Mark Morgan, Former Acting Border Patrol Chief and Brandon Judd, President National Border Patrol Council and 20 year active Border Patrol Veteran discuss the plethora of lies being told by the Biden administration as they attempt to persuade the American public that there is no crisis at the border. Morgan and Judd have been on the front lines of this crisis from the beginning and can tell us exactly what is happening.
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Gladuate with us for write down our toll free telephone number. We want to hear from you throughout the program today. It's eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program. Mark Morgan, former Acting Border Patrol Chief, and Brandon Judd, President, National Border Patrol Council will be joining us. All things simple, man, O'Reilly. Today John Lott will weigh in on this latest attempt and threat for a gun grab. Not shocking, not surprising, even the threat to use executive action to get there. We'll get to that and so much more as we now watch. You know a level of radical radicals and radical policies the likes of which no major political party has ever attempted, a power grab that has never been attempted before, including Yes, packing the courts, ending the legislative filibuster, Yes DC, Puerto Rico statehood, amnesty, open borders, bypassing an entire branch, coequal branch of government, the legislative branch. It's all happening before our very eyes. And yes, you do need to get involved, You do need to pay attention, and we do need to literally use everything make sure all of our elected officials do their job. Now we have some breaking news as it relates to the vice president. Weird articles out there today, by the way, as it relates to Kamala Harris. And now a directive apparently has gone out and I'm not really even sure what the hell to make of this. They put a White House memo this is no longer the Biden administration. Top communication person in the White House is instructed all federal agencies to refer to the Biden administration as the Biden Harris administration. This league memo now confirms. Okay, what is that all about? Exactly who is in charge? Because that's never happened before. I'm sure we'll get some some PC woke explanation down the line at some point. Just a side note, Kamala Harris and now being criticized for whole laughter. What's happening at the border. Nothing that's happening at the border right now is particularly funny to me, because kids in cages are back. Oh I'm sorry, they're they're plastic covered cages. They're not They're not like the old cages with the chain link fence. It's the same thing we had this investigative report smoking gun email that the threat, the risk is real at the border. I mean this is these are scary times here. I mean you have literally look, there was a letter that we've been able to obtain that was sent from one border patrol official working at one particular facility in Texas, and it's right up the chain of command at the Customs and Border Protection, which also was sent to Washington. We can now confirm the administration and their spokespeople are lying to all of you, just like they lied. And they said that Joe Biden got blown over by the wind three times, which I don't know what's worse. He's so weak that the wind can blow him over on a non windy day three times, or that he's struggling to put one foot in front of the other and climb a stairs and not trip and fall three times. It's getting downright scary. But of course, I guess I'm the only idiot that has I guess, courage to state the obvious, which is he looks weak and frail, and he's struggling. Cognitively, Ladimir Putin seems to have no fear whatsoever and observing exactly what you see, because over fifty percent of the American people now see it. Well, Hannity, well, what if he gets through his press conference tomorrow, Well, I'm sure looking at his schedule. I mean, the one item on his agenda today was meeting some sports team coming to the White House. Okay, that's not exactly a high pressured, heavy duty Trump like schedule. I can tell you that. I mean the minimal off on Friday, off on Saturday, off on Sunday, no event schedule Monday, one event yesterday, and we even had little problems yesterday in Ohio, and then we've got one little event today. Because Joe, I would argue, can prove it. My opinion is probably rehearsing and practicing and practicing and rehearsing and getting his little note cards together so he can survive tomorrow's onslaught of softball questions from a compliant medium mob, the same medium mob that put him in the candidate Protection program and never asked him any of the questions that would be relevant, like packing the courts, the legislative filibusters, statehood for DC or Puerto Rico legislating by executive FIAT by passing an entire branch of government. No, those questions didn't come up either. Anyway, this email that the Hannity Show got access to, it's from a border professional and the Biden administration. Remember, up until now this week we now know border patrol agents. They've been forbidden from ever talking in any way to the media where it has gone out. Any media requests must go through the Biden White House. And of course circle back Jensaki, same people peddling the lie that Joe got blown over by the wind. So now ride alongs are over, nobody's allowed to take pictures. Nobody is yet to get a picture inside one of the cargo shipping containers. Anyway, according to the border official at this Donna, Texas facility quote, it is extremely unsafe and unhealthy for the detainees, agents and the civilian workforce. The overcrowding is inhumane. Again on the scene. In other words, you might want to call this person a whistle blower, although we only apparently in this country if you're a Democrat, only care about anonymous hearsay whistleblowers, not real whistleblowers that sign affidavits under the penalty of perjury. But anyway, I digress, Especially for the children, it's inhumane. Pod three A for example, is designated to hold eighty people, and on this day, we have six hundred and ninety four unaccompanied children with two agents maintaining custody. Now it only is a capacity of eighty people. I would imagine because of COVID that capacity would probably be reduced to forty. But instead they have six hundred and ninety four unaccompanied children in a pod design to halt pod. Nice word, by the way, for the plastic cages to hold eighty people, now you only have two agents maintaining custody. That is an eight hundred and sixty seven percent of the stated capacity of this detention space. The agents cannot possibly provide for the care, the health and safety of the aliens in this case unaccompanied children minors in our custody, nor can we reasonably do so for ourselves. How could it? Can't watch six hundred ninety four kids in one pod with two people? Good luck? Imagine a classroom with six hundred ninety four kids in it. Good luck, The agent continues. The detainees are also stressed and fatigued, and becoming more agitated each passing day. One girl told me she's been in herself for seventeen days. Many more complained. They have been here for more than two weeks. Quote. The detainees are often laying on top of each other because there's no room to sleep. The unaccompanied children have to sleep on their side to save space in order for them to all be able to lay down in this small space. If we have a fire, a carbon monoxide leak from the generators, a stampede, or any number of potential and likely occurrences, many people will die. But there's no crisis. Quote. This situation is a disaster waiting to happen. Someone with the proper authority must do something immediately to alleviate the severe overcrowding before we experience a tragedy. Now, following that dire warning, the Border Patrol Chief email back saying, Okay, I'm hearing you loud and clear, and I can now confirm that the Biden administration has been made aware of this email and this letter. And what are they doing? Nothing? What is Kamala Harris doing? She's laughing at it as if it's a joke. Here's what she did today? What yesterday? We played this? Um? Not today? But UM, I have before and I'm sure I will again. They've mayorchis not a crisis, Jen Sacket, not a crisis. Not a crisis. It's a crisis. How could you possibly not call it a crisis? By the way, Kamala Harris refused to video Fox News obtained. You know, former press she didn't salute the honor guard when she was boarding Air Force two. Wow, pretty disgraceful. Actually, why did she refuse to salute the honor guard at the steps of the aircraft. Was that a demonstration of dislike We'll see what she does in the future. But anyway, the person you just heard laughing Kamala Harris. The Washington Post just broke the story that President Biden is now announced today that she will become the point person for the administration in seeking to stem the flow of migrants at the US Mexico border. Obviously, they don't care because it's not a crisis. You know, we have a national security crisis. People even on the terror watch list, they've been apprehended. We have a security We have a health crisis as well because a high percentage of people that are actually there are testing positive for COVID. We now have a Axios reporting that nearly two thousand, nine hundred of these unaccompanied migrant miners have tested positive for COVID nineteen, and by the way, border patrol agents, they have yet to all receive the vaccine. Why they're not a top priority now? I became eligible yesterday in the state of New York to get my vaccine. I told you I would wait my turn. I waited my turn. I'd rather go to the border patrol agents than to me. I'd rather they have it because they're in direct contact with now thousands of people confirmed to have COVID nineteen. They're the ones that need it first, not me. It's unbelievable. Last week, federal officials stop transporting unaccompanied miners to these makeshift detention facilities in middleand Texas. Why officials they are found fifty three of the four hundred and eighty five eleven percent unaccompanied miners in that facility they tested positive for COVID nineteen. The infection rate nearly double or triple that of the current statewide average in the state of Texas. They're still not allowing the Governor of Texas, Governor Abbott to have access and have family protective services have access to the unaccompanied miners in their state at the Kbelly Hutchinson Center. Why because Biden and Harris the most transparent administration in history. They're not letting anybody see anything we can't get in a cargo shipping container. Now, by the way, Governor Abbott is accusing Biden of giving aid and comfort to Mexican drug cartels, complaining that the recent decisions made by Biden in company on the US Mexico border of now emboldened human traffickers to ramp up their criminal operations. Well, it's obvious why that's happening, because all of the resources are being sucked away dealing with the massive influx caused by Biden of illegal immigrants across the border, based a on his invitation for asylum, be on the fact that they're letting all these people in. See they don't have the facilities to even deal with it. But the governor described the situation as more than an escalating humanitarian crisis. That means that the drug pushers, the human traffickers, the cartels, the gangs, they now have free reign at the border. Because all the resources are being used to take care of the immediate problem. That leaves the rest of the border wide open for those that involved in criminal activity. Have the democratic border mayor complaining that the Biden administration is releasing these migrants without COVID tests. There's a democratic mayor complaining that they're releasing kids with COVID right into their community. Well, why the hell are we getting lectured about wearing a mask every day? One Border Patrol agent described this as a as a Biden border hellhole, and I'm not making it up. Those are the exact words. The family unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit, fights break out, and the unaccompanied minors cells scabies, lice in the flu and COVID nineteen run rampant. And that's just the beginning. It's not a crisis. Ha haha. It's something to laugh about now, it's not funny. Customs and Border Patrol agent. Now, I'm gonna be checking in later in the program today with former acting Border Patrol Chief Brandon Judd. Mark Morgan and Brandon Jod both will be joining us. This is the Border Patrol agent blowing the whistle. This is from now again. This is separate and apart from what I've been telling you about. In other words, the agents are talking even though the gag order has been put in place. The one photo journal is saying, I never got stopped when Biden was vice president from taking pictures, or when Trump was in office, or when George W. Bush was in office. It's the first time they tried to prevent you, we the American people, from seeing the horror that they created. They've tried to squash it. They've been unsuccessful because now we have pictures. And by the way, Democrat Henry Quaire deserves a lot of credit because he didn't hide it as as as the Democrats were wanting him to do. And we've been able now to get a lot of our own pick and tomorrow Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, the seventeen senators going down to the border so they can report back firsthand. Our cameras will be there with them. Anyway, this is from the Epic Times. Now, if you listen to this, it should blow you away, because basically this agent is saying that these are hell holes. Not unlike the letter that I just shared with you in the last half hour, the dire warning that was given about how absolutely dangerous this all is. I'll read from the Epic Times. The family unit holding cells smells like urine and vomit fights break out in the unaccompanied minor cells. Scabies, LCE, the flu and COVID nineteen run rampant. Now, these are people on the front lines. Don't blame Sean Hannity for reporting what the news is, because that's going to be the next thing. Hannity said. This, No, this is what the agents on the ground they're saying. If you want to call them liars, call them liars, because they're not lying. You can see it for yourself. You can see how overcrowded it is. You can see the kids are sleeping on the floor and they have their pods that are really just the latest whitewashed version of kids in cages. Up to eighty individuals are squeezed into each twenty four by thirty foot cell, and there aren't enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms. Quote any diseases that are in there is being kept in there like a Petrie dish. The smell is overwhelming, a Border Patrol agent said, describing the conditions in a facility in South Texas. The agent they didn't give his real name, spoke to The Epic Times on the condition of anonymity for fear of repercussions. Turns out, all of a sudden, Democrats no longer like whistleblowers. They didn't like the whistleblowers, the real whistle blowers that signed affidavits under the threat of perjury post election. Now we got border patrol agents that are whistleblowers, and they're scared to death of repercussions for telling the truth. But anyway, one of the two agents. One or two agents are left to control three hundred to five hundred people during a shift. No agent wants to report physical or sexual assaults between the aliens because they'll get blamed for quote letting it happen. The number of unaccompanied miners, children under the age of eighteen to arrive without a parent is buckling the entire system. We're getting them out of here as quickly as possible, but we're so overwhelmed right now. The agent said. It used to be easy to get them out in seventy two hours. Not anymore. They're staying here for ten twelve days. Quote. It is horrible. Everybody that shows up here, even if it's a three year old kid with nobody round, they will have They all have an address on them. They'll give it to you. Here's my address, this is where you're sending me. That's what he said. We're dealing with a different culture that's not afraid to send all their kids under age of five, knowing that they're going to get raped, potentially, knowing that they could get killed. You talk to the adults or the teenagers, and they'll tell you they rape three or four girls, they kick them off the trains. They're going to die. Two thirds of the migrants traveling through Mexico report experiencing violence during the journey, including abduction, theft, extortion, torture, and rape. According to Doctors Without Borders, which has been providing medical and mental health care for migrants and refugees in Mexico since twenty twelve, almost one in three women surveyed by this group Doctors Without BORDERSSF said that they've been sexually abused during their journey, sixty percent through rape. Moral among border patrol agents has plummeted. The attrition rate right now is ridiculous, he says. We don't want to work for the border patrol anymore. It's not the border patrol. During the Trump era, agents felt empowered to do their jobs. He said, whatever deals he made, everything was working just fine. Now we've got this trash and now our manpower is being depleted because we need to go babysit these people, move them as fast as possible to release it them into the country. He said, it's ridiculous. We have no backup. We're losing more than we're catching, and it's no secret our defenses are downs. So if there's anybody that we should be worried about, they know this is the time to come in. They all know it. Even Mexico's president is blaming Biden for the crisis. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Alberdors now blaming the Biden administration. Quote expectations created that created that with the government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. This is what the President of Mexico is saying. And this has caused Central American migrants and also from our country wanting to cross the border into thinking it's easier to do so. Joe Biden did it. They're blaming Trump, but they did it. US officials were set to meet with counterparts in Mexico and Guatemala for discussions on how to best address the border crisis. We already know how to best address it. Finish the wall, keep the stay in Mexico policy, and catch and release. That needs to stop right now. That's how you do it. And anybody caught at the border needs to be COVID tested and sent back home. That's it. If you want to be compassionate, higher buses, charter buses, provide food, provide medical care, provide safeties security. It's far better method than what's happening now. There are compassionate ways. Australia does it all the time. You try to get into Australia, they'll meet you before you even step foot on their soil. They will send you back from where you came. If you need medical care, they'll take care of you as soon as you're able. You will then be sent back immediately. They'll give you enough food and enough water to get home. That's about all the treatment you're going to get from Australia. People don't go into the United States for fun. They go out of necessity. The President of Mexico said to Reuters. He says there needs to be support for the development of Central America and south of Mexico, particularly Central America. What now we're asking for money here. Look at this articles on Bright part nearly three thousand. Well it wasn't Bright part, it was Axios. Last week, federal age officials stop transporting unaccompanied miners to make ship facilities after nearly three thousand unaccompanied migrant miners tested positive for COVID nineteen. And we're getting lectured by Joe Biden about wear the damn mask. And then he doesn't wear it himself, and wear the mask forgets putting his own mask on, goes Shakespeaple's hands. You know, now he's dumped it on Kamala Harris's lap. She's now the point person for this great because she was just laughing about it yesterday. And the Governor Abbott is we're going to allow protective services for children into the kay Billy Hutchinson Center. Now Governor Abbott has to put his own national Guard on the border to protect his own state. You know, he got to understand here, by not enforcing the law, you are aiding and abetting criminal activity. And in the process of this inundation at the border, it results in one one predictable result. The cart tells the human traffickers, even sex traffickers, the drug traffickers, the gangs. They have free access to the US, and so do people that don't have our best intentions at heart, even people that I've been on the terror watch list that we've been catching. How many got across that we didn't catch? One Democratic border mayor, a Democrat you know, Texas Town del Rio, Texas, two thousand migrants, four hundred and sixty four in February alone, seventeen hundred so far in March. Each day, between one hundred, one hundred and fifty illegal immigrants are dropped off at the town's Valverti Border Humanitarian Coalition Center. Volunteers are trying to be nice. They provide food, clothing, limited necessities, help book a bus or a plane out of town. Anyway, you have the Biden administration, whose major line item is on their platform is a hard stands on COVID nineteen, and you have eumongous gap in the policy. According to the Democratic mayor Bruno Lozano quote in a recent newspaper article, migrants getting dropped off without any COVID nineteen tests and then brought to bus stations or the airports to continue their journey to a city or town near you. All throughout the United States. That's all happening. Unbelievable. But it's not a crisis, not a crisis. Even Mexico's president is blaming Biden. Unreal, But that's what's happening. It's you know, the pictures that you see. I mean, I'm looking at pictures that were in the New York Post today. We showed them last night on TV. There's no room for anybody in these areas, none whatsoever. Everybody's sleeping on the floor. I've never heard of a tinfoil blanket before. What are the tinfoil blanket? Kids in cages, okay, plastic cages. They still can't get out. They're still being held and we've yet to get inside even one car shipping container that we're told as butterflies on the walls. Jeez, I'm sure that makes the kids feel great. One little window with bars on it. What are they remodeling them before they lever let somebody in because they didn't want these pictures of the kids in the new cages out either. Unbelievable catch and release and then they just deny the truth. Just you know, how many times are we going to buy these lies? Riots in the summer. They're not riots, there's no crisis at the border. Joe Biden didn't fall. The wind blew them over three times. Expect us to believe this crap. Apparently they do, because that's what they're pedaling. A bunch of garbage, a bunch of lies. It just got this out. This just came across the foxwire. The Department of Health and Human Services now apparently is moving fourteen hundred kids to San Diego, unidentified migrant children they've selected with the assistance of FEMA, the San Diego Convention Center. By the way, if you live in San Diego, you're a Cogo listener. They're gonna be at one eleven West Harbor Drive and Beautiful San Diego, California. Maybe you want to donate stuff. I would donate to kids. I'd feel bad for kids. But they're moving kids all around the country. No no word on whether or not the kids have gotten tested. I mean, does that mean what they've been dropping people COVID positive in hotels with no checking on them. I mean they probably do need food and help. I can understand good people wanting always help, but you if they're not going to return them, you got to feed these kids. When I started talking about the price, the media started attacking me. Well, if we expect a million people that you got to provide housing for. Widen just allocated eighty seven billion dollars to hotels for this problem. That's our money. It's a lot of money. And it's only the tip of the iceberg. You got to feed how provide healthcare for What we ought to be doing is saying, here's food, here's water, here's medical care. But you got to go home and enforcing the law of the land. Now, if you want to change the law, well, Joe Biden doesn't believe in that coequal branch of government, you're gonna have to send them home. You know, really sick what's been happening now that this push Now they're threatening to use executive action to take away your Second Amendment rights, which we also predicted long before all of this. And the suspect taken into custody, twenty one year old Syrian born Ahmed al Esa charged with ten counts of first degree murder. Social media reportedly railed against Donald Trump and quote Islamophobia. Apparently he's a Muslim. His family describes him as severely paranoidamentally ill. You know, I've thoughts and prayers. As Ted Cruz said yesterday, go out to the family, and he's not going to apologize for saying it, nor should anyone apologize for supporting Second Amendment rights of honest, law abiding Americans. But within minutes, of course, people want to exploit a political tragedy. Never let a crisis go to waste. As dead Fish used to say, rushing to judgment, Vice President's adult niece tweeted, violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country. An editor for dead Spin writing extremely tired of people's lives depending on whether a white man with an R fifteen is having a good day or not. A race and Inclusion editor, whatever that is at USA today, it's always an angry white man, That's what was said. Now the shooter has been identified Syrian born Muslim. Now they just move on to another political tactic, and that's now gun control. Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Joe Biden even threatening to use executive action to do it. But get that other coequal branch of government in the process. Well, a full report on that all coming up today. Unbelievable times we live in at Leonard skinnerd simple man that can only meet one thing, all things Bill O'Reilly dot com. Mister O'Reilly, sir, how are you? As Kenny Loggins one sing? I'm all right. Nobody worry about me but Kenny Loggins. I mean, I can't think of a worst person to pick for music. Good grief, you don't like Kenny. Kenny has some good hits. Loose, Come on, I'm footing. Oh yeah, okay, foot loose there that's right at the top of my hit list of all time music that I love. Um, well, how are you, mister o'reiley. We got a big press conference tomorrow. Yeah, I wasn't invited. You weren't invited. I wasn't invited either. I never get any I don't think I'm gonna see the White House for a while. I'm just guessing. I think it's a pretty good guess. I don't know. I don't think there's a lot of people floating in and out of there, you know. On O'Reilly dot Com, I do President Biden's schedule every day, all right? If we'd been doing that too, yeah, I mean he's got a pretty soft cushion here. I mean, not doing not a lot of heavy lifting going on in the in the White House. Hey Bill, one event Friday, zero, Saturday, zero, Sunday zero, Monday one yesterday. I didn't check that that includes scolding the dog. By the way, yeah, yeah, do stop biting people. But you gotta give me credit. O'riley's being very fair to the Biden family. And when people in the media were talking about youthanizing the dog over one little bite, I stood up for the I stood up for the pup because I love It's a member of your family. You know, you have your what do you call your dog, Satan something like that dog, Yeah, Holly, the tera dog, the rat dog. Yeah. So I'm glad the dog is coming back from Delaware. You don't want to be banished to Delaware. By the way, I heard a rumor today that mister Biden's gonna move the oval office of the Villages. But I don't think that's true. I just don't think that's true. I don't think it's true. But by the way, the villages, if you you've had to have been there, it is the coolest place on earth. YEA, get a little golf cart, you can, you know, run over the people playing cards. No, they give DUIs to the older people if if they drink and drive their golf cart. Did you know that I heard something about that. It's a fairly controlled environment. But I think Joe Joe Biden me happy down there. Stuff. They got movies, they got every club imaginable. They've got bars, they got restaurants, golf, They've got you know this, this new tennis game, you play pickle ball. Um. They got everything you could ever want. And let's say you move there. And even Bill O'Reilly, who probably would be more of a recluse, you know, they would drag your ass out of your home and not let you be a shut in. They make sure that you integrate yourself into the community and enjoy your later years in life and your retirement. And people have a good time. I know people down there, but just be careful what color shoes. There's a rumor about shoe colors. I don't know if any of that's right. I don't know if I could get down to the villages because I'm afraid of be Arthur and the crew. I'm afraid of those. You're afraid of that, all right, So here's a serious question. Yeah, So look, I say I'm guessing, just like during the campaign, if there was a debate coming up, if there was a big speech coming up, Joe Biden disappears for five days, and he's now in the middle of his disappearing act again because Thursday is his press conference. I have no doubt that it's going to be very controlled. But I have no doubt either, And this is my conjecture. My opinion. Part of the show is opinion that Joe is probably practicing his little ass off, and they're trying to get him to memorize enough to get through this press conference, which I predict that they will get him through this. Well, here's how it goes down, and you and I know this. There's a list. There's a list of correspondents. They're all in the White House Association, Correspondence Association, and Joe Biden will be given a list of people to call on in order. Underneath the one, two, three, four will be subject matter. Okay, so the Communication Office, they're in touch with the White House Correspondence themselves. They're in touch and they'll say, well, what do you what's on your mind? What do you think you want to ask? Here? So Biden a pretty good idea of what's coming. But he's into this afternoon. The only event that he has is he's going to meet with the women's soccer team, Megan Rapino and very that's a heavy lift pill he's going to feel when they go into the White House because a lot of flags in there, you know, a lot of play is a marine. So they may just be kneeling all over the place. But mister Biden has got a problem because his Homeland Security chief. And this is the signal that everybody should watch for tomorrow. May Orcus went on Fox News on Sunday and he said two things. The borders closed and we're deporting almost all migrant adults. Neither of those things is true the Border patrol itself, the border patrol itself because their federal agents contradicted their boss. May Orcus almost on the spot and said, no, every migrant over the age of fifteen to eighteen stays one hundred percent and over fifty percent of adults are staying. So now the opening question has got to be, now, mister President, you know your Homeland Security chief or because misled the nation on Sunday? Did you scold him? Are you upset? And then you've got to have the stats in your hand him. By the way, who too says the word scold Bill? You and I both know that question's not coming. The only the only might ask Doocy is the only one that's not going to give them a question. Yeah, this is Peter Doocey, who's in there that might. But that's the indicator if if the correspondence there and I mean a guy like Carl at ABC News, John Carl, he doesn't want to come across as a corrupt guy. He may be I didn't think he covered Trump fairly, but he didn't want to come across that way. But if they don't have the stats at the ready, then Biden will be able to dance because he's he knows that's coming. And as you said, absolutely accurately, he's gonna be rehearsed. He's going to have these answers rehearsed. But if you hit him, which that, you're going to rattle him, But then he probably just won't answer, like like Kamala Harris today on CBS Morning News, I mean Kamala Harris didn't answer anything they asked point blank. Anthony Mason did a good job. Is president buying going to sign an executive order limiting guns. Yes or no, wouldn't answer. She wouldn't answer the question. And he's not, by the way, because that would be he gets blocked by the federal courts in about thirty seconds if he tried to do that. They're they're threatening it, but they're also threatening little legislative fillibuster. Here's a question I have for you, Bill O'Reilly. Now, the White House is sticking by their story that when Joe fell not once, not twice, but three times climbing up the stairs, that the wind blew him over, it was not a windy day bell And we have, now that Joe has been out there a little bit more than usual, Joe has had a bad few weeks in terms of well, let's the cognitive struggles are becoming more apparent. Now we have Vladimir Putin openly mocking them, and then we get lectured by the Chinese communists in Anchorage, Alaska on the issue of human rights. And our answer is yeah, but where we apologize when we're wrong, which really pissed me off. My question is, Bill O'Reilly, do you believe the lie that and I think it's a lie that Joe Biden was was pushed to the ground by a gust of wind three times, because I don't think there's ever been a bigger light told from that podium. Do I believe that he was? Do you believe he got blown over by the wind, That's what I'm asking. No, I don't. I don't believe that he was. Well, here's what I noticed. I can't believe I have to ask you that question. But go ahead. When he is what I know to be true, Joe Biden is in decline, then, no doubt about it. He's in decline. Now how bad that is I cannot ascertain. Was I happy he fell down the stairs and embarrassed himself. I was not happy. That did not bring me joy. All I want from the Biden administration is competent governorship, all right to govern the country in a competent way. In the first nine weeks, I have not seen one thing that the president has done that has helped this nation. Now you can make an argument that the COVID relief checks help, but if you look at the overall bill and how much money is pouring out of our treasury, Okay, he could have done that without all the pork you agree with that, right, correct. We got a hold of an internal letter from Border Patrol at one facility in Texas that is over eight hundred percent capacity. We now finally got the pictures. The kids are sleeping on top of each other, this sleeping in shifts. They're not getting showers. The kids in cages. They're plastic cages, but there are pods. They're calling him, but the kids are now living in cages again. They're doing nothing, and they're denying a simple truth and reality that they have a This is a self inflicted political debacle on their part and not happening in the last six months of the Trump administration. Wasn't happening at all. During the Trump years. He put a quick end to it. He stayed in Mexico policy, he ended catching release, and he built four d and fifty miles a wall. Yeah, you can debate that, but he at the end of his term did not have to deal with mass migration into the United States, and neither did the Border Patrol, and neither did all the border states and all the border cities. That's a fact. That's a fact. Let me have to deal with it. If if he saw somebody in your family struggling cognitive the way Joe is. If somebody in your family that you loved and cared about I was getting a little older and fell three times climbing up a set of stairs, Um, what would you do for that person? I'd install an elevator on air force one, so he just goes the little the little chair thing that in one of those things. Look, I my mother was in that situation. Um, and what did you do? Bill? Let me get, let me get Let me guess what you did. You brought somebody into help her, right, right, because you can afford it, and you love your mom and you you you've paid whatever it costs and you got an aid to help her. Right. Okay. I'm looking at Joe Biden, and I'm looking at all the people around him, every enabler, and I'm like, why is there nobody that's saying, for crying out loud, what they have to do to get him over. Every little hump is only going to acce ll rate whatever the hell is going on in there. Yeah, but they want that, Hannity. So the people that run the show, which are Susan Rice and ron Kline, and we didn't investigate report into Susan Rice yesterday. She knows she's worth about one hundred and forty million dollars. I saw that. By the way, we've done our own investigation too. I didn't know it was that much, but we saw all the money she made in the four years. She made a lot of the money from an oil and gas company called Enbridge. I mean, this is miss global warming and she's making millions of dollars from a oil and gas firm and nobody reports it. I mean it's stunning, but anyways, stunning. Getting back to Joe Biden, in the bigger picture is that the progressive left, the real far left that's controlling the White House. They want him in this state. They just want to put stuff in front of him that he signs. They got two things on his schedule every day he'll try they'll try him out to say whatever he wants to stay, and then they'll bring him back. That's what it's gonna be. Weekend at Joe's. Remember that movie Weekend at Bernie's. What this is. And more than half the progressive ill for Bill O'Reilly. Now we've got a bigger problem because there's a lot of bad actors on the world stage a lot of hostile regimes, hostile actors like Putin, President she the Mullahs, and Iran Kim jiang Un. I felt my interpretation is that Vladimir Putin was mocking him. I felt I thought it was embarrassing for the United States. That's how I felt. I don't think it means anything. By the way, I started that whole killer thing. You remember that when I interviewed President Trump right after he took office, and I looked at him and I said, you know, Putin's a killer. Are you gonna analyst guy In? And then they picked up on that on the interview with Biden. But Putin, I don't care what Putin does, all right. I'm much more concerned about China and rushes are corrupt and it's not nearly as strong as people think it is. It can cause trouble locally. They got a lot of nukes, Bill, Yeah, yeah, they got nukes. But Putin's not going to do that. He's not gonna nuke. But China, now China could really push it. And that has really got to be watched because they know that by this week, they that they won't do a thing. They just they broke all the rules, protocols of that Anchorage summit, bilateral discussions, and humiliated our delegation led by the Secretary Estate. But all right, Bill O'Reilly, um all things, Bill O'Reilly dot com. We appreciate you being with us, and you know, all right, nobody else will talk about it in the media. Bill, but they stop criticizing me for talking about it, because we know they all see it and at some point everybody will see it. Over fifty percent of the country now sees it. All right, Bill O'Reilly, thank you. All right, Bill, this is Bill O'Reilly music, seriously, twenty five to the top of the hour eight. I was hilarious. How could you not think that was a good song? I think it is. It's not a great song. I don't like that song. What it's not? Come on you look, you're more of a danger zone guy. All right. I did weddings like you used to sing at weddings, probably a hundred times, okay, a hundred hundreds of times, I said, And it was amazing, every single one. Here's one amazing thing. Your accent goes away when you sing. Nobody sings with an accent Sewan. Have ever seen a British person singing here an accent a dell perfect case in point now. But and Linda, by the way, is an amazing singer, and she had an amazing band, and I had an amazing career going. But putting that aside for a second, um, okay, I tended barr. I used to do it when I worked at this place called Salisbury on the Green at Eisenhower Park in Long Island, New York. I would tend. I would do a wedding every Friday night. I do two weddings on Saturday, won during the one at night and then two on Sunday. That's all right, one to five and six to eleven. That's all I did. I made and I made good money. I I liked it. I enjoyed it. I love meeting people, friendly fun, worked hard to double shifts, came out with a lot of money in my pocket every weekend. And but there's songs that have played there every wedding. You know, when Uncle Joe, you know, takes off his tie half buttons off his shirt, which happens when you hear foot loose Sean, it just notings out the animal and all of us, including Uncle Joe. Okay, well, Uncle Joe is drunk. That's how Biden hurt. Maybe that's list every time I would seek out the Uncle Joe because Uncle Joe was always the big tipper in the group. Came and common kid coming. Yeah, just keep bringing them. But by the time we get to the foot loose and celebrey good times, come on, you just know it's over. It's like, okay, first of all, it's just beginning. When you get to that that time of the night, it's the best part. It's almost over for Uncle Joe because by the time he's done dancing to footloose and celebrate good times. Come on, uncle Joe is sweating profusely. You got any water back there? Kids, I need some honor, you know. And I'm sure you sprayed them down instead of giving him a blast. No, but it's the same thing. Every wedding has at least one Uncle Joe or two or three. Oh, I've seen it all. It's long island weddings are are really I mean, I have to say, and Ethan can speak to this. Being a long islander, there are their thing. It's an entity unto its unto itself. It's like it's just it is what it is and I've made a good living at it. But I'm just telling you, I don't think I go to That's why do you think I hate wedding so much now? Because I've been to everyone, and I know the most important day in the in in everybody's life. And but by the time you've been to your one thousand wedding reception, you're ready to blow your brains out as they shove cake in their face, trying doing a bride's third wedding in the same dress, perspect exactly. And sometimes it's the same guy all three times. No, everyone divorce married, divorce. Oh that there's a that's a winning formula for everybody. Listen, But you see your cynical as I am about the whole thing down to them, it's the most important day in the world and the greatest wedding ever, and not that's not the greatest wedding ever. They're all the same. That's not true. Sometimes the band sucks, or they have a DJ, or sometimes the band is really good. Now, if the band is really good, I like that situation. You gotta have good food and good music otherwise it's over. That's all it is. But their wedding fact it's a wedding factor. The wedding factory easy. The places that had like, okay, they come out with the salad on the right there when everyone says, you have your salad. Then after the salad outcomes the main course, rubber chicken, some fish for the fish eaters, or you get that that dried up filet mignon that was cooked five hours earlier. But then the problem also is that there is this lag period they go they have the wedding in the church, and then there's a lag period and then everyone usually goes to some bar someplace. By the time they even get to the reception three hours later, they're half in the bag. But now it's all in one place. Sean. Now you go in, you got your ceremony in one place, you got your reception in another place. You got your heart set. But they're all in the same location. They're just different places, you know, on the property. The only wedding that I could say just blew me away was Russia's wedding. Well nothing funny and Elton John, I mean, come on, I mean it was most people go to Mannisa Square Garden is I'm just telling you, it was like the coolest thing ever. I mean, I remember looking over at Levin and we're like, man, this this doesn't suck. This is pretty cool for sure. And he was amazingly funny, comes out, didn't even say anything. He plays the first song. He got a standing ovation for every single song, a standing over for every song. I've never seen that before. And he gets up after the first song and he goes, you know, in the room, every big conservative name in the country. I mean, I can name names, drop names, but I'm not going to a lot of famous names that people would know. I was like the little guy in the room and I'm just sitting there amazed meeting all these nice people. And he got this. I know many of you are wondering what the hell am I doing here? It was fun. It just brought the house down. Did he sing with a British accents on? Did you know? He did? Not? You not even during Benny and the Jets. Just completely normal, just swear completely now. I also saw him at a Super Bowl party with the owner of the Patriots, Robert Kraft, who I've become friends with it because I've interviewed a lot over the years. He sees me in the hall and he goes, what do you do? And I said nothing. He goes, you want to come see a private Elton John concert. I'm like, yeah, I'm not busy, let's go, and he got me in. Did you love it? It was awesome him a piano, Oh, just him and a piano both times. Kind of man, it was amazing. It was I mean, the level of skill that it takes. And for him it's nothing. It's like us doing a radio show. We don't have to think about doing a radio show, but we've seen a lot of stuff preparing. But you know, the light goes on, my mouth opens and I started talking. For this guy, he's just comes out. He's got a piano. He can play like nobody, Like nobody you've ever seen Billy Joel same thing they used to tour together. I actually saw Billy joelan concert at Madison Square Garden. It was the first concert I ever saw in New York. Unbelievable packed house, and it was funny because it's so unbelievable. Yeah, but you couldn't even hear him. The crowd is singing so loudly along with him, every single word, Like I can't even imagine what that feels like. To look out at an audience singing the words that you've written. Brooks would always always say, the coolest thing ever is when the audience sings your song back to you. It's incredible. You know, if if he's singing if tomorrow never comes, or the dance and he lets the crowd take over, or and you know he's got his rowdy songs too, that he that he sings Friends in Low Places for example, great great stuff. We used to sing that song in the bars a lot. That's a really fun song. What friends in Low Places. It's a great song. It's just perfect wedding song. I mean, sometimes you can do those things at weddings, but a lot of people want their wedding to be elegant. You know. Every once in a while you get a fun bride who's like, I just don't have a good time. I'm like, awesome, all right. So I'll tell you a little behind the scenes story about music. So I over the course of my career, we've done all the freedom concerts. And there's one very famous band and I'm friends with them, and you know, you gotta understand people. I don't want people to take this the wrong way. They they're They're unbelievable professionals and they want they want to put on the best show, but they also do little stuff to entertain themselves, like I'll get when I'm there, I'll give them a word for the night, and they have to sneak it in to the song as many times as they can. Oh, no, where serious. I swear you gave them the word trump man, you gotta you can't trump this, you know, And it was like nine times nobody picks up on it, Like seal times have you been singing and maybe you forgot a line or words or whatever. Anybody they never notice, never ever notice. Now if Billy Joel did sing a piano man, the crowd would just fix it. As we continue our discussion on weddings and all other things of great importance we talk about. Now you're now a big part of this new church you joined, and Linda will not give me the name and number of her pastor she want to even give me the name of the church. I'm gonna have to like hire a private detective to get this information. I want to talk to this guy. He and I need to have a little discussion. I think he's listening. Text Hi man, he knows that he knows how to get it in Okay. I'm not sure if he knows the real Linda yet, though of course he does. I mean, you don't curse the way you do to me in front of him. I do. I can't lie to my pastor. That's wrong him and his wife I've heard. But you can control You don't curse in church, do you? I mean not on purpose? You see? I don't what do you mean? Not on purpose? As if you don't control it. It's like an im one church grounds. You know, I try and avoid it. You know, as soon as you cross church grounds, you're back in the street, drive out of the parking lot and somebody cuts me off. You know that's going to be everywhere. Okay, So, but I don't think your pastor knows. Like hill Song Unite Church, it's an Australian church, very famous contemporary music or Michael W. Smith who we've done concerts with. He's amazing. He puts on an incredible show. Another person who just gets behind the piano in place, Oh my gosh and everything. I'll tell him before he goes both songs you want me to play today? He'll ask me with Okay, Okay, give me a list, write it down quick, boom, give him a list. He plays everyone, No, it really is, and it's all always perfect for him. It's a calling. And when he plays with an orchestra, which he often does when he does this Christmas tour, yeah, I mean kind of, it's breathtaking. I know it's it's it's spectacular, but I mean you look out into the crowd like and people cry. Songs can touch them that deeply. Now, I know, I don't think I make many people cry doing a radio show. I don't think I make people cry doing a TV show. Maybe some liberals cry. Maybe Biden, if he was ever awake to see it, he'd cry. No, he's by then, he's look, he's long, he's out like a light by snoozing. He's losing. He had his he had his milky and hot coco. He's out cold. He's got to make sure he's strong enough to stand the wind every day. You know, you can't have that happen again over you can't. You know, listen, the wind gotta get your rest. I've had here. That's fine. I mean, he hears that comment. He knows he's got to stand up. He just goes right to the ground. Now, don't you he's not winning Tomorrow during the press conference, God, he probably can't be outside because then bwindle blow him over. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he tripped three times or the fact that they claim the wind blew him over when there's no wind. It's just and then and then sake. You know, those those steps, they can be tricky. Steps can be tricky. That one foot over the other. It's that's really tricky. That's straps in the world. Well a Barack Obama didn't have a problem. Donald Trump didn't have a problem. But what about the ramp. The ramp it was soaking wet. He had dress shoes on and it was like an ice skating rink and he walked slowly that one time. Right. But the point is is that after they pointed it out right, all the MSM, they did so much time on it. All they did was talking. It's unbelievable. I'm like, guys, seriously, come on six same thing. Oh, that never happened. Not didn't happen. Riots over the summer never happened. There's like, there's not chaos on the border. No, it's not falling down. That didn't happen. Yeah, we don't have kids back in plastic cages again. Why do I Why am I obsessed about getting inside the cargo shipping containers? Because I'll tell you why. Because there's no way in hell you're gonna convince me that a cargo shipping container that they they're putting children in with a tiny window with bars on it. I don't care how many butterflies you stick on the window. We already know what it's gonna look like. It's gonna look just like the kids in the in the plastic sheeted cages. Yeah, but they better not asked to be let just in one, because they'll make sure one of them looks beautiful in the rest. One of them is going to be decorated by bringing a professional decorator to everyone. Oh yeah, okay, Donald Trump ever put a kid in a cargo shipping container. Can you just imagine that scenario for ten seconds? What would happen? They're still attacking him. They've got nothing better to do. Listen to one thing that wasn't an honest article in the news media, and by and look, I can talk about ratings all day. It's just a natural It's just a fact after presidential election years, ratings, you know, go down for usually six to eight months. It is a pattern because some people get burnt down by it. You know, that's I mean this, this was emotionally draining with the post election aftermath. But the problem now is we can't disengage because the damage they're doing every day, or you know, for Bill O'Reilly to say it's not a single good thing. We can say that Joe Biden has done to make the country better, it's pretty profound. Stay right here for our final news round Up and Information Overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. All Right, News Round Up, Information Overload, Hour eight hundred and ninety four one Shaw and you want to be a part of the program. Now, remember in twenty eighteen, all of a sudden, the media, the mob, they came out with images of Donald Trump putting children in cages, illegal immigrant children in cages, and Joe Biden saying the most immoral thing that he's ever seen in his entire life. And then we found out it was Joe and Barack that built the cages for the kids. And the video they were showing you was from when Joe and Barrock were in office, not when Donald Trump was there, and they just liked you. Then their whole position changed. Remember at the time the meat, this is how the media covered Donald Trump. Listen well, the images suggest those concentration camps. The statue of liberty, I think is weeping right now. There's no denying that this is an incredibly complex humanitarian issue that's of course made even more difficult by the fact that we're dealing with us in the midst of a pandemic. Here will be forever remembered as the president who traumatized little children. A lot of these children are part of a problem that the Biden administration inherited from the Trump administration. The system is broken inside of the country. Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these into concentration camps. I call this a concentration camp for kids. Obviously, this is a problem that the Biden administration inherited from the Trump administration. Babies in jail, babies in baby cages, challenges facing US border patrol amid this migrant surge, Babies in jail, a very very tough situation that the Biden administration now to contend with something that's very difficult for the federal government to deal without. The border children are being marched away to showers. I know they're being marched away to showers, just like the Nazis. You have a lot of border agents, and you know that Union was very pro Trump, who are now starting to just leak out videos anonymously, which can be very dangerous where we don't know where things are coming from. We begin this afternoon with the whales of children. Oh remember that, and now we're not getting that coverage now. If you go to Joy read over at MSDNC, she's now questioning, Oh, this is really a crisis now, by the way, you got overcrowding kids on top of each other and these new cages with plastic okay, those pods as they're calling them. We last night we broke the story on our show about Yeah, it's so bad at some facilities, they're over eight hundred percent capacity with a supposed to only have eighty kids unquote a pod their new word for plastic cages. They now have six hundred and ninety four kids in one pod. That's how bad this has gotten. We do we are still in the middle of a pandemic. We have a high rate of testing positive. As it relates to the illegal immigrants crossing the border, we also have Yeah, people on the terrorist wanted list, the most wanted list. Yeah, we've we've captured them too. It's a financial crisis, it's a health crisis as a national security crisis. But over at MSDNC, a little different tone now that Joe is in the White House. Listen, if you've been watching TV over the past couple of weeks, you've probably heard a familiar Republican talking point about the situation at the southern border. With the Grand Aq Party now confronting a president who just passed a massive and popular piece of legislation, that is what they're left with. Yes, migration at the southern border is a genuine political challenge, ongoing one that spans several previous administrations. But is it a crisis as Republicans so desperately want the media to portray it as. Yes, it is, joy it's worse than ever. We're gonna have over a million people crossing that border illegally by June or July the latest. But Kamala Harris, she thinks there's one big joke she's just laughing. Not today, but I have before and I'm sure I will again. Oh okay, anyway, joining us as the guy that would know, Mark Morgan is with us. Former Acting Border Patrol Chief Brandon Judd, President of the National Border Patrol Council, and twenty year active Border Patrol VET. Thank you both for being with us, Mark Morgan, Has it ever been this bad since the time you've been there? No, I'll tell you Sean. First of all, instead of aligns the American people and laughing as the Vice President is just spinning, let me back up my statement of fact. So right now, what we've got In November of twenty twenty seng we had less than eight hundred in custody, less than eight hundred today that numbers over ten thousand. Last month was one hundred thousand in single month. You're going to see that in March it collips one hundred, twenty one hundred and thirty thousand. I just learned this week and a single day Bordertow Affery at Bordertow agents apprehended over six thousand immigrants trying to illegally enter in a single day, almost eight hundred of them uncompied miners, and of that ten thousand in custody, over ten thousand, over five thousand or uncompied miners. That's where have those are? Fact that tells American people, you've bet we have a crisis right now and this administration caused it. Yeah, well that's exactly it. It's one of their making. Brandon and Judd, You've dedicated a big part of your career to this very single issue. We're now being told that this year it's going to be the highest number in twenty years, maybe longer, it's going to be the highest number in the history of the bordershaw. If you go back to the late nineteen nineties early two thousands, when we were arresting one point, when we were making one point five million arrest we were dealing with the same people over and over and over again, because they were primarily from Mexico. We would arrest them, we would send them back. I personally arrested the same group in the same shift twice, so we were dealing with the same people over and over again. Now the people that we're dealing with, if we arrestue, it's a new person. So when we go over a million arrest, it's most likely going to be a million different people that we're dealing with. I wanted to find crisis so that your listeners can understand why this is a crisis. When the border patrol resources are so inundated that we have to pull agents out of the field to put them in processing centers, and we don't even have enough agents to actively monitor what the criminal cartels are doing, and they're able to create artificial gaps in our coverage to cross their higher value products such as opioids sent no cocaine, and criminal aliens and even aliens from special interest countries. When they're able to do that because they've pulled us off the line with the surge of unaccompanied minors, that is in fact a crisis. When the cartels are able to dictate to us what our strategies are going to do, what our strategies are going to be, we are in a crisis. Yeah, well, okay, we already have the crisis now when border patrol or distracted. Mark Morgan correct me if I'm wrong. I have been down to the border myself, and I've met many of the great men and women that work and do this very difficult job, and I've actually been out on foot, on horseback. I've done ride along as, I've been in helicopters, and I've been in boats. I've been everywhere from the Rio Grand all the way across to San Diego where the tunnel was built, from Mexico into an office building in San Diego. I've been to drug warehouses. I've seen it. So with all of the resources now going to this massive influx, especially of documented kids, what does that do for the drug cartels, the human traffickers, the gang members, those that were told recorder to the Washington Examiner are probably making about fourteen million dollars a day off of human trafficking. Yeah, Sean, First of all, your listeners need to listen with Brandon. Judge said. Everything he just said is absolutely correct, and the interquestion directly, Hey, the business is good shot, That's what that means. Look, and we've been here before. This is not our first rodeo. We sold this in twenty nineteen. We know just as Brandon said, is that Look, the cartels their tactics are to use the family members and use uncompanied miners as distraction techniques, right, and an extensive exhaustive resources that it takes to provide the daycare services and the humanitarian services to the families and kids, leading large, large swass of the border unsecured, unmonitored, just common sense beings. More drugs are porn through, more criminal aliens are porn through. Look the number of gotaways now that are getting past the border patrol because looking to that nineteen we saw in Brandon, those is very well he was there. Up to forty percent of bordertrol agents are pulled off the line their NASA security mission to be daycare providers. And that's that's exactly what we're seeing right now and selling real quick. What's so disgusting to me, what's so infuriating is we warned the Biden administration. I know the leaders of a CDP, specifically Border Troll warned them if they did what they have done, that they would create the crisis, and they would and we would be experiencing what we are right now. They knew it, and they ignored it. It's it's unbelievable. But according to the Washington Post, Mark Morgan Kamala Harris, who's laughing over it and not acknowledging that there's a real crisis that the border is now going to be the point person for the Biden administration. As we continue, Mark Morgan, former acting Border Patrol Chief, and Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, they're also sending COVID positive patients to hotels with no follow up. You've seen the images now. It took us forever, but we finally got the pictures out. These kids are on top of each other. I don't see there's no social distancing. There's not full compliance with mask wearing either. We have high positivity rates that now puts border patrol at risk as well. Now, now then we're putting people out in the general public, and then we're sending people to states all around the country. We're not even we're not even catching and releasing, meaning processing them and giving them a court date. They're just releasing them. So I assume that means what now that they basically are given amnesty because they know they're not going to get thrown out of the country. Well, I'd like to go ahead, Go ahead, Mark, No, go ahead, I'll tell you real quick. I'll turn out the branding. Look. I wonder if Kamala Harris, if vice plays are now, would laugh if she was briefed that there were twenty six CDP agents and officers have died in the line of duty because of COVID, and that that's the title forty two, that CDC order that allows border toy agents to apprehend and process people on the border and not bring them in to the open air congrugate settings right are that are active COVID petree dishes right now, and again we went from eight hundred November to over ten thousand. That that not only risk the immigrants lives, but also the men and women of the United States Border Patrol. I wonder if she would laugh if she was confeedered with that crust question. Yeah, I don't think any of it's funny, Brandon Um, you know, to touch on your point of testing, we don't even that the government's not even testing the people that are crossing the border illegally. We're turning them over to what's called non governmental organizations such as Catholic charities, and we're hoping, we're hoping, we're crossing our fingers that they're going to test them. But there's no oversight over this. So if Catholic charities or any of the other non governmental organizations that we're turning these these people over too. If they don't test them and they release them into the United States, of course they're going to spread COVID. We have to understand that. So when you hear these reports of well, these people that they're not even testing positive, it's only six percent that are testing positive, Well, that's a false narrative because we're not testing them. The only ones that we actually find out is if they come across the border and they are exhibiting symptoms, then we'll take them to the hospital and the hospital will test them, and that's where the stats come from. But when we turn them over to the NGOs, we have no idea what the positive test rate is. And again, it's smoking mirrors, and it's what the liberal media would have the public beliefs instead of the instead of giving them the facts and letting the public come up with their own opinions based upon all of the information. They want to lead us like lambs. So if I could jump in, and if I could jump in real quickly on something, Brandon, that just says very critically important to footstop right now. Over twenty thousand, twenty thousand people into this country have been released directed from CBP. None of them were tested by the United States government by CBP what Brandon just described as what happens. So the secretaries live to the American people and totally misdirected when he talks about, oh, we have a plan. Yeah, the plan is to rely on NGO's of local municipalities to do that, as Brandon said, and we have no idea just exactly how many are actually being tested. I mean, and we have not even prioritized border enforcement officials an ice to get an expedited It is vaccine here, Mark Brandon, I'll ask both, do you know that these guys are now finally getting their vaccines? Are not? He has DHS put in place a program that's called Vaccinate the Workforce. Vaccinate the Workforce is what it's called. But just like typical government, it's filled with bureaucracy. It is so difficult for agents to get vaccinated that they're just going out and they're letting the counties or the state take care of the vaccination because DHS has made it so difficult for them to get it. You will sit on a list for months. We have people that are first responders, they're actual EMTs that go out and they can't even get vaccinated under this Vaccinate the Workforce program. So when DHS says, well we vaccinated sixty five thousand of our workforce has been vaccinated, what they're not telling you is they're not telling you how many of those sixty five thousand had to go out to outside organizations to get that vaccination. Again, smoke and mirrors, and that's what we're seeing. Unbelievable. All right, Mark Morgan, Brandon Judd, thank you both, our best to you your guys that are just killing themselves doing an impossible job. Because this was all caused by Biden and Harris and liberal Democrats and we all know the reason why. Also five to the top of the hour, and yeah, the race, the rush to always politicize when you have a tragedy. I mean, first, oh, it has to be a white male that did this. And you know, the assumption is off. There's a shooting, it's got to be a Donald Trump supporter, it's got to be a talk radio listener, it's got to be a Fox News viewer. It's not the case here, as we've gone over and rushed the judgment or to somehow even associate the actions of people that are certifiably insane and evil with good people is just their way of smearing and slandering and besmirching. And we don't play that game. We didn't play that game when Bernie Sanders supporter shot Steve Scalise and others in that ball field. And I'm not playing the game here. It's the guy apparently hated Trump and hated Islamophobia. That's what we know. As family says that he had mental health issues. May assume that's probably true. But either way, taking away the rights of law abiding Americans, meaning you and the American people, is not the answer either. But already the rush to even do it by executive order is on which I don't think would hold up in any court that actually cares about the United States Constitution and something called the Second Amendment and the right of the people to keep into bear arms. Most gun owners, the ninety nine percent, are responsible gun owners. I've been a gun owner most of my well, I've been a gun owner my entire adult life. I was a pistol marksman at eleven because my parents were both associated with law enforcement. YEA, they didn't want their curious son touching their weapons anyway. John Lott is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. He's written now and updated many times as best selling book More Guns, Less Crime, and up until January, he was the Senior Advisor for Research and Statistics at the US Department of Justice's Office of Legal Policy, and he worked on vote fraud issues. Today as an article out Real Clear Politics about Montana, a mountainous area of Montana with a population of one hundred nineteen thousand, six hundred people. But anyway talks about a recent audit of mail and ballots in this particular case. But really we want to talk to him about this latest push to take away people's Second Amendment rights. You know, whenever you say more guns equals less crime, that angers everybody, they become triggered on the left. Now, you come from a professorial background, a researcher's background. This is what you do. Correct. Oh, no, that's exactly right. And when you look at the data, the data says what. Well, just as you can deter criminals with higher rest rates or higher conviction rates or longer prison sentences, the fact that would be victims can also defend themselves also makes it riskier for criminals to go and commit crime and deters them from committing it. I mean, probably the simplest point I can make is if you look around the world, every single place that's banned either all guns or all handguns has seen murder rates go up, and often go up by very large amounts. You would think, out of randomness, if guns on net are bad, banning guns would be associated with reductions and murder rates, or at least not changing it. And yet you can't even find even one case where it even just stays the same every time it goes up. And there's a simple reason for that, and that is, even if you end up taking some guns away from criminals, if you primarily disarm law abiding good people relative to criminals, you actually make it easier for criminals to go and commit crime. You know, I asked the question of people many times on this program, John, I asked them, I said, okay, so God forbid, and now we have this whole defund the police effort New York City for example, that you got a billion dollars cut to the police department. I mean, that's a lot of cuts. And the police that already hesitant because they didn't get the support of the mayor when they were having water doused on them and their cars, you know, demolished and right in front of their face, and you know, things that I didn't think i'd ever see in my lifetime. And we watched over the summer, the rocks, the bottles, the bricks, the molotov cocktails, you know, hurl the police officers nearly three thousand injured, thirty people dead over the summer, but they didn't even want to call it a riot, which is pretty remarkable to me. The question is, what do you do if somebody breaks into your house and you can't give one answer, I'm gonna call nine one one, because by the time the police get there, no matter how quick the response time, whatever it was going to happen, likely happened. Am I wrong or am I correct? You're exactly right. Look my research, if it convinces me of anything, it convinced me that the police are extremely important. I think the police are the single most important factor for reducing crime. But the police themselves understand that they virtually always arrive on the crime scene after the crimes occurred. And there's two groups of people who benefit the most from owning guns, people who are relatively weaker physically, women and the elderly and people who are most likely victims of violent crime, and that overwhelmingly tends to be poor blacks who live in high crime urban areas. It would be great if the police could be there all the time, but they can't. And the question is what's the safest course of action for someone to take when they're being confronted by a criminal, and having a gun is by far the safest course of action. When you're talking about women, you're almost always talking about a male, young male criminal doing the attack, and a man attacking a woman. There's a much larger strength their friends that exist there than a man attacking another man, and the presence of a gun represents a much bigger relative change and a woman's ability to go and resist attack. Now I do have and have had over the years. Many people will ask me, all right, Hannahy, I'm thinking of getting this one in AAR fifteen. What do you think? I'm like, Okay, what do you want the weapon for? Do you want to for a target practice sport? Do you want it for a hunting? Do you want it for self defense? And then I've i follow up with a series of questions, But my main answer is this, whatever you choose whatever weapon you like the most, depending on what your need happens to be. Just get trained in the proper on the safety and proper use of that firearm. You know. I'll tell you, John, I've been shooting since I'm eleven, and I'm not my hearing loss from radio all these years as such that I don't really shoot that often anymore. But the bottom line is is that I still will get refresher courses when I go with my friends ends that are really passionately you know, they're passionate gun enthusiast, and I'll listen to them and learn even more safety from them. But I learned it from the first time I ever took a lesson. My parents took me to a range and I got my first lesson pointing the gun down range all times, never point at a person, what to do if a gun ever jams, etc. Those types of things. And then the guy sits me down and he says, Okay, tell me everything I just taught you, and I explained it, gave it back to him perfectly. He goes, Okay, come by next week and if you remember it all, I'll let you shoot it. And I had to leave that day, Well, I wanted. I thought I was going to be shooting that gun, and I came back the next week and it was it literally was burned into my brain because I was I was interested in it. I wanted. I wanted to learn how to fire a handgun at that time, and then I became a pistol marksman at the time at a pretty young age. But I urge people learn safety and the proper use of whatever firearm you might want. In the case of most people, if they're not going to spend a lot of time at the range, I would argue the best gun for self defense for you and your family would be a shotgun. Well, it kind of depends on the circumstances. I mean inside a home. Having long guns can be somewhat awkward in some situations for using it just in terms of the space that's available. It depends, you know, it depends on a lot of characteristics or pluses and minuses for each of them. But people need to go and and handle the gun when they're in the store, make sure that they're comfortable with it. You know, it's there's a large difference in terms of how easy it is to pull the trigger based on people's hand sizes and other things that are there. But just with regard to the training I've just mentioned, we have twenty over twenty million Americans right now with concealed handgun permits. There are eighteen states which are so called constitutional carry states where it's not even necessarily for people to have a permit. So who knows how many more people beyond a twenty million carry regularly. But what you find is that the people who go and have these permits tend to be extremely law bying. They take this very seriously. Police are rarely convicted of misdemeanors or felonies, about one twentieth the rate of the general population. Concealed handgun permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors or felonies at about one temph the rate that police officers are or about one everybody that I know that owns a fire up. Everybody is all about safety. Let me ask you about this article you put out, because now you know, we're learning a lot, and state legislatures now are stepping in in Georgia and Arizona and Pennsylvania and fixing in wisconspt of Michigan. This Judge of Michigan finding. Yeah, they didn't follow the laws there, just like the Chief Justice found in his dissent and was consin And as it relates, you did a study of a small county in Montana where you found a lot of irregularities. What did you find, right, Yeah, Missoula County in Montana is the second largest county in the state. It's heavily democratic county. All the votes this last November were mail in votes, and there was an audit that was done on January fourth where they went through and examined and counted all the envelopes that were used in it. You know, one of the things one of the big problems with this election is there hasn't been systematic evaluations of the votes you had in Maricopa County. They did. They looked at a hundred ballots out of you know, one point six million mail in ballots that were cast in Cobb County, Georgia. They looked at ten percent. They should have been looking at Fulton County, but go ahead, and what we found. What they found here is that they had six percent more votes, about four thousand, five hundred ninety two more votes than they had envelopes for the ballots, which is impossible given that all these were mail and ballots. They also found problems in terms of not having dates even on the envelopes that were there, and issues with not having signatures or signatures not being checked. Altogether, that's over seven percent of the votes that were there. Given how large Missoula County is, not only did it affect or could affect a lot of local elections, but it could even change statewide races that are there. And that doesn't even count the fact that there were a number of obvious cases where there were duplicate signatures. At one nursing home, there were twenty eight ballot envelopes that had the exact same signature on them, but those weren't able to be counted systematically. But you know, when you're talking about what could be at least seven and a half percent of the votes there could be fraudulent. That can have a real impact on elections. And unfortunately, that type of systematic evaluation of the ballots hasn't been occurring in other places. There's really no other place in the country that's had that type account. But given that we have HR one that has passed the House and is going to the Senate, where they would end the Biden's executive actions which are kind of moving states to do full time mail and votes. I hope this provides a warning shot for people to realize that there can be real problems when you're talking about seven and a half percent or more of the ballots could be fraudulent. As I've been saying, people ask me all the time, well what can we do. The first thing you've got to do is work with your state representatives, your state senators, your state assemblies, and you've got to get them to put the proper checks, balances and reforms in place. And if in fact, they eliminate the legislative filibuster, HR one will be the law of the land where they want. You know. You know the thing about this, they had no problem building that that wall, if you will, the fence with the razor wire quickly around the Capitol. We've got to protect our institutions and elected officials. I agree with that, just like we should protect our southern border and not allow illegal activity at the border. But similarly, you know these there's got to be structural changes, and if state legislatures don't do their part, they won't even their challenges to HR one should have come to a court challenge, which I would argue they're surfing in that bill the constitutional stated constitutional authority of state legislatures. But if they do it, there will never be any voter ID. They're gonna let felons vote. They'll be automatic registration, and there'll be no checks and balances whatsoever, which means which means in the end, we won't have any confidence or any integrity in any election moving forward. So I hope people will pay attention to all of this, but I got to run. John Lott, thank you for being with us, Thanks for having me on, Thanks for being there. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at Today, we continue our investigative reporting from both sides of the border, the absolute mess that is down there. Pete Hegseth, Lara Logan will join us. We'll have full reports both sides of the border. Jim Jordan will join us tonight. Also Dana last Check said, Madison Cawthorne will join us as well. And also we've got tonight on a program you don't want to miss it, one of the very latest from LEO two point zero and much Dan Mongino. That's all happening tonight nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Set your DVR. We'll see you then with news you won't get from the mob. We'll see it at nine Eastern. Back here tomorrow. As always, thanks for being with us. I don't hold