Derek Maltz, Former Agent in Charge of DEA’s Special Operations Division, who has a wealth of knowledge on the border and Kiron Skinner, a Fox News Contributor, is the former Director of Policy Planning at the United States Department of State in the Trump administration, today they unpack the bizarre comments by Vice President Kamala Harris on her absence at the border. Not to mention the intense pushback by the Guatemalan people who don’t seem to care for the former Senator from California.
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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean you want to be a part of the program. Yes, my voice is still a bit of a mess, but I feel great. It's not just is what it is. It is the pollen insanity that has been the worst it's ever been. Well this year, Change Medicines Today got the local honey that Linda swears is going to cure me. But hopefully throughout the program the voice will hold up. Thanks for being with us. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to be a part of the program. If it's irritating, I apologize it sounds irritating to me. You know, I read all I like to still read hard newspapers every day. I get the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, New York Daily News, and USA Today. Yeah, because so I grew up. I delivered newspapers in the morning, So anyway I gets and it's right at the top fold USA Today us to target root causes of migration. Were I'm going to spend a lot of time now on this, the root causes. Well, let's just go back to the campaign, shall we, And let's play Joe saying I want you to come here to seek to seek a sanctuary or not an amnesty. You know this is the place that will accept you. Something in that effect. And then Kamala Harris then take it a step further telling illegal immigrants to come that they will get free healthcare. What I would do as president as several more things because things have changed, I would in fact make sure that there is we immediately surge to the border. All those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are where a nation says if you want to flee in your free and oppression, you should come. So you support giving universal healthcare medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. Let me just be very clear about this. I'm opposed to any policy that wouldn't deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. Period. So Kamala Harris now saying don't come, we're enforcing the laws, it's a lie. They're not enforcing the laws. We now have three consecutive months where we have the highest number of illegal immigrants getting into the country. Nobody's being turned away. They got rid of the stay in Mexico policy, they stopped building the border wall, and catch and release is not only back, it's just release and register and you don't even get a court date. And then in the dark and night, Joe is sending illegal immigrants to forty eight states. So then the states bear the burden of taking care of food and shelter and housing and healthcare and education that they can no longer afford to do. Leicester Whole called Kamala Harris out, why have you visited the border? I didn't visit Europe either, What a dumb answer. Listen, Americans don't see a lot of them a daily basis. What they do see it they're at their own border, children being lowered over fences, children coming in with you, phone numbers stenciled on their hand. And so the question has come up, and you heard it here and you'll hear it again. I'm sure it's why not visit the border? Why not see what Americans are seeing in this crisis. Well, we are going to the border. We have to deal with what's happening at the border. There's no question about that. That's not a debatable point. But we have to understand that there's a reason people are arriving at our border and ask what is that reason? And then identify the problem so we can fix it. Just quickly put a button. Do you have any plans to visit the border at some point? You know, we are going to the border. We've been to the border. So this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border, and I haven't been to Europe, And I mean, I don't know, I don't understand the point that you're making. I'm not discounting the importance of the borders. Why is she laughing at that? And then Kamala telling multinational corporations investing Guatemala how stupid is that? I mean, how about the we invest in American manufacturing centers? Probably most people don't want to because of the high taxes that they know are coming down the road. And then she got ripped by the Guatemalan president who blamed her and Joe for what's happening because Joe basically said, come to the border if I'm elected president, you know, but it's still not enough for AOC who's calling Harris's immigration comments disappointing, warning migrants not to come. We will enforce the law. If you don't like the law, you got to change the law. Harris telling the Guatemalan president migration is a top priority, because he ripped her and Joe for what's happening at the border and people leaving his country and telling you know, potential migrants, you'll be turned back. Don't They're not being turned back, and they know they're not being turned back. Just because she said it doesn't mean it's true. And I'm gonna tell you what it's going to end up doing. Already they're committing over four billion dollars. They're going to commit billions of dollars to all of these countries, and I can promise you right now the money's not going to make it to the people to prevent them from wanting to enter this country illegally. That you can pretty much depend on. And you got Joe Biden out there telling graduates systemic racism and climate change are the greatest crises of our time. Harris on message, saying climate economy among the main drivers of migration after the Guatemalan president lectured her, blaming the US for what's happening at our border and people leaving his country. I mean, it's it's pretty unbelievable. Climate change, it's not terrorism, it's not Russia. And let's see attacking cyber attacks against our meat industry, against our pipeline, our energy industry. What's Joe's answered to Vladimir to give him a waiver to build his pipeline while he's denying American energy workers their jobs with the stroke of a pen and stopping our pipeline building. But you'll reward Russia. What's he gonna do? Maybe radical Islamic terrorists. They're a bigger threat than quote this climate change that Joe is telling us. Yeah, racism is a problem, but it's not you know, but so's terrorism. And so is the fact that you have the Iranians getting arms from Russia and China that they're delivering to fight a proxy war in the Middle East. That would be a big problem to Joe. Unbelievable. And you know now, by the way, apparently the Justice Department has been able to recover a majority of the ransom money the Colonial Pipeline paid to get their computers back. Online websites globally are being hit by major internet outage You've got literally the entire Internet going down after some kind of cloud outage. I don't know a darn thing about any of this stuff because I'm not on I'm not technically. That's not what I want to ever do in life. New York City Law Department is hit by another cyber attack. I mean, this is getting really bad out here. And Joe Biden climate change the greatest crisis of our time. No, it's not, Joe. No. I would say the attacks on our country, on our infrastructure, on our energy, at our energy sector, at our food supply sector. That's a far bigger problem. Joe in the White House saying, well, Biden keeps Steve Day memories close to his heart. You know, well, then why did he snub the anniversary? Then you got circle back, soaky, spinning away. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more we have to say on it. Oh, okay, after they got caught, we'll just make it up that we care more than anybody else. There is a huge amount of anxiety for Democrats because pretty much the entire radical Biden agenda has now stalled, and there are major major questions being asked if Joe is up to the job of being president by the Democratic Party. And there's fierce anger at Joe Mansion and Senator Cinema of Arizona because Mansion, you know, is standing against this insanity of SR one, which is the most oppressive you know, voting. It is the single It will single handedly remove all integrity and compet in some future elections. And that's what they want. They don't want any voter ID, they don't want any signature verification. They want instant automatic registration of everybody, No cleaning of the voter rolls, no chain of custody, control issues. No, you know, they don't want anything. And you know you need a picture ID for everything else in life. The next Democratic National Convention, are they going to get rid of the picture ID requirement to get in the building. Are you going to get rid of the requirement for photo ID to get into the White House, to get into the Capitol. Are they going to eliminate the requirement for photo ID to buy a six pack of beer or a bottle of Tito's? Are they going to get rid of it to buy a pot of a jewel pot at your local seven eleven? It's insane. And then of course, you know he's against eliminating the filibuster, and so everybody's apoplectics. You know, Democrats do what they always do, and now they're accusing Joe Mansion of preserving Jim Crow. Congress Homannicasio Cortez is out there suggesting Mansion is participating in an effort to dismantle democracy. None of this is true. Social justice warrior Jamiel Hill calling Mansion a power hungry white dude who's upholding white supremacy. You know, maybe this explains the utter terror if you dare go against the squad. You know, that's why Joe won't stand up against the squad. Nancy won't stand up against the squad. Chucky won't stand up against the squad. You know. And now these attacks are getting fierce because their agenda is being left behind because it is radical. You know. Mansion apparently he's unmoved. He said on Tuesday that he had a constructive meeting with a group of civil rights leaders, but he was not changing his opposition to SR one. He met with Al Sharpton. He met with the NAACP president Derek Johnson. He met with the National Urban League president as well. In the National Council of African American Women and some other groups, and there's nothing basically for against. Everyone's position was discussed. Asked if the meeting changed his position, he added, no, I don't think anybody changed positions on that. New York Times Editorial board is now some reason my earphones just went through the roof anyway. New York Times Editorial board member Mary Gay finds dozens of American flags in Long Island, apparently disturbing because apparently they're mixed with Trump flags and a few anti Biden signs. I was on Long Island this weekend visiting a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed. I saw dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with you know, explicatives against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and some cases just dozens of American flags, which you know, is also just disturbing because essentially the message was clear, it was this is my country, this is not your country. I own this, and so until we're ready to have that conversation, this is going to continue, all right. So the bottom line is it reminds me a lot of Joe Lieberman, who I was friends with for a long time. Kleiber now attacking Mansion, saying this democracy is on fire, Joyless Bihar saying Mansion is blocking Democrats from saving the country House. Democrats want the Senate again to vote on the January sixth commission. Well, well, they also vote to investigate the two hundred and seventy five riots where thousands of cops were you know, injured getting hit with bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails. We've got to look into that because both are wrong and shouldn't happen and shouldn't ever happen again. And they just had a bipartisan group of senators that examine what happened on January sixth. Nobody's ever examined the rioting that went on all last summer. All right, a lot of ground to get to today. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, we'll take a quick break also of the latest on the border. We'll have the latest on whether or not law, whether or not Fauci is in fact liable for lying to Congress, and did he break the law? We have new evidence that suggests he didn't tell the truth. But first I want to remind you, whether you're refinancing a home, or buying your first home or buying a new home, mortgage rates are at an all time low, even options you can get in the twos. That's like free money. You're never going to see interest rates this low ever again, in my view, which is why you need to look at your loan. If you have one, look at the current rate that you have. If you're paying more than say around two percent plus three percent, you can lower your monthly payments spend less over the life of your loan by calling our friends at American Financing. Unlike going to your local bank or credit union, they give you every option that's out there. They'll shop for the best deal and you'll get a free, no obligation mortgage review. Let the mortgage consultant experts at American Financing. They'll look at all the options available for you, no pressure, no upfront fees. Their rates are now at all time lows. You can likely benefit and save a lot of money. Call now eight six six six one ninety two hundred eighty six six six one ninety two hundred. On the web, it's American Financing, one word dot net all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity's show eight hundred and ninety four one. Shawney want to be a part of the program. But this is now your new extreme radical democratic party. Joe Mansion is not is now a racist, Same with Senator Cinema. These are the attacks that you get if you dare to go against the radicalism of this new left wing. I mean, the funny thing is you can't have a more radically left president than Joe Biden. His agenda is the Bolshevik Berney Squad agenda. It is far left socialism, new green neal socialism, and anybody that opposes it will be called every and any name in the book. I mean, Jane Fonda is out there condemning Biden for failing to be bold on climate change. He's not acting fast enough. Well, what do you think the COVID emergency relief moneys were all about that money? Who's being funneled as a down payment Blue State ballout money and down payment money for the New Green Deal. The same with the next bill that they passed. You know, infrastructure, childcare is infrastructure, education is infrastructure. Precare is infrastructure. Free college is infrastructure. What that's all New Green Deal socialism, which is what they are now talking about. The you know, climate change is the biggest threat to this country at this time. Really, and then you've got Obama now out there desperately trying to smear and slander any conservative, and I get the impression that he wishes he was the one that went this hard left right wing media capitalizes on fear and resentment of white of white population towards changing America. Okay, No, I mean what America voted for him twice. He would think that he recognizes how great this country is. Do we have progress to make? Yes? Have we made a lot? Yes? All right? Twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine f one Sea of Who to be a part of the program. What do you say to me, Linda, You said, it's Rose Tenant's birthday today? Today is Rose Tenant's birthday, Rose unplugged. So we just wanted to give a shout out to our girl. I don't know, we're thinking of her and happy birthday twenty one. Again, it's just amazing. Give a shout out to my girl and wish you're a happy But you want me to do it that way? Is that what you think? You should. Actually, I think you would do that quite well, especially with the raspy friend of ours. We love Rose. Happy birthday Rose. But I'm not going to come on and say it your way. Let's give a shout out to my girl Rose. Let's say we all have our own individual way of saying things. You say, go away, I'll say it my way. Potato patato walk call it even, all right, So you want you want to give a shout out to our girl, my girl, it's not my girl, our friend. How about we give a shout out to our friend Rose tennant and say happy birthday. That was the most interesting happy birthday ever. I think it's pretty good. I liked it. I hope, Well, did you send her? Did you send her the most beautiful flowers? Right? Hopefully she got them, because if she's listening, then she just found out I sent her flowers. If they're not there yet, I hope they're there. I don't know. I hope there. By the way, Twitter is ablaze that apparently there's evidence now emerging that Hunter Biden has used the N word on many occasions. We're looking into it now. One thing that has been released his Hunter and his colleagues at this high powered law firm apparently tried to leverage their government connections in the final months when his dad was Vice president, apparently to help a Romanian real estate tycoon avoid conviction on bribery charges. Emails from the never ending laptop, I keep I've been telling everybody there's a lot more to come, a lot more to come. How do you know, Hannity, Because I have independent sources that have seen cop bees of it, and the worst thing that they've told me hasn't even begun to surface. But I what did our lawyers say to us? They said, no, you're you're forbidden. You're not allowed to get a copy of it. I'm like, why not, I said, I'm I'm a member of the press. I should be able to get it. But anyway, so I'm I'm it is what it is, the Daily Mail reporting anyway. So apparently Hunter contacted former FBI Director Louis Free in June twenty sixteen about the case of this Romanian guy accused of acquiring land to build a book arrest mall at a blow market price, and the email Hunter told Free then a partner at some Delaware based wall firm, Free and somebody and somebody that this guy is a good man, very badly treated by a suspect Romanian justice system. Now you know there had to be some money behind this. I mean, Biden's White House is powered by all of these connections. And you know now that you know, I mean, this was what was so awful about. You know, Humpty Dumpty is just a liar. The guy just makes it up as he goes along. And then he has Jen Saki, who used to be a colleague at Fake News CNN. What does the media do get wrong about its coverage of Joe I gave the answer yesterday in great specificity, in detail. The answer is pretty much everything that you guys allow him to get away with. Start with the lie that he's been telling that he never talked to Hunter, not a single time about business dealings with foreign actors. Because we know that's a lie, because now we got pictures. Maybe somebody at fake news CNN can tell Humpty, hey, Humpty dumpty, stop lying, stop covering, stop being the press office for all things new green deo radical democratic socialists. And you know what the thing is is nobody really even takes these people seriously anyway. They just don't their obsession with all things Hannity and Fox News cracks me up. And almost everything they ever writers say about me is wrong. The funniest, you know, it's it's interesting that there's great outrage that apparently the Justice Department, I guess Biden and under Trump, apparently we're looking at emails for some reason of different reporters, and there's there's great indignation and great outrage. And Linda, I watched that with particular amusement because nobody seemed to care when my private text messages were released to the public by a judge and I'm a member of the press, and what were they like, twelve thirteen, fourteen hundred text messages? Remember at the time, you do anyone ever stick up for me at the time? Of course not, of course not. They thought it was their right. Oh no, they started covering it and the best, the best, best part, they're reading my private text messages and I am, I am tearing it up. I remember that. But can we talk about the funny part about it? That's a funny part. There's a funny part about this. Can we talk about you thinks the funny part, that's the part I thought I was going to tell Oh, okay, you tell the part you think it is funny, and then I'll tell you if it's right or not. Okay. So the it's covered all over Fake News CNN and covered all over MSDNC, and these are private text messages, and they come to the same exact conclusion. They're like, oh my gosh, Hannity writing these text messages. It sounds just like his monologues on his show. And he really apparently he really, he really believes all of this. I mean, now you could take that one or two ways. They must be phony and they just say stuff because that I don't know. I guess they think it'll get them ratings. Ultimately, to me, that was a compliment because I'm the same person behind the scenes as I am accept I curse a lot more. Yeah, they probably they didn't pick up that part. They could have though anyway, what was your funny part? No, that was it, but you left out the park because I think it was mother Jones or one of those guys, and they wrote they were like, oh my god, we thought we were going to get this juicy text exchange and instead it's just Hannity regurgitating the same thing that we hear him say night after night, and then he's like, I can't believe he believes this shift and I just started laughing. I was like, oh my god. I'm like, this is historical because they really are the most you know what I concluded with it, It must mean that what they say they don't believe. Well, no, they get their talking points. I'm saying the same thing privately and I say publicly, which means that I'm sincere in my beliefs. Then you would think they'd say, well, at least he's consistent. Well, that's why we have flipped montages of the left. We have just so many of them because they never are consistent. That is true too. It's getting I will tell you this because a lot of people say, oh, the Republican Party is now fracturing because of Donald Trump. I don't see that at all, because if I'm right in my analysis about the three waves of Conservatism in our lifetime, and that would be Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty, that would be New Gingrich in nineteen ninety four, bringing Republicans back into power in the House of Representatives. Remember, the first time in forty years they've been out of power in the House for forty long years, and then I would argue the third wave has been Donald Trump, and the agenda is always pretty much the same. Although, if I'm going to be honest, the biggest well Nuke kept all his promises and left us a balance. But I mean they all did a lot. Reagan created twenty plus million new jobs, longest period of peacetime economic growth in history up to that point. New Create knew kept his contract with America promises. He literally gave us the last balanced budgets the Washington ever had. I mean, he was very effective as Speaker for five years. The four years of Trump, though, you know, probably and again America knew it was electing a disruptor, probably the most iconoclastic, and just plowed through to get everything done, from building the wall to getting US energy independent, to lowering taxes, eliminating bureaucracy, constitutionalists on the bench, free and fair trade, piece through strength. Everybody was afraid of him around the world. They believed what he said and they knew that he's capable of following through. And so, if I'm right about my analysis, those prints sables don't change. You can look at the personalities of who might be running because you can see now that the Rhino wing of the Republican Party, the establishment wing of the Republican Party, they're hopeful they, if they have their way, that Donald Trump will never have a say ever again publicly. They love the idea that his voice is basically censored on social media. But I'm telling but the winning formula for any politician is going to be that agenda. You can add to it law and order. You can add to that free market, solutions for healthcare that protect preexisting conditions. You can add to that school choice, all things that Republicans have wanted to get done for a long time. But that agenda is gonna be what Republicans run on if they want to win in twenty twenty two. I don't care if they're running for the House or if they're running for the Senate. And these reports that New king Rich is working with Donald Trump on a contract with America, I love the idea. I've talked about this for many years now, it's twenty five years since Republicans last did it. You know, tell people what you stand for, and they're getting help every single day because you know, look what's happening with the borders. Look look at what's happening with inflation. Look what's happening with the economy. Look what's happening, you know, with the massive amounts of money being squandered and wasted on promises that liberal democratic new Green Deal socialists that will never fulfill. They're not lifting a finger to restore law and order to create you know, safety and security for people so they can pursue happiness. They're not lifting a finger to go against teachers unions to have better schools. They're not lifting a finger to control our borders, just the opposite. They're facilitating law breaking. Then they're now hurting America's energy independence. They've eliminated it after we just recently acquired it. Now we're paying more for energy, and subsequently more for every single thing that we buy in every store that we go to, and we're paying more to put gas in our cars and heat and cool our homes. And it's all because of Joe's policies. On the world stage, you got Vladimir Putin is just rogue and running wild. You know, we have two Russian hacks, once against our energy and one against our energy industry, one against our meat industry, and Joe's response is to give Vladimir a waiver so he can build his pipeline, so he gets Russia rich again, supplying our allies in Western Europe the energy which is the light blood of the world's economy. Meanwhile, if you worked on the Keystone XL pipeline or plan to work on exploration and extraction of energy in an moir and other places in Alaska, you're just dead out of luck. It's unbelievable. And then you look at the fine the police, for example, that Acasio Cortez, the real Speaker of the House, supports this Democratic mayoral candidate to replace Comrade de Blasio. Her names I think Maya is it wiley? How do you say her last name? Anyway, she wants to cut another billion dollars from the NYPD budget. At the same time, she lives in a home protected by a private security team where she lives in Brooklyn. On Sunday, clashing with I guess rival Eric Adams over the plan to defund the police have elected, claiming that in December that she thought the private security was ridiculous and we shouldn't have it. Apparently she has it. It's like the people in Minnesota started spending a fortune. As they're cutting the police budget, They're spending a fortune of taxpayer dollars for private security firms for themselves. New York City slammed by a new surge in shootings. They're all over the place. Shootings now are up in New York City by sixty eight percent so far this year, up from a record last year. Through Sunday, the five boroughs have seen six hundred and two shooting incidents in twenty twenty one, wounding or killing nearly seven hundred people. At the same time. By comparison, the city lodged only three hundred and fifty eight shootings in twenty twenty, and twenty twenty was a record here. I mean all of this now, you know AOC Black Lives Matter? You know, how come not one. I haven't seen one statement by BLM or by AOC about this ten year old boy that was shot in Queens. Beautiful kid, pictures all over the tabloids. This young kid, his life is wiped out, three days away from his eleventh birthday. That last I check. Doesn't AOC represent a district in Queens. I haven't heard from her, haven't heard from Black Lives matter. All these names of all these people that we scroll their names, you never hear the names because they can't politicize them. He got the videos who were showing last night on Hannity. You know people twerking a top police SUVs while they're moving. Police can't even you know, their cars being hit with bricks and rocks. How do you stand silent as a ten year old loses his life? A young man had his whole future ahead of him. In Minneapolis, a fourteen year old was gunned down at a graduation party. Nineteen year old shot at a street race California to arrested in a road raid incident that killed a six year old. You know the criminals thought, You know, it's it's every major city, everywhere we've cut funding for the police. It has not worked out well, and it's never going to work out well. It's it's a predictable failure, just like socialism will fall an hour or two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. So when the government does not follow the laws of the land, for example, down at the border. We now know the Biden administration they're not enforcing the law. As a matter of fact, they take it a step further. They're aiding and abetting law breaking. They are facilitating those that have broken the law to move to other states. They're burdening states with the high cost of food and shelter and healthcare and education for all the people that are in this country illegally. Because Joe Biden, he gets I guess to pick and choose what laws he's going to enforce and what laws he's not going to enforce. Then we have the issue of okay, people involved in rioting all over the country and there's no bail, and we have instances of those people and they just get released and they get a slap on the wrist. Why aren't they enforcing laws, especially against people that are attacking police officers. Then you have the issue of okay, what was told Congress about the Wuhan lab, the virology lab and gain a function research and tax dollars and testimony given before Congress, and whether or not laws were broken there in terms of lying to Congress. Now, let's listen at the great flip flopper, Anthony Fauci telling Rand Paul that the nih has not funded gain a function because we now have evidence to the contrary. And Scott Gottlieb is the former FDA commissioner saying in the spring of twenty twenty that Fauci briefed the world that COVID nineteen could have been a lab leak, the opposite of what he said before Congress. Listen, doctor Barrett does not doing gain a function research. And if it is, it's according to the guidelines, and it is being conducted in North Carolina. And I don't think in during a bad virus spike protein that he got from the Wuhan Institute into the stars viruses gain of function. That is not a minority, because at least two hundred scientists have signed a statement from the Cambridge Working Group saying that it is gain a function. Well, it is not. And if you look at the grant and you look at the progress reports, it is not gain a function, despite the fact that people tweet that. And the claim appears to be that he was not forthcoming about the idea that it might have been from a lab leak in his discussions within the administration and in the other work he was doing. And some people have looked at these emails and said that that it suggests that, well, go ahead. Yeah, I was told at that time, back in the spring, that doctor Fauci had gone over to a meeting of world health leaders in Europe around the World Health Assembly and actually brief them on the information that they were looking at that this could have been a potential lab leak, that this strain looked unusual. So those discussions were going on, and I was told that by a very senior official and Trump administration. I've reconfirmed that conversation that happened, you know, at the time contemporaneously with that meeting over a year ago. So I think early on when they looked at the strain, they had suspicions, and in a closer analysis, and it takes time to do that analysis, dispelled some of those suspicions. Right in an email January thirty first, twenty twenty, we now know doctor Fauci was told that the genome specifically looked like it had been altered in a lab. And it gets worse than that, as we warned you about last week. And it also appears that he had he held urgent talks about the origins of COVID nineteen in the early days of coronavirus. For example, Fauci sent an email to a top staffer in early February twenty twenty. It read quote, it is essential that we speak this morning. Keep yourself phoning on. Read this paper as well as the email that I'm going to forward you with the attachment entitled Barrack she Nature Medicine Stars Gain a Function PDA Now. Barreck refers to doctor Ralph Barrack, an American virologist who worked with the Wuhan lab. And when Fauci was asked about doctor Barreck, that's the answer we just played for you. We also learned from science journalist Nicolas Wade that the Eco Health Alliance had a grant from his niage to do Gain a Function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Does that mean that flip flop Fauci lied And if he did before Congress, is that a crime anyway? Joining us now, Greg Jarrett, Fox News analyst and host of his own podcast, A Brief Sir, Welcome back to the program. My pleasure is always I You know, I do think that Fauci lied and he could be criminally charged for his deliberate deceptions in life. By the way, we all know this will never happen because unless you're a conservative, you don't get health accountable. But but it doesn't. It doesn't dismiss the fact that he did lie. Oh absolutely, he insisted in his testimony repeatedly, Sean, that none of the money he sent to the Wuhan lab was used for dangerous gain of function research. But these newly unearthed emails show that he was warned that that had happened, that this COVID nineteen virus look potentially engineered in the laboratory, that scientists had created a lethal superbug, more virulent and contagious, And the emails further show that he became very worried that in fact, he had been complicit in creating this deadly pandemic. And so obviously he wasn't truthful and forthcoming to Congress when he testified. Not only that, after his testimony, Sean, he actually contradicted himself and his testimony by conceding that the money he sent could have been used for gain of function research. So you know, it seems to me there should be absolutely a criminal investigation. And the weather Fauci lied to Congress. He wasn't under owed, so you can't charge him with perjury, but doesn't matter. Even charge him with making a fault and misleading statement of Congress under eighteen USC. One thousand and one. It's the identical crime as perjury. In fact, it has an equival an equivalent sentencing five years for every lie. And it seems to me lied more than once in his stuff some money, so it could be charged with something facing ten to fifteen twenty years behind all. The amazing thing is, though I don't think he probably never expected in any way that these emails would ever see the light of day. And of all days, Gregor was January thirty first to twenty twenty, the same day Donald Trump put in his xenophobic historical travel ban. It was at that time, that very day at Fauci was asking questions, do you think our money could have been used for gain A function research? And was he was told that day that the genome specifically isolated showed that there was some type of human interference or gain A function research applied to COVID nineteen. Now that's the earliest point during this crisis. And then he went out there and allowed this whole you know, debunk theory, conspiracy theory. Anybody that dared raise question Senator Cotton, Donald Trump, people like myself. Just you know, we knew that this lab study coronaviruses, and we knew that they were involved in gain A function research. Yes, and left behind were genetic fingerprints that were pointed out to Fauci. Again, the emails that you know that they saw these virologists, respected virologists more than one, that they found this infamous genetic quencing, the double c GG. And you don't find that in nature. It's not natural evolution, human transmission, animal to human transmission. No, that is cooked up in a lab. And we know that Fausci has long been an advocate of Gama function research, which is inherently dangerous and risky and hazardous because it can create pandemics. And he didn't care about that. He's been advocating that for the last fifteen years. And so what did Fausci do Well, it looks like he covered it all up, perhaps to avoid implicating himself his own complicity in three point five million deaths worldwide, and insteady pedaled what appears to be a false alternative. You know that it happened in bat soup from a wet market in the wild. Well, guess what, after sixteen months, there's no evidence that the virus emerged naturally. Where's the infected bat population? It hasn't been found. No immediate host has been located. Thousands of tests, Shawn failed to come up with a sintilla of evidence that a virus and nature jumped from animals to human. And you know, I think it's likely there's no cleavage site because it never existed to begin with. And Fauci knew that. What he knew also was that this very laboratory in Wuhan that he had been funding was doing a kind of hazardous, dangerous research experiments that could have precipitated the pandemic. We have talked at length on this program, you and I about Okay, why are some laws applied to some people but not other people? I mean, Roger Stone, I think is a perfect case in point. Roger Stone was charged with lying to Congress. In his case, he had a pre dawn raid. You know, dirty guys, tactical gear frogmen tipped off CNN cameras and they wanted to put him in jail for what ten years, seven eight nine, ten years whatever it was. And here you have Michael Horowitz and referrals for top FBI upper echelon people that those referrals go nowhere. If you have somebody like doctor Fauci, nobody's ever going to go after doctor Fauci. We have Joe Biden picking and choosing that well, he doesn't want to enforce the laws at our borders and keep them secure as the law requires. And not only is he allowing the law breaking, but he's aiding and abetting those to break the law by providing housing and then later transportation to other states, forcing states to then care for people at a very high cost to them because he's insisting to allow illegal immigration. But they always seem to get away with it. On the left, there's one set of standards for conservatives, another set of standards for liberals. Because progressive politics have now infected not just law enforcement but prosecutors offices in the Department of Justice, and so the people in charge Biden's Justice Department in particular, you know, they're more than happy to weaponize their authority to go after people with whom they disagree politically, and and you know this has to stop. They have forgotten their principal ethical duty to see that justice is done. Instead, they politicize and abuse their own power for partisan purposes. It's got where's Durham, where's the Durham report? Whatever happened to him? He's he's in the black hole of oblivion and it's incredibly disappointing. Now, maybe he'll come up with something eventually, but I'll probably die of old age before it happens. All Right, the final moments, Greg Jarrett is with us. Think how deep this is? So you have for three years the countries lied to by the media. They're told Trump Russia collusion, collusion, collusion. Turns out the only collusion was Hillary Clinton paying for a dirty Russian disinformation dossier that the FBI knew very early was not true. It was never via verifiable. In January twenty seventeen, the subsource said none of it's true. This was bar talk. Christopher Steele even admitted none of it is confirmed. And yet they went forward used the dirty Russian dossier. They committed premeditated fraud and a FISA court. They spied on a presidential candidate, a transition team, and a president. Nobody's been held accountable for any of that. Now I'm sorry, Greg Jarrett. If you're not held accountable for that, how do we say that we have a justice system that's functioning at in a way that dispense is fair justice, Because I don't believe it this anymore. I don't believe it either. It's dysfunctional. And you just nicely describe the myriad of crimes associated with other crimes that are proven, and then a complicit media that went forward with the conspiracy theories on the lives. Well, the media are just a lazy Dimwitz, as I called him in my latest podcast. But it's really unconscionable that the Department of Justice is not taking aggressive action the people behind the Russia hoax that held hostage a presidency for nearly its entire four years that Donald Trump was in office. And you know, it's not just Hillary Clinton payne for a phony dossier, but it's Christopher Steele who sought to influence an American election through lives that he put in paper and then peddled to the media and peddled to American government officials including James Comeandrew McKay, Peter Struck, and so for all of them joined in this conspiracy. They knew that the dossier was a lie. They found the source, and the source laughed and said, it's all a collection of lies and deceptions and exaggerations. And yet that didn't deter Komey's FBI from ye to the five support to obtain surveillance warrants and perpetuating if you or I did this, we'd be in jail right now for life, totally. We absolutely we would. But you know, because Democrats did it, they get a get out of free jail carding. All right, Greg, Jared, always great to have you, thank you, quick break, right back, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, We're going to get to the issue of the origins of COVID nineteen in more detail and more importantly the intersection of politics and medicine, and that means politics. All these wins, especially with the new information that came out that in fact, we know doctor Fauci and others had been told that there are therapeutics that showed promise. Eventually, we had now numerous studies, starting with the Henry Ford study that said yeah, taken early hydroxy chloroquinn is effective at mitigating many of the symptoms of COVID nineteen and other drugs like ivermectin and new therapeutics like where Generon came on the scene, and you couldn't even discuss alternatives without getting excoriated by the media mob. I'm going to play a call here in a second of a doctor calling in the c span in two thousand and three, ripping doctor Fauci. But first we welcome back to the program, doctor Ben Carson. How are you, sir? I'm doing well, very good to be with you, Sean, all right, before we get into this. So I've got this. I've had really bad allergies now for a month and a couple of days a week ago. So ago my throat was giving out. It's given out a little bit today and yesterday. And so Linda, the producer of this program says, well, you got to take local honey. So now I have three versions of local honey that I'm taking, you know, during the day. Now. I love the taste of honey. It tastes great. Does that have any impact on allergies because it's local honey, which I didn't even know existed. Well, it makes you feel good, and when it does. But in other words, because it's the same pollen, there's no medical evidence that you're aware of that, the fact that they use the bees use the pollen that's similar to the allergens that have By the way, they've never been this bad. Well, you know, there's a lot of stuff that we don't know, you know, and we were probably never kind of last these things off because there are probably some relationships that we don't know about there. But I would I always say to people, you'll never go wrong by teaching taking natural substances. Yeah, I mean, I'm actually all I mean, I'm trying it. Look, I've over the years, it seems whenever I have any type of illness, it's like it's like instinctively, you know, I guess my weak point on my vocal chords, and I've you know, over the years, I used to take prednice one. I just don't like taking it. I know it works, I know I can get my voice back in twenty four hours, but I just don't like the feel of being on it. And even though it sounds like crap, I feel fine. Well, you know, God made our bodies to heal themselves and anybody who eats three well balanced meals, that they drink six to eight glasses of water, gets regular exercise, and doesn't put harmful things in their body, they're going to do extremely well. That's ntrue. Immune system and everything else is going to work very very well, and they're going to have a minimum of thesis. Well. The good news is, for the first time in a month, pollen accounts are going down, so I'm assuming in a day or two it should be better. So you had a bad case of COVID. We've had you on this program. We've discussed that in detail. We have this whole issue now about what fauci knew, when did he know it about gain a function, And we now know that he was told that there was likely gain a function work done on COVID nineteen on January thirty first, and an email confirming it twenty twenty, and yet he went out publicly and denied it. We have other evidence too that he was in a great state of panic over the knowledge that in fact, maybe nih monies had in fact been sent to the Wuhan lab virology. Now, the question is, we had two big prestigious medical journals that had posted articles that they later rescinded, saying that hydroxy chloric when, for example, at the time a sixty five year old draw was dangerous for people to take. It turns out the foremost expert on hydroxy chloric when as a guy out in senior side night in Los Angeles, doctor Daniel Wallace, and he wrote, the risk is nil. He has the largest rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and lupus practices in the country, has been dispensing hydroxy chloric when almost forty five years sixty five year old drug. He said, the risk is nil. And it became at that point you couldn't even discuss that or discuss either mected or discuss later regeneron without being excoriated. And we had nothing else doctor, So what happens, that's the problem. That's the problem you get. You know, for instance, we have our quote experts say that even though they knew from those emails that there was a high chance of this did originate in the laboratories, by coming out and think that is very very very very unlikely, and then having Facebook and other social media castigate anybody who said anything to the contrary, and it leads people completely often in the wrong direction. You know, as far as hydroxychloroquine is concerned, you know, they didn't have to go through a lot to see that countries in Western Africa that require the use of hydroxy chloroquine and other anti malarials when you're coming into the country had a markedly decreased incidents of COVID nineteen. The data is already there and they squelched it. Now you have to ask yourself the question what was behind squelching that. Well, in order to get an EUA Emergency Use authorization for the vaccines, you have to be able to say that there's no other reasonable alternative. So there was a reason to do that because they really wanted to push the vaccine. And I'm not saying that the vaccine is necessarily bad, but you know, we should be at a level of maturity where we can use all the things that we have. We can use the vaccines, we can use the hydroxy chlorice ivermectin, all the other things that have actually demonstrated some efflicacy in this area. And it just goes to show you how malignant our media is. You know, not only did they scrutch that, but you know they defended school closings. We're seeing that that really wasn't necessary. Children being forced to wear masks in some places. They still have to think about what that does to the socialization project process of a young child who doesn't get to associate facial expression with verbic that's going to have a long time deultarious impact. You know, they're supporting the teacher unions. You know, the teachers that I knew growing up were wonderful people. You know, they wanted to teach, you know, that was their mission in life. And they've supported the city lockdowns. We were seeing that the only thing that really contributed to was destroying businesses. And you know, it just goes on and on. The media is extraordinarily malignant and the other thing that they're not doing. And I hope I do hear some voice of starting now to say that natural immunity is just as good as the immunity derived from vaccines. You know, it's been getting beat up over this, as Rand Paul is I think the first senator to contract COVID nineteen and that's his argument. He said, well, I'm not I feel as a doctor, medical doctor with T cell immunity, even if the immunity levels in your body go down, which they naturally would with any virus. There's still memory inside the T cells of one's body if they had contracted COVID. Correct absolutely, and there's no reason that it would be any different than any other infectious disease process and the immune system would operate in the same way. And there's been a couple of recent big studies that have come out that have shown exactly that to be the case. Nevertheless, certain people want to control everything, so they're saying, even if you've had it and you've got natural immunity, you still need to be vaccinated. And we're talking about an experimental thing because the EUA it's not actually fd improved at the stage, we don't know what the long term impact. We do know that sometimes you can have some disturbances if you immunize somebody who's already immune, so and we definitely don't know what the long term impact is with children, and we have children who have extremely low morbidity and mortality associated with COVID nineteen. And yet we're saying you have to take the vaccination. Now, I don't have any problem with people who want to take it, but those who don't want to take it. We shouldn't be in a position of trying to force them to do that. That was never the purpose of government as our founding fathers envisioned it. And you know that has everything to do with freedom in this country and liberty. You make information available to people and then you let them decide how they want to utilize. And this is, you know, a precursor to a teletarianism, and it's very franky. And as we continue, doctor ben Carson is with us. A lot of people have been trying to put a lot of pressure on me, doctor Carson, so that I would tell people what to do. There was an article out today that the seventy eight percent of people that have made up their mind that they do not want to get the vaccine, that their minds are locked in. They're unlikely to change their opinion in any way. Nobody's going to sway them to do something they've already made a decision on. Now, what I tell people is this, and I know because I called you when you first got COVID. We've been friends a long time. I think the world of you, and at the start you were doing fine, and then word got back to me you would take in a real serious turn. I got very, very worried, and I was getting updates every which way that I possibly could, and I knew you were being well taken care of. And but I'm not a doctor. I'm not going to play one on radio and TV. But this is my advice. Take it seriously. Read as much as you possibly can. All this information is available everywhere. Then and read contrarian views, views that you might not agree with. Just read at all. Then talk to your doctor or doctors based on your medical condition, or other medical professionals you trust, make the decision that is right for you. I believe in science. I believe in vaccines, I believe in all of it. But I don't feel qualified to sit there and give blankets statements to people, what knowing nothing about their individual medical history, to give them medical advice. And that's exactly right. It's an individual thing. It should be done in conjunction with your medical professional. You know, I took you know, some natural products and it had a dramatic improvement. It's only lasted for a few days because I had some underlying issues and therefore I had it to go in and get. You had some other medical issues that, by the way, nobody's business. But you had, you know, other other I won't say quoe morbidities, but you've had other conditions, right and the Monico anybody's solved that problem for me dramatically? How long did that take to kick in? I assume it was regeneron or eli Lily's version of it, right, was it only took a matter of hours. A matter of hours. I was much much better that night. I was a completely different person. Then, can I ask you it seems that we're not We're waiting, We're not proactive enough. I can tell you what it's like in New York. Basically, if you're diagnosed with COVID nineteen, you're told check your oxygen, check your temperature. If your temperature goes up, take two tile and all. If your oxygen level drops below ninety, then go to a hospital. Now, if you wait to your oxygen level, which should be a steady I would argue probably ninety six thereabouts, depending on your age, health condition, etc. At least ninety five six seven. If you wait till it drops to ninety or below, now you're in trouble. Exactly Why why would they not be more proactive especially with people that are older. Well I think they are now and that's and that's why they're not in New York. I can tell you right now they are not in New York and New York is it's a different animal. But around the country that mortality and morbidity has gone down dramatically, as you see, and the instance of panting it on has dramatically gone down, and this whole concept of eight symptomatic spread. You know, we're starting to realize that that there's not much to that, and of course that frightened everybody and made them much more compliant with some of the ad barant recommendations that were made. But hopefully what we can do is go back and analyze all of this and all the mistakes that were made and make sure that we never ever do that again. Yeah, you know, doctor Carson, I just wish that we didn't politicize everything, because, as doctor Roz has said many times, when politics of medicine intersects, politics always wins. We're glad you're well. You're a great man and we love having you on the program. Thank you so much for being with us. I always good to be with us, thanks to you. When we come back. How much money is Kamala Harris going to throw at the root causes of migration in Central America. We'll get to that in other countries. Eight hundred and nine for one, Seawan is our number. We'll get to your calls also Hannity tonight at nine Quick Break, right back. Thanks our final news round up and information overload, our all right news round up, information overload, our Sean Hannity Show. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. We have been following and have had our cameras down at the border now. From the very beginning of the Biden Harris administration, it has been an unmitigated disaster. The mob the media, for the most part, have ignored what's going on down there. The cages that Joe and Kamala have been building in the middle of a pandemic, overcrowded as they've been. The fact that they've tried to keep child protective services out of these facilities. That's their job to check on children. The fact that they're aiding and abetting law breaking, The fact that in the dark of night, the Biden Harris administration is transporting people to every other state and burdening these states with providing food and shelter and healthcare and education for illegal immigrants. Kamala Harris told the biggest lie yesterday that oh, no, don't don't come because we will be enforcing our laws. Nobody. We've been down there the entire time. Anybody that makes it to the border gets into the country, and what do they do is keep building cages, spending money, spending money, spending money. And now we're going to what bribe countries in Central America? And do we really are we that naive to think that these corrupt governments are going to actually get that money to the people that would need the money and need the assistance, because I don't believe that's going to happen. How embarrassing it was yesterday for Kamala Harris to get lectured by the President of Guatemala because that's exactly what happened as he blamed the United States for this problem. He literally blame Biden for what's going on, and you know, went on to say that the bidens migrations are are not on the same side of the coin, and went on to say the migration crisis got out of hand when Biden offered, took office and promised to change an approach. We're in agreement on what is happening, that it's a crisis, although Kamala has yet to really say that. What we're not in agreement on is how why this happened. And the Guatemala president ripped Joe Biden right to Vice President Kamala Harris's face. Lester Holt got to give him a little prop here. He actually told, you know, called out Kamala Harris, why haven't you visited the border? Listen, Americans don't see a lot of them a daily basis. What they do see it there at their own border, children being lowered over offences, children coming in with you, phone numbers stenciled on their hand. And so the question has come up, and you heard it here and you'll hear it again. I'm sure it's why not visit the border? Why not see what Americans are seeing in this crisis? Well, we are going to the board. We have to deal with what's happening at the border. There's no question about that. That's not a debatable point. But we have to understand that there's a re and people are arriving at our border and ask what is that reason and then identify the problem so we can fix it. Just quickly put a button. Do you have any plans to visit the border at some point? You know, we are going to the border. We've been to the border. So this whole, this whole, this whole thing about the border. We've been to the border. We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border, and I haven't been to Europe, And I mean, I don't I don't understand the point that you're making. I'm not discounting the importance of the border, well meaning you're not even going down and talking to the people on the ground. That would be the point of that, you know, And they just ignore. They won't even call a crisis a crisis anyway. Derek Maltz's with US former agent in charge of the d EA Special Operations Division as a wealth of knowledge on the border. Kyr And Skinner, Fox News contributor, former director of Policy Planning at the Department of State during the Trump administration, Derek, I mean to get lectured by the Guatemalan president to never go to the border, to keep building cages that are overcrowded with kids in the middle of a pandemic too, in the dark of night, transport illegal immigrants all over the country, and burdened states with the cost of taking care of people and not enforcing our nation's laws. How much more clear can this get for people? Sean, thank you very much for having me. Well, first of all, look at the CDC stats for the debts in America from these poisonous sentinel pills that are coming in from Mexico. And just look at the leadership from CBP and Homeland Security before with President Trump, they warned that this would happen. So there's no need for her to go to Guatemala and deal with these corrupt politicians. At this point, she has to go and speak to the experts on the ground at the border, and that's the point that's being lost. I'm happy she came out of the Washington bunker, Sean, but the experts that have been watching this thing evolved and also watching the solutions that have worked under the Trump administration. We have amounts of fent and all reckoned amounts of methamphetamy, recked amounts of people. We have the biggest crisis we've ever seen, not only at the border but throughout our city. Just look at the crime that's escalating in all the cities around America, you know, and then Harris for her to laugh and make a joke about going to Europe. I mean, we're talking about something we've never seen in the history of the country. Shown. I talked to the families every day that is sending their kids the pictures of their kids are they're finding dead in their bedrooms. One kid, they had a Snapchat. They had a rally at Snapchat headquarters this past week. The one parent was talking about how the fourteen year old ordered a counterfeit pill on Snapchat. The deal had delivered it to the house and they found the kid dead in the bedroom. I mean, is this is blowing up in our country and the politicians refuse to talk about it because of their idiotic policies that they implemented just because of the politics. I also like to have the fact how AOC now has been very critical Okay, Vice President Harris's statements down there, you know about coming in. It's time to calm you know, do not Colm. I mean, I'm sorry she says, do not come now. She's changing. It's so confusing. Let me go to you, kyr and Skinner. I mean, it's obvious to anybody who's been down there over the years. I've been down at the border fourteen times, everywhere from the Rio Grand all the way through San Diego. I've been on helicopters. I've been in boats. I've been on horseback, all terrain vehicles. I've been on foot. I've been there when gang members are arrested. I've been to drug warehouses. I've seen tunnels. I've seen it all, and it was bad then, but it's never been this bad. Three months consecutively now the highest numbers we've seen in twenty to thirty years in terms of immigrants getting into this country, and nobody is being turned back in spite of wa Kamala Harris said in Guatemala yesterday. Yes, Sean, all of those trips you made came about because you were open to new ideas. You were open to evidence and to research and to the historical archaeology of talking to people in real time. I think it really doesn't matter if Vice President Harris goes to the border, because she's already made up her mind and her team they've made up their minds as well about what they plan to do. She's put she is blaming all of what's happening at the border, not on the rhetoric of the Biden administration or their decision to reverse key parts of the immigration policy of President Trump, such as completing the border wall. They've decided that what's going on is due to climate change, to food and security, to the lack of climate adaptability within the countries, the lack of climate resilience, all of these factors. She's putting in place a new initiative, such as having empowerment programs for young women so that they can find employment and have better self esteem. In Central America, there's a task force that's being stood up on combating human trafficking and drug smuggling and corruption. We already know about these things. What at this point would a trip to the border do for Kamala Harris? She has her plan, you know, I mean the idea That answer was just so weak. Weal, I remember New Europe either, What does that have to do with anything? You know? And I think she was telling the truth. She was a good point. And Derek, the reality is is we've had our cameras down there for months now, and we've been on the border. We've been where the drug smugglers and human traffickers are. We've been, we got our cameras. They wouldn't allow them into the facilities, the cages that they were building for these kids that were so overcrowded in the middle of a pandemic. You know, we're hearing now from the governors that you know, discover that there are all these people dumped on their doorstep and now it's their responsibility financially and otherwise to take care of people. Because Joe Biden Kamala Harris refused to enforce the laws of the land, how is it they get to pick and choose which laws they want to obey and enforce and which ones they don't. Well, Sean, that's a great question. I mean, if you look at the leadership in Texas and you look at some of the disturbing trends, right, increase in sentinel sieges, right, and the governor down there is taking you know, full speed ahead, you know, making sure that people of Texas are protected. But you look at some of the things that are happening with the ranches and the dead bodies and the you know, the children that they're finding, and now the Jolisco New Generation cartel just absorb Cartel del Golfo at the borders. So we're gonna start seeing more and more violence, more and more you know, interactions, but showan Let me go back to a really important point. We talk about the corruption in Central America. I mean, most people don't realize that the former Congressman Tony Hernandez, the brother of the Honduran president, is serving life in prison. He was convicted in New York on drug charges. But he's the thing. He was distributing one hundred and eighty five tons of cocaine, one hundred and eighty five tons. His brother, the president was you know, the allegations that Chapo Guzman and other members of the cartel were paying into his political you know, you know, his presidential you know hope, you know, to win the election in Honduras. The point is is that the corruption is well known. Just talk to dhs anddj entities. Going down there as a waste of time. And it was quite embarrassing as a citizen to see the signs about Harris go home, like we don't want you here. Right, they know what's going on, Like Trump won to sign the big sign Trump won, Right, look at the encounters from April of twenty to April of twenty one, it's a nine hundred and forty four percent increase. Look at the drug siezes, right, you look at this year alone, in the first seven months, sixty four hundred and ninety four pounds of fent at all. That's three hundred and seven percent increase over the first seven months from last year. You look at the entire last year, the numbers were only forty seven seventy six pounds. So the siezes are drugs and math one hundred and five thousand pounds in math. This is something showing like it's hard to even comprehend the lack of action from our government leaders. Right, how do you explain this? And then the cities that are just getting destroyed. I don't even know how to explain it. You know, when people ask, like, what's going on with the government. I thought there was supposed to be Lauren Order because without Lauren Order, showing you don't have anything. I mean, it doesn't matter how much money people have and the wealth and the fancy cars and boats because the crime is so bad now the police are leaving, as you know very well, Sean, because you're totally engage with the police. They're leaving at wrecked levels and continuing our discussion about what is the unmitigated disaster at the border with Derek Maltz and Kyron Skinner Kamala. Harris is likely going to write a big check to all of these countries, and Joe Biden will do the same. And they keep saying, well, we're going to target the root causes of migration. Well, could the root cause be this. I'll play for you statement of Biden telling immigrants, if you're fleeing oppression to come. But I would do as president as several more things because things have changed. I would in fact make sure that there is we immediately surge to the border. All those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. Where a nation says, if you want to flee your frain oppression, you should come. Is that why they came, Kiran, Is that why they're coming? We have last thirty seconds? Yeah, absolutely, And that's what the Guatemalan president said. As soon as those statements were made, cut coyotes in Guatemala start organizing big groups of children and getting them ready to move. I just wanted to speak real quickly before we go about your final important point, Sean, around the price tag on all of this. We've already as the US committed three hundred and ten million dollars to Guatemala alone as part of a four billion dollars package to Guatemala and the Northern Triangle Company countries. This could lead to waste, fraud, and abuse. We already know the route causes. We're going to commission more studies. It will take lots of time. Meanwhile, we have a record high numbers of people at the borders, with a twenty one year high in April alone. They are not going to that money is never gonna make its way to the people of these countries in Latin America. There's my prediction, Derek, last fifteen seconds, Sean. The American public needs to realize this is like something we've never seen before in regards to these counterfeit pills that are killing these kids. They're not tight drug uses. They are one time uses that are not waking up. Coming from the cartels coming over the border and the goataways is a big thing. Showing the unofficial numbers for the month of May over fifty thousand gataways into America, have no idea where they came from, who they are, where they go, what their motive is, what organization are they with. This is what I am very concerned about. The gataways all over this country, in our neighborhoods, that we don't know who they are. That's a big problem, all right, Derek Maltz, thank you, Kiren Skinner, thank you, eight hundred and ninety four one shown. We'll get to the phones when we get back, Hannity tonight nine Eastern Oil report that all the news the mob refuses to report. Quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Just to add some emphasis to the you know USA's top fold article today US to target root causes of migration and then billions of US taxpayer dollars going to Central Latin America where wherever, wherever, whatever country wants money. Please use this money so you prevent people from coming to the US border. Okay, that's not going to work. How do we know? Because the money likely is never going to get to the people in this case, Guatemala or in the case of Mexico. I don't trust many of these governments at all. Maybe I'm just too cynical in my old age. Anyway, if you want why what the root cause is, Let's go back to the campaign and Joe Biden saying, yeah, come to the US and seek asylum, and Maamala saying, you know, we'll even give you free healthcare. What I would do as president as several more things because things have changed. I would in fact make sure that there is we immediately surge to the border. All those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. Where a nation says if you want to flee your frame oppression, you should come. So you support giving universal healthcare Medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. Let me just be very clear about this. I'm opposed to any policy that wouldn't deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. Period. Oh that kind of covers it. And Kamala Harris warning migrants we are going to enforce the law. No they're not. We just had three record months the highest in twenty to thirty years. We're on track to have a couple of million illegal immigrants walk right into this country. Three and Joe and Kamala aren't lifting a finger to stop it. Listen to Kamala saying, don't come. I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track to the United States Mexico border. Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border. There are legal methods by which migration can and should occur, but we, as one of our priorities, will discourage illegal migration. And I believe if you come to our border, it will be turned back. Oh that's what she means. I believe they'll be turned No, they're not getting turned back at all. All right, eight hundred nine point one, Sean is our number. If you want to be a part of the program. Let's say hi to John Is in Ohio. John, you're on the Shawn Hannity's show. Glad you called. How you doing, Sean? I'm good, sir. What's happening? I wanted to bring up a point that the media they don't say anything about, is the legal side of immigration. I'm doing a k one visa, which is a fiance visa. And it's going on almost two years of me and her being vetted in the US embassy and Manoah, Philippines. You're not doing nothing. Now they're starting to do a lot of laws. So one of you is a citizen, which one of you is a citizen? Me? Okay, So you've you've met the love of your life. She's from the Philippines. Philippines, yes, okay. And so if she can't get legal status by marrying you, correct, Yes, Now they do check, by the way, because you know, like a lot of people gain the system, right, but people they make, you know, side deals and they say that they're getting married, or they might have a sham marriage and there might be money exchanged and it turns out that they're not getting married at all, that it was just a financial transaction. I understand that there are a lot of checks and balances. Like they'll pull you both aside and ask questions about your what time do you usually get up in the morning, what's your favorite food, and just try to see if you're really living together. Yes, they do a lot of vetting. I mean they've done severe background checks on me in the Philippines. They do background checks on her and they go from our birth certificates. I mean, they do a lot of vetting to check these people out. But the US usually the process for K one visa is usually about seven months. I'm going on two years because the US embassies are pretty much doing what they want and they just say COVID this, COVID that. But they can process certain things. Now, like Vanila, there's a lot how is your fiance? Is she in the country now or is she in the Philippines. No, she can't come here until she goes through the US embassy in the Philippines to do an interview. Well there is I look, I can't tell you this because I know for a fact from friends there there is a massive backlog. Oh it's huge COVID related, you know, And I just I know there's some truth to that. Whether or not they're even trying to get up to speed or not as another question. That's pretty much there. They tell you one thing, but they don't do it. Like I was being ready to say, there's a Ramirez versus blank In lawsuit and a bunch of others with three law firms working together to try to get this pushed along because you can't do nothing. You're a standstill. If you try to call the embassy, you can't get through to them. If you try to try to send them emails, they send everybody the same email, so you can't content. Well, your case after a certain amount of time, it was expired, and once it gets expired, you got to start all over. Yeah, I mean that's a problem. The only the best advice, and I know you're trying to do everything the right way, is I assume there is a congressman or woman that that represents you. There people, and there's not much they can do. Huh No, they actually they've actually we've had people in this lawsuit that actually have talked on a monthly basis to their senators and then their senators pretty much try to ask them what's going on with this case number, because each person has their own case number, and the US Embassy will send the senator the exact same email that they send us saying there's nothing we could do because of COVID, but they can do other diasas. It just it makes no sense. Yeah, listen, I can really sympathize with you because you're trying to do everything the right way, the legal way, the just way, and you know, they make it ten a thousand times harder on you even though you're trying to do it the right way. The only thing I can say is just keep reaching out to people involved at least try to maybe get an extension so you don't have to start the entire process all over again. That would be a disaster. And you know, hire a good immigration attorney that's connected that that can kind of cut through the clutter and get the job done. Yeah, we've got one now. It's actually three of the bigger law farms working together to try to get us through this so our case don't go expired, which is money we shouldn't have to spend. We're already spending money to pay for this process. It's certain, I get it. It's listen, it's rough. I really do sympathize because you're trying to do it the right way, you know. And here's the sad reality. If your fiance got to the border at Mexico could walk across and be living with you probably within a week. It's ridiculous. Yeah, um, it is. I can you know, I just feel for you. Yeah, you know. On the other hand, I can in good conscience, you know, tell people to break the law. I tell everyone payer taxes, follow the laws, especially very conservative. Otherwise they want to put you in jail. And that's exactly what we're all doing, trying to do it right and do it the right way. I know. Yeah, and Sport you're in You're in our prayers. I hope it works out somehow, love can. Maybe maybe you can go live in the Philippines for a while. Yeah, yeah, we've talked about that, all right, my friend. I'm wishing you the best. I hope you worked that out. That's hard. By the way, Linda, did you see the French president Macron was slapped in the face? Couldn't? Yeah, I missed that. You did. Drump is that we were talking about that. It's such a lot here. Uh uh. Chris is in Florida. Chris has more brains than all of us put together. What's up, Chris? How are you? Hey? Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call. Um, just to let you and Linda know, the door in Florida has always open to y'all. Um, Northeast Florida. If you can handle an hour of rain a day for the summer, you're good. Um, really, I don't want to take a lot of your time. But I was listening the other day your big debate with Linda about French fries and McDonald's fries are the best, hand down, Well, they are, but I like Wendy's two. Do you like Wendy's French fries they don't put an salt on them? Well, you just well, it doesn't matter how much Chris you really are. You you're like you know, Sean's brother. Nobody loves salt more than Sean. No, you extra extra mounts of salt. And if I get a quarter pound of with cheese or Wendy single with cheese, would ketchup pickles and onions, extra pickles, extra onions? Then I always ask for extra ketchup two. I mean it's a it's an art form watching me eat. I don't know if I would call it an art form. I think I would think no, because I have to lay it. I lay it all out. I put the extra salt on. I try to eat the French fries first because they're better hot. Right. For example, when I get handed the bag, if the French fries are cold, I hand it back and say they're cold. I want hot French fries. Want I tell you fries what Chris, You're gonna love this? And Sean too. So I got an email from another call or another listener, I should say, somehow I got my email on no another quala. Then he sends me this email and he says, um, listen, I've been I've been listening to you and you're too restrictive on Liam. And I know it comes from a good place, but I'm going to send you the statistics on the air friar versus McDonald's fries. And he is telling me that me putting my French fries and an air friar with no oil and no salt is only a little bit healthier than the McDonald's fries. And I'm like, where did you pull these metrics from? I do not understand. Send me a whole thing about it. Then he yelled at me for the qual of duty conversation we had yesterday and said that I am siphoning off Liam's life, that he has a right to play games. And I'm a helicopter mom. I sent it to Katy. I was like, he got to you are a helicopter mom, and I was a helicopter dad. I'll admit I used to watch what my kids did. You know, my kids are grown, they're in their late twenties. But my big question for you Sean. You know, when I was growing up, my dad always said, you know, you can't do wrong and get by. And I served for twenty two years in the Navy, and we were held accountable for everything we do. How long Ken Biden and his administration get away with all the lies that they're passing on to us. The answer is, as long as the media is corrupt as it is and never tell the truth and never hope people accountable. I think they can always get I think I don't think it ever ends. You know, what we're hoping for here is that we hit a tipping point. America sees their failed policies. They're absolute lying. You know, it's just a joke that you know, we get lectured by the communist Chinese and anchorage on human rights. Putin is going to eat Joe's lunch. On the sixteenth of June, Kamala gets lectured by the Guatemalan president. It's embarrassing. It's it's America at its weakest. The Chinese, the Russians are given the Iranians arms to fight a proxy war in the Middle East and Joe doesn't even have a clue. We get hacked by Russia twice and Joe Rewards putin with a waiver to build his pipeline while camping our pipeline. I mean, you can't make you cannot make this shift up. You can't. By the way, some people think I just said a bad word. I said, shiff, go ahead. I'm just glad there's people like you, and you know the other patriots out there that are voicing you know the term. I mean, we're fighting every day, but we don't have any choice. I mean, honestly, it's like an all hands on deck moment for the country crest. We need everybody. All right, my friend, we love you. Um now I feel like French fries. Fine, I gotta tell you another great food story. Do you want to hear one more before we go to commercial? Did you hear burger King mocking Chick fil A in a tweet? And then it's the backlash that is ensued. No, they made a donation. I guess burger King every for every I guess they have a chick King sandwich. I never I don't go to I only like a whopper. That's the only thing I like with cheese. But anyway, to celebrate Pride Month even on Sundays, they say, because Chick fil As closed on Sunday, So they're taking a shot at at Chick fil A. And then, you know, anyway, they they say that if you buy a Chick King sandwich, you know, money is going to go to the Human Rights Campaign, which is fine anyway, forty cents of every sandwich sold, maximum donation two hundred and fifty grand. And anyway, now by the way that they added efforts to boycott. Every time they try to boycott Chick fil A, sales go through the roof, so backfires. I just but I also think, like, you're taking a shot at Chick fil A. Who gives Sundays off because it's a family day and they believe in going to church and being with your family. What's wrong with that? M That's just wrong? All right? Give me your food story real quick, okay, really really quick. Our friend Wendy at the Outpost Eatery, we had listeners that came all the way from I'm looking at the email. What did she tell me? Kansas City came to Florida. On their vacation. The Kounoff family stopped into Outpost six to eleven eatery and tap house. They took pictures as all great listeners to the Handity Show, and it's just awesome. It's just a good story. We take Liam and get him a happy meal so you can be happy. Oh my god, just do you read. Just do it for this guy. Just do it for me. I'll pay for it. One happy meal, just one. All right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nineties. Turn on the Fox News Channel. Loaded up. We have what is the largest cartel bust ever in La County. We're gonna update you. That's just breaking. We'll have the latest about the lies at the border. We'll hit that also, the police defunding. This madness is getting out of control more every day. We've got reports about Hunter using the N word multiple times, daily mail report. We got full coverage of all the news that you'll never get from the media mobs. Set your DVR. Hannity Tonight at nine. We'll see then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. You make the show possible. We can never thank you enough.