Trouble in Iran

Published Jul 19, 2019, 10:00 PM

Join Sean as he covers all of the breaking news behind the British Tanker that was seized in the Strait of Hormuz. What's next for this troubling incident and how should America respond?!

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All right, gladuate with us on this Friday. We have some breaking news is we begin this day. It appears that the Iranians, now very stupidly, this is really dumb, have seized a British flagged oil tanker in the Straits of Hormuz amid what is obviously growing tensions in the region, which you know, really are caused by the fact that the president and his sanctions have been phenomenal. It's had a great impact, a negative impact. We now see and intelligence people that I know that are really smart, that know the goings on inside of Iran, they've all been suggesting that the younger population has been resisting, risking their own lives on a regular basis to take down this regime problem. When you get in a situation like av and Iran, you can't win revolutions with slingshots. It's never gonna hampen, or a cocktails that's never gonna happen. And they have no compunctions about killing and imprisoning anybody that they deem as any type of threat to this radical Islamic regime that they have. But things have been growing, and of course we had the one tanker that was hit. We had the drone that was hit yesterday. We took out their drone because they had a drone flying within a thousand yards of one of our ships in the Straits of Hormuz. And anyway, so the report that we now have is that apparently this British tanker was approached by unidentified small crafts and a helicopter during transit through the Straits of Hormos. Now, I just want to back up for a second here. Strategically, tactically, I mean, the Straits of Hormuz has been always this very sensitive area where the free flow of oil at market prices, A lot of the world's oil has to pass through those straits. He narrow straits or hor moves. Anyway, the vessel was in international waters. The shipping company that owns the vessel set in a statement we are presently unable to contact the vessel, which is now heading north towards Iran and Rand's Revolutionary Guard Forces, and a statement on their website say they seize the ship for quote non compliance with international maritime laws and regulations and it's being brought to an unnamed Irany import. According to the AP websites that are tracking the ship's path, show it turning sharply in the direction of this island off of Iran instead of its intended destination, which was Saudi Arabia. Quote. We're urgently seeking further information and assessing the situation following reports of an incident in the Gulf, according to a UK government spokesperson telling Fox News, Mike Pompeo is speaking. Now, let's can we dip in and hear what Mike Pompeo's Oh no, he just cut off, Okay, but where you know. Obviously, as information becomes available, we'll share it with you throughout the afternoon. Second time now in just over a week that the UK has been the target of this escalating violence by this radical, insane Iranian regime. The US will continue to work with our allies and partners to defend our security and our interest against Iranian's malignant behavior. And there have been no reported injuries. Obviously, the safety of the people aboard this British oil tanker is a primary concern, and this comes after Iran last week warned the British that they will face repercussions over the mean and wrong seizure of one of its supertankers in early July. That authorities believe was operating in violation of European Union sanctions. So that's really all we know. Now Iran's revolutionary guards saying that it sees the British oil taker in these straits or hor moves. Now this on the heels. Yesterday the President shot down an Iranian drone after giving multiple warnings of the drone flying close to a US vessel in international waters. All right, so let's just stop for a second here and let me just sort of lay out. We have our friend, Daniel Hoffman is going to be with us. He's a thirty year cia OP officer, knows a lot about Iran and the inner workings of this radical regime. And one thing we can first start and be thankful for is that, for the first time in seventy five years, because the President kept his promise and eliminated burdens and regulation, well, we're now energy independent. And I have said this for years and years and years and years and years. We have more resources natural resources than the Middle East combined. We do not need to get our energy, which is the lifeblood of every econom me from countries that hate our guts. Now, with that said, the radical mullahs in Iran that I thought Biden and Obama fix this problem. I thought they made a deal. I thought when they dropped a hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currencies in the tarmac and cargo planes in Iran, I thought they were gonna like us. This naive foreign policy view that Democrats so often have is despicable. You know, as Bill Clinton as as a good deal for the American babel when he allowed Kim Jong ill, Kim Jong Gun's father, well, they tried to bribe him too, and they bribed him, but yet they allowed him to continue to do, you know, build centerfuges, et cetera, et cetera. And it was just a horrible deal. The Iranian deal allowed the Iranians even after ten years, it would be okay, they can have, you know, build their own nuclear weapons. This was a temporary band aid that was dumb. I don't know what it is about the liberal mind that believes an appeasement. Somehow we never learn the lessons of history. You're not gonna convince brutal regimes to change, and money and bribery and appeasement and ask kissing doesn't work. The only thing that evil will respond to is certain military force against them. And the Iranians obviously, now with all the saber rattling, they've been picking a fight with all of us. Now, what's happened, though, is almost there isn't there? Think about the situation the Camp David Accords. Let's let's go back to the UN partition plan. You know, there's never been a moment like we currently have, and I'll explain why in a minute. There's never been a moment where an alliance of countries in the Middle East that was perhaps the most unlikely is happening right before our very eyes, and now by the Iranians taken on the US as they've already constantly picking fights, fighting proxy wars against Israel and funding his Balah and these terrorist attacks against Israel. Then of course they've been fighting a proxy war with the Hoodahs in Yemen and those forces there. And so you know, now the Saudis are on board. So you got the US now, the UK and Israel, and the Jordanians and the Egyptians under ALCC, King of dull and Jordan and putting aside Kashogi for just a minute, even the Saudis are now aligned against Iranian hegemony. Now, the Straits are Hormus are have been historically the single most strategic transportation lanes for what is I've always said the lifeblood of every economy, and that's oil and gas. In our case, oil and gas, FreeFlow of energy at market prices. Now, the fact that the Iranians are foolish enough now to take on everybody only makes what eventually has to happen easier. That's a good thing now because of the fear of Iranian hegemony and because of the radicalism and the proxy wars and the terrorism that is funded by the Iranians. They're the biggest state sponsor of terror, and now because of the saber rattling, because they want attention, because they want the world, They want the appeasers that are still a part of the stupid deal that Biden in Mama made. They want them. Oh, oh, please, President Trump, you you've got to capitulate. No, he doesn't need to capitulate. What needs to happen now is something that at some point we're gonna either regret we didn't do or be glad we did. It's a simple mathematical formula. You know, there's there's there's math formulas. You know, what is it the speed of light? Energy equals blah blah blah blah. What is mc squared? What is it equals equals mc squared? Okay, I'm not a mathematician, right, but it's that's again brilliant on on the on the part of people that have mathematical talents. I could only dream of a squared plus B squared equals C squared. Radical Iranian mullus that believe in a caliphate and believe in in in strategically planning, generational convert or die. Just a quick update, Sean Fox thanks now reporting that he claimed a second now says brand is now claiming I'd just see acrossing the wires claiming they seized a second oil tanker. Is that also from Great Britain. That's the only thing I don't know yet. We don't know the origin of the tanker. We don't know. So what I'm saying is we're not dependent now for the first time in seventy five years. The Straits of Hormuz for the United States is less important than it's ever been, but it's important for the world. So you now have the biggest terrorist state in the world. They're now decided that they're going to pick fights with everybody. If they're going to pick a fight, obviously they chant death to America, death to Israel, burn the American flag, burned, the Israeli flag, threatened to wipe Israel off the map, the United States off the map. A square B squared C squared is radical Islamic terrorists that run this regime. The Mullahs that Biden and Obama bribed and some of our weak allies that are appeasers bribed with one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies used to kill people and fight proxy wars and fun terrorism. Well, now you have a situation where the world has aligned against them because they realize if those radicals that believe in convert or die get weapons of mass destruction, the same people that would strap bombs on their own kids to kill innocent men, women, and children. The second tanker is a British tanker also that they would were strap bombs on their own kids. We can't have radicals with nuclear weapons. We just can't, because that would be a squared the radicals B squared The nukes equals a potential modern day Holocaust. We can't risk that now that the British are going to join us, as they've kind of been with us from the beginning. We always can count under British and israel Is certainly with us. The Saudis hate the Iranians there with us. The Jordanians are with us, and that would be under King Abdullah and General Alcsi's with us of Egypt and I, you know, I don't care what the French president thinks. I don't care what Putin thinks, you know, but this can't continue. You're not allowed to just shoot out and stop the free flow of oil market prices. If you do now, we're going to have to make a decision at some point. At some point, we better take out these nuclear sights. Now. When the Israelis did it in the eighties in Iraq, there was worldwide condemnation. When they did it in Syria, it's like the most underreported greatest military attack effort. They took out the Syrian sights by flying under Syrian radar to get the job done. Hardly anybody even knows that happened. It's so amazing. But if we allow the Iranians to do this without doing this is now giving us the opening that we really at some point need to take and have to be today. But it's got to happen. It'll be a safer world for our kids and grandkids. The President has been informed. We'll get an update throughout the show today as this continues to unfold. Right if you're just joining us, two British tankers now have been seized in the ever so strategic Straits or horn Moves if you look at a map, so you got these very narrow straits which strategically have been so important for the passage of oil, which is the lifeblood of every economy. By the way, as a little side note, we'll get into more details of this. It just it really brings into focus the importance of America not relying foreign sources for our energy, the lifeblood of our economy. We've already seen this play out where people artificially raised prices. You know, when remember when North Dakota was doing so well, what happened with Middle East and oil. They purposely drove down the price to drive our companies out of business. The Middle East knows we don't need them, They absolutely know. Why has there been so much talk about the Saudias trying to alter shift their economy away from their one source of revenue oil because they know we're not needing them anymore. And it only took one president to get us there. But so strategically a lot of the world's oil passed through these narrow straits. Imagine on one side you have the Iranians, on the other the UAE and o'mam, and so when you have so much of the world's oil passing through those straits, it's strategically imperative. No economy can live without this energy. That's why it's so insane, the New Green Deal. And now that the Iranians, they've been now beginning to escalate day after day after day. They now have taken in two oil tankers a Great Britain in international waters on the heels of shooting down a US drone on the heels of US yesterday shooting down one of theirs. Although they deny it, it's going to precipitate what I think eventually has to happen. I'm not done, by the way. This is not an extended war. This is a strike. Take out the sights and see you later, all right, Just breaking in the last hour we now have confirmed that in fact two well, let's go to the president. He's walking up to the microphone as we speak, and two tankers British tankers seized and the Straits are were moved by Iran. Very good numbers. Economically, the country is doing really well. We expect great things and we have a lot of potential, a lot of way to go with the hottest economy now definitely actually for the last quite a quite a bit period of time, and I think we have tremendous potential for a lot of growth. Europe is not doing well. A lot of players this is so I just want to let you know today what do we act well as science with the UK? And we always have. We heard that the United States has very few tankers going in because we're using our own energy. Now we've made a lot of progress over the last two and a half years. Have very many times that a warships and we'll talk to the UK and we have no we're gonna get the better audio. The president is uh now speaking, Yeah, we don't have as many tankers. There's straits or hormus are less strategic than ever before because we've been smart. Let's we'll go back to the president. Good grief. The media, really this is their question. If you go back into the four Congress women, the things they've said about our country are terrible. What they've said about Israel are just terrible. I don't know. I can't say for sure, but certainly a lot of people say they hate our country, and I think it's a disgrace what they've said. I think you can't talk that way about the United States, and I think, frankly, to say that about Israel. You know, we just gave the embassy in Jerusalem, making Jerusalem the capital of Israel. I just gave goalon heights, recognized goalon heights for Israel. I've done all of this for Israel, and then you have these people. I think that Omar, I find it hard to believe. But I hear Omar today put in or yesterday put in a sanctions bill against Israel and other things beyond sanctions. So when I hear that, you just can't talk about our country that way, and when people are angry at them, I fully understand it that the political shoe that you're having the Congressman, Omar and the rest of the democratic direction is the good things politically for you turn people off. I don't know if it's good or bed politically, I don't care. But when people are speaking so badly, when they call our country garbage, are to think of that? That's worse than deplorable when they call our country garbage. I don't care about politics. I don't care if it's good or bad about politics. Many people say it's good. I don't know if it's good or bad. I can tell you this. You can't talk that way about our country, not what I'm the president. So I think they've said horrible things. They're anti Semitic, and you look at the kind of statements they've made about Israel. It's a disgrace. Certain betweenis refreshment. They have First Amendment rights to say what they want about our country. That's what the Constitution guarantees. Do you see not agreeing with you as the same thing as hating the country? Sort Yeah, they have First Amendment rights, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about them saying And when they say bad things about us, we can certainly feel and again we have First Amendment rights also, we can certainly feel what and say what we want. If you're a statement to say, see what two tanks. So we're gonna be speaking with the UK. And this only goes to show what I'm saying about Iran. Trouble, nothing but trouble. And remember this, the agreement, the ridiculous agreement made by President Obama expires in a very short period of time. It was a short term agreement. When you're dealing in countries, you have to deal in fifty years and a hundred years. You don't deal in the short term. I was a ridiculous agreement, and it goes to show you I was right about Iran. And let's see what happens. But I know that it's not American ship, it's UK. I guess it could be one, could be two, and we'll be speaking to them. They have a new prime minister coming soon and that's a good thing for the UK. Go ahead and said that American is the laughing talk of the world. That you don't believe in American and capitalism. Why agapering you to criticize America but not democratic coalm. I believe all people of great people. I believe everyone is great. But I love our country and I'm representing our country and people can't go around speaking about our country and saying garbage. This is the greatest country in the world. We now have the strongest military by far. We had a depleted military when I took over. We spent seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars last year, seven hundred billion dollars a year before. We have a great, powerful military, more powerful than we've ever had before. We have the greatest economy on earth, not even close. You can't speak about our country the way those four congressmen they said garbage. They say things about Israel that's so bad I'm not even going to repeat them right now. They can't get away with that. Act not the right. These women have said horrible things about our country and the people of our country. Nobody should be able to do that. And if they want to do that, that's up to them. But I can't imagine they're going to do very well at the polls. And I say this, If the Democrats want to embrace people that hate our country, people that are far so far left that nobody's ever seen anything like it, If they want to embrace people that are so anti Semitic and anti Israel, they want to do that, that's up to them. But I don't have to do that. I think what they say and what they've said is a disgrace to them, to the Democrats, and frankly to our country. A long time ago, yeah, fifteen years ago. I had to fall ago. I will h I didn't get along with them. Wait, wait in a Sibery cot to a home wherever you want a phone poll about I don't really know. I'd have to look into it. That's a long time ago. Plastic flaw. I do think we have bigger problems than plastic straws. You know, it's interesting about plastic straws. So you have a little straw, but what about the plates, the rappers and everything else that are much bigger and they're made of the same material. So the straws are interesting. Everybody focuses on the straws. There's a lot of other things to focus. But it's an interesting it's an interesting question, Hurt, go ahead, talk up. Just Hung Poe is his Chinese counting party. So how does the walk again? So Secretary Manuchin did have a call with the Chinese counterpart. They had a very good talk. We'll see what happens. We're dealing with China. We're doing very well. They are not doing very well. They had the worst year they've had in twenty seven years, and we're having the best year we ever had. So we're doing well. But let's see what happens. And our farmers are doing very well because I've taken some of the billions of dollars of tariffs that we collect from China. We collect billions and billions of dollars of fees and tariffs, and I gave it to our farmers. Talk about false information was fake news. No, we I talk about it, but they didn't advise me. They told me, but I didn't. It's faked, by the way, what you're saying fake news. Well, Rand is a friend of mine, but I have really fifty three very good friends, and they're in the Senate. I also have a lot of friends. You saw that the other day when they brought a ridiculous vote up and only four Republicans out of hundreds voted against. So I have a lot of great friends. I'm ninety four percent in the Republican Party approval rating. Rand is a friend of mine, and Rand asked me if he could get involved. The answers yes, And if other senators asked me to get involved, I'd probably say yes, depending on who they were. We'll see what happens. But I have many people involved, and Randa is gonna work out very nicely. Randa is showing their colors gonna work out very nicely. Randa is in big trouble right now. Their economy is crashing. It's coming to a crash. They're trying to bring soldiers back home because they can't pay them. A lot of bad things are happening to them. And it's very easy to straighten out, or it's very easy for us to make it a lot worse. You say it, so you know what's racist When somebody goes out and says the horrible things about our country, the people of our country that are anti submitted, that hate everybody, that speak with scorn and hate, That to me is really a very dangerous thing. I think these four congressmen, and I could say some worse than others, but if you look at the statements they've made when they call the people of our country and our country garbage, when they hit Israel the way they've hit Israel so hard, so horrible, I think, to me, that's a disgrace and we should never forget it. We're dealing with people that hate our country. No, let me tell you. They had an impeachment vote the other day. Just a big waste of time. It's a disgrace. No other president should ever have to go through it. And the vote was a totally lopsided vote, with many Democrats voting in favor. As far as I'm concerned, they already took their impeachment vote. And the impeachment vote was so lopsided it was a it was a massive victory. And you know what, at some point they have to stop playing games because they're just playing games. No, I won't be watching molaw get just trust for top line and I have community men up the computer. They take good. What would you not to take by the private day of Jimbabwe. Head of the function that you went to vote to Zimbabwe say can I he will be hard for them? Four you guy, we're looking at Zimbabwe right now. Go ahead. You have been The first Lady feels very strongly about our country. The first Lady thinks that it's horrible what they've said about Israel and horrible what they've said about our country. These congresswomen, they can't call our country and our people garbage. They can't be anti Semitic. They can't talk about evil Jews, which is what they say, evil Jews. That's what the first lady. All right, The President now walking away a lot to absorb there. The first observation is we just had confirmation the Iranians have seized two oil tankers in the ever so strategic Straits of Ormuz. Rightly, the President points out, well, we have very few tankers there because he has pursued a policy of energy independence that is truthful and honest and important because it's less strategic for us than ever before. President affirming our strong friendship and alliance with of course Great Britain, went on to say about Iran that they are about to crash. He's talking about the sanctions have been devastating, which is why I believe we're seeing a lot of the saber rattling and the incidents now moving forward. And he said, well, it's gonna end one way or the other, and there's a lot is they're in a lot of trouble, and then said he that they're bringing home soldiers because they can't afford to pay them. I know from my intelligence sources that there is a lot of internal strife within Iran. That means people in Iran have been standing up protesting, risking their lives, many in prison, some have been killed as they want a regime change there. Shockingly, but not shockingly, the media wanted to talk an awful lot about the squad, and the President kept reiterating the point that you can't call all America, the United States of America garbage. And we have outlined repeatedly the anti Semitic comments like Congresswoman Omar and others. And he said to somebody said, well, what about their First Amendment rights? He said, yeah, well, we have First Amendment rights too, And if you say the United States is garbage and you say things that are anti Semitic and hateful, we have the right to point that out as well. And when you speak badly about our country, well, we happen to have the strongest economy right now on the face of the earth, which is also true. Anyway, here to joining us right now is my good friend and colleague Jennifer Griffin from The Pentagon reporting on what's been going on in the Straits of Hormuz. I gotta imagine there's a lot going on behind the scenes right now where you are Jennifer Griffin. Hi, Sean, Well, what has been particularly surprising in the last hour is to find out that it's not one, not two, but three oil tankers that Iran is now holding against their will. Two were taken today. We've confirmed one is a British oil tanker, the Stina Impiu, and one is a Liberian tanker. It's not clear when the Liberian tanker was taken, but we do know that the the British flag tanker was passing through the Straight of Hormos when it was seized, and that we have a statement from the shipping company. The UK Security Council is having an emergency meeting about how to respond. And while these are not American oil tankers, it is definitely a disruption to the flow of oil and the flow of shipping and freedom of navigation in that very vital Straight of Hormos. Vaggan just interrupt you for one second for our affiliates on the Sean Hannity Shield network right now, I just want you to know we will be continuing our coverage and bypassing this current break if you need break, we understand. We go back now to Jennifer Griffin now telling us, in fact, Three oil tankers have been seized in the ever important Straits of Horror Moose. These straits well known for the traffic of oil and known for its strategic importance at guaranteeing the lifeblood of every economy on the face of this earth, which is the free flow of oil at market prices. Three tankers, I'd only had two, so now we have a third one Jennifer. Yes, in fact, Sean. The third tanker we've confirmed as a Liberian oil tanker. We don't have its name at this moment and it's not clear whether it was taken before or after this British flag Stina Impyu. We do have a statement from the British shipping company saying that the Stina Impiro was approached by unidentified small crafts Iranian ships and a helicopter during transit of the Strait of Hormuz and the vessel was in international waters. They are unable to contact the vessel. There twenty three seafarers on board. We learned yesterday that the Iranians had admitted that they were the ones who seized the United Arab Emirates oil tanker that went missing over the weekend. The UAE has been very quiet, most likely because they are out there in the region, sitting right across from Iran, and tensions are very high between that in that very tight region, as you mentioned, and so the UAE did not immediately come out and suggest that the oil tanker that was missing had been taken against its will. But we now know that Iran, according to US official is holding twelve sailors on board that UAE tanker against their will. So that would mean four tankers now have been taken three three total. So you're saying the one. Originally there was reports of a second British tanker, and you're saying there's only one that we can confirm. What we can confirm is that over the weekend a UAE tanker was taken by the Iranians. There was some confusion and over that for a number of days, but the Iranians released video showing their fast boats taking that tanker toward Iranian waters. We do know about that one at this point. Today two tankers were taken, a British flag tanker this Stina Impiro, as well as a Liberian tanker. All right, Jennifer Griffin, my Fox News colleague at the Pentagon today Jennifer, thank you. We hopefully we'll check back in with you later on what's so amazing. I mean, there's a possibility now of significant real military action and you just heard your medium mob. It is beyond it. Just is everything I've said about their sickness, their psychosis, this rage and fixation on just hating Donald Trump. Really the squad and their significance at this moment is it's non existent compared to what may potentially be happening with Iran and the Straits of Hormones. Let me explain the Straits of Hormones for those of you that don't know. It is a very narrow passageway which strategically historically has been one of the main points where the world's oil passes through. The Straits. On one side, you have Iran. On the other side you have the UAE. N o'mam. Now, what's important about that is what Jennifer Griffin had said. Now that we can confirm, Fox News is confirmed that a UAE tanker had been seized over the weekend. Add that to what has happened just in the last hour hour and a half two hours. One British tanker, one Liberian tanker. Add that to the other saber rattling, and that of course being the shooting down of an American drone. What happened yesterday, the President's response, and all of this as a result of the President not following in the footsteps of the appeasement policies of Biden Obama and laying cash and other currency from cargo planes one hundred and fifty billion on the Tarmacs and Iran. They think they can get away with it. What you have in the Straits, this is a very narrow waterway, very strategic waterway. It is only twenty one miles wide at its narrowest point, with the shipping lane just two miles wide in either direction. That's how small this is. Now, these are international waters, and literally the Straits or Hormuz. They link the Gulf north of it with the Gulf of Oman to the south and the Arabian Sea beyond it. The UAE the Soudiast have sought to find other routes to bypass the Straits or Hormuz, including building more oil pipelines. This matters because well, let me just give you the numbers. Almost one fifth of the world's oil passes through the Straits or hormus. Okay, Now, the President rightly pointed out, well, we're we have very few tankers now passing through the Straits because of the policies of energy independence that he has pursued with a passion since his first day in office. But a fifth of the world's oil again, oil gas, the lifeblood of every economy, passes through those straits, and some seventeen point four million barrels of oil per day versus the consumption of about one hundred million barrels per day in twenty eighteen. Now open, how much time do we have here? A little? What time we go? All right, we'll take a break, we'll come back. Three tankers seized in the Straits or hormones by Iran, we'll have the very latest. Next you're gonna be speaking with the UK. And this only goes to show what I'm saying about Iran. Trouble, nothing but trouble. And remember this, the agreement, the ridiculous agreement made by President Obama expires in a very short period of time. It was a short term agreement. When you're dealing in countries, you have to deal in fifty years and a hundred years. You don't deal in the short term. I was a ridiculous agreement, and it goes to show you I was right about Iran. And let's see what happens. But I know that it's not American ship, it's UK. I guess it could be one, could be two, and we'll be speaking to them. They have a new prime minister coming soon and that's a good thing for the UK. Rand asked me if he could get involved. The answers yes, And if other senators asked me to get involved, I'd probably say yes, depending on who they were. We'll see what happens, but I have many people involved, and Rana's gonna work out very nicely. Randa is showing their colors gonna work out very nicely. Randa's in big trouble right now. Their economy is crashing. It's coming to a crash. They're trying to bring soldiers back home because they can't pay them. A lot of bad things are happening to them, and it's very easy to straighten out, or it's very easy for us to make it a lot worse. Very easy to straighten out and very easy for us to make it a lot worse. Cladja with us our two Sean Hannity Show if you have just joined us. That was the President moments ago in a press conference. We have now gotten a lot of new information. It appears that it is not just one tanker or two tankers. It appears to be four tankers now that have been seized one the UAE from a couple of days ago. I'll explain probably why we had not heard about that two British tankers and one Liberian tanker there is now the President pointed out in his little gaggle with the press. He did point out that we have very few tankers in the Straits of hor moves and what but we do apparently the US. This is now being reported on the wires that the US is taking measures to protect one ship near where the two British tankers were seized by Iran. So that means we have armed aircraft in a region and we're ready to go. And according to a US defensive official with direct knowledge at the hour, the US military is monitoring the transit of a US commercial cargo ship through the Straits of Hormuz using armed aircraft overhead. The US will not say the location or give any other details. This transit typically take six to eight hours, and the seizure of two ships was clearly pre planned, coordinated an Iranian Revolutionary Guard operation. According to US officials, both tankers were boarded by a Republican guard of the Iranians and taken into Iranian waters. They were all in, they were all in their proper area, if you will. It's it's obviously a situation that is unfolding. I mean, it's kind of insane. But we the President got more questions about the squad and about freedom of speech, and President repeated over and over again, well, when you talk about the US as being garbage the way that has happened, and when you talk about in very anti Semitic tones, Israel the way they have. Sure they have a First Amendment, but if they're going to talk about badly about America, when I'm the president, I'm going to talk about the good of America. But is what they're saying is not true about America. The President also talked about the military, the dramatic increase in spending seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars this year alone, seven hundred last year alone, the first year of his presidency seven hundred billion dollars, pointing out it is the greatest military on the face of the earth. We also have the greatest economy on the face of the earth. And Iran, now he keeps saying, is going to work out very nicely. President doesn't seem to have a lot of fear in any way in his voice. Let me also say that again. I want to just give you some background on the Straits of Horn moves. Strategically, It's always been very important lifeblood of every economy. I say it every day, is energy, oil, and gas. America now, for the first time in seventy five years, is energy independent. We're now a net exporter of energy that had never happened before. Those were the policies of the president. Previous presidents have basically capitulated to the pressure of environmentalists, which made us forever dependent on foreign oil, even from countries that hate our guts and the EBB and flow of whatever the hell they felt like charging us. The Straits of Horn moves very very narrow straights. On one side, you have Iran, on the other the UAE Oman and which is probably why we didn't hear about the UAE tanker that had been seized a few days ago. It is a link it links the Gulf North to the Gulf of Oman to the south, and the Arabian Sea beyond that. It's an eight hour operation getting through those narrow straits. Or they're about it's about it's twenty one miles wide at its narrowest point, with the shipping lane just two miles wide in either direction. They're talking about a very very tight lane for this oil to pass through. Now, how much oil passes through you might be wondering. Almost one fifth, that's twenty percent of the world's oil passing through the Straits or Hormos. That would be seventeen point four million barrels of oil a day. We as a world consume about one hundred million barrels of oil per day. OPEC members, the Saudis, the Iranians, the UAE, Kuwait, Iraq export most of their crewd comes straight through the Straits of Hormus. Cut Or is the world's biggest liquefied natural gas exporter. They send a lot of their product through the straits also. And because of the US sanctions, as the President has point out, they've been extremely effective, and that the Iranian economy is now pretty much down on its knees and crashing is the word that the President used. They're in a lot of trouble now, and either way, he points out, it's going to work out very nicely. And these sanctions were imposed by the President aimed at halting their again oil exports because of their pursuit of nuclear weapons. And Iran now, of course, I think a lot of the saber rattling is as a result of trying to pressure European allies of ours to pressure us to get back into this insane deal which would allow them to build nuclear weapons. The problem with the Iranians have a nuclear weapons is it's a simple math equation. A squared B squared C squared radical mullah's that want to destroy Israel, the United States and advance the caliphate, that think it's it's justified to strap bombs on children, to kill Jews and Americans and anybody that disagrees with them, that really adopts the convert or die caliphate. Yeah, they are a threat to the whole world. You give them weapons of mass instruction and then you're worried about a modern day nuclear holocaust. And they have threatened this before, and now that they have escalated to this level, I've got to believe that military plans are actively being spoken about as we now bring you the show. Joining us now as Daniel Hoffman, Daniel Hoffman knows a lot about Iran. He's thirty years the CIA ops officer, also a Fox News contributor. Thanks sir for being one of us. What are your initial thoughts on all of this now that now that we know four tankers have been seized, Well, you know, I think it's important for us to go back to July fourth, when the UK Royal Marines East in Irani an oil tank or transporting fuel to Syria in violent elation of EU sanctions, and it was only a few days later that Iran threatened to retaliate, and that was when the UK raised the threat level to critical. And now we're seeing Iran retaliating by seizing oil tankers. They are clearly trying to interfere with the flow of oil through the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz. But you know, Iran is certainly capable of mounting these sorts of attacks. But with the US Bahrain based fifth Fleet in the region, there's no way that Iran could close the water where but they'll certainly seek to drive up oil prices, and again at the at the end of the day, what they're trying to do is this, along with nuclear blackmail, induce US to return to the very flawed nuclear deal and eliminate those sanctions which, as you correctly pointed out, are crippling Around's economy. The one thing I could say with certain Dan Hoffman is President Trump is not going to bribe the iranium mullus. He's not going to drop one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash another currency on their tarmac so that they can the world's number one terrorist state. They foment terror, they fight proxy wars, and I actually think they've overplayed their hand here now because you and I have discussed privately what nobody really in the media has paid attention to the moment in history that nobody maybe would have imagined even five years ago, and that is as a result of Iranian hostilities and the potential Iranian hegemony in the region. Well, we now have alliances the US, Israel, the Jordanians, King Abdallah, General Alsisi in Egypt, the Saudis, the Emirates, They're all aligned against this Iranian aggression, which would mean to me that the one thing that I think ultimately has to happen, and I do not ever want a ground war again. I've been talking about the next generation of weaponry so we don't have to send kids door to door like we did in Iraq ever again. But with all this new military might we have, it seems to me that moment's gonna come when those nuclear sites of Rano going to be taken out. Your thoughts, well, that's certainly possible. You know, the administration has a pretty clear policy right now. It's we're not going to return to that flawed nuclear deal, which did not deal with Iran's ballistic missile capability, allowed the sunset clauses on the nuclear program, and didn't touch iron state sponsor of terrorism. At the same time, we've mounted what a very flexible, proportional response to Iran's military aggression in the Persian Gulf, and we've offered an off ramp to negotiate, and all of that restraint and sensible policy is what's bringing us closer with European and other allies. Just recently, India has offered to assist with some of the security through the Strait of Hormus and in the Persian Gulf. That's obviously critical for US. South Korea to pan also on board, in addition to the other allies you mentioned. So I agree with you think that Iran is going to continue to mount ramp up their military aggression. I hope it doesn't result in what would be an all out war. That would be regimes suicide for Iran and irrational on their part. Well, now the Brits is certainly on our side, and probably that now awakens the stupidity of some of the other leaders in Western Europe. What do you think? I agree with you. I think Iran, by taking this aggressive military action, is uniting all of us against them. They had tried. One of their key tenants to their national to their strategy was to try to divide US from European allies. Remember, to get the Europeans to provide them with sanctions, releet and financial assistance, skirting around the sanctions that we impost. That proved to be possible, and now the Europeans are understanding that Iran really is a nefarious actor and that we've got to take a hard line towards them, albeit one with the restraint you've shown thus far. But remember we have the USS Abraham Lincoln and be fifty two bombers in the region, and if it crosses our threshold a red line, we will end their regime. Do you agree with me that there's going to have to be at some point a military action if they obviously, if they're not willing to give up their nuclear program, we can't allow the radical Islamic extremists to have these weapons. Do you agree with me? At some point strategically they'd have to be taken out. Well, here's the problem. Right now, Iran is stockpiling low grade uranium at levels beyond that was what was allowed in the nuclear deal. They're also beginning to enrich uranium to weapons grade levels. If they enrich the uranium to weapons grade levels, to the but do we really know where they are? I mean, part of the idiocy of the Obama Biden deal is we didn't have anywhere, any time inspections, and we didn't have our own inspectors, and there's certain sites we can't even go to. That's how dumb they were, right, and this is the challenge for our intelligence community and where frankly, we also work with their allies in the region and beyond. But One of the key requirements I can tell you from my experience from the executive branch, from the President and his advisors to the intelligence community, is a where are the nuclear facilities and where are their vulnerabilities? And then the President can decide on what options there might be if needed, to eliminate those facilities before they enrich uranium to such a level that Iran would have a nuclear bomb and threatened the right, I gotta take a break, stay right, that's not the one. All right, gotta take a break. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, will continue if you're just joining us. The Straits or Hormus Iranian aggression. Four tankers have been seized to British, one UAE, one Liberian tanker. The President has commented and he said pretty much either way, this is going to work out fine with iron quick break right back. We'll continue exposing the Feloci Party's chaos and corruption all day, every days. This is a Sean show, all right, breaking news if you just are joining us. We now have four oil tankers seized in the Straits or Hormus by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Two British, one Liberian, and apparently a few days ago we weren't aware of it, probably because of the close proximity across the streets or Hormuz. One UAE tanker. Also the President commenting on it earlier and he basically saying Iran's economy is crashing, very confidently saying, oh, it's gonna work out, and they're in a lot of trouble right now, especially I think based on strategic alliances that now have been built Dan Hoppin, I think I can say this CIA ops officer thirty years. I think I know the President's thinking on this, having interviewed a many in times. He is not going to get involved in a long protracted conflict. The President and took off the handcuffs in Syria, and guess what the caliphate isis was beaten back. He bombed the crap out of them, and the rules of engagement changed dramatically from one of handcuffing our troops to allowing the troops to do their job. I would imagine the President is not going to allow the Iranians to keep the straits or horr moves and hold the hostage. And I would imagine that there's going to be an alliance that will engage Iran if this behavior continues, and I wouldn't be surprised if something happened as early as today or tonight. Yeah, Sean, I agree with you one percent about this straight of Hormos. I think what we also need to watch for is it run amounts asymmetric warfare against US. They know they can't go toe to with the United States military they'll lose, but they've got proxim militias Lebanese, his Ballah militias in Iraq, the Yemen, the Houthis, and Yemen. They tried to kill the stating ambassador here in the United States. And so the concern, I think in our intelligence community and also domestically here in the United States will be the Iran seeks to mount additional attacks against US, an asymmetric warfare beyond the Persian Gulf, and that is also something that we'll be looking at it. And And I'm sure you'll hear, whether it's back channel or over messaging from our administration that if Iran attempts to do that and attacks our people and our installations even via their proxies, there will be hell to pay on the Iranian side in their territory. We know, thank you, Dan Hoffman, thirty years ci opts officer knows Iran well. I know the President's strategy. It's not going to be a protracted war. It's going to be overwhelming force and he has a lot of allies to do it. I'll tell you the likely moves that are coming if this continues. So we're going to be speaking with the UK. And this only goes to you know what I'm saying about Iran trouble, nothing but trouble. And remember this, the agreement, the ridiculous agreement made by President Obama expires in a very short period of time. It was a short term agreement. When you're dealing in countries, you have to deal in fifty years and a hundred years. You don't deal in the short term. I was a ridiculous agreement and it goes to show you I was right about Iran. And let's see what happens. But I know that it's not American ship, it's UK. I guess it could be one, could be two, and we'll be speaking to them. They have a new Prime Minister coming soon and that's a good thing for the UK. Rand asked me if he could get involved. The answer is yes, And if other senators asked me to get involved, I'd probably say yes, depending on who they were. We'll see what happens. But I have many people involved, and Iran is gonna work out very nicely. Rand is showing their colors gonna work out very nicely. Iran is in big trouble right now. Their economy is crashing. It's coming to a crash. They're trying to bring soldiers back home because they can't pay them. A lot of bad things are happening to them, and it's very easy to straighten out, or it's very easy for us to make it a lot worse. Very easy to straighten out, very easy to make it a lot worse. Oh, Iran's gonna work out very nicely. That was the President earlier today. If you're just joining us, a lot of breaking news. We now have four tankers that have been seized by the Iranian oil tankers in the ever so strategic important Straits of Horror Moves, the President reiterating is alliance that we have with the UK. Two of them were from the United Kingdom. We also have the issue of one Liberian tanker has been seized by the Revolutionary Guard of Iran. And we have one UAE tanker, apparently Fox confirming our own and Jennifer Griffin telling us this has happened now just a few days ago. The world didn't know about it. I assume because of geographic concerns. You know, the Straits, as I've been pointing out to everybody, is only at its only twenty one miles at its narrow list point twenty one miles wide, and this is the shipping lane for the majority, well a significant portion of the world's oil, which is the lifeblood of every economy. A full twenty plus percent, a fifth of the world's oil passes through those straits, some seventeen point four million barrels of oil a day. Just to give you some comparison, the world consumes almost one hundred million barrels of day. So it's a fifth of the world's oil. And you know, this is why this has been so strategic. I just want to give you some insight. So a lot of you are thinking, all right, well, well, what is the reaction to all of this. Well we do some reaction now from Great Britain. Their Foreign secretary now says that he hopes quote that they will resolve the tanker hostage crisis by working with Britain's international partners. I'm not sure what that means, but if he's thinking about negotiating with Iran, good luck with that. The British Foreign Secretary's name is Jeremy Hunt said he's concerned, yeah, no, no kidding about the seizure of these two ships by the Iranian authorities in the Straits of Hormuz, and the UK is attempting to resolve the situation in Tehran with international partners. I'm extremely concerned by the seizure of two naval vessels by Iranian authorities in the Straits. I will shortly attend a meeting to review what we know and what we can do to swiftly secure the release of the two vessels, British flag vessels and a Liberian flag vessel Reuters. Now you know telling, Yeah, there was two of them and they were both headed towards Iran after sing through the Straits of Hormuz, and we now know that the Revolutionary Guard intercepted them and basically took them hostage. There's a lot of considerations here. Number one, Uh, there are people and people's lives involved in this, and so that obviously would be factored into any any military considerations. On the other hand, there's no way that the president and our allies are going to allow this to stand. And you know, if there's one thing, you know, what, what is the president's goal militarily? I mean, it's it's a lot of people have questions about it. That's why when the media went off after the Drome was seized with these again insane, psychotic, ridiculous, uneducated, you know, uh, belief systs that they have about Donald Trump. It's so it's so distanced from any truth and reality and thing I can say, as somebody that has interviewed the President as much as anybody else and also have a history of twenty three years with Donald Trump, I know he's thinking on all of this, and he's very firmly, you know, to the extent possible, a non interventionist and meaning that the President does not want long military entanglements. In other words, I can assure you, based on all of these interviews that I have had with the President, he's not gonna be sending boots on the ground or proving of boots on the ground in a long protracted conflict with Iran, that's not going to be what the answer is here, Now, what do we know about the Iranians. We know that the sanctions have been absolutely utterly devastating to the Iranian economy. As the President pointed out earlier to the their economy is an utter mess. They just they're about to crash. They're they're in a lot of trouble. And one of the reasons that Iran has been saber rattling this way is because of the effectiveness of the Trump foreign policy. What is the Trump doctrine? The Trump doctrine is non interventionist in that sense, but he also refuses, as he stated many times during the short press conference today, although the media was disgusting, you know, all they cared about was, well, what about freedom must media? What about what the squad and the squad and the I'm like, guys, we're on the verge of war with Iran, because that's what's there's not they're not. This is not going to stand. But we also know a lot more about the President's thinking, and he revealed it again today. The President's not going to follow the usual predictable appeasement policies like we saw with Bill Clinton and Kim Jong Ill, Kim Jong UN's father, where we're gonna try and bribe dictators and then lighted the American people and tell us there's a good deal of American people, a good deal. It wasn't a good deal, and offering money and we will be nice if you'd be nice. What do you need, I'll take care of it, But you gotta give me your word. It's never gonna work. The same thing that Obama Biden did. Who would ever think when you have a regime that whose belief system is to advance a convert or die caliphate. The number one world sponsor of terrorism is Iran. The number one world sponsor or terrorism Iran. The number one funding source for proxy wars is Iran. The ones that have been saying and chanting death to America, death to Israel are the Iranians. The ones who have been burning our flags and the Israeli flags are the Iranians. It is a simple mathematical formula the world. You would think we learned something in the last hundred years of human history. You think maybe we would have learned the lessons about evil in our time. We know appeasement and you know there's the Churchill comparisons to all of this versus Chamberlain. Oh, thank goodness, Nazisms on the march all over Europe. But I met with Hitler and things are going to be much better now. No, they weren't. And you know, it was a lie and a false belief system, just like liberals today. It's a false belief that you can negotiate with people that you got. You got to understand what motivates and drives them. What motivates the Iranian Mullah's is their sick, ugly twisted, radical extreme ideology that that kills Americans in Iraq, that foments terror worldwide, the phones terror worldwide. I'm one state sponsor or terror and fights proxy wars. A mindset that is convert or die, being like them or die. That's what you're dealing with. So now you put convert or die and you know people that would even strap bombs on their own children, promise them virgins in heaven and tell them they're doing God's will, Allah's will if they kill innocent men, women and children, especially Israelis are Americans, and they're gonna go to heaven. And if they just pull the cord and kill themselves and blow themselves up and kill innocent people. All right, Now you take it on a much bigger level, and the bigger level would be that thick, twisted, ugly ideology that would do it to their own kids. You know, these people never do it to themselves, always get other people to do it. They're just leading to caliphate. But they're not gonna strap the bombs on themselves anyway. Now you on a worldwide level, they're stated caliphate, they're stated radical extreme ideology. Now you marry it with nuclear weapons. Now we're not talking about a pizza parlor or a shopping mall somewhere where dozens can die or a hundred can die, or a large number of all innocence. And now we're talking about a potential holocaust in our time. Now you might say, Hannity, that sounds extreme. Well, I wrote a book about evil, cold deliverers from evil, and what I the amount of research I did it is painful. The last century alone, one hundred million human souls destroyed, murdered in the name of let's see communism, fascism, Nazism. And we had Imperial Japan and one hundred million we saw a holocaust. In in that century, we fought a World War, two World wars. You know, it's all about now, what do we know about this president. This president now thankfully has spent a lot of money, and he pointed this out in his prescount seven hundred and sixteen billion his first year, seven hundred billion. Last year, frankly did an economic deal he didn't want to do, but he wanted the money for the military. Why because what is the president's thinking is he doesn't want to long protract at war. And we saw this play out in Syria because the policies of Obama were abandoned where literally the military's hands were tied and they had these insane rules of engagement to Donald Trump saying nope, beat them win. That's what Churchill did. Great Britain called on Winston Churchill at that moment because you know, peace in our time never happened. And during the bombing of Britain, there is this one, lone historic figure that walked among the people of Britain during the bombing of Britain. That's something that you usually have prime ministers and presidents due Piletill's sweat day to the victory, and I said to those who have joined the government, I have nothing. You offer a blood coil, kid and strick. You aren't right. It up on the team, I will say it is to wage war by sea, landing there with all our might, all all the strength as Jod can give us, to wage war against a monstrous curity never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime. You are taken on train. One word victory, victory all costs, victory in spite of old Cara, victory of a long and hard the road. Maybe I would play it long, but it makes my point here. You have people that are openly advocating a policy of terror and murder and their way or the highway death. And now if you have they ever get weapons of mass destruction? What does that mean? So the president doesn't want boots on the ground. President's not going to use boots on the ground. What have I been saying for a long time? Now? America's future because of the by politicizing wars after we start them and sending our national treasure to fight them, only to change our minds later. We need the next generation of military might where we can do what we need to do from well let's us say an office in Tampa or somewhere else in America, and that would mean at some point, if this regime continues and they are pursuing nuclear weapons, we cannot allow that mathematical formula to occur where radical Islamis with weapons of mass destruction to equal a modern day holocaust, We're going to have to take out the sites. No, I don't want a war. I don't want boots on the ground. I don't want a protracted war. But they're gonna have to go, and you'll see an alliance I predict with Great Britain, the United States. I don't know about these other appeasers in our time. Who cares? We don't need them. Well, we'll have the Israelis, We'll have the Egyptians, we'll have the Jordanians, We'll even have the Saudis, We'll have the Emirates, and the world will be a safer place. Israel knocked out Iraqs nuclear sights in the eighties worldwide condemnation. Thank god they did it. A few years back, they knocked out Syrian sights too, hardly even reported on. Well, let's hope that in this case we can get that done, all right, eight hundred nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number, final hour on a Friday, coming up. So we're gonna be speaking with the UK. And this only goes to show what I'm saying about Iran. Trouble, nothing but trouble. And remember this, the agreement, the ridiculous agreement made by President of Obama expires in a very short period of time. It was a short term agreement. When you're dealing in countries, you have to deal in fifty years and a hundred years. You don't deal in the short term. I was a ridiculous agreement, and it goes to show you I was right about Iran. And let's see what happens. But I know that it's not American ship, it's UK. I guess it could be one, could be two, and we'll be speaking to them. They have a new prime minister coming soon, and that's a good thing for the UK. Rand asked me if he could get involved. The answer is yes, And if other senators asked me to get involved, I'd probably say yes, depending on who they were. We'll see what happens, but I have many people involved, and Iran is gonna work out very nicely. Randa is showing their colors gonna work out very nicely. Randa is in big trouble right now. Their economy is crashing. It's coming to a crash. They're trying to bring soldiers back home because they can't pay them. A lot of bad things are happening to them. And it's very easy to straighten out, or it's very easy for us to make it a lot worse. That's the president earlier today. What is oil? It is the life blood of every economy, the world's economy. And you know it's funny. I got sweet baby. James actually looks at some of the crazy stuff that crazy people said. That Hannity's calling for war against the Writt No, I'm not not at all. If you're just joining us. We now have four confirmed oil tankers that have been seized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and two of them are British, one is Liberian, and a couple of days ago we now in by the way, these are international waters and one of them the UAE. And now, how do you get from that, Hannity to the idea that the Iranian nuclearist sites have to be removed? I am not. I want to be very very clear here. I have been saying now for some time on this program and on TV that I am not in favor anymore of fighting any war in West less we have an intention to win it. This is not about a war with Iran. President's strategy in Syria worked magnificently. They took off the handcuffs, you know, the rules of engagement of our military men and women, and he literally went backwards. They pushed the Caliphate, worked all their way back to the first city in Syria that the Isis took over, and the Caliphate was defeated. It doesn't mean it won't pop up in some way, shape, manner, or form. But a lot of people were killed because the military was allowed to do its job. Now in this day and age post Vietnam, fifty eight thousand American kids died in that war. That's our national treasure. This is that we love our children and they they they heeded the call their country asked them to go fight. Then the war becomes politicized and at some point we say never mind. And then if you look at Iraq and Afghanistan, many of the same you know, the politicizing of that war happened. And while I would argue that really the caliphate being defeated in Isis and Syria and big deal, and you know it went to a place. We can't let it go again. We can't have American treasure, our sons and daughters knocking on every single going door to door in Baghdad or in Ramadi or wherever the hell that you know, god forsaken place that they have to go. And I have been now for a long while discussing what we have to do as a country because we can't ask people to go fight wars, put handcuffs on them, rules of engagement, politicize it, criticize them, and frankly abandoned the effort without victory. There has to be some to find victory. Here's my fear about Iran Prime minister in Datan Yahoo, who I've also known for twenty plus years. He is now the longest serving prime minister in Israel's history, now recently passing Bengorian, the first prime minister of Israel. And I hope and I pray that the prime minister, I mean, their parliament parliamentary system is so messed up that here Bbe wins a massive election and he's one vote shy of forming a government. How we had to do it again? It's insane. If you're in Israel, you want bb to be the prime minister. He has been before Trump, the one single voice of strong, clear moral clarity. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been a Churchillian figure on the world stage. So what am I saying about? Okay, well, are we going to allow? And I've gone over this in the course of the program. I'll remind you again the Straits of Hormuz. They are less strategically important to us than they have ever been because we're for the first time in seventy five years, we're energy independent, we're net export of energy. Finally, a president that's not giving in to these environmental extremists and is saying, why should we count on countries that hate us for what it is the lifeblood of not only our economy but the world's economy. Which shows the New Green Deal abandoning oil and gas in ten years is it would be the single quickest fastest decline into poverty and pain and misery this country's ever seen. If these radical democrats have their way. Separate issue at its narrowest point. Now again, if you're looking at Iran, Okay, then the Straits of Hormos very narrow waterway at its narrowest point only twenty one miles wide. Shipping lane, by the way, is meaning you got to keep it between the borders if you will, or the lines. It's just two miles wide in either direction. That's how precarious is this is in international waters. About a fifth of the world's oil passes through the Straits of Hormos every single day. That's about nearly twenty million barrels of oil per day versus a little shy of one hundred million barrels per oil per day that are used according to twenty eighteen numbers, the latest numbers that we have, so about roughly twenty percent. Now the Iranians, who are they? Okay, it's run by a bunch of radical Islamic extremists that have been telegraphing and saying death to Israel, death to America, that have said they're gonna wipe Israel off the map and wipe America off the map. Of given the opportunity for some idiotic reason, you have people that believe in appeasement. That's why I was bringing up the Chamberlain Churchill analogy earlier, and you know, appeasers, that doesn't work. You can't bribe Kim Jong Ill good to ill America, and you can't bribe Iranian Mullus. This is the number one state sponsor of terror worldwide. It is the number one funding source of terrorist groups worldwide. It has been fighting proxy wars for years. They were killing American soldiers in Iraq. Well, Hannity, it sounds like you're calling for war. No, I'm not calling for war. I agree with the President, I think, and what I've been calling for is the next generation of American weaponry. We will never ever, ever have to ask America's sons and daughters to put their boots on the ground in a place that doesn't want us there. Now, thankfully, this is not as important to us as it once was the Straits and hor moves, but it's important to the world, and it really is. You know, only one country that has to be involved if this is going to be successful. And my mathematical formula is if you buy into this sick, rigid, converted die ideology that would strap bombs on children in the name of religion and kill innocent men, women and children, especially Jews and Americans, then if you give allow those same radicals to get nuclear weapons, it could result in a modern day holocaust. What do you mean, Hannity, what is that? What are you saying? I'm saying a square B squadical C squared radical Islamic extremists with nuclear weapons could be a modern day holocaust. Well, how do you you're really going off to the depend I wrote a book Deliver Us from Evil, and in the last century chronicled one hundred million plus human souls dead the Holocaust, it happened, Nazi Germany, happened, fascism, real communism, Stalin real, the killing fields Cambodia, pulp pot real one hundred million. So if the Iranians think that they're going to be able to control the world's economy and impact twenty percent of the world's economy and can troll the straits or moves, and they think they're gonna get away with taking tankers hostage again the lifeblood of every economy in the world, somebody needs to tell the squad this. They better have another thing coming now. So what do you do if you don't support war, you don't support group boots on the ground. At some point, if the Iranians are going to continue their ambition towards nuclear weapons, coupled with their sick twisted ideology. That is a risk I don't believe the world can or should take. Well, then what's the answer, Well, the answer is the next generation of weaponry we now have. Great Britain certainly is on our side today. The Israelis are on our side today, and we now know that because of the threat of Iran in the region. We now know the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Saudias, the Emirates and everybody else is on our side. It's the only people that are on a rand side would be putin the sick twisted actor that he is hostile regime, hostile actor that he is, by the way, the way to bring Russia to his knees, outproduce them and get our oil energy natural gas over to Western Europe cheaper than he can do it. Do that, it's over for Russia, over for I Ran too, if we really outproduce them. But at some point, if they continue their ambition of nuclear weapons, the only answers on boots on the ground and it's not a war. They continue taking tanker's hostage, they continue the saber rattling. They continue the pursuit of nuclear weapons coupled with their sick ideology. We just have to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons. No, I don't want a war. I want there would be now a justification for strategic strikes with a world alliance such as I mentioned and maybe other Western European allied partners in this. And there probably are about five key sites that would need to be taken out where the most enrichment of uranium weapons grade uranium would be happening. That's all I'm saying. No, I don't want. I want all future wars to be fought from here with the greatest, most sophisticated next generation of weaponry, so we don't have to ask our children and our grandchildren and our great grandchildren to put on the boots and go to some godforsaken place. I don't care about regime changing ran that's up to the Iranian people. All I'm concerned out of preventing radicals from getting nuclear weapons. Radicals that have threatened to wipe countries off the face of the earth, That's what I'm worried about, and ones that are obviously stupid because the Iranians they really don't know who they're messing with. I think the President has shown great patience, probably will show more, but there's coming a time where this is gonna have to probably happen eight hundred nine one. I promise we're gonna get to a lot of calls here. That's the latest Hannity Tonight ninetiestern on the Fox News Channel. We literally will have the very latest on this and a sick, ugly media today. All they wanted to talk about was the squad, not about tankers being seized in the strategic straits or horn moves, which is so sick. All right, as we continue, Sean Hannity, all right, maybe it's maybe it's me, Linda, Am I being clear about me not wanting varn a war? Am I clear? I'm clear? Yeah, I'd say Crystal. Can I be any more specific? No, I mean, we have a media that's asking about plastic straws. Well, we're trying to find out that's what they did. It was disgusting what they did today. Maybe we should play a little of that when we get back. I know a lot of people want to I want to take calls in the last half hour, but all I'm saying, is I believe in simple math E equals MC squared. Isn't that the speed of light? Sure? Sure? Okay that was a music major, so I wouldn't take answers for a squared A squared post. Is that a mathematical formula? Okay? Radical mullahs with with weapons of mass destruction people that I have no problem killing other innocent people that don't think the way they do with nuclear weapons. Um, does that have the potential, real potential of a modern day holocaust in your view? Yeah? Yeahuff is really scary. Yeah, it's really scary. And one hundred million around human souls were killed in the last century alone. Listen, we visited Israel's Godza strip twice. Communism, it's fascism, and this stuff is real. Stuff is real. And all I'm saying is I don't want to boots on the ground, but I'm just saying, if these guys are getting close to a nuke, those sites gotta go. That's it. Simple math to prevent C squared A squared B squared radicalism, nuclear weapons, modern day holocaust potential. I don't want that to happen. Your calls are next, all right? Twenty five till the top of the hour on this Friday. You know, I was thinking a lot about some of the positions of Congresswoman Omar and I heard what the President had said, and you know, go back and when you fix the you know, the country of her origin, which happens to be Somalia, she's a citizen. And the President even tweeted, you know, you were welcome to stay or god, whatever you want to do. The media never highlights that part of it. And then he said, well, when you fix their problems, maybe you can come back and teach us. And I think he was being but I think the President, in his own way, was saying, yeah, we're the greatest, best place God ever has given man. And some of the outrageous things that you have said, anti Semitic remarks you have made, you know that you think you're a better citizen than other Americans, And you know what a lot of people, I think it just find the whole thing repugnant and offensive, anti semited, all about the Benjamin's oh yeah, what does she say about Israel, that they're liars and comparing Israel to let's see Nazi Germany, really and Iran, you can't be that ignorant of history. Apparently she is. And then of course she went for leniency and wanted leniency for nine people that wanted to join ISIS. I don't want a leniency for people that want to join ISIS. I want the book thrown at them. Now. I think on top of that, I think that one of the worst things that Congresswoman Omarris said was when she started laughing. Let's play her talking about al Qaeda and Hezbollah and the way we talk about know what happened that little thing that happened on nine to eleven, Some people did something, as she says, the thing that was interesting in the class was every time the professor said al Kaeda, he sort of like his shoulders went up, and you know it is al Qaeda, you know, hospital and experts, and it was you know, as his name to see him on Yeah, of course I love those guys. But you know, but but but it is. It is that you don't say America with an intensity. You don't say England with an intensity, you know, you don't. You don't say um the Army with an intensity, Cardo. But you say these these names because you you want that that word to carry weight. You want it to leave something doing exactly So it's it's you know, it's it's said with a deep voice. You know, if you ask anybody in walking on the side of the street somewhere in the middle of the world, they will tell you America the Great, but we don't live those values here. And so that hypocrisy is one that I'm bothered by. Care was founded after nine eleven because they recognize that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. Now I just maybe because some people did something and laughing, oh the professor the way he would say, al qaida, I'm like, I'm my blood boils, it really does. I was in New York on nine to eleven. We saw two buildings get slammed with commercial commercial planes. We saw people that decided their skin is burning off. Let me jump out the window from the one hundred and whatever floor because it's gonna feel better than this and I'm not gonna make it anyway. We watched our fellow Americans in those towers. We watched those towers collapse after another group of people, you know, while everyone's trying to get down in the hell out of there. They're going up in the other direction to help save people. They die too. And then you look at the Pentagon. Well, Barbara Olsen was a friend of this program. We lost her and everybody else when that plane hit the Pentagon. We learned a phrase called let's roll field in Pennsylvania. Every nine to eleven on this program we play something by Michael W. Smith, and when he plays it in concert with an accompanying video, it is very powerful. We'll put that accompanying video on our website. We made a little alteration to it though, because it includes sound of the day nine to eleven. Now we're just going to add some of Congresswoman on Mars repugnant comments just to make a point. Listen, this just into our newsroom. A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Another apparently that was another plane seized. An airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center lost. There appears to be a gaping hole. There goes, there goes, there goes, there goes. The full side has collapsed. A filing by It was founded after nine eleven because they recognized that some people did something. We are planes have crashed into the World Trade Center. This we're not going to be cowered by it. That we're not afraid of threeful friend the freedom loving nations and the world stand by our side. Stars rout to have the red, white and blue whiss. We're not lamp to way rout to be a part of his country. Je me, I think about the families, children to the freedom itself was attacked and freedom will be defended every time. The professor said, okay that he sort of like his shoulders went up. And you know it's command of kaya. You know, hospital experts. You don't say America with an intensity. You don't say England with an intensity. You know you don't you don't say um the army with just some one to raise nations is pretty interested. She stands. You know, if you ask anybody in walking on the side of the street somewhere in the middle of the world, they will tell you America the great, But we don't live those values here. Um. And so that hypocrisy is one that I'm bothered by. You didn't see the United States and degree. If I would courageous ardenity, then we will not forget the twenty eight hundred people Place and fire not only were heroes at the beginning, but they're still heroes, and then with really, we're going to come out of this emotionally stronger, and the commitment of our fathers is now the calling of our time. But those guys should anyone ever expected over this truth. They messed with the wrong city, They messed with the wrong stake. Nobody wants to face how the actions of the other people that are involved in the world have contributed to the rise of the radicalization and the you know, the rise of the terrorist acts. And I just don't want people to forget they all have a sense of duty to protect us all we step fast in our determination. The rest of the country now understand who the true defenders are. Made the Irish hills, Korussian make her lakes and rivers blushies. We see, we made the look of the Irish introls. You we've seen stem made the blessings of Saint Patrick. Behold all the God blessed Ireland and God blessed the United States of America. She stands now America's embracing a new ethic and a new creed. Let's roll the phrase new York's Finest and New York's Bravest mean something now, it doesn't This is a time to reflect and be thankful for where we are today, and through we will rebuild New York City stills. Yet, after America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked into a mirror and saw our better selves. I think it just speaks for itself. This country is not perfect. This country didn't deserve what happened on nine eleven. Or did we need to hear lectures from Congresswoman oh Mar that our policies caused terrorism in the mall in Kenya or that we need leniency for people that want to join Isis. I've seen the beheading videos on the beach. Nor do I want to hear any congresswoman ever laugh oh my professor, the way he says al Qaeda, I don't think it's funny. I don't think any of these moments are funny. I find her comments repugnant. I don't want to shut her down. I don't want to silence anybody, but I just want people to understand. You know that this all about the Benjamin's. Israel's hypnotize the world. Israel's like Nazi Germany. How about I mean, how far do we have to go here? And people are asking well, what do you think happen in North Carolina. I think the people in North Carolina are like me and find it repugnant what he has said. And these policies are insane. The New Green Deal is nuts. And then you know congresswoman to leave first words out of her mouth as a congress mother, effer. You know. Look, I like America's success in the last two and a half years. I start as the forgotten man and woman. I start with no money in my adult life and financially independent, honestly, except for a bed and food in the refrigerator. Since I'm what ten eleven twelve, never asked any money ever from my parents. They never paid for college. They did pay for my high school, not that they were meeting that. I didn't need it. I had my own money, didn't want it. I was fiercely independent when I was young am today. This country gave this to us. This country There's never been, i'll quote Barry Farber, a country in the history of man that has accumulated more power and abused it less. And I add to that, there's never been a country like the United States of America that has accumulated more power and used that power to advance positively the human condition. And also there's never been a country that has accumulated more power than the US that has use that power to advance the natural state of man. That this this belief that we are all endowed by a creator and the state of God that has given us this gift is freedom. And when you know, I hear people say they're they're playing on everybody's fears, the same lies that are always told when promises of everything will be taken care of. You have no fear your job, your vacation, your healthcare, your retirement, your education, your blah blah blah. We're asking questions about who's gonna pay for it. Yeah, we're asking questions about who's gonna pay for it. We're still watching closely the war drums and the saber rattling in Iran as they've seize this British Royal tanker in the Gulf earlier and their clashed with the Royal Navy, and you know, they keep it up, it's going to be brutal. And now they are now creating the coalition that will be their undoing Israel, the United States, Great Britain, Jordan, Egypt, the Saudis, the Emirates now in alliance against Iranian hegemony, the terror that they sew, the proxy wars, their fight, the Americans they killed in Iraq. Just a matter of time those sights are gone, meaning their nuclear sights. That's my prediction. All right. Eight nine one, Shaun is our number. All Right, that's gonna wrap things up today, all right, Hannity. Tonight we are going to cover now four tankers seized by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. We'll talk about at some point Iran. They can't get nukes. I will explain. We'll have all our experts. The disgusting display by your news media today, you know, I mean, very few questions on Iran. They're so sick and twisted. So we'll get to that. That's all happening, nine Eastern tonight, Live Hannity on Iran. We'll do the news they're afraid to do. All right, We'll see you tonight at nine. Have a great weekend. We'll see you back here Monday. We'll see you tonight. Thanks for being with us, as always, have a great, safe, fun, hot weekend.

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