Verdict Due - November 16th, Hour 1

Published Nov 16, 2021, 11:02 PM

Sean has the latest on the Rittenhouse trial. A verdict is expected today and the world is embracing for the impact of the jury decision.

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Day number ninety four, reaching day one hundred soon and one hundred and seven days since Joe Biden promised he wouldn't abandon Americans behind enemy lines, which he did. And we do have actually some news. Uh, let me just give heads up to our affiliates along with Sean Hannity Show network. Yes, we are on jury watch and will be throughout the afternoon h if in fact, the jury comes back in the written house case. And by the way, Kenosha now bracing for a potential unrest, and so are other cities around the country. The National Guard has been held been called up as well in places. But I do have an update. There is a veterans group. Members of what's called the Afghani vac Coalition met Monday video call with the idiot Secretary of State blinking to press the case for additional resources to help tens of thousands of people get the hell out of Afghanistan that they abandoned and that we now know family members of veterans were left behind. We now know from three weeks ago, hundreds of Americans still remain caught behind enemy lines, thousands of people, according to Blincoln that legally can come to the US because they have green carts. Never mind the tens of thousands of Afghan allies. Now we know the Taliban has gone back to their old ways and their treatment of women being beaten in the street, restrictive laws for women. We know that those days of oppression or back and pretty much in broad daylight, people are getting killed every day. If it's proven that they in any way help the United States anyway. So they're trying. The State Department isn't doing enough. They said, the whole government needs to be on board. We need the international community to step up, and we need it done quickly. According to Peter Lucier, who's a former marine serving in Afghanistan that works with coalition member Team America, Winner is coming. There's famine already, and he said he's asking the State Department to help facilitate this. They have no interest to. Joe Biden said it in his own words that he has turned the page. John Afghanistan. Turned the page means never talk about it, never get asked by the media mob about it. That's what turned the page means. Before we get to the Rittenhouse case, and obviously on Verdict watch all throughout the day to day, I got a lot of news out of Washington that we're going to get to ABC. Washington Post poll fifty nine percent say Biden is expanding government too much. You think, yes. True. By the way, mister President unity more. America is more divided under Biden since he took office. That's not a shock to any even to me. Biden has underestimated. This is the Washington Post. The problems facing the country is Democrats fear that that has become now a massive political problem. Now as we begin to get more of the details of Build Back Better, New Green Deal socialism, we're finding out that, in fact, it does raise taxes on the middle class. And we already know that the poor and middle class in this country are being disproportionately impacted by Biden's inflation again as another another preventable self inflicted wound that he caused. The high cost of energy is killing everybody. Build back Better will lower cost for American families and give a little bit of breathing. No, it's not, and nor is the lie that it cost you nothing. Nothing cost zero, doesn't cost a penny. Well, if that's true, then why you know, we have some more moderate Democrats that think that this is political suicide for them, and then I'll put back and they're saying, all right, let's get a CBO score. And now the White House doesn't want the CBO score because they know they've been lying about this cost nothing. The CBO is expected to conclude contrary to what Kamala and Joe, who by the way, apparently hate each other, are saying that build back better, New Green Deal socialism will not pay for itself, that it will explode the debt and the deficit, and it's gonna send inflation into the stratosphere. They don't want the CBO score. According to the Washington Examiner, House Democratic leaders said lawmakers could vote on whatever the final number ends up being. As of today, it's one point eight five trillion. By the way, this is House Democrats. They still got to get through Mansion and Cinema, which I don't even know it's going to be possible. But anyway, this is their New Green Deal Socialism bill. They want to vote as early as Thursday, before the CBO cost analysis is completed. They wanted beforehand because it's going to destroy their argument and expose the big lie and the genius Peet Buddha judge with a great experience of Oh that's right. He was mayor of South Bend, Indiana, saying, yeah, there's gonna be a lot of disruptions with supply chains, and they're out there blaming we, the American people, for our consumption habits. Well, we never had supply chain problems before them. They created that problem too, you know, begging OPEC isn't working. Why don't we ask Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, and North Dakota. I keep saying it every day pump price is soaring. Biden proposes a new drilling ban. Oh that's genius. Biden announced yesterday a proposal for a twenty year ban on new oil and gas drilling in the Northwest New Mexico area, the oldest Native American site in the US. In coming weeks, the Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management will start the agency process to bar new oil and gas leasing on federal lends. You know what, you know what the people in the Middle East are thinking, Oh, Peck is thinking. As a barrel of oil now reaches towards a hundred bucks of barrel, they're thinking, this is the dumbest country on the face of the earth. Because we have all of the all of the energy resources that you would ever want, and yet we're not using them. Another Obama Obama economists jump ship, blaming Biden and his spending for this implation. Last Wednesday, government said it's consumer price index sword six point two percent from a year ago. That's the biggest jump since nineteen ninety. That would be over thirty one years ago, biggest jump since then. It's a large blow against the transitory narrative, said Jason Furman, who served as a top economic advisor in the Obama administration. Inflation is not slowing, it's maintaining a red hot pace. And by the way, and then Furman suggested the misguided policies, economic policies of Biden. They poured kerosene on the fire and a flood of government spending, including this infrastructure, coronavirus relief. When you add it all up together, it's unsustainable. And the people that are paying the price the most are the poor and middle class, the people they claim to have the most compassion for. Even Janet Yelling is now flipping and flopping on inflation. That remember she was saying it's only transitory. I was, you know, six months ago. Well, now yelling has changed their tune, and she you couldn't say on Sunday whether she was confident inflation would stabilize by next year's November midterms. It really depends on the pandemic. No, it doesn't depend on the pandemic. You want to fix the economy, I'll tell you how to do it. Go back to the Trump economic plan and stop spending more money than you have. Incentivize people to get back to work. The next best thing you could do is secure the border. And the next most important thing you can do is go back to Trump's policies of energy independence and drop the cost of oil dramatically. America's poverty rate as a result of Joe Biden's economic policies, according to the latest Census bureaus. Yeah, it's now under Joe Biden's It is exploding. The Urban Institute's projection from Biden's poverty rate, they put it at thirteen point seven percent. It's you just can't make it. By every single solitary measure, it gets worse. The first step in fighting inflation is to vaccinate five to eleven year olds. That's what the senior White House Economic Advisor, Brian Deese deflected in terms of inflation. The first step to stop inflation is vaccinate five to eleven years old. Please tell me you're not that stupid. Apparently they are. Laurence Summers has really taken on the Biden economic plan. Janet Yelling doesn't particularly like it. I'll give you one quick example. I was reading the story about Tyson Foods. They're a great company. They try to keep the cost of their products beef, pork, chicken down on a regular basis. You know, they produced twenty percent of all US beef, chicken and pork. They said they have had to raise their prices across the board of every major business unit. And you know sales are okay, then that's not a problem for them. But they're now charging dramatically higher prices than they were BEFOCE and that's because of Biden's inflation. For example, chicken is up nineteen percent pork prices, beef prices at pork prices thirty three and thirty eight percent, respectively. If you want a stake, it's thirty eight percent more. You want a pork chop, it's thirty three percent more. You want a chicken breast, it's nineteen percent more chicken wings, same thing, doesn't matter. Unbelievable. White House Chief of Staff says, well, things are a lot better in this country than they were a year ago. No, they're not regarding the economy and COVID. No, we have more dead people from COVID this year, you idiot. They just purposefully lie the American pe You know what, It doesn't matter because the American people are feeling it every single solitary day. Every day you fill up your gas tank, you're feeling it. Every day you go to the grocery store, the drug store, lows home depot, wherever you go. You're feeling it. You're paying it. It sucks, and it's dramatic. The Congressional Budget Office already found, for example, the one point two trillion dollars are spending bill. This is why they don't want their build back better new Green Deal socialism. Scored by the CBO, they found the one point two trillion dollar infrastructure plan is going to add two hundred and fifty six billion dollars to the deficit according to the pen Wharton budget model. They said there'd be no significant level of economic growth either. They're not going to get anything out of it. The but the Fipartisan Infrastructure Plan, with thirteen Republicans in the House, you know, caved and went along with the stupidity. It does define gender identity as a protected class. It does dole out dignity equity grants. It contains funding for zero emission vehicles. It addresses over the road bust tolling equity. It contains the word equity sixty four times. It provides roughly two point five billion to help the US government expand the border processing stations. It contains a ten million dollar grant to create a v vehicle miles travel tax a pilot program. Okay, now we're not only do we get taxed on gasoline, now we're gonna get attacked by the mile one study. Build back better. That act actually costs four point nine one trillion. In other words, they're saying that the one point seven trillion when you score it out, is really gonna cost four point nine one. And this is what Joe Mansion was complaining about. We talked about all the economic tricks and games and gimmicks that they're they're playing with the numbers. In other words, they're just not math properly on purpose to deceive the public. It's not one point seven five, it's four point nine one. Unbelievable. It's just so typical. All right, we are on jury verdict watch in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. We'll give you the latest updates in a few minutes. Here. One thing it has become clear, even fake news CNN is acknowledging it is the relationship between Joe and Kamala is a disaster. Even they're reporting she is not being adequately prepared or positioned and being sidelined, including you know, by the President. There's a rocky relationship with parts of the White House. Their words, not mine. Harris is perceived to be in a weak position. Top Democrats in and outside Washington now are saying, oh, I thought she was the heir apparent and one Harris aid offered the issue with some in the West wing don't have constant knowledge of what the Vice president's team is doing. Harris complaining to Confidence about not being a greater part of the president's approach to the Afghanistan withdrawal. That's our way of saying, and that's not my fault. Many feel like that he's skirting his political duties to promote her and essentially setting her up to fail. First of all, both their approval ratings suck. I mean, she has a record of twenty eight percent. But remember she's the one that hired the PR team, She's the one that made that phony video that with the child actors. She's the bordersard that doesn't go to the border and do a thing about it. You know. Then he got the issue of the weird laughing new Gingridge pointed out this like ten straight hours of her just laughing, and she goes to France, phony French accent and doesn't resolve the issue that they're supposed to resolve in the first place. By the way, looks like President Biden didn't want to jeopardize, you know, the family syndicate business with China, and didn't even bring up the issue of the origins of the corona of COVID nineteen pandemic. He didn't discuss it with President she. I mean, why not. They should be paying the entire world for what they unleashed on the world. Then of course she got Kamala complaining that, you know, she's not being put in a position of to lead, she's not capable. Then the White House aids leapt to the defense of pee pooda judge, and they see this as an example of unfair standard of play. The Daily Mail is even reporting that the relationship has had a crisis point and her staff is feuding in what in her being sidelined. Biden is rumored to be considering moving Harris to the Supreme Court as a backdoor way of selecting a new VP. The White House is frustrated by her appalling polling numbers. Harris and her top aides are furious with Biden for handling her no win issues like the border crisis, and they also claim the President's not defending her while looking after the White person pee poota judge. That's in the Daily Mail right twenty five to the top of the hour. We are on Verdict Watch in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse. We can look. Do I think in this case when you look at the law in Wisconsin as it relates to self defense, do I believe the verdict on every charge should be not guilty? Yes, if the law is followed, but it's very difficult to predict what juries are going to do. It's you could stay here and guess you know all day long. But as it relates to if you feel your life is in jeopardy or in fear of reasonable a reasonable person would conclude a fear of serious bodily harm. Then in every instance with Kyle Rittenhouse, that is the case. It's simple with the star witness of the prosecution admitting under on the stand that he pointed a loaded weapon at Kyle Rittenhouse before Kyle shot him, and I only fired once. I think he hit him in the bicept, and that testimony was given. Just throw that charge out. Then you see the video of Kyle Rittenhouse and we'll get into this in more details. In a few minutes of Kyle being chased by a large group of people some may call a mob chasing him, He's running as fast as he can to get the hell out of there, and then of course they tip his hat off. Then he's on the ground. And then when he shot this other guy, he literally was you can see the foot up in the air about to smash his head into the pavement. Would a reasonable person conclude in that moment there that you're at risk of serious bodily harm or death. I think the answers there as well. Then the other testimony that, Okay, the individual that grabbed the barrel of the gun again with you got eyewitness testimony, video testimony, and then of course the star witness with the prosecution's testimony. So far we know the jury has asked for a number of things, additional copies of jury instructions and then specifically the pages one through six. I think it's forty somewhat pages in total. It was confusing if you are listening yesterday to the judge give them. They've also asked for self defense guidelines, meaning the law outside of the courtroom. Even now as we speak, there is chanting going on, groups beginning to gather. If Kenosha don't get it, shut it down, I would assume that probably the jury is hearing those chants. You can hear it here. One thing, the accuracy and media tweeted out this and I agree with them wholeheartedly, and I'll play a montage of the mob and the media later as the writtenhouse trial comes to a close. One thing is abundantly clear. No one is more guilty of wrongdoing than the media. And I'd add to that the politicians as well. And literally they said the press is an unindicted co conspirator in the case this happens in every single high profile case. The only case where I would give an exception, the only case in modern memory that you know that I didn't. The tape was so compelling in the case of George Floyd, and again as a martial artist nine years now training, I can tell you that the neck is the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. You have somebody in handcuffs, you have some but he's saying, please, sir, I can't breathe. You have a crowd begging the police officer to take his knee off his neck and he keeps it there for nearly nine minutes. That was pretty compelling. But we have this program. We have ended up being right on Richard Jewel, Ferguson Missouri, Treyvon, George Zimmerman, Cambridge Police, Duke Lacrosse, Ferguson, Freddie Gray UVA. And and of course the biggest hoax of all, the Russia conspiracy. You know, the hoax, the lie, the Trump Russia collusion with Russia. You know, it's it's sinsanity. Ironically, the Dirty Dossier was Russian disinformation. We still haven't gotten to the bottom of it. Although the Washington Post making the acknowledgement and retracting their previous reporting on the Steel dossier. Where's the rest of the media. I gotta give I gotta give him some props for that little They're four years behind us, But okay, I'll give you a few props for finally admitting it. Adam Ship's star parts are still true? What part? There's no part of it that's been proven true, none of it and the subsource on record saying it's not true. And they dragged this country through hell with lies for four years. Where's the New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, where's MS DNC, fake News CNN? Just like they did to this kid, the Covington High School kid. What's his name? Um? You know, Nicholas sam Man, just like Nino. I mean, the only good part for him is he's going to be a probably a billionaire by the end of this. And rightfully so, even when they knew that the story had fallen apart, they never once asked this kid what his side of the story was, and they went with a false narrative. Jensaki was asked by Peter, do see when he was running you know last year you called him a white supremacist why did the President suggest Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. What I'm not going to speak to right now is anything about an ongoing trial, nor the past president's past and comments. What I can reiterate for you is the president's view that we shouldn't have broadly, speaking of vigilantes patrolling our communities with assault weapons. We shouldn't have opportunists crept in peaceful protests by writing and burning down the communities they claim to represent anywhere in the country. As you know, closing arguments in this particular, do you understand which he just did there. No, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna speak right now to anything the president is rushing to judgment something Obama did often Cambridge police acted stupidly. Trey vonn could be my son. No, I'm not going to speak to it right now, to anything about the ongoing trial, of the president's past comments, why did the president called him a white supremacist? And then what we could speak more broadly the vigilantes. She's declaring this kid guilty in her own way, basically saying he's a vigilante from patrolling the community. That's not appropriate for her or the mob in the media calling this kid a white supremacist and declaring his guilt. They did all of this without any evidence, any due process, any presumption of innocence, like they always do, and then they create the expectation in a city, in a town, in a state of an outcome that is never gonna come based on what the facts ultimately provide. Like in Ferguson, my sources told me early on, Sean, trust me on this people that I trust, trusted sources, multiple sources. There are numerous people African Americans in the neighborhood that corroborate completely the story of Officer Darren Wilson, that it was Michael Brown that put his hand into the police car and struggled to take the officer's gun away from him. That's when the first shot was fired. Nobody was hit, and they corroborated that Michael Brown charged Officer Darren Wilson, and Officer Darren Wilson's life was in jeopardy and he fired. That's why there was no guilty verdict. Same thing in Baltimore. Look what they did to these kids at Duke Lacrosse. I actually took the time to go meet them and meet their families, not that I particularly liked any of them, but that's a different story for another day. Linda, you know what I'm talking about other strange moments. At one point yesterday, this idiot prosecutor, Binger, picks up an a R fifteen And what did he do? He this is the one that was Kyle Rittenhou's hand. He points the rifle at people in the courtroom with his finger on the trigger. Now, obviously this idiot prosecutor doesn't know a thing about guns safety, whether a gun is loaded or unloaded, even even after you check and double check that there's no bullet in the chamber. You never point a gun under any condition unless you plan to use it at any human being. Couldn't believe it. Then another bizarre moment, you know you can't. He brought a gun to a fist fight and uses an image from Patrick Swayze's film from nineteen eighty nine Roadhouse, where the guy's a bouncer in a bar. You just can't make this up. And then Binger, you know, mocking written House for his performance as a medic that night while the guy was a lifeguard. I guess it's verbal gymnastics, and he acknowledged that he wrapped up an ankle, and I believe helped someone put a band aid on a hut on their head, which shows that he was there to help people. But then you got the politicians. They're doing the same thing. Corey Bush calling out Rittenhouse, claims he's a white supremacist, on top of Hakeem Jeffreys, on top of everybody else. Corey Bush's claim that Brown was murdered is false. Kamala Harris Elizabeth Barren have ignored the findings of the Justice Department to accuse officer Darren Wilson a murder, even though the Justice Department found no credible evidence at all to support the claim. Hands up, don't shoot didn't happen. On Monday, the judge had to literally tell the jury to ignore Joe Biden's comments labeling Rittenhouse a white supremacist. It's unbelievable. Let me tell you how all the awful things that Joseph Rosenbaum did. The prosecutor said, he tipped over a porta potty that had no one in it, he's wong a chain, he lit a dumpster on fire. Oh, and he said some bad words. He said the N word. If you were alive today, I'd probably try and prosecute him for arson, but I can't because he's the defendant killed him. He didn't mention the five kids that this guy molested either was found guilty of molesting, or the time that he spent in a mental institution. It's it is unbelievable. They took twenty hours to create this, this blurry image, twenty hours in a state crime lab, a drone village, a drone video image to produce you could barely see anything. Prosecute. The defense says, well, what did what he did for those twenty hours is hocus pocus, and that's what the prosecutor judge allowed it. But you know this is ridiculous. Now, all of this could be for naught anyway, because the motion is not been ruled on yet as it relates to a mistrial with prejudice, which would free Kyle Rittenhouse, and the judge in this case will have the ability to overturn the jury's verdict if he doesn't think it's been fair, and he's been very clear that the prosecution repeatedly has crossed the line when a prosecutor unwillingly is helping make the case in support of Rittenhouse's self defense. You know, that's why they You know, at one point the prosecution Kyle Rittenhouse was too cowardly to use his own fists at your defense. You've got to be kidding me. I've never seen anything like this. I've never seen It's unbelievable. Prosecution was helped by the judge who decided that the jury would be given an introduction on the law of provocation. Now that the judge agreed, but also when Kyle House is seen in the video running away, if he was the initiator of the conflict, they say that self defense is out. But if he removes himself from the situation, self defense again applies. And Wisconsin, the law of provocation states that have defended is an initial aggressor, he loses the right to self defense. Okay, that would be good if they had credible evidence proving that they don't. But the video cited by the prosecutors was anything but clear, and it was so blurry. The judge shook his head and remarked, I certainly can't give a provocation instruction based on a picture that I can't make anything out of. The judge did delivered to relented delivered to the jury the requested provocation instruction, effectively though tossing the prosecutors a half a lifeline. But you know, the idea that they proved the case the defender provoked everything and forfeit it is right to self defense. That's negated by the fact that he was on video running away from trouble. Anyway, So we'll see what happens. It's just very hard to predict what juries are going to do. We'll talk to Greg Jarrett and David Shone about this case after the news at the top of the hour. Later on Senator Tom Cotton rightly defending Project Veritas. He's lived, he's apoplectic at the age. Merrick Garland again abusing power the FBI again. You have Project Veritas founder CEO James O'Keefe. He's handed from a source. He's told it. It was obtained legally what is supposed to be the diary of Joe Biden's daughter. He can't corroborate it, so he never prints it, never does anything with it. Then he brings it to law enforcement a year ago. Now tell me why that's the reason that they rated his house a pre dawn raid with him and his underwear in the morning and his neighbors looking at him. I'm telling you we're losing our country. If you don't have the rule of law, you don't have a country equal justice, equal application of our laws. Look at Steve Bannon, by the way, you know Henry Kissinger, Janet Reno, Harriet Myers, Josh Bolton, Eric Holder, Lois Larner, Brian Pagliano, Bill Barr, Chad Wolfe. Guess what they all have in common with Steve Bannon. They were held in contempt of Congress. What's the difference. Not a single one of them was ever arrested and brought into a courtroom. That sound like equal application of our laws to you, doesn't to me.

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