Vice President Pence: What's Next

Published Mar 18, 2020, 10:00 PM

Vice President Mike Pence has been heading up the Coronavirus Task Force, and has been participating in daily updates with the President to bring the American people up to speed in real time. The White House has released its 15 day guidelines, we are now in Day 13, and what we should do to help contain COVID 19. These recommendations are on for your review. 

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I glad you with us. Yes, facts without the fear, the madness, the insanity, the lying, the political agenda. Everything you've got to know. We are all over here today eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravagant A lot of news to get to you today, A lot of different angles that we are going to get to in terms of, oh, what's the media focused on? Hating Fox Sean Hannity and let's see, oh, Donald Trump says the word. It's the Chinese virus that seems to be one of the bigger parts of their focus. Meanwhile, the President has dispatched a hospital ship. We've been telling you about the two ships that are available. It's a thousand bed Navy hospital, and the President told Governor Cuomo New York that, in fact, he will send that as well as several mobile hospitals capable of handling two hundred or more patients to the state of New York. An extraordinary step. We have another one, and I think newts idea that, hey, if we ultimately need it overcrowding hospitals, we do have the capacity. We're going to be bailing out the cruise line industry. Perhaps we can, if need, be prepared to turn some of them into floating hospitals as well. But this is going to be an all hands on deck moment. If you're looking for sheered numbers, there there we have them. And I think it's important that we get this information out early and often because it matters. Just so you know, in the States, so far, we have eight thousand, two hundred Americans that have contracted Corona, one hundred and fifteen fatalities still within the age group, underlying health condition categories and all. But I believe one although that person in the forties did have severe underlying health issues even at that young age, and those with compromised immune systems. If you'll look at let's see when it first broke out in China, which is where it broke out. We're gonna get into that in a little bit too. The disease has spread to every continent except Antarctica, infecting two hundred and seven thousand people globally as of about an hour ago, eight thousand, two hundred dead. And you know, these pandemics are killers. They all are. That's why I keep harping on and pointing to the fact that travel bands are going to be the future in spite of people like Joe and quit and pro and you know, it's hysteria, it's fear mongering, it's it's senophobia. Now, it was the best decision made at the time. I'm really concerned about the World Health Organization. They pointing out preliminary investigations conducted by Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the virus. You know, when they put that in January fourteenth, what how is that possible? That didn't appear like the most up to date or honest information. And I'm not sure why they would be believing that anyway. There's a lot of irresponsible a lot of irresponsibility out there. I tell you, I am absolutely apoplectic with the media and they're handling of this, and you know, I've actually had to spend time and go back on It's up on Hannity dot com if you're interested, and put it up there because I think it's important. You know, they're saying, wow, Conservatives has now changed their tone on Corona. If they've changed their tone, No, we haven't, and the ones have been responsible they've called it a hoax. No, we didn't call it a hoax. One of the early things I began to notice is, you know, when the New York Times is out there was calling it. We can call it the Trump virus. And if you're fear leaning, feeling awful, you know who to blame. That's your media mob that did that. So when we said, yeah, well they're trying to turn it into the next witch hunt, the next hoax, nobody said the virus was a hoax. And I've got evidence, my evidence. We've got audio of this program, this show with me speaking with three different physicians about the unprecedented nature of COVID nineteen, of this virus that we were discovering. That's even before the travel ban. I was talking about that and talking about, yeah, people that are asymptomatic are spreading the disease. We first had doctor Fauci, Anthony Fauci on this program on February the tenth. Oh, you've changed your tone, asking about systematic spreading of the disease. In other words, people without any symptoms walking around, they have no idea they're sick, but they're very infectious. That was a problem we recognized on day one, and how something right. We've been keeping up with any cures that scientists are coming up with. By the way, we have three promising tracks that they're working on for treatment based on scientific journals, etc. That are coming out. I want to tell you all about that today. And I've talked a lot about the travel ban being the smartest thing we've ever done in this whole thing, and all of this we laid out on Hannity dot com. It's on our Twitter account. Two. Because they just lie. And then when you turn over to the mob and the media, they're they're upset that Donald Trump is calling it a Chinese virus and Donald Trump saying no, I'm upset that they claim that our army, our military did this to them because they're lying. And all the China did from the get go was hied from the world this pandemic and weren't being forthcoming and honest. And one of the reasons I read some information earlier today, we're going to get more background on it. Apparently some of the textile industry that does a lot of business, up to one hundred thousand people from the Wuhan province would travel apparently a direct flight to Italy. All that explains why Italy has had to struggle as much as they've had to struggle. And of course you never waste a crisis, Hillary Clinton. We now have to have Congress make voting by mail the norm going vote Oh, okay, we'll just turn it in to vote by mail. There won't be any voter fraud or anything that we really have to worry about. And you know, over their conspiracy TVMs DNC, this is a virus that came from the territory of China, but from bats. It came bats. It's a bat virus. It's not a China virus. This is how nuts. This is Hillary Clinton accusing Trump of racism in the middle of the Corona crisis. She was the first Senate Democrat to begin criticizing Bush after the nine to eleven attacks. So I guess she hasn't changed very much. Then you got such madness. You got even analysts over at MSDNC. You know those people that lied for three years, They missed the biggest corruption, abuse of power scandal. Why would they ever talk about Hillary's top secret classified information on her secret server, or care about obstruction of justice, or care about quid pro quote Joe, or care about a dirty Russian dossier that Hillary paid for, or you know, what do they care about the civil liberties and constitutional rites a carter page? Why would they care that that Russian dirty dossier, debunked, unverifiable, was used to lie on FISA applications to backdoor spy on trump is campaign, transition team, and presidency. I'm worried more worried about this. And you got Joe Lockhart, this is all over. We have to have an honest national conversation. The toxic effect of Fox News. Really Joy Read on her show. She had a guest on her show literally, you know, go go and this kind of shocked me a little bit. I'm like, and it didn't get corrected. Fox News has been getting people killed for years. I'm like, huh. Then you got another idiot over there. This is this is how morally bankrupt these so called news agencies are. Trump is guilty of negligent homicide. And they're saying, conservatives mishandle this. Go to my website. You're lying. You know, I need to hire Lynnwood and Charles Harder and just make this a test case of slander, besmirchment, character assassination. They get away with it. That's why Nicholas Samman's not a public figure. He's gonna He's absolutely going to be a billionaire at the end of this after what they did to that poor kid. China, by the way, and I'm sticking up for the New York Times. Can you believe it? Because China now throughout Wall Street Journal reporters, Washington Post, New York Times reporters, and I'm saying, no, you throw out our reporters. We're throwing all of yours out. It's even though half the crap they say over there and most of these newspapers are just fake news, agenda driven hate Trump every second, minute, hour of every day. And Beijing is pulling their credentials. So this is what we're dealing with. You know, you have people on CNN of reason we don't have toilet papers because Donald Trump and Donald Trump is the cause for the run on toilet paper or ABC News. Oh, he only cares about stock market numbers. Is that why he put the travel ban in effect? Is that why he's now dedicating what may end up being a trillion of a trillion dollars for relief for American workers and businesses and industry because it's the right and health issues to keep Americans safe, secure, alive, and well. Unbelievable. Paul Krugman, Oh yeah, brilliant ge twenty five thousand, whooped to do Bill Maher I hope for a session. Oh Bill, you might get your dream come true. Economists, including myself, off and make a point. The stock market is not the economy, which isn't it is? However, pretty much the Trump presidency. Well that's where your head is at at this moment. Reuters, you know, stealth edits a debunk story claiming that Trump saught a monopoly of COVID nineteen vaccines. More lies, it's all I'm one of my favorites. Is over there at the New York Times lying about me too. Change of tone, No, there's no change of tone. Go to my website. Listen and learn, Watch and learn anyway. Ventilators. You know, the President is talking to the governors about how to procure respirators and ventilators, and he said, look, if the states, if you want to get it on your own because it's faster, that's fine, but know that the federal government will be backing you. What did that? What did that get reduced to respirators? Ventilators? All of the equipment. Try getting it yourself. Wow, Okay, let's forget the most important part. Then, of course MSDNC they're obsessed. Donald Trump shook somebody's hand, he forgot to elbow, and he touched a microphone, and then the fake news CNN, Oh Trump propaganda, he's emulating North Korea. This is your media mob in the midst of a crisis. This is who they are. This defines them and it's what we've gotten out of them for the last three years. So you know, when you hear the word yeah, trying to turn this into another hoax, conspiracy theory, that's what they're doing. That's what they've been doing. And they are like they're the most concerned, they're the most reliable. No, they're not. And by the way, you know who else isn't response isn't isn't anybody I trust anybody in Washington right now now, we do need to get checks out immediately to workers displaced they need and it's got to be enough. I mean, the three hundreds whatever dollars that unemployment gives you a week, it's not going to be enough for most people. It's got to be some equivalent to what people are making. We got to identify those people directly affected. We got to identify the businesses affected. Now it's the entire restaurant business in the entire country. That's a big deal. And we've got to help these people because if we're going to rebuild Europe and save the world from tyranny and Nazism and fascism and communism and radical Islamism and every other ism, we've got to help Americans first, and that's what this is about. But then you dig into the deeper crevices of this bill and I'm like, it gets more frustrating by the second. But there's they're filling it up with pork, which is well, pretty much their standard go to when you live in Washington. That's what the swamp does. That's who they are. Or we can send four thousand, five hundred dollars to every American. I don't need your four thousand, five hundred dollars. Give it to the people that need it, the people in the industries that have been most impact by this. I mean, why Democrats trying to throw in abortion laws and abortion practices into the bill in the House And frankly and may come to helping other countries. But why are we fighting now over four hundred and thirty five million for global health programs and three hundred million for international disaster assistance and two hundred and sixty four million for diplomatic programs. I don't care about diplomatic programs right now, get the money to displaced workers and industries. The American people deserve the help. This is through no fault of their own. Why are we giving one hundred million Worldwide Security Protection two hundred and fifty for the International Economic Support Fund. I'm like, how about the American plumber and waiter and chef Fund. Let's start with them. The cruise line Industry Fund, the airline Industry Fund, the people that work for those businesses, Let's get them their money. So unbelievable. This is this is what they do, this is who they are. They've never learned opportunity. This is what I've been wanting this money forever. Let me go get it now. I'll support your your your abuse of spending, if you support my abuse of spending, we'll put it in all in one bill and get it done. It's unbelievable. How about a relief bill that is clean, that is only designed to help the health, the safety, the protection, the well being of the American people, and economically help those directly impacted workers hourly workers, every industry, every worker that is impacted by this virus and this now fifteen days shutdown. Why don't we do that? That would be the common sense thing to do. One thing I'll say about the American people. Morning consults had a poll out today and combine fifty three percent of Americans saying the President's response has been excellent, forty one percent good or you know, if he had it all to get fifty three percent or fair, that's not bad considering the almost never ending, NonStop attacks against the guy and ever ence, has anyone ever said in the mob, in the media or Democrat ever said Wow, Him making that call ten days after the first case lands in America to have the travel ban was brilliant. Now, you don't ever expect that to happen. Just a news without fear here segment. The President and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeaux have agreed to close the border. It's nothing personal, both sides doing it for the health of their citizens. One hundred and fifteen died eighty two hundred. I believe now in the United States alone. We're watching that most of those that died, we know this, sixty years older, underlying conditions, compromised immune systems, many living in nursing homes other facilities. Many had other health problems. Only a few had traveled aboard abroad, Sorry, board abroad. White House expresses support for cash payments to Americans those that need it. Let let's get this to the right people. That's not hard, doctor Anthony Fauci explaining, no, it wasn't Donald Trump's fault on the test delay. And when asked what had happened to anybody are the President said absolutely nothing. But now we have a new paradigm. We have a new paradigm in terms of a travel band, new paradigm. Drive up testing keeps a load off of our local hospitals. And I think we're gonna have a new paradigm with well video chatting with doctors. Twenty four to seven. As we go forward, the Pentagon has prepared their Navy hospital ship to be sent to New York, and the President invoked the Defense Production Act to get more materials faster. Twenty five till the top of the hour, All right, facts without fear is let me just go through more than news today, and there's a lot of it, and a lot of it is extraordinarily important. One of the things. I'm really fascinated, and I was up very late last night just reading about potential treatment solutions, a lot of scientific data. We'll have some, you know, insight from the Vice President who's joining us today. We'll get Bill O'Reilly on with us today. Martha mcsalley's going to join us about the spending aspect of all of this. But I will tell you it is fascinating how amazing these these people are, these researchers, these medical people. The years it took to identify sequences of viruses and years gone by, I mean years, they did it in a record time, like two months record. The President invoked the Defense Production Act for response. This is a big deal, and it basically ensures our private sector can ramp up production of emergency medical supplies. Despite a growing chorus of him urging him not to do so. No, he did it. In other words, medical experts have cited the possibility down the road, and we have to think about some worst case fire scenarios here, but you got to also think about next steps, all right, What if the next step. We're in this fifteen day period day thirteen thirteen more days where people social distancing and if you feel sick, stay home and listen to local and state authorities. If your kids are sick, don't send them to school. You know, stay away from older people, compromised immune systems, you know, underlying conditions, et cetera. Work at home. If you can't all that stuff that we've been telling you now for a couple of days and so, but now, okay, we do need the reason I think the President did this is okay, we now know we've been dealing with the issue of drive up testing. I've been watching some of those videos. I don't think I want to get tested. It's like they take a swab, they shove it as deep into your nose as they can get it. Now, if I needed to get one, I would just to be responsible. Some idiot and the mob will take any one sentence I say out of context. They just lie with abandoned. They are just liars. They've lied for three years. They've peddled besmirchment, lies, conspiracy theories and hoaxes and been wrong. Every time we've been right. We were right on this too. If you go to Hannity dot com you can read what we were saying when we were saying it. But anyway, not to get not to digress here. Now we've addressed. We know that thanks to our incredible military that they've been nice enough to share with the Health and Human Services all the available resources that they have in terms of respirator availability, that is crucial. We've got to make sure that we're ordering everything that we're going to need, maybe potentially worst case down the line, respirator availability, all the manufacturers, everybody, all hands on deck. They now can run twenty four straight hours. All the other items too. I mean that would include tense medical, tense medical supplies, ivs, gloves, mask gowns, medicines, generators, heaters, fuel, blankets, pillows, cots, food, water. I think with the President today acting and moving this medical hospital ship Navy ship to New York is a big deal too, and I think that's going to go a long way to helping people. In other words, from field hospitals to respirator masks. The Pentagon now is doing everything they can do because they have they have thousands of these things available. In some cases they have millions and so that's that's gonna help in the short term and longer term if in fact, you know, we get the worst case scenario. I know there are groups like the Red Cross and Samaritan's Purse, Franklin Graham's group. Look at how quickly they were down on the ground with truckloads of materials needed materials in twelve hours after the tornadoes touchdown in Tennessee. They have built in rapid response capabilities and tapping into those resources could be crucial if the worst case scenario, if you have out break clusters emerging geographically, now you have to start thinking, okay, and again we're weeks away from this is why you're thinking about it now and hoping you don't get there. That would be medical swat team, support staff, you know, loading C one thirties, setting them up, making sure that you have the medical swat team available, all the support staff, all of the things that they would be needed to get up and running to take care of any potential hospital overflow or overloading that happens to the hospital system. That's another brilliant part of the drive up testing that's available. And you know, separate and apart from all of this, the money is I'm a little concerned about. We'll get into that more detail throughout the program today. Some other information as we go forward. The federal government is sending that US hospital ship to New York. It's the USNS Comfort, a thousand hospital rooms on it. It's going to be moored in New York Harbor. That's a big deal. I told you about Trudeau. We know we're up to about one hundred and fifty being dead again. The same model seems to exist, as has been in other countries, older people, compromised immune systems, underlying health issues that they've had. There is real talk going on in Washington as it relates to the possibility of, well, if we're going to bail out the cruise ship industry, well we can do that, but maybe they can help if we really had an overflow and turned one or two of those big ships into hospitals as well. The administration plans to get their checks to Americans within the next two weeks, and so if you're one of those Americans and you're impacted by this through no fault of your own, the money's got to be allocated properly. That's what makes me mad about Washington. Everything that was in the House bill and every other non Corona related issue they were discussing and furiates me. Testing now available in all fifty states that has now happened drive up testing. We're seeing the videos of them emerge because that's going on, the public private partnership, innovative, creative, and frankly, it prevents an overload of our hospital system. But remember, unless you fill out the questionnaire on that Google site that they put up and they tell you to get a test, you probably don't need one. And again, the most important thing, if you're young and healthy and don't have any underlying health conditions, just stay away from grandma, grandpa, those with compromised immune systems, or those that are older and sick. I mean, it's really that's simple. That's why it's kind of infuriating to see these kids on spring break in Florida and I'm wondering, Okay, why why is that happening. I guess you can't stop people, but that generation needs to understand that they're talking about. You know, maybe they would be fine with no symptoms or mild symptoms or only at worst case have a flu, but what if they get into contact with older people those are the people that if they contracted the virus from them that could end up dying. We don't want that to happen. Love this telehealth expansion that is huge. Um. I think that's a game changer down the road when we start talking about fixing the disaster of Obamacare. Could you imagine if like doctor Josh humber Atlas, MD and his concierge care for everybody fifty bucks a month adults, ten bucks a month kids. He literally he gets the drugs directly from the pharmaceuticals. You'll leave the doctor's office with the medicines that you need at a discounted rate. Not bad. And then you got to couple that with a catastrophic plan and that would then allow you, you know, if you God forbid the cancer or the heart attack, the bad accident, well then you're fully covered for everything at a much lower rate. Now if you if you also factor into this this te health expansion where let's say it's three o'clock in the morning and you're two year old kid has a temperature. I used to get the croup as a kid, or art and my kids got the croup. I can't tell you how many mornings I was in some emergency room holding up some steam thing, falling asleep in my chair. You know, as my kids would, they hope that the bronchiol areas open up on their own. They usually don't. They end up giving you the medicine anyway. But you could do that via video chat with a doctor that would always be available twenty four to seven. That's got to be part of a comprehensive medical solution in my view, and I think it will be in years gone by. The monies are there. Washington needs to get their head in the right place. They're not there yet. The politics of the mob and the media goes on. Even had a squad member, Congresswoman o'mars slamming Avanka Trump. Okay, she puts out a tweet to be nice eight point one million Twitter followers. Ideas about, hey, all right, you're stuck at home. You know, why don't you maybe make it a fun weekend of with your family and you know, living a living room camp out or binge watch your favorite show, binge watch Hannity. I don't know if you can binge watch Hannity. That might be a bit much fun activity brings family together for a meal. I got hammered for saying, yeah, I'm supporting my local favorite restaurants that now deliver, so excited about it, and my local pizza place, Mario's Pizza Love Marios, and I want to make sure these guys that are able to keep their workers going and keeping their businesses up and running. They're still taking a hit because business is not going to be what it usually is. And you watch the madness you have. Actress Vanessa Hudgens, you know, makes a video about Corona blasted on social media and you know, um yeah till July sounds like a bunch of bats. I'm sorry, but like it's a virus. I get it, I respect it. But at the same time, like even if somebody, everybody gets it, and oh yeah, some people are gonna die, which is terrible but inevitable. Kind of sounds like the Michael Bloom Mini Mike the Farmer Healthcare Plan, and there are all the predictable actors are there and everything that you would expect. Americans are really getting a little ticked off at China, as they should. They're blaming our military for this, which is outrageous. I'm glad the Florida has been the President's been fighting back on all of that. There is some interesting stuff. UM, I don't want to go too deep into it. I'm we're probably going to do this on TV tonight, but there's some very interesting ideas I have in front of me, encouraging news that they are now we've identified. None of them have been FDA approved for corona, but there are FDA drugs that are being used that are that are being reported in some scientific journals and papers, etc. That they are somewhat effective. One of them is called chlora queen now it is. It's interesting, it's phosphate. It's showing some strong results against infection in China, South Korea. They have three separate studies, one published by pretty prestigious as I understand it, medical journal known as Nature. But they're saying that in one another, by the way, in consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine, UAB School of Medicine, National Academy of Science, researchers and anyway, what they're finding is that chloroquine is an effective anti viral therapeutic treatment that's working against corona. Now it's been on the market, available since nineteen forty five, used usually against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions. One of the best things as we wait for a vaccine, maybe this could be something that saves a lot of lives. But what they're finding is favorable outcomes and humans that were infected with corona, including faster time of recovery in shorter hospital stays. And if we get rid of some of the red tape, we might be able to use some of these drugs. Another one I think is associated with lupus. Another one of these drugs is associated with SARS, which has similar qualities to corona. It is a coronavirus in and of itself. But anyway, now the CDC who of not published treatment, I want to be very clear here. Very early stages, South Korea, China have had significantly more exposure and time to analyze the diagnostics and treatment and preventative options that are available. One FDA Commissioner board member of FAISA said the world can learn the most about COVID nineteen by paying attention to the response of countries that have had it before the US and Europe. Anyway, So chloroquine phosphate as it's known and again used for malaria, available in the United States by prescription only available now and can be prescribed as prevention or treatment from malaria, but and adults and children of all lation ages. Also one of its qualities is it can also safely be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers as of now no known side effects. That's a big plus if we want to take a risk, or if you wanted to, I'd love the right to try bill for that one reason. But data studies are showing that certain curative effect with fairly good results with patients treated with chloroquine demonstrated a drop a better drop in fever, improvement in lung ct images, required a shorter time for recovery compared to parallel groups. One interesting thing it was used against SARS. According to research by the US CDC, chloroquine has strong anti viral effects on SARS coronavirus remember the similar name, and as a prophylactic meaning preventative measure, so that's a good thing, but also used as a treatment. In other studies, we've identified chloroquine as an effective anti viral agent for STARS coronavirus in cell culture conditions, as evidenced by its inhabitory effect when the drug was added prior to infection or after the initiation and establishment of affection infection. One interesting thing, the UK is now banned the export of chloroquine. I think they're looking at these studies and saying we're hanging on to everything we got right now for us. That's how I interpret it. My interpretation. Again, I'm not a doctor. One of the conclusions the journal Nature put out that they said, and they went into a long analysis of this, it's known to block viral infection and increase the pH requirements for virus cell fusion, as well as interfering with cellular receptors of stars corona and our time of addition demonstrated the chloroquine function at both entry and post entry stages of the ores coronavirus. And it, besides its anti viral activity, chloro queen has an immune modulating activity which may be synergetic in enhancing the anti viral effect. Why am I saying all this to you? This hope and it's not the only one. And there are other drugs out there apparently, one that even worked for obola is being looked at very very closely. One that is being looked at HIV drugs are being looked at rheumatoid arthritis drugs are being looked at. So these guys are on their game. They're doing their job and gotta give them credit for all that. We'll let you know more as we can move on. Bill O'Reilly today, Mike Pence today. All right, if that's one of skinner and it's a simple man, there can only be one person, by the way, the Vice President, Mike Pence, will be on the program today, eight hundred and ninety four one sean if you want to join us, Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly dot com all things O'Reilly, and he put out a tweet about quid pro quo. Apparently Doctor Joe Biden remember the day that I keep going back to this timeline, the twenty first and this is important. We didn't identify a virus with pneumonia like symptoms until December thirtieth of last year. January seventh, they labeled a corona. The first person identified with coronavirus arrived in the United States from China, where he'd been in the Wuha Province Wuhan Province area. That was January twenty first. January thirty first is when the President declared the National Health emergency, and the Senate was holding a vote on whether it will allow further witnesses and documents in their impeachment witch hunt. But then doctor quid pro quo Joe said that the president's travel band decision, which to me was the single biggest decision, the quickest ever done. He took enormous heat for it. That saved literally incalculable numbers of Americans from contracting this virus and gave us a lot of time, bought us time to get better prepared. Anyway, what did doctor quid pro quote Joe say? Said that decision was hysterical, xenophobic, and it was fearmongering. Listen and moments like this this is where, incredibly a president is most needed as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria, xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science, historical xenophobia, fearmongering instead of science. So I'd say there's a lot of science behind the idea of wow, if you cut off people from coming into your country that have a much greater likelihood of having contracted a disease. That would be good policy to me and good science. Bill O'Reilly dot com all things, mister simple man, how are you? I'm tired today, I've been doing too much work. You might need you might need a test. We're gonna send you out to one of those drive up tests. No virus wants to hang with me. I mean it's works probably. By the way, that's probably the truest thing you've ever said. Yeah, I mean I'm gott have been an immunity because of my obnoxious person. By the way, finally, if it's the truth that took all these appearances, you know, look, it's every flues are serious to me, Bill, I want to cure for cancer one day. I want to cure for heart disease. We lose tens of thousands of Americans to the flu every year. And I'm not minimizing this this. I actually will play for you something that I said, do you have the January twenty eighth tape of this year? Because the mob and the media, Bill, they're lying about me and you and everybody else. Sure, we have taken this seriously from day one, and I was very nervous the first signs of this. Listen yeah, Sean, we're gonna get that for you in one second. The President is actually speaking right now, so we're going to go to that live. All right, let's go my TV's all right, let's go to the President. Firman, Doctor Robert Redfield, and doctor Deborah Burkes. Thank you all very much for being here. Thank you very much. We're using the full power of government in response to the Chinese virus. I declared a state of national emergency that will make up to fifty billion dollars in disaster relief funds available, which we can use to assist hospitals, which, as you know, we need I as states to set up emergency operations centers and hospitals to activate emergency plans, and they've been fully notified. We're urging hospitals to cancel all elective medical procedures. My emergency declaration allowed us to weigh regulations to give nurses and doctor's maximum flexibility to respond to the virus and to protect our frontline professionals that we've authorized through telehealth nationwide, which is really becoming big stuff. Telehealth makes it a lot easier for patients and really has been working out amazingly well. We empowered states to authorized tests develop in their state, and we are working with the private sector to rapidly expand testing capacity. We have literally rebuilt that whole system. Who is an obsolete system that has been rebuilt, and a lot of good things are happening. We've ordered five hundred million and ninety five masks to drive private production. American manufacturers are repurposing factories. One major manufacturers already double capacity. And we've asked construction companies to donate unused masks and they have actually quite a few of them, the construction companies. Who would think that, but they're going to be donating unused masks. And the Defense Department is making millions of masks available for healthcare workers. And we're asking every American to make major changes to reduce social interactions over the next two weeks. As we all know, we must make the shared sacrifices, and that's what we're doing as a country. It's been amazing to see the way the countries come together, this tremendous spirit, and even Republicans and Democrats are getting together for the most part, but they're getting together. So that's a good thing to see. I thought maybe i'd go around the room and would just say your name and who you're representing, and it's great to have you. Thank you very much. Please, I'm doctor Debby Hatmaker. I'm the Chief Nursing Officer for the American Nursing Association. Right, thank you, Dev. I'm doctor Susanni Avotto. I'm the CEO of the American Academy of Nursing. I'm Dave hebert On, the CEO of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Thank you for having thank you. I'm mister president. I'm doctor Deborah Troutman. I'm the president and CEO for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Right, I am Teresa Davis and I'm Clinical Operations Director and in E I two. But I am representing the American Association should have critical canders. Thank you very much. I am Ron crafts On, the twenty twenty one national president for the Emergency Nursing Association. Well, I'm mister president. I'm Robert Begley, the CEO of the American Organization for Nursing Leaders and the CNO for the American Hospital Associates. Thank you very much. I know who he is. Mike, you have anything you're saying, well, just mister President, I just want to join you and welcoming these great healers to the White House. So the President spoke today to the leaders of physician organizations from around the country. We garnered from them recommendations about how we can further support those of you that are coming alongside Americans that are impacted by the coronavirus. And as the President said, we are absolutely committed to bringing the full resources of the federal government, the full resources of the American economy to work with the states across the country to be there for American and struggling with the coronavirus. But at the same level of priority, the presidents made it clear that we are to make sure that the men and women who are serving those patients, and the nurses, the nurse practitioners, the emergency room nurses so well represented here around the country are in the forefront of the President's mind. And as he said, we've taken decisive steps where we've enabled the expansion availability of n ninety five masks, and Congress has worked in a bipartisan way to make those more available. We're working on gowns and gloves and all of the personal protective equipment that all of you rely on every day. And I look forward to the discussion today about how we might be most helpful. But I hope you will carry back the gratitude of your President and of our entire team on the White House Coronavirus Task Force for the work that all of your members are doing every single day. They are the hands and feet of American compassion, and every American is grateful to our nurses. Thank you, Mike. And just for the media, FEMA is fully engaged. They're we're working with them very closely. They're going around, they're seeing many of the states. They're engaged all over the country. But some areas have far greater problems than others. Some areas don't have very much of a problem at always, you know, but FEMA is very much engaged. They're fully engaged as of about two hours ago. And tomorrow we're having a what I think will be a very interesting news conference, and I think you know what that's all about, So we'll see. The FDA will be they've been working very very hard, and I appreciate what they're doing, and I think we have some very interesting things that will be brought up tomorrow at the news conference. It will be set up by thinking around eleven o'clock or so. But we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Thank you very much everybody I have the President, by the way, we are all thankful to have the best medical researchers, best scientist, doctors, nurses, medical professionals. As he said, the President tomorrow, as I said, there is there is this emerging science now that I think. Chloroquine, for example, is one of them usually used to treat malaria, and other drugs one lupus drugs I understand, and one was used the chloroininne in particular was used as a treatment for stars, which is also a coronavirus, not this coronavirus. And we also are getting information that there might be a FDA approval of some of these drugs. One would be an ebola drug that we're reading an awful lot about. And I would assume that something they're all showing in the early stage is really impactful results as it relates to treating people and preventing people from getting this disease. It's early. We'll see. We'll hear more tomorrow from the expert. I'm only giving you a layman's term what I went through in the last hour. But we continue at Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly dot com. Now I'm in a shorter segment. Why don't you give us your overall view of things? Well, I think President Trump's being very methodical here. And the new Harris poll it just came across my desk as fifty seven percent of Americans believe the federal government is handling the crisis. Well, that's a big number. Morning consults had fifty three today. That's two and a row. That's Harris at fifty seven. And Harris not friendly to Donald Trump usually. So I think Americans basically are fair minded people, and when things like this happen, this is akin to nine to eleven, you can make valid comparisons. They step back and they put the loons aside, even though they may be entertaining, They put them aside, and then they watch. They got eyes, they got ears. You can see President of Trump. You can see what he's doing, what he's trying to do. He has to go back to your tweet only because I'm looking at a clock here. We'll go back to the tweet. You've got a very strong words to say. The day he declared the travel band and Biden's comments a hysterical gene xenophobian fearmonger. You said, that's a big deal. That's going to hurt Biden more than the Ukraine comments. So Biden's got a real tough road, you know. On January twenty second, I told my listeners on the radio and my viewers on Bill O'Reilly dot com that this was going to be a problem, and I was early the next day, on the twenty third, the House impeachment managers laid out the arguments. Now that diverted everybody, including Donald Trump's attention, so that twenty one days of impeachment hurt the nation so crucially because everybody was focused on that, not Wuhan, China. But last point break not happened. The president still, but the President still put well, listen, I think the Democrats are gonna have to answer for that. I don't think there's any doubt about it. I want to ask you, I want to get into the financial side, the corrupt media in this country. The science is fascinating to me. Of course, pork barrel spending. These guys cannot control themselves. Bill O'Reilly dot com Bill's agreed to stay through the next half hour, considering the presser took more time. Right as we roll along, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Bill O'Reilly dot com. Bill is with us, simple man that he is. I love the idea that we see. And again I'm not a medical expert here, but there is definitely Now. I've spent a lot of time reading a lot of information and even you know, one pretty prestigious publication known as Nature, and some others of scientific breakthroughs, and we may be seeing the emergence tomorrow. I'm I'm putting two and two together here, Bill, that some of these drugs that have shown effectiveness with SARS might be fast tracked to use to either treat or even prevent people from contracting it or limiting the odds of it happening. Wouldn't be great if America saves the world again again. It would not be just the best thing that we could ever get for an Eastern passover present that once again the United States rises and saves the world. And that's what I'm praying and hoping happens tomorrow. I think you're right. I think there's going to be an announcement that is going to please everyone, hopefully help the economy in the stock market, and alleviate some of the pain. It really is, all of these things have been very, very scary to people. Overall. I give the President pretty high marks, especially the travel bean. I mean, nobody had ever done that before. The other thing I give them high marks on is drive up testing. That that's transformative. Tell medicine you get you know your kids sick and three in the morning. Bill. In the future, I think it's going to be common for everybody to have twenty four access, twenty four hour access to a doctor. These are transformative new paradigms created. Whether you like Donald Trump or not, he's doing the best he can do. I do believe that he's trying his hardest, and you can assign motivation. I mean, I don't care about that, but he's trying his hardest to alleviate suffering and threats to the American people and by extension, to the world. So if that's true, and it is, why are we enduring stupid stuff from the New York Times and CNN? Why why you know you don't you Bill? You don't call it the Trump virus. You don't say that's what the New York Times had, trump virus. I mean that was that was Gail Collins of the News that you know it's the Trump virus. If you don't feel well, you know who to blame. I mean, are you committing me? If you're an editor of that paper, you go over and you say, miss Collins, I don't think this is a responsible thing to put in the newspaper, Bill O'Reilly dot com. Bill is going to stay with us in the next half hour. I didn't mean to cut your short hair, Bill, but we're gonna have plenty of time on the other side. China's role in this, the media corruption, how to spend the money, Science to the rescue, straight ahead, right, Bill o'reiley is with us. I do apologize had to a brush Bill in the last two segments because of the press conference, the President hinting at some big medical perhaps and we're reading about it. We're seeing it that there are some scientific breakthroughs and studies now that have emerged that show that drugs that we already have, and one of them, in particular, when you read about it, is there's no risk to anybody if they take it. This is the anti malaria drug that I've been discussing that's known as chloroquine uh Clara Quinn phosphate, and studies now showing that it is helping people if they do get corona to heal much faster out of hospitals, much faster, better ct lung scans, much faster, and more importantly, acting as a prophylactic and a preventative against in some cases when they used it against the stars coronavirus, and now in this particular case, looking at studies that have been going on in China, South Korea and elsewhere. I don't want to jump the gun on any of this, but I think it's all important. Bill. You made a great comment. Wouldn't it be great if America saved the world again? Yeah? I mean, you know, the simple man is here. Oh geez, here we go. You know. Yeah, you're doing so good, You were doing so good. Dannio ahead, all right, simple man, simple point of view. Crisis in the world, nobody's fall right. Chinese tried to cover it up. That's on them. The stupid virus emanated from a bat when I was in Taiwan. I watch people eat bats and drink snake blood. I watched it. It's disgusting. Well started and then worldwide travel brought it to everywhere. So what do we do now? We try to mitigate the contagion. We don't panic, we don't buy ten tons of toilet paper. We conduct our lives in a dignified fashion, and we respect our leadership. Even if we don't like our leadership, we respect the leadership. Every fair minded American knows that Washington is trying to defeat the plague. So they're trying to do They're not lying, they're not covering up, they're not deceiving their trying. So can we please stop with the nitpicking? Can we stop with miss Vega from ABC News going, did you have to make the racist comment about the Chinese virus? Can we stop with that? Please? The virus came from China. It's not a racist comment. It is just to me infuriating to see these morons. And that's what they are on television, on the radio, on the internet, and in the newspapers all right, losing all perspectives. Couldn't share less about the average American who may lose his or her job, couldn't care less trying to use anything to destroy the leadership in Washington, which is trying to help people. All right, that's the simple man analysis. Where am I wrong? Any Where am I going wrong? You're you're dead on accurate. There's a new timeline that was put out by Axio set is really important as a study published UH that now shows if Chinese authorities bill, if they acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of these cases could have been reduced by ninety five percent, now a ninety five percent, And they go through the entire timeline and how they hid this from the world, etcetera. That that is infuriating to me. Then of course the conspiracy theory that our US army is responsible for this, that makes me even more angry. And we would we would have sent over our scientists gladly the first day they asked. Now that we're also discovering and this is infuriating also, and I don't see anybody covering it. And I think this is as important as anything the who. They have a piece out on their on their Twitter account that the preliminary investigations conducted by Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission you know when that was bill January fourteenth, they basically took our topic. And I'm going to make a little linkage here that I hope is relevant, but it may not be. So you've got a Chinese totalitarian communist regime. It's never going to tell the truth. There's no free press in the entire country, and they're going to try to cover up anything they believe might be damaging to their economy. And that's why they tried to hide the woolhand thing. They thought they might have been able to contain it. So why let the world know that it's a danger. That's what they did. So, Bernie Sanders, if you remember a couple of weeks ago, said, oh, well, the Chinese communist government alleviated poverty. Do you know what the average salary for a Chinese person is, Hannity, Do you know very little? What is a couple of bucks a week? Six thousand dollars a year. Are you going to sit there and tell me that if China had not gone had gone capitalists in nineteen forty nine when Shankaischek was ruling and was a corrupt capitalist, but he was a capitalist, Are you going to tell me that the Chinese worker would be making six thousand dollars today under capitalism, then you're insane. And Bernie Sanders said that, and that's why I believe he is gone forever. Thank God, thank god. I hate to tell you see him again on the National Joe Joe is not much better. We'll get to Joe in a minute, right, but let me let me let me focus in on some other issues here though, because this is important. Um, the China thing, Okay, we got that out of the way, the science hopefully, you know. I've been trying to remind people. I'm doing a segment on radio and TV Facts without fear, just trying to give news, just information, what's unfolding, what's happening now. I'm going to give you my strong opinion afterwards. But the people are craving just news and information that they can trust. And we're working hard, and I don't know you do the same thing. I have a list of the media stuff here, Bill, I mean, it is pretty disgusting. The New York Times edits out this discussion, this conference call with the president and reduce it to respirators, ventilators, all the equipment. Try getting it yourself. When the President all he said was will be there for you if you can get it faster, will support you, We'll take care of it, We'll pay for it. Then the focus on the China virus, which is unbelievable. Then we've got people over there at that conspiracy channel ms DNC, you know, upset that it's called the China virus. And then we have MSNBC analysts, Guy on Joy read saying Fox has been killing people for years, and another one accusing Trump of committing Corona homicide in this. And I can keep Joel Lockhart when this is all over, hope we're gonna have an honest discussion on the toxic effect of Fox News. What did we do? Real? An honest discussion from Joe Lockhart? Right. The one thing that I hope for, in addition to the United States saving the world with our medical technology, and I'm really praying that we can do that, is that the American consumer will finally rise up against these haters and these people who are harming all of us on television and in the newspapers, will finally say we're not going to consume your product anymore. We're not going to do it. And I think we're on the verge of that. I think that might be the tipping point. Now when you hear someone on and it's not MSNBC Hannity, it's NBC News, it's Comcast. They are allowing this and they are making money off it. And I think people have got to understand that the free press in this country has now morphed into an organization generally speaking, that hurts people. They hurt people, and is this what we want? And I hope that people start to see it. You can disagree, you can agree. You can listen to Annie, you can listen. There is no liberal talk radio because nobody wants to listen to that. And MSNBC and CNN are poorly rated on television. So it's obvious that most Americans don't want this garbage. But it still exists and it hurts people. So Washington and their wisdom, and I support this every industry bill, and I'm a conservative, every industry. We bail out all of Europe. We paved the way for Europe the rebuild after World War Two. Um, we save the world. You're right. We beat back the forces of Nazism and fascism and communism and radical Islamism, and we lead the world. Without the United States, there is no freedom as it exists, and we pay the price every time. Now we're in a situation where American workers, American industry that these people, through no fault of their own, a hurt. And I'm all for whatever it takes. They need. These workers are going to have checks within two weeks. They need it. They need the right amount of money. People that need medical help need it. We ought to give it to them. Businesses. The cruise industry can't go belly up over this, nor can the airline industry. And here's what makes me mad, Bill O'Reilly. What does the House do? They start putting in abortion provisions and they put in it attack on stuff, right, yeah, thirty five million dollars build for global health programs. You get it has got to be exposed by the Republican Party in a series of advertisements on television. The Republican Party has to get off its collective butt and start to make ads and put them on television that say just what you said. I mean, you and I do it. We do it. But where is the Republican Party trying to save the country? All right, it's your responsibility, Republicans, and I am not a Republican. I'm not either. I'm not a Republican, I'm a conservative responsibility to bring this fact to the American people by spending money on advertisements that tell the truth. All right, before we get to the advertisement, plenty of time, Here's what I want to ask you though, I want are you kidding me? All these hundreds of millions of dollars for international causes? I'm like, can we please bail out the truckers, the workers and restaurants. Can we please bail out the people that are losing their jobs in the hotel industry? And can you bail out the Americans that need every penny needs to go to those impacted by the virus. Don't waste our money, that's my point. Yeah, with special causes, so you can send abortion money to Plan parenthood. You're absolutely right. But see this can be done in a very disciplined way. You lend the money at no interest to the airline industry, the restaurant people, and everybody else is getting hurt by the virus. You give them block grant loans with very generous payback terms, because these industries will come back. They're away give for handouts. You keep the them going and the one caveat Let me ask you, because hourly workers bill, they don't you lose your job now and you're out of work now. And a lot of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I've been there in my life. I think you've been there in your life. I've been there. I was there for a long time. And they don't have any ability to pay this back. Those workers, through no fault of their own, should get the paycheck they need until this passes. And this will pass. I think it could be done, but you've got to be careful with that. It's very, very hard for a bureaucracy to serve the needs of one hundred million people, very hard. I think it has to be done through taxation, and when you file you can get a refund of wages you've lost. But it has to be done in a discipline way. But I agree in the spirit of what you're saying. The federal government is there to help Americas, and that doesn't only mean cure them from an illness. We just got some breaking news belt from a disaster in the marketplace. New York Stock Exchange is now to close beginning March the twenty third, probably not a bad idea, right, Yes, I think you gotta be careful with the free market. I mean, I think if Donald Trump makes the announcement tomorrow that there is hope that we can wipe out this virus medically, the stock market will go up four thousand points and the New York Stock careful there. They also have moved update hang on, they've now moved to temporarily to fully electronic trading. I'm just I'm not trying to interrupt you. Go ahead, no, no, go ahead. Well, I don't like the closing of the stock market. I think that the markets will respond to positive news, and therefore people who have lost money will get it back partially. So I've got to be careful about shutting stuff down. I am just if the American people, we'll just follow this plan laid out by the White House for four to fifteen days now day thirteen thirteen days left, I think we're going to go a long way to leveling this thing off. That's my hope. Where do you see this going and the impact on twenty twenty? All right, this is what I hope. This is the simple man's wrap up today. In nineteen eighteen, the United States defeated the Kaiser in nineteen forty to forty five. We defeated Hitler Tojo and Joseph stalin his expansion of communism. We defeated al Qaeda and ISIS and the Ghad, and everybody living now knows that. And it is my prayer and hope that we will defeat this virus. The United States will come up with the medical Technololo Riley dot Com. All right, final hours, Sean Hannity showed News Round Up, Information Overload, our two hundred and thirty days till you are the ultimate jury and you get to decide the future path of this country. Day thirteen of the President's coronavirus guidelines for the country to slow the spread of coronavirus. Vice President Mike Pence, who has been leading the President's task force. Now, I believe three straight weeks, day in and day out, I've been watching every single day the press conferences they've been having, mister Vice President, as always, thank you for what you're doing, Thanks for being here, welcome back, Thank you, Sean. And let me just begin by saying thank you on the airways of radio all across America and on television. What you've been doing to broaden public understanding of the coronavirus, spreading the word, especially on the President's coronavirus guidelines fifteen days to slow the spread. We're very, very grateful that you're bringing this important, timely information to the American people. On the last hour, just as I was towards the end of the last hour, I had a screen grab of one of the lower thirds of one of the networks saying that the New York Stock Exchange was closing. It is not closed. The Stock Exchange is not closed. I want to be very very clear here. Electronic trading will continue. Apparently someone on the floor of the exchange had tested positive for corona. Before I get into all the efforts and looking forward invest in West worst case scenarios, the President was meeting with a group of medical health professionals, and this was later this afternoon. We carried that on this show, and he mentioned that there's going to be some announcement with the FDA tomorrow. I have been looking at scientific publications, Nature and other and they have gone into great examination medical studies about a number of drugs. One of them, for example, that was used commonly available since nineteen forty five it's a prescribed drug to deal with malaria anti malaria. It's called chloroquinn phosphate and apparently strong results against profile actively preventing infection number one and helping those with infection healed much faster, get out of hospitals faster. And then there are another a number of other and by the way, in consultation with Stanford University Medicine and UAB School of Medicine, there's really big hope apparently with drugs already on the market. Can you give us a preview of what we might hear on this, Well, let's be clear from the beginning, the President said, we're going to bring the full resources of the federal government, a full partnership with the States, but we're also going to bring, as this President has done with every great challenge, we're going to bring the whole of America to this. And it was several weeks ago that he brought in the leaders of all the top pharmaceutical companies in America. They agreed to form a consortium to develop therapeutic drugs which may be available as early as this May, that will bring reliefs, not a vaccine, that it will bring relief to people that contract the coronavirus. We just a few days ago announced that in record time, I think the number was a little more than sixty days. We are now officially in clinical trials for a vaccine. Doctor Tony Fauci said, who's been doing this for forty years, that he was fairly certain that was a record. No one's ever gone into clinical trials that quickly. But it's all a result of the President's absolute determination to bring the very best of American ingenuity and American medicine to bear. And tomorrow, with the head of the FDA, the President will make in another announcement about our efforts to expand the availability of medications to the American people. I'll let the President go through that. We're working through details yet this evening, but but this president really believes that as we go through this where it's not just going to be the federal government and state government, but it's all of our healthcare workers. We just left a meeting with nurse practitioners. We spoke to the leadership of all the medical associations, the top doctors in the country. It is in every sense, all of us in this together. And tomorrow you'll see one more step where the President is making efforts to make sure that we're bringing every possible option to the American people to confront the coronavirus. I think things will when we look back on this and we will get through this, that we're going to new paradigms emerge. One is going to be the drive up testing, public private partnerships. Another is going to be maybe we're not going to scream xenophobia and hysteria and fearmongering when we put travel bans in effect. That was the single best decision I think was made. But the drive through testing, it keeps people out of hospitals. That is a tremendous development. Tele Medicine is a tremendous development. Let me ask you on the financial side, I get, and let's be clear, none of that would have happened what we call the high throughput test. I just think you call it automated testing. Literally, since the President brought these top commercial labs into the White House two weeks ago and said, I need you to work together. I need you to come up with a new model for testing. Because you know, traditionally, when people want a test done, you get a swab. You either send it to your state hospital, or you send it to the CDC and people identify it. Local hospitals if it's an existing disease, can do that. But on something like this that the President saw early on, that old system was never designed for massive testing. And so now we have the commercial labs that have all come online that are literally increasing the number of tests performed every day by the thousands. And later this week, we're going to continue to partner with states to do the drive through drive up testing sites around the country. But the American people will see the results in the days ahead that because the President marshaled the resources of our commercial labs in this country, we're going to be able to expand t meet that need. And it's just like the pharmaceutical companies, just like the way we're working with physicians today. Just like tomorrow's announcement, people are going to see that this is a president that is bringing together all of the best of America to confront the coronavirus. It's the vice president. One of the things I love about this country. After World War Two, we rebuilt Europe. We did that. We beat back the forces of fascism, Nazism, communism, imperial Japan Tojo's Japan, radical Islamism, If you will, we protect freedom all around the world. Isn't. But no country in the history of man that's accumulated more power and advanced the human condition more than this one. I look at Washington and upcomes the You know, I want every American impacted to get every assistance and help. Every worker, every restaurant worker, every truck driver, everybody that works in the cruise industry, the hotel industry, hospitality industry, everybody to get what they have come into them and the help they deserve. There are fellow Americans, isn't through no fault of their own, the airlines, cruise lines. I look at this bill all of a sudden, Why are we debating abortion and four and thirty five million for international disaster assistance, global health programs, diplomatic programs. Why are we just focused on helping Americans right now in these bills? Why can't we get a clean bill out of Congress? Well, first, let me say, just as you said so well a moment ago, and the President has said many times, We're all in this together. The American people know it. And I have to tell you. The first bill that the Congress passed, the Supplemental Funding Bill eight billion dollars, was a great exercise in bipartisanship. Some of those issues you mentioned came up, but they were quickly dismissed, and the legislation that was passed focused the resources and energies on the things that we know we need at every level, not just a federal level, but state and local level to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. And now as the legislation is moving through the United States Senate, our priority is to make sure that no American who works is an hourly way journey would be worried about staying home about missing a paycheck. I mean, anyone in the sound of my voice who feels sick should stay home, and they should contact their doctor, and they should be confident that the paid leave that we're going to secure for every American, including hard working blue collar Americans who work for small businesses that don't offer that benefit now, is going to be covered. And then all the cost of a coronavirus test is going to be covered, whether you have insurance or not. And then the next the next legislation we're working on, and you and I talked a little bit about this yesterday is legislation that is going to meet the needs of this economy. We're gon we're going to be there for industries that are particularly impacted. Our valuable airline industry, our hotel industry, even the cruise line industry that's so important to so many Americans and so cherished by so many We're going to make sure those are there. But we're also you're going to see this administration work with leaders in Congress in both parties to fashion relief for working families were we want the American people to know that we're going to be there with them every step of the way and over the course of the weeks and months that lie ahead, and whether this goes into Midsummer or somewhere in between now and then, we're going to be there for families. We're going to make sure they have the resources to meet this moment, that our businesses have the ability to stay afloat to see their way through, and we'll get through this and America will come roaring back. Agree one hundred percent on that. Let's look at maybe the down the line. I know people every day, we're going to now see it probably a rapid growth of incidences, people reporting more testing, etc. Will result in that, and what we've seen in other countries usually after a period of time four weeks or so, five weeks, leveling off and then hopefully dramatic decline. But we always have to prepare for the worst case scenario. Beyond the testing sites up and running nationwide, there's been a lot of talk about yeah, go ahead, sir, no no, Sean, your point's well taken. Effect. It's something doctor Debrah Burke spoke about at the press conference today. Now that we have managed to bring online these massive commercial laboratories, you are going to see of the reports of the results of tests, including positive tests, increase over the next week. And as doctor Burke said, we need to remember to keep that in perspective because we're essentially now using the new system to catch up on tests that we're actually taken a number of days ago. We'll have a better view of the trajectory of the coronavirus in about a week. But people should expect, now that we have literally increased the number of tests by thousands every day, that they'll see more positive cases reported. But maybe this is a moment to remind people that this is a time to be vigilant not to be afraid. The fifteen days to slow the spread guidelines that the President unveiled on Monday, something we'll ask every American to do over the next two weeks, because even though most healthy Americans are at low risk of serious illness for the coronavirus, there is a small percentage of our population seniors with chronic underlying health conditions and other Americans with immunodeficiencies of any age, for whom there are potentially serious consequences or even the worst. And it's for those people that we have to practice the hygiene of washing our hands on a regular basis. It's for those people that we want to avoid going and eating in restaurants and food courts, used drive through and pick up for the next few weeks. To say this, those people, if you're sick, stay home. Don't you stay away from groups of more than ten Because what you don't want is if you're a person who inadvertently contracts the coronavirus, you may have very little symptoms, you may have flu like symptoms. But what we don't want is for people to then expose vulnerable Americans. Those Vice President may protecting grandma's and grandpa's moms and dads that are older. I just want to the Vice President Mike Pences with us. He's the head of the President's task force on Corona, discussing the guidelines for fifteen days to slow the spread. I want to give an announcement along the Sean Hannity showed network all of our great affiliates, we are continuing our coverage with the Vice President where we would normally be taking a break here, which is why the only reason I'd ever interrupt the Vice President, I do apologize for that. Yeah, it's about protecting our grandparents and our moms and dads and those that are vulnerable. That's why this fifteen day period so important. Sean is such an important point. But it's the reason why we say, do not be afraid, be vigilant, and especially be attentive to those among us who would be vulnerable to serious consequences from the coronavirus. Those are seniors with chronic underlying health conditions, in anyone that has an immunodeficiency, I mean, those are the people that we've got to make sure that we're protecting. And when the President published the fifteen days to Slow the spread, we asked every American in all fifty states and our territories to practice these principles over the next two weeks, because we really believe we're at a place where not only will these steps protect the most vulnerable among us, but we also think we are on the beginning of the upslope of the coronavirus in America, and all of our top medical experts say that if every American will do their part right now, that we can significantly reduce the reach of the coronavirus over the coming weeks and months. People can go to coronavirus dot gov. You've talked about it on the airwaves, you've displayed it on television. But people can see this two page set of recommendations, and if they do that, they can know they are doing their part to help us ensure that our nation makes it through the coronavirus with as little hardship and loss as possible. Earlier today, mister Vice President, the President enacted what is known as the Defense Production Act for the purpose of allowing the private sector to ramp up production of emergency medical supplies. And that would be what if scenario if medical providers were overwhelmed. To ensure that we have enough hospital beds and respirators and ventilators. And similarly, I know you've been asked a lot about this at the daily press conference. In a what if scenario, do we have enough in terms of respirators, ventilators, ivs, medicines, medical tense medical supplies, gowns, gloves, generators, heaters, fuel, blankets, cots, food. If in fact there's a particular area where we need to descend triage, if you will cluster emerges that we would have medical teams and support staff and equipment ready to go. How do you feel about our preparedness if that case were to unfold? Well, America has been broadly recognized by outside experts as being the most prepared nation in the world in every respect, and that's absolutely true. Sean people can be encouraged by that. But as a president, I just told leading physicians from around America. We told leading nurses and nurse practitioners here at the White House today. President's given us two priorities. Number One, protect Americans from the coronavirus and take care of those that have contracted it. On an equal level. We are going to be there for the dedicated healthcare workers to make sure that they have what's called the personal protective equipment gloves, masks, gowns, protective I gear that will protect them from a respiratory illness and people can be encouraged. The President spoke yesterday to some of the top industrial suppliers in the country. I would tell you, as the President says, the spirit among business America to meet the need of our healthcare workers is truly inspiring. And the President talked to business leaders once again today. I would tell you that our team is working twenty four seven on making sure that our healthcare workers have the resources to protect themselves. As the Minister to those that are dealing with the coronavirus, and we're going to continue you to work with industry here in the most powerful economy of the world to meet that need. And if do you see any scenario, I mean, certainly drive up testing is going to take a lot of pressure off the hospital system. Do you feel like all of those the medical equipment that I mentioned now will be ready and available as these instances of positive tests, predictably we'll see a rapid rise in the short term, hopefully leveling off and then a decline. Do you feel like all of that is on order. You mentioned a lot in this late afternoon press conference that we did cover on the show of what five hundred million masks I believe and other equipments. Um, what about triage capability? Well, what I can tell you is that we are we and of course all of our healthcare providers around the country are are busy ordering up, stocking up. But let me tell you something the President did went. I went to Minnesota and visited a great company threem. It's a great American company, right. They manufacture these masks. Now they make about thirty five million a month, but about five million of those are surgical masks that are sold to hospitals. The rest of them are sold to construction companies for use industrial environments. But they're perfectly acceptable for preventing a healthcare worker from getting a respiratory disease. But when we sat down with the company, they said, well, we don't have a certain amount of legal protection to be able to sell these industrial masks to hospitals, and they needed Congress to act, And so I brought that to the President. The President got on the phone. The build that's moving through the Senate right now will extend that liability protection to three ms industrial masks, adding thirty million more masks a month to the marketplace. And that just that one company. And yesterday we called on construction companies around the country that have these masks to donate them to their local hospital. And we know that many are all around America and maybe some that are listening right now, we'll take an effort to go into their warehouse deliver those n ninety five masks as we speak to help us meet this need. The American people are stepping up, American business is stepping up, and because of the reforms that President Trump is advancing in Congress, we literally will have tens of millions of more resources in masks alone to meet this need. It's extremely heartwarming when you had all of these leaders in industry going in and out of the White House. And I remember when you announced last Friday this public private partnership, I mean CVS and I'm not going to remember every day, Walmart, Walgreen, zab what all the Test Lab Corps and Google of all places and these other places. Pretty amazing that this is happening. We wish you success. We need success in this country. Mister Vice President, Thanks for all you're doing every day. We appreciate it. Sean, thank you and thanks for all you're doing to tell the story of what Americans can do. I just send everybody to coronavirus dot gov for the latest information, the latest recommendations. And I know seeing the team at the federal level, seeing the extraordinary partnership the President is forged with governors and state leaders all across this nation. Seeing our devoted healthcare workers and the spirit of the American people to respond to this with compassion and generosity, I know we'll get through this together, mister Vice President. Vice President Mike Pennzi is leading up the President's task Force on a coronavirus state thirteen of their guidelines. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com, CDC dot gov, as the President dot com. As the President said, we'll take a break, we'll come back. We'll update you with more the very latest Hannity nine Eastern Tonight, Facts without fear, truth you won't get anywhere else. Oh, and we'll take on the mob in the media as well. We'll continue This is important to protect workers across America and in Arizona and small businesses. I like the words you use. I think you called it what rescue and support. It's not bailout, it's not stimulus. This is unprecedented. And people who live paycheck to paycheck, like many I've talked to this week, they need to be able to pay their bills and we're going to get them cash as fast as we can. It's going to be done right. We have to do it, and we have to do it in the swiftest way so that the bureaucracy doesn't get in the way, so it's easily implementable. So those who are being impacted, those hourly workers, the waitresses, the small business owners. I've talked to the flagstaff mayor. They've got companies who are doing rafting trips in the Grand Candy. They are zero customers right now, so we need to help them keep the lights on so that when we get past this they can open up business again. They don't bankrupt. And moments like this this is where incredibly a president is most needed as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump. It's record of hysteria, xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia, and fear mongering to lead the way instead of science, as that was the same day that Donald Trump signed the bill to put the travel ban in effect, the single greatest decision that has been made as this has all been unfolding countless thousands, I mean incalculable. The spread of this disease would have been so much greater had the President not had the courage. And what was doctor quid pro quo doing. It's xenophobia, it's it's fear mongering, it's hysteria, typical expected. But the issue of money is very important. Now the White House has pledged that they're going to get checks to Americans in the next two weeks. By the way, this is what I've been saying, This is the right thing to do. This is who we are. I mean, for crying out loud. We rebuilt Europe, America saves the world from fascism, communism, Nazism, imperial Japan, radical Islamism, and everything else. We pay the price every time. But now that it's Americans and America, we've got to do what is in our country's best interests. That means industries that are going to be greatly impacted are being greatly impacted by this small business. Also the fact that they wanted to keep them out of this drives me nuts. It absolutely makes me insane. And then adding in pork barrel projects that have nothing to do with this. Individual workers that are now displaced out of work, they've got to get their paycheck, they've got to pay their mortgage, their rent, they've got to pay for their car. They can't pull their kids out of school because the money they usually make would pay for it. So all of this has to happen and in record time without the usual wasting of our money. I mean, it is, it's it's so sad and predictable because you know, look at this. The Senate Democrats Corona Relief Bill would send four thousand, five hundred dollars to every American. Well, I'll be the first to say, I don't need your four thousand, five hundred dollars. Most people don't need that. Most people want to paycheck, and we want to get them. Just give them enough to get by to take care of their bills so they don't go wonder and stop filling up these bills you know, full of lard and fraud and waste and abuse. I mean, it's it's pretty remarkable that this is what we get every single time. Even the middle of a crisis. They want to waste money, and they have no problem wasting money. I mean in the House bill you have forty Republicans said they couldn't vote on the bill without being given any time to read it, you know, like let's see Acasio Cortez. Okay, they all read one hundred and ten pages in an hour. I don't think so. Because she wanted lard in the bill. Others wanted that everyone has the little pork barrel project and I will forever change entitlement programs. Now, if it's for if any of this is related to help the people, we need to help every Americans on board. But it's also got to position us to get into the quickest recovery mode when this passes, and this will pass. Martha McSally is with us Senator from the great state of Arizona. Well, welcome back, Senator, good to have you. I know you're staying in contact with your constituents. How things out in Arizona? I am well, I'm sure any of your listeners. There's a lot of anxiety, not just about the virus for the vulnerable, the greatest generation, elderly, the sick, but also the uncertainty for hard working families, for small businesses. We have been engaged in NonStop conference calls and other things just earlier today with small businesses. This is an unprecedented crisis, but we will get through it. And so what we do here in Congress and with the administration on the economic side, it's so important that we do it swiftly and that it's targeted and that it's temporary. For us to know that when we get out the other side, we want to keep workers attached to their employer if they can, because there's this other element of falling away from that attachment and the barrier that is and all just the social elements of that. We've got to support those small businesses so that they don't go bankrupt when we get out. Business control us in the House A four d and thirty five million global health programs, three hundred million international disaster assistance, two hundred and sixty four million diplomatic programs, one hundred million worldwide Security protection, two and fifty million Foreign Economic Support Fund. Okay, maybe we have to help other countries right now, help America. Let's help Americans get to work and take this crap and get it out of the bill. Are your is the Senate dedicated to doing that? So we are moving forward on the bill. It is not a perfect bill, Sean. We've got some real, you know challenges in there, as you listed, you know, some of them, and things that people don't like. But I think what's important right now is we move on to the third package, which is really what's going to provide those checks immediately to American workers and support to those small businesses. Uh. There's some you know, amendments to this bill that we're the second bill, the second package we're working on right now. But we're we're past the point of support and employee if they're at home because they have symptoms. We're now at the point with social distancing and restaurants and bars closing that we are on the you know, the cusp of uh, some real economic calamity here, and we've got to do our part to swiftly get resources. This is not a bailout to people. It's not a stimulus. It's it's I think Stewart called it, what do you call it? Rescue and support to American families and workers. And I think that's going to be the most important thing here in the days ahead that we're able to get that out there quickly. All right, thanks for all you doing, the Senator, we appreciate it. Senator Martha McSally and the great State of Arizona. All hands on deck. A lot of stuff going on here. I will tell you one of the saddest things that you get in the middle of any of these crisis is what do you have? You have people they will use anything to bludgeon Donald Trump or conservatives, and if by watching all this coverage and you know, remember all these people that lie to us for three years, we were right on everything we were reported. From Hillary's oh, let's write secret server with top secret and classified information on it and then speeded emails destroyed, and her paying for a dirty Russian dossier that was then used to take away Carter Page's civil liberties rights, and then spying a president transition team. Presidency. They got it all wrong. They ignored all of that. They were pushing Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. We've gone through the timeline with Corona the president. We have the first case January twenty first, in the United States January thirty first, there's Donald Trump, what did he do he acted, Donald Trump acts and he gets this whole thing done. And then now the latest thing is, oh, these these conservatives, they now now they're getting serious, but they weren't before. They've changed their tone. No, we haven't. We posted a whole article on Hannity dot com going back to January twenty eighth, where I was discussing the unprecedented nature of COVID nineteen with three different physicians on this program. We've been talking about it from a serious standpoint. We had on February tenth, doctor Anthony Fauci talking about, Hey, people with that are asymptom or spreading this disease. Spent a lot of time talking about how this disease was a much bigger threat. We talked all throughout February about scientists already working on a vaccine, and how many times have I been saying, we've got the best people working on corona. We now see potential breakthroughs that are in the works, and record time they're able to break down the structure of CORONA, which can lead to not only a vaccine down the road, but prior to that, hopefully treatment, so fewer people will die and fewer people will contract the disease. We talk about the smart travel ban of the president, and how we have the smartest people working on the vaccine. We did this all through February and now all through March, you know, talking up our great doctors and how I want How many times I've mentioned I want a vaccine for all diseases. US has the best doctors, medical researchers, scientists. How the president's response. Literally, now in retrospect, we could say, Wow, that travel ban was massive. I've talked at length and repeatedly, how we must take this whole thing seriously. I want a cure for sicknesses. How it needs to be an all hands on deck moment that you'd think we'd agree on one thing, fighting a virus in this case Corona, and we don't want any Americans to get sick. Said that repeatedly and day after day. We want to prolong human life. We have, you know, all of these things, and like this now it's like blood in Hannity. And it's by the way, it's not just one media outlet. I mean, you got the New York Times, You've got and they're all attacking Fox News. I mean, the stuff I'm hearing is so sick and so twisted and so ugly in all of this, you know, yes, now the biggest concern again today, Oh you're using the phrase it's a Chinese virus. Okay, yeah, sure. And you got like Joel Lockhart, the dumbest human being on earth, that when this is all over, we probably should examine what was done right, what was done wrong? And I hope we can have an honest national conversation on the toxic effect of Fox News Wow, critical instrument of Trumpets approach on the crisis. Well, I was saying, it's important to get to from the very get go unbelieve it. Other MSDNC, the liars of the last three years, the ones that race to politicize the virus. And we never called it a hoax. We said, for them, this is quote their next political hoax. Let's play let's blame Trump for the virus, let's politicize it, let's bludge in it. From day one, even before the travel ban, I was saying, take this seriously, you know, and people over at CNN, when when you know things as serious, Trump is feeding you a lot at BS, you go buy toilet paper that were shortage of toilet papers. Trump's fault. Trump is only concerned. This was the NewsBusters about ABC and their coverage. Only concern is about stock market numbers. It's never been the case. Why don't you put the travel ban in effect? But the stock market? No? Or Krugman, that idiot Nobel prize winning economist, you know, twenty five thousand. He tweets that, you know, economists like myself off and make a point saying the stock market is not the economy, which it isn't it is, however, pretty much the Trump presidency. What is he saying, Oh, this is great, we can get rid of Trump. Remember the New York Times Trump virus's feeling awful. You know who to blame. And you have Reuters editing a debunk story claiming Trump sought a monopoly on COVID nineteen vaccine. That was another lie, you know. Then we have this call with the President speaking to governors, and you have people from the New York Times on the line. This is how they this is how they reported. Respirators, ventilators, all the equipment. Try getting it yourself. Okay, well that's not what Trump said. President recommended that states procure respirators and ventilators if it would be faster, but added the federal government would be backing you. They kind of forgot that part and they omitted the bulk of the president's statement to make him look as bad as possible. You know, they're spending time on d MS, DNC, state run TV, conspiracy TV. How the President he's on shaking for somebody's hand, he touched the microphone. Is this how sick these people have gotten? But they've always been this sick. It's just worse than ever. You know, he's emulating the propaganda of North Korea on the virus over at fake news CNN. It's so corrupt it is despicable, even in the middle of a crisis. Anyway, we pin this on our tweet at Sean Hannity and Hannity dot Com with the accompanying audio video. You know, because they just lie. Hannity has changed his tone. No, I haven't. We've taken it seriously from the beginning. We're the ones, I think probably one of the first shows to ever have Doctor Anthony Faucion just liars. They just lie? Why because everything for them is seen through the prism. They wake up with his rage every day. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. All right, we have full coverage tonight. We're gonna go after every angle involving this virus facts without fear. We've got our reporters out there on the ground available our logan, Bill Hammertrace Gallagher, and much much more. Also China. They don't quite get away here with this. Oh, let's accuse America of a conspiracy theory. We'll check in with my Pompeo Secretarius State on that fact. All coming up nineties stood on, Hannity, Thank you for being with us, See you tonight. Back here tomorrow,

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