War on Small Business - November 12th, Hour 3

Published Nov 12, 2021, 11:00 PM

Carol Roth, Entrepreneur, Host of the Podcast, The Roth Effect and author of, THE WAR ON SMALL BUSINESS: How the Government Used the Pandemic to Crush the Backbone of America and Joe Pags, Host of the Joe Pags Show, discuss the week’s news and all of the madness that is our new normal under this Biden administration. With the events this week in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and the attacks from the left as the truth and facts surrounding the case have emerged:

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Ad news, round up information overload our eight hundred and nine four one sean you want to be a part of the program. Our friend Joe Paggs is at it again as a special tribute song to those thirteen Rhinos that voted for the one point two trillion dollars infrastructure. And by the way, if they didn't vote for it, it wouldn't have passed. Great job these thirteen Republicans anyway, Our friend Joe Paggs honors them with this song. Each time we vote for their we be ye what they say. It's time to take a stay. It's our future ATLA. They had their shot to stop, but it's mess. Why did these thirteen rhinos say yes one day they savor sing with just what we want and now it's just the same. Had their shot bended squad? Each time I'm hopeful, I must con fast? Why did those thirteen rhinos say yes, we send the lap believing what they do. They vote with the left to us, they say, screw you. We need to call them out. We should take their seats back. Showed what they're all about. They might be smoking crack. You know we can't give them uffrey mass. Why did thus thirteen rhinos kiss joes as they had one job not to even bob stand firm against this joke, don't side with the mob. Well here we are, and this we know. These reps are turned coats. Didn't know they go this low voter in miss spending load ncy belosy. They try to dress Why Davi's thirteen rhinos cave? And say yes, why Davy's thirteen rhinos cave? And say yes, why Davie's thirteen rhinos cave? And say yes anyway, buddy, Joe PAGs is with us now. I mean, you know, all these years I know you. I never knew you had this talent. Carol Roth is with us as well. She has her podcast, The Roth Effect and the author of The War on Small Business. You know, you learned something like you think you know somebody, are your friends with somebody, and then you find out they have these incredible gifts And I'm like, well, why didn't you tell me beforehand? I could have. I would have put in request like for the last twenty years. Well, I didn't know that I should have said anything, because first of all, I don't think it much of a singer, but I have a really good time exposing these idiots when there's a big news story and I get to have some fun with it, and I got a little bit of musical talent, I guess, just a tiny bit shun. Yeah, well you have amazing talent actually, and you, like me, you probably have two much time on your hands. I am a total, complete loser, and I admit it. You know it, really, I will tell you this. Between Mitch McConnell. You know, at the last minute, two straight months, carol Ian Republicans said no, they're not going to help Biden on the debt ceiling, the Democrats on the debt ceiling, and they could have stopped everything right there dead in its tracks. But at the last minute they changed their mind. The same thing with the thirteen Republicans. Why would you assist Joe Biden in giving him what is perceived as a win when he did not have the votes in his own party to pass this. We can't afford one point two trillion, never mind the additional three point five trillion they're trying to get still. Yeah, I mean, stuff like this undermines when people say that conservatives and the GOP are fiscally conservative, and then you have thirteen rhinos, as Joe so brilliantly saying about, came out and not only did something that would make no sense absent of who was in charge, but then given the state of inflation, and given the fact that they didn't have the votes, there's absolutely no reason that I can think of why this made sense. I mean the bills, not actually for infrastructure. We're in a scenario where we have runaway spending, runaway inflation. These people need their head examined. It's really unbelievable. All right, I've got to ask you both. I did not think I would get as interested as I got and am in this case involving Kyle Rittenhouse. I can't believe you know that. Well, I should predict it. The rush to judgment, no due process, no presumption of innocence, That crowd always exists. But it included the president, and included the media, mob, people in Hollywood, all the predictable people, Joe PAGs and as I watched this trial unfold, you know, and I see the video, and I listened to the eyewitness testimony, and then I listened to the star witness of the prosecution say, yeah, I pointed the loaded gun at Kyle Rittenhouse before he shot me. The whole thing seems to have fallen apart yet again. I couldn't agree more. You know, we went into this months and months now of hearing the left media tell us what this guy did wrong. He was a mega guy, he was a white supremacist. He was out there to kill some protesters. Joe Scarborough and literally said the guy brought an air of fifteen, which is a huge gun across the boy or to start shooting protesters. None of that even happened. First of all, an air fifteen is of a huge gun. As I watched this, sean I'm looking at an indictment of the Second Amendment. I'm looking at an indictment of rifles, which is strange. The prosecutor seemed to allege that Kyle Rittenhouse should have had a handgun for some reason, because I guess that's less deadly, and tried to say that protecting property while holding a gun means you're using lethal force. What you just alluded to all these lefties in the media, all of these lies about him, really reminds you of Nicholas Saydman. There was a lie out here about Kyle riddenhows there was a lie about what he did that night. Here was a kid putting out fires, giving medical aid to people who were injured by rioters, and then defended himself. You could see it absolutely and exclusively in those videos that he was defending himself. And still you've got people at t and an MSNBC allegting he's a white supremacist. And now the judge somehow is a racist. You've got white prosecutors and a white defendant. Somehow the judge is a racist because he's interjecting and telling that this assistant district attorney that he's doing it wrong. This is a microcosm of exactly what's wrong with the left media in this country. Thank god, we're getting the true story. You know, let me play for example, how bad Carol. I'll let you respond to this first. How bad and abusively corrupt and biased the mob in the media has been in this case Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, he murdered two people. By the way, Rittenhouse is basically what you would have had in a school shooter. He's a seventeen year old kid. He shouldn't have had a gun. He crossed eight lines to supposedly protect property. No, he was going out to shoot people. Kyle Rittenhouse, the seventeen year old vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse and vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse, the arm teenage vigilante, a seventeen year old vigilante arguably a domestic terrorists, picked up a rifle, drove to a different state to shoot people. Kyl Rittenhouse, a guy who's deeply racist, went with weapons to a Black Lives Matter protest looking to get in trouble. He did. He murdered a couple of people. Rittenhouse, the seventeen year old kid just running around shooting and killing protesters. You see, seventeen year old who was radicalized by trumps Um took his AR fifteenth to Kenosha and became a killer. He white Trump supporting MAGA loving Blue Lives Matter, social media partisan seventeen years old picks up a gun, drives from one state to another with the intent to shoot people. A seventeen year old boy who drove across state lines with an AAR fifteen and started shooting people up, including a guy with a skateboard. Kyle Rittenhouse, who has killed protesters unarmed protesters. Rittenhouse, the seventeen year old that went with was a weapon into the middle of protests and then provoke people and then shot and killed him. Kyle Rittenhouse is the enemy. A boy from out of state drives up to the state with an AAR fifteen around his neck and kill a couple of people, shooting wildly, running around acting like Ridico, drove across state lines armed with a rifle to go and shoot people. What a dark a dystopian sayne, Where a seventeen year old boy is carrying around a rifle, running around and gunning down protesters. They have a carol that that is your fair and balanced and objective, non opinionated, non biased media. Yeah, because I mean it really hits home hearing it one after another, and if you really look at what stands out there, so much of it is not about an individual. It's about a narrative that Kyle Rittenhouse isn't really the one on trial. It's anybody who owns a gun, anybody who supports MAGA, anybody who supports anybody who doesn't think like the media does. That is really what's on trial. What I will say about it is that it is so blatant that a lot of people are starting to wake up. Bill Ackman, who is a well known hedge fund manager who I think leans a little bit lefty. Went on a rand on Twitter yesterday saying how he had watched the testimony and cross examination and said, quote, we came away believing that Kyle is telling the truth and that he acted in self defense. Went on this whole tweet stream about talking about him being a civic minded patriot and whatnot. Then posts a little bit later. Just got a call from the media asking if my Twitter account was hacked. That is, the reporter couldn't conceive of the idea that I could believe Kyle's innocent because I am not a right winger. I think that pretty much sums up what is going on here. I just, you know, it's just so typical. Quick break. We'll come back more with Carol Roth, Joe PAGs on the other side. Then your calls coming up eight hundred and nine for one sewn you want to be a part of the program, An Amazing Hannity ninetiestern tonight on the Fox News Channel. All right, look, ladies and gentlemen, Thanksgiving is now just a short time away, the holiday season not far behind that, and there's still time to look your very best and that means genu Cell and Shamani and genu Cell is the number one all time bestseller, and this Thanksgiving, our friends at Shamani are giving you sixty percent off on geniu Cell's most popular package at gena cell dot com. Now you can treat yourself to customer favorites targeting forehead wrinkles, dark spots, droopy eyelids, sagging jaw lines, and even annoying bags and puffiness under your eyes. It's gone in literally hours, and by the way, don't worry about get it not getting your amazing genu Cell products in time. 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Maybe the gun charge sticks, but that's a mistimetor. I don't even think that. I don't even think he's going to get in a lot of trouble for that. In terms of the shooting of three people, I thought it was a pretty compelling case that was made with eyewitness testimony, video testimony, and the star witness of the prosecution testimony that this was self defense. Joe PAGs is a pleasant nod. Should Kyle in retrospect, should people be putting themselves in a position with Maybe they have the greatest of intentions and they want to help. Maybe looking back, maybe you want to stay the hell away from areas we have problems like this, and that means good people, would you know, don't go to help other innocent people that are being hurt, like stores that are being loose and arson that's taken place, etc. Well, I think it's a great point for first and foremost, we're not talking about the thing that even started this entire event that night, the riots over a guy who had a knife fighting police who was where he shouldn't have been, and Jacob Blake being shot by police as he was reaching into his car. We're not talking about the riots that were burning down a city they were attempting to Minneapolis, Kenosha, Minneapolis, I had hundreds of minority owned businesses burned to the ground, and you were going to see that in Kenosha as well, just because people wanted to riot with a very small amount of information about Jacob Blake in that situation. I'll bet Kyle in retrospectives, he said, Sean would go back and rethink the events of that night, because again there were riots happening, people burning things down, and being a good Samaritan ends up being you know, no good deed goes unpunished. But what he did that night and how he did it that night was so misrepresented. We got the real facts here. I think you're right. The gun charge maybe sticks self defense is evident when the star witness for the state said, pointed my gun at the guy before he shot me, and then there's video and photographic evidence of that as well. What makes me sick is that entire montage you just ran is just a very small amount of the misinformation since since August twenty fifth of last year that's been out there there. I will bet you five to six to seven out of ten Americans think this guy went there and was really nearly shooting anybody he saw. And just one note, if I can, about the AR fifteen that they keep on saying air fifteen. They're not saying a rifle. AR fifteen. Air means army light. It doesn't mean assault rifle. Yeah. By the way, it's just it's just dumb. They're representing it like it's a bazooka. It doesn't make any sense. Yeah, well, you know, of course, they don't even know what the difference is. You'd like, for example, I own a R fifteens, but they're modified in ways that are so ridiculous to make them compliant with New York laws. Joe, you'd love this. It's all about cosmetics. It is zero to do with the weapon itself nothing, so I guess it makes them feel good. They don't know a darn thing about about a fire ar're You're right, they're changing the way it looks, although a much more powerful weapon can look I guess more noculous. The AR fifteen is a war style Michigan. Nobody's going to war with an AR fifteen. It doesn't make any sense. And the bullets that he had that night, we're two two threes, which are basically a twenty two caliber bullet. I don't understand why they're trying to vilify it. And Sean again and Carol, I think this is an attack on the Second Amendment, an attack on so called assault rifles, and they're trying to do something bigger than Kyle Rittenhouse out of this. That's my opinion. All Right, I gotta let you both go. Thank you, Joe PAGs. We appreciate it. We always appreciate your sharing your great music with us. Carol, thank you. Good to have you back. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour on this Friday eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I love the fact that people believe the big socialist lie. Again to you. If you want to believe, you're gonna get I'm gonna get free daycare, and I'm gonna get free college tuition, and I'm gonna get a free everything from the government, free government, healthy food, government wage, government, healthcare, government retirement, government government. The same people that can't keep law in order, that led about Obamacare, keep your doctor plan and save money. The very same people that robbed in the Social Security lockbox money and squandered it now headed towards insolvency. Same people that lied and wouldn't say what was so obvious in the summer of twenty twenty. Riots are riots. They just just denied it and never discussed it. They only care about one and that's January sixth. They don't believe in equal justice and application of our laws either. If you listen to the many times Joe Biden says over and over and over and over and over, I'm not going to raise taxes on anybody making less than four hundred thousands here. First of all, that's a couple this new bill does not reflect this promise. We got another lie. By the way, in the media mob over there at MSDNC, they're saying, well, the economy is doing well despite inflation and increasing costs. Average American family now is because of Joe Biden's inflation alone is paying over a thousand dollars more. It looks like basic Christmas cookie ingredients are now going to cost more than nine bucks in at least ten US cities. Is everything you buy now costs more because of Joe, And Joe caused all of it. And now Joe's even saying this week, can you believe the gas prices or this high? Actually said it. This is Joe Biden promising not to do this. Now, who's being impacted the most negatively by Joe's inflation and by Joe's energy policies. That would be the poor in the middle class, the very people that he promised again and again and again and again and again he's not going to at tax, well, that's still at tax. And when he taxes corporations and they pass it on to you, that'll be another tax. And when they raise the capital gains tax, that'll also impact middle class Americans. Listen, the reason I'm bothered to do this is I keep hearing on the prits. Biden, you're going to raise your taxes. Anybody making less than four hundred thousand dollars year, you will not pay a single penny in taxes, and we will not increase the deficit either. Anybody in making more than four hundred thousand dollars will see a small to a significant tax increase. If you make less than four hundred thousand dollars, you won't see it one single penny in additional federal tax Joe Biden will not raise taxes on anyone who makes less than four hundred thousand dollars a year. He has been very clear about that. Joe Biden will not end fracking. He has been very clear about that. So no new taxes. Four hundred thousand dollars in taxes, there would be no need for him. Will you be raising taxes on small businesses the reference you're talking about. Look, you have ninety percent of the businesses out there are mom and pop businesses that are out there that are make the comploy lesson fifty people. Tell me, no raising taxes. Nobody making under four hundred thousand bucks would the taxes raised period Bingo, Nobody making less than four hundred thousand dollars will pay a penny more in tax under my proposal. That's a promise. That's a guarantee, promise, I give you my words a Biden, that's an absolute guarantee. I mean, it's all big one, it's all one big Ponzi scheme. Anyway, let's get to our phones. Eight hundred and nine four one shown. If you want to be a part of the program. PAM is in New York, k Pam. How are you glad you called? Hey Son? I'm doing well. How are you today? I'm good? Thank you? Happy Friday? Ah, yes, TJ. If listen, won't you that everybody know that I was able to claim I won't be just exemption, so it is possible to get one. But before I say that, I have to add so many people have come in with the thought process that it's not even worth it. They're not going to listen to me. They're not gonna, you know, accept anything I have to say. And that kind of goes along with this whole thing of just allowing people to dictate what happens to us. This is America. We are the people we and if we don't start standing up and fighting this, we're not going to be the people anymore, and we're not going to live in a free America. So when the exemption came around, I set dog on it. I'm going to focus this them, okay, with the same. So I went on and I started doing a little bit of research. And you don't have to be a religious person to put out a religious exemption. All you have to do for me is to believe in God. But you do whatever you gotta do. There is a Civil Rights Act from nineteen to sixty five, Title seven that states an exemption is to be honored, not reviewed, accepted, or rejected. So what I did was when I put in my religious exemption and help to pretty esembole. You know, I really wasn't thinking I was going to get it. So I just mentioned that I believe that God is in control of my body and that I don't want to put anything into what that's Gonnay, do you mind if I asked what field you work in? I'm a nurse, Okay, So you in New York, they gave you a religious example, shouldn't and because this goes against your fundamental religious beliefs correct. Okay, Now, as part of the deal, do you have to be tested on a regular basis for COVID? Not so far we haven't. We were told we're going to have to abide by certain roles, but I haven't found out what the rules are yet. You see, to me, this is what I've been saying, and maybe I've not been articulate enough on it, and I need to be. In my opinion, the debate over vacs don't vacs, And I don't care how many people scream, you know, f your freedom or yell at you like I guess so was Gene Simmons of Kiss you know, telling people whatever he said yesterday. I just I've had it with these people. They don't understand. There are people with rare medical conditions, there are people that have deeply held religious views, and there is a way, well if we follow the science that they say, there is a way that you can have a safe work environment and accommodate people that, for whatever reason choose or can't get vaccinated, and that the natural answer would be that you get tested. Now, you can test people takes ten twelve, fifteen minutes max. And people if you want to test them every day, test them every day, and then that would mean they're walking into the office not COVID positive. On top of the fact that we were told that the vaccine would protect you against getting COVID and then it turned out we have all these breakthrough cases. So they were wrong again. And now you need you know, it was vax or masks. Now it's vas mask and booster, booster booster. I mean they just know. This is why people have no faith trust and the guys like Fauci, the people at the CDC, the people at the NIH, Joe Biden, and the rest of them, because they keep changing their mind every five minutes. Well you know another thing too that lasted a long away with this whole thing came out mine hitt entire department was sick. We were all sick. We also we had to flew and we also we got it because the vaccine didn't work. Remember if you'll flew up before full It came to me that was what everybody was dying from that and you had to be vaccinated. By the way, the fluid usually on any given year is the best forty percent effect of that. They're guessing which strain you're going to end up getting. Yeah, Sean, is all of that fear. Everybody that I talked to fear. Half my friend I always got a flu shot every year, all right, I got one this year, and half my friends think I'm an idiot and the other half agree with me, you know, And I'm just like, you don't want to get it. I don't. I don't give a flying rip if you get it or not. And at the end of the day, I really I shouldn't say my own view. I think everybody has to take this and look at it a little bit bored and not listen to all the fear. Like really gets me with all this. I've been seeing this firsthand. I'm a nurse, the fear that people are so Affod'm got to get this. I'm going to do. Could I ask you a personal question? You don't don't. You do not have to answer, Okay. My question is simple, Um, did you get COVID as a nurse? Yes? I did? Okay, so you have natural immunity, yes, I am well. I am waiting for the science to come back from Israel on the nearly eight hundred thousand people. The early indications were with the delta variant, with all the breakthrough cases that it was twenty seven times more effective than any of the vaccines that they were using there, and it needs to be peer reviewed, and when that science comes in, I think it will tell us an awful lot more about about natural immunity, T cell immunity, whatever you want to call it. And I have a funny feeling that you know Robert Malone who created the technology, he's a medical doctor who created the technology that made it possible to create the mRNA vaccines that would be fais maderna. Um. Yeah. He said to me that that originally it was for older people with co entire population. That's kinds of scary to me now. But he also said that all the indications he's following this this closely as well in Israel, that even his own technology can't match natural immunity. Now, time will tell. I'm following the science. I'm waiting for the peer review. I want to see what happens. Well, you know, in the very very beginning of this, there was so much on the internet about this, many many different doctors spoke about it. And if you have a second, this is an amazing story, very long, I'll give you the last word. Go ahead, okay, thank you. I was listening to this one doctor, I believe he was out of Germany, and he was saying, God has made an amazing system when he's made a human body, and in his human body, he said, I'm going to make it like an orchestra. He said, in God's the conductor of the orchestra. I means different part of the body pleays a different instrument. And usually when viruses come in, they attack one part of the body source. So when God sees op sounds like we have a problem in one area, he sends Scotts have to find out what's going on, and we'll put back to the group and let us know what to do, and then we'll take it from there on how we're going to fix this with the MR and a vaccine. What it's doing is it's a it's it's alerting higher body because these little clowns are made some referent higher bodies. Not to start, it's going everywhere. So the body goes into com us because the orchestra's time to permit that they're listening to the conductor and coming back to that have comed And that's what I don't want to get too deep into the weeds into the r M RNA virus or Jay and J shot. You know, I just I urge people. It's too complicated to do in one phone call on the radio show. I urge people again, take it seriously. I've seen the worst of this. I bet you've seen the worst of it as well as a nurse. Um. I urge people to research extensively. I urge people to take into account their unique medical history and current condition and talk to their own doctor, doctors and medical professionals they trust. You know, unlike you, you are a medical professional. I'm not Pam. I'm not a doctor. I didn't go to medical school. You went to nursing school. I didn't. You know more more than I do. So I've got to I just refuse to play doctor and tell people what to do when I don't know a thing about their unique medical history or condition. I've been doing this. We are jobs because of this. I mean, this is a lot of christ. This is the logical What is going on? When't you take your picture? All right? I've got to run to some other calls, but I appreciate you being with us, and I'm glad you got your exemption. I probably would be quiet about it if you want my advice, because it's not widely accepted at this point. But I'm glad you got it. I think others should get it as well. Michelle is in Michigan. Michelle, how are you? I'm good? Sean, how are you? I'm good? Happy Friday? Well, it's not a happy Friday for me. What's the matter? Your heart is troubled? What can I do to help you? My heart is trouble. I look for that every single night for you to say so. It gives me hope. I'm a mid level provider in Michigan and my patient base is fifty five and older. Right, so are you a registered nurse or doctor or physician assistant? Okay, by the way, physicians shouldn't assistants do the hard work. Well, that's possible, um, But I am losing my job from a large one of the largest hospital systems in our country that has a ninety nine percent to dial rate for religious and medical exemptions, and I was denied both three times. Um. So it's very problematic. Even some nurses who are vexed, they're leaving to go work travel nursing because it's it's so much. It's so much more pay. Um. So we are losing an awful lot of really good staff. And it's not just nurses and physician assistance, and you know there's ancillary staff as well. My concern is is that we have Joe Biden who has not had a physical or cognitive testing like Trump did. Um any Trump very smartly, he asked for cognitive testing and he did a MOCA score, which is a Montreal cognitive assessment, got thirty out of thirty out of it. So you know the these tests, you know, they're for short term memory, focused, spatial awareness, concentration, all of which Biden clearly has trouble with. And we've given him the keys to the to the whole country and things are happening so fast that we can't even react to them. The border Afghanistan, losing a lot of really good medical staff. Um. You know, there were twenty seven psychologists, clinical psychologists and medical health professionals that actually wrote a book and they called it the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump. Where are those clinicians now when Biden has clear signals of cognitive impairment and we are nobody's testing him, nobody's challenging it. Look, I think who was it that said I think Nicky Haley said it. And you know, everybody should be cognitively tested if they're going to run for president, right. I don't think Joe Biden knows what day of the week it is half the time. I really don't. And you know when and Peter Doocey asks him about the payments to illegal immigrants foreigner and fifty grand and Joe says, that's garbage and you guys need to stop talking about that garbage and it's not going to happen, and then two days later is passionately defending it. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he didn't know his own administration's policy or the fact that he's going along with the stupid, idiot, idiotic idea. I gotta run. Thanks for the call, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program that's gonna wrap things up for today and for this week, Kennedy Tonight ninetiestern on the Fox News Channel. Please set your dvar for the very latest, the latest on the Rittenhouse trial. Greg Jarrett, Alan Dershowitz, LEO two point zero, Tammy Bruce will join us as well. And lastly, we have an exclusive report on the dangers of our border ninetiestern tonight, We'll see you on the Fox News Channel. Have a great weekend. We'll see it back here Monday. You make this show possible. We can't say thank you enough. See you tonight here Monday. Have a great weekend

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