Walker on Olympics - February 11th, Hour 2

Published Feb 11, 2022, 11:01 PM

 Herschel Walker, Senate Candidate for the state of Georgia, and former NFL player for the Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Giants (as well as former bobsledder, sprinter, and mixed martial artist), took to writing an op-ed about the Olympics and the weak representation our athletes have back here at home in those like Pelosi. 

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Where coming to your city guitars and saying you a conside will our beings are hi jail and if you want a little banging, come along. Every single day Reality calls and the banded administration just hangs up. Now, the seat in R and C doesn't stand for committee, it stands for cult. It's not the Republican National Committee, It's the Republican National Cult. This is a story of a country that got through this pandemic by being united. And a few people shouting and weaving swastikas does not define who Canadians are. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your city, you gonna play our gintis and saying you a count New Sean Hannity Show Behind the Scenes, information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind Enemy Lines, Day number one, eighty one, hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn a number. You want to be a part of the program. You know, I never thought we'd have a president of the United States as it Joe Biden. Well, forget about the leaguer minority persecution that's going on in China and forced labor camps in China, and Joe Biden says, well, they just have different norms than us, and I think probably even worse than that if you can outdo that is Nancy Pelosi telling our athletes, not the protest in Chinese, better be quiet. They may get mad at you and everything. I would say a tow athletes, You're there to compete, do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless. I know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there. I respect that, but I also worry about what the Chinese government might do. That's really the land of the free and the home of the brave. All right. Joining us now Herschel Walker. He is running for the US Senate from the Great State of Georgia. He's a friend of mine. I've endorsed him. He would be a phenomenal senator as well. Of course NFL player, he's been playing football, probably the best running one of the best running backs of all time in the game of football. Even by the way he did mixed martial arts. He even was a former Bob's letter and sprinter, knows a lot about the Olympics and he represented the United States as an athlete in the nineteen ninety two winner Olympics and was one of He says it was one of the proudest moments moments of his life. He had the honor of being part of the official US delegation to the Torino Games in two thousand and six, and as a former Olympian in US delegate, he's seen firsthand the hard work dedication it takes to compete and would not want to punish athletes by a boycott. But yet, he says, the leaders, our leaders are attempting to silence our athletes and completely letting the communist Chinese government off the hook. The day before the opening ceremony in Beijing, he cited Nancy Pelosi warning our athletes not to risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government by speaking honestly about China. He said, I asked myself, what is she hoping to accomplish? Why is she saying this now? Anyway, Herschel walker joins us. Now, by the way, you've set up a really cool team. Herschel website, I just saw it was pretty cool. Well, thank you, Sean and anyone that want to continue, continue to contribute to my campaign because I'm going to win this seat. Get America bout to just some normancy, And I'm glad you played that because that was totally totally I didn't understand it. And I'm not sure whether she's saying it for China or saying it for the US, because why were you award a country like China that bought a pandemic on the world the Olympics? And I think it's sad. And yet when you do a war then with the Olympics, why are she making a speech like that when they continue to do a lot of business with China. So was it for China or was it for our athletes? And then yet we didn't even send a delegation over to represent our athletes. They're here safe, and she's wanting our athletes to be quiet. Well I don't get it because that doesn't sound like the Land of the Free, the home of the brave, and the courage of Americans that tend to speak out for people that can't speak out for themselves. Think about this. Did she warned the athlete not that Ania for the American anthem or the KNIA hood for the flag of America. You know, we're a great country. But yet you have all the things going on in China with the slave labor and everything going on there, and she's telling that all the athletes not that speak out against that. But what about speaking out too, for against one of the greatest countries in the world. Oh, I mean, that's the thing. I mean, if you were at these Olympics, would you speak out? But you know I would. I would continue to be proud to be at the Olympus, but I would be respectful. And I'm not sure. And that's what I I That's that's that was a very tough question for me at first, because the question I would ask is why would we award uh, you know China with the Olympics, they it could have been moved. You know, they moved the All Star Game within a couple of weeks by the voting thing. Well, you're gonna tell me right now, you're not gonna move the Olympus with so much that's going on there that you know, this pandemic has hurt the world, didn't it just hurt the United States? That hurt the world. And yet we are said, they're doing opening ceremonies and showing putting China on display of this great, great place. Whether it's not so, whether I would have went, it would have been a tough decision because I do have a team, But I think I would have spoke out. I think I had to speak out because I believe I love the Lord Jesus and the things that's going on in China is not right, and I think it'll be It would again been against my religion not to speak out. That's the reason I decided to run. People ain't gonna running to put a fail in my cap. I'm not running for that, and running because of all the inflation, all the terrible crime that has picked up in this state, and not just in the state of Georgia, but in this country that people are not seem to stand up and fight against. You know, I look at what's going on, and I look at who's getting hurt the most. I've been spending a lot of time on the economy, I mean, but if you look at every aspect of American life, we have one leading economists now saying this forty year high higher than even last month is now. He says in place is now over ten percent if we use the calculation methods that we're used by the Labor Department in nineteen ninety Biden is Biden's inflation is nearly twice as high as worker wage gains. Then you look at the price of the pump, every item we buy in every store we go to. Heating and cooling our homes is costing a fortune more. It's sadly disproportionately negatively impacting the poor. In the middle class, they can't afford this. You look at the borders or a disaster. You look at energy prices are artificially high because of Joe's disastrous energy policies of eliminating energy independence and exploration and drilling in the Keystone XL pipeline and more. Then you look at them on foreign policy, I see nothing but failure all around the world. And I see that our allies are scared to death, and I see that our enemies are emboldened. I've never seen it this pad Herschel. And you know, there's not my first rodeo. I've been doing this a little while. It's gonna get worse until we start putting the right people in the office. That's gonna change it. That's gonna say the bucks stop us here, And that's what I've been saying, guys. I'm sick of it. I'm not gonna let them do that. I own a business. I don't spend more than I made, and most of all, I'm not going to spend things on frivoled things. You know. You look at this this infrastructure bill and it's own trees, you know, its own climate control. Yeah, yeah, we do need to fix our roles and bridges and different things like that. But when you start putting a lot of these social programs into this bill and spending all this money on that money we don't even have, I think that's it said. And that's coming in front of tights payer. I hope everybody realize that that's coming front of tightspayer. And then we leave us. We're not energy independent no more. Now I try to explain that to someone's eyes of guys from my business. I own a business and I'm not trying to make any more money than I was making before. But I cannot pay more for the gas without passing it on to my customer. I don't want to give him more money and the feed I'm having to pay for you know, I go to the store now and the shelves a bear. There's no food on the shelf, and you're talking about what is going on the supply line. You know, it's drying up. And I want the people to know that that we cannot continue to go like this. And what we have to do is get those people out of office. We have to get them out of office. And I'll tell you what's so slick about what's going on. I hate to say the left, they would say something you heard this about the crack pick that is totally is true. They made a statement that they want to show racial equity by giving people a crack pipe. And I'm like, why don't you give people like rehabilitation instead of trying to keep them down, Why don't you help to lift them up by saying I want to get them off of that, instead of giving people a crack pipe to keep them down. And that's what they want to do. The government want to continue to give you something to keep you down on your knees rather than helping you to get back up on your feet. I cannot, for the life of me understand because if you're doing crack, if you're doing math. If you're doing heroin, you're basically committing suicide. Why would would one tax dollar be used in any way to aid a bet and assist in that suicide if you're going to spend the money, and I'm not sure they wouldn't be. I don't trust government to do or run anything efficiently. They bankrupted social Security, Medicare. They can't keep law in order and people safe and secure in lots of big cities all across the country. Obamacare promises were a disaster as well. Our schools in many places are an utter disaster. And so now we're going to trust them to what administer any type of counseling what? And in San Francisco they're actually proposing that everybody adopt a homeless person. The first person I want to see adopting is Nancy Pelosi. John, I tell you what's even worse about that. And I want people to stop and think about this and making that statement about the crack pipe what they talk about and they say, hey, we're gonna make it racial equity. That means they do all people black people smoke crack and with the ID they're making it like all black people ain't smart enough to get an ID. It's like all this is it's about separation. It's about separation all the time. That seem what they want to do, and then when when the people speak out, they walk it back a little bit and say, oh, no, we really didn't mean that. No, you did mean that. You said that. You know. It's just like when I heard the statement about electing and a black Supreme Court justice. Yeah, why don't you elect someone who is qualified for the job. I'm not saying a black person won't be qualified, they're qualifying. Elect them, but you don't have to tell us whether they're black, whether they're white, whether they're Asian. CHESSI lect the person that is qualified, and quick brain bringing race involved in it races owners to try to separate people. I quick break more with herschel Walker as we continue, and then we'll get to your calls A one hundred and nine four one sean. Look. As we continue with Georgia's senatorial candidate herschel Walker. You know, one of the things you told me when you first announced is that you don't care if a person's a Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal, that you're you are going into every single crevice in corner within the great State of Georgia, and you want to meet every person and you want to tell them what you why you're running, and why this is important to you. Is how has that message gone over when you've been say, more predominantly democratic areas of Atlanta. That message is going over well because the people of Atlanta know that I represent all the people. I don't just represent a party. Rather, you're a Republican, Democrat, independent, I represent you all. And that's what I've been trying to get to people to see. And I think they know that. They're showing that the Pole Noma. They're going to show that when I get to the election that herschel Walker is what he does, what he say, you say what to do, And that's the way I've always there lived. You know, I'm not in this for a failed in my cap I see that there's a problem, and I want to fix the problem, not just talk about the problem and continue to kick that can down the road. I hear that all the time people want to kick the can down the road because they don't want to finish the task. I'm here to finish the task, that meaning get people back the world that meaning become energy independent again. Get the kids back in school. You know, we got to educate all the young people right now, the kids keeping them out of school. Get this, get food back on the shelves. I run a business. I've been around, I've been doing those things. I've traveled all over the world, and I can tell you right now, the United States South America is the greatest country in the world. And we can keep it that way by putting the right people in the office that's gonna stand up against all this terrible things that they're the policies that they're making right now, which is against the United States, South America and Sean. We got a Super Bowl coming up, and that's the only place you're gonna go where you're gonna see people. Doesn't matter about your skin color. They're gonna be having a great time. They're gonna have enough wonderful time. You gonna see two teams that about damn play. You got some players from George on those teams. They ain't gonna worry about whether you're white and black. They're gonna go out there and win a football game and have a good time. All right. Who you're predicting, where's your prediction. Do not put me on that spot. And people get that's the bright side. It's not the it's not the Falcons. Well know when I'm talking about the I know you're the biggest George on both of those teams, shins. I got play player from the Rams one and and I'm not gonna select one over the other. But i can tell you what all right, So what you're saying to me is you're pulling for the players on the Georgia Bulldogs team where you played, or Georgia players in general. You're you're pulling for them periods, pulling for them. I want to see them do well because you know what they're like. They're my family and if you talk to any of them, team or my family. But Joe Burrow is my family too. You know, he's a high and trophy winner. So you ask me who I'm pulling for. I'm pulling for it to be a great game. I'm happy that these two teams are in the playoffs, you know, for Joe Burrows to go in as earlier he's going in now. Matthew Stafford, who I've seen since he was young. I saw him playing in high school. Then he goes to the University of Georgia, Sony Michelle, let me ask you this. When we're watching the football game, is there a part of you that wishes you were still playing? No? No, no, it's Sean. I'm gonna mention something right here. I'm gonna tell you this, and I probably wouldn't have said this if you interviewed me a month ago. What I'm doing right now is the best thing I've ever done in my life. It is the best thing I've ever done in my life because I go into these these places and meet with young people and talk to the people and stuff, and I give them hope. I give them hope because they see what's going on in this country and they're afraid. That's scared. You know. The other day I spoke to people about mental health and people. I asked a young lady crying to me how I helped her. I helped her to feel bad. I give a hope. So I tell people that people that are taking these pot shots and think that they can go out and go out to me and stuff. And I said, bringing home because I'm doing something that I'm helping not to feel better, and that's what God has put me here. So I told him to bring it because the harder you come, the harder I'm gonna fight. And I told people there's a long time go Herschel Walker can fight, and I'm gonna fight for this country right now. So I tell them to bring it on because they've never seen me fight. They can fight behind the pin. But you know what, I'm fighting for the people. Listen, I've done. I've worked out with you, just briefly in studio one time. Uh, you're you're fit. Uh, that's not a fight. I'm picking with you. I'll tell you that right now. This is the country we're fighting about. Now we're fighting. We're on You know what, It's Team USA, right, you have Team Herschel This is a Team USA. I agree completely, my friend, all right, Herschel Walker. By the way, people want to read up on you, where do they find you? They can go to Teamherscher dot com. And I want them to come and be a part of Team Reherscher dot com. Let's get American bike again. That's get people by going to be able to go to the store that get this crime down. Let's quit spending money we don't have, get our kids back in school. You can get it by going to Teamherscher dot com. All right, my friend, and look forward to seeing the game on Sunday, eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back. The one thing you can always count on, Sean Hannity is back on the radio. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour. Eight is our number on this Friday. As I've told you, things are gonna start heating up. This is not good. Now, the same gutless, spineless Joe Biden that doesn't stand up and to protect any our own borders. Now he's all up in arms because the truckers in Canada have blocked one of the bridges that leads from Detroit to Canada. So what does Biden say? Now, Remember, if you're an illegal immigrant, you get preferential treatment in this country. There's no COVID testing because they're not going to be here very long a lie. There's no vaccine mandates for illegal immigrants, and you get free transportation of the state of your choice in the dark of night, or as Jensaki calls them, early morning flights at two three four am. I mean, it's unbelievable but now he's now Joe's mad, and now Joe he's not doing it himself. He's telling Trudeau, the gutless, spineless coward, that he is to use federal powers to end a bridge blockade. What does that mean? That sounds like the military to me. Now, unlike the lawless riots that took place in the summer of twenty twenty, the ones that Democrats were silent about, lied about, and even encouraged and gave solidarity, we're in solidarity with ignoring the dozens of Americans, the thousands of injured cops, the billions in property damage. Well, now all of a sudden, now they're all about, you know, taking force, federal buildings being set ablaze. No, Donald Trump is showing he's militaristic and an authoritarian, and he's sending in the Guard to protect federal buildings and cities. Now you have Ontario declaring a state of emergency, and now they're talking about finding these drivers one hundred thousand dollars and putting him in jail for a year and taking their trucks and revoking their licenses, all because Joe Biden is urging Trudeau to get tougher. I mean, This is just pathetic. You know, when when did Joe ever speak out about the rioting in his own country? When did Joe care about what was going on at his border? Nothing? Biden is DHS is sending five hundred security agents to stop the Freedom Convoy from invading Los Angeles. Here we go, Moms and dad's going to school board meetings of domestic terrorist investigations. One Canadian mayor vowed to use force if necessary to end the Freedom Trucker Bridge blockade. Now this has been peaceful. Now they just they are fighting for something they strongly believe in freedom. They're not. They've they've been called every name in the book. All of it is false. And look how far you know they might now be willing to go. Here we go again. You want to see the heavy hand of authoritarianism. You want to see the double standard on display. Oh, if you're a working person and you know a citizen in Canada, Oh, what are you going to turn the military on these guys? Really, you're gonna turn the military on the guys that were the heroes of the pandemic. Wow, how screwed up does that guy? As Linda doesn't get any any worse than the no every day. I am absolutely appalled at what is happening to people that were our friends, our allies, our heroes for the last two years, some of us, you know, who worked under FEMA, and suddenly everybody's person and on groat up because you don't think the same way everybody else does, or you want to express your freedoms the same freedoms as you so clearly just stated. When Antifa did it, it was, Oh, they need space, let them express themselves. They're upset about things that are happening in society and they feel like they need to be heard. And I'm like, so we bashed stores. I mean, people's lives were taken, you know, and no one cared. Literally no one cared. And then you know, you have these people that are there with their kids and their families, and they're like, take your kids home, take your dogs home. We don't care. We're not happy. You're against the government. Uh, we're not against the government. We're about the government. We're against the government oppressing us and taking away our freedoms, which is exactly what's happening. Yeah, well, it's it's pretty amazing to watch this happen. I'm really waiting for the day, and it was a really interesting piece. I don't know if you saw what the truckers want. And I forgot who wrote the article. I was was Barry Weiss's. Was somebody else that wrote it? It It wasn't. It was a long piece, and they spoke to a hundred of the protesters gathered in Canada, and they're pointing out it's far bigger than vaccine mandates. And you know, truckers running out of gas, freezing to death in the truck beds in the middle of the night. You know. Now the threats are coming in fast and furious against everybody, and what you know, I just cannot believe that this might happen. We might have a situation where you're gonna, what are they going to do? Why don't they sit down and talk to them and listen to their concerns. You know? That's actually that's such a good point because the one thing that I say this all the time, you and I talk about this offline a lot, is there's no positive discourse anymore. Nobody wants to have a conversation. I would love for someone who did not agree with me on something to change my mind. Go ahead, change my mind. Give me all your facts, all your reasons, all the reasons why you believe X. I would love to have that conversation. To me. There is nothing worse than saying to somebody, well, you know, this person thinks that because of X, Y and Z, not only do they not know about X, Y and Z, but then they don't want to hear about it because then they're like, oh, that that's not true. You got it from so and so, or you got it from such and such. It's like, okay, what if I get it from the most benign source possible? Then can we have a conversation like how is it that Trudeau is not moved to a place where he wants to come and see like you have thousands upon thousands of your constituents. These are your people, these are Canadians, and they're coming out and they're saying, we're very upset. This isn't like one or two people. It's thousands bringing their children and you won't meet with them. Weelievable. Let me play the Ontario premiere saying the truckers, you know, protest in an illegal ocupation, need to go home, and then tug forward The Ontario Premiere again telling truckers there will be consequences, and then declaring a state of emergency. And this is where it's starting to get me very nervous. These truckers may be in their lives, their livelihood may be in complete jeopardy. Now why because they don't agree with the government. They're protesting and they're speaking out. These are dangerous times we're living in. And while I appreciate the right to protest, now you're right cannot and must not extend to cutting off that lifeline. We're now two weeks into the siege of the city of Ottawa. I call it a siege because that's what it is. It's an illegal occupation. This is no longer a protest. With a protest, you peacefully make your point and you go back home. So let me be as clear as I can. There will be consequences for these actions, and they will be severe. We've already started by going after the money funding the illegal occupation. Yesterday in Ontario court granted our requests to freeze the funds from give send goal for the convoy. We're strengthening the tools and the powers of our police forces to resolve this situation and restore order. Let me be clear, the government does not direct our police forces, but we do set the laws. Today, I'm using my authority as Premier of Ontario to declare a state of emergency in our province. And he goes on to say that non compliance finds up to one hundred grand one year in prison, take away their trucks, take away their licenses. Wow, unbelievable. Quick break right back MORERIR calls eight hundred nine per one sea on our number if you want to join us. Hey, riky news straight from the sources of the people involved in the top news stories. Sean Hannity, Right back home. Karen Colorado, Karen, how are you happy Friday? Thanks for checking in, Hey, thanks for having me on I. UM. I can't believe what's happening. How they're trying to take aware of freedoms, and it's really quite frightening. UM. And you know, the thought that they're going to label me as a terrorist because of my political belief is frightening. UM. But the real reason I'm calling Sean is to tell you, thank you so much for talking about monoclonal antibodies. Keep it up, because my husband and I came down with COVID in January and we were you know, we were sick. It wasn't terrible, But I don't know why. I think I wasn't thinking clearly because we were sick. I in the middle of the night on like the fourth day, I woke up with you saying, you need to get the monoclonal antibodies. And so what you're doing is working because I was able to get that scheduled. And I only thought of it because you have been You talk about it every day and I like to see every day. By the way, so now, how long ago did you get this? It was so we got sick around January eighth, and by the time I was able to get it scheduled, it was day nine and that's latest almost. Yeah, it was late. Had I wish. I don't know why I didn't think of you talking about it all the time sooner, And it did take a few days to get it scheduled. So everybody out there, just try to get it scheduled. I have to urge everybody to do something that not everybody's inclined to do, and that's rock the boat. Speak up, talk, get noticed. Look if I told you some of the conversations I've had with doctors fighting for other people to get treatment, and you know, things like if you don't do it, I will. I will make sure they sue this hospital if anything happens. I'm holding you personally accountable. Those words have come out of my mouth. And I don't apologize for it, because it's sad that you have to at times, you know, really really dig down hard. Now. For a lot of people are non confrontational. I live on confrontation. I have no problem with confrontation, and but it's not the normal way for people to be and most people try to avoid it, like the plague. And what if I'm advocating for somebody and I know that they have the the the therapeutics available and they're stingy with it, or they're they are not using it in the proper way. Because everything is better if you do it early. Um, I'll make my voices hurt it, and I'll get other doctors on the phone as well, and then I'll go above them. Then I'll go to their boss, then I'll go to the administrator. I've done all those things and and but I know, listen, for a lot of people, it's it's hard for them to be confrontational for me, it comes naturally. But I'm glad you got I'm more importantly, I'm glad you well. And I'm not playing doctor here. That's why I always say, check with your doctor. But if you get a positive test, you need a plan. I have to tell you, though, that my doctor's office was not helpful at all. I had to go out of my way and I was able to get it scheduled through the state of Colorado, and I got it scheduled myself. They were just not helpful. And it's kind of sad how politicized this has become. And I just can't help but think that people's lives were lost because of the politics involved in not allowing their treatment. Yeah, listen, I would say that if my doctor had said no, I have a plan. With my doctor, I've had a plan. I have a plan, and I urge everybody to have a plan because it can happen easily. You know this. If this next wave of omicron, the super omicron whatever they're calling you, which is one and I have times more contagious than the one we just got at we're getting out of. It's it's there's gonna be a lot of people so I don't want them to say this time. You know, we don't have tests, we don't have monoclonels, and we don't have the anti virals. And it's a shame that that's that has been the method of medicine that has been practiced here. It is, it is so beyond a failure on a spectacular level. And Joe Biden, if it was Donald Trump that ran out of test, Donald Trump that ran out of these therapeutics, boy, you know, all hell would break loose in this country. So sick and tired of that double standard. But I am glad you're well, and I'm not going to stop talking about it. And I'm really only for one reason because I love my audience. Thank you for making the show possible. I know that this is what the single most important thing at this moment as we follow the science. But I, as always I say, make sure you check with your doctor. Okay. I'm glad you're okay, God bless you. And you know, I guess my repetition pays off. You know, I do this in election years too. We do this purposely. I want I'll run down, say Obama's horrific record as president, and I'll start in January and I'll do it once a day, and I do it so by the time we get to November, everybody can say it with me, and then that means they can tell their friends and loved ones and family and co workers what they know to be true, because we only tell the truth here. But see, that woman was amazing because she the first thing she said when she got on was she was like, I listen every single day. So that's really the prescription. You need to listen every day three hours he or one hour on TV, and then when you go and vote, you'll actually know what's happening. No, it's it's listen. I understand the criticism, but who else is talking about them? When Joe Rogan, who I don't know, said that they threw everything they had at it Mono Clonel's HCQ, I think he used iver mecton. I've never seen a study on iver mectin. I don't know why that is as popular as it is, to be honest, but I've never seen one. I'll let the doctors decide on that. But the gold standard, the gold standard there K is clearly monoclonals and then running out of them all and then rashating them all. It's unbelievable. Quick break right back

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