Treat Patients Directly, Fix Our Broken System

Published Nov 22, 2019, 11:00 PM

 Dr. Josh Umbehr of Atlas M.D. and Dr. Lee S. Gross, President of Docs 4 Patient Care Foundation and Founder, Epiphany Health Direct Primary Care, are here to discuss the attack on patient rights that is happening right now. While the world is distracted by hearings based on conjecture and hearsay, things that could really affect the American public are happening right before our eyes. These doctors cut out insurance companies to treat patients directly. Now, Congress wants to stop them, using House Bill HR 3708.

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All right, Happy Friday. What a week this has been and amazing, crazy and sane times we live in. But when something falls apart so spectacularly as it has this week, and now we have a date certain, we're told certain, December the ninth for the Fiser Report. It's it's amazing how life just ends up working out and things begin over time, especially to just reveal themselves. And that's really what this week has been about. I mean, this all died, this Ukrainian impeachment, coup attempt, this madness, this insanity, it all died on Wednesday, really and it just got worse for them yesterday when Sunderland. And the strange thing is everybody knew it was coming. Now you can see what the Democrats were up to. They get Sunderland to give his statement about what he thought perceived, you know, what he you know, put together but didn't know to be true. But it was his gas, his best gas, at his best interpretation. But when asked about what is real and what the facts are. Remember before Sonlin, you had only hearsay and opinion witnesses. All you heard is so and so's uncle's brother's great grandfather's cousins nephew, the third cousin's son said, and the other part was, well, no, I but I read the transcript like everybody else. If we started talking about the transcript, and after I heard the other person talk about the transcript, I had a different view on the transcript, etcetera, etcetera. I mean, it's all insane. And then it just it all boils down. And there's more. I mean, there are other great moments, and I'm not diminishing the great moments that we had at all of this. There's just what we've got here is something much bigger, much deeper than anybody knew. They hate Donald Trump. They hate we the people where the smelly Walmart shoppers, you know where the irredeemable deplorables. We're the ones that cling to our God, our guns, our Bibles, and our religion. Oh horrible, we're horrible people. We must be horrible people, they say, we're horrible people. There, we must be horrible people. And it didn't work out the way that they want. Did It didn't turn out that way? And yeah, and they'll probably just keep going and doing what they're doing, which is just fine with me. But it all ended with Congressman Turner, who said, Okay, well those what you put together. But is you know if Adam Schiff just ran out, because what happened is they had Solon just give his opening statement and about his thoughts feelings with no evidence. But what actually happened because he was the only one that actually talked to the president about this. Asked an open ended question to Donald Trump. He said he was in a bad mood. Well, if I had to deal with this crap, I think I'd be in an awful lot of bad moods. But anyway, so when he finally because they when they come back after the show, after Adam you know, the compromised congenital liar, the corrupt congenital liar, the guy that's lied for three years, the guy that lied about contact with the whistle blower. Noticed the media never holds him account for his lies. Mister Schiff, you've been telling us for three years, You've got the evidence. Where is it? Mister Shiff, you're on tape, you know, talking to a Russian. It sounds like you're colluding and you're looking for compromising mat dedeals about it. What's the nature of the compromise? Pictures a naked Trump it picktures, the naked Trump. Did Vladimir see him? But the cause I'd vladimiss the compromising matadios naked Trump. Yes, he's okay, did not colluding. They don't want to hear about the dirty Russian dossier, Hillary hypocrites. They don't care about the obstruction with Hillary's emails, they don't care about Ukrainian interference in the election. All they want to do is blood, blood and Trump, dirty up Trump. And it blew up in their face again because once we got down to okay, forget your feelings, forget your thoughts, forget your guesses, forget your well hearsay hearsay stuff. And when tell us what Prum said, Here's what how that went out? I finally called the president. I believe it was on the ninth of September. I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me, but I believe I just asked him an open ended question, mister chairman, what do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want? And it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood. And he just said, I want nothing. I want nothing, I want no quid pro quote. Tell those Lensky to do the right thing. Something to that effect. Do the right thing. Sorry, my mic went off, do the right thing. I don't want anything. I want nothing, Do the right thing, no quid pro quel. That's it, game set, match over because none of the other witnesses ever had any contact with Trump or any contact with even Mulvaney or anybody close to Trump. None of them had any contact with them, So it doesn't matter. And you know, federal rules of evidence, assuming these idiots follow through, and you know, they let Adam Shift throw this over to Jerry Nadler, Good luck to him. They're gonna throw it over to him. Okay, well, good luck with that. And then they're gonna take it to what the Senate. We're gonna have. Well, federal rules of evidence don't allow what they want to do to be done. All they hearsay and opinion witnesses, it's not admissible. Doesn't matter what they think of the transcript. We can all read on our own that never mentions any aid that did talk about rightly, and you know what it was. Chryl Atkinson makes a great point. How are all these people that are supposed to be so knowledgeable about Ukraine not know that a Ukrainian court determined Ukraine did interfere in our twenty sixteen election. How were they not familiar with the political reporting of such? How is that even possible? I think we all learned a thing or two about these ambassadors, and man, a lot of them are kind of full of themselves and they think they know better, and they don't like the policies and others. I'm like listening to them, I'm thinking, Okay, do you support an America first policy or a Ukrainian first policy? You know, one funny point if the president don't give a rip about Ukraine, and well, okay, the president's got to worry about Russia, Ukraine, oh, the Middle East, China, Iran and every other country Europe and trade deals and you know, getting this stuff, building the wall, getting rid of burdensome regulation, lowering taxes, keeping his promises on the judiciary. Is kind of a busy guy that's actually been doing work. Because I know the Democrats, they haven't done anything else but hate on Trump all this time. And then it got followed up with and this is great. This goes to the heart of the impeachment charge of bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors. So Jim Jordan said, he very cleverly says to Sunlin, when did they announce that they were going to do the things that the President was asking them to do? When did they announce it? This was a great exchange the ambassador. When did it happen? When did what happened? The announcement? When did Presidents Linskey announced that the investigations was going to happen? On page fourteen, you said this was there a quick pro code. Today's your opening statement. As I testified previously, with regard to the request, did White House call White House meeting? The answer is yes, that they don't need to be a public statement from President Zelensky. When the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars, you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelenski. So I'm asking you a simple question, when did that happen? Never did Never did they got the call? July twenty fifth, they got the meeting, not in the White House, but in New York on September twenty fifth, they got the money on September eleventh, when the meeting happened again, never did. You don't know who's in the meeting? Which meeting are you referring the meeting that never happened? Who was in it? You know how people? Do you know how zele? You know how Zelenski announced it? Did he tweet it? Did he do a press statement? Did he do a press conference? You know how that happened. I mean, you got all three of them wrong. They get the call, they get the meeting, they get the money. It's not two plus two, it's oz for three. I mean, I've never seen anything like this. And you told mister cass that the president never told you that the announcement had to happen to get anything. In fact, he didn't just not tell you that. He explicitly said the opposite. He told you the opposite. You're oh for three now to me and I Linda says, I do this too much. I can't help it. He says you you just gotta stop. She said this to me that, you know, last week, to do what they're now doing, to accuse the president of what they are accusing him of, when we all have the transcript and none of the hearsay or opinion. Witnesses knew anything. Everyone has an opinion. I guess right, aid is never discussed. I think it's I think one of the more undertold stories in this is the President saying to Zelensky while he's congratulating him in a nice one, you seem to be surrounding yourself with some of the same bad people. Well, you need to not do that, because the President knew, apparently everybody knew, everyone acknowledged even that everything that goes on in Ukraine seems to be pretty screwed up, messed up and corrupt. And nothing is more but to get to where they are and rev themselves up the way they've done this, they also have to do the bifurcation thing I've been telling you about, the compartmentalizing thing I've been telling you about. They've got to be willing to deny all objective truth and intellectual honesty and reason and common sense and applying the same standards to They had this whole breath taking new level of hypocrisy. And this is where Linda gets mad at me, because we do have a quit and a pro and a quote. We got a form of Vice president bragging about when he was vice president, that he said to Ukraine and what sounds like a shakedown to me, what sounds like a quid and a pro and a quote bribery quid pro quote. I think you know, I'd like to see this brought up criminal legiency if it applies. We've read you the statutes. But you're not getting the billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor. Now backstory, we know that he knew from the New York Times and others that the prosecutor was investigating his zero experience son, Hunter, you're not getting the billion unless you fire the guy, and you got six hours. If you fire the guy, you'll get you'll get the billion. Nose and son of them be. They fired him, and we got the dumbest interview I've ever seen in my life to back it up, Hunter Biden, GMA, do you have any experience in Ukraine? No energy, no gas, no oi'll no. Why do you think you're getting paid million millions of dollars? I don't know. Do you think maybe it's because your father the Vice president of the United States in charge of Ukraine. Do you think it's connected to that? Yeah? You know what, Yeah, probably probably that's why. And then what did they get for it because they didn't have any experience. Well, then, because there are a corrupt company according to everybody pretty much, at least according to everyone in Ukraine. They're even investigating him again now and they seize the guy's assets. Well, so what do we know? But they did use Hunter's name with the Obama State Department. If you're a Democrat, you have to ignore all that this is. This is a really, this is a stark. It should be a shocking, alarming awakening to how corrupt this democratic radical Socialist Party is and how corrupt the mob and the media is. Because we all know if it was Vice President Trump and Don Junior, everything would be different, wouldn't it. All Right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program, Look what we witnessed this week is an amazing thing. Um, there was great danger during this whole Russia, Russia, Russia. He had every force in the Deep State, every member of the Mob and the media. And and we'll play a montage you after the bottom of the album. Remember we've played you know the timeline you hear the ticking sound twenty sixteen, impeached twenty seventeen, and Peach and Peach, Peach, Peach Peach twenty eighteen, and Peacha Peach, Peach, Peach, Peach twenty nineteen, and Peach and Peacha, Peach, Peach, Peach. The mob was always a part of It was a real danger here. There was a danger. They had a real special counsel led by now we know the corrupt Andrew Weisman. Have warned you about him, warned everybody because Sidney Powell ge chronicled d Andrew Weisman. He was Mueller's pitball. They still couldn't pull it off of four investigations. But if you don't think that that was a clear and present political danger to Donald Trump, you're mistaken. It was everything they got to take out the president that we the people voted for, and they failed spectacularly. The people that couldn't get over the election results in twenty sixteen talked about impeachment from day one. Everything's a bombshell, bombshell, bombshell, bombshell, bellmshall, bombshell, boll We've heard that for all these years too, a huge bombshow that the game changer, impeachable and here in it for three years. So they don't get the FBI investigation to give them anything. There's no there there, says Peter Struck. After nine months we had nothing, Page says at nine month investigation the FBI, Then the House Intel investigation that went on forever, they found nothing. Then the bipartisan Senate investigation found nothing. But they put all their hopes in Muller and they found nothing. So then they all right, they obviously something. The faery has happened with a non whistle blower, whistle blower, the hearsay whistle blower's lawyer ten days after Trump's inaugurated talking about a coup. The coup has begun. That sounds worse than the insurance policy. And then the mob in the media go along and they put even the compromised, corrupt congenital liar in charge. Scary times, drinking news. The bombshell today is a turning point. Today was historically bad for President Trump. Today was a turning point. At turning point, we're at turning point here at the beginning of the end for the Trump president. So we have another bombshell. Mike pens might have to assume the office of the presidency, rumblings of the word impeachment, the breaking news of the bombshell out of the White House. I believe this is the beginning of the end. That's really the beginning of the end. Maybe feeling the walls closing in on all, the walls closing in on him, the walls closing in on him, breaking news, a new bombshell. One astrologer says, this means the beginning of the end for President Donald Trump. Trump will resign. Trump is going to resign. It is this the tipping point? I know we've said it over and over. You think this is a tipping point, and over and over this is a tipping point, and over and over, breaking news, President Trump off the rails. There was the beginning of the ends. Day, the beginning of the end. Breaking news tonight new bombshells is the beginning of the end, the beginning of the end. The walls are closing in, the walls closing, end, the walls closing end, breaking over night bombshells. It's a very dramatic day, and I think it might be here a tipping point. Do you think this is a tipping point? December one, twenty seventeen. You can mark it down. This is the day that everything changed, the beginning of the end, beginning of the end, the beginning of the end, the beginning of the end, of the beginning of the begin. Tonight with the bombshell, Donald Trump is in a lot of trouble. Trump is in trouble. The president will resign another hour, another bombshell. This is a tipping point. Trump's going down. This president could be impeached, resignation, resignation. I don't think this president is going to serve out his term. Mister Trump will not serve out his term. He will not serve out his term, no way, no how. Breaking news, absolute bombs Donald Trump is that he's done and it's over. It's over. The walls closing in, walls closing in. This is going to be the Achilles Hill. Breaking news tonight. I expect Trump to depart. This week will be the watershed week. Trump is in big trouble. Trump's in a lot of trouble. It's the side of a terrified old man who feels the walls closing again. The walls are increasingly closing in on him. Tonight, the walls for closing in. Today changed everything. This is the beginning of the end day, the biggest tipping point for the Trump administration. What his direct day the bombshells. He's underwater, he feels the walls closing in trunning point. We may be at a tipping point. It's the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end. Another bomb show, bombshell, bombshell, A bombshell, bombshell, bombshell. This is a bombshell is what you can't see. And that was a Grabian News put the first one out there. I know every there's a million versions, so I want to give attribution. We've done our own versions as well on different things. But um, it's not who gets credit everybody. We like to give attribution when we can. Um, but they did it first, am I correct? Linda Grabian? Yeah, yeah, okay, Um, that's over. What you're not seeing are the dates when you look at it visually. We'll put it up on Hannity dot com. It is twenty seventeen, twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen, eighteen, nineteen ninety nine. I mean it's like they finished each other's sentences. You begin to put it all together and you're like, man, this is a mob mentality. This is what I've been trying to say. By the way, the DNC seven million dollars in debt. Meanwhile, Donald Trump Republicans, Oh, they raised twenty five point three million in October. I got sixty one million cash on hand. That's not good. Consumer confidence. Oh, it just hit a two decade high. University of Michigan's consumer Confidence index for November edged up to ninety six point eight points, far exceeding the consensus the prediction of ninety five point seven. According to the chief Economists, November marked the thirtieth out of the last thirty five months that the headline confidence measure had come in at or above ninety five points, a streak second only to the thirty four at a thirty six months of readings above one hundred record between January and ninety eight and December of two thousand, long time ago, while new Gingrich was speaker ninety six. So that's what you've got. And this now, whenever madness comes on, the White House has been very clear, you're fine. If they want to be nuts in the House, we absolutely want to trial in the Senate. We want the trial, and once the federal rules of admissibility of evidence kick in, and that's going to be a big, huge problem for the Democrats because they're not going to be able to bring these people in the opinion witnesses in the hearsay, witnesses in GOP donors, and other pieces. Was in the Examiner. They're now doubling down to back Trump in the impeachment fight. Ronald McDaniel said, impeachmen fundraising, That bump has been bigger than one has seen during the bitter partisan fight over Justice Kavanaugh. That's another thing. Look at how they treated Kavanaugh. I believers everywhere, anything doesn't matter. Michael Avanade, Julie Sweat, Nick how sallacious, how unco you know something we can't confirm. We got a new poll shows that Donald Trump is pulled the head of Biden as this hoax moves on up Sea Daisy. Yeah, that was the Emerson College poll. Yeah, and he's edging out Bernie Sanders too. Oh, and then you got Elizabeth Warren. Then you got everybody freaking out over the this this radical leftist group of And by the way, and you know, Biden's not the moderate either. He's bought into the New Green Deal madness you know, he just wants to double down on the failure of Obamacare, which I might think is even worse. Um, but this is this is what is at play. This is why elections matter, This is why your involvement matters. This is why you know, what happens in three hundred and forty seven days is going to impact this country in ways that are probably at this point even immeasurable because we don't know how, you know, we don't know where this is all going to go. I think the biggest thing to come out, and again, I want to go back to this whole issue of this story that broke just as we were going on the air last night of an f b I official under criminal investigation for altering a document related to the twenty sixteen surveillance of the Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. The only reason this is coming out, because look, you got to say this about Michael Horowitz and the five or six hundred people that worked for the guy, is they haven't had a single leak the entire time. But now they're showing people whose names are mentioned in the report. We're told about five hundred and fifty pages that they're getting to see it and they're trying to get out news wise, very common strategy. They're trying to get ahead of it, and they're trying to get to the you know, get to it first. So it doesn't seem all that shocking when it finally does come out on December the ninth. But this is all coming out, and I will tell you that this news story is pretty damning and none of it is good for any of the Democratic presidential candidates. This is trouble for everybody. I mean, I'm watching all of this unfold. This is a scary point for the country. By the way, the Bidens also have their problem because now all this publicity, well now the Prosecutor General is now opened an investigation. John Solomon gave us a nugget the other day and he said, yeah, Hunter Biden had a place in Ukraine that was apparently Yeah, they checked it out. Okay, would they find We have other new records in the Washington Examiner that a Hunter Biden linked that Rosemont Capital Senator group. Remember we talked a lot about them when we talked about ten days after Hunter went on a trip with Vice President Biden to Asia, stopping in China and then zero experience, Hunter you know, ends up getting a billion dollar deal from the Bank of China that then became a billion five. I haven't gotten a penny from China, as lawyer said, nobody hasn't cashed out yet. Yeah, you know his shares. He didn't get his shares yet. So no, he hasn't received a penny yet. But he's got the shares, and I doubt he's given that money back. And again another deal that I'm sure zero experienced people in this country would never get. Fifty nine percent fear anti Trumpers will turn violent if Trump wins a second term. Rasmussom Paul fifty nine percent likely voters concerned people that oppose President Trump's policies will resort to violence if he's reelected. That's pretty scary. I thought we had thought. I thought we prided ourselves in the peaceful transition of power. Get this. Zero Hedge had a pretty good analysis here, you know, talking points for rational people, and they go through this whole effort. But oh, we have one other thing. Senators Johnson and Grassly see court records of Obama White House meetings with Ukrainian officials. Well that's all on top of what Lindsay Rama is now requesting from Secretary of State Pompeio. We told you about that letter yesterday, and we broke that story on Wednesday nights Hannity Show. Yeah, that letter means, oh, do we have any transcripts of any calls at the time in question. Apparently there are flourier calls right in and around the time that Joe Biden found out that his no Experience, zero experience paid millions of dollars, Son was being a target of an investigation by the Prosecutor General, who we eventually got fired son of a bee because he leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars. This is all this is all fascinating stuff. So what are we gonna have. We're gonna be in the middle of a waste of time impeachment trial. Now I get the White House's position on this that they you know, if they just dismiss it, everyone's gonna say the fix is it? Okay? So now I'm gonna have a trial. But all the witnesses can't that we now have heard from can come in. But it does open the door. Well, if I'm gonna I'm gonna go out on a limb here and venture a guess my guess is that all of this is gonna end up being investigated with Hunter and with Chiff's office, and Schiff and the whistleblower, and the whistleblower will be investigated. Hunter will be investigatin, Joe will be investigat. I think this is gonna go on for a lot longer than we think. I would venture a guess that they're probably gonna let the Democrats make their weak case. Once they get rid of the hearsaying opinion witnesses, and once you get to the actual language of Sonlin that it just gets game over and they're gonna not put on a defense and they're gonna say, let's vote. I'm gonna guess that's the case. Remove that from the table. But then the fallout of it is gonna be tremendous and ongoing that I believe things got so bad for sleepy, creepy crazy Uncle Joe. He was encouraged voters who don't like Barack Obama's immigration record go vote to re elect Trump. He was frustrated. He advised the protest or vote for Trump. Okay, good advice. I think there's a one time I'll agree with Biden and the poll keep these polls keep showing that the Trump presidency is on the ascendancy. They managed to do something pretty amazing because Donald Trump's not a victim. Donald Trump's a fighter. One thing that defines him is that this guy is on twenty four seven four. It's like this force of nature that doesn't stop. I mean, that's how he's been able to keep his agenda promises on judges, the biggest tax cuts, ending the bureaucracy. You know, okay, I can't get the wall money this way, I'm going this way. And on son of a Bee he got it, to quote Joe Biden. And of course we've got beyond that. Then the trade deals with Japan and Mexico and Canada and are Western European allies getting NATO to pay more. It's all stuff. Getting half of China deal done. That's pretty important stuff too. Then you see it with the money coming in, and you see it in the polls because people after three years of doing nothing, they didn't do a thing. Well, now Trump gets to compare and contrast, well, Obama Biden they put thirteen million more Americans on boot stamps at eight million more in poverty. Well, now we have seven million fewer Americans on food stamps, seven million new jobs created. We have manufacturing jobs back at a record pace. Jobs Obama and Biden told us are never coming back. Then you got the millions out of poverty. Then you start doing an analysis a little bit differently than the mob in the meeting. You say, okay to Donald Trump, Is he losing any of his base that went out enthusiastically knew they were voting for a disruptive iconoclast that's going to drain the swamp. By the way, this is what draining the swamp looks like. I don't think he's lost anybody. The only guy that I know without a guitar that can't sing at least no, not that I know of, that can pack arena after arena after arena and have just as big as crowd outside wanting to be in the arena. So I don't know if he didn't lose those voters, are they motivated to go out and vote for him? Well? What about the record low unemployment, the best employments in nineteen sixty nine, record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment. Does he have a shot at getting those voters. I think the answer to the question is yeah, I do. I absolutely do. And oh, apparently they're pushed to impeach Trump has now come. Now that's unraveled. They're talking about moving past the Ukraine hoax and they're refocusing on we got to go back to the Mueller report. Is what do they have to run on. Even when they supported securing the borders in Obama's second term, that's gone now it's a manufactured crisis. So that's ridiculous, manufactured crisis. By the way, Look what the president's done for the military. Look what he did for Eddie Gallagher and Clinton Lawrance. Look what he did. Look what he's done, you know for you know again, Alice Murray Johnson, prison, reformed every preps. What he's done for Israel now recognizing Golan as Israeli territory and settlements and Jerusalem is its rightful capital. Look what he's done. He beat the Caliphate baghdadd he's dead. The Caliphate died. They bombed the crap out of it once he removed the handcuffs and the rules of engagement of the Obama era. Oh yeah, well, seven million new jobs in baghdaddy Is and ISIS are dead. Wow, pretty good accomplishments. A lot to think about in the next three hundred and forty seven days. But they want to destroy this guide. I'll tell you right now this is who they are. You put them in power, you get the government you deserve three hundred forty seven days. As you know, the intelligence community has seventeen different agencies. What agency was this individual from? If I could interject here, we don't want to use these proceedings. It's our time, but we need to protect the whistle blower. If please stop, I want to make sure that there's no effort to out the whistle blower through the use of these proceedings. If the witness as a good faith belief that this may reveal the identity of the whistle blower, that is not the purpose that we are here for. And I want to advise the witness accordingly on behalf of my client. We are following the rule of the committee, the rule of the Chair with regard to this issue, and this does not call for an answer that is invoking the fifth or any theoretical issue like that. So, following the ruling of the Chair, what counselor what ruling is, I could interject, Counsel is correct. Whistle blower has the right statutory right to anonymity. These proceedings will not be used out the whistle blower, Thank you, counsel. You know, as I indicated before this committee will not be used to out the whistle blower. That same Chairman get necessity stops at time, so I don't lose the persist you are recognizing again, mister Jordan, Mister chairman, I don't see how this is outing the whistle blower. That the witness has testified in his deposition that he doesn't know who the whistle blower is. You have said, even though no one believes you, you have said you don't know who the whistle blower is. So how is this outing the whistle blower to find out who this individual is? Jordan? This is your time for questioning. You can use it anyway like, but your question should be dressed to the one liked and your questions should not be addressed to trying to out the whistle blower. Okay, okay, just part of the madness that has been unfolding all week, and it is madness and it ends up with we go back to Wednesday, and we had two moments, one with Congressman Turner, one with Jim Jordan. We'll go to twenty eight and twenty nine. We won't play them now because when you when he's asked, well, did you talk to the president? Yeah? I did, And what did the President say? You asked him if he wanted anything, what did he want? He said he wanted nothing, and he said, I don't want to quit pro quo. That's what the President said. The only person that wasn't a hearsay witness or an opinion witness based on their opinions of the transcript that they didn't even hear firsthand. This is the only guy that ever talked to the president, the only one of all of them. That's how nuts this is. And this is always summed it up. This was this is where this died this week after you testified, chairman, shift right out and give him press conference. I finally called the president. I believe it was on the ninth of September. I can't find the records and they won't provide them to me, but I believe I just asked him an open ended question, mister chairman, what do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want? And it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood, and he just said, I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quote tells Lensky to do the right thing, something to that effect. President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the meetings. The only thing we got directly from Juliani was that the barissima in two thousand sixteen elections were conditioned on the White House meeting. The aid was my own personal guests, based again on your analogy two plus two equals for so you didn't talk to President Trump when Ambassador Taylor says that that's what you told him, is that your testimony here? My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that was conditioned on an announcement of elections. So you never heard those specific words, correct, right, But never heard those words. Never heard those words. So why are we here? And what's going to happen next? Anyway? We bring in two longtime friends of the program. Best selling author number one New York Times bestseller, his latest book is out the Story of the greatest mass delusion in American political history. If you haven't read it, it's on Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Our good friend Haraldo rivera Fox News legal analyst also author of a best seller called The Horaldo Show. Welcome both of you back to the program. You know, Haraldo, I'll start with you. I thought your comments on Hannity last night were extraordinarily powerful because you summed it up in a way that, you know, as a guy that sometimes disagrees with the president's critical with the president of the president wants what's best for the country. I thought it was well said. Fair's fair, Sean. And you know, the fact of the matter is the Democrats have not had apologized for what Greg Jared uh and uh and others have so artfully exposed that whole Russia collusion hoax in wasting two and a half years of our time and trying to bring down the Trump presidency based on created evidence. You know, I think they had to be called out on that. And now the you know, the Inspector General's report is imminent and we're getting these leaks that they were FBI lawyers that fudged and altered documents to get the Fiser Warren on Carter page. My goodness, this is the beginning of the end of the harassment of President Trump and the forty fifth presidency. I think that what is coming clear is that, you know, people with a great repute sunk to conduct that was at the at the best irregular, at the worst illegal, in an attempt to sabotage this president. John and Greg, you know we thought Russia was bad. Well, now we have this bigger information what you're going to get back to, but you know, we thought the Russian thing was bad. Yeah, and this is I would say about ten times as ludicrous. There was a common thread among all of these twelve witnesses, stretched over two weeks. None of them had any direct evidence that the President committed an impeachable act, but they offered this endless stream of here's the opinion and speculation. But you're right. Gordon Solon, the only one with direct information, utterly exonerated the President by repeating the words I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no quid pro quote. I mean that thrust a dagger in the heart of Adam Shifts and Democrats hopes of some damning indictment of Trump, but that of course is not going to stop them. They're going to go full speed ahead. Because this was preordained and preconceived the moment Trump was elected. We will find a way, however specious or spurious, to impeach the president, to invict to a victim from the Oval Office. The Senate thankfully will never capitulate because it requires a two thirds supermajority. That was the wisdom of the Framers. Well, exactly, now we did have other and bigger news is Haraldo, you've pointed this out. Let's not forget the big story of the day, because now we have and I know this was lead what's happened with the Horowitz report? Now that we know that the Inspector General report on FIS abuses out the ninth and that Michael Horowitz will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on December the eleventh, So to get to this final stage, which is taken forever. Now, the people that are mentioned in what we believe to be a five hundred and fifty page or so report, they get an opportunity to see before the public things about them that are written in the report, so they can make a case that it doesn't belong. There does belong there, etc. Etc. So that to me, because Horowitz has kept as buttoned up the entire way. Now that we find out that an FBI official is under criminal investigation for altering the document related to the FISA application against Carter Page, it's a big deal, Haraldo, And that goes to the heart of what we now have known for two years, and that was premeditated fraud on a FISA court, denying one American his civil liberties and rights, and illegally spying on him based on an unverifiable Hillary Clinton bought and paid for Russian dossier whose own author, who hates Trump, doesn't even stand behind. There's a concept in the low called the fruit of the poison tree. If that was applied to all the people whose lives have been turned upside down by the Russia collusion hoax, can you imagine everything General Michael Flynn, all the others who have been I've been forced to plead, all the obstruction, all the things that follow from the Bake federal investigation, and the worst thing about it, I mean, other than in addition to the lives being ruined by it, the worst thing about it is the sanctimony, the the snobbiness, the superior superiority complex, that the Democrats had so scornful of the president, so scornful of Republicans as they plunged ahead and wasted forty five million dollars and called five hundred witnesses and summoned all those documents and totally upended and attempted to destroy the Trump presidency. And they couldn't lay a glove on them. Even when they were trying to, you know, to seed the deck. They couldn't even they couldn't even pull it off. Then, I think, in light of the news that's coming from the Inspector General and then from the the the the US Attorney in Connecticut, John Durham, now known thanks to the President this morning as Bull Durham. With Bull Durham looming over the Inspector General's report imminent, I think impeachment itself, the vote on impeachment in the House will be affected. I think this Democrats will struggle to get to keep their own caucus as they vote. The conventional wisdom is the Democrats will all be on one side, the Republicans will be on the other. With a couple of Democratic exceptions. I think Nancy Pelosi will struggle to keep those one score and ten, you know, marginal Democratic congressman who won in Trump districts in the caucus. When they make the vote for impeachment, it might be that the impeachment vote in the House of Representatives fails to get Honestly, don't see it. I think the hammer is going to be dropped and everybody is going to be whipped and told this is what you're doing. We'll see. I think that when people are called when push comes to shove in history will judge when push comes to shove and people are asked to determine whether the facts as as elicited from these hearings reaches the level as the Framers contemplated in an Article two section for the Constitution high crime and mismade of bribery treason. When they when they are called upon to say those facts that you heard uh you know in in uh do they meet that this high standard required by the Framers because they knew it was such a draconian remedy. Do they? If not, how can you in good conscience vote to impeach this man? Greg Jared, I love your take on it. Do you think the Democrat I think the Democrats. Hold, I think they're gonna they're gonna get the crap beat out of them. Oh. Absolutely. You know, um, there's an old saying the recoil is more dangerous than the projectile. This will backfire on Democrats. All you have to do is look at the trajectory, the downward objectory of the opinion pulls. You know, Americans aren't buying this charade. For example, bribery is supposedly one of the articles of impeachment. Bribery requires a quid pro quo, and as we limit both like Joe, I mean, Joe, that was a quid pro quo. There is no reliable, verifiable evidence anywhere in the testimony of a quid pro quote. Just the opposite from Ambassador Snlin. Another article of impeachment witness intimidation. The president or anybody else for that matter, is entitled to defend himself in a public statement or a tweet that is not witness intimidation. Right, stay right there. More with Greg Jarrett, more with Raldo Rivera. As we continue, more with Greg Jarrett and Haraldo Rivera. All right, so the President says that yeah, let's have the trial. You nuts in the house go through with this madness after having only hearsay witnesses, which, by the way, none of that will be admissible in a Senate trial if federal rules of evidence apply, and the sixth Amendment probably will apply, meaning you get the right to confront your accuser whistleblower, and then they're gonna have the right to bring up Okay, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Shift's office in their contact with the whistleblower non whistleblower presidents will saying let's have the trial. Okay, I kind of I see the logic in that, Greg Jarrett. Oh, absolutely none of these witnesses in a court of law would ever be allowed to testify. The judge would say, get the hell out of my courtroom, your hearsay witnesses. You're double triple quadruple hearsay witnesses. So if the rules of evidence are applied, the only guy who could testify would be Sundland, and he is an exculpatory witness, as we learned this week. So you know, I agree though that you know, the whistleblower could testify. I'd call Hunter Biden to testify. I might even call Joe Biden to testify. You know, this is going to end badly for Biden. I mean, this whole payoff by Bereasman notoriously corrupt to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's involvement reeks. And I think before everything is concluded, we're going to learn that there were real acts of corruption. The question is by whom last word, Haraldo good idea bad IDEA trial in the Senate, you have no choice. I never want to go to trial if I don't have to as an attorney. And if the President does go through this, I don't think he can trust the even Lindsey Graham to be his shepherd through this process. He needs a ruthless and highly efficient and experienced team that had been down this road before. I wanted to have the best legal counsel available. I have not with oldue respect to the people around him. Now, I think he needs to augment. He's to pick his litigator there, so I want to really present his case. In terms of him testifying, I would strongly advise against it. I think it's it's necessary. I never want my client to testify because they could trip you up a million different ways. And you know why, when things are going so well, do you want to potentially risk all I'd rather that he tweeted about it, or had a press conference, we did Fox and Friends about it, or did your show. I'd like to make his case in that context. I'm gonna have you guys go, but say, I just it's so bad for the country, and I think that the backlash to this is going to be massive. This will carry the three hundred and forty seven days from now when we all get the final say, and that's we get to vote. Eraldo Thank you. Have a great weekend. Greg, Thank you, you have a great weekend. When we come back, I know a lot of you dying to get back to us. We'll get to the phones next as we continue. The day after Bob Muller testified the Donald Trump in I did Russian interference. Hey, Russia, if you're listening, come get Hillary's emails and you have something hard and you can't reveal, you know, I can't reveal that, Chris. The other defense is the president denies it. We have not spoken directly with the whistle blower. Donald Trump is back on the phone asking another nation to involve itself in another US election. With the nature of the compromt, well, there were cheers of naked Trump, and so Putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material. Yes, of course, thank you very much. We will be back in touch. We shouldn't really rely on what the president said in the call record. We should imagine he said something else. And I'm gonna say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent. Understand lots of it. Is it correct? No one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations. Because if your answers yes, and the chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong, no one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying into investigations, yes or no? Yes? All right there. It is a bad, bad, ugly week. These are tiring weeks. Am I complaining too much? As complaining today? Right? But it just is what it is. This is what is at stake in three hundred and forty seven days. This is where the battle lines are being drawn. Everything you must watch through the prism of twenty twenty and every move the Democrats make as wrong as they are, I mean they're they're they're like you know, what it's like. You're just taking toilet paper and you're wetting it. You're throwing up against the wall, and you see in which thing can stick. And yet the obvious, which would be before them, would be um. Maybe if we have ideas and serve the American people. Look if they want to open board and they want to run on open borders, and they want to run on free healthcare for illegals, and they want to run on sanctuary cities, and they want to run on the New Green Deal ninety four trillion dollars, and they want to get rid of oil and gas or tax them as Bernie Sanders said yesterday, you know they can do all of that. They don't want to talk about the issues they stand for, the positions they're taking, or medicare for all. You got to smell it and taste it. Once we implement it and you smell it and taste it, then you'll fall in love with it. No, then we'll be stuck with it and the fifty two trillion dollar bill that goes along with it without any options for private insurance. I'm gonna tell you know what that's gonna end up. It We'll get into this with doctor Josh at the top of the next hour. It's gonna end up in people paying doctors out of their own pocket to take care of them when they need to be taken care of, because this is going to be a disaster. It's just unbelievable. All Right, to our phones, we go. Tom is in New York. Hi, how are you happy Friday? Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. How are you doing? Sean Tom from Nassau County. I've been watching this whole thing, and I've been saying this for the last two or three years. For the Democrats, they are all in. They are completely delusional, and this is going to end like a classic Greek tragedy. And Adam Ship doesn't even realize. They took nay laur out and put him in and I know exactly why, because Nikosur He's gonna be the fall guy. He's talking about the Republicans throwing stuff against the Walter stick. That's what he's doing. Every witness that they questioned, I heard this. I heard that. Then when thank arth to Jim Jordan, he brings us sanity to this, He asked him, did you hear the president? Did the president fair? That's you, no, everything's here, say I'm gonna retire a cop. When you interview people and you start out, by the time you've done, there's nothing here. And they're drag and the whole country through this and they really don't see it. Guys like me that work every day for a living and have a family. I'm so turns off to them. I want them all should be and look, this is what I'm saying is happening. I'm the American people are watching this. I went through all the poll numbers earlier. I'm telling you they've had it. They're tuning this out and they're angry. They see nothing getting done for them except for the president. I mean, the president's out there. I mean, this guy's like the Energizer Bunny, never rests. He's out there fighting for the things every single day's actually doing his job, and he's he's thank God, thank god that this that Trump decided to run for presidents. He didn't have to do this. He's a billionaire and he does love this country. You can see it, and really thank god he became president because we be in real trouble without him. Let me tell you, he's been a force of nature. You know, what you know, we always say we want politicians, don't we want we want guys that mean what they say and say what they mean and do what they say. And you know, now you got one. And you know to deal with the swamp and the sewer, well, you got to drain the swamp. But the swamp creatures don't like being drained. You don't like being exposed. So this is their reaction to it all. It's very predictable. On the other hand, some people are like shocked. I'm like, I'm not shocked. This is who they are. This defines them. I've seen it coming. Another thing, they're not going to vote on the teachings. Yeah, I disagree. I think they have no choice. Look, Nancy Pelosi wants out of this in the worst way, and she didn't want to go here. Here's the problem she has. That crazy radical base made her do that, which she thought was politically suicidal and stupid. So she let him do it. Now, what's Shift gonna do? Now, you're gonna allow the Shift show to continue after Thanksgiving and then we're gonna have what they got a vote on what impeachment. They've already written their articles before they even saw the letter or the transcript. It's but I'll tell you, when you stand back and watch it, you see nothing but madness. American people are smart, the polls are showing it. I think all of this it ends up net win Donald Trump because the bait everybody in this country sees this for what it is, and they say, you know, oh, really you're gonna ignore Joe Biden and Hunter. Oh okay, but you're gonna tell us this transcript has something wrong with it. Yeah, we understand where you're coming from. Thank you, Dave, South Carolina. Next on the Sean Hannity Show, Happy Friday, Dave, glad you called Sean. Thanks for taking me to call, and thanks for what you do. You know, you hit the nail on the head. People are mad, people are sick and tired of what's going on. And what's happening is you're stirring it up with guys like me. I'm one of these closet Republicans that just you know, I don't want to upset my liberal friends. And you know, they put all kinds of garbage on Facebook and they whine and they moan and they groan, and then then this happens this past week I'm done. I'm done. I'm like. Remember the movie and I think it was in the seventies. It was called Network. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. Oh yeah, I think voters are mad as hell. I can tell you I'm mad as hell. All the Republicans need to just shout, I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. This is this is half having the exact opposite effect that these democrats want. Shift. He needs to go bad guy. He's the fall guy. Listen the guy, look at his light. His anger yesterday was telling, as I said, his anger was he knew that he'd been beat You know the song Charlie Daniels. And he laid the golden fiddle on the ground to Johnny's feet, and Johnny said, that will come on back if you ever want to try again. I'dn't told you once you said him a bitch, I'm the best has ever been. And he played all right. So here's the thing. So he knew he had been beaten. His only his visceral emotional reaction was to just get angry and lash out and just say that which is not true, that which they could not prot The anger is revealing it. We've come a long way for we're praying for the country when we started to pure anger when it didn't go the way they wanted. Absolutely, Absolutely, it's madness. I don't encourage everybody too that has been staying silent like me, to now become a voice, become one in helping him to do three hundred and forty seven days, we the people get the final say. And I don't care what state you're in, even if it's not a winnable state, go vote. Everybody needs to engage. Everybody needs to send a loud, clear message. Let's work for the people. How's that. Let's do what's right for the American people. Um, thank you so much. Dave appreciate it. Velma Vegas kadon radio. What's up, Velma? How are my nephews? I miss you guys, we miss you too. They're good. They're at school. You doing I'm doing good. I haven't seen any videos of pictures in a while. Velma. What are the boys want for Christmas? I don't know. I gotta talk to him. What do you want for Christmas? I know what you want? You want a spa day at the wind. That's what you love? I do now, I would like that, all right. I'm gonna give you when is your birthday again? I told you my birthday was in hog and sit down pants? Wait? Did we give you a birthday present this year? No? You did? But that's okay. I let the studio. I did or I didn't? You can tell me this? What did I did? We miss it? Yeah? Well you put you you know you bid? Did you forgot it? All right? So let we please write this stuff down. I'm always supposed to remember, all right, yoh, hang on, we'll send you on a SPA day. You can go anytime you want the full treatment, the manny, the petty, the massage. What else? Do you get your hair done? Anything you want done, you can get done. How's that? You gotta give you the super works? And you said when you went there the last time that they loved you. They all knew you. They did, they did, they know you? They loved you too. I don't get massages. I'm not, but I know you don't. I know you don't like all that. I don't know. I don't like getting touched by strangers. I just don't. Well, if they're good looking, well, sit a minute. So you're telling us that you asked for a mail masseuse exactly? Oh boy, I'm not getting that, Linda, get me out of this one. Hit me out here. I'm staying out of this, Yohn. I don't want women touching all over me. Okay, I'm not I have no comment. I have no comment all right. Telling what the boys want for my nephews want for for Christmas. We're gonna send you on your spot day, the complete treatment, Manny, Patty. I don't know. Do you get Do you ever use botox? You know what? I don't use votox? No, not you. I'm finding out that there are guys on TV that use both TX and I'm looking at it like what really, I'm like, that's nuts. I can tell you right now. I've never dyed my hair. I've never taken both talx, and I've never had a manny or a petty period. End of sentence. I don't know. I don't love. It's just not in my it's not in my DNA. It's not how I rolled Velma, it's not me. Well you don't. You don't have to you a handsome man. It's not that I just I've had whatever I am, I don't know. I don't even look at myself. I hate I hate looking in the mirror. Anyway, we love you, Velma, we love you too. Right as we get back to our busy phones. Eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program, all right, Robert, California, Next Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Robert? How are you? Good morning? Sean? How are you? I'm good, my friend. What's going on? What's afternoon? But that's all right, all right, Well, I just wanted to to you and to the whole country. I wanted to apologize for our politicians. Why why well no, why we got why if we got Pelosi? I mean about the only one I could say it thumbs up too is Nunez. But the rest of them, they're they're pathetic. You don't apologize for stuff that other people do. You know, I hear people do this. You didn't do this, the people that voted in these maniacs in California that have destroyed the one great Golden State um which is now becoming You know, I guess ground zero central for every mad policy endeavor ever put forward with the highest taxes and the highest homelessness rates and everything else in between. You know, i'd say, you know you you live with it. It's pretty bad. And I don't know what to do from here. What could we do to help the politicians like Nunez and the other people in California that actually want to make things better again? I mean, like for you with your show, I try and support your sponsors. I drink black Rifle coffee. I order nine line of Carol, I take my balance of nature. You know, I do all those things. So I want to know. Coffee's great? Right? You got to admit, best coffee you've ever had? A coffee is amazing. Do you like AK forty seven? What's the one you like the most? I think the one that the darkest roast that they have. I don't know what it's called. Yeah, I think that's AK forty seven. I have a lot of that, but I like all the different ones. Actually, you need to listen. I'm gonna tell you what you do. Let not your heart be trouble. My advice to you is if you can, at some point down the line, go to a better tax state with a better business environment, that's my answer. And unfortunately, you know, just don't bring your liberal neighbors with you, because don't let them destroy the next state that they go to. Your youngest son moved to North Carolina, smart, beautiful North Carolina. He got out of here. You know, all three of my five children live out of state already. They got smart and left. But listen to New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois. They're like lost, that's lost. It's a hopeless cause. And what you see is decades of liberal rule ending in destruction. That's it. I mean, you go down to Florida, no state income tax, none. Their infrastructure is a thousand, a million times better than New York City with all their city taxes, all the state taxes. It's unbelievable. And you pay, you know, twelve bucks just to go over a bridge one way. Anyway, have a great weekend, Robert, Let not your heart be trouble. Don't apologize for others. You didn't do it. They did quick break right back. Oh you have to actually taste it, feel it, medicare for all to really love it. Elizabeth Warren actually said that straight ahead going up Max our final news round up and information overload, our right news wound up Information Overload hour on this Friday. We had a pretty spectacular moment. We didn't spend enough time on yesterday, but that was the debate Wednesday night on the area of fifty one. Conspiracy Theory channel of Rachel Maddow and Elizabeth Warren is part of this debate. And I didn't think we'd ever get worse than Nancy Pelos. You gotta pass the bill. To find out what's in the bill, I'm like, okay, wow. And then of course we got Obamacare and that was sold to us as well. You get to keep your doctor, you get to keep your plan, and you get to save money. Well that didn't work out because millions of Americans lost their doctors, lost their plans, and everybody is paying more money on average, over one hundred and seventy four percent more in money. Were supposed to say, you save average family is going to save twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. No, that didn't happen. Now we doubled and now we're tripling it. So it was pretty spectacular. She's now trying to ram down America's throat her fifty two trillion dollars ten years spending plan Medicare for all with no private option of any private healthcare. And remember one other fact, thirty seven percent of American counties only have one option for healthcare under the Obama exchanges. They've got one choice and one choice only. That's forty percent of the country. That's how bad this is. This has become what this lie evolved into. Now we're gonna we're gonna take Obama Care. Every promise broken, failing at a spectacular level. All the big insurance companies said thanks, but no thanks, We're out of here. And now people have one option, and now they want to say, Okay, not only gonna pass it to no one's in it, but now you're gonna have to. We're gonna pass it, and you're gonna feel it, and you're gonna live under it, and you're gonna taste it, and then you'll like it. Here's Elizabeth Warren, and in the first hundred days, I'm going to bring in one hundred and thirty five million people in Medicare for all at no cost to them. Everybody under the age of eighteen, everybody who has family four income less than fifty thousand dollars. I'm going to lower the age of Medicare to fifty and expand Medicare coverage to include a vision and dental and long term care. And then in the third year, when people have had a chance to feel it and taste it and live with it, we're gonna vote and we're gonna want Medicare for all. Feel it, taste it, then you'll want it. Wow, that is scary. We have had a long time friend of the program. One of my biggest complaints about Republicans on this whole healthcare thing is so they got Obamacare passed, and lo and behold, Republicans, they have what sixty five or so show votes in the House of Representatives to repeal and replace Obamacare. It was never going anywhere because Obama was the president. He was not going to repeal his signature legislation. And we even had in the US Senate we had Republicans vote up and down, up or down on a straight repeal bill, and seven Senators in twenty fifteen that voted for a straight repeal. Republican senators when they had a chance where it would matter in twenty seventeen with Donald Trump as president, they changed their minds show votes. That's where the disconnect is with the Republican Party and Sean Hannity because the fact that seven years passed and they didn't talk about health savings account So I've been talking about patient power Cato Institute, Goodman and Musgrave their book years Ago Patient In other words, healthcare is savings accounts. We have had doctor josh Umber Atlas MD on this program. We've sent him to Washington, He's met with new gang Rich, he's met with members of Congress because he's created a system in Wichita, Kansas Atlas MD, where Okay, you pay fifty dollars a month as an adult, ten bucks a month as a kid for unlimited access to your doctor twenty four seven, three sixty five. And what's even more, may take care of stitches, to take care of, you know, most of the stuff that we need taken care of. You need a Z pack, you got high cholesterol, you got high blood pressure. And then he wisely went and negotiated directly with pharmaceutical companies, so he gets the drugs that people usually need at ninety ninety five percent discounts and then passes the savings onto his patients. And guess what. They walk out of the doctor's office, they don't have to go to the pharmacy. How cool is that? Then he's taken this model which is not only producing a good living for him, and it's you know, he gets more patients than he can even handle, and he's now duplicating it around the country. Anyway, Doctor Josh Humbers with us and doctor LEAs Grosses with us, the presidents of Doctors for Patient Care Foundation and the founder of the Epiphany Health Direct Primary Care. Now both of them, by the way, have come up with a pretty interesting idea that I like. And I'm going to let them tell you about it themselves. But you know, is that what we need now, doctor Josh, We're gonna we're gonna have to feel it and taste medicare and swallow it for years, and then we'll really come to appreciate it. You know, it was a bizarre way to describe it. You have to elect me to see what you'll get, because I think it's it's such a hard premise to pitch on your own, but so thank you for giving us the opportunity and sharing the airtime with you to explain how it could work. She's looking at a bigger system, more complication, more bureaucracy, and what we're trying to do is show that less is actually what we need. The direct care model or direct Care for All, could make medicine great again. We can offer unlimited visits, no copays, free procedures, wholesale ads and labs from to ninety five percent off. If we can do that at now over twelve hundred practices in the country, and doctor Lee just put on the largest conference all year with over four hundred docks in attendance, then we can do this everywhere and we can decrease insurance premiums by thirty to sixty This is a real viable model. It skips the DC swamp, its gips, the you know, divided Congress, and it actually gets meaningful healthcare reform down to main street. So sure so that happens though, is that you know, where Congress was not able to step in and repeal Obamacare, the President and administration has done everything that can through changing our regulations, relaxing things that you can actually return medicine back to the doctors and patients because frankly, patients trust their doctors to reform healthcare. But as you're seeing all these things unfold in Washington. You're seeing the games being played in Congress. You have to wonder what they're distracting you from, and what Congress is working on behind the scenes is actually quite dangerous. So the President signed an executive order that expands access to direct partament care. It frees doctors and patients to engage in these direct care relationships. But Congress is actually working on regulations that undermine the President's executive orders. It's reweaponizing the Internal Revenue Service, just like we saw them back under a lowest learner. We're reweaponizing the Internal Revenue Service to go after doctors and patients for using their own healthcare dollars for their own healthcare services, setting the stage for socialized medicine. And we can't let that happen. But it's happening behind the scenes with all these distractions. So you guys got this bill out it's actually being represented by or put into Congress. It's called Charge three to seven O eight would bar some doctors from providing direct primary care, which, by the way, separate it apart. But you know, you've got a powerful lobby in the healthcare industry all over Congress but barred doctors from providing direct primary care, block prescribed treatments for from qualifying for medical reimbursements, and impose new restrictions on how patients use their health savings accounts. Well, that wouldn't work out very well for the patient in my mind, Doctor Rumber, I don't think it would work out very well. We're in a system where we want to see patients thrive and have less of the IRS in their household, less decisions being controlled on how they spend their healthcare dollars. And I think the idea with the party that wants Medicare for all is well, you don't need your own dollars anyways, because we're going to try to manage that. So anything they can do to weaken the health savings account rules, like doctor Lee said, through weaponizing the IRS would help in their cause of limiting patient choice. And so we really you are trying to fight hard and punch above our weight class and encourage any listener to reach out to their representatives. They'll be closed for the holiday break, so they'll be coming home, they'll be near you, and let them hear you that you don't support a bill that would damage their HSA spending abilities or damage their access to a direct care practice. That could really revolutionize healthcare. It really could, I mean, and it's where how many times have you been able to duplicate what you're doing at Atlas MD around the country In other words, where people pay fifty bucks a month adults kids ten bucks a month unlimited care, ninety plus percent reductions and prescriptions. And then if you couple that or accompany that with a catastrophic plan, if God forbid, you get cancer, have a heart attack, or have a bad accident, which is you know, catastrophic care is relatively and expensive, especially the higher deductible, have that that then brings your monthly healthcare total for an individual adult down to what four hundred a month. I think we could. You know, we've been able to do this now with about fifty percent year over year growth in the model, so it really is picking up fast. We open twenty nine new clinics in October alone, so essentially one a day, just ourselves. I mean, these are independently on physicians, so they're doing the grunt work, but we're helping guide the path and with doctor Lee and I think together we've touched about eighty percent of the new practices but you're right, we could in best case scenario decrease the cost of health insurance premium stender, I think five hundred dollars per household so on. As definitely not health care for the wealthy. You know, this is not healthcare for the wealthy. This is healthcare for rural America. This is healthcare for innerstity of America, of all shapes walks. Everyone can afford this. If you can afford a cell phone, you can afford healthcare. You do not need to get people in the middle of this relationship that just clouds this. And we're thankful that the President did sign executive order. We're looking forward to this rule being released in a few weeks that from the Treasury that expands and opportunities for patients and doctors and can't let Congress get in the way and undermine the efforts of the President and his administration. And the idea is, if this bill happens, what you do has to end. Doctor number, your successful model practice that you've developed and duplicated nearly a thousand times around those country that by the way, let me ask you, how many patients do you have in your practice? How many doctors, how many patients. We have five doctors, aren't practice in a little over thirty three hundred patients. And by the way, every patient has access to a doctor twenty four seven three to six five. Right, yep. I was just emailing a patient back right before we got on with you. And they have your own personal text number. Yep. And most people are like me, They don't want to go see the doctor, but they only call when they have a problem, right right, right, But then you have the few people to call you every freaking day and drive your nuts and really get their fifty bucks a month or the fifty bucks it's fifty a month, right or yep, yeah, we get a mix, and so it ends up at least being a sustainable model, better for the past. That's three hundred dollars a month for if you get catastrophic insurance then I mean right, and you're and you're able to absorb your five doctors, thirty three hundred patients twenty four seven three sixty five, and that includes their yearly check up, a full exam, stitches, what else, broken bones? What else is included? Basically anything we can do in our office. So you know, some broken bones are big enough, we'll need an orthopic surgeon, and some, especially in young kids, are called green stick. They're just more of a crack. So we can manage that with splinting in our office. But basically decrease the cost of all your care by eighty to ninety percent and your insurance premiums by thirty to sixty percent. So if we could put it, we just had a local hospital better that integrated this with their employees and allow their employees to sign up for this. We saved the hospital sixty percent their employee employee health costs. The employees had twenty percent reduction in premiums, thirty percent reduction in all out of pocket costs while eliminating copays and deductibles. We want people to oppose this HR thirty seven O eight. It restricts doctors working from their patients, It restricts access to affordable medications, and it controls and restricts, for the first time in history, a patient's ability to use their own money to pay their doctor. All right, as we continue with doctor Josh Umber and doctor Les Gross, he's the president of Doctors for Patient Care and that foundation. Well, are you asking people to contact their congressmen and women do we know we have a date on this vote or what yes. Absolutely contacts your your congressman. You know, phone calls are great, emails are still very helpful, and just let them know to vote no on three seven o eight. We're hoping it never gets even to a vote. We're hoping that, you know, the Republicans see that this isn't a bill that helps everybody, and this is not going to be something that makes health care affordable for everyone if this gets a vote, So the more we can educate the representatives that this is a bad bill for the innovation of healthcare, and the more successful will be all right. Thank you both. What you do every day, Doctor josh umber Atlas, MD, if you're in Wichita, that's the practice you need to be a part of. Doctor Lee Gross, where's your practice in Florida? Northport, Florida, north Port, Florida. So'll get in touch with doctor Lee Gross there and you'll have care like you've never dreamed of. But it's basically concierge care. You understand. We could have this for every American. I mean, look, I'll be honest. I have friends that are doctors. If I need to call my doctors friends at two in the morning. I'm going to get through. But I know that I'm just lucky that those are my friends. I just happen to have friends that are that would care enough to take my call out two in the morning. A lot of people may not have a doctor friend. And and uh, it's like, where this is what they're gonna do. We're gonna have to feel it, and we have to taste it, we have to live with it, and then we're gonna like it. I'm not so sure. Trust me? Is that that's how it's gonna go? Now? We trust us, trust the government. Wow, it works out so well when we trust them, doesn't it. Twenty four Now to the top of the hour. All right, So let's go where this all died this week. They're just huge moments. We have Congressman Turner and oh, an amazing moment. This turned it around right dead. It died in its tracks with this exchange with Ambassador Sonlin, followed up by Jim Jordan's beat down on the issue of will when did they release the investigation date? And He's like, huh, when when did President Zelinski tell us they were going to do the things Trump wanted to get the money um, well, they didn't uh, no quit or pro or quote like Joe. Amazing moments and then sulon Ian, no I talked to him. He said, what do you want? I asked him, well, what do you want? Nothing? I don't want to quit pro quo and they got the money, but we do have a real quid pro quot. Never forget that with Joe. Here's this is where the Ukrainian impeachment who attempt died this week. Massa. You weren't on the call, were you the president? You didn't listen on President Trump's call and President Lessei's call. I did not. You've never talked with Chief of Staff mulvaney. I never did. You never met the president, that's correct. Yeah, three meetings again was Zelenskin didn't come up, and two of those they had never heard about it as far as I know. And President was no reason for Presidents Linsky. You never made an announcement. This is what I can't believe. And you're their star witness. You were in the meeting with President's Lensky and Vice President Pence and President didn't come up for the bidens or any of these investigations. No, I did not, And so You've never had a conversation with him about Ukraine or been in a meeting with him with him where he has spoken to others about Ukraine. All right, No, just what I saw him, you know, comments on TV news news. Yes, you never spoke of the presidents and told him advice on Ukraine. That is correct, Williams. There are a number of events you are investigating to which I cannot bring any firsthand knowledge. The events that predated my Ukraine service include the release of the so called Black Ledger and mister Manaford's subsequent resignation from President Trump's campaign, and the departure from office of former Prosecutor General Victor show Him. Several other events occurred after I returned from Ukraine. These include President Trump's July twenty five, twenty nineteen, call with President's Lenskip, the discussions surrounding that phone call, and any discussions surrounding the delay of security assistance to Ukraine in the summer of twenty nineteen. My testimony is I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement of elections. So you never heard those specific words, correct, right, never heard those words? Is that your testimony today, Master Silon, that you have evidence that Donald Trump tied the investigations the aid, because I don't think you're saying that I've said repeatedly, Congressman, I was presuming I also said that President Trump. So no, not just the President. Giuliani didn't tell you, Well, Vaney didn't tell you, nobody, Pompeo didn't tell you. Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying aid to these investigations? Is that correct? I think I already testified. No answer the question, is it correct? No one on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigations. Because if your answers yes, then the Chairman's wrong and the headline on CNN is wrong. No one on this planet told you that President Trump was tying aid to investigations? Yes or no? Yes, Ambassador, When did it happen? When did what happen? The announcement? When did Zelenski announced that the investigations were going to happen? On page fourteen, you said this was there a quid pro quote? Today's your opening statement, as I testified previously with regard to requested White House call, White House meeting. The answer is yes, that they don't need to be a public statement from President Zelensky. When the chairman asked you about the security assistance dollars, you said there needed to be a public announcement from Zelenski. So I'm asking you a simple question, when did that happen? Never did? Never did? What do you want from Ukraine? I keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and this and that. What do you want? And it was a very short, abrupt conversation. He was not in a good mood and he just said, I want nothing. I want nothing, I want no quid pro quote. Tell the Zolensky to do the right thing. Were you involved in the July twenty fifth Trump Zelenski phone call or preparations for the call? No, I was not. Were you involved in the deliberations about the pause and military sales to Ukraine as the Trump administration reviewed newly elected President Zelenski's commitment to corruption reforms for the delay in for the pause the pause? Um, No, I was not. Were you involved in the proposed Trump Zelenski later Pince Zelenski meetings in Warsaw, Poland on September first? No I was not. Did you ever talk to President Trump in twenty nineteen. No, I have not, Mick mulvaney, No, I have not that. Thank you, ambassador. Not exactly sure what the ambassador is doing here today. This is the I mean. And I got to say I can hear that again and again. It's they went in Wednesday morning and they thought they had it. Now. The interesting thing is is we'd seen the transcript of Sonoon before and Sonlin at some point. And that's, by the way, that's why shift you remember he broke ran out to the media before any Republican got to talk to Sonlon and like we got him, there's your It's over. And the mob and the media they've they've been jumping off the cliff with three years with this compromise congenital liar. Why why doesn't the media care that he's compromised in this case? Why doesn't the media care that the corrupt compromise congenital liar Adam Schiff did in fact lie to them when he said we have not had we'd like to have contact with we have not had contact. Now had to walk it back. The Republicans get that dreaming by the mob. No never, never, And then just like he's been lying for three years. We've got all the evidence we need. Trump pressure collusion. How does he get how does he get these idiots to follow him off the cliff again? Well, he does got Nancy Pelosi to take him right out of Gerald Nadler's hands and put it in the compromise corrupt congenital liars hands. And you have this big explosion. You just heard it, and it blew up in their face. Every other witness, there's no reason for any of them to be there. There's a trial in the Senate. None of them. None of what they have to say is worth anything, because it's either they're either a hearsay witness, that so and so so and so so and so's niece, uncle, great grandfather's third cousin son said, or it's well, I saw the transcript for the first time, and when I read it, I really began to assume. I presumed, I thought I was told, I heard, I didn't know. I changed my opinion based on what others said. That's all. That was the rest of it. None, none of it admissible. But you know, Senate's gonna have with the White House seal of approval. Let's get it on let's have a trial that speaks volumes. All right, let's get to your busy phones on this Friday. Kate is in Houston, Katie r H. Kate, how are you happy Friday? Glad you called? Hey, Thank you so much for taking my call. I've got a couple of things. So I've got three things. One I want to say, thank God it's Friday and it's not a hearing day. One because we get to hear more band said between you and Linda, I'm my best friends. And because we don't have to be snoozed out by all that ridiculous coverage which I would not even watch for a second. Number Two, I want to be complimentary because Sean, no one, no one playing it like you are. You have been slaying it for years and years, but for three years now, night after night, day after day, you has been a truth bearer, a light bearer. You have been the only person who has been out there telling the truth. And I mean this. You know, I'm complimentary towards other people we're atmos, but you are the only one who was doing it as thoroughly and way ahead of the pack. So I just want to give that to you. I know, you're very nice. I will tell you I am very very proud, and I'm gonna say this, there is a team behind me. I got a radio team behind me, I got a television team behind me. You know, we enlisted an army. And I'm not going to mention any names. We've been at this now for nearly three years all and we've exposed every bit of it is. It is refreshing to know that everything that we've reported is true and it is accurate and factual. It is now going where there's gonna be a vindication of everything we've done. They've all been wrong for three years. We've been dead on center and we followed the facts and the truth, and you know, it's it's been a team effort, and I'll tell you there's not enough of us and the rest of the mob. They just went for the lies. They fell for the conspiracy theories and the hoaxes. And I'm very proud of our team. I'm thankful and grateful that we got to the truth because if we don't fix these things, honestly, we're really in big trouble. Kate, Well, that's where I'm going here, and that's why I am so thankful to your teams, because the second thing is I'm crazy disheartened, And the third thing would be outraged but disheartened because we've got an electorate out there that is so uneducated. My eighteen year old, my twelve year old twins, and my seven year old are way more educated than fifty percent of the populace of the American people because they watch your show because they know the truth, because they're actually hearing it, and they're not being completely and totally disuaged by absolute and total utter lives. And the other thing that I'll say really quickly, because I know you gotta go, is I'm outraged. I am as outraged as you are, because this is ridiculous. What a waste of time, what a waste of my money. You know, I'm sitting here worrying about how I'm going to put food on my table and how I'm going to pay for Christmas gifts for my children, and these people are wasting my money, each with a needless, absolute, ranged ridiculous hunt to pull down the back President. We've ever had, how many how many kids do you have? We have four? We have an eighty year old, we have twelve year old twins and we have a seven year old. All right, this is what we're gonna do. And I'm gonna say one other thing. As part of my this ensemble team, we have one other weapon in our arsenal. It's the biggest weapon we have. And that's you. That's Kate, it's everybody like you. I can't stay on TV. You've made me number one in all the cable for another year. By the end of this year, we will end the year will number one in all the cable news. You make, You make that happen. And by the way, it's um. You know, we were working hard. But every single person that listens to this radio show, listens to Mark and Rush that it's you know, it's an all hands on deck moment. I've been saying. But but you, the American people, we the American people. You ache are you give us this, this opportunity every day to get this information out. Without you, we lose if you don't vote in three hundred and forty seven days. In other words, we the people don't vote in three hundred forty seven days, we will get a government we deserve, and it's not going to be a good one. That's why it's it's every single person matters, and Kate, I'm gonna say through you that we're gonna put together. We're gonna make it easy for everybody in every state. Linda, how are we progressing with our map, our election deadline map? When you got a register, Where you got a register, When early voting starts, when appsentee voting starts and ends, et cetera, et cetera. We're gonna have that up pretty soon. Right, We actually have a lot of it up already. You can find out how many things. It's gonna be more comprehensive though, right, Yes, absolutely, we're gonna be adding as we go. Yeah, So Kate, stay on the line. What I want to do is we'll send a Hannity Christmas gift to all four of your kids, and thank you. And through you, I'm saying thank you to everybody in those audience because I don't have this show, we don't have this platform but for you. And this is about our United States of America and our country and our constitution and our rule of law. A lot at stake. So you have a merry Christmas, and we have a lot to be thankful for. We live in the greatest country God gave men, that's for sure, and it's worth fighting for eight hundred nine one shown if you want to be a part of the program. All right, that is going to wrap up for us and intense busy, but in the end, great week Great because the witch hunt died right before our eyes. What they never thought was gonna happen happened, and we now all of this has been revealed for what it is, and whatever happens from here on in is them just clinging to their madness, their insanity, their double standard, their mental bifurcation, compartmentalization, their intellectual dishonesty, their hypocrisy, their lack of reason and common sense. But the good news is when we get back on Monday, three hundred and forty four days to go, you get the last say thank you as always for being with us, have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday.

The Sean Hannity Show

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