John Solomon, Fox News Contributor and Investigative Reporter, is here to discuss the report out on Peter Strzok and the IG report that was released on FBI confidential Human Resources. Joining him is Fox News Legal Analyst and author of the NY Times bestseller Witch Hunt, Gregg Jarrett and Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). He is an attorney and co-host of Jay Sekulow Live and author of the new book, out tomorrow The Next Red Wave: How Conservatives Can Beat Leftist Aggression, RINO Betrayal & Deep State Subversion.
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Wow, what a day. This is banned. This is like an Adam bomb has now blown up the entire charade. And the Democrats thought they had it all done today. They thought this is great. Sonon is gonna say this, and he's gonna say that. And Solon's opening statement is damn me. And you even have the compromised, corrupt congenital liar running out to the TV cameras saying that Solon has tied Donald Trump directly to AID because every other witness has been a hearsay witness or an opinion witness. What I think of what the transcript said, This is the first guy that actually talked to Trump and he thinks that Trump tied AID to Ukraine. I'm watching this and I'm watching and I'm a bit unfolding, and I'm like, this doesn't fit with what he said behind closed doors, because Solon is the guy that actually said, uh, yeah, no, I talked to the president. The President said, there's no quid, no pro no quo. I don't want any quid pro quo. I want to end the corruption. That's all the President had ever said. That's what he testified. He used those terms over and over and over and over again in his audition testimony behind closed doors, so we knew what he had said. So he's just assuming. But he you know, he starts out and now he's giving false hope to the mob and the media and to the corrupt, compromised, congenital liar shift. But then the Republicans start digging in and asking questions. There have been rock stars on the Republican side. I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you where this all ended today. Congressman Turner crushed it today. Jim Jordan crushed it not once but twice today. What's the congresswoman from New York's name? She was amazing also today. And then we have congres has been Ratcliffe today because he got Silander agreed and he had known. There's nothing sinister in or nefarious in any way in all of this. Let me play where it died today for the Democrats and the mob in the media, it died. It literally blew up in their faces. We'll start with Congressman Turner and the first Jordan a cross on this because it all of it ends because we had Turner get him to say he repeatedly, nobody ever told you that Donald Trump was linking or tying AID to actions. Right, and then Jordan when he gets in and he said, okay, when did Zelinsky make the public announcement about the investigations? And never? Oh, so he got the AID and there was no announcement, So there really never was a quid pro qoill on top of what we now know. And the president, by the way, he released there are three occasions whether president of the United States invited the new president of Ukraine's Alinsky to the White House without any connection to him doing anything. That also came out today. Let's start with Congressman Turner and then the follow up by Jordan. This was like a bomb that just exploded right in the faces of our corrupt media mob. And by the way Turner calls them out and the compromise corrupt congenital liar Shift an awesome moment. Listen. After you testified, Chairman Shift ran out and given press conference and said he gets to impeach the President Nited States because of your testimony. And if you pull up CNN today right now, their banner says Silon ties Trump to withholding aid. Is that your testimony today, Master Silon, that you have evidence that Donald Trump the investigations, the aid, because I don't think you're saying that I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming I also said that President Trump, So not just the president. Giuliani didn't tell you, Well, Vaney didn't tell you, nobody, Pompeo didn't tell you. Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations. Is that correct? I think I already testified. No answer the question, is it correct? No one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations. Because if your answers yes, then the Chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations. Yes or no? Yes, So you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations, other than my own presumption, which is nothing. I mean, That's what I'd understaid. So you know what hearsay evidence is, Ambassador. Hearsay is when I testify what someone else told me. Do you know what made up testimony is? Made up testimonies when I just presume it. I mean, you're just assuming all of these things, and then you're giving them the evidence that they're running out and doing press conferences. And CNN's headline is saying that you're saying the President United States should be impeached because he tied aid to investigations and you don't know that, correct. I never said the President United States should be impeached. Nope, but you did. You have left people with the confusing impression that you were giving testimony that you did not. You do not have any evidence that the President United States was tied to withholding aid from Ukraine and exchange for investigations. I yield back. I finally called the president. I believe it was on the ninth of September. I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me, but I believe I just asked him an open ended question, mister chairman, what do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want? And it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood, and he just said, I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo tells Lensky to do the right thing, something to that effect. President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the meetings. The only thing we got directly from Juliani was that the barissima in two sixteen elections were conditioned on the White House meeting. The aid was my own personal you know, guests, based again on your analogy two plus two equals for so you didn't talk to President Trump when Ambassador Taylor says that that's what you told him, is that your testimony here? My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement of elections. So you never heard those specific words, correct, right, But never heard those words over check mate and a call. The President's in a bad mood. He said he didn't want a quid pro quo. It's over and here Congressman Turner actually gets this guy to admit that the compromised fact witness congenital liar Schiff ran out and said, we got him, and the salon just tied Trump said he can tie Trump to the aid being withheld. We got him. But then he goes on and says Trump told him he didn't want a quid pro quol directly. Every other witness up till now, every other one was either hearsay so and so's uncle's brother's grandmother's third cousin's niece's father said, or well, I didn't hear it myself, but um what I read in the transcript or I was on the call, and you know that's the exact stuff that happened on the transcript. This is critical, it is over, it's done, This is the end of this. Let the Democrats impeach all they want. None of the hearsay, none of the interpretations matter. And Sonlin blew it out of the water because he is now the greatest fact witness for the President of the United States, because he's the only one that actually talked to him. And the President's directive was clear, what do you want from Ukraine? Nothing? I don't want to quit pro quel, just you know, get rid of the corruption, which is all in the transcript. Anyway, Now, let's go to the issue that Jim Jordan follows up. And Jim Jordan is like asking, no, well, when did Zelensky make the announcement that he was going to investigate Hunter and joe An election interference? When did he because he got the money, so we must have done something. No, we blow this out of the water here. Listen, ambassador, when did it happen? When did what happened? The announcement? When did President Zelensky announced that the investigations were going to happen? On page fourteen, you said this was there a quick pro code. Today's your opening statement. As I testified previously, with regards to the requested White House call White House meeting, The answer is yes, that they didn't need to be a public statement from President Zelensky. When the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars, you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelenski. So I'm asking you a simple question, when did that happen? Never did? Never did? They got the call July twenty fifth, They got the meeting, not in the White House but in New York on September twenty fifth, They got the money on September eleventh, when the meeting happened again, Never didn't. You don't know who's in the meeting. Which meeting are you referring the meeting that never happened? Who was in it? You know how people. Do you know how you know how Zelinsky announced it? Did he tweet it? Did he do a press statement? Did he do a press conference? You know how that happened? I mean, you got all three of them wrong. They get the call, they get the meeting, they get the money. It's not two plus two, it's oh for three. I mean, I've never seen anything like this. And you told mister Castor that the President never told you that the announcement had to happen to get anything. In fact, he didn't just not tell you that. He explicitly said the opposite. They said the opposite. They did nothing. The President said, I don't want to quit pro quel. This is Jordan now again, and this round he's following up on what Congressman Turner said. Listen to this. You said to the President of the United States, Aidan's that right. I don't know if that's a fair characterization. I think he's careful. He's expressed concerns about four May going in certain countries, Okay, fair enough? And he knew Ukraine was corrupt, is that right? He believed Ukraine was corrupt, Yeah, And he wanted Europe to do more. Definitely definitely wanted to Europe to more, and the president had a belief that Ukrainian government officials, some senior Ukrainian government officials, supported his opponent in twenty sixteen. I won't go into all the details, but I think of the one member parliament who said the majority of Ukrainian politicians want Hillary Clinton to win. So he had that belief as well, and obviously he understood what was happening. We got a brand new guy in Ukraine, the Selinski guy wins right right, and his party takes over, and President Trump wants to see with all these other things that are concerned to him. He wants to see if this new guys actually, as I like to say, the real deal, a real reformer and actually going to deal with the corruption problem. So it gets up for fifty five days, gets held up on June eighteenth, excuse me, July eighteenth, and then is released on September eleventh. But it seems to me more important than the fifty five day pause is the fourteen days when Ukraine realized AID was held up. On the twenty ninth, we've now had you testified that the two witnesses yesterday testified that the political article, so AID gets held up on August excuse me, Ukraine learns AID is held on August twenty ninth, and then of course released on released on September eleventh. In those fourteen days, there are three important meetings with senior government officials and President's Lensky. There's the August twenty ninth meeting between Master Bolton and Presidents Lensky. There's the meeting September one that you're a part of. Vice President Pence meets with Presidents Lensky. And then there's a meeting on September fifth where US Senators Murphy and Johnson meet with Presidents Lensky. None of those meetings, none of those meetings, did any linkage to security assistant dollars and an announcement or start of any investigation ever come up. None of them. But it seems to me the one that's the most important is probably the one we've talked least about, and that's the September fifth meeting, because that's actually a meeting where there is no one well, it's much more congressional focus than White House focus. This is the meeting where Senators Murphy, Senators Murphy and Johnson bipartisan meet with President Zelensky. And what's interesting is what both senators in the last two days have given us letters recounting what happened in that meeting. Senator Murphy said, I broached the topic of pressure on Zelenski from Rudy Giuliani and the President's other emissaries to launch investigation to Trump's political rival. Murphy brought it up. You brought You got two senators who both strong supporters of money gone to Ukraine. These guys are all for it. And Senator Murphy, the Democrat, even brings up the issue everyone's been talking about. It seems to me, if ever there was gonna be a time where the President of Ukraine says, guys, you don't know what I'm dealing with. I'm getting pressure from the President United States. He wants me to do this. I gotta make it. It seems if ever there was a time that the President of Ukraine, the new guy who now knows the aid has been on hold. If ever there was a time to bring it up, that would have been the time. But guess what, At no time, Senator Johnson tells US had no time during this meeting or on any other meeting on this trip. Was there any mentioned by Zelenski or any other Ukrainian that they were feeling pressure to do anything in return for military aid. Not even Senator Johnson says, not even after Murphy warned them about getting involved in the election. So Murphy gave this big deal on Juliani and nothing nothing. Guess what Murphy also said, I do not dispute any of Senator Johnson's factual, factual representations regarding the meeting, if ever it was going to happen. September fifth was the day that no one from the White House there, non Ambassadbale, not Vice President, no one. It never came up. What have we learned? What do we learn? We learned that yeah, no, no, no, no no. The President said no quid pro quo, and no the President never tied aid to it. They got the aid and they never did anything. It's over. We'll continue, all right, Let's go back to the tape more Jim Jordan, and then I'm gonna break this all out for you, because this couldn't be a better day for President Trump. Listen, you said to the President of the United States, what do you want from Ukraine? The president, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelinsky to do the right thing. I want him to do what he ran on. What do you run on, mister ambassador silon transparency and dealing with corruption? Right? That's right. Mister cass raised another important point. Why didn't you put that statement in your opening statement? I think you said you couldn't fit it in. Is that right that we might be here for forty six minutes? Instead? It wasn't five trust me, wasn't purposeful. No, I couldn't fit it in a twenty three page opener, the most important statement about the subject matter at hand. The President unites in a direct conversation with you about the issue at hand, and the President says, let me read it one more time. What do you want from Ukraine? Mister president? I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want this new guy, brand new guy in politics, his party just took over. I wanted Linskey to do the right thing. I want him to run on and do what he ran on, which is deal with corruption. And you can't find time to fit that in a twenty three page opening statement. You know what a quid pro quo is? I do just for that? Right? Looks to me like Ukraine got that three times and there was no this there was we didn't do anything. Excuse me, they didn't have to do anything. I've never seen anything like that. And this is this is when the call came out, y'all. Remember this. When the call came out, everyone said, we're gonna quit pro quel, there's gonna be That was what was in the call. And of course, of course that didn't happen. That didn't happen. Remember what they what the complaints said, Remember what the memo said of the whistleblower. This call was frightening, this call was scary. All those things none of that materialized. None of that materialized, I mean it was. It just couldn't go any better. Every witness before song one today was either a hearsay so and so so and so so and so so and so so and so so and so so so so said, or a let me tell you what I think of the transcript that I didn't hear. Witness. Now you got the one guy that did talk to the president. And what did we get from testimony today? Very clearly stating in a conversation with Donald Trump that the president said, when asked an open ended question, what do you want from the Ukrainian leader, the new president. Nothing. I don't want to quit pro quo. I want him to get rid of corruption like it ran on. That's it, that's over, it's done. And then the question is, okay, well, when did Zalinski announce, based on the transcript that he was gonna investigate Parisma and Hunter and quid pro quote Joe zero experience Hunter and quid pro quote Joe. He never did. But he got the money anyway, didn't he? It's all her. This is not an issue anymore. No one on the planet told you the President Trump was tying aid to investigations, yes or no. Nobody told me. So. You really have no testimony that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for the investigations, other than what I presumed. How many times this guy presumed, he presumed a lot in the course of all of this. You know, he said, I believe these probably these investis. I believed the resumption it was likely this. I presume we presumed this, and that we I likely believe. I don't know, I have no idea, but I was presuming that, you know. But it was a short conversation. The aid was my own personal I got, you know, based again on an analogy two plus two equals four. That was my presumption, my personal presumption. Again, I was presuming these things. But when the actually talk to the guys that I don't want this, I don't remember, but it seems logical. I don't know. I just you know, I guess I have my own beliefs. I'm listening to these other people and they're saying this, that's what we got today. Jim Jordan got to the harder you said there. You know, when did they say that there was gonna be a public announcement from Zalinski to look into the things that President Trump mentioned about election and interference and quid pro quo Joe and Hunter. Yeah, no, he never made an announcement, but he got the money anyway. Jordan actually said, you got all three wrong. They get the call, they get the meeting, they get the money, and the President invites this guy three times. You got Now the letters released today come to the White House without any quid or pro or qual This is so sick how the Democrats are acting in this country. No one on the planet ever told you President Trump was tying aid to investigations. They never told me that, Nope, never heard that. He said just the opposite. I mean, you now the president rightly. I mean we're gonna go back to things. You know, President was right about election interference and write about quid and pro and quo joe? What did I say. I've been saying the president's faithfully executing the loss for three years. We've heard from the compromise corrupt coward and congenital liar ship and all these Democrats. Oh, far an election interference matters, but we'll ignore the dirty Russian dossier. And then we'll also, yeah, it matters, but we don't care about Ukrainian interference. Get to that in a second. Because Solomon outlined in detail the epidemic of corruption in Ukraine. Yeah, it was an epidemic. It was a total epidemic. I don't know how Sonoon missed his statement that there was never a quid pro quote because he said it multiple times in the last hearing, Because he didn't say it in his opening statement. Democrat, Oh we got him, this is awesome changing his testimony. No, he didn't, you know, but he made a lot of presumptions and then outruns, you know, the corrupt compromise congenital like we got him, CNN, fake news, we got him. And he said no, actually that never happened. Just the opposite happened. Unbelievable. This is this is like it's just all the wind is out of their sails. It was like an Adam bomb in this thing. And he testified the first time repeatedly. They all know that he that this is the conversation. They don't care. He's the only guy up until now still no quid, no pro and no quote. It made it clear, the President made it clear, don't want that. I want Zelinski to do the right thing, which was what the President was saying from the very beginning. Ron Johnson talks about that meeting. It never came up the issue of AID or withholding aid tied to any actions by any of them. Ever, if you go back to the original transcript, and I went back today and I looked to wait a minute, they're forgetting a big part of this, because the big part of their early discussion to this about yeah, we want to drain our swamp here in this country. That's a Lensky saying that to Trump, just like you're doing in Washington, and the President actually was a little skeptical. He goes, you know, in the very paragraphe said, I'd like you to do us a favor, which is to get to the bottom of election interference and what Ukraine did. That's what he mentioned, you know, CrowdStrike and you know one of your wealthy people, the server Ukraine, was involved in this. Well, they were. And the President says, I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. Why is he saying that because he doesn't want any more corruption, because they did interfere in our elections and we know it because the Ukrainian court told us so. Yeah, this might surprise you. New York Times Crane court rules Manafort disclosure caused meddling in US elections only Molly, where'd you get that, Hannity? And we actually do research on this show. In the research, guess what we find out the truth. By the way, new polling out on all of this, you got mu law Pole shows that Wisconsin, the support for impeachment is dropped four points in the past months, now just below forty percent national poll and that morning consult Yeah, only forty percent of independent support. This a ten point drop. Gallup found the president's approval rating is ticking up since this all began. That shouldn't surprise anybody. You know, you got and it's just all corruption, all of this by the way, House Republicans, they're going to subpoena the whistleblower at Hunter Biden Good. They need to pretty amazing corruption that we now are experiencing in this country and elsewhere. You look at the Kiev court lawmaker's release. They were involved. But we've been telling you all of this, that they were involved from the very get go. We've been telling you all of this that you know, the whole January eleven, twenty seventeen, you know what was that whole article about that was in Politico. It was about their corruption. It was about, yeah, the whole thing is bad. Yeah, that they helped Hillary at a very high level, Politico wrote again January eleven, twenty seventeen. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire, key of officials scrambling to make amends with the President elect after quietly working to boost Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump wasn't the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet Bloc country. Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump or in the election by publicly questioning his fitness for office. And they also, meeting Ukraine disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aid in corruption, and they suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and advisers. A political investigation found Now it even gets more interesting, a Ukrainian American operative. Later they identify that person as this woman Shaloopa, who was a paid consultant for the DNC, met with top officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington in an effort two exposed ties between Trump, Paul Manafort, and Russia. Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race meeting the twenty sixteen race, helping to force Manafort's resignation and advanced the narrative that Trump's campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine's foe to the east, Russia, but they were far less concerted or centralized. Blah blah blah, Oh that all happened. Wow was other testimony? Bombshell. By the way, I know nobody wants to get into this. You have a State Department official who served in the embassy in Kiev telling Congress that Obama administration tried to partner in twenty sixteen with a Ukrainian gas firm that employed Hunter Biden. George Kenne had said that I'll tell you another thing that's happening. This is all as John Solomon. He'll describe it in the next half hour. He's gonna join us. You know, there was a mini little as he had predicted report from Michael Harrowitz that nobody's paying attention to Michael Harrowitz concluding that Peter Strock was cited for misconduct, security violations, exceptionally poor judgment and FBI memos. This is just part of what Bard did the other night, a preview of coming attractions and the FBI quote the FBI's vetting of informants like Christopher for Steel slammed by the Inspector General Michael Harowitz. This report now is going to be out in the first weeks of December and December eleventh, Harowitz goes before Lindsey Graham's committee. They found significant weaknesses, inadequate resources dedicated in the FBI to vet informants, artificial limits on long term reviews, etc. These factors increased the likelihood that the FBI was not adequately mitigating the risks associated with long term associations like Steel, including the risks posed by overly familiar, non objective handling agents and relationships. Most troubling revelation is maybe some FBI analysts that used to vet informants complained they were discouraged from documenting their conclusions and recommendations. Oh so they could use Steel's dirty Russian dossier paid for by Hillary to help Hillary get elected. Oh yeah, that's going to be a big deal too. And it's all coming. This whole thing is about to blow up in their face, every bit of it. And today was just the first part of it. It's unbelievable. By the way, Radio Free Europe about election interference and the court decision in Ukraine. Yeah, the court said the publication of the so called black Ledgered documents quote led to interference in the electoral process of the United States in twenty sixteen and harm the interest of Ukraine as a state. And by the way, the White House today releases a letter from President Trump, you know, to Zelenski you know, inviting him to the White House with no zero, zero quid pro quo. It's over. This whole thing is done, except the mob in the media will just try and keep it alive any way. They'll cherry pick, but they'll they'll they will purposely propagandize, mislead, slanders, smear besmirch, and advanced conspiracy theories and lies to the American people. That's how corrupt they are. This is dead. It died today. That's what happened today. President Trump never told me directly that the AID was conditioned on the meetings. The only thing we got directly from Giuliani was that the barissima in two thousand and sixteen elections were conditioned on the White House meeting. The AID was my own personal you know guests based again on your analogy two plus two equals for so you didn't talk to President Trump. When Ambassador Taylor says that that's what you told him, is that your testimony here, My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement of elections. So you never heard those specific words, correct, right, but never heard those words, never heard those words. And it goes on from there, which raises the question, Okay, if you never heard this or that, but you made an assumption, well you write the word out assume, and you can assume all you want. One of the things that is becoming very very clear to me is you've got this sort of bubble among the ambassadorships, and it's kind of like they think they ought to be setting foreign policy and that they think that they know what's best. But nothing contradicts what's in the actual transcript. And now that the President released the letter to President Zelensky on top of the two transcripts where aid was never mentioned and there was never any mention any one individual about a quid pro quo, and everybody admits that, then you got to say, well, why are we even here? And then if you get to the substance of what it is that the President is asking in the transcript of President Zelinski, well we have the New York Times acknowledging, we have political acknowledging, and we have a Ukrainian court acknowledging that in fact, twenty sixteen election interference with Ukraine actually happened. Well, I thought Democrats cared about that, because a big part of that would then be Alexander Shaloopa, a DNC contractor being paid by the DNC, going to the Ukrainian embassy in Washington and colluding with Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Manafort and President Trump for the purpose of helping Hillary Clinton win the twenty sixteen presidential race. And I thought that those were all things that we were supposed to care about. Apparently not. And then again we get back to Okay, Well, if everyone's concerned about the quid and the quo and the pro then you gotta think of Joe, and Joe's on tape bragging that you're not getting the billion dollars. Why would a vice president ever demand the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor and that you're not getting the billion and you've got six hours. Why would that ever happen? Well we now know why, because the dopey forty nine year old son Hunter was being paid millions, putting aside the millions that he got from China ten days after flying with his vice president's son to China and then Romania and apparently other countries may be involved too. But he gets millions of dollars and he's asked, do you have any experience with Ukraine, no energy, no oil gas, No, do you have any idea why then they would pay you millions of dollars? I don't know. Do you think maybe it's because your father is the second highest elected official in the United States? Yeah, you know what, Probably I think that's it. John Solomon, who's come under fire. I mean, this was a pretty amazing moment because you know this woman, Maria Yanovic, whatever her name is, the former ambassador. Oh. John Solomon actually was one of the few people he along with the Washington Post and ABC News, it was one of three people that had interviewed the fired prosecutor. This guy named Shokin and Choking had said in all three interviews he was fired because Joe Biden demanded it or else they weren't going to get a billion dollars. So how do you bifurcate your brain as a Democrat not care about that? And then John Solomon also interviewed the prosecutor general, and that prosecutor general is on video saying to John Solomon, Yeah, that woman gave me a list of names not to prosecute. Now I'm beginning to think, well, if we cared about election interference, so we cared about corruption, and we cared about quid and pros and quoes. How did the Democrats ignore all of that? Anyway, John Solomon is here with us now. We also as new information to discuss as it relates to the IG report that we now know is coming out around the first week of December, because Michael Horowitz a scheduled to appear before Lindsey Graham's committee on December the eleventh. That's right, investigated reporter Fox News, John Solomon, how are you. I'm doing well. I think you know. We said this several weeks ago, right Sean, that these impeachment hearings might very well be the weapon of mass distraction that was designed to keep people's eye off of the Russia developments. And here's a great example. Today we have these hearings where no one has established a quid pro quo yet for the AID, and yet everybody's ignoring an extraordinary Inspector General's report released late last night that conclude that the FBI has systematically failed to manage and vet the confidential human sources like Christopher Steele that are used to conduct counter intelligence and regular criminal investigations. And we're talking about serious misconducts, serious oversights. We have FBI officials quoted in this IG report saying that when sometimes when they came across an now, oh slow down. When John speaks quickly and says we have FBI officials quoted in the IG report, that means, you know, let's set off alarms here. You're about to give us information that nobody knows has heard before. So we're getting the IG report in early December, and Horowitz the schedule to appear before Graham's committee in the Senate on September the eleven. You're saying you have information what's in the report out that this is not the fasive report, it's a preliminary one. It's one I told you about two weeks ago would be coming out. Don't know if you remember this, but the informant report, confidential informant report. It came out last night. And see, the Democrats did such a good job of distracting us with impeachment. We didn't even know this report came out, which is exactly why these hearings were started, to keep our eye off the ball on the unraveling of the Rush investigation. But let me tell you what it says were all wondered. Remember we've all said a lot, We've talked on your show endlessly, Sean, How could it be that the FBI would allow a guy like Christopher Steele being paid by Hillary Clinton, professing hatred for Donald Trump, having an election day deadline, and leaking to the media. How could we let that guy be the primary source we use to get a fight of warrant to look at the Trump campaign in the final weeks of the election. How could that have happened? Well? Inspector General Horrowitz released a remarkable and damning report last night on the website It's public, but not no one in the media is picking up on it. It says the FBI under James Comey, under Andrew McCabe, under Peter Stroke that they failed to manage and vet human sources, informants just like Christopher Steele, regularly, routinely. And one of the most serious things that highlights is that FBI officials are quoted in this report released last night saying, when we sometimes found derogatory information and about informants, allow Christopher Steele, we were told don't put that in the documents because he would help the defense lawyers, or it would prevent our informants from becoming witnesses at trial. So basically keep bad information about sources off the books. That is a damning acknowledgement and helps us explain how the heck did we end up with Christopher Steele. They kept the derogatory information they had about him off the books. All right, So what we have is the FBI substantiating that Peters Struck had engaged in a dereliction of duty, had committed misconduct through you know, these text messages with Lisa Page, is anti Trump bias on his official FBI phone, committed security violations by performing official government work on his personal email. And we've got one official recommending termination, another recommending suspension. And yet the leadership and the bureau at the time they chose the more severe of the two penalties terminating Struck last year. But so what does this tell us about in terms of a preview of coming attractions. Well, remember after the first IG report that focused on the Hillary Clinton email one of the conclusions that was there that the Horowitz said about the Clinton email case he couldn't say for sure whether political bias affected Peter Stroke's judgment or decisions on the Hillary Clinton email case. What you can clearly see from the disciplinary file that was released on Monday by the FBI and the Justice Department. In the Stroke lawsuit, Stroke claims he's a victim should never been fired. The Justice Department thinks very differently. His disciplinary file, his misconduct file states clearly that his expression of bias cast a paul over both the Clinton email investigation and the Russian investigation, one that may not leave the FBI for a a long time. The FBI blames Peter Stroke for causing all of the credibility issues that we now have about the Russia and the Clinton email cases. A very strong indictment of Peter Stroke's misconduct when he said all those things about smelly people at Walmart, and we're going to stop the president all those things and Hillary should win one hundred million zero. Yeah, the FBI saying, in its own words, so, but we're really not getting to the heart of what I think, Well, where I think that the Horowitz report should go, which is premeditative fraud perpetrated on the Fiji chort. You think we're getting there, absolutely. I think these reports, I think listen, I think there's a story being told in pieces right Peter Stroke really was a bad guy, despite the fact that he tried to sue us recently claiming he wasn't he was wrongfully terminated. That's not true. That's the first piece to get in place. Then a couple of days later, the IG goes and says, you know, before I tell you anything about Christopher Steele, just know the FBI has been cheating on him. Formants are doing bad things with informants for a long time. I think Michael Howard's, Bill Barr, John Durham are laying the predicate for what's going to be an explosive five hundred page report. Five hundred fifty page report is what I'm told on all of the misconduct that occurred in the FBI investigation. But I think some of these earlier reports and ones I'm mentioning are designed to lay the foundation for you to understand that there was a culture in the FBI of leaking leaking evidence so that you could then cite the evidence in your court filing. Custs what we're going to find in Russian there was a culture of not vetting your informants and looking the other way at their flaws, and there was a really bad guy at the Helm, Peter Stroke, that had the two most important cases of the last half century, and this guy had political bias and misconduct in security violations. All of those were released to set the stage for the Fiser Report. But what's interesting You really can't blame this though on Peter Struck, can you? Oh, it's my lare it goes much higher? Yeah? It has, And that's the point. Yeah, because look, it wasn't only it wasn't only Comey. Remember not only did he work from Muller. Muller took his phones and pages phones and oh he sent them back to the factory to get cleaned. I wonder why. Yeah, you're exactly right. Listen, Peter Stroke is the symptom of a much more serious and sick FBI, which I think at the end of the day, James Comey's FBI Andrew McKay's FBI is the reason we have this message. Then the only question we need to find out is who at the CIA, who at the White House? Were they communicating these tactics too? But it's one of the thing though, that you pointed out in your interpretation of this early release is at the vetting of informants like Christopher Steele. And remember Steele's docier When they finally did review it, they disproved over ninety percent of it. I guess they couldn't disprove all one hundred percent of it. But then then we've got then we've got to get into that. Well, then we got Kathleen Cavlac and Bruce war And I think there are as many as five warnings that the DOJ that would be the FBI, that would be James Comey, who signed three of the four FISA applications. The bulk of information we're told was the Steele dossier that was we now know unverifiable because he didn't stand by his own own dossier when when push came to shove in an interrogatory. So the vetting of these informants was slammed by the Inspector General Harrowitz two. Yeah, And what it basically says is there was a culture of hiding derogatory information about informants. And now let's go back to why that's relevant to Russia. In the footnote, standing by Christopher Steele for all four of the FISA warrants that were used to spy on Credit Carter Page in the Trump campaign. They kept saying, the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information about confidential human source one Christopher Steele. Why is that important? That is where you have the willful misleading of a court. You asked, well, we get there. That's how they get there. The FBI was in possession of significant derogatory information about Christopher Steele, political bias, hatred for Trump. Oh remember it was come himself that went to Trump Tower and tried to say, well, this is not verified but salacious. But meanwhile, in October the previous year, he went and signed the Baizer warrant, so he was lying to then President of Electrump. Stay right there. John Solomon will also be joined by our legal team. We'll get into his interpretation of the Ukrainian events as well. All of this on Hannity Tonight News. The mob will never tell you about all right, final moments this half Howard, John Solomon, he'll stay with us, and we'll bring in Greg Jarrett and Jordan Seculo. All right, just your quick summary of what's missing in this Ukraine story, because there's a lot missing here. Yeah, Sean, I think the single most important thing you saw all these Ukraine experts prey out the the State Department n SC so called experts. If all of them knew that the President was looking to see if there was an investigation to be done on Barisma and Hunter Biden, they all failed to tell the President in February. In March of twenty nineteen, Ukraine, on its own, with no pressure, chose to reopen the investigation of Barisma based on new financial evidence they had. Why did not a single one of those so called experts not tell the president before all of this other shenanigans begin. I think it's an extraordinary letdown of this career staff that they didn't tell their own president. Mister President, you don't need to ask for an investigation. It already has been opened based on the merits in Ukraine. That is an irrefutable fact. February and March of this year they reopened it. Nobody in these hearings has picked up that line of questioning. Great point, all right, more with John Solomon. We'll bring in Jordan Seculo, Greg Jarrett on the other side. After you testified, Chairman Shift ran out and give him press conference and said he gets to impeach the president Night States because of your testament and If you pull up CNN today right now, their banner says, Sillon ties Trump to withholding aid. Is that your testimony today, Master Silon, that you have evidence that Donald Trump tied the investigations the aid, because I don't think you're saying that I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming I also said that President Trump, So not just the president. Giuliani didn't tell you, Well, Vaney didn't tell you. Nobody, Pompeo didn't tell you. Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations. Is that correct? I think I already testified. No answer the question, is it correct? No one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations? Because if your answers yes, then the chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations, yes or no? Yes, So you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations, other than my own presumption, which is nothing. I mean, That's what I'd undersaid, So you know what hearsay evidence is, Ambassador, hearsay is when I testify what someone else told me. Do you know what made up testimony is? Made Up testimony is when I just presume it. I mean, you're just assuming all of these things, and then you're giving them the evidence that they're running out and doing press conferences. And CNN's headline is saying that you're saying the President United States should be impeached because he tied aid to investigations. And you don't know that, correct. I never said the President United States should be impeached. Nope, but you did. You have left people with the confusing impression that you were giving testimony that you did not. You do not have any evidence that the President United States was tied to withholding aid from Ukraine and exchange for investigations. I yield back an amazing moment that was Congressman Michael Turner today. Wow, that just blew that out of the water. And it shows you how corrupt the well compromised congenital liar is, how corrupt fake news CNN is, NBC and every other news organization is. You can't be any more clear than that, can you? It doesn't get any more clear than what the witness that they're using is. Woh, Blockbuster has said today, this is madness, this is insanity. They will ignore anything that is exculpatory towards this president, and they'll run with conjecture, and they'll run with hearsay, and they'll run with I don't know. You got a bunch of bureaucrat ambassadors. No, no offense to them. I guess they're serving their country. Well, boy, they think an awful lot of themselves when they're not the commander in chief either. And on the substance of everything, this president was right to say, hey, are you surrounding yourself with the same bad people that the prior president of Ukraine was surrounding himself with, Because if you are, that's not good. And can you help us do me a favor, get to the bottom of your country's role and election interference and any other corruption that was going on there. And by the way, simultaneously ignoring the real evidence, the real quid, the real quo, the real pro with Joe and Hunter, zero experience, Hunter, millions of dollars. You're not getting the billion, fire the prosecutor, you get the billion. You got six hours. It doesn't get any more clear cut than this, but they try to muddy those waters and cherry pick that which they think, Oh, I can use this to bludgeon Trump again after two and a half years of this with Russia that ends in nothing anyway, joining us On top of John Solomon, who remains with us. Greg Jarrett, of course, he has his best seller out as along with Jordan Secular. We put it up on Hannity dot com, both of them. Greg, that was to me one of the defining moments today. Oh, it truly was. You know, at first I thought Sonlon would say, well, my presumption was based on what other people told me. It's worse than that, as Turner pointed out, it's a presumption that he conjured up out of thin air. He didn't even get it from anybody else. You know, there are two main points today, and you certainly heard one of them. But the other is that, you know, Sanlon underscored that the President said to him repeatedly, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quo. But he also then made a rather stunning admission when he said, I never heard the President say that aid was conditioned on an announcement of investigations, Why then is it continue here? Why is this even an issue even at this point that shouldn't be as you know, as my my friend and colleague, uh, you know, John Solomon pointed out, this is the you know, weapon of mass distractions. They know what's coming down the pike, the IG report, and this serves as their subterfuge. Jordan's secular your thoughts, Yeah, well, our takeaway is this, I mean to just Builo mcgreg was saying, and then Solomon gets asked again, did you hear from anyone in the world, anyone on the planet that this was And he says no, and to us, I mean, this was. This was the most key moment because it contradicted the entire narrative from the beginning of his whole testimony. I mean, I saw Kim start talking about you know, Kin start was like, you know, his warning the warning labels, and then he heard that State said, I can't even believe an ambassador of the United States would leave that clear cut of a statement out of his opening statement because it is literally what everyone has been talking about. Now. I think it gets to the point also that the attorney from Minority made that this is this is again someone who takes no notes. He doesn't remember anything, and he can't know. When he says he can't get other people's documents, I want everybody to understand this. It's other people's documents. It's not he can't get access to his emails and text messages and his staff. It's he can't get access to whatever he wanted the State Department. And you know, he decided to not use executive privilege to put himself through this. I think, as the President said, from what he knows from his dealings with him, he's been a pretty good guy. But you know, as he kind of this is the only witness who's had the direct interplay with the President United States, he's admittedly said he kind of. I mean, they really overplayed that interplay and that he kind of acknowledged that day it wasn't as much as it sounded like or he ever they tried to imply it was, and then when it was, but also when he spoke to anyone else, no one ever said this. He's just presuming it now. I can understand why, maybe at this point lots of people would would presume that because if you read news crawlers and things like that you can start presuming it. So I think it's very clear that you make that point for everybody to understand that people are making this up. This is made up, this is this is just taking as thin air, not even basing in his great sis aint it basically of what someone else told him. He didn't. It was one of the most stunning moments I think in this whole charade. I really do. I mean, I'm sitting there and and he's right. I mean, that's what the fake DUS media was doing. And I read the opening statement and I said, Okay, this doesn't seem right, this doesn't gel with what he said in his prior testimony. And then we get to the rationale and the reasoning behind it. Well, I just was listening to other people, so I put two and two together. But yeah, the President did say I don't want to quit pro quel. The President at no time ever said there's any link it. He actually said the opposite John Solomon, and you know, the White House very cleverly, I thought, releasing the actual letter invitation to Zelinsky with zero no ties to anything to meet with the President in the Oval office. Yeah, listen, that's the most important part. When you get to cases like this, and we're going to get to a trial perhaps someday in the Senate. Facts matter, statements matter, Witness testimony matters, Contemporaneous events and evidence matter. The contemporaneous evidence and the primary testimony clearly indicate the President wanted no quid pro quo tie between the aid and the investigations. He wanted investigations for the reasons he cited, but at the end of the day, there was no quid pro quo, which is what he's being charged with in this allegation of bribery or extortion or whichever term the Democrats have poll tested today. But at the end of the day, those facts are going to be very relevant to any trial attorney or any jury looking at it, because prior to this point, Greg Jarrett, all we had were people's interpretations of what they thought of the transcript, which frankly is meaningless. It's all hearsay. None of it would be admissible in the Senate, and I can't imagine that the Chief us as presiding over this circus if it gets over there, and I'm assuming it probably will, because that's how unhanged the Democrats are. Whatever deny the President and his attorneys his sixth Amendment rights, which is the right to confront his accuser. You know, if the federal rules of evidence are invoked by the Senate, if that's what the majority wants to do, and they should, you know, none of these witnesses are going to be able to testify. The Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is bereft of facts. So he's determined to remove the President from office based purely upon the opinions of others who surmised or imagined this quid pro quo that doesn't exist anywhere in the transcript of the telephone call. And now we learn from Ambassador Sonlin that the President told him directly, not once, but twice, there's no quid pro quo, and that is not tied to anything. And so none of these people could ever testify. They might, you know, someone might be able to say, this is what the President told me in that telephone conversation. But beyond that, all of these witnesses are nothing but rank speculation, conjecture, and hearsay. You know, this is impeachment by rumor and innuendo. It's unbelievable. Now, there was an interesting story that came out today Jordan's seculo from zero Hedge and it's the headline says a lot to Ukrainian. Ukrainian indictment claims seven point four billion Obama linked laundering, puts Biden group take at sixteen point five million dollars for quote their services. You know. One of the things I'm really having a hard time here that you know, and I say it off and probably repeated too much, is that fire the prosecutor you get the billion. Don't fire him, you don't get the billion. He knew as someone was being investigated in a paid millions for zero experience that that gets under my skin. Well it doesn't. This is why trying to base then impeachment off of Ukrainian foreign policy, which you know, that's what we've ultimately gotten to, is disputing over policy, and when when you get to silence point, it's not even that. It's like just presumptions over what you think, which almost sounds like he was setting up the president. I mean, I haven't just based off kind of how he said. Why was he calling all these times and kind of asking it this way? It's like he was asking it this way and the presidents screaming back. I don't want him doing anything like what are you like maybe even picking up on this. But but at the same time, the recklessness here because they've also as we get every time that these hearings and every day and anybody's watching it and the media can't. They can try to cut around it when they do their clips later in the day, but they can't do it while people watch. Is that every day it's coming up to this Biden and these questions about why are they even getting involved when you when your dad's vice president, why get involved with any of these companies in Ukraine with the mess that Ukraine was um and and that if you're going to base off Ukraines on either side, I mean it's like listen, they've going after reporting and John knows this very well now going out to report it because he talked to one Ukrainian and another Ukrainian says this Ukrainians wrong, and that Ukrainians why it's it's we're also dealing with their you know, you can talk to whever you want to it politics too, but also at level which is very different from you know, being a reporter to deciding I'm gonna actually be on their board. But oh, we're not going to talk about this now. I think that that's the recklessness of Democrat. That's how bad they want to go after presidents from and a lot of these government officials from both sides of the aisle who work in the in the bureaucracy, who may have you know, initially worked for a Republican and then they worked for a Democrat. But you know a lot of them just reading their talking points for him. And if you don't read this, they're talking points. They try to take you down. And they don't like this. They don't. I mean, you could see they're just they are so upset that they prepare talking points and this president decide to govern independently. All right, we'll wrap things up. Amazing developments today. Uh, you know, I gotta tell you your mob in the media, they are so corrupt, they're such liars. They won't even they won't even tell you about Sonlon's beat down today. They're not even going to tell you that. They're not going to tell you about the ig preliminary report about Peter Struck and his misconduct and his poor judgment, and or will they tell you about how the FBI vetting of informants slammed by Michael Horowitz, or what Attorney General Barr had to say. I'm gonna tell you any of this so sick, corrupt, it's unbelievable. I wrap the things up. We only have to about twenty seconds each. Final thoughts, John Solomon, twenty seconds. Ukraine is Russia, redo, it's a hearsay case. It's going to turn out not to be true. Wow, unbelievable. Greg Jarrett, Well, this is an example of how desperate Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler are and Democrats at large in the House of Representatives to call nothing but hearsay witnesses and witnesses who presume things. You know, that's not evidence, that's garbage. And that's essentially the only argument that Democrats have against the president. It's based on junk last word, Jordan's secular last word, Jordan secular. All Right, we lost Jordan Seculo. We're gonna have to end it there. John, Thank you, Greg, thank you. We have a massive Hannity tonight on the Fox News channel. This just blew up. Is worse than a's like an Adam bomb to the star witness. They thought they had it all got blown out of the water. When we come back, I know a lot of you want to weigh in eight hundred and nine four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back Hannity at nine tonight. This is an amazing day in more ways than I can even tell you. Straight ahead, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean On Hannity Show this morning to dedicated public servants speaking truth to power in the face of withering public criticism from President Trump and his allies. It's absolutely an impressive morning for these witnesses, who, as everyone has pointed out, are so clearly fact witnesses. These are career professionals, and Vinman struck me as the most devastating we've seen in a public hearing to date. This is someone who obviously looks the part is the part. Look at him. He's in the uniform of the United States Army and he almost was emotional at the end of his opening statement. Clearly, these ludicrous accusations don't reflect committee members who are honestly searching for the truth. They are the actions of partisan extremists who hijacked the Intelligence Committee, transformed it into the Impeachment Committee, abandoned its core oversight functions, and turned it into a beachhead for austin an elected president from office. You have to keep that histin mind as you consider the Democrats' latest catalog of supposed Trump outrageous. Granted, a friendly call with the Ukrainian president wouldn't seem to rise to the same level as being a Russian agent, but the Democrats were running out of time. If they waited any longer, their impeachment circus would intervene with their own candidates twenty campaigns. So you have to give them points for creativity in selling this absurdity as an impeachable offense. All this explains why the Democrats have gathered zero Republicans support in the House of Representatives for their impeachment crusade. In fact, the vote we held was a bipartisan vote against this impeachment inquiry. Speaker Pelosi, Chairmanship and Chairman Nadler, the key figures behind this impeachment crusade, all proclaimed that impeachment is so damaging to the country that it can only proceed with bipartisan support. Are those declarations suddenly no longer true. Did impeachment become less divisive? Of course not. They know exactly what kind of damage they're inflicting on this nation that they've passed the point of no return. The Democrats have zeroed in on an anonymous whistleblower complaint there was cooked up in cooperation with the Democrats on this very committee. They lied to the American people about that cooperation and refuse to let us question the whistleblower to discover the truth. Meanwhile, the Democrats lash out against anyone who questions or cast doubt on this spectacle. When Ukrainian President Zelenski denies anything and proper happened on the phone call, the Democrats say that he's a liar. When journalists report on Ukraine election meddling and Hunter Biden's position on the board of corrupt Ukrainian companies, the Democrats lay them conspiracy theorists. When the Democrats can't get any traction for their allegations of quit pro quo, they moved the goalposts and accused the president of extortion, then bribery, and at last resort obstruction of justice. The American people sent us to Washington to solve problems, not to wage, scorched earth political warfare against the other party. This impeachment is not helping the American people, it's not a legitimate use of taxpayer dollars, and it's definitely not improving our national security. All right. That was Devin Nounez the hearings earlier today. No matter what the mob and the media says, this is what we know, Sonlon said. He outlined the epidemic of corruption that is the country of Ukraine in great detail. He repeated again and again, nobody ever told me that AID was tied to anything. His opening statement even made clear that President Trump never once discussed a quid pro quo and he couldn't be more clear when asked about this very issue. Yeah, no, I just presume this. No, I did not hear from the president, you know, when he was asked, he said in his opening remarks, I was acting good good faith as a president appointee, and he said, I want nothing the president when he talked to the President, I want no quid, no pro and no quo. He had no knowledge to acknowledge of why AID was withheld, and yet we're still back at the same point. You know, he comments well about why AID was withheld. I'm just guessing. Well, guessing isn't real evidence. As we've been pointing out here, it is amazing that this is where they have now taken us. Nor do they care about the security and safety of the American people. No evidence of a link between security AID and the public statement, none whatsoever. Now there's three separate times that President Trump offered an unconditional White House visit to President Zelensky. Three times. Sonlon couldn't be any more clear. The President was not involved in any of this. He discussed it over and over again today, Voker the same thing. All these other people tested the same thing. They didn't know why there was any hold, But the President was clear in his discussion with Zolensky that the reason is is because yeah, you better not be involved, but the same people the last president, because that's going to be really bad for you. Anyway. Bill O'Reilly is with us. Get his thoughts on this. Bill O'Reilly dot com is best selling book, The United States of Trump How the President Really sees America top bestseller. How are you, sir? I'm confused day. Do I need to help you? Do we need to get you a shrink? O'Reilly. You need to get me more than that. You know, I'm a simple man. I've always been a simple man. But no, no, you're anything but a simple man. You're a simple man club. So you're a complicated guy. I don't know why I have to watch thirty six hours of this. I don't. I much rather watch Doctor Phil or Judge Judy did knocking off all my favorite shows. So I wrote in the United States of Trump, and this is essential for everybody to understand that Donald Trump feels that he is a victim of people who wanted to destroy him and his campaign, and those people were harbored by the Obama administration. By the way, is he right, We'll see because his Justice Department is investigating that as we speak. So he feels he's a victim, and he's obsessed with writing the wrong he believes was delivered to him. That's what this is all about. Nothing more so. In the pursuit of exposing the wrong he believes happened to him. He makes a call to the President of Ukraine's Lynsky and he says, do me a favor. All right, you're the new guy, the new sheriff investigate all of his stuff that I'm hearing is really bad about how Ukraine tried to interfere in the election and how Joe Biden and his son conducted themselves in your country. Let me know what happened. He did it, There's no question. It's in the transcript. He did it. But if you look at the context that his thought process is, I have to expose all of this corruption that happened in the twenty sixteen election, it makes perfect sense. And he's entitled to do it because he's the chief law enforcement officer of America. He's in charge of the Justice Department. He's entitled and under the law, and I've just looked it up, he can't allow foreign aid to flow to a country that he believes or his administration believes is corrupt. He can't, by law do that. So here's what I don't understand. And maybe you can explain this to me, because you're much smarter than I am. By the way, Bill o'reiley has been such a wise ass right now. You are. I'm a sup I'm a simple man. You're not simple, Hannity. You're much smarter than I am. You're so full of crape radio stations. I only have two hundred, I got six twenty five, all right, six. Well look that means you're three times smarter than me. Okay, all right, So why doesn't he and we talked about this last week, and you tell me why he doesn't do it. Just go out and say what I just said. Just listen to the Hannity O'Reilly discourse and say just what I just said, because it's absolutely true. He told me this for the book to the United States and Trumpets in the book that was way before any of this dog and Pony show. Let me read something to you. What So if we go back to the transcript, and by the way, there are two transcripts, and now we have three separate invitations with no conditions of the President inviting Zelenska to the White House. But if you go back to the original transcript, which you know all these people are commenting on President Trump in the very paragraph where he said, you know, I'd like you to do us a favor, you know, because our country has been through a lot. Ukraine knows a lot about it, and they we now know, they were involved up to their eyeballs. But and then he says, I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people I would write. And so that is that is the reason enough to hold up aid to see what's going to happen. So why not explain all this? Why do I have to look at the lieutenant colonel up there and I have to look at some woman who knew somebody had heard an overcall? Why do I have to listen to this? Just go out, you're the resident, look into the camera and explain what happened. And that's it. You know, if he did that, that would undercut all of this bull It would make it. It wouldn't make it go away, because Shift and Pelosi are never going to stop until the Senate says, no, we're not going to remove a president because it's your opinion. He tried to do this for self gain. But there's enough evidence that says this was perfectly legitimate. Line And by the way, I'm not little bo peep thinking that Donald Trump didn't want to get dirt on Joe Biden. He did. But did he use the power of his office to do something corrupt thing to get that. No, he asked for a favor, a favor, and the favor was in context of an investigation that is going on now in the Justice Department. If he would just do this, I'm telling you, this whole thing would evaporate. Let me point out two things that I've been telling the audience all day. There was a court decision bill in Ukraine. Actually, even the New York Times wrote about it that their headline was Ukraine rules Manafort disclosure caused quote meddling in US election. The court in Ukraine in a statement that they issued at the time, they had the head of the National Anti Corruption Bureau of Ukraine and they released the information and they said that the violation resulted in meddling in the electoral process of the United States in twenty sixteen and damaged the national interests of Ukraine. Stay with me one second. Politico January eleven, twenty seventeen, headline Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. Heev officials scrambling to make amends with the president elect after quietly working to boost Clinton. Donald Trump was not the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet Bloc country. Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermined Donald Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating it a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. Then it goes on to talk about Alexander Chloopa, Ukrainian American who met with top officials at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington in quote an effort to expose ties between Trump and a top campaign aide, Paul Manafort, and Russia. The Ukrainian efforts had an impact on the twenty sixteen race, having forced manaforts resignation. So the President is saying, because I thought Democrats cared bill about foreign election interference, a Ukrainian court and Politico admitted it all happened, and we know what happened. Yeah, it happened. Look, this is so complicated that no American outside of the people like you and me who are paid to do this can follow it. Nobody can follow it. I just want to break it down. There's no doubt Ukraine tried to help Hillary. Donald Trump angry about that. Donald Trump wants that exposed. And if Joe Biden was a part of that, which he could have been, he wants that exposed. He has a right to withhold any foreign aid if he believes the country is corrupt. He asked the Lynsky to please investigate what happened, all right, and then tell the world that's the right thing, that's the right thing to do. But stay there, Oh, very rational, Trump, say the dealmaker, this is what he does. All right? Hang on one second, Bell, We'll take a break when we come back. Where does Bill O'Reilly think this is all going to end up? And we have a little announcement. Bill has this big speech, and I'm going to be there and I get to introduce him. It's gonna be fun, all right. Our final moment was Bill O'Reilly. Bill O'Reilly dot com is book is everywhere the United States of Trump, Amazon dot com bookstores everywhere. All right, one, we're going to appear together. I have agreed to introduce you in Huntington in Long Island. Um, it's in December, number one and number two. Where do you think this is gonna go? All right, I'll get to the speech at the end. CHEV is gonna file articles of impeachment given the Nadler, It's gonna be a bribery charge, abuse of power. Then it goes to the Senate, the Senate will quit. I don't know how long it'll take. The turtle, as you call him, Senator McConnell as as already knows what he's gonna do, but he's not gonna tip his hand go oh yeah, yeah, we'll give it an airing, but it's not going to lead to the removal of the president. As for you introducing me, I am setting myself up to the biggest fall of my career. LinkedIn on December fifteenth, Hannity unchained and can say whatever he was about me. I'm staying out there think about I'm gonna probably I'm gonna end up talking for an hour. You know me, I'm not gonna shut up. But what do you think? Do you think I'm actually gonna say something bad about you? You invited me to your event? Yeah, and I'm coming. The place is sold out, right, Bill, O'Reilly Bill, O'Reilly dot com. It's December fifteenth. I'd offer your tickets, but it's sold out. I'm gonna introduce Bill, but I'm also gonna do a little song and dance before I introduce him. And Bill, great to have you. Thanks for being with us, all right, eight hundred ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I knew many of you want to weigh in on all of this madness. That is next as we continue all right twenty five to the top of the hour, let's go back to where we started the program today, because Democrats amazing moments with this guy Sonlon today and we got him, we got the president. This is amazing, Oh my gosh. Well, unfortunately Congressman Turner, who was amazing today and Kyra has been Jim Jordan who was amazing today. They blew the entire narrative out of the water, which should end the entire witch hunt, which should end the madness. But it's not going to because they're that corrupt, they're that dishonest. Coupled with, of course, you know, a little side note the unbelievable statements now, the little preview we're getting from Michael Horowitz as it relates to Peter Struck, the FBI, their vetting of informants like Christopher still basically saying that, yeah, Hannity was right that they used the bulk of information from a guy that was corrupt, that had an agenda that gave you literally unverifiable material, and you used it to spy on a presidential candidate transition team and President Well, let's go back to where we started, Michael Turner, Jim Jordan. It ended today, no matter, this was their day, and it is like an Adam bomb dropped in that room today after you testified, Chairman shift right out and give a press conference and said he gets to impeza the president. It's because of your testimony. And if you pull up CNN today right now, their banner says, Soillon ties Trump to withholding AID. Is that your testimony today, Master Silon, that you have evidence that Donald Trump tied the investigations to AID, because I don't think you're saying that. I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming I also said that President Trump. So no, not just the President. Giuliani didn't tell you, Well, Vaney didn't tell you, nobody, Pompeo didn't tell you. Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying AID to these investigations. Is that correct? I think I already testified. No answer the question, is it correct? No one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations, because if your answers yes, then the chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations, yes or no? Yes? So you really have no testimony today that ties President Trump to a scheme to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for these investigations, other than my own presumption, which is nothing. I mean, that's what i'd not said. So you know what hearsay evidence is, ambassador, hearsay is when I testify what someone else told me. Do you know what made up testimony is? Made Up testimony is when I just presume it. I mean, you're just assuming all of these things, and then you're giving them the evidence that they're running out and doing press conferences. And CNN's headline is saying that you're saying the President United States should be impeached because he tied aid to investigations, and you don't know that, correct. I never said the President United States should be impeached. Nope, but you did. You have left people with the confusing impression that you were giving testimony that you did not. You do not have any evidence that the President United States was tied to withholding aid from Ukraine and exchange for investigations. I yield back, Ambassador, When did it happen? When did what happen? The announcement? When did President Zalinski announced that the investigations were going to happen? On page fourteen, you said this was there a quick pro code. Today's your opening statement. As I testified previously with regards to the requested White House call White House meeting, The answer is yes, that they didn't need to be a public statement from President Zelensky. When the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars, you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelenski. So I'm asking you a simple question, When did that happen? Never did? Never did? They got the call July twenty fifth, They got the meeting, not in the White House but in New York on September twenty fifth, They got the money on September eleventh, when the meeting happened again, never did. You don't know who was in the meeting. Which meeting are you referring the meeting that never happened? Who was in it? You know? How do you know how Zalinsk you know how Zalinski announced it? Did he tweet it? Did he do a press statement, did he do a press conference? You know how that happened? I mean you you got all three of them wrong. They get the call, they get the meeting, they get the money. It's not two plus two, it's oh for three. I mean, I've never seen anything like this. And you told mister Castor that the President never told you that the announcement had to happen to get anything. In fact, he didn't just not tell you that. He explicitly said the opposite. This blew everything out of the water today. And you know when I was listening, I gotta tell you, Mike Turner, he will be with us on Hannity tonight. One of the most spectacular moments I have ever seen happened in a Washington hearing and followed up by Jim Jordan. Okay, when did they make the announcement? When did they make the announcement meeting? When did they say they were going to investigate election interference? And a resma and Hunter and Joe That never happened either. And the point is they got the money. That means there was no quid, There was no quo, and there was no pro there is one with Joe. It never happened. The four facts never changed, do they? As Jordan always says, I, we are at a moment, a precipice in time where you have to suspend all intellectual thought, honesty, fundamental fairness, objectivity, and you have to be willing to go along with will forget Joe, Biden and Hunter the real quid pro quo. That's all proven, it's all available, all the evidence, and you have to infer that something happened here that didn't happen but was way below the level of what we know happened with them. No reason, no common sense, bifer kate, your brain cut off all connection to objective truth, compartmentalize all of this and justify it because of a rage and a hatred for Donald Trump. This is a spectacular moment that has been captured today. It's spectacular. It was like, you know you're reading this, you're hearing this, the innuend of the thought I pieced together. Hearsay, Yeah, I talked to the Oh no he never did it. No no, no, he said, and then he goes on to explain again and again, Oh no, no, the president was clear that he didn't want to quit pro quel. How many times does he have to say this? And then you got the what did I say? Corrupt, compromised, coward and congenital liar racing out in the middle of the hearings to the cameras. We got him fake news, CNN, n MB's and ABC, all of them doing the same thing we are. This is this is beyond now any you know, journalism being dead, No, it's We've got we've got activism, propaganda. We've got propta in the media that is widespread. We've got propagandists, we've got conspiracy theorists, We've got hoaxes, We've got lies, we've got misinformation, we got smears, slander, bespirchment. That's that's that's the news media today because they don't like Donald Trump at all. Very very it's actually frightening that you can have so many people buy into a lie. The lie is the truth, The truth is a lie, because that's the spectacular level of hypocrisy that you've got to absorb to do this. You've got to you've you've got to literally you I assume you can't look at yourself with a mirror and be honest, because if you're honest, you're gonna say, yeah, Joe quid pro and quot zero experience Hunter paid millions. There. It is firing you get a billion. You don't fire me, you don't get a billion. And here you have their number one witness, the only guy up to this point that wasn't assuming, that wasn't basing their comments off a transcript that was, you know, their opinions, hearsay. The first guy I actually talked to Trump, Yeah, he was very clear. No quid, no pro, no quo. Yeah. No, what what Chiff said is a lie. That's not true. None of that is true. Because Chip was saying that you're testifying that you're tying Donald Trump to AID. Well, I was just presuming that I nobody nobody told you Donald Trump didn't tell you. Mc mulvaney didn't tell you. Secretary Pompeo didn't tell you that any aid is tied to the actions ye, and nobody said that. Ever, if you got a chairman congenital liar lying to the American people, and you got a news media that are their accomplices, that's what we proved today on a spectacular level. Maybe I should be happy, not happy to see this happening to this country. No, I'm not anyway, Let's get to our phones here. You've been very patient. I know a lot of you have. Just your blood is boiling like I am. Mine is Greg in South Dakota. Greg. How are you? We're glad you called. Thank you, Sean. You have to put you in a mindset of a Democrat and think like them, and that just disgusts me to drop to that level. But I think I see this ultimate endgame that they're after. They want Trump, they want Pence, and then they delegitimize his whole his whole presidency, and they want this true Supreme Court justices removed and all federal appointments that he has made. Ultimately, that's where they're headed. Have they done anything to help our safety and security? Have they done anything to help our economy, create jobs, create prosperity for the American people? Know three, I'm a farmer. I'm a farmer out here, Sean. I'm sitting in my tractor right now. I shut it down to talk to you. By the way, is that true? Who in your track? What do you farm? I'm corn and soybean farmer in South Dakota. Now you're probably not gonna believe what's about to come out of my mouth. I want. I'm about to say, you know what, I you know what I wish many days I wish I was you. Everyone thinks being on TV and radio so much fun. You know what? This is such madness that I'm immersed in every day. I think I'd rather do what you do every day in the peace, in God's country. That's what I feel like doing right now. I'm sitting out here and I can look for miles and I see very little going out or I'll be But you know what, you know what you do. You feed all of us. Thank you. Every farmer that works his ass off feeds all of us. Thank you for your hard work, because it's not easy. Trump, thank you. I appreciate that President Trump has done more for the farmers. President Trump, how many speeches I've wasn't to him? Guilt? And he starts off talking about the farmers. He does maybe maybe maybe thirty minutes down the speech will give you one sentence and then you've forgotten about Not with President Trump, I'll never leave the man. Never. And there's a lot of people out here, a majority big time majority are the same way. Yeah, have we've been pinched, you bet. But President Trump has done some things with the tariff money to help US farmers out, and we don't forget those things. You know what. Thank you for what you do. Every day. Every farmer in this country feeds us and you know, I know we go to our grocery store, we just pick out this and we pick out that, but a lot of hard work goes into that, sir, Thank you for what you do. Amazing Wisconsin, Eric Sean Hannity show him. Thanks for taking the call. I mean, this increase and it's a joke right now. And what I've been trying to understand in the past couple of days is what is the Democrats endgame here? Because right now they kind of can control the process. But mister Stuker, the Democrats want to kick this over to the Senate, which they have the votes to do. So what's the end game? Because now open up Hunter Biden, Joe Biden had him shift to potentially have to testify. All right, listen, I love the other side of this, just like you know. I mean, we've been in a way, we're on defense for these many weeks. But the Horowitz thing is going to put us on offense number one, and the Senate is not going to allow hearsay. And your opinions don't matter. Facts matter, truth matters, the rule of law matters, the Sixth Amendment matters. Yeah, the circus will end in the Senate. And I just hope that in three hundred and forty nine days. And you can help me out, Eric, because you're in a state that Donald Trump desperately needs to win. Yeah, I'm just I hope in three hundred forty nine days, every Green Bay Packers supporters out there supporting the president. Well, yeah, I mean the other thing, too, is is how can they risk? So Joe Biden's called the tests, testify, he's off the campaign trail. What happens to a Warren? What happens to Harris? What happens to you know, every Sanders? Well, I can tell you what I think is going on, you really want to. I think I think that the Obama machine has determined that Joe Biden can't cut it. Warren and Sanders aren't going to cut it, and Buddha Judge who's in the lead now in Iowa New Hampshire, can't cut it. So there now, Axelrod Obama's comments that the two extreme this week, it's all planned out. I think their plan is to hope and pray that they can push the bal Patrick into that position. That's what I think is really going on. I'll be in the thick of it in Milwaukee for the Circus DNC next year, So yes, sir, I'll be there. I'll be there. How's Aaron Rodgers doing all right? Yeah? You singing in there? Are you an owner of the team like everybody else at Wisconsin? No, not me, not one of the thousands. Unfortunately. Well, thank you for your call. All the best, sir, Democrats get blown up at the hearings. We've got all the coverage the mob and the media will never tell you. Lindsay Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Turner was a rock star, Mark Meadows who's been unbelievable, Alan Dershowitz, Match Schlap, Greg Jared, John Solomon, and much more. Nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Hope you'll join us the news, the information, the mob and the media will never give you. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow,