietnam. Congress ever, declared war. Years later, they passed the Tonkin Resolution what it was called, authorizing then President Johnson to use force in Vietnam. Seventy three. You get the War Powers Act, which is nothing but an attempt to kind of by Congress to reign in a president's ability to be the commander in chief. I've always believed and believed today it's unconstitutional, and a lot of it the outcrop of the Vietnam War, and you know this president doesn't want endless wars. That's the good thing. And by the way, that was Congress was able to override a veto by Nixon and when they enacted the War Powers Resolution. It's sort of always this power struggle with the legislative and executive branch. That's where you can seek remedy, like the President did on the issue of executive privilege when it relates to other issues. But Congress has declared war. Understand under this resolution that they have that I believe the war powers back to be unconstitutional. They declare war. Congress has provided authority anyway. It also has in there a provision that a president, once military action is taken, must in writing within forty eight hours, report to the House Speaker and the Senate pro tem and the president's reports got to describe the circumstances necessitating military action, etc. Also allows an additional thirty days of a president certifies in writing such time in need of safely removing us from hostilities. And that's all gone away. Now here is my point on this because and I know we got the impeachment insanity, and I know that that's all probably going to start next Wednesday, and that it's going to be madness, But this is important stuff for the country moving forward, because we need a president to be a commander in chief. You can't ask Nancy Pelosi and even some of the Democrats recognize that as well in all of this, and I just think if you look at it objective and you understand the history of this, the president especially doesn't want anything to do with this. Where were all the war powered Democrats when Obama ordered hundreds of lethal drone strikes? Now even the New York Times points out some of this information because it was pretty disgraceful to watch the medium mob going after Pompeo like his war criminal. When he took out a guy that has killed hundreds of Americans and been the leader of state sponsor terror around the world, that was a good thing for the world. And we had the shot he was there in Baghdad to hurt Americans. We saw what was happening in our embassy. We didn't want Benghazi to happen all over again. Where was the imminent threat when Obama took out Bin Laden, for example, unlike Solomani actively plotting against US troops at the moment, and Laden was hiding the reason he had the intelligence. You can thank George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and enhanced interrogations. But the bottom line is when Obama ordered the Navy's heels to invade a foreign country and kill bin Laden, and thankfully he didn't make that call. Thankfully we got the intelligence from KSM through enhanced interrogation. Thank you, Gina Haspell, Jose Rodriguez. Meanwhile, both before and after bin Laden's death, Obama had been ordering hundreds of drone strikes. Let those targets pose no imminent threat whatsoever. March nineteen. March twenty nineteen New York Times, the Obama administration estimated over the two terms, drone strikes had killed between sixty four and one hundred and sixteen civilians five hundred forty two AF strikes outside major war zones. We'll hang on a second. Well, what about the Aliwaukee case? Because he used a drone strike to take that American citizen out Amar Aliwaukee. Remember him came the first US citizen targeted killed by US drone without quote due process, right, so he's an enemy combatant. Obama did the right thing. Here you go. I said it because it's true. So he got the day the US forces killed Solomani. This is where the Democrats head is an impeachment and this they're all nuts. I do expect that the Judiciary Committee is prepared to move very quickly. The President, based on his past performance, will do everything he can to make it not a fair election, and that is part of what gives us the urgency to proceed with his impeachment. The timing is really driven by the urgency and that is national security issue. Yes, a national security issue, an issue of our election integrity. This is not a rust to judgment, it's a rust to justice. It is a matter of fact that the president is an ongoing threat to our national security and the integrity of our elections. President Trump's wrongdoing and the urgent threat that his actions present to our next election and our democracy. We have overwhelming evidence that this president poses an urgent threat to our elects, to our national security. Nothing could be more urgent. When we talk about the speed of it is that this is a continuing criminal enterprise that's going on. If the urgency, it's a clear and present danger I think to our democracy and urgency of the issue like we have to act now, like it's now well, is that part of the time to screw around is a clear and present danger to our free and fair elections. Is about urgency, all right? Our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn oh the urgency, the urgency for impeachment Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, I guess we now know that that's a lie, like the Democrats citing urgency all along, and now only because Democrats have finally said this is ridiculous. It never was urgent. Why are we even here. I've got to give props to our next guest because when he came out with the new Nest report, there were Democrats, led by the we now know confirmed compromise congenital liar Adam Schiff, that said that Congressman Devin Newness was lying. He came out with his own report. Now we know, based on the Inspector General's release, that in fact, it was Adam Shift doing what he always does, and that's lie because he was saying, oh, no, we have all the evidence about Trump pressure collusion. It's all there, We've got it all, it's all locked down, and we didn't use the dossier Harley at all. And yet it was as we reported, for a long time, the bulk of information that was used for the FIES warrants. Anyway, Congressman Devin Uness is with us. We have a lot of other things to talk about. Congressman, props to you. You took a lot of heat. You told the American people the truth. You've now been vindicated. You were out there alone at many times during this process, and you know what, you held your ground and I applaud you for it. Well, thanks Sean. On this very urgent Friday, it's very urgent urgent Friday, is that what we're calling gets Yeah, you know, it's two days until election Day, that's it. I have urgency on that, believe it or not. It's it's just incredible that we're sitting here with If twenty nineteen couldn't be more, you know, you just couldn't think it could be more ridiculous. But twenty and twenty has started out more ridiculous for the for the Democrats, and it's a lot of time it's just using what they actually said in the past. And of course, you know, they love to take any little thing that we may have said just slightly wrong, and they'll blow it up forever and the media will cover it, and they'll build narratives on it. But because there's just no media in this country, it's just become such just such a it's just a joke. But I will say, you know, all those times that I was standing alone, I really wasn't because I had guys like you, well than Limbaugh, all of your audience, Bongino. There's just so many great people out there in the in the podcast and talk radio world that we're standing right there with me. So I want to I want to thank you for that. And we're continuing to keep our head down and continuing to work plow ahead because there's still a lot of shenanigans going on, and we're in the process right now. She's going to eventually, I guess we're going to vote on this next week, send it over to the Senate so they can begin the trial. But at the same time, we haven't forgot about things like the ICIG he thought that we went. I want to get into this. I want you to explain this. I'd rather you do it in your words. You said a lot of profound things on with Laura Ingram earlier this week, and we haven't had time to do the deep dive that you've done, and THEE and the deep dives really just beginning. So so remember there were all the questions about the form that the whistleblower had filled out, whether or not he had talked to Congress or not. There is also testimony that the the ICIG Atkinson gave to the House Intelligence Committee. Surprisingly, that's the only interview that hasn't been released publicly. So clearly we've asked for it, they're not giving it. You know, there's a reason why now we didn't kind of maybe you can't tell us. Do you know the reason why? I assume you do. I mean, look, I think it's pretty simple. The stories don't add up. The story that the IG told us, the story that Adam shiff and his staff have told us, they don't jive. And of course the whistleblowers the whistleblower complaint doesn't jive with the source we assume was, you know, Lieutenant Colonel Vinman, if you remember him. So people forget about this, and the mainstream media probably thought that we forgot about this, and I think even a lot of our conservative friends that we forgot, meaning the House Republicans on the Intelligence Committee. But we said at the time the ICI situation didn't make any sense. The change in the forms didn't make any sense, and we were going to come back to that. We sent him a very detailed letter asking him. It was really a preservation letter, so meaning that you know, we have every intent to turn this over to the Department of Justice if we see wrong. We want the evidence. He wrote us a letter back on October eighth, didn't really answer the questions other than to tell us, yeah, we just made some mistakes. But you know what, you have to provide evidence. If you're a fool and you're claiming stupidity, then you have to prove it. You have to prove it with emails. We need to know, well, this is important or changed. So if if, if Michael Atkinson has this information, why doesn't he provide all the documentation, Because as you said in your interview, you essentially have to either believe he's in on it or he's incompetent. Because the bottom line is that this focus is on the changing whistleblower forms to remove the requirement of firsthand knowledge as a condition of urging concern. When did that actually happen and do we know exactly why it happened? Yeah, and that's the thing Sean about. So your audience understand, he's either in on it, like I said, or he's incompetent. And if he's incompetent, that's fine. It happens in government. There's a lot of a lot of a lot of areas of incompetence within the bureaucracy. I think we're well aware of that, but there would be evidence of the incompetence, right. So essentially, what he has told us in his letter to us on October eight is that what was on the form that you needed to have firsthand knowledge was in fact not the policy. That the form was wrong. So you know, we are going to be asking and over the weekend we're finishing draft seen the letter today, We'll finish touching it up over the weekend and likely release it Sunday or Monday, and it's going to have it's going to basically read like a subpoena of all of the information that we need to support and his agencies incompetent, if they indeed were incompetent. Well, I think I think you pretty much have nailed it, which is why this hasn't been released. I mean, that is the stunning part of all of this, and you know, we have to get to the bottom because we've now lived through what I think is three of the most difficult years in the country's history, and that of course being this whole Russia collusion madness and what turned out to be a hoax and a fraud, an abuse of power, and everything you said in your memo and what February of twenty eighteen, everything you said about the FISA application being the bulk of information used in the FISA warrants unverifiable Steele was. They warned everybody that Steele had an agenda and that Hillary paid for it, and they hit it all from the FISA Court. I'm still am amazed the FISA Court isn't up in arms and demanding more faster. Well, you saw that the judge who was in charge during all of this stepped aside. So you know, that's a whole other problem that we still are investigating, is that, you know, we had notified the FISA Court of these problems and then when on her way out late last month, and we're glad that they acknowledge that there's problems now, but in fact that's just another lie. I mean that the court has to answer for why they ignored what we had told them they were Remember, it wasn't like they didn't have the evidence. They had the full fizes. They actually had more information and more details than we than we had at the House Intelligence Committee because we remember we had all the redacted FISA information. They had all the information in front of them. So they were told by us. They were warned by us. How is it possible that they just now had an epiphany after the IG came out? You know, they would have been better off just to stay back in the day, you know, a year ago or year and alf ago and just say, hey, we're we have concerns about this, We're going to work with the IG. They could have said something that to come out at the end of the year like I said, and pretend that now something's wrong. Just doesn't that it just doesn't pass the smell test, just like the ICIG changing the forms only after the media and the House Republicans confronted him with the problem with the forms on the whistle blower. It really is amazing stuff. Where do you think bar and Dorham are now going? Because look, I think Michael Horrowitz I didn't agree with his conclusion about it not being political, but he said he was basing it only off the data that in the bubble, that he was confined he only could work within the Department of Justice and do the investigation only within that arena. We now know that the investigation of Durham, the prosecutor, and the Attorney General Barr has gone worldwide. It is now officially a criminal investigation. Grand juries can be convened, indictments could be issued, I would imagine they are. Where do you see that going? Well, the big, the big issue for people to remember is that Horowitz and we said this, remember all the time, Remember everybody was like awaiting the Horrowitz report, and I think I went on your show many times and I said, look, I would just want to caution everyone the IG has very limited power. And what we see with the report is indeed they do have very limited power, and that uh, you know, and with the latest that's happened, there's just there's just a problem, you know, as you as as you know, getting evidence because Horwitz didn't have the subpoena power. So this investigation, Horwitz really only was able to evaluate what happened after July thirty first and with the opening of Crossfire Hurricane. He had no window into what happened before that. I don't know exactly why he had no window at all. I don't know if that was the parameters that Rod Rosenstein at the time gave him. But you know, clearly it makes no sense that the same what I like to call the spy ring, the same spy ring that was actively involved and used in the FISA against Carter Page that we're going up against Popatoplus and Page and others. It's the same people that were involved in the spring and early summer way before the opening a Crossfire Hurricane. And that really is what we want Durham to get to the bottom of, is when and how did this start? And also be able to interview the other people that were outside of the Department of Justice and the FBI that were involved in this, most importantly the Clinton campaign operatives, well, I mean the Hoober report. I don't even know what Hoober has done. Um, I want to get to that. But are you confident are you confident that those that were worn but and went ahead with premeditated fraud on a court that they will be held accountable Because James Colemey signed three of those buys. The applications that, yeah, so you're not. I mean, I know your your audience. I want to I just want to get everybody ready for what I think we can expect for sure and what we need to happen. The most important thing. We'll pick it up there, stay right. That's a good tease. By the way, what should happen and will it happen? Devin Nuness is with US ranking member House Intel Committee. Quick break will come back on the other side, Greg Jarrett, Jeff Lord coming up, and at the bottom of the half hour, we have an update on Solomany and you know they did shoot down that jet and who did it, why did they do it? Was in an accident? That's all straight ahead right as we continue. Congressman Devin Nunas is with US California's twenty second district. All right, so we know what they did. It's now been detailed. We're going to learn a lot more. I want to know whether there was the outsourcing of intelligence gathering to circumvent laws, which would implicate guys like perhaps Brennan and Clapper. But do you think, well, what should happen to those that committed premeditated fraud on the court and other things, and the illegal spying and what will happen well one minute, by the way, oh one minute. Wow. So the bottom line is we need Durham to get to get to get the full story like how this started. There's so many players out there that we don't know who or what they are. Like, let's just start with Joseph Mifson. He's the guy that knew about Hillary Clinton's emails writers supposedly did it, talked to Popadopolis about it. You know, why on earth did you know? Mohler and the FBI never track down you know, we can, we can, we can track down and kill Solomony, we can kill Ben Laden, but we can't find like a multisee diplomat name mips It that supposedly had all these emails that we were investigating the President of the United States over. Nobody ever finds the guy. It's just unexplainable. And so that's where I think the difference between why you saw bar and Durham both come out at the outset of the release of the Horrowitz report and said, look, there's more information that we need here, and that's what they're talking about how did this investigation begin. Well, I'll stop this and end this interview where we started, which is we owe you a debt of gratitude. Congressman, you dug deep. You found the truth. You told the American people the truth. You've now been vindicated, and the congenital liar, who we know is compromised. You're pursuing that truth and we applaud you for it. Thank you. Congressman Devin Nunez eight hundred nine for one. Seawan told free telephone number there as a mistake by the Iranians. Do you think they assumed this was some sort of US military plane. Well, I have been briefed on at Wolf and the Intelligence Committee, so I'm not really at liberty to say. But if what is being projected is true, this is yet another example of collateral damage from the actions that have been taken in a provocative way by the President of the United States. Well, there's this type of miscalculation, let's say, on the part of the Iranians, more likely now to result it even heightened tensions. I would say that the continued saburbs excuse me, the continued saber rattling by the President doesn't help us. I also feel strongly that by taking out General Slamani that that did not somehow outmd US of any of the planning that the Iranians would be doing, or that the Shia militia that is throughout the region is also engaged in doing. And we also have the leader of the Shia militia who was assassinated as well, that maybe the subject of some efforts to seek revenge. Sector Pompeo, do you believe that the Iranians shot down the Ukrainian International Airways plane? And if the Iranians shot that plane down, will there be consequences. We do believe that it's likely that that plane was shot down by an Iranian missile. We're going to let the investigation play out before we make a final determination. It's important that we get to the bottom of it. I've been on the phone. I was on the phone with President Zelenski just before I came here. I was on the phone with my Canadian counterpart. They were working to get their resources on the ground to conduct that thorough investigation. We'll learn more about what happened to that aircraft, and when we get the results of that investigation, I am confident we and the world will take appropriate actions in response. All right. That was Secretary of Stake Mike Pompeo. This whole issue of the plane ought to be something that we pay attention to because you know, you've got the Iranians. How are the spreading lies about the jet liner crash? Yeah, but they didn't want to give over the black box in the Boeing seven thirty seven. I know the seven thirty seven has had problems this Ukrainian flight. We know one hundred and seventy six people died as a result of this. It didn't make sense to any one person I know that knows aviation that this plane just drops out of the sky. That's not the way it would happen. It's also Canada, their Prime Minister Trudeau saying their country has intelligence from their own agencies. Yeah, the Iranians did this. Even the mainstream media now reporting what our pentagona Secretary of State, and everybody else has said. Apparently the Ukrainian Foreign Minister is saying at a press conference that Iran is fully cooperating or is now beginning to fully cooperate, and will give them access to the black box. Pompeo says, yeah, likely Iranian missile. Anyway, here with us as doctor Tom Stalkup. He is a science advisor. It's also co producer of TWA Flight eight hundred, it's an Epics Channel original documentary. He's also a private pilot, and he's here to discuss this. Sir, thank you, doctor stal Cup, thanks for being with us. I'm fascinated by aviation. I have a lot of friends that are so into planes. You have no idea, and you know, I don't know why anyone would get in these little trainer planes and ever fly with them, because they scare the daylights out of me. I prefer a bigger airplane, but they have a passion for it. And I talked to these people a lot. I've learned over the years about spatial disorientation, instrument training. I mean, I have a fundamental knowledge of avionics and how sophisticated they are. But everybody that I know that knows anything about aviation saw this in the beginning as no way this was an accident. Well, I sure it seemed suspicious. Those early videos of a plane on fire still gliding forward and certainly seemed odd to me. And I guess now the new York Times is reporting that they actually have a video of the missile hitting in So that's pretty you know, pretty, that's a lot of confirmation. And I also they might have some satellite data that's interesting, and so it all seems to point too. Yeah, a missile, probably not the same type of missile that they shot at in the Iraqi basis because those were land to land missiles. It was a most likely and air defense system that was probably on high state of alert after they started launching that attack against the rock. Okay, so let's talk about the if a plane, let's say both engines blow out. And we've had some problems with the seven thirty seven. You can discuss if you want, but if both engines go at eight thousand feet, a plane just doesn't drop out of the sky. Explain that, Oh no, sure, you still have momentum, you still have your kinetic energy, that's the speed you're going, and you can use gravity. You can turn your plane into a glider. I think it was Captain Sully that did a wonderful job when that just happened and birds put out both engines, he had no power at all. He used his plane as a glider, landed perfectly in the Hudson. It was amazing. So that's what can happen. If your landing gear still works, you got an airport insight, you go there. If there's a golf course, you go wherever you can. This plane had, you know, it's definitely something more significant. There was a there was a flames you know, seen on the videos, and so this was more than just an engine failure. This was a fire. And from what I've seen, I don't know if that video is the same one that the New York Times it obtained, but a video I saw last night seemed to show a bright flash and then a fire. Um, you know, a trajectory of something that consistent with with with an aircraft, you know, heading horizontal orientation, and so that that that whatever that was, that fire that was on the engine, the engine failure, it looks like it was preceded by a high velocity of detonation of some sort. Could that have happened by accident? I don't think so, because it's not it's not part of the same missile battery that was used to take to no to fire into right, you know, just taking about it from from what I'm talking about, like service to air missiles right right, exactly, this is this is an air defense's enough. If you're launching missiles, you start this conflict, well you better start turning on your air defenses at the same time because you might get hit back. And so this is probably a misidentification, and unfortunately it's just terrible to see these over one hundred and seventy lives lost like that. But yeah, it appears, you know, I don't think it would have been the same type of missile as I said earlier, Probably some air defense system that just locked onto what they you know. Unfortunately it was misidentified as either that or just some kind of glitch just just caused the launch of things that should not have launched, And it might not have been misidentification at all, might have been just somebody just messed up. If I was in the defense department, or if I had any saying things and I was asked to assess any future potential terrorist threats, one of the things I think I'd worry most about are these service to air missiles, because if I'm wrong, tell me I am. That seems like something that might be able to be muggled in maybe across the southern border. That we now know as being fixed finally or even manufactured in some way in the United States, and their heat seeking missiles, and god forbid they you know, one day we wake up and somebody decides they're going to be in five separate big airport locations and they're going to try and take out commercial airliners. Would that be something that we should fear, because I think it is. Well, I don't know about that. I mean, I know that when we went into Afghanistan, some of our Stinger missiles went missing, and there was a fear at the time that some of those heat seeking surface here missiles. A minute, The Stinger missiles is how they Afghanis beat the Soviets back in the eighties. They were provided by us, that's right, and some of them I guess got misplaced and in the wrong hands, and we feared that they may use those against us. In the fact, that was one of the theories that was a prophet early on in the twa flighted hundred investigation, and it might have been a terrorist type missile. Now I don't particularly subscribe to that. It seems to me that this aircraft that I study was was a bit out of the range and way off shore, if you launched it from shore when they're even reached the plane. So, but we want to talk about that crash. Um, it's just it's things that happened. I mean, you can think back to M A seventeen over Ukraine. Um, that was that was a mistake, you know, a misidentification the Iranian airbus over the Persian Gulf. Um, And in fact there was an Africa. They did shoot some stingers I believe, at an Israeli jet and they that was a terrorist attack and that was foiled luckily. I'm not exactly sure how, but either the missiles missed or the Israeli had some kind of classified defense system on their jet. But that that actually happened, I believe that was in the early two thousands. But yeah, they there have been there is precedence for a Stinger missiles being used, but I do not believe that this was a stinger or a heat seeker that hit this plane. Although it did hit the engine, so it and that is consistent with a heat seeker. But we just don't know this point. I can't speculate what type of missile is at this time. Well, we don't know, but I'm just talking about the fear of it. For example, if I just maybe there's an opportunity to sort of educate people to understand explain how, for example, the redundancy in the cockpit. You know, we've all had the experience. Yeah we're gonna be delayed and you're sitting on the tarmac. Oh, because there is some redundant whatever that light that went on and now we've got to check the whole system and maybe we have to replace a part or whatever. That's all good because you have all these jets, commercial and otherwise taken off every single day, and we's been proven over and over again air travel is safer than getting in a car. So my question is, you know, these planes in terms of avionics, safety, redundancy, how safe are these planes really there? Because every pilot I know tells me these things can pretty much almost take off and land themselves and the need for pilot. It's as like with Sully landing in the Hudson. Yeah, I think we're moving towards that. Um, it's it's it is amazing that self driving car is self driving planes. But yeah, it's safety. It's safer than driving air car. Now, the planes that I fly are smaller and they're not as safe what do you fly statistically, But the ones you get in at the airport, they're very safe. And in fact, they have, you know, like you said, a redundancy. They have you know, more than one altimeter, you know, more than one air speed indicator. You know, if one fails, you still got another one. There is hit in front of you. And that's the thing. Now. For example, once you put in where you want a land, how long after a pilot takes off, assuming he's doing it all manually, gets up in the air, how far? How what is the altitude necessary before you can turn on the autopilot and explain how far you would be able to fly that to the location that you determined and would the plane almost land itself? I bet I hear that they can do that. Now listen, I that's what I've heard that. Yeah, that's true. I am not a commercial pilot. I'm a private pilot, so that's not something I have ever done. However, I have heard that that can be done. And you know, even if the engines fail, like you said before, once you're at altitude. That's why when you take off of the airport, you want to go as high as quickly as possible to as highhouse dude as possible, because you know, that's the safest place to be because you can all. You know, the higher you are, the more airports you could glide to if there was a failure. Have they made good strides in terms of the fuel efficiency of these newer jets that are coming out. What do you think of the Airbus three eighty versus bowings? What's bows seven? What eighty seven? I don't even know what the they're compatible plane is. Yeah, I'm not certain about that. I think what they started getting away from was the seven forty seven of those wide body planes. The wider the body, the more resistance you have, and so you're fighting against air resistance. So I believe switched philosophies. They're going with a longer range, narrower body jets, and I think that's the way of the future, more jets and narrow bodies and more efficient jets that that definitely do go much further than the seven forty seven were capable of, basically due to physics, just because of the you know, the wider you are, the more forces you're you're fighting against, and so you have a nikuld have in a very very narrow jet, in a very long jet, and you know that that would be the most efficient way to fly, and I believe that's what they're moving towards. He listen, this is so informative. I'm just fascinated by it because it is so safe and we have the redundancy, and I'm thankful for that and grateful to the great engineers Boeing and elsewhere that can keep commercial airlines safe the way they do. Anyway, thank you, doctor Stalcup. We appreciate you being with us, very informative eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. Top of the hour. Back to our top story. The president yesterday speaking and looks like impeachment trial begins Wednesday. We'll check in with Jeff Lord, Greg Jarrett, Daniel Okbari, the author of Honor Killing. Remember he was imprisoned by Iranian officials and tortured. He'll tell us his story. Let's get a quick call in here. We'll final half hour of the show. We'll get some more calls in as well as we say hi to Nicole. She is in Philly. That is Linda's old stomping grounds. How are you, Nicole, Happy New Year. I'm hanging in there, regardless of my area of affiliation. How are you today, I'm good, Thank you, very very much good. So my main question is rewinding back till last week. I was wondering were there events leading up to the embassy attack, because it just kind of seemed like it came out of nowhere. And I didn't know if you had any insight or you know, explanation as to what, if anything occurred prior to that happening, because we were, you know, listening to all these articles of impeachment floating around over and over and then so much just seemed like, out of nowhere, our embassy is being attacked over in Iraq. So if you could well listen, the reason is because they've been getting away with everything else. Look, the sanctions the President has put in place for Iran are very simple. It has impacted the Iranian economy, and our production of oil has also impacted the lifeblood of the world economy and the price of energy worldwide. We now have we now determine our destiny more than they do. The straights horror moves are less geopolitically strategically important to the United States, because we're now the biggest producer of oil in the world and now a net exporter of energy. So the good news is is that they're doing this to get the world's attention. We put up with a certain amount that we said we're done, You're done, and that was it. All right, News round Up, Information Overload. On a Friday Hannity nineties, we got an awesome show straight ahead bread power. Not to pursue conflict, but to really preserve and I mean in the true sense of the word preserved peace. We have this tremendous military and you know what that is. That's really a great fighting force. But I hope we never have to use it. I really do. You saw an example. You saw an example of that a couple of days ago. So we seek friends not on race, but if you dare to threaten our citizens, you do so at your own grave peril. So they want me so you know, these are split second decisions. You have to make a decision. So they don't want me to make that decision. They want me to call up maybe go over there, let me go over to conquer. So come on over to the White House, let's talk about it. When can you make it. Well, I won't be able to make it today, sir, how about let's say a couple of days. Oh sure, come on over. Now we gotta call. We heard where he was, we knew the way he was getting there, and we had to make a decision. We didn't have time to call up nan see who is not operating with a full deck. Now they want us to call. Can you imagine calling crooked Adam Chiff? He's so crooked, he's so shifty. Chief, Say gee, Adam, how you doing. Listen, we have the world's number one terrorists killed thousands and thousands of people. We'd like to set up a meeting so we can discuss his execution. Would would you be willing to me? Well, I won't be able to make it this week. Well, you know he's traveling fast. We got him lined up at him, you little pencil neck. All right, news, round up, information overload the president last night Toledo, Ohio. Maybe my favorite line of the night, Um great watching the pencil neck in genital liar compromised Adam Schiff be the house manager. You can't pick a better person, Nancy. You go for that anyway? The President laying it all out and you see the reaction. Now, this is a phenomenal thing because we're two hundred and eighty nine days away from this is the choice selection of your lifetime. I know you hear that every election, this is it America hangs in the balance. The only problem is this time it's true. Every Democrat has the worst foreign policy ideas I've ever heard. You know, the idea that you know we have quid pro quote Joe and he believes in bribing maniacal mullahs and Iran with one hundred and fifty billion in cash. Should frighten you. There's not one Democratic presidential candidate that understood the need to take out Solomani in spite of all the Americans that he tortured and brutally murdered, on top of all the terror that he has been funding and orchestrating around the world, Iran being the number one state sponsor of terror. He is the guy that was the second most powerful person in Iran. He led the effort. Now what was he doing in Baghdad? We had now the president put up with a lot. President put up with tankers being taken hostage, impacting the lifeblood of the world's economy. He put up with two drones being taken out of the air, unmanned drones. He put up with the attack on Saudi oil fields unprovoked, why designed to impact the free flow of oil at market prices, But then they killed an American contractor and hurt American soldiers, followed by an attack on our embassy. He was not going to have is not going to be the president of Benghazi two as MSDNC, the Conspiracy Channel had their some of their hosts saying, oh Benghazi two, Trump's Benghazi's breaking out, and so the President let all these other incidents go. The Iranians, whether they tried to say face or they're incompetent, it's I don't know. I can't I don't know the minds of evil Mullah's. But the President's clear they're not going to get nuclear weapons. And if they kill Americans, there's my line in the sand. But here's your off ramp. You want it, take it. If not, we're gonna bomb the living hell out of you. And know when I'm putting boots on the ground, and that is called piece through strength. I'm guessing the Iranians are scared to death of what Donald Trump would do next. I'm guessing they got a loud, clear message that this can't happen here to help sort through all of this, and it looks like impeachment starting next Wednesday. Jeff Lord, Associate political director in the administration of Ronald Reagan. Greg Jarrett also with us all through the bestseller witch Hunt. Guys, welcome back, Glad you with us. Jeff, you worked with Reagan, you worked under Reagan. Piece through strength, trust by trust, and verify. Mister Gorbachev, We'll tear down this wall and all of the above, and it worked. Building up our military worked, I think as great as the accomplishment will go down as strategic defense. And I've said that since nineteen eighty eight. Yeah, absolutely, Sean that the thing that I find so remarkably similar between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump they both came from outside the establishment. I mean, one, as we all know, was a television actor and movie actor for decades before being elected governor of California. The other was a you know, successful businessman who then becomes a television star himself. Neither of them had a seriously political background in the way that so many people in Washington do, and the town just went crazy about Reagan's election. They could not abide him. They were they were, I mean, you know, it was the same thing you hear with Trump, the rise of fascism, the dark Knights are coming. They compared him to Hitler, the ku klux Klan was going to be let loose. I mean, some of these things, and I've gone back and looked to write about it today. Remarkable that they are the same. But Reagan persisted. He had this vision, and he turned out to be right, and he won the Cold War. My favorite line was he said somebody asked him, one of the staff asked him what his view of the Cold War was, and he says, we win, they lose that which I mean that is and he did make a little mistake. It was supposed to be a joke. Bombing begins in five minutes before a radio address. Greg Jarrett to me, if you if you don't see that everything that the Democrats have tried to say about Donald Trump is inaccurate. The caricature that they've been painting all of this time has been false, because I think he showed way more restraint than I could have ever shown. As it relates to the Mullahs in Iran, and we know, you know what, he's not going to give him one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies. And one other thing. Greg This president took a lot of heat because he said, sure, I'll meet with Kim Jong un, I'll talk to anybody. I'll talk to Putin, I'll talk to the Melis, I'll talk to that Laban, but I'm not giving them anything. He gave nothing but time to the North Korean dictator, and we got a lot of benefits out of that right, and he didn't hand over to around one point five one hundred and fifty billion dollars. Jeff Lord's great piece today that everybody should redraws a brilliant comparison between Trump and Reagan, and Reagan is actually the template for Trump, and it's very simple. We will seek peace through strength, and we will exercise that Milo's terry strength only when absolutely necessary. And it was Trump who said to around, if you kill an American, you're crossing a red line. You will pay for it. And that's what happened. They killed an American contractor on a base and Trumpet shown remarkable restraint. They're downing the the US drone, the attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, firing rockets into installations housing American personnel. But when they cross that red line, Trump took action, and I think the Mullahs are now trembling, and the hypocrisy of all of this is really striking. You know, Barack Obama used drones of five hundred and seventy one times to take out terrorists, and Nancy Pelosian Democrats never once complained he initiated strikes on Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Pakistan. Pelosian Democrats never complain. Trump takes out a notorious terrorist who killed six hundred and eight Americans, and there's mass hysteria and just like Trump, just like Reagan back in nineteen eighty and I was a young lawyer back down living and working in Samford, Cisco. I remember everyone said, oh my god, the election of Reagan will mean World War three. And of course we heard several days ago that Trump strike against Solomony will initiate World War three. That's nothing but irrational hysteria, all true. All you know, I'm trying to try and get into the minds of those people that would allow the Iranians and I'll ask both of you the same question. Jeff, you can answer first, to shoot down our drones, to take in the very narrow straits of Hormos, We're about a third of the world's oil passes through every day, take tankers, hostage bomb Saudi oil field's totally unprovoked. Then attack our embassy and also kill American contractors and all the Americans that Solomony directly killed in Iraq, and that we're not going to take the shot when he's on the tarmac in Baghdad. I'm trying to understand why you would think it's a bad thing to do that. Jeff, I don't understand the mindset like I can't. It's inexplicable that anyone would give one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash another currency to Molo's in Iran Sean. You know, I've been thinking about this myself, and here the only conclusion I can come to is that in our lifetime we have seen the Democratic Party go to the far left. I mean, if you have any any thoughts about why they would sound like they're the Iran Iranian propaganda minister or something, think back to Jane Fonda sitting there in North Vietnam behind a machine gun of the North Vietnamese. It was being used to take American pilots out of the sky. This business of siding with America's enemies has been going on for most of my and your adult lifetime. This time it's the Iranians, and it's pathetic. I mean, it's truly disgraceful. But you can begin to realize here that no matter what the situation, these people are going to take the other side of the argument and carry it out in ways that lots of people think are just seriously unpatriotic. They did this when Ronald Reagan sent troops to Grenada to save those American kids in the medical school down there after a communist coup. They were crazed about this kind of thing. This happens with them reflexively, and I don't know that there's any way that it's going to stop. Tend to agree. We'll get to Greg's Andrew on the other side, Greg Jarrett, Jeff Lord eight hundred and nine for one sean. You want to be a part of the program. And as we continue, Jeff Lord, Greg Jarrett, I wanted to ask you, Jeff can't explain it. It's inexplicable to me, Greg Jarrett, how is it possible If you can explain, how is it possible to think bribing mullah's that chant death to America and want to wipe Israel off the map giving the money is a good idea. Well, two things, it's the easy way out. I mean, it's just easier to pay cash than to take strong, aggressive action to stop terrorists. And second of all, it is a part of the Trump derangement syndrome. If Obama does it, it's great. If Trump does it, it's horrible. And that's just stupid. Well, yeah, it is. You know, I think we now have the emergence of it's Trump doctrine. I'll talk to anybody. A lot of people said that's outrageous. Why would you talk to anybody? And I'll also, I want peace. I'll even take a little bit of your crap, you know, the drones and the ship's taken hostage, etc. But you're not going to kill Americans. That's our line in the sand. And if you do, you're gonna pay a big price. Simple, right, Jeff. I like that because I don't want boots on the ground. We can't send kids to war anymore because they always politicize it in the swamp and then we say, never mind, so we might as well not go there and just bomb the daylights out of them like we did with ISIS. Now we have new technology. Right, You've been making this point repeatedly and you're absolutely dead on correct. Once they get us into a war, then all hell breaks loose and they protest and they're in the streets and all this kind of thing. It's just it's just simply not worth an American kid's life to do this. And notably the irony here. I don't know how much attention this has gotten. The lone American contractor that would kill was killed was a legal Muslim American immigrant m And what's your reaction, Greg Jarrett? Yeah, I mean it's it's a great point. You know, your argument is really Trump's argument, and that is that this is very simple. If you attack our people, if you jeopardize our national security, I have a right as president under the Constitution to take aggressive action. It has always been that way. Presidents have been doing it for decades in my lifetime. And Democrats, you know, when Trump does it, Democrats seemed to gloss over into this mindless hysteria. It's this reflexive Pavlovian response that whatever Trump does must be wrong, we must condemn it, regardless of whether it makes absolute common sense to do it. Guys, I want to thank you both, Jeff Lord and Greg Jarrett. Gotta take a break here we are. When we come back, of course, it's Friday. Our best sound of the week coming up. Your calls and much more. Eight hundred and ninety four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. Also, Daniel luck Barry's going to join us with more intel information about what life in Iran is like. He knows because he was tortured and tried and imprisoned in Bulgaria, because he converted to Christianity, and he knows what the meaning, the real meaning of the killing of Solomoni is and what it should mean to the people of Iran. That's straight ahead. In the initial hours after the missile attacks on Aliside and Air Bill, it was believed that Iran may have taken steps to avoid US casualties. But then the chairman of George Chiefs, Mark Miller, came out, Secretary of Defense came out, other officials came out to say no, these missiles were intended to kill Americans. If it was Iran's intent to kill Americans, does that not deserve some sort of response. I mean, if somebody who takes a shot at you and they don't hate you simply because you duck, does that mean that they weren't trying to kill you. So I'll look all the photo the Department of Defense on the details, but there's no doubt in my judgment, as I observed the Iranian activity in the region that night, they had the full intention of killing US forces, whether that was our military folks or diplomatic folks who were in the region. And I am confident that the response to the President taken as appropriate. President said, we don't want war. We want Iran to behave like a normal nation. The reason that the Secretary of Treasure are here this morning is to continue this campaign, our strategic effort to get to Ran to behave in a way that doesn't continue They're forty year long effort to terrorize the world. The respecretary of the administration said this strike was done based on an imminent threat. But this morning you said, we didn't know precisely when, and we didn't know precisely where that's not the definition of imminent. The President has also suggested that there was some sort of attacking plant against an embassy, perhaps several embassies. Can you clarify, did you have specific information about an imminent threat and didn't have anything to do with our embassies. We had specific emanation information on an imminent threat, and that was threat stream included attacks on US embassies, period, full stop. You were mistaken when you said you didn't know precisely when and you didn't know precisely completely true. Those are completely consistent thoughts. I don't know exactly which minute, we don't know exactly which day it would have been executed, but it was very clear Costum Suleimani himself was plotting a broad, large scale attack against American interests, and those attacks were imminent against American facilities, including American embassies, military basis, American facilities throughout the region. Sadly, the previous administration had opened up revenue streams for Iran, but under our administration, revenue oil revenues are down by eighty percent and Iran cannot access roughly ninety percent of its foreign currency reserves, and not even two weeks ago President Rohani of AROUND admitted that our sanctions have cost around over two hundred billion dollars in loss for an income and investment. As long as Iran's outlaws ways continue, we will continue to impose sanctions. Finally, I want to reiterate President Trump's concern for Americans and dual national citizens detained insight of Iran. AROUND knows that these individuals have committed no crime. They know the charges against them are fake, and we will do all that we can to get each of them returned home safely to their families. Twenty five to the top of the hour, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo describing, Yeah, days away. Why is that so complicated for people to understand? Why do you think Solomoni was on the tarmac at Baghdad International Airport not that complicated to figure out because before he even arrived, when our embassy was under attack, what do we see written on the wall? Solomoni is our leader. It's hard for the good people to understand evil, and when you talk about it in this sense, over one hundred million human souls destroyed in the last century. We discussed Hitler and Stalin and fascism and Nazism and Imperial Japan and Mao and Cambodi and the killing fields. That's one hundred million plus human souls. We don't have an exact figure, but that's a lot of people killed because of evil. And every case that I just meant, that's evil. Radical Islamic terrorists that attacked New York City and the United States on nine to eleven, two thousand and one, that was evil. What happened in the Benghazi in September eleven, twenty twelve, it was evil, you know, the attempt killing Americans with the these incendiary devices of Solomon and I was evil. Funding Hezbollah, state sponsored terror, evil, the radical Malah's in Iran. They don't deserve bribes. They deserve they will behave and they can't get nuclear weapons or we're gonna have to use our military might and hurt you. Don't make us hurt you a lot because we can. But how evil, Well, our next guest would know. Daniel loch Bari authored the book, we'll put it on our website, Honor Killing. Imprisoned by Iranian officials, tried, tortured, imprisoned in Bulgaria. His crime he dared to convert to Christianity. Daniel loch Bari, welcome back. How are you, sir? Thank you so much, thanks for having me answer now this you're imprisoned in Bulgaria, but it was first you were imprisoned by Iranian officials, tried and tortured. Explain that. Yeah, I was imprisoned in Bulgaria for about thirty days. Then I was deported in Irana and tortured in the hands of the intelligence service in the ron brookenhoot this locating my left shoulder. What did so and how long will you held prisoner there? I was in prison for about thirty days, okay, And what did they do to you? Actually when they just cooperated with the Irgnian counselor and the deported me to run in handcoff and in the Iran I was tortured and my left they put me in handcoff and dislocated my left shoulder. So I can tell a lot about how ruthless they they can be. How did you get out? Actually I was under bond. My father put a bond for me so I could get out under that bond. So I'm sure they have appropriated the whole property. My father put us a bond Okay. Next thing I guess we have to ask is so you've heard of Solo Money long before we took him out, correct, Yes, sir, you've heard of the Kud's Forces, which is the Irgnian elite military wing of the radical Mullah's military arm in Iran. Correct, Yeah to me, Solemney asked himself as he himsel describe his road as the foot soldier for the for the Ayatulla Harmony. He was just a person to try to actualize Harmony's dream of dominating the whole region first and second the whole worlds. The Harmony wants to be the caliph and run the whole world and in the region. Soleimani was his puppet and his coordinator to to make sure that hesball law and Hashtra shaping Iraq and Syria all are on the same page. Attack in Israel and US interest. So we're talking about ruthless murderers and killers, and there's no freedom for the people of Iran unless there is well regime change if you will, and I don't say that thinking that the United States we can't be involved in regime change in Iran. That's gonna have to be up to the people of Iran correct, yes, sir, But the bottom line is we don't have to like them, we don't have to get along with them, but they're not going to hold the world's the lifeblood of the world's economy, oil hostage in the straits of horrible. They don't get to shoot down drones, kill Americans, you know, just bomb their their oil competitors in the case of Saudi Arabia for no good reason except they want to make more money. Where do you see this all ending? Because I agreed with about the President said when he made his statement the morning after they shot these ballistic missiles, and he said, thank god, nobody was hurt, no real damage was done, they all missed the target pretty much. But they can't be allowed to acquire a nuclear weapon. So to me, the only way we're gonna be able to defeat them, You know them. You think you can reason sit down at a table with people that think that it's okay to teach your own kids to kill Israelis and Americans and you're doing the will of God when you do it, or allah, You think you can reason with people that have that mindset, I do not believe you can. Yeah, as you mentioned, you know Summut regime is suffering economically for sure, and Iranians are uprising. Iranians are sick and tire of this regime. They have been captivated by this regime for over forty years. I have to say, I mean for Iranians, nothing is I have to say unclear about how crazy and how demonic this regime is. But the problem I see is from the liberals side in the United States, how they take side with those I say, evil people, with those leaders of the Stamic regime. I personally feel very disappointed to witness the liberals, I mean restless efforts to portray Costum Solei Money an army general hero who has been assassinated by the most evil person on their planet. You know, they portrayed Trump to be the most evil person on the planet who killed a saint, Costum Sali Money they port as a saint. That It's crazy how liberals dare to go to that point. It's unbelievable, how their hatred, the excessive hatred for the president made them so shameless to take side with the most infamous terrorists whose sole mission was to kill as many Americans as could as he could to actualize comedy's dream of coming. Khalif you know so the money describe himself as a Harmony's foot soldier. I'm beyond curious to learn how liberals, I mean have found what they have found in this notorious terrorists that made them characterize the US preemptive defensive strike against him as a terti a great point, I mean, how is it possible? But I guess I don't know. I'll never understand why you give Mala's one hundred and fifty billion. We're glad you're out. We're glad you're safe. We're glad you can identify for this audience exactly what it is we're dealing with. Danielle Abari, thank you for being Willis. Thank you so much, sir. Have a go on eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program, Let's go to the great state of Texas. Ben standing by next Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Ben? How are you good? Afternoon? Mister Hannity. Thank you for taking my call. I'd been wanting to call you for the past a few days to share my opinion about what has going on. I'm an Iranian who left Yvonne at age sixteen, right after the Ivanne I Rock was over, and decided that this country is not for us anymore, and walked all the way to active Greece, going through Iraq. What year is this you're talking about? By the way, this is late nineteen ninety three. Um and uh right before, right after the Gulf War. Saandam was saying when he's like kwait right after that fiasco. And I got on foot and made my journey all the ways. Agree. It took me six months. I became men. I become a man overnight with horrible things that I experienced during their journey, and turned myself to US embassy and applied for refuge asylum. Waited two years, and I was privileged to be granted a green card. And I've been living the States since. What an amazing story. I'm looking at London. We're just sitting here on our mouths open, listening to your journey. Wow, that's incredible. Thank you, Thank God for you know. By the way, what would life be like if you were there? I'm sorry, what would life be like for you if you were there? Do you many communications with people there anymore? Well? I speak to I talk to my cousins and my relatives, but it is very dangerous for them to be in contact with us, and we have to talk in codes or in Instagram because the Internet is not free there is it is filtered, so they have to pay hackers to given filter whatever it's called, to get on internet and so we can communicate. The life is horrible there and when you hear my story, you would think I would be the perfect poster child for their left and Nancy Close his gang. But the fact is one hundred percent the opposite. What they are doing for the past three years to Donald Trump is the shame and it's an American is pure communism. And what they have been doing since we have killed the most evil monster person that could walk earth, after Hitler, it was solely money. What they have been doing since is just appalling and disgusting. They are not speaking on behalf of Iranians, and they are not speaking on behalf of anyone calls himself a freedom lover human beings. I kind of just let your guests said earlier, I just I'm just appalled. I'm puzzled. Why would you sympathize and send controle condolences for such a person that he has been killing innocent people for over forty years. Okay, so they answer your own question. Why would they not understand you can't bribe these radical regimes, these dictators, these mulas. Why do you think there is even a resist? Oh my gosh, we killed Solomoney. You should have given him one hundred and fifty billion. They may get mad at us. That's that's what it seems like to me. That's absolutely. I mean, here's the thing. You know, my wife and I trying to figure out why you are doing this because our PTSD has kicked in and remembering what these people they have done to us. I was as a child walking through this Google could see people hanging on a street. But what's forced because this this spoke out about what they want, you know, and they were part of the opposition. The child, I would see people hanging on the street in public by this guy we just killed. And then we have Americans trying to uh say that they are sorry for what we have done to this person and send condoleces to Ivanni and Ayatolla. What a shame? What a shame. You can't be disagreeable. You don't have to like Donald Trump. Sean Okay, you don't have to have it is called demofras. You don't like the man, wait four years, go to the polls, vote vote him out of the office. But what are you doing? Not not not only its anti American, it's just what is the humanity in that part with a killer that's been killing people around the world, not just van And we keep seeing orts military force in America. Military is not involved in our country because it's on constitutional And I gotta run. I want to get a contact for you, um never. You're of Alexandro souldanets and gave a famous speech at Harvard once. You almost remind me of him a little bit. Wow, very powerful testimony. We will have you back. What an incredible life story. I appreciate you sharing it with us. We're gonna put you on hold there Ben in Texas and we want to get some information on you. That is a powerful story. All right, Hannity Tonight nine Easterns. The impeachment madness looks like the trial stars. Next week we'll get a full complete analysis. Alan Dershwitz our congressman friend Louie gomert Is on Laura Ingram. She had an exclusive interview with President Trump we're gonna preview some of that sound on Hannity tonight. We got a reporter hit on this Russian warship getting close to a US Navy ship. And we come back on Monday. It's gonna be just two hundred and ninety five days to election day. Best election coverage on radio and TV. We hope you'll join us, have a great, great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday. We'll see you tonight at night

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