Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst and Best Selling Author, gives us his take on these protests at NY Universities resulting in terrorist-like behavior. The Trump Administration is now deporting one of these agitators for his participation in this efforts and support of the terrorist group Hamas. Today in NY a sit-in occurred at Trump Tower protesting this effort.
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And if you want a little bag in a Yuni, I come along.
It is the second consecutive Starship test flight from Elon Musk's company to end with destruction. All I can think about was that's good. That's good.
We got it all right, bestI Hoo's appropriation is the money most in Congress.
We are not chasing the bag.
We are the bag. We have them on the run and we're going to keep our foot on the gas pedal. Frado is back in style. Welcome to the revolution.
That we have coming to your city on the way I get and saying you a conscious city.
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All right, thanks Scott you ha an hour two Sean Hannity Show, toll free. It is eight hundred and nine to four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Well, the never ending New York City pro Hamas protesters continued, this time, several dozen of them supporting this pro Hamas Mood Khalil occupying the lobby of Trump Tower earlier today calling for the release of this guy who was detained over the weekend, and protesters dressed in red holding up signs free mo Mood, Free Palestine. This was at Trump Tower, and uh, this is protesters chanting free mo Mood. Freed them all, you know, at Trump Tower? All right, So that took place earlier today. Greg Jarrett wrote a pretty amazing analysis of all of this, how Mahmood Khalil cannot use the First Amendment as a shield for lawlessness and he joins us now and will lay out the legal reasons why he believes that. Why I happen to agree with him that you can't hide behind the First Amendment deployed as a shield for lawlessness anyway, Greg Jarrett, sir, how are you? It was also something called intimidation. If I recall last year and his spoken words of support for a terrorist organization. I believe that Marco Rubio is writing his analysis of the law of what are your thoughts?
Well, look, people who are non citizens do not enjoy the same free speech rights that American citizens do. You know, so many in journalism news organizations I've been watching over the last twenty four hours don't seem to comprehend that fundamental fact. They're just not well educated. A Green card holder like Khalil was granted lawful residents, but that's not a right, it is a conditional privileging. One of the conditions is he must abide by immigration laws until he becomes a citizen. And all you have to do is look at one of the main sections of the Immigration Naturalization Act, Session two twelve, and it specifically forbids resident aliens like Khalil from supporting or promoting terrorist activities, and if they do that, ICE and Homeland Security can revoke their green card and deport them from the US. The First Amendment does not protect Khalil. He cannot use our free speech principles as a shield for either lawlessness or wrongful conduct that's prohibited by the statute I just identified. He does not even have to be officially charged with a crime to be expelled. Instead, if our government determines that his conduct violated immigration standards codified in law, then it goes to an immigration judge, and that judge can and should a victim. So here, ICE and DHS have determined, based on their evidence that this is a guy who is spoused terrorist acts of Hamas promoted Hamas. They're a designated terrorist organization by a US government, And that's one basis for losing his green card. The other basis is, as you point out, Sean the Secretary of State, because the law says that if a an alien's presence or activities have a serious adverse foreign policy consequence for the US, he's deportable. And that's what Secretary of State Marco Rubio has determined. He said that what Khalil and others did is anesthetical to our foreign policy and our national security and he should be deported. So, frankly, this should be a slam dunk case. But what Khalil has done is he's rushed to a different judge who has no authority or jurisdiction, A federal district court judge, an Obama appoint use halted everything and said, well, I want to hold hearings on free speech in First Amendment, so we'll see where it goes.
Well, I mean that's a sad part of our system, right, I mean, even if you're a non citizen, you get to use the courts. Now, all these reports about the major role that he played in the protests against Israel at Columbia University. You know, if we go back in time and we witnessed what happened. You know, if you recall they were setting up these encampments and they were taking over buildings again lawless behavior, and then they were also confronting Jewish students. That became an unsafe environment, and at one point Colombia was telling Jewish students to stay home and take remote classes, confronting people and asking them if they were a Zionist or not before they'd even let them walk through. So all of that happened as well. And you're right, the Department of Homeland Security, the DOJ, the State Department are investigating Khalil as a possible national security threat. I would imagine that anybody that is supporting and aligning themselves with a designated terrorist organization has to fit that definition, don't they.
Yeah. I think the evidence is pretty compelling here that he was helping to organize and then he later mediated these violent protests sick Columbia. You've described them that they were hideous, disgusting acts of anti semitism, vandalism, destruction of property, attacks on Jewish students, and attacks on law enforcement. That's not protected speech in nor is the spreading of printed pro vamos propaganda flyers that glorified the murderous atrocities by Hamas visited on innocent Israeli civilians. October seventh, twenty twenty three, forty six Americans, by the way, among the nearly twelve hundred who were massacred. Sorry, the First Amendment doesn't protect you for that. I you know, I think Trump has taken a too prong approach arrest and deport people like Khalil, but also punish, you know, higher education institutions like Colombia. He's already yanked for four hundred million in federal funding for Columbia. Why their failure to protect students and faculty. They were encouraging and placating these things by their own inaction. As I wrote in my columny. You know, colleges and universities are supposed to offer classrooms of learning that are safe from intimidation and threats and acts of violence.
Well they don't. They have all of these anti harassment intimidation rules for every protected class that you can ever imagine and think of, and what they just make exception for people that are Jewish. It's Okay, to attack them and intimidate and harass them.
The irony that you point out should be lost on no one. But you know, it's all about the almighty dollar. In these institutions of education. The only way you can get them to do the right thing is to withhold money. Only then will they act according to their obligations and duties. It'll motivate them to do the right thing to protect students. Let's get on with education.
Let me play Marco Rubio, the Secretary of State, and his comments about this issue and about this guy Khalil.
When you come to the United States as a visitor, which is what a visa is, which is how this individual entered this country as on a visitor's visa. Okay, you are here as a visitor. We can deny you that visa. We can deny you that if you tell us when you apply. Hi, I'm trying to get into the United States on a student visa. I am a big supporter of hamas a murderous, barbaric group that kidnaps children, that rapes teenage girls, that takes hostages, that allows them to die in captivity, that returns more bodies than live hostages. If you tell us that you are in favor of a group like this, and if you tell us when you apply for your visa, and by the way, I intend to come to your country as a student and rile up all kinds of anti Jewish student, anti Semitic activities. I intend to shut down your universities. If you told us all these things when you applied for a visa, we would deny your visa.
I hope we would.
If you actually end up doing that once you're in this country on such a visa, we will revoke it. And if you end up having a green card, not citizenship, but a green card as a result of that visa while you're here in those activities, we're going to kick you out.
I mean, it seems to be very straightforward and very simple to me.
It is.
It is, you know, act consistent with the law. Now under Joe Biden, he didn't care about the law. You know, he opened our border to millions of people. Aidn't care if they were supporters of Hama. So we're going to you know, make their way to college campuses in Recavoc and you know, cause harm to Jewish students. He didn't care about that. This is a president Donald Trump who actually cares in a Secretary of State Marco Rubio who well understands the law, and he just plainly stated it as I did in today's column.
Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. What do you make of these people that are out there protesting? And I think it raises an entire different question that nobody really wants to raise, and that is I think in many ways New York Democrats have severely let down the Jewish community in New York. I think it's going to change, and I think it's going to change rather dramatically. Am I wrong in believing that?
No? I think you're absolutely right. Part of the problem among Democrats is that they are historically illiterate. Yeah. I was a correspondent during the Second ind of Fada, and I was there throughout the Middle East, in Israel and Gaza and the West Bank and so forth. If they had seen the carnage that I saw at the hands of some the most despicable terrorists in the world, I think they would understand the constant state of siege that the Jewish people in Israel are under, and Jewish people here now in America with this really despicable anti semitism that seems to be sweeping across college campuses. But Democrats act as though they're utterly unbothered by any of it. Well, the American people are bothered by it, and Democrats need to wake up from their deep slumber and start serving the interests of the American people and our closest ally in the Middle East, which has long been Israel.
Quick break more with Greg Jarrett on the other side, and then later we'll get to your call. Senator Rampaul coming up, and also we will introduce you to a main legislator who literally is not able to vote, has been sent the daring to uh stand against men playing in women's sports. We'll get to that case and more as we continue. We continue now with Greg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst. Let me go back to the courts for a second, because, as you rightly pointed out in your column, and what you mentioned earlier is Leo's attorney. You know, basically, when Judge Shopping ran to a district judge, an Obama appoint e, who halted any deportation pending a hearing, and that hearing is not based on what should actually be the merits of the case, which I find a little bit frustrating. Assuming that that judge will be sympathetic, uh and and liberal and left wing and an activist, and what does that mean for the next step and what does what does the Trump administration do next?
Well, I would like to be optimistic and think that Judge Jesse Furman, as you point out, an Obama appointe, recognize what what what the First Amendment means and the history of it as well as this.
Why would you even for one second believe that's possible after all we've lived through all these years.
I'd like to be a glass half full kind of guy. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt. Yes, he temporarily halted any deportation proceedings, and I hope that he will be wise to the tactics here by Khalil's attorneys, what they're really trying to do is to wrongfully flip jurisdiction from an immigration judge who has authority over Khalil to a district court judge who doesn't.
And this is what your column lays out. So simply, Section two twelve Immigration Nationality Act forbids aliens from supporting or promoting a designated terrorist organization such as a mosque. If they do, their green cards can be revoked and they can be expelled. That's not a hard provision to understand, Greg, Now.
It really isn't. And you know, free speech for citizens doesn't trump the immigration law for non citizens. It simply doesn't. Now, if we were talking about a citizen, you know, it's a different calculation, a different equation. There are greater free speech rights. But even citizens who provide material support to a terrorist organization like a moss can be held criminally responsible and action can be taken against them. That's not what's being alleged here. This is a non citizen, different standards, no First Amendment protection.
All right, Greg Jarrett, appreciate it. Thank you so much as always for being one of those eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, you can't always believe what the other side claims. That's why there's the Sew and Hannity Show, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine foot one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. I love the guys, Nick and Adam that created Legacy Box now over a decade ago. They started the company in their college dorm and you preserve and perpetuity all your family memories. And what they do is they hand digitize every photo, every negative that you have, every camquard of film, real to real film that you might have, VHS tape that you might have, you know, and it's really simple how it works. And now's the perfect time to get in touch with Legacy Box because if you go to legacy box dot com slash Hannity right now, you will get fifty percent off and you will be able to preserve family memories for generations to come. It's amazing. Here's how it works. You go to legacy box dot com slash Hannity, you get fifty percent off. They're going to mail you a box. What do you do with the box? Well, first you go into your attic addic, You go into your closets, you go into your basement, you go into your garage, you have other family members do the same. You get every family memory you might ever have. They will hand digitize all of it. You'll get your originals back. And think about this, You'll be able to watch videos of maybe people in your life that have passed on Grandma, Grandpa, mom, dad, whoever it may happen to be love ones and get to see and hear from them again, which would be really cool. And then you're great great great great great great great great grandchildren will be able to know what they look like, what you look like, what you sounded like. And it's an incredible gift that will be preserved forever. I mean, it's just amazing, and it'll be very emotional for you and your family when you get to sit together, when you get the digitized copies. It'll be an amazing experience. Anyway, it's simple, go to legacy box dot com slash Hannity. You'll get fifty percent off and preserve these memories in perpetuity. Legacy box dot com slash Hannity Today. So we have all these issues that are going on with states that don't want to cooperate. We saw Tom Holman who went to Albany, New York, where the state capital is in New York, and he was getting heckled by people for what reason, I don't know. He just wants to get rid of you know, bartel members, gang members, potential terrorists and the same thing in Maine. The governor is threatening a battle with Donald Trump. Here's Donald Trump tearing into the main governor. The NCAA has complied immediately, by the way, that's good, but I understand Maine is the main here, the governor of Maine. Are you not going to comply with it?
Well, we are the federal law.
Well you better do it. You better do it because you're not going to get any federal funding at all if you don't.
And by the way, your population, even though it's liberal, although I did very well there, your population doesn't want men playing in women's sports. So you better you better comply because otherwise you're not getting any federal funding. Every state.
Good, I'll see you, and could I look forward to that.
That should be a really easy one.
And enjoy your.
Life after governor, because I don't think you'll be in elected politics.
Now. There is a state legislator in Maine who will join us in a second that will tell us about these ongoing battles that she's having in a very liberal state. And her name is Laurel Libby. You might recall that he decided to stand up and protect girls in sports. The idea that there are people that don't support this is mind numbing to me and reminding her state what title line was all about in the first place. And they responded by rejecting her right to even voice her opinion. So she filed a suit against the House speaker in Maine and the judges who are supposed to hear the case, every single one of them. I saw this yesterday. I couldn't believe it. Every one of them accused themselves, which is unprecedented. And you know all four active federal judges of Maine, you know won't take the case. And anyway, she is not going to stop this fight, and she said, Maine's Democratic leadership has asked me to take down my post exposing their failure to keep biological males out of girls' sports. My answer is simple, I will not. I will do everything in my power to ensure our girls' voices are heard and that their rights are respected. And I respect her for doing it. And anyway, Laurel Libbey, state legislator from Maine, joins us, Now, how are you?
Thanks so much for having me. I'm great and thrilled to be on with you today.
I make fun of a friend of mine who lives at Maine that I grew up with. I call him a mountain man. He's got this long beard and he literally lives like a mountain man. He cracks me up. But it's a great state and I have a lot of friends there, and the people are, you know, fiercely independent. And I can't imagine that the people of Maine want men and women's sports, and that the governor, I believe, is way out of touch with the thinking of the people of Maine.
The governor is completely out of touch with her fellow maynors. And you're right, manors are fiercely independent, and they don't believe that biological males belong in girls' sports. And so the governor and the Speaker fecto and the Democrat majority are out of line with main people and pushing for a policy that folks don't agree with in our state.
Why is the state's plant so left? When I think of Maine, I think of maybe only second to Alaska in terms of people that are willing to live slightly off the grid, not completely, obviously, but people that believe in rugged individualism, that are are very very committed to handling a lot of life's challenges on their own. I'm surprised because that usually doesn't sort of, you know, lend itself to more liberal politics.
I think folks don't understand that main really is a purple state. And I'll give you the math on that. Out of one hundred and fifty one state representatives across our entire state, we only lost the conservative majority by sixty votes across the entire state in twenty twenty one. So that's how close things are. We are not a dark blue state yet, I don't think. And yet the Democrat majority and Governor Mills are pushing these aggressively woke policies that mayners don't agree with and don't want to see in our state. Maynors want to see biological mails out of girl sports and see that we have a safe level and fair field of competition for our girls.
Well, well, you know, as the father of a daughter who happens to be an athlete, I totally sympathize with this. As somebody that's interviewed Riley Gains many times, I sympathize with what she went through. And my question is, how is it possible, after you bring this lawsuit that you have four separate judges recusing themselves and what does that mean for your suit?
The end goal here is that we have our day in court, and whether that is before a main judge or it looks like a Rhode Island judge. At this point, we're confident of the merits of our case and are looking forward to being able to defend my First Amendment rights and more importantly than that, my constituent's right to representation in our main House of Representatives, because right now they are voiceless and voteless, and that is absolutely not something that should be able to stand in our state, that nine thousand people would not be represented.
Okay, so how did the jurisdiction switch to Rhode Island.
All of the judges recuse themselves and put out a statement yesterday regarding a familial relationship with an employee. No specifics there, but really.
I don't think it sounds sounds like to me like they don't want to touch it.
Perhaps, but at the end of the day, I don't think it's going to matter, because this case will be heard on the merits. Whether it is heard and we win in the first the first go around, or whether we have to move up further through the core system. I think we will prevail in the end, regardless of the jurisdiction.
As somebody that lived in Rhode Island at one point my life for five years, I can tell you that I would not expect the odds are high on the lower court level that you'd win, But I think you'd win this on appeal, probably pretty easily, depending on where what jurisdiction went to. I mean, it's a really important fight. And how are your fellow legislators reacting to this? Anyone willing to join in with you?
You know?
Very partisan? Of course, the Democrats voted with simple art is in vote to censure me. All the Republicans stood strong.
The cent for what.
For exercising my right to free speech. It really is pretty ludicrous when you look at the nuts and bolts of what happened. I made a Facebook post, and the speaker and the Democrat majority have politically retaliated against me for my protective speech because they don't want to talk about the actual issue. They don't want to have an open and honest debate about what at stake for main girls and also for main public schools that are now in violation of President Trump's executive or they don't want to talk about the real issues. So they're trying to silence me, but they didn't realize that by trying to silence me, they actually handed me a much bigger microphone to get our issues out there and make sure that they, at the end of the day, get resolved. The Speaker has put in a provision that I can't get my voice or my vote back until I apologize for my post. And I won't apologize for speaking the truth and for fighting for main girls to have a fair state and level playing ground. So the only recourse I have is the courts. As far as we.
Understand, where are your fellow Republicans standing up for you? I don't understand this well.
You know what's interesting is many of my fellow Republicans shared my post, and one of them asked on the floor, what's going to happen to us? Are you going to censure all of us? Are you going to silence multiple Republicans over this? And the only answer that the Speaker gave was that there were no other centers pending. Essentially, so it clearly is political retaliation specifically against me, because other representatives put the same post out there. There's no accounting for common sense here.
All right, quick break, welcome back, more with Maine State Legislator Laurel Libby is with us. I can't believe this fight that she's engaged in. She's just standing up for the right of Title nine and for whom not to have to compete with men and women's sports, and how she's being treated and silenced and ostracized, and now she's taken her case to court, and how complicated this has all become. More on the other side, will continue in your calls coming up. I would continue now with Laura Libbey, state legislator from Maine, who's been you know, just experienced the censure and literally has been silenced just for a social media post defending the right of women to maintain Title nine and not have men compete in women's sports. Is there is there any way if the Republicans were unite together, is there any way they could basically shut down the House until you are officially reinstated, because there seems this seems to be a moment, a pivotal moment of truth for Republicans in Maine that they should take a stand on this very important issue, and that's the right of Title nine and women and for men not to play women's sports. Why don't they come together and stand and united behind you and come up with a strategy to counter this.
Well, that's certainly a good question, Sean. And the fact is the Democrats are determined to do all that they can buy a simple majority. This year, the last two sessions, we've had majority budgets rather than the two thirds consensus that is required in the Constitution to pass the budget. The Democrats are well versed in extra constitutional shenanigans to get their way, So this is nothing new. Now, could Republicans just not show up?
Why are Republicans putting up with that, Laurel? That makes no sense to me. If they're not following the Constitution as it relates to spending and spending bills, why is that not challenged in court?
Well, it makes no sense to me either, Sean. The way they've gotten around that is that they adjourn, sign a die after passing a majority budget three months early, and then call us back in for special session to process the rest of the bills, and they get away with it because you're frankly not used to being challenged. So this lawsuit is the first time that this Democrat majority has really seen a challenge because we're going through the courts instead of just trying to fight at the legislative level. This is the first time they've really seen a challenge like that on a free speech issue like this, and I'm not.
Sure that they really sound like it sounds like they need the challenge on the spending issue as well. I mean, I almost feel like flying up to Maine and giving these guys a pep talk and saying, hey, wake up here and do your job.
Come on up, I'll make sure you get some lobster while you're up here.
I'll get some main lobster. I do like lobster. I like to drench it in butter, by the way. But it's kind of sad that the Republicans. I'm more mad at them now because all this is going on, and even unconstitutional passage of spending bills, and then the case you're defending the right of women not to compete against men and women's sports, and yet they sit there on their hands and they allow allowing all of this to go on. I can't believe what I'm hearing. They need to grow a spine and they need to unite.
It certainly is a frustrating situation to be and sean. Earlier this week, I was not able to vote on a supplemental budget, which did get two thirds majority in the House. Unfortunately, one of the first roll calls that I couldn't participate in the other role call that we had on Tuesday, You'll love this was regarding a resolution, this joint resolution commemorating Women's History Month and International Women's Day. Guests who couldn't vote or speak on that resolution unbelievable. You absolutely, I had a proxy speak for me, and you'll not be surprised that the speaker hammered her down part way through and didn't let her get all of her words out.
Laurel, I appreciate you, and you do have our support, that's for sure. If we can help you in any way, please let us know.
Thank you so much.
A bunch of bullies. Good grief,