Vaccine Mandates vs. Courts - September 16th, Hour 3

Published Sep 16, 2021, 10:00 PM

Attorney General Mark Brnovich, of Arizona, who is now running for Senate, is suing the Biden administration for vaccine mandates. 

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All right, news rounds up, information overload hour, your calls coming up, eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Final half hour of the program today. We got a great Hannity at nine tonight. It is day thirty three Americans held hostage, abandoned behind enemy lines by Joe Biden, and they don't seem to want to ever talk about it ever. If you've noticed when remember we've played this over and over again, Joe Biden said it, Nancy Pelosi said it, Anthony Fauci said it, Jensaki said it. They'd never do it, They didn't have the ability to do it, wasn't the role the federal government to do it. And then we go back to the day that Joe Biden unveils his mandates as it relates to vaccinations. Let's take you back for it. No, I don't think I should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand if be mandatory, perhaps defend all government should step in and issue manning. And if not, are you putting the needs of ahead of the needs vaccinating? Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others may take We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. This is not about freedom or personal choice. It's about protecting yourself and those around you. I'm announcing that the Department of Labor it's developing an emergency rule to require all employers with one hundred or more employees that together employ over eighty million workers to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week. There you hear it, Biden sak Pelosi. I don't think we'll ever see any thing mandatory with vaccinations. Flip flop POUCHI now they unveil it. The first thing I said day that Joe announced this was buckle up. There's gonna be a lot of lawsuits, and I don't think this is gonna hold legally and constitutionally. Our friend out in Arizona Attorney General Mark Bernovich now running for the Senate, I think you'd be a great senator. I think he'll beat Mark Kelly. He now is the first attorney general to outline his lawsuit against the Biden administration for these mandates and anyway the Attorney General's office called the countrywide mandate unconstitutional. First lawsuit filed against the Biden administration and the federal government. He says cannot force people to get the COVID nineteen vaccine. And sir, welcome back to the program. It's great to have you. Thank you, Sean, thank you so much for having me on today. It's important to note too that you've been successful already ensuing the Biden administration. Let's just go over your history, gree because you're a lawyer's lawyer, you're a law guy, and your arguments are pretty powerful. Well, thank you very much. And you know, Sean, we've talked about this before. I successfully argued Bernovich v. DNC, which obviously allowed states to enact common sence election integrity measures. Just yesterday we led an amikus and a coalition that held even Obama judges said that the Biden administration has to follow the law when it comes to deportation on immigrations. And so, you know, sometimes these cases are difficult, they take time. The left is so organized and they attack you. But I thought, and I do believe, and you know this, I believe it's so sincerely in my heart of hearts that what the Biden administration is doing now with these vaccine mandates is the most dangerous attempt at concentrating power in one person that we've ever seen in the history of the United States. So we have sued the Biden administration and him saying that these vaccine policies, these mandates are unconstitutional, that he has no authority under the US Constitution, and that basically what he's doing is shredding the Tenth Amendment, which preserves power to the states over these issues, and what he's doing also is inconsistent with prior case law, and that if we don't stop this now, we are going to continue to see this radical shift of power from the states from the people to Washington, DC. And whether it's nationalizing elections, whether it's tax spend policies, and now Sean, it's over this fundamental issue of bodily autonomy, personal liberty. That any government, the federal government, is going to come in and tell you that you have to inject something into you. I mean, that is completely crazy and contrary not only the powers the president and he has none of this power in the Constitution, but it's completely inconsistent with our rights and liberties as citizens of the United States. Let me ask about these past comments that I played a Biden, Osaki, Pelosi, Wallenski Fauci all saying they wouldn't do it. Is that factor in at all to the law suit? Is that relevant in any way? It might be, But I will tell you what if you go and read our lawsuit. One of the things that we do point out, and I think this does demonstrate the hypocrisy in the humors of the Biden administration, is you know, the Chief of Staff essentially retweeted something that said that what they're doing is the ultimate workaround, so to speak. So we the fact that people in the administration doubted that they have the ability to do this, and then on top of that, they literally are basically acknowledging that what they're doing is the ultimate work around the law. I think that will be useful in future lawsuits. This is one let me explain this workaround, because what they're saying is they're using OSHA and the Labor Department to enforce the mandates and saying that that OSHA has emergency authority. But there's very specific language, legal language. As I understand that, my reading and understanding of it is that that's very specific language would not apply to a pandemic, would it. Absolutely? And even folks on the left when they lie on these like I was at the barbershop this weekend, and you know, someone's like, oh, there's a Supreme Court case, you know, one hundred years ago, and I didn't want to get in a constitutional argument at the barbershop and everyone's trying to watch sports, you know, the college football. But that case Jacobson dealt with whether a state could do something, and traditionally public health, safety, wealth or were left to the states, not the federal government. And furthermore, it was literally a five dollars fine, one time fine. It was something that was very diminimous versus what the Biden administration is doing now. They are using the heavy hand of the federal government to literally threaten people's livelihoods, threatened people's businesses, basically shut down contractors that you could have millions of dollars in government contracts, healthcare providers and nursing homes. This is a massive powergraph, make no mistake about it. And when it comes to OSHA, I guarantee you the comments they've made will help because it shows that what the Biden administration is doing is arbitrary and it's not really about the law. But at the end of the day, this is one of these fundamental problems or one of these issues we need to address as a country. Why does the federal government have this much power in the first place. Why have we seated so much authority when it comes to education to the Federal Department of Education. Why are we seeding so much authority to agencies, these alphabet soup agencies like OSHA. I mean, is OSHA even constitutional? And some of the things they're doing. But even if, even if they could propagate these rules, the fact that Congress never gave him explicit authority in this context, I think that makes it all constitution suspect sean one size fits all medicine doesn't make any sense either. There's no exemptions for people with rare medical conditions. For example, I quoted yesterday extensively on this program an article that came out in the Epic Times about doctor Robert Malone. Now he happens to be the guy that the doctor, the medical doctor that discovered the technology that led to the mr NA vaccines. That would be Faiza Maderna Johnson and Johnson is more of a traditional vaccine, and he is saying that natural immunity, based on every indication that he can see, and he cited a specific study out of Israel, is much much stronger, longer lasting, and better than even the technology that he himself discovered. And we have, for example, Faisa and Maderna now admitting that the efficacy of the vaccines that they have put together diminishes greatly over time, and hence, I guess that's one of the reasons we're also seeing all these breakthrough cases fully vaccinated people coming down with positive COVID tests. Sean, I know you are with me on this, and we have said this is about individuals in their autonomy and their ability to make their own healthcare choices, and that's simply what it's about. It's about the fact that no government, especially the sederal government, can require you to inject something in your body. And we saw this even in the context of the Obamacare lawsuit. You know, I've been attacked by a lot of folks because I was part of you know, that lawsuit. But both I believe very strongly that it's up to individuals they should be responsible for their own healthcare choices and it shouldn't be nationalized. But even during that case, the Supreme Court recognized that the federal government can't require you under the Commerce cause to buy insurance. So if they cannot require you to buy insurance, how can they require you to affirmatively inject something in your body. And so I feel very strongly that we're right on the right side of history and the Constitution on this and these choices, these decisions should be left up to the people. And I do think that part of the reason why. And you know, I'm a public school kid. You know, I live in my same neighborhood, middle class neighbor I grew up in. And you talk to your friends, your family, and you know, people are confused because one day they're told it didn't come from China, and then we find out it did. Then one day you're told wear a mask and not wear a mask. You're told the vaccine is ninety percent effective, then it's forty percent effective. And so there's been Amala Harris, the flipping Vice President of the United States, that she wouldn't get the vaccine if Trump told her too. So there has been so much myths in disinformation out of the Biden administration. People are genuinely confused. And when people are confused, they're uncertain. The last thing they need is Uncle Joe and whoever's whispering his earpiece telling him that they got to inject something in their body. That's why people are nervous, why they're so concerned about this. And I'm concerned about it not only for those reasons, Sean, but my goodness, the love of the Constitution and this notion that we've got to push back against federal overreach because if we give the president this authority, that something that King George Dave It didn't even dream of, we will never get it back. And this is a classic example of this erosion of liberty that we really need to stand up and fight for now. Regardless regardless of what you think about the vaccine and everything else, it's important that we need to do everything we can, all hands on deck fighting the Biden administration. All right, quick break, welcome back, and we'll continue more with Attorney General Mark Bernovitch on the other side. You're calls after that eight hundred nine one seawn are toll free number. You want to be a part of the program exposing uncovering, untracking the lies of the left every day. This is the Sean Show. And as we continue with the Attorney General and now Senate candidate from the great state of Arizona, Mark Bernovitch is with us. Let me change topics on you and ask you about General Millie and if these allegations by Woodward and Costa are true, and that somehow he conspired with Nancy Pelosi and I guess other generals and members of the Joint Chiefs and had them pledge make loyalty owes to them, that he would insert himself in the chain of command and assert the constitutional authority of the President of the United States as the sole commander in chief and prohibit that president from launching nuclear weapons, and then simultaneously telling his counterpart in China that you know, if we're going to attack you, I'll give you a heads up, I'll warn you. If those things turn out to be true, what would that How would you describe those things any word? If they are true? It is treasonous And it hurts me to see those words sewn. Because you know, I was someone that you wore a country's uniform. I was a judge, advocate general and the thought that anyone, anyone in our military at any level, but especially the highest levels of the military, consorting or having these kind of communications undermining the commander in chief is absolutely despicable and I think it's treasonous. And this is one thing I learned when I was in the military. You may not like the person, but you always respect the rank. And our constitution clearly provides that the president of the commander in chief, and that what if it's true, if those allegations are true, it worries me. And my first reaction when I heard about that is, you know, there's an old movie Seven Days in May, which I haven't seen in years, but it's all about how the generals, you know, like try to take over the country, and it was supposedly based on their you know, Kennedy and stuff. And I thought to myself, the left used to be so paranoid about how powerful the military was, the generals having control. But when it comes to anything anything that deals with anti President Trump, it's okay if the ends justifies the means. And once again, it's not only intellectually dishonest, it's dangerous. And so I would urge anyone independence liberal all these people on left. They need to understand that once you see that kind of authority, or you allow generals to you to loatter, we decide which commanders and chiefs or which orders are going to follow or not. That is the road to tear. That is the road to you know what happened in ancient Rome and Greece, all the very things the founding fathers, the framers of our constitution understood when they created this brilliant documents, a declaration to dependence, and in this Constitution, it was all based on all this history, understanding what dick dators and tyrants and kings did in the past, and that's why they wanted the power to the people. They understood our rights came from God, and that there was these checks and balances which included not only the executive, legislative judiciary, but the states. And the fact that anyone, especially anyone in our military would do something like that, I think is dangerous on so many levels. Well, looking forward to the Senate races you against, Mark Kelly, I know a lot of people communicate with you. How can they get in touch with you, Attorney General? Senate candidate Mark Bernovich, Sean, you are the godfather of the website, Mark B for eight alright twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Shaun is our number, Linda and Ethan and I just haven't had time to get to it yet. We've been following the case of this missing young woman. Her name is Gabby Petito from Long Island. Her boyfriend is a person of interest in her disappearance. And according to a new police report that revealed this tension between the two that had been building, and they had this month's long cross country trip that they were on. And the boyfriend's name is Brian Laundry, twenty three, and he's the oddest thing. Why is he stonewalling investigators? You know, he's probably the last person to have seen her, the last known person that we have information that was around her, according to Northport Long Island Police spokesperson Josh Taylor at a press conference. And then so now he's a person of interest, and he says, how do you define a person of interest? He said, that's up to you, But we're interested in talking to him if she's out there. We're doing everything in our power to bring this young woman twenty two years old home. Her parents rightly are devastated. And anyway, they were in the middle of this cross country road trip out west and what was I guess a converted Ford Transit van. When the family last heard from her, which was late August and about a month before she was reported missing by her mother, the young couple apparently got into a spat. Cops were called. This happened in Utah, and they said at the time that it had turned physical, but they didn't have evidence to arrest him at the time. And this piece in the New York Post goes on to explain the tensions between the two exploded on August twelve, when Petito began slapping laundry outside the Moonflower Community Cooperative during a fight over the phone. According to a police report, Petito later admitted to responding officers that she was struggling with her mental health. I approached the vehicle and saw the only occupants being Gabrielle and Brian, said the police officer officers involved in this, and she was in the passenger's seat crying uncontrollably. At no point in my investigation did she stopped crying, breathing heavily. She was breathing heavily or was she able to compose a sentence without needing to wipe away tears and wipe away her nose and rub her knees with her hands. And you know, apparently she scratched the guy laundry while trying to slap him, prompting him to lock himself in a van to create distance between them, according to the police report. Anyway, cops then determined that the most appropriate course of action would be to separate the parties for the night so that they would reset their mental states without interference from one another. And both of them, you know, reported that they're in love and they're engaged to be married and didn't want didn't wish to see anyone charge with a crime. There was no significant injuries, etc. Etc. And the two spent the night apart, and also the boyfriend telling police that both suffered from an undisclosed mental health disorder and had not been taking their medications all right, So police and now reviewing surveillan's footage of the trip that they documented on Instagram. And anyway, five days later they were again. They were in Utah and they went to a national park in Wyoming, and then Petito's mother said she received a text from her daughter's phone, the last she'd ever gotten in It read no service in Yosemite. I do not believe the text on August thirtieth was from my daughter. She said the van was in Florida on the first of September, and I think I could do the math. And anyway, they've been repeatedly pleading with his boyfriend to tell them what happened, including in a new statement released just yesterday, calling him reprehensible for refusing to cooperate with the investigation and saying that he left their daughter in the wilderness with grizzly bears and wolves while he sits in the comfort of his home and why would he do this this girl that he selfishly remains silent on top of it, and the police, you know, the lead agency, and the investigation and includes the FBI said it's combing through hundreds of tips that are poured in. In my experience, intimate partners are often the first law enforcement focuses their attention on in cases like this. What I'm having a hard time with understanding, Linda, is why this guy wouldn't bend over backwards. And I don't care whether they had a fight or not. And she's missing. I mean, as a parent, as any parent is listening, you know, friend, sister, whatever, you hear a story like this and it's your worst nightmare. You know. It's like she's on this trip, she's engaged. She's young, and when you're young, things are they're very intense when you're young because you don't have the perspective of even when you're in your thirties and your twenties, and so I think it's they probably had this intense fight. You know. I don't know anything about this person. And I thought it was interesting because the father, when he gave the state, it was like, I don't really care about Brian right now. He's like, I just want to find out where my daughter is. That's all I care about. And I thought, you know, that's the same. That's what any parent would say, right because he just wants to find his daughter. And he's like, he doesn't have to talk right now. He's not under arrest, he's exercising his constitutional rights. Let him keep his peace until he's not allowed to. Right now, all I care about it's getting my daughterback. I think it's very sad that this young man is not helping them and has chosen to have self preservation over finding somebody that he was about to spend the rest. I read in one article that he said he's taken the advice of his counsel. Well, that's the weird thing. So he's hold up in his parents house in Florida. He's already hired an attorney, and I'm not you know, our justice system is such a hot mess where you have to prove your innocent. You know the whole thing about you know, innocent until proven guilty. It's the reverse in this country. You're guilty util you prove yourself innocent. But even still, if you were innocent, you would be out with the family in searching, trying to understand, explaining your last moments with her, what happened. None of that is occurring here, So that just looks terrible for him. And this, this young girl's dad is questioning the fiance silence. He said, you know, no red flags, that he saw no red flags before the trip. I've got questions, but the only one that matters is where did you leave Gabby? When did you last see her? Where did you last see her? Well, I think about it. Didn't the answer that question. What eximple question in my mind, Yeah, I agree with the Northport police officer. Yeah, that makes you a person of interest because I don't care if I hated the person's guts. They had a fight, whatever she's missing. She remembered two years old. They're both very young. But putting that aside, he drove from where they were in the middle of the country in the vehicle that they were in together, alone, all way back to Florida to his parents, got an attorney and hasn't said a word since. So I'm like, okay, so you didn't think to tell anybody that you were driving this vehicle home alone without her in it, and you I mean, her mother made it very clear. You know, she's like, she's in the middle of youse. Why didn't he pick up the phone and call the mom and friend say we just had a big fight. She was going to attack me, you know, if he wanted to say whatever he wanted to say, you know, based on the Utah whatever inside you here, you need to go get her who or call local if call nine one one, call nine one one. There is a woman alone that we were together, we had a fight, and she's there alone. She needs help. Exactly right. There's a lot of things that should have happened that haven't happened, and unfortunately almost all of them raise a red flag and not in his favor. And unfortunately, I think it's very sad when someone goes missing for this many days, you do you start to think what happens? And her mom even said, like there's wolves there, there are bears there. She's a tiny twenty two year old, you know, she weighs like one hundred pounds. Like she's not going to be able to fend that stuff off. I'm sorry, I don't care. You don't abandon somebody in a park or anywhere. And you know, and when somebody's missing, you help, you, you offer, you don't, you don't. You do the right thing. You do the right thing. That's exactly. It's hard to do the right thing, but you gotta do it. You get, why is this even a question? It is like one, yeah, no, I don't. I don't envy her parents, and I don't envy her friends and family every day. And I don't want to say what I'm thinking, but everybody knows what I'm thinking. Of course, we're all thinking the same odds. The odds decrease every day that goes by, and this guy's just sitting there, you know, lawyered up, you know, hold down in his place in Florida. I'm like, you gotta be kidding me. I mean, that's that's I just there's I have no words for this. You know, there's something called basic fundamental human decency. Okay, some couples aren't meant to be together, they don't get along. Okay, I understand that. I can get that, okay, but even so, you know what, let me get you to a bus station you can go home. Let me get you to a train station, you can go home. Let me get you to a you know, an airport, you can go home. Then they can call M and Dad and make sure that they are involved. And at least you know you've you've protected somebody's safety. Great. Yeah, I mean everyone has had those arguments in their life with a loved one. You've had moments in your life talk to somebody because you try and tell me what to do. But in all seriousness, when I'm telling you what to do, I'm usually thinking of your best interests, so but putting that aside. But when you're yeah, yeah, when you're arguing with somebody, right or really, are you what? Go ahead? I'm just to you go ahead. Yeah. So, But in all seriousness, when you have an argument with somebody, and this is a person that you love or you're married to, or you're in a relationship with or whatever it is, and you're hot and heavy and you're ticked off about whatever, it's easy to lose your cool and talk to this person that you say you love so much, like they're a complete stranger. Like you have to level set. Remember you're on the same team. And if you can't remember that, then you need to get out. But you can't. You can't let that situation escalate. And if he walked away, good for him. But you can't walk away and leave her and not tell anybody, and now she's stranded in the middle of the woods, like that doesn't make any sense either. You can't do it. You're you're right. People have disagreements, arguments, etcetera, etcetera. By the way, it should never be never ever come to anything violent, period and if it shouldn't, but it does every day so many many people. It happens in many cases. My advice to people, if you're feeling that bad, and it's getting If things are ratcheting up to that level and glasses are being thrown and people are attacking, you have got to remove yourself immediately, get yourself out of that situation. And probably my advice is, if that person's capable of going there once, it'll go there again. Get out. So we actually have the dad, do you want to hear it real quick? Yeah, whatever you can do to make sure my daughter comes home. I'm asking for that health. There's nothing else that matters to me. Now, this, this girl right here, this is what matters. That is it? Anything else it comes second to this. Thank you. I mean, it's just so sad to me. And the even sadder part of this is it happens every day. You know, people will always ask, well, why does this story make you know? Big news? If we would apply the same level of concern and care to every person shot, wounded, hurt on a more regular basis and only instead of just picking up one that people use for political reasons, this is a case where it's not political, then we'd be a lot better off because you make people away. You can't go around shooting people in the neighborhood. You can't go around abandoning people. As you know, as a man, you never raise a hand to a woman. Period, period, end of sentence. There's no exceptions under this. You put your hands up to defend yourself and then walk and run away if you have to run. You know, what do I tell you? With all my training and in martial arts now I'm entering my ninth year with all my training, what do I always tell you? I do I go so far away so fast. I just people can say anything they want. I will avoid conflict like that with every ounce of energy I have. Unless I'm cornered and I have no choice, I don't. And that's the thing you're learning. You're learning defensive training. You know, I always have a saying like I'll never hit first, but I will hit last. And I think that. You know, if you're in a situation and you feel like your life is in danger, you should get out. If you can, you should get out. You know, you don't have to get along with everybody. You don't have to like everybody, but you have to respect everybody. It's it's very simple. Now. I have a lot of people when I go out in certain places in public that are pretty disrespectful. I have no problem with words I do, you know, and then you know when the finger goes in my face, you're in very dangerous territory at that moment. That's not a good thing to do. But what I do is I take big steps backwards, very carefully and put a hand up and say, please give me my space. And so far I've been effective at saying I mean the words please don't make me hurt you have come out of my mouth the number of times please don't make me hurt you. Please, I'm begging you. And when people hear that, I don't know why that line seems to resonate, but they're like looking at me like you're crazy. But quick break right back. We'll continue. That's going to wrap things up at today. Loaded up tonight, ninety Eastern Hannity on the Fox News Channel. We've got a big show tonight. All right. We have the latest on Millie. We have the latest on Afghanistan. Now day thirty three Americans held hostage behind enemy lines, abandoned by Joe. We have Mark Bernovitch, the Ag of Arizona, his lawsuit on vaccine mandates. We have the author of the Bidens. Wow, where do you see some of the allegations in this book and the case of this missing young woman from Long Island. Her stepfather will join us ninety Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Say your DVR, We'll see then back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us, and thanks for making the show possible. We never forget it.

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