Jason Chaffetz, Fox News Contributor and Distinguished Fellow at the Government Accountability Institute and Eric Eggers, Author, VP of the Government Accountability Institute and co-host of The Drill Down Podcast. Today they unpack a story that is getting virtually zero coverage:
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Right an hour two Sean Hannity's Show, eight hundred nine four one Sean toll free number on this Friday. You want to be a part of the program. I've kind of had it with Cuomo News, I'm sure as many of you had. But we'll be watching, waiting and let's see how this plays out. I want to go back to what is now something that you know, where's John Durham? You know, you can say it as a joke, but it really isn't funny, is it. It really isn't funny that for three years the country was lied to about Trump Russia collusion and the only collusion was the fact that Hillary Clinton paid for a dirty Russian disinformation docier. The medias you know, took it as gospel truth. The FBI couldn't even verify it. They were warned not to trust it long before they ever used it. Before Faiza Warrens to spy on a presidential candidate, his transition team and then a president and nobody's out accountable and top people the FBI and Michael Harrowitz the Inspector General's report. What happens they you know, oh, referrals for lying to Congress. The very the very thing that caused thirty men in tactical gear, guns drawn pre dawn raid at Roger Stone's house with frogmen and fake news CNN cameras. I haven't noticed that happened any of the top FBI officials, not the rank and file, the few, the one percent. And you know, you have to wonder, how does this happen? Now? The DOJ Officer of Inspector General, that's Michael Harrowitz, has a report of the investigation regarding the alleged unauthorized contacts by FBI employees with the medium Mob and other persons in advance of the twenty sixteen election. And what would that mean? That would mean? It sounds like to me that maybe the FBI I favored or some people within the FBI, again not the ninety nine percent that I think do a great job, but they had a stake in we know what Peter Struck at lesa page thought of Donald Trump. But they're they're going to use information leak it to the media. Why, well, obviously it would be a political motive, right anyway, So he announced his release of the report of the Investigation regarding alleged unauthorized contacts by the FBI employees with the MOB and the media and other persons in advance of the twenty sixteen election. And the DOJ Office of Inspector General initiated this investigation in response to information that came to their attention during their review of allegations regarding various actions by the Department and the FBI in advance of that election in twenty sixteen. And anyway, let's in a Devin Newness and what he says about it. He talks about the circular reporting of the Muller report. Only people who colluded with Russia were Democrats, which he's right. Then you hear Andrew McCabe denying media leaking, and Andrew McCabe admitting he leaked a story to the Wall Street Journal. Listen. Furthermore, the Mueller dossier cites dozens of articles from the reporters and publications that were most responsible for perpetuating the Russian hoax. Thus, Mueller produced a perfect feedback loop. Intelligence leakers spent a false story to the media, the media publishes the story, Mueller cites the story, and the media and the Democrats then fake outrage at Mueller's findings, and some Muller relied on a mass of reporting whose central narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to hack the elections is false, and the Democrats spread a hoax claiming Trump is a Russian agent, but it was later discovered the only people who colluded with Russians were the Democrats who paid for the Steel dossier, which relied on Russian sources. I'd like to remind the Democrats on this committee that this was created to do important oversight work of our intelligence agencies. This work is even more crucial now that the media have abandoned their traditional watchdog role and instead have become a mouthpiece of a cabal of intelligence leakers. I understand the Democrats' inability to move past their failed hoax and get back to normal business. Nevertheless, I suggest they give it a try. I'm not convinced this isn't just some kind of pr campaign to stop yourself from getting indicted. You were fired at the recommendation of the FBI, which in your book you cite four times how great of an organization it is. For your lack of candor, I would like you to say right here on National TV that you are not a source for the New York Times. You were never a source for the New York Times or any other publication, considering that's what you're accused of lying about. Basically, were you ever a leaker to The New York Times? Absolutely not any time ever. Why did James come deny the claim that he approved r leaks to the press. I don't know why. Jim Comey doesn't remember the conversations that we had in the same way that I do. About a week before election Day, McCabe authorized the leak of a story to the Wall Street Journal. At this time, he was still Deputy director under Comy. The resulting story said that McCabe had defended the FBI investigating the Clinton Charitable Foundation after a Justice Department official had cast doubt on that investigation. You were accused of providing information to a Wall Street Journal reporter because you thought the story the journal was writing was going to be wrong. Do I have that right? That's correct. You are authorized by the FBI to release information to the media. That's correct. You did so through the Public Affairs Office at the FBI. I did. The journal attributed the story to an unnamed source, and it seemed like a garden variety leak. Of the kind that happens nearly every day. All right, joining us now, very significant real charges. Jason chaffitts Fox News contributor, distinguished fellow now at the Government Accountability Institute, and by the way, that's where our friend Peter Schweitzer works. And also joining us, Eric Eggers, he's the author and he's the VP of the Government Accountability Institute, co host of his own podcast called The Drill Down. All right, you guys are unpacking every aspect of this story, which is virtually getting zero coverage. I don't think. I don't think we actually heard the truth there. And if I recall correctly Jason Chaffits, the Inspector General Michael Horowitz did make referrals about lying to Congress, did he not? He did. This is the fourth report, remember the first three that went out there. Some of them I believe were criminal referrals for what he offered. But importantly, the Inspector General has referral what happened to the criminal referrals that the FBI, the Department of Justice, they're not going to prosecute anybody of themselves. Of course, only only conservatives get put in jail for spitting on the sidewalk. Okay, dare I digress? Go ahead. The numbers here, though, are stunning, because what they did is they researched things that, in the lead up to the twenty sixteen elections had not been previously disclosed, but were a variety of information that could have been either classified highly sensed in materials they just weren't out there. They found a universe of more than one hundred FBI agents that would have had that information. But then when they narrowed it down, they found that fifty two FBI employees had access to that information and had contact with members of the media, and thirty three of those people had contact with the media. Again, violation of ethics, violation of protocol. I mean, there's just a laundry list of violations within the FBI. But more than their fifty two people had this inappropriate conduct. Now they've identified six in particular that they referred back to the Department of Justice for disciplinary action or something else. But I'm not holding my breath that they're actually going to prosecute these people. Eric. Now, Jason's absolutely right, and I think what this should be as a first step towards further inquiry, further investigation. Hopefully there's people at high levels of the federal government, like Jason was, that have the courage to ask more questions, because when you've got reports that say that we've identified numerous FBI employees at all levels of the organization with no official reason to be in contact with the media, and there were so many of them that were doing it. As Jason just noted that the report says that it impacted their ability to identify the source of the links. They're basically saying this was such a problem, we can't really investigate it to the best of our ability because there's too much happening here, right, and this is an incredibly serious problem. We need to ask more questions. Remember, I mean giving people illegal tickets, giving people illegal meals, giving people access to social events. These are the kind of things that people went to jail four when Jack Abramov was doing it a while ago. So I think, like, this is not just some silly thing, and the fact that it's getting no coverage it should be incredibly concerning because that what that tells me is that no one's really taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen anymore. I mean, this comes real close to giving the time frame ahead of the twenty sixteen election. This comes really close to like electioneering, right if you're feeding people information in the media that was proven to be not accurate, and that media isn't reporting it because it fits into a political narrative. I mean, how does that not impact potentially the outcome of an election that's also not legal? Quick break, We'll come back more with Jason Chafs and Eric Eggers. All right, we continue now with Jason Chafitz and Eric Eggers of the Government Accountability Institute. You know, I mean this is where we always seem to come back to, and that is I don't care if it's Manafort, or it's Papadopolis, or it's General Flynn, our old friend, or it's Roger Stone or any of the people in and around Donald Trump. I mean, for the very same things, and even when worst things happen, nothing happens to them. I can only conclude, Jason Chaivitz, and please correct me if I'm wrong that America has a dual justice system, that equal justice under the law doesn't exist as it used to. Equal application of our laws certainly doesn't exist. I know the Democrats, for example, they want to get to the bottom of January sixth. Okay, they put together their biased commission that has a predetermined outcome and kicked off people that might have a different line of questioning, like Jim Banks and Jim Jordan. What about the five hundred and seventy four riots that took place last summer that they denied and never talked about out and even offer aided in an embedded and from a moral standpoint, like Kamala Harris tweeting out a bell fund to get people out of jail involved in the rioting. But you know, nearly three thousand cops were hurt, We had, you know, arsen all over the place, city blocks taken over in some cases, but nobody wants a commission on that one. Tell me how that's that a riot? To me is a riot. What happened on the six can never happen again. What happened all summer last summer can happen again either well, and at on top of that, Sean, the Democrats are in control the Senate. In the House, there's not one single investigation leading into the origins of the Wuhan virus. So you know their ability and desire to get to the truth. But going back to this, I gotta tell you what's stunning about this is as the Inspector General, they have badges, they got guns just like FBI agents. But when they went to go get the telephones, guess what, Magically they had disappeared. There were text messages for long periods of time in question of agents that they know had contact with reporters. Guess what Those text messages are now missing. And so if you, by the way, aren't more than half the phones from Robert Mueller's investigation missing? Also, surprise, surprise, there's no consequence Intellidepartment of Justice will actually slap some handcuffs and charge people, not just allowing to retire, take the full retirement, do those types of things. This culture is not going to change. This has gotten worse, not better. When you have more than fifty FBI agents. You and I like to talk about how the rank and file, the thirty six thousand people. You know, I'll do a good job, but you know what, I'm starting to look around at that building there in Washington, DC and say, prove to me that you're a good guy at this point, because you are not doing your job. This is systemic. Look I had Secret Service agents going out to me, more than forty of them. An Inspector General comes out and said what they did is illegal. No, what was the Secret Service going after you for? Well, by the way, you know, you're you're somebody that really does need to be watched twenty four to seven, And be honest, I know you for a long time, but I'm kidding. Go ahead. No, they dove into my personnel records, They started to spread false lives. Ye hadn't, Inspector General, nothing happened to any of these people. It is a culture, and it is pervasive, and it goes one direction. By the way, somebody, you mean, I should be upset that my personal text messages were just released publicly, twelve hundred of them. Should I be upset that? Uh, the FBI writes, you know, fifty pages of three zero two's with my name on it for no reason whatsoever. Should it be a little upset over these things which has now dramatically changed my life where you know, I don't even have an email account anymore. And uh, you know some of my friends, and I mean friends, you know, they think I've become the biggest snob in the world. Is maybe It's not my fault. After all I've lived through. It is so wrong. I want to point out one quick thing Sean at the bottom of page nine, part of what they looked at and these allegations that came out time and time and time and time again about Rudy Giuliani. But he's kind of feel good about this line. It's the bottom of page nine. It says, accordingly the purported investigative leads provided by the FBI based on an alleged FBI employee contact with Rudy Giuliani, we're inaccurate. I think Jason's exactly right. And I know it's a Friday afternoon and we want to have your listeners go into the weekend in a good mood. But I would just say it's no wonder that maybe the average American citizen casted out and doesn't take institutions like the CDC at their word right when the messaging changes, when it's become very clear that we can no longer trust certain agents within the FBI to be operated in the pursuit of justice, that's truly blind, because I think what this report makes clear is it's justice, and some of these figents pursued with help of their friends in the media, and those friends by day way, they were giving them illegal benefit, so you know, appear to perpetuate a false narrative in the hopes of influencing the outcome of the twenty sixteen elections. So it doesn't ex time to make me feel great. I don't know about you. All right, Thank you, Eric Eggers and Jason Chaffetz. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shaun as our number. We'll get to your calls on this Friday, coming up next quick break, right back, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program, man, So much to get to so much going on here in the news, I'll tell you. Well, let's get to your calls. Also, big battle in New York today, not only own over Cuomo, but will New York flip read in any capacity? If it doesn't, it's going to be an unmitigated disaster. Anyway, let's say, hi, we have Paula is in North Carolina. Paula, Hi, how are you glad you called? And thanks for being with us? Yes, thank you for taking my call. What's going on? Well? I was just telling Lindy I had COVID back in February, and very mild case. I kind of had a scratchy troad and then a couple of days I kind of started sniffling. And then my son in law had the same symptoms and he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with COVID. So I said, well, I better go get checked. Two went in and was diagnosed as well. And my doctor had promised me all year that I could get hyperchloric one if I got COVID, and of course I had someone else that day, and I said, how about hyde the pork one and she just pretty much laughed in my face and said, oh no, it's been proven that that doesn't help, and said, well it actually studies that say just the opposite. But I did go ahead. Yes, that's exactly what I told her. And then she said, well, the side effects are so bad, and I said, well, my brother in law's been on it for two years. To ruma toward authoring the foremost expert doctor Daniel Wallace Seater, Saina says the risk is nil, but go ahead. So anyway, so I went. I got so excited because I knew we had hydrochloricon at home that we had gotten from California for my brother who has down syndrome, and he's only as a preventage. But anyway, so I last thinking I'll take it anyway. So but I got out to the car and my daughter reminded Needy to ask about regeneron. So I turned around and went back in, got the doctor back, and I said, what about this infusion? You know, can I get that? And she said, oh, sure, you qualify. She said, but you'll have to go today or in the morning. And I said, well, you just told me I have COVID, so I'm not going anywhere else at home, and so I I think I could stick around a couple of hours, right and get the therapeutic that I think is the most underutilized therapeutic of them all exactly. So I said, we, yeah, I can work that in my schedule. And then she said that you'll have to drive to Elkins, which is like thirty miles away, and I said, well, yeah, I'm good for that too. But it was just like, you know, everything I was saying, she was trying to discourage me. You see this bothers me. I've told you about a friend of mine, one of my best friends that Linda knows who it is. I'm not going to mention his name. I've been given him. I've been given him hell all week, I've been busting on him all week. So a week ago tomorrow, he got diagnosed in less than twenty four hours, and as per what, I was all over him, like you know, white on rice. I just was not gonna get you know, once I find out people have this, what I have learned is it is shocking to me how little people know. And maybe it's unfair. I'm not saying that they're they're ignorant. This guy was the inventor of the year. He's an engineer, he's running a company, and he's just an awesome guy and he's got more important things to do than them be worried about COVID short of the fact that he was fully vaccinated and so immediately, in less than twenty four hours, he got regeneron. So he texts me, he texts me last night during my TV show and he tells me he's out fishing in the middle of the night. I'm like, of course he's out fishing. It's like for him, this is a week, this is he never felt better. For a day. He lost his sense of taste and smell, but he said it came back, thankfully. Some people lose it for a long period of time and ever since he took that along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin. It's a week later. He says he feels one hundred percent normal. Now he's still quarantining, he's following the guidelines. He'll test negative before he sees his family. He sent his family down to Florida to get out of the house because the delta variant is extremely contagious. And and by the way, I said, you did it on purpose, because you just you know, you wanted it. Everyone out of the house so you can go fishing every day. And he goes, yeah, that's about right, So you know, thank god, he's okay. Thank god, you're okay. How soon after you got there in few did you feel better? Oh? I never felt bad at all. I just I mean, of course, they put me on protozoon and a z pac was all and then I took the Hyperforthland. But I mean, really the worst part was just trying to be locked down for ten days and stay away from people. But Tom, but to think. I just taught to my sister, and she has two friends who just then diagnosed with COVID who both were vaccinated, asked the doctors about getting regenera on and they told one to come back in three or four days if he got worse, and they would give it to him, and the other one told him that that she couldn't get it, and they're both have to make the phone calls. And his wife is also an engineer and a lawyer, and she identified the hospital in the area I lived that uses it as general protocol and had another friend like a week earlier, unvaccinated, seventy four years old. I think his wife is sixty seven. It's her birthday today, Terry, happy birthday if you're listening. And anyway, both of them got regenera on at emery in Georgie. There are some hospitals that still follow the the reactive medicine, which I do not understand, which is okay, if your temperature goes up, take two tile and all ower your temperature, monitor your oxygen and if it goes to ninety or below, you better go to the emergency room. Now, the problem is it usually doesn't hit the lungs till you know, within the first week and it once it gets in there, if if your lungs have the immune system overreacting you now by the time you get to the hospital, at that point, the damage to your lungs is already done. It happens extraordinarily fast. The lagging indicator is your oxygenation which is dropping. And you know, so that you go in and your your oxygen dropped to eighty seven and it's dropping quickly at that point. Now now they're dealing with the damaged lung situation. Now you've got to sat duration problem in your lungs. Now, now you can't hold you know, it's a matter of you know, degrees, how badly were your your lungs damaged. How bad is this this storm, this COVID storm that's going on inside of your lungs. So for me personally, I'm not a doctor, I strongly urge people to consider to learn, to research, to read to about things like regeneron. I think we're Generon in particular is the most underutilized therapeutic, whether you're vaccinated or not. If you are a breakthrough case, I urge you to strongly, strongly, you know, if you get to if you're a breakthrough case, you get a positive COVID test, call your doctor, immediately pull out your phone and start researching it, and you know, make the right decision for you. I'm sold on it personally, but I can't tell people to do. I'm not a doctor. Well, I agree, but like I said, I'm very fortunate that I had a very very mild case and now I have the antibodies. And one more quick thing. My daughter had a year ago in July. I had COVID, lost her sense of spell and thought she had a sinis fiction is in a study that the Red Cross is doing. And ever a year later, she still has antibodies and they're stronger than they ever wore. Look, you always still have t cell antibodies them the regular antibodies will decline over time, usually anywhere between three and six months her Anyway, I'm you know, I hope people hear you, Paula. I do want people. I'm not going to tell you what to do, and everyone's playing doctor on radio, television and Washington. I refuse to do that, but I want you to take this thing seriously. I've seen the worst of this. There are two people I know right now on ventilators one. I mentioned his name because it's been in the public. A friend of mine. He's a college league of mine, a very you know, we've been friends for years. We got out of touch recently. I talked to his brother and his wife last night, Phil Valentine, and you know, there is a lot of hope for him, and they were asking for people to pray for him, please pray for him. Um. And he's uh, he's he struggled, had a very very touch and go period. He's come out of that. He's he's healthy, he's strong, he works out, and I'm just praying for a miracle in all of these cases. It's it's not fun. Um anyway, Thank you wonderful doctors you've had on. I have listened every day, and I've learned so much from your show. And and I just pray that other people hear this. And and again, I think you're right, be proactive, don't sit back and trust me. I get the crap beating out of me for even putting some Harvard educated doctor on. I get the crap kicked out of me or a Yale educated doctor. They beat it me up. I'm like, okay, you know whatever, I can take it. It's thirty three years of my life if I'm used to it anyway, Paula, God bless you. Quick freak right back to the phones. Eight hundred and nine for one Seawan. You want to be a part of the program. Is the possibility of New York ever going back to the days of Rudy Giuliani possible? There is a mayoral candidate pledging to implement all of those successful policies. He's running for mayor. His name is Curtis Sliwa. All right, as we continue back to our busy phones. Lisa is in Georgia. Lisa, how are you glad you called it? Says on my screen. You had COVID twice? Yes, I did. I actually had a positive diagnosed exact same day last year and the year. Are you kidding me? So? What tell me what happened last year and what happened this year? Well? Last year I had had a major sorder on my leg. My sister in law came out to help care for me, and she was getting ready to go back to Arizona. Somehow we contracted COVID. I was having sinus infect and kind of actions and had reached out to my doctor and he's like, oh, yeah, you probably have a science infection because I'm prone to them. He started treating that, and then I got this really weird headache and it was unusual for me for like two days, and that's when I got a little suspicious. So when my sister in law went to get a COVID test so she could go back home, I got one with her, and both of our tests came back positive. I had pretty mild symptoms. I was a little fatigued, and that was She went back and quarantined in Arizona for fourteen days, and that was in August, and then I was pretty much fine. After that. I did my quarantine and really, did you find the second time was even milder than the first time. It was much milder. Actually didn't have any symptoms this time. And you can I ask you if you had the vaccination on top of having had COVID. No, I'm not vaccinated. Yeah, but see, but you're making the case for which is what the Cleveland Clinic had concluded. Prestigious medical institution. But we're not allowed to follow that science. We need mandatory vaccinations for everybody. One size fits all. But their conclusion is that if you had COVID like you did, that T cell antibody memory remains for a lifetime, and that at any point, if you're exposed again to coronavirus, that the T cell antibodies begin to kick in. But even still, I would take any positive diagnosis very seriously. I'm glad that everything worked out for you twice not once. Jeez, yeah, it was great. I mean I did great. But I actually they had an antibody test months after, four or five months after I had the first time, and I did have active antibodies. And then my son got it in February and I took care of him for two months. He pulled right through it. What he was down for like a day, and he went right through it. Now this time, I actually my boyfriend got it at the same time I did, and he gave it to my other son who cut his hair. So the crazy thing about it is he had went to the urgent care several days after feeling sick and they sent him home and said he had some kind of little virus to just you know, taken nothing. They didn't test him. Saturday morning, ended up in ar at a hospital. They sent him home and did a test and sent him home. The next Monday night, he couldn't walk, he was so sick. I took him to the ear. They sent him home again on Tuesday. He was in an ambulance and in the hospital for nine days with COVID pneumonia. He just got out on thirday. He's lucky he didn't get put on event. Wow. I mean, listen, what I have found is is that because of what I do for a living and all the medical professionals we've interviewed so often, I know a lot of things. Linda, We've talked about this and so many people in my life. I'm just call me, just call me, and I'm telling can cause morning, noon, and night right now, because this delta variant is so contagious. It is not, according to the data we're now seeing, is deadly, but it's still dangerous. And with all the therapeutics out there, it's amazing that how much the public doesn't know about their availability and how accessible they should be to them. And sometimes you got to work to find it, but most people I've known, everybody's been able to get it. And it just gets a little a little chilling, and I blame the government for this because they've not had any any any strong push towards Regenna on the monoclonial cocktails that are out there, like Regenda on Eli Lily has a version of it. You got to give them props too, I mean, it's it's phenomenal work that they've been able to put together. Anyway, eight hundred nine one Shaun as our number