#TrumpVindicated - 9.22

Published Sep 23, 2017, 12:00 AM

Jonathan Gilliam fills in for Sean today and sits down with Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova to discuss the latest reports on the wiretapping of Trump Tower and the legal ramifications of this story. Hashtag TrumpVindicated has taken off as more Americans are realizing that the President was right when he claimed the Obama Administration was unlawfully spying on him. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and Hannity.com.

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. Now, my pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo called Hannity. You will love this pillow. This is Jonathan Gilham filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. And man, it's always great to be back here. You know. I left, uh the sealed teams back into what two thousand and two, then went to the air marshals, did some security contracting. Was the FBI agent here in New York City on the Criminal and counter terrorism divisions? And which is gonna lead great into this show today is I'm gonna talk a lot about what is going on in Washington, d C. Because I feel like a lot of people are doing great work and pointing out the things that are happening and what people are doing, but they're not quite putting the picture together from an investigative standpoint. And that's what I'm gonna strive to do today throughout the day is help you see the reality that there's a whether you want to call it a subversive group, the deep state, or as I'm seeing it now, a criminal enterprise not any different than the mob. When they roll into a location and own that location. And we're gonna discuss that a little bit, and I'm gonna give a not a call to arms. I don't want to use that word because people will go crazy if I say that, but I want to call the American citizen reout and what I want you to focus on here as I start this show, and again, let me give you the calling number eight hundred nine four one seven three to six. That's eight hundred nine f one seaun. I want to hear your thoughts on this throughout the show. The American people need to realize. And I say this all the time on my show The Experts, which is aired eight pm Eastern Standard Time every night on Facebook, Live, Twitter, and YouTube by simulcast at all. I can't yell at anybody like oh the guy from MSNBC, because I do all the stuff. I produce it, I do the tech stuff. So but here's what I talk about, and people are responding to this. I don't care anymore if you're liberal or conservative. You need to stop thinking to yourself as all left or alt right or a leftist. If you're if you identify with that, this this conversation is not for you, if you're conservative or if you're liberal, this is what you need to realize. We need what's effective in this country. We when we have a problem, we just need to have that problem fixed. Like I talked about before on this show and on my show, if you have a lightbulb that needs to be changed, well, what do you do? You figure out the best way to fix that light bulb. If it's if it's the ceilings twenty ft high, some people will grab a um a tall ladder. Some people will grab a stick it as a suction cup on the end of it, and they'll use that. So basically, what you need to do is, Jonathan, you should just let everybody know what's happening right now. You know, people are just coming into the studio and just doing stuff when you're talking about important things. How dare they? How dare he rip? Anyway? Listen, I can hand. We're here to help. Look, it's either this or when I'm home doing my show, my dog Rico, seventeen year old Jack Russell lays down next to me and relieves himself because he's mad during my show or during the last interview where he was coughing up along coughing. Thank goodness, you didn't come in and do that, Ethan, that would have been bad. So so um. But let me get back to this light bulb thing. So there's different ways to change the lightbulb, right, there's different ways. Both are effective. Whether you use a long stick that has a suction cup, or you use a ladder, or if you get a couple of buddies together and they pick you up, it doesn't matter is you're all effective ways. What the government does, and what these organized crime people do is they will to pad their pockets, do a study, they'll go get they'll they'll they'll put out a request for different contractors which they own a part of, to put in a bid to change this lightbulb. Eventually they'll they'll hire ten thousand people, pay them way too much so they can pick up the house, turn it while one person holds holds the bulb. That's the way the government thinks. Now you have to realize it's not just our government. This is all over the United States. It's all over the place where these globalist and communistic mindsets have set in and the people are just comfortable with this, and this is the best way to look at all this. Forget about the Democratic Party, forget about Republican Party, forget about who your most favorite politician is. Are they effective? Are the things that they come up with effective? Do they do things in a timely manner? Do they get things done when they need to be done. That's what you need to concentrate on. That's it. And if you do that, you will start to see who should be gone and who should stay. You'll start to look at different candidates when they come up there of who should serve and who should not serve. Now I'm gonna give you a perfect example. This is this guy is not an American citizen, he's not an American politician, but he's one of the biggest goofballs I've ever heard. I don't know how Canada chose to elect Trudeau, but I want to play a SoundBite for you of Trudeau talking about what a man is and why it's important for a man to be a feminist. Let me use this as the example of how you decide what's effective and what's not effective. Let's play that sound It is so important that we all understand that it's not only uh that men can be feminists, it's that men should be feminists as well, and I am proud of that. Being a feminist for me means recognizing that men and women should be, can be, must be equal, and secondly that we still have an awful lot of work to do. I am proud. I am proud to stand here during u N Week here in New York and advocate for he for She. He for She is a u N movement that I hope all of you go up and sign up for men standing up for women, men shutting down some of those negative conversations that we get in locker rooms in grow culture. We need to know that we are better than that. How we treat our sisters, our girlfriends, our cousins, our mothers, uh and the world around us matters. We need to take back what it is to be a man, and that means being open, compassionate, respectful, and brave about standing up for it. We'd like to send this special dedication out to Trudel. What do you think, Jonathan, no more bro code? Evidently he said get rid of that bro code. This is not okay. Yeah, well, I'd like to see Justin Trudeau listen. I'm trying to be politically correctness because there are three ways to Sunday. I could go off the deep end in this whole thing. First of all, I wasn't if I just heard that. I wasn't even sure if that was a man talking to be honest with you, Um, he could take the what was it he for she? I couldn't tell if it was. He's a man who understands what it's like to be a woman. Yeah, I guess. So there's really not a lot more to say about that, I guess. But here's the point when all this where we just skewed off to the left. Here, this is the thing justin Trudeau is more concerned with this. Listen, in Canada, you can actually go to jail for saying offensive things. Right. Well, he's more concerned with fairness than effectiveness. It's obvious because if he realized, well he does realize because he's a communist, If he if he was truthful as to what he was saying, is he wants to bring up the feminist issue, which is a communist group. Don't kid yourself, women, if you're out there and saying you're a feminist, listen, you are either powerful or you're looking for an excuse for somebody to help you along. Jumping on the bandwagon with these people is not gonna help you be effective. It's not gonna help you be empowered. And Justin Trudeau, like all these other people, like Hillary Clinton, like the rest of them, what they're doing is they're looking for ways to divide the people. There is nothing in that statement that he said describing what makes a man that truly defines who a man is. Listen, I said this on my show earlier this week, and a lot of people gave me good feedback about it. And I'm gonna be honest with you. If I die today on my scooter riding back home, I hate saying that. If I died today, I'm okay. I've lived a life of service. I treat women with respect. I stand next to women if they need to help, I will step in front of them if I need to defend them. But I don't put any any woman down. I don't. I listen, I hold Hillary Clinton to the same standard of stupidity as I would hold them in. I'm just chilling in cedar rapids. So you know, being a man has to do with creating a legacy. It really has the same thing to do with being a woman. Living your life to the fullest, being your best. Don't let people get in your way if they want to hold you down. If somebody comes up against you because of the color, your skinner, your sexuality, your gender, step around that person and keep succeeding. Be old a legacy so that if you die tomorrow, people will say, I learned a tremendous about that amount of from that person, and my life has changed because of them. That's how you prove that you're a man. I think that's enough said. I wish we could go back an your race that few minutes when we played Justin Trudeau or whoever she was, it was talking, So back up, you creep. Oh gosh, listen. This is probably the most unusual start to a Sean Hannity radio show ever, But I'm okay with that. I think unconventionally outside the box. If you're driving down the road, this is just the beginning, folks. We're just getting started for the next three hours, So don't turn your radio off. If you're on your way home, go get you some Starbucks, pull in your driveway and just sit there for a while. If you're on New York City bus, hey, it's not costing you anything to just ride turn it up so other people can hear it listen. You can find me on Twitter Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. I also do show called The Experts every night at eight pm Eastern Standard Time on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And I have a book that's coming out in December twelve. You can pre order it now. It's called Sheep No More. The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. And guests who wrote the forward for this book, our good buddy Sean Hannity. It's endorsed by Marcus Atrell, the Lone Survivor. Preorder it now, more people get it, more people that order it, the more people are gonna see it, the more people are gonna order it, and the more empowered this nation will be. We'll be right back. This is Jonathan Gilham filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity and his whole crew back here on the Sean Hannity Radio Show and listen. I don't want you all to forget about this. Sean goes live on Fox News at nine pm on Monday, September twenty five. That's why I moved my show the Experts, which is on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to eight o'clock. Because I know I didn't want to be taking away from his audience, is me I'd be taken away from his audience? Yeah, So find me on Twitter Jake William Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam And check out also Sean's movie. Um it's called let Let There Be Light that's coming out October. And if you want to be a part of Let there Be Light, go to Let there Be the Light movie dot com. There's a contest Slash Contests and you can be a part of that as well. We'll talk a little bit more about that later. Now, eight three to six one, Sean is the number. Let's go. I want to go to Josephine in Florida, and I want to Josephine. You you're asking about Mueller. How can we get him out? Yes? Hi, Hi? How are you? I'm doing good? That's okay. You call me call me Sean any day. Precious dollars on a witch hunt, money that can be funded back to the states who have suffered catastrophes. In addition to him having a conflict of interest with Comy, I don't understand we have to remove him. How can we as American people stand together to get him removed from his position a special investigator? Well, listen, there is one person that can get rid of him, and that's the president. But the people need to make it known. Again, my opening statements tried to make this clear. I don't know, I got a little bit lost on a Justin Trudeau thing, but it's the American people have to start unifying and coming together. I preach about this all the time, and I'm what my goal is in this show today is by the time I leave that people will understand exactly what you're talking about about the reality of Mueller and uh Comey who was there before I worked under Mueller. Muller basically destroyed the FBI by turning it from a law and for from an agency into an intelligence agency, which you're gonna ask yourself, why would somebody do that when that is the that that is the pinnacle of law enforcement. But that's that's the way these politicians and these political appointees and these uh senior executives work. And I think you're exactly right that this is no more than just a witch hunt that is going to produce nothing. But I'm gonna show you throughout this show exactly what that witch hunt is and who was involved with that. So I'll talk more about this, Josie, But thank you for the call, and you keep asking those questions, UM and uh. Eventually, eventually somebody is going to answer that question for you. UM in Washington, d C. I hope God bless you and have a great, great weekend. I keep forgetting today's Friday. It seems like it's been Friday all week for some strange reason. So let me just talk for a second before we go to break u. UM. To all the people who travel for business out there, you know, it's a game of wins and losses. Having your hotel room away from the elevator. Listen, I've been there where the hotel room is right next to the elevator. It's constantly you're ringing. If you can get away from that, that's a win. Not having WiFi in your room, that's a loss. But your trip, your business trip. Buying that business trip at upside dot com, well that's that's just not just another win, it's a triple win. Number One Upside has absolute best available prices for flights hotels and rental cars. 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Now, coming up on the next uh thirty minutes fifteen to thirty minutes, I'm gonna have Scott you Linger, former CIA operations officer and station chief, and we're gonna be digging in to the exact problem that you're seeing in Washington, d C. And we're gonna start to put together an investigative picture for you. I'm Jonathan Gillhan. Come back to six. We'll be right back. Hannity uncovers the real truth about the politics of d C. He's your watch dog on Big Brother every day. Hannity is on right now. This is Jonathan gill I'm filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Uh, don't forget calling numbers eight hundred nine four one seven three to six eight nine one Sean, and you can find me on Twitter. J Gilliam Underscore Sealing on Facebook at Jonathan tique Ilium. And don't forget. As I've been saying, and I will continue to tell you about, is this book Sheep No More The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. Um Sean wrote the forward for this book. It's gonna be an incredible book. Everybody needs to order this now so that you get it on December twelve and you're fully prepared for any potential things that may happen over the Christmas holidays. Now, what I'm gonna talk about next with Scott you linger directly relates to this book because I used the tactics that I talked about in the book of Targeting yourself and building a target package. I just did it on the country. And you can clearly identify when you use the techniques in this book Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It's available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can preorder it right now. What is incredible, this is nobody's ever taught the American people how to target themselves. And so when you use the tactics that the bad guy and how they function and how they work, just it just pops right out when you divide everything up into sectors. So joining me now and speaking somebody who can speak to this type of targeting is my good buddy, Scott you Linger. He is a Navy veteran. He is a former uh C I a operations officer, and he was a Chief of Station. You can find him on Twitter at the station chief and uh I guess other than wearing a cape, he basically is Superman or I guess you're more like Roger Moore and Double O seven. I guess which one is it? I guess I was actually going to compare myself more to I'm robbing to your batman. But that's okay, thankfully, thanks for the compliment. No, no, no, yeah, the way I look at remember how uh double O seven whenever he goes certain places his European counterparts British counterpart pops up. That's kind of what we're like, you know, FBI. So I'm gonna throw this out to you, and I want you to just look at this with an open mind from an investigative mindset. I don't think people realize that the cia um you will your job is recruiting sources, running sources, but ultimately you're investigating. You're looking for the spider web and the details in the spiderweb, right, so exactly, So let me lay this out and you tell me if this appears to you as a organization, whether it's criminal organized or subversive organized uh enterprise, you let me know. So let's just start off with Paul Manafour and the lock picking brass knuckle tactics, where they go in they get a no knock warrant, a phis A warrant, which is a secret warrant from the FISA court, right, which means involved in this already the U. S. Attorney UM A probably a U. S. Attorney that is managing the case. But definitely you're gonna have the Attorney general involved in this at this level, So Attorney General U S. Attorney, You're gonna have a judge that sits on the FIS accord. You're gonna have um probably some high level UH FBI agents that are executives in the FBI. They're going to put hand pick people and carry out this type of an investigation because of its high level, UM UH people that are involved with it. Now with that group that you know where that you know the president is going to know about this leading up to not the election, but when the president UH President Trump was getting ready to take office. There were over two hundred and sixty unmaskings last year. A majority of those happened right before he took office, not before the election, right before he took office, which tells me they were moving as fast as possible before some of these political appointees would be gone. They utilized they utilized the Ambassador of the U N Samantha Power UM, which I don't know and maybe you can explain to the American people in a minute where she falls in the line of intelligence to be unmasking anyone, and then they go in. They lie to the American public, they lie to Congress. Uh and they say with Clapper, for instance, we're not looking at anything. We're not. There's no overhears there's not. They're lying. They go into Manifords an apartment I believe it was. It was a house or apartment. They get a right and they get a no knock warrant and they go in before you know, usually no not even a no knock warrants is between hours of six am and ten pm, so that that we don't disturb the public while they sleep. They go in, pick the lock, and then they go in and wake him up in his bedroom. Now, the only reason you would ever do that is if there was an imminent danger of loss of life, or if you thought national security secrets would immediately be destroyed so that you couldn't knock the door down and get to you in there before he destroys these things. We're talking about computers, we're talking about thumb draft, we're talking about paper. When I when I name, when I show how shady that is, which sounds to me like you was a violation of his constitutional rights. And when when I name all these different people in this chain of command, right, is it possible that these people are all working together, they know each other, they've been working together. This whole system is in place, and they're utilizing this system to take down the current president. There's no There's no question about it. John. I mean, you know I was involved in intelligence for an entire career, right, I retired from the CIA, and and you know, being in the Navy like you and you saw the FBI, and and we all basically as insiders, know this to be true. It's a fact. I mean, yeah, that that that dawn raid on Mantaport, he was already cooperating. So that in itself is why would they be doing that if he was a cooperative witness. So it's just psychological intimidation. And and you have to look at Yeah, let's look at the web that you put out there. You know you've got attorneys approving or you know, you get a judge approving FI side and stuff. Okay, who appointed that judge is one thing intelligence officer would immediately look at. You know, who appointed that judge and who does he owe fealty too? And the bottom line is this whole system was kind of set up by the president. And even if President Obama did not order these people to do these things, it's clear that he appointed the kind of people who would who would do this without prompting, simply to seek the favor of the big boss, you know, Samantha Power at the at the United Nations. Now that's a real red herring, but it makes sense if you want to. In other words, they're kind of out of the normal intelligence real so maybe by having her unmasked a lot of people it was it was done to kind of cover up the tracks because it was not done by the usual figure that would do an unmasking. So I had her do it to basically throw people off the trail exactly. So it looks really bad. I mean, this is really bad. And the more that President Trump, the moment that President Trump tweeted that he um that he was wire tapped and immediately the press went into a frenzy, I immediately knew that there was something to it. Because this is the other thing is that when a fool, if somebody is just being foolish and tweets out something foolish, it kind of falls flat on its own but if you tweet out something that stands to make other people into fools, it draws rage. And that's exactly what he did. He touched a nerve and that alone showed me that there is something there. But you know, we're always told, um, we're always told in the military and in law enforcement and intelligence work. You know, you you stay away from the media, and there's ramifications for what you do. You know, when you like, for instance, if you get a fisa UM that violates somebody's constitutional rights, you're gonna get in trouble. You're gonna probably go to jail for that. But nothing seems to be happening here. And so when I'm what I'm trying to show the American people, it's not just me. You know, I'm a trained investigator, but so are you, and you come from a different branch of the government, a different way of thinking. And for us experts in these fields, it stands out this group of people to where they're working systematically, and you know, this isn't the first time they've done this. I mean, look a look at the Ninth Circuit Yeah, look at the Ninth Circuit Court. Look at the judge in Hawaii. Look how these people systematically work together. Look how comy UH leaked information to cause a special prosecutor to come on. Then Mueller, his buddy, takes over. Uh. Sessions recuses himself as nowhere to be seen. I mean, the way this stuff works out, there's no other at the lower level. You would never have anything this clean that just works out perfectly. Never. That's that's right. There was there was an interesting angle. It's in the American Spectator today and the author pointed out it's pretty pretty good because it's kind of encapsulated. The way I was thinking is he's saying that, and it makes sense to me that this whole um in that the Muller investigation is really being done basically to to put out another fire. And that is, if they can somehow manufacture or come up with some garbage that somehow ties Trump to Russia, it will it will serve to perhaps justify these uncut in their own minds, these unconstitutional actions that they committed against the Trump administration. To sort of justify their activity, Well, I know we did this and we wire tapped and we shouldn't have, but it was in the name of national security. Then of course that's that's total garbage. But it shows you the way these people think. Well, wire tapping for national security purposes one thing, but unmasking people where they found. And I want people to understand what this unmasking thing is, right, It's important you say, um, they're all see this is what makes no sense about Mike Flynn. By the way, Mike Flynn worked in intelligence for the long time. He knows that there's these people are being listened to. And I would never have talked about this before, but it's all out in the open now. So these people are always being monitored, the ambassadors and the people that work for other countries, they're being monitored. So they go and request a meeting with Trump's people, or they say, we've got this information for Trump's people, and so they set up a meeting and they go there. What does that sound like? That sounds like they are being set up? Is what that sounds like? Exactly exactly because you can that and that is exactly what I suspected from the get go, because you can do these things against foreign nationals with very little effort. What you do is if you actually want to, for instance, target someone in the Trump administration, all you have to do is study their circle a little bit ascertain which people around them are foreign nationals, and then you just start monitoring all the foreign nationals conversations. Now you don't care about those foreign nationals per se, who they talked to, if they talked to some other foreign or you don't really care. You're really doing it to indirectly target an American. And I'm sure that they were doing these kinds of things. And that's another way. That's just they were skirting the law. They were circumventing the law by using the system against itself to basically, you know, reach political, attain them on political and that is so close to um entrapment. It is so my whole take. And this has been that they have sources the d n C and Obama had sources in the Russian UH and Russian government and they say, can you set this up and just say this, and then what do they do? Then they unmask these people even though they didn't do anything wrong, and they say they had a meeting with Russia and they they Russia said this, and this is how they responded. And and even though nobody broke any law except for them unmasking these people, Um, they can blow it up on the world stage and make this uh big lie get bigger and bigger, right because unmasking you know, when the people read, when Samantha Power is reading, her intelligent supports that somehow she has a great need to see, which is unusual in and of itself. You know, she's reading, she's seeing what what what what? The listeners understand what she's looking at. It she's looking at of course, you know secret of top seeking information that is seeing French the um the Chinese ambassador was in a discussion with and it won't say John Gilliam. It will say a prominent American radio personality, and it would have it would not have your name in it. And so what what you can do on unlimited situations is if you really need to know the actual identity of the person for some kind of clarity, you can say, Okay, I really need to know who this prominent American radio personality is, and then you can go through a process and get the name John Gilliam. But the problem is is that most of the time that is simply not necessary to understand, like to get the context of the intelligence. You're right, and so it's okay, sure thing, Yeah, I gotta run, but listen, UM one word Clapper. What do you think Clapper is already a proven liar? He likeed to Congress. Go. This is Shawn Andy Radio Show eight D nine four one, seven, three two six. Find me on Twitter. J Gilliam underscore Sealing on Facebook. Jonathan T. Guilliam. We'll be right back digging D D D D to expose how the government waste your money each and every day. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Uh. Donald Trump has accused you of trying to unmask the Americans on the other end of those conversations in an attempt to implicate the Trump campaign or people associated with Trump UH in in some kind of collusion with Russia. What is your reaction that as an extraordinary charge by the President of the United States, Well, for it, it's absolutely false. I've addressed this previously. I think now we've had subsequently members of Congress on the intelligence committees on both sides of the aisle, take a look at the the information that apparently was the basis for UH Chairman Nunas's concern and and say publicly that they didn't see anything that was unusual or untoward. I did my job, which was to protect the American people. UH, and I did it faithfully and with to the best of my ability, and never did I do anything UH that was untoward with respect to the intelligence I received. Doesn't it's ally say that the fact that Manafort was wire tap proves that the President was right to accuse the former president of wire tapping him and you were wrong. What's your response? Well, I again, I I stand on that statement that you just replayed, UH, and I cannot comment on the media reporting, which is all we have about uh A fis warrant UH allegedly lodged against U, Mr Manaford. I can't comment on that. I will simply reiterate what I said in March. UH, and I stand on that and that there is as far as Trump Tower being wire tapped according to the President. You're you say what I stand on what I said on the fifth of March when meet the press, as you just replayed it. So did did you know about a fight of warrant against Paul Manaford at the time? I did not, You did not, and I and again I have to say that what we have is media reporting only and actually UH commenting on you know, vices are classified and so uh, you know, even if I knew something about it, I couldn't and I don't, and I again, I will just conclude by saying I stand on what I said on the fifth of March. Is it possible the president was picked up in a conversation with Paul Manaford. Uh, It's it's certainly conceivable. Is likely. I can't say I wouldn't want to go there, but I will say it's it's, it's, it's it's possible. Folks, you were just listening to so many players from the whatever you wanna call it, the deep state. I call it an organized criminal enterprise or a subversive enterprise that exists in this country. I believe we have proof now when we look at this uh wire tapping, When we look at the the the no knock warrant where they picked the lock and went into Manaford's bedroom, When we look at the lies and the way the media has played a part, we can identify the potential not saying they are, but the potential that AFFI, as a court judge, may be involved in this, That a U. S. Attorney may be involved, at the attorney, the former Attorney General and other individuals like Rosenstein, Muller, Comy from the FBI Deputy directors. Um, all these people have worked so closely to other and and you can talk to any investigator. Nothing is this clean. Nothing is where I need evidence that somebody is doing something wrong. And then it just appears unless you're working a case that you're either trying to entrap somebody, which is illegal, or you're using a source to go out and and ask specific questions to see if somebody is guilty, which is different than having them go out and say I have evidence of something, do you want to see it? That's totally different. This sounds like entrapment, and it sounds like a group of people that have and still are working together. And before I bring out our next guest. Last watching last night on Tucker Carlson Show, we had um he or he had Rob Ryaner on there. Rob Branner says he's gonna he's gonna put together this panel to investigate, uh, this Russian thing. First of all, who is Rob Ryan Er to be investigating anything? First of all, right, meathead, stay meathead, You're you know nothing about investigations. How do I know that? Well? First of all, the very first person listed on your panel is James Clapper, the same liar that you just heard right there, talking out on one side of his mouth and then the other side of his mouth. It's just this stuff, folks, is so furiating because to an investigator, a trained investigator, it's obvious. But to the American people, when you're listening to communists like Don Lemon and Farrika Z, You're gonna see things completely different. It's called propaganda. Let's bring in Victoria Tuntsing and Joe did Geneva. I have to make sure I get those names correct. They're the founders of the Washington d C. Law firm Di Geneva and Huntsing Um. Great to have you all on here. I've heard a lot about you, and you have tremendous insight into this stuff that I've been describing here. Can you just tell the American people from your insight into WASHINGT d C that the potential for these people to collude in such a way actually exists because I think a lot of people just don't think it's possible. Well, it's it's only made able to exist because the press nurtures it. What business do they have going to Claphord to ask him if there's a visa or a Title three wire tap. He doesn't know squat about whether there are, so that heat can then take advantage of it and come out and say, well, to my knowledge, I don't know. And in that way, the Obama administration gets to make the actor the claim that there isn't one, because that's what the press wanted. You shouldn't go to the attorney general. That's who you ask a former attorney general if there's a visa or Title three you know, I'm I'm not. I'm gonna say more bothered. But the fact that a FISA judge could give a warrant, a no knock warrant where they can pick the lock, and they use an excuse that there may be national security evidence destroyed. So they go in, pick the lock, go in secretly as though they couldn't knock on the door, bust it down at six o'clock in the morning, and gather a computer before what's he gonna do? Flush that down the toilet. I mean, it's ridiculous when you think about that. Well, that's so criminal to me. Well, here's here's what we don't know about this. That warrant, which was executed at Paul Manifort's home in Virginia, appears to have not been a fi as a warrant. It appears to have been a criminal search warrant which was sought from a federal judge notifies a court judge because they were seizing criminal evidence pursuant to a grand jury. What we have here is a series of things, beginning in two thousand and fourteen with a FIES A tap wire tap on Paul Manafort. That wire tap went on for a number of months and eventually it ended with noth happening. In other words, there was no criminal referral, and whatever intelligence was obtained, it was sufficiently of no value that they were not allowed to continue it by the Fives Court. Then, in two thousand sixteen, another FIES and warrant is sought based on information concerning some Russians, and that FIES the warrants stayed in place and for all we know just ended recently. But it also led to the issuance of criminal search warrants which were done at his home. The bottom line in all of this is that it's pretty apparent that John clapp alide and that for some reason, he continues to want to make public statements about this instead of disappearing. Loretta Lynch is never going to appear on television. She couldn't withstand questioning about her role, especially her tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton. But the the entire part of this that becomes even more disturbing and more bothersome is to hear Trey Gaudy of the House Intelligence Committee say that he's listened to the testimony of Susan Rice and thinks that she acted appropriately. It is inconceivable to me that Susan Rice and Samantha Power and others acted appropriately given the number of unmasking requests that they made of Trump campaign and Trump campaign associates. I don't know what's happened to Trey Gaudy. I don't know why he said what he did, but his comments are bizarre and extremely disappointing and lead to the ultimate conclusion that most Republicans on Capitol Hill don't know how to conduct oversight, or they don't want to conduct oversight. I find the performance by Republicans on Capitol Hill to be utterly incompetent. You know what's interesting about this, um Joe, is that I've traveled all over the country talking to just normal people. They don't they're not attorneys, they don't work in Washington. See, they're not politicians. He's just normal people across this country that are fed up, and they are saying the exact same thing that you're saying. When Hillary Clinton sat in front of Congress and all these people him and hot, and nothing even close to became of it, it was just like them showboating in there. That really woke people up. And I think now what you're starting to see is that. And I hope this is the case that people are starting to realize, even people that hate Trump, that there is something going on within this whole DC realm uh that is so unconceivably evil is the only word I can use for it, because it's so I don't want to even say criminal, because it goes in sheer contrast to what our laws and our country of law stand for. It. I mean, when you let me just ask you, you ask you this, Victoria, the time that you've been there, is this something that has increased? Has it always been there? And is it blowing your mind? The way this has gotten depressive? Never been complicit? When you look back at ben Ghazi, the lowest learner in the I R S. You look back at all of these issues that if the Republican had been doing it, that would have they would have been out of office, and the press has ignored it. That's what That's what frightens me. And then it goes along with what Joe has been Jake. Um, you know in the security I don't want to get too far off fields from our original subject, but in Benghazi, the security went from thirty eight people to guard the ambassador to nine when he went to Benghazi. I beg that committee got East Committee to to ask that question, and they would not do it. I have no idea what is wrong with the Republicans being as bad as the press, Isn't it Isn't it strange? We got a minute and then we're gonna go to break, But I'd like to hold you all over because I think I think the people need to hear from you. A look, if you don't mind staying a hole for a minute, Um, We're gonna come back and I'm gonna ask you because I think you're making a great, invalid point, and it goes to the fact that Republicans are conservatives. In this country are disconnected from the Republican establishment and they can't figure it out either. So I'll tell you what. Let's let's take a break real quick. Victoria Tuntsing and Joe did Geneva from the Washington d C. Law firm to Geneva and Untsing, and we'll be right back. You can call in eight seven three to six eight nine f one Seawan and you can find me on Twitter at Jake William Underscore Seal and on Facebook Jonathan T. Gilliam. Just let me remind you. I've got a book that's coming out in December twelve. It's available right now for pre order called Sheep No More The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. Sean wrote the forward. It's endorsed by Marcus Latrell, The Lone Survival. Go get it right now, order it, and on December twelfth, you will be empowered. We'll be right back. Ah, I'm still on let's see here. I am not used to these libraries, So here we go, folks. I want you to know and I want you to remind you. See. I do a show every night eight pm. I moved it from nine to eight because Sean is now going live at nine on Monday's as of September. And he's also got a show, uh that's coming out or a movie. Excuse me, it's coming out October of this year. And if you want to be a part of it, there's a contest going on. It's called let There Be Light uh dot com slash Forward slash contest and you can be a part of that. So he's moving to nine pm on Monday's on Fox News. That's uh, Monday, September, and uh, the movie comes out October. We got through that, all right. Now let's get back to my specialty investigating Obviously libraries is not my specialty. So bringing back with our guest Victoria Tunsing and Joe de Geneva UM. As we were talking before we went, you were talking about the UM being Ghazi hearing and how they just uh didn't solve anything, and also you were wanting them to ask certain questions of why the security was was backed down in that UM and I was saying that the American people are seeing the same thing. Here's the question though, that I have for you, and I didn't feel like I got the right answer to this. You guys have been around there for a long time, the American people are wanting to know, is this getting worse or is it just that the people that can cause these issues are now in power? So it was getting worse, I'm sure, Joe. Joe agrees. I've never seen it so bad as it was during the Obama administration. Even during the Clinton administration. UM, the press at least was covering Monica Lewinsky, right right, Yeah, Well, I don't think there's any doubt that the American press no longer served the purpose which was intended for it under the First Amendment. They no longer are objective, They're no longer neutral. They are anti Trump, their anti Republican Party, and they are anti conservative. They are ideological in nature. They have abandoned all pretense of objectivity, and the American people now are understandably and justifiably turning to alternative sources of information. And it shows in the ratings in the failing newspapers and in the ability of people to get information from elsewhere. UM. I think it's pretty pretty frightening that you can have a criminal enterprise got optioning in the White House for eight years under Barack Obama. I gotta go, Joe, I gotta go. Listen, Victoria Tunsing and Joe did Geneva. I thank you, Sorry, I have to cut you off. We just have to go to Heartbreak. We'll be right back nine four, one, seven, three to six. Call and let me know what you think. And find me on Twitter at Jake Gilliam Underscore Seal. Will be right back. The one thing you can always count on, John Hannity is back on the radio. Not today though, this John and the Guil. I'm filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. Don't Forget. Seawan goes live at nine pm Eastern Standard Time on Monday September on Fox News. So he's moving from ten over to nine. Loria Ingram's taking over the ten o'clock slot, and I know that's gonna make a lot of people happy that we're staying up late to watch Sean show. Um. Also, you can find me on Twitter Jay William Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. And don't forget. I'm gonna keep bringing this up because as we talk about this stuff today, if you pre order my book, it comes out December twelve. It's called Cheap No More the art of awareness and attack survival. And what it's gonna help you do is learn how to build target packages on yourself from an attacker's point of view, so that you can turn around and secure every sector of your life. Now, as I was talking about earlier today, UM, I have used this technique when I was in the FBI and the Seal teams to do target packages on an enemy, but also you can do it from the attacker's point of view on yourself. I looked at this country the same way. Who would want to subvert this country? Why would they want to do this? And we've been having a real problem in washingt d C. As we've been talking about this whole show. Joining me now, it's somebody that's stepped into that uh and has since stepped back out, uh. Dr Sebastian Gorka. And first of all, I think this is the first time that we've talked since you, um uh left the White House. I want to thank you for your service and UH and I know that UM it must just be crazy existing up there when you're an effective thinker, uh A very interestingly putting it. Thank you, it's pretty crazy when you want to get stuff done and you realize how deep and how white the swamp is. So you know, people think the swamp is Congress and Capitol Hill. The swamp is as much the bureaucracy as it is the politicians uh in Congress. So yeah, it's uh, if you want to do stuff, if you want to serve the nation and promote the message of novamba, they h right now, it's easy to do that outside of the White House. And that's why both Steve found myself resigned a month ago. Yeah, well, god speed. If there's anything I can ever do, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Um. Well, my listeners love you and and we thank you for all that you're doing. And now, uh, it appears that you and Sarah Palin are stumping uh for Judge Roy Moore in Montgomery, Alabama. And this is what's interesting about this. That is not President Trump's choice. So you know that the media is gonna be all over that it's not his official choice. Okay, let's just put it at that. The Judge Roy Moore, I was, I was down at the Randy talking for for him with the governor yesterday. He is pure magga. He is America first. He's making America great again. A guy who stood up for the truth, stood up for faith God in the American way, and he's running against this person, Luther Strange, who's quintessential swamp creature. He's a lobbyist, he was appointed to Congress, who was appointed to the Senate by a corrupt governor who had to leave office. You know, he is the he is. You know, all you need to know is to get what the President said about him, because you know he's been given bad advice. But but Luther Strange has the endorsement of Miss McConnell, and that's all you need to know why he shouldn't be the person we vote for. Was Is it disheartening for you are when you see the President um backing him the McConnell's choice, or is it Um? Do you understand that deals have to be made? No, it's not. It's not disheartening at all, because I you know, I know what the President's all about and how he's committed to his agenda. It's it's just proof that we need to support him from the outside. We need to give him as much ammunition as possible. We need to support people who really understand what happened on November the eight, as opposed to people who just want business as usual. So no, it's it's it's just, you know, it's one more piece of evidence that we have to keep finding a good fight because, as Steve Bannon said at the Sea Pack meeting, if you think, if you think the administrative state and the swamp dwellers are going to give up their hold their stranglehold on power easily, then you are very much mistaken. So this is going to be a fight. Now. Let me let me just change the subject just a little bit here, because you've recently left that area and you, um, was that your first experience ever been in that swamp? Well, I spent six years as a professor of irregular Warfare at the Defense Department at the National Defense University. But but that was, you know, that was very different. Yeah, it was that. It's my first experience at you know, the highest level of American politics, um and and surrounded by swamp creatures. Yeah. What was your the biggest takeaway that the American people, because I think American people want to hear from you on this what what's your biggest takeaway from there that Americans can do and what Americans should know about the way that this stuff works. Okay, So so two things. Number one, the presidents that were going to give up, So whatever happens on the short term, the number of bad guys surrounding the president in the White House is a temporary state of assay. If I said that in my resignation letter, we will be back, or people who share the presidents that it looks like we're losing doctor doctor gorkyld start again. It looks like we lost you there for a second. So so yeah, fighter, yeah, we got you now sort of, I'll tell you what. Let's call him back and see if we can get a better signal and uh, and then let me just carry on with this for a second while we try to get Dr Gorka back on here. The reason I'm asking him this is that, first of all, Dr Gorka is as far from a politician as somebody could possibly be. Hopefully we'll getting back on the phone because I really want to hear this answer. But it's a I think it's important for the American people to hear almost from somebody who just left washingtd C, just like if I was interviewing somebody who had just been in a terrorist attack or somebody who just as saw a bank robber. To get the real evidence, to get the real eyewitness accounts of what happened, and so we got Dr Gorka back online. So doctors, I was just saying there. The reason why it's important for me to ask you these questions is that it's you're fresh out there. It's like something who just walked out of a bank after it was robbed, and I'm the FBI agent. I'm asking you questions. Tell me about this guy. What was he like? How did he what was his tactics? You know? What did the American people need to know that they don't know about how washing d C works well to the two biggest things that they should understand is everybody needs to calm down, count tenttic, a deep breath. Just because Steve and I left the building doesn't mean that the game is over. This is going to be an eight year presidency and then it's going to be eight years of President Pence. The President will not give up. He is a fighter and we will be back on track soon. It is a temporary state of affairs. Secondly, um is just to understand how deep the swamp is. As I said, It's not just politicians, it's not just sentences, and not just congressman. It is those officials, those gs twelve, those g s thirteen, bureaucrats who think they know better than the elected, duly elected president of the United States and who think that they can obstruct him. So it's it's gonna be a long, hard fight. When Steve Bannon said, you know, taking back the nation from from the swamp is is gonna be hard, he was absolutely right. See that's interesting because that was my experience. I've I've been around and talked to the staffers from Congress in the Hill, and you know, I got along with some of them really well actually, but many of them are snakes in the grass. And uh, the congressman or senators that they work for do little to nothing, and these people do the majority of the work. So they're the ones that are gaining power. Um, and I the other thing I can understand is, you know, I I made you in political science and psychology, but I never knew the power of the White House, not the presidency, the White House. And it seems like that whole bureaucracy in and around the White House is so deeply entrenched with swamp that it's I don't even know if the president realized this when he went in there. Yeah, look, you have to remember what happened on November the eight It's like the original Red Dawn movie, right. It was a scrappy band of insurgents. It was like the Wolverines at one against the sixteen GOP establishment candidate and a woman who had spent seven hundred million dollars thinking that the presidency was something she was owed. So you know, come come January twentieth, when we moved into the building, it was it was a hostile takeover. It was the largest leverage hostile taker take over in human history. Is a few dozen men and women who really believed in the agenda who moved into the White House to run a government of millions of employees, many of whom had entrenched interests and still do. So it's it's going to be a drag out, you know, ben knuckle fight, but we will win because the President is a force of nature. And when you watch the news, you knew this before you went in because you were you know, you've been a part of the media, but being up there and being a part of it, I know when I was in the FBI. I responded to a help copter in a plane crash off that hit each other off the uh right here in the Hudson River, and they pulled uh what was left of a human body and an arm out of the water. And a helicopter was recording this from far off, and they reported on the news that an adult and a baby had been pulled out of the water. So it's completely fabricated on what they thought. They saw no legal standard as to what they report. Having been there inside the White House, does your head just spin when you see some of this stuff. Look, my parents escaped the communist dictatorship. My father was liberated from a Communist political prison. So I thought I was duly cynical about the ways of the world. Let me tell you I had no idea. The last seven months in the White House have been a complete education in just how rotten Denmark is. If you get my drift, the idea that you could have. Mainstream media organs called Steve Manning a white supremacist whose best buddies and whose employees are Orthodox Jews, who mainstream media called the president of anti Semite, when his grandchildren are Orthodox Jews. It's reprehensible that, you know, the media has lost. It's not only financially bankrupt. In many cases, like the Washington Post, which has to be you know, funded by Jeff Bezos, they are morally bankrupt. So yes, that's why I say every day, God bless the president and his Twitter feed. I'm not gonna lie to you. When you said that, I looked up at Linda and chills just went through me. To have you, um a guy. It's always been a voice of reason in the media and some people really experienced say what you just said that you even didn't the reality of this is that's just it's it's it makes me feel a sense of evil that's in the in Washing d C. That is um, well really it's communism in a lot of ways, global is whatever you wanna call it, socialism. Um that these people have moved in there, and then I think there's just a lot of people that will just jump on whatever bandwagon they can to get power. No, but look, it is evil. Forget about the people who jump on the pylon. It is evil. And I had one journalist, one one low life journalist in the space of four months, right forty five hit pieces against just me. In the space of the last few months, they've attacked my dead mother's reputation, They've attacked my wife, they've attacked my teenage son, and and and and critiqued his high school projects to use them as a political tool against me. These people don't deserve to be called journalists. Their political hacks. But the bottom line is it's fine because they're not torturing me like my father was during communism, and they're not shooting at me like you were shot at So bring it on its words. We will win. Well, I'll stand with you, my friend. I'll stand with you in this, and so will American people. God and God bless you. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for us. Dr Sebastian Gorka, thank you, my friend. No mentioning. God bless you. On the listeners, you got it. This is Jonathan gill I'm filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. You can call in eight hundred nine four one seven three to six nine one, Sean, don't forget. Find me on Twitter Jake Guilliam Underscore Seal, and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam and go to order my book Sheet No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It's available on Amazon right now, go get it. This is Jonathan gill And filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. 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And this guy is a member of Antifa, and not just like a covert member a pronouncy. He just professes his Antifa membership all the time, would challenge people in class. And you're telling me that the that the president of John J. Didn't know this. Let's look at Harvard for a second. Harvard reaches out the Kennedy School. Harvard reaches out to old Chelsea Manning a K. Bradley Manning asked him to come and be a visiting fellow. Are you kidding me? What is going on with these administrators in the universities? Well, I'll tell you what. Troy Warden from Campus Reform dot org and correspondent and senior at Berkeley and R C. Maxwell A K. Black Hannity on Twitter. We'll be here to talk about this in just a second. I can't wait to hear. This is gonna be good because this, my friends, is a problem not just now, but for the future. We'll be right back. This is how that's president. Yea. This is Jonathan gill And filling in for Shawan Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show. Hope you guys have a great weekend. As soon as we get off here, because your weekend doesn't start until this show is over with. You will sit there this in order. You will sit there and listen for the rest of the show because you're gonna learn something. Okay, folk, and this is very important if you're a college student, or if you are sending some kids off to college, or if you're just worried about the future of this country. Um, I'm starting to see more and more issues like this guy, Michael Isaacson. Uh, you might have saw him on He was interviewed a couple of times on Fox I think by Tucker Carlson and Kennedy. And he's a an ANTIFA member and also was a adjunct professor at John J School. Get this John J School of Criminal Justice, where they had to have known that he was part of antifa, um because he professed it all the time in class and would challenge people who were Trump supporters for instance. So, UM, you know, when we're setting up this show and and thinking about who to bring on to talk, I've talked a lot about ANTIFU in the past. Um. What I want to show is the absurdity of these universities and bringing these people in, and what it shows to me is that they are culpable. They're either a part of the mindset that these people hold or um, they're completely incompetent in their jobs. And I would have to think it was the first thing I said, that they're culpable of being a part of this. Um r C. Maxwell was has been on this show before and he was punched. I wanted to reach out to get somebody who was up close and personal with the reality of who these antiphone members are. This was who was teaching at John J College, teaching the students there future cops, saying in a Twitter rant that UH cops should be killed. Um r C was punched by one of these individuals in Laguna Beach, California, during a Trump Was it a Trump rally? Um r C. It was a conservative rally, Trump rally style. It was technically for victims of a legal emigration, so it had those overtones of what President Trump's agenda was. Yeah, did you sustain much of an injury from this? I mean was it a snowflake snap slap or is it like they're known for too, you know, where they had something you know they hit you with or something. He tried his best, you know, he laid into me with a punch and stuff like that, but you know, I took it like a chance and I wasking the next day. So, um, it definitely a snowflake punch, but um, you know, these people were definitely out for blood. And they're still characterized as counter protesters and peaceful in the media, including including by guys like Isaacson. And you know, the Department of Justice has already filed inquiries into dream Post for for hosting some of their online activities. We know police agencies have have mentioned them publicly. So you know, anyone's outing them should definitely not be in charge of an academic area, let alone with the John J. School, Right, And so that's where last week I might show the experts, which you can uh tune in. I'd love to have you on that show anytime you want to be on there. It's eight pm Eastern Standard time on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube simulcast on all of them. But I was talking about how um I believe that the that the president of John J College should resign. She should resign for employing somebody who said that cops should be dead and who's part of a communist, subversive, violent group that preaches terrorism. Now, I think that's one legitimate And you know, leftists are already trying to say that we're somehow contradicting ourselves when it comes to free speech. You know, we're definitely free speech advocates, but you know, when you say things publicly, it doesn't mean that you don't have consequences for them. So you know, if you were to be terminated or there were to be action taken against these individuals, it wouldn't be a strike against free speech. It would specifically be a strike against individuals who condone violence in the political arena. We've had people uh shot Uh. You know the steep schoose with shots as a result of inciting violence. Um So you know it's death really taking a turn for the worst, and you know, uh, you should hold leaders accountable. Um So they want Trump to go farther disavowing violence. You know, the John Day School can definitely take a step to savowing violence by by letting some folks go. So, I got two questions for you here. Both of them have to do with color your skin. First of all, you call yourself the black Hannity. Where did that come from? I gotta know the story Black Kennedy came from. You know the fact that you know, I've been known as a conservative, and you know, to do so in California, where I grew up and went to school is definitely something that is you know, an odd too, folks. So Um, you know, I definitely defended Hennedy so much, especially when they've tried to come after his advertisers unsuccessfully. So that's when I decided to become Black Kennedy, because you know, I did a lot of work to defend him there on Twitter. I love it. Uh and uh, hopefully they'll be a black guil him out there somewhere. Actually there is. John Gilham was a football player and a professional football player. I know some folks who might be a rescuing being a black killer. Well, we'll talk about now the fact. Let's just talk about this for a second as well. The fact is when you got punched, what how? What was the media's response. The media's response was fair when it comes to all media and conservative media. You know, I think Mike Sernvich did a lot to popularize the incident, um, which led to you obviously, uh, you know, folks from Fox reaching out and uh, you know, real real politics and stuff like that. But you know, the Walkington Post did do a pretty fair article. But I've yet to see anything from CNN, yet to see anything from MSNBC. And they are the folks who have been defending Antifa to the end of the Earth and including people like Tarit Machi, who um, you know, consistently inside violence and supports these kind of hate groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. So um, nothing from CNN and I'm not soft well not neither of my ab was a contributor there for a year, and it was only on there for four months because they realized this guy tells the truth and not our narrative, and so quickly, um, they they shelved me, which was fine with me. They paid me for the rest of the year. I was able to finish my book and you know, do all this stuff. Thank you to to see ann paycheck. Um. And quite frankly, I don't. I just could not be associated with him because the further the um, the further that the election process went, uh this is in two thousand and fifteen into two thousand and sixteen, it just got worse and worse, just uh uglier and more communistic in the way that they talk and supportive of all these things. But let me bring in real quick Troy Warden, he has from Campus Reform dot Org, is a correspondent and senior at Berkeley. Heaven help you, my friend, Um, do you run from building to building or is it not quite that bad yet there in Berkeley. Thank you so much for having me on UM. Yeah, it's gotten to the point now where I do have to look over my shoulder UM campus Reform. As numerous articles about this. My girlfriend was almost attacked, beaten with UH, with lead pipes by by groups of so called anti fascists who didn't like the fact that she had certain political views. It's gotten to a point now where we're afraid. We're always looking over our shoulder whenever we walk around campus. The students don't like us, The faculty you definitely don't give us a kind of support we need, and that the administration doesn't either. So it's basically a free for all at this point. You never know what's going to happen UM, classroom, class or day to day. Well, so here's what I want to give you some ad. People are gonna think IM plugging my book right now, but I'm not. UH. I have a book that I wrote that's coming out in December, UM, and it talks about building target packages on yourself. Just know this, both of you guys and anybody that's listening to this. It's in this predicament UM from what these two gentlemen are telling us. Uh, In as far as campus life goes, this stuff is there and they're violent, So you need to do yourself a favor and UH and look at the different sectors of your life and you can kind of determine the direction that these people were come from. What are your vulnerabilities you've got to be at this building at this certain time, how can you mitigate that threat? And what are your critical times and critical areas, And you can really look and see how these people work, because UM, they definitely have UM shown their colors, and in Berkeley, especially when you have a mayor that subscribes to by all means necessary Facebook page and belongs to them UM and the the chief of police at Berkeley. UM, your your protection is not going to come from politics or the police there, that's for sure. Yeah. You know, it's gotten to a point where we've had to partner with the Young America's Foundation and sue for our First Amendment rights because it's this issue is related to our personal safety, but it's also related to um our First minute right or ability to express our views on campus. Every day students who at Berkeley get a liberal point of view not just from speakers on campus, but from their very own professors. They never hear a conservative point of view, so they're very when they have to hear it. And some people don't like that and they want to use violence to shut it down. So you know, we're hoping that our lawsuit moves forward. We have our first hearing coming up soon. I just want to say that the university pretends that they have won the issue of free speech because they actually allowed the police to do their job and protect Ben Shapiro when he came to campus not too long ago. But I just want to say they haven't won UM and they have definitely not one in the court of public opinion. We will not stop fighting until all students, not just conservatives, but all students have the right to speak here. It's gotten so bad that leftists such as Richard Dawkins and Bill Maher can't speak at Berkeley without being disinvited or heckled the entire time. Interesting. Interesting, So let me ask you as this, I got about a minute left. UM, I just real quick, I'll give you about fifteen seconds each. Uh, what would you suggest that the American people do uh to get on board to UM in order to see the reality what's happening go ahead. I would say that folks just need to pay attention. Uh. The thing is, you've got to read through the lines nowadays when it comes to the media. So the otus is really on the American public to make sure that they are reading these organizations for what they are um and that they, you know, look beyond the media and really play take close attention this weekend to Berkeley. I'll have to agree with that advice. I'd also recommend if you're dissatisfied with the status quo, if you're just satisfied with police forces or administrators, call them up because guess what, these people listen when you tell them you're not going to don it anymore, when you're going to protest their events, when you're going to speak out against the status quo. So don't ever underestimate the power you have. Just pick up the phone and let people know how you feel. You got it. Troy Warden, Campus Reform dot Org correspondent and senior at Berkeley Heaven help you, my friend and R C Maxwell a k the Black handity on Twitter. Thank you guys for all that you do. You're the future, You're the right future. This is Sean Hannity Radio Show one seven, three to six. We'll be right back making America first, safe and great again. This is the Sean Hannity Show. For those of you that forgot who I am as I'm reading that, I'm Jonathan Gillham, former Navy seal federat or Marshall Security contractor, an FBI special agent. And the call in number is eight seven three to six. You're asking, how the heck did this guy with all this tactical experience get into radio. Well, it's a long story. I can thank my good friend Katherine Harritge forgetting me in this, and then Sean Hannity and David Webb and some other people Linda back here in the production booth for further me along and mentoring me as I as I came into the me to you uh system. I'm so sorry. Yeah. Evidently there's probably I'm getting some tweets today that they're like, let your guests speak more. Oh please, you You've done great. Well. I try, But I'm I'm from the South. Listen. This is what people need to realize. I'm from the South. We talk a lot, okay, and we mispronounced people's names constantly. But I want to take a phone call real quick. That's my disclaimer. I always say that when I hosted, I I just butcher people's names. Um, let's go. Let's go to Brian in Morris, Oklahoma, who says that there's a civil war within our government, our own government. Go ahead, Brian, Hey Johnson, how are you doing. I'm doing good, my friend, how are you? I'm doing well. First of all, thank you for taking my call, and thank you for your service to our country. Got it? And yeah, I kind of want to reaffirm everything that you've been saying. When you started out your program today. You were talking about it doesn't matter whether you're liberal, Democrat, republic Um, none of that matters. What what really matters is that we have a government that's supposed to be for the people, by the people. And I want to point out the latter half of our Pledge of Allegiance, which says one Dation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. But as an American citizen and I listened to these programs and I'm watching um fake news media, what I see is the most heinous political civil war. But I've ever witnessed. I'm only thirty seven years old, but to me, it seems like on a daily basis, it's just getting worse and worse, and it's trickling down into our society. We're beginning to see our own citizens just go at each other's throats. And how can we expect anything less when that's exactly what our leadership is doing. Yeah, but let me just say this, I don't disagree with anything you're saying there, but I think personally, um, having you know, worked in investigations, seeing how these criminal enterprises work, I think it's less of a civil war going on in between the two parties up there and more of um there. There's definitely an ideological war being waged on the constitution and on our government, and that's by people in the Democratic Party who are communists. There's no doubt in my mind that that exists. But also, uh there is. There's two competing criminal enterprises there, uh ran by these establishment members. I talked to Michael Reagan on Newsmax about a week ago, and he said that if the country turned communists, it would only take the Republicans about a week longer than the Democrats in Washington. D c to fault to communism, and that's absolutely terrifying when you think about it. Listen, thank you Brian for the call. We'll talk more about this coming back eight nine four one, seven, three to six, and you can find me on Twitter, Jay Gilliam Underscore Sealing on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam and go to Amazon right now get my book sheet No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. We'll be back. Stay in touch with a handity Fateful joined the message board at Hannity dot com. If we're honest with ourselves, that is artists. I think we have to be honest with ourselves. We know the biggest TV star of the last year is Donald Trump. Yeah, no, I mean I like it. He's the biggest star, you know. And Alec Baldwin obviously, you know, you guys are neck and neck, and Alec you're up against a lot of neck. And however you feel about the president, and you do feel about the President, you can't deny that every show was influenced by Donald Trump in some way, all the late night shows, obviously House of Cards, the new season of American Horror Story, and of course next year's Latin Grammy's hosted by Sheriff Joe R. Pio Moe Collie. And we all know the Emmy's mean a lot of Donald Trump because he was nominated multiple times for Celebrity Apprentice, but he never won. Why didn't you give him an Emmy? I'll tell you this. If he had one, an Emmy, I bet he wouldn't have run for president. So in away, this is all your faults. Wh what I thought you people loved morally compromised anti heroes. You like Walter White, He's just Walter much wider. And even during the campaign, Trump would not let it go. This actually happened. This exchange actually happened in the debates. There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row, and he started tweeting that the Emmy's were rigged and this, But he didn't because unlike the presidency, emmy has got to the winner of the popular votes. Whare where do I find the courage to tell that joke? In this room? Funny? Um, I don't remember being funny stopping Stephen Colbert from having his own show that he says it's a comedy show, so um, listen that that nonsense right there. Uh, let me just tell you first off, when it comes to Alec Baldwin, those you don't know, maybe you just tuned in. This is Jonathan Gilman filling in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawn Hannity Radio Show, calling numbers eight hundred nine one seven, three to six. Sean, I don't know if you remember. I don't remember how how many years ago it was. Corey Little was a picture for the Yankees. He was flying a plane with a with an instructor and he crashed into a building on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. You know, I was one of the first FBI agents there when that happened. Um, Alec Baldwin lived either in that building or building next to it, and we wouldn't let him. Wasn't me. I was just staying there, but they wouldn't let him pass the police line. And Uh, this guy through a fit like some kind of psychopath. You know. You see, that's the reality of who these people are. Before you put people on a pedestal, I don't care if they're politicians or celebrities. I don't care if they're funny. Um, you need to look at who the people really are and what they do for a living. They do nothing. They sit in front of a TV and they entertain people, no different than court gestures a thousand years ago used to do the same thing. If they weren't funny, they got killed. That's about how much meaning their careers have. Once you write about that media that I said that, um Bree Peyton, I'm gonna bring Do we have Bree or she on right now? Okay? Um Bree Peyton is a millennial and pop culture writer at The Federalist. I love that. I wish I could say I'm a millennial, but I'm not. I don't know what I am. I was born in sixty nine. I don't know what that makes me. But anywhow, we don't have to figure that out now. It's not so you wanted to discuss. I'm in talking about these Hollywood elitists and how they relate to uh, the same mindset that is at the top of the universities, that is on the left in in uh in politics, not really the left so much. In politics there's no really left and right as much as there's just um establishment in Washing d C. Now, but um, you paid close attention to these millennials or excuse me, to the pop culture, Um, how are the millennials seeing this? Yeah, I caught a little bit of what you said a minute ago before I came on about the ministrle that people in culture play UM and how it's not very important, and I'm gonna have to push back with you a little bit. I think that, as Andrew Breitbart once said many times, he said that politics is downstream of culture. And I think a lot of friends what we did see on the stage at the Any Awards UM on Sunday night, I think that you know what we're seeing on our TVs, what we're seeing on stages that big awards ceremonies like that, I think it's going to reflect itself in the ballot box at a later time. And I think you are right that it is definitely important to influence and have a discussion about the events that do go on at awards shows and on TV UM and that we hear on the radio and shows like this one, as I think that they do have a ripple effect on the ballot box. Later. That being said, I think it's very clear that decades and decades of Hollywood liberals smugness, UM, you know, pushed a lot of people into voting for Donald Trump. I mean a lot of the polling coming out of the election showed that voters who did vote for him, they casted a vote for him not because they were enthusiastic about his policy ideas necessarily, although definitely a large faction of them were, um, but some of them just voted for him because they didn't like Hillary Clinton and they were sick of being told to, you know, sit down and shut up and do every single thing that Hollywood liberal elite told them. So I definitely think that what we're seeing now and the difference between what we're seeing on stage at a work shows at the Emmy's and what we're seeing reflected in the ballot box. Um, I think the discrepancy there makes perfect sense when you think about it in context. Right, we're seeing, uh an electoral backlash against a lot of these smug attitudes and smug behaviors and honestly on funny jokes slamming people and the president who was duly elected. But okay, so going along with what you said there at the beginning that where, um, how did you say that? Brett Bart said that UH politics is downstream from culture, right, which is why we have to talk about it. I don't and I don't. I don't disagree with you at all. What I think though, that, of course he said that before the two thousand sixteen election process, which has changed a lot of stuff because these people, um, they don't hide themselves anymore and they say the most ridiculous things that could ever be said. But what what I want to know from you though, how is this affecting the the millennials and generation as Z that's coming up now, that's the next generation. Um, do they see this or are they just um meme oriented. They whatever news they catch, they just take it as gospel. Are they smarter than this or is this a real problem? Yeah? I think, you know, millennials on generations are definitely a lot more skeptical of information that they are given than previous generations. I don't think that, you know, just wholly accepting the dogmas emblematic of my or younger generations at all. Uh. And I think that we my opinion, my you know, prophecy, if I had a crystal ball, I think that in the future we're going to continue to see ripple effects and backlashes among young, younger voters against the establishment. And I mean we did see that, UM, in regard to an overwhelming number of millennials like Bernie standards and a lot of the ideas that he supported. Now, obviously you and I disagree that single pair healthcare system is effective at all or many of the other policy proposals that he harped up on the campaign trail. You and I would say that, you know, those are totally ineffectual for our country. UM, But I do think that they are overwhelming supports him over Hillary Clinton. Uh. Indicates that you know, they aren't about the the status quo. They aren't about the status quo candidate. Um. They are wanting to push full word and talk about new ideas and things that haven't been done before. Yeah. See that part about it specifically bothers me about Bernie Sanders because they have to. And this is where I hope that young people start to do this. They have to seek out truth from experience people. If they don't have the experience, and I always say this, wisdom is made up of of knowledge, understanding, and experience, and if you don't have any of those three, you need to seek those out before you take something as the gospel. Yeah, I definitely agree with you, and I mean, as Margaret Thatcher once said, the facts of life are conservative. And this is a phenomenon that we see played out over and over in time and time again that voters as they get older, they tend to be more conservative, um, as time goes on. And I definitely do think that experience plays a role. And there was a recent UH hole that was just issued UM a few days ago talking about how high schoolers UH experienced fewer life phenomenon, you know, rights of passage kind of things. When by the time they graduate, fewer and fewer high schoolers are deciding to get their driver's license, UM, few or have actually ever driven a car, Fewer have taken their first drink of alcohol, or dated someone for the first time. UM. A lot of these milestones that we would consider right this passage, UH, Younger people are just kind of delaying those more and more. This is a phenomenon that's been going on for the past decade, and I do think is reflected in a lot of the backlash against free speech, against free expression that we are on college campuses. I think, quite frankly, and I mean when I talk about this. I'm inditing myself also in this right. I think that many individuals my age grew up rather coddled by their helicopter appearance. And I think that they, you know, participated fewer and fewer of these high of these milestones while they're in high school, and then when they get to the college campus, whenever they hear an idea, they don't, like, you know, they can even handle it. So I definitely think that we do need to have a conversation about what it needs to grow up and what that should look like, uh, and what light behavior in a free governing society looks like. You know. I think what you're saying is something that young people need to hear. UM. I think that uh, or I know that what if I'm gonna talk about when I come back from the break about um learning to listen rather than showing up to speak. And I think that is something all young people, especially go getters, having to have a problem with. I had a problem with. They just want to say everything that I could. But I think that if if young people can get this and they can realize that, UM, I need to listen and I need to see exactly what these people are saying what their motivation is. I think they're going to find a tremendous amount of truth in uh in the world if they can seek out that. Listen, I gotta let you go, Bree. Thank you very much, Bree Peyton. And how do they find you? On Twitter? Breathe even follow me on Twitter at three Underscore Payton and you can read all of my work over at the Federalist dot com. You got it. Thank you very much. God. Let you have a great weekend. This is Jonathan T. Gilliam filling in on the Shawan Handy radio show for those of you that are cruising home on a Friday. You can find me on Twitter, Jay Gilliam, Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. I'll be on my show at eight pm tonight. I always do a Friday night toast. Come on and toast with me. It's on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube called the Experts and uh go get my book Go to Amazon right now pre order Cheat No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. I'll teach you how to look at your life from an attacker's point of view so you can better defend yourself and prepare yourself in case you're ever caught up in an attack, why not just avoid it. That's what this book helps you do. We'll be right back. Never much problems. He's got solutions. Mary listens to the Shawn Hannity Show, and folks, you're joining me here for the very last part of this show. Um. This is Jonathan T. Gilly And you can find me on Twitter j Gilliam Underscore Still and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. And I just want to remind everybody before the show ends tonight that Sean goes live at nine on Monday, September twenty five. That's this Monday. Uh he's moving from ten pm to nine on Fox News. Uh so that's nine pm Eastern Standard time. And then he also has a new movie October of this year. Um, and if you want to be a part of that, there's a contest going on called uh uh where is it here? Let her be light? Let there be movie dot com for contest. There you go. See, I told you I'm from Arkansas. I screw it all up. When it comes to uh names of any type, we always transpose the letters. I don't know what that is. It's an ozark thing. Anybody else from Arkansas. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Now, listen, I got a little bit over a minute here. I want to take one phone call. It's got to be quick, okay, Stephen, So let's go to Stephen in Pensacola. Stephen, go ahead, Hey, Jonathan, Uh, start real quick with thank you for your service. Then then for your service now. But uh, and I definitely plan on getting your book. But I want to ask you, how do you think this is applical to uh, teenage girls and boys? I have a teenage son and I'm definitely gonna read it, but I wanted him to as well. What do you think? Excellent question? And uh, and I'll tell you right now, uh, Stephen, that this is a book. And Sean Andy wrote the of the forward for this book. It's endorsed by Marcus Atrell. And it is I think for any young teenager to adult, um, parent, husband, wife, uh, single person, college student, anybody that wants to learn truly how to protect themselves. What you do? You get this book? It teaches you how to divide your life up into sectors and then build target a target package on yourself so that you can see how an attacker would see your life. I tell people about the mindset of attacker, what an attack is, and how you can defend it once you get this knowledge. So thank you Stephen for that question. It's cheap no more. The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. It's available on Amazon dot Com right now and also Barnes and Noble and i'll be out December twelve. Preorder it. This is Jonathan T. Gilliam. You can find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. I'll see you guys here at eight o'clock tonight for my show. Are the experts for the Friday Night Toast Peace m HM

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