James O’Keefe, CEO and founder of Project Veritas talks about his work and exposure of Bernie Sanders’ corrupt staff. With last night’s democratic debates it’s clear that there is tension on the left.
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All right, two hundred ninety three days, mister Shannon, Scott Shannon, that's it till the tipping point America, the world on the brink. You get the power to shock the world again. And maybe hear these words into ninety three days or ninety four, depending if it's early the next morning, where you can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States of America. Now we're loading up today. Sidney Powell, the attorney for General Flynn, has will be on the program today as General Flynn has now exercised his right to withdraw his plea of guilty. Remember they promised no jail time if he cooperated. He co operated. Now they're talking about jail time. Should have happened a long time ago. This thing, if it go, I can't wait because the two guys that interviewed General Flynn. Remember when remember when the deputy FBI director McCabe said, Oh, you don't need a lawyer. Oh no, it's nothing about that. Oh yeah, they'll lie that dying him as constitutional rights, civil liberties, the bragging of comy. I'd never I'd never do this. In the Bush Obama White House, I took total advantage of the chaos bypass all the normal process of going through the White House Council. Yeah. Really, that's how we treat thirty three year veterans in this country. That is sad. That is sick, and that is pathetic because it just on every level, it just stinks to high Heaven. Totally stinks to high Heaven. What a sad commentary that this is how we treat veterans of this great country. Really really pathetic. Um. I love how Democrats can't even agree on sending over the articles of impeachment, which was so urgent to pass so they can go on their vacation anyway. So Sidney powells with us, She's gonna talk about her filing, this goes to court. You're gonna get, oh, subpoenas for James Comi and Drew McKay, Peter Struck, the other FBI agent, all over the Inspector General report, all part of Operation Crossfire, Hurricane, the messages about three h two's originally to be altered, Page Struck, etc. We'll get to all of that. James O'Keefe and his organization Project Veritases now had to notify the Secret Service of what this field organizer of Bernie Sanders had to say. We have the second installment of tapes just released now today. We'll release him at later in the program. Today, Bill O'Reilly's here today. So we've got now Nancy Pelosi has now released the names of the impeachment managers. And I'm and I'm watching this, okay, So the managers include let's see. My favorite, I'm so glad she appointed him is because we have the compromised, corrupt, congenital liar fact witness himself, Adam Schiff. He's said to be the lead manager. And we got Errold Nadler. Carold Nadler's a first rate hypocrite, and I'll explain in a second. And we got oh Caucus Chairman Hakim Jeffries, another known Trump hater, Democratic Colorado Rep. Jason Crowe, Val Demmings. Let's see who Zoe Lofgren is a part of this. Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia. All right, so what do we know about this? Every nearly every one of them, six of the seven appointed by Pelosi, supported the impeachment of President Trump before there was ever a hearsay, non whistle blower whistle blower. They hate Trump. There's a record a mile wide how much they hate Trump. You know, Schiff accusing Trump of a mafia like shakedown of Ukrainian president. I love the last minute, you know, Oh, he take these We just got this new evidence from the guy that was indicted, the Ukrainian guy indicted. And then you look at the documents there at least there's nothing in there, nothing at all except Rudy Giuliani was investigating. That's his job to investigate. That's what Rudy does. And anyway, so and then the worst part and then multiple time shift. Oh, just totally exonerates quid pro quo Joe. He's done nothing wrong. No, nobody's absolutely nothing proven, nothing wrong, nothing whatsoever wrong. All the guy's on tape ragging about using a billion US tax dollars. You're not getting the billion unless you fire the prosecutor that is investigating my zero experienced son, Hunter, who's being paid millions of millions. You fire him, then you get the billion. You have six hours, son of them be they fired him. Hunter goes on team I don't know why'd you get millions of million? Do Maybe because you're the vice president's son, he's in charge of Ukraine. Probably yeah, probably you Well, that wouldn't happen to anybody else. Why would a company hire anybody with zero experience except to buy influence. But in this new eleventh or twenty seventh hour, additional evidence from the guy that's been indicted by the Southern District of New York from Ukraine, Oh you know this is huge. No it's not. And that they go further go on to say that. Not only that, then they call the prosecutor who was investigating this corruption, They said he's the corrupt one. Wow, up is down and down is up. In this crazy world we live in, and now that we got the impeachment crazies that have been chosen, Adam Shift. The country can't survive four years of Trump, another four years of Trump. Shift. Trump doesn't give a shift about what's good for our country. There doesn't need to be a quid pro quote for impeachment. Oh okay, let's make that one up. Yeah, I'm going to bring the whistle blowing forward. But no, I'm not going to bring the whistle blowing forward. Tells MPR that Trump's solicited a bribe. Report ignores bribery. Adam shifts, celebrating the or characterizing a Thursday the Attorney General Barr, he's doing the bidding of the president. Then you look at Nadler. Oh, he's been wanting to impeach Trump almost from the beginning. Almost all but one of these impeachment managers wanted to impeach Trump way before any of this came out. They hate Trump over everything. You find pretty much every single thing Trump has done. They hate everything, you know. Jerry Nadler. You know, by the way, no issues with Congresswoman Omar trivializing nine to eleven. You can do it quietly. Overheard discussing Kavanaugh's impeachment plans. The end of the world is coming, according to Jerry Nadler. You know, Jerry Nadler praised Bill Clinton physically gave his blood and impeachment. Jerry Nadler, you know, keeps the hoax alive. Hakeem Jeffreys. Every racist in America voted for Donald Trump. Jim Crow's nieces and nephews are running around sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue, the Grand Wizard of sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue. Donald Trump. He's a studio gangster. H Nancy Pelosi rescued our economy. Huh okay, that's that. That got my attention. That's not true. And I can go on and on all day. You're talking about the most radical people available. Now, uh, Ted Cruz. Now I'm still ticked off because there's zero reason whatsoever. When when the sole power to impeach rest with the House of Representatives, They've now impeached the president and with a sense of urgency before Christmas so they can all go on a long vacation. Then they've delayed releasing the impeachment articles in spite of all the urgency they had been talking about, and they tried to assert the role of Mitch McConnell in the Senate and just expose themselves to be total, complete frauds. But Cruz is now saying, all right, well, you're gonna insist on more witnesses, and there are weak Republicans that you know, I guess want to help the Democrats do a better job because they did such a horrible job and impeachment and they have only one fact witness. Well, maybe we'll bring in more witnesses. Good, Ted Cruz said, great witness reciprocity. If you want to bring in John Bolton, by the way, I don't know why everybody's so certain what John Bolton's gonna say on John Bolton a long time. I don't see John Bolton as a problem testifying for the president, by the way, and the president as executive privilege, and I'm sure that he probably will exert that executive privilege anyway. But it that means we can bring Adam Schiff. He should be called. His staff needs to be called the non whistleblower here say whistle blower needs to be called. Joe and Hunter need to be called quid pro quo. Joe's zero experience, Hunter great idea. And there's no doubt that Nancy Pelosi lost a ton of ground and calculated wrong on all of this. Federal has had a good article about Bolton, and his testimony would not be the smoking gun Democrats need. Whoopsie, Daisy. This is the weakest, the weakest impeachment articles ever, their meaningless in Trump's case. Impeachment, by the way, is not forever. You know why, because this will be the first time. And I think we had a pretty good indication this week how people in Louisiana felt about Donald Trump at the championship game played that yesterday for you. Pelosie knows it's probably not a chance in hell he's going to be convicted, So this is gonna try and bloody him up before impeachment. Okay, that doesn't surprise me anyway. But this is all part of their rage, their psychosis. What have they done for the country. Absolutely nothing. Even fake news CNN is complaining that Pelosi's impeachment strategy is a failure. You know, the announcement with all of this, I mean, that's that's rare. The so called bombshell is a total bust. All it is is Adam Schiff giving his opinions that Hunter and Joe were innocent, and giving his opinions that the Ukrainian prosecutor that was fired because of the shakedown by Joe to stop investigating his zero experience so on being paid millions. They he just declared that guy corrupt. It sounds to me like he was doing his job. No company I know would pay millions and millions to anybody if they have no experience, unless you're trying to buy influence. Anyway. It's it's all part of this, you know, impeachment madness. Adam schiff long history, lying to the American people, leaking, fabricated a phone call that never happened, caught in a lie about the whistleblower. How many times was he on TV pedaling his conspiracy theories that Trump had been compromised and we have all the evidence Jerry Nadler. He'd been said on an impeachment from the very moment Trump won in twenty sixteen. He's been talking about impeachment ever since. He dreams impeachment. Howkeem Jeffreys the outlandish accusation one after another against the president. He's one of the chief advocates of the Russia collusion conspiracy lies. Val Demings has been trying to impeach Trump since he took office. Previously called for impeachment over the Muller Report, building the Wall. He wanted to impeach him. I wanted to impeach him over everything. You know. Called the president a criminal, a liar, would have landed anyone else in jail. Said about the Russia collusion conspiracy theory that Russia considers him a dream come true. Well, The New York Times now acknowledges that the Dirty dossier was likely Russian disinformation from the get go. I would mean that they knew about the dirty doss he fed the lies about Trump. You can only conclude after that logic and quoting The New York Times that well, in fact, that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win zol Lofgren. Another one set on removing Trump from day one, Another one calling for impeachment again and again and again, and it goes on from there. I mean, there's nothing in this now. The President got something done again today, promise made and the promise kept. And that is Wow, pretty big deal with China. We've got the details on all of that. We'll get to it. It's gonna impact greatly positively our farmers, our manufacturers, American working, the Americans working. It's going to impact our energy industry. It's gonna be a boom for American workers. Wow, free and fairer trade deals. I would think that's good for America. One of the Democrats done in the last four years. Except Hey Trump, I'm sure the mob and the media won't be talking about this ninety four page deal, this trade deal that the President reached with China today that the President said will come in three sections. The agreement's going to help the US economy in twenty twenty twenty twenty one, at least a half point of additional GDP probably translate into another million jobs on top of what we've already done. According to Larry Cudlow, China's agreed to stop the theft of intellectual property, huge problem, refrain from currency manipulation. That's part of the deal. The President administration held out the possibility of removing the duties under a later phase of the trade agreement, which Trump said may require as many as three sections. Purchases will total two hundred and five billion to two hundred and ten billion dollars over just two years. Wow. We now that, know that it was signed at the White House, and we know in this particular case that China has in fact agreed to purchase up to fifty billion dollars in crops. Thank goodness. Our farmers deserve it. They work hard. We have the best farmers in the world. China bought forty billion in services, fifty billion in energy, seventy five to eighty billion worth of manufacturing. Wow. That helps American farmers. That helps the American energy industry, That helps the American manufacturing industry. Specific measures will protect pharmaceutical firms from intellectual property theft, governing patents and blocking counterfeiting and e commerce platforms. They said the deal is fully enforceable, which matters if they failed to live up to their end of the agreement. There are mechanisms within the pack for handling violations. In return, the US will reduce tariffs on some products made in China, but keep the duties the White House is imposed on three hundred and seventy five billion worth of merchandise. That's good, free, fair trade, that's what we all want. Following the Phase one, two hundred and fifty billion to Chinese imports will be subject to a twenty five percent tariff. One hundred and twenty five billion on Chinese goods will be under a seven and a half percent tax. Trump says Phase two negotiations now begin immediately. Well, that sounds like a good deal. That sounds like Americans are being championed by a president who's had to live under the threat of never ending investigations and impeachment for three years. That's another promise made and another promise kept that helps Americans. What if the Democrats do to help create jobs, prosperity, safety, security, Nothing that I can think of. Not one thing comes to mind. All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. General Flynn withdrawing his plea of guilty. By the way, the FBI agent's interviewing him didn't think he lied to the FBI. Now the Inspector General's report, we'll even referred call me m McCabe for their lying to the FBI. But oh, nothing ever happens. Amazing, Let's see what happens with Durham. I hope the right thing. But why did General Flynn then admit to something that they didn't even think he did? Because they pressured him. He was already bankrupt, he was already had to sell his house, and they started talking about Sidney Powell said on his program, talking about going after his family, his son, even, Okay, I think most fathers. You mean, you're gonna go after my family unless I lie? Okay, I guess I fall on the sword. I think a lot of I think most parents would do that for their kids. I don't know, maybe it just me, and it's it's so disgustingly repulsive and distasteful and McCabe and call mey setting him up. We deny a general thirty three year vet. His miranda writes, well, what the hell of our vets fighting for? But constitutional rights in order to process, equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law. So so despicable. I think the right call this time. Anyway, Sydney will update us Project Veritas James O'Keefe his organization is now notified the Secret Service. We have the new tapes they're releasing today from Bernie Sanders field organizer. I don't know why the media ignores that. You would think that'd be a big deal. Oh the Gulag Stalin wasn't that bad? Where free education camps are fine? Wow, pretty sick stuff. We'll hit that today. Bill O'Reilly joins us today as well. I'm just I keep looking over these points. What I love about the China trade deal is this is not I can't recall in my lifetime. It was a big deal when Richard Nixon went to China. We've had the problems with the Chinese government blocking American goods, American farmers, American manufacturers, American cars. They've been blocking them left and right, and they have been putting on ridiculously high tariffs, and we've taken it. President. Everyone said that he wanted to be a protectionist, remember that argument, And I kept saying, no, I know Donald Trump, just like I told my conservative friends. Some of you probably in this audience, said yeah, Hannity is his background doesn't tell me he's going to govern as a conservative like you say. But I knew he would. And I have an obligation if I know something, to tell you the truth and tell you to the best of my knowledge. We were right about premeditated fraud, buys a court, Hillary, emails server, all of it, and we're going to be proven even more right. Everybody in the mob wrong on Russia, Russia, Russia, wrong on Ukraine Ukraine. Breathtaking hypocrisy, intellectual dishonesty, claring double standard. You have quid pro quo Joe. You have to suspend all reason, all common sense, all intellectual honesty. You have to take on board this hypocrisy. Unreal. What if Democrats done for we the people except forever investigating and hating Trump. Same with the mob in the media. They've peddled the same smears and lies and conspiracy theories. Their state run TV. You know. But the good thing about this deal is it begins immediately. We now Larry Cutlo thinks we're gonna get another million jobs out of this deal and an additional point on GDP. That's huge. Ending the intellectual property right theft, that's real. I have a friend of mine. I don't want to give it out too many details. He's once the inventor of the year. He used to love to go to the Invention Convention. I don't know if they still have it, but I'd go every year. You have these you know, crazy loopy ideas and you come up with an idea to say, wow, that's brilliant. Who thought of that? Very smart innovative people in the American in this country innovation. It's kind of so weird the turn of the last century, they're thinking about talking getting rid of the patent office because everything that could be created has been created. Yeah, not exactly, that was That was a colossal mistake or belief anyway. Ending intellectual property theft, that's huge to American business because it's happening left and right. And not only that, it's we're going to hold to them. There are going to be verifiable mechanisms that will be fully enforceable, and mechanisms for handling any violation of intellectual property theft that protects American businesses, which in turn protects American workers. Now we have, you know, the Obama Biden years, thirteen million more Americas on food stamps, eight million more in poverty whipsie Daisy, the worst labor participation rate since the seventies. Well, now, Donald Trump, three and a half years, we have the lesson that really three year full years, we have nearly eight million new jobs, eight million fewer people on food stamps, the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine. What is the president done? He made promises, largest tax cut in history. Check. We're gonna have originalist justices. He's appointed more judges than almost any other president in modern times. There's plenty more to come, including two Supreme Court justices from the list he promised. He choose from check. Ending burdensome bureaucracy that's stifling a stranglehold on American business and American taxpayers. That's saving thousands of dollars for American businesses and American workers every day. Thank god. We don't need the government involved in every aspect of our life water flow legislation. You gotta change the locks and lower them, even though maybe you don't even have anybody with a that that needs the lock in a lower place you do. How about you install it when you need it instead of doing it. Well, you have, you know, two hundred units, put them in all. Two hundred. Oh, we don't have anybody that needs it lowered. I'll put them in anyway. Okay, that's what one hundred hundred and fifty thousand dollars best part of this. I'm so happy for our farmers. Why because American farmers are the biggest and best farmers in the world. Well, that's gonna help Wisconsant farmers, and that's gonna help farmers in the San Joaquin Valley if we can, ever, you know, give them the water they need. I remember going out there because they people in California politicians were sticking up of the Delta smelt over farmers. Farmers couldn't farm anymore because they couldn't water their crops. How insane is that they agree to purchase, which I love too, fifty billion in crops from our farmers. That's awesome. They agreed to purchase two hundred and five billion to two hundred and ten billion over ten years I'm sorry, over two years this year, next year. That's awesome. And they're going to get another forty billion in services. That's good for service companies in the US. Fifty billion in energy. That's awesome for the US and our energy sector and American energy workers and service workers. Seventy five to eighty billion dollars worth of manufacturing. Awesome. How great is that for American manufacturers. I love that that's an opportunity for them to crack into a market that they've been specifically targeted out of. Now we're going to reduce some teriffs, but not all. Oh, the President is putting, well, they got to reduce their teriffs. They got to prove that they mean it this time, you know. But there'll be some reductions. Two hundred and fifty billion of Chinese imports still subject to a twenty five percent tariff. One hundred and twenty five billion these goods will be under seven point five percent. So now we got a trade deal with China, Japan, we got one with Mexico and Canada, Western European allies. I'd say that's another promise. Check you know, fighting for the border wall. I was criticized. Everyone's saying to me, Hannity, he gave up on the wall, He's breaking his promise. I said, no, he's not going to get the money from Congress that he needs, so he's seeking an alternative venue. And they discovered that past presidents, including Obama, would be able to reappropriate, reappropriate unused funds, like from the Defense Department. Well, the president got another seven point two billion dollars yesterday from the Defense Department that he's now putting towards the border wall. We expect four hundred new miles built by the end of his first term, and from there the money in place to even go further. That's another promise check. We're not going to get involved in foreign entanglements, spoots on the ground, protracted wars. Okay, the president showed more patients than I would have ever shown. If drones were shot down and I was president, I think I might have got pretty ticked off and reacted. He didn't. Oh, when the pirating of tankers in the Narrow Straits or Hormus, where a third of the oil of the world passes through on a daily basis and greatly impact the free flow of oil market prices and you know, the lifeblood of every economy. He didn't react then either. He didn't react when they tried to impact the oil prices and take advantage by taking out the Saudis in an unprovoked attack they killed Americans. Yeah, we drew a line there. President was able to show and this has been building for some time now. And Obama used drones as well, but now he was able to beat back the Caliphate but doing two really basic simple things, removing the rules of engagement that Obama and Biden had put on our military and one in number two, President let the generals fight a war to win, and the generals best in the world, best fighting force in mankind history. They bombed the living crap out of the Caliphate, and on top of that, they got el bag Daddy and some of his top associates and one major shot. Then we got the world's biggest terrorist state sponsor of terror leader Solomni. He's gone and didn't even get credit for that, but no longer protracted. You know, problems with Iran looks like a rand probably did miss on purpose with their ballistic missiles. I don't know, there's been conflicting reports. I wouldn't know, but you know those we had both sides of it. But they certainly missed those ballistic missiles happened to be fairly accurate, not fairly usually they could hit the head of a pin if you want to know the truth. But they missed all their targets. Well, that gave Iran an off ramp. No Americans died. Okay, you try and propagandize against your own people. And now he protesting going on in the streets and looks like the Iranian people are they don't want to upset Americans and the or Israelis. We saw that with the video only a few people stepping on the painting of the American flag and the Israeli flag, and those that did got taunted by the masses and these protests that are ongoing to this day. And then we have state run media people apologizing for lying for years to the Iranian people. Wow, I don't think i'd want to be that person today in Iran because the Mullers are evil. But the president has said they can't ever get a nuclear weapon. If they do, that's going to be really bad, that would be terrible. So all in all, we got nearly double usxports to China, reducing the trade deficit between the two countries. The increase in buying American energy services, agricultural products of Americans, American cars, that was another part of it. I think what eighty five million in billion dollars in for the auto industry. Wow. I love the auto industry at America. I want to see more American auto production. I just do. And by the way, I don't care if your partner with Honda whatever other company to make them here. I'm pretty happy because that's a good job for Americans and I'd like to see those jobs back. What do we see at this pathetic debate last night? Even ban Jones said there's nothing I saw tonight that would be able to beat Donald Trump. Nope, I didn't see it either. You know, now you see new pole showing Bernie edging out Biden with African American voters. But the big story are the poles that keep showing Donald Trump support with African Americans. Now, you know, more than twice or three times or more even four and five times what he had in twenty sixteen. That is a game changer. I did get a kick out of the fact that you know, now there's this big fight CNN. I mean, they did have a pretty you know, this is CNM what he expect and they took a side, and the side was not Bernie Sanders side. You know, there's a lot of fact checking going on. You know. By the way, Van Jones actually said, the Warren Sanders clash is very dispiriting. Democratic debate was like cold oatmeal. Ouch that hurts. Bernie Standers claiming half of America earns nine to ten bucks an hour. No, that's not true. Breitbart did a lot of fact checking in this debate. I applaud them for it. No, CNN, Trump does not want to cancel coverage for preexisting conditions. Just the opposite. Everything they've ever predicted about Trump, the rhinos, the leftists, the statist, the socialist has been wrong. This was the It was like Night of the Living Dead. Elizabeth Warren first won't shake Bernie's hand. That was ridiculous. Another Van Jones quote was Sanders stepped on a banana peel. This was Elizabeth Warren's night. I don't think so. Anyway. The way the CNN, I don't know whoever Abby Philip is asking the question of Bernie Sanders, why did you say that about a woman can't win? Bernie says, well, I didn't say it. Why did you say. I guess she thinks he said it. She believes he said. He's already been on record saying that he didn't say it. Then says to Sanders, you're saying that you never told Senator Warren that when women could not win the election. Bernie, that is correct. Senator Warren, what did you think when Senator Sanders told you a woman could not win the election? I'm like, wow, pretty biased. I guess they like one socialist for another, competing socialists. It's actually pretty funny. So and just you know, then you got the rest of the madness out there in the world. You got, Oh, I love this Democrats blocking a vote to support the Iranian protesters that want to be free. That are you know, hoping the world will come to their rescue. We can't America's now, you know, Democrats siding with what a genocidal terror state. They can't even acknowledge taking out the number one state sponsor, terror leader Solomoni So twisted by the way, illegal immigrant crossings are down forty seventy eight percent. Now we expect with the new money that we're gonna get eight hundred miles a wall finished. It's great news you have. You can keep the news going if you want in two hundred and ninety three days. All right, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show. Leonard skinnerd simple man. That can only mean one thing, because O'Reilly's gonna say it anyway. Hannay, I'm I'm a simple man. All right. So you're on the show last week, and the two headlines that came out of it, forget about all the substance we got into. Two headlines come out come out of you your appearance last week. One is me saying Bill O'Reilly is anything but a simple man. And the second is when I finally asked you. It's sort of like one of the unknown mysteries of the universe is when you did your television show and you'd say talking Points says and talking Points Tonight can report and talking Points says this, and that you were talking points and people found that funny. Apparently, how are you well? First of all, Hanny, I gotta say the intro to the second Radio hour, that's more than Ben Hergott, that's right. That intro Sea to shining Sea, coast to coast. We're in your backyard, We're coming to your now. By the way, how great is Scott Shannon's voice? You and I are broadcasters, man, You know he does those spots for me as soon as he gets up in the morning. When his voice, you know, it has that resonance that I wish I had. Yeah, he's mainly unconscious, Shannon, you know that. But boy, that's quite quite the intro. Okay, So people are interested in what you have to say and what I have to say. You were on the air last night because I was flipping around on the Democratic debate. So you missed a lot of that debate, right. I watched some of the replay. It was awful. It was god. Oh, there was one really disturbing part of it. I mean disturbing in the extreme. Not the Bernie said women can't win and nor didn't you know that's just dopey. So wolf Blitzer sets up Sanders by saying that the government of Iran is demanding US troops get out of the Middle East, which they've done I think for three centuries, nothing new, and then Sanders says, yeah, well, we have to get out. He wants to pull everybody out, all the US troops in the Middle East. So then then Blitzer says, well, what about isis they're going to reconstitute and what would you do about that? Which is a logical and good follow up question and a simple one that a simple man like me and can understand. Okay, here we go again, go ahead. Sanders then proceeds to not answer the what before before I get to that, I want to say, and goes back to the Vietnam War and goes back to the Iraq War and never answers the question. Never and Blitzer, fumbling what was a good beginning doesn't press him. So I'm saying to myself, am I supposed to vote for a president of the United States who would pull all US troops out of the Middle East, thereby allowing Isis, Muslim brotherhood al Qaeda everybody to do exactly what they wanted to do to the world. Am I supposed to vote for somebody like this? That's how you have to frame these issues. Um. And I'm saying that, And I mean, I was outraged all the people who have died on a nine to eleven attacks and in the military fighting terrorism, and this guy Sanders has a brass to not answer this kind of a question. It was just outrageous and I thought I would open you know there there was a lot of takeaways from this, and I'll be honest, I couldn't watch it much of it. I love the and here's some interesting takeaways after post debate he got I mean, of all people, Van Jones calling the Democratic debate was like cold oatmeal. Van Jones is dispirited by the debate, saying there's nothing I saw tonight that can take that can be Donald Trump. Um. Now Al Sharpton has said the same thing, uh, saying yeah, based on the candidates performances, you don't become champion by just saying I'll get this round. And what's fascinating to me, I think a lot has happened this week. Gonna want your thoughts on this. You have the LSU Clemson championship game. LSU wins by a pretty big margin. But anyway, President shows up. He comes out with the first lady for the singing of our national anthem. The crowd erupts a thunderous applause, even more than you get when you take the stage and chanting four more years and chanting usay, and then you see the same thing last night, another pack rout, this one in Wisconsin. And for three years, I look at the Democrats Bill, and I see what have they done to make us more safe and secure? Have they done anything to create jobs and prosperity? Or have they just spent all this time investigating and hating on Trump? And Trump gets a huge trade deal done with China today. Pretty good week for Trump. Yeah, and don't expect Ad to get a lot of coverage because it won't. Okay, let's start with the big story at the LSU game. Beside LSU probably being the best college football team of all time, it was Vince Vaughn. And I mean I on Bill O'Reilly dot com. I just exploded. I couldn't believe that after Vince Vaughan was polite to the President of the United States, just chatting with him. All right, he's supposed to be canceled the Twitter mob with the noose in their hand because Aden says, Okay, Vince, he don't work anymore. You have to be a leper. We're gonna banish you. And none of the media challenges that this is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. All right, this is fascism. That was his story that I took away. I like Vince Vaughn. Do you know him. I don't know him. I heard he's like a Rampaul Rampaul libertarian guy, right, but he but he's a regular guy. Yeah, he seems not some dopey movie star. He stress around on the Greatest Person. He's a funny guy, down to earth. He has his political views. But so what, I can't take a little jab here there's an opening. I don't want to let it go. Here's simple man bell O'Reilly hanging out with Vince Vaughn. Okay, go right ahead and go back to what you were saying. Yeah, he come on, let's let's let's be honest, not hanging I know him a little. He came on a factor. We had a good time not hanging okay, um. But the fact that we are living in the country where fascism now is embraced by you know, thousands of people on the Twitter, and and if you say something they don't like, you don't work, and you know what, that's what happens. That's what happens. If you and you know a lot of the show biz and people you were you're a movie producer, right, you're you're producer. I did one. I did one movie. I'm proud of it. Let there be like you know, you're calling people babe, I mean he's okay, Oh yeah, that was me. I played a little bit, a little itsy bitsy part. That was it. You know, it was a It was fake acting, is what it was. Acting like myself. You know how hard it is to be an actor to get roles. And you know those people out in Hollywood if you say, well, the only reason I got the role is I funded the movie. That's it. Well, and it was. It was a it was a cameo. Still, what I'm saying is you know that this stuff exists, this McCarthyism. Now on the other end, that if you shake Trump's hand or even have I agree, let me ask you this then based on what you're saying, yes, because if we look at the events, I don't care whether they cover this at all about Trump or any By the way, he's kept all those promises. That's an amazing thing for any politician. What's great about this trade deal? It deals with intellectual property, theft. It has teeth in it, fully enforceable mechanisms if there's violations, checks and balances. It's two hundred and five to two hundred and ten billion over ten years. Fifty billion in crops bill, eighty billion in auto manufacturing, forty billion in the service industry, fifty billion for our energy sector. Um bill, This is American manufacturing, the service industry, the energy industry, and God bless our farmers. How great is that they'll notice? They're gonna take notice, and that is where I think it matters and where the election is going to be. One. How do you memorize all that stuff? I could never do that. Um, you know it's funny. Ane wha, Well, Linda just a. You were in the first Iron Man movie? Yes, and I was also in one of one of those big robots that destroy everything Transformers was iron Man. I was in Transformers. Can we play simple Man again? Bills A simple Man? Go? All right, I'm kidding. But Elizabeth Warren last Nightles asked said, do you support the new trade agreement with Canada Mexic. Oh? Yes, yes, because Sanders doesn't Santa, you know, unless it's a communist deal, He's not gonna support it. But but Warren, Yeah, yeah, I support it. But Trump makes bad trade deals. I'm gonna wait, hold it. Trump was a guy who made the new the Canada to Mexico deal, and the modern is the three man They just sit there. I mean, I'm gonna wait, wait, somebody please tell her it was President Trump who made the Mexico New Mexico Canada deal that she's supporting. And then in the next sentence, Trump makes bad trade deals. It's just insane. We're living in an insane time. But here's and President Trump should know this, and you can tell them because you're his pal. People have a lot of money in their retirement accounts, correct, Hannity, Yes, sir, they have a lot of money in their college fund accounts for their children and grandchildren. Right, you need to protect it, Yes, sir, that's right. You look at those accounts. They're up in the last three years fifty sixty seventy percent in some cases. Elizabeth Warren Bernie Sanders are elected, you lose everything almost immediately. There will be an unbelievable crash in the stock market, and everyone knows it on Wall Street. And that's why you're getting some of these Democrats now going you know, this isn't really working here. We're really a party. Better better get back to the Biden because we can't go to the socialist route. But it's you know, Donald Trump is a big advantage because people have prospered. And that is the truth. Isn't that what we want? Oh Bill? I mean, look, you grew up in a Levett style house. I grew up in a fifty by one hundred lot long but too long island guys. And I'll tell you what the what the beauty of me? You know, delivering papers when I was eight, washing dishes at twelve, you know, all the restaurant jobs, all the construction jobs. I had those two decades of my life and paid for all the college that I went to and I didn't finish because I didn't have any more money. I was broke. Trying to explain that to my kids a dud, sure, But the reality is I'm glad I had that background. I really am, and I want. And the great news economically for the country under the President's policies is those are the people that are benefiting the most, the forgotten men and women that we talked about in twenty sixteen and when you record load with the best job situation since nineteen sixty nine for every demographic group, Bill, how great is that? That's why the Democrats are going to have a hard time. Just go to London. You're not allowed to vote on a presidential election in the United States, all right, but you can wager at lad Broke in London. He's seven to five right now, Donald Trump seven? Wow? All right, stay right there, all things O'Reilly and Bill O'Reilly dot com, simple man that he is. We'll come back and talk more about the week ahead and impeachment. The president. I think can get through the next week and a half. He's golden. I think it ends after that. All right, as we continue, Bill O'Reilly with us, Phill O'Reilly dot com. Roll things O'Reilly world. Now, maybe I'm not seeing this the right way, but i watched LSU and Clemson, and I watched the President last night, and I'm watching the trade deal today, and I'm watching the Democrats and Peach and Peach and Peach, and from my way of thinking, and this pathetic debate that took place. Look, I'm irish, so I always expect the next bomb to be dropped on my head. But I'd say, Donald Trump, it's in a pretty good position right now. Just keep your head cool for two weeks this impeachment nonsense ends. Then it's full board campaign with week candidates. Well, I think he's got to reply somewhat to It depends on how McConnell runs this thing. If he's gonna allow the Democrats or have seven of them going in and they're gonna smear President Trump. Everybody knows that it's not about victing him of anything that's not happening. So what they're going to do is use the two weeks or whatever it may be, to smear him. And he has a perfect right, as every American does, to defend himself or herself, and he should buy tweeting or making a statement or whatever. I wouldn't go small ball. I would just say this is not true. This is why they're saying it. That's kind of a thing. But I agree with you that most Americans have had it. They don't want it. We got playoff games coming up Sunday, got the super Bowl coming up, you got the Iowa caucus coming up. All this hurts the Democrats, of course, because Warren and Sanders going to have to be in the Senate. They're not going to be out in New Hampshire or Iowa. That's going to hurt him, no doubt. Pete Buddha Judge is the happiest guy in town, and so as Joe Biden. But Donald Trump should be cool. Absolutely. He said, I didn't keep I didn't do anything wrong. This is all contrived. It's they're desperate. Use that word a lot, desperate, because I really think the Democratic Party is at this point desperate. I mean, who has captured the imagination of the American public. Who no one? It's a great point. Well, um, we always appreciate your analysis, Bill O'Reilly dot com for Bill's Commentary Daily, and we appreciate you being back with us, and we'll see you next week. Bill O'Reilly. I want to be in your next movie, Annity, so I want to not gonna be a next movie anyway when we come back. Sydney Powell, the attorney for General Flynn. And why did James O'Keefe tip off the Secret Service? Next? You look at this White House now and it's hard to imagine two FBI agents sending up in the same room. How did that happen I sent them something we probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation. I think there's some of them very hard to square with the idea that these were just mistakes and sloppy And I have said that a number of these episodes leave open the possibility of inferring bad faith or improper motive. But I hasten to add that, as I've said all along, that I've reached no determination on that in order I think a final determination on that is appropriate until all the evidence is in the Horowitz himself in his testimony I think pretty well summed it up, which is this could be on the one hand, at the very least gross incompetence. On the other hand, it could also be improper motive. And he was not in a position to make that call. And that's why we have the US Attorney John Durham looking into this. It needs to be looked into. When you hear well, now that we know the background. Andrew McCabe, Deputy FBI Director the day the FBI goes into review General Flynn at the White House day four of the Trump administration. General Flynn asked McCabe, do I need my lawyer. Here is anything legal that I need to worry about. No, right there. His constitutional rights were violated, His miranda rights were violated. Here's the right to remain silent, right to an attorney. They're doing an investigation on him, and now we know they had a transcript of everything that had been said, so that would be called In my mind, I view that as a perjury trap for General Flynn. And it's even worse because then the FBI Director James Comey's on tape. Yeah, I did something I never do or even get away with in the Bush or Obama years without going through the proper process and the White House Council. Yeah, I said my guys over there, of course I did. Wow, that's how we now treat thirty three year veterans to this country. We just rip away their constitutional rights. Interest as well, we now know McCabe and we know that Comey Comey lied quote lack of candor according to the Special Counsel. Well, that would be a big deal for any of the rest of us. A lot of people got in trouble for lying about this, and we had the new revelations about McCabe. He had to push back. Yeah, maybe I did do these bad things that has happened here. I was surprised that the judge in the case said no to the Brady requests that had been put forward by Sydney. Powell is going to join us here in a second. I have a friend of mine that I know is particularly smart and connected to the whole case and very interested in seeing justice meaning for General Flynn and fundamental fairness. We know when the FBI interviewed Flynn they didn't think he was lying. We know that he ran out of money, had to sell his house to pay his legal bills. We know this is now what three years of this poor guy's life that he's now been hanging in legal jeopardy. We haven't gotten the original three O two as far as I know. Apparently there are internal documents one day to January thirty, twenty seventeen that exonerates General Flynn. That would be a big deal of being an agent of Russia. They have notes and documents apparently dealing with any of the briefings mister Flynn provided the different agencies looking into this unredacted notes and three O two's of both agents. I'd like to see them in a bunch of other material now Sidney Powell put out late last night. Today, General Michael Flynn has exercised his right to move to withdraw his plea of guilty because the Government is engaged in bad faith and vindictive conduct and it breachs the plea agreement pursuant to which he has cooperated for two years. Government only recently learned of this motion and it is not replied on the withdrawal. It agreed yesterday to a continuance of thirty days because of many developments, including the prosecutor's recent filings and its production in December of six hundred and thirty seven pages of three zero two's handwritten notes that we have long been promised General Flynn is innocent of all the charges. The government's allegations are false, and evidence the Government released only recently needs to be reviewed and addressed. Mister Flynn was always truthful. In future filings will make that clear. General Flynn has been targeted by vindictive and unprincipled prosecutors. The November twenty seventeen plea agreement contracted between General Flynn and the Government that so long as General Flynn met the terms of the cooperation set forth in the plea, which required truthful testimony, the government would file a departure motion with the court in good faith. General Flynn performed his side of the bargain. The government acknowledged this substantial cooperation both in its original sentencing memo and in its statements to the court at the December twenty eighteen hearing. Now Sidney Powell is with us. I was a little taken back and surprised that the judge in this case so apparently has a very good track record, said there was no more Brady information to handover. Is that true? That's what he said. But the government's already handed over more Brady information since the court denied it, and of course they didn't style it that. But it's exculpatory information that we should have received a long time ago. Not the least of which is the very interesting fact that the FBI knew more than a year ago from one of the Covington's lawyers that one of the alleged false statements in the FARA filing wasn't false at all, because mister Flynn had told his Covington lawyers that his partner did the first version of the op ed that so upset the government. So let's go through this. Which found out is that the government has essentially falsified the false statement allegations. They made them up. They exercised language to change the meaning of the FARO filing itself to allege something that made it false. I mean, it's just astonishing. We attached four charts as exhibit nine of the motion we filed yesterday, and they're available on my website at Sydney Powell dot com so people can see for themselves the language the government took out and the allegation they made, and then the evidence that the government had that refuted it before they wanted mister Flynn to lie about it last summer for their trial, and Rafikian after McCabe said you don't need a lawyer, after call me bragging that, yeah, I took advantage of the chaos at the White House day four of the Trump administration. I wouldn't do that with the Obama or Bush administrations, and I wouldn't even you know, I would never do that. I wouldn't get away with it, and I'd go through proper channels that would have been the White House Council. Let's go back to that day for one of the two agents interviewing General Flynn was Peter Struck. Is that true? That is true, And every one is named throughout the New Inspector General report as the people most responsible for virtually everything that happened in cross By Hurricane that was wrong. So the next question is now, how we don't have the original three O two's and the notes of the FBI agents, the three O twos of their recollection interpretation of the events as they had unfolded, and they did not think General Flynn was lying, And to the best of my knowledge, I think they knew everything that had happened because he had already been surveiled and unmasked. Does that sound true? I think that's true. Of course they haven't admitted that, But we have redacted notes of the agents that the government misrepresented to us for almost two years is being written by opposite agents. And then we do not have the original three O two which they claim is quote missing or as in mister van Grak himself doesn't have it in his back pocket, but the FBI certainly has it in their computer systems because things like that can't get lost. There there is an audit trail created by the computer system, and they can't proceed with this case. At least, no responsible lawyer would let them proceed in any sort of prosecution like this without seeing that original three O two and the audit trail, because I think it was substantially altered, even more than the alterations we've already proved that occurred on February ten, that night with the emails or text messages between Peter Strock and Lisa Page talking about her edits to the three O two and how he's going back that night to put them in after what happened the events earlier that day, the event, well, I'm trying to understand. I'm convincing Vice President Pence that he had lied to him, which wasn't true either. I mean, that is basically as exculpatory as it gets, and it proves a setup of General Flynn, which is a horrible thing to do to a thirty three year veteran of our Arms services and somebody that's spend in combat zones. And I'm just trying to understand this. And I know, for whatever reason, the judge seems to have gotten impatient with a lot of things regarding this case, and I don't know where at one point even lashing out at General Flynn. I believe before you were the attorney on the case or one of the attorneys on the case. And now, yeah, the General has exercised his right to move to a draw the plea, but in fact the judge would have to grant that motion any indication which way the judge would go here, No, the government has not even voiced its position on it yet. If there's any integrity left anywhere in the Justice Department, they will agree for that plea to be withdrawn. If they have a case against him, Let's see him prove it. Well. I agree with that too. Now I can't wait to call witnesses in the defense and to cross examine mister Struck and the other agent who I will leave unnamed, solely because they have that in a protective order, despite the fact the entire public knows who it is. So we know for a fact the original three O two said they did not believe that General Flynn was lying, and we've obviously deep fixed it for that very reason. Okay, but does it exist? Do we know that it exists? I know people who have seen it. Okay, those people can be called as witnesses that would be very hopeful to your case. And we have text messages you're saying between Struck and Page that talk about altering the original three O two and the notes involved to fit a narrative that they didn't believe exactly the narrative they wanted to achieve for later. And why isn't that a crime Sydney too? Yes? Really, then they re enter the three O two and Tom for mister Muller to use it for his special counsel investigation. Is it now? You've been on this program? Mean you have confirmed to me, But I'll reconfirm right now, and that is that General Flynn was basically given the deal even though they didn't think he was lying. You sign you know this agreement, You agree to plead that you lied to the FBI. By the way, Comey's not in trouble for lying in nor is McCabe. Yet. We'll see what happens, We'll see what Durham embark come up with. But putting that aside for a second, here we know that General Flynn was also told that if he didn't sign it, they were going after his son, who happened to work in business with him. Is that true. Yeah, it's worse than that, Sean. It's I can't even tell you yet how bad it is, but it's going to become more apparent with my next filings. So I would guess you probably want this trial at this point. Bring it on. If they're stupid enough to proceed with a trial in this case, just bring it on. In essence, he's bankrupt at this point, very expensive. With all due respect to you lawyers in Sydney. I know you're not cheap, and I know you're working or a very reduced fee, if not pro bono, mostly in this case, which I applaud you for. But he had to sell his house because of legal fees. Then they talked about going after his son, who was in business with him. They didn't think he was lying, but I guess, like probably most fathers would, do you mean, you're gonna go after my kid for something I didn't you want me to sign this paper or else you're gonna go after my family. I think he fell on the sword for his family, and which, by the way, I think I would do. He was completely framed, Sean, and set up in the most abuse of government misconduct you can possibly imagine. Then absolutely coerced and convinced deceitfully that he had done something wrong by a government he still respected at that time, unbelievable responsibility for what they convinced him he had done wrong. And the story is actually even worse than that, which will be clear if I have to continue to litigate this. Next question will be absolutely ten more seconds. Will you be able to call as witnesses? Comey a McCabe, I can subpoena anybody I want. Good for you, Sidney Powell, Thank you for being with us. More blockbuster tape out of Project Veritas. James O'Keeffe joins us. Next, Oh, yeah, the gulogs are Yeah, they're more. You know, our prisons are worse than the Stalin's gulogs. And oh why did Project Veritas contact the Secret Service to warn them about what the field organizers said about Donald Trump if he got re elected. Next, stay right here for our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. There's a reason Joseph Doalin had gulags right, And actually gulags were a lot better than like what like the CIA has told us that they were like people were actually paid a living wage in gulags. They had conjugal visits in gulags. Gulags were actually meant for like re education. It was like for like enemies of the state, so like learn how to not be enemies of the state and to learn like the value of like hard day's working, right, Like the greatest way to break a billionaire of their like privilege and their idea that they're superior. Go and break rocks and row over to day you're now a working class person, and you're gonna learn what that means. Right, So that like that was the intention of gulags. Right, It's not only to like limp to like remove the like people that were like insidious to the state from the state, Like hey, you guys are all causing problems. You're like working against the revolution, or it's going to remove you and put you in Siberia where you learn the value of like being in a comrade, like I mean, and that's like, you know, that's what it has to be. Like our prisons in the United States right now are far worse, far worse than anything that they experienced in Like people get raped, people fucking work twelve hours a day, people have to go fight fighters in California for a dollar, you know what I mean, Like, that's faked up. That's super faked up. Um, so you didn't do that. Okay, you're not gonna get You're not gonna get Bernie to say. But like I'm all award for lulas, like I feel as other needs to be re education for a significant portion of our society. I think he is too. I mean, you can't running for a president in the United States, you can't say you can't say anything like that, right, Well, and then like you said, I mean, if people don't want to get on board, it's you know, you were saying that the Gulags are better than whatever. And the alternative instead of like trying to like re re educate these people and put them back into society, the other the only other alternative is you know what I mean. I know we have a lot of like the Communists and the Marxists like on our side, but that's one of them. Yeah, they've been in the fact, there's that I know of one two three, one two three four four. The organizers in this office are you know, leftists of some of some degree further leftward than never critics, right, for what degree, you know, it varies, but many of the many of the organizers that I've met, Uh, actually I didn't even come justin so justin me, Jared Danial, Jessica m are all definitely further left in democratic social there's a lot of means and the Bernie campaign, like the whole basis of like communism is like people like people in planet above property, right, Like we're here to preserve the planet, preserve people. We don't want to have to like eliminate people. Right, But if people are going to try to fight back against the revolution, like when you here about like so like atrocities committed by like in Cuba, like Fidel and in Cha, like killing people like those people that were actively like they were like anti revolution. They were like they were they were fighting against the revolution, like in any war. Like if you like when you guys were at war, you encounter people that were fighting against you, What did you do to those people? Right? I mean the same thing, same things a revolution, right, Like you can't abide people like actively working against your revolution, like you can you can give them a choice, be like hey, you can join the revolution. You can not be a bootlicker, Uh, you can idly buy and allow it to happen. But if you're gonna take up arms against the revolution, then you should expect to buy the response, right, Like it's natural today you have like the encystic that on your laptop. Have you ever done, like been in any of those like crazies A couple of things that events they came to they came to lancing and they came to an arbor. Did you ever like help bad or participate in nav it? Yeah? I mean like so like I didn't help for guys, right, but I was there in the support. I have yet to launch as a people. There's some here, a lot of who are probably on the Vernie campaign, but there are CDs. There's a DSA chapter here, so like some of the DSA boats that probably image. We've been looking. We've been looking for an action to like participate in, like making regards to like oh's but well, I'm like in regards to like immigration and vice. You've been looking for like looking for something to pop off where we can pop right back on. All right, that is now the now next release. It always works that way. With James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, he's the CEO and founder of Project Veritas. We now understand the Secret Service has been notified over the threats of violence that came out of all of this. Uh yeah, I think that's a little scary. Anyway, here to go over the gulag talk and revolution and and violence if Donald Trump wins, is James O'Keeffe himself anyway, welcome to the program. So you've got this guy that is working for in a pretty top position for the Bernie Sanders campaign, a twenty twenty field organizer. And there are things more important than the rule of law in the United States, And what's gonna happen. Things are going to burn down if in fact Trump wins again. Yeah, Sean, this is maybe the most incendiary comments ever made by a staffer in Iowa for any presidential candidate. It's just so shocking. I mean, you've heard it all there the audio. There are things more important than the rule of law, praising gulogs, talking about there's a reason Joseph Stalin had goulogs. He says he's an anarcho communist. This is a paid staffer. Now we have his FEC pay stops. Apparently he's still paid. He's still working for the campaign. As of right now. He says, there are many other people in the offices like him. Then Sean, I can and firm that is the case for reasons you'll see after today. And there's all these quotes that you couldn't write this if you're a Hollywood screenwriter. I mean, he's talking about, you know, not just conservative Sean. He's talking about people that are center left moderates, MSNBC hosts. He wants to drag them out and light them on fire. He's talking about the convention and Milwaukee and cities will burn and they're going to be killing police officers, murdering people. And you might say, well, he's just one unhinged person, but so far, Sean, all of the people that he reports too in Iowa, this is happening as I speak today. They're all locked locking down their Twitter accounts. They're making it so that you're not tweeting there. They've taken down some twelve different accounts on Twitter, and they're they're seemingly rallying behind this guy. And this is extraordinary. So it's pretty amazing to see. And I thought the standards would have cut ties with them by now, but it appears like they're doubling down and they're having his back. Well, what you're exposing here, and you're hinting that something even bigger, based on even more than what we've now heard, is coming out regarding this. Yeah, and as we talked on the radio two days ago, I this is like chess, you know, because we have a media that is so systemically corrupt and they won't report news which is there No one knows CNN or New York Times reporter cares about this. What I have to do is release them one at a time. They're going to say that he's either isolated or that nobody else exists like him. Will so far show on they haven't said any of that. They haven't even talked about it. So we're going to see what happens today and then we're going to drop the next one different person. Let me go into some of the things that we're talking about here, because do we know for a fact the Secret Service has been notified? Do we know who notified them? Yeah, my general counsel notified the Secret Service. Because after we have published this tape, a number of sources reached out to us from people very close to this man, Kyle Eric, and we've been able to corroborate these things as true. So we my organization felt obligated to notify the Secret Service because of information that became clear to us that this man who is a paid Iowa field organizer, a top field organizer in the state of Iowa, three weeks before the election. It's become clear to us that there he is seriously serious about threatening the president with assassination. So I my organization reached out the Secret Service earlier today with that information it was made available to us. How does he not know Stalin was not a mass murderer? And why is he justifying and saying there's a legitimate reason to use gulogs, that they were better than what the CIA told us that they were, and you know, claiming that our prisons in the US are far far worse than any thing experience in the blanking gulog, Which is just does he not know this guy was a mass murderer? What part of that does he not understand? Well, I think he's shown he may know that that Stalin was a mass murderer. They really don't even want opposition. That's why I think when they talk about re education camps and the gulags, in such a positive way and things are gonna We're gonna burn the house down if we lose, and basically anticipating violence, etc. Etc. Um. Well, I don't think it's good for it to have a top tier campaign candidate for the Democratic Party having, in this particular case, a high ranking official working for him and a field organizer for the campaign saying this type of stuff and nobody seems to care. They don't flinch. Well for two things. First of all, I think in order to achieve their vision of the world where everyone's absolutely equal, they have to pursue extreme injustices to achieve that outcome, including murder. That's what these people actually believe. Sean, and you and I would be conspiracy theorists, but not for the fact that I'm cool. It didn't exactly say murder. He talked about burning things down, right, Well, he's sending people to the Goulds is well that yeah, but he says they were really nice. You know that means I mean, he talks. He does make some illusions about about about killing people, and he makes about exterminating people. He talks about the police in Milwaukee and what they're going to do to the police if Vernie doesn't make it all the way to the convention. These are his words in these two different tapes. Talks about sending wealthy people to to goologs to break rocks for twelve hours a day, and he even uses the word elimination about removing people who are insidious to the state. So it's this whole idea of using extreme injustice to pursue absolute equality, which is what we kind of already know about socialism. But to hear a guy say it, and to hear everyone in the state of Iowa have us back. This is just in from a woman named Misty Rebeck, who is the state director of Iowa, made the following statement. She said, it's quote political gossip, she called. That's the quote from her. She said, it's political gossip. This uh, this expose. So she's calling statements from her field organizer in Iowa praising gulags, conspiracy, commit violence, a statement about there are things more important than the rule of law. She's calling all of that reporting gossip. Sean, So they appear to have the man's back, which is a truly extraordinary series of events, even in presidential politics in twenty twenty. All Right, we continue on the other side, we'll try and squeeze some proprietary information out about From James O'Keefe, he's the CEO, founder of Project Veritas. This is their latest drop a field organizer in the Bernie campaign. He says, more coming, different people involved, probably as early as tomorrow. We'll see if you can give us a headline when we come back. Also, we'll get to your phone calls after the news at the bottom of the hour eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Right as we continue, James O'Keefe with US CEO founder Project Veritas, now exposing field organizer for Bernie Sanders campaign. Shockingly, the mob, the media ignoring it as usual. But I will guarantee you if it was Donald Trump and his field organizer, there'd be a much greater concern. Project Veritas having notified the Secret Service over some of the comments made by the field organizer. And you now have a big reveal coming tomorrow. How many more reveals as part of this investigative report of the number of them, Sean, You know, I know you want to extract proprietary information out of me, but I can't play all my cards because I'm dealing with a very corrupt media establishment is essentially it is the Democratic Party. There is no distinction now between between our major media and that political party. So I have to release He's one of the time. The next one is probably more shocking. People are saying Kyle looks like he's on an on something, or he's just a one person, and we're going to release the next person, and we're going to wait to see what the campaign says today. We believe they have to respond. I can't believe they haven't responded yet. I mean, this is extraordinary that nobody in the media thinks is this newsworthy sean that what this man is saying is it Now. You gotta understand journalism is dead. These are not media organizations. This is state run TV. They're they're the party apparatic. They're the propaganda wing of all things leftist, radical socialist and anti Trump everything Donald Trump could do no good in anybody's mind. You're right there. The battle lines are drawn and they'll be dragged kicking and screaming on reporting if we got them right where we want them. This is a game of chess. We've released the first person they're they're now responding. Misty Rebick, who's the state director, has just called all of this quote political gossip unquote. Let the media double down and defend this, this this awful, horrendous, disgusting, maybe even criminal conversation that we have on tape. And then we're gonna release part two, next person, next staffer, paid employee, sean more shocking than this one. Stay tuned, probably be Monday or Tuesday of next week. All right, James O'Keefe Project Toss eight hundred and nine four one, Sean Tolfree telephone number. When we come back, we'll hit the phones as we now are in this massive, fast moving, busy, insane news cycle that literally things are breaking every second, every minute, every hour of every day. And we'll get to your calls coming up next straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour. Wow, what news we've got. I mean, the news is now at the speed of light. You know. I love how Adam Schiff, the compromise, corrupt, congenital liar that he is. How does he get appointed to be one of the impeachment managers. He's compromised, Yes, he lied about his office and oh we'd love to hear from the whistle blower. We've never earned from the whistle Yes she did. Lying again, your office apparently had numerous contacts with the non whistle blower. Here say whistle blower. You know every single manager now chosen. Look at Jerry Nadler for example. You know was talking about impeachment in twenty seventeen and twenty eighteen. So today on the Floral pass a resolution naming the managers as I mentioned, appropriating the funds for the trial, and transmitting the articles of impeachment of the President of the United States for trying to influence a foreign government for his own personal and political benefit. Chair Adam Schiff of California, Lead Managers. Chairman Schiff, as you're no Chair of the Permanent Side Committee on Intelligence, is serving his tenth term in Congress. Excuse me before Congress, Mister Schiff was a California State Senator and served as a federal prosecutor in the US Attorney's Office in Los Angeles for six years, most notably prosecuting the first federal FBI agent to be died for espionage. Chairman Jerry Nadler Chier of the House Judiciary Committee is serving his fifteenth term Congress. Mister Nadler served as the top Democrat on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties for thirteen years before Congress, Mister Nadler served in the New York State Assembly for sixteen years. WOW Chair Zoe Lofgan. Chair Zoe Lofgan, chair of the House Committee on House Administration, which has jurisdiction over federal elections, is a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee. Miss Lofgan is serving her thirteenth term in Congress. This is Chairwoman Lofgan's third impeachment as a Judiciary Committee staffer and the Nixon impeachment as a member of the Judiciary Committee on the Clinton impeachment, and now as a manager in this impeachment of President Trump. Chair hoof Kam Jeffreys of New York Chairman how Kim Jeffreys is the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus and is currently serving his fourth fourth term in Congress. Congresswoman Val Demings of Florida. Congresswoman dal Demings is a member of both the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee. Congressman Jason Crowe of Colorado is a member of the House Arm Services Committee. Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia of Texas. Congressman Sylvia Garcia is a member of the House Judiciary Committee. As you can see from these descriptions of the emphasis is on litigators, the emphasis is on comfort level in the courtroom, you know. And it just goes on and on and on with these people on the left. They have hated Donald Trump, they've never accepted the outcome of the election, and in their fury and their rage and their psychosis, this is what they come up with. By the way, it doesn't matter that the president is a huge trade deal with China that's going to help our farmers are manufacturing. No, that doesn't matter at all. And then you look at the sorry cast of characters debating last night. I'm saying this is pathetic. You know. Then every single person that they have now chosen here to look into this thing, to be the impeachment managers, is on record saying the most insane things, all of them. But this is where it takes us. Doesn't matter every promise made, that, every promise doesn't matter how they have failed. Now, why is that they have contempt for you? We the people? That's why in two d ninety three days. I hope the American people shock the world again and it will shock them. Although Alec Baldwin thinks we're stupid. More and more the contempt keeps coming out, irredeemable deplorables, clinging to God, our Constitution, Bible's religion. The people that are smelly Walmart, Trump shoppers voters a shop at Walmart. I'm guilty. I like Walmart. Yeah, I voted for Donald Trump and I'm gonna vote for him again. By the way, if you need election information, okay, what is the deadline for registering in your state? You need to go to Hannity dot com. It's your one stop shop for all deadlines. Okay, when does early voting start? That's going up? When does apsent tee? How do you do absent tee voting? That's going up? All the things so you can be good citizens and participate. And what I think is a tipping point election. This is America now on the brink. After watching this pathetic, sorry cast of characters last night, Uh, it ought to scare you. I even Van Jones got it right. I mean I was a little surprised, but it was dispirited by the Democratic To have that level of ditriol was very dispiriting, and I want to say that's to night for me was dispiriting when dimocrats got to do better what we saw at night. There was nothing I saw at night that would be able to take Donald Trump out. And I want to see a Democrat in the White House as soon as possible. There was nothing tonight that if you're looking at this thing, you say, any of these people are prepared for what Don Schrump is going to do to us? And to see further division tonight is very dispiriting. There was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out. Now one of the why is the president And you see the president at the LSU Clemson National Championship game. Wow, what a reaction that was. You hear them chant four more years. You hear them chanting on and on U s A. I mean, you hear the roar of the crowd. And then you watched last night in Wisconsant like twenty thousand people that didn't get in and the president was in the midst of impeachment madness for three long years. Lies, smear's slander, besmirchment, character assassination, never ending conspiracy theories, never ending hoaxes, never ending investigations, never ending impeachment talk starting two days after he's elected. Now he keeps his promises, doesn't he, Well, let me prove it to you. I'm not running to be the president of the world. I'm running to be the president of the United States of America. And as your president, I will fight for every last American job. After years of endless budgets, cuts that have impaired our defenses, I am calling for one of the largest defense spending increases in history. That's why I believe it's time to establish a national goal of reaching four percent economic growth. We're going to rescind all the job destroying Obama executive actions, including the Climate Action Plan and the waters of the United States Rule. Okay, remember that, we're going to save the coal industry. We're gonna save that coal industry. Believe me, we're gonna save it. The justices that I'm going to appoint will be pro life, they will have a conservative vent. They will be protecting the Second Amendment. Well, I'd say that's pretty refreshing for any any politician. You want to get reelected, you make a promise, fight to keep your promises. Well. Check on the biggest tax cut in history. Check the biggest reduction in bureaucracy, burdens and bureaucracy on business. Those reductions removal of those burdens on business and the American people huge. We're energy independent of the first time originalist justices, free and fairer trade deals, as I described earlier in the program. Today, we're going into detail tonight now with China and then the Japan and then Mexico and then Canada and Western European allies. Wow, pretty good, every single record shattered. It is the exact opposite of what we got with eight years of Biden Obama. Why would we ever go back to that? It would be pretty stupid if we went back to that. All right, let's get to you calls here as promised. Let's say hi to Dorian in Missouri. Dorian, Hi, how are you glad you called? Yeah? Hey, Sean, as an honor to talk to you. You're a great American listen job. Yeah, you do a great job of trying to expose the hypocrisy, the debauchery and double standard of the Democrats, the media, and the leftist So I have a question. Okay, this whole impeachment thing started because the Democrats were upset claiming that Donald Trump wanted to dig up dirt on a political opponent so that he could influence the twenty twenty election in his favor. Now, if that's the standard, shouldn't those Democrats who are in the Senate running as political opponents recuse themselves from the impeachment process of their twenty twenty candidate or a political opponent. I mean, you're saying would be logical, But you know, we got to go back and remember here what hypocrisy exists among this group of Democrats. I mean, you'd have to believe Russian election interference is important, so important, Russia, Russia, Trump, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia for investigations nothing but even the New York Times now recognizes, way late, way behind the Sean Hannity Show and Hannity on TV, that the Clinton bought and paid for dirty Russian Well we now know unverifiable UH dossier was likely Russian disinformation from the get go. They had to use the word bifurcate their brains, compartmentalize their mental processes, you know, you know, take in breathtaking hypocrisy in their lives while simultaneously losing all intellectual honesty, reason and common sense. Just the same thing with Ukraine. You know, this is why it was a joke, Adam Schiff trying to send over last second, the twenty seventh hour. We just got this this guy that got arrested. That was that was was I guess you know, Rudy Giuliani talked to him. Oh my gosh, he's arrested. He's being charged by the Southern District of New York. We have to listen everything he says. And then the documents sent over by the corrupt congenital liar and compromise congenital liar, Adam Schiff. Oh, they exonerate Joe Biden. He's been totally disproven. This is all bologney, not true, None of it's true. Well, Joe's on tape saying you're not getting the billion unless you buy the prosecutor. Then you'll get the billion. Who was investigating my zero experience son, who got paid millions for zero experience? Why would any company ever pay millions and millions of dollars for zero experience? Oh, they're trying to buy influence and then Adam Schiff in this new troll of documents, he actually says that it was the prosecutor and investing geting zero experience Hunter that was corrupt, not Joe and Hunter. So it's all designed, and then the media runs with it. You know, I guess you know the area of fifty one Roswell, Rachel Maddow shows, you know, putting the guy on. Well, the guy's indicted. You know, how do you in good conscience? They don't care, is the answer to your question. You are expecting intellectual honesty, fundamental fairness, due process, presumption of innocence, even and and equal standards and equal applications for both sides. That doesn't exist, Dorian. That is not the world we live in. You live in that world. I live in that world. They don't live in the world. A truth matters. Truth is irrelevant to them. It's about power. Does McConnell have the authority as the head of the Senate and the rules to state that, Okay, if you are a political opponent in the Senate of the President of the United States, you should not be voting. You should be forced to recuse yourself from any procedures during this impeachment trial. He doesn't. I mean, honestly, the rules are set. They're going to follow the ninety nine Clinton impeachment model. The house managers they're the sole power to impeach us in the House, the trial sole power with the US Senate. I remember Chuck Schumer ran on the idea of a quitting then President Bill Clinton. He was totally biased, just like everybody else's. And so they'll be sworn in the Chief Justice will preside. You know, to my I keep saying to the Senate, you guys are handling this all the wrong way, and it's kind of ticking me off because it's not their role constitutionally to redo the mess that they've been handed. House managers Schiff and Nadler and company. Let them go present their case, and then when they're done and they fall fabulously right on their face, then they should caul the role and acquit. They shouldn't. Now, well, let's bring in this witness. Let's bring in this witness. To me, that's ridiculous, but that is where they want to take this. And you know, unfortunately for the country and the president. You know, I guess he can stop it. It's just the whole thing is so corrupt. Why would you would lend any legitimacy to this corruption, to this abuse of power? Is unconscionable to me. But Republicans in the Senate are weak. Oh I don't know, and I don't want people to be mad at me and may impact my election. Why don't you just do the right thing, fight for the things that will make the country great and let the chips fall where they will with re election, who cares. It's like when people, politicians especially start talking about legacy, and that's that's it. It's usually over. Don't ever think about your legacy. Doesn't matter what your legacy is. What matters is just do the right thing. Let the chips fall where they will. Um. I've noticed what presidents they start, they start thinking legacy. It's over all right. That's gonna wrap things up for today. We got a rock star lineup Hannity tonight. We have Senator Ted Cruze, Senator Lindsey Graham, Don Junior, Trey Gaudy, also Sarah Sanders, Lara Logan, and Matt Gates. Can get a better lineup than that. We'll do with the new China trade deal. We'll do it the impeachment, insanity, double standard, and all the news you won't get from the mob in the media. It's coming up tonight, nine eastern, Hannity, hope you'll sell your DVR nine Eastern. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow, as always, thank you for being with us.