What does a 60% unapproval rating and 40% unemployment get you if you're President of the United States? A whole lot of pressure...
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Well we'll come to your city, saying you a concis, Well, all beings are, and if you want a little banging, you ain't come along. Every single day reality calls and the banded administration just hangs up. Now, the sea in R and C doesn't stand for committee, it stands for cult. It's not the Republican National Committee, It's the Republican National Cult. This is a story of a country that got through this pandemic by being united. And a few people shouting and weaving swastikas does not define who Canadians are. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. I'm coming to your city. You want to play our gintis and saying you a conscious New Sean Hannity Show mar behind the scenes information on freaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, day number one eighty one. On the subject of American citizens. I have to draw your attention to that army report and investigative report that's come out about the lead up to the withdrawal from Afghanistan. It interviewed many military officials and officers who said the administration ignored the handwriting on the wall. Another described trying to get folks in the embassy ready to evacuate, encountering people who are inly in denial of this situation. There's any of that ring true to you? No, No, that's not what I was told that. You were told that the US administration officials were prepared, they knew it was time to get out. No, what I was told. No one told me that. Look, there was no good time to get out. But if we had not gotten out, they acknowledge that we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in. It wasn't just two thousand and four thousand. We would have to significantly increase the number of troops. And we were back in this war of attrition, and there was no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine. I mean, it should be a rag Afghanistan. No way that was going to happen. And so this is a much wiser thing to do. I just want to clarify. Are you rejecting the conclusions or the accounts that are in this army report? Yes, I am, They're not true. So let me explain what is here. By the way, glad you with us. Eight nine one, Shawn our number if you want to be a part of the program. Day one ninety four, when Joe promised he never abandoned Americans. Now they're straight up telling us they will not rescue Americans in Ukraine. I'm gonna play a large portion of this Lesterholt interview later in the program. I mean, we're getting close to the time that we've got to understand this man is not cognitively strong enough to be president. It is just a fact he's disintegrating before our eyes. It is a degenerative condition. Two frontal lobe surgeries, etc. I mean, it's like, I'm so tired, Leicester, why are you making me do these questions? Then he got he's messing up one country after another. We'll get to that later. But what that was about is in this interview is Biden saying he now rejects these new accounts that have now surfaced from military leaders that claim the White House acted too slowly in their evacuation. By the way, no kidding. I kept asking why didn't they do it in March or April or May or June July when they could have done it, and why didn't they push back the Taliban. The Taliban was on the march. Remember the map I kept showing on TV. This is the date, This is where the Taliban has taken over this province, this province, this province, this prose, the province, this province, and he didn't lift a finger. We could have gotten out every single American, every single Green card holder that's eligible to live here, vetted in the United States. We could have gotten out every one of our Afghan allies as we had promised them, and the billions of dollars in sophisticated military equipment that now the terrorists supporting Taliban in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan have no No, that's not what I was told. Washington Post even cited in an Army investigation report released via Freedom of Information Act claiming the top State Department White House officials did not have a grasp on the taliban steady advances across Afghanistan last summer. It is the biggest screw up of all time. You know, Biden is now warning Americans in Ukraine to leave. Sending sending troops to evacuate would be World War What. Oh, you're that aflaid of Vladimir. I am telling you the biggest, the biggest story that the mob in the media will never touch. The Biden family syndicate is bought and paid for by China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and God only knows what other countries. God knows what dossiers they have on the Bidens. They've got them by them. Won't use the term by you know what. Anyway, glad you with us, Happy Friday, good mood for a Friday, Super Bowl weekend ahead. We have Herschel Walker is going to check in with us later in the program. He's been on fire lately. I don't know if many of you know this. Not only did he have a great football career, not only was he a Heisman Trophy winner, not only did he step into the octagon, he actually he was a mixed martial artist when he's fifty. I mean, nobody can do do that at fifty. Now. I trained in it every day, but I wouldn't get in the ring with him. One day we did push ups together. I think I impressed him because but I don't do fifteen hundred of him a day like he does, and like three thousand sit ups a day. That's what he does. I mean, he does a lot of core work and strong and built and I mean amazing. He was also a former Olympian, former Bob's Letter sprinter, mixed martial artist. He's very unhappy at Nancy Pelosi, you know, warning that athletes risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government in China. You know, you're telling Americans to shut their mouths because there should be afraid of what China's gonna do at the Olympics. No, that's not the Land of the Free and the home of the brave that I know. That's not even close to the Land of the Free, of the home of the brave. Um. I start today with some chilling news, and I am very, very very concerned about what might unfold with this freedom convoy in Canada now spreading worldwide. You know, I find it interesting that Joe Biden is lecturing the Prime Minister of Canada, the cowardly, gutless, spineless Justin Trudeau, and telling Trudeau what to do to use federal powers to end the bridge blockade. Now there's the bridge that connects with Detroit. Listen, it's a it's an important piece of commerce for both countries. There's no denying that. But he's now surging. Trudeau used federal powers to end the blockade. What does that mean? Are you talking about sending troops? And this is the same guy that not only wouldn't secure our borders to the south, but it was aiding and abetting and offering preferential treatment to illegal immigrants since he's been president. Preferential treatment, no COVID tests. After all, they're not going to be here very long. Well, here is being defined where they are because they get free flights to the city of their choice, without any COVID testing, without vaccine mandates. They get preferential treatment dumped in cities and states all over the country. And I love what states like Pennsylvania and Florida are doing. They're saying, you know what, We're gonna send them to Joe's house in Delaware. They we're gonna drop them off in Delaware. You let Delaware take care of it. Let Washington, DC take care of them. And what's scary is is now in Ontario they declared a state of emergency and the free convoy drivers can now be fine. Get this one hundred thousand dollars put in jail for a year, seize their trucks, revoke their licenses for standing up and peacefully protesting. For example, Democrats, they said the riots in twenty twenty, they were all peaceful. There was hardly any criticism. There was nothing but the mantra defund dismantle Nobel laws, etc. We know what Kamala Harris did and said at the time when the LAPD cut their budget. She praised them when she tweeted out support for the Bell Fund of Minneapolis after they burned down a police precinct. You gotta be kidding me anytime Donald Trump would move or offer any city state help assistance with the National Guard to stop the violence. We know how to disperse crowds, use tear gas and other non lethal means to stop crowds from gathering eagerly. You know, we have dozens of dead people in the summer of twenty twenty. We have thousands of injured cops and billions in property damage, arson and looting. And Biden won't protect our own border. But now he's telling Trudeau to use federal powers to crack down to end the truck blockade. You know now now more truckers are joining as a result of all of this, the federal Public Safety Minister in Canada and the Royal Canadian amount of police reinforcements have now been sent to Ottawa. What are you going to do? You're gonna beat up the truckers. You're gonna start a fight with the truckers that have been peaceful because you don't like what their position is. Biden is sending five hundred security agents to stop the convoy from invading Los Angeles and the lead up I guess to the to the Super Bowl this weekend. The Canadian mayor has vowed to use force if necessary to end the Freedom Trucker bridge block Aid. You've got to be kidding me, Reuters reporting a Canadian mayor saying that they were prepared to physically remove all of the protesters who have blocked the vital US Canada trade route and forced automakers in both countries to reduce operations. Well, that means they're being effective. You know, why are you demonizing it? Why won't anyone go sit and talk to them before you send in the troops, before you use your federal powers. Now, right now, this is now a clear and present danger because I don't need these truckers. If they start going in there and they start arresting truckers and take trying to take their rigs, this is not going to end well, is that what they want? These were the people that were the heroes of the pandemic a little over a year ago, because if the farmers didn't farm, the packers didn't pack, the trucks didn't truck. During the early days of the pandemic, and all through the pandemic, you wouldn't have anything in any shop or any store that you go you went to, we'd all starve to death. They were the heroes, just like the vaccine mandates. By the way, most places have now pulled back when they realized that nurses and hospital workers and some doctors said, screw you. I dove on COVID grenades every day. I worked in a COVID petrie dish every day. I got COVID already. I'm not taking your vaccine because I think natural immunity is what me and my doctor believe is best for me. And they were beginning to fire them until they realized, oh, we really need these people. So that's how we say thank you to the heroes of the pandemic. We fire healthcare workers, we fire nurses, and now we're gonna what We're gonna use federal We're gonna use the military to remove these truckers. That's what we're gonna do. Wow, sort of like in New York. New York was ground zero because obviously you got a very small you got a high density of people in a small area of land, a total Adam shift show. I mean, at the height of this, when the first hit hard in March of twenty twenty, you had nurses and other hospital workers from all over the country descend on New York, dive on COVID grenades every day. And after things calmed down a little bit and they got a hold of it, and then he got caught up. Then these professionals went away, went home, and the thanks they get is a tax bill from the state of New York. Thank you for helping us when we needed your most unbelievable So you know the same, Joe Biden. It won't enforce the laws of the land, aids and a Betts law breaking in this country as it relates to borders is now dictating the Canada what they need to do. No, Joe, that's not how it works. Why don't you do the same thing at your border. Oh, we can't do that. Ontario court is freezing the donations to the Freedom conboy. Now people are just walking the donations in, they're walking the fuel in. Cops don't want any part of this either, neither the mill. They don't want to go after truckers. Who wants to go after truckers. You know you didn't sign up to be a cop to get in the mill. They're being peaceful. They weren't being peaceful. You'd have a very strong case to make, but they're being peaceful. Eight hundred nine one shuns our number. Look inflation, where do you hear the numbers I got for you today? It's it'll scare the crap out of you, it really will. And then they are scary numbers. All right. So there is a readout that has just come out in the call between apparently or earlier today, and this is getting interesting between Trudeau and Joe Biden, and it says today Joe Biden spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada to discuss the ongoing blockade of key bridges and crossings between the US and Canada, including Detroit windsor etc. Etc. Etc. The two leaders agreed that the actions of the individuals who are obstructing travel and commerce between our two countries are having a significant direct impact on the citizens' lives and livelihoods. The President expressed his concern that US companies and workers are experiencing serious effects, including slowdowns and productions, shortened work hours, plan closures. The Prime Minister promised quick action in enforcing the law, and the President thanked him for the steps he and other Canadian authorities are taking to restore the open passage of bridges to the US. In turn, the Prime Minister thanked the President and his administration, the Governor of Michigan, and US officials for all the assistance the US is providing to resolve those disruption. The two leaders agreed to stay close in touch the days ahead to ensure the free flow of traffic is restored. Now, you got two options basically on the table. Option one is to lift the mandate on truckers. That would be the peaceful option. I mean, considering what Joe allows the illegal immigrants at our border. There's no there's no COVID testing, there's no COVID vaccine mandate to illegal immigrants. You would think that they would look at option at let give the truckers what they want. They don't want to take the shot. Okay, that's their choice. Because people that are fully vaccinated with boosters, people with natural immunity, they could also transmit the virus. Or let's send in troops and what are you going to do? Arrest them, take their rigs, take their licenses. I go with option A. Stay in touch with a Hannity faithful joined the message board at Hannity dot com. I see him breaking nine to one. Apparently Biden is deploying an additional three thousand soldiers to Poland. So Joe Biden, the way he has aided and embedded the lawbreaking in this country at our southern border, how he's offered preferential treatment to people that do not respect our laws, our borders, our sovereignty, that he has not insisted on COVID testing. He puts people that come from other countries not tested, and crowded overcrowded cages that he built. Joe Biden then aids and abets the law breaking further. He brought back process and relieve basically process and release into the country, but then he offers free transportation to the state of your choice. If we if I did the the if I did any of the above, or any of you did any of the above, you could be arrested for human trafficking. But Joe Biden picks and chooses what laws he chooses to obey and enforce and not enforce, and he's aiding and abetting, so he won't secure our border. So we have two choices now that it seemed to be emerging with this convoy, choice number one, because they're they're now they're they're indicating that they're willing to take and they're saying it I just mentioned to teach just moments ago. They're they're now threatening these convoy drivers. Ontario is declaring that they will find them one hundred grand, they'll put them in jail for a year, they will seize their rigs, invoke their licenses, and Biden is urging Trudeau to use his federal powers to crack down on the Freedom Convoy. So rather than do what Joe has done at our southern border, which is offer preferential treatment and he's not forcing the illegal immigrants at our southern border to get a vaccine, and then he's shipping them all over the country. But now we're gonna send the military in, We're gonna send the cops in. All Justin Trudeau needs to do is say, I don't agree with your decision, but we got to get the country's economy up and running, and this is your choice. You're taking your risk. They say, well, he's they're risking other people as well. So is everybody else. If they all got the shot, and they all got the shot twice, and they all get the shot twice and the booster, guess what, they're still there's still a high likelihood they can get COVID, which means they can transmit COVID. So there's no difference in the science. If they have natural immunity already, they can get it again. So there's nothing that they're mandating here that is putting any other Canadian and at any other risk than what every other person has fully vaccinated boosted people. If every trucker got it, they could still get COVID and transmit it. So the question is why would you just not say, you know what, I disagree, but do what you want. I believe in freedom, get back to work, you win, Oh God forbid the people. Ever, WIM can't have that. What does this mean use federal powers? I'll tell you right now. If I was a police officer and I was ordered to go in and start arresting these truckers, I don't think I could do it. I don't think my conscience would allow me to do it, and good conscience, I could not do that. If they're gonna send the military, and what is the military gonna do? And how do you think these truckers are going to react when they start trying to arrest one of their fellow truckers. What do you think is going to happen next? Then they're going to turn it into a violent situation. Right now, there's been no violence at all. It's a peaceful, genuinely peaceful protest. Now they're going to turn it into what so different from the summer of twenty twenty where it wasn't peaceful, bricks rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails. I haven't seen any of that. These phony false charges of racism by Trudeau, these phony false charges of of you know, every all the same usual rhetoric we get from democratic socialists in this country. There's no evidence of any of this there's a simple choice here. If we're following science, here's the science. Fully vaccinated people, fully vaccinated people with boosters, fully vaccinated piece to put. People with boosters and natural immunity can all get COVID. In the case of natural immunity, people COVID for a second time. That means if they can get it, they can transmit it. Now. The truckers are saying they don't want the mandate, so they can stay. Two can get it now if they all, if they went in there and tied them all down and may force them to get their shots, they still can transmit the virus. So where's the science behind it? The only risk they're taking is to them in their own own families. But by the way, so is everyone else the same risk. That's where everything has changed. That's why I keep talking about therapeutics and monoclonal antibodies that they run out of That's why I keep talking how did we run out of tests? I saw a line in New York yesterday. I was shocked, Like a mile long, people in the freezing cold waiting to get a COVID test. It's unbelievable. It's such a spectacular fail. No one else in the media is covering it. Ran out of therapeutics, so hard to get monoclone alant of bodies. I'm finding them somehow, some way. I can still find them for people when they ask for my help. You know, I'm frankly Linda true true, truth or of true or false. I'm like tired. This is like another full time job. Yeah, it really is what I do. It's really sad. I'm on the phone multiple times a day talking to people. And I don't blame people for not knowing this. This is You're not gonna immerse yourself in this pandemic. Everyone's had it. Nobody wants to even talk about it anymore. I don't want to talk about it anymore. The only reason I do is I love it all of you in this audience, and I want you to have a plan. I want you to be smart. I want you to be educated. I don't believe that the reactive medicine has worked out very well for many people. The reactive medicine is go home. If your temperature goes up, take your temperature, take two extra strength time and all bring the temperature down. Get yourself an oxygen meter at your local right Aige CBS, Walgreens, whatever it happens to be. And if your oxygen dips below ninety ninety or below, then you probably need to go to a hospital. The problem is that's day seven when that usually happens, and then it starts dipping from much quicker. That means it's in your lungs. That means that you have a high likelihood of some level of covid pneumonia covid lung and that means you're in deep atom shift at that point and you don't know who it's going to happen to. Older people, people with pre existing conditions, comorbidities, compromised immune systems are the most of all nwable. But if you if you're more proactive, what the monoclonal antibodies do is it immediately gives you antibodies because your body can't produce them fast enough, and it gets its super charges the process, so that you're fighting covid immediately as soon as you you you get them. If you talk to your doctor and you have a plant, now the problem is they're not producing them, which is it's it warrants in itself an investigation. Anyway, Um, I'm not feeling good with this, this trucker convoy. I'm not feeling good about how this is going to end. I mean, could you imagine what You're going to go to war against the heroes of the pandemic. You're gonna You're gonna start arresting them. You're gonna put them in jail. What you say in my ear Linda, there's actually an update, so they're saying. The truckers are now saying that they will open a line of traffic so cars can go back and forth between the United States and Canada. So they're not gonna move, but they're gonna play nice in the sandbox because they have the more sense than their leaders. I'm telling you right now, I could see these two idiots do this. I could see it. That's how stupid they are. They're even being gracious. Okay, it's a problem. We don't want people not to have the parts they need, the supplies they need. Fine, we're gonna open up one lake. Okay, now they can stay there. You're still gonna send into military to arrest them. What do you think the truckers are gonna do you think these truckers are just gonna lie down and take that. You start a fight with them. You're gonna get a fight. That's what Joe seems to be telling them, the opposite of what he does on his own southern border. I can't believe it, I really can't. This is how we treat our heroes. Unreal by the way Biden White House is assisting. Still, the economy's humming like a top. Yeah. Steve Moore noticed the inflation has turned worker wage gains into a pay cut for most Americans. M the inflation is nearly twice as much as worker gains in an article that he had in the New York Post. Median household spending is about sixty four grand a year according to the US Census Bureau. So that means Biden inflation is stealing an extra three thousand, five hundred and twenty out of a typical family paycheck anywhere between thirty five hundred and five thousand according to Penn Wharton, So that's consistent with their study. Groceries up at least ten percent of more energy costs, you know, almost paying double now what we used to pay. That means everything we buy, every store we go to, every time we fill up, heating cooling your home. One leading economists is now this is interesting to me. Now is saying that inflation is now over ten if you use the calculation methods that were used by our very own Labor Department in nineteen ninety, it's over fifteen percent if you use the government's methodology from nineteen eighty. They don't bother to mention that when they report the inflation numbers, the Bureau of Labor Statistics have changed the way they calculate the consumer Price Index over the years. Anyway, Dartmouth trained economists guy's name is John Williams, notes the major changes in CPI, that is, consumer Price Index, the biggest indicator of inflation, took place in nineteen eighty and then again in nineteen ninety. Why is this important, Well, the scariest inflation numbers that most of us have ever lived through took place in the nineteen eighties. They keep comparing it to that. Williams has recalculated the Biden inflation numbers using the same methodology that was used in the last great inflation wave forty years ago, and what he discovered is Wow, his inflation numbers are far worse than what's being reported. You know. In other words, John Williams shadow government statistics measure inflation. It would as it would have been calculated before nineteen eighty and before nineteen ninety, and according to his numbers, inflation would be currently be over fifteen percent using the pre change in nineteen eighty metrics and over ten percent using the pre nineteen ninety metrics. Bilepsie, Daisy, we're being lied to by the way. Mansion mocked and literally laughed at the idea the government can fix the economy with more spending. That means it's far worse than what they said. I will play it later with Biden actually called Lester Holt a wise guy played it last night on TV for probing his claim that inflation was transitory. The harder you work, the less you taken home. Sold this on Cudlaw, inflation is so much stronger than what they're telling us. They're lying to us because they keep changing the calculations. Just like, for example, when we finally got a real CBO score that took away all the accounting gimmicks for build back will be broke Biden's you know, signature economic plan when you took out the accounting gimmicks and you know, all the other tricks that they were they were putting in place, like for example, sunset provisions. When you took all that out, it was five point one trillion, not one point seven five. They were lying to you again. It just they would just keep lying to you. Why anybody has faith in government anymore? I don't know. I have no faith on COVID. You have faith in Fauci, the NIH, the CDC, Will Lensky, Biden, Kamala, Harris Jensaki because I have no faith in them. Look at what they bankrupted, social Security and medicare rated the lockbox they squandered, you know, our kid's future. They now headed towards insolvency. They can't They can't educate our kids in school unless you care about what their sexual preferences are. And by making a pizza and the toppings you choose or don't choose, can't make this Adams shift up. They can't keep law and order and safety and security in every city in town. They're not even close. Defund dismantle, no bail. Look at the price of energy because of these idiotic energy policies. Look at what they've done at the border, these stupid moves that you know, oh, we're gonna. We're gonna put our military on a heightened state of preparedness and send three thousand more troops to NATO. You're gonna Joe already said, We're not gonna. He's not gonna lift a finger to rescue a single American if Putin invades Ukraine, just like he abandoned them af Afghanistan. We have the Iranians on the brink of getting a nuke, and Joe Biden wants to give them concessions. We got China about to take over Taiwan, threatening the US to stay out of it, and Joe just capitulates. You know, I'll tell you the real reason. He's the Biden family city. They are bought and paid for. They are compromised and corrupt China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. By the way, I want them to sue me. I can't wait for discovery. I say Biden is compromised and that they've got a dossier on him, his Dopey's son and the entire family. He can't be tough with them. But the media, of course hid that story. Big Tech hid that story. Hunter's laptop