Sean breaks down President Trump's visit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Do you recall President Obama's "I'll have more flexibility after the election?" Where was the outrage from the liberal media then? The media has been attacking President Trump but was his performance this week really that bad? Putin's still very much on the hot seat and public shaming won't work with him. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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See website for full details. This would cost hundreds if you went to the doctor or pharmacy, So go to four hymns dot com slash big that's fo hi, m s dot com, slash big for hims dot com, slash big Gladi with US President moments ago talking about his trip abroad and about the brew ha ha by the predictable Trump aiding media about what would he uh, what he thinks about the intelligence community, much more, let's listen. In recently, I returned from Helsinki, Finland, UH, and I was going to give a news conference over the next couple of days about the tremendous success because as successful as NATO was, I think this was most successful visiting and that had to do, as you know, with Russia. I met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an attempt to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing humanity. We have never been in a worse relationship with Russia than we are as of a few days ago. And I think that's gotten substantially better, and I think it has the possibility of getting much better. And I used to talk about this during the campaign. Getting along with Russia would be a good thing. Getting along with China would be a good thing, not a bad thing, a good thing, in fact, a very good thing. Where nuclear powers great nuclear powers. Russia and US have of the nuclear weapons. So I've always felt getting along is a positive thing, and not just for that reason. I entered the meeting with the firm conviction that diplomacy and engagement is better than hostility and conflict, and I feel that with everybody. We have twenty nine members in NATO as an example, and I have great relationships, or at least very good relationships with everybody. The press covered it quite inaccurately. They said I insulted people, well as asking for people to pay up money that they are supposed to pay is insulting. Maybe I did, but I can tell you when I left, everybody was thrilled. And that's the way this was to My meeting with President an Imputent was really interesting in so many different ways because we haven't had relationships with Russia for a long time, and we started. Let me begin by saying that H once again the full faith and support for America's intelligence agencies. I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies. Books they just dont up the luck. I must be intelligence agens THEREK It's okay, are you guys okay? Who was strange? That's okay? So I'll begin by stating that I have full faith and support for America's great intelligence agency, has always had, and I have felt very strongly that while Russia's actions had no effect at all on the outcome of the election, let me be totally clear in saying that, and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence communities conclusion that Russia's meddling in the two thousand and sixteen election took place, could be other people also, A lot of people out there. There was no collusion at all, and people have seen that, and they've seen that strongly. The House has already come out very strongly on that, a lot of people have come out strongly. And then I thought that I made myself very clear by having just reviewed the transcript. Now I have to say. I came back and I said, what is going on? What's the big deal? So I got a transcript, I reviewed it. I actually went out and reviewed the clipping of an answer that I gave, and I realized that there is a need for some clarification. It should have been obvious. I thought it would be obvious, but I would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. And a key sentence. In my remarks, I said the word would instead of wouldn't. The sentence should have been I don't see any reason why I wouldn't or why it wouldn't be Russian. So just to repeat it, I said the word would instead of wouldn't, and the sentence should have been, And I thought I would be maybe a little bit unclear on the transcript or unclear on the actual video, the sentence should have been, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia. Sort of a double negative. So you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good for administrations. My administration has and will continue to move aggressively to repeal any efforts and repel. We will stop it. We were repelling any efforts to interfere in our elections. We're doing everything in our power to prevent Russian interference in two thousand eighteen, and we have a lot of power. As you know, President Obama was given information just prior to the election last election two thousand sixteen, and they decided not to do anything about it. The reason they decided that was pretty obvious to all. They thought Hillary Flitt was going to win the election. And they didn't think it was a big deal. When I won the election, they thought it was a very big deal, and all of a sudden they went into action. But it was a little bit late. So he was given that in sharp contrast to the way it should be. And President Obama, along with Brennan and Plapper and the whole group that you see on television now probably getting paid a lot of money by your networks, they knew about Russia's attempt to interfere in the election in September, and they totally buried it. And as I said, they buried it because they thought that Hillary clip was going to win. Turned out didn't happen that way. By contrast, my administration has taken a very firm stance. It's a very firm stance on a strong action. We're going to take strong action to secure our election systems and the process. Furthermore, as has been stated, and we've stated it previously in on many occasions, uh no collision. Yesterday, we made significant progress for it addressing some of the worst conflicts on US. So when I met with President Putin for about two and a half hours, we talked about numerous things, and among those things, are the problems that you see in the Middle East. We've every much involved. We are very much involved. I entered the negotiations with President Putin from a position of tremendous Ran. Our economy is booming, and our military is being funded seven hundred billion this year, seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars next year. It will be more powerful as a military than we've ever had before. President put and I addressed the range of issues, starting with the civil war in Syrian and need for humanitarian aid and help for people in Syria. We also spoke of Iran and they need to hold the nuclear and fishings and the destabilizing activities taking place in Iran. As most of you know, we ended the Iran Deal, which was one of the worst deals anyone could imagine, and that's had a major impact on Iran, and it's substantially weakened Iran. And we hope that at some point Duran will call us and will maybe make a new deal, or we maybe well. But Iran is not the same country that it was five months ago. That I can tell you. They're no longer looking so much to the Mediterranean and the entire Middle East. They've got some big problems that they can solve, probably much easier if they deal with US, So we'll see what happens. But we did discuss the run. We discussed Israel and the security of Israel, and President Putin is very much involved now with US, and a discussion with pb net Yahoo on working something out with surrounding Syria and Syria and specifically with regards to the security and long term security of Israel. A major topic of discussion was North Korea the need for it to remove its nuclear weapons. Russia has assured US of its support. President of Putin said he agrees with me, and they'll do whatever they have to do to try and make it happen. Discussions are ongoing and they're going very very well. U. We have no rush for speed. The sanctions are remaining, the hostages are back, there have been no tests, there have been no rockets going up for a period of nine months, and I think the relationships are very good, so we'll see how that goes. We have no time limit, we have no speed limit. We have where we're just going through the process. But the relationships are very good. President Putin is going to be involved in the sense that he is he is with us. He would like to see that happen. Perhaps the most important issue we discussed at our meeting prior to the press conference was the reduction of nuclear weapons throughout the world, the United States and Russia. As I said, and we can have a big impact, but nuclear weapons is I think the greatest threat of our world today, and they are a great nuclear power. Where a great nuclear power, we have to do something about the wear and so that was a matter that we discussed actually in great detail, and President Putin agrees with me. The matters we discussed are profound in their importance and have the potential to save millions of lives. I understand that many disagreements between our countries, but I also understand that dialogue and the when you think about it, dialogue with Russia or dialogue with other countries, but dialogue with Russia in this case, where we've had such poor relationships for so many years, dialogue is a very important thing, and it's a very good thing. So if we get along with them, great, If they don't get along with them, then will you will get along with them? But I think we have a very good chance of having some very positive things. I thought that The meeting that I had with President Putin was really strong. I think that they were willing to do things that Frankly, I wasn't sure whether or not they would be willing to do. And we'll be having future meeting, said, we'll see whether or not that comes to fruition. But we had a very very good meeting. So I just wanted to clear up. I have the strongest respect for our intelligence agencies headed by my people. We have great people, whether it's Gina Dan Coates or any of them. I mean, we have we have tremendous people, tremendous talent within the agencies. I think they're being guided properly, and we all want the same thing. We want success for our country. So with that, we're going to start a meeting now, and tax reductions we're going to be putting in a bill. Kevin Brady is with us, and I might ask Kevin just to say a couple of words about that, and then we'll get back onto a private meeting. But Kevin, could you maybe give just a brief discussion. All right, we're gonna end up right there. That just taking place moments ago. The President obviously dealing with a lot there and the clarify aation clearly on the issue. Because of the media outrage over all things one two quick headlines here, You've got to understand everything you're seeing and hearing is at a level of double standard that should take your breath away. You have to see everything that the media and Democrats are doing in some Republicans. It's all seen through the prism of a mid term election. The last aspects of this are, yeah, the president has never I'll explain this when we get back. All right, but I'm way behind here, but I will get to all that. We also have coming up in the program. Louie Gomert, our buddy Austin Gulsby is gonna check in. We'll play my interview with the President from yesterday and give you some other thoughts. Remaining thoughts from Helsinki is we have just gotten back today. It's great to be back home. This is my last chase. Yes, that's my leg and I have multiquo. I transmit to Vladimir. I have more flexibility after my election. I didn't see anybody in the mainstream left wing media get all outrage. What what was? I have more flexibility all about? You know? I wh where was the outrage from your left wing media. Where was it when that president dropped a hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency on a tarmac from a cargo plane or multiple cargo planes for the mulas in iron I just I sit and I watched, and I wonder and um, you know this where the President was very clear he trust the intelligence commuty. But there is a demarcation here. I don't think he has a lot of faith in Obama's intelligence community. John Brennan, proud former communist. How we ever got to run the c I A. I don't know, but you know he's now literally encouraging the intelligence community to stay your mutiny against President Trump, to keep him in the dark and quote vital intelligence developments. John Brennan continued criticizing the president called the Trees and yesterday um saying that Mr Trump could have potentially risked intelligence capabilities during his private meeting with Vladimir and the intel community might begin to withhold intelligence from Trump. Is that what he's trying to do, that they are the big deciders, they know better than everybody else, just like what they did during the election. In light of the President's comments, well, the President just clarified all of those comments. You cannot look at any of this without seeing it through the prism of the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history. You cannot look at this and not know that there are all sorts of ofen implications in everything that has happened. Because Donald Trump was never supposed to be in this position. They were gonna stop him in the primary, but he beat sixteen other people. He's never gonna beat Hillary Clinton. But just in case, will still rig her investigation to allow her to continue to be a candidate where every other American would go to jail, and then we'll turn our sights on him. And eighteen months later, all the hopes have been put in the arms of Robert Muller. And there's no evidence of Trump Russia collusion. Yeah, of course the Russians have been meddling. They did it in oh eight, they did it in they did it in twenty sixteen. Devon Nooness warned about it in sien Obama said Trump was whining and no serious person would ever believe it. Do you not see the utter hypocrisy? It's nauseating, so predictable. Though, alright now until the top of the hour, President clarifying, exprovising, and extending his remarks if you want to use a congressional term over the Brew haha, over the Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin. You know, it's very interesting. I found this in the Washington Times when the President decided not to throw the d n C. You know, whatever influence, and I don't think anybody doubts. We've known him for quite a while. House Intel Committee pretty much confirmed it a long time ago. People I trust a lot that there was always attempt to so chaos in American elections on both sides. Multiple now studies have said it didn't impact any of the votes of sixteen. Shouldn't have surprised anybody. One person that said it couldn't happen here. No serious person would believe it as Obama, the idea that somebody could do this, blah bl blah blah, because I read it to yesterday. Anyway. In his final press briefing in twenty seventeen, um Barack Obama was asked whether he, you know, could have done or said more about Russian hacking that happened on his watch. And that's one of the great ironies. If you look at the loudest voices in all of this, they're all the predictable anti Trump people, with some other congressmen and others that have jumped on board um, which is, you know, fine, if that's their opinion. We'll see how they react to the president's clarifications. He said he misspoke on one particular word, and he said it wouldn't have instead of would have, and he said it added to confusion. But anyway, Obama said in his final press conference, it's not like Putin's going around the world publicly saying, look what we did, wasn't that clever? He denies it. So the ideas somehow the public shaming is gonna be effective, I think doesn't read the thought process in Russia very well. So how come one Obama says it the media things everything he does is brilliant. If Donald Trump actually does it, he's somehow, In the words of the former communist Brennan, a traitor. Can't wait to see what Brennan's role in Deep state Gate eventually turns out being, because I have a funny feeling it's far more extensive than what we know currently. A matter of fact, I do know that there are certain things that are probably gonna come out fairly shortly as it relates to it. Look all of this, let me tell you something. There's nothing you're gonna see or hear throughout the rest of the month of July August into the Labor Day weekend, post Labor Day, when the team midterm elections now get into full gear that is not going to be political. Every single thing that is said and done on all sides is political. There's a lot at stake here. From the very beginning when Donald Trump took office, I said he has four or five forces working against him. Well, he got liberal Democrats. They're never gonna I'm certain if Donald Trump gave every American ten million dollars and cured cancer, they'd still criticize him. They'd find a way to criticize him. So there's there's nothing productive that they are offering. Then you've got the media that literally in the lead up to the election and they just have not stopped. There's nothing Donald Trump can ever do right in their views, it's just a matter of what is the feigned moral outrage of the day. This one is a particularly sensitive issue because it deals with an eighteen month conspiracy theory and a lie and the fact that they've missed the biggest abuse of power corruption story in their lifetimes and they want to justify it and they want to seem like they were right all along on the conspiracy theory, which never came true. But the way this was supposed to work out was not the way it worked out for them. Trump wasn't supposed to get the nomination, he wasn't supposed to win it. It wasn't supposed to beat Hillary he was supposed to be. Then the insurance policy was going to kick in the place. That's where rob Bert Mueller comes in. And in spite of indictments, there's no American connection to the twelve people that were indicted last week. Great timing and the lead up to the president's summit with Vladimir Putin. Um so you've got to see it through this. Then you've got the never Trumpers, they want to prove that they are the pure real Republican party. Then you have weak Republicans and there are a lot of them, the establishment Republicans, and they're the guy is that basically, they they just want an establishment candidate, doesn't matter what the results are. If he doesn't take on the demeanor of the establishment president, and he's rude and he's crude, and he tweets and he just doesn't make it into the cocktail circuit parties. Um. And he's a threat to the deep state, and he's a threat to the establishment and the threat to the culture that is Washington, d c. Which is a pretty disgusting swamp in so many different ways. Um. You know, when you think back over the years, there is a little irony here that you know, Bush slide and people died, and it was the left that was always critical of the potential abuse of intelligence. Here's why I am very dubious of the the loud feinted moral outrage because number one, we get a daily dose of it every day. Now, the daily dose of it is this one's really really, really, really really real, this is it. He colluded with Russia, And it just doesn't it's literally I'm immune to this nonsense at this point. So it is an opportunity to just get louder and louder and more adamant and more hysterical. And they present it as news on some of these news channels, and it's not news. And I don't think the media has ever been worse. But if we're really going to have an honest discussion, courts Russia tried to influence our elections. Yeah, but we we have multiple studies now that proved they wanted to create as much chaos as they possibly could. And we also know that they did it in OH eight, and we also know that they did it in and we also know that Obama said it couldn't happen in that no serious person would believe it, and Donald Trump needed to stop whining and get back out on the campaign trail and try and get votes. Now, where do I think this president's distrust? I think he had distrust. No, I think he was pretty clear in his remarks today as it relates to the intelligence community, and he has full faith in their assessment and he is you know, always had and um they're also their assessment is no, there was no impact on this particular election. But where does the president's distrust come? Maybe from Comey and Struck and Paige and Clapper and Brennan and Susan Rice and Susan Powers and Ben Rhodes And let's see a process that literally allowed Hillary Clinton to rag a primary election against Bernie Sanders. I don't want anybody hacked in America. I believe in American privacy. I can't believe after all these years America, during the Obama years, because it's all happened during the Obama years, I can't believe we haven't lifted a single finger to fix and shore up the secrets of the United States of America. You know, go back when he was a teenager. You know, the story is a Sane hacked into NATO, not NATO, NASA and UM. And the Department of Defense was that he's seventeen, eighteen years old. Okay, he's in his forties now in an Ecuadorian embassy at this point. How is it possible that these types of hacks are actually getting through two? I know Corporate America spending millions and millions and millions of dollars in cybersecurity apparatus to protect their companies and protect their proprietary secrets and and trade secrets and and all the information that they have. Well, where's the federal government protecting national security secrets? And when you have a case where you have the top level of the FBI, you know, look at the recent why would the Samantha Power ever need to unmask a single person, never mind one person a day. How did that happen in the last year of the Obama administration. That's another issue we have to get back to. So why are we surveiling Americans? Why is it we're unmasking Americans if they're caught up in some type of conversation and with the government has very strict rules about how they have minimized those calls, and then after minimization they never reveal the identity of an American. I'll tell that to General Flynn because that's the exact opposite of what happened in his case. Why would a U. N. Ambassador ever need to unmask a person a day? In the lead up to the twenty elections, we never got answers to that. So there's a lot of questions about the abuse of power because we have the most powerful tools of intelligence, and we also have a Constitution, and we also have a Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure, And then you add it to okay, well, comey and and and Page and Struck and and all these other people. The evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible, and in fact, Hillary Clinton had her investigation where she committed all these crimes, violated the eSPI Espionage Act, a classic case of obstruction and justice, and all these people got together and they decided to write an exoneration before they even did their investigation. The same person at the heart of interviewing Mike Flynn and then doing a phony interview with Hillary Clinton, the ever so arrogant Peter Struck. It's getting interesting now Lisa Page appears to be contradicting him behind closed doors and saying everything you're reading in those text messages read exactly as you think they read. Yeah, we wanted to stop him, and yeah, we had an insurance policy, and yeah, this was about us using the power of our positions to rig a primary so she could get through it, an investigation so she'd survive, because we wanted her to beat the ever so loathsome Donald Trump. Well, I think Donald Trump might have a problem with those people and those type of tactics and the fact that that could happen in the United States of America. And then we're gonna turn our sights on Donald Trump himself and we're gonna build this big Russia collusion narrative and everything in between and that the heart of that is gonna be another Trump paiter by the name of Jim Comey, and Jim Comey's involvement in all of this is gonna be interesting to see where he ends up legally by the time all is said and done. And then if you look and you take it even to step further than that, well then we're gonna let Hillary Clinton. We're so upset about the influence of the Russians. I haven't heard any of the people that are so outraged here over the fact that the president wasn't strong enough with Vladimir Putin on meddling in the election. It wasn't his watch, Um, why aren't they mad at the people whose watch it was under? But putting that aside for just a second, what about the sixteen election in Hillary Clinton and the fact that she bought and paid for or a Russian dossier after she funneled money through a law firm into a op research firm into the hands of a foreign national, Christopher Steele, and the bulk of information to get FISA warrants against an American citizen American citizens, perhaps um came from her bought and paid for Russian lines that they then tried to pedal to you, the American people, so that you would be manipulated into voting for her. And none of it had been verified, none of it had been corrobor rated, none of it ended up being true. And that is Russian influence in an election that was bought and paid for by a particular political party candidate. And the media that they can't even find it within themselves to see outrage in all of this. Anything Donald Trump is is the worst on earth and anything Hillary does as well, Hannity, while you're talking about Hillary, she's not the president, because it's a flagrant double standard. You know, I happen to have a lot of faith and in belief in the need for strong intelligence. But if you're gonna put these tools in the hands of individuals that have political agendas, then we've got a big problem because then you're risking all of the foundational freedoms that we expect in a democratic republic. And all of these issues have been ignored and all of the typical groups now that are piling on Donald Trump, and I'm sure won't accept his clarification from today, not the little manner. It won't matter because the American people are gonna look at their jobs, and they're gonna look at okay, is it better to try and engage rather than having constant hostility and conflict. I didn't notice a lot of people that were involved in the lead up to the Iraq War, which you know it did become an unmitigated disaster. Why because we don't fight wars to win it anymore. How many times have I said this, We're gonna send American treasure to go fight, bleed, die, lose their limbs, come back dis figured, and then to have the government like they did with after fifty eight thousand dead in Vietnam never mind, or after Iraq and Afghana never mind. You know, we're gonna pull out early because it's politically expedient. You know what if some of these people want a nuclear war between the two countries. You know if Putin actually was interesting in the interview with Chris Wallace, so I thought I did a really good job pressing him. Even though Putin says, let me finish, I will explain it to you, I thought it was you know, he said, well, what's the point I have in a summit if you're gonna go up on stage and just yell at each other. You can do that on the phone, which they could do if they wanted to. But you cannot tell me that this abuse of power scandal is not much bigger than what the media is feigning outrage over just today. It's either a tweet, it's a comment because remember Mueller was supposed to This is sensitive for the media because they've been wrong for eighteen months. So anything with Vladimir has to fit into their tight little conspiracy theory that is crumbling before their eyes. That conspiracy theory, that narrative that they built there's no evidence for after eighteen months, so now they want to manufacture it. And that's exactly what this is. Because if they had, and James, you can bring that in, I'd appreciate it. If they had the stuff that they're looking for, then Robert Mueller would have, you know, brought those indictments. Doesn't mean that some might not be coming. I don't know that the person that encouraged the investigation into if anybody had been fact you know, mettled in the election, are conspired in any way with the Russians, well that he wanted and looked into. I gotta take a quick break we'll come back eight hundred nine for one sean if you want to be a part of the program. But it's all predictable, and it's all part of a strategy, and it's all part of a distraction campaign. Quick break right back will continue and as we roll along eight nine one sewn toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program, Linda, how many hours sleep did you get last night? Just asking I'm still sleeping? Did you? Uh? And how about the sleeping beauty? He slept leeping beauty and I have neither one of us slept yet. We're running on pure adrenaline. I know it's wait till your crash tonight. It's gonna be great. Um. Anyway, we had a great listen, we had We had probably the most intense technical difficulty trip ever. Would you agree with that? Yeah? I mean you were a pro through it all. We can't thank you enough. Yeah. I just sat there and wants you guys run around and get you know, and start breathing hard. I lost a lot of weight on this trip. It's been grow very good for my figure. Not exactly my favorite menu reindeer reindeer tar tar Uh, All right, we'll take a break. My interview with the president will play that next, so then we'll get reaction to it. Then we got Louis Gohmert and Austin Goulds being more. Stay with a Shawan Hannity Show alright hour to Shawn Hannity Show nine Poll one. Shawn is Our told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, so you know the extent to which the relationship with Russia has deteriorated. The President said, it's it really has never been this bad. And he said in four or five hours when I interviewed him in Helsinki. But this is my sitdown with the president. Immediately after he had the summit with Vladimir Putin and the joint press conference, very strong. At the end of that press conference, he said, where are the servers? What about what Peter Struck said, we're the thirty three thousand emails. And there was this mystery answer that I think surprised a lot of people by the President of Russia as it relates to the Muller investigation. Well, first of all, he said there was no collusion whatsoever. I guess he said as strongly as you can say it they have no information on Trump. It was an interesting statement too. You know, many years ago when I was there was a thirteen for a long time ago. He said, there were many many business people there. In all fairness, I was a very successful businessman, but I was one of a lot of people. And one thing, you know, if they had it, it would have been out. And so he said it's nonsense, is right. And he also said there's absolutely no collusion, which you know, and everybody that watches your show knows, and I think most of the country knows. And Tucker standing right over there definitely knows because he gets it. He's one of the people to get it. But I'll tell you that I thought it was a really amazing time. Not about that. I think it's a shame. We're talking about nuclear proliferation, We're talking about Syria and humanitarian aid, We're talking about all of these different things, and we get questions on the witch hunt. And I don't think the people out in the in the country by it, but the reporters like to give it a shot. I thought that President Putin was very very strong. Let's talk about how the day went. You actually use the term four hours ago that changed talking about the relationship was at that quickly, in that profound a very long meeting, and it was a good meeting. We discussed so many different things, including nuclear, including war and peace, including economic Syria, Ukraine. We discussed many many things, and at the end of a long period of time, I mean it was really a lot. It was just the two of us, and at the end of this meeting, I think we really came to a lot of good conclusions, a really good conclusion for Israel, something very strong. He's a he's a believer in Israel, he's a fan of bb and really helping him a lot and will help him a lot, which is good for all of us. Let's talk about specifics that you went over, as it relates to both Syria, which he has been a supporter of the Assad regime, and of course Iran, which is the number one state sponsor of terror fomenting proxy wars. Well, I think on Syria we're getting very close. I think it's becoming a humanitarian situation, and a lot of people are gonna move back to Syria from Turkey and from Jordan's and from different places. They're gonna move back less so from Europe but they will be moving back from lots of different places, so I really think we're not very far apart. In Syria. I do think that on Iran, he probably would have liked to keep the deal in place, because that's good for Russia, you know, they do business with it's good for a lot of the country to do business with a rant, but it's not good for this country, and it's ultimately not good for the world. And if you look at what's happening, Iran is falling apart. They have riots and all their cities, the inflation is rampant and going through the roof. And not that you want to hurt anybody, but that regime. We would let the people know that we are behind them a hundred But they're having big protests all over the country, probably as big as they've ever had before. And that all happened since I terminated that deal, So we'll see. You know, they were talking about can you partner with Russia to perhaps stop the fomenting a terror, stop the proxy wars. Was that discussed, Well, it was, and I think that would be a great thing if we could do it. Then you have some people that say, oh, you'd have to do you know, get involved with Russia, but if we can stop killing all over the place. Or terrorism. We discussed radical Islamic terra at great length because they have the problem too. We discussed ISIS. As you know, we've pretty much a rap decaated ISIS in the Middle East and we've done a very strong job. He acknowledge that. But we discussed ISIS and the threat of ISIS and basically the threat of terrorism. Let me go to the issue of nuclear proliferation. The Star Treaty would need to be extended, and also the I n F as it relates to and he did bring up the idea of missile defense. Um, were those issues discussed and did you make any progress? Well, I think we're at the very beginning. It's the very important issues. To me, the most important issue is the nuclear issue, because I know President Obama said global warming is our biggest problem, and I would say that, no, it's nuclear warming is our biggest problem by a factor of about five million. The nuclear problem we have to make sure, we have to be very careful. And you know, if you look at Russia and the United States that's of the nuclear weapons were doing something and working on other countries and he also said he wants to be very helpful with North Korea. We're doing well with North Korea. We have time. Um, there's no rush. You know, it's been going on for many years. But we're doing very well. As you know, We've got our hostages back. There's been no testing, there's been no nuclear explosions, which we would know and about you know immediately. There's been no rockets going over in Japan, no missiles going over Japan, and that's now been nine months. And the relationship is very good. You saw the nice letter he wrote, and so I think a lot of good things are happening, but President Putin is very much into uh making that all happen. A lot of people in the lead up to this, obviously you met with our NATO allies and America pay seventy cents of every dollar, and a lot of people have not lived up to their commitment as it relates to that. And also interestingly because a big part of NATO's mission is to prevent any hostility for Russia, and yet Angela Merkeles willing to put import billions of dollars worth of their energy up to sevent which I would argue would make them vulnerable and paying Russia billions of dollars. Now that's her choice. I mean, if she's going to do it. But it's a little tough when you're in NATO and you do that. I will say that I was amazed at the media because honestly, I was there for a day and a half and it started right when I got there, and I was very respectful, but I told people, that's unfair. The United States could be paying for okay, could be so the minimum is se but it's probably so we're paying for of the cost of keeping Europe safe. On top of that, the European Union takes total advantage of US with tariffs and with trade barriers, but they kill us on trade. We lost a hundred and fifty one billion dollars last year, so they beat us on trade and we defend them for essentially nothing. I said, not going to be that way anymore. You gotta pay up, You got to pay more. In general, gave you the credit, and you gave me all of the credit. Last last year. There is forty four billion dollars more only because more additional and he said it was only because of President Trump. So I figured i'd wake up the next day and read these wonderful stories. And by the way, I kind of great that. I actually thought, finally, I'm gonna have a great story. Okay, foreign relations, I'm gonna have a great story. And instead of saying that I raised forty four billion, not million forty four billion last year for NATO, I raised could be over a hundred billion dollars this year and into the future. They said that I treated the heads of other nations rough, and I didn't. I actually have great relationships with them. Lead up to the summit, you actually tweeted out if you were given the great city of Moscow for retribution for all the sins, etcetera of Russia, the media would be asking why you and get St. Petersburg as well. I said that, I said, if I got Moscow as a as part of a deal, they said, here's Moscow. Please please pardon us. That Sacoba was really very nice. I have to say it was very nice. You know, they did a great job and in running that. But it is true, you know I should have I got Moscow. They'd want St. Petersburg there one more so, the media was a very unfair in the Washington Times to Devin Newness said with a certainty that Russia would try to impact the elections Barack Obama in the month before the elections. And I will read and I will quote, no serious person out there would suggest that somehow you could even rig America's elections. No evidence that it has happened in the past, which is not true. And number two, or that it could happen in this election. And I invite Mr Trump to stop whining and to go out there and try and get votes. He would said that two weeks before the election, well, we thought Hillary Clinton was going to win and he didn't want to do anything to disturb it. And you know, frankly, when I won, he said, this is the biggest deal. But before I won, he said, this is nothing and it can't happen. It's a very dishonest deal. And you know, you have to find out who did Peter strock report too, because it was Comey and it was Mackay, but it was also probably Obama. If you think that Obama didn't know what was going when you watch and I said it today with President Putin, when you watch Peter Struke's performance The Lover of Lisa Page, When you watch that performance the FBI. I'll tell you, I know so many people in the FBI. These are incredible people. What they have to what they're going through watching this guy a total phony. I mean, how about we'll stop it, or something to that effect that we will stop you. Yeah, well we'll stop him. And then and he said, originally I guess it was the two of them. No, Then he said the next day, well, meant the American people and even the Democrats say that doesn't work. Uh. No, Fortunica Page contradicted him and gave him more honest assessment. I heard she did much better than he did, and she was honest and took a lot of hard shots, but at least she was honest about it. Uh. He's a disgrace to our country. He's a disgrace to the great FBI, a disgrace. And how he's still being paid is beyond belief. Did you like President Putin's idea Robert Mueller should go talk to him, because I was. I was fascinated by it. So they have a treaty where they work together with the United States, because everyone said, we don't have an extradition treaty, But they have a treaty where they worked together, and his prosecutors would prosecute it. And he said that Robert Mueller's people could go with them, but they probably won't want to. Interesting. Let me ask the thirteen angry Democrats. You think they're gonna want to go? I don't think um. And of course his pitbull, Andrew Weisman would think a pretty attrocious record that we have found. First said, what's happening to our country? Because of this? We have We've never done better in so many ways, including economically. But when you see this thing going on, and I will tell you, it's driven a wedge between US and Russia. And maybe we've just knocked down that wedge, but it has driven a wedge. And President Putin said that one of the early things he said when we started, he said, it's really a shame because we could do so much good, whether it's humanitarian aid throughout the Middle East, whether it's not just area, so many different things, the safety of nuclear which is ultimately there's nothing bigger, nothing more important, And they drove a phony wedge, just a phony witch hunt, rigged deal with guys like Peter Strock and Comy and McCabe, the whole group. And you can imagine who else. It's a real shame. And there was Russia interference. Hillary paid through a law firm, a investigated group, Fusion GPS. They hired a fire foreign national that put together a Russian dossier that was used to lie about you, which, by the way, Putin confirmed today he didn't have such information on your Apparently he knew exactly about it because he's been seeing it makes him angry when he sees it, and you know, it's very interesting. You look at what's happening, and you look at what that whole thing. He understood it, and he was I don't know if you could see it. He was incensed even talking about it. But he's willing to take those twelve people. There is no extradition, but he's willing to let Robert Muller's people go over there and bring a big investigation of those people, working together with Russian investigators. Last question, because I know you've got a lot to do and you just finished a busy day. You've now been in twenty one countries in since January of twenty seventeen, like North Korea. You were very clear in saying that this is a process. Where would you like to be in a year, both with North Korea and with Russia. Well, I think we're doing really well with Russia. As if today I thought we were doing horribly before today. Really I've been horribly dangerously that dramatic today. Oh, I think it was great today, but I think it was really bad five hours ago. I think we really had a potential problem. Don't forget. We're two nuclear nations, of the nuclear power in the world between these two nations, and we've had a phony witch hunt deal drive us apart. This is the biggest wedge. This was the big It's the thing that he told me when he went in. He said, what a shame. He felt it was very hard for me to make a deal because of you know, all of this nonsense and much of the case. You have to understand. You take a look and you look at all of these people, I mean some were hackers. So then then you know the fourteen people and they have twelve people. These aren't twelve people involved in the campaign. And then you had many other people. Some told allow you look at Flynn, it's a shame. But the FBI didn't think it was with Paul Manaford, who's who really is a nice man. You look at what's going on with him, it's like al Capone. It's a very sad thing for a country to see this. All right, So we're gonna get to our analysis of all of this, my interview with him, and the summit and the president's updated remarks coming up in mere moments. But all right, when we come back, we're gonna analyze this interview also in light of the president's updated comments about Yeah, he was very clear he trust the intelligence community, trust their assessment about the election. I've talked now to experts. This this has been the Russian m O now in literally election after election, country after country now going on for years and years and years. We've known about a lot of them. Devin Noon has warned about it himself in nobody took lifted a finger. Um. We know that because you know, we had a special relationship with Tell Vladimir, I'll have more flexibility after the electorate, pell Ladimir, okay, I will transmit. I transmit to Vladimir, I transmit Um. So why wouldn't we you know it was there very you know, there's so much phony, famed outrage out here. Anyway, we'll get a full, complete analysis Todd Woods, uh Scott Ullinger, who is a Russian Intel operations officer expert, and Greg Jarrett all coming up straight ahead, Hannity, would you see our opening monologue tonight at nine. Nothing would be easier politically than to refuse to meet, to refuse to engage, but that would not accomplish anything. As president, I cannot make decisions on foreign policy in a feudal effort to appease partisan critics or the media or Democrats who want to do nothing but resist and obstruct. We've never had a summit with a KGB spymaster, someone who has you know, completely studied and examined Donald Trump, and a president who has spent the weekend golfing and has not been preparing. What do you think is going through uh Putin's mind and how is he likely to be interpreting President Trump's behavior. He's delighted, He's absolutely delighted. He wants to throw the United States off balance, and he wants to divide the United States with its allies. Mission almost accomplished. This does not seemed like a president who's really going there to really hold UH to an accountable I just don't see how we can expect anything to come out of this, and why Donald Trump is forcing the issue so much. All right, glad you whether it's twenty four now until the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, joining us now. Reaction to my interview and the president's trip abroad, we have Todd Wood. He is a former Special Operations helicopter pilot, has contributed to the Moscow Times and believes the President's strategy with Putin is a correct one. Scott Yulinger is with US Yulinger and he's a retired CIA ops officer and Russian intel operation expert. And Greg Jarrett his book is out neck Sweek. If you haven't got a copy, it's on Hannity dot com. The heart of it all, the Russia hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and framed Donald Trump. Hannity dot Com, Amazon dot com. All right, Scott, it's this is your area of expertise. Let's start with you. And as I pointed out earlier, the President did make an addendum to what he had said, just to make sure that everybody understands that he has the full faith in support of his intelligence agencies and uh. Also they always have had his support and Russia's actions had no impact. Let me be clear, accept no interest community conclusion that meddling uh took place, um and so on and so forth. That's right. The I think what's what's most unfortunate about this whole thing is that what you saw was incredibly aggressive Western press corps at the summit. Now, if you think back, it would have been unimaginable at rag you BC, for instance, with grbag Job and Reagan, that you would have had a Western press corps that was eager to throw a grenade at the president to derol those kinds of discussions. But that's in fact what the press was trying to do and hoping for that kind of result because they're they're just their hatred of Trump is more important to them than than the potential of debt U US and Russian bilateral relations. Greg Jarrett, what's your point on this? You know, it seems to be overlook or forgotten that Donald Trump did say he has confidence in the d n I, Dan Coates in American intelligence. What he distrust is the intel that has been peddled by Komey and Brennan and Clapper, especially in their I see a report in January two thousand and seventeen, and look for good reason the president to distrusts Komy, Brennan and Clapper. These three individuals have an established record of deceptive, shouldn't corrupt behavior, and Trump also distrusts anything Muller and Rosenstein do, and that's justified. They assembled a team of partisans to pursue an investigation without legal justification. I mean, how many charges Sean have been brought for collusion Zero? Now, I mean, I have no doubt the Russians meddled in our election. I say so in my book The Russian Hoax. They've been doing it for decades. But collusion with the Trump campaign, that's a completely separate issue. There's no evidence of that. Would it have been a good idea, Todd would for the President to get up there? And this was an interesting point Putin made in an interview that he gave that Chris Wallace I thought, is that what if he wants to go at the jugular of Vladimir Putin and make a big public display and not make any progress on nuclear proliferation or radical Islamic terrorism or even some of the issues that we're discussing, and Greg's right, this this type of interference has been going on. Russian propaganda, misinformation campaigns have gone on forever. Um they're the experts out. I read a book years ago, you know, synthesis of Russian mind control techniques. They take it to a level nobody else ever thought of. But the point is, you're right. Why go halfway around the world to say you're a jerk. You're a jerk, walk out of the room and things are even worse than when you started. No, you're right, John, And what amazes me is that the media and the establishment, if you will, continues to underestimate this president. I mean, Trump is a master negotiator. He's started, he's been thinking about this for a long time. He's been preparing the battlefield, if you will, for this negotiation. He's playing for d chess. And these people, uh just still don't get it. I mean, what Russia is not the enemy that can just if they can if they wanted to. But they're not in the public saying we want to destroy the United States? Who want to destroy Israel? Who is? It's Iran in North Korea. I think all of this is a much bigger play to try to get Russia to help remove Iran from Israel's borders in the north of the Golan in the southern series area, pushed them back out of Iraq. And if that can happen, then you saw the Palestinian crisis, you saw the Syrian civil War, you saw the Sea of Melissa's in Iraq. I mean, there's a whole host of things that are on and supporting. I think this is all much bigger than the media or anyone is thinking about. Of course, Russia interfered in our elections. They've been doing it for a hundred years and they're very good at it. But we can confront them, we can defeat that. But they're not out there saying they're gonna do. Why is America not built the defenses to defeat that at this point? And if it's been a hundred years, why how are we still behind? How is it still possible? I mean, you saw what happened to the Obama administration. I would also say that you know, intelligence services, the of of dictatorships or you know, much more non democratic regimes are are much more. They always have a leg up on open societies such as the United States. We're always no matter how good are so are there always going to be a certain amount of catch up because we are a free and democratic syste sciety. So there's that's why the Russians have always been able to attempt to and unsuccessfully manipulate our elections. But that danger is always going to be there. But regardless of it's never said on a podium by any president or not, the espionage wars will continue. The CIA will continue to collect against Russia, and the Russian g r U and SPR will continue to work against the United States. That's something that's always going to be President Well, I think it's also one big fat lie that that, you know, Barack Obama wasn't involved in trying to undermine the election of our closest ally in the Middle East. I mean, nobody seemed to care. True, it is true, and so there's absolutely no doubt even nobody seemed to care, you know, and nobody seemed to care about the Democrats manipulation of our electoral process. All of these Russian lines of Hillary Greg Jarrett that she bought and paid for that was disseminated knowingly false information to the American public on as a means of trying to lie to them to get to get her elected and bringing it putting aside the primary was fixed, and and that, by the way, is a crime under the federal Campaign Election Acts, severe violations of which aren't just civil penalties, their crimes. And you know, look, the Russians who hacked the d n C and the Clinton campaign committed crimes. And I say so in my book. I mean, it wasn't some bombshell last Friday. The evidence was there a year and a half ago, and I write about it in my book. But let's not forget that those hacked emails exposed how Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party we're manipulating the election process to benefit her in harm Bernie Sanders, and they weren't filing proper campaign reports about it, which is also a crime. In the big picture, where was the media hysteria when Obama was privately telling the Russian leadership he'd be a to capitulate once he was re elected. I didn't hear the media denounced Obama for being a trader. But suddenly, yesterday Trump says nice things about Putin, and you know it's treason is he's a trader. The anti Trump hysteria is overwrought it is. You know. Look, I think a lot of this though, goes to one really simple but profound, the profound point that you, me and others have been making here in eighteen months, Greg Jarrett. They have not found a single instance of Trump Russia collusion because it doesn't exist. Meddling in interference are not collusion. There are two very different things. So after peddling these lies, they literally were going in there. Even if the President got Moscow, they'd want St. Petersburg. I'm almost convinced if he cured cancer at this point, they couldn't say a good word about him or gave every American ten million dollars, and they just went in predetermined narrative and just we're looking for the one words stumble that they could just dive back into the Russia Russia Russian narrative, you know, and then they'll get back to stormy when this dies down. Yes, it's true, and you know, leading the charge seems to be John Brennan, who, as I tweeted yesterday, every time he opens his mouth or tweets uh something, he removes all doubt about his ignorance. He you know, I was accusing the President of treason his acts. My god, you know what a dope Brennan is. You know, the treason laws are very specific in the United States. You have to be at war with an enemy for treason to take place. Just check out the Rosenberg's case. They were never charged with treason for giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets. They were charged and prosecuted and put to death for espionage, but treason was off the table, just as And you know Brennan, You know, this is a guy who voted the Communist Party. You know, I find it hypocritical for him to be condemning President Trump in his exchange and appearance with what is essentially a communist leader, a dictator of Vladimir Putina. You know, more on John Brennan. Um, this is a guy who emphatically denied that the dossier factored into the intelligence community's public report in January two thousand and sixteen. And and so now Brennan's actually being investigated by the House Intelligence Committee for lyne Uh. He also swore he didn't know who commissioned the dossier, even though you know he knew it. Uh, And senior national security and counter intelligence officials in our government knew the previous year that it was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign. So John Brennan, who was the instigator of the Russia hoax by propagating the anti Trump dossier, which was totally phony, is in a load of trouble. I think in the end things will turn out badly for him. All right, stay right there, we'll come back. By the way, Gregg's book now is coming out. It will be out a week from now in bookstores everywhere, which gets to the heart of all of this. I don't think the timing could be any better, the Russian hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. Right as we continue final moments, Greg Jarrett is with US Todd Wood, former special Operations helicopter pilot, and and Scott you Lingers with US retired CIA Operations officer, Russian intel operations expert. What do you think's going on in the Kremlin today based on the media just try and always pound on the president with this collusion collusion collusion narrative. How do they interpret that? Scott? I think that the Russians may in the short term be sort of gleeful about the Manstia media tacking Trump. They always seek to have discord in the United States. So I think that they that in the short term they may have a couple of laughs at um at America's expense. But the bottom line is, regardless of some of the statements made, our policy against Russia is much stronger than it was under you know, under the Obama administration, and they are going to have to deal with that. You can actually see body language yesterday when President Trump started talking about and she Putin seemed to be definitely uncomfortable because President Trump's philosophy, what he was saying was basically me the best man win as far as our energy competition, and it was clear that Putin was not comfortable with that. Natural guest prices are going down in Europe and that hits Putin right in the pocketbook and reduces the amount of money he has to make mischief abroad. No, there's no doubt about it. I mean, if Angela Merkel takes our billions of dollars and went to the United States and partnered with us, that's the end of the Russian economy. And that would if I'm Prutin, that would be my biggest concern. Last word, uh, Todd Wood, Yeah, one thing that happened today which may be the first fruits to piggyback on what Scott said. The first fruits from the summit is that Russia agreed in talks with Europe and Ukraine to extend or renegotiate the Ukrainian gas issue, which is an arcane issue somewhat, but really what it means is continued revenue into Kiev in Ukraine. So yes, they are worried about the pipelines. MERCO has said we have to take care of Ukraine before we build North Nord Stream too, and so this may be the first concession and hasn't got a lot of press. But the other thing I want to bring up is that, you know, talking about interfering in elections, and Scott may know this because he spent so much time in Lostco, is that we interfered in Bootin's election in twenty twelve. We put a hundred thousand Russians in the streets to with you know, sources, help to try and bring him, bring him down. So he has a long memory, and I think this is all about that when it comes to Hillary. Think it might be true Greg glass work, you know, as the other stories today is that We're getting more information that Lisa Page has told Congress that the anti Trump x with Peter Struck mean exactly what they say, despite his testimony that they meant something else. Didn't this Yes, it could be a huge revelation that breaks wide open the Russia hoax and how Clinton was cleared in a scheme and at the same time the same people were trying to frame Donald Trump. And that's the book that is out next week, and that is the Russia hoax, the Russian hoax, the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton framed Donald Trump, out Monday. You don't want to miss You can get your early copy on Amazon and Hannity dot Com. All right, thank you all. Will take a quick break, News round up, Information overload. Louis gomert oh in a Hannity shootout with Austin Goulsby. Maybe he supported the hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies given to Iran. Will continue Welcome back. There was music that Vladimir Putin's ears, no doubt the President of the United States suggesting that he signs with Putin and Russia over the United States is own intelligence agencies on the subject of whether Russia interfered in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election. We are under attack from Russia. If there were physical missiles, like during the even missile missile crisis, Americans would be in the streets and protesting and asking for the President to protect us. These are invisible missiles. It's time for Americans to be out on the streets and to speak up about the democracy that we hold dear, the values we hold dear, and what we expect of the President of the United States. Give it a chance to directly confront Vladimir Putin over election meddling. In twenty sixteen, the President took a pass and staid President Trump through the U S Intelligence community under the boss, and Putins wrote right over, It's a truly, truly extraordinary moment in American history, something I thought I would never see of first the President of the United States delivering a stunning review to his own US intelligence community with the entire world watching. You know, he said to me, we all fear that this is something like Mohammed Ali going up against an amateur boxer. And in that scenario, let's just say the President United States was not Mohammed Ali, and I would say that his performance today will live in infamy as much as the Pearl Harbor attack or Crystal Nut And it's really a serious issue that we need to deal with. But I think the bar was even lower than what you described. All he had to do was not, you know, put on jammies and crawl under the covers with Vladimir Putin, and he couldn't do that. When do we see almost a shadow government come out and say we cannot side with the government, whether it's the Cabinet or the Senate, I think that's the big question. It's very clear to me that Vladimir Putin has the upper hand just from the optics of it. So he has already handed Vladimir Putin a propaganda victory. And do feel that today turned what's been an ongoing problem of Donald Trump as president in terms of his attitude towards and behavior towards Russia towards President Putin, has turned a problem into a crisis. Almost you have been watching perhaps one of the most disgraceful book performances by an American president at a summit in front of a Russian leader. Uh, it's only that I've ever seen. Can we still call President Trump the leader of the free world. Can we still call him the leader of the United States? He has gone from snarling alpha dog in Brussels blasting our allies, to Putin's lapdog in Helsinki. Al Right, glad your with us as we kick off here a news round up information overlow an hour if you'll pay close, close, close attention. Every one of those voices pretty much rare exceptions. We're all huge Obama supporters, all of that. I don't remember their outrage over the apology tour that Barack Obama went on around the world. I don't remember their outrage at a hundred and fifty billion dollars being dumped on a tarmac in cargo planes and cash and other currencies as it relates to the Iranian mullahs who were aunting death to America and burning American flags and the very same people that we're burning the Israeli flag and chanting death to Israel. I don't remember these voices at the time at all, um. I don't remember them as the the voices that have been in the forefront. Do remember them as saying, you know, a lot of them bush led and many died. Another little liberal leftist chance that you get any time a Republican as president. But I don't remember them being outraged that an election was stolen, a primary election by Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. I don't remember that happening at all. I don't see the outrage that, in fact, Hillary Clinton, everything that we know about the felony she committed, she puts sources and methods in jeopardy when she put top secret classified information on her private email servers, something she herself said nobody should do. It's a felony, it's against the law. It's a violation of the Espionage Act. Nor do I think any in the left or any of those voices seemed to care that she deleted and then acid washed with bleach bid and then had devices busted up and sim cards removed from devices. I don't really remember any of these people outrage that we had people on the upper levels of the intelligence community who was doing illegal surveillance and unmasking of Americans at a rate we'd never seen before during the Obama administration, leaking raw intelligence in the case of General Flynn. I don't remember any of these voices being outraged that we had the top people in the FBI rigging an investigation into Hillary and then targeting the opposition party candidate. And the way they did it was they lied to FISE, the court judges, and four separate occasions with the bulk of information coming from a bought and paid for dossier using funneled money through a law firm, through an op research firm into a foreign nationals hands who got Russian lies to propagate to the American people in the lead up to an election, or the FISA court lying itself. Remember the guy that put together that dossier has since said and then interrogatory, well, it's wrong intelligence. It's maybe fifty fifty. I don't know if it's true. Many of the people now that are feigning the most outrage of the people that were involved in all of this. It's a pretty shocking and amazing time that we live in. Anyway, Austin Guldsby is with us. He is a professor of Chicago's Boots School of Economics. By the way, you one of these professors that gets off all summer. Yeah, pretty much. Do you get paid all summer when you're off? I'm supposed to do some research. I'm researching the behavior of Republicans in the in their element. That's why I'm on this show. Is that what that is? I mean, you know, who was the reporter that called me a while back? They were doing a story on you, and I said the nicest things about you. I was lying to the fake news media about you. If your listeners read that, my my career would be over. You know, I might as well take a summit with with Vladimir Putin and not give him a hundred and fifty billion dollars and everyone will be feigning moral outrage here. Um. Look, I think there's something that's a lot deeper in all of this, and that is after eighteen months, and there's a double standard which is very obvious, that which I pointed out. But after eighteen months, there's no evidence of Trump Russia collusion, none whatsoever. And while I fully understand people's desire in the President clarified earlier today his remarks, but this has not been an intelligence community, this has not been an FBI that's been exactly fair to him and the things that have been done to him. I think he's taken very personally, I think as anybody would. Yeah, I don't know. I kind of think two things. I know he's your friend, and you're an extremely loyal person, and I love that about you. It's not about loyalty, it's about trudy. This was not his finest day. And yes, the people that you that you just had on that snippet are people who are perennially critical of President Trump, but this one was different in that we could also get a long list of people who have not been perennially critics of the president, who expressed close to outrage. They were very disappointed by by his performance, and I think he can do better. Look you do you talk to him, Sean? You should tell him? So why did everybody think that I talked to him as if that I'm not? You know, people make expected How do you know if I talked to him? You don't know who I talked to him. But he should talk to you. If you have no idea I didn't talk to him yesterday, tell him to. He's got the strengthen himself. There wasn't let me ask you this, Let me ask you this. Is it a great day in Barack Obama's life when he gave mullus An Iran a hundred and fifty billion dollars that happened, but is kind of what happened. But rather than argue about that, look here, I'm trying to be I'm trying to be productive, and I'll be productive into there's a danger, but there is a there's a productive outcome. When John F. Kennedy was the president, and he was and he was new, and he didn't have a whole lot of international diplomacy negotiation kind of experience, he has a summit with Krushchev and it doesn't go well. No, I would argue if it's still went a lot better than this one did for Trump. But it didn't go well. And on the desk, yeah, that was to the human But Krushchev, we now found out, felt that he kind of balldozed and bullied President Kennedy and he came back to the Kremlins album, Oh I can push this guy around, and that led almost directly to the Cuban missile crisis, because Khrushchev from that summit was like, Ah, this guy's a pushover, let's move the missiles into Cuba, and that led to the problem. But Ken and he stepped up and said, okay, fine, I wasn't at my best self at that summit. But I'll be damned if they're gonna push me around, and I'm not gonna let them put nuclear weapons here. I think that the president, now he has an opportunity, but he kind of has a requirement. This didn't go the way he wanted it to, and he could say whatever he wants. It didn't go. It didn't go well, and I fear that Putin is going to take from that. Hey, we could invade the Baltics, or we can make more trouble somewhere else, or we can medal in the in the next election. And Donald Trump, here's the problem with, here's the problem with, Here's the problem that he's got a backbone on this. Here's none of this happened on Trump's watch. I'm literally biting my tongue. Crimea Ukraine did happen under Obama's watch. Nothing was done, the red line was drawn, nothing was done. And if you look at the general approach to foreign policy that Barack Obama had, it was one of appeasement. It was the same failed, flawed week philosophy of bribery. And I do think that, you know, if we're gonna be honest here, this all happened on Brennan's watch. This all happened on Clapper's watch, This happened on Obama's watch. Obama, two weeks before the election, said, no serious person would ever think this type of thing could ever happen, and it did happen. Devin Nowoness, a Republican, was warning, yeah, what happened in And in fact, I'm I'm looking at all of this and I'm wondering, all right, what are we looking to gain out of this? Because you know, America, what what do we want out of this? That we want him to stop meddling in our elections or creating chaos and discord in America? I agree that I but it happened in oh eight, it happened in I have every belief it happened in sixteen. It's a hostile regime, and he's a hostile actor, and there's there's apps rely no doubt in my mind about it. Here's the point that I would say, though, at what point does the United States of America, if you want a serious answer here, have an obligation to step in and prevent people from the outside from being able to do this. Julian Assans first hacked the d O D and NASA when he was seventeen. He's in his forties. At what point do we say shame on you, No, shame on us. We haven't built the cybersecurity necessary to deal with it, maybe in part because Obama didn't think it was possible. Well, I don't know. You kind of had a roundabout saying I agreed with a bunch of the things that you said there, and we should harden our defenses to this cyber security. Now, those guys are not sitting still. They're getting more and more sophisticated as time goes on. We have two I T employees working for the federal government. What are they doing to stop this stuff? Yeah? I think they're doing a lot, but they should do more. You're right, we should do more. But but Obama said, no serious person would think it was hot women get up next to the leader of Russia, who's obviously the guy that is masterminding not just against the US but against the whole West. You know you're looking at that. Where is your outrage? Where is your outrage over the other things that I mentioned that Hillary Clinton rigged the primary? Where is your outrage over FISA courts being lied to in Americans? Being spied on. Where is your outrage over surveillance unmasking that happened at historic rates in under Obama? Where is your outrage that Hillary had a rigged investigation visa VI comane struck. I have tried to be as I've never heard you say what they did was trying to steal an election, a presidential election. I've never heard you say that. Who's they? Who's day? We've e been watching you did? You've not been watching those You don't think that Hillary Clinton committed crimes? Ba pay, That's not that's not You don't think Hillary committed terms? About that? And I do not believe that Hillary Clinton stole an election. No, I think she stole a primary from poor Bernie Sanders. And fix was in and I gotta take a break, stay right there, wrap things up with Austin Coolsby as well one Shawn. At the bottom of the hour, Louie Gomert is gonna check in with us. Really simple, I guess from my standpoint is, I just want to know, do you have a problem with Hillary Clinton a rigged investigation? And what evidence of Trump Russia collusion exists that you have and as it relates to the election, which has gone on for eighteen months, because I have plenty of examples that I've been talking about about the deep state absolutely trying to to fix a presidential election. Okay, first, you just told me you had one question, but that was two different questions. So let's start on this economics professor, I thought you can handle it. Let's start. Let's start on the second of those. Is their evidence in your In your view, the evidence suggests that the FBI was against Trump and supporting Hillary Clinton, and that the committed collusion. Is there evidence of collusion? The goal post has been moved substantially. It started there was no there was to be no evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia. Now, actually there have been numerous examples of collusion or attempted collusion between the campaign and Russia. And now it's shifting to evidence Trump himself colluded. Hillary is the one that there is no such evidence. Hillary is the only one that tried to propagandize America with Russia. Lies. Well, when you say that, when Donald Trump got up and said the infamous thing of I hope Russia, if you're listening, you can find that thirty thousand emails, nobody else can find them, but nobody else can find them. That's a great question. Where are the where are the mysterious thirty three thousand emails on yoga? A wedding and a funeral? I'd like to see him yoga. I got a wedding, you kid, I gotta go for eight years in a row. The fact that they were not take the focus off of the things that I have. That mercy because you have been a Cubs fan for a hundred and eight years. That's how old you are. Um, but we love you, Austin Goldsby, thank you. Eight hundred nine four one. Shaun is a number. And I've talked to FBI agents around the country. You've embarrassed them, You've embarrassed yourself. And I can't help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk. So how many times did you look so innocent into your wife's eye and lie to her about Mr Sherman. It's outrage and indibility of a witness. Shame. Yeah, yeah, you chair, Mrs Inspowerable, harass me the way with that. If you need you medication. Mr Rutger reported to those of you, the four of you there in the presence, Guy c I G. Attorney that they had found this anomaly on Hillary Clinton's emails going through a private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except for four over thirty thousand of them, we're going to an address that was not on the distribution list. It was a compartmentalized bit of information that was sending it to an unauthorized source. Do you recall that, sir, I don't. Well, it went on to explain it and and you didn't say anything. You thanked him, you shook his hand. But the problem was that it was going to Anna the Rise source. There was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia. And from what you've said here, you did nothing more than not and shake the man's hand when you didn't seem to be all that concerned about our national integrity of our election when it was involving Hillary Clinton. This guy has gotten away with murder, and he's heard our reputation around the country. So hearing more and more of that, and also hearing from other government uh employees that are saying he's given government employees a bad name. But there I'm just still holding onto that hope that springs eternal, that justice will out and it will end up holding stroke accountable. We're not giving up alright fort now until the top of the hour News Round Up, Information Overload hour. That was Congressman Louis Gohmert of Texas who joins us. Now, you know, as I go through the list of everything that the left wing media, the Democratic Party does not feign moral outrage at, and watch their collective meltdown today, um, and go back to the hearings at the heart of the of the struck hearing where you were grilling this man is a really really important charge, which is by the way, you were terrific over in Helsinki, in England, everywhere I saw you were just terrific and it thank you so much for bringing that up, Shawn. You know, people wanted to express outrage that I brought up the manner in which he became such a great serial liar. But the fact is all of the media should have been exposed exploding because you had called me. You've had Horowitz all these people saying, well, you know, it wasn't too bad because there's no evidence that her email, her unsecure server was ever hacked by foreign entities, and what The blockbuster is they had the evidence, and Chuck McCullough, the the Intel Community's Inspector General, through the Obama air was calling and trying to get Horowitz. Four calls he'd called to Horowitz trying to get him to return the call because this is critical. There was a foreign country that got all of her emails. You need to know this, and he wouldn't return to call. He didn't want it in the report apparently, but it was not a country not related to Russia. And if they had brought that out, I just feel sure there would have been more people in the country screaming that she's got to be prosecuted. She wasn't like the Navy guy that just took pictures to do nothing with them. Her unsecured serber UH really put us in jeopardy. And and you may remember UH, and this this was huge the UH, the Intel Community Inspector General's office knew that they found out that she had been sending the president's daily intelligence brief. It's the most sensitive intelligence information. We have the highest protection we can have on anything. She would send it to her home to where as I understand, she had tried to get a security clearance for the guy working at her house and and it had been declined and never been able to get anyone sending it, so he could print it out for her. And and uh, that is just. It may have been by facts, it may have an email, may have done both. But I mean, my goodness, she was secretary of a state, putting us at risk, and for it to give those to another country, as she did by using that in unsecured server. And you will remember, um, her friend from Louisiana gave us her intent. Her intent was she didn't want Louis Gormert rifling through her emails. Well, I'm sorry, that's the oversight responsibility, Congress add and she wanted to avoid it. But she put the country at risk by violating the law the way she did. Let's talk about all the things that nobody seems to care about. Even Putin made this point, and it's sadly embarrassing to the United States. But they did rig a primary. I've always said, I don't understand why there's no outrage by Democrats that, in fact the primary election was rigged in terms of the favor of of Bernie Sanders. I mean, now, to watch these people's you know, feigning such moral outrage, how could this happen in our country? And this happened in our country. But then it gets worse than that. Then you have the evidence that they put a fix in in a presidential election to exonerate one candidate that was guilty on all accounts, and then with a passion, with all the powers and tools of the intelligence community, go after the other candidate. And then we've got, of course surveillance, unmasking, leaking, raw intelligence, all of which has happened. Um. And it's not our intelligence community, just like it's not the FBI, But it was the upper ranks of these institutions that were up to their eyeballs in it. And and and on top of that, there's nobody has been You look at Trump's record, You know, I didn't see Donald Trump dropping a hundred and fifty billion dollars on the tarmac and Vladimir Putin's trough. And and boy, that was quite a disclosure by putin this stuff. I guess we'll have to look into that. He he had information that the U. S. Intelligence UH the Service had had transferred four hundred a million million dollars. That yeah, unbelievable. But but you know, Trump has gotten such a just chill lacking from from even some Republicans over what they said he didn't say at his press conference at all. But I want people to understand he I know, he knows a lot more about our intelligence now than I do. He has to know that this other country, not Russia, had all of filleries emails, that there were four little email glitches, but over thirty thousand all the rest album went straight to this other country's intelligence service, and it's not Russia. And when you know absolutely as he's got to know, having all that intelligence at his his fingers. Uh. And then you got somebody asking about Russia, you know that's just and and as you you interviewed ASANGI said, that's not where wicked leaks got their information. So uh, there's a lot of variables there. And as I said that our judiciary hearing today, that got a little upity of from some folks, not me, of course I was low low key, but uh, I am so thrilled that after seventy years of Russian and influence in our election, that the Democrats are gonna help us try to stop it. That's great news. It's awesome because in forty eight. Uh. Some historians believe that when the Russians helped the progressive candidate, which is you know, sponsored by the Soviet Union, uh, that it threw enough votes Truman's way to help him win. And even Cruscheff bragged in his memoirs that he was able to throw the election to Kennedy by holding up the release of Gary Powers, the YouTube pilot. That he that he did that intentionally to throw the election to Kennedy. And then they were in their helping Jimmy Carter get elected. They in eighty four you had Ted Kennedy working with the Soviets to try to stop Reagan. I mean, so I think it's great news that Democrats are finally going to help us stop these socialist progressive communists. Whichever one of the terms you want to use. I don't think that's about that at all. I think everything is rooted to the elections. It's all rooted to the grasping for straws so that they can hang on to their eighteen monthly about Russia and Trump collusion. You know, it doesn't matter the main aspect of the summer, which is Putin said, No, yeah, that's nonsense. No, We didn't collude. We didn't think it was a political figure. We had no idea is ever going to run for president. Um. So it's just interesting because I the very same people too. You want to talk about critics of of intelligence, you know, bush Lide and people died as it relates to iracky war intelligence that that was coming from the hard left as it was, and it was let some of the left within the intelligence community that was was was countering him just on a an ongoing basis. And and actually Sean, one of the things that I asked uh candidate Trump before I went on as the coach heir of the Texans for Trump in September, I said, you know, George W. Bush, he can be a very gracious man. And it had been such a controversial election in two thousand, but he came in and he thought he would be gracious while even though there were crimes committed during the Clinton administration that had never been addressed. He in effect said, you know what, bygones, whatever happened passed. Everybody starts fresh today. And I said, please, you cannot do that. As president. We have got to clean house. And he was committed to coming in and clean an house. But if anything happened on the way to clean an house, the people that he would have cleaned out trumped up this thing against him, so to speak, no pun intended. Yeah, well, I mean when did we When did we end up any better? You know? It's such an It's such an irony to me is that the Left has always thought that if they try to bribe dictators that that's somehow gonna work out well for America. It never works out well for America though. Well, let's see it did with North Korea when Clinton did it, didn't He He promised, North Korea will give you all the fuel you need, all the material, everything you need to make a nuclear up in as long as you promise it as you just use it for uh, for power. And I couldn't imagine. I felt like the uh North Koreans were going really isn't like Foxworthy when he said that guy came to Repa's as his car and he says, gee, uh, I gotta leave with either cash or the car or a check. He's what a check? I just say, oh, well, why didn't you say that had to be North Korea. I'll sign sure, I'll sign anything. And then with Iran, like you alluded to earlier, sending a hundred fifty billion dollars in cash to our enemy that sworn to try to take us down. I mean, it doesn't get any more sinister than that. Yeah, And was the world a safer place as a result of the apology to it? Nobody thought the apology tour at the time was such a bad deal. Um, I don't see, you know, that's the irony. They're all saying, Well, Donald Trump is uh, look at Donald Trump and and look what happened here. This is outrageous. And I'm thinking, Uh, he's not apologizing for America. Actually, he's looking out for America's interest, been pushing It's harder for an American agenda. Um. And that's why he said what he did to Merkel. I mean, for heaven's sakes, why we spending biggins trying to defend Germany when they're spending begins to help Russia. That does not make any sense whatsoever. And I'm glad he mentioned that. But uh, the media instead of pointing out how contrary to helping Russia those comments were, and how contrary to helping Russia it is for him to have gotten America on a track to producing more of our own energy than ever in our history. Were now the major player in the world thanks to him, and and actually Scott Pruitt deserves some some credit in there. It's unfortunate what was done to him, but uh, man, he has got us on track to really have Russia reeling. And so what does Putin do? He knows how he play American politics and media that he says, yes, we were pleased that you you know one, So he knew the American media would take that and use it to condemn Trump. C see, he said he wanted him to win. What about the indictment of these tall Russians that we're never going to see in the United States? Although Putin was suggesting in some way that well, maybe uh, Robert Muller can come over and interview them, What did you think of that idea? I thought it would be a great idea if they actually got to interview them. But I do think it would be exceedingly helpful. It might be worth just sending some of Moler folks over to interview them, just so that in return they can point out what they know about who in our intelligence community was actually helping Hillary get four hundred million dollars for a campaign. What do we be able to track, what we be able to attrack that money to see if that money in fact was transferred over. Yeah, we're talking criminal activity here, so it would be worth it just to find out if there really was somebody in our know, is this community doing that kind of thing? All right, stay right there, We gotta take a break. Louis gohmert is uh, we got it. Actually, we're out of time, Louis, We're gonna have to let you go. Always love having your freedom. Caucus member. The only people in Congress, frankly, that are worth anything. Eight nine for one Shawn Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Alright, Tuesday Edition Sean Hannity Show. Alright, Latest Media Insanity, The Great One, Mark Levin, Judge, Genine Pierro, Dan Bungino, Sebastian Gorka, Sarah and Greg Oh. Looks like Lisa Page and Peter Struck might be having very different recollections. It is the Tuesday Edition Sean Hannity Show of ninetiestern Fox News. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you back here tomorrow.