Reverend CL “HeavyFoot” Bryant, Host of the CL Bryant Show, author of The Race for Freedom and Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks, is absolutely outraged by what we are seeing with race in America. CL, a former head of the NAACP, is fully aware of the tricks the left plays on the black community around an election. Also joining is Leo Terrell, Fox News Contributor and Civil Rights Attorney. Today they go over Kamala’s violation of federal law while stumping for Terry McAuliffe.
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Our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Sean you want to be a part of the program. So about three hundred churches. Terry mcculloff is in trouble in the Commonwealth of Virginia. We now have, I think one of the biggest issues. Look at Loudon County. Look at Terry mcculloff's statement parents shouldn't have a say in their kids education and then stood by it. I think they said the young Land campaign said at least like two dozen times. And now he's trying to say they're taking my words out of context. No, because we know what Terry mcculloff said Thursday. Kamala Harris will be out campaigning with Terry mcculloff, but they're trying to pull out all the stops. Stacy Abrahams is out there campaigning for mccallop. Barack Obama's campaigning for mcculloff. This is a blue state. This should not be as close a race as it is. It is within the margin of error, and Glenn Junkan has a chance to win. This early voting has almost if you're going to use a word or an adjective to describe it as depressed compared to other elections as it relates to a Democrat. Early voting not a good sign anyway. So more than three hundred predominantly African American churches heard Kamala Harris this weekend and this or will here between this past Sunday. Many churches ran at this past Sunday, November second messages. But apparently that is a violation of the i RS Code. Remember most churches of five O one seed three's nonprofits. But it specifically says you cannot participate in or intervene in, including the publishing and distributing of statements, any political campaign on behalf of, or an opposition to, any candidate for public office. Okay, so the law is pretty clear. Did Kamala Harris violate the law because Terry mcculloff is in such dire straits in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Here's part of what this video says that is airing in churches apparently illegally. As you know, this is an important election coming up on Tuesday, November second, and early voting is already under way. I believe that my friend Terry mcculloff is the leader Virginia needs at this moment. Terry mccauloff has a long track record of getting things done for the people of Virginia. When he was governor in the wake of the recession, you'll remember he brought two hundred thousand jobs to Virginia. Incomes went up and unemployment went down in every city and county in the state. And now Terry mccaulloff is stepping up again with a clear vision about how to rebuild Virginia's economy for the future, to raise the minimum wage, to make healthcare more affordable, to give every child a world class education. Virginian's you deserve a leader who has a vision of what is possible and the experience to realize that vision. Terry McCullough is that leader. Okay, beyond being dull and boring, is it illegal? Remember Terry McCullough got in trouble parents concerned about what their kids are being taught in school. You know, he literally says that they shouldn't be involved in the kids education. Shows how clueless Glenn Yonkin is. He doesn't understand what the laws were because he's never been involved here in helping Virginia. But it was not the parents had to write to Vito bills Vito books Glenn not to be knowledge about it. Also take them off the shelves. And I'm not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. So stop the bill that. I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. You know, I get really tired of everybody running down teachers. I don't think parents should be telling schools what to be teaching. Parents should have an active role in their kids' school Anyway, here to join us to discuss the legal aspect. Leo two point zero Terrell Fox News contributor, and then Reverend cl heavy Foot Brian does the host of the cl Brian Show. Now, Leo, we might need you one day because apparently Reverend cl has a pretty heavy foot and he's been pulled over apparently hundreds of times. He's never gotten a ticket though, because he immediately starts it, he uses the name of Jesus and says, officer, are you saved? Officer, have you accepted the Lord Jesus into your heart? My name is Reverend cl Brian. I know I might have been speeding, but I'm busy doing the Lord's work, Will you pray with me? And every single time he uses Jesus name, which, by the way, I believe in Jesus uses Jesus name to get out of a speeding ticket and apparently it works. And you know what, Sean, I used it to get out of everything else too. You know, I don't know if Leo two point on Terrell, that's pretty sneaky trick. I don't know if I don't want to end up at the Pearly gates and say, hey, by the way, thanks for getting me out of all those speeding tickets. Well, okay, he doesn't need a lawyer. He's got Jesus on the side, O man or a lawyer, Leo. Is this illegal what Kamala is doing? Yeah, it's definitely illegal. It's five. It's a violation of the tax exempt status of a religious organization. She's giving a political message in a church which is tax exempt and they have to stay away from politics. It's clearly a violation. The question is, well, the Biden administration that wants to go after the average citizen who deposits six hundred dollars it hits or her account, where you go after his own party? I don't think so. But the problem here is this Biden one, Virginia sean by ten percentage point. This is a dog fight because people of all colors reject Terry McCullough's strategy that parents should not be involved in curriculum. I'm a former school teacher. They have an absolute fundamental right to be involved. And this cuts across all political spectrum, all political all ethnic groups. People of all colors want to be involved. They reject critical race theory. And no one expected a year ago of that education would be the key point in the elections in Virginia, and it's gonna be a tidal wave. I think Yankin is going to win this thing because people are fed up with the democratic control of your every aspect of their life. I mean, Reverend, you look at this. If schools cared now, we spend more per capita for student on education than any other country in the industrialized world, with mostly the worst results, I mean on average, especially in blue states that have destroyed the educational system. Because you got this on holy alliance with teachers unions and the Democratic Party. So you know number one, so you know all these cliches. Here, we're going to have the first class education. We're going to tax the rich. Terry mcculloff knows what it means to have a clean environment. He wants clean air and clean water. We're going to tax the rich. Oh yeah, I mean it's like robotic. They don't mean any of it. They don't accomplish any of it. Every you know want you want the track record of Democrats, it just sucks. It does suck, Sean, and that's why Leo and I left that camp. I left many years ago, but thirty years ago and Leo is now here. Black folks are getting tired. This will backfire on them because black folks are getting tired of being told that their lying eyes are telling them something and deceiving them again by these Democrats. When you look at what Terry mccaulliff is all about, he has never been about the welfare of those who are less fortunate in the state of Virginia. The same with Kamala Harris. She's the grandest and dullest deception that you can possibly think of. I dare say this. Excuse my language for saying this, but you no, you don't have to worry about it, because apparently you're just going to invoke the name of Jesus and say you're sorry and get out of it. But you are going to see let's go Brandon signs in the hands of everybody around this country because pardon my language, but that is going to be even in the hands of school children around this country because this has been a total catastrophe. Sean Hannity and I thank you so much for this platform in order to tell everybody, particularly black folks, that there is a need now to wake up. How stupid do they think that you are to believe that you would let them come between you and your child. Here's here's my argument. How are schools systems doing in all these you know, blue states that have been run by liberal Democrats for decades? In blue cities, how's their educational system working out? Not well? You know, you have all these kids that are not proficient in reading, in math. How are they doing with law and order in blue cities and states? Because they can't even give people simple safety and security to pursue happiness. How did those Obamacare promises keep your doctor plan and save money work out? How's that Social Security lockbox doing that they rated and is now headed towards insolvency along with medicare. So my question, Leo, why would anyone believe these new promises when they've screwed up on everything else that they promised. They shouldn't, but they do. And that's the sad part about you mentioned Democratic city. I live in one in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Baltimore. Sean. What they do is they pen and they lie to the black voters. They come in only during the election cycle. They go to black churches. I think every black church should close their doors to the Democratic Party. And then they say, hey, you know, we're the guys who are going to help you. Blacks don't want government control schools. They want school choice, they want police officers to defend their streets. They believe in law enforcements. But they come in and they lie, and somehow black voters, a lot of them, I woke up. They drink that kool aid, and then the Democrats they leave. They come back four years later and lie again. I don't understand it, but I see a breaking point because there are blacks in Virginia who are voting for young kids. And I'll tell you, Sean, Terry McCullough is a praise and the black vote will not be there in massive. That's why you got Stacey Abraham. That's why you got Barack, That's who you got Kamala. And I think Kamala might help the Republicans because she is so unlikable. A lot of Democrats think she's gonna be president of Joe Biden can't cut it out, cut it for the next you know, for the full term. I guess Kamala's the Democratic Party front runner. I don't see any circumstances cel that Joe Biden runs for a second term, do you. I don't understand how Joe Biden could have won this time, Sean, But no, there is no way Joe Biden will get a second term if, in fact, Joe Biden finishes his first term. Let me say this quickly, Sean. Here it's Freedom Works. We have what's called the best program building education for students together, parents know best dot com and that is what we need to understand. And that's what these clowns in the Democrat Party don't understand, is that they have gone to abridge too far and this will be the spark. As Leo was saying, who would have thought that education would be the catalyst for the New American Revolution quick break. We'll come back more with Reverend cl heavy Foot Bryant LEO two point z Terrell and your calls coming up eight hundred and nine four one sewn as our number. As we continue with the Reverend CEO Bryant LEO two point z Trel, it seems to me that, you know, we have the greatest success Leo two point z Terre, which I guess maybe played a part in you becoming two point zero on one point zero, and that is that Donald Trump set record low after record low after record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country, and the people that benefited the most from his policies were minorities in America. The people now that are being punished the most, the people that don't have good schools, safe communities, seem to be minorities in America. The Democratic Party claims a monopoly compassion, but their policies aren't working. And then if you look at, for example, who's getting hit the hardest when it comes to Biden's economic disastrous you know, it's disastrous plans here poorer Americans and middle class Americans all across the every demographic spectrum. They're the ones that are paying more money for every single item they buy, every time they fill up their tank, and every time they heat and call their home. They can't afford Joe Biden anymore. Sean, don't don't destroy this program with facts. So they're facts. That's what the Democrats don't have. They play that emotional game. Donald Trump was more effective in four years towards helping all people, regardless of color, than Obama and Biden in eight years. Everyone knows that it was one of the driving forces that led me to leave the Democratic Party. I mean his fundy historical black colleges, lower unemployment rich Peter Fact ain't know what It drove the Democrat crazy because here's a Republicans who they despised was doing programs that benefited all people. And one last point, you're talking about police reform, Donald Trump, try to get police reformed. Jess who killed it, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker. Now they got to control of the White House and the Congress, they can't get police reformed. They liked the racial divisive issues to just keep going on and on and on. They're not the solutions. They liked problems. Let me ask the last question of Reverend cl heavy for Brian. When's the last time he got pulled over? Reverend? Actually, Sean, I've been a good I've been very good here here lately. But I tell you something I came. I'm awoke. I'm awake now, but I want you to explain this. How does it? How does that happen? So the guy pulls you over, You're going eighty five and a fifty five mile per hour zone, Sir, Cannabial License and registration. Walk me through the process of how you you bring Jesus into this discussion. Sean, I let my light shine wherever that is. I've been told by Jesus to do it. You've been so now you're blaming Jesus for using Jesus. Invoking Jesus' name, never miss it, never miss an opportunity to preach. I got it? Is that what you're saying? Absolutely right? And be awake here in America, the greatest land on the face of the planets, because I've never this is the single most brilliant idea I've ever heard, you know, Will you pray with me, sir before you before you write the ticket? We please pray with me. And he's saying that I know, but I I feel that I'm going to get hit with lightning if I ever pulled this one off. All Right, we love you both, Cel, thank you, Leo two point Tarrell, thank you. Eight hundred nine for one, Sean, uh it's our toll for the number. We'll get to your calls coming up next, quick break right back, breaking news straight from the source. This is the Sean Hannity Show, twenty five now till the top of the hour. Told three. It's eight hundred nine for one, Sham. We'll get to your calls here in a second. Biden, another screwed up moment today, needed to be rescued once again by Jill. I'm not allowed to take questions and get mad at me and everything. And it's really young. I can't get my ice cream before I go ninety night anyway. The reason they don't let him talk is because he can't talk. Listen, I tell you what I would like to learn, Okay, Joe Biden struggling as usual anyway, and then Joe Biden just lies. It's the great plagiarist that he's been in his life that we have chronicled many times. He claims once again that he was involved in the civil rights movement. Well, there's no evidence of that. And he looked at me, said, Joe, you should run. I said, but I feel strongly about all these issues. But I got involved in the civil rights movement and worried about He said, Joe, you should do it. He had enough confidence in me. He gave me confidence to myself. Unbelievable. Eight hundred and nine for one. Sean is our toll free number if you want to be a part of the program. All right, let's say how to Larry is in Ohio, the all important state of Ohio. Hi, Sean, how are you doing? I'm good, sir. How are you glad? You called good real quick? I called you last November after the election, and I was pretty down and pretty despondent and hopeless, and you had said well, and I was abouty to give up on Paul Dicks and everything, and um, you said do you have any grandchildren? And I said yeah, And he said that's why you keep going. So I'm gonna tell you what we did. M My wife and I sit and watch the news and and she one day said, you know, I'm gonna stop sitting here and complaining I'm gonna run for school board. And I kind of looked at her and said, have you lost your mind? And she said, no, I'm gonna run for school board. And we have recruited two other people through the local Republican Club, two other women who are also conservatives, and we're they're running for school board here in Sylvania for the Sylvania City Schools. And that's what that was our response. You know, we're fighting back. You know, the idea for examp ample, the intimidation efforts, the politicizing of the Department of Justice is very, very dangerous for reasons You're you're saying, and I'm not saying telling people that, you know, if you go to a school board meeting and let's say they're teaching age inappropriate material, or let's say that this school has draconian measures as it relates to COVID, or let's say critical race theory, and your passion be passionate, but I urge everybody, you know, be polite. Now, let's say somebody does cross a line and says something that could be deemed a threat. You can't have people making threats against public officials and school board members. You know, the answer usually is vote them out the next time the election comes, or run for office yourself. But that's something the local police departments can handle. That's a call to nine one one, assuming of course they didn't dismantle or defund the police, and you don't have any police so but the reality is the only only way, you know. It's interesting that the Democrats have control of everything. They got the House, they got the Senate, they got the White House, but they don't have one thing. I do not believe they have the hearts and minds of the American people. They've not won the argument for socialism anyway, appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine for one. Seawan is our number. Erin is in Texas, Aaron, how are you glad you called? Hey? Sound great to talk to you. Well, I am calling to say thank you, And the retime calling is because of something that you said about your kids. So I'll finish with that. But the reason I want to start with telling your viewers why you deserve our thanks. I was a TV news anchor and reporter for fifteen years, and the industry's changed a lot from the mid nineties to when I left in the late two thousands to what it is right now, and you know the pressure went from doing journalism and seeking truth and telling stories and running things by the lawyers to make sure you were accurate and factual to being pressured by the sales team. And I've got a friend of Austin who's an anchors. I anchored, was back in the early two thousands and now his co anchor they have they have a leaderboard in their newsroom. It says social media leasure board, and his co anchor's winning because she posted a new lipstick with duck lips. Like that's what's driving you know, journalism and media popularity these days. And so what you're doing out there when you're giving a voice to truth, you're giving a voice to really how people feel and what they're experiencing in schools and in cities and in government. And I don't think people realize how how hard it's gotten to be in this business that you're in, and how much pressure comes from all sides, and certainly how much criticism merits. So you're doing a job that a lot of people like me couldn't finish. I you know, I just couldn't do it anymore. And I'm so thankful to you every single day when I listen. But what made me call was I heard you say on a previous show that your kids don't use your last name in college. And I've also heard you say when my kids google Sean Hannity, it comes up Sean Hannity be a Satan. So it's not just you that's that's doing this, for all of us. Your family's making a sacrifice to you. And I think that either our thanks and our gratitude and also, you know, frankly, just our a pause and support for your bravery and for being that voice and taking that hand. So I just feel a little uncomfortable. First of all, you're very kind, and I'm not good at taking compliments Linda true or falls um. But but but I'm very appreciative. I know I can't do this show without you listening. I know I can't do TV if you don't watch, and I want to be able to do it. I want to fight, you know when you came. You know, everything's a perspective, right, you know, we all think we're probably we have problems. I'll never forget Aaron. The first time I came out of Walter Reed and Bethesda, and I was with Ali North the first time, and I saw these guys that had their legs blown off, and these guys going through this painful rehab, I walked out of their embarrassed, embarrassed in as much as how do I see something that devastating, that hard, that difficult, and then whining, complaining about you know, I work so hard or whatever I'm whining about, because in comparison, there is no comparison or the job of a police officers. He's pelted with bricks and rocks and Molotov cocktails and bottles. So I do appreciate it. I am blessed. I don't really talk about my private life much on purpose, and my kids on purpose because they are their own people and I try to keep them out of my world as much as possible. I made this choice, and they know the good that comes out of it, and they know there's a downside too, and I just I am dedicated to let them find who God made them to be, not force my will upon them, if that makes any sense. And to their credit, they've found they're both finding their own way, and I'm proud of both of them, and I just, you know, I think a good father just facilitates people finding that that purpose withinside themselves that God put there. I didn't, but you know, their God's creation, you know, that's their real father in the sense if I really believe it. But you know, just like those military service members and just like those police officers are out sacrificing because they're doing what they're called to do, you are doing what you're called to do, and and you know it's not something everybody can do. So you know, I know, I know you're humble. I know it's hard for you, but you know, take the credit and take the thanks because there's a lot of people that appreciate you. Well. I appreciate it. Thank you, Aaron, U I am a lot to me. Yeah, oh you are here. I am here. You know what happened, Sean, we were messing with the board and my mic was on a different channel. I apology, I mean, I just I have a hard time taking combonus because I'm first of all, can we talk about the caller? I mean, Aaron, an amazing call, an amazing call. It's so well spoken, and I think she says what a lot of us are thinking all the time, which is, you know, we do this every because it's what we do. But I mean you we'd get attacked. I mean, we go on the road, we have security. People throw bottles, they want to throw snowballs, they want to scream. They've got it all. We've got the snowballs. We've had, we've had our moments, and we've had the security. Sean think about this. He went to Israel and people flock to you. I mean, we're at the whaling Wall and people are running to you, thanking you for you know, your your pledge to Israel, your love of the country. We're in. You know, we're in Finland and you were people coming up, Oh you're Sean Hannity. I watch your show and it's like it does shock me. I mean I really can't believe it, you know. And then in London we got mobbed and that was insane. London took the babby. He's the cops that are not armed. Well that was the weirdest thing. No guns, no nobody's yeah, and everybody did you guys have to go this is not going to end. Well that's what they said. It was scary. I mean, that was a mob and I was the genius that said, oh, nobody's gonna know me here. Let's just bring our camera. This is the best part about you. I'm just gonna put on a hat. I'm like, I'm sorry, Yeah, that's that's not all. That's sunglass. There you go. Yeah, I see. If I would have had my mask, hat and sunglasses, I would have had a better shot. Yeah, that doesn't work. You always say that. It only works like a second, and then everybody knows it's you. It's like, you know, you know, I don't have to wear it anymore. It's not mandated in my grocery store. But I used to wear it in the grocery store, even my glasses, hat and mask, and people still would say, hey, Sean, yeah, because you have a start. First of all, you walk at the speed of light walking. I mean, I have to wear sneakers with you because you're insane, and so being anywhere with your requires, you know, full on Nike running sneakers. And besides that, you know you're always you have like a certain cadence and you're always wearing that same FDNY T shirt. So it's like we all know it's you. It's not as you know, it's not hard to figure out. Well I am, I'll tell you people in life, and this is what I'm trying to get across to young people to call the show, and my own kids too. And I've taught Linda how many times have I had this discussion with you? And I tell everybody on our team the same thing is that you know, you need to depend on yourself in this life. I'm not counting on Social Security being there for me when I'm eligible. I'm I assume at some point they will means test it. At some point they will legislate a legal means to steal money that I've been putting in to a system with a promise that I get in my retirement at some point. Um. I. It's also headed towards insolvency. And and that's a big problem. I don't know why you think that we have a president who says come on man every third word or so. He's he's a you know, he's got cornpop in his past. He was in the civil rights movement. You know, he's a leader. You know, the day of the week is it, come on man, Come on man. Right back to our busy phones. Lily is in Miami, Lily, how are you Paradise? What's going on? I'm good? How are you San I'm good, but I'm getting reports that the strip in Miami, you know where the Fountain Blue and all those big fancy hotels and where people like the hanging party. Is I hear that, you know, things are really getting out of control down there? Is that true? Well? I don't go down there too much because of the reputation of being the crazy stuff going on there, so I try to avoid it. But I'm sure that's pretty much true. It's not my scene, but I understand it's not good, has not been good for a while. I hope they can fix that up. I think the mayor down there's a pretty good guy from what I hear, right, Yes, yes he is. But the best one of all is our governor. Yeah. He's doing a great job to centis that's for sure. Yes, definitely. By the way, I've not mentioned in public, I have talked. I have spoken to the governor privately and wished him and his wife who's diagnosed with breast cancer our prayers and best wishes. I mean, my mom lived through that, and it was hell, and she had a very advanced case of it, a double mess steckomy chemo radiation twenty I think twenty one lymph nodes. I mean she was in bad shape. She did recover from it. She died for other causes years later, but she survived it barely because they have kill you to save you. Oh yes, definitely. I know. My father in law's going through ton cancer right now and he's on his last week of treatment. So hopefully everything will turn out well with that too. I hope so there may. I think one day we're going to look back on cancer treatment and think, man, we were living in the dark ages. I'm hoping that they figure this out. They're making a lot of progress, you know, Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma. I mean they were death sentences, you know, three decades ago, and now I have like a ninety percent childhood leukemia I think it's ninety plus percent success rate and saving people. Yes, that's wonderful, especially for the kids. Yeah, we got about thirty seconds. I know you wanted to add something else. Oh yeah, I've just had my own feeling of all these mandates and the reason why they're targeting you know, nurses and doctors, the military and the police. It's it's ridiculous. You know, they're trying to get the people who are not of you know, going with the narrative that they're trying to preach here this administration and getting rid of all of that, and it's like, you shouldn't get rid of all these people. And just because they don't want to get a vaccine, it's like, I feel like they're doing that on purpose. So it doesn't have to be that draconian. Listen, if the choice is that a military are military personnel or nurses on the front line during the world of COVID, give them at least the option of getting tested. Give them something, Give them an alternative other than you know, the shot or you're fired, which is what they're doing in many cities and states, especially in light of the effectiveness apparently of monoclonal antibodies and therapeutics. I mean, give these people, give them a lifeline. Now you might say, well, why don't they just do it. They've decided for whatever reason not to, and nobody clearly is able to convince them otherwise, so that that argument. I mean, they're willing to lose millions of dollars on this in some cases, give up your whole retirement that you earned, your whole career. I just give these people a break. That's that's my hope. Anyway, it's a good reminder, Lily, thank you appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine for one shaunas on number. We're gonna lose so many good people. Quick break right back