Trump Live - 9.15

Published Sep 16, 2017, 2:46 AM

Sean reacts to President Trump's address to the US Air Force today including the President's thoughts on the tragedy in London. Today's podcast includes the full speech plus coverage of the 70th Anniversary of the Air Force. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow. Alright, Happy Friday. Glad you made it with us. Right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganzas eight nine for one, Shawn of the Latest on Dhaka, will check in with Mercedes Schlap. Will the President insist on funding the border wall? He's now set it a ton of times, and um, it's an important issue. We're also monitoring a situation that is now going on in St. Louis as we speak. Crowds of demonstrators are marching in St. Louis following the acquittal of a white former police officer charged in with murder last year for fatally shooting a black driver after a car chase, accused by protesters of planting the gun on the victim. You know, one of the things I saw today in New York there was an incident where a number of cops there was somebody that was obviously mentally ill, just stood in one position for forty five minutes. It's the first well, what do you call that? Go pro moment for the New York City Police. Anyway, the whole thing was on tape, went on for nearly fifty minutes, and they were begging this guy, please don't let us shoot you. He was holding a knife in his left hand, and he was holding his right hand behind his back. You didn't know what was in his hand. And then a neighbor came in and said here, I'm calling your your cousin or a friend, and and please listen to them. The cops kept saying, please, we don't want to shoot you. Please, dropped the weapon, dropped the weapon? What's behind your back? Why won't you move for minute? Guy didn't budge. He ended up getting shot. Anyway, The prosecutors charged the police officer in the St. Louis case with murdering uh Anthony Lamar Smith. This goes all the way back to December. According to the probable cause statement, Stockley was caught saying and he was gonna kill this blankety blankety blank, don't you know it, and heard telling another officer to drive into Smith's slowing car. The court documents submitted by the St. Louis Circuit attorney said Stockley then approached Smith's widow, and fired five times into the car, hitting Smith with each shot and killing him. And an addition, prosecutor say that there was a gun found in Smith's car, but it was later determined to only have DNA from Stockley, so obviously people upset about that. We're also today sadly monitoring once again more terrorist attacks. It's like it never ends here, we can never get a break. And once again this is back in we got the subway system what they call the tube in Great Britain and is now I think it's up to twenty two people now is during rush hour where a lot of kids. Was one image of a kid that literally had the skin burned off them and they left a device with a timer inside of what is their equivalent of a subway, and it's being viewed as a terrorist attack. The odd thing is, as President Trump recognized immediately it was a terrorist attack, it didn't say radical Islamic terror that I saw anywhere. And Theresa May, the Prime Minister's criticized zing Trump over the unhelpful tweet, Well, what what is it? Who? How does it? Somebody bring a detonated homemade bomb on a on a train and it goes off and innocent people are injured, and we're not supposed to think it's terror. He didn't say who, he said, it's terror, that's terror. I heard a boom, there were flames, a witness said, almost immediately thereafter, and it was in a pretty crowded subway or tube at the time of rush hour. So a very difficult situation there. We're also following today a situation that's going on some of the elections going on. Judge Roy Moore is running for the Senate in Alabama and Mitch McConnell mr eight percent approval rating is there and he is uh fighting for Luther Strange, which gives everybody a reason to vote for Judge Roy Moore. Anybody that Mitch McConnell's smearing, slandering and trying to defeat means that that person, if they win, will be Mitch McConnell's person. In that case, it would be Luther Strange. So following all of this today and if anything happens in St. Louis, will be monitoring throughout the day to day. We also have the situation again with North Korea. You know, remember going back to the sound of music, what do you do about? What do you do about a lunatic by the name of Kim Jong Un. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Last night. Hillary Clinton apparently was on MSNBC and says, you need to know what you're doing with North Korea. You really need to understand the people. You need to understand the language of North kore You understand people of North Korea. I'm sitting there listening to this. Excuse me, your your husband bribe North Korea and Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Jong ill with billions of dollars and assured the American people this was a good deal for them. It didn't turn out to be such a good deal. And we can predict with a with a pretty high degree of certainty that the Iranian deal is not going to turn out to be a good deal. Nikki Hanley was speaking today and what she said is North korea sank is are not working, and the next step is up to General Madnis. Lindsey Graham is also out there and he's saying that, in fact, it's time to threaten military action against North Korea. Well, it's easy to threaten. You can threaten all you want. It's a matter of whether or not. We're gonna step into this mine field, and I am telling anybody that's thinking military options in this you better be careful because there's no good option here. By the way, before I go any further, I want to welcome back Who's Radio w d B O in Orlando. They have been on local coverage now for a while covering the aftermath of Hurricane Irma. We've missed you, guys. We've been thinking about you all and praying for you in the entire state of Florida. And uh, we're glad we were back up and running in in one of my original stations here on the Sean Hannity Show, and we hope you and your families are doing well. I know Orlando did not get hit as hard as at one point it was being projected to go right through the middle of the state. And I know people from both coasts that actually ended up in Orlando because there's so many differ and hotels available in Orlando. UM. Anyway, So Lindsey Graham tweeted on this morning that quote, clearly North Korea does not give a damn about u N sanctions are tough talk. He's at his time to more forcefully back up our diplomatic efforts with the threat of credible military action and options. All right, there's one thing that I think we need to do militarily, but you better be ready for the consequences. The one thing is is we don't know now that we know that Kim Jong un has nuclear weapons, now that we know he has the ability to fly one missile after another right over Japan. Now this is that this is China's problem for far more than it is ours. China ought to be exerting all the power and influence they have in the region, and the best thing they can do is economically, they could just cut off North Korea. They have tremendous sway with the North Koreans just economically, so they're gonna have to make a decision here as well. Russia should make a decision. The Japanese and now thinking about rearming, and I can't blame them. How many how many times are you gonna let somebody fire a missile over your entire country? And I don't doubt that Guam is probably in the sights of of Kim Jong un. And when that happens, I don't think any option is going to be off the table At that point anyway, So North Korea, what Lindsey Graham says, believes there's no downside pushing the envelope regarding their missile in nuclear programs, and it's time for Trump and the world to make North Korea believe otherwise. There's really only one way to do this, and that is the next time they fire a missile, we better be ready to take it out of the air. Now. The only reason I can think we might not be doing it is because we're probably deploying what they have in Israel and their missile defense systems. We have the FED anti missile defense system, and we'll probably in the early stages of other system By the way I'm looking in St. Louis now, that doesn't look good. Crowds gathering in light of this verdict in this in this case involving a police officer and a killing that took place back in anyway, if you really want to do something with North Korea, probably the next step is they fire a missile and you take it out of the air, or they put it on the launch pad, you take it off the launch pad. But you've got to be ready for the consequences too. And the consequences. Who knows when you're dealing with somebody that is that unhinged, that is no desire to get along with the rest of the world. And that's why I'm not I'm not taking any lectures from the likes of Hillary Clinton or Bill Clinton. You want to go back in time, Bill Clinton, when he made this deal, Remember he gave them billions and billions of dollars and promise the world they're not gonna give They're not gonna have nuclear weapons and develop nuclear weapons. Take your questions. I'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador to Lucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. South Korea, with support from Japan and other nations, will bear most of the cost of providing North Korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing. And they will pay for an alternative power system for North Korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so, will North Korea fully joined the Community of Nations. All right? And Rex Tillerson said, the latest missile test shows that North Korea threatens the entire world. But we all know that. Now, let's say we design it. He goes on to say that in East Asia, increasingly aggressive, isolated regime in North Korea threatens democracies in South Korea, Japan, and more importantly and more recently has expanded those threats to the United States and endangering the entire world. And taking a tougher line than Tillerson, hr McMaster said the US was fast running out of patients for diplomatic solutions, and we've been kicking the can down the road, and we're out of road. He said. For those who have been commenting on a lack of military option, there is a military option, and he said, adding that it would not be the Trump administration's preferred choice. Well, it's not anybody's preferred choice, because if the guy does have nuclear weapons, let's say, even just short range for the time being, well, that means he's going to fire them into South Korea. How many could die in Soul, how many could die in Japan? We know he can reach Japan and with this, with this guy be so stupid to go scorched earth and fire at China. And who knows what happens if we have to incinerate is nuclear facilities? What's the fall all out of all of that? You know, experts are now saying, this was in the Washington Post today that North Korea's missile, which was believed to be an intermediate range missile, you know, had flown two thousand, three hundred miles and just over seventeen minutes. According to South Korea's Joint chiefs of Staff. The range means that Guam, which lies two thousand one miles from North Korea, is now in reach in in fifteen minutes, and they demonstrated they could reach Guam. So what do we do at this point? You know, Squam the next target. He's gonna try and fly one over Guam. What happens the next time too, If he's got something on and it actually lands in Japan or lands in Guam, that's a big problem, all right. Some of the other things we are following today, we'll get back to the issue that we were discussing yesterday, Republican and republicans pathetic weakness inability to get things done. I have some very strong comments about the time frame under which they need to get these things done. So we'll get to that, uh coming up in the program tonight today. And also the President's expected to speak at the bottom of this half hour. When he does, will bring that to you and all the other issues that I said we'll be getting into. Eight one Shaun is a toll free telephone Now quick break right back will continue busy breaking news Friday here on the Sean Hannity Show. Eight hundred nine one Shawn toll free telephone number on a Friday. You want to be a part of the program. I saw I talked to a congressman then I know last night I'll only say this, I'll because you would know who it is. And I just sent a message and he was asking what I thought about the state of things. So I sent a long answer and I said that if the hat well, let me make a distinction. I did make a distinction in the note the House has done a much better job. There are two fifty bills that the Senate hasn't even touched that were passed in the House. And Mitch McConnell's so stupid not to go to the simple majority. It's almost incompetence on his part on the highest level. So I say, I send this with great urgency. I said, the Republican Party is now at the greatest risk in my lifetime of losing a significant part of their base. So look, I've been in radio now thirty years. I'm gonna start next month my twenty third year on the Fox News Channel, and I said, I can tell you the anger is justified and real and palpable. And you know what's the point. And what I said was there needs to be some action from the House in pushing their Senate colleagues to get their job done. Right now, the biggest obstacle to getting anything done is Mitch McConnell and John McCann. You can add him to the list and if he would just move to a simple majority, then all of those bills that were passed in the House can be done. I know Lindsey Graham wants to move on healthcare. We'll get into that a little bit in the next segment. But if McConnell doesn't move in the next fourteen weeks, everything this this opportunity once in a generation, opportunities will have been squandered because things become twice as hard. And look at these crowds building in St. Louis. This doesn't look good to me. What do you see in this, Linda. Anyway, there's an opportunity of a generation. It's being squandered, and everything that everybody that voted for in ten it could all now be implemented and everybody would benefit politically. But I said times running out the agenda is simple. I went through repeal and replace. I don't care which which bill at this point. Anything that's going to move the ball forward would be helpful. You know, seven brackets to three, middle class tax cut, simplification, corporate cuts, for patriation, and the death tax, all the things we talked about with Ted Cruise this week. Funding the wall is not an option, it's a must do item. And I said, if you just do those things include energy independence, Presidents already appointed in originals to the Supreme Court. You know, I'm just I'm so frustrated that they're not getting it done. I'm thinking you know, this is the once in a lifetime opportunities right in front of us. These things aren't that complicated. People's expectations are not high, Senator McConnell. And if you can't do it, you really do need to go. So maybe put somebody in power that does care and will work harder. Alight, now until the top of the hour. At some point, probably this half hour, the President will speak at Joint Base Andrews and will follow that story. We'll get to your calls, Shawn telling you about crowds now beginning to gather, getting larger. It seems as the afternoon goes on. Out of St. Louis, there was an acquittal of a former police officer charged in the murder last year, white police officer shooting a black driver. There was a long car chase and accused by then the prosecutors of planting a gun on the victim. Prosecutors charged Jason Stockley, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department officer, with murdering with murder for the killing of Anthony Lamar Smith. This goes all the way back to talk about swift justice. According to the probable cause statement, Stockley was caught saying that he was gonna kill this blankety blank, don't you know it, and was heard telling another officer to drive into Smith's slowing car. Court documents submitted by the St. Louis Circuit attorney said Stockley then approached Smith's window fired five times into the car, hitting Smith with each shot killing him. In addition, the prosecutor said that there was a gun found in Smith's car. They didn't find any d A on it, only a d d n A from the police officer. Anyway, Joining us on the ground in St. Louis as we speak as this crowd gathers is Kevin Jackson, Fox News contributor, author of the best selling books, and radio host in his own right. How are you, sehn good? I gotta tell you, I've been here since Sunday and I had forgotten about this case. And uh, but you can cut the tension in this city with a knight. It's absolutely it's it's truly extraordinary. It doesn't look good, Kevin looks. It looks a little bit too reminiscent of things we've seen in the past. This is Ferguson revisited, and it's it's fun toier justice. And you know the the verdicts has come out, and now you know everybody you can, you can you could tell that they wanted a verdict. There were people here. I've been there, as I say, have been here since Sunday. I was at the coffee shop to grab coffee in the neighborhood every day and there would be more and more people wearing Urban Lea shirts in double Act, etcetera. So you could you knew the presence was here and I was out having dinner. I don't think there's anything wrong with the Urban Leaguer the being there. I mean, there's nothing wrong with them being here. But I'm saying, are you saying there from other cities? And they were following the case other cities. You you could tell these are people that had come in from other cities and they were at the ready to protest. And when they started earlier today on during the protest, there were only about nine people and suddenly there's a crowd. And I anticipate by the time you air tonight on Fox, Uh, this is gonna be a pretty big deal. And and it's funny because you can almost tell people are just waiting to let justice come. In fact, the Circuit Attorney when I say let justice happen, they want to specific type of justice. The circuit attorney made the comment, look, the judges ruled on this, but now it's time for the people to rule. There was a veiled threat and it came from St. Louis circuit attorney, who's a black lady, essentially saying, you know, we've done our justice. Now there's another form of justice. This needs to happen. So I'm telling you they the people through this again. What did the judge in the case say of the justice saying the judge indicate dismissed, said that stock stock Stockley is not guilty. And he looked at it and through all the different angles. He's a very uh you know, he's a he's a judge. It's not just on his first trial. He's been around a long time. So he gave a complete, you know, the reason as to why he did not rule against Stockley. But the circuit attorney came out and said, look, the judges rules, it's done, but now the people need to make up their minds. Instead of instead of saying, look this is over, it's been adjudicated. We all need to just live with this, she actually left it sort left it in a way and I'm sure Linda's somebody there can grab the clip. She left it in a way that that you you can now go figure out what you want to do as the mobs started to grow irresponsible. So this was a case not a jury, but a judge exactly. Yeah, this is a judge case, all right, So go over Now, what about for example, this accus Shan and the probable cause statement that he the police officer, was said he was gonna kill this blankety blank? Is that true? Well, if you see the video, it's really telling. There's a there's a video site that had that. It's actually I think it's called um don't kill us or something like that they posted and they think of it as exonerating as as actually condemning the officer. It could do quite the opposite. This guy rams the police car and and barely hits these cops, and then he takes off in his car, and the and the officers Stocky starts shooting at him. Then they get into the suv, a police suv, and they start chasing him. And I gotta tell you, did you see that police chase? And you watch how Stockley's driving? I mean Smith is driving his car. This guy, it's lucky he didn't kill somebody in traffic. It's crazy. It's a crazy police chase. And at the very end he pulls over and and I can't hear him say Ramy, but he did say we need to kill this MF is what he said. But he he came back later, Stockley said and say that it was taken out of context, you know, because he's in a high speed chase, and and obviously Sean he knows he's being recorded. Anyway, they ram the car, they get out, he and a partner, and there's some things that you can't see off camera because the police camp doesn't give any angle. But you don't know what's happening there. So for somebody to say he didn't have a car, he didn't reach or whatever, it's kind of ridiculous. He'd already tried to hit these police officers. He I'm telling you, he almost hit two or three cars on the way on the chase. And then we're supposed to think he's a good guy here, Sehn. This is another one of these scenarios where all this guy had to do was surrender. And we're not even talking about this but now we've got to adjudicate the cops because he wanted to protect himself and also a protective isens. Now I'm not I don't know what the outcome was. I didn't look at the information that judge obviously didn't. He did. He's free, but it's not that we can live with that. That's the set part. Well. I mean, um, you know, with all that we have seen, you know, happening in Burgoson, in Baltimore, announced where around the country, you just you know, you see these crowds beginning to gather and then you start thinking, oh great, it's it's a night. I don't know what the weather is like. I mean, is this thinking the worst case scenario here? And one of the things that happens after all these cases, we we never go back and find those people that are committing crimes attacking officers or businesses. There's no consequences when people are involved in these, you know, when they when they go out and want to do quote their own justice, etcetera. Well, there is a consequence in this one. And here's what's bad. What's said about what you're talking about. Schools were closed today, people left, downtown, business people I'm here. I'm here on business people left downtown. It is a ghost town. I heard a lady lady contact of me and says, Kevin, we cleared out all our employees. Uh, it's a veritable ghost town down there. Businesses at boarded up like hurricanes hitting. It looks like Florida in some of these businesses. But here's the long range. Amazon was theoretically, and I don't know if this is exactly tho I've heards with people talking about it. We're looking at where they're gonna put this new facility for fifty thousand people, and here in St. Louis, they're talking about the city readying itself to hopefully Louke wol Amazon here, Sean, let me tell you something. Amazon is not that stupid. They're not going to come to a city where every time somebody is killed, in this particular case, a criminal, a drug dealer who almost killed other people in the high speed police chase and tried to run over police officers and there are black people depicting on his behalf. There's no way you're gonna put your your big fifty thousand person company in the midst of this nonsense. We have lost of I don't know how many conventions in St. Louis. We the city has shrunk from nineteen fifty sean being eight hundred and fifty thousand people to three hundred and eighteen thousands in the year two thousand and seventeen. That should tell you the direction the death spiral that the city is in. And yet they continue the nonsense. Well, all right, well covering Jackson will be watching and monitoring, and I'm just hoping and praying for the city of St. Louis that people they can march all they want, they can protest all they want. I just hope for everybody's sake, in the city's sake, that they do it peacefully. All right, my friend, thank you for being with us, and we may have you on the TV show tonight, depending on how this unfolds, and I hope it doesn't unfold. That's my my hope. Alright. Eight dying for one, Sean is our number. You want to be a part of the program, Let's go to Rhonda Is in Mississippi, Rhonda High. Happy Friday. Glad you're with a Sean Hannity show. Thanks so much, Sean. Um. I just wanted to call because you know, everybody keeps saying that the president's base is angry and frustrated with him. It's not him, we're angry and frustrated with We're angry and frustrated with the GOP in Congress because they won't get anything done. Well, yeah, I mean, honestly, here's my here's something I can say with certainty. The meeting that this week with well, both meetings with Schumor and Pelosi, the dinner and then the meeting with a bipartisan group of people never would have happened. If one thing happened, and that would have been all they needed to do is do their job and repeal and replace Obamacare, and they could have moved forward. They've had nine months now, they could have moved forward with his economic plan, and they could have moved forward with the rest of his agenda and fund the wall. They could have been all finished now. They could have had everything done, and they still can get everything done. And maybe maybe I'm naive and holding out some hope, but I think as each day passes, my optimism decreases and my frustration grows. What they need to understand is that the president's base is there to stay. We're not all registered Republicans. Some of us are independent, some of us are Democrat flips, and we are behind him on and there is a grassroots movement right now to primary every single one of them if that's what it takes for us to give him a Congress that will get his agenda done. I can't tell you how many people are telling me this. It's so frustrating. Later on, we have Roy Moore on the program. You know why I'm going to support Roy Moore because he's not being because he's being targeted by Mitch McConnell. And I really believe he's somebody that's gonna be willing to stand a party has his whole life and career, and I just want to make sure that he supports the agenda that is the conservative agenda that will get people back to work and keep the country safe, peace, prosperity. It's not that complicated, not that difficult, alright. Eight nine for one, Seawan our number. You want to be a part of the program. Where am I going here? Linda? Let's see Amy in Kansas. Amy, how are you? I'm doing good? Thank you? Is this Sean? Yes, ma'am? How are you? I'm doing great? Thanks. Say, I just wanted to tell you that I have a daughter who works at St. Louis. I'm calling from Kansas, and um, she was told to later. They were told to leave and be out of there by three o'clock. Now does that sound kind of pre planned? Number what? And anyway she left. I didn't know kids were let off a school today. I didn't know that part. Yeah, well this is I mean she this is a full time job. And she was down in the business business district. I don't know exactly what that's called, but it's the main business area down there. And she said it was about I think a block or two um, where people were starting to congregate. And so you know what all you've talked about with Black Lives Matter and stuff like that, it seems kind of odd that that, um, the anti Antifa and uh, well, I'll tell you what they want to do, and they're not gonna do right now. The St. Louis Police, they need a cordon off the area and they need to contain it, and they need to put a curfew in place, because that's what's going to happen at the end anyway, if this keeps growing, they need to take proactive measures and have a strong police presence so that innocent people aren't hurt here. And there's no damn and you know, there's there's nothing like what we saw in in Ferguson or any of these other places. They've got to take proactive measures to keep community safe, to keep businesses safe. And we cannot allow people not liking verdicts to disrupt the way we have seen in the past. Proactive action needs to be taken. And I mean you're talking about business people that are there to work and do their job, and they've had to be cleared out. And and she, like I say, she left the city because, um, you know you sticking around. Listen. I hope I hope what I'm seeing emerged here. I hope I'm wrong. It doesn't look good though. Anyway, Thank you, Amy, I hope your daughters well. And Bill in New Jersey. Hi, how are you all right? How are you doing? Sean? I'm good, sir. What's happening? Good? Good? You don't I was talking about the top of Yain yesterday. I think you were going originally with your gut and you were saying when you heard that word, ultimately we will get the wall. I think you should. You should go with your gut versus your heart in this case, because when you think about it, the president did have an opportunity when the first budget that he signed came out to put there and just demand I'm not signing any budget unless there's money in there for the wall. He didn't do it. And the second time with the second agreement, you know, three day, three month agreement with well, I don't think I could be any stronger in my words because and and when he says three separate times, if we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing, and I've I just you know, at that point, I will And I said it last night on the program. I said it yesterday on the program. I'll say it now. If the President doesn't get the funding up front, he can kiss a goodbye because they'll stab him in the back and they'll they'll never give it to him. Well, that's the thing too, Sean. You know you're talking about Pelosi and Schumer. Now he also mentioned the president when he was running he wants to drain the swamp. Who are the two is two biggest alligators in that swamp? And s and McConnell. You got it, You got it, so you start playing with them. And that's what really worries me. And as far as they've forgotten, man, I just feel like we should not be so nervous about this or gut wrenched about this. President has to think of those people, all these people right now that are really tied up a notch thinking, oh my gosh, what's gonna happen here? You know, it's very very unfair to them too. So listen, if they don't get the fourteen thirteen weeks now, they don't get their job done, it's going to be very ugly. And we expect the President is going to be speaking at Joints Base in Joint Base and Andrews and to the military. If he does well, follow up for you. Were still monitoring the situation out of St. Louis. Will monitor it all tonight on Hannity ten Eastern Quick Break. Right back, we'll continue right any minute now. We expect the President will be speaking to the military at Joint Base Andrews. Will cover that for you, expecting it in the next half hour. It's about a half hour late as we speak now. Also monitoring the situation, crowds gathering in St. Louis after the acquittal of a police officer there. We'll tell you more about that case as we go through the program today. Also, and I'll look at some of the political races around the country. Judge Roy Moore is in the lead in the Senate now Alabama, running against Luther Strange. He'll join us. Boddo wants to be mayor of New York. He'll check in with US, and a terror attack in London on their subway known as the Tube. Katie Hopkins Raheim Kassam also joined us straight Raheem Khem is joining us straight ahead. Alright. The President has arrived Joint Base Andrews and is introduced by Milania Trump as he speaks to the military there, will take it in full from the top afternoon. I want to thank the brave men and women who were the Noble uniform of the US Air Force for having us here today. I had the privilege to visit with some of your wonderful children at the Youth Center here on base. I enjoy our time together getting to know them, and want to thank everyone who have helped make this visit possible. Every child whose parents serves in our great military should be enormously proud because your mom or Dad is a true American hero. In the wake of two devastating hurricanes, the world has witnessed your courage and compassion, and you have made every American proud. Americans have trust in the United States Air Force because we know you will never quit, you will never yield, and you will never fail. We know that we are free because you are brave. I know I speak on behalf of myself and my husband when I tell you we are grateful for your service. I also want to take a moment to recognize the families of those who serve you under the time apart are accepted to move when new orders come in and face the ancertainty and that came in the times of need. This kind of lifestyle requires its own kind of courage, and your sacrifices do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thank you. Please know that our gratitude is boundless and goes out to each and every one of you with unconditional appreciation. This administration will always stand with the men and women of the United States Air Force and no Now it's my great pleasure to introduce my husband, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, for you, dot it down Thank you very much, Atties. Atties, please sit down. Thank you Melania for that wonderful introduction of for being such an incredible emissary for the American people. She's become very, very popular. I tell you that I'm very proud of her. Thank you, Secretary Wilson, General gold Fine, Chief Right, General Jacobsen, Colonel Tcurt. I'm honored to join you on this really, really historic occasion, the seventie anniversary of the United States Air Force, the greatest air force on the face of this earth by far. Before we begin, I want to say that our hearts and prayers go out to the people of London who suffered a vicious terrorist attack today. I spoke with a wonderful woman, British Prime Minister Theresa May this morning and relate America's deepest sympathy as well as our absolute commitment to eradicating the terrorists from our planet, radical Islamic terrorism. It will be eradicated. Believe me, America and our allies will never be intimidated. We will defend our people, our nations, and our civilization from all who dare to threaten our way of life. This includes the regime of North Korea, which has once again shown its utter contempt for its neighbors and for the entire world community. After seeing your capabilities and commitment here today, I am more confident than ever that our options in addressing this threat are both effective and overwhelming. Our thoughts also remain with those recovering in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. I visited Florida yesterday, where the American people have once again shown the world how resilience, strong, and truly united we are. We're going to help our fellow Americans put their lives, their homes, and their communities back together because when Americans are in need, Americans pulled together, and we know we can always count on the courageous members or nations military to be there every step of the way, just like more than four hundred Air Force medical personnel who have deployed to Florida to help care for the sick and the injured. To the men and women who proudly wear the Air Force uniform, who keep our country safe, and who fill our hearts with pride, Thank you for your service and devotion to America. Thank you. I am truly thrilled to join you today at this really incredible milestone seventy years since the founding of the United States Air Force. Congratulations, we're celebrating seventy years of history, seventy years of heroes, and seventy years of victory. I also want to thank all of the amazing family members and loved ones who sacrifices make your service possible. We love you, we appreciate you, and everything you do. Thank you, Okay. For seven decades, the United States Air Force has pushed the boundaries of science and technology, helped restore peace and stability to troubled lands, and kept Americans safe from those who threaten our very way of life. Nothing inspires more confidence in our friends or strikes more fear in the hearts of our enemies than the sight of American warplanes on the horizon. You patrol the sky, protect the homeland, and deliver American justice to anyone who dares to threaten our people. From the earliest wooden biplanes to the high tech U A V's to the awesome power and stunning beauty of the F thirty five, B two, F twenty two, and I saw a lot of them today. The F fifteen, the F sixteen, the F eighteen. I don't know which one I like the most. But our aviators have given America total dominance of the air and space. No matter where we fly. Now, when our enemies here the F thirty five engines, when they're roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived. That is the way it's been since nineteen seven, when the Air Force was born during a time of monumental change and uncertainty in the world. Unconditional victory in World War Two had come at a terrible price. Millions of lives had been lost, empires had collapsed, and much of Europe laid in ruin. The threat of global communism emerged from the void left by defeated foes, and the free nations of the world once again looked to the United States to secure the peace. It was at this crucial moment that America established the Air Force as a separate military service and a truly great military service, And from that moment America has dominated both air and space like no other nation in history. Our air superiority is unquestioned, not merely because we have the best equipment, but because we have the best people. By far from the Berlin air left through the gauntlet of Mgali to the skies above the jungles of Southeast Asia and the deserts of the Middle East. American airmen have proven that they have no equal encourage, capability, or commitment. You are the ones who owned the sky. You are our greatest weapon of all. In the last sixty four years, American ground forces have not lost a single life to an enemy air strike. Pretty amazing, and that is truly a testament to the strategy and skill of American airmen and the essential role you play in our national defense. As Commander in Chief, I'm committed to keeping the United States Military the best trained, best equipped, and most technologically advanced fighting force on the planet. One of my first acts as president was to direct the rebuilding of our armed forces and rebuilding we are. Congress took an important step this year by heating my call for a twenty billion dollar increase in defense spending, and we're going to be doing even much more than that. But the servicemen and women who defend our nation with their lives deserved the predictable and consistent and funding that will help them win quickly and win decisively. And I will tell you that the new equipment that we're ordering, by the billions, by the absolute billions and billions, it's equipment like you've never even thought of before. There is nobody in the world that will have anything even close to us and what we're doing. And that's my great honor. Believe me. I said it early on and I say it again. There's nobody even close power. Armed forces have endured continuous combat for the past twenty six years. Yet despite this, the number of airmen an active duty has dropped by one third since the ninth ten nineties, and we've cut more than half of our fighter squadrons. Terrible. That is why I am calling on Congress to end the defense sequester once and for all, and to give our military the tools, training, equipment and resources that our brave men and women in uniform so richly deserve. And that is happening. All right. We're gonna step in this here right now to inform stations around the Sean Hannity Show network that we will blow the local break and if you want to take your break, all right ahead, we'll continue with our coverage. It's duty to you and do you right, do you right? We will stop delaying needed investments in our readiness, and we will renew our commitment to the patriots who keep America safe. In doing so, we will continue the proud legacy of service that each of you has inherited, a legacy built over the generations by legends like Yeager, Wagner, written Backer Boyd Grisome and Shriver, the heroes who broke barrier after barrier to push American further. And they really did. They broke so many different barriers. They went farther faster, and they always went on to victory. Like them, each of you is a living, breathing symbol of our great country, the United States of America. The characteristics that define the Air Force aviator, boldness and bravery, action and instinct, power and grace or woven deep into the American spirit and have defined our people since our nation was founded. The legendary Air Force General Robin Oles immortalized those attributes when he said, fighter pilot is an attitude. It's cockiness, it's aggressiveness, it's self cockiness, and you know that it is confidence. It is a streak of rebellion nous Is that true? I don't know, and I just met a lot of these folks that are better looking than Tom Cruise, and we know they can fight better, and we know they can fly better, they better be able to great people. They're truly, truly competitive. But there's something else. There's a spark. There is a desire to be good, to do well in the eyes of their peers. That desire to do good, to surpass every challenger, to overcome every obstacle, and to win for your fellow citizens and the land that we love is the same desire that beats in the heart of every red blooded American patriot. We are and forever will be a nation of pioneers and patriots, risk takers and renegades, aviators and astronauts. We crave adventure and achievement, exploration and enlightenment. We carved out a home in the new World, gave birth to the modern world, and we will shape tomorrow's world with the strength and skill of American hands. Because for America, the sky is never the limit it. That is why the United States Air Force will remain the most awe inspiring flying force ever known to man. Like every part of our military, the Air Force is born from the will of our people to search, to explore, to reach new heights. It is the people's will that you reflect and their power that you project to every single corner of the globe. Earlier this year I had the honor of speaking with a great Army, Air Corps and Air Force legend, Lieutenant Colonel Dick Cole, the last surviving Dolittle Raider and a true American hero. Like those who serve today, Dick Cole was a common American who answered to the call of do with uncommon devotion. His place in the pages of history might have seemed unlikely. Prior to that fateful mission. He had never seen the ocean before boarding a ship that would take him halfway around the world. Neither he nor anyone else had ever flown a B two into combat from the deck of an aircraft carrier, nor had we ever seen anybody to use a parachute before bailing out thousands of feet above the Chinese mainland. But he knew what his country needed and what his duty required, and there was no barrier that could stop Colonel Call and his fellow raiders from accomplishing their mission. It is that spirit of daring, devotion and duty and love of our country that has defined the Air Force for the past seventy years and will lift each of you to new heights every day from this day forward. There is no distance too far, no speed too fast, no challenge too great, and no height too high that will keep the United States Air Force or the American people from total victory. The American people are eternally grateful. We will stand with you always and never forget. I am always on your wing. Happy seventieth Birthday to the United States Air Force. Happy birthday to everybody. We are so proud of you. Congratulations to each and every one of you, and thank you for keeping America proud, strong, safe, and free. Thank you. May God bless the Armed Forces, and may God bless the United States of America. Thank you very much, everybody, Thank you. Congratulations right the President the seventieth anniversary of the Air Force, speaking at Joint Base Andrews, introduced by his wife Melania, and uh, anyway, so we wanted to cover that speech obviously well received and um, you know, we'll have some more recap of that when we get back here in a second. I want to remind everybody at the bottom of this we're gonna be joined by Judge Roy Moore. He's leading in Alabama, and I think in part because of Senator McConnell's low approval rating of eighteen percent. We'll get to that. Will also get to bow Deetle. He wants to be the mayor of New York. But first I want to remind all of you. If you want to look your best and you have bags and puffiness under your eyes, well, our friends at Shamani, well they have the answer, and it's called genuine Sell, and right now they're emptying their warehouses so that if you order now, you will double your order for free. Genuine Cell, of course, is a natural plant stem cell treatment with advanced peptides. You know what it's like. You wake up tired, pesky bags, puffiness under your eyes. And Genuine Cell they promise they're gonna have immediate effect and they're gonna improve the bags and puffiness. You'll see results in twelve hours. All you get your money back, and if you call now, you double your order for free now. Genuine Cell back by the best customer service in the business, iron clad, no risk, sixty day money back guarrantee, and they're not finished. If you order now, you'll also get a two month supply of the legendary deep firming serum. That's free, and if you call in the next twenty minutes, you get a two month supply of s O t RF Shamani's most popular wrinkle cream. That two is free. That's your fourth gift. Call now. Eight hundred Skin five zero nine. Eight hundred Skin five zero nine. Genue Cell dot Com double up on Genuine Cell, get the deep firming serum and s ot all free wall supplies last and of course limited time shipping also free. Eight hundred Skin five zero nine. Eight hundred Skin five zero nine. By the way, Tillerson, the Secretary of State, has weighed and accused North Korea today of threatening the entire world, of course, after Pyong Yang fired their missile over Japan for the second time in a month and defines of international pressure over their missile and nuclear program. And Tillerson I just found out too that the Japanese ended up evacuating many major cities. But it got there in seventeen minutes, and it was the longest flight. It flew right over Japan again about miles. And the biggest question we now have as Americans, well, they've got the nukes because of Bill Clinton, No thank you for lectures Hillary, as you did last night, and now they have the means of delivering them. This was an intermediate range nuclear uh in a new intermediate range missile. But if they and we now know they have I C B M technology and the missiles and of course the bombs, and then they can destroy us all all right, We'll get to all of that, Roy Moore and bo Dietle next and much more coming up. Final hour handity straight ahead after this break. Belied about repealing Obamacare. Now Madge McConnell's d C sly machine spending millions spreading lies about Roy Moore, bearing false witness. We know why. We all know why. Roy Moore is honest and Moore is his own man more fears God, stands for the Constitution, fights for what is right, and believes what we believe. Drained the swamp. Send McConnell a message, Send them all a message, Roy Moore, send it. My name is Roy Moore, and I proved this message alright now till the top of the hour. Two races we're gonna follow this half hour. One is in the great state of Alabama, where Roy Moore is at a runoff against Luther Strange And you just heard that latest stad from Roy Moore's campaign. And there also is a email that was sent out earlier today and it said, this week my campaign exposed and blew one of Mitch McConnell's dirty tricks and schemes to steal the election for his puppet, Luther Strange out of the water. And in typical fashion, Mitch McConnell and others were planning to use September twenty one debate between me and my opponent to sabotage and destroy my campaign. The debate was to be hosted by Stanford University and the Alabama Policy Institute, but they didn't inform us that the president of the Policy Institute also serves as the treasurer of the Senate Leadership Fund, the same Senate Leadership funds spending millions of dollars in Alabama attacking Roy Moore and his wife and his family with malicious hats. Roy Moore joins us, Now, how are you, sir? I'm doing fine, Sean, how are you doing well? I hope you're not mad at me. I supported Moe Brooks. I mean mo was a twenty eight year friend of mine. I've known him since my days down in Alabama, and he used to fill in for me on my show. It wasn't personal. I hope you understand. I'm a very loyal friend. Um. You know, this race in many ways has become a referendum on two people that don't live in Alabama. One is President Trump and one is Mitch McConnell. Do you agree with that. I would agree with that. Explain why you think it is. Well, I mean, immediately upon me entering the race, they cut off all consultant, all posters, everybody that would could help me outside the state and inside the state, and forced me to go on my own where we did, and we're winning the race. We've been in the league from the very beginning, despite the fact that they've spent approximately fifteen million dollars out of a couple of funds in Washington, won the Senate Leadership Fund, the other run by Karl Rove, and they've put out Native ads and they saying American Crossroads is involved in this. Well, it's one of these. I think it's one nation or another. Fun but he's been on record on see it in the end us saying he supports what they're doing. At the Senate Leadership Fund. Let me ask you this, um, and this is an important issue for me. I am beyond angry and frustrated, as I know many of my friends in Alabama probably are two over the fact that all these Republicans in the House and Senate, they promised everything repeal and replace Obamaca, they'd support a border wall, they'd support the President's tax plan, they support this and that. I want to know, and I want a firm pledge and promised from you on the things that you'll support. Do you support repealing and replacing? Did you support just the repeal? Where would you have voted, say versus some of your Senate colleagues. I support repeal completely. The reason is socialized medicine does not belongs in the confines of the federal government. It is not under Article one, section three or section eight. I'm sorry, Article one, section eight. It is something that the federal government will mess up as it has Medicare or as it has uh the VA hospitals. They can't run the VA hospitals. How would they run the medical system for more? Do you like the President's economic plan? Do you like the President's plan on the border? Do you like the President's energy plan is Is there anything you disagree with the President on that you can think of off the top of your head. I agree with the President that edity to get moving this this country forward and stop illegal aiming and flowing across the boarding borders, to stop the restrictions on the free enterprise system, and to stop repeel Obamacare. It's not very difficult to vote to repeal Obamacare. It means this before Obama. Who do you think you would most likely align yourself within the Senate? Who are people that you look at in the Senate today that you say, you know what they're doing a good job? Probably Ted Cruise Cruise, the Conservatives in the Senate. Yeah, you know one of the things. So why is Mitch McConnell so active in trying to stop you? Um? You know, I thought that it was up to the people to decide. And by the way, he's got an eighteen percent approval rate. Um, And I'm more frustrated with him. There two and fifty House bills, good bills like you know, Kate's Law and other things, sanctuary cities laws that he hasn't even taken up in the Senate. And he hasn't even gotten some of the president's appointees through. Would you are you willing to stand up to Mitch McConnell. Of course, And miss McConnell knows that he said in seeing the end, talking the paragraph before, in the paragraph after, he said, with the slim majority, we don't know want another conservative rebel difficult to ad manage in the system. And that's exactly what he said. That's the reason to endorse you. There's the reason to endorse your right there. Um, do you believe as I do this, that he needs to go to fifty one votes a simple majority? Absolutely? And I say that for a reason constitutionally of it. It is not a supermajority imposed upon passing legislation by our founding fathers. What they've done is take a quote unquote filibuster rule, which is not a filibuster rule, because filibuster is when you talk out of the faith when you can't even get the bill to the floor. It's not a filibuster rule. It's a rule to prevent passing legislation. And that's what the Senate is doing. And you would only vote for a strict construction. As for the court, that's right. I would vote for a strict construction of court. When courts start changing the meaning of the words, they change the whole intent of the object before them. For example, the First Amendment is a clear example where they change the word religion to mean whatever they wanted to mean at any time. And when they do that, they change the whole purpose the First Amendment, which was not to prohibit the acknowledge from of God, but to make sure that that that acknowledgement was outside of government interference. Let me ask you, because so many people know you from the Ten Commandments issue, what do you say to those people? Say? The Ten Commandments issue is all about the acknowledgement of God. Nothing in our constitution, oral law prehips that prohibits us from acknowledging in particular God, Oh my goodness, one God in God, we trust. To look at the legislation that passed that or the legislation that put under God in the pledge were founding documents said, you know, the declaration talks about a superior being, a creator being who gives us antable rights. When you did not that God, you did not who gives you your rights? And guess what government does take it from you? They take con front of from US. UM, if I was in Alabama, I'd be voting for you, sir. I wish you all the best in less than two weeks. And I am not voting for anybody that Mitch McConnell is targeting ever in my life ever, and I think what he's doing is unfair. I also believe you. I've known you over the years as somebody that is a man of his word and integrity, and I want you to win the race. Well, thank you, Sean. And if they'll go to Roymore dot org, that's all they have to do, Yore dot org. He'll take them to the Senate side and it'll take them to what I stand for, Romore dot org. And not appreciate you, sir, appreciate it. One Shaun is a number. As we continue our look at the candidates today, UM, I have a very dear friend that's running from mayor of New York City and the I will tell you that New York City is in a rapid, precipitous, dramatic decline since Comrade build the Blasio has taken office. And you can't believe the things that are going on in the city. Bo Deedle now has gotten a top line and former detective, former Fox News contributor and a friend of mine, who I think, What did I tell you when you were running profits? They said, you're out of your mind? What are you doing? But I'm I'm proud of you the same thing. First of all, you are probably the one great American that is out there, and I love you. I love your passion, I love the way you feel about this country. And regardless of anything, I'm running as an independent, but I love this country so much. I like to look at myself like a Ronald Reagan guy, because I met with Ronald Reagan back in nineteen six in the Oval Office. Yeah, and what we gotta do? You know what we gotta do across this country. I do believe what Trump is trying to do. We gotta have a lot of a lot of compromises, because if we don't have any kind of compromise, we're not going to get things done. And it's so important to get some of these issues done. We gotta build that wall, we have to secure off borders. So I mean, we gotta give into Shu Shuman there and and do a little something with this dream back. Whatever we gotta do, we gotta get stuffed past. We gotta get this uh the tax reforming there, and we have to go back and set up two committees for this medical insurance stuff and get committee from Republicans and Democrats and get something done. That's the biggest thing in this country. This is my problem. In New York City, we got a mayor that talks about a ten year plan where write is down. Ten year planned with ninety homeless show. Ten year plan. Hey, you gotta get things done today. How about a ten month plan. We got homelessness reaching the roof. They're not dealing with it. You take the subways. Subways are breaking down. All this mayor wants to do is take money, pay for play. I'm running as an independent. Dump the mayor is the name of my line. And then, you know what, I need support from everyone because this this communist may we have now has eyes on running for the president United States. He thinks he's gonna jump from here to get involved. He wants to be like that screw ball from uh North, from Vermont, that lunatic Ernie Sanders there. You know, you know what some of the things that have bothered me. I mean, the city is dirtier than it's been. You have more crime than we've seen in many, many years you've seen it's been. Everything is dilapidated and falling down. When they try and fix something, they do it in the middle of the day. You can't get around anywhere in the city these days. You can't even get into the city. Out of the city. You can't do it on we gens. He can't do it overnight. You can't do ever. You know, they put up these freaking bike lanes. All of a sudden, you gotta you got a bike lane, You got a concrete te you got a truck bellow park. Mother, when I was with someone has a heart attack. How do you get the ambulance there? My whole thing in New York City is we gotta get things done. The police all of a sudden, he's got all the statistics of crime being down. But I talked to people every day. You know what, the the criminalized a lot of the crimes. And I'm reporting to Hampy crap And you know what this may when you get the police department in New York City, plus police s Partment where I'm from, which I love one anything I would die for any other cop I love the police to bomb eight out of ten cops that they would go for another job tomorrow from the New York City Police Pom Morale is at the lowest. They turned his their backs on that. This this punk when when we had that office a familiar shot and then all of a sudden he got on a plane. He went to Germany to do it, to dance and do the pop bar over there. We had a derailment, two hundred people derect. This guy thinks he's gonna walk in. There's one guy he's afraid of. And I need this report of people from all over the country. Bow for f O R Maya dot com. Ninka said them bucks, I gotta take this guy out because he is the beginning of what will take this country down again. We've got to destroy him at this battle because he's trying to go for the big war and we gotta take about it. He's a communist, he's a big supporter of the of the Cuban government with User del Castro. He was there with the sandiniss and Nicaragua. You know what I said during one of my debates, I challenge you, I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you two tickets, you and your wife. One way to take it back to Havana. He doesn't want to deal with Bo. He saw him at the end of the day. You know he has he has to debate me on October tent and then he's debate me in November. He's told people he does not he's trying to use some sort of a legal maneuver not to debate me, because when I debate him, it's not gonna be like that guy sell Albanese when he tells me starts with these numbers. I'm gonna tell listening now you just shut up, because I don't like the guy personally. He's not a good person. Only cares about his paper playing money. He's a corrupt individual. Should have been indicted by the U. S. Attorney If not, San stay there, Bo, I gotta take a break. We'll come back more with bow Dietle. He's running from mayor of New York City. I want to talk to him specifically about, you know, the odds of winning this race and some of the other issues. He wants to take down Mayor. The Blasio the Comrade wants to take down a Christopher Columbus statute in Columbus Circle. And he's now set up a committee to examine every statute and every single thing that exists in the city, whether or not historically it's politically correct. We'll get into that when we give him right as we continue with bow Dietle, candidate Independent for mayor in the City of New York. Bo a longtime friend, former colleague obviously the Fox News Channel. UM, Bo, I would love to see you win this race. I always said it was an uphill climb because in New York City where you're running, I mean, Democrats out number of Republicans about nine to one, it's very difficult for a Republican to win. Um. And I want to ask you this. So, the latest controversy with Comrade de Blasio is that he wants to he created this commission and talking about taking down the statue of Christopher Columbus and Columbus Circle. What is your reaction to that? Well, you know, first right to the races, they did a quit effect pole and the pole that came out it had me tied with the Republican that's one nay on the Republican line. And the thing is that there were good thought about this. His thirty one percent of the voters we're undecided. They were against the Blasio He got about forty one, So there is room for en Upset people do not like him. I'm running. I'm running. I'm looking at to get the moderate and conservative Democrats that don't like the Blasier to come on board. And I think there's room for that. And I mean, look at this issue right now, he calls himself Italian. First of all, the Blasio real names uh is called. I think Warren Wilhelm is his real world name, Jerman. He's not proud of it. I don't care the reasons why. But when he go and they tried to take down a statue and idol of the Italian Americans, I mean it was the good and the bad, the ugly of history. But in reality we look upon Christopher Columbus as someone that is an icon to the Italians. I mean, look, he didn't do good things, sometimes he didn't do bad things, but you cannot change history. And those statues up there remind us of history well against slavery. But during the time, what we should do then showing his take down the pyramids in each of because a lot of my Jewish brothers and sisters were slaughtered and were slaves to build those pyramids. Why don't we take those down? Next? Where do we stop? Let's be real. This is hyper cyclopathnic actions by the liberal left and I can't stand it, and this day has got to go. All right, it's Bo bo fo r mayor um. If you want to help bo deetle out Bo, we'll have you on. What is this debate? It's in October, right, October, that of debating big bird. This is musty TV. Thank you so much, Bo Dieedle Sean Hannity Show. All right, we'll take a quick break news round up in emation overload. My buddy Harvey Levin from TMZ is up next, and then we'll get to your calls and also the latest on the terror attacks from earlier today. Straight Ahead Objectified the life stories of innovators, celebrities and world leaders. Do you encourage your kids to go into politics? Told through cherished objects which have profound meaning? My father, these were his glasses. This was the sort that we used in Conan. These super achievers, show me, Harvey Levin, Sometimes material things do matter. This is one of my most prized possessions. This is what darker of education. Life stories like You've never seen Objectified, premiering Sunday, September seventeenth at eight pm Eastern, five Pacific only un Fox News Channel. Judge Judy fiercely independent on your best day, you're not as smart as I am on my worst at but also old school you're feminist. I actually don't know what that means for incredible life story told through cherished objects. My father these were his glasses, the twists and ferns that almost railed her and then made her a soaring success. Do I want equal pay with men? Absolutely enough? A life story like you've never seen? Objectified? From here Sunday, September seventeenth, Fox News Channel, a Easter five Pacific all Right News round Up, Information Overload, our Sean Hannity Show. That is a promo of the latest news show on the Fox News Channel, And it's called Objectified, And it's hosted by Harvey Levin of TMZ fame uh and he joins us now to talk about this and all the other issues of the day. You know what the show reminds me of. It reminds me of a modern day biography. I don't. I bet you're too young for this because I'm so much older than you. But do you remember early mornings, like on Saturday Sunday morning that was that show Biography with the really scary music and Mike Wallace was the host of it. Do you know what's funny? I guess it. Really are older than me? Not. You know what, I'm still mad at you put Scaramucci in your spot instead of me. What's that about? What the hell is? Oh my god? He came in this morning. Yeah he is, isn't he He's the greatest guy. People think he's nuts. He's not. He's nuts in a fun way. We were shooting a couple of promos because he's going to host the show on Monday t NZ, and we shot a promo so one of the guys of a gag said, hey, we got Steve Bannon out at Craig's last night, And he said Craigs and then he used the b S word and said, that guy goes to in and out right by the way, that's where I go. I land in l A. And I raced to an in and out. I land in Vegas. Same thing. I love in and out Burger animal style too. Honny you say funny? You say, by the way, because there is one right by the airport for that very reason, for sean Annity. Oh god, I literally I can't get there fast enough. Now that I'm fat and I'm old, I get it. Would let us, and then I forget how you order it. I just tell him what I want. Um. But so if you were as old as me, you would have woken up to the scary music early mornings on a weekend. And it was biography. But I love biographies. Love, that's really my thing, is my whole adult life. Um. I read biographies and autobiographies, and I wanted to do a show that, you know, I would tell a life story, but the kind of life story where you know, the people have layers to their life and twists and turns and failures and successes. And I thought, I don't want to do what you're sitting on a sofa. So what we did was we said to these, you know, to the people we who we interviewed, you know, we're gonna put your life into seven distinct chapters that represent different periods of your life or areas of your life. And each one of these periods or areas, we want you to find an object that you kept that represents that period or area, and it doesn't have to be anything expensive. It can be anything that's significant to you. And it's a different storytelling device that allows you to get into a story in a really intimate way where they feel they're more in control, they open up more, and it really works. And I'm telling you the objects, I'm one person. There was a rock that one person kept. It is so significant. Tyler Perry, one of the most important things this guy's got and he has got this lavish home and all this stuff Walmart pajamas that his mom gave him. They don't even fit, and there's a reason they're so important. So you know, you get into their lives this way. You know, it's funny. For a long time, I actually held a you know when you you do go to an a t M and you get like your statement at the end of it. For a couple of years, I had like two hundred bucks, which I think it was the minimum that Old Stone Bank in Rhode Island, and that's all the money I had in the world. And I had found one years ago and then I got carried it forever because a ment a lot to me. And yeah, I mean, you know, but you did this in the interview. I I thought you did the most interesting interview of Donald Trump that was not political, that brought us inside of who the guy is and it's a person that I've known him for a long time, and I thought it really was revealing. And one of you did use these techniques and you you walked around and showed pictures of his father and him, and I remember thinking, what what does this mean to you? And You've got a lot out of him by doing it that way. Yeah, and you know it really it's it's now tried and true because I've done it. Look, I've done this with you know, political figures. I did with Benjamin nat and yeah, who I did it with sports figure Shaquille O'Neill, Whole Cogan, Mark Cuban, who is kind of a hybrid, you know because he's business to doing with Martha Stewart, Tyler Perry and entertainment, Simon Callen, entertainment, judge Judy. So it works. It just works with everybody because I think, you know, when when they have to describe, you know, why is it that they kept something like you could explain to me what it's like struggling with that, with that statement, and that statement is probably it triggers memories for you. And you know, something as simple as that is, you know, it's it's it's it's the lynch pin. You know, um, it's it's fascinating because you look, working in t MZ, you know people in the sports world, you know people in the political world, you know people in the entertainment world. So you're really at a at a really in a really good position where you have access to all of these people. Do you find as you interview them and you've interviewed them for TMZ over the years. And it's one of my favorite shows because it reminds me a lot of candid camera and you have all these celebrities and I can't just not help but laugh at how they react to your cameras showing up and they're being stupid, or they're or they're sloppy, drunk getting into the back of a car. But no, but that's what that all makes it funny. I'm telling you, I'm laughing. I'm crying half the time. And I do think celebrities. I don't think being a celebrity is healthy. I've said that nobody believes that. I mean it, I do. I think they're you know, the average people that work so hard every day. They don't get pat on the back and asking for pictures and autographs, and I just think it tends to get to people's heads. You've seen that over the years, and I just think that having access to them, if you notice one common characteristic as you look at people from all those different worlds, gosh, um, they're human beings. I mean honestly, they're all fundamentally human beings. And it just doesn't matter. And you know, a sports person can have the same insecurities and struggles that and entertain It doesn't matter, It really doesn't. They're all people who were kids at one time, who struggled at one time, who succeeded, who may have failed after succeeding. I mean, there they are. They are people, and and I what I what I find that's interesting is it it's indistinguishable from area to area. I really mean it. Do you do you think we spend way too much time over people's personal lives, because it's like if somebody, I mean, in other words, why did I don't really care what people do in their personal lives? And I say that, and then there's a big scandal of Bill Clinton, and I'm gonna be following it day and night. Yeah. I mean, look, this is nothing new. And the thing that I always think about, Um, did you read a book called Summer twenty seven. It's fantastic book. It's fantastic and it's all the things that happened in because that's when Lindbergh landed in Paris, but a lot of things. Babe Ruth broke the home run record. So there there's a passage in this book where they talk about there was an article, a weekly column I think it was in the Chicago Tribune, and the column was only about Babe Ruth's Bunyan's, literally about Ruth's Bunyans, and it was the most popular part of the paper while they were running that. Everybody was really interested in it because they were interested in Babe Ruth. So this is not John a new phenomenon at all. This is we never put any context somebody. If somebody sends publicly if I'll use that word, and public ridicule then descends upon them and the cameras and the oparazzi and and everybody's all over them. One thing I've noticed is they'll nobody ever gives any context or texture to anybody's life. Now maybe that person. And I'll add one thing to that. I think you're right. I think you're absolutely right. But I will add one thing to that that the failing of the media, um and and all media, you know, whether they cover politics or sports or general news or whatever it is, is that people now take snapshots of somebody's life and they say this will for this, this event, this moment will forever define who they are. Listen, would you want to be defined by your worst moment in life? Things that nobody knows? I wouldn't, but right, absolutely, And yet I'm telling you when you look at you know, it's funny. I mean, this isn't the worst thing in the world, But I look at this thing with Kathy Griffin with the head with Donald Trump held the news she held a news conference, and she said, this is the end of my career. This is awful for me. Guess what. It's over. She's back on the on the road, and if anything, it probably boosted her a little bit. So you know, when you look at that moment in time and everybody starts jumping and saying well, this is going to define them forever almost never. You gotta admit holding up posing as an ISIS fighter with a bloodied head, severed head of the president is pretty stupid. It just tom But you know what, But you know what, it's not going to define or Bill Clinton. I mean, who would have sunk? Bill Clinton is the you know, he is the poster child for the Democratic Party, beloved. You know, there was a moment in time when you thought, oh my god. Never you know, it's like it just never sticks this way. And you're right, people don't put context to it, and everybody tries to define the life with that one event, but it never sticks. It just never sticks that way. We'll take a break, we'll come back more with Harvey Levin of t MZ. He's got a new show. It's on the Fox News Channel. It debuts on Sunday at eight o'clock and it's called Objectified. Right as we continue, Harvey Levin as well, us got a brand new show debuting Sunday on the Fox News Channel and it is called Objectified. And Harvey has been a friend for a long time and he runs t MZ. I think it's one of the ont of your shows on television today. Anthony Scaramucci is hosting on Monday. I'm extraordinarily jealous. Although I don't think there's your staff of young people could deal with me there. I don't think that it would be like, who's here, I've never heard of this guy before. I'm going to say, They're never gonna say who's he. No, they say who's that guy? Who? You know? Why are you putting Grandpa in here? What's going on with that? You believe me? You know what you want to talk about Grandpa. I'm gonna tell you a story. I'm gonna tell you a story, and it's embarrassing, but I'll tell you. So when I pitched this show, this objectified show, I figured I need to explain it before I actually had had shot anything. So I thought, I'll just bring an object in from my house and I'll explain what the object is. So I had a globe of the world that I've kept since I was six years old, and it means something to me. There's all sorts of reasons why it means somebody means I figured I'd bring the globe, so I pulled it up the bookshelf and bring it to this pitch meeting, and I'm sitting down looking at the globe, and somebody looks at the United States and they say, something's weird here, and we started looking at it. Sean, yeah, a States, well better than fifty two. It was an older It was an older Cloe, what do you want? Let me ask you this question. So, um, I guess he got a twelve week run to start. I was. I was saying, I love biographies. I can't watch enough enough of it. I'll tell you what my my viewing habits are. I mostly watched Netflix. I mostly watched documentaries. I love biographies. I read biographies, and I read autobiographies. For example, I'm interviewing the president of Egypt on Monday for TV. And but I know one of the best autobiographies I ever read was Anne Washed Theonots. And this guy was a genius, a genius, a genius, and also, you know, one of the most extraordinary, you know, peacemakers. Ultimately, I mean ultimately, he waited and he waited and he waited, and it called him a yes man for all these years, and he knew it. But he knew if he got a chance, he could make the world a better place. Than he did and he got killed for it. I really quick. So who are the people that you're gonna be interviewing on the new show? I mean it's a full hour, I assume with everybody, right, Yep, yep, yep. Judy starts and then we're going to interview. I'll tell you it's interesting. Um. We interview uh Hulk Cogan and he's never really talked about the Docker trial before and he really kind of gets into it with me on a game changer. It was a game changer, and it's interesting to know why he decided to open his life up, you know, with areas that he's certainly not proud of. Uh. We talked to you know, Mark Cuban about um, you know, one of the things I get into with him is politics, and shann I gotta tell you, he was very open with me about whether he might run for office for for president. UM like Mark, but he's very liberally. He texted me all the time and tells me how wrong I am. But I like the guy. I like him a lot. I think he I just I really the character. It's full of life. I love people that are alive and a smart guy. Um, you know, Tyler Perry Um, Shaquille O'Neal, Simon cowell Um. I'm interested in Simon he he fascinates me. Well, you know, Simon Call is the guy who decided, you know what, I can marry music and television and make something special. And he's the guy that did it. And you know, and Simon Call, by the way, went flat broke when he was thirty years old and a lot of people would have packed it in and he didn't. So you know Benjamin Nat and I mean you you know a lot about him, best friend. I've been friends with him for decades. I love him. I gotta tell you, it's so interesting to me how he became americanized at school here, went back, but never wanted to go into politics. I mean he had an aversion to politics. You know the story about his brother and the raid on of course. Yeah. And by the way he tells me about you know, he was involved in with the Sabina Airlines hijacking where you know he and I don't know if you've ever heard the story. Did he ever tell you the story? Yes he has, why but why there was a delay in in charging the airplane? I don't remember that part. So that's in the show. Don't tell me. I want to watch it. Listen. I gotta roll. But Harvey obviously is uh. He debuts Sunday s eight o'clock. It's on the Fox News Channel. It's cold, objectified, and uh, I can't believe scary. Scaramucci is a trip. If you start any time, he makes you cry and and laugh and get mad at the same time. He's uncanny. He's great. All right, thanks you this. I gotta tell you. Everybody I interviewed I think was six six five and over for objectified to it with great getting next to Scaramucci, Yeah, he's yeah, I got it, and I understand. Well, the guy used stand next to every night is tall. I know it drives me crazy. Who cares? All right, thanks so much, Harvey leven one Shawn. On a Friday, We're gonna lighten things up Florida, Georgia Line Friday concert series and your calls coming up straight ahead. You'll hear what everyone really thinks in d C. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Is that back from sire? Let's get I'm just gonna say I didn't show it obviously for very obvious reasons. But I have just seen a woman who has just been a woman has a quick stretched off here um and clearly her legs are wrapped up and she has been burned. She has burned to her faces. She's conscious. She was painted paint relief as well, but clearly people have sustained very nasty burns. She seemed to have burned from all over her body, from top to toes. Her legs wrapped up in some kinds of protective sort of plastic films. She definitely had burned face as well, and no one seemed to be looking after the package or close to the package, or owning this particular package or bag. It was it was literally, um, everyone ran off the tube. I mean it was explosion. It was panic stations. Everyone run off the tube. I just turned to see the tube realized it was just that one explosion and the fire. There wasn't a continuation of a fire, because my initial thought was the whole train is going to blow up, and when I come off, it wasn't as serious as what I initially thought went through my head. And you apparently people reporting that there were passengers with facial burns. Did you see any of that? Yeah, I mean it's it's it's just been exposed to a very very hot fireball a matter of well a nano second. Yeah, I'll tell you what, Peter, bloody lucky the doors are opening. Otherwise it would have been a lot worse than what I can clean. Definitely, because yeah, it was so lucky that they are opened, because everyone just put off the tube. The evacuation was very quickly. Ran came running downstairs and out of the door, and lots of people shops and tearful and screening, saying that there had been an explosion. And then people were saying there'd been a wall of flame coming down a tube carriage, and I turned around and came back from the station with all of them, and that is what the described, a wall of wall flame coming down a carriage after a bag. And there were people at the back of the tube as well who said that they had heard a back quite clearly from further up the train. The doors had opened, and everyone has started running out, and a lot of people who have been trying to climb over each other getting out. I was just about to walk into the station and there were a few people sort of sounding outside, and there was a woman sitting on the pavement um sort of blood around her and she was crying and she was really hysterical. And I walked into the station. There was just bloods on the floor and people running downstairs screaming like get out, people crying and running, and the whole station was evacuated but people were coming up the station sort of covered in blood and dirt. And Yeah, at this stage, we are treating the matter as a terrorist related incident and the Metropolitan Police counter Terrorism Commands will take responsibility for that investigation. Um. The stage is a little early to draw any full conclusions as to what the circumstances and cause of that explosion are, and we are investigating and exploring that at the moment. We will give further information throughout the day, but for now we just remind people to remain alert um and report anything suspicious to the emergency services. All right, some of the sounds from earlier today, if you haven't heard, an explosion on the Tube train, which is the subway system in Great Britain, at the height of rush hour earlier this morning, sends off a wall of fire through the entire carriage, injuring at least twenty people. And what is a suspected terror attack, and you've got, as they said, twenty people are injured in this attack. A homemade bucket bomb you have sending a fireball flying into a downtown train carriage. Amid these reports and uh, this just the one of many latest attacks. The attacker remains at large. After the homemade bomb detonated. The suspect was identified by security services by some of the security camera footage that they have available. Well, I guess now I have an updated article. Twenty two people injured, suffering flashburns from the device with a timer, others trampling as they were fleeing the subway on the District Line. I heard a boom, there were flames. One witness said. Everything we know so far about the Parsons Green attack anyway, so London once again under fire, under attack. It was also an incident in France where a knifeman was shouting Allah attacking a soldier on patrol in Paris. Joining us now, Katie Hopkins with the Daily Mail and Cahem Rasam he is the editor in chief. I'm sorry. Raheem Kassam is the editor in chief of Breitbart in London, and of course he has now written a brand new book which has now become a bestseller, and we called the book ut Where Oh No go Zones, How Sharia Law is Coming to a neighborhood near you. Welcome both of you to the program. Thanks for being with us. For him, I was just talking to you yesterday, you were interviewing me, and here we are again because there's another attack in Europe and it's everything that you and I have discussed at length about the migration problem, not vetting people and not having assimilation in Europe, and it's all throughout Europe and it's almost at least once a week now. It's ridiculous, no assimilation, no demands of integration, and actually going the other way. Sean. As you say, the subtitle of my book is how Surreal law is coming to a neighborhood near you. Well, Theresa May is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and she is on the record as having said that Sharia can be of great benefit to the United Kingdom. What happens when you bow down towards sharia supremacism. For those that don't know Islamic law, what happens when you bow down to it is they treat you like lessers. They think your letters anyway, by the way, as infidels, as unbelievers, they think you're lesser anyway. But then you start cow towing to them, you start giving them what they want. Why, because there's a latent threat, Sean. When they say to you you can't insult all Muslims, they're not saying that out of compassion. They're saying that as a threat. There's a billion Muslims in the world. That has a threatening tone to it. What are you going to do when you insult all of us, when you make all of us angry? So the politicians they say, okay, we won't make you angry, will embrace your Sharia. And then this happens, and it keeps happening. And it's the thirty ninth terrorist attack or attempted terror attack in Europe this year alone. You mentioned there was another one in France, in Paris this morning. There was actually another one in Shalon, Sue, I'm going to try to pronounce this right, Salon in Eastern France. But nobody's even talking about today alone, Sean. You know, it's it's just heartbreaking. I mean, in one sense, we heard in some of the audio that we just played I mean, it was lucky that the doors had had opened and they were at a particular stop Katie Hopkins, but it's not surprising. And the controversies emerged because Theresa May is a probably is apparently angry at Donald Trump because he sent out a tweet, assuming it was what we now suspect it is, which is Islamic terror. Yeah. Absolutely, and that's what concerns me. You know, with all of this, I think we're kind of naturally tuned into the narrative that the media are pushing. So for a long time now, the narrative has been we are stand united, we are not divided, We carry on as normal. All of us can sing it from the song sheet because every politician comes out with it. The Eiffel Tower turns its lights on and off and on and off. But I would say that with this new narrative I'm hearing is more concerning to me. The first thing that was picked up on, the first thing that was used by Sky by the BBC was Trump tweet and all he said was another loser terrorist, more sick and demented people who were in the sites of Scotland yard. I don't doubt for a moment that he said terrorist. I mean it had to be terrorism, Terris. But what concerns me is the way they went straight to the Trump tweet rather than talking about there was potentially two lunatics on the loose, one of whom had already detonated a bomb. And let's remember that bucket bomb didn't go off properly. It's twenty nine the latest count on injured did that had gone off properly? These were kids on the school and a ten year old with no skin left from his neck to his waistband. Sorry about the detail, and that bomb didn't go off. They went straight to his Trump and then we heard Theresa may come out. But Katie, he never said Islamic terrorism, said terrorism, but they used that line Sean, and they went straight to I will be meeting with Matt Cron shortly to talk about extremism on the Internet and extremists of all kind. And I know what that means. That means more purging of conservative supporting sites on YouTube and on Twitter. That will be more Trump supporters taken off of YouTube, taken off of Facebook. I see this messaging. I know where they're going, and they're going to use an attack on our underground to censor more Trump supporters on YouTube, and that can only be a bad thing. So Great Britain as censoring Trump supporters on YouTube. Absolutely, we've just seen the purge. You know, if you are on I think you've had Lovely a joy Villa on your show, haven't you. Yeah, And so she was one of the accounts until we got on the back of it. They sensored her for a while for being a Trump supporter. So we've seen them censoring conservative voices. And what they do is they try and instead of talking about Islamic extremism or Islamist extremism, they talk about all extremists. And of course they target people from the right. And we are one of the first voices to be silence because we're easy to find, we're easy to pick on, and also it keeps our government Shariah a Muslim compliance and it does make you wonder where we're headed in the country or where we've gone. The people in Great Britain do they care that their separatary of courts is it? Why isn't that even an issue they care? We've just people are losing their voice, they're losing their hearts and what what of course the media don't pick up on. Is my children tonight watching the news, just just ten minutes ago, watching the news and just going there was a bomb, mum on the tube, on your tube, and my children see that, you know, my parents see that. People are saying they won't go to London. They don't. They're frightened. People in the UK are frightened. Whatever the politicians are saying, people don't want to go to London anymore. People are concerned, but they don't have the voice. And that's my real concerns. I've got to London, but I won't hang out with you because you're such a big target. And I don't mean to make light of it. I mean it's a serious issue again. I mean we're really just could have been. Okay, hold on, Hannity, hold it right there. I heard one of your earlier guests say to you, you would be fine shape. Now I'm going to take I'm going to take issue with that because I've seen the size of you, and you are not in fine shape. So your guests tho with a with all due respect, I actually am in really good shape, and I trained martial arts. I train hard, ninety minutes a day mixed martial arts. Seriously, what's he weighing in at the moment? Right now? I'm wearing in at one and it's all muscle. You do not tell me I'm a bigger target than you, because you are find I didn't say you're a bigger target. I didn't mean physically a bigger target. What's wrong with you? Well, I'm a female and I must take these things personally. Or you're the one that gained sixty pounds on purpose and then lost it to show everybody how easy it is to diet. Right anyway, Raheem, what's your sense of people in the UK's do you think? Maybe? Why don't you just take over the show? It's as if I have no questions overhead Katie Hopkins show, It's amazing. Welcome to my show. I am slender and slim, and therefore I deserve this show. Chops to Hannay, does not are you really coming to the United States next week? Are you coming to New York City? I'm back in the Helpless. I'm gonna put it out on all points. Bought that Katie Hopkins is back in the USA. And guess what. Short Lydia says she's shaving her legs above the knee. She said, you are or she is? She said, your team, Lauren and Linda, they're going to shave their legs above the knee just to show me up, because yeah, we have to we have to look our best. When why would why would that impact me at all in my life in any way? Shape matter reform, Why why would you tell me that my hairy legs, I'm going to make you feel them and you're gonna love it. That's that's that's because we used Dollar Shave Clubs on who we're just telling her how smooth and silky our legs you'd be for our events when we go out. Yeah, you sent me one of your shaver kids too, from one of your lovely appetizers, whom I love very much. Now, Dollar Shape Club, can we get back to some serious issues all right? Raheim? Raheim? Can I just I do not shape my legs. Here's the thing, shut, listen. The fact that we were so ably easy, easily able to transition from talking about serious terrorist attack that happened this morning into joking around. That is proof of how normalize these events. No, it's no, it's only proof of how nuts Katie Hopkins is that's all it is. It has nothing to do with you and me stuff every day, that's the thing. And so it's become normal. It's it's become normal to all of us, to everyone, just to get to a serious point. At nine eleven, the sixteenth anniversary just past this Monday, and I'm playing all the audio again and reminding people, and we put together a montage and just every time I play and I get chills. I mean, you watch the Hours hit, you see it, You watch people jumping to their death. It's it makes you nauseous. I ran into a friend of mine the other night who is best friends with a woman who was married to a kid I went to high school with, and him and his brother died that His name was Farrell Lynch. His brother's name is Shawn Lynch. They've been gone now sixteen years, and Farrell Lynch, I think, had five kids, and I'm like, how's his wife doing? How the kids doing? I mean, it's just heartbreaking that they lived their lives with no father. It sucks. And I think in terms of normalizing whoever he was just saying, we just had the BBC. You know, the taxpayer pays for those people. They just did an article on their website, the BBC website, which was called how do you put on makeup after an acid attack? Can you imagine? Right now? We don't have acid attack. But anyway, we'll see you next week. Katie, thank you so much for having me on your radio show yesterday. It was a pleasure to be there, and congratulations. I don't sleep well. Katie Hopkins keeps me up late at night, you know her, her crazy jokes spinning through my mind. Quick break right back, We'll continue, all right, Hannity tonight, ten Eastern. We are watching very very closely what's happening in St. Louis. We'll have any new news if it develops. The city of London rocked by another terrorist attack today. We'll get into that controversy over the fact that the President said it was a terror attack when it was and he didn't say Islamic terrorism. We'll get to that. Also, more on DAKA and Republican in action. We'll hit that tonight. We have Dr Gorka joining us. We'll check in with him. We have judged in the Impiro. We have Sarah Carter tonight, we have Matt Slap tonight and Harvey Levin of TMZ, say d v R, Hannity ten, Eastern Fox News, and we'll see you back here on Monday. Have a great weekend, seeing a tonight at ten. Back here Monday,

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