Sean covers the tragic car attack and the story that the perpetrator is actually a career criminal who was released on a $1,000 bail. Five people died from this incident and now the liberal media is referring to this as "an unintentional tragedy." Why are we pushing this narrative!
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This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show, America Trapped behind Enemy Lines, Day number one hundred, a hundred days and one hundred and thirteen days since Joe promised he wouldn't abandon our fellow Americans. Day one hundred and Joe's just turned the page, never mentions it anymore, never once. We've learned since then that there are hundreds of Americans abandoned. We've learned since that we've even abandoned military members, families, on top of thousands of Green card holders and Afghan allies that are being chased down and murdered in broad daylight, and women have lost their rights completely in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Could you imagine if this happened under Donald Trump? What would happen? Anyway, Gladua with US eight hundred and nine for one Sean as we kick off our Thanksgiving week. It's going to be a short week for me this week and trying to get some rest, relaxation, family friends, you know, just fun with so much going on. I am so livid at what happened in Wisconsin and this car, at this this guy running his car into a parade, turns out just two days before then, this was in Walkashaw, Wisconsin, is a Christmas parade. He mowed down forty people. He was released from jail after being arrested for domestic abuse and bail jumping. Thirty nine years old. Apparently lengthy long rap sheet, criminal history, including two open felony cases. Now think of this to the prison that your president wants to adopt, This insanity of these nobaeil laws like they have in New York, Nobel, whatever the charge, you're released. I mean, all throughout the rioting in twenty twenty, you get arrested, you get taken down, boom, you get let out again. Bank robbers literally would go rob a bank, get arrested, get processed, get released because there's no bail, and go rob another bank. And one guy did I think was in five, six or seven banks. This is madness and this is what defund the police, dismantle the police is all about. How about we have simple basic law and order. Now, if you're a Conservative or a Republican and your jay walk or spit on the sidewalk, they'll probably put you away for ten years. We have a dual justice system, as everybody now knows. You know, you look at this guy, and you look at this long rap sheet, I mean, dating back to nineteen ninety nine, including numerous violent felonies. He's a career criminal, you know, he long time felon, and he was out on bail out on a thousand dollars of bail for charges at the time of this attack. In other words, at what point do we start blaming the people responsible? For example, if you don't enforce immigration laws and people come into the country and they murder inocent Americans, don't the people that support the policies of not enforcing our laws, aiding and abetting the law breaking, don't they at some point bear some of the responsibility because they're enabling all this to happen. In July twenty twenty, police charge this guy with three other felonies. By the way, five people dead, forty people injured, including kids here in this Christmas parade. Anyway, they charged him with twenty in July twenty twenty three other felonies, including reckless endangerment and being a felon in possession of a firearm. Also listed as a Tier two registered sex offender. If you look at a background check from the Wisconsin Department of Justice. This was on foxnews dot Com came back with over fifty pages of charges stretching back for decades. Nineteen ninety nine, he received his first felony conviction for taking part in an aggravated battery, for which he received three years probation. Invicted of obstructing an officer in two thousand and five, two thousand and three, two thousand and two, he had another felony marijuana charge. In twenty ten, he pled no contest to felony strangulation charges after allegedly attacking a woman during an argument about phone calls. Twenty twelve, he pled guilty to a misdemeanor a jumping on charges. A year later, he pled guilty to felony marijuana charges resisting arrest. And he appears to have used a pseudonym. Also, I guess he does some rap music videos or something associated with different aliases. You know, throughout the course of the time time that he's, you know, out there committing this crime. You know it's and and why I watched the media coverage and you could tell the media desperately wanted to buy into an alibi floated by the AP this morning that they suspected Christmas parade killer. You know, was running from a knife fight and he just accidentally turned onto the street where the parade was going on, and he accidentally just kept racing through the crowd at a high speed, block after block after block. Joe Biden mourns the tragedy and Walkershaw Well, he said, you know, like an earthquake or a hurricane, nobody's really at fault. It's just an act of God. Didn't sound particularly angry or concerned that didn't know. This is a failure of our criminal justice system. He more in the lives of lost in this incident, calling the violence a tragedy. It's not a tragedy, it's a failure of our criminal justice system. Last night, the people of Walkershaw gathered to celebrate the start of the season of hope, togetherness, and Thanksgiving. Biden said, this morning, Jill and I, the entire Biden family, and I'm sure all of us pray that that same spirit is going to embrace and lift up all victims of this tragedy, bringing comfort to those recovering from injuries, and wrapping the families of those that die, and support their community. Where's the anger over the policies that allowed this habitual criminal, career criminal to be out on a thousand dollars bill, despite the fact that he'd run over the mother, apparently of his own child, just three weeks earlier. Where's the anger and the outrage. This is just like Joe and inflation, just like the disaster in Afghanistan, just like the disaster of high energy prices, just like the disaster at the border. All of this is preventable. Joe Biden supports the idiocy of nobail laws anyway, So we find out he used the same exact car to run over the mother of his own child three weeks ago. You can't make this up. Dailymail broke this story. Amateur rapper plowed through crowds of the Walkershaw Christmas Parade on Sunday night, killing five people injuring dozens more. Was on bail after running over the mother of his child and hunching her with a closed fist just three weeks ago. Why is this guy walking on the streets or driving a car in the first place. Arrested November second, Okay, this happens. What November twenty first should have been in jail and he ran down the mother of one of his children at a hotel, then following her in the street with his SUV and running her over in the parking lot of a gas station after she refused to get in his car. Daily Mail obtained copies of the arrest warrant and it revealed that he followed her to a gas station, punched her with a closed fist, and then ran her over. Arrested and charged with five counts, including baill jumping for having failed to meet the terms of one of his many other sets of bail probation requirements. Thousand dollars bond, that's all he needed a post by November nineteenth, on the streets again, November twenty first, yesterday behind the wheel of his FOURD again. You know, between July twenty twenty. In February twenty one, he was in He was in custody awaiting a trial dating on a seven thousand, five hundred dollars bond for shooting at another vehicle on the road after a fight. This you cannot make this up. How preventable all of these incidents are. And this is your defund the police, dismantle the police party. It looks like the San Francisco area Nordstrom's targeted on Saturday by a gang of eight looters was just the beginning. Now, I told you in San Francis, what was it, Walgreens? I think Walmart? It was Walgreens. They're closing all their stores because you're allowed to take as long as you don't take more than a thousand dollars worth of goods. You're allowed to basically walk in with a bag and take all the crap you want, and they're not going to punish you or arrest you. Now. Police in San Francisco told CBS that they responded to mo calls of what they call smash and grabbed looting incidents and the Southland Mall and Hayward, located south of Oakland and north of San Jose. They told the station robbers use hammers smash cases before running off with jewelry. At the jewelry store thirty to forty people from what I saw, an unnamed witness told a CBS affiliate, corroborated by another witness. Then after the main group of kids rushed out fifteen to twenty scattering, some even came back in for more stuff at a nearby Macy's. The mall was ransacked. Witnesses told the station, we saw all the other stores closing. They were panicking, so we were panicking. Quickly closed our store, barricaded ourselves in. According to one female witness, it was beyond scary, added another, people with no morals, no sense for other people's safety. I feel helpless. It is disturbing. Video footage uploaded of the incident of Sam's Jewelers showed the throngs of people wearing hoodies grabbing items from a store, and the police lieutenant said that the looters targeted the jewelry store five thirty pm. They're doing this in broad daylight. Eighty looters swarming of California Nordstrom's in a coordinated attack. You know what's gonna happen. Is there not gonna be any stores. That's what's gonna happen next, because this keeps happening and they keep getting away with it. Eighty guys, ski masks, crowbars, weapons, smashing, grab and then of course no bail, which Joe Biden wants. Like the same laws in New York hasn't worked out well for New York. I can tell you that you have a pregnant woman murdered returning from her baby shower. Gunman a fifty thousand dollars reward in that case. That's in Philadelphia's Long Crest section. Want me to keep going? In New York City, man stabbed to death on a subway train unprovoked attack. Philadelphia uber driver turns the tables on arm robbers, shooting two of them. I had to defend himself. You know a lot of this is on video. Just you know what the saddest part is, all of this is preventable. Every bit of it is preventable. We have more reaction to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. Very predictable. Kyle Rittenhouse needs the best libel attorney out there, and I would sue everybody, everybody that called him a white supremacist and worse, I'd sue them all. Well, that's going to be up to him. We'll get to that later with our legal analysis coming up in the program. Jim Jordan also joins us today. All right, as we roll along on this Monday, glad you with us eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. If you don't have law and order, if you don't have safety and security, you don't have any shot to pursue happiness. That's how fundamental it is. Anyway, we'll get it back into this a little bit. Biden, according to The Guardian, is telling allies he wants to run again. He's been letting allies know he'll be running for president again in twenty twenty four. Honestly, I don't even see him surviving. He looks so weak and frail. He's such a cognitive mess. How is that even possible? You know? And I know that he got his call in oscopy and twenty fifth Amendment and Kamala Harris while he's knocked out cold, fifty nine percent of voters now want him to take a cognitive test. McLaughlin and associates what we were saying before the election, Now people are finally willing to say. Now. There's Wall Street Journal editorial outpointing out that as Biden turns seven at eighty three, he's gonna run. He's a mess at seventy seven for crying out loud anyway, Now the panic is over. Kamala Harris is you know, you got the infighting with the Progressive Caucus, and we'll see what happened to build back better new Green Deal Socialism voted in the House last week. As it makes its way to the Senate, they've got to December third date fast approaching. And if Republicans don't cave and help and assist in raising the death ceiling again, that'd be nice mench McConnell. But anyway, now Kamala has already gotten rid of her communications advisors or top person. Same with the White House. They're blaming that. It's like blaming the coach when a team fails and they didn't pick good enough players. But there's a panic over Kamala. Harris is to the lowest approval rating of any vice president in history. It is racism. No, it's not. She's a horrible vice president. Every hiring pr people hasn't worked out very well either. Of course, we have that phony video with child actors that didn't work out too well. She's done nothing. As the borders are things are getting worse, not better. She goes to France and the phony French accent comes out and she doesn't even resolve the issue that she should have resolved between the US, France and Australia. Didn't do that either. Pete Buddha, Judge's stock is rising apparently, and some are claiming that's racism. He's a white male. Oh, we find out that Hunter Biden's firm helped secure cobalt for the Chinese. You know, I'm telling you, if we ever, if this was Donald Trump, you would look at the money that zero experienced Hunter got from Ukraine and Joe withholding. You're not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor, the three and a half million from the Russian oligarch former first Lady of Moscow, the one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China, and of course one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree with a Chinese national. And then you'd understand why we're allowing troops to gather Russian troops along the Ukraine border, and why we allow the hostility almost daily now with China towards Taiwan. It's corruption. They have them holding them accountable. Sean gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. All right, twenty five ounces at the top of the hour or so. Now the Vice President's communications chief had gone. Now the White House Communications chief of staff announcers, she's leaving. This comes one day after Kamala Harris's communication director resigned. What they're doing is they're blaming the head of communications when you look, there's nothing anybody can do when you've got somebody that is incapable of speaking extemporaneously. As much as they hide Biden and prevent Biden from answering questions and allowing access to Biden, there's still things he has to do, and when he does them, they always turn out badly. So you can blame anybody you want, but at the bottom of the bottom line is here, look what you're dealing with. You're not dealing with somebody that is particularly cognitively aware. Biden. You know, if he has this long list, I'll play later in the program, saying his house burned with my wife in it. Okay, that's another embellished story, you know, saying that his house burned down with his wife Joe Biden inside, trying to correct himself. Long list of personal stories he's embellished over the years. It just never stops, sort of like the lies. You know, well, we don't need to check for COVID for illegal immigrants. They're not going to be here very long, you know, three point five trillion is gonna cost you zero zero. It's always going to cost you zero, and they repeat that lie. Kamala repeats the lie. Jensaki, the propagandist, repeats the lie. Everything. Well, we're gonna fully paid for until the gold standard that Biden once described. The CBO says no, that would be three hundred and sixty seven billion dollars. It would add to the deficit over ten years, and it likely will cost taxpayers build back better New Green Deal socialism four point nine trillion. It's not fully paid for. It's another lie. Uh, it's not going to stop inflation. That's another lie. It reduces the deficit is another lie. It grows the economy another lie. You know, none of it's fully paid for, and it's certainly not deficit reduction. But that's that's what they're trying to sell. It's all built on a on a mountain of lies, you know, Buddha judge. The Infrastructure Bill is about the big picture, long term major projects. We're building cathedrals here. By the way, one of the funniest things in this they actually help millionaires and wealthy people out by bringing back the state and local tax, income tax, deduction, which benefits blue states that keep hiring radical, big spending governors and legislatures, which is a benefit for rich people in blue states. But the people that are in red states that elect fiscally responsible politicians, they get punished because they don't get the same benefit. Whoop, see Daisy, I guess, I guess we're just going to help those rich people out, those fat cats, those evil rich people. Anyway, there's a big fight brewing between the Squad, the Progressive Caucus of the Squad and Mansion and Cinema, because if they change the bill in the Senate, that means it has to go back to the House and we'll see what happens in committee whether or not they get this thing through. Now, if the Republicans mean what they say this time, I mean they're not going to help raise the debt ceiling, that would be helpful. You know, if you make a promise. Jim Jordan's going to join us at the top of the hour. He wrote a new book. It's actually really well done. Do what you say, do what you said you would do fighting for freedom in the swamp. Why don't we have more politicians to keep their promises? One thing, Donald Trump did is he kept his promises. He ended burdensome regulation like no president before in history. He lowered taxes like he promised. He picked from selected as judges from the from the names that he said he would use. He got free and fair trade deals. NATO started paying their fair share, even Mexico and Kennedy got better trade deals with and even China, which nobody thought would happen. He got us to energy independence. He secured the borders, built five hundred miles a wall, brought in the Stay in Mexico policy, all of which worked. By the way, now today marks the deadline for federal employees to show proof of full vaccination status. Well, what are they gonna do. They're gonna start firing everybody, because that's not going to help the economy either, anyway, eight hundred and nine for one shan two thirds of voters now blame Biden. Why it's not like ninety eight percent, I don't know, we're out of control inflation. A new CBS News you Gov Paul release yesterday found that only a third of those survey to prove of Biden's handling of inflation. Sixty four percent rated the national economy as being fairly bad or very bad. It's bad. It's especially bad if you're poor or middle income Americans. They can't afford the high gas prices. There's a story yesterday about more people buying wood. Why are they buying wood in record numbers? Because that's how they're going to mitigate the high price of heating their homes. This winner, I mean, we're gonna have poor families literally if they have a fireplace, you know, sleeping around the fireplace every night because they're not going to be able to afford to fill up their gas tank, put food on the table, pay their car payment and insurance, and also pay a thousand dollars more to heat their homes. This build back better, New Green Deal socialism is an unmitigated disaster. You know, there's no logic in why in what they're doing here. How do you think how do you explain tax cuts for the rich which they say that they care so much, you know about the poor. Christmas trees, by the way, are apparently now thirty up to thirty percent more. If you're buying a live tree or an artificial tree, you don't get a break. Wisconsin shoppers on foxnews dot Com they're battling higher prices and supply shortages on Thanksgiving staples, especially turkeys. You know, I just can't imagine how everything is so much more expensive than it used to be, one woman telling foxnews dot com she exited her grocery store. Look, I go shopping. I went shopping yesterday, and it's it's it's obvious in every single item that you buy. The supply chain crisis. Read an article this weekend may drive import costs of computers and apparel and furniture up double digits. The US emergency oil ashes in the spotlight as gas prices search. That's not the answer, that's an emergency reserve. You want to compare the price of a turkey, it's up. If you want a fresh turkey, it's gonna be up nine percent. I'm getting two that I'm frying this year. Got a massive group of people that I'm cooking turkey for anyway, and I fried them and my master built butterball turkey friar. Anyway, if you want frozen turkeys, I don't know why frozen turkeys or more went up more this year from last year nine point four percent. You'd like to have some mashed potatoes, Yeah, that's up twenty point three percent. You'd like to put onions, I love onions. Yeah, that's up thirty two point four percent. If you want to buy some, you know, red delicious apples, that's up nine point eight percent. Good news. Cranberries are only up two point one percent. Good year for cranberries. You like a salad, iceberg, let us up eleven point nine percent. It's going to be the largest, the most expensive Thanksgiving. If you get you know, the turkey and all the trimmings, then we've ever had. What are you saying, Linda, What are you telling me in my ear here? Well, you know it's funny. NBC and all of their wisdom has decided to offer Americans a different solution. Did you hear about this this morning in their morning Pointinggram? Was Our Morning Joe or the Today? Oh no, no, no, mecan Joe. Don't celebrate Thanksgiving. They can barely get through the show together. They hate each other so much. I have no doubt they'll be separating thanks celebrating Thanksgiving separately. But putting that aside, I literally am looking at this report and they the woman says, drop the turkey to don't have it? Do something else, it'll be cheaper. And the good thing is the turkey. Drop the turkey. It's it's overrated. She says. The best part is overrated if you cook it the traditional way in an oven and it's dry. And I know nobody cooks it better than you. Turkey than me, that's right, butterball turkey friar. Yeah, but she says. The good thing about dropping the turkey is that then your friends will drop off too, and your family won't come because you don't have turkey, and that will lower costs. And I'm thinking to myself, there's a morning program this woman is talking about Thanksgiving, a time to gather and give thanks. You don't want the friends to come, you don't want the family to come, you don't want the turkey. I'm like, were you absent that day they to Thanksgiving? It's just bizarre. I do think, um, I really believe that we don't give thanks enough. And I'm going to tell you why. I think it is because when you really think about, you know, our lives. Everybody that I know, everybody is gulping water. You know. The funny thing is is my son is now living in the real world and he's gulping water and it's fun, and it's like and he's literally saying things to me like, I don't know how you. I don't know how you do this. All the time he's you know, and on the weekends, you know, if he wants to go out, he's usually like, I'm too tired and working over the weekends, etc. Um. But we don't really give thanks enough. I think the fact that we have this life, god given life, we don't. We're not thankful simple things maybe we learned are in a pandemic about our health. Family that we take for granted, that are there in the tough times, right, we take for granted, you know, the majesty of God's creation. We don't look at it because we don't have time to look at it, and because everyone's working so hard. One thing I've noticed in New York, and I'm not there very often anymore, but I'm every time I'm in New York is strikes me. I look at everybody. Nobody's happy. You know. Sometimes you'll see some tourists they're they're having a good time because they're on vacation. Why you'd vacation in New York at this time of year is beyond me. There's so many other nicer places and with better weather, although the weather has been holding up pretty decently. And you know, or the health of your parents, or your health. You know, I know people recently that have gotten cancer diagnosis. I know people that have lost loved ones to COVID. I don't I know all of them. You see, all of this we take for granted, and to give the advice that you're saying they're given an NBC is insane to me. It's insane. I mean, I'm I just don't get it. I think it should be noted though, you know, the same the same outlet, this is NBC, right, fake news, same outlet that says we should drop the Turkey in twenty nineteen said turkey social media photos promote a harmful obsession with meat. So I don't know that we should put a lot of stock into what NBC says about Turkey. I'm just I'm just want to put it out there, you know. Yeah, you know what's interesting, Um, I just think that if you just stop for a minute and you just open your eyes, can you look at a beautiful sunset, or maybe on a clear night you look up in the stars and the sky. I know this sounds corny. I don't really care. I mean, those are the moments she just realized that we're just not capable of absorbing the magnitude of creation. Does that make sense to you. I mean, I've always thought that you had another future. I didn't know it was in Hallmark greeting cards, but I'm thinking that's where you're going when you retire. You know, I thought you were going to have a house. I'm grateful to you in our entire team, Uncle James, sweet baby James. I'm grateful. I'm grateful to the people in my life that that love me, are kind to me. Grateful that my kids are healthy, Grateful that your kids are healthy. There's a lot to be grateful for. I agree with I don't think we stop thank you. But I thought about it. Last week. We were at the Patriot Awards, and you see these people who lost their children, you know, in Afghanistan, these thirteen Marines that gave their lives where you know, I saw Joey Jones standing outside, you know, gave his legs and he's you know, he's out there fighting the good fight and talking about our freedoms. And then I look at these people you know who went to a Christmas parade and their kids or an ICU today because somebody decided that they wanted to mow them down in a moment and a fit of rage and all of these things. You know, you take a minute and you think how lucky you are, how much you have to count, how blessed we really are, however literal, however great you know. I mean, it's just it's just you need you need a second. And I feel like this is the time, especially Thanksgiving. Because Christmas is all about the gifts, there's a lot of pressure, but Thanksgiving is not about that. Thanksgiving is really sitting down with your family and and just and your friends, whether it's friends giving, family giving, whatever it is. You know, it's just a time to really just sit there and say, I am very grateful for what I have. You know, we I know the country's in a mess right now, but I really feel confident we're gonna get this thing. We're gonna we're gonna write this ship. I really do, and we have to. It's not a choice. We really don't have a choice. Uh. Looks like Parnell dropped out of the Senate race in PA did you see that. Yeah, he's he's a friend of mine, full disclosure. And that's just no. I know that. And um, and I guess he had a custody case and a lot of stuff was not puzzing. Apparently they came out you know who looks like he is getting in that I've known for a long time is doctor oz really? And I know a lot about his politics. I'm not gonna say much now, Okay, watch Doctor Ozma on TV. So well, I'm not saying well, he's no, he's got to remember he was. He was there saying, you you fight COVID with the army you have, not the army you wish you had. And he was saying, you know, and he was and he would stay up. I talked to him at two or three in the morning, in the midst of this this Adam shift show, the worst moments. He was up all night. I was up all night, and he'd wait for Europe to open so he could get anecdotal evidence. What are you using that's working? And he's said, Okay, we're seeing some positive results, zero risks if you use HCQ hydroxy chloroquine. Okay, that's all we got now, And Remember the guy out in um Cedar Sinai. What's the doctor? Daniel Wallace is his name, the foremost expert on HCQ. The risk is nil and this guy rheumatoid arthritis, lupus malaria. Two hundred and fifty peer reviewed articles, the largest lupus rumatoid arthritis practice in the country. He said, this risk is not zero, and still people politicized it. I'm very interested. Remember everyone said to me, Hannity, you're not a conservative, You're just supporting Donald Trump, and I kept saying, no, he's gonna go covering conservatively. Pay attention, put A and B together on that eight hundred nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program,