The liberal media is hitting President Trump hard for his congratulatory phone call today with Russian President Vladimir where the Russian leader recently "won" re-election. The liberal media says the President should not have given any credence to the victory because of questionable election results counting but the truth is, as Sean breaks down, the United States has been very tough under President Trump. If you don't think so, take a look at the revived US Coal Industry and what that's done to the Russian economy. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too. Let go to my pillow dot com promo code Sean and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere Pillows. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guaranteed no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing interney that's not working for you. Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruitative sleep he'd been craving and deserve my pillow dot com promo coach on. All right, glad you with us. A lot of news happening today right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. The Austin serial bomber blew himself up and he is dead. Now there is some fear, I want to warn you among some in law enforcement. By the way, shows how great again law enforcement is. One of the Squat team members when when this guy blew himself up in his car after he drove into a ditch, one of the SWAP members approaching the car was hit with some of the shrap. Now, all reports are he's gonna be okay. But it shows you the courage, courage, the bravery, and uh the dedication and keeping our towns and our cities safe and secure. And we tipped our hat to the FBI, to the Austin police and everybody in between. Another opportunity. To remind you, when we talk about deep state actor, it was like McCabe and and Comey and Rosenstein and Struck and Paige and Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder and Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes and pretty much everybody that worked at for Obama and Clapper and Brennan. We're not talking about rank and file. We're being very specific deep state actors abusing the powerful tools of intelligence, using the investigatory investor investigatory skills that they've been giving to do no good. And that means, you know, to put in fraudulent investigations, exonerate people without doing investigations, rigging investigations, putting the fix in and investigations a very different story. But the rank and file men and women in the FBI and the intel community, UH that fight for us every day, protect us every day, we saw it all happen. There is some fear, and we'll get to this later in the program. As the Austin Police chief said earlier today that they want people to be vigilant still because we don't know if this twenty four year old Anthony conduct. We now have his name first and responsible for the Boston serial bombing. We don't know if there are any more explosives out there that he might have set up. Uh, So as we move forward, we just ask everyone to just proceed with caution in the area. But really a tip of the hat too, good old fashioned shoe leather uh, deep dive police work that actually got us to this point. There's also a concern you have to think about it. No evidence yet, but you have to wonder, worry, be concerned about a possible accomplice. In this case. Haraldo was on the ground in in Austin, and he'll be joining us coming up later in the program today, so we'll get to that. Um. You know, it's amazing how bad the media lies in this country. You know, I Um, I know. I say it every day. I know that. I play a lot of tapes that prove it every day. The evidence is overwhelming, it's in controvertible. It's there's so much out there. There is no journalism. Journalism is dead, you know, ask yourself. Look at, for example, the coverage of Stormy Stormy, Stormy, stormy seven, stormy, and I'm looking at it and now I'm comparing it to Okay, Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton, Oh talk about a me too movement and talk about abuse of power movement. I mean, he's the president and you got a twenty one year old intern in the White House, so yeah, she's above the age of concent I get it. But I doubt any parent that sent their kids to intern at the White House would expect what happened in the case of poor Monica Lewinsky. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time. Never. So I went back with doing a little digging, um, and I'm looking at you know, the so called cable news channels out there, CNN, fake news, conspiracy theory, TV, MSNBC, and I'm looking okay, So there's a big difference. What we're talking about here is a consensual relationship that may or may not have occurred twelve years ago. Now, only up to recently, nobody had ever said a thing about any abuse of any kind by anybody, any place, anywhere. I mean, now we're doing light detector tests, and that's big news on the cable channels. But you know how many of these very same people that were in the business at the time when Juanita Broderick came out and said she was raped by Bill Clinton. A lot of these same people weren't interested in covering her story. A lot of the same people they didn't want to hear about Kathleen Willie's story of being groped and grabbed and fondled and touched and kissed against her will inside the Oval office. Nobody really wanted to hear her story either. And these very same people that are you know, feigning their moral outrage, as I said over Stormy, uh, the same they didn't reach out to one aid to Broderick an interview, one aid to Broderick and this is not consensual that in that case it was rape. In the case of Kathleen Willie, it was you know, basically groping, grabbing, touching, fondling, kissing against her will. And in the case of Paula Jones, it was exposing dropping his pants and exposing his penis. That's these are very different examples, as you can see, and the same would go for whoever this this playboy woman is, I don't know whatever her name is, and I'm thinking, I'm like, okay, So in these cases, we're talking about a consensual relationship. In those cases, we're talking about a predator. They're more interested in the consensual relationship going back way. And I don't think anybody in America everybody heard the Access Hollywood tape. I don't think anybody, I'll quote Jerry Folwell Jr. Anybody the voter for Donald Trump thought that they were voting for are a pastor in chief. And America definitely made a conscious decision that it wanted to elect somebody that was a disruptor, somebody that was outside the normal political channels, that they wanted a shake up of the deep state, a shake up of the swamp and of the sewer, and that the issues of the economy and the issues that he ran on and border security and being tough and not given a hundred and fifty billion dollars to countries like Iran where Mullahs are are saying and chanting death to America, that that was more important than than some of the social issues that we might discuss. And I'm not putting any moral judgment on it here. But the same people that sat idly by Hillary Clinton never ever ever said a word about the women's never had to answer the question about what she thought of wanting to Broderick and Kathleen Willie and Paula Jones. And when you look at the coverage and you see that these networks never interviewed these women, but they're interested in a consensual relationship, Well, that would be an abusively biased political agenda by the media. And I'm I'm not taking a stand right, wrong and different here. I don't know what happened, but I will tell you this, the double standards things too high heaven and it's quite typical. And that's what we get every day. And that's why when I declared journalism in America is dead, it is dead. And we we've done more investigative reporting in the last year on this show, I would tell you by exposing warrant abuse, surveillance abuse, visa abuse, an abuse of power. On so many times we found that Hillary, we found the exact laws she broke when she mishandled and destroyed classified information and and obstructing justice by deleting emails and destroying an acid, washing hard drives and breaking up devices with hammers. Those are all crimes that would put every one of you in jail. They never covered that in the last two years. They never covered that. In the lead up to the election, we did. They never covered this, this whole cover up and the rigging of an investigation that included Comey and McCabe and Struck and page and and we've won't We were just barely touching the surface of the evidence here. They never touched the whole issue. You know, they're so concerned about foreign nationals influencing American elections unless the foreign national happens to have the name Christopher Steele and his contacts of the Russian government and people in Russia. And that even though he put together a dossier full of lies at doesn't seem to bother the media one bit. That Hillary who fixed the primary election with Bernie Sanders, which also doesn't bother them, and tried to use the Russian lines to fix the general election, you know, that doesn't seem to bother anybody either. Nor the fact that that phony dossier full of lies was purposely presented by some top deep state actors in the FBI and the Department that they knew Hillary paid for it. They knew it was bought and paid for. We didn't know till, you know, just a couple of months ago, because Fusion GPS wouldn't tell us for a long time. Now we found out, Yeah, it was in fact, it came from the Hillary campaign and the d n C whose money she was controlling. And what have we learned that they presented it to a fise a court. What suffis a court for? Well, that's to say, to get a warrant to spy on Americans. The bar, the standard is set perfectly high for a reason, because you can't have your government using the all powerful tools of intelligence against the American people without violating the Constitution in our Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable seargency. Sure, so the bar, the standard is high, and it's usually involved foreign actors. It's like the bar is high when it comes to listening in on phone calls, even if it's foreign actors. If an American is on the phone, then they are very strict laws and rules and protocols that have to be followed. But they weren't followed in the case of General Flynn. In other words, you have to minimize what the American is saying. You don't even write down in your report as standard operating procedure. Through minimization, you call that person even if you can identify them, you don't unmask them. You call them an American and then of course that wasn't happening. And then you don't unmask the names of the people that were caught up an incidental surveillance, that's what they did with Michael Flynn. And then you certainly don't leak raw intelligence and use that as a perjury trap foundation against any American. That's an abusive power. That's why I call this the biggest abusive power investigation ever. You know, I'm watching the coverage of the media. You know. Do you know that if you go back to the last election of Vladimir Putin, I have oh, I have a headline Obama congratulates Putin for election win. That's the same Obama that was warned by Devin Newness early inteen that the Russians wanted a wreak havoc in the elections. He was warned, but then again, just prior to the election, what he was saying to Donald Trump stopped whining. No serious person believes that anybody, especially Russia, could ever, you know, influence our elections. And it was only until he thought at that point that Hillary was gonna win. He didn't think that Donald Trump had a shot of winning. It's like the same guy that you know sitting there with you know Putin's uh, you know, third in charge. He said, Tell Vladimir, Tell Vladimir that I'll have more flexibility after the election. The only person that has disrupted the economy of Russia's Donald Trump. When think energy independence is all about, the lifeblood of Russia's economy is energy. And frankly, the energy is the fact that we are now producing and we're gonna drill an am warm We've got these two pipelines. And he has revitalized, single handedly with executive orders the coal industry in America and fracking and natural gas production. Do you realize that that Putin's economy is about to collapse? That's Donald Trump's fault. You can blame him for that. And Donald Trump who imposed new sanctions on not only Russia but organizations individuals tied to the malicious cyber attacks against the US. And Obama never did a thing except hit a little, pretty little reset button with Hillary's counterpart and talk about a Russian reset and talk about I'll have more flexibility after the election after the election. Told Vladimir, I tell Vladimir, I tell him, I tell him, everything is like upside down. It's really the most z are time you're ever gonna live in your life. What you hear, what you read, what you see is not the truth, and what is the truth is slowly being revealed. You know. What did I mean when I came back from my big two week vacation every year? I mean, it's kind of I guess gotta say one thing about these vacations. I'm listening to my staff last night. They're going to the Caribbean, They're going to uh, Europe, when somebody, where did you go on your vacation or wherever? You use? My condo in Naples one? So that's about as big a vacation as you've had. But you bought your new house this year, so your vacation is at home, right, But that's it. It's a staycation, thanks, you know. And with Jason is happy a code very exotic, coyote ugly. And but the thing is, I'm listening to these petey going here that I'm like, who is time for these vacations? I don't have time for these vacations anyway? But everything. When I came back, I said, it's the year of the boomerang. Well, what did I mean, well, it wasn't Trump Russia collusion. It was Hillary paying for Russian and Russian government lies to manipulate the American voter. Wait a minute, that's upside down, that's inside out. That the black is white, white as black, red is purple and purple as red. I mean, none of this everything that they thought, they never ever thought Trump would win. They never thought they would be exposed. You know, you got literally and I'll play this later in the program. Guys like Brennan, the former communist for crying out loud. He is lashing out with dripping hatred and anger in the hopes that the deep state can rebound and somehow finish the job of total deal legitimization of Donald Trump and undo a duly elected president. You know, I've talked about the five forces against this president. Okay, we know we've got Democrats again. We know we got the media again. We know we got weak Republicans against them. John McCain, John McCaine never misses an opportunity to be against Donald Trump. Healthcare would have been gone but for John McCain coming back and no, I hate Donald Trump. Let me do this to Donald Trump, even though he had promised to repeal and replace for it and all of these forces and the deep state, And I've been right all along. And this Inspector General report is going to prove about Hillary's email, about the laws broken, about the fixed being in, about her literally paying for Russian line she did it, and to manipulate the American voters, then lying to fights the judges, spying on opposition party candidates, and covering the whole mess up the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history. Hi now till the top of the hour, one Sea And if you want to be a part of this extravaganza and be a part of this program, Alan Dershowitz, Um, I gotta tell you his commentary throughout all of this has been brilli and and spectacular. And years ago he and I had had a couple of runnings together. You know, it's just in the course it was political more than anything else. And uh, I've I've been watching he goes on Twitter and he fights people like Lawrence Tribe. Now you gotta understand, these are people that have all argued before the U. S. Supreme Court numerous times, and he just tears him up. I mean, it's it's actually, uh, it's almost art in the making. It's so good what he's been doing on Twitter. Anyway, he's uh, one of the most respected legal minds in the country. He's actually on Hannity tonight as a matter of fact. It's a long time Democrat, and he served as part of Bill Clinton's impeachment defense team, and he is now calling on the Special Council Robert Mueller to suspend this Russia Gate witch hunt. And in an op ed that he put out in The Hill today, Derschwitz is saying that Mueller's probe has left the American people confused and divided and as cause them to lose faith in the FBI and the Justice Department. That that's all true. That is a true, and that's sad. No president has had to go through this in the first year of office. Nobody's had anything thrown at him the way Donald Trump has been thrown at It's been thrown at him. I don't think most politicians could stand up to this. To be perfectly blunt with you, you know a lot of people ask me in my life, haul Annity, how do you My friends asked me, how do you deal with all these horrible things people are saying about you, and I look at them like, like, what what do you mean? You didn't see this, You didn't see this article, you didn't see this. Well, you know sweet baby James, who hands me the biggest stack up papers every day that you've ever seen. It's like, I read a book before I do the show. Every day. I read a book a day. It's that it's that amount of research that you do, and I've become a fast reader. And it's where my area of interest is. If I was not working, I'd be doing it anyway, because it's where my passion is. I mean, if you Howard Stern, you you care about celebrities and you care about TV shows, and you care about sacks, and you care about sacks and you care about sacks and you know I'm I'm joking. You get the point. But I care. I love politics. I love I love the country. I love I believe in in principles that can fix the country. I mean, as a guy that came from you know, no money and then having had some level of success in my life, I want that for everybody. I know that America. Without a strong America, the country is screwed. Absolutely screwed. And I had this fight with this guy in in New Zealand the other night where I'm we have a long phone call and he's telling me that I'm we're arguing about America's involvement in certain conflicts and wars. Now we have made mistakes. I'm not gonna say. There's no such thing as a perfect person. All have sinned and all have fallen short. There is no such thing as a perfect country. And I was saying, whoa imagine the world without the United States of America. No no country ever in the history of mankind has accumulated more power and abused it less than this country. No country ever has accumulated more power and used it to advance the human condition for good in this country. You know all those Americans that slammed the beaches of Normandy. I think back to my day's Marty. Remember that Marty. He was one of them, used to be a long time caller of the show. He passed away a number of years ago. I mean, we only asked for a place to bury our dead. We're not invading forces, and we can't be the world's policeman. I'll be the first to tell you that. And It's sad that we don't even fight wars the way they need to be fought anymore. We fight them, we we have rules of engagement, and meanwhile the enemy is firing their weapons at us from hospitals and daycare centers and schools. It's unbelid It's unbelievable anyway, So and I'm just go on and on, and I'm like, yeah, we're not perfect, but God help this world if we're not in this and if the world, if it's to be successful, we need a strong United States. All of this is that we have dealt with in the last however many years now that all this anti Trump deep state garbage, all it's done is prevented America on some level of of achieving even more. And what Trump has been able to achieve, it's pretty spectacular. And I'm not sure a lot of people could compartmentalize the way he does and the fact that he lashes out once in a while because he's pissed and he's tired and he sees the injustice of it all. Uh. And the fact that you know he's getting lectures from Trade gouty won't act like you're innocent. Well, the way you act like you're innocent is to say I didn't do it. That's how most people react to that, if you're innocent. But you know, oh sorry, he's not acting perfect control. He's never gonna act the way you want him to act. He's not like your typical president, and he wasn't elected to be a typical president that acted in typical ways. He is. He is a disruptor and an iconic class. And the American people, in their wisdom, in a lot of ways, knew exactly what they were doing because they know that that political class in that sewer in that's in that swamp in DC is so fundamentally broken and corrupt. So they brought in an outsider. The amazing thing is, Okay, got the tax cuts done, We're now on a path of energy independence. Uh yeah, let's see. Uh the dictator in North Korea rocket man now has been literally shut off financially, so he wants to meet with us. I don't know what's gonna come of it, but that's certainly better than doing what Clinton did. I'm gonna give you all these billions and energy subs. I just ask you be a nice person to build nar weapons. And there's a good deal of American people. You have a good deal bribing dictators and kissing their ass, a really good deal, just like kissing the ass of mulas that hate us with a hundred and fifty billion dollars a taxpayer money. I mean, unless unless Donald Trump grovels to dictators, he's never gonna be liked by the left anyway. So back to you know, I don't care what people say about me. I don't care. There are these people that are obsessed that can't write an article without mentioning my name. And I go through the pile, you know, and there's a Hanity Hannity Hannity haters. I think is what it says every day, And I look at it all right, typical, typical, typical, typical, typical, typical, throw it out and I move on to more important issues of the day. So you know, this is where the country is, and this is where exactly where the left wants it. They want to sew chaos and discord, and they don't want Trump to to to get his agenda through, and they still would go back to the failed day ears of Obama that they never recognize because they don't do their job and Dershowitz is right and saying this, yeah, this op ed in the Hill, in the Hill today, and dersh would say, Mueller's probe has left the American people confused, divided, and caused them to lose faith in the FBHI and the Department of Justice. By the way, I don't want Americans to lose faith in the FBI. Just look at what they did down in Austin. Just because you have a few higher upper echelon deep state actors, you know, you've got your Clappers, your Brennan's, you got your Comey's, you've got your McCabe's, you got your Rosenstein's, you got you Struck, you got your Pages, you got your Laretta Lynches. That does not represent the rank and file of law enforcement or in the intelligence community. We made that distinction repeatedly, and it bears repeating again again and again because those you know, people are risking their lives every day for us. And by the way, if you care about risking the lives of people in the intel community, maybe you wouldn't put top secret, private confidential special access program information on a mom and pop server, uh in a in a bathroom closet and have intelligence agencies from all over the world hack into Hillary system and steal all of it. You know, somebody said to me, well, when did wiki leakus get it? I said, I don't know. I have no clue. I have no idea. He at least they know where they got it. But we probably can safely assume Russia hacked in the Hillary system, and we could safely assume China did, and we could probably safely assume Iran did, and North Korea did, and just pick any other the rest of the countries and that hate US. And you're probably right, so I guess it could have been from any of those sources. Now, some people in the intel communities where it's Russia, I'm like, fine, Russia. Whoever trusted Putin nobody He's He was the same guy that in two thousand and nine had operatives on the ground in America and we had an inside FBI informant, and ironically Robert Mueller was the was the FBI and director. We didn't do anything there, and and Putin's network bribe their way, scheme their way, blackmailed their way, extorted their way, you know, through getting of America's uranium. Me Meanwhile, we import our uranium anyway. President Trump is right, Dershowood says, and saying the special counsel should never have been appointed to investigate so called I Russia connection or collusion. There was no evidence of any crime committed by the administration. This is the important part. Dershowitz will tell us tonight. The appointment of a special counsel has done more harm than good. It is politicized our justice system beyond repair. The FBI deputy director has been fired for leaking and lying under oath. His testimony appears to be in conflict with the former FBI directors talking about Comey as to whether leaks were authorized messages by high ranking FBI agents. Struck in page suggests a strong biased against Trump. And in the case of Struck, he's involved in everything from Michael Flynn to writing the exoneration before investigation, you know, and and interviewing even Hillary Clinton anyway, and then he goes on to say that a tweet by a former CIA director reveals equally strong negative views of the president. That's Brennan. You're gonna add Clapper to that mix. And he writes, you know, now seventy five percent of the American people think the deep state has an agenda separate and apart from what real, a real democratic republic should look like. And Dershwitz goes on, the public has lost faith in the leadership of the Justice Department in the FBI. That's true. They don't trust congressional investigative committees because you've got people like Shiftless shift out there lying on a regular basis. They don't know whom to believe when they hear conflicting accounts. They're leak scalore. Look at the leak last night, Donald Trump talks to Putin and it's leaked within minutes. Men, it's who leaked that information? Who did that? Yesterday when it first happened, I wrote an attorney friend of mine. I said, this can't happen anymore anyway. And then he goes on to say, they don't know who to believe. Leak school lore. It's a total mess. Thersh would suggest it's not too late to try and repair some of the damage done. Let Congress now appoint a nonpartisan commission conduct a transparent investigation of Russians Russia's efforts to influence our elections. Let the Special Council suspend his investigation until the nonpartisan Conission Commission issues report. If the report identifies crimes and criminals, well there'll be time enough to indict and prosecute. Right now. We need nonpartisan true that listen, that's never gonna happen, not in this environment, not with Comy, not with Mueller, not with Weissman, and not with this team of deep state power abusing you know, fanatics that want to hate Trump at every turn. You know, we're doing this deep dive. We've got Sarah Carter and and David Shoen coming up later in the program today. You know into you know who is the you know we know about deep state James Comey, you know we know about other corrupt government officials. They all should be worried. I would say McCabe's gonna probably end up being charged, so will Comey. That's why Comey and his book towards laughable. He added Rachel matt Out to the list of powerful interviewers that he's gonna go on their shows al right, politicals reporting that Bob Goodlatt he wants the one point two million documents that the Inspector General Harrowitz has that is leading up to his report that's coming out hopefully shortly. The d o J has been stonewalling congressional oversight every single step of the way. Why is that? Why doesn't Rosenstein and the d o J want us to see stuff? Rosenstein who signed off on the Fizer renewal at least once, maybe twice. And we already know the fix was and we know Comy and McCabe and struck in Page and and others. We know that they gave Hillary a pass when she broke laws. Obvious laws were broken. Rosenstein's the guy who went begging to Paul Ryano, don't let the American people see the truth about the abuses? Why what is Rod Rosenstein freak you? He's the guy that approved fives based on a phony. Clinton paid for Dacier and then he appointed Mueller. He has a conflict of interest. He's rotten to the court too, and he's tied into all of this, you know, massive conflicts of interest. And I have no idea. We need a special second, special counsel. That's the only thing that's gonna fix this, because you can't have the dj and FBI investigating himselves. He just can't. You know, You've got uh now, Kevin McCarthy Steve Police. They've joined in along with everybody else, saying we need a second special counsel. You know, I think these guys are right on Robert Mueller. B F F. James. Comey, look at the story we told you yesterday about Robert Mullard, the man above reproach. Really, he's involved in the Whitey Bulger case. He put four innocent people in jail. He's involved in that case. But four innocent men went to jail. The judge ended up after two of them rotted and died in jail. The two others got out and they got a hundred plus million dollar award from a judge because they were unlawfully prosecuted and were innocent and exculpatory evidence withheld. No wonder why he likes Andrew Weisman. He's just like him. We're told Robert Mueller is a man beyond reproach, impeccable credentials above the phrase nobody can criticize him. Really. Yeah, we're doing a full week investigation on him. It's not that impressive, but we found information that nobody else in the media is gonna tell you about Robert Mueller. Just facts, truth information. We'll do our deep dive with Sarah Carter and David Shown coming up, we'll head to Austin now that this serial bomber blew himself up. Haraldo Rivera is on the ground that's coming up at this point, especially in terms of its place in the world. Is this president letting our country down? Well? I think the President has shown a lack of understanding of international affairs as well as a real um ignorance of what it takes to be president in the States. And that's what prompted my tweets. Um, he is a mean spirited Um, he is dishonest, He has shown a lack of integrity and h he has continued too, I think to be in the office of the presidency. And so I've decided to put my silence aside and to speak up and speak out because I do think our future is in jeopardy. Um. While Mr Trump continues his antics, why won't the president confront Vladimir Putin? Why won't he read the cards and say the things that you say need to be said to Vladimir Putin? Do you believe he's somehow in debt to the president of Russia. I think he's afraid of the president of Russia. Why, Well, I think what can speculate as to why that the Russians may have something on him personally that they could always roll out and make his life more difficult. Uh. Clearly, I think it's important for us to be able to improve relations with Russia. But the fact that he has has had this fawning attitude towards Mr Putin, has not said anything negative about him, I think continues to say to me that he does have something to fear and something very serious. If you believe Russia had something on him, I believe that the Russians would would not um um um, they would opt for things to do if they believe that it was in their interests. And the Russians, I think, have had long experience with with Mr Trump and may have things that they could expose, something personal. Perhaps perhaps perhaps what might happen, especially given these latest tweets where he's really pushing back and he's pushing back against Mueller by name, well, I think you have concerns on the international front as well as domestic front. On the international front, I'm hoping we're not going to see a wag the dog scenario whereby he's going to try to distract the attention here domestically and politically on him, and engage in some type of international initiative that is going to really put our our nation at risk. Military action against North Korea, maybe doing something visa the Iran again, tearing up the Iranian nuclear Agreement, and provoking and pushing for some type of confrontation in the Gulf. On the domestic front. If he sacks Rod Rosenstein or Bob Mueller, I think that really is going to bring this country to the brink of crisis. And that's when I think the members of Congress, particularly Republicans and Congress are going to step up and do what is necessary in order to protect this country. Alright, our two of the Sean Hannity Show right down on toll free telephone number. It's eight nine one Seawn if you want to be a part of the program. Deep State actor himself, John Brennan, Obama's former CIA director, uh former communist, apparently got to be the head of the deep state, the head of the CIA. Ultimately, what we learned about Clapper and Brennan is going to be of most interest to me, as they have in their in their possession, had in their possession the most powerful tools of intelligence on the face of the earth. And it's fascinating to me to listen to him, you know, talk about the serious threat that is Russia. There might be something compromising on Russia. And as it relates to Donald Trump, well, it wasn't Donald Trump that put the sanctions on Russia. It's not Donald Trump that is cutting away at the lifeblood of the Russian economy, which is energy, by making America energy independent. Uh. The person that was warned about the election in fourteen about Russian influence in the elections, well that that would have been Barack Obama. And remember just before the election, just what a week or two before the election in ten, it was Obama telling Trump to stop whining. That no serious person could ever believe or even think at the idea that the Russians could somehow influence our elections. There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even you could even rigging America's elections. And I just stopped there. No serious person, stop whining. He goes on to say, and there was Russian interference in the election, and actually a lot of it was bought and paid for by the person that John Brennan was supporting and that is Hillary Clinton. And it was under his watch that people like Comey and Struck and Paige and McCabe and others were all involved in fixing and rigging an investigation into Hillary Clinton for the felonies that we know she created. And he cares about being on the verge of a constitutional crisis. Um, it's all political for him anyway. One, Shaun is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We continue our investigation both today and to it as it relates to who is Robert Mueller, the man that everybody tells us is beyond her approach and of the utmost integrity and and oh, Donald Trump fires him, it will be a disaster in the country. Well, number one, Donald Trump is not firing him, never suggests that he was going to fire him in any way, shape, matter of form. This is all media hysteria and spin. Sarah Carter is with US investigative reporter Fox News contributor David Shown, civil rights criminal defense attorney uh Sarah. Yesterday on the program, we did a pretty big deep dive into Robert Muller and his time in Boston and how in fact, the FBI had a deal with the notorious criminal and murderer Whitey Bulger, And in fact, Muller was responsible, just like Andrew Weissman, from withholding exculpatory evidence in a case for innocent people went to jail who died in prison. Ultimately, the judge awarded over a hundred million dollars because of of Mueller holding back the evidence in that case. Uh. But yet he's a man beyond we're told. This is why it is so important for the public to understand who Mueller really is, because if you just go by statements made by lawmakers, Um, you know, but on both sides of the aisle, both Republicans and Democrats, as well as others who allowed Mueller, you'll never know the truth about what happened in Mueller, you know, in Mueller's past cases, or Andrew Weissman's past cases, or the you know, thirteen people that are sitting on the Special Counsel who have been very uh, I guess, adamant about their about their stance with it with the Democratic Party, making donations to the Democratic Party and uh and seeing a lot of of conflicts of interest with these folks. But also where is this investigation going in the future. That's what we've got to look at here, Sean. We can't understand where the Special Council investigation is going if we don't understand the past. And if you look the past, Mueller, Comey who he was friends with, I mean, there's a huge longtime friend with There's a there's a conflict of interest right there. Wiseman who's on Special Counsel. They've had some pretty serious problems in the past, and David shown brought it up very well in the show last night when he spoke about, you know, both of them being involved in two of the biggest um problems with the FBI in their history, the two biggest cases that were that bungled and and let's go a little bit further, the anthrax case was a potential problem for Mueller. So we have a right to question now. Granted Mueller, there are many things about him that people can commend. His service in the military as a marine. He was awarded the Bronze Star, of course, but that doesn't take away from the fact, from the fact that there were cases in the past that were very questionable. Things that they did that were very questionable that should raise the concern of the President and as counsel, and they should be able to defend themselves publicly. Is are the things in the past that are beyond troubling? In other words, David, if you're talking about two of the biggest bungled cases in history, I mean, I'm looking all over this Whitey Bulger case and this you know, immunity deal for Whitey Bulger while he's committing more murders, and then of course four innocent people go to jail, and and then of course it's overturned and a hundred million plus dollar judgment in that case. Now that sounds a lot like Andrew Weisman. It's always been puzzling to me why he picked Andrew Wiseman in the first place. Yes, well, that that latter question has a lot of answers, I think, as you know. But as to the question of whether it's more than troubling, it absolutely is. Since Sarah's written a definitive piece on this and now it's being fleshed out even more thanks to her research. But they what's more than troubling about it is people died. People were killed under the supervision of these two men. And what I mean that very directly. I'm not playing games here. Uh. Mueller was the supervising US attorney over this agent, John Connolly. John Connolly is in prison for murder. He was complicit in the murder with his informants. He passed information informants. Andrew Weissman was insistent U S attorney in charge of top echelon informant and the FBI agent Lynda Vecchio, who handled him. People were killed. Innocent people were killed. A seventeen year old boy, Patrick Porko, was killed because of information that was passed between them. So these two presided over that. So it's either they knew and something horribly horribly wrong happened, or it's a question of mouth seasons and people died either way, and people who were wrongly convicted remain in prison today. So yes, that's more than troubling to me. And I'd say to Mr Muller quite frankly, with all due respect, when he says, what happened back then happened a long time ago. Not for the families, not for the families of the seventeen year old boy who was killed, not for the people still lingering in prison. You know, I I I listen to all this and I'm researching this and I said this to you last night on TV, to both of you, I cannot believe all this time nobody has taken the time to do the deep dive into Mueller. I mean, we knew it was the FBI director. We knew Obama wanted him two more years beyond his ten year term. And uh, we know that quote. He's a Republican. That's what we keep hearing. He's a Republican. But he certainly seems to be after Donald Trump, because if he wanted to have any semblance of fairness and not have an appearance of impropriety and biased, then he would never have assembled the team that he assembled. Sarah Carter, Yeah, absolutely, And we have to look at this case by case. I mean, I just want to go back to a couple of things, and I think the Whitey Boulder case is really quite extraordinary and important, but let's just look at the Anthrax case too. That was it. That was a case where Mueller worked hand in hand with with Comey in this and it was a completely bungled case and it was probably one of the biggest cases at that time that those two ever handled. And we saw that they you know, they botched the investigation. It was in two thousand and one into the letter attacks. I mean, the five people died. You know, I think seventeen or eighteen people were infected, you know, with the anthrax, and they started chasing down the wrong man. They chased down the wrong guy and missed the right guy. I mean, this was one of the biggest cases. You know, there was a lot of pressure coming down on them. It showed that they kind of bent into pressure. They bent towards that pressure. They went after, you know, an innocent man, Stephen Hatville. And you know when when all the evidence, you know, if they would have been following it the right way, would have pointed to this other guy at for Dietrich. There are questions here that we have to ask. And Sean, I keep going over this again and again. The fact that this case that the Special Counsel was brought against the president based on erroneous information, based on a Flims foundation, based on lies disinformation from the Russian for a dossy that was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Uh and the d n C should raise questions about where this Special Council is going. Stay right there, Sam, Why are we going in that direction? Take a quick break more with David shown with Sarah Carter eight hundred nine for one Shawn a toll free telephone numbers. Our investigation into the Investigators, starting with Robert Muller continues something nobody in the media is touching. And as we continue our investigation into the Investigators led by Robert Muller, whichever, he's beyond the reproach. Well, no, his background in his history is showing just the opposite, which but when now beginning to fill in a gap, at least in my mind, I never understood why he put together this merry band of Obama, Clinton and d n C donors and no Trump donors, no Republicans. But we're told he's a Republican. Well, okay, he worked under Obama, and he was also there for the uranium one deal, and he out an informant inside of Putin's network and did nothing. We continue with Sarah Carter and David shown Sarah a Carter dot Com or articles about this are pretty stunning and revealing when you take a look at him. This is personal for you. You You know a lot of people David in Boston and a lot of people in Boston was scratching their heads saying him right, I mean, ironically, I have another connection that is that I was opposed to represent Whitey Boltzer after he was convicted, but I had declined that. But um, the that that I asked you, why why did you? Why did you decline that? I think it was on the lamb for what like eighteen years, sixteen years or some right after he was convicted pretty quickly. Um, yeah, he had a couple of issues on the field, but I decided it wasn't for me. Um, for a couple of reasons, including that the court with an appointment was out of the area. But in any event, Um, it was interesting case. But there are a number of reasons people in Boston were upset. But I want to get back to something that you raised just a few moments ago, and the US. Isn't it puzzling that people haven't complained about that. We haven't done a deep dive, as you say, into Mr Mueller. And then Sarah raised a great point. She gave the example of the anthrax case. I think what I think that really highlights, you know, the expression politics makes strange bedfellows. Really in the ultimate uh here, you know, what I mean by that, Well, back in the day, uh nine eleven time or the anthrax case or other examples, UM, civil libertarians were criticizing Mr Mueller left and right that he supported torture um for a variety of reasons. We can go into in detail if and when we need to. How on earth is it that those same people today lionize him as a hero, as if the principles that they purportedly were standing on in and cherished in criticizing them originally simply didn't matter. And I suggest to you that the answer is a very sad one. It's that this pure, unadulterated hatred of the president, anger at the election results seems to simply trump no pun intended principle in these cases. How can that be? What does it say about these civilitarians, um, many of whom are close friends of mine. Yeah, all right, I'm gonna have to let you go. Uh. We'll have both of you on Hannity tonight. We're gonna continue this deep dive. We'll do the job of the media that they're not going to do. Great work. Sarah A. Carter dot com Hannity dot Com for the articles that she's doing on the investigation into Robert Muller and David shom Thank you. We'll see you again as well when we come back. Haraldo Rivera, he is on the ground. He is in Austin. We'll get an update on that case where the Austin Austin Cereal bomber blew himself up this morning, his fear of more potential explosives and is there an accomplice that's coming up next on the Sean Hannity Show. As members of the Austin Police Department SWAT team approached the vehicle, the suspect detonated a bomb inside the vehicle, knocking one of our SWAT officers back, and one of our SWAT officers fired at the suspect as well. The suspect is deceased UH and has significant injuries from a blast that occurred from detonating a bomb inside his vehicle. We cannot name the suspect at this time because he has not been positively identified yet by the medical examiner and next of kin have not yet been notified. So there will be a lengthy investigation that will take place regarding the officer involved shooting. We don't know where this suspect has spent his last twenty four hours, and therefore we still need to remain vigilant to ensure that no other packages or devices have been left through the community. So as we go through the day today, we want the community to remain vigilant. But I also want to look at where we are now in round Rock and remind our neighboring communities of round Rock and Cedar Park and the other cities that we do not know where he has been in the past twenty four hours, and your we need your communities to remain vigilant as well. All right. That's Brian Manly, the Austin Police Chief, telling the press that this Austin Cereal bomber had in fact blew himself up as now dead. We have since identified the individual as Mark a Condent and uh he is a serial bomber. Apparently killed himself earlier today as authorities were closing in on him. And anyway, neighbors of the twenty three year old, apparently a home school kid growing up went to Austin Community College, was struggling to wrap their arms around and their minds around what the heck went on here. I know this is a cliche, but I just can't imagine that he did this at one neighbor, and police have said that conduct four, although some public records indicate twenty three received a degree from Austin Community College's Northridge campus and had worked at Cross Crux Semiconductor in Austin as a purchasing agent, buyer and a shipper and we shipping and receiving, and according to a profile on a job recruiting website, he had previously worked as a computer repair technician. Very few public social media posts under his name. Haraldo Rivera was amazing last night. He was down on the ground for us in Austin giving us up to the minute reports. And as we went on the air last night, there had been a report that, in fact, two more bombs after two earlier in the day were found at a local good will shop, and it turned out that they wore from this particular individual, right, Haraldo, how are you? Thank you for last night? Thank you brother. It turned out that the good Will explosion was not related. Remember, we went through a tortured process whereby the Austin Police said announced that it was unrelated. It was an incendiary device rather than an explosive, something designed to set fire rather than to blow up and again unrelated. So I announced that on your show. We did a bullet into the top of the show. But then the Attorney general of the state of Texas came on another guest to headbook and he said, no, the explosion is related. Then he had to retract that a half hour later. So to make a long story short, the Goodwill bombing, which does seem a criminal event of a certainly criminal negligence if somebody actually deposited UH in the donation been uh World War two ammunition is what I guess it was. Uh. You know, how stupid can you be? Or Hi diabolical can you be? But unrelated to mark a condit condit a few hours after you went off the air last night, Uh, you know, tracked by the cops from the Red roof in Uh then blows himself up after driving his vehicle into a ditch as the SWAT team approached him. But it does appear. And I think that this is what's important, Sean, is that this guy it does. I was talking to a marine who was with me in Afghanistan in two thousand and four and explosives experts. He said, full stopper. Although this guy had the education and the obviously the motivation to go on the Internet and learn how to build the bomb, to to these a homeschooled kids to really put together enough knowledge where he could then know what component parts to put together. He was sophisticated enough to go to gun shows by ammunition, take the ammunition apart, dissect the ammo, take the gunpowder from the bullets, and use that as his as his explosive. Then also from the internet, by batteries to provide the electrical jolt to detonate the explosion. Uh, you know, exotic batteries, not to yourself, but you know, something far more sophisticated than that. And then for whatever his manifesto will be, whatever his reasoning, whatever uh the chip on his shoulder is, will figure out. But the bottom line is that it really it does seem that or four year old kid uh from in his neighborhood right now, I mean, I'm just a half a block from his home at Flugerville right now. It does appear as if this kid did this on his own, had the capability of doing it on his own. Is not a g I or x GI. Is not a terrorist in the classics sense, but certainly terrorized the capital city of h I want to go back, though, I want to go back to the availability on the internet, and and look, we make our our living using our First Amendment rights. Uh. I'm somebody that believes I've interviewed crazy people my entire career at different points in different times. You know, I've interviewed these neo Nazi jerks, which I and you've interviewed them too. I've interviewed a guy like Khali Sheik Mohammed many years ago who talked about killing everybody that's white that's in sight, killing women and babies and children, kill them all. I interviewed him once for three hours in a radio studio and hunts allow Obama. So we believe in free speech. But when I go on the internet, and I know you have talked about this as well, and you could actually buy there's a Netflix special about this book with the author of this book called the Anarchist Cookbook. In the book, it gives you step by step instructions on how to build bombs. And even from the publication of the Anarchist Cookbook. Because the various uh you know, moves to declassify this information. Now the information is even more sophisticated than that. It's obvious that he followed this internet roadmap to a sufficient degree that he could build a bomb that didn't blow up in his face until he triggered it, that he could first place the bombs on the doorsteps. I don't know how he chose the home that he did, then wire another one with the trip wire for joggers or pedestrians that wounded the other two guys, the two white guys that made it clear that it wasn't a racial incident, and then go to FedEx and leave the boxes at FedEx. One of them did explode on the conveyor, but it's It certainly shows the level of sophistication. Uh. And and the peril that you so clearly lay out on. I think that as fast as your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Every jerk in the in the Western world with a with a half education and their proper or the the thick motivation can access this information. Then with the gunpowder available at gun shows with no trace ability, no reporting. Uh, there's no laws that says you have to get permission to buy AMMO. Yeah, and these freely available components that at the big box stores. My goodness, it's uh, it's a miracle that does happen more often shown, you know, one of the things. And this now rubs up against the issue of freedom of speech here. Although and this is difficult here because I mean it's frustrating into one hand that you know you believe in in total and complete freedom of speech, and then okay, well we'll say, well, you can't print something like the anarchist cookbook. You can't help people or print out or put on a website how to build a fertilizer bomb like that that that Nazi jerk Tim McVeigh built when he blew up the Oklahoma in the Oklahoma City bombing or whatever his ideology was. But on the other hand, I figured that these people are gonna figure it out anyway, that it's always gonna be available the information. This is why I don't think guns of the answer. You saw what happened in this school the other day. I mean it was actually a pretty amazing experience where you know, yesterday we had a shooting tape place. You have a guy that had a gun engage him on the campus, which is something you and I agree on that would help protect children and at the opposite impact of what had happened down in Parkland occurred. They were able to stop him because they had an individual arm that was willing to gauge engage right there on the scene, no doubt about it. What up and in Maryland absolutely confirms and corroborates our feeling that every educational institution over a certain stage should definitely have one good guy with a gun. The cop in UH in Maryland, the rural Maryland had the gun used it UH with great effect and eliminated a thread after the initial tragedy, unlike Parkland. Absolutely, I have to just give me a ps as. I'm sitting here in this modest suburban community where Mark Anthony Condit lives outside of Austin, Texas. Over his home right now, vultures are circuits are are flying, uh, you know, swooping around. It's so eerie the scene right now. It's almost as if there's a road kill uh below them. It's it's it's surreal. But one thing I want to adge on is what broke this case wide open was good old fashioned police work. When when UH, the FBI and a t F came in and they so the FBI, the a t F joined the Texas Rangers, the other state authorities, and the hard working Austin p D. They had enough people, hundreds of agents where they started going through the receipts of every single big box store in Austin. It was through the receipts and triangulating and all the rest of it that they got the I D. But even though, as you said, John, the First Amendment allows anyone to Internet search anything they want to, we can't owe the authorities ever since the Edwards Snowden scandal, cannot UH search your Internet searches without a warrant. So they first had to get the store receipts. They gave them probable cause they got the I P search warrants. They go into the guy's Internet. Then they find the suspicious Internet searches and at the same time the uh the guy makes his most statal mistake going to the FedEx with all their sophisticated surveillance video and so forth. Then they track them down, they get an idea in his car, and then they again unbelievable. Hey, listen, think about the the Union bomber. Eighteen years it took us to find this guy eighteen long years. Uh it is. And look and what people don't know about Haraldo Rivera. He is revered by the military and by police. You know, we we have spent a lot of time talking about the deep state and those and at the highest level of power inside intelligence and inside the FBI, and the wrongdoing when we don't group into those few the ninety nine nine percent to do the kind of work that the SWAT guys did down in Austin and all the police did down there, And I think it's important to point that out as often as we can. Great work as usual. Um, thanks haraldough You're the best. We'll see you tonight on Hannity. All right, my friend, God bless you. Let's get votes here, nine for one. Shawn Tolfrey telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. All right, Patty is in Houston, Texas. Uh, Patty, all right, this guy blew himself up earlier today. I know it's a little bit of relief of the people of Texas, but there is still a fear out there among law enforcement, uh that more potential explosives might have been sent out, or there might be an accomplice. But I think We've come a long way to ending this terrible, you know, situation with this Austin Cereal bomber Sean. I'm calling you just to thank you. And it's really weird because literally I was just talking to my husband a few minutes ago in the car. We're in Houston, but I have a best friend in round Rock and a niece that's in Austin, and we just you took such a personal interest, and I mean it. You know when you say that you love Texas and that you might want to be here one day, I really believe you. We were so I mean I I cannot believe it because we were just talking about this a couple of minutes ago. Yes, um, my niece had a fear she's worked there two days a week, Monday and Tuesday, of really going anywhere today, of leaving her house. And so I don't know other than the fact that he's gone. Thank goodness, this this year old and I guess found close to round Rock. I don't know how we're supposed to feel, but you took a personal interest that well, I'm gonna tell her how to feel and and listen, I lived this personally in New York Post nine eleven. And one of the things that really stood out a profile and courage I always felt. And I've been best friends with him before and and after and still today. And uh is Rudy Julianni. And I know everybody got mad at Bernie Carrick, but Bernie Carrick was standing right there with him every step of the way. And and all those firemen and all those policemen and all those people that went up when the world was headed down in the other direction. And it just shows you how amazing, uh, that these law enforcement officials are, these first responders are, these firemen, are paramedics are And you know, I'll tell you it's a it's a bit of conflict in me. I uh. In many ways, we're leading the charge exposing corruption at the highest level in the intel community and at the Department of Justice and at the FBI. What they do impacts the rank and file, and all my rank and file friends and the FBI, I can tell you, and an intelligence all of them, without exception, are are so disappointed at the actions of the Komis and the McCabe's and the trucks and the pages, and and then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and others. Most people that I know in law enforcement have a calling to do that job. They love to protect and serve. But we'll give you the last word, Patty, Well only thank you because seriously, and you always mentioned that the FBI too. Here's a lot of good people in the FBI and there, but unfortunately some of the higher ups are giving them up. That name alright, eight nine one, Shawn told free telephone number when we come back, News roundup and information overload our yess a guitar love Ron Christie and then your calls Shawn is our number. Look. The President once again has um maintained that it's important for us to have a dialogue with Russia so that we can focus on some areas of shared interests, the ones that I've already named. At the same time, we're going to continue to be tough on them. The President joined other countries in these calls. Both Germany and France have reached out, as well as President Obama inve and certainly the President funds there to be an importance in having that dialogue with Russia so that we can talk about some of the big problems that face the world. The President often congratulates leaders who are not democratically elected. I was wondering if one of Putin's henchmen didn't pick up the phone and said, listen, listen, bro, you better call the boss around. You are need deep and poop. You don't want to sing like you're wallowing it. So he's his fingerprints is all all over Russia. And the only thing we heard at a President Trump and I think it was three times in a one minute span. Well, I believe President Putin and I are going to see each other very soon. I find that equally appalling to see now Donald Trump legitimizing a fraudulent election in Russia by a dictator who's been poisoning people on the soil of our biggest allies. Yeah, but liberals were perfectly fine with the idea of of dragging in and cargo planes a hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies to give to the murdering Mueller's in Theran and the hopes that well, maybe they'll stop, they'll stop saying that death to America, maybe they'll stop burning our flag, maybe they'll be nice to us. President Trump, just a week and a half ago imposed new sanctions. Oh on Russia on organizations on individuals tied to the cyber attacks against the US. The President joined Friends and Great Britain and Germany as it relates to the belief that yeah, in fact, Russia was involved in the poisoning of two individuals. UH. This president last year signed legislation imposing punitive sanctions on Russia for their belligerent activities and human rights abuses and the evasion of existing sanctions. Oh and this is the same president that is literally cutting the legs out from underneath the Russian economy, as he has now opened up an war expanded coal mining for the first time in many years in America. UH is moving towards natural gas and energy independence, which means that not only is Russia going to be able to charge less, nobody will need any of their energy, something that Obama failed to do anyway. News Round Up, Information Overload Hour. This is the Sean Hannity Show nine for one. Shaun is a number joining US now. Ron Christie, former special assistant to President Bush, calumnists for Sidewire. Jessica tar Love is the head of the research at Bustle and the Fox News contributor. UH let me ask you a question, was Barack Obama tough on Russia when he was warned in twenty four team by Devon Newness that Russia wanted to have an impact on the sixteen elections? And was he wrong in two sixteen, just two week before the election, when he said to Donald Trump stop whining. No serious person could ever believe that anybody could ever impact our elections. Uh, why didn't Obama do anything, Jessica Tarlov, Well, Obama did do some things, but I think you know, all Democrats have agreed largely that he fell short there. Even Adam Schiff has admitted that on the Sunday shows. Um, so you obviously have a point. There are the Russian reset and the president is sanctioned now more than three dozen organizations individuals involved in the Russia and incursion into Ukraine. Right, and the President has joined the world of the other countries as it relates to the poisoning of these people. Well, I think that the issue was how President Trump treats Russia's that he's usually slow out of the gate with these things, and there are people who are critical of this set of sanctions and feel like he could sanction putin specifically and that's how you would make a real impact over the poisoning of the Russian spy who was traded in the uk UM. So I completely understand where you're coming from here. I think that the whole you know, he called the congratulate thing, that doesn't really make that much of a difference, even though his notes said do not congratulate. So he wasn't supposed to do that, God forbid, is his own man, and he didn't follow the talking points. But it's not it's not a real election now, and I think we can all accept that. I mean, Vladimir Putin hasn't say, well, the reset didn't particularly work out well either in spite of Hillary handing a reset button, do or counterpart leader of Russia? No, not of us there. Okay, well remember that, Vladimir. I'll have more flexibility after they elected. Tell Vladimir, okay, don't let anyone else know I'm doing. I tell Vladimir, I tell him, I tell Vladimir. Look, Sean, it's good to see. You know. The funny thing is the only thing we've seen with Russia and collusion is with Obama and with Hillary, with the Hillary Clinton Foundation and Bill and they're taking all this money in and of course you see Obama in twelve and he says, oh, congratulations, Mr President. And then what does the media do. They say, oh, that's so wonderful, But you go back to Russian meddling. And I'd love to challenge Jesse on this because you had John Brennan, who was Obama's CIA director, who knew for years that Russia was messing around or trying to mess around with our election. What did Obama do? Nothing? He didn't do anything. Brennan didn't do anything. The Democrats didn't care. And then all of a sudden, Donald Trump gets in and they need an excuse to as to why they lost a pathetic race, and they say, oh, it's Russian and collusion. So Obama knew it did nothing, Brennan knew it did nothing. They just can't take the fact that they lost and they got humiliated, and that millions of more people wanted Donald Trump to be the president than the failed Clinton's. We know it's not millions more, because it's just millions in twelve thousands in specific states. But anyway, I'm not here going to be at the popular vote versus a Toro college, and don'ts and listen. I'm not one of those people who says the reason why the lost just because of Russian collusion. So I think obviously the main thing was that you didn't show up in the right places. And I think Bernie Sanders had a tremendous effect. I think the Jim Comey letter had a tremendous effect. And that's a US problem. That's not a Russian problem, though he was seeing some Russian intelligence over the summer. But either way, I think it's something that many people on both sides of the aisle agree needs to be looked into. There have been nineteen indictments passed down so far in the Muller investigation, and none of which have anything to do with collusion, none of which had see this. This is what I love. Oh we can go looking for a crime and then get people on a perjury trap, or we can go back and look at people's finances from over a decade ago and say, oh, we have an indictment for Russia collusion. There is no Russian collusion. There is no effort on behalf of the Trump campaign or the president and his current advisors to collude to steal an election. And by the way, Jesse. You know this, there is no federal crime of collusion. So even if you're going after the president for collusion, there is no crime of collusion. And that's why you hear the Democrats dropped that narrative, and now we're hearing about obstruction of justice. But you know, I'm not a acking you. I just I just think it's it's so disingenuous that so many of these Democrats are grasping at anything to take down the duly elected president United States. They're going after people. You don't see Andrew McCabe having to sell his house. He don't see Andrew McCabe being frog marked out the way of course that you've seen some of the Trump associates. I just think that the double standard that has been shown but those at the upper echelon of the FBI towards Trump folks versus Clinton people and Obama people has been abhorrent. Well, I think that if you're talking about, you know, Trump folks, you're talking about someone like Paul Manaford, who has been dirty dealing for decades, and that's well known. You know, in the what did the what did the man of Horde indictment have to do? Well, what did I have to do with Russia? Oh? Well, no, Chris, uh sorry, Ron was just saying that there are folks are having to sell their homes and are an all sort of trouble and there's not Well, I mean, if well, hang on a second, we know that we know that McCabe got just got fired for lying under oath multiple times? Is he gonna get is he gonna? Is he? Donald Trump had nothing to do with the firing. The firing was recommended by the FBI itself and by their own protocols than the own laws of the land. And when you lie under oath, if your name is General Flynn, you have to go to court and then have to sell your house and and and your whole life gets turned upside down for years. Wasn't he also working as a foreign agent? Excuse me? And how many times has that law been enforced? Ever? I don't believe that's the case. Never successfully. I mean, okay, So wait if McCabe, if McCabe lied under oh, shouldn't he be charged with that? If he lied? I mean, he contests that, So I assume that there will be okay, and what about James comey, have you ever heard of an investigation where they're writing an exoneration letter, uh, months before they ever interviewed the main people that are the target of the investigation. Have you ever heard of that before? We've talked about this. No, I didn't ask it. We talked about it. I asked, is that the way it usually works when in law enforcement? I'm not asking what judge, I'm in skiing you? Have you ever yourself? Alright? So alright? But but it does sound unusual even to you, right that three months before you interview Yeah, Hillary, you're writing her exoneration. That seems odd, right, well, yes, it seems odd that I'm not in a position to say that that is ask you, do you think it's odd that you, you literally present before a FISA court, bought and paid for Russian lies from one campaign, Hillary's campaign, and you don't tell the Physer court judges on four separate occasions that she paid for it and that it's full of Russian lies? Do you think that sounds fishy? Is that the America we want? We're gonna get PISA warrants to spy on Americans based on one individual's payment to a foreign national who uses Russia and Russian government sources to smear another presidential candidate, and we find out that those lies were exactly that lies. Well, the way that I understand it from all of the memos and what's been made public, at least know a lot has been redacted that it wasn't based solely on the Steel doct and judges. Let me quote the Grassly Graham memo. Let me quote Andrew McCabe. Andrew McCabe said, Oh, if no dossier, there wouldn't even be a PHIS A court application. And the Grassly Graham memos said the bulk of the information in the PISA application was the dossier Rob Christian and not only that, Sean, you go back to Stroke and the fact that he's actually friends with one of the FISA court judges. This would never have held up in a court of law. They went to PISA for a reason. They had different standards, the evidentary standards under the Fourth Amendment. They would never have had a case, they would never have brought a case. We would never be talking about this. The Democrats knew that they could use the rules, they could manipulate the rules to try to go after Trump because they wanted to bring down this president. Because of the way they broke the law. They broke the law, and to say nothing of look at Comy and look at McCabe. McCabe says, oh, well, you know I was actually talking to the director. The director knew that I was leaking to people. And then what do we have Comy under oath saying no, never author, Well, that's gonna be atally reconciled. Never mind the fact that the whole investigation and the Hillary's email server scandal is a sham. It was a hoax. It was rigged from the from the get go, and the fix was in. We need another special counsel, Yes, we do, uh one. Shawn more with our news round up, Information overload our Ron Christie, Jessica Guitar Love, Hannity tonight at nine. We got a big show tonight. Tell you more about that in a minute. Right as we continue, Jessic guitar Love, Ron Christie, are with us? I ask you this question and then we'll get Ron's take. Jessica, when Hillary has subpoenaed emails and she puts it on a server even though it's illegal to do so in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet, because you can't put classified, top secret Special Access program information there anyway, the information gets subpoened. She deletes thirty three thousand emails, she acid washes the hard drive, and then she takes a hammer to the devices where those emails might be and then takes out the sim cards. Does that sound like abstru auction of justice? And Jessica guitar Love's world? If I did it, would I'd be in trouble? I presume it certainly seems an extremer and obviously she made hands that she only deleted personal emails and the extreme Does it sound like she's obstructing justice? I'm asking a very specific question, but I'm I don't feel like I'm in a position to do it. I am not a lawyer. I don't work for the FBI. I don't I don't know what to say. I have been on your show many times and talked about this and said that that does if I did that and I got charged with obstruction of justice? Ron Christy, you're a lawyer, right, I am a lawyer. Would you be able to get me out of that? You know? And let me take it a step further, Sean, you know, for having had the highest security classification. When I was in the White House, you use a different computer. You're not on a typical terminal, You're on a secure terminal. If I had put a flash drive on my computer and downloaded thirty three thousand emails and put them on my flash drive obstruction, I would go to jail. If I had done exactly what Hillary Clinton had done and had a MoMA pop server, I would have gone to jail. You ever hear a Christian Saucy A ron, I haven't Christian Saucy. You know, he was very proud of his work. He worked on a U S submarine. Oh yes, that poor young gentleman, Yeah, who took a couple of photographs, six six photographs. Never sent him to anybody, but he did lose his phone. He spent a year in jail. When you have T S, s C I, the classification that you keep making reference to, you know exactly what you're supposed to do, what you're not supposed to do. Hillary Clinton knew, whom I Aberdeen knew. They knew exactly what they were trying to do, which was to skirt the system. Why do people that's smart like Jessica tar Love, why does she not see this for a clean, clear case of obstruction. Well, I think that she wants to be supportive of Hillary. But if you just say, if it's person Joe Blow or if it's Linda, if Linda had done exact same thing in Linda too, I you know I I haven't seen him so long, Linda. I just I would never blame Lauren, though I've never blame law. If Jessica did it, would you be able to get her out of jail? I really wouldn't. I mean, yes, I would, because you know how much I like you. But but but to be honest with you, i'd visit you with a cake and a file. I'd be willing to go to jail for you. Listen, remember the actress Hannah what's her name, Darryl Hannah, Daryl Hannah. I actually bailed her out of jail once. Yes, well, she was going she's like one of these you know, she was protesting. She was protesting. She's like an environmental coop. But I really liked her, and I said, I'll bail you out the next time you get arrested. You just liked her, Mermaid? No, did you we did do that? Right? We did? You sent the money didn't you. Yeah, yeah, I I literally bailed her out of jail. I paid for it. Suggest that you know, if we get in trouble, we know who to call. We're calling Uncle Sean and bail us out. Uncle. Uncle Sean will be there, Uncle. That's that's all I do. I fix things. I'm like Mr wolpind pulp pulp fiction. But notwithstanding look, abstruction is a very serious charge, Sean, but also mishandling classified materials. Those statutes are in place for a reason. And you look and you read these things, and you say, if I break the law, I deserve to go to jail. All right. By the way, Jessica, it's Ron's world and you happen to live in it. I love that work, by the way, with anybody else. Uh sorry, all right, we gotta roll. Thank you both when we come back wide open telephones on this Wednesday, alright, till the top of the hour. We'll get to your calls on this happ right. Let me just play a couple of Hillary cuts here, I mean Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is undermined the presidency to enrich ship family. Erratic behavior is undermining global order. I'm like, wow, can she really be that out of touch with who she is. I'm gonna play that. And then and then Hillary say, well, white women voted for Trump because their husbands, their bosses, and their sons told them how to vote. And then Donald Trump, responding to that, hit it. He has uh undermined the office and used it to enrich himself and his family. Uh just regarded laws, ethical standards. He's crossed into a territory of behavior and actions that are unpredictable, that are erratic, that are undermining the stability of uh, the global order. We do not do well with white men, and we don't do well with married white women. UM. And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, UH and a a sort of ongoing pressure uh to vote the way that your husband, your boss, UH, your son, whoever believes you should. Her last statement about women they have to get approval from their husbands, their sons, and their male bosses to vote for Trump. That was not a good statement. Not good. Do you notice how fast the Democrats have run from these statements. Now they are disavowing the statements like I've never heard before. She's wrong. People that were her biggest supporters are now saying what is she doing? Why doesn't she just go home? I mean, could you imagine who? I want to know, what century we're living in if men and bosses and sons are telling women, only white women, how to vote. Linda, let's say, did your husband, your boss, or your son have any influence and how you voted in the last election? Could they ever have any influence? And how? This is the dumbest question I've ever asked anybody on this on this radio show. Nobody puts baby in a corner. Everybody knows how I roll. Uh, but do you know any woman that would say, yes, yes, boss, yes, dear, yes, son, I will do what you say I will. And by the way, what happens if the son and the boss and the and the husband give three different ideas, then what is she gonna do? I think what she was trying to do is deflect the responsibility of her many mistakes. And why are you being serious? Let's have fun. Let's have fun. If any man trying to tell me what to do, I would kick him. Wear accounts advocating violence. My family, and my family knows that they've witnessed me do it, and they've witnessed you do over the other night, Lawrence, he's the way that I am, you know, when people are doing well. The officer was incorrect, so we had to have a talk. But did you get did you get? No? I did not. You didn't get the ticket, and you're arguing with the off By the way, you know what the dumbest thing to do is ever argue with the police officer. Why are you arguing with a police officer. First of all, I was not arguing with him. He was totally freaking wrong. Okay about what what did he pull you over? What did he pull you over for? So and Laura, it was with me. She she usual witness. What did you get pulled over for? I'm going to tell you this is the problem with men. I'm trying to have a conversation. Problem with men generalization. So it's you to know that I was there. Because people never can believe the things that actually happened to her because they are so unbelievable, but they're they're crazy. Listen, I'll be honest, I'm not in that category. I believe any of her crazy story. I've been around. I've actually seen a few crazy incid incidents myself. You got pulled over for what. So we get pulled over because the traffic is out of bounds going into the Lincoln Tunnel. So long story short, anybody who's driven in New York City during rush hour it's a freaking nightmare. So we're gonna make this right hand turn. You're not supposed to make it right, and I had been there the day before. You're not supposed to make but it's only on certain times, so it's like before seven, after three, eat breakfast. It's only ridiculous rules of Bloomberg putting order. Okay, fine, So we're at this We're at this light, not supposed to make the right yeada, YadA YadA. And this this cop that I had seen the day before. I had said and I was like, oh, can you make the right here because everybody's making it, Like what's the deal of the time. He's like, oh, yeah, totally ignore that. Make the right. Nobody. It's too crazy here. You have to make the right. You gotta do it. It's all right. Fine, So I make the right, I I know. Sooner get around the corner and there's this cop and he walks up to me and he doesn't talk to me, doesn't I roll my window down, you know, high officer, officer, want some coffee. He's like, pull over, Oh my god. Right, this guy's had a bad day and I'm going to beat Possana and on Garrata pull over to YadA YadA, and he's talking to a truck. He pulls over. He's talking to another car. He's pulled over. He hasn't gotten to me yet, and I'm looking at learn like, what is the problem, What's going on? So finally he gets to my window and he goes, do you know why I pulled you over? I said, actually I don't know. I'm very curious. Why did you pull me over? And he says, did you read the sign? I'm like what sign? He's like the sign? I like, what signed? There's a lot of signs in New York City's like sixteen signs at every stop. And he's like the sign that says no right time. I said, oh yeah, I talk to you a buddy on forty thirsty and he said it was okay for me to turn. He goes, what guy, I'm like, your fellow officer. We're going back and forth. He goes, what street at you one? No, I'm like forty first He's like, you talked to guy forty three. Where are you going on forty first? You're on my street. I'm like, you own the street. You don't own the street. I own the street. I pay taxes. You don't pay taxes here. I was like, what are you talking about? Why am I pulled over? So go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Finally he goes, let me see your license of registration except for what He's like, I just told you. Your buddy on forty three street told me to write the right turn here? Why am I going to share my license of registration if you told me to make the right He's like, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm like the guy in the small car, it says traffic cop. I talked to him. He said I could make the right Maybe you should radio him and ask him. So he's just like, oh my god, he let you go for his own Santa. No, No, he he let you go because he couldn't handle any more of it. That's why he he he took my license, and he took and he takes for my registration. So I handed my registration. It's in a nice clear pack. It's like perfect. Do you have any p b A cards that say my name on? No, I don't. I would never do that. Why not, because I'm not you, I'm me. No, but I have p BA cards that have been given to me. Moment did not require a pp A card because I was innocent and I needed. You know what, the dumbest thing to do in the whole wide world when you get pulled over, argue with the Argue with the except when they're wrong. Okay, you're all fallible. It doesn't matter if they're right or wrong. Just say yes, certain, no. So I'm so sorry. Well I started out like that, but then he had an attitude problem. And I want to talk about the guy for you. What did he do with your license and registration? Takes my license in my registration and it comes back here. Say, listen, you gotta look at the sign. Said let's have a real talk about this. I said, now, while you were sitting there looking at my license registration, I took a video tape of all the cars making a right that you didn't stop after me. Now let's watch this together. Now all of these and he's looking at me. He's like, ma'am, I cannot stop. Every carmic. Oh, but you stop me. So I get a ticket and all these look at this video. Look at this video. Say I narrated it for you. I said, now, in the six minutes you were over there, I have videotaped all these cards and you can see every single license. If you're gonna give all of them tickets, then I'll take your ticket. But if you're not giving me a ticket, I think we still need to have a talk about the fact that you can't even see the sign because the bus in front of me that is allowed to make the right was blocking the sign. Is this exactly how it happened, Lauren? It is, and we have the video to prove it. And you know what he says, You're right. You know what he says. To get out of here, he says, I don't know why you're listening to cops anyway. You shouldn't be listening to cops. You know, you gotta listen to yourself. So I said to my said, so you don't want me listen to the cops anymore. He's like right, I'm like, okay, thank you all. I have a nice day. I rolled my window up and off I went. Only Linda can get through an entire saga with the police officer, and at the way end he tells you, you know what, don't listen to the police, listen to yourself. I'm totally wrong. Okay, No, he was right, but but I'm just gonna say one thing. He he just said get out of here because he couldn't take it anymore. That's why he said get out of here. Let's get any event that cop. You, my brother, my husband, nobody would tell me how to vote. I forgot about that part. Lances in Amarillo, Texas? What's up? Lance? How are you? Hey? Sean? Thank you for what you do. I have two questions. One is do you think Mawler is gonna on purpose extend the investigation past the mid terms just to see if the Democrats take the House. If he can, I don't, wouldn't be surprised, okay. And the other question is have you ever wondered if Sessions is really part of the deep state and recuse himself on purpose to let Rosenstein do the bidding for him. I don't believe he did it on purpose, but he should have told the President none of this happens that if he didn't refuse himself With that said, the Attorney General does have an opportunity to make this right. How do you make it right? Well, the d o J, the FPI can investigate themselves. The only answer now is a second special counsel. And that's it. That's the only choice we got. Michelle is in North Carolina. What's up, Michelle, how are you hey? I'm doing great, Sean, thanks so much for letting me. Thank you. I'm glad you called. Sure. Well, you know, I'm going to just deal with Hillary Clinton. I just want to say she is an embarrassment to women everywhere as far as I'm concerned. So they go after white men. Now she's going to go after white women. When is she going to take responsibility for herself. I'm sorry, but we're supposed to be in the age of empowerment, and we're supposed to be you know, women can do anything and we can be anything, and don't put limits on us. And then she's telling us that there's an entire generation of us, and there's an entire millions of us. They're voting because our husbands tell us how to vote. Just f y, I, we didn't vote for you because you're a crook. You're a liar because you're horrible at your job. You're a failure as secretary of State, and you know what, it's time for her to be behind bars, just like any one of us would be. I gotta tell you something. I don't know what century she's living in. And I've said this before. Presidential candidates that lose, they lose their minds in the process. Nobody that runs runs for president thinks they're ever gonna lose. And you know, I hate to say it. You don't win every time in life, and how you deal with winning and losing, you know, talks a lot about your character. Unbelievable. I mean, what century is this? I listened to my husband, my boss. I can't get Linda to get me a cup of coffee. She doesn't want to get a cup of coffee. Wait a minute, you gotta tell the truth about that. Everybody knows on my mother. Hen well to to an annoying degrade. Here here's Sean Hannity. I bring it without being asked. It's different. Okay, here's Sean Hannity. I'm on a diet. I let everybody know I'm on a diet. So what is Linda do? She orders up as much candy and don't need me. I would if I could, but I don't. And oh you look hungry. Oh you've had a stressful day. Here is an entire forty pounds of meat for you to eat, just in case you want a little bit. I didn't give you bread, just give you the meat. It's protein. Tracy and Katie Texas. What's up, Tracy? How are you? I'm doing pretty good. What's happening? I'm doing good, but watching television, I don't know. Man, I'm kind of getting freaked out here. The president is just showing me. I'm looking at a minute from the position that he's detrimented to the country, and he's showing it just with this plutent call. I mean, I'm not and the other person, but this putent call. What he's trying to do with mother, he's trying to elevate himself above the law as far as I'm concerned, And right now we're scaring me. The motion on it that we're stuck between China and Russia for superpower status. Ala, let me ask you a question. What's worse the fact that Hillary put top secret class sified Special Access program information that that hostile actors like Russia, China around North Korea and others hacked into or Donald Trump, who's tough on Russia, record is in a year thousand times stronger than Obama's and he said, yeah, congratulations. What what's better for the country. I'll take Trump cutting out the economic juice of Russia, which is energy and becoming energy independent. What you describe with respect to Obama and Hillary, I know that you know, I've studied Pavlaw's dog and did psychology, and you know you could. We all studied Pavlaw's dog. We've all learned, we all sat through those boring psychological babble classes. Yeah, so I know that. I know that you're based in the Conservative Party. If they hear Hillary Clinton in comparison, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about Donald Trump, who was told by now do not congratulate from the dictator. And I'm looking at Donald Trump, who's had meetings at Trump taw and I'm looking at him as using Cambridge Analytics to give fifty million UH data or you can thank Obama for go ahead. I'm looking at his actions. And if I look at his actions as someone who's betraying the nation, he gets top honors by betraying the nation. What he's doing is dismantling us. And I think Russia's it trains already attacking his economically. Russia's, by the way, they didn't use that data. I remember the data analytics issue that was all designed and put in place by Obama and all of those people that weren't for Hillary in terms of what they did. And you're kind of forgetting the whole Russian dossier things you discussed this that she paid for you You're missing a few big points here, But KA is not part of Obama. What they just showed on Channel four News of how Kambrian analytics is easily usable with dirty trick. It adds up to the collusion. The fact that Donald Trump didn't putting the money into his election we're showing me now tells me that he didn't have to worry about putting too much money in this campaign because the Russians were a lot of this stuff is adding up. But the fact that you want to go after Mullet and heard earlier you want to go up the Mullet is ridiculous because mull is a republic can call me as a republican. Ross and you know it's really weird, weird the person who leaked, for instance, the fact that he congratulated putin. These have show me that there are Republicans that's closed. No, no, no, no, you're missing that that the deep state actors that don't want the president to succeed. And this is what I've been saying. You're missing a whole big part of the equation here. And the deep state protects itself. Look, if Muller and rosen Stein and Collmey, if they have nothing to hide, then let's have the second Special Counsel. And by the way, they should embrace it, because weren't they lecturing Trump this weekend, act like you're innocent. Well, the way I would act like I was innocent, as I be screaming from the housetop, the rooftop that I'm innocent, which is what Trump's doing, I wouldn't say no, no, no, continue your continue your two year investigation. I'm innocent. I'm gonna I'll just be quiet and I will say nothing. Nine one Seawan told free telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. We have an amazing show Tonight Kennedy nineties. Turn on the Fox News Channel. We will continue Who is Robert Mueller. We're doing a deep dive and we will tell you things that nobody else has found. Alan Dershowitz says, this whole Mueller thing needs to go away. And uh, Congressman Meadows, Gates and bigs Well, they have a letter that they sent to the FBI director Ray and Haraldo Well, now the Austin bomber has killed himself and blown himself up. Will update you from Austin where he's broadcasting. That's tonight at nine. We'll see you back here tomorrow. See it tonight at nine. As always, thank you all for being with us.